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Nama : Wiliyas Ning Lala

No : 35

Kelas : X MIPA 7

My name is Wiliyas Ning Lala, usually people called me Lala. I was born in Kab.
Semarang, 23th June 2004. My father’s name is Hadi Sutanto, he is a teacher in elementary
school and my mother’s name is Riyani , she is a teacher in elementary school too. I was the
last child of three siblings. I have one older brother, his name is Firma Wahyu Ediyanto, he is
31 years old, and I have one older sister, her name is Ananta Devi Hargiyanti she is 24 years
old. Me and my brother and sister have a difference in age quite far.

When I have not been to school I was treated by my nanny because my mother worked.
Everyday I only play with my nanny, my nanny loved me because she had no children, my
mom said that my nanny always carried me on back. When I was child I like play doll I have
lot of doll, and usually I play with my friend in home. Because my nanny home is close to
school I am often invited to play near the school and I always want to shake hands with the
teacher there. And my mom said that when I was one years old I could walk.

I start my education at Tunas Mekar Kindergarten when I was childhood, that is when I
4,5 tahun years old. After that I get my study in SDN 01 Jubelan and than I graduated and
continued my education at SMP N 01 Sumowono and I graduated at 2019 after three years .
And I register my self in senior high 1 Ungaran and I be grateful can accepted in SMA N 01
Ungaran. At that time I registered with ‘prestasi’ track, because at that time the school
registration system in Indonesia used a ’zonasi’ system wich is the policy of the government.
I like reading a fiction book like novels, shorth story, and fairy tale. And my hobby is draw.

The achievement in my life might have been when I was in elementary school I often
took part in a competition that is what I remember I had won in the Natural Sciences
Olympiad and got third place and also I had participated in a song singing competition in
Java and I got second place. Actually I participated in several competitions but I did not get a
champion. And when I was in junior high I always got the top 5 class champion. But when I
was in junior high school I never took part in the competition, but I would never take part in
the drawing competition but I was not contested because my friend who took part in the
competition. During junior high school I also joined Scout organization.

And at this time I'm still busy in school, I'm still in grade 10 and I majored in science at
high school 01 ungaran. Currently I am still busy with assignments and lessons at school. To
be continue…

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