GL4C - Tugas3&4 - 101219084 - Tesalonicha S. Wongkar
GL4C - Tugas3&4 - 101219084 - Tesalonicha S. Wongkar
GL4C - Tugas3&4 - 101219084 - Tesalonicha S. Wongkar
Figure 1. Summary of a depositional setting of carbonate reservoir of Kerendan Gas Field. The model was taken from Laya et al., 2019, in the
2019 Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Proceeding.
1.2. Deliverability
The Universitas Pertamina offers several products to complete the final report on a
specific study of “A study of carbonate reservoirs at Kerendan Petroleum Field: texture, porosity,
and permeability of pristine and acid-treated carbonates,” by the following:
a. Collection of thin section;
b. Rock description;
c. Mineralogy from X-ray diffraction analysis;
d. Routine Core Analysis (RCAL) data;
e. Micro-CT data;
f. Synthesis of reservoir characteristics.
All data will be delivered as raw datasets and final interpretation related to the project to Uhuy
Energy at the final report. We will provide weekly reports every two weeks as a PowerPoint
presentation to maintain the project’s quality and to get inputs from Medco Energy in every
1.3. Methods
Mineralogical and petrographical analyses will be carried out to understand the
characteristics and evolution of porosity and permeability of fresh and acid-treated carbonate
rocks (see figure 2, research workflow). Here is the wishlist of analytical methods that will be
performed to provide preliminary results on rock characteristics.
a. HCL or acid treatment (Zhang R, Hou Bing et al., 2002).
b. Petrographic observation of alizarin treated samples.
c. SEM-EDS observation.
d. Micro-CT analysis will be performed to image the density difference that possibly
captures available intergranular pores.
e. X-ray Diffraction to quantitatively validate the mineralogy of the sample.
f. Routine Core Analysis (RCAL) to measure the porosity and permeability using
porosimeter and permeameter.
Figure 2. Workflows of the “A study of carbonate reservoirs at the Kerendan Prospect: texture, porosity, and permeability of pristine and acid-
treated carbonates” project.
Al-Ameri, A., & Gamadi, T. (2020). Optimization of acid fracturing for a tight carbonate
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Chilingar, G. V., Bissell, H. J., & Wolf, K. H. (1967). Chapter 5 Diagenesis of Carbonate Rocks.
In G. Larsen & G. V. Chilingar (Eds.), Developments in Sedimentology (Vol. 8, pp.
179–322). Elsevier.
Laya, K. P., Ramadhan, D., Rizkiaputra, R., Goesmiyarso, S., & Subekti, A. (2019, September
4). Characterization of Massive Tight Gas Reservoir: Unlocking the Greater
Kerendan Potential. Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 43rd Ann. Conv., 2019. Forty-Third
Annual Convention & Exhibition, September 2019, Jakarta.
Zhang, R., Hou, B., Zhou, B., Liu, Y., Xiao, Y., & Zhang, K. (2020). Effect of acid fracturing on
carbonate formation in southwest China based on experimental investigations.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 73, 103057.
Zhu, D., Hu, Y., Cui, M., Chen, Y., Liang, C., He, Y., Wang, X., & Wang, D. (2019). Feasibility
analysis on the pilot test of acid fracturing for carbonate reservoirs in Halfaya
Oilfield, Iraq. Energy Science & Engineering, 7(3), 721–729.