BIG IV Borneo 7
BIG IV Borneo 7
BIG IV Borneo 7
IV. BORNEO (Kalimantan, North Borneo, Makassar Straits)
IV. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1
IV. REFERENCE LISTS ................................................................................................................................ 27
IV.1. Kalimantan and Borneo General ........................................................................................................ 27
IV.2. East Kalimantan Cenozoic Basins, (bio-)stratigraphy ....................................................................... 103
IV.3. North Borneo (Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei) .......................................................................................... 196
IV.4. Makassar Straits.............................................................................................................................. 313
This chapter IV of the Bibliography 7.0 contains 331 pages with 2463 titles on the geology of the Borneo
region, >1400 of which are from the Indonesian part of Borneo island (Kalimantan). It is subdivided in four sub-
chapters: IV.1. Kalimantan and Borneo General (619 papers), IV.2. East Kalimantan Cenozoic Basins, (bio-
)stratigraphy (787 papers), IV.3. North Borneo (Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei) (930 papers) and IV.4. Makassar
Straits (128 papers)
Politically, the large island of Borneo is divided among three nations: in the south is Indonesian Kalimantan, in
the north are the Nation of Brunei and the Sarawak and Sabah provinces of East Malaysia.
Figure IV.1.1. Geologic provinces and basins of Borneo (Steinshouer et al. 1997, USGS).
Although the virtual absence of present-day earthquakes and volcanism may suggest Borneo is a stable,
cratonic block, its Late Paleozoic- Pliocene history is one of intense tectonic and igneous activity, with
spectacular subsidence and uplift episodes, that is not compatible with the perception of it being a stable, old
continental landmass (Rutten, 1925).
Until recently the 'SW Borneo' core of the island was either viewed as part of the 'Sundaland' complex of
Gondwana-derived plates that, together with the South China, Indochina, East Malaya and Sibumasu plates,
had been part of Eurasia since the Triassic (e.g. Figure IV.1.2; Hartono and Tjokrosapoetro 1986, Metcalfe
1987), or as a separate plate that was derived from the Indochina magin (e.g. Metcalfe 1987?).
Figure IV.1.2. Geologic setting of Borneo island (Hartono and Tjokrosapoetro 1986). In this 'traditional' model,
the core of Borneo is part of Triassic Sundaland, an an extension of the Indochina plate, possibly also
Sibumasu (diamond source?).
More recently SW Borneo was proposed to be a separate microplate that broke off the NW Australia margin as
late as Jurassic ('Argoland'; Hall et al. 2009, Metcalfe 2010). This requires that the NW part of Kalimantan is a
separate microplate (Semitau Block of Metcalfe (2010), because its geology and Late Carboniferous- Jurassic
faunas clearly belong in the 'Cathaysian' realm, not Gondwana. Debate on this will undoubtedly continue.
Paleomagnetic data suggest SW Borneo has been near the equator at least since the Jurassic, and rotated
counterclockwise by about 90° since the Jurassic, about 50° since the Cretaceous. These results have been
consistent between three generations of independent academic groups and appear rather compelling.
A parallel, younger magmatic arc systems is the Late Cretaceous (Campanian; ~75-80 Ma) belt of smaller,
felsic granitoid plutons in the Kalimantan- Sarawak border area (Figure IV.1.3). This belt continues to NW,
towards tie Natuna Islands.
Figure IV.1.3. Cretaceous tectonic setting of Borneo (Amiruddiddin 2009). Showing locations of two E-W
trending granitoid belts: (1) mid-Cretaceous Schwaner- Ketapang batholith complex (incl. Meratus?) in south
and (2) Late Cretaceous belt of isolated granitoids in North (1-7), intruding older Cretaceous Sambas-
Mangkalihat accretionary complex.
Cenozoic arc volcanic systems include the Middle Eocene Nyaan Volcanics and the well-defined belt Sintang
belt of Late Oligocene- Early Miocene (~30-16 Ma) arc volcanics and intrusives, which is associated with
several gold mines (Harahap 1987, Van Leeuwen et al. 1990, Hartono 2006, Zaw et al. 2011).
This oldest melange belt may continue East as far as the Mangkalihat Peninsula (Amiruddin 2009), which is
often portrayed as a microcontinental block, but nearest Pre-Tertiary outcrops and well penetrations do look
more like 'Danau melange'.
Figure IV.1.4. Historic geologic sketch map of Borneo, first describing the distribution of Mesozoic 'Danau
Formation' with oceanic deposits by Molengraaff (1909), now known as an Jurassic- Early Cretaceous
accretionary complex.
Figure IV.1.6. Historic N-S cross-section Sarawak-N Kalimantan border area (Molengraaff 1902). From left:
intensely deformed 'Old Slate Fm' of Upper Kapuas Mts (2), folded Mesozoic Danau Fm (3), unconformably
overlain by Cretaceous claystone (12a) and Tertiary sandstone Fm (16), overlain by young volcanics (32).
The Meratus Mountains in SE Kalimantan, with its outcrops of melange and serpentinites and associated
oceanic crust rocks, have long been regarded as a suture zone between colliding continental blocks at the SE
edge of Sundaland. There is indeed evidence of mid-Cretaceous age (~90 Ma) ophiolite obduction, with a
blueschist-grade metamorphic sole, but the ophiolite sheet is nearly flat and it is not clear (1) whether the
subduction zone was NW or SE dipping, and (2) what collided here (e.g. Wakita ). The present relief of the
Meratus Mountains is not the result of of mid-Cretaceous obduction, but represents post-Middle Miocene uplift
(transpression?), that does not necessarily parallel the Cretaceous basement grain.
The melange below the ophiolite contains radiolarian cherts, varying in age from early Middle Jurassic to late
Early Cretaceous, representing the ages of the pelagic cover scraped off during subduction. This suggests the
age of subducted oceanic crust was at least partly older than M Jurassic ('Meso-Tethys' oceanic plate?).
Ophiolite obduction in the Meratus Mountains was followed by a period of Late Cretaceous arc volcanism,
mainly in a marine environment.
This view changed in more recent plate constructions (Metcalfe 2008 and later, Hall 2009 and later), when the
SW Borneo plate started to be identified as the probable missing 'Argoland', the block that rifted off the NW
Australia margin in Late Jurassic time and amalgamated with Sundaland in Early Cretaceous time. However,
there is no pre-Cretaceous stratigraphy in the SW Borneo block to support a link with the Paleozoic- Jurassic
of NW Australia, although it could be argued that this was all destroyed by Cretaceous plutonism and younger
uplift and erosion after docking with Sundaland. Terranes like Buton in SE Sulawesi are probably better
candidates for missing 'Argoland'.
The possibility of a Mesozoic separation from the NW Australian margin can definitely be excluded for the NW
Kalimantan- SW Sarawak area, which has outcrops of Late Paleozoic- Early Cretaceous sediments with
faunas-floras that are clearly low-latitude Eurasian, with no Gondwanan affinities at this time:
1. The Terbat Limestone contains a diverse Late Carboniferous- Early Permian fusulinid foram fauna with 29
species that can be correlated to low-latitide East Tethys faunas from Thailand, S China, Japan (Krekeler
1932, 1933, Cummings 1955, Sanderson 1966, Metcalfe 1985, Fontaine 1990, 2002, Vachard 1990,
Sakamoto and Ishibashi 2002, etc.)
These Asian faunal-floral affinities of NW Borneo have long been recognized, and this forced Metcalfe and
Hall to separate this area as a separate Semitau Terrane, derived from However:
1. there is no clear tectonic suture zone between Semitau and the rest of Kalimantan is not obvious from
historic geologic maps;
2. No Mesozoic or older sediments are preserved on the SW Borneo block to either support or negate a
Gondwanan or Eurasian affinity before Cretaceous time.
Meratus Mountains
The rock associations of the Meratus Mountains represent part of a continental margin collisional zone, with
obduction of a relatively flat-lying ophiolite nappe over the Borneo/ Sundaland margin (e.g. Priyomarsono
1986, Sikumbang 1986, 1990, Yuwono et al. 1988, Pubellier et al. 2005, Wakita et al. 1998, 2000, Satyana
2010) (Figures IV.1.7, IV.1.8). This collisional deformation is of mid-Cretaceous age, but its present-day
topography, with mountains up to 1900m in elevation, is the result of post-Middle Miocene uplift (possibly a
remote response to the Banggai-Sula collision; Pubellier et al. 1999).
The Meratus Range probably represents part of the Meso-Tethys Ocean suture zone, but is not entirely clear
what, if anything, collided with the Sundaland margin at that time to cause this event. This suture zone
probably extends SW into the Java Sea (Karimunjawa and Bawean arches), then into Central Java
(Karangsambung), SW Java (Ciletuh) and the Woyla Terranes of West Sumatra.
The collision zone is overlain by deposits of a Late Cretaceous volcanic arc system (Manunggul/ Pitap
Formations), with radiometric ages around 70-90 Ma (Yuwono et al. 1998) or 66-83 Ma (Hartono 2012). Most
of the volcanics are marine turbiditic volcanoclastics, suggesting an island arc system in marine setting.
The ophiolitic serpentinized peridotites and gabbros form the highest mountains in the Meratus- Bobaris
mountains. Geologic relations and lack of any significant gravity-magnetic expression for an ophiolite root
(Situmorang 1987) suggest these probably represent remnants of a relatively flat-lying, allochthonous nappe of
oceanic crust and mantle.
Reported ages of the ophiolites are variable. A latest Triassic- earliest Jurassic age was suggested by ~200
Ma Pt-Os dates by Coggon et al. (2010), which would fit with Middle Jurassic- late Early Cretaceous ages of
overlying(?) pelagic radiolarian cherts (Wakita 2000). Plagiogranites in the ophiolite complex suggest younger
K/Ar ages: 112 Ma (Dirk 1995; too young?) or 155± 16 Ma (Heryanto and Hartono 2003). Permanadewi et al.
(1997) reported a 131±13 Ma age for gabbro.
The ultramafic rocks are underlain by a metamorphic sole (Hauran schist), that is relatively quartz-rich and
includes high pressure- low temperature glaucophane schists (Retgers 1893), which presumably formed at
depths between 50-60 km in a subduction zone environment (Setiawan et al. 2014). Radiometric ages of the
metamorphics is around the Aptian-Albian boundary (110-119 Ma) (Sikumbang and Heryanto 1994, 2009,
Wakita et al. 1998).
Below the metamorphic sole is a likely accretionary prism complex of oceanic sediments. It was named Alino
Formation by Hooze (1983), Retgers (1891) and Koolhoven (1935) and represent ?Jurassic deep sea
sediments with red radiolarian cherts and basalts. Rutten (1926) already pointed out the remarkable
resemblance with his Danau Formation from Central Kalimantan, which is another (or the same) Cretaceous
accretionary prism complex. (NB: the name Alino Formation is sometimes, erroneously, used for Late
Cretaceous arc volcanics above the ophiolite)
The collisional complex is overlain by a Cenomanian? conglomerate mainly composed of schist and also
peridotite and limestones with Aptian Orbitolina lenticularis. The overlying sediments contain Upper
Cretaceous fossils including Turonian ammonoids and Inoceramus (Verbeek 1875, Hooze 1893, Martin 1889,
Krol 1920, Koolhoven 1935, Hashimoto and Koike 1973, 1974, Kobayashi 1973, Hashimoto and Matsumaru
Figure IV.1.7. Meratus Mountains: a mid-Cretaceous collision complex with ophiolites, metamorphics and Late
Creceous arc volcanics
Figure IV.1.8. Meratus Mountains schematic W-E cross-section, showing relatively flat-lying obducted ophiolite
nappe over a metamorphic sole of crystalline schists and Jurassic? Alino Formation sediments and
volcanics (Yuwono et al. 1988, after Priyomarsonono 1985).
Figure IV.1.9. Simplified geological map of Borneo, showing Cenozoic sedimentary thicknesses (dashed
lines), peat/ coal and hydrocarbon accumulations; (Chambers and Moss 1999).
The E-W trending Melawi and Ketungau sedimentary basins formed across Central Kalimantan, probably
mainly in the Late Eocene- Oligocene time (Heryanto and Jones 1996), and may connect with the Upper
(West) Kutai basin. The Melawi Basin may be slightly older than the Ketungau Basin. Both basins may have
formed a single basin before separation by uplift of the Semitau Ridge, a Neogene high with a core of Late
Cretaceous 'Boyan melange' (Figure IV.1.10) (Heryanto et al. 1993, 1996).
Heryanto (1991) interpreted these as forearc basins between North-migrating uplifted accretionary prisms,
filled with clastics derived from these uplifting Boyan and Lubuk Antu accretionary complexes in the North.
Thick sandstones and non-marine and brackish-water facies make dating difficult.
The Kutai Basin of East Kalimantan probably has the thickest sediment fill (7-14 km) of all Indonesian basins
(Rose and Hartono 1978; Chambers and Moss 1999; Figure IV.1.9). Due to its unusual thickess, and with
Middle Eocene-Oligocene in bathyal marine facies, it has been suggested that parts of the Kutai may be
underlain by (Eocene) oceanic crust (Weimer 1975, Wain and Berod,1989, Moss 1998), a possible triple
junction of the Celebes Sea- Makassar Straits marginal basin/ rift system.
Likewise, the Tarakan Basin is essentially a Miocene- Pliocene delta system that progrades East-ward over
oceanic crust of the Eocene Celebes Sea- Makassar Straits marginal basin system (Weimer 1975). One of the
few radiometrically dated basement penetrations in the Tarakan Basin is the Bangkudulis-1 well, which
penetrated basalt of Middle Eocene age (43.9 +/- 1.30 Ma; Heriyanto and Wahyudin (1994)).
Figure IV.1.11. Historic W-E cross-section Kutai Basin showing Middle Miocene and later folding of pre-Middle
Miocene deltaic sediments near Samarinda town and the Sanga-Sanga oilfield (Jezler, 1916).
Significant angular unconformities have been reported from the Kutai and Tarakan basins in the late Middle
Eocene and around the Early- Middle Miocene boundary (Achmad and Samuel 1984, Moss 1998, etc.). These
two uplift/ early inversion events have been linked to continental blocks collisions (Luconia and Dangerous
Grounds/ Palawan) at the N margin of Borneo.
Figure IV.1.12 illustrates some of the main patterns in the evolution of Cenozoic sedimentation, including
showing the deep marine nature of the Kutai basin in Eocene- Oligocene time and the emergence of much of
Borneo in Miocene time (from Rose and Hartono 1978).
Provenance and current direction studies of present Meratus Range was not a sediment source for Eocene-
Middle Miocene sediments in the Barito Basin. Outcrops adjacent to the Pretertiary ophiolites, metamorphics
and arc volcanics of the Meratus show:
1. Paleocurrent directions for Eocene Tanjung Formation and Middle Miocene Warukin Formations (Heryanto
and Panggabean 2004 and personal observations) systematically show flow directions of fluvial and deltaic
streams directed towards the area of present-day Meratus, not away from the Meratus;
The exact age of the Meratus Range uplift is still somewhat debated, due to the difficulty in age dating of the
first Meratus-derived sediments, the (Dahor Formation 'molasse'; Witts et al. 2014).
Figure IV.1.13. NW-SE cross-section of Barito and Asem Asem basin in SE Kalimantan. Both look like
asymmetrical foreland basins, but have identical Eocene-Miocene stratigraphy and were more likely a single
Eocene- Miocene rift basin, segmented by Late Miocene and later uplift of the Meratus Range.
All these present-day deltas overlie much larger Middle Miocene- Pleistocene deltaic systems that prograded
further basinward than the modern deltas. Most of these are prolific hydrocarbon-bearing systems.
Figure IV.1.15. Example of imbricated toe thrusts in deep water outboard of delta and linked to with gravity-
driven growth faults (offshore Tarakan, NE Kalimantan; Hidayati et al. 2007). This delta builds out over
Eocene oceanic crust of the Celebes Sea.
Examples of linked extensional-compressional systems in and in front of major deltas of Borneo include:
1. Rajang/ West Luconia Delta/ Bunguran fold-thrust belt off W Sarawak (Jong et al. 2014, Idris et al. 2010,
Most of the oil and gas fields in Kalimantan are along the Eastern margin, in the Mahakam and Tarakan delta
complexes that prograde into the deep basins of North Makassar Straits and the Celebes Sea. Oil and gas in
the deeper horizons are sourced from thermally mature organic-rich deltaic source rocks, while biogenic gas
may be present in shallow horizons, sourced from sandstones rich in plant material.
Reservoirs in Borneo delta systems are predominantly fluvial and delta plain/ delta front sandstone. More
recent discoveries include biogenic gas in deep-water slope channel and submarine fan deposits along the
margin of the North Makassar Straits basin (Seno, etc. fields) (Figure IV.1.16).
Figure IV.1.16. Diagrammatic W-E section across Mahakam Delta sytem, showing setting of oil-gas fields
(from Murphy and Longley presentation, 2005).
The Tanjung field in the Barito basin is one of the few fields on Borneo that is producing from Late Eocene
sandstone reservoirs. Oil and gas shows have also been found in the Eocene of the NE Kutai Basin, but are
uneconomic so far.
Eocene and Oligo-Miocene carbonates are present in all East Kalimantan basins, but, with the exception of
the small Kerendan gas field in the upper Kutai basin, these have not yielded any commercial hydrocarbons.
Figure IV.1.17. Alluvial diamond fields of West, South and SE Borneo (Posewitz 1885?)
All exploitation is from Quaternary alluvial deposits, but diamonds have also been observed in Cretaceous and
Eocene conglomerates (Hovig 1930). Apparently mining and associated cutting activity already went in decline
by 1900, presumably partly due to larger diamond discoveries in South Africa.
A series of papers have speculated on their origin, but no definitive answers have been presented yet (e.g.
Van Leeuwen 2014). A commonly suggested origin from ultramafic rocks of the Meratus Mountains is not
supported by any other observations. Also, the widespread distribution of diamonds across all of Kalimantan,
with drainage divides between the Meratus Mountains and diamond-bearing regions of West Kalimantan, etc.
also makes such a connection rather unlikely.
Some diamonds yielded Archean ages (3.1 Ga; Smith et al. 2009) and somehow probably came from an
uplifted and eroded North Australian/ Gondwanan terrane. Tay et al. (2005) observed abundant percussion
scars on SE Kalimantan diamonds, indicating mechanical reworking and possibly multiple cycles of erosion
and deposition.
Potentially equivalent alluvial diamond occurrences are known from West Thailand, Myanmar and Sumatra,
although there are no reports of any mining of these. In Thailand they have been tied to erosion of detrital
diamonds observed in the Carboniferous- Early Permian Phuket Series glacial deposits of the Sibumasu
terrane (Ridd 1971, Wathanakul et al. 1998, Griffin et al. 2001, Win et al. 2001).
The spatial association with Sibumasu Carboniferous-Permian glacial pebbly mudstones has also been
observed for Myanmar and Sumatra by Van Leeuwen (2014). This begs the question of the possible presence
of Sibumasu terrane sediments in the source area of the diamond-bearing clastics of Borneo.
Some suggested reading- Kalimantan (not a complete listing of all relevant papers)
General, Tectonics Molengraaff 1910, Haile 1974, Hartono 1984, 1985, Doutch 1992,
Van de Weerd and Armin 1992, Simanjuntak 1999, Tate 2001,
Hennig et al. 2017
Paleomagnetic rotations: Haile et al. 1977, Untung et al. 1987, Schmidtke et al. 1990,
Fuller et al. 1991, 1999, Sunata and Wahyono 1991, 1998
Tertiary Stratigraphy: Leupold and Van der Vlerk 1931, Baumann 1972, Samuel and Muchsin 1975
Achmad and Samuel 1984, Pieters et al. 1987, Tate 1991,
Heryanto 1993, 2000
Paleozoic- Mesozoic faunas: Martin 1888, 1889, 1898, Krekeler 1932, Von Koenigswald 1939,
Rutten 1943, 1947, Schairer and Zeiss 1992
Igneous complexes, Minerals: Williams and Harahap 1986, Williams et al. 1984-1990,
Simmons and Brown 1990, Van Leeuwen et al. 1990, Harahap 1993, 1996,
Suparka 1995, Abidin and Sukardi 1997, Hartono et al. 1999,
Soeria-Atmadja et al.1999, Amiruddin 2009, Prouteau et al. 1996, 2001,
Davies et al. 2004, 2008, Hartono 2003, 2006, Robinson et al. 2013
West Kalimantan: Molengraaff 1902, Wing Easton 1904, Loth 1920, Ter Bruggen 1935,
Zeijlmans van Emmichoven 1939, Williams et al. 1986, 1990
Melawi-Ketungau basins: Martin 1898, Rose and Hartono 1978, Williams et al. 1984,
Heryanto 1991-1996, Panggabean 2005, Yulihanto et al. 2006,
Passe et al. 2008, Badaruddin et al. 2018ab
Tarakan Basin: Samuel 1980, Achmad and Samuel 1984, Wight et al. 1993,
Biantoro et al. 1996, Lentini and Darman 1996, Darman 1999,
Noon et al.2003, Subroto et al. 2005, Sukanta et al. 2009,
Sudarmono et al. 2017, Saputra et al. 2018
Kutei Basin: Ubaghs 1936, Samuel and Muchsin 1975, Panigoro 1983, Nuay et al. 1985,
Land and Jones 1987, Ott 1987, Van de Weerd et al. 1987, Moss 1988,
Sunaryo et al, 1988, Wain and Berod 1989, Biantoro et al. 1992, 1994,
Except for SW Sarawak, which is a continental area with Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic sediments of Indochina
affinity, the geology of onshore North Borneo is dominated by a series of W-E to SW-NE trending accretionary
complexes and large younger delta systems that are home to many oil and gas fields.
The accretionary complexes are composed of intensely folded, predominantly South-dipping, imbricated deep
water sediments of Cretaceous to Middle Miocene age, with fragments of ophiolitic rocks. These demonstrate
that the North Borneo margin was a long-lived active margin, with subduction of 'Proto-South China Sea'
oceanic crust to the South, under Kalimantan/ Sundaland, creating E-W trending volcanic arc systems in
Kalimantan. This subduction zone may be traced Westward towards the Natuna- Anambas islands, and
possibly links to the N Vietnam- SE China ' Yenshanian' magmatic arc.
The long duration of subduction suggests subduction of a large oceanic plate. The presence of latest Jurassic
and Early Cretaceous age radiolarian chert blocks in the accretionary prism (Jasin 1996, 2000) suggest the
subducting ocean crust was of Late Jurassic or older age. It was therefore probably not a South China Sea-
type marginal basin, but may have been part of an early Pacific Ocean sea floor (Aitchison 1994, Honza et al.
Multiple accretionary complexes have been distinguished and named, younging in N direction. The oldest
complex is mainly in North Kalimantan and was called the Danau Formation by Molengraaff (1910), who
already recognized these folded radiolarian cherts, red siliceous shales and ultrabasic rocks as oceanic
deposits. It is of (latest Jurassic?-) Early Cretaceous age. In the North Kutai Basin this is known as Telen-
Kelinjau melange.
Further North, straddling the Kalimantan- Sarawak border, is the Late Cretaceous (Santonian) - Early Eocene
Rajang- East Crocker Belt (Embaluh Group in Kalimantan). It is unconformably succeeded in onshore
Sarawak and Sabah by the Late Eocene- Early Miocene West Crocker Belt (Figure IV.3.1).
Figure IV.3.1. .Diagrammatic NW-SE cross-section of part of West Crocker Belt accretionary prism in Kota
Kinabalu area (Tongkul, 1989). Showing imbricated ESE-dipping thrust slices of Eocene-Oligocene turbiditic
clastics, each 200-600m thick and repeating every 1-2km, formed during subduction/ accretion against
Borneo in Late Oligocene- E Miocene
The closing of the ocean basin was probably diachronous, and was punctuated by microplate collisions, like
the Luconia/ Miri Block collision, which caused a Middle-Late Eocene uplift event in onshore N Borneo
('Sarawak Orogeny').
Subduction and arc volcanism ceased completely by the end of the Early Miocene (~16 Ma), after collision of
the Dangerous Grounds-Palawan Block ('Sabah orogeny'). This also stopped the opening of the South China
Sea and caused uplift across much of N Borneo- Kalimantan, leading to major acceleration of progradation of
deltas around the E-M Miocene boundary in Sarawak and the Tarakan, Kutai and Barito basins in Kalimantan.
Except for the large and shallow Miri oil field of North Sarawak, discovered in 1910, all North Borneo oil and
gas discoveries are offshore.
Useful recent summaries of North Borneo hydrocarbon provinces are in Sandal et al. (1996) and Petronas
(1999). Two main hydrocarbon play areas may be distinguished:
- the oil-prone Middle Miocene- Early Pliocene Baram Delta system in the East (off Brunei- Sabah)
- the gas-prone Central Luconia Province in the West (off W Sarawak), with Oligocene sandstone and Middle-
Late Miocene carbonate reservoirs.
Makassar Straits represents an Eocene rift system between East Kalimantan and West Sulawesi, which
formed at the eastern margin of Sundaland, and in the process probably separated a continental sliver terrane
from this margin that is now West (and part of North?) Sulawesi.
The deep water Makassar Straits basin today is a major faunal dividing line (Wallace's Line) in SE Asia,
separating predominantly Asian flora and fauna to the West and Australian-type dominated fauna and flora in
the East. With water depths locally over 2000m, it is also the main pathway of deep waters flowing from the
West Pacific Ocean to the NE Indian Ocean ('Indonesian Throughflow; see also Volume I).
Figure IV.4.1. Regional tectonic map of Makassar Straits basins (Guntoro, in Darman and Sidi, 2000).
Two diagrammatic cross-sections of the South and North Makassar basins are shown in Figures IV.4.2 and
Figure IV.4.2. Regional W-E cross-section of South Makassar Straits, from SE Kalimantan (Meratus Range- Paternoster
Platform) to the West Sulawesi Majene fold and thrust belt (Guntoro, in Darman and Sidi 2000).
Figure IV.4.3. W-E cross-section across North Makassar Straits basin from the Mahakam Delta area to the
West Sulawesi foldbelt-(Fraser et al: 2003). (Note: despite significant Plio-Pleistocene compressional
deformation at both sides of basin, there is no compression/ inversion in North Makassar basin basement,
attesting to the structural rigidity; highly unusual if rifted accretionary crust).
To the North the North Makassar Straits continues into the Celebes Sea, where late Middle Eocene oceanic
crust was cored in the ODP 767 and 770 wells (Rangin and Silver 1991). The identical timing of rifting/
spreading and the geographic continuity of Makassar Strait and Celebes Sea make it extremely likely that
these two basins had a common origin (e.g. Figure IV.4.4).
Makassar Straits and Celebes Sea therefore most likely represent a single Middle Eocene backarc extensional
system behind a receding West Sulawesi continental margin magmatic arc, presumably during a period of
subduction zone rollback. This scenario was probably similar to those depicted in the 40 Ma plate
reconstruction of Hall (1998, 2002; Figure IV.4.4) (not Hall 2008, 2009, 2012 and the 46 Ma reconstruction of
Harris (2011; Figure IV.4.5).
Figure IV.4.5. Diagrammatic reconstruction of Sundaland margin in Middle Eocene (46 Ma) (Harris 2011).
Showing Makassar Straits- Celebes Sea opening behind the Great Indonesian Arc (Indian Ocean/
Cenotethys subduction zone). Sumba and West Sulawesi are parts of the Arc, the Banda Terrane of Timor
(BT) mainly part of the forearc.
Analogous to the process opening of other marginal basins during subduction rollback, this process started
with 'arc-splitting', and separated the forearc of the Great Indonesian Arc from the East Sundaland/Borneo
margin. This then formed a sliver terrane that is now West Sulawesi (e.g. Murphy 1976), and probably also the
Sumba block and the Banda Terrane of Timor (Harris 2011).
Figure IV.4.6. One of the first and one of the few authors to suggest a young, East dipping subduction zone in
eastern Makassar Straits was Sukamto (1978).
Figure IV.4.7. Plate position restoration of Sulawesi area at 10 Ma (LateMiocene) from 'backtracking' present-
day GPS plate motions (Pubellier et al. 2005; DOTSEA project), suggesting the North Makassar Straits
basin was twice the width of today. Yellow = areas of consumed (oceanic?) crust.
After drilling the only basement penetration in the northern part of North Makassar Straits (Rangkong 1 well,
2009) some consensus appeared to be emerging that this part of the basin still represented thinned
continental crust (Bacheller et al. 2011, Satyana 2015). However, despite some unpublished igneous and
organic geochemical data that supposedly argue against oceanic crust (Bacheller et al. 2011), the Rangkong 1
well has all the characteristics of an oceanic seamount formed in deep water prior to latest Middle Eocene. It
penetrated a hydrothermally altered volcanic section of zeolite-rich basalts, directly overlain by a thin series of
late Middle Eocene- Recent bathyal sediments, identical to ODP Site 767 to the NE in the Celebes Sea, which
cored undisputed marginal basin oceanic crust and pelagic sediments of the same age (Rangin et al. 1990).
The Paleogene stratigraphic succession of Rangkong 1 is very different from wells further South, most of
which are on undisputed extended continental crust, and that exhibit the typical deepening-upward continental
rift-basin stratigraphic succession (weathered pre- Middle Eocene basement, overlain by fluvial-lacustrine
deposits, followed by shallow marine transgression which locally includes reefal carbonates, and finally deep
marine deposits).
Figure IV.4.8. N-S cross-section of the Celebes Sea basin North of North Sulawesi (Schluter et al.,
2001),showing Middle Eocene basaltic oceanic crust with volcanic seamounts, ridges and hints of rotated
fault blocks/ half-grabens. A well-developed accretionary prism formed during subduction of Celebes Sea
crust under the North Arm of Sulawesi (seismic tomography suggest >400 km of Celebes Sea crust was
already subducted). All very similar to North Makassar Straits.
The Rangkong 1 well may still be interpreted as an Eocene volcanic edificed formed on marginal basin
oceanic crust, that is overlain by continuous deep marine Late Eocene- Recent sediment succession. This
would make the North Makassar Basin a continuation of the Eocene oceanic marginal basin of the Celebes
The original Makassar Straits- Celebes Sea (- Philippine Sea?) rift and oceanic spreading system widened in
NE (originally E?) direction, and may have looked similar to the South China Sea today, before it was partly
closed on three sides by later subduction..
Some suggested reading- Makassar Straits (not a complete listing of all relevant papers)
Tectonics: Hamilton 1979, Burollet and Salle 1981, Situmorang 1977, 1982, 1989,
Untung et al. 1985, Cloke 1997, Cloke et al. 1999,
Fraser and Ichram 1999, Guntoro 1999, 2000, Wijaya and Kusnida 2009,
Moss et al. 2000, Fraser et al. 2003, Lin et al 2005,
Nur'Aini et al. 2005, Puspita et al. 2005, Hall et al. 2009, Courel et al. 2011,
Baillie and Decker 2012, Satyana et al. 2012, Lunt and Van Gorsel 2013,
Satyana 2015, Bernando et al. 2017
Deep-water oil-gas exploration: Lumadyo 1999, Musgrove et al. 1999, Saller et al. 2000,
Guritno et al. 2003, McKee and Dunham 2006, Sawada et al. 2007,
Sugiaman et al. 2007, Heri et al. 2009, Siregar et al. 2010,
Bacheller et al. 2011, Satyana 2015, Dunham 2016.
Abidin, H.Z. (1996)- Petrology and geochemistry of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks from the Muyup gold
prospect: implications for the tectonic development of the east Central Kalimantan volcanic belt. J. Geologi
Sumberdaya Mineral 6, 57, p. 2-9.
(Muyup gold prospect in Latest Oligocene- M Miocene Muyup Volcanics at W margin Kutai Basin. Tied to SE-
ward subduction of Proto-South China Sea plate under Borneo. Rel. high K content, and classified as
shoshonitic and basaltic members of island arc calk-alkaline suite)
Abidin, H.Z. (1998)- The tectonic history and mineral deposits of the east-Central Kalimantan volcanic belt,
Indonesia; a comparative study of the Kelian, Muyup and Masa Ria gold deposits. Ph.D. Thesis University of
Adelaide, p. 1-286.
(online at:
(East-Central Kalimantan Early Miocene volcanic belt as result of subduction of South China Sea plate below
Kalimantan. Andesitic and dacitic volcanics host several gold deposits in Kutai Basin (Kelian, Muyup) and
Barito basin (Masupa Ria), all low sulphidation epithermal types)
Abidin, H.Z. (1998)- Mineralization and alteration of the Kelian gold deposit, East Kalimantan. J. Geologi
Sumberdaya Mineral 8, 76, p. 2-10.
(Kelian gold deposit in E-C Kalimantan Volcanic Belt is low sulphidation epithermal gold deposit, genetically
associated with Miocene volcanic and subvolcanic rocks. Mineralization consists of disseminations and
stockworks, with minor sulphide veins. Mineralization generally at contact between andesite intrusives and
(Eocene) pyroclastics. Several types of wallrock alteration)
Abidin, H.Z. (1998)- The genesis of Muyup gold prospect, East Kalimantan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 8,
81, p. 10-22.
(Muyup small low sulphidation gold deposit discovered in mid-1980's in W part of Kutai Basin, hosted in
Eocene Pamaluan Fm clastics. Associated with Muyup Volcanics of latest Oligocene- E Miocene East-Central
Kalimantan Volcanic belt)
Abidin, H.Z. (1998)- Mineralization and alteration of the Masupa Ria gold prospect, East Kalimantan. J.
Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 9, 88, p. 16-27.
(Masupa Ria small gold deposit discovered in mid-1970's in East Central Kalimantan Volcanic Belt, ~150 km
WSW of Kelian. Associated with E Miocene? volcanics and intrusions. Several ore bodies, mainly at contact
between intrusive and volcanic rocks. Ore mineral mainly pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, stibnite and gold.
(see also Thompson et al 1992))
Abidin, H.Z. (2001)- Iron oxides associated with the ultramafic rocks, Mt.Kukusan area, South Kalimantan.
Indonesian Mining J. 7, 2, p. 14-23.
Abidin, H.Z. (2004)- Gold mineralization at the Pantain Bancah prospect, Pelaihari District, South Kalimantan.
Majalah Geologi Indonesia (IAGI) 19, 2, p. 106-116.
(Gold prospect in S Meratus Mts)
Abidin, H.Z. & A.S. Hakim (2001)- Dismembered ophiolite complex in Mt. Kukusan Area, Batulicin District,
South Kalimantan: synthetic origin and economic important. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Spec.
Publ. 28, p. 75-88.
(Kukusan area, E of Meratus Mts, SE Kalimantan, dismembered ophiolite complex with ultramafic rocks, chert
and volcanic flows. Ultramafic rocks dominate and consist of dunite, serpentinite, harzburgite. Reddish chert
Abidin, H.Z. & B.H. Harahap (1996)- Geochemistry of young volcanic rocks from the Kelian gold prospect,
East Kalimantan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 6, 60, p. 2-8.
(Kelian area in W Kutai basin in E Kalimantan, with Oligocene-Miocene volcanics of volcanic arc character
and Pleistocene volcanics of non-orogenic character, similar to Oceanic Island Basalt but probably related to
period of uplift and continental rifting volcanism within Sundaland)
Abidin, H.Z., P.E. Pieters & D. Sudana (1993)- Geology of the Long Pahangai Sheet, 1716, Kalimantan
1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(C Kalimantan map sheet, showing Permo-Triassic(?) Busang Complex granite-gabbro and metamorphic
rocks, overlain by folded Cretaceous Selangkai Gp sediments, unconformably overlain by near-horizontal Late
Eocene sediments. In N Embaluh melange composed of imbricated Late Cretaceous- Paleocene-Eocene
sediments and some Danau ultramafics. Late Oligocene- E Miocene Sintang andesite intrusives, etc.)
Abidin, H.Z. & E. Rusmana (1997)- Petrology and geochemistry of the Tertiary volcanic/sub volcanic rock
from the Masupa Ria Gold prospect, East Kalimantan. Proc. 26th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI),
Jakarta, p. 237-253.
(Masupa Ria gold prospect in E-C Kalimantan volcanic belt. Volcanics High-K calk-alkaline island arc
volcanism as result of subduction of S China Sea plate under Kalimantan in Late Oligocene (~24.4 Ma))
Abidin, H.Z. & Sukardi (1997)- Geochronology and geology of the East-Central Kalimantan volcanic belt,
Indonesia. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 7, 64, p. 17-27.
(NE-SW trending, ~400 km long belt of calk-alkaline volcanics with gold mineralization across C and E
Kalimantan. K-Ar ages of andesites at Kelian, Muyup and Masupa Ria gold prospects from ~14.2- 24.6 Ma (E-
M Miocene). Quaternary basalt and dacite at Kelian 1.53- 0.97 Ma (Pleistocene). Late Oligocene-Miocene
volcanism related to subduction of S China Sea plate under N Borneo margin of Sundaland basement complex)
Albrecht, J.C.H. (1946)- Contributions to the geology of the region between Soengai Klindjau and Soengai
Belajan, Northern Koetai, Borneo. Ph.D. Thesis Universiteit van Utrecht, Kemink, Utrecht, p. 1-115.
(Study of samples collected by Witkamp 1922-1925 from NW edge of Kutai Basin and adjacent Pretertiary
basement outcrops. Oldest rocks 'Old Slates' (?Devonian and younger), overlain by Danau Fm (Permo-
Carboniferous and U Triassic). Unconformably overlain by Lower Tertiary clastics with Eocene limestones
with Pellatispira, Biplanispira and Nummulites. Illustrations of deep marine trace fossils Helminthoida,
Palaeodictyon spp., etc. from E Tertiary platy marls at L. Atan)
AMDEL (1983)- K-Ar geochronology of five hornblendes from South Kalimantan. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre,
Bandung, p. (Unpublished)
(Heryanto & Panggabean 2004: Includes 113 ± 1 Ma age for hornblende schist from Aranio River, Meratus
Range, SE Kalimantan)
Amiruddin (1989)- The preliminary study of the granitic rocks of West Kalimantan, Indonesia. M.Sc. Thesis,
Wollonggong University, Australia, B-Geol. 951, p. (Unpublished)
Amiruddin (2000)- Petrology and geochemistry of of the Sepauk Tonalite and its economic aspect in the
Schwaner batholith, West Kalimantan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 10, 100, p. 2-14.
(Cretaceous Sepauk tonalite part of largest granitoid batholith in W Kalimantan. Intermediate, I-type granite,
with K-Ar ages 87-123 Ma, interpreted to belong to sunbduction-related volcanic arc. Intruded into Pinoh
Metamorphics, with contact aureoles suggesting depth of emplacement 7-16km)
Amiruddin (2000)- Characteristics of Cretaceous Singkawang and Triassic Sanggau batholiths, West
Kalimantan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 10, 103, p. 2-15.
Amiruddin (2000)- Cordilleran and Caledonian types Cretaceous orogenic granitic rock belts: with the granitic
samples from West-East Kalimantan, Indonesia. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 10, 108, p. 2-15.
(Two type of Cretaceous granite in Kalimantan: (1) Cordilleran-type large Schwaner (Sepauk Tonalite) and
Singkawang batholiths in S, I-type granites created during subduction from 129-86 Ma; and (2) Caledonian-
type E-W trending belt of isolated granite and granodiorites plutons in N, I-type and S-type granites, emplaced
between 81-75 Ma (= Campanian) within collision zone)
Amiruddin (2009)- Cretaceous orogenic granite belts, Kalimantan, Indonesia. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 19, 3, p.
(online at:
(Two types of Cretaceous granite belts in Kalimantan: (1) Schwaner-Ketapang 'Cordilleran-type' large
batholiths, tied to 'mid'-Cretaceous subduction of oceanic crust below continent, emplaced from 86- 129 Ma
and (2) two belts of 'Caledonian-type' 'post-collisional' Late Cretaceous (75-81 Ma= Campanian) isolated
plutons, the E-W trending Sambas- Mangkalihat belt and Meratus in SE (see also companion paper of Hartono
Amiruddin (2012)- Cretaceous granitoid magmatism. In: U. Hartono (ed.) Magmatism in Kalimantan, Centre
for Geological Survey, Geological Agency (Bandung), Spec. Publ., p. 27-66.
(Review of widespread Cretaceous granitoids in Kalimantan.Two groups: (1) large, massive E-M Cretaceous
batholiths in SW and W (Schwaner, Singkawang, Ketapang, Sanggau) and (2) Late Cretaceous isolated
plutonic belts (Sambas- Mangkalihat small plutons in accretionary system all along N border of Kalimantan, W
Meratus in SE Kalimantan). Radiometric ages of granitoids from 80-129 Ma)
Amiruddin & H.Z. Abidin (2005)- Preliminary indication of gold mineralization within the metamorphic rocks
in Gunung Belanda area, Pelaihari, South East Kalimantan. Majalah Geologi Indonesia 20, 3, p. 123-128.
(Small, poorly studied epithermal gold prospect hosted in Huaran Metamorphics in S part of Meratus Mts of SE
Kalimantan (Tempurung River, Pelaihari District)
Amiruddin & S. Andi Mangga (1999)- Geochemistry of Cretaceous peraluminous granite plutons in head water
of the Mahakam River, East Kalimantan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 9, 88, p. 2-10.
(U Cretaceous Topai and Nyaan Merah granites in N-C Kalimantan intruded into Cretaceous Embaluh
Complex. Topai granite K-Ar ages ~75-77 Ma. Peraluminous S-type granites, probably derived from pelitic
sediments. Tectonic setting syn-collisional, near collision zone?)
Amiruddin & D.S. Trail (1993)- Geology of the Nangapinoh sheet, Kalimantan, 1:250 000. Geol. Res. Dev.
Centre (GRDC), Bandung, 49p. + map.
(Incl. large Early Cretaceous 'Sepauk Tonalite', intruding Pinoh Metamorphics. Aptian-Albian radiometric
ages 107-112 Ma and 112-123 Ma)
Anggritya K.D. & B. Priadi (2016)- Basement characteristics of northern Barito Basin, Siung Malopot area,
Central Kalimantan. Proc. GEOSEA XIV and 45th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geologists (IAGI) (GIC 2016),
Bandung, p. 301-309.
(Basement outcrops in Siung Malopot area in N part of Barito basin (277km NE of Palangkaraya) Cretaceous?
low-metamorphic andesite and granodiorite. Also boulders of Early Tertiary limestone and presumably
reworked latest Carboniferous - E Permian fusulinid foraminifera (Schwagerina))
Anshari, G., A.P. Kershaw & S. Van der Kaars & G. Jacobsen (2004)- Environmental change and peatland
forest dynamics in the Lake Sentarum area, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. J. Quaternary Science 19, p. 637-655.
Aral, H., M.I. Pownceby & J. Im (2008)- Characterisation and beneficiation of zircon-rich heavy mineral
concentrates from central Kalimantan (Borneo, Indonesia). Applied Earth Sci. (Trans. Inst. Mining Metallurgy,
London B), 117, 2, p. 77-87.
(C Kalimantan potentially significant zircon, ilmenite, rutile and other heavy mineral province. Study of zircon-
rich heavy minerals from artisanal mine tailings in Sampit region, S C Kalimantan)
Aryanto, N.C.D., E. Suparka, C.I Abdullah & H. Permana (2013)- The petrology characteristic of granitoid rock
based on geochemical analysis of Bajau Cape Coast and its surrounding, West Kalimantan. Bull. Marine Geol.
28, 1, p. 13-20.
(online at:
(Granitoid along Bajau Cape coast near Singkawang, ~145 km N of Pontianak, NW Kalimantan. Rocks
porphyric texture, with biotite. Classified as alkali feldspar granite, syeno-granite and quartz monzonite (part
of Oligo-Miocene Sintang Intrusives or Cretaceous Mensibau/ Singkawang Group?)
Aryanto, N.C.D., E. Suparka, C.I Abdullah & H. Permana (2013)- Petrology and geochemie of Singkawang
granitoid, West Kalimantan. Proc. 38th HAGI and 42nd IAGI Ann. Conv., Medan, JCM2013-010, 4p.
(Similar to Aryanto et al. (2013) paper above on Singkawang granite-granodiorite 145km N of Pontianak (no
age info))
Atarita, T.C., Fatahillah & E. Anggraeni (2015)- Hydrocarbon prospective of Mesozoic sequence in Barito
Basin, South Kalimantan. Proc. Joint Conv. HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI, Balikpapan, JCB2015-522, 1p.
(Abstract only)
(3D seismic suggests NW-SE trending Pretertiary synrift system possibly developed, similar to Tertiary synrift.
Evidence for Mesozoic sediments in wells of NE Barito Basin: Late Cretaceous sandstone shale in Bagok 2,
500m Cretaceous limestone with Orbitolina in Hayup 1)
Atmawinata, S., N. Ratman & Baharuddin (1995)- Geological map of the Muara Ancalong Quadrangle 1816,
Kalimantan, 1: 250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(Geologic map of N side of Kutai Basin. Oldest rocks in NW corner Telen-Kelinjau Melange and Telen Fm
metasediments, associated with Cretaceous Tebang Melange with blocks of Orbitolina limestone, gabbro,
ultramafics, chert, etc.. Unconformably overlain by Eocene and younger clastics and limestones (with
Nummulites, Pellatispira, etc.))
Aveliansyah & M. Syaiful (2010)- Facies and paleo-environment of Miocene Pulau Balang Formation and its
implication to hydrocarbon potential in Kutai Basin, based on outcrop observation. Proc. 34th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA10-SG-049, 8p.
(Samarinda area outcrop section description of 200m of M Miocene (N9-N14) tide-influenced delta plain-delta
front facies)
Badaruddin, D.F., D. Noeradi, M. Nurhidayat & M.S. Burhanuddin (2018)- Retroarc foreland basin in Melawi
Basin, West Kalimantan, and implication to hydrocarbon migration pathway. Proc. 42nd Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA18-273-G, 14p.
Badaruddin, D.F., Suyono, M. Nurhidayat, P. Asmoro & R.Y. Saragih (2018)- Post-mortem analysis of drilling
failure of Kayan-1 and Kedukul-1 wells in Melawi Basin, West Kalimantan. Proc. 42nd Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA18-189-G, 15p.
(Melawi Basin in NW Kalimantan with oil seeps at surface, but two wells (Kayan 1, Elf 1986 and Kedukul 1,
CanadianOxy 1995) only gas shows. Both wells E Oligocene beds at surface. In Kayan-1 E Miocene Sintang
intrusions intruded Eocene Ingar and Dangkan Fms; Kedukul-1 TD in Sintang Intrusion. Reservoir sandstones
poor porosity (av. 8-10%). Oil maturation window at surface in E Melawi basin due to Miocene regional uplift)
Baharuddin (2007)- Petrologi dan geokimia batuan gunung api Metulang di daerah Longbia, Kalimantan Timur:
implikasi tektonikanya. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 17, 1 (157), p. 40-48.
(online at:
('Petrology and geochemistry of Metulang volcanic rocks in the Long Bia area, East Kalimantan: its tectonic
implications'. Plio-Pleistocene porphyric basaltic Metulang Volcanics petrology and geochemistry indicate
island arc volcanics, related to Borneo- Palawan subduction)
Baharuddin (1994)- The petrology and geochemistry of the Cretaceous volcanic and subvolcanic rocks of the
Schwaner Mountains Region, Southwest Kalimantan, Indonesia. M.Sc. Thesis University of Tasmania, p. 1-63.
Baharuddin (1994)- The petrology and geochemistry of the Cretaceous Schwaner volcanic/ subvolcanic rocks
and its implication to the tectonic evolution of Sundaland. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI),
Jakarta, 1, p. 271-290.
(Schwaner Mts Cretaceous E-W belt of Early Cretaceous granitoids (130-100 Ma) are rotated extension of
continental E Asia. Also Late Cretaceous Kerabai volcanics, probably associated with slow, low-angle
subduction, and Tertiary volcanics (30-16 Ma))
Baharuddin (1999)- Petrology and mineral geochemistry of the Cretaceous volcanic and subvolcanic rocks from
the Schwaner Mountains, West Kalimantan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 9 (89), p. 10-20.
(Schwaner Mts Cretaceous volcanics (Matan Volcanic Complex/ Kerabai Volcanics) range from basaltic to
rhyolitic, subvolcanics diorite to gabbro and dolerite. Composition of magma me-high K calk-alkaline)
Baharuddin (2001)- Struktur sesar pada batuan ultramafik di daerah Tanjungdewa-Batakan, Kalimantan
Selatan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 11 (117), p. 2-10.
('Fault structure in ultramafic rocks in the Tanjung Dewa-Batakan area, South Kalimantan'. At S tip of Bobaris
Range NW-SE left-lateral Batakan Fault and N-S right-lateral Tanjungdewa Fault)
Baharuddin (2006)- Hubungan keberadaan runtunan ofiolit dengan konsentrasi unsur logam dalam endapan
Sungai aktif di daerah Pelaihari, Kalimantan Selatan. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 16, 4 (154), p. 198-209.
('The relationship between ophiolite and the concentration of metal elements in active river sediments in the
Pelaihari River area, S Kalimantan'. Stream samples in Tambak-Bobaris zone of SW Meratus Mts suggest
significant concentrations of Ni, Cu, Pt and Co, presumably derived from ophiolite)
Baharuddin (2011)- Petrologi dan geokimia batuan gunung api Tersier Jelai di daerah Malinau, Kalimantan
Timur: implikasi tektoniknya. Proc. 36th HAGI and 40th IAGI Ann. Conv., Makassar, JCM2011-032, 6p.
Baharuddin (2011)- Petrologi dan geokimia batuan gunung api Tersier Jelai di daerah Malinau, Kalimantan
Timur: implikasi tektoniknya. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 21, 4, p. 2013-211.
(online at:
(same as Baharuddin 2011, above)
Baharuddin & H.Z. Abidin (2005)- Preliminary indication of gold mineralization within the metamorphic rocks
in Gunung Belanda area, Pelaihari, South East Kalimantan. Majalah Geologi Indonesia (IAGI) 20, 3, p. 123-
Baharuddin, M.H.J. Dirk & U. Hartono (2001)- Ciri petrologi dan geokimia batuan ofiolit Bobaris, Pegunungan
Meratus, Kalimantan Selatan, dan potensi mineral ekonomisnya. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung,
Spec. Publ. 28, p. 61-73.
(Bobaris ophiolite complex along W flank of Meratus Mts, SE Kalimantan, is dismembered ophiolite sequence
emplaced in Maastrichtian, Late Cretaceous)
Baharuddin, B. Djamal & B. Harahap (2003)- Geochemistry of the Tertiary rhyolite from West Kalimantan and
its geodynamic implications. Buletin Geologi (ITB) 35, 2, p. 1-43.
Baharuddin & R. Heryanto (2001)- Cretaceous Selangkai Formation of West Kalimantan and its tectonic
implications. In: A. Setiawan et al. (eds.) Deep-water sedimentation of Southeast Asia, Proc. 2nd Regional
Seminar Indonesian Sedimentologists Forum (FOSI), Jakarta 2001, 3p. (Extended Abstract)
(Early to Late Cretaceous Selangkai Fm deformed flysch type series in Sintang Quadrangle, N of Melawi and S
of Ketungau Basins. Deposited in submarine fan environment, >3000m thick. With Embaluh Group in E region
and Boyan Melange possibly parts of accretionary complex of SW-dipping (restores to W-dipping in
Cretaceous) Pacific Ocean subduction zone, which ties to Cretaceous Schwaner magmatic belt)
Baharuddin, R. Heryanto & H. Panggabean (2002)- Cretaceous Selangkai Formation of West Kalimantan and
its tectonic implication. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 12, 123, p. 2-9.
(Cretaceous Selangkai Fm well exposed on Sintang Quadrangle, NW Kalimantan, mainly between Melawi and
Ketungau-Manda Tertiary basins). Deformed flysch- type deposit accumulated in submarine fan environment.
Thickness >3000m. Fossils indicate E-Late Cretaceous ages. With Embaluh Complex and Boyan Melange are
part of accretionary prism complex at (present-day) S-dipping Late Cretaceous subduction zone, which is tied
to Cretaceous Schwaner magmatic belt and reflect W-dipping subduction of Pacific Ocean crust)
Baharuddin, P.E. Pieters, D. Sudana & S. Andi-Mangga (1993)- Geology of the Long Nawan sheet 1717 area,
Kalimantan. 1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(C-E Kalimantan-Sarawak border area map, dominated by intensely folded Late Cretaceous-Paleogene
Embaluh Gp metasediments, intruded by Late Cretaceous Topai granite. Locally overlain by M Eocene Nyaan
volcanics and Pliocene Metulang Fm volcanics)
Baharuddin & E. Rusmana (2007)- Geochemical characteristics of the youngest volcanic rocks from Mount
Acau, West Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 17, Spec. Issue (163), p. 47-56.
(Quaternary Metulang Volcanics at Mount Acau with K/Ar ages of 0.93-0.01 Ma are basalt and basaltic
andesite of low-K tholeitic and medium-K calk-alkaline types. Show characteristic intraplate magmatism,
possibly due to backarc extension)
Baharuddin & P. Sendjaja (2014)- The petrology and geochemistry of the Cretaceous Schwaner volcanic/
subvolcanic rocks and its implication to the tectonic evolution of Sundaland. In: I. Basuki & A.Z. Dahlius (eds.)
Sundaland Resources, Proc. Ann. Conv. Indon. Soc. Econ. Geol. (MGEI), Palembang, p. 129-144.
Baharuddin & J. Wahyudiono (2007)- Kontrol struktur pada pola zig-zag aliran Sungai Kayan di daerah Peso,
Kalimantan Timur. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 17, 3, p. 178-186.
(online at:
('Structural control on zig-zag pattern of the Kayan River in Peso, East Kalimantan'. Peso area downstream of
Kayan River, mainly occupied by flysch-type deposits of Cretaceous Rajang-Embaluh Group, unconformably
overlain by Tertiary sediments and intruded by Tertiary-Quaternary magmatics. Zig-zag pattern of Kayan River
in area closely related to major NE- SW and NW-SE-trending faults)
Baldwin, J. (2008)- Kelian; a precursor to the carbonate-base metal gold model. In: P.C. Lewis (ed.) Proc. Terry
Leach Symposium 2008, Bull. Australian Inst. Geoscientists 48, p. 1-7.
(Review of Kelian gold mine in C Kalimantan. Discovered in 1975, production start 1992, mining completed
2003. Miocene epithermal mineralization system (see also Van Leeuwen et al. 1990, Davies et al. 2008)
Barker, S. M., J. Jong & F.L. Kessler (2015)- Structural comparison of the fold-thrust belts along the Circum-
Borneo margins. Proc. SE Asia Petroleum Expl. Soc. (SEAPEX) Conf., Singapore 2015, 4.1, 18p. (Extended
Abstract + Presentation)
(Comparisons of nine fold-thrust belts (FTB) that fringe E Sundaland around NW and W Borneo margins:
Bunguran, W Baram Delta, E Baram Delta, N NW Sabah Trough, Sandakan, Tarakan and Kutai-W Sulawesi.
Almost all are 'thin-skinned' and in at least four belts frontal thrusting can be linked to proximal extensional
growth faults (Bunguran/Rajang Delta, Sandakan, Tarakan, Kutai))
Barron, L.M., T.P. Mernagh R. Pogson & B.J. Barron (2008)- Alluvial ultrahigh pressure (UHP) macrodiamond
at Copeton/Bingara (Eastern Australia) and Cempaka (Kalimantan, Indonesia), 9th Int. Kimberlite Conference,
Extended Abstract 9IKC-A-00039, 3p.
(Similar diamonds in Cenozoic placers in E Australia and in SE Kalimantan. Copeton- Bingara diamonds
ultrahigh pressure macrodiamonds, formed during termination of subduction by continental collision)
Bassi, D., L. Hottinger & Y. Iryu (2009)- Reassessment of ‘Boueina’ pacifica' Ishijima, 1978 (Orbitolininae,
Foraminiferida), formerly considered a green halimedacean alga. J. Foraminiferal Research 39, 2, p. 120-125.
(online at:
(Boueina pacifica Ishijima 1978 described from Aptian shallow-water carbonates at Seberuang, W.
Kalimantan, originally ascribed to Halimeda-group algae, but is orbitolinid foraminifer. Type specimens no
diagnostic features to identify genus or species of orbitolinids)
Batchelor, D.A.F. (1993)- Late Pleistocene sedimentation and landform development in western Kalimantan
(Indonesian Borneo); discussion. Geologie en Mijnbouw 71, 3, p. 281-286.
(online at:
(Disagrees with Thorp et al. 1990 correlation and age assignments of Pleistocene lithostratigraphic units in W
Malaysia and Indonesian Tin Islands, which they correlated with 'NW Kalimantan Late Pleistocene Alluvials')
Bergman, S.C., D.P. Dunn & L.G. Krol (1988)- Rock and mineral chemistry of the Linhaisai Minette, Central
Kalimantan, Indonesia, and the origin of Borneo diamonds. The Canadian Mineralogist, 26, 1, p. 23-43.
(online at:
(Linhaisai minette dykes from C Kalimantan, just E of Muller Mts dated at ~7.8 Ma. Primitive nature and
probably of mantle origin. Do not contain diamonds; Borneo alluvial diamonds must derive from elsewhere.
Stratigraphy of area: Late Paleozoic metamorphics overlain by marine Cretaceous, overlain by Oligocene(?)
Plateau sandstone, intruded by Neogene igneous rocks))
Bladon, G.M., P.E. Pieters & S. Supriatna (1989)- Catalogue of isotopic ages commissioned by the Indonesia-
Australia Geological Mapping Project for igneous and metamorphic rocks in Kalimantan, preliminary report.
Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, p. (Unpublished)
BRGM (1982)- Geological map of North-East Kalimantan, scale 1: 250,000. Bureau Rech. Geol. Minieres
(BRGM), Orleans, France.
(Probably part of Lefevre et al. (1982 report))
Brouwer, H.A. (1910)- On micaleucite basalt from Eastern Borneo. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akademie
Wetenschappen 12, p. 148-154.
(online at:
(English version of 1909 paper 'Glimmerleucitbasalt van Oost-Borneo'. Leucite-bearing basalts previously
known only from Ringgit (Java), Bawean and SW Sulawesi. Also present in E Bawoei Mts, Upper Kajan area,
Kalimantan. Rock type named kajanite)
Buchan, S.H., R.C. Campbell & S.F. Schuyleman (1971)- Report on a reconnaissance geological survey of
North-East Kalimantan. BP Petroleum Dev. Co. Report, p. (Unpublished)
Buchan, S.H. (1973)- The stratigraphy of the island of Borneo. BP Petroleum Dev. Ltd., Report FE/GL/8, p.
Bucking, H. (1904)- Liste einer Sammlung von Gesteinen vom Keleiflusse in Berouw, Ost-Borneo.
Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, ser. 1, 8, p. 102-105.
('List of a collection of rocks from the Kelei River in Berau, E Kalimantan'. Summary petrographic descriptions
of descriptions of Tertiary limmestones with Lepidocyclina, shales and greywacke sandstones collected from the
Kelei tributary of the Berau River by Spaan)
Buijs, D.W., H. Witkamp, F.H. Eendert, H.C. Siebers & F.D.K. Bosch (1927)- Midden-Oost-Borneo Expeditie
1925. Indisch Comite voor Wetenschappelijke Onderzoekingen, Kolff, Weltevreden, p. 1-407.
(Report on Central- East Borneo Expedition April- December 1925, sponsored by 'Indies Committee for
Scientific Research'. Primarily a botanical study, with brief summary of geology by H. Witkamp (p. 105-116).
(See also descriptions of rock samples from this expedition by Rutten, 1947))
Burgan, A.M. & C.A. Ali (2008)- Chemical composition of the Tertiary black shales of West Sabah, East
Malaysia. Chinese J. Geochemistry 27, 1, p. 28-35.
(Chemistry of 60 outcrop samples of black shale of Belait, Setap Shale, Temburong and Trusmadi Fms: SiO2
~62-65%, MgO 1.8-2.1%, K2O 2.5-3.1%, CaO 0.3-0.5%, Fe2O3 5.8-7.1%, etc.)
Burgan, A.M. & C.A. Ali (2009)- Characterization of the black shales of the Temburong Formation in West
Sabah, East Malaysia. European J. Scientific Res. 30, 1, p. 79-98.
(Folded Miocene Terumbong Fm turbiditic series in SW Sabah thermally overmature. With substantial amount
of land-derived organic matter, transported into the marine depositional setting)
Burgan, A.M. & C.A. Ali (2010)- An assessment of paleodepositional environment and maturity of organic
matter in sediments of the Setap Shale and Belait formations in West Sabah, East Malaysia by organic
geochemical methods. Chinese J. Geochemistry 29, 1, p. 42-52.
(Geochemistry of black shales from two Miocene formations in Klias Peninsula, SW Sabah. Gas
chromatograms consistent with open marine depositional environments dominated by marine biological matter.
Rel. common gammacerane, indicating anoxic marine hypersaline environment. Common land plant-derived
biomarkers, such as bicadinanes and oleananes shows major terrigenous input. Predominance of oleanane
indicative of angiosperms and Tertiary age)
Burgath, K. (1988)- Platinum-group minerals in ophiolitic chromitites and alluvial placer deposits, Meratus-
Bobaris area, Southeast Kalimantan. In: H.M. Pritchard et al. (eds.) Proc.Geo-Platinum 87 Symposium, Milton
Keynes 1987, Elsevier, p. 383-403.
(Platinum-group mineral from alpine-type chromitites and placer deposits in SE Kalimantan typically small
and occur mainly as Ru-rich and Os and Ir-rich laurites. PGM obtained from placers are Ag- and Cu-bearing
Pt-Fe alloys (up to >1 mm), rutheniridosmine containing Au and Cu, and Cu-bearing osmiridium. Ru-lr-Os
phases in placers could have come from Meratus-Bobaris ophiolite chromitites)
Burgath, K.P. & M. Mohr (1986)- Chromitites and platinum-group minerals in the Meratus- Bobaris ophiolite
zone, Southeast Borneo. Metallogeny of basic and ultrabasic rocks. In: M.J. Gallager et al. (eds.) Proc. Int.
Symp. Metallogeny of basic and ultrabasic rocks, Edinburgh 1985, Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, London, p.
Burgath, K.P. & M. Mohr (1991)- The Pamali Breccia near Martapura in South-East Kalimantan (Indonesian
Borneo); a diamondiferous diatreme? Geol. Jahrbuch A127 (Festschrift M. Kuersten), p. 569-587.
(Pamali Breccia at SE flank of Bobaris Ophiolite Range, E of Martapura, Meratus Mts, is sedimentary
ultramafic breccia-conglomerate, with ultramafics lacking typical kimberlite elements. Pamali Breccia not
diamond-bearing diatreme as suggested by Koolhoven (1935). Diamond-bearing gravels in Martapura area
have remarkably few ultrabasic components and may mainly be material reworked from U Cretaceous Lower
Manunggul Fm diamond-bearing conglomerates, which lacks ultramafic components. Local miners note
common assiation of diamonds and corundum-diaspore rocks)
Cahyo, N., D. Aryanto, Koesnadi H.S, Setyanto & N. Sukmana (2000)- Indikasi keberadaan dan kandungan
mineral kasiterit di perairan selatan Kalimantan. Proc. 29th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), p. 61-72.
(Poster abstract. 'Indications of presence and content of the mineral cassiterite in the waters of S Kalimantan')
Chiang, K.K. (2002)- Geochemistry of the Cenozoic igneous rocks of Borneo and tectonic implications. Ph.D.
Thesis, Royal Holloway and Bedford College, University of London, p. 1-364. (Unpublished)
Chiang, K.K., C. Macpherson, R. Hall & M. Thirlwall (2000)- A comparative study of the geochemistry and
tectonic setting of Cenozoic igneous rocks from East Kalimantan and Sabah, Borneo. Goldschmidt 2000 Conf.,
Oxford 2000, p. 305 (Abstract only)
(E Miocene (~24-18 Ma) rocks in Kutei Basin E-W trend of intrusive rocks belonging to Sintang suite that
extends E-W across Kalimantan. Youngest stages of Sintang episode overlap with eruptive volcanism in SE
Sabah and precede intrusion of Kinabalu pluton in M Miocene. This period of igneous activity in NW Borneo is
coeval with opening of Sulu Sea. Late Plio-Pleistocene volcanics of Borneo NE-SW trend)
Coggon, J. (2010)- Application of the 190Pt-186Os isotope decay system to dating platinum-group minerals.
Doct. Thesis, University of Durham, p. 1-99.
(online at:
(Includes chapter on 190Pt-186Os isotope age dating of platinum minerals and ophiolite formation of samples
from river placers in Pontyn River, Tanah Laut, near Asem Asem at SE of Meratus Range. Age 197.8 ± 8.1 Ma)
Coggon, J., G.M. Nowell, D.G. Pearson & S.W. Parman (2011)- Application of the 190Pt- 186Os isotope
system to dating platinum mineralization and ophiolite formation: an example from the Meratus Mountains,
Borneo. Economic Geology 106, 1, p. 93-117.
(Pt-Os dating of detrital Platinum Group Minerals from Pontyn River, Asem Asem Basin, SE of Meratus
Mountains, SE Kalimantan, gave precise isochron age of 197.8 ± 8.1 Ma (earliest Jurassic). Interpreted as age
of crystallization of PGM grains in ophiolite body, in lower oceanic lithosphere)
Cretier, H. (1879)- Looderts van Samarajak in de bovenlanden van het Landschap Kandawangan, in de
Westerafdeeling van Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-lndie 8 (1879), p. 239.
('Lead ore of Samarayak in upper Kandawangan, West Kalimantan'. Summary of chemical analysis of sample
of lead ore from Kandawangan area, W Kalimantan: lead 54.9%, zinc 22.0%, sulfur 19.0%, etc.)
Davies, A.G.S. (2002)- Geology and genesis of the Kelian gold deposit, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Ph.D.
Thesis, University of Tasmania, p. 1-380.
(online at:
(Kelian is breccia- and vein-hosted low sulfidation epithermal gold-silver deposit in structural inlier of felsic
volcaniclastic rocks (Kelian Volcanics) surrounded by Eocene terrestrial and shallow marine sedimentary
rocks of Kutai Basin. Intersection of two regional lineaments was focus of rhyolite-andesite intrusions in Lower
Miocene (~19.5- 19.8 Ma), associated with intense brecciation)
Davies, A.G.S., D.R. Cooke & J.B. Gemmell & K.A. Simpson (2008)- Diatreme breccias at the Kelian gold
mine, Kalimantan, Indonesia; precursors to epithermal gold mineralization. Economic Geology 103, 4, p. 689-
(E Miocene volcanism with maar-diatreme breccia complex preceded main-stage epithermal gold
mineralization at Kelian gold mine. Prior to brecciation, andesite intrusions (19.7 Ma) emplaced into felsic
volcaniclastics and overlying carbonaceous sandstones and mudstones)
Davies, A.G.S., D.R. Cooke, J.B. Gemmell, T. van Leeuwen, P. Cesare & G. Hartshorn (2008)- Hydrothermal
breccias and veins at the Kelian Gold Mine, Kalimantan, Indonesia: genesis of a large epithermal gold deposit.
Economic Geology 103, 4, p. 717-757.
(Mineralized hydrothermal breccias and veins formed during and after waning stages of maar-diatreme-related
volcanic activity at Kelian, Kalimantan)
Davies, A.G.S., T.M. van Leeuwen, D.R Cooke & J.B. Gemmell (2004)- The Kelian gold deposit; exploration
history, critical factors and deposit summary. In: D.R. Cooke et al. (eds.) Special Publication Centre for Ore
Deposit and Exploration Studies (CODES), University of Tasmania, Hobart, 5, p. 65-76.
Davies, L., R. Hall & R. Armstrong (2014)- Cretaceous crust in SW Borneo: petrological, geochemical and
geochronological constraints from the Schwaner Mountains. Proc. 38th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), Jakarta, IPA14-G-025, 15p.
(Pinoh Metamorphic Group along N edge of Schwaner granitoid complex of SW Borneo low P- high T
metamorphic rocks contain abundant Cretaceous zircons, with age distribution suggesting detrital origin, and
chemistry suggesting significant reworked volcanic material. Volcanic rocks erupted in E Cretaceous (~130
Ma), reworked into sediments, buried and metamorphosed during extension probably associated with
emplacement of Schwaner batholith later in E Cretaceous (120-80 Ma). Jurassic granites in S Schwaner
Mountains(~187Ma) interpreted to be product of rifting of blocks from NW Australia)
Davies, L., R. Hall & M. Forster (2015)- Age and character of basement rocks in SW Borneo: New insights
from Ar-Ar dating of Pinoh metamorphic group rocks. In: Tectonic evolution and sedimentation of South China
Sea Region, AAPG workshop, Kota Kinabalu, 2p. (Abstract only)
(online at:
(Summary of thesis work. Pinoh Metamorphic Group of Schwaner Mts deposited as volcanogenic sediments in
Lower Cretaceous (~130 Ma). Ar-Ar ages record onset of low-P metamorphism (~116 Ma), peak thermal
metamorphism (~110 Ma), and later shearing event (~25 Ma) which may indicate age of exhumation in
Schwaner Mts.)
De Groot, C. (1863)- Notes on the mineralogy and geology of Borneo and the adjacent islands. Quart. J. Geol.
Soc., London, 19, p. 515-517.
(Brief summary. Steam coal formation of Borneo underlies Nummulites Limestone, therefore belongs to
'Suessonien' of D'Orbigny. Search for lodes of copper in W part of Borneo: N of Pontianak strings of copper,
very rich, but too small to be economic. Poor copper-lodes near Singkarak Lake, E of Padang, W Sumatra; and
veins too poor to be worked. On Billiton island a vein 4-5' wide at Gunung Tadjouw with much tin ore; its
exploitation started last year. No figures)
De Groot, C. (1874)- Zuid-en Oosterafdeeling van Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 3
(1874), 2, Verhandelingen, p. 3-84.
('The South and Eastern part of Borneo'. Early geological description of SE Kalimantan. Reprinted from
Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Nederl. Indie 14 (1857). With 2 small maps, incl. one of Oranje Nassau coal mine NE
of Martapura)
De Groot, C. (1878)- Verslag over de Borneo steenkolen en hare geschiktheid als brandstof. Jaarboek
Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 7 (1878), 2, p. 153-213.
('Report on the Borneo coals and its suitability as fuel')
De Keyser, F. & E. Rustandi (1993)- Geology of the Ketapang Sheet area, Kalimantan. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre
(GRDC), Bandung, Indonesia, 1:250,000 scale map.
De Keyser, F. & J. Noya-Sinay (1992)- History of geoscientific investigations in West Kalimantan, Indonesia.
BMR J. Australian Geol. Geophysics 13, 3, p. 251-273.
(online at:
(Thorough review of geological survey work in W Kalimantan from early 1800's- 1990 First journeys by
Europeans into interior between 1816 and 1850. After 1850 establishment of Mines Department Everwijn
De Kroes, J. (1926)- Uitkomsten van het mijnbouwkundig onderzoek van goudhoudende terreinen in de
zoogenaamde Chineesche districten van de residentie Westerafdeeling van Borneo. Verslagen Mededelingen
lndische Delfstoffen en Hare Toepassingen, Dienst Mijnbouw Nederlandsch Indie, Weltevreden, 19, p. 1-27.
('Results of the mining investigations of gold-bearing terrains in the so-called Chinese districts of West
Kalimantan'. With two maps)
De Roever, W.P. (1947)- Occurrences of the mineral pumpellyite in Eastern Borneo. Bull. Bureau Mines and
Geol. Survey Indonesia 1, 1, p. 16-17.
(Pumpellyite in spilites and albite diabases from E Kalimantan)
De Roever, W.P. (1947)- A pseudotachylitic rock from Eastern Borneo. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akademie
Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 50, 10, p. 1310-1311.
(online at:
(Short note on tectonic breccia in E Kalimantan in Kajan River, downstream of confluence with Sungei Kat.
Surrounding region mainly constituted by dynamo-metamorphic slates, arkoses, and sandstones, covered by
younger volcanic rocks. Rock formed by intensive movements along fault zone)
De Roever, W.P. & A. Kraeff (1947)- Anorthoclase-bearing granogabbroid to granonoritic rocks from
Boeloengan (Eastern Borneo). Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 50, 10, p. 1315-
(Short note on petrography of porphyritic rocks of granogabbroid affinity from Bulungan area, near confluence
of Kajan and Bahau Rivers, E Kalimantan)
Dieckmann, W. (1922)- De ijzerertsafzettingen van het Koekoesan gebergte in Zuidoost Borneo. Jaarboek
Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 49 (1920), Verhandelingen 1, p. 70-86.
(‘The iron ore deposits of the Kukusan Mountains in SE Borneo’. Iron ore in Soengei Doewa area forms few
meter thick crust on peridotite body and probably formed by soil weathering of peridotite)
Ding, Q.F., F.Y. Sun & B.L. Li (2004)- Evolution of Cenozoic collision orogen of north Kalimantan and its
metallogenesis. J. Jilin University (Earth Science) 34, 2, p. 193-200. (in Chinese with English abstract)
(North Kalimantan orogen formed by collision between Luconia continental block and N margin of Sundaland.
Complicated history from interior orogen to peripheral orogen and to interior orogen again. Imbricate
thrusting during late Oligocene- M Miocene interior orogen was most important epoch of regional
metallogenesis in Kalimantan)
Dirk, M.H.J. (1995)- Plagiogranit Pegunungan Meratus, Kalimantan Selatan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 5,
51, p. 23-32.
(‘Plagiogranite from the Meratus Mountains, S Kalimantan’. Plagiogranite from area of ultrabasic rocks in
Meratus Mts ranges from tonalite to trondhjemite. K2O and SiO2 content place it in oceanic plagiogranite/
ophiolitic trondhjemite field. Similar to Troodos plagiogranite on Cyprus. Probably differentiation product of
basic/ ultrabasic magma. K/Ar age 112 Ma (Albian, mid-Cretaceous; Permanadewi 1995))
Dirk, M.H.J. (1997)- Batuan subvolkanik kapur akhir di Pegunungan Meratus, Kalimantan Selatan. J. Geologi
Sumberdaya Mineral 7, 66, p. 11-17.
('Upper Cretaceous sub-volcanic rocks near the Meratus Mountains, S Kalimantan'. Late Cretaceous andesitic-
dioritic inrusives from Meratus Mts with SiO2% 50.6-57.3%, with calk-alkaline to tholeiitic affinities. Formed
in volcanic arc above subduction zone.)
Dirk, M.H.J. (2000)- Magma genesis and paleotectonic setting of a calc-alkaline plutonic rock series from
Meratus Range, South Kalimantan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 10, 105, p. 19-32.
Dirk, M.H.J. (2002)- Petrogenesa dan lingkungan tektonik granit Lumo, Propinsi Kalimantan Tengah. J.
Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 12, 125, p. 8-18.
('Petrogenesis and tectonic environment of the Lumo granite, C Kalimantan province'. Lumo granite outcrops
W of N end Meratus Range, C Kalimantan, is holocrystalline porphyritic granite with cordierite, biotite, etc.,
formed from partial melting of crust, possibly greywacke in syn-orogenic or post orogenic setting (K-Ar ages
age Permian (260 ±1.7 M)a and-Carboniferous (319 ± 1.7 Ma);S-type collisional granite; Dirk 2002, 2003)
Dirk, M.H.J. (2002)- Petrologi granit-kordirit Lumo- Kalimantan Tengah. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 12,
126, p. 13-21.
(Porphyritic Lumo granite with cordierite and K-feldspar crystallized from partial melting of pelitic-
sedimentary source, probably at ~22km depth. K-Ar age of muscovite ~319 Ma, biotite ~260 Ma. S-type/
ilmenite series granite (= tin-bearing granite type))
Dirk, M.H.J. (2003)- Geodinamika dan model pembentukan granit Lumo, Propinsi Kalimantan Tengah: suatu
tafsiran. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 13, 142, p. 48-58.
('Geodynamics and model of formation of the Lumo granite, C Kalimantan province; an interpretation'. Lumo
granite of Lumo River, at W side of N Meratus Range, SE Kalimantan, with K-Ar ages of ~319 and 260 Ma.
Formed from partial melting of greywacke during crustal thickening associated with collision, although also
characteristics of volcanic arc granites)
Dirk, M.H.J. (2002)- Indikasi petrologi, petrogenesa dan lingkungan tektonik berdasarkan susunan geokimia-
granit Palangkaraya, Propinsi Kalimantan Tengah. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 12, 131, p. 19-27.
('Petrology, petrogenesis and tectonic environment based on the geochemical composition of the Palangkaraya,
granite, Central Kalimantan Province'. Several granite outcrops NW of Palangkaraya. Calk-alkaline,
peraluminous, 'monzogranite', probably syn-collisional (no age information))
Dirk, M.H.J. & Amiruddin (2000)- Batuan granitoid. In: U. Hartono et al. (eds.) (2000)- Evolusi magmatik
Kalimantan Selatan, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Spec. Publ. 23, p. 37-51.
(Review of SW Meratus Mountains granitoids. M Jurassic Puruidalam 'plagiogranite' associated with
ophiolites with K-Ar age 155 ±16 Ma). Lower Cretaceous volcanic arc-type Belawayan granite with ~101-131
Ma K-Ar ages)
Djamal, B., D. Sudana, Sutrisno, Baharudin & K. Hasan (1995)- Geological map of the Tanjung Mangkaliat
sheet, Kalimantan, scale 1:250,000, Quad 2017. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(Geologic map of E end of Mangkalihat Peninsula. Mainly Eocene- Miocene marine clastics and limestones.
Oldest rocks exposed in small area at N coast are Cretaceous? 'ophiolite' (gabbro, basalt, chert) associated
with Cretaceous sandy limestone with Orbitolina. Unconformably overlain by Eocene Kuaro Fm shallow
marine clastics and limestone)
Djokolelono, S. & E. Agoes (1988)- Uranium occurrences in the volcanic rocks of upper Mahakam, East
Kalimantan. In: Proc. Conf. Uranium deposits in Asia and the Pacific; geology and exploration, Jakarta 1985,
Int. Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, IAEA-TC-543/8, p. 109-120.
(Uranium survey by BATAN in Kawat River area in Upper Mahakam region. Kawat area tectonic depression
with uranium occurrences in young volcanic facies, usually in aphanitic rhyolite. Mineralization consists of
pitchblende, with molybdenite and pyrite. Oldest rocks in area folded, steeply dipping, ~E-W trending U
Jurassic quartzite, ophiolitic rock and radiolarite and E-M Cretaceous black shale with quartzite and
radiolarite. Unconformably overlain by U Cretaceous- Eocene clastics, with regional dip to SSE)
Doorman, J.G. (1906)- De diamantwinning in Landak. Tijdschrift Nijverheid Landbouw 73, p. 542-557.
Elliott, P.J. (2004)- Results from induced polarisation surveys over the Beruang copper-gold deposit in central
Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: Proc. PACRIM 2004 Conf., Adelaide, Australasian Inst. of Mining and Metallurgy
(AusIMM), Parkville, p. 307-316.
(Beruang copper-gold deposit near centre of Kalimantan is dacitic tuff hosted deposit. Extensive Induced
Polarisation coverage obtained over deposit and surrounding area. Drilling of targets derived from inversion
modelling resulted in some significant copper-gold intersections)
Erzagian, E., L.D. Setijadji & I.W. Warmada (2016)- Studi karakteristik dan petrogenesis batuan beku di daerah
Singkawang dan sekitarnya, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. In: R. Hidayat et al. (eds.) Proc. 9th Seminar Nasional
Kebumian, Dept. Teknik Geologi, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, p. 421-432.
(online at:
('Study of the characteristics and petrogenesis of Beku rocks in the regions of Singkawang and surroundings,
W Kalimantan Province'. On NW Kalimantan volcanic and intrusive rocks: (1) Permo- Triassic calk- alkaline
subduction- and collision-related series with intrusions of S-type granite (2) Cretaceous calk-alkali to high-K
subduction and collision series with I- and S-type granites; (3) Eocene-Miocene calk-alkaline subduction series
with I-type granitoids and (4) Pliocene tholeitic series formed in continental rift zones)
Escher, B.G. (1920)- Gesteenten van de Kelei (Berouw, Oost-Borneo). Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Nederlandsch-
Indie 80, 1, p. 29-36.
(‘Rocks from the Kelei River, Berau Region, E Kalimantan’. Pebbles collected by Beucker Andreae in 1918.
Some Oligo-Miocene foram limestones from this collection described by Rutten 1926. Includes quartz sst, slate,
quartz-tourmaline rock, porphyrite, granite, breccias, radiolarian chert. Not overly useful)
Escher, B.G. (1933)- Uranium mineralen op Borneo? Geologie en Mijnbouw 12, 1, p. 5-6.
(online at:
('Uranium minerals on Borneo?'. Questions reported presence of uranium mineral broggerite from SE
Kalimantan, as suggested by Tschernik (1909, 1910) (but uranium since proven to be present;JTvG))
Everwijn, R. (1854)- Voorlopig onderzoek naar kolen in de landschappen Salimbauw, Djongkong en Boenoet
in de Res. Westerafdeeling van Borneo. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Nederlandsch-Indie 7, p. 379-387.
('Preliminary investigation of coal in the areas of Salimbau, Jongkong and Bunut, W Kalimantan'. First of
series of short reports on mineral exploration work by privately funded explorer Everwijn. Mentions
'Nummulites-marl' at Seberuang tributary of Kapuas River, but forams subsequently described as Patellina by
Von Fritsch (1878), now known as mid-Cretaceous Orbitolina concava. Not much detail, no maps)
Everwijn, R. (1855)- Onderzoek naar tinerts in de landschappen Soekadana, Simpang and Matam, en naar
antimoniumerts op de Karimata-eilanden. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Nederlandsch-Indie 9, p. 58-64.
('Investigation of tin ore in the areas of Sukadana, Simpang and Matam and of antimony ore on the Karimata
islands'. No tin found associated with granitic rocks at Sukadana, Simpang and Matam, Kalimantan. Karimata
island W of Kalimantan mountainous, mainly composed of granite, with some metamorphic rocks at NE coast.
Some iron ore, but no tin. No maps, figures)
Everwijn, R. (1862)- Verslag van de onderzoekingen naar kopererts in het gebied van Mandhor,
Westerafdeeling van Borneo. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Nederlandsch-Indie 24, p. 403-428. (also in Jaarboek
Mijnwezen NOI 1878, 2, p. 117-143)
('Report on investigations of copper ore in the area of Mandor, W Kalimantan'. Investigation of small CuS2
veins at Wang-phin-san, near Tampie Mountains, 3 hours from Mandhor, W Kalimantan. Associated with
granite. Believed to be too small for exploitation)
Everwijn, R. (1873)- De groote diamant, of 'Danau Radja' van Matam, Westerafdeeling van Borneo. Jaarboek
Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 1873, 1, p. 197-203.
('The big diamond, or ‘Danau Raja’ from Matam, W Kalimantan'. Rumors of existence of a 375 carat diamond
in Kalimantan could not be confirmed. Other large stones in area believed to be diamonds proved to be quartz))
Everwijn, R. (1878)- Verslag van de onderzoekingen naar kopererts in het gebied van Mandhor, gelegen in de
Westerafdeeling van Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 7 (1878), 2, p. 117-143.
('Report on investigations of copper ore in the area of Mandor, W Kalimantan'. Same as Everwijn 1862)
Fahruddin, S. Widyantoro, A.D. Nugraha & Afnimar (2017)- Search for mantle seismic discontinuities beneath
northern Kalimantan, central Indonesia: a preliminary result of employing SS precursors. Int. J. Tomography
Simulation 30, 1, p.
(Kalimantan located far from active subduction zones with few seismic stations. SS precursors show
discontinuity at ~690 km depth and weaker discontinuity at ~290 km depth)
Fahir, S.L.N. & L.D. Setijadji (2011)- Studi evolusi batuan granitik di Kalimantan Barat. Yogyakarta, 52p.
('Study of the evolution of granitic rocks in West Kalimantan')
Fehn, H. (1930)- Die Insel Borneo (Bausteine zu einer Landeskunde). Mitteilungen Geogr. Ges. Munchen 23, 2,
(‘The island of Borneo- building stones for geography’)
Fehn, H. (1933)- Die Oberflachenformen der Insel Borneo. Ein Uberblick. Mitteilungen Geogr. Gesellschaft
Munchen 26, 1, p. 1-53.
(‘The surface features of the island of Borneo- an overview’. Old geomorphologic description of Borneo)
Ferguson, K.J. (1986)- The Kelian gold prospect, Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: Proc. Int. Volcanological
Congress, Symposium 5: Volcanism, hydrothermal systems & related mineralisation, p. 41-46.
Frijling, H., Loth, J.E. & J.W.H. Adam (1920)- Bijdrage tot de geologie van het Landschap Kotawaringin en de
afdeeling Ketapang resp. geleegen in de Residenties Zuider- en Ooster en Westerafdeeling van Borneo.
Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-Indie 47 (1918), Verhandelingen 1, p. 210-223.
(‘Contributions to the geology of the Kotawarin and Ketapang districts, etc.’, SW corner of Kalimantan. Mainly
granites, overlain by folded ?Mesozoic and rel. undeformed Tertiary sediments. Intruded and overlain by
younger porphyrites and andesites. With 1:1 million geological sketch map)
Fuller, M., R. Haston, J. Lin, B. Richter, E. Schmidtke & J. Almasco (1991)- Tertiary paleomagnetism of
regions around the South China Sea. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 6, p. 161-184.
(Tertiary CCW rotation in Sarawak, and Sabah. Conflicting results from Kalimantan, some show no rotation
with respect to Eurasia, others give CCW rotations)
Gaol, K.L., H. Permana & N.D. Hananto (2003)- Aplikasi model 2-D anomali gravitasi pada komplek akresi
Pegunungan Bobaris- Meratus, Kalimantan Selatan. Jurnal Teknologi Indonesia 26, p. 25-33.
(‘Application of 2-D gravity model of the accretionary complex of the Bobaris- Meratus Mountains, S
Kalimantan'. Preliminary modeling results suggest Bobaris-Meratus complin near-Equatorial position since the
Jurassc. ex represents accretionary complex)
Gaol, K.L., H. Permana, A. Kadarusman, N.D. Hananto, D.D. Wardana & Y. Sudrajat (2005)- Model gayaberat
pegunungan Bobaris- Meratus, Kalimantan Selatan, dan implikasi tektoniknya. Jurnal Geofisika 2005, 2, p. 2-9.
(‘Gravity model of Bobaris- Meratus Mountains and its tectonic implications’. Bobaris-Meratus mountains with
ultramafic rocks flower structure?)
Gascuel, L. (1901)- Les gisements diamantiferes de la region sud-est de l'ile de Borneo. Annales des Mines (9),
20, p. 2-23.
('The diamond-bearing formations of the SE Borneo region'. Diamond-bearing deposits worked by locals for
centuries in two main areas (but 'moribund since 1886'): (1) Landak in W Kalimantan near Pontianak and (2)
Martapura near Banjarmasin, SE Kalimantan. Diamonds in Quaternary fluvial gravel deposits around Banyu-
Irang River, which contain pebbles of white quartz, micaceous quartzites, porphyritic rocks, shelly limestones,
chert, but no basic igneous rocks)
Geiger, M., D. Prasetyo & T. Leach (2002)- Porphyry copper-gold systems in Central Kalimantan. Annual
Convention, Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, Technical Paper, 8p.
(Exploration over past 15 years by Kalimantan Gold Corporation identified >30 copper and/or gold prospects.
Porphyry copper-gold systems are viable exploration targets in central regions of Kalimantan)
Geiger, M., T. Leach & D. Prasetyo (2010)- Porphyry copper gold systems in Central Kalimantan. In: N.I.
Basuki & S. Prihatmoko (eds.) Proc. Kalimantan coal and mineral resources, MGEI-IAGI Seminar,
Balikpapan 2010, p. 73-89.
(Oligocene and Miocene volcanic arc(s) across Kalimantan hosts several epithermal gold deposits, postulated
to be near-surface manifestations of porphyry copper systems. Deeper exploration identified 30 copper-gold
Geinitz, H.B. (1883)- Uber Kreide-Petrefakten von West-Borneo. Zeitschrift Deutschen Geol. Gesellschaft ,
Berlin, 35, p. 205.
(online at:
('On Cretaceous fossils from W Kalimantan'. Brief note on 42 fossils sent to Geinitz by Verbeek (collected by
Van Schelle?), incl. molluscs (Pholadomya, Trigonia, Vola, Gervillea, etc.) and Upper Cretaceous Hemiaster
spp. echinoid. First record of Mesozoic rocks in Kalimantan. No figures)
Gisolf, W.F. (1924)- Bijdrage tot de kennis van de waarschijnlijke genese der ijzerertsen van het Koekoesan
gebergte (Zuid- en Oost-Afdeeling van Borneo). Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 50 (1921),
Verhandelingen 1, p. 296-303.
Gisolf, W.F. (1928)- On the origin of some iron ores and serpentinite in the Dutch East Indies. Proc. 3rd Pan
Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo 1926, 2, p. 1729-1732.
(In tropical climates serpentine not formed by weathering of olivine, because olivine preferentially weathers to
limonite. Primary serpentine is present in peridotite. Serpentine may form from high pressure with access to
water. Formation of serpentine and chlorite in SE Kalimantan peridotites caused by auto-metamorphism)
Gollner, E.R.D. (1924)- Verslag over de uitkomsten van mijnbouwkundig- geologische onderzoekingen op
Poeloe Laoet. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 50 (1921), Verhandelingen 1, p. 4-55.
(Geological survey of Laut Island, SE Kalimantan, with focus on Eocene coal occurrences. Coal mined by NEI
government on Pulau Laut since 1914. Two main coal horizons in ~160m basal quartz sandstone member, each
2-3m thick. Overlying Late Eocene marl member ~85m thick. Upper Eocene limestones common in other parts
of SE Kalimantan, but missing on Pulau Laut. With 1:50,000 scale geologic map of N part of island)
Graham, I., T. Grieve, L. Spencer & S. Hager (2014)- Source of PGM and gold from the Cempaka palaeoplacer
deposit, SE Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: E.V. Anikina et al. (eds.) 12th Int. Platinum Symposium, Inst. Geology
and Geochemistry UB RAS, Yekaterinburg, p. 173-174. (Abstract)
(online at:
(Cempaka palaeoplacer diamond deposit ~40 km SE of Banjarmasin. Host sediments for diamonds, Platinum
Group Minerals and gold are upper unit of alluvial coarse gravels, sandy gravels and gravelly sands. PGM and
gold appear transported and probably recycled several times. PGM mineralogy suggests derivation from
bimodal source: ophiolites (Meratus or Bobaris ophiolites) and as yet undiscovered Alaskan-type complexes.
Chemistry of gold suggests epithermal gold mineralization; closest source within Sumatra-Meratus Arc.)
Graham, I., L. Spencer, L.M. Barron & G. Yaxley (2006)- Nature and possible origin of the Cempaka diamond
deposit, Southeastern Kalimantan, Indonesia. IAGOD Meeting, Moscow, 6p.
Graham, I.T., L. Spencer, G. Yaxley & L. Barron (2007)- The use of zircon in diamond exploration- a
preliminary case study from the Cempaka deposit, SE Kalimantan, Indonesia. 2nd Conf. Specialist Group in
Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology, Dunedin 2007, Geol. Soc. Australia, Abstracts, 86, p. 32-35.
(Abstract only)
Gunawan, R. & C.B.C. Valk (1972)- Notes on the geology of aluminous laterites of West Kalimantan. Bull.
Nat. Inst. Geology and Mining (NIGM) 4, 1, p. 29-36.
(Large 300 km long and 50-100 km wide, NNW-SSE trending bauxite belt in W Kalimantan, explored by PT
Alcoa. Bauxitic laterites formed on uplifted and dissected peneplain, mainly related to weathering of quartz-
poor intrusives and best developed at margins of intrusives. Previously Bintan island, SE Sumatra, was main
bauxite occurrence in Indonesia)
Gunter, B. (2010)- The geology, alteration and mineralization at the Jelai gold prospect, East Kalimantan. In:
N.I. Basuki & S. Prihatmoko (eds.) Proc. MGEI-IAGI Seminar Kalimantan coal and mineral resources,
Balikpapan 2010, p. 91-106.
(Jelai prospect in NE Kalimantan 45 km W of Tarakan. Low sulphidation epithermal quartz veins associated
with andesitic volcanics, dacites and intrusives. Oldest granitoids in region Late Cretaceous. Mineralizatons
and volcanics in area dated as 22, 16 and 7-9.4 Ma)
Gunter, B. (2010)- The exploration history, geology and exploitation of the Buduk Gold Mine, West Kalimantan:
an example of a small gold mine operation in Kalimantan. In: N.I. Basuki & S. Prihatmoko (eds.) Proc. MGEI-
IAGI Seminar Kalimantan coal and mineral resources, Balikpapan 2010, p. 129-144.
(Buduk area of NW Kalimantan, ~100km N of Pontianak, has been alluvial gold mining area since Chinese
operations started in 1771 and Dutch-operated Sambas Gold Mines between 1936-1940. Several areas of gold
Gunter, B. (2011)- Sejarah eksplorasi, geologi, dan eksploitasi pertambangan emas Buduk, Kalimantan Barat:
contoh sebuah operasi pertambangan emas kecil di Kalimantan. Majalah Geologi Indonesia 26, 3, p. 173-190.
(online at:
('The exploration history, geology, and exploitation of the Buduk gold mine, W Kalimantan: an example of a
small gold mining operation in Kalimantan'. Same paper as Gunther 2010)
Haile, N.S. (ed.) (1955)- Geological accounts of West Borneo- translated from the Dutch. Geological Survey
Dept., British Territories in Borneo, Bull. 2, p. 1-285.
(Translations of papers on geology of W Kalimantan and adjacent areas of Sarawak by Dutch geologists
(Krekeler, Krol, Ter Bruggen, Zeylmans van Emmichoven and Ubaghs), originally published in 1925-1939. Age
of Danau Fm in Sarawak is Cretaceous, not Permo-Triassic as suggested by Zeijlmans (1939) for Kalimantan)
Haile, N.S. (1961)- Notes on Mesozoic orogeny in West Borneo. Proc. 9th Pacific Science Congress, Bangkok
1957, Geol. Geoph. 12, p. 117-120. (Extended Abstract)
(online at:
(Also in 'Annual Report Geological Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, 1957, p. 17-23) Moderately
folded U Triassic-Cretaceous of W Kalimantan and W Sarawak unconformable on highly deformed Permian or
Carboniferous age rocks. This and synchronous granite intrusions indicate folding in Late Permian or E
Triassic and in E Jurassic. No evidence of orogenic activity in Cretaceous)
Haile, N.S. (1973)- West Borneo microplate younger than supposed? Nature 242, p. 28-29.
(Short note suggesting W Borneo possibly not part of Sunda shield and extension of continental SE Asia, but
younger. Partly supported by occurrence of steeply dipping 'Ketapang Complex' unmetamorphosed grey shale
in Pawan River, W Kalimantan, with Albian- Cenomanian pollen (Caytonopollenites zone of Muller). Flanked
by massive volcanic rocks of Matan Complex. Area may be built chiefly of Late Cretaceous and younger rocks)
Haile, N.S. (1974)- Borneo. In: A.W. Spencer (ed.) Mesozoic-Cainozoic orogenic belts; data for orogenic
studies. Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 4, p. 333-347.
(Late Mesozoic- Tertiary orogeny affected N part of Borneo, over 900 km from Makassar Straits to S China
Sea. Four zones recognized, in direction of increasing age of main periods of mobility from N to S: Miri
(youngest deformation), Sibu (greatest mobility; thick deformed Late Cretaceous-Eocene flysch), Kuching
(deformed Mesozoic marine sediments) and W Borneo Paleozoic metamorphic basement with Late Paleozoic-
Mesozoic sediments)
Haile, N.S. (1979)- Rotation of Borneo microplate completed by Miocene: palaeomagnetic evidence. Warta
Geologi (Newsletter Geol. Soc. Malaysia) 5, 2, p. 19-22.
(online at:
(Samples from latest Oligocene- E Miocene U Silantek Beds show reversed magnetism close to present-day
field, indicating 50° CCW rotation of Borneo since Cretaceous was completed by time of deposition of U
Silantek Beds)
Haile, N.S., M.W. McElhinny & I. McDougall (1977)- Palaeomagnetic data and radiometric ages from the
Cretaceous of West Kalimantan (Borneo), and their significance in interpreting regional structure. J. Geol. Soc.
London 133, 2, p. 133-144.
(W Kalimantan complex history of magmatism and cooling from M Jurassic- Late Cretaceous. Well-defined
granitic magmatic event in Schwaner zone at ~79-86 Ma, also recognized in Sarawak, S China Sea islands,
Malay Peninsula, S Sumatra, and Java Sea. Paleomagnetism of Late Cretaceous samples yield mean
paleomagnetic pole at 21°E, 41°N, and 0° paleolatitude for W Kalimantan. Paleomagnetic pole not
significantly different from Cretaceous pole estimated for Malay Peninsula. Since M Cretaceous W Kalimantan
and Malay Peninsula behaved as one unit, have remained in present latitude, but rotated anticlockwise ~50°)
Halewijn, M.J. (1838)- Borneo- Eenige reizen in de binnenlanden van dit eiland, Beschrijving der
diamantmijnen te Soengi Roentie in Bandjermasin in 1824. Tijdschrift Nederl. Indie 1, 2, p. 81-84.
('Travels in the interior of Borneo- Description of the diamond mines at Sungei Runti in Banjarmasin in 1824'.
One of first descriptions of open pit alluvial diamond mines in SE Kalimantan. Diamond-bearing beds 'lead-
colored stone' ('batu tima') at ~12 feet depth)
Hall, R. & G.J. Nichols (2002)- Cenozoic sedimentation and tectonics in Borneo: climatic influences on
orogenesis. In: S.J. Jones & L. Frostick (eds.) Sediment flux to basins: causes, controls and consequences. Geol.
Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 191, p. 5-22.
(Sediment volume in basins around Borneo indicates >6 km removed by Neogene erosion. Implied tectonic
uplift not reflected in high mountains on island. High weathering and erosion rates in tropical climate likely
factor governing formation of relief. Rapid removal of material by erosion prevented tectonic denudation by
faulting: around Borneo there was no lithospheric flexure due to thrust loading and no true foreland basins
developed. Sediment deposited adjacent to orogenic belt in older, deep oceanic basins. Sediment yield of
Borneo mountains comparable to Alps or Himalayas)
Hall, R., M.W.A. van Hattum & W. Spakman (2008)- Impact of India-Asia collision on SE Asia: the record in
Borneo. Tectonophysics 451, p. 366-389.
(History of Borneo not consistent with island forming part of large block extruded from Asia. Clockwise
rotations predicted by indentor model for Borneo incompatible with paleomagnetic evidence. Great thicknesses
of Cenozoic sediments in Borneo and circum-Borneo basins derived from local sources and not from distant
sources in Asia. Cenozoic geological history of Borneo records subduction of proto-S China Sea and Miocene
collision after this ocean lithosphere was eliminated, and effects from long-term subduction beneath SE Asia)
Harahap, B.H. (1987)- The petrology of some young subvolcanic and volcanic rocks from West Kalimantan,
Indonesia. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Tasmania, 234p.
(online at:
(Petrography and chemistry of Tertiary volcanic rocks from C and W West Kalimantan (mainly subduction-
related arc volcanics) and Quaternary basaltic andesites from Mt. Niut (intra-plate volcanism not related to
subduction). K-Ar ages of intrusions near Sintang: in South 23.0-30.4 Ma, in North 16.4-17.9 Ma (similar to
intrusives in nearby Sarawak))
Harahap, B.H. (1990)- Magmatism in West Kalimantan. J. Indon Assoc. Geol. (IAGI) 13, 1, p. 63-90.
Harahap, B.H. (1993)- Geochemical investigation of Tertiary magmatic rocks from central West Kalimantan.
Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 1, p. 304-326.
(Tertiary magmatic rocks in W Kalimantan mainly dacites, some rhyolites, basalts, andesites. Basalts in N
province different source from S province. Volcanics in S intrude Cretaceous granodiorites, are most siliceous.
Chemistry typical island arc, may be related to SE subduction under Sarawak accretionary prism)
Harahap, B.H. (1994)- Petrology of the Cretaceous subvolcanic and volcanic rocks from Singkawang area,
West Kalimantan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 4, 35, p. 15-24.
(Mid-Cretaceous volcanics from Singkawang area of W Kalimantan (W of Schwaner batholith) range from
basalt to dacite, porphyritic, low-metamorphic, etc., with geochemistry typical of island arc lavas. One sample
Harahap, B.H. (1994)- Petrology and geochemistry of Mount Niut Volcano, West Kalimantan. Bull. Geol. Res.
Dev. Centre 17, p. 1-12.
(Pliocene basic volcanics)
Harahap, B.H. (1995)- The Boyan melange of West Kalimantan origin and tectonic development. Bull. Geol.
Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, 18, p. 1-21.
(Boyan melange E-W trending belt in W Kalimantan, composed of km-size blocks of clastics, limestone (with
Cenomanian Orbitolina), radiolarian chert, greenschist, large blocks (6 x 40 km) of sheared serpentinite, also
granite (one 320 Ma K/Ar age), basalt, etc., in sheared chloritized dark 'scaly' shale. Common boudinage
structures. Bounded to N and S by Selangkai Fm Turonian turbidites, with gradational contacts. Overall dips of
beds/ cleavage to South. Interpreted as Late Cretaceous S-dipping subduction complex. Intruded by Miocene
'Sintang' dacitic rocks, one dated at 16.4 Ma)
Harahap, B.H. (1995)- Petrography and mineral chemistry of the Tertiary subducted related mafic subvolcanic
rocks from West Kalimantan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 5, 47, p. 2-15.
(Description of W-C Kalimantan basaltic- andesitic dykes and plugs in Nangapinoh and Sintang map sheets.
(not clear what age; somewhere between Cretaceous- Miocene; JTvG))
Harahap, B.H. (1996)- Petrological characteristics of the Upper Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene volcanism in
Kalimantan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 6, 62, p. 21-31.
(Cretaceous- M Miocene volcanism in Kalimantan produced silica-rich calc-alkaline volcanic series in
subduction-related volcanic arc systems. Upper Miocene- Plio-Pleistocene volcanics tholeiitic and alkaline and
associated with ENE structural trend along highest points of Kalimantan. Basaltic lavas similar to intraplate
continental basalts, not related to subduction)
Harahap, B.H. (1996)- Petrography and mineral chemistry of the Tertiary silicic subvolcanic rocks of the
Sundaland of West Kalimantan. Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, 19, p. 75-95.
(95% of subvolcanic rocks of W Kalimantan are silica-rich dacites and rhyolites)
Harahap, B.H. (2012)- Regional geology and tectonics. In: U. Hartono (ed.) Magmatism in Kalimantan, Centre
for Geological Survey, Geological Agency (Bandung), Spec. Publ., p. 13-26.
(Review of regional geology of Kalimantan. Borneo result of Mesozoic amalgamation of ophiolitic, island arc
and microcontinental fragments of S China and Gondwana origin. Today far from active margins and stabilized
in Late Miocene, after which extensional processes common. Most of Kalimantan continental crust. W region is
part of Sundaland Craton, with Schwaner Mts E Cretaceous granites (continuation of E Asian Magmatic Arc).
NW Kalimantan domain Late Carboniferous sediments flanked by metamorphics, intruded by Permian- M-L
Triassic biotite granites, unconformably overlain by Late Triassic Serian Volcanics and Jurassic- Cretaceous
marine sediments. Oldest igneous rock Late Carboniferous- E Permian Lumo Granite in N Meratus Mts. Etc.)
Harrison, T. (1975)- Tektites as "date markers" in Borneo and elsewhere. Asian Perspectives 18, 1, p. 61-63.
(The only place in North Borneo with tektites is NW coastal region 20 miles from Brunei city, at base of
Jerudong Beds, and K-Ar dated as 730,000 BP by Zahringer (1963). However, associated wood much younger,
so tektites may be reworked)
Harting, A. (1930)- Enkele geologische waarnemingen langs de S. Kajan. De Mijningenieur 11, p. 176-179.
(Some geologic observations along the Kajan River'. On the direction of Pre-Tertiary at Brem-Brem falls near
Bulungan and unconformably overlying, horizontal Eocene limestone)
Hartmann, M.A. (1937)- Der Batoe Mesangat in Nord-Koetai, eine imposante Vulkanruine in Borneo.
Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Nederlandsch-Indie 97, 4, p. 214-225.
(online at:…)
(‘The Batu Mesangat in N Kutai, an imposing volcano ruin in Borneo’. Mesangat massif between Telen and
Belayan Rivers and between Poh and Atan mountains in N Kutai, about 1500m high. In area of Pre-Tertiary
rocks, from S to N: folded Danau Fm (mainly E-W, occ. WSW-ENE trending sandstones- shales- radiolarites
and limestone/marble lenses and dynamometamorphically altered diorite, serpentinite, peridotite and diabase).
Locally younger volcanics (basalt, andesite) and Mesozoic intrusions of quartz porphyry, dacite, liparite. To N
widespread black, red and green shales-schists, mainly SW-NE trending, possibly Late Paleozoic age,
unconformable over Danau Fm, and thrusted over Danau Fm against Kutai Basin. Batu Mesangat is quartz
porphyry intrusive complex of possible Mesozoic age)
Hartono, H.M.S. (1984)- Tectonic development of Kalimantan and adjacent areas. Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre
(GRDC) 9, p. 1-13.
(Kalimantan tectonic history: Permian- Carboniferous volcanic arc, with subduction from N/ NE. Late Triassic
collision, a continuation of Burmese- W Malayan microcontinent collision with Indochina. Late Cretaceous
melange in E Kalimantan and volcanics in SW Kalimantan are part of arc system extending SW towards Java-
Sumatra. Tertiary subduction/ accretion from N/NW)
Hartono, H.M.S. (1985)- Summary of tectonic development of Kalimantan and adjacent area. In: Proc. Second
EAPI/CCOP Workshop, Energy 10, p. 341-352.
(Review of tectonic development of Kalimantan. Pre-Late Triassic rocks present, but history not clear.
Carboniferous-Permian arc postulated. Kalimantan cratonized and stabilized by collision tectonics in Late
Triassic, correlating with Indo-Sinian orogeny in peninsular Malaysia and Thailand. Late Cretaceous-Early
Tertiary arc development with granitic plutons in SW Kalimantan. Post-Late Triassic deposition either platform
cover or active marginal accretion)
Hartono, U. (1997)- Tertiary basalts and microgabbros from Pulau Laut, South Kalimantan: a primitive magma
in island arcs. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 7, 71, p. 2-8.
(Paleogene basalts and microgabbros at Gunung Jembangan high-MgO primitive magma, derived from
depleted mantle source, possibly 20% melting of spinel lherzolite, probably in subduction setting)
Hartono, U. (2000)- The origin of Tertiary basaltic and low-Y andesitic volcanic rocks from the Meratus Range,
South Kalimantan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral, 10, 103, p. 23-32.
Small dikes and plugs of Tertiary basaltic, andesitic and dacitic volcanic rocks in Meratus Range and Pulau
Laut, associated with strike-slip faults. K-Ar ages 62-23 Ma (Paleocene- E Miocene). High MgO and low-Y
primitive magma source)
Hartono, U. (2003)- A geochemical study on the Plio-Pleistocene magmas from Kalimantan; their influence to
the Tertiary mineralization system in Kalimantan. Majalah Geologi Indonesia 18, 2, p. 168-174.
(Plio-Pleistocene volcanics common along Kalimantan- Sarawak border. Matulang Fm basalts and basaltic
andesites previously interpreted as intraplate magmatism. Geochemistry suggest mixing of deep mantle source
and arc magma. Probably produced during extensional tectonism after Late Miocene collision of Miri-Luconia
microcontinent with Kalimantan/Sundaland in NW Sarawak)
Hartono, U. (2003)- The role of South Kalimantan Tertiary volcanics in gold mineralisation. Prosiding Forum
Litbang ESDM, 2003, p. 175-186.
(Widespread alluvial gold, but no economic primary gold deposits in S Kalimantan. Tertiary volcanics on
Pulau Laut (Late Paleocene basalt and basaltic andesite + Eocene- E Miocene andesite) with rel. low gold
mineralization. Geochemically look like subduction-related volcanics, but no subduction here in Tertiary?)
Hartono, U. (2006)- Petrogenesis of the Sintang Intrusives and its implications for mineralization in Northwest
Kalimantan. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 16, 4 (154), p. 210-219.
(Late Oligocene- E Miocene Sintang intrusives of NW Kalimantan part of belt formed along N margin of
Sundaland, can be followed from NW Kalimantan to Upper Tarakan/Mangkalihat, and is associated with gold
mineralization. Mainly of granodiorites of adakite-type, probably derived from melting of subducted South
China Sea oceanic crust, following M-L Oligocene compressional event in Kalimantan. Commonly with gold
Hartono, U. (ed.) (2012)- Magmatism in Kalimantan. Centre for Geological Survey, Geological Agency,
Bandung, Spec. Publ., p. 1-199.
(With chapters by Amiruddin, B. Harahap, I.G.B.E. Sutjipta, S, Bronto and U. Hartono. Major review of
distribution of Cretaceous- Recent volcanic and plutonic rocks in Kalimantan, tectonic history and associated
mineral deposits (see more detail under chapters))
Hartono, U. (2012)- Cretaceous arc magmatism. In: U. Hartono (ed.) Magmatism in Kalimantan, Centre for
Geological Survey, Geological Agency, Bandung, Spec. Publ., p. 67-114.
(Review of Cretaceous volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks in SE (U Cretaceous/ ~83-66 Ma Haruyan Fm arc
volcanics of Meratus Mts), SW (U Cretaceous/ ~88-65 Ma Kerabai Volcanics SW of Schwaner Mts; probably
consanguineous with 91-86 Ma Sukadana granite) and NW Kalimantan (Lower Cretaceous/106 Ma Raya
Hartono, U. (2012)- Pliocene- Pleistocene magmatism. In: U. Hartono (ed.) Magmatism in Kalimantan, Centre
for Geological Survey, Geological Agency, Bandung, Spec. Publ., p. 153-162.
(Review of Plio-Pleistocene (5.8- 1.7 Ma) Metulang and Niut volcanics of East-Central and NW Kalimantan.
Differ from Tertiary volcanics, possibly 'non-orogenic' magmatism)
Hartono, U. (2012)- Tectono-magmatic evolution. In: U. Hartono (ed.) Magmatism in Kalimantan, Centre for
Geological Survey, Geological Agency, Bandung, Spec. Publ., p. 191-199.
(Most of magmatic activity in Kalimantan related to subduction processes. Not much information on pre-
Cretaceous magmatic activity. E Cretaceous Schwaner and Singkawang batholiths may form continuation of E
Asian magmatic arc and result from subduction of Paleo-Pacific Plate (from present-day North) along E Asia.
Subduction continues to Late Cretaceous (Kerabai Volcanics, Sukadana granite). Also Cretaceous
accretionary/ subduction complex in SE Kalimantan, tied to subduction of Indian Plate at S side of Sundaland
(Batang Alai granite, Haruyan Volcanics), terminating in Paleocene with Paternoster Plate collision. Eocene to
Oligocene or M Miocene subduction of proto-S China Sea oceanic crust under N Kalimantan, creating Rajang
accretionary prism and Muller, Piyabung, Sintang, Nyaan and Serantak volcanics. Etc.)
Hartono, U. & S. Bronto (2012)- Tertiary arc magmatism. In: U. Hartono (ed.) Magmatism in Kalimantan,
Centre for Geological Survey, Geological Agency (Bandung), Spec. Publ., p. 115-152.
(Mineral deposits of Kalimantan mainly associated with Tertiary magmatism. Four main groups of Tertiary
volcanics: (1) Eocene (~50 Ma) Piyabong/ Muller/ Nyaan volcanics in N-C Kalimantan (possibly arc volcanics
from proto-S China Sea Plate subduction); (2) rel. widespread Oligocene- M Miocene (30-16 Ma) intermediate
Sintang intrusives(>150) and Malasan volcanics in central parts (incl. common 'adakitic' rocks) (arc
magmatism, also tied to S China Sea subduction); (3) M Miocene- Pliocene Jelai volcanics of NE Kalimantan;
(4) Plio-Pleistocene Metulang/ Niut volcanics widespread along N border of Kalimantan)
Hartono, U., M.H.J. Dirk, P. Sanyoto & S. Permanadewi (1999)- Geochemistry and K/Ar results of the
Mesozoic-Cenozoic plutonic and volcanic rocks from the Meratus Range, South Kalimantan. In: G.H. Teh (ed.)
Proc. 9th Reg. Congress Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of SE Asia (GEOSEA ’98), Kuala Lumpur
1998, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 43, p. 49-61.
(online at:
(Three main periods of magmatic activity in Meratus Mts: (1) E Cretaceous (131-103 Ma; Barremian-Albian)
subduction-related granitoids (mainly island arc?; e.g Batangalai granite), (2) Late Cretaceous (82-66 Ma;
Campanian- Maastrichtian) Haruyan Fm submarine island arc basalt-andesite and granitoids and (3) Tertiary
(62-19.5 Ma) andesitic-basaltic volcanics and granitoids (limited distribution; on Palau Laut along strike-slip
faults). Microdiorite at G. Kukusan K-Ar age 19.6 Ma. Parts of U Cretaceous- Tertiary andesites high-MgO,
probably formed by reaction between ascending melts and mantle peridotite)
Hartono, U. & D. Djumhana (2000)- Batuan malihan. In: U. Hartono, R. Sukamto et al. (eds.) (2000)- Evolusi
magmatik Kalimantan Selatan, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Spec. Publ. 23, p. 75-84.
(Review of mid-Cretaceous metamorphic rocks of SW Meratus Mountains, SE Kalimantan)
Hartono, U. & S. Permanadewi (2000)- Batuan volkanik. In: U. Hartono, R. Sukamto et al. (eds.) (2000)-
Evolusi magmatik Kalimantan Selatan, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Spec. Publ. 23, p. 53-74.
(Review of volcanic rocks, Meratus Mts, SE Kalimantan)
Hartono, U., S. Permanadewi & M.H.J. Dirk (1997)- Petrology and geochemistry of the Tertiary volcanic and
subvolcanic rocks, South Kalimantan. Proc. 26th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Jakarta, p. 419-427.
(Reprinted in Bronto & Surono 2014. Tertiary volcanics of Pulau Laut and Meratus Range associated with
strike-slip faults. Most volcanics high MgO content. K-Ar ages of plagioclase from Pulau Laut andesite and
micro-gabbro 57.5 Ma and 62.5 Ma, hornblende 32.5- 19.5 Ma. Probably originated from U Cretaceous-
Lower Tertiary subduction, but magma produced accumulated in lower crust- upper mantle before rising to
surface in E-M Tertiary))
Hartono, U. & I. Saefudin (2000)- Evolusi magmatik. In: U. Hartono, R. Sukamto et al. (eds.) (2000)- Evolusi
magmatik Kalimantan Selatan, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Spec. Publ. 23, p. 119-135.
(Review of magmatic evolution Meratus Mts, SE Kalimantan)
Hartono, U., P. Sanyoto, H.Z. Abidin, S. Permanadewi, W. Sunata, M.H.J. Dirk & I. Saefudun (1997)-
Geochemical characteristics of the Cretaceous and Tertiary volcanics, South Kalimantan: implications for the
tectono magnetic evolution. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 7, 66, p. 2-10.
Hartono, U., R. Sukamto, Surono & H. Panggabean (eds.) (2000)- Evolusi magmatik Kalimantan Selatan. Geol.
Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Spec. Publ. 23, p. 1-140.
(‘The magmatic evolution of South Kalimantan’. Collection of papers published earlier)
Hartono, U. & Sulistyawan (2010)- Origin of Cretaceous high magnesian andesites from southeast Kalimantan-
geochemistry. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 20, 5, p. 261-276.
(online at:
(Anomalously high MgO content of some andesites ('boninites') found with normal volcanic arc andesites of U
Cretaceous Haruyan Fm in Meratus Range and on Pulau Laut. Both originated from subduction zone-type
magma. Two possible origins of high-Mg andesites: (1) melting of mantle wedge above slab; (2) reaction
between silicic magma and hot mantle peridotite (boninites typically form in fore-arc environments during early
stages of subduction?; JTvG))
Hartono, U. & Suyono (2006)- Identification of adakite from Sintang intrusives in West Kalimantan. J. Sumber
Daya Geologi 16, 3 (153), p. 173-178.
(U Oligocene- E Miocene Sintang high-level intrusives widely exposed in W Kalimantan. Consist of
microdiorite, granite/ microgranite, quartz diorite, dacite, andesite and minor rhyolite and rhyodacite. K-Ar
analyses 30.4- 23.0 Ma in Melawai Basin, 17.9- 16.4 in Ketangau Basin. Published geochemical data suggest
most rocks adakites. Products of arc magmatism, probably from melting of subducted S China Sea oceanic
crust beneath Kalimantan. Subduction started in Late Oligocene when crust was still young)
Hashimoto, W. & T. Koike (1973)- A geological reconnaissance of the reservoir area of the Riam Kanan dam,
East of Martapura, Kalimantan Selatan (South Borneo), Indonesia. In: T. Kobayashi & R. Toriyama (eds.)
Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 13, p. 163-184.
(Description of Cretaceous (Aptian-Senonian)- Lower Tertiary stratigraphy of area of Riam Kanan dam at
Aranio, 40 km E of Banjarmasin, SW Meratus Mts. Area now mainly flooded by water reservoir. Review of
works of Verbeek (1875), Hooze (1893), Martin (1889), Krol (1920) and Koolhoven (1935), with additional
observations. Oldest rocks crystalline schist, bounded by Bobaris Peridotite. Basal Cretaceous (Cenomanian?)
conglomerate mainly composed of schist, also peridotite. Overlying marine sediments with volcanics.
Orbitolina from limestone farther North not O. concavata, but older form of O. scutum type, in Japan
associated with Upper Aptian ammonites. Latest Cretaceous non-marine shales with estheriids)
Hashimoto, W. & T. Koike (1974)- On the Martapura Cretaceous system of Southeast Kalimantan, Borneo,
Indonesia (Geology along the upper stream of the Riam Kanan River). Chigaku Zasshi = J. Geography, Tokyo,
83, 1, p. 1-18. (in Japanese)
(online at:…)
(1972 survey of Meratus Mts Upper Cretaceous sediments at upper Riam Kanan River, E and Riam Kiwa W of
Bobaris Mts. Basal conglomerates, sandstones and siltstones, unconformable over schist, with Turonian
ammonoids and Inoceramus. Overlying Benuariam/Atiin Fm porphyritic lavas, agglomerates and tuffs, and
conglomerates, Tabatan Fm sandstones and conglomerates with Aptian-Albian Orbitolina in limestone pebbles
and reworked Benuariam Fm. Overlying Rantaulajon Fm fissile shale rich in estheriids, indicating non-marine
facies, probably Senonian. Includes record of mid-Cretaceous Orbitolina in Meratus Mts at Hantakan, E of
Barabai. Study of Eocene- Miocene suggests Early Oligocene Td stage is absent in area)
Hashimoto, W. & K. Matsumaru (1974)- Orbitolina from the Seberuang Cretaceous, Kalimantan Barat (West
Borneo), Indonesia. In: T. Kobayashi & R. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia,
University of Tokyo Press, 14, p. 89-99.
(Multiple localities of Selangkai Fm clastics at Seberuang River, U Kapuas, W Central Kalimantan with lenses
of coral-bearing limestones rich in Orbitolina lenticularis. Fossils first described by Von Fritsch (1883), Martin
Hattori, K., K.P. Burgath & S.R. Hart (1992)- Os-isotope study of platinum-group minerals in chromitites in
alpine-type ultramafic intrusions and the associated placers in Borneo. Mineralogical Magazine 56, p. 156-164.
(online at:
(187Os/ l86 Os ratios of ~1.04 in laurite grains in mid-Cretaceous (~110 Ma) chromitites from Bobaris and
Meratus Mts, SE Kalimantan (and platinum group minerals in associated alluvial placers derived from
ultramafics) suggest derivation from mantle, with no significant contribution of crustal 187Os. Also low ratio
(1.06) in nugget from SE Sabah 40 Ma Darvel Bay ophiolite)
Hattori, K.H., L.J. Cabri, B. Johanson & M.L. Zientek (2004)- Origin of placer laurite from Borneo: Se and As
contents, and S isotopic compositions. Mineralogical Magazine 68, 2, p. 353-368.
(Platinum-group mineral laurite (RuS2) from Pontyn River sediments, Tanah Laut, SE Borneo, derived from
Meratus ophiolite. Formation of laurite in residual mantle or in magma generated from refractory mantle,
followed by erosion after obduction of host ultramafic rocks)
Hattori, K. & S.R. Hart (1991)- Osmium-isotope ratios of platinum-group minerals associated with ultramafic
intrusions: Os-isotopic evolution of the oceanic mantle. Earth Planetary Sci. Letters 107, p. 499-514.
(Includes Os-isotope data on Cretaceous Meratus ophiolite (two dismembered ophiolite bodies, obducted
during subduction of Sundaland Plate at ~114 Ma; Pamali, Sungei Kalaan, Sungai Besar; SE Kalimantan) and
Tertiary Darvel Bay (Sungei Edam, Sabah) ophiolites (extends N to ophiolite complex on Palawan Island, with
Ar-age of metamorphic minerals of 36 Ma, in Miocene-age host rock stratigraphy))
Hendratno, A. & R. Al Furqon (2006)- Petrologi granit kordierit (studi kasis daerah Sungai Lumo- Kalimantan
Tengah). Teknik Geologi Universitas Gajah Mada, p.
('Petrology of cordierite granite (study of Lumo River area, C Kalimantan))
Hennig, J., H.T. Breitfeld, R. Hall & A.M. Surya Nugraha (2017)- The Mesozoic tectono-magmatic evolution at
the Paleo-Pacific subduction zone in West Borneo. Gondwana Research 48, p. 292-310.
(online at:
(Metamorphic and magmatic rocks in NW part of Schwaner Mountains of W Kalimantan with mainly
Cretaceous U-Pb zircon ages (~80-130 Ma). Triassic metatonalite near Pontianak with Triassic and Jurassic
zircons formed at Paleo-Pacific margin of subduction under Indochina- E Malaya block. Geochemically similar
Triassic rocks in Embuoi Complex to N and Jagoi Granodiorite in W Sarawak formed part of SE margin of
Triassic Sundaland. One S-type granitoid (118.6 Ma) with inherited Carboniferous, Triassic and Jurassic
zircons, indicating Sundaland basement. Two I-type granitoids with Cretaceous ages of 101.5 and 81.1 Ma. All
three record Cretaceous magmatism at Paleo-Pacific subduction margin. Cretaceous zircons of metamorphic
origin indicate recrystallisation at ~90 Ma, possibly related to collision of Argo block with Sundaland.
Subduction ceased at that time, followed by post-collisional magmatism in Pueh (77.2 Ma) and Gading
Intrusions (80 Ma) of W Sarawak (NB: West Borneo here viewed as part of Triassic Sundaland, extending to
NW Schwaner zone and possibly further South; not SW Borneo block as previously assigned by Hall, etc.))
Herman, D.Z. (2007)- Kemungkinan sebaran zirkon pada endapan placer di Pulau Kalimantan. J. Geologi
Indonesia 2, 2, p. 87-96.
(online at:
('Possible zircon deposits in placer sediments in Kalimantan'. On hypothetical zircon placers from granites)
Hermanto, B., S. Bachri & S. Atmawinata (1994)- Geological map of the Pankalanbuun Quadrangle,
Kalimantan, 1: 250,000, Quad. 1515. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(S Kalimantan geologic map. S margin of Schwaner Mts. Oldest rocks ?Triassic Kuayan Fm andesitic
volcanics, intruded by Cretaceous Mandahan granites, unconformably overlain by Late Miocene- Pliocene
Dahor Fm)
Heryanto, R. (1996)- Diagenesis of the Melawi Basin sandstone, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Bull. Geol. Res.
Dev. Centre 20, p. 67-84.
(Diagenesis of >7 km thick Eocene and Oligocene fluvial, lacustrine and shallow marine sandstones of Melawi
Basin. Generally characteristic of deeper burial)
Heryanto, R. (1996)- Sedimentology of the Ingar Formation. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 6, 53, p. 9-16.
(Ingar Fm Eocene mudstones and minor fine sandstones are oldest formation of Melawi Basin sequence in W
Kalimantan. ~2000m thick outer shelf- upper slope deposits. With slump folds, ball-and-pillow structures and
allochthonous limestone blocks. Classified as lithic arkose- feldspathic litharenite with 9-21% quartz and 12-
40% lithics (mainly volcanics), derived from Schwaner Mountains volcanic arc rocks (entire Melawi Basin Eo-
Oligocene section almost 8000m thick ?))
Heryanto, R. (1996)- Sedimentology of the Dangkan sandstone. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 6, 58, p. 6-16.
(Eocene Dangkan Sst in Melawi Basin of W Kalimantan. Unconformably overlies Selangkai Sst in N and Ingar
Fm in S and is conformably overlain by Eocene Silat Shale. Polymict basal conglomerate with clasts derived
from Semitau High N of basin. Deposited in fluvial environment (Eocene in Melawi basin >5-6 km thick))
Heryanto, R. (1999)- Petrografi batupasir Formasi Manunggul di daerah Alimukim, Kalimantan Selatan. J.
Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 9, 93, p. 16-26.
('Petrography of the Manunggul Fm sandstone in the Alimukim area, S Kalimantan'. Sandstones of U
Cretaceous Manunggul Fm in Alimukim area, Meratus Mts, are feldspathic litharenites: quartz generally 1-8%,
andesitic lithics 20-40%, basalt 10-19% and plagioclase 8-15%. Provenance 'undissected' andesitic magmatic
arc (from Paau Volcanics). Also contributions from granite, ultramafics, metamorphics and sedimentary rock,
incl. radiolarian chert)
Heryanto, R. (1999)- Diagenesa batupasir Formasi Manunggul di daerah Alimukim, Kalimantan Selatan. J.
Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 9, 98, p. 16-26.
(‘Diagenesis of Manunggul Fm sandstone in the Alimukin area, S Kalimantan’. Diagenesis of Upper
Cretaceous volcanoclastics overlying Meratus ophiolite complex includes compaction, quartz, laumontite and
calcite cement and secondary porosity from dissolution of feldspar and volcanic fragments)
Heryanto, R. (2000)- Pengendapan batuan sedimen kelompok Pitap di bagian selatan Pegunungan Meratus,
Kalimantan Selatan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 10, 109, p. 2-19.
('Deposition of rocks of the Pitap Group in the southern part of the Meratus Mountains, S Kalimantan'. U
Cretaceous Pitap Gp volcanoclastics in S Meratus Mts overlies basement of Batugamping Fm (Orbitolina Lst;
~100-300m thick?), E Cretaceous Paniungan mudstones (Berriasian-Barremian?) and ultramafic and granitic
rocks. Composed of interfingering Pudak and Keramaian Fms. Lower Pudak Fm is olistostrome with blocks of
Orbitolina limestone and volcanic rocks, deposited on continental slope, upper part submarine fan deposits)
Heryanto, R. (2011)- Stratigrafi bagian barat dan tenggara Kalimantan: implikasinya terhadap keterdapatan
sumber daya energi fosil. Geol. Survey Indonesia (PSG), Bandung, p. 1-63.
(Stratigraphy of West and SE Kalimantan: implications for fossil energy resources')
Heryanto, R. & H.Z. Abidin (1995)- Geological map of the Longbia (Napaku) Quadrangle 1818, Kalimantan,
scale 1: 250.000. Geol. Res. Dev. Center (GRDC), Bandung.
(Map inboard of Tarakan Basin. Oldest rocks Jurassic-Cretaceous Telen Fm sheared black and red slate, chert
and metasandstone. Unconformably overlain by thick U Cretaceous- Paleocene Embaluh Gp mainly flysch-type
clastics with SW-NE trending folds, unconformably overlain by M-L Eocene clastics and limestones. Oligo-
Miocene Jelai Fm basaltic-andesitic volcanics, Etc.)
Heryanto, R., B.H. Harahap, P.R. Williams & P.E. Pieters (1993)- Geology of the Sintang sheet area,
Kalimantan, 1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(C Kalimantan map sheet, showing occurrences of Jurassic- Early Cretaceous Danau Mafic Complex (probably
oceanic crust in Cretaceous Boyan accretionary melange), Semitau Metamorphics, thick Eocene sediments of
Melawi and Ketungau basins, widespread Late Oligocene- E Miocene Sintang andesite intrusives, etc.)
Heryanto, R. & U. Hartono (2003)- Stratigraphy of the Meratus Mountains, South Kalimantan. J. Geologi
Sumberdaya Mineral 13, 133, p. 2-24.
(Meratus Mts with Paleozoic Lumo continental granite NW of range and M Jurassic Puruidalam oceanic
plagiogranite (155± 16 Ma) in ophiolite complex. Meratus stratigraphy three groups: (1) Jurassic- E
Cretaceous imbricated ultramafics (120-155 Ma), chert, Aptian- Albian (110-199 Ma) metamorphic Hauran
schist and Pelaihari phyllite, sediments (incl. pre-Aptian E Cretaceous Paniungan Fm mudstone and Barremian
Batununggal Orbitolina Lst; should be Aptian?) and melange; (2) Late Cretaceous- Paleocene Pitap Gp
volcanics and deep water Manunggul Fm volcanoclastics and island arc type Hawaja Granite (~70-87 Ma); (3)
Eocene- Miocene sediments of Barito basin margin. Also Belawayan arc-type granite (K-Ar ages 101-131 Ma),
U Cretaceous Pudak Fm olistostrome of volcanoclastics and limestone blocks in Pudak River)
Heryanto, R. & B.G. Jones (1996)- Tectonic development of Melawi and Ketangau basins, Western
Kalimantan, Indonesia. Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, 19, p. 151-179.
(In Late Cretaceous most of W Kalimantan Melawi/ Ketangau basins was area of marine shelf, flysch and
pelagic deposition. Early Tertiary S-directed thrusting created Melawi foreland basin with Eocene lacustrine,
fluvial and marginal marine sediments. In latest Eocene new thrust zone further North, producing second
foreland basin (Ketangau))
Heryanto, R. & P. Sanyoto (1994)- Geological map of the Amuntai Quadrangle 1713, Kalimantan, 1:250,000.
Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(Geologic map of NW part of Barito Basin and part of NW Meratus Range)
Heryanto, R., P. Sanyoto, H. Panggabean & K. Hasan (2001)- Depositional environment of the Late Cretaceous
Pitap Group, Meratus Mountain, Southeast Kalimantan. In: A. Setiawan et al. (eds.) Proc. Deep-water
sedimentation of Southeast Asia, FOSI (Indon. Sedim. Forum) 2nd Reg. Seminar, Jakarta, 1p. (Abstract only)
(Pitap Group in Meratus Mts divided into interfingering Pudak, Keramaian and Manunggul Formations. Lower
Pudak Fm is olistostrome with olistoliths, including Orbitolina Limestone and volcanics in volcanic sandstone
matrix. U Pudak Fm volcanic sandstone interbedded with conglomerate/ breccia, deposited as upper submarine
fan. Keramaian Fm and Manunggul Fms submarine fan conglomerate, sandstone and mudstone. Volcanic
activity produced age-equivalent Late Cretaceous volcanic rocks of Haruyan Group, deposited directly above
basement (imbricated Lower Cretaceous Batununggal Lst, Paniungan Mudstone, ultramafics, metamorphic and
granitic rocks). Tertiary sediments unconformably overlie both Pitap and Haruyan Groups)
Heryanto, R., S. Supriatna, E. Rustandi & Baharuddin (1994)- Geological map of the Sampanahan Quadrangle,
Kalimantan, Quad. 1813, 1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(Includes NE part of Meratus Range. With in SW part of Range Batanglai granite (K/Ar age 115 Ma) overlain
by Aptian Batununggal Fm Orbitolina limestone, Late Cretaceous Haruyan Fm basaltic lavas and >2000m
thick Pitap Fm volcanoclasic flysch with common Kintap Orbitolina limestone olistoliths. Ultrabasic rocks in
Heryanto, R., Sutrisno, Sukardi & D. Agustianto (1998)- Geologic map Belimbing sheet, South Kalimantan,
scale 1: 100.000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
Hidayat, S., Amiruddin & D. Satrianas (1995)- Geological map of the Tarakan and Sebatik sheet, Kalimantan,
Quad 1919, 1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(Map sheet of Tarakan Basin in NE corner of Kalimantan, with NW-SE trending anticlines of folded Miocene
and younger sediments. Older outcrops in SW of sheet, with folded Mesozoic Bengara Fm clastics and tuffs,
unconformably overlain by Eocene Sembakung Fm clastics and Nummulites- Fasciolites limestone,
unconformably overlain by Oligocene-Miocene Naintupo Fm clastics with limestone intercalations (with
Eulepidina, Spiroclypeus, etc. E-M Miocene Jelai Fm volcanics and associated granitoids)
Hidayat, S. & I. Umar (1994)- Geological map of the Balikpapan sheet, Kalimantan. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre
(GRDC), Bandung.
Hinde, G.J. (1900)- Description of fossil radiolaria from the rocks of Central Borneo. In: G.A.F. Molengraaff,
Borneo-expedition. Geological explorations in Central Borneo (1893-94), Brill, Leiden, Appendix I, p. 1-57.
(Several localities of radiolarian chert in C Borneo, sampled by Molengraaff. Two kinds: intensely folded
folded red radiolarian cherts in Danau Fm of Upper Kapuas River area, and radiolarian tuffs and marls S of
Semitau Hills, both below M Cretaceous clastics with Orbitolina. Radiolarians of E Cretaceous or Late
Jurassic age (called E Cretaceous by Sanfilippo and Riedel 1985 (Stichocapsa cribata Hinde limited to
Valanginian in W Pacific ODP sites; Matsuoka (1992); Stylatractus ovatus n.sp. = Sphaerostylus lanceola=
Tithonian-Aptian; Sanfilippo and Riedel 1989))
Hirano, H., S. Ichihara, Y. Sunarya, N. Nakajima, I. Obata & M. Futakami (1981)- Lower Jurassic ammonites
from Bengkayang, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, 4, p.
(Two species of Toarcian (upper Lower Jurassic) ammonites (Harpoceras sp. and Dactylioceras sp.) from
uppermost part of >3000m thick Upper Triassic- Jurassic Bengkayang Gp (Sungaibetung Fm) at Mt Bawang,
Hirschi, H. (1908)- Vorlaufiger Bericht uber einen geologischen Streifzug in centraal-Borneo- Oberlauf
Moeroeng (Barito). Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (2), 25, p. 777-806.
(Early geological survey of the upper Murung tributary of the Barito River, N of Banjarmasin, C Kalimantan.
Includes first report of diamonds and gold in alluvial deposits at Babuat River in headlands of Barito River, C
Hollmann, F.S., H.K. Kutter & U. Glawe (2001)- Felsmechanische und mikrostrukturelle Untersuchungen an
Serpentinit-Kataklasiten aus SE-Kalimantan, Indonesien. In: 13th Nat. Tagung fur Ingenieurgeologie,
Karlsruhe, Geotechnik 2001, Suppl., p. 203-204. (Abstract only)
('Rock mechanic and microstructural investigations of serpentinite-kataklasites from SE Kalimantan,
Indonesia'. Summary of Hollmann (2000) thesis work)
Hooze, J.A. (1893)- Topographische, geologische en mijnbouwkundige beschrijving der afd. Martapoera,
residentie Zuider- en Oosterafdeling van Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 22 (1893), p. 1-
(‘Topographic, geologic and mining description of the Martapura District, S and E Kalimantan’. Extensive
description of Martapura region geology and economic minerals, mainly coal and diamonds)
Hovig, P. (1930)- De oorsprong van de Borneo diamanten. Geologie en Mijnbouw 8, 12, p. 157-161.
(online at:
('The origin of the Borneo diamonds'. Brief review, largely based on Krol (1922). Quaternary diamond placers
probably formed through multiple stages, from primary deposits (here believed to be contact zones of acid
intrusions) into Lower Cenomanian clastics, then reworked into progressively younger sediments. No figures)
Hutchison, C.S. (1986)- Formation of marginal seas in S.E. Asia by rifting of the Chinese and Australian
continental margins and implications for the Borneo region. In: G.H. Teh & S. Paramananthan (eds.) Proc. 5th
Reg. Congress Geol. Min. Energy Res. SE Asia (GEOSEA V), Kuala Lumpur 1984, 2, Bull. Geol. Soc.
Malaysia 20, p. 201-220.
(online at:
(SE Asian marginal basins formed by processes other than back-arc extension. Andaman Sea is Miocene leaky
transform system. W Philippine Sea, Banda Sea, Celebes Sea and Sulu Basins are remnants of former
Cretaceous- Eocene oceans, now trapped behind younger arc-trench systems, Etc. (many of the assumptions
used here to build tectonic model differ from current interpretations; JTvG))
Hutchison, C.S. (1987)- Stratigraphic-tectonic model for Eastern Borneo. GEOSEA 6 Conference, Jakarta, p.
Hutchison, C.S. (1988)- Stratigraphic-tectonic model for Eastern Borneo. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 22, p. 135-
(online at:
(E Borneo nucleated since Late Cretaceous time around Miri Zone, whose basement may be microcontinent
rifted from shelf of Vietnam and S China. E margin of Miri Zone interpreted as Atlantic-type margin, with
down-faulted continental crust giving way E-wards to Late Cretaceous-Eocene oceanic lithosphere ('Chert-
Spilite Fm' and underlying 'Crystalline Basement') of same age as ocean floor of adjacent Celebes Sea. Rajang
Hutubessy, S. & S. Panjaitan (2003)- Penelitian geomagnetik di cekungan Amuntai, Kabupaten Amuntai,
Kalimantan Selatan. Proc. 32nd Ann. Conv. IAGI and 28th Ann. Conv. HAGI, Jakarta, 7p.
(Magnetic survey and model in Amuntai (NE Barito) basin, SE Kalimantan)
Ichihara, S., Y. Sunarya & N. Nakajima (1984)- Cretaceous and Tertiary granitic rocks, West Kalimantan (G.
Bawang- Bengkayang- Darit- Pahuman area and G. Ibu area). Bull. Direct. Mineral Res. Indonesia 2, 15, p. 1-
(Descriptions of Cretaceous granodiorite plutons of Singkawang batholith, NW Kalimantan, etc.)
Icke, H. & K. Martin (1906)- Die Silatgruppe, Brack- und Susswasser-Bildungen der Oberen Kreide von
Borneo. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, Ser. 1, 8, p. 106-144.
(online at:
(‘The Silat Group brackish and freshwater deposits of the Upper Cretaceous of Kalimantan’. Description of
fresh and brackish water molluscs) from Melawi Basin E of Sintang, collected by Wing Easton. Mainly
gastropods (Faunus eastoni, Paludinopsis silatiensis, Melania krausei) and some bivalves (Corbula silatiensis).
Martin suggests most likely Late Cretaceous age (but palynology in Sutjipto (1991) believed to be Eocene))
Idrus, A., L.D. Setijadji & F. Thamba (2011)- Geology and characteristics of Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag skarn deposit at
Ruwai, Lamandau Regency, Central Kalimantan. J. Geologi Indonesia 6, 4, p. 191-201.
(online at:
(Geology of skarn Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag deposit at Ruwai mine, Lamandau Regency, SW Kalimantan. Ruwai skarn
associated with Late Cretaceous dyke/stock, intruding into Triassic-M Cretaceous Ketapang volcanics and
sediments, including limestone. Controlled by NNE-SSW-trending strike- slip faults and N70E-trending thrust
Idrus, A., L.D. Setijadji & F. Tamba & F. Anggara (2011)- Geology and characteristics of Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag skarn
deposit at Ruwai, Lamandau Regency, Central Kalimantan. J. Southeast Asian Applied Geol. (UGM) 3, 1, p.
(online at:
(Same as or similar to Idrus et al. 2011, above)
Ilyas, S. (2003)- Inventarisasi batubara bersistem di daerah Muara Wahau dan sekitarnya, Kabupaten Kutai
Timur, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Kolokium Hasil Kegiatan Inventarisasi Sumber Daya Mineral, DIM, TA, p.
22-1- 22.10.
(online at:
('Systematic investigation of coal in the Muara Wahau area, Kutai Regency, E Kalimantan Province'. Six main
coal seams, 6- 45m thick, in Upper Wahau Fm (E Miocene?) in NE corner Kutai Basin. Ash content < 4%,
sulphur 0.15%, mean vitrinite reflectance Rv mean 0.27%)
Ismail, Y. (1998)- Alterasi hidrotermal pada intrusi andesit G. Otje, Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan. Proc.
27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Yogyakarta, 1(Sumberdaya Mineral Energi), p. 200-211.
('Hydrothermal alteration at the Gunung Otje andesite intrusion, Banjarmasin, SE Kalimantan')
Jong, J., S. Barker & F.L. Kessler (2015)- A comparison of fold-thrust belts in Eastern Sundaland: structural
commonalities and differences on the Circum-Borneo Margin. Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), Jakarta, IPA15-G-138, 21p.
(Comparison structural commonalities of Neogene fold-thrust belts of E Sundaland margin in NW and E
Circum-Borneo: Bunguran, W Baram Delta, E Baram Delta, C and N NWSabah Trough, Sandakan, Tarakan,
Kutai and W Sulawesi foldbelts. Belts along E Borneo margin of Sulu, Tarakan, Kutai and W Sulawesi are
induced by crustal subduction; compressive ('failed subduction') NW margin exhibits stretched continental crust
Kadarusman, A. (2010)- The origin of Borneo (Kalimantan) diamond: a summary. Proc. 39th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Lombok 2010, 5p.
(Review of literature on Kalimantan diamonds. Primary host for diamonds still not identified. Kalimantan
diamonds likely related to Kimberlite Clan rocks that originated in cratonic environment)
Kamiludin, U. & Y. Darlan (2005)-Keterdapatan emas letakan dan ikutannya di perairan Delta Kapuas,
Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat. J. Geologi Kelautan 2, 3, p. 1-8.
(online at:
('Presence of gold placers in the waters of the Kapuas Delta, Pontianak, West Kalimantan'. Presence of gold
placers, associated with Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn and Sn in offshore sediments originating from Kapuas River. Primary
source probably Sintang intrusives)
Kamiludin, U., Y. Darlan & H. Kurnio (2008)- Sebaran endapan kuarsa di perairan Delta Kapuas, Pontianak,
Kalimantan Barat. J. Geologi Kelautan 6, 3, p. 135-145.
(online at:
('Distribution of quartz deposits in the waters of the Kapuas Delta, Pontianak, West Kalimantan'. Study of
recent sands of Kapuas delta with high % quartz)
Kamiludin, U., I Wayan Lurga & S. Hakim (2003)- Sedimen permukaan dan kandungan mineralnya di perairan
Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 13, 143, p. 57-66.
('Surface sediment and mineral content in the waters of Pontianak, West Kalimantan'. Recent sediments off
Pontianak dominated by quartz (from Sukadana granite and Kempari Sst Fm?). Heavy minerals include
magnetite, hematite, cassiterite, pyrite, etc.)
Karyono H.S. (1988)- Typologie de structures mineralisees du Bassin de Kalan, Kalimantan de l'Ouest,
Indonesie; aspect tectonique et controle structural de mineralisations d'uranium. Doct. Thesis, Universite Louis
Pasteur de Strasbourg, p. 1-202. (Unpublished)
('Mineralized structures of the Kalan Basin, W Kalimantan; tectonic aspects and structural control on uranium
Karyono H.S. (1991)- Analisis kontrol tektonik pada vein mineralisasi di Bukit Eko, Kalan, Kalimantan Barat.
Proc. 20th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Energy Min. Res., p. 115-128.
('Analysis of tectonic control on vein mineralization at Bukit Eko, Kalan, W Kalimantan')
Karyono, H.S. & M. Ruhland (1990)- Use of multiscalar processing of remotely sensed data in Kalan
fracturation networks West Kalimantan, Indonesie for future mineralization research. ISPRS J. Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing 45, p. 428-441.
(Kalan area in C Kalimantan N of Schwaner Mts with 3000-4000m thick Permo-Carboniferous (younger?;
JTvG) low metamorphic sediments, surrounded by Cretaceous tonalitic intrusives. Two periods of tectonic
deformation (1) plastic deformation, forming schistosity in metapelite, fracture cleavage in metasilt and
regional folding (N70°E average axial direction; bedding planes av. strike N50°E, dip 50°S). With uranium
mineralisation in fractures and schistosity; (2) brittle deformation that did not cause any extensive bed sliding,
fracturing, etc. Fracture patterns may be result of large 'Kalan alignment' NE-SW sinistral strike-slip fault)
Kemmerling, G.L.L. (1915)- Topographische en geologische beschrijving van het stroomgebied van de Barito,
in hoofdzaak wat de Doesoenlanden betreft. Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 2, 32, p.
575-641 and p. 717-772.
('Topographic and geological description of the Barito drainage area, in particular the Dusun lands’. Mainly
geographic description. With 1:750,000 scale geologic map)
Kim, I.J. (2006)- Geochemical exploration for the stream sediments of the Tumbang Mirih in the Middle
Kalimantan, Indonesia. Korean Soc. Econ. Environm. Geol. 39, 3, p. 301-328. (In Korean, with English
(Common gold in Quaternary stream samples in Tumbang Mirih area in C Kalimantan)
Kim, I.J., W.S. Kee, K.Y. Song, B.G. Kim, S.R. Lee & G.H. Lee (2004)- Geology of the Kualkulun in the
Middle Kalimantan, Indonesia: I. Stratigraphy and structure. Korean Soc. Econ. Environm. Geol. 37, 6, p. 437-
457. (In Korean, with English summary)
(C Kalimantan Kualakulun area (area Kahayan River near Tewah, N of Palangkaraya) with Permian-
Carboniferous Pinoh Metamorphic rocks (mica-schists, etc.), and Cretaceous Sepauk plutonics of Sunda shield,
ovelain by Late Eocene Tanjung Fm (fluvio-delta plain deposits of S-ward flowing system, some coal, pebbles in
conglomerate mainly vein quartz, changing upward into shallow marine environment), Oligocene Malasan
Volcanics and Oligocene- E Miocene Sintang volcanics. Four main deformational phases)
Kim, I.J., G.H. Lee, D.L. Cho, S.R. Lee & S.R. Lee (2004)- Geology of the Kualkulun in the Middle
Kalimantan, Indonesia: II. Mineralogy and geochemistry. Korean Soc. Econ. Environm. Geol. 37, 6, p. 459-
475. (In Korean, with English summary)
(C Kalimantan Cretaceous Sepauk plutonic rocks calk-alkaline S-type granites, with K-Ar ages of biotite
granite 100.5- 106.5 (Albian), med-grained granitoids 91.9- 102.6 Ma. Oligocene Malasan Volcanics
intermediate dacitic pyroclastics and minor lavas of subalkaline series with K-Ar ages 31.5- 36.8 Ma.
Oligocene- E Miocene Sintang intrusives are basic-intermediate basalts and trachyandesite with K-Ar ages
24.6-34.5 Ma)
Kleibacker, D., R. Tasrianto & A. Saripudin (2015)- Long distance migration in Central Kalimantan: a solution
to the Barito dilemma? Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA15-G-085, 13p.
(Previous basin models concluded that 80 GBO and >100 TCF of gas (ConocoPhillips: ~66 GBO and ~70 TCF
gas from Eocene Tanjung coals) should have been generated in Barito foreland basin, but only 200 MMBOE
EUR discovered so far, in Tanjung Field and satellites. Apparent discrepancy coined 'Barito Dilemma'
Possibility of long distance secondary oil migration (~100km) out of latest Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene S Barito
fore-deep towards C Kalimantan Palangkaraya PSC suggested by oil seep(s))
Kloos, J.H. (1866)- Vorkommen und Gewinnung des Goldes auf der Insel Borneo. Tijdschrift Nederl. Indie 28,
p. 207-216.
('Occurrence and exploitation of gold on the island of Borneo'. Brief review, observing gold present across
much of Borneo, but mainly at W coast (Kapus area) and Sarawak. No maps or figures)
Kobayashi, T. (1973)- On the history and classification of the fossil Conchostraca and the discovery of
Estheriids in the Cretaceous of Borneo. In: T. Kobayashi & R. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of
Southeast Asia 13, Tokyo University Press, p. 47-72.
(Upper Cretaceous small fresh-water crustacean shells from shales near Rantaulajung, Riam Kanan River,
Meratus Mts front, E of Martapura, SE Kalimantan. Mainly of species Pseudocyclograpta hashimotoi n.sp.)
Koolhoven, W.C.B. (1933)- Het primaire voorkomen van den Zuid-Borneo diamant (voorlopige mededeeling).
De Mijningenieur 14, 8, p. 138-144.
('The primary occurrence of the South Borneo diamonds (prelininary communication)'. Diamonds have been
mined in SE Borneo for centuries. Base of widespread M Cretaceous Manunggul Fm (locally with Orbitolina)
unconformable over all older formations, with transgressive basal conglomerates containing older rocks and
also detrital diamonds. (but Cretaceous basal conglomerates directly on Meratus peridotites lack diamonds).
Koolhoven, W.C.B. (1935)- Het primaire voorkomen van den Zuid-Borneo diamant. Verhandelingen
Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kol., Geol. Serie 11, p. 189-232.
('The primary occurrence of the South Borneo diamonds'. Discussion of SE Borneo diamond occurrences,
mainly in Upper Cretaceous and younger clastics at NW side of Meratus Mts. Thought thought to be derived
from peridotitic ‘Pamali Breccia’. Conclusion disputed in later literature)
Kraeff, A. (1955)- A contribution to the petrology of the young extrusive and intrusive rocks of the river basin
of S.Kajan (NE Borneo). Publ. Keilmuan, Bandung, Seri Petrologi 29, p. 11-19.
Krause, P.G. (1899)- Uber Lias von Borneo. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, ser. 1, 5, p. 154-168.
(online at:
(also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 25, Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, p. 28-42).
(‘On the Liassic of Borneo’. Upper Liassic macrofossils from slightly bituminous dark shales interbedded with
lighter sandstones in Sambas region, NW Kalimantan, collected by Wing Easton. With ammonites of
Harpoceras radians group and possible Inoceramus)
Krause, P.G. (1899)- Uber Tertiare, Cretaceische und altere Ablagerungen aus West-Borneo. Sammlungen
Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, E.J. Brill, ser. 1, 5, p. 169-218.
(online at:
('On Tertiary, Cretaceous and older deposits from West Borneo'. Brief, early description of W Borneo Mesozoic
and Tertiary rocks and fossils from Molengraaff collection. Includes discussion of Cretaceous limestones with
Orbitolina concava, as first reported by Von Fritsch (1875). No locality maps. Also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen
Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 1899, Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, 2, p. 1-52)
Krause, P.G. (1904)- Die Fauna der Kreide von Temojoh in West-Borneo, 1 Teil. Die Ammoniten.
Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, E.J. Brill, ser. 1, 7, p. 1-28.
(online at:
(‘The Cretaceous fauna from Temojoh, W Borneo’. Cretaceous ammonites from slightly bituminous dark grey
limestone at Temojoh village on the Landak River, collected by Koperberg in 1895. Associated with rel. small
and thin-shelled gastropods, bivalves, plant remains and crustacean remnants. Ammonites mainly Knemoceras
pinax n.sp., also Schloenbachia sp. (Knemoceras pinax assigned to genus Engoceras, a Late Albian- E
Cenomanian genus that lived in rel. shallow shelfal marine facies in Tethys region (Bujitor 2010); JTvG))
Krause, P.G. (1911)- Uber unteren Lias von Borneo. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, E.J. Brill,
ser. 1, 9, 1, p. 77-83.
(online at:
('On Lower Liassic from Borneo'. Jurassic faunas reported earlier from W Borneo were mainly of Late Liassic
M and U Jurassic ages (Martin, Vogel, Bullen Newton). New discovery of Early Jurassic ammonite in
concretion collected by Van Dijk in float in area mapped by Wing Easton (1904) as mainly Paleozoic- Triassic
outcrop, between Gunung Bentok, G, Sanggan and G, Melangsar. Ammonite most similar to E Liassic
Aegoceras ziphus, but here described as Aegoceras borneense n.sp.)
Krekeler, F. (1932)- Over een nieuw voorkomen van fossielhoudend Palaeozoikum in Midden-West Borneo
(voorlopige mededeeling). De Mijningenieur 13, p. 167-172.
('A new occurrence of fossiliferous Paleozoic in the central part of West Borneo (provisional report)'. See also
English translation in Haile (1955). First description of fusulinids and brachiopods in W Kalimantan- W
Sarawak border area, S of Kuching. Limestones associated with volcanic rocks and suggestive of Late
Carboniferous age. Strike of folded, steeply dipping Late Paleozoic- Triassic rocks predominantly N-S.
Overlain by Triassic volcanoclastics with Monotis salinaria (Fusulinid limestone subsequently named Terbat
Lst by Haile (1954), and its fusulinids identified as E Permian by Cummings (1955))
Krekeler, F. (1955)- A new occurrence of fossiliferous Paleozoic rocks in the central part of West Borneo
(provisional report). In: N.S. Haile (ed.) Geological accounts of West Borneo, Geological Survey Dept., British
Territories in Borneo, Kuching, Bull. 2, p. 7-14.
(English translation of Krekeler (1932) original Dutch paper above)
Krekeler, F. (1955)- Supplementary report on the occurrence of fossiliferous Paleozoic in West Borneo. In: N.S.
Haile (ed.) Geological accounts of West Borneo, Geological Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo,
Kuching, Bull. 2, p. 15-16.
(English translation of Krekeler (1933) original Dutch paper above)
Krokel, F. (1923)- Gesteine aus dem Gebiet des Boelangan-Flusses in Nordoestlichen Borneo. Sammlungen
Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, ser. 1, 10, 3, p. 141-182.
(online at:
('Rocks from the area of the Bulungan River in NE Kalimantan'. Description of rocks collected by Herbordt of
BPM in 1910. Includes biotite granite, quartz-diorite, dacite, augite-andesite, andesite tuff, breccia,
conglomerate, sandstone, siliceous shale)
Krol, L.H. (1916)- Korte beschrijving van enkele 'groote' diamanten, in den laatste tijd gevonden bij Tjampaka,
afd. Martapoera, Residentie Zuider- en Oosterafdeling van Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-
Indie 44 (1915), Verhandelingen 1, p. 13-17.
('Brief description of some 'large' diamonds found recently near Cempaka, Martapura'. In 1912-1915 stones of
12, 17 and 24 carats found at Danau Pumpung, S of Cempaka. Yellowish color, octohedral shape)
Krol, L.H. (1919)- De Borneo diamant, haar voorkomen, winning en bewerking. De Ingenieur 1919, September,
p. 707-709.
('The diamonds of Borneo, its occurrences, exploitation and processing'. Summary of presentation)
Krol, L.H. (1920)- Over de geologie van een gedeelte van de Zuider- en Oosterafdeling van Borneo. Jaarboek
Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 47 (1918), Verhandelingen 1, p. 281-367.
(Geology of SE Borneo, E of Banjarmasin, including Meratus- Bobaris Mountains. Cenomanian folding episode
with ‘intrusions’ of peridotites and metamorphism. With 1:100,000 geologic map on 6 sheets)
Krol, L.H. (1922)- Bijdrage tot de kennis van den oorsprong en de verspreiding der diamant-houdende
afzettingen in Zuidoost-Borneo en van de opsporing en winning van den diamant. Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen
Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 49 (1920), Verhandelingen 1, p. 250-304.
('Contribution to the knowledge of the origin and the distribution of diamond-bearing deposits in SE
Kalimantan and its exploitation'. Diamonds found in much of Kalimantan: W (Landak River. Kajan area), SE
(Martapura), Upper Barito, etc. Mainly found in Quaternary river terraces and source rock still unclear. Mid-
Cretaceous Cenomanian peridotites/ serpentinites are most likely diamond source, but not all rivers draining
serpentinite terrains are diamond-bearing)
Krol, L.H. (1927)- On the occurrence of the Danau formation in Martapura (S. E. Borneo). Proc. Kon. Nederl.
Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 30, 3, p. 338-340.
(online at:
Krol, L.H. (1929)- Over het voorkomen der Danau-formatie in Martapoera (Z.O. Borneo). Proc. Kon. Nederl.
Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 35, p. 988-990.
('On the occurrence of the Danau Fm in Martapura, SE Kalimantan'. Dutch version paper above)
Krol, L.H. (1929)- Plooiingsrichtingen in het Mesozoicum van West- (Centraal en Zuid-Oost?) Borneo. De
Mijningenieur 10, 9, p. 200-202.
('Folding directions in the Mesozoic of West (Central and Southeast? Kalimantan'. In upper reaches of
Sekayam River, Sarawak border area, strike directions of sediments with Triassic fossils around N 20° W, while
Cretaceous beds strike N 60°(E?). Triassic with Monotis salinaria, M. inaequivalvis, Pseudomonotis ochotica,
Steinmannites. Lower Cretaceous with Orbitolina, Vola, Micrabacia, Arca cenomanensis, Ur Cretaceous with
Discorbina canaliculata (or Rosalina linnei= Globotruncana). Jurassic limestone of Bau, Sarawak at N 60° W
(Krol's data questioned by Wing Easton (1929), Mijningenieur 10, 12, p. 271-272))
Krol, L.H. (1929)- Radiolarienhoudende gesteenten van Borneo. De Mijningenieur 10, 11, p. 243-248.
('Radiolarian-bearing rocks of Borneo'. Radiolarian-bearing rocks known from various parts of Kalimantan
and Sarawak, probably of Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous ages. Three groups: (1) with 'normal' clastic
sediments and limestones; (2) as siliceous rocks (cherts, jaspis, radiolarites), (3) conglomerates with clasts of
older radiolarites. With appendix by Tan Sin Hok on radiolaria identifications (not very specific))
Krol, L.H. (1930)- De Mesozoische plooiingen op Borneo, Nederlandsch-Indie en omgeving en hunne waarde
voor het kaarteren van onbekende, fossiellooze gebieden. De Mijningenieur 11, 4, p. 68-89.
('The Mesozoic folding in Borneo, Netherlands Indies and surrounding areas and its value for mapping
unexplored non-fossiliferous areas'. English translation in Haile (1955, p. 17-38). Krol proposes controversial
tectonic model, in which directions of folding are used to date ages of Mesozoic folding in unfossiliferous
regions: Triassic N20°W, Cretaceous N60°E and Jurassic N60°W)
Kueter, N., J. Soesilo, Y. Fedortchouk, F. Nestola, L. Belluco, J. Troch, M. Walle, M. Guillong, A. Von Quadt
& T. Driesner (2016)- Tracing the depositional history of Kalimantan diamonds by zircon provenance and
diamond morphology studies. Lithos 265, p. 159-196.
(Diamonds in alluvial deposits in Kalimantan not accompanied by kimberlite or lamproite indicator minerals.
Meratus Mts 'headless' diamond deposits. Provenance analysis of diamond-bearing 'Dahor Fm' Pleistocene
river channel material and from outcrops of diamond-bearing Campanian-Maastrichtian Manunggul Fm.
Diamonds from Meratus and Sanggau area look like classical kimberlite-type diamonds. Inclusions of olivine,
coesite, garnet suggest P at formation 4.8-6.0 GPa and T of 930-1250°C. Zircons only small subset of
kimberlitic affinity. Trace elements (U, Th and Eu) suggest eclogitic source for zircons. Data support model for
Kalimantan diamonds of emplacement in N Australian Craton, then spread passively through SE Asia by
terrane migration during Gondwana breakup. Diamond-bearing lithologies metamorphosed by terrane
amalgamation events, destroying indicative mineral content. Orogenic uplift liberated diamond-content into
new, autochthonous placer deposits)
Kusnaeny, K. (1968)- Die Manganerzvorkommen in West-Kalimantan (Indonesien) und Orissa (Indien). Geol.
Jahrbuch 86, p. 655-692.
('The manganese ore occurrences in W Kalimantan (Indonesia) and Orissa (India)'. On mineralogy of
manganese ores of W Kalimantan. Mineralization tied to veins with rhodonite and piemontite in volcanic rocks,
subsequently enriched by lateritic weathering. Very little on geological setting)
Le Bel, L., J.L. Nagel, P. Lecomte & A. Muchsin (1985)- CTA39A, Follow-up work in the Longlaai area, NE
Kalimantan (The Longlaai Project)), Phase I. Bureau Rech. Geol. Minieres (BRGM) Report 86, p. 1-107.
(Unpublished) (Long Laai gold prospect associated with E Miocene (22.6 Ma) adamellite)
Lefevre, J.C., J. Collart, M. Joubert, J.L. Nagel & A. Paupy (1982)- Geological mapping and mineral
exploration in North-East Kalimantan 1979-1982; Final Report. Bureau Rech. Geol. Minieres (BRGM) and
Direktorat Jend. Pertambangan Umum, BRGM Report 82RDM007AO, p. 1-120.
(Unpublished survey report, available in Geological Survey library, Bandung. Geological mapping and
geochemical sampling program in area W of Tarakan Basin. Area dominated by tightly folded and faulted
Cretaceous- E Eocene flysch-type sediments, unconformably overlain by subhorizontal, rel. thin M-U Eocene
transgressive clastics series with reefal limestones, etc. Important volcanic phase in Miocene)
LeRoy, L.F. & G.O. Croes (1880)- Verslag van een onderzoek der lood en zinkertsafzettingaan de
Kandawangan Rivier, in de Westerafdeeling van Borneo. (Met een naschrift van C.J. van Schelle). Jaarboek
Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-lndie 1880, 2, p. 3-13
('Report on the lead and zinc ore deposit on the Kandawangan River in West Kalimantan. With a postscript by
van Schelle'. Early report on lead and zinc ore occurrence in SW Kalimantan, where high grade ore was found
by locals near Marouw on Kandawangan River, 14 km S of Ketapang border at Tanjung. Presence of ore
confirmed in this paper at two sites, but not in situ as lode or vein (see also Cretier 1879))
Li, S., X. Yang & W. Sun (2015)- The Lamandau IOCG deposit, southwestern Kalimantan Island, Indonesia:
evidence for its formation from geochronology, mineralogy, and petrogenesis of igneous host rocks. Ore
Geology Reviews 68, p. 43-58.
(Lamandau Fe-Cu-Au deposit in SW Kalimantan related to Late Cretaceous diorite porphyries with zircon U-
Pb ages of ~79 and 82 Ma. These arc-related igneous rocks may be tied to Pacific Plate subduction, but in
extensional environment, related to rollback of Pacific plate. Magnetite compositions of low REE and high Cu-
Au indicate possible Iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) mineralization system
Loth, J.E. (1920)- Verslag over de resultaten van geologisch- mijnbouwkundige verkenningen en opsporingen
in de residentie Wester-Afdeeling van Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-Indie (1918),
Verhandelingen 1, p. 224-280.
(‘Results of geological- mining reconnaissance in the West Borneo Residency’ With 1:500,000 geological map
and cross-sections on 2 sheets. Most of area, from Schwaner Mts in S, with granites overlain by rel. undeformed
Cretaceous- Eocene sediments. In N WNW-ESE trending Semitau hills with folded deep-water Danau Fm
shales with radiolarian cherts, unconformably overlain by less deformed, sandy Cretaceous (Cenomanian with
Orbitolina and Senonian brackish-water Melawi Group). In far North near Sarawak border folded slates of
unknown age. Rel. common Tertiary intrusives and volcanics)
Lumadyo, E., R. McCabe, S. Harder & T. Lee (1993)- Borneo: a stable part of the Eurasian margin since the
Eocene. In: B.K. Tan et al. (eds.) 7th Reg. Congress Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of SE Asia
(GEOSEA VII), Bangkok 1991, J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 8, p. 225-232.
(Paleomagnetic studies suggest SE Borneo has been at present position since Eocene, and no large Tertiary
counterclockwise rotation was observed)
Macke, C.A.F. (1921)- Het voorkomen van ijzererts op de eilanden van de Poeloe Laoet groep en op de
tegenoverliggende kuststreek van Borneo. Verslagen Mededelingen Dienst Mijnwezen 9, p.
(‘The occurrence of iron ore on the islands of the Pulu Laut group and the adjacent coastal area of Borneo’)
Macke, C.A.F. (1924)- Resultaten van het geologisch-mijnbouwkundig onderzoek in Zuidoost Borneo.
Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie, 50 (1921), Verhandelingen 1, p. 269-303.
MacKinnon, K., G. Hatta, H. Halim & A. Mangalik (1996)- The ecology of Kalimantan. The ecology of
Indonesia Series, vol. III, Periplus Editions, Singapore (also Oxford University Press), p. 1-870.
Margono, U., Sutrisno & E. Susanto (1997)- Geologic map Kandangan sheet, Kalimantan, 1: 250.000. Geol.
Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
Martin, K. (1882)- Begeleidende woorden bij een geologische kaart van Borneo, geteekend door Von Gaffron.
Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 7, p. 16-22. (also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen 1882,
Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, p.)
(‘Text accompanying a previously unpublished geological map of Borneo made by Von Gaffron’. S Kalimantan
map showing traverses made between 1843-1848; focused on mineral occurrences)
Martin, K. (1888)- Ueber das Vorkommen einer Rudisten fuehrenden Kreideformation im suedoestlichen
Borneo. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, ser. 1, 4, 4, p. 117-125.
(online at:
(‘On the occurrence of a rudist-bearing Cretaceous formation in SE Borneo'. Rel. poorly preserved molds of
Cretaceous rudists, collected by Van Schelle in 'Patellina (=Orbitolina) marl' at Sebaruang River, a left
tributary of Kapuas River (Danau Kloenten, Sungei Pangaringan, Sg. Limau Gulung, Sg. Djarikan). Identified
as Sphaerulites and Radiolites (age interpreted by Martin to be Senonian, but Umbgrove (1938) considered this
to be Cenomanian; JTvG)
Martin, K. (1888)- Ueber das Vorkommen einer Rudisten fuhrenden Kreideformation im sudostlichen Borneo.
Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 1888, Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, p. 72-80.
(‘On the occurrence of a rudist-bearing Cretaceous formation in SE Borneo'. Reprint of Martin (1888))
Martin, K. (1889)- Die Fauna der Kreideformation von Martapoera. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums
Leiden, ser. 1, 4, p. 126-194.
(online at:
('The fauna of the Cretaceous formation of Martapura’, SE Kalimantan. Marl-dominated U Cretaceous section
with sandstones and conglomerates. With poorly preserved ammonites (Acanthoceras), common oysters (Ostrea
martapuriensis, Ostrea ostracina), rudists (Sphaerulites, Radiolites), gastropods (incl. 8 species of Nerinea),
brachiopods (Terebratula spp.), bivalves (Trigonia limbata, Vola, Cardium). Age probably Upper Cretaceous/
Senonian. With 7 plates)
Martin, K. (1889)- Die Fauna der Kreideformation von Martapoera. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-
Indie 18, Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, p. 1-74.
('The fauna of the Cretaceous formation of Martapura’, SE Kalimantan. Reprint of Martin (1889) above)
Martin, K. (1889)- Versteinerungen der sogenanten alten Schieferformation von West Borneo. Sammlungen
Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, Ser. 1, 4, p. 198-208.
(online at:
(‘Fossils from the so-called Old Slate Formation of West Borneo’. Rare molluscs collected from shales by Van
Schelle in 'Chinese districts' of W Borneo. Presence of Gervillia borneensis n.sp. and Corbula sp. probably
indicate Cretaceous age (but Martin (1898) deemed these to be E Jurassic in age. See also Newton 1903,
Vogel). With 2 plates)
Martin, K. (1889)- Versteinerungen der sogenanten alten Schieferformation von West Borneo. Jaarboek
Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 18 (1889), Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, p. 75-85.
(‘Fossils from the so-called Old Slate Formation of West Borneo’. Reprint of Martin (1889)
Martin, K. (1889)- Untersuchungen uber der Bau von Orbitolina (Patellina auct.) von Borneo. Jaarboek
Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 18 (1889), Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte p. 86-108.
('Remarks on the construction of Orbitolina...'. Reprint of Martin (1889))
Martin, K. (1898)- Notiz uber den Lias von Borneo. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, ser. 1, 5, p.
(online at:
(‘Note on the Lias of Borneo’. Follow-up on Krause (1897) discovery of Liassic rocks of W Kalimantan. New
material collected by Wing Easton from shales-sands at Sungei Kerassiek near Sepang in Sambas not only
contained poorly preserved ammonite Harpoceras radians, but also bivalve Gervillia borneensis (already
described by Martin (1889), possibly from same area). No figures)
Martin, K. (1898)- Notiz uber den Lias von Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 27 (1898),
Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte p. 33-36.
(‘Note on the Lias of Borneo’. Same as Martin (1899))
Martin, K. (1898)- Die Fauna der Melawi-Gruppe, einer Tertiaren (Eocanen?) Brackwasser-ablagerung aus dem
innern von Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 27 (1898), Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, p.
('The fauna of the Melawi Group, a Tertiary (Eocene?) brackish-water deposit from the interior of Borneo'.
Same as Martin, 1899)
Martin, K. (1899)- Die Fauna der Melawi-Gruppe, einer Tertiaren (Eocanen?) Brackwasser-ablagerung aus dem
innern von Borneo. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, ser. 1, 5, p. 257-316.
(online at:
('The fauna of the Melawi Group, a Tertiary (Eocene?) brackish-water deposit from the interior of Borneo'.
Descriptions of probably Late Eocene-age brackish-fresh water molluscs from Melawi and Kajan Rivers area,
NW Kalimantan, collected by Wing Easton. Mainly species of bivalves Corbula (C. dajacensis), Cyrena (C.
subrotundata, C. melaviensis) and gastropods Melania and Paludomus (P. gracilis, P. crassa); less common
Arca melaviensis n.sp. Age indeterminate. With 2 plates)
Martin, K. (1899)- On brackish water-deposits of the Melawi in the interior of Borneo. Proc. Kon. Akademie
Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 1, p. 245-248.
(online at:
(Molluscs collected by Wing Easton and Molengraaff in sediments of Melawi River area, Upper Kapuas, C
Kalimantan, mainly fresh (Melania, Paludomus) or brackish water (Cyrena, Corbula), but also some shallow
marine species. Age Tertiary, possibly Eocene)
Maryanto, S., Jamal & K.D. Kusumah (2014)- Mikrofasies batugamping Formasi Butanunggal di daerah
Binuang, Kalimantan Selatan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 15, 4 (203), p. 195-204.
(online at:
'Limestone microfacies of the Batununggal Fm in the Binuang area, S Kalimantan'. Microfacies of Early
Cretaceous reefal limestone with Orbitolina (identified as Aptian-Albian Orbitolina oculata and O. primitiva)
in Meratus Mts. Limestones occuring as olistoliths in Late Cretaceous- Paleocene Keramaian Fm (?))
Mazur, S., C. Green, M. Stewart, R. Bouatmani & P. Markwick (2011)- Rotation of Borneo revisited- new
inferences from gravity data and plate reconstructions. In: Petrol. Geol. Conf. Exhib. (PGCE 2011), Kuala
Lumpur, Warta Geologi 37, 1, p. 52. (Abstract only; no figures)
(online at:
(Paleomagnetic data of 50+40° CCW rotation of Borneo since 80 Ma disputed. Large gravity lineaments
running E-W through Kalimantan and into Sea of Kalimantan(?) as well as ENE-WSW gravity anomalies
across Java Sea and into Sumatra are evidence of crustal continuity that is hard to reconcile with rotation
model of Hall (2002). Alternative plate model predicts 12-13° of CW rotation for Kalimantan and Sarawak
relative to S China since 30 Ma. N Sabah is separated from Sarawak and Kalimantan by plate boundary which
implies common tectonic history for N Sabah and S Palawan and separate evolution until M Miocene docking
of Palawan Block to N margin of Borneo and Cagayan Ridge)
McManus, J. & R.B. Tate (1976)- Volcanic control of structures in North and West Borneo. Proc. SEAPEX
Offshore SE Asia Conf., Singapore 1976, 5, p. 1-14.
(Volcanic and epiclastic rocks rel. widespread in N and W Borneo, and relationship between volcanism,
fracture patterns and sedimentation)
Milsom J. (1997)- The gravity field of Borneo and its region. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 40, p. 21-36.
(Review of gravity data on and around Borneo. Gravity data tends to support thin (<15km), probably oceanic
crust under Makassar Straits (and Kutai Basin?). Isostatic effects dominate gravity field in Borneo region, with
crust showing ability to support loads for short periods only and even then only in relatively small areas such
as Darvel Bay)
Mohler, W.A. (1946)- Uber das Vorkommen von Trocholina Paalzow in der Unterkreide von West-Borneo.
Eclogae Geol. Helvetiae 39, 2, p. 300-302.
(online at:
('On the occurrence of Trocholina Paalzow in the Lower Cretaceous of Borneo'. First report of small benthic
foram Trocholina in SE Asia, from Lower Cretaceous of Seberuang River, Kapuas drainage basin, W
Kalimantan. Associated ammonites described by Von Koenigswald 1939. Material collected by Zeijlmans 1939,
who noted similarities of this material with Dusun Pobungo Cretaceous of Jambi, Sumatra)
Molengraaff, G.A.F. (1909)- On oceanic deep-sea deposits of Central Borneo. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akademie
Wetenschappen Amsterdam, 12, p. 141-147.
(online at:
(Radiolarian cherts common in intensely folded Danau Fm (S of 'Old Slates' of U Kapuas mountain range near
Kalimantan-Sarawak border), in ~60km wide belt stretching E-W over distance of 650 km across N Central
Borneo from Upper Kapuas to Upper Mahakam Basin. Radiolarites often red in color and 97% silica)
Interpreted as deep oceanic deposits, similar to those forming at depths below 5000m at equatorial latitudes
today. (Age of Danau Fm oceanic assemblage is Jurassic- E Cretaceous according to Hinde (1900) and
Heryanto et al. 1993))
Molengraaff, G.A.F. (1909)- Iets over de rivieren van het eiland Borneo in verband met zijn geologische
gesteldheid. Handelingen Nederlandsch Natuur- Geneeskundig Congres 12, Utrecht, p. 700-712.
('About the rivers on the island of Borneo in relation to its geological condition'. In S half of Borneo all rivers
drain from N to S, to Java Sea, in N half of island rivers drain W to E or E to W. Related to E-W striking fold
trends in N Borneo, generally of Cretaceous age, while in S mostly granites, schists and Tertiary sandstones
with no preferential strike directions)
Molengraaff, G.A.F. (1914)- Hoofdtrekken der geologie van Oost Borneo naar aanleiding der reizen van prof.
dr. A.W. Nieuwenhuis en anderen. Verslagen Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap, Geol. Sectie, 1, p.
('Main points of the geology of East Kalimantan, after voyages of Prof. A.W. Nieuwenhuis and others')
Monnier, C., M. Polve, J. Girardeau, M. Pubellier, R.C. Maury, H. Bellon & H. Permana (1999)- Extensional to
compressive Mesozoic magmatism at the SE Eurasia margin as recorded from the Meratus ophiolite (SE
Borneo, Indonesia). Geodinamica Acta 12, 1, p. 43-55.
(Meratus ophiolitic series records (1) Jurassic continental rifting episode along Paleo-Eurasian margin
followed by ?Cretaceous backarc opening, as seen in peridotites and (2) M-Late Cretaceous subduction-related
calc-alkaline magmatism. Ophiolitic series ultramafics (lherzolites and pyroxenites) with minor metavolcanics,
typically enriched MORB to normal MORB types. Meratus peridotites fragment of subcontinental lithospheric
mantle. Back-arc basin basalts also in metamorphic soles of peridotites, formed in back-arc basin now accreted
to E margin of Eurasia and partly covered by calc-alkaline magmatism (Alino Fm). Ophiolitic series crosscut
by Late Turonian-Senonian Manunggul Fm calc-alkaline melts)
Moss, S.J. & M.E.J. Wilson (1998)- Biogeographic implications from the Tertiary palaeogeographic evolution
of Sulawesi and Borneo. In: R. Hall & J.D. Holloway (eds.) Biogeography and geological evolution of SE Asia.
Backhuys Publ., Leiden, p. 133-155.
(online at:
(Series of paleogeographic maps of Borneo- Sulawesi region, from 50- 4 Ma. W Sulawesi accreted onto Borneo
by Late Cretaceous, then separated in M-Late Eocene. E Sulawesi collided with W Sulawesi in M-L Oligocene.
Late Miocene accretion of Australia-derived microcontinents onto E Sulawesi)
Moyle, A.J., K. Bishoff, K.R. Alexander & H. Hoogvliet (1996)- Mt Muro gold deposit, Indonesia. In: Proc.
Conf. Porphyry related copper and gold deposits of the Asia Pacific Region, Cairns 1996, Australian Mineral
Found., Adelaide, p. 7.1-7.9.
(On Mt Muro gold deposit in C Kalimantan)
Muhammad, A.G. & B. Soetopo (2016)- Pemodelan dan estimasi sumber daya uranium di sektor Lembah
Hitam, Kalan, Kalimantan Barat. Eksplorium 37, 1, p. 1-12.
(online at:
Muller, J. (1966)- Montane pollen from the Tertiary of NW Borneo. Blumea 14, 1, p. 231-235.
(online at:
(Majority of spores-pollen in Oligocene- Pliocene sediments of NW Borneo derived from various types of
tropical lowland vegetation such as mangrove, peat swamp forest and mixed Dipterocarp forest. Some pollen
types reflect montane vegetation: (1) Podocarpus imbricatus and Phyllocladus (only since Late Pliocene;
migrated from New Guinea?); (2) Pinus, Picea, Tsuga, Ephedra an Alnus (abundant in Oligocene- E Miocene;
gradually decreasing in frequency during Miocene). Many of these 'Asiatic montane' pollen are all mainland
Asia types that do not occur in Borneo mountains today. Suggestive of rel. nearby Late Eocene uplift phase)
Murphy, R.W. (2002)- Throwaway lines on the petroleum geology of Borneo. SEAPEX Press 5, 2, p. 38-44.
(Series of statements on geology of North Borneo, incl. SW Borneo is underlain by Sunda cratonic continental
crust that amalgamated in Late Triassic time, N Borneo underlain by stacked sequences of oceanic crust,
dominantly of Late Jurassic- E Cretacous age, controversy exists about postulated Tertiary CCW rotations of
Borneo, etc.)
Murphy, R.W. & A.A. Morado (1998)- The structure of Borneo (7 crustal cross-sections). SEAPEX, p.
Nagel, J.L. (1990)- CTA 39A. Exploration of the Long Laai Zn-Pb-Ag skarn mineralisation in the Tahling
Basin, Kalimantan Timur (Indonesia). Bureau Rech. Geol. Minieres (BRGM) Report R-30433, DEX-DAM-90
p.. (Unpublished)
Newton, R. Bullen (1903)- Notes on some Jurassic shells from Borneo, including a new species of Trigonia.
Proc. Malacological Soc. London, 5, 6, p. 403-409.
(Jurassic rocks with molluscs known only from West of Borneo: Sultanate of Sambas and W Sarawak. Initially
described as Cretaceous by Martin (1890), subsequently determined to be Liassic. Description of new Jurassic
fossils from Boedak (Buduk), W Kalimantan, collected by McCarthy, incl. Trigonia molengraaffi n.sp.,
Protocardia, Corbula, Pseudomonotis, Exelissa, etc.. Most likely age 'Lower Oolitic' (= ~Bajocian, M Jurassic)
(Trigonia molengraaffi considered to be species of Myophorella (Haidaia) by Kobayashi (1957) and is common
in Upper Jurassic of Japan (Hayami 1984))
Newton, R.B. & R. Holland (1899)- On some Tertiary foraminifera from Borneo collected by Professor
Molengraaff and the late Mr. A.H. Everett and their comparison with similar forms from Sumatra. Ann. Mag.
Natural History ser. 7, 3, p. 245-264.
(Occurrences of Eocene Nummulites- Discocyclina limestones from Kalimantan- Sarawak/ Brunei border area,
and from Gomanton hill, Kinabatang district)
Nila, E.S., E. Rustandi & R. Heryanto (1995)- Geological map of the Palangkaraya Quadrangle, 1: 250,000.
Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
('Peta geologi lembar Palangkaraya, Kalimantan'. Southern C Kalimantan map sheet E and S of palngkaraya
town. Mainly Young Tertiary sediments with rel. small outcrop areas of Cretaceous granite and E Triassic(?)
quartzite and Triassic(?) volcanics)
Nixon, P.H. & S.C. Bergman (1987)- Anomalous occurrences of diamonds. Indiaqua 47, p. 21-27.
(Includes suggestion Borneo diamonds are associated with ultramafic rocks of obducted ophiolite)
Panggabean, H. (2005)- The occurrence of methane gas seepages in the Upper Ketungau area, West
Kalimantan. Indonesian Mining J. 8, 1, p. 1-8.
Panjaitan, S. (2015)- Dinamika dan evolusi cekungan Ketungau Kalimantan Barat berdasarkan metode
gayaberat. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 16, 2, p. 103-114.
(online at:
('Dynamics and evolution of the Ketungau basin, West Kalimantan, by gravity method'. Oil-gas seeps in
Sinaning River and upper Puturau and Ara Rivers along S margin of Ketungau Basin. Gravity anomalies 2
areas: 16-58 mGal anomaly over Semitau high and 8-16 mGal over sedimentary basin. Ketungau Basin
controlled by reverse and normal faults; formed as foreland basin when Kalimantan underwent 60º Oligocene-
Miocene rotation to left. Basement interpreted as ophiolite or oceanic rocks, deformed by block faulting,
Cretaceous- Tertiary sediment thickness Ketungau Basin up to ~4km)
Parkinson, C.D., K. Miyazaki, K. Wakita, A.J. Barber & D.A. Carswell (1998)- An overview and tectonic
synthesis of the pre-Tertiary very-high pressure metamorphic and associated rocks of Java, Sulawesi and
Kalimantan, Indonesia. Island Arc 7, p. 184-200.
(High-P metamorphic rocks common in Cretaceous accretionary complexes of Java, Sulawesi, SE Kalimantan.
Many occur as imbricate slices of carbonate, quartzose and pelitic schists of shallow marine or continental
margin parentage, interthrust with subordinate basic schists and serpentinite. Predominantly low-intermediate
metamorphic grade, with K-Ar ages of 110-120 Ma. Metamorphic rocks from greater depths (>60 km)
sporadically exposed, usually as tectonic blocks. Metamorphic rocks probably recrystallized in N-dipping
subduction zone at Sundaland craton margin in Early Cretaceous. Exhumation may have been facilitated by
collision of Gondwanan continental fragment with Sundaland margin at ~120-115 Ma)
Permanadewi, S., M.H.J. Dirk & U. Hartono (1997)- Penarikhan Kalium-Argon batuan granitik daerah
Kalimantan selatan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 7, 74, p. 25-32.
(K-Ar analyses of granitic rocks in the S Kalimantan area'. New analyses of Cretaceous granites from Meratus
Range E of Kandangan and Barabai. Two groups of granitic rocks (1) E Cretaceous group (121-103 Ma; calc-
alkaline, I-type, subduction-related volcanic arc granites) and (2) Late Cretaceous tonalite and diorite (71-70
Ma; unknown genesis). Also 131.1 ± 12.8 Ma age for gabbro)
Permanadewi, S., U. Hartono & I. Saifudin (1996)- Hasil pentarikhan Kalium- Argon dan jejak belah batuan
gunungapi Pulau Laut: implikasinya terhadap evolusi magma Kalimantan Selatan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya
Mineral 6, 63, p. 10-16.
('Results of K-Ar and trace elements of volcanic rocks from Pulau Laut; implications for the magmatic
evolution of S Kalimantan'. K-Ar and fission track ages of volcanics of Laut Island off SE Kalimantan. K-Ar
ages of Cretaceous Haruyan Fm andesitic volcanics 82 Ma (E Campanian) and 69.6 Ma; Paleocene andesite
and microgabbro, Oligocene andesite of 32.5 Ma. Apatite Fission track ages of G. Peltin diorite at E side of
island 7.6- 8.3 Ma)
Pieters, P.E. & S. Supriatna (1990)- Late Cretaceous- Early Tertiary continent- continent collision in Borneo.
In: T.J. Wiley et al. (eds.) Terrane analysis of China and the Pacific Rim, Circum-Pacific Council Energy and
Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, 13, p. 193-194.
Pieters, P.E. & S. Supriatna (1990)- Geological map of the West, Central and East Kalimantan Area, 1:
1000,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Indonesia.
(Includes 91-80 Ma radiometric age for Sukadana Granite)
Pieters, P.E., Surono & Y. Noya (1993)- Geological map of the Nangaobat Sheet area, Kalimantan 1:250,000.
Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
Posewitz, T.A.K. (1883)- Geologische Notizen aus Central-Borneo (das Tertiare Hugelland bei Teweh).
Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Nederlandsch-Indie 43, p. 169-175.
('Geologic notes from Central Borneo- the Tertiary hill country near Teweh'. Brief description of surface
geology of upper Kutei basin near Muara Teweh. Common rel. hard sandstones, locally with plant fragments,
overlain by marls and ~40m thick Nummulites- orbitoid limestone. Stratigraphy appears similar to Eocene of
Pengaron (Barito basin). No figures/ maps)
Posewitz, T. (1882)- Unsere geologische Kenntnisse von Borneo. Mitteilungen Jahrbuch Konigl. Ungarischen
Geologischen Anstalt, Budapest, 6, p. 136-162.
('Our geological knowledge of Borneo')
Posewitz, T. (1889)- Borneo: Entdeckungsreisen und Untersuchungen; gegenwartiger Stand der geologischen
Kenntnisse, Verbreitung der nutzbaren Mineralen. Friedlander, Berlin, p. 1-385.
(online at:
('Borneo: discovery journeys an investigations; present state of geological knowledge, distribution of economic
minerals'. Early textbook with overview of exploration, geology, mineral occurrences of all of Borneo Island,
with first geological map. Few illustrations)
Posewitz, T. & F.H. Hatch (1892)- Borneo: its geology and mineral resources. Edward Stanford, London, p. 1-
(online at:
(English translation of German original. First non-Dutch overview of late 1800’s state of knowledge of Borneo
geology, coal and minerals)
Priadi, B (2010)- Kalimantan magmatic system. In: N.I. Basuki & S. Prihatmoko (eds.) Proc. MGEI-IAGI
Seminar Kalimantan coal and mineral resources, Balikpapan 2010, p. 187-190.
(Eocene-Miocene magmatic products in Kalimantan calc-alkaline, subduction-related magmatism, correlated
to subduction of S China Sea Plate, indicating time of collision of Luconia continental plate to NW Kalimantan.
Priyomarsono, Sumarso (1985)- Contribution a l’etude geologique du Sud-est de Borneo, Indonesia: geologie
structurale de la partie meridionale de la chaine des Meratus. Thesis, Universite de Savoie, Chambery, Trav.
Dept. Sciences de la. Terre 5, p. 1-198. (Unpublished)
(Abstract at:
(‘Contribution to the study of SE Borneo: structural geology of the southern part of the Meratus chain’. Oldest
rocks M Cretaceous Alino Fm volcanic arc deposits (Pulau Laut and W Sulawesi transitional arc-forearc
rocks). Radiolarians and Orbitolina gave M Albian- Cenomanian age; interbedded lavas K/Ar age ~92 Ma,
granite ~97Ma. Cenomanian obduction of peridotites with metamorphic sole dated at ~145 Ma, possibly due to
collision of unknown microcontinent. Unconformably overlain by Turonian- Senonian Manunggul Fm molasse
with calc-alkaline volcanics dated between 87-72 Ma. Eocene (and older?) extensional grabens with paralic,
then marine deposits of Tanjung Fm. Middle Miocene compression, tied to Sula-Sulawesi collision, formed most
folding and uplift along E border of Meratus Mts. Neotectonic uplift phase caused additional, recent uplift)
Priyomarsono, S. (1986)- Evolusi tektonik daerah Meratus dan sekitarnya, Kalimantan Tenggara. Proc. Ann.
Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), p.
(‘Tectonic evolution of the Meratus and surrounding areas, Kalimantan’. Summary of thesis above)
Priyomarsono, S. & A. Sumarsono (1996)- Kontrol tektonik pada sedimentasi progading delta di cekungan
Kutai, Kalimantan Timur. Proc. 25th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), 2, p. 104-119.
('Tectonic control on prograding delta sedimentation in the Kutai Basin, E Kalimantan')
Pubellier, M., J. Girardeau & I. Tjashuri (1999)- Accretion history of Borneo inferred from the polyphase
structural features in the Meratus Mountains. In: I. Metcalfe (ed.) Gondwana dispersion and Asian accretion,
IGCP 321 Final results volume, A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 141-160.
(Meratus Mountains area of Mid-Cretaceous ophiolite obduction (oblique, N-S directed collision) and
separates Eocene Barito and Asem-Asem basins. W front high-angle thrust, E flank gentle East dip. Main
Meratus uplift around E-M Miocene boundary(remote response to Banggai-Sula collision). Two phases of
Paleogene extension: N110E in Barito (Paleocene?) and N20E (Eocene; tied to Makassar Straits opening))
Pubellier, M. & D. Menier (2013)- The ups-and-downs of Borneo. In: 3rd Int. Conf. Palaeontology of South-
East Asia (ICPSEA3), Malaysia, p. 42. (Abstract only)
(online at:
Purwanto, H.S. (2009)- Mineralisasi lead- zinc daerah Riamkusik, Kecamatan Marau, Kabupaten Ketapang,
Propinsi Kalimantan Barat. J. Ilmiah Magister Teknik Geologi (UPN) 2, 2, 15p.
(online at:
('Lead- Zinc mineralization in the Riamkusik area, District Marau, Ketapang, W Kalimantan Province'.
Massive sulphide mineralisation in SW Kalimantan with galena, magnetite, sphalerite, pyrite, stibnite, hematite,
chalcopyrite, also some Au and Ag. In fault zone in Cretaceous volcanics/ andesitic intrusions (?))
Purwanto, H.S. & H. Riswandi (2010)- Jenis deposit “massive sulphide” Pb-Zn di dearah Riam Kusik,
Kecamatan Ketapang, propinsi Kalimantan Barat. J. Ilmiah Magister Teknik Geologi (UPN) 3, 2, 12p.
(online at:
('Type of "massive sulphide" Pb-Zn deposit in Riam Kusik, Ketapang District, West Kalimantan'. Massive
sulphide mineralization with galena, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, etc., following E-W structural grain)
Retgers, J.W. (1891)- Mikroskopisch onderzoek eener verzameling gesteenten uit de afdeeling Martapura, Zuid-
en Oost Afd. van Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 1891, Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, p.
Retgers, J.W. (1893)- Uber kristallinische Schiefer, insbesondere Glaukophanschiefer, und Eruptivgesteine im
sudlichen Borneo. Neues Jahrbuch Mineral. Geol. Palaont. 1893, 1, p. 39-43.
('On crystalline schists, particularly glaucophane schists, and volcanic rocks in southern Kalimantan'. First
record of high P- low T glaucophane schists from Meratus Mountains at Pengaron and further north, collected
by Hooze. Also peridotites-serpentinites. Little or no granite and true gneiss)
Retgers, J.W. (1895)- Mikroskopisch onderzoek van gesteenten van de Oostkust van Borneo, verzameld door
J.A. Hooze. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 1895, Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, p. 78-98.
('Microscopic study of rocks from the east coast of Kalimantan, collected by J.A. Hooze'. Brief petrographic
descriptions, many from Pulau Laut, of a.o. quartz sandstones from Kutai, porphyrite/ diabase, diorite, and
serpentinite from Palau Laut, limestone from Laut straits, etc.)
Robinson, G., N. Ratman & P. Senyaja (1996)- The accreted Meratus terranes Southeast Kalimantan. Bull.
Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, 20, p. 35-56.
(At least 3 terranes accreted to SE Kalimantan from E between Barremian-Aptian and end-Paleocene. Meratus
Mts consists of number of W-dipping partly subducted slabs of pre-Aptian oceanic crust, with granite and
marine sediments. Stratigraphy includes Aptian-Paleocene arc volcanics, Barremian-Aptian granite, Aptian-
Paleocene marine sediments and slivers of high P-low T metamorphic equivalents of these rocks. Meratus Mts
uplifted and partly eroded at end-Paleocene, followed by deposition of Eocene- Pleistocene sediments (much of
this is unlikely to be correct; JTvG))
Robinson, G.P., A.Y.S. Wah, B.T. Setiabudi, D.N. Sunuhadi, J.M. Hammarstrom, S. Ludington, A.A.
Bookstrom, S.A. Yenie & M.L. Zientek (2013)- Porphyry copper assessment for Tract 142pCu7019, Central
Kalimantan-Indonesia and Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia. In: J.M. Hammarstrom et al., Porphyry copper
assessment of Southeast Asia and Melanesia, U.S. Geol. Survey, Scient. Invest. Rep. 2010-5090-D, Appendix I,
p. 149-163.
(online at:
(Assessment of porphyry copper deposits in C Kalimantan- N Borneo dispersed belt of late Oligocene- Pliocene
intermediate intrusives and volcanics. Relation of these intrusive rocks to subduction unclear, and tectonic
setting for porphyry copper deposits in this tract likely post-subduction. All porphyry copper prospects likely of
Miocene-Pliocene age. Only one known porphyry copper deposit: Mamut (Sabah; 1966))
Robinson, K. (1987)- Palinspastic thickness map of the Paleogene sequence of the Circum-Borneo region,
Southeast Asia. Open-File Report U.S. Geol. Survey (USGS), Reston, OF 87-495-B.
(online at:
(Paleogene isopach map of circum-Borneo region)
Robinson, K. (1987)- Palinspastic paleogeographic map of the Paleogene sequence of the Circum-Borneo
region, Southeast Asia. U.S. Geol. Survey (USGS), Reston, Open-File Report OF 87-495-C.
(online at:
(Broad Paleogene paleogeography map of Borneo)
Robinson, K. (1987)- Palinspastic thickness map of the Neogene sequence of the Circum-Borneo region,
Southeast Asia. Open-File Report U.S. Geol. Survey (USGS), Reston, OF 87-495-D.
(online at:
(Neogene isopach map of circum-Borneo region)
Robinson, K. (1987)- Palinspastic paleogeographic map of the Neogene sequence of the Circum-Borneo region,
Southeast Asia. Open-File Report U.S. Geol. Survey (USGS), Reston, OF 87-495-E.
(online at:
Robinson, K. (1987)- Location map of major Tertiary sedimentary provinces and structural elements of the
Circum-Borneo region, Southeast Asia. Open-File Report U.S. Geol. Survey (USGS), OF87-495-F.
(online at:
(Simple Tertiary basins of Borneo area outlines map)
Robinson, K. & E.P. DuBois (1987)- Thickness map of the petroliferous Tertiary sequence of the Circum-
Borneo region, Southeast Asia. Open-File Report U.S. Geol. Survey (USGS), Reston, OF 87-495-A.
(online at:
(Tertiary isopach map of circum-Borneo region. Part of structure, isopach, paleogeographic maps series)
Rodenburg, J.K. (1984)- Geology, genesis and bauxite reserves of West Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: L. Jacob
(ed.) Bauxite, Proc. Bauxite symposium Los Angeles 1984, Am. Inst. Min. Metall. Petrol. Eng., New York, p.
(Major bauxite belt evaluated from 1969 to 1974 by PT Alcoa in W Kalimantan, Indonesia. Bauxite occurs as
capping of low hills, formed during post-Paleogene peneplanation stage. Deposits formed by in situ weathering
of predominantly acidic and basic intrusive rocks)
Rusmana, E. & P. Pieters (1993)- Geology of the Sambas/Siluas sheet area, Kalimantan, Quads 1317-1417,
1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(Geologic map of NW tip of Kalimantan. Includes in North Late Jurassic- E Cretaceous Serabang melange
complex with ultramafics, intruded by Upper Cretaceous Pueh granite. In S typical 'NW Kalimantan Domain'
stratigraphy: Paleozoic-Triassic? metamorphics, overlain by very thick (>1500m) Late Triassic-Jurassic
Bengkayang Gp clastics, overlain by Cretaceous Pedawan Fm, unconformably overlain by Paleogene Kayan
Sst, intruded by numerous Late Oligocene-E Miocene Sintang intrusives and also Pliocene Niut Volcanics)
Rustandi, E., E.S. Nila, P. Sanyoto & U. Margono (1995)- Geological map of the Kotabaru Sheet, Kalimantan.
1:250,000, Quad 1812. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(Map sheet of SE-most Meratus Mts, Asem Asem Basin and Pulau Laut and Sebuku islands. All areas with
folded succession of ultramafic rocks (in E Meratus associated with 'amphibolite-garnet schist' and mid
Cretaceous Kintap Orbitolina limestone olistoliths; on Pulau Laut overlain by basalt, silicified sandstones and
radiolarian cherts), overlain by Upper Cretaceous Pitap Fm polymict clastics and Eocene clastics with coals.
Oligocene Berai Lst covers much of Asem Asem basin. Overlain by Warukin Fm. Folding post-dates Miocene
Warukin Fm deposition)
Rutten, L. (1926)- Over het voorkomen der Danau-formatie in Martapoera (Z.O. Borneo). Proc. Kon. Nederl.
Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 35, p. 31-35.
('On the occurrence of the Danau Fm in Martapura, SE Kalimantan'. See English version below)
Rutten, L. (1926)- On the occurrence of the Danau-formation in Martapura (S.E. Borneo). Proc. Kon. Akademie
Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 29, 4, p. 524-528.
(online at:
(Many rocks described by Hooze (1893) as Cretaceous Waringin and Alino claystones are radiolarites and may
be considered as equivalents of Molengraaff's Danau Fm Mesozoic radiolarian-rich deep water deposits from
C Kalimantan. Conclusion questioned by Krol (1926))
Rutten, L.M.R. (1927)- Chapters 13-21 on the geology of Borneo. In: L.M.R. Rutten (1927) Voordrachten over
de geologie van Nederlandsch Indie, Wolters, Groningen, p. 191-310.
(Review of geology of Borneo in Rutten's classic lecture series)
Rutten, L. & C.J. Rutten-Pekelharing (1911)- De omgeving der Balikpapan-Baai. Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands
Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (2) 28, p. 579-601.
(’The Balikpapan Bay area’. Brief geolographic- geologic description of area on E Kalimantan coast)
Rutten, M.G. (1943)- Over enkele Devonische fossielen uit Midden Oost-Borneo. Handelingen XXIX
Nederlandsch Natuur- Geneeskundig Congres, Amsterdam 1943, p. 58-59.
(‘On some Devonian fossils from Central E Borneo’. Brief note on Devonian coral and sponge fossils in
Utrecht collection, collected by Witkamp (1927) in Telen River area, NE Kalimantan, in large area of 'Old
Slates'. Rutten suggests Witkamp rocks are from 'Danau Fm', composed of isoclinally folded cherts,
radiolarites, quartzitites (in other parts of C Kalimantan with Triassic Halobia and Monotis; Zeijlmans 1938),
and greywackes, spilitic diabase and diabase porphyrites associated with (Permian) fusulinids. Telen location
is ~200km NNW of Samarinda. Rocks part of N/E margin of 'Borneo continental core- SW Borneo Terrane', as
exposed in NW Kalimantan- W Sarawak, or part of Panthalassan accreted arc terrane?; JTvG)
Rutten, M.G. (1947)- De gesteenten der Midden Oost-Borneo Expeditie 1925. Geogr. Geol. Meded.,
Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Physiogr.-Geol. Reeks II, 9, p. 1-51.
('The rocks of the Central East Borneo Expedition'. Geological results of 1925 geographic expedition and
descriptions of rocks collected by Witkamp, now at Utrecht University. Gently folded Tertiary sediments in S
part, isoclinally folded, radiolarian-rich pre-Tertiary Danau Fm in North. Diorites emplaced in Danau Fm.
Local Late Tertiary volcanics. With descriptions of Devonian coral and stromatoporoid, Eocene (Ta)
Nummulites- alveolinid limestones, also rare Pellatispira, Miocene larger foraminifera, etc.)
Santy, L.D. (2014)- Diagenesis batupasir Eosen di Cekungan Ketungau dan Melawi, Kalimantan Barat. J.
Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 15, 3, p. 117-131.
('Diagenesis of Eocene sandstones of Ketungau and Melawi basins, W Kalimantan'. Eocene sandstones
outcropping around Semitau High in NW Kalimantan show 'mesogenetic mature B' stage, indicating former
burial between 2700-4000m in Melawi Basin. Eocene sands in Ketungau Basin 'mesogenetic semi-mature', i.e.
burial depth of ~1500-2000m (less than Melawi Basin because of uplift with Semitau High in Oligocene))
Santy, L.D. & H. Panggabean (2013)- The potential of Ketungau and Silat shales in Ketungau and Melawi
Basins, West Kalimantan: for oil shale and shale gas exploration. J. Geologi Indonesia 8, 1, p. 39-53.
(online at:
(Ketungau and Melawi Paleogene intramontane basin, in NW Kalimantan have potential for oil shale and shale
gas. Ketungau shale dominated by type III, immature, and gas prone kerogen. Silat shale in Melawi Basin
dominated by type II, immature- early mature, mixed gas, and oil prone kerogen. Both formations widespread
and typically 900-1000m thick)
Sanyoto, P. (1992)- The stratigraphy and structure in the Semitau area; evidence for compressional tectonics in
the Late Oligocene- Early Miocene. In: 29th Int. Geological Congress, Kyoto 1992, Abstracts, p. 433.
Sanyoto, P. (1993)- Regional tectonics of West Kalimantan. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol.
(IAGI), Bandung, 1, p. 136. (Abstract only)
Sanyoto, P. & P.E. Pieters (1993)- Geological map of the Pontianak/Nangataman Sheet area, Kalimantan,
1314/1315, 1:250,000, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
Sanyoto, P. & R. Sukamto (2000)- Perkembangan tektonik. In: U. Hartono, R. Sukamto et al. (eds.) (2000)-
Evolusi magmatik Kalimantan Selatan, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Spec. Publ. 23, p. 85-117.
(Review of Meratus Mountains tectonics, in 'Magmatic evolution of S Kalimantan' book. Lower Cretaceous
amalgamation of ophiolite/ Jurassic metamorphics and Sundaland margin, etc.)
Sarbini, S.A. & W. Wirakusumah (1988)- Uranium deposit model for estimation of ore reserves in the Remaja
area, West Kalimantan. In: Proc. Conf. Uranium deposits in Asia and the Pacific; geology and exploration,
Jakarta 1985, Int. Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, IAEA-TC-543/11, p. 155-166.
(On 1974-1978 uranium exploration work in W-C Kalimantan, identifying some mineralization in Kalan
Prospect in N-dipping fault breccias in SE-dipping metasediments in Remaja area)
Sardjono (2000)- Evolusi kerak Lajur Meratus dan implikasi terhadap aspek mineralisasi. Majah Mineral &
Energi (EDSM) 2, 2, p. 16-19.
('Crustal evolution of the Meratus Mts and implications of aspects of mineralization')
Sarmili, L. (1997)- Indikasi mineral kasiterit dan mineral berat lainnya di perairan Kalimantan Barat dan
sekitarnya. Proc. 26th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Jakarta, Sumber Daya Min. Energi, p. 254-262.
('Indications of cassiterite and other heavy minerals in waters of West Kalimantan'. Presence of cassiterite in
seafloor sediments off SW Kalimantan suggests presence in source area of granites with same properties as
granites around Bangka- Belitung)
Sarmili, L. (1998)- Surficial cassiterite deposits dispersal in southwest Kalimantan waters. Bull. Marine Geol.
Inst. (MGI), Bandung, 13, 2, p. 1-8.
(Similar to Sarmili (1999) paper below. High anomaly cassiterite deposit in SW Kalimantan waters indicates tin
deposits not only adjacent to Bangka and Belitung Islands, but also further E near Kalimantan. Extension of
anomalies supported by shallow seismic andmagnetic data indicating occurrence of granitic basement close to
sea bed. Granitic basement may be different from basement of Bangka-Belitung (main granitic of tin belt), but
may belong to Anambas-Natuna granitic belt)
Sarmili, L. (1999)- Submarine cassiterite in southwest Kalimantan waters. In: Proc. 35th Sess. Sess. Co-ord.
Comm. Coastal Offshore Geosc. Programs E and SE Asia (CCOP), Subic Bay 1998, 2, Techn. Repts, p. 93-102.
(Discovery of cassiterite anomalies in W Kalimantan waters, indicating tin placers may form not only near
Banka and Belitung islands but also off Kalimantan. Shallow seismic data and strong magnetic anomalies
indicate granitic intrusions close to surface, interpreted as source of cassiterite. Granites of Bangka-Belitung
are part of Main granite tin belt whereas W Kalimantan intrusions belong to Anambas-Natuna granitic belt)
Satyana, A.H. (1994)- The northern massifs of the Meratus Mountains, South Kalimantan: nature, evolution,
and tectonic implications to the Barito structures. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Jakarta, 1,
p. 457-470.
Satyana, A.H. (1996)- Adang-Lupar Fault, Kalimantan: controversies and new observations on the Trans-
Kalimantan megashear. Proc. 25th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 3, p. 124-143.
(Adang and Lupar faults are probably connected and form major WNW-ESE trans-Kalimantan left-lateral
mega-shear fault zone, from Natuna to Makassar Straits, along which transpressional and transtensional
deformation occurred)
Satyana, A.H. & C. Armandita (2008)- On the origin of the Meratus Uplift, Southeast Kalimantan- tectonic and
gravity constraints: a model for exhumation of collisional orogen in Indonesia. Proc. 33rd Ann. Conv. Indon.
Assoc. Geophys. (HAGI), Bandung 2008, 4p.
(Meratus Mts is collisional suture marking E-M Cretaceous collision of Schwaner and Paternoster continents.
Presently, mountains are basement uplift separating Barito from Asem-Asem and Pasir Basins. Lack of gravity
and magnetic expression of ultramafics suggests Meratus Mts are ‘rootless’, composed of thin allochthonous
oceanic slab, exhumed in Late Cretaceous due to buoyancy of thick subducted Paternoster continent after
oceanic front broke off. Lack of deformation on seismic data from S Makassar Strait and Paternoster terrane
oppose common view that micro-continents colliding with E Sulawesi propagated their tectonic forces W-wards
and uplifted Meratus Mts)
Satyana, A.H. & H. Darman (2000)- Kalimantan. In: H. Darman & F.H.Sidi (eds.) Outline of the geology of
Indonesia, Chapter 5, Indonesian Association of Geologists (IAGI), Jakarta, p. 69-90.
Schairer, G. & A. Zeiss (1992)- First record of Callovian ammonites from West Kalimantan (Middle Jurassic,
Kalimantan Barat, Borneo, Indonesia). BMR J. Australian Geol. Geophysics 13, 3, p. 229-236.
(online at:
(New ammonite fauna of probable Callovian age from Brandung Fm dark limestones and shales in W
Kalimantan, 40 km NW of Sanggau With Hectioceras spp., Reineckia and Indosphinctes, Kalimantanites n.gen.,
Borneoceras sanggauense n.gen. n.sp., etc. Many endemic elements, but main affinities with Iran and Europe
(fauna different from Macrocephalites-dominated Callovian assemblages of E Indonesia/ New Guinea; JTvG))
Scheele, E. (1908)- Uber Einige Erdoele aus Borneo. Dissertation, Universitat Basel, p. 1-64.
(online at:…)
('On some oils from Borneo'. Old chemical analyses of 15 crude oil samples from Sanga Sanga and Louise
fields, E Kalimantan))
Schelmann, W. (1966)- Die lateritische Verwitterung eines marine Tons in Sudost-Kalimantan. Geol. Jahrbuch
84, p. 163-188.
('The lateritic weathering of a marine claystone in SE Kalimantan'. Study of 3m lateritic iron ore profile above
Eocene marine clay which overlies serpentinite at SW flank of Kukusan Mountains, SE Kalimantan)
Schmutzer, J. (1908)- Bijdrage tot de kennis der oude eruptiefgesteenten en amphiboolschisten aan de Rivieren
Sebilit en Tebaoeng in Centraal-Borneo. Verhandelingen Kon. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam (2), 14,
3, p. 1-48.
(‘Contribution to the knowledge of old volcanic rocks and amphibole schists along the Sebilit and Tebaung
Rivers in Central Kalimantan'. Petrographic descriptions of gabbros, diorite, peridotite-serpentinite and
amphibolite from Molengraaff collection from steeply dipping section in Semitau Hills. Most rocks float in
Tebaung River)
Schmutzer, J. (1909)- The mineralogic and chemical composition of some rocks from Central Borneo. Proc.
Kon. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 11, p. 398-415.
(online at:
(Petrographic descriptions and chemical analyses of 4 igneous rocks collected along Sebilit and Tebaung
Rivers in Central Borneo’ by Molengraaff from C Kalimantan: amphibole dacite, andesite and microgranite)
Schmutzer, J. (1911)- Die vulkanischen Gesteine des westlichen Mullergebirges in Zentral-Borneo. Centralblatt
Mineralogie Geologie Palaont. 1911, p. 321-327.
(online at:
('The volcanic rocks of the western Muller Mountains in Central Kalimantan'. Summary description of volcanic
rocks of Muller Range, described in more detail in Schmutzer (1910). No figures)
Schultz, J.F.H. (1843)- Iets over de diamantmijnen in Landak, Westerafdeeling van Borneo. Tijdschrift Nederl.
Indie, new series, 6, 2, p. 454-465.
('Note on the diamond mines at Landak, western province of Borneo')
Schwaner, C. (1853)- Borneo. Beschrijving van het stroomgebied van den Barito en reizen langs eenige
voorname rivieren van het Zuid-Oostelijke gedeelte van dat eiland op last van het Gouvernement van
Nederlandsch-Indie, gedaan in de jaren 1843-1847. Van Kampen, Amsterdam, 2 vols., p. 1-234.
('Borneo: description of the drainage area of the Barito and travels along some important rivers of the SE part
of that island undertaken by order of the Netherlands Indies government in 1843-1847'. First geologic-
geographic/ anthropological survey work in S Kalimantan during overland journey from Banjarmasin to
Pontianak. Includes discovery of coal in 1844 at Riam Kiwa, SE Kalimantan)
Seavoy, R.E. (1975)- Placer diamond mining in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Indonesia (Southeast Asia Program
Publications at Cornell University) 19, p. 79-84.
(Diamonds, gold and platinum in river and terrace gravels in Martapura and Pleihari regions, SE Kalimantan.
Most placer gold from nearby Bobaris Mts. Platinum from weathering of layered ultrabasic rocks that form
cores of Bobaris and Meratus Mts. Diamonds from kimberlite pipes associated with ultrabasic rocks of Bobaris
Mts. Only small-scale mining by villagers)
Seeley, J.B. & T.J. Senden (1994)- Alluvial gold in Kalimantan, Indonesia: a colloidal origin? J. Geochemical
Exploration 50, 1-3, p. 457-478.
(Placer gold deposits in Quaternary paleochannels and Pleistocene terraces in Ampalit and Cempaga Buang
drainage basins near Kasongan, C Kalimantan. Nearby in N and NW basement outcrops (Permo-Triassic
metamorphics and large Jurassic-Cretaceous granodioritic plutons, with NE structural trend throughout
basement) and Oligo-Miocene volcanics-intrusives associated with epithermal gold deposits. Morphology of
gold grains (common spherical grains) from Ampalit indicates gold grains possibly of colloidal origin, not
mechanically transported to present domain, but transported via ground water to zone of aggregation)
Sendjaja, P., M.E. Suparka & E. Sucipta (2009)- Adakites rocks from Sintang, West Kalimantan and Una-Una
Island, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia: evidence of slab melting of subducted young oceanic crust. In: 11th Reg.
Congress Geology, mineral and energy resources of Southeast Asia (GEOSEA 2009), Kuala Lumpur, p. 42-43.
(Abstract) (online at:
(Adakites refer to group of silicic arc igneous-volcanic rocks primarily produced by direct melting of basaltic
portion of subducted young (<25 ma) oceanic crust. Geochemical characteristic high silica (SiO2 >56%), high
Al2O3 (>15%), low MgO (<3%), high Sr, low Y. M Miocene adakitic granodiorite from Sintang, W Kalimantan
and Quarternary adakites volcanic rocks from UnaUna Island, C Sulawesi similar patterns of LREE-enriched
signature of island arc, confirming rocks produced in convergent margin environment)
Setiabudi, B.T. (2002)- Nested cannibalistic intrusions associated with the Kelian gold deposit, Indonesia:
zircon U-Pb dating by Excimer laser ablation ICP-MS. Proc. 31st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI),
Surabaya, 2, p. 894-911.
(Kelian and Magerang andesites 250km W of Samarinda, with short age range. Magmatism and mineralization
within 0.5- 1.0 Myrs around 19.4 Ma (E Miocene). Produced two types of eithermal deposits. Detrital zircons in
nearby rivers Tertiary populations of 1.7-2.8 Ma and 15.8-21.7 Ma; large Cretaceous peak at ~105 Ma))
Setiabudi, B.T. (2002)-Geochemistry of the igneous suite of the Kelian region, East Kalimantan, Indonesia:
implications for the gensis of the Kelian deposit. Proc. 31st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Surabaya,
2, p. 912-933.
(E Miocene calk-alkaline arc volcanics of Kelian region two magmatic differentiation trends. Part of Central
Kalimantan continental arc of andesitic- trachyandesitic rocks)
Setiabudi, B.T., I.H. Campbell, C.E. Martin & C.M. Allen (2007)- Platinum group element geochemistry of
andesite intrusions of the Kelian region, East Kalimantan, Indonesia; implications of gold depletion in the
intrusions associated with the Kelian gold deposit. Econ. Geol. and Bull. Soc. Econ. Geol. 102, 1, p. 95-108.
(Gold mineralization at Kelian mine younger than associated C and E andesite intrusions (~19-20 Ma)
considered to be related to S-dipping subduction zone in NW Sarawak. Gold probably derived from slightly
younger intrusions. Parallel Cu-Au-PGE patterns due to mixing between mafic and more felsic magma)
Setiawan, B. (1993)- Les lignees granitiques et les skarns mineralisees en Zn de Longlaai, Est-Kalimantan
(Borneo, Indonesie). Thesis Ecole Nat. Sup. Mines de Paris, p. 1-481. (Documents du BRGM no. 227)
(‘The granitic suites and Zn-mineralized skarns from Longlaai, E Kalimantan’)
Setiawan, B. (1993)- Studi kasus 3 tubuh granitik terkontaminasi di daerah Longlaai, Kabupaten Berau,
Kalimantan-Timur. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 1, p. 258-270.
('Case study of three contaminated granitic bodies in the Longlaai area, Berau district, East-Kalimantan'. E
Miocene Mamak, Gupak and Segah granitoids in NE Kalimantan with 'calcic' contamination)
Setiawan, B. & M. Fonteilles (1998)- Granitic magmas in individual massifs as liquids derived from a single
andesite parental melt- two examples from N.E. Kalimantan, Indonesia. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 8, 77,
p. 12-26.
(Two groups of E Miocene leucogranitic intrusions in Longlaai area in NE Kalimantan, Upper Segah and
Longlaai, separated by 15km zone without intrusives. Intruded into Lower Eocene Geh Fm, Sr isotope age 22 ±
2 Ma. Interpreted to be formed by fractional crystallization processes from single deep seated andesitic magma
chamber, resulting in 'normal' group and 'shoshonitic' type)
Setiawan, B. & L.M. Le Bel (1987)- Discovery of a new tin province, Long Laai area, East Kalimantan,
Indonesia. In: C.S. Hutchison (ed.) Tin and Tungsten granites, Proc. IGCP Project 220 Mtg, Ipoh 1986, Techn.
Bull. 6, p. 61‐82.
(Tin-bearing adamellites in small intrusions in Long Laai area, NE Kalimantan. Radiometric age 26 Ma)
Setiawan, N.I., Y. Osanai, N. Nakano, T. Adachi & A. Asy’ari (2015)- Metamorphic evolution of garnet-
bearing epidote-barroisite schist from the Meratus complex in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Indonesian J.
Geoscience 2, 3, p. 139-156.
(online at:
(Same paper as Setiawan et al. (2014) above)
Setiawan, N.I., Y. Osanai, N. Nakano, T. Adachi, L.D. Setiadji & J. Wahyudiono (2013)- Late Triassic
metatonalite from the Schwaner Mountains in West Kalimantan and its contribution to sedimentary provenance
in the Sundaland. Berita Sedimentologi 28, p. 4-12.
(online at:
(Metatonalites in W Schwaner Mountains of W Kalimantan have calc-alkaline affinities and derived from
subduction-related arc tectonic environment (proto-S China Sea subduction?). Some have adakite signature.
Zircon dating shows magmatic age at 233± 3 Ma (~Carnian, Late Triassic), older than accepted ages for
granitoids in Schwaner Mountains and oldest recorded here. Schwaner Mountains therefore sediment source
not only from Cretaceous age granites, but also from Triassic age granites)
Setiawan, R. & I. Nurdiana (2007)- Petrologi batupasir Formasi Mentarang kelompok Embaluh, di daerah
Longbia, Kalimantan Timur. In: Geologi Indonesia: dinamika dan produknya, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC),
Bandung, Spec. Publ. 33, 2, p. 193-205.
(Petrology of deep marine Late Cretaceous -E Eocene Mentarang Fm sandstone of Embaluh Group in Longbia
district, E Kalimantan. Partly low-metamorphic interbedded sandstones, siltstone, and slaty mudstone. Mainly
litharenites, recycled orogen. Sandstones provenance Semitau Ridge and Schwaner Mts in SW Kalimantan,
probably also Embuoi and Busang Complex in S. Andesitic-basaltic rock fragments more common than
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Volcanism probably related to tectonics in N Kalimantan)
Setijadji, L.D. (2009)- Alluvial gold in Central Kalimantan: its mode of occurrence, source and consequences
for primary deposits. Proc. 38th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Semarang, 1p. (Abstract only)
(Alluvial gold deposits extensively distributed in C Kalimantan. Most deposits worked as small-scale traditional
operations. Only large-scale dredging operation at Ampalit drainage basin near Kasongan in 1988-1992. Many
alluvial gold deposits associated with muddy gravelly rocks. Much of gold may not be derived from Tertiary
epithermal systems but from Mesozoic granite-related quartz veins)
Setijadji, L.D., N.I. Basuki & S. Prihatmoko (2010)- Kalimantan mineral resources: an update on exploration
and mining trends, synthesis on magmatism history and proposed models for metallic mineralization. Proc. 39th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Lombok 2010, 14p.
(Kalimantan magmatic arcs Cretaceous and younger events. Subduction magmatism may ended after Late
Cretaceous in much of island, followed by syn- and post-collision magmatism. Metallic mineralization in two
main periods (1) Cretaceous or older, dominated by granitoid-related skarn iron and base metals in Schwaner
and Meratus Mountains; (2) M-L Miocene gold and base metals mineralization associated with Sintang
Intrusions. Miocene gold-bearing intrusions not products of ordinary subduction-zone magmatism, but derived
from basalts source during major tectonic events following subduction)
Setijadji, L.D., F. Tamba & A. Idrus (2010)- Geology of the Ruwai iron and Zn-Pb-Ag skarn deposits Lamandau
District, Central Kalimantan. In: N.I. Basuki & S. Prihatmoko (eds.) Proc. MGEI-IAGI Seminar Kalimantan coal
and mineral resources, Balikpapan 2010, p. 175-185.
((also in Majalah Geologi Indonesia 2011, 26, 3, p. 143-154; online at:
(Fe and Zn-Pb-Ag skarn mineralization in Ruwai District, Schwaner Mountains, C Kalimantan, result of Late
Cretaceous- E Tertiary granitoids intrusions. Initially reported by Frijling et al (1920). Oldest rocks in area
Permo-Carboniferous Pinoh Metamorphics, Late Triassic- Mid Cretaceous Ketapang Complex limestone-
sandstone- siltstone and Kuatan/ Metan andesitic-rhyolitic volcanics, all intruded by E and Late Cretaceous
Schwaner Arc (Sukadana batholiths))
Setyadi, H., W, Yudanto, D. Kristanto, T.R. Setiawan, D. Iswanto, B. Santoso, I. Hardjana & A. Ismanto
(2015)- Discovery, characteristic and inventory of Seruyung deposit, Nunukan District, North Kalimantan
Province, Indonesia. In: N.I. Basuki (ed.) Proc. Indonesian Soc. Econ. Geol. (MGEI) 7th Ann. Conv.,
Balikpapan, p. 85-100.
(On Seruyung marginally economic gold deposit in NE Kalimantan, NW of Tarakan, dicovered in 1998. In
Neogene andesitic volcanics, part of Miocene- Recent volcanic arc, built on Tidung Basin M Eocene-Miocene
sediments, formed due to SE-ward subduction of Sulu Sea Plate. High sulphidation epithermal gold deposit,
with mineralization mainly in vuggy quartz core zone with hydrothermal breccia hosted by volcanic breccia)
Setyanta, B. (2016)- Konfigurasi geologi bawah permukaan cekungan sedimen daerah Longbia-Muarawahau,
Kalimantan Timur, berdasarkan analisa gayaberat. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 17, 4, p. 217-229.
(online at:
('Configuration of basement of geological sedimentary basin area of Longbia-Muarawahau, East Kalimantan,
based on gravity analysis'. Bouguer anomalies in NE Kutai basin suggest basement composed of granitic and
ophiolitic fragments)
Setyanta, B. & I. Setiadi (2006)- Kompleks batuan ultramafik Meratus sebagai bagian dari ofiolit kerak samudra
ditinjau dari aspek geomatik dan gaya berat. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 16, 6 (156), p. 355-348.
('Meratus ultramafic rocks complex as part of ophiolite oceanic crust from geomatics and gravity aspects'.
Geomagnetic and gravity analysis in Banjarmasin Quadrangle at SW end of Meratus Range shows high
geomagnetic anomaly values in S, generally low in N. Ophiolitic rock interpreted to overlie less magnetized
granitic crust. Bobaris and Manjam ophiolite belts represent oceanic crust thrusted over granitic crust)
Setyanta, B., I. Setiadi & W.H. Sinamora (2008)- Model geologi bawah permukaan daerah Muara Wahau hasil
analisis anomali gaya berat berdasarkan estimasi kedalaman dengan metode analisis spektral. J. Sumber Daya
Geologi 18, 6, p. 379-390.
(online at:
('Subsurface geology model of the Muara Wahau area from gravity anomaly analysis and depth estimation with
the spectral analysis method')
Setyanta, B., B.S. Widijono & D.Z. Hayat (2002)- Kelurusan struktur geologi dan implikasinya terhadap
evolusi tektonik daerah Samarinda-Sangatta, Kalimantan Timur berdasarkan analisis anomali gayaberat. J.
Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 12, 128, p. 14-23.
Setyanto, A. & M. Surachman (2017)- The occurences of heavy mineral placer at Kendawangan and its
surrounding, West Kalimantan Province. Bull. Marine Geol. 32, 1, p. 33-40.
(online at:
(Study of heavy mineral placers of Kendawangan coastal and adjacent offshore area, W Kalimantan.
Cassiterite (0.3-15%) and zircon (1-26%) found at all locations and have potential to be further developed.
High content of cassiterite (Sn) generally linked to sediment of Kendawangan River)
Shen, A.H., Tay Thye Sun, Ye Luo, J.T. van Gorsel, M. Rosana Fatimah, Tay Kunming & W. Deng (2017)-
Kalimantan diamonds from Landak: gemmological characteristics, FTIR and photoluminescence spectroscopy.
Proc. 35th Int. Gemmological Conf. (IGC) 2017, Windhoek, Namibia, p. 57-61.
(online at:
(Diamonds found in 4 main areas of Kalimantan (Landak, Puruk Cahu, Martapura, Kelian), mainly in
Quaternary alluvial deposits, some in Cretaceous and Eocene conglomerates. Landak diamond deposits along
lower terrace of Landak river)
Shimazaki, Y. & K. Isono (1964)- Mineralogy of some laterite ores from Sebuku Island, Indonesia. Bull. Geol.
Survey Japan 15, 8, p. 447-465.
(online at:
(Main minerals in laterite ores from Sebuku goethite, gibbsite, magnetite, chromite, spinel, hematite, quartz. No
location data or geologic background info))
Sikumbang, N. (1986)- Geology and tectonics of pre-Tertiary rocks in the Meratus Mountains, South-East
Kalimantan, Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis, University of London, p. 1-313. (Unpublished)
(Meratus metamorphics two groups: widespread Hauran schists (K-Ar ages 108-119 Ma) and lower grade
Pelahari phyllites, etc.. Orbitolina limestones in three tectonic settings. In N of study area limestones with
granodiorite and granite detritus in basal part and deposited unconformably on Sunda continental basement at
NW edge of Meratus Range. In SE area parautochthonous Orbitolina limestone in thrust sheets. Species
identified by Schroeder as Palorbitolina lenticularis and Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) parva, indicating early
Late Aptian age. Also Barremian ammonites below Orbitolina limestone and intruded by Sg. Kintap granite
with K/Ar age of 95.3 Ma (Cenomanian). Aptian and older rocks unconformably overlain by Albian-and
younger Alino Gp, with basal Pudak Fm submarine volcanoclastics with Orbitolina limestone blocks
(olistostrome?). Tabatan Fm polymict conglomerates above erosional surface, probably of Campanian age,
overlain by ?lacustrine Rantaulajang Fm black clay with estherids)
Sikumbang, N. (1990)- The geology and tectonics of the Meratus Mountains, South Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Geologi Indonesia (J. Indonesian Assoc. Geol., IAGI) 13, 2, p. 1-31.
(Meratus Mts highly deformed E Cretaceous- Paleocene ophiolitic and metamorphic rocks and sediments and
island arc volcanics. Oldest rocks Berriasian- Aptian shelf-slope sediments, juxtaposed with ophiolite/ oceanic
crust by strike-slip faulting shortly after deposition. Volcanic arc collided with Sundaland in Cenomanian.
Absence of Paleocene- Lower Eocene suggests uplift. Late M Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene uplift events)
Sikumbang, N. & R. Heryanto (1994)- Geologic map of the Banjarmasin Quadrangle, Kalimantan, Quadrant
1712 (1:250,000). Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung. (also 2nd ed., 2009)
(Geologic map, including SW part of Meratus Range)
Simandjuntak, H.R.W., U. Kuntjara, S. Simandjuntak, K.P. Burgath & M. Klimainsky (1986)- Investigations of
chromite occurrences in the Bobaris ophiolite, S.E. Kalimantan, Indonesia. Report, Direktorat Sumberdaya
Mineral, Bandung, p. 1-73. (Unpublished)
Simmons, S.F. & P.R.L. Browne (1992)- Mineralogic, alteration and fluid-inclusion studies of epithermal gold-
bearing veins at the Mt. Muro Prospect, Central Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia. In: Epithermal gold in Asia
and the Pacific, mineral concentrations and hydrocarbon accumulations in the ESCAP Region series, UN
ESCAP, 6, p. 60-64.
(Abbreviated version of paper above)
Sinamora, W.H. & I. Budiman (2000)- Penafsiran data gayaberat Kalimantan menggunakan teknik pengolahan
dan penyajian citra warna dan citra relief bayangan. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Geophys. Ser. 1, p. 35-46.
(On gravity anomaly trends across W Kalimantan)
Situmorang, B. (1987)- Emplacement of the Meratus ultrabasic massif: a gravity interpretation. Lemigas
Scientific Contr. 11, 2, p. 61-72.
(SE of Banjarmasin Late Miocene sediemnts unconformable over Pretertiary, suggesting pre-Late Miocene
uplift. Two dimensional gravity modeling suggests Meratus ophiolites are rel. thin (~300-350m; thicker if
serpentinized) allochthonous sheets of Mesozoic ultrabasic rocks, emplaced in mid-Cretaceous, and probably
underlain by ~26 km thick continental crust. Meratus massif part of larger oceanic crustal segment emplaced
during M Cretaceous obduction (incl. diabase/gabbro at base Taka Talu 2 well, Paternoster Platform?))
Situmorang, R.L. & G. Burhan (1995)- Geological map of the Tanjung Redeb Quadrangle 1918, Kalimantan,
scale 1 : 250.000. Geol. Res. Dev. Center, Bandung.
(Map of part of Tarakan Basin. Four tectonic events, oldest in or before Late Cretaceous. Oldest formation is
folded, low metamorphic Cretaceous Bangara Fm (= Bengara? flysch with radiolaria, in SE. Unconformably
overlain by Eocene Sembakung Fm, with clastics in lower part, limestone (with Nummulites, Discocyclina) and
tuff in upper part. Thick Late Oligocene- E Miocene limestone, Jelai Volcanics, Etc.)
Smith, C.B, G.P. Bulanova, S.C. Kohn, H.J. Milledge, A.E. Hall, B.J. Griffin & D.G. Pearson (2009)- Nature
and genesis of Kalimantan diamonds. Proc. 9th Int. Kimberlite Conf., Lithos 112, Suppl. 2, p. 822-832.
(Alluvial diamonds from four main diamond mining districts in Kalimantan colourless or yellow- pale brown,
with features indicative of fluvial transport and crustal recycling. Inclusions 68% peridotitic and 32% eclogitic.
Re/Os dating of sulphide inclusion from one peridotitic diamond gave Archean age of 3.1 Ga ± 0.2. Kalimantan
diamonds resemble those from kimberlite or lamproite from subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Five genetic
groups recognized, but mixed occurrences due to long history of sedimentary recycling)
Smit Sibinga, G.L. (1932)- The interference of meridional and transversal stress in the southeastern part of
Borneo. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 35, 8, p. 1090-1096.
(online at:
(Two main trends of Tertiary folds in Kalimantan:'transverse' (E-W; parallel to Pretertiary nucleus of island)
and 'meridional' (N-S). Mangkalihat Peninsula separates NW-SW trending folds in N from N-S trending folds in
Smit Sibinga, G.L. (1953)- On the origin of the drainage system of Borneo. Geologie en Mijnbouw N.S. 15, p.
(Present river system of Borneo originated on initial relief in Early Neogene time. Early Neogene main divides
were Schwaner Mts and Semitau-Kuching Ridge. Plio-Pleistocene diastrophism created present main Kinabalu-
Schwaner-Karimata divide)
Soeria-Atmadja, R., D. Noeradi & B. Priadi (1999)- Cenozoic magmatism in Kalimantan and its related
geodynamic evolution. J. Asian Earth Sci. 17, p. 25-45.
(NE-SW Tertiary magmatic belt of C Kalimantan two periods of subduction: Eocene-Oligocene and Late
Oligocene-Miocene. Younger magmatic belt on earlier belt; limited exposures of Eocene volcanics. Belt known
as `gold belt' of C W Kalimantan, with Neogene epithermal mineralization at relatively shallow depths. Earliest
known subduction-related magmatism in Eocene-E Oligocene with calc-alkaline silicic pyroclastics, followed
by continental collision. Subsequent subduction-related magmatism from Late Oligocene-Pleistocene magma
evolution from calc-alkaline to potassic calc-alkaline. Plio-Pleistocene magmatism with basalt flows)
Soesilo, J., Amiruddin, V. Schenk, E. Suparka & C.I. Abdullah (2012)- Plutonism and contact metamorphism in
the Meratus Complex, Southeast Kalimantan. Proc. 41st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Yogyakarta,
2012-GD-33, p. 28. (Abstract only; no figures)
(Plutonic rocks in Meratus Complex, SE Kalimantan, include Late Carboniferous- E Permian granite of Lumo,
near Buntok (K-Ar ages of micas 319 and 260 Ma). To E, small outcrop of Late Jurassic Purui Dalam oceanic
trondhjemite overlain by Late Cretaceous turbidites and volcanics. Mid-oceanic plagio-granite K-Ar age 155
Ma (Late Jurassic). Further SE mid-Cretaceous volcanic arc granitoids in main body of Meratus Complex:
Riam Andungan trondhjemite 92±2 Ma; Hajawa granitoid 87 and 71 Ma; Batangalai 119 and 101 Ma.
Common Cretaceous high-T contact metamorphism. U-Pb zircon dating of diorite and metapelite hornfels yield
115 Ma and 118.3 Ma (Aptian))
Soesilo, J., E. Suparka, V. Schenk & C.I. Abdullah (2012)- Glaucophanitic and its retrograded metamorphic
rocks in the Southern Meratus Complex, Southeast Kalimantan. Proc. 41st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol.
(IAGI), Yogyakarta, 2012-M-27, 1p. (Abstract only)
(Three metamorphic terrains in Meratus Complex, SE Kalimantan. High-P metamorphics represented by
quartz-rich Aranio (or Hauran) schist with glaucophane-crossite in southern terrain, with outcrops at Hauran,
Apukan and Riam Kanan Rivers. Amphibole exhibits retrograde path toward greenschist. Wakita et al. (1998)
ages for high pressure metapelite schist 180-165 Ma (E-M Jurassic; now believed to be age of peak
glaucophane metamorphism), to 112-108 Ma (Albian/Cretaceous; probably age of retrograding greenschist))
Soesilo, J., V. Schenk, E. Suparka, C.I. Abdullah and Amiruddin (2014)- The K-Ar and U-Pb SHRIMP zircon
age dating of the Batangalai Pluton, Central Meratus, Southeast Kalimantan. Proc. Seminar Nasional Geologi
Nuklir dan Sumber Daya Tambang, BATAN, Jakarta, p. 1-16.
Soetarno, D. (1992)- Mineralisation uranifere dans le bassin de la Kalan, Kalimantan (Indonesie); geologie et
geochronologie. Doct. Thesis Universite de Nancy, p. 1-167. (Unpublished)
(Uranium mineralization in Kalan Basin, N flank Schwaner Mountains, N part of W Kalimantan Province, in
schistose metapelites that underwent regional and contact metamorphism. Uraninites of Remaja emplaced at
151 Ma, Rirang at 140 Ma. Uranium mineralization corresponds with start of Yenshanian orogeny, manifested
by granite intrusions around Jurassic- Cretaceous boundary)
Soetarno, D. (1992)- Geokronologi U-Pb pada mineralisasi uranium di Eko dan Rirang, Kalan, Kalimantan
Barat. Proc. 21st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Yogyakarta, 1, p. 257-264.
('U-Pb geochronology of uranium mineralization in Eko and Rirang, Kalan, West Kalimantan'. U-
mineralization in NW Kalimantan in fine-grained metasediments. Age of uranite at Eko tunnel 150 Ma. Age of
uranite associated with monazite in Rirang 140 Ma. U mineralization in area not genetically related with
formation of Schwaner granitoids)
Soetrisno, S. Supriatna, E. Rustandi & K. Hasan (1994)- Geological map of the Buntok Quadrangle, 1: 250,000,
Quad 1714, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(Geologic map of N part Barito Basin, with Meratus Mountain front in East (folded Cretaceous granite,
overlain by Late Cretaceous clastics and volcanics, Eocene Tanjung Fm, Oligocene Berai Limestone and
Montalat Fm marls, Miocene Warukin Fm clastics, etc.)
Spencer, L.K., S.D. Dikinis, P.C. Keller & R.E. Kane (1988)- The diamond deposits of Kalimantan, Borneo.
Gems Gemology 24, 2, p. 67-79.
(Borneo diamonds are in alluvial deposits from unknown source. Do not believe in nearby ophiolite source)
Stauffer, P.H. (1983)- Phantom tektite localities of Borneo. Meteoritics 18, 1, p. 9-13.
(The only authentic Pleistocene tektite finds in Kalimantan are from around Martapura, SE Kalimantan
(Pelaihari, Sungai Riam, etc. First reported by S. Muller in 1836. SW Kalimantan localities shown on maps in
Lacroix and others are probably misinterpretations of older literature)
Stumpfl, E.F. & A.M. Clark (1966)- Electron-probe microanalysis of gold platinoid concentrates from southeast
Borneo. Trans. Inst. Mining Metallurgy 74, p. 933-946.
Subagio & T. Patmawidjaja (2013)- Pola anomali Bouguer dan anomali magnet dan kaitannya dengan prospek
sumber daya mineral dan energi di Pulau Laut, Pulau Sebuku dan Selat Sebuku, Kalimantan Selatan. J. Geologi
Kelautan 11, 3, p. 115-129.
(online at:
('Bouguer anomaly patterns and magnetic anomalies and their relation with mineral and energy prospects of
Pulau Laut, Sebuku Island and Sebuku Strait, South Kalimantan'. Circular pattern of Bouguer gravity
anomalies of 45-64 mGals reflect ultramafic rocks close to surface; exposed ultrabasic rocks indicated by high
magnetic anomalies. Parallel Bouguer patterns reflect thrust and normal faults)
Subagio, B.S. Widijono & Sardjono (2000)- Model kerak lajur Meratus berdasarkan analisis data gayaberat dan
magnet, implikasi terhadap potensi mineral ekonomi. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Geoph. Ser. 1,
p. 47-67.
(Crustal models of two traverses across Meratus Mts (Kandahan and Martapura), based on gravity-magnetic
data. Data can be interpreted with various models, one of them (fig. 8) with relatively thin obducted ultramafic
slab over granite)
Subandrio, A.S. & A. Kuswanto (2010)- Geological investigation and geolectric tomography study on iron ore
deposit of Kendawangan- West Kalimantan and their possible genetic significance. In: N.I. Basuki & S.
Prihatmoko (eds.) Proc. Kalimantan coal and mineral resources, MGEI-IAGI Seminar, Balikpapan 2010, p.
(Kendawangan iron ore deposits in Triassic-Cretaceous in two areas of W Kalimantan, 400km S of Pontianak:
(1) Bukit Besi area areally restricted, thick-bedded-massive hematite ores in lower part of Cretaceous
magmatic complex (produced by submarine volcanism) and (2) Birai area metamorphosed, folded specularite
ores within Triassic Pinoh Fm meta-sedimentary belt. Some mineralization smilar to Banded Iron Ore Fm)
Subiantoro, L., P. Widito & A. Marzuki (2003)- Sintesis geologi mineralisasi uranium di sektor Tanah Merah
dan sekitarnya Kalimantan Barat. In: Kumpulan Laporan hasil penelitian Tahun 2003, Pusat Pengembangan
Geologi Nuklir-Batan, p. 452-471.
Sudradjat, S.A. (1976)- Geological map of the Tewah Quadrangle, Central Kalimantan (scale 1 : 250,000).
Geol. Survey Indonesia, Bandung.
Sugiaman, F. & L. Andria (1999)- Devonian carbonate of Telen River, East Kalimantan. Berita Sedimentologi
10, p. 18-19.
(Devonian black limestones with Heliolites porosus coral, first reported by Witkamp (1925) and Rutten (1940,
1943) from melange complex at N margin Kutai basin (blocks floating in black slate and turbiditic sandstones).
May be blocks in Permian sandstone. Telen River sst also with Permian Neoschwagerid fusulinids (Darman &
Sidi, 2000, Geology of Indonesia, p. 86))
Sugiaman, F., L. Andria, A.Y. Arief, Nurcahyo W.H., Meizarwin, S. Mujiyanto, A. Budianto & F.A.
Wisanggono (2016)- Devonian Expedition 1989, Telen River area, Muara Wahau District, Kutei region, East
Kalimantan. Geology Student Association 'GEA', Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), p. 1-141.
(English edition of 1989 report on expedition to study Devonian limestone/fossils(oldest known rocks from W
Indonesia), initially reported by Witkamp (1925) and Rutten (1940) in area of Telen River (tributary of
Mahakam Delta). Oldest unit pre-Permian? dark schist. Overlain by ?Permian turbiditic metasandstones of
Telen Unit, with black Devonian limestone boulders with Heliolites corals (up to 10's of m; debris flows?) and
with common Permian fusulinid foraminifera (Neoschwagerinidae; similar to fusulinids from Danau Kapuas
regions?; Krekeler 1932, 1933) in calcareous sandstone matrix. Sediments are thrusted toward East, but no
evidence of 'melange'. Mesozoic and older metasediments unconformably overlain by Eocene quartz
sandstones. With reverse faults and post-Eocene diorite intrusions.)
Sukardi, B. Djamal, S. Supriatna & S. Santosa (1995)- Geological map of the Muaralasan quadrangle,
Kalimantan, scale 1:250,000. Sheet.1917, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(Geologic map of W part of Mangkalihat Peninsula and area to W. Oldest rocks ophiolites (peridotite, gabbro,
basalt) and thick, folded Telen Fm Low metasediments of Late Jurassic- E Cretaceous age in NW corner of
sheet. Overlain by U Cretaceous Kelay Fm deep marine clastics with tuff, Eocene litoral Marah Fm clastics
and marine Tabalar Fm clastics and limestones with Nummulites, Discocyclina, Biplanispira, etc.(in other
papers Taballar Lst called Late Oligocene- E Miocene; JTvG). Also young volcanics)
Sukardi & R. Heryanto (1997)- Petrografi batupasir Formasi Pitap di Sungai Amandit, Kalimantan Selatan. J.
Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 7, 75, p. 19-30.
('Petrography of the Pitap Fm sandstones at Amandit River, S Kalimantan'. Upper Cretaceous Pitap Fm, in
Kandangan and Amuntai map sheets of Meratus Range are well-bedded sandstones and siltstones. Composition
arkose- litharenite, derived from magmatic arc: quartz 2-74%, feldspar 22-88% and lithics 7-77%.
Depositional environment deep marine turbiditic sediments)
Sukardi, N. Sikumbang, I. Umar & R. Sunaryo (1995)- Geological map of the Sangatta Quadrangle,
Kalimantan, Quad 1916, scale 1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(Map sheet of NE Kutai Basin, North of Samarinda sheet. Oligocene and younger clastic sediments with thin
limestones, folded in N-S trending anticlines))
Sulistyawan, R.I.H., Baharuddin & U. Hartono (2013)- Geochemistry of the Jelai Volcanics from Mount Rian,
East Kalimantan. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 23, 3, p. 133-141.
(online at:
(M Miocene- Pliocene calc-alkaline Jelai Volcanics exposed at Mt Rian, NE corner of Kalimantan. Most K-Ar
ages ~15-17 Ma. Consist of porphyritic basaltic andesitic lavas and pyroclastics. Subduction-related magmas,
possibly part of Rajang- Cagayan volcanic belt of Soeria-Admadja et al. 1999))
Sumartadipura, A.S. & U. Margono (1996)- Geological map of the Tewah (Kualakurun) quadrangle, Central
Kalimantan, Quad 1614, 1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(Geological map with in NW Schwaner Mts 'basement' rocks (Sepauk granitoids, Pinoh metamorphics with NE-
SW foliation, Metan Complex ?Triassic low-metamorphic andesitic volcanics dipping SE 60°, Sintang
Intrusives, Malasan Oligocene andesitic volcanics), In E Barito basin Tertiary sediments. Eocene Tanjung Fm
(sands, shales and limestones with Pellatispira-Discocyclina) and Oligocene Montalat Fm marine marls only in
NE corner; farther south Warukin Fm directly on Pre-Tertiary. 76 ± 8.7 Ma apatite and zircon fission track
ages Batuan Pluton of Schwaner Mts)
Sunata, W. & S. Permanadewi (1995)- Data magnet purba dan penarikhan Kalium-Argon dari batuan
mikrodiorit Gunung Kukusan utara, daerah Batulicin, Kalimantan Selatan. In: Proc. Seminar Hasil pemetaan
geologi dan geofisika, Puslitbang Geologi, Bandung 1995, p. 260-268.
(‘Paleomagetic data and K/Ar ages of North Gunung Kukusan microdiorite, Batulucin area, S Kalimantan’. E
Miocene (19.6 Ma) microdiorite paleomagnetism suggest weak CCW rotation; Fuller 1999)
Sunata, W. & H. Wahyono (1991)- VI. Palaeomagnetism. In: C.S. Hutchison (ed.) Studies in East Asian
tectonics and resources (SEATAR): Crustal Transect VII Java-Kalimantan-Sarawak-South China Sea. CCOP,
TP 26, p. 43-51.
(Paleomag results from W Kalimantan document CCW rotation between Jurassic- Miocene: (1) Triassic
Gunung Bawan basalts (Serian volc.-equiv.) and shales with Monotis 73° CCW rotation and paleolatitude
17.2°; (2) Late Triassic Suti Semarang Kalung Fm black shales with Monotis 81.5° CCW rotation and
paleolatitude 10.8°N or S; (3) Jurassic Tenguwe area black ammonite-mudstone 93° CCW rotation and
paleolatitude 2.9° S; (4) Late Cretaceous Ketapang area igneous rocks 50° CCW rotation, no latitudinal
displacement; (4) Oligo-Miocene basalt sills at Mandai River unrotated)
Sunata, W. & H. Wahyono (1998)- Data magnet purba teruji untuk formasi Tanjung, daerah Batulicin,
Kalimantan Selatan; dan aplikasinya untuk menentukan waktu terjadinya rotasi. Pusat Penelitian dan
Pengembangan Geologi, Bandung.
(‘Paleomagetic data of the Tanjung Formation in the Batulicin area, S Kalimantan’. Weak CCW rotation of
Late Eocene Tanjung Fm sandstone; Fuller 1999)
Suparka, E. (1995)- Occurrence of adakites in Sintang area, West Kalimantan: a Neogene post-subduction
volcanism phenomena. In: S. Nishimura & R. Tsuchi (eds.) Proc. Oji Seminar on Neogene evolution of Pacific
Ocean Gateways, Kyoto, IGCP-355, p. 34-44.
Supiandi, S. (1988)- Studies on peat in the coastal plains of Sumatra and Borneo, I: Physiography and
geomorphology of the coastal plains. Southeast Asian Studies (Kyoto) 26, 3, p. 308-335.
(online at:
Supiandi, S. & B. Sumawinata (1989)- Studies on peat in the coastal plains of Sumatra and Borneo, II: The clay
mineralogical composition of sediments in coastal plains of Jambi and South Kalimantan. Southeast Asian
Studies (Kyoto) 27, 1, p. 35-54.
Supriatna, S. (1989)- Data baru mengenai geologi Pegunungan Meratus, Kalimantan Selatan. Bull. Geol. Res.
Dev. Center 13, p. 30-38.
(‘New data on the geology of the Meratus Mountains, SE Kalimantan’. Including presence of Pre-Tertiary
Supriatna, S., U. Margono, Sutrisno, F. de Keyser, R.P. Langford & D.S. Trail (1993)- Geology of the Sanggau
sheet area, Kalimantan Quadrangle 1617, 1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(NW Kalimantan map sheet which includes Kemajan Mts/ Mengkiang area with intensely folded Permo-
Carboniferous Pinoh metamorphics and Balaisebut Group metasediments, intruded by Triassic Embuoi
granites (K-Ar ages initial crystallisation 230-263 Ma, later recrystallization at 201-214 Ma). Unconformably
overlain by Late Triassic andesitic Serian Volcanics and Sadong Fm clastics and by Cretaceous Pedawan Fm
marine sediments, unconformably overlain by non-marine Lower Tertiary Kajan/ Plateau sandstone, etc.
Includes Nuit volcano, with basalts with K/Ar date of 4.92 Ma)
Supriatna, S., A. Sudradjat & H.Z. Abidin (1995)- Geology of the Muara Tewe sheet area, Kalimantan
Quadrangle 1715, 1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
(C Kalimantan map sheet. In NW folded Upper Cretaceous Selangkai group, unconformably overlain by Late
Eocene, intruded by Sintang volcanics. In SE Upper Kutai Basin with folded Oligocene sediments)
Supriatna, S., R. Sukardi & E. Rustandi (1996)- Geology of the Samarinda sheet area, Kalimantan, 1:250,000.
Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
Surata, M. (2005)- Challenges to develop the Tayan lateritic bauxite- West Kalimantan. In: S. Prihatmoko et al.
(eds.) Indonesian mineral and coal siscoveries, IAGI Spec. Issues 2005, p. 106-117.
(Bauxite deposits in Tayan, E of Pontianak, W Kalimantan, formed by lateritization of E Cretaceous gabbro
(high-iron type) and Late Cretaceous diorite (high-silica type))
Surata, M., O. Suksianto, M. Pratomo & Supriyadi (2010)- Discovery and its genetic relatonship of bauxite
deposit in Mempawah and Landak Regency, West Kalimantan Province. In: N.I. Basuki & S. Prihatmoko (eds.)
Proc. Kalimantan coal and mineral resources, MGEI-IAGI Seminar, Balikpapan 2010, p. 107-116.
(W Kalimantan NNW-SSE trending lateritic bauxite belt parallel to West coast, geologically on Schwaner
block. Rel. low grade. SiO2 bauxite type derived from Cretaceous Mensibao diorite, Fe2O3-type from
Cretaceous Gunungapi Raya Mb andesite and gabbro)
Surjono, S.S., H.D.K. Wijanti & Irawan (2012)- The influence of volcanism in sedimentary rock of Upper Kutai
Basin. Proc. 41st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Yogyakarta, 2012-SS-40, 6p.
(Influence of volcanic activity during sedimentation in Upper Kutai Basin shown by volcanic material in Late
Eocene Batu Ayau and Late Oligocene- E Miocene Marah Fms along Belayan and Ritan Rivers)
Suryono, N., S. Supriatna & D. Satria (1994)- Geologi rinci dan prospeksi mineral berharga di dearah Muara
Luhung (Permata Intan), lembar Muara-Tewe, Kalimantan Tengah. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung,
Bull. 17, p. 40-55.
('Detailed geology and economic mineral prospecting in Muara Luhung (Permata Intan) area, Muara-Tewe
sheet, Central Kalimantan')
Suwarna, N. & T. Apandi (1994)- Geological map of the Longiram Quadrangle, East Kalimantan, 1:250,000.
Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
Suyono (2013)- Stratigraphy and tectonics of the East Ketungau Basin, West Kalimantan during Palaeogene. J.
Geologi Indonesia 8, 4, p. 205-214.
(online at:
(East Ketungau Basin (=Mandai Basin) interpreted as Late Cretaceous- E Tertiary fore arc basin between
Schwaner Arc /Boyan melange in S and Sarawak Accretionary Prism in N. Two phases of sedimentation: (1)
Late Cretaceous marine Selangkai Fm fore-arc basin fill; (2) Eocene? marginal marine- non-marine Mandai
Gp unconformably over Selangkai Fm, following 50° CCW rotation of Kalimantan. Stratigraphic succession of
E Ketungau Basin similar to W Ketungau Basin and Melawi Basin in S)
Suyono & M.H. Hermiyanto (2010)- Study characteristic biostratigraphy and Rock Eval pyrolisis of Eocene
mudstone in the Mandai Basin, West Kalimantan. Proc. 39th Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Lombok, PIT-
IAGI-2010-186, 5p.
(Mandai Basin Paleogene frontier basin in W Kalimantan, 60 km S of Putussibau, Kapuas Hulu District. It is
bounded by Semitau High/ Melawi basin in S, Lubuk Antu melange in N, Ketungau basin in W. Late Eocene
Mandai Gp intertidal- shallow marine clastics unconformably overlie Selangkai Gp and other basement.
Eocene mudstones analyzed by Rock Eval pyrolysis: TOC 0.3- 5.2% and classified as poor-fair gas source)
Swamidharma, Y.C.A. (2016)- Magmatic Fe-Ni-Cu sulphides occurence in Sebuku Island. Proc. 8th Ann.
Conv. Indonesian Soc. Economic Geol. (MGEI), Bandung, p. 106-108.
(Fe-Ni-Cu sulphides, Co, Au and Platinum Group Elements minerals, associated with cumulus ultramafic zone
of Late Triassic- E Cretaceous ophiolite complex in Sebuku Island)
Swamidharma, Y.C.A., Khoirrurozikin, A. Cahyadi, Y. Krisnanto & D. Herkusuma (2015)- Mineral resource
and potentials in ultramafic cumulate complex of Sebuku Island. In: N.I. Basuki (ed.) Proc. Indonesian Soc.
Econ. Geol. (MGEI) 7th Ann. Conv., Balikpapan, p. 131-135.
(On exploration of lateritic iron ores from ultramafic complex of Sebuku Island, SE Kalimantan near Meratus
Range. Also potential for nickel and other ferrous minerals at various places within cumulate complex. Some
microdiamonds present in stream sediment samples near cumulate)
Tan Sin Hok (1936)- Vindplaatsen van Globotruncana Cushman in West-Borneo. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift
Nederlandsch-Indie 96, 1, p. 14-18.
(online at:…)
('Localities with Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifer Globotruncana in W Kalimantan'. Upper Cretaceous
Globotruncana from 3 areas in W Kalimantan, Sungei Silat, Sg. Landak and Sg. Kajan, collected by Ehrat and
Tarring, H. & G.D. Bellows (1952)- Mineral deposits of Northwest Borneo: a reconnaissance. Geol. Res. Dev.
Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Unpublished Report F52-1, p.
Tate, R.B. (1991)- Cross-border correlation of geological formations in Sarawak and Kalimantan. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Malaysia 28, p. 63-95.
(online at:
(Regional correlation between S and W Sarawak stratigraphy and new C and NW Kalimantan stratigraphy.
Oldest rocks pre-Late Carboniferous metamorphics (meta-oceanic?; no ancient continental basement on
Borneo). Permo-Triassic igneous metamorphic complex in Sanggau Quad, with two crystallization events with
K-Ar ages 263-230 Ma (Late Permian-E Triassic), and 214-201 Ma (Late Triassic-E Jurassic). Late
Carboniferous- Permian with rare fusulinids in both NE Kalimantan/ W Sarawak and Kuching area. Also in
Tate, R.B. (1996)- The geological evolution of Borneo Island. M.Sc. Thesis University of Malaya, Kuala
Lumpur, p. 1-393.
(online at:
(Extensive review of geology of Borneo island: (1) nature and origin of Late Paleozoic Basement; (2)
stratigraphy of Mesozoic sediments and associated igneous and metamorphic rocks; (3) Cretaceous igneous-
volcanic arc rocks and oceanic crustal rocks and associated deepwater sediments and melange zones; (4)
Cenozoic rifting of Mesozoic landmass and development of basins and associated igneous activity)
Tate, R.B. (compiler) (2001)- The geology of Borneo Island. Geol. Soc. Malaysia, CD-ROM Publication.
Tate, R.B. (2002)- Geological map of Borneo Island, 1: 1,500,000. Geol. Soc. Malaysia.
(online at:
(New geologic map of Borneo island compiled from published geologic maps of Geological Survey of Malaysia
(Sarawak and Sabah), Geological Research and Development Centre in Bandung (Kalimantan), Brunei
Museum/ Shell maps and other sources. With 12p. accompanying notes. Oldest 'in-situ' rocks of Pinoh
Metamorphics in W and SW Kalimantan, assumed to be of 'Pre-Carboniferous' age. Oldest in-situ fossiliferous
rocks ?Carboniferous-Permian metasediments of Balaisebut/ Terbat Group in NW Kalimantan and W Sarawak)
Tate, R.B. (2002)- Notes to accompany the Geological map of Borneo. Geol. Soc. Malaysia, p. 1-12.
(Brief summary of geology and stratigraphy of Kalimantan and North Borneo. With 1:500,000 scale geological
map, mainly compiled from published geological maps and publications. Not clear if Borneo is part of Triassic
and older Malay Peninsula/ SE Asia craton. Oldest fossiliferous rock Devonian limestone in tectonic melange
of probable Lower Cretaceous age in NE Kalimantan. Oldest in-situ rocks 'pre-Carboniferous' Pinoh
Metamorphics. Followed by Permian-Triassic igneous and metamorphic rocks, U Triassic volcanics, Triassic-
Jurassic- Cretaceous sediments, widespread Cretaceous granites, etc.)
Tay, T.S., P. Wathanakul, W. Atichat, L.H. Moh, L.K. Kem & R. Hermanto (2005)- Kalimantan diamond-
morphology, surface features and some spectroscopic approaches. Australian Gemmologist 22, 5, p. 186-195.
(Cempaka diamonds abundant percussion scars, suggesting mechanical reworking. Deformation marks similar
to those reported on diamonds from dredge waters off Phuket, Thailand. Zircon and olivine inclusions in
diamonds suggest possibility of peridotitic source)
Taylor, W.R., A.L. Jaques & M. Ridd (1990)- Nitrogen-defect aggregation characteristics of some Australasian
diamonds: time-temperature constraints on the source regions of pipe and alluvial diamonds. American
Mineralogist 75, p. 1290-1310.
(online at:
(Alluvial diamonds from Landak, W Kalimantan and Keliam River NW of Barito Basin similar N content,
absence of H defects and mantle residence T isotherm of 1145°C as alluvial diamonds from Copeton (NSW,
New England Fold belt), and are different from Agyle/Kimberley Block diamonds. This suggests possible origin
with E Australian Gondwanaland subcontinental lithosphere)
Ter Bruggen, G. (1932)- Oud-Tertiair in phyllitische facies in West Borneo. De Mijningenieur 1932, p. 56-57.
('Early Tertiary in phyllitic facies in West Borneo')
Ter Bruggen, G. (1935)- De Eocene fyllietformatie in Centraal-Borneo. Doct. Thesis, Delft Technical
University, p. 1-139. (Unpublished)
(‘The Eocene phyllite formation in C Borneo’. See also English translation in Haile (1955, p. 39-124). Phyllites
in NW Kalimantan/ S Sarawak Embaluh Complex contain zone Ta Assilina, Nummulites and Discocyclina, and
‘T Hoen, C.W.A.P. (1924)- Diverse meeningen over de ontstaanswijze der ijzererts-afzettingen in Z.O. Borneo.
Jaarboek. Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 50 (1921), Verhandelingen 1. p. 288-295.
('Varying opinions on the genesis of iron ores in SE Kalimantan'. Magnetite iron ores of Sungai Doewa in
Kusambi or Kukusan Mts probably formed from weathering of serpentinized peridotite)
Thomas, M.F., M. Thorp & J. MacAlister (1999)- Equatorial weathering, landform development and the
formation of white sands in north western Kalimantan, Indonesia. Catena 36, 3, p. 205-232.
(On Pleistocene white sand deposits of coastal NW Kalimantan, may be long-term weathering products of
Miocene granodiorites)
Thompson, J.F.H., H.Z. Abidin, R.A. Both, S. Martosuroyo, W.J. Rafferty & A.J.B. Thompson (1994)-
Alteration and epithermal mineralization in the Masupa Ria volcanic center, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. In:
T.M. van Leeuwen et al. (eds.) Indonesian mineral deposits- discoveries of the past 25 years, J. Geochemical
Exploration 50, 1-3, p. 429-456.
(Masupa Ria andesitic volcanic center in C Kalimantan with epithermal precious metal-bearing quartz vein,
dated 24.6 Ma. Part of NE-SW belt of mid-Tertiary calc-alkaline volcanic arc rocks through C Borneo,
generally dated at 14.4-24.0 Ma)
Thorp, M.B., M.F. Thomas, T. Martin & W.B. Whalley (1990)- Late Pleistocene sedimentation and landform
development in Western Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo). Geologie en Mijnbouw 69, 2, p. 133-150.
(Widespread Pleistocene podzolised white quartz sands 15-20m above Holocene floodplains in coastal regions
of W Kalimantan, occuring as major alluvial bodies 15-20m higher than Holocene floodplains inland (see also
discussion by Batchelor 1993))
Thorp, M.B. & M.F. Thomas (1993)- Late Pleistocene sedimentation and landform development in western
Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo); Reply. Geologie en Mijnbouw 71, 4, p. 363-368.
(online at:
(Reply to comments by Batchelor 1993 on Thorp et al. 1990 paper. Confirm earlier correlations between Late
Pleistocene W Malaysian 'Old Alluvium' with W Kalimantan alluvial fan terraces)
Tichelman, G.L. (1931)- De onderafdeeling Barabai (Zuider- en Oosterafdeeling van Borneo). Tijdschrift Kon.
Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 48, p. 461-486 and p. 682-711.
('The Barabai sub-department, SE Borneo'. Geographic description with some geologic-mining info on p. 463-
Tjokrokardono, S. (2002)- Studi provinsi Uranium Kalimantan, Kajian mineralisasi Uranium pada batuan
metamorf dan granit di Pegunungan Schwaner. Proc. Seminar Iptek nuklir dan pengelolaan sumber daya
tambang, Jakarta 2002, p. 66-77.
(online at:
('Study of the Kalimantan uranium province: assessment of uranium mineralization of metamorphic and
granitic rocks at the Schwaner Mountains'. Uranium exploration by CEA-BATAN in SW Kalimantan discovered
uranium anomalies in metamorphic and granite rocks of Schwaner Mts. Pinoh metamorphic rocks presumably
of Permo-Carboniferous age, with uranium-bearing hydrothermal veins from U Cretaceous (90-81 Ma)
Sukadana granite)
Tjokrokardono, S., D.Soetarno, Sapardi M.S., L. Subiantoro & R. Witjahyati (2004)- Studi geologi regional dan
mineralisasi Uranium di Pegunungan Schwaner, Kalimantan Barat dan Tengah. Proc. Seminar Geologi Nuklir
dan Sumberdaya tambang tahun 2004, Jakarta, p. 64-84.
('Study of the regional geology and uranium mineralization in the Schwaner Mountains, West and Central
Tjokrokardono, S., B. Sutopo, L. Subiantoro & K. Setiawan (2003)- Geologi dan mineralisasi uranium Kalan,
Kalimantan Barat, Model termostratigrafi mineralisasi Uranium. In: Kumpulan Laporan hasil penelitian Tahun
2003, Pusat Pengembangan Geologi Nuklir-Batan, p. 27-52.
(online at:
('Geology and uranium mineralization, Kalan, W Kalimantan'. Uranium mineralization at Kalan as fracture fill
in Pinoh Metamorphics, intruded by Jurassic- U Cretaceous granitic bodies)
Tobing, R.L. (2013)- Serpih Silat daerah Nanga Serawai, Kabupaten Sintang, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat dan
potensinya sebagai serpih gas. Bul. Sumber Daya Geologi 8, 1, p. 1-6.
(online at:
('Silat shale in the Nanga-Serawai area, Sintang District, and its shale gas potential'. Late Eocene Silat shale in
Melawi Basin, C Kalimantan, deposited in lacustrine and delta environment. Organic material vitrinite (from
plants) and liptinite (from plant fats or sea algae). TOC 0.54-1.15%, vitrinite reflectance 0.29-0.45%)
Tschernik, G. (1909)- Resultate der chemischen Untersuchung eines Uranminerals von der Insel Borneo. Bull.
Academie Imp. Sci. de St. Petersbourg, 3, p. 1203-1212. (in Russian?)
(Results of the chemical analysis of a uranium mineral from Borneo island'. Analysis of broggerite (lead-
uranium oxyde) from SE Kalimantan. (Presence of uranium minerals in Kalimantan questioned by Von
Koenigswald (1933) and thought to have come from Chinese pharmacy, but may well be real; JTvG))
Tschernik, G.P. (1915)- Zur Mineralogie der Insel Borneo. Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie und Mineralogie 55,
p. 184-191.
(online at:;view=1up;seq=11
('On the mineralogy of the island of Borneo'. Summary of 1912 St Petersburg paper. Report on petrography and
chemistry of platinum ores and associated Os-Ru group minerals (Osmiridium), gold and heavy minerals from
Tanah Laut, SE Kalimantan)
Ubaghs, J.G.H. (1936)- De geologie van een gebied in Noord Kutai (Oost Borneo), gekenmerkt door
Spiroclypeus-houdend Eoceen. De Ing. in Nederl.-Indie (IV), 3, 10, p. 183-195.
(‘Geology of an area in N Kutai (E Kalimantan), characterized by Spiroclypeus-bearing Eocene’. N margin of
Kutei Basin with outcrops of intensely folded Pre-Tertiary (low metamorphic 'Danau Fm chert, marble, red
phyllite and basic volcanics, overlain by less metamorphic ?Cretaceous thin-bedded sands-shales.
Unconformably overlain by ~270m basal Tertiary conglomerates (incl. pebbles with Permian fusulinids?; De
Neve 1961) and deltaic sandstones. Overlain by Eocene limestone bed with Nummulites, Discocyclina, and
Pellatispira, followed by 1000’s of m thick marly-sandy series with thin Eocene- Oligocene limestones)
Ubaghs, J.G.H. (1937)- Geologie van het gebied begrensd door de S. Boengalon, S. Telen, S. Mahakam en
Straat makassar. Geological Survey, Bandung, Open File report 24/CZ, p. 1-53.(Unpublished)
Ubaghs, J.C.H. (1941)- Diamonds in Borneo. Geological Survey, Bandung, Report F 41-2, p.
(Translated from Dutch) (Van Leeuwen 2014: Kalimantan diamonds commonly found together with corundum,
diaspore, zircon, chromite/spinel, pleonast, rutile and rare tektite)
Umar, I., A. Yasin & S. Koesoemadinata (1982)- Geologic map of the Balikpapan Quadrangle, East
Kalimantan, 1:250,000 (sheet 1814). Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung.
Untung, M., R. Sukamto, W. Sunata & H. Wahyano (1987)- Paleomagnetism along Transect VII, Geologic
Report, Jawa-Kalimantan SEATAR Transect VII, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, p. 73-85.
(Paleomagnetic study of 40 samples from 11 localities of Jurassic shallow marine rocks in NW Kalimantan,
~50 km S of Sarawak suggests 93° CCW rotation since Jurassic. Agrees well with Schmidtke et al. (1990) data
for W Sarawak)
Untung, M. (1996)- Geoscientific study along Jawa-Kalimantan-Sarawak- South China Sea transect. In: G.P. &
A.C. Salisbury (eds.) Trans. 5th Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Conference, Honolulu 1990,
Gulf Publishing, Houston, p. 163-183.
(W Borneo tectonically active from Triassic- Late Cretaceous, with 90° counterclockwise rotation since then)
Utoyo, H. (2014)- Mineralization of the Busang prospect, East Kalimantan. Indonesian Mining J. 17, 1, p. 27-
(online at:
(Busang prospect in Kalimantan Volcanic belt, ~150 km SW of Kelian mine. Hosted within volcanic rocks
intruded by Oligo-Miocene Atan Diorite. Hydrothermal alteration with gold, minor chalcopyrite, lead,
sphalerite, pyrite and marcasite. Low sulfidation epithermal type)
Van Bemmelen, R.W. (1939)- De geologie van het westelijke en zuidelijke deel van de Westerafdeeling van
Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-Indie (1939), Verhandelingen, p. 187-319.
(Compilation report of earlier mapping of W and S part of W Borneo. Mainly petrographic descriptions.
Schwaner Mountains crystalline schists. C and E part described by Zeijlmans in same volume)
Van Bemmelen, R.W. (1949)- Borneo. In: The geology of Indonesia, Government Printing Office, Nijhoff, The
Hague, 1, p. 325-360.
Van Es, L.J.C. (1920)- Geologische kaart van Nederlandsch-Indie, schaal 1:1,000,000, Toelichting bij Blad IX
(West Borneo en Billiton). Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-Indie 47 (1918), Verhandelingen 2, p. 1-35.
(1:1 million geologic overview map and explanatory notes for West Borneo and Billiton)
Van Leeuwen, T.M. (2015)- The Kelian gold deposit, East Kalimantan, Indonesia: its exploration history,
evolving geological model and 'invisible' coarse gold. In: N.I. Basuki (ed.) Proc. Indonesian Soc. Econ. Geol.
(MGEI) 7th Ann. Conv., Balikpapan, p. 1-26.
(Extensive review of history and geology of Kelian gold mine, NE Kalimantan, first discovered in 1976,
exploited 1992-2004. Intermediate/ low sulfidation epithermal deposit associated with E Miocene (~20 Ma)
andesite and rhyolite intrusions, and surrounded by Upper Cretaceous volcanoclastics and Eocene sedimentary
rocks. Several ore zones)
Van Leeuwen, T.M., T. Leach, A.A. Hawke & M.M. Hawke (1990)- The Kelian disseminated gold deposit,
East Kalimantan, Indonesia. J. Geochemical Exploration 35, p. 1-61.
(Kelian one of large Miocene volcanic-hosted gold discoveries, which occur in 400km long NE trending belt in
C Kalimantan. Silicic pyroclastics overlain by Late Eocene sediments, which were folded/ faulted along N/ NE
trends and intruded by andesitic bodies in E Miocene (K-Ar ages ~23 Ma), followed by hydrothermal
Van Leeuwen, T.M. & G.D. Muggeridge (1987)- Exploring for coal in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: Proc.
Economic aspects of coal exploration, evaluation and exploitation, Bandung 1986, Econ. Social Comm. Asia
Pacific (ESCAP) Series on Coal 5, p. 115-129.
(Coal exploration survey by PT Kaltim Prima Coal in E Kalimantan. Detailed exploration in Pinang area, N of
Sangatta, with 5 main coal seams 1.2- 9m thick. Some coal affected by burning down to 40-50m)
Van Leeuwen, T.M., G.D. Muggeridge & S. Putra (1988)- Discovery and exploration of the Pinang coal
deposit, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: Proc. Conf. Mining prospects and challenges in Indonesia during the
fifth development plan, Jakarta 1988, p. 1-20.
(Pinang Dome coal deposit in Kutai Basin, 90km N of Samarinda, 10km long in N-S direction and 2-6km wide.
Six main seams 1-14m thick and 17 thin coal seams in 950m interval of Miocene fluvio-deltaic sequence. High-
quality coal with rel. low moisture (4-12%), low ash (<3%), low sulfur (0.2-1.4%) and high rank (VR 0.51-
0.67%; burial 2000-3000m). Also some lower quality Eocene coal in area of higher rank (VR 0.65-0.75%))
Van Schelle, C.J. (1882)- Eenige gegevens omtrent de goudproductie in een gedeelte der Res. Westerafdeeling
van Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 12 (1883), Technisch Admin. Ged., p. 45-69.
('Some data on the gold production in a part of W Kalimantan')
Van Schelle, C.J. (1883)- Beschrijving van de kolenafzetting bij Napan aan de rivier Bojan, in het landschap
Boenoet. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 12 (1883), Technisch Admin. Ged., p. 92-97.
('Description of the coal deposit near Napan on the Boyan River, in the Bunut area')
Van Schelle, C.J. (1884)- De geologisch-mijnbouwkundige opneming van een gedeelte van Borneo's Westkust.
Verslag No. 6. Onderzoek naar cinnaber en antimonium-glans in het boven stroomgebied der Sikajam-Rivier.
Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 13 (1884), Technisch Admin. Ged., p. 123-141.
(‘The geological-mining investigation of part of Borneo's West coast No. 6: Investigation into cinnaber and
antimonium in the upper reaches of the Sikajam River’. Sarawak- Sanggouw border area is area of Chinese
alluvial gold and diamond mines. In N part of area mainly folded shales, generally striking NE-SW dipping 30-
50° to SE. In S gabbro. Some minor cinnaber only in Kajan gold mining area.)
Van Schelle, C.J. (1884)- De geologische opneming van een gedeelte van Borneo's Westkust. Verslag No. 7.
Over een onderzoek naar goudaderen en stroomgoud in het Skadouw-gebergte. Jaarboek Mijnwezen
Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 13 (1884), Technisch Admin. Ged., p. 219-260.
(‘The geological- mining investigation of part of Borneo's West coast No. 7: Investigation into gold veins and
alluvial gold in the Skadouw Mountains’. Presence of some minor gold-bearing veins. Not much on geology)
Van Schelle, C.J. (1884)- De geologische opneming van een gedeelte van Borneo's Westkust. Verslag No. 8.
Voorlopige onderzoekingen naar cinnaber in de Residentie Westerafdeeling van Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen
Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 13 (1884), Technisch Admin. Ged., p. 260-276.
(‘The geological-mining investigation of part of Borneo's West coast No. 8: Preliminary investigations into
cinnaber in the Residency of Western Borneo’)
Van Schelle, C.J. (1885)- De geologisch-mijnbouwkundige opneming van een gedeelte van Borneo's Westkust.
Verslag No. 9. Onderzoek naar goudaderen bij Melassan. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 14
(1885), Technisch Admin. Ged., p. 117-130.
Van Schelle, C.J. (1886)- Mededeeling omtrent de geologisch-mijnbouwkundige opneming van een gedeelte
der Residentie Westerafdeeling van Borneo (vervolg). Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 15 (1886),
Technisch Admin. Ged., p. 109-135.
('Communication on the geological-mining investigation of part of the Residency of Western Borneo
(continuation)'. Continuation of Van Schelle (1884) on geology of N / NW Kalimantan. Oldest rocks are slates
and thin quartzites, believed to be of Devonian age, but fossils too poorly preserved for identication. Steeply
dipping, mainly E-W trending, also SE-NW. At two localities with trunks of silicified wood. Igneous rocks
include granite and younger porphyry diabase, gabbro, etc.. Overlain by U Cretaceous marls, Eocene?
sandstones and post-Eocene clastics. Occurrences of diamonds (Landak), gold,)
Van Schelle, C.J. (1887)- De geologische opneming van een gedeelte van Borneo’s westkust. Verslag No. 10:
Onderzoek naar goudaderen bij Sikarim. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 16 (1887), Technisch
Admin. Ged., p. 95-128.
(‘The geological-mining investigation of part of Borneo's West coast No. 10: Investigations of gold veins near
Verbeek, R.D.M. (1883)- Over het voorkomen van gesteenten der Krijtformatie in de residentie Wester
afdeeling van Borneo. Verslagen Meded. Kon. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, Afd. Natuurkunde, 2,
18, p. 39-43.
(‘On the occurrence of Cretaceous rocks in W Borneo’)
Viaene, W., T. Suhanda, N. Vandenberghe, Y. Sunarya & R. Ottenburgs (1981)- Geochemical soil prospecting
in Northwest Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: 8th Int. Geochemical Exploration Symposium, J. Geochemical
Exploration 15, 1-3, p. 453-470.
(Geochemical analysis of soils in NW Kalimantan found anomalies of Cu, Mo, Au and Bi. Explained by
porphyry-type mineralization of mainly chalcopyrite and molybdenite in quartz-enriched granodiorite.
Possibility of belt of porphyry-type mineralization in W Kalimantan)
Vogel, F. (1896)- Mollusken aus dem Jura von Borneo. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums. Leiden, E.J. Brill,
ser. 1, 5, p. 127-153.
(online at:
('Molluscs from the Jurassic of Borneo'. Molluscs collected by Wing Easton and Bosscha. Mollusc breccia of
Sungei Perdajun in Kendai area, Buduk in Sambas, etc. Occ. Corbula borneensis n.sp., Protocardia
crassicostata n.sp., P. tenuicostata n.sp., Exelissa septemcostata n. sp.)
Vogel, F. (1896)- Mollusken aus dem Jura von Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 25,
Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, p. 1-27.
('Molluscs from the Jurassic of Borneo'. Reprint of Vogel (1896))
Vogel, F. (1900)- Neue Mollusken aus dem Jura von Borneo. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, ser.
1, 6, p. 40-76. (also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 1899, Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte 2)
(online at:
(‘New molluscs from the Jurassic of Borneo’. Additional Upper Jurassic mollusc material from NW Kalimantan
(Sungai Pasi, Sungai Riong, etc.). Common bivalve molluscs (Astarte spp., Protocardia, Corbula, etc.) and
Vogel, F. (1904)- Beitrage zur Kenntnis der mesozoischen Formationen in Borneo, 1: Der Nerineensandstein
von Bana. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, ser. 1, 7, p. 208-217.
(online at:
Vogel, F. (1904)- Beitrage zur Kenntnis der mesozoischen Formationen in Borneo, 2: Trias in Borneo.
Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, ser. 1, 7, p. 217-220.
(online at:
('Contributions to the knowledge of the Mesozoic formatons of Borneo, 2. Triassic in Borneo'. Upper Triassic
shale rich in Monotis salinaria, probably from SE of Kendai)
Volz, W. (1905)- Die Insel Pulo Laut bei SO. Borneo als Beispiel einer Hebung durch ein Massenerguss. Neues
Jahrbuch Mineral. Geol. Palaont., Beilage Band 20, p. 354-364.
('Pulau Laut island near SE Borneo as example of uplift through a mass eruption'. Main mountains of E half of
Pulau Laut island up to 700m high and composed of Post-Eocene porphyrites. Eruptions thought to have
uplifted Eocene sediments)
Von Fritsch, K. (1878)- Patellinen von der Westseite von von Borneo. Palaeontographica, Suppl. 3, 1, p. 144-
('Patellinids from the West side of Borneo'. Descriptions of Patellina scutum and P. trochus from Seberuang
River, left tributary of Kapuas River, W Kalimantan (re-assigned to mid-Cretaceous Orbitolina concava by
Martin 1890; JTvG))
Von Gaffron, H. (1853)- Mededeeling aangaande den ijzererts gevonden ten Noorden van Kampong Tambaga
in Tanah-Laut (Z.O. kust van Borneo). Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Nederlandsch-Indie 5, p. 225-232.
('Note on the iron ore found N of Tambaga village in Tanah Laut (SE coast of Kalimantan)'. Iron ore
occurrence on slope of Poattion Dammar hill. Not much detail, no maps)
Von Gaffron, H. (1854)- Geognostische tabel der rotssoorten van den berg Pengaron. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift
Nederlandsch-Indie 1, 6, p. 145-150.
('Geognostic table of the the rock types of the Pengaron hill'. Early cross section of Pengaron hill, Meratus Mts
front, site of late 1800's mining of Eocene coal in SE Kalimantan)
Von Gaffron, H. (1857)- Verslag over de goudmijnen van Tanah Lawut (eiland Borneo). Natuurkundig
Tijdschrift Nederlandsch-Indie 1, 9?, p. 30-40.
(Early report on alluvial gold mining by Chinese and dayaks in 'Tanah Laut' area, S Kalimantan)
Von Koenigswald, G.H.R. (1939)- Uber einige Ammoniten und Aptychen aus der Unteren Kreide von Borneo.
Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-Indie 68, Verhandelingen, p. 162-171.
('On some ammonites and aptychs from the Lower Cretaceous of Borneo'. Lower Cretaceous ammonites
collected by Zeijlmans in Seberuang area, W Kalimantan, in beds previously ascribed to Upper Cretaceous.
Similarities with Jambi, Sumatra, Valanginian noted. Lower Bedungan Fm (unconformable on Permo-
Carboniferous Bojan Fm meta-sediments and volcanics) with Valanginian Pecten, Hoplites neocomiensis, etc.)
Von Koenigswald, G.H.R. (1961)- Tektites in Borneo and elsewhere. J. Sarawak Museum 10, p. 319-324.
Wagner, C. (1986)- Mineralogy of the type kajanite from Kalimantan: similarities and differences with typical
lamproites. Bull. Mineralogie 109, 5, p. 589-598.
(Unusual leucite-bearing potassic basalts named kajanite (initially described by Brouwer 1910) from E
Kalimantan, with affinities to minettes and lamproites)
Wahyudiono, J. (2017)- Karakteristik petrologi dan geokimia batuan gunungapi berumur Oligosen Akhir-
Miosen di daerah Gunung Muro, Kalimantan Tengah. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 18, 2, p. 105-115.
(online at:
Wake, B.A. (1991)- Gold mineralization at the Muyup prospect, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.In: Proc. World
Gold ‘91- Gold forum on technology and practice, Cairns, Australasian Inst. of Mining and Metallurgy
(AusIMM), Parkville, p. 271‐278.
Wakita, K. (2002)- Secrets of lost diamonds- a geological trip Cretaceous accretionary complex in South
Kalimantan, Indonesia. Chishitsu News, Geol. Survey Japan, 574, p. 53-67. (in Japanese)
Wakita, K. (2002)- Hard kiss of mosquito on the Equator- a geological trip Cretaceous accretionary complex in
West Kalimantan. Chishitsu News 576, p. 44-59.
(in Japanese; online at:
Wakita, K., K. Miyazaki, I. Zulkarnain, J. Sopaluwakan & P. Sanyoto (1998)- Tectonic implications of new age
data for the Meratus complex of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. The Island Arc 7, p. 202-222.
(Meratus Cretaceous subduction complex melange with chert (with early M Jurassic- M Cretaceous
radiolarians), shale, limestone, basalt, ultramafic rocks and schist. Unconformably covered by Late Cretaceous
island arc volcanics and submarine volcanoclastics (Pitap Fm with Cenomanian or older radiolarians).
Constraints on tectonic setting: (1) melange caused by subduction of oceanic plate covered by early M Jurassic
to late E Cretaceous radiolarian cherts; (2) Aptian-Albian (110-119 Ma) Haruyan Schist, high P-low T
metamorphism caused by plate subduction. M Jurassic (165, 180 Ma) intermediate-P metamorphic rocks along
N margin; (3) Haruyan Fm, submarine volcanism in immature island arc setting, locally contemporaneous with
Meratus Complex melange)
Watters, R.A., G.B.H. Tucker & B. Soesila (1991)- Reconnaissance and follow-up exploration for gold in
Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. J. Geochemical Exploration 41, 1-2, p. 103-123.
(Geochemical reconnaissance survey for gold in C Kalimantan delineated seven anomalies, associated with
Cretaceous Sepauk Tonalite)
White, L., I. Graham, R. Armstrong & R. Hall (2014)- Tracing the Source of Borneo’s Cempaka diamond
deposit. American Geophys. Union (AGU), Fall Mtg., San Francisco, EP21D-3565, 1p. (Abstract only)
(Detrital zircon ages from Cempaka alluvial diamond deposit in SE Kalimantan: 75-110 Ma (2/3; M-U
Cretaceous), 223 Ma, 314-319 Ma, 353-367 Ma, 402-414 Ma, 474 Ma, 521 Ma, 549 Ma, 1135-1176 Ma, 1535
Ma and 2716 Ma. Cretaceous zircons euhedral with minor evidence of mechanical abrasion, likely derived
from nearby Schwaner Mts granites. Triassic and older grains rounded and likely derived from Australia before
Borneo rifted from Gondwana. Some ages resemble those of Merlin and Argyle diamond deposits of Australia.
Geochemical data from diamonds implies association with lamproite intrusions)
White, L.T., I. Graham, D. Tanner, R. Hall, R.A. Armstrong, G. Yaxley, L. Barron, L. Spencer & T.M. van
Leeuwen (2016)- The provenance of Borneo's enigmatic alluvial diamonds: a case study from Cempaka, SE
Kalimantan. Gondwana Research 38, p. 251-272.
(Diamonds in alluvial deposits across C and S Borneo of unknown primary igneous source. Cempaka diamonds
likely derived from at least two sources, one relatively local and/or involved little reworking, and other more
distal with several periods of reworking. Distal diamond source interpreted to be recycled from diamond-
bearing pipes of block that rifted from NW Australia. Local source possibly diamondiferous diatremes
associated with eroded Miocene high-K alkaline intrusions N of Barito Basin, or from ophiolitic rocks exposed
in nearby Meratus Mountains. Associated zicons mainly 75-110Ma, similar to many other Borneo Tertiary
sediments, others Triassic and older)
Williams, P.R. & B.H. Harahap (1986)- Geochemistry, age and origin of post subduction intrusive rocks in
West Kalimantan and Sarawak. Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung 12, p. 43-54.
Williams, P.R. & B.H. Harahap (1987)- Preliminary geochemical and age data from postsubduction intrusive
rocks, northwest Borneo. Australian J. Earth Sci. 34, p. 405-415.
(Major phase of Late Oligocene- E Miocene igneous activity in W Kalimantan and Sarawak, NW Borneo,
mainly associated with thickest parts of Late Cretaceous- E Tertiary Melawi and Ketungau sedimentary basins.
Majority is granodiorite, similar to I-type granitoids. K/Ar ages 23-30.4 Ma from S part of region (Melawi
Basin), 16.4- 17.9 in N part (Ketungau basin). Age of magmatism, tectonic position and geochemistry suggest it
is related to deep crustal re-melting and intrusion in passive, post-subduction environment (Hartono 2006
suggests these are subduction-related adakites; JTvG))
Williams, P.R. & R. Heryanto (1986)- Geological data record, Sintang 1:250,000. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre
(GRDC), Bandung, p. (Unpublished)
(Tate 1995: incl. tin occurrence in Lower Cretaceous Menyukung Granite in W Kalimantan)
Williams, P.R., C.R. Johnston, R.A. Almond & W.H. Simamora (1988)- Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary
structural elements of West Kalimantan. Tectonophysics 148, p. 279-298.
(Three W Kalimantan domains after E Cretaceous-Eocene convergent tectonics: (1) Schwaner Mountains, E-W
across S and C West Kalimantan with subduction granitoids intruded into low-grade metamorphic rocks in E
Cretaceous; (2) NW Kalimantan Late Carboniferous- Cretaceous sediments and volcanics; (3) NW Kalimantan
Cretaceous flysch accretionary complex, a S continuation of mainly Tertiary Sarawak accretionary wedge.
Boundary between Cretaceous accretionary domain and NW Kalimantan domain is transform fault marking W
limit of Late Cretaceous S-dipping subduction. Growth of accretionary complex resulted in uplift of melange
and flysch, on which extensional half graben formed with lacustrine deposits. Sedimentary basin formed
between continental rocks to S and emergent accretionary complex to N, in forearc basin position. As accretion
proceeded, locus of underthrusting migrated N and second melange ridge and sedimentary basin developed
farther N. S-dipping subduction in E part of W Kalimantan in Late Cretaceous- Early Tertiary)
Williams, P.R., S. Supriatna & B. Harahap (1986)- Cretaceous melange in West Kalimantan and its tectonic
implications. In: G.H. Teh & S. Paramananthan (eds.) Proc. 5th Reg. Congress Geology, Mineral and Energy
Resources of SE Asia (GEOSEA V), Kuala Lumpur 1984, 1, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 19, p. 69-78.
(online at:
(Same as Williams et al. (1990) below. Boyan melange of Semitau zone of NW Kalimantan, which separates
Cretaceous- E Tertiary Ketungau and Melawi basins, is chaotic mixture of blocks (several m to several km) of
greenschist, serpentinite, granite, limestone (incl. mid-Cretaceous Orbitolina Lst), quartzite and radiolarian
chert in sheared argilitic matrix (generally steep S-dipping cleavage). Glaucophane schist reported by
Zeijlmans (1939) not seen, Also 15km long/ 3 km wide slab of ultramafic rocks. Unlikely that melange is
tectonic shear zone related to transcurrent faulting, but may be S part of Late Cretaceous- Paleogene
subduction complex of Sarawak)
Williams, P.R., S. Supriatna & B. Harahap (1990)- Cretaceous melange in West Kalimantan and its tectonic
implications. Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, 14, p. 29-37.
(Extensive Boyan tectonic melange in W Kalimantan implies existence of WNW trending suture zone just S of
Semitau on Kapuas River. Chaotic sheared argillite with blocks of metamorphics and ultramafics, now
recognized as Late Cretaceous melange, not coherent Jurassic as suggested in 1939. Melange bordered by
highly deformed Cenomanian- Turonian turbiditic Selangkai Fm, with blocks of shallow detritus, including
Orbitolina sandstone. Characteristics of subduction zone, but no known igneous activity of this age)
Williams, P.R., S. Supriatna, C.R. Johnston, R.A. Almond & W.H. Simamora (1989)- A Late Cretaceous to
Early Tertiary accretionary complex in West Kalimantan. Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, 13,
p. 9-29. (Much the same as Williams et al. 1988)
Wing Easton, N. (1879)- Overzicht van de mijnbouwkundige onderzoekingen welke tot nu toe door den Dienst
van het Mijnwezen in de Westerafdeeling van Borneo werden verricht met eene overzichtskaart. Jaarboek
Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 1879, 1, p. 3-116.
(‘Overview of investigations by the Department of Mines in the West Borneo region, with overview map’)
Wing Easton, N. (1894)- Geologisch-mijnbouwkundige opneming van een gedeelte der Westerafdeeling van
Borneo, Verslag 11, Het diamantvoorkomen in Landak. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 23
(1894), Technisch Admin. Ged., p. 94-130.
('Geological-mining survey of West Kalimantan, Report 11, The diamond occurrence in Landak'. Description of
alluvial diamond occurrences and exploitation by local and Chinese miners. Most operations already depleted
and abandoned. Diamond occurrences almost all in immediate vicinity of Landak River)
Wing Easton, N. (1895)- Diamanten in Landak, hun voorkomen en ontginbaarheid. Javasche Courant, Batavia,
8 March 1895, p.
('Diamonds in Landak, their occurrence and exploitability'. Diamonds present along main Landak River only,
not in tributaries and none in Sambas River. Present in shallow gravelly alluvial deposits, often directly on
steeply dipping slates. Generally associated with 'leboer'. No European exploration recommended)
Wing Easton, N. (1899)- Geologisch-mijnbouwkundige opneming van een gedeelte der Westerafdeeling van
Borneo, Verslag 12, Het voorkomen van koperertsen in den omtrek van Mandor. Jaarboek Mijnwezen
Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 28 (1899), Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte 1, p. 143-167.
('Geological-mining survey of West Kalimantan, Report 12, The occurrence of copper ores in the area of
Mandor'. Small veins with copper minerals present, but not deemed economically significant)
Wing Easton, N. (1899)- Voorloopige mededeeling over de geologie van het stroomgebied der Kapoeas-Rivier
in de Westerafdeeling van Borneo. Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 16, p. 245-258.
('Preliminary communication on the geology of the drainage area of the Kapuas River, W Kalimantan'.
Presence of mid-Cretaceous marly limestones with Orbitolina, E Jurassic with ammonites, Late Jurassic, etc..
Not much detail)
Wing Easton, N. (1904)- Geologie eines Teiles von West Borneo nebst einen kritischen Uebersicht des dortigen
Ertzvorkommens. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 33 (1904), Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, p. 1-
542 + Atlas.
(Text online at:…etc.)
('Geology of a part of W Borneo with a critical overview of its ore deposits'. Final report of years of W
Kalimantan geological survey. With paleontology chapters by Martin, Krause and Vogel. Oldest rocks of W
Kalimantan highly folded clay-slates (= 'old schists' of Molengraaff?). Overlain by U Triassic micaceous shale
and sandstone with Monotis salinaria, E-M Jurassic clastics and marls limestones with ammonites
(Harpoceras, Perisphinctes) and bivalves (Exelissa, Corbula, etc.), Cretaceous sandstones, etc.)
Wing Easton, N., C.J. Van Schelle, M. Koperberg & A.L.E. Gaston (1904)- Geologische Karte der Sultanate
Pontianak und Sambras und der Panembahanate Mempawah und Landak in West-Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen
Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 33 (1904), Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte, p.
(‘Geological map of the Pontianak and Sambras sultanates and Mempwah and Landak districts in West
Borneo’. With Atlas with ten 1:100,000 scale maps, one geologic overview map 1:500,000, one plate of index
fossils, one plate of cross-sections)
Wing Easton, N. (1914)- Geologisch overzicht van West Borneo; verschil en overeenkomst met Centraal en
Zuidoost Borneo. Verslagen Geol. Sectie Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kol. 1, p. 179-
Wing Easton, N. (1917)- Had Borneo vroeger een woestijnklimaat? Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands
Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 34, 5, p. 680-695.
('Did Borneo have a desert climate in the past?'. Thick, massive unfossiliferous, unfolded, Eocene(?) 'Plateau
sandstone' of W Kalimantan does not look like marine or fluvio-deltaic deposit, and is believed to be eolian
deposit, possible E-W trending dunes. This would imply much drier climate than today. 'Plateau sandstones' are
rel. unconsolidated sands, erosional product of granites ('quartz porphyry'), up to 1000m thick. Also called
Kajan Sst)
Wing Easton, N. (1933)- De oorsprong der Borneo diamanten. Geologie en Mijnbouw 20, p. 202-204.
(online at:
(‘The origin of the Borneo diamonds’. Brief discussion suggesting 'Pamali Breccia' in Meratus Mts may be
kimberlitic-type source of Kalimantan diamonds, an idea further elaborated by Koolhoven (1935) (but rejected
by Burgath & Mohr 1991). (No figures, nothing new))
Witkamp, H. (1925)- Bij een voorlopige schets der Klindjau en Atan (Borneo). Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands
Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 42, p.
('Preliminary sketch of the Klindjau and Atan rivers' Upper Kutai Basin geological-geographic survey. (For
more detailed map and descriptions of rocks collected see Albrecht (1946); JTvG))
Witkamp, H. (1927)- Beknopt overzicht van de geologische resultaten der Midden-Oost Borneo expeditie 1925.
In: D.W. Buijs et al., Midden-Oost Borneo Expeditie 1925, Weltevreden, p. 105-116.
('Brief overview of geological results of the Central- East Borneo expedition 1925. Summary of geological
observations made during geographic expedition. U Telen River area with 'Old Slate Formation', similar to that
of W and C Borneo. Intensely folded, steeply dipping, striking E-W in W part of area of investigation (and like
in W-C Borneo), farther East strike SSW-NNE, parallel to Tertiary folding directions. Relationship between Old
Slate and Danau Fm not clear. Granitic massives present. Early Tertiary sandstones with abundant petrified
wood and limestone unconformable over and probably 'deposited against a wall of Old Slates' (now at 1800m
above sea level))
Witkamp, H. (1928)- De Kedang Rantau (O. Borneo). Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig
Genootschap 45, p. 34-61.
Witkamp, H. (1928)- Een tocht naar den Goenoeng Ketam (Borneo). Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands
Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 45, p. 412-439.
(‘A trip to the Ketam mountain, Kalimantan’. Mainly geographic description)
Witkamp, H. (1932)- Langs de Mahakam. Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 49, p. 30-
(‘Along the Mahakam’. Travel report of 1930 river trip up to Mamahak, with some geological observations)
Wohler, F. (1866)- Ueber ein neues Mineral von Borneo: Laurit. Konigl. Ges. Wissensch. Gottingen,
Nachrichten, p. 155-160.
('On a new mineral from Borneo: Laurite'. Platinum-group mineral Laurite (RuS2) from Pontyn River, Meratus
Range, SE Kalimantan (probably derived from Meratus Mts ultrabasic rock))
Wurst, A. (2004)- Geology and genesis of the Permata-Batu Badingding-Hulubai and Kerikil Au-Ag low
sulfidation epithermal deposits, Mt. Muro, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Tasmania, p. 1-
(online at:
(Permata-Batu Badinding-Hulubai vein and Kerikil breccia-hosted deposits of Mt Muro, Kalimantan, represent
two styles of Au-Ag, low sulfidation epithermal deposit. Andesitic-basaltic host rocks correlated with E Miocene
Sintang volcanism and Pliocene Metalung volcanism. PBH and Kerikil similar structural trends and NNW
dilational settings that are result of NNW-directed compression and dextral movement on major NW striking
basement structures)
Yang, Mu & S.L. Peng (2004)- Geodynamical features and geotectonic evolution of Kalimantan and adjacent
areas. J. Central South University of Technology, China, 11, 3, p. 312-315.
(Brief overview of Kalimantan tectonic provinces. No new data, poor English)
Yuwono, Y.S., S. Priyomarsono, R.C. Maury, J.P. Rampnoux, A.R. Soeria-Atmadja, H. Bellon & P. Chotin
(1988)- Petrology of the Cretaceous magmatic rocks from Meratus Range, Southeast Kalimantan. J. Southeast
Asian Earth Sci. 2, 1, p. 15-22.
(With exception of Riam Andungan plagiogranites (part of Peridotitic Nappe) all volcanic and plutonic rocks of
Aptian-Senonian Manunggul Fm, and plutonic rocks intruding peridotitic nappe, in Meratus Mts are of island-
arc calc-alkaline affinity. Subduction-related tectonic environment proposed for Middle- Late Cretaceous of
Meratus Range both before (U Aptian- Cenomanian Alino Fm) and after obduction of peridotitic nappe (U
Turonian- Senonian Manunggul Fm))
Zaw, K.L., L.D. Setijadji, W. Warmada & K. Watanabe (2011)- Petrogenetic interpretation of granitoid rocks
using multicationic parameters in the Sanggau Area, Kalimantan Island, Indonesia. J. Southeast Asian Applied
Geol. (UGM) 3, 1, p. 45-53.
(online at:
(Semitau Ridge is most important structural feature in Sanggau area, NW corner of Kalimantan. It is E-SE
trending ridge spanning outcrops of Permo-Triassic foliated igneous rocks of Busang Complex (=Late
Triassic?; JTvG) in E and Embuoi Complex in Sanggau. Granitoid rocks range from diorite to granite,
products of calc-alkaline island arc affinity, segment of island arc. Sintang Intrusion post subduction or syn-
collision tectonic setting(?) (no mention of ages; JTvG))
Zaw, K.L., L.D. Setijadji, W. Warmada & K. Watanabe (2011)- Petrochemistry of granitoid rocks from the
Singkawang Region, Kalimantan Island, Indonesia. In: Int. Symp. on Earth Science and Technology, Fukuoka
2010, p. 20-23.
Zaw, K.L., L.D. Setijadji, W. Warmada & K. Watanabe (2011)- Geochemical characteristics of Mesozoic
granitoid rocks and associated mineralization from the Western Kalimantan Island, Indonesia. In: Proc. Int.
Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2011, p. 321-324.
Zeijlmans van Emmichoven, C.P.A. (1935)- Bijdragen tot de geologie van Borneo. 2. Het Eoceen ten Z. van S.
Kerijau in het O. deel van het centrale Mullergebergte (Wester-afdeeling van Borneo). De Ingenieur in
Nederlandsch-Indie (IV) 2, 11, p. 102-105.
('The Eocene S of S Kerijau in the E part of the central Muller Range.' See also English translation in Haile
(1955, p. 279-285). First report of non-metamorphic Upper Eocene in W Kalimantan: non-marine clastics and
shallow marine limestones with Nummulites/alveolinids/ discocyclinids in E part of Muller Mountains.
Unconformable over intensely folded Cretaceous and 'Danau Fm' and overlain by volcanics of uncertain age)
Zeijlmans van Emmichoven, C.P.A. (1936)- On the supposed Lower Cretaceous age of Orbitolinidae of Japan
and the Netherlands Indies. De Ingenieur in Nederlandsch-Indie (IV), 2, p. 24-29.
(Another harsh and probably unfair 6-page critique by Zeijlmans on sentence in Yabe & Hanzawa (1931),
suggesting Orbitolina from Kalimantan should be assigned to Orbitolina scutum and signify Late Aptian age.
ZvE thinks it should be ‘Middle Cretaceous’ (whatever that means) (Orbitolinid specialist Schroeder in
Sikumbang (1986) also identified the Meratus Mts Orbitolina as Late Aptian species, validating Yabe &
Hanzawa (1931) conclusions; JTvG)
Zeijlmans van Emmichoven, C.P.A. (1938)- Korte schets van de geologie van Centraal Borneo. De Ingenieur in
Nederlandsch-Indie (IV) 5, 9, p. 135-149.
('Brief sketch of the geology of Central Borneo'. Important overview of poorly known Kalimantan-Sarawak
border area from Kuching/S China Sea in W to upper reaches of Mahakam River in E. Three E-W trending
tectonostratigraphic zones. Oldest rocks crystalline schists, as exposed in Schwaner Mts. Overlain by intensely
folded Permo-Carboniferous (dominantly phyllitic abyssal rocks, locally with fusulinids, and basic volcanics;
also plants identified by Jongmans (1940) as Pecopteris cf. arborescens and Calamites ex gr. leioderma (p.
138; =Cathaysian Permian; JTvG), Upper Triassic flysch (with Monotis, Halobia and acid volcanic complexes)
and folded Cretaceous (locally with Orbitolina). Tertiary mainly represented by Paleogene, locally deformed
and metamorphosed)
Zeijlmans van Emmichoven, C.P.A. (1939)- Pretertiary geology of the island of Borneo. Proc. 6th Pacific
Science Congress, San Francisco, p.
Zeijlmans van Emmichoven, C.P.A. (1939)- De geologie van het Centrale en Oostelijk deel van de
Westerafdeling van Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-Indie 68, Verhandelingen, p. 1-186.
('The geology of the Central and Eastern part of the Western District of Borneo' (see also English translation in
Haile (1955, p. 159-272). Overview of work of geological survey in NW Kalimantan and parts of adjacent
Sarawak. WNW-ESE trending belt of crystalline schists in W Kalimantan near Sarawak border, overlain by
folded Permo-Carboniferous with fusulinid foraminifera, Pecopteris and basic volcanics (no conglomerates).
Unconformably overlain by Upper Triassic marine fine clastics with Monotis and Halobia and acid volcanics.
Unconformably overlain by relatively complete marine Cretaceous section in Sebaruang area, with Orbitolina
at several levels. Upper Cretaceous folding event. Tertiary includes brackish-water Melawi fauna. In Upper
Kapuas area intense post-Paleogene folding and metamorphism event. Geology of W and S part of W
Kalimantan described by Van Bemmelen in same volume)
Zeijlmans van Emmichoven, C.P.A. (1940)- Het Schwanergebergte (westerafdeeling van Borneo). De Ingenieur
in Nederlandsch-Indie (IV), 7, 7, p. 79-100.
Zeijlmans van Emmichoven, C.P.A. (1940)- Het Schwanergebergte (westerafdeeling van Borneo)- vervolg. De
Ingenieur in Nederlandsch-Indie (IV), 7, 8, p. 103-122.
('The Schwaner Mountains (W Borneo)- continuation'. Description of geology and petrology of Schwaner
mountains. Includes description of probably non-commercial Keraroe iron ore occurrence. Stratigraphy: (1)
pre-Carboniferous crystalline schists, (2) Permian- Triassic tonalitic plutons, (3) Upper Triassic post-tonalitic
sediments, affected by dynamo-metamorphism by younger, but pre-Cretaceous orogenesis, (4) Mid-Cretaceous?
E-M Triasic and Jurassic absent)
Zeijlmans van Emmichoven, C.P.A. (1955)- The geology of the Central and Western division of Borneo. In:
N.S. Haile (ed.) Geological accounts of West Borneo, Geological Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo,
Kuching, Bull. 2, p. 159-272.
(English translation of Zeijlmans (1939) original Dutch paper)
Zeijlmans van Emmichoven, C.P.A. & G. Ter Bruggen (1935)- Bijdragen tot de geologie van Borneo. 1.
Voorlopige mededeeeling over het Tertiair ten W van het Merengebied in de Wester-afdeeling van Borneo. De
Ingenieur in Nederlandsch-Indie (IV), 2, 11, p. 99-102.
('Contributions to the geology of Borneo 1: Provisional report on the Tertiary West of the Lakes district in the
Western Division of Borneo'. See also English translation in Haile (1955, p. 273-277). Brackish-water Kantoe
Beds clastics with thin coals can be correlated with Melawi Fm and Eocene zone Ta of Pengaron, Barito Basin.
In SW overlain by 'Plateau- sandstone')
Zeijlmans van Emmichoven, C.P.A. & J.G.H. Ubaghs (1936)- Bijdragen tot de geologie van Borneo. 3.
Beschouwingen over den veronderstelden eoceenen ouderdom van de gehele 'Oude lei formatie' in Centraal
Borneo. De Ingenieur in Nederlandsch-Indie (IV), 3 3, p. 37-45.
('Contributions to the geology of Borneo 3: A discussion of the supposed Eocene age of the entire 'Old Slate
Formation' in Central Borneo'. See also English translation in Haile (1955, p. 125-138). An unnecessarily
harsh critique of Ter Bruggen's (1935) conclusion on Eocene age of Central Borneo phyllite formation, which
does contain some Eocene/ zone Ta larger forams. Z & U believe some metamorphics are Pre-Tertiary)
Zientek, M.L., B. Pardiarto, H.R.W. Simandjuntak, A. Wikrama, R.L. Oscarson, A.L. Meier & R.R. Carlson
(1992)- Placer and lode platinum-group minerals in South Kalimantan, Indonesia: evidence for derivation from
Alaskan-type ultramafic intrusions. Australian J. Earth Sci. 39, p. 405-417.
(Platinum-group minerals (PGM) in placer deposits in several localities in S Kalimantan. Alluvial PGM found
along Sungai Tambanio in part derived from chromitite schlieren in dunitic bodies intruded into clinopyroxene
cumulates. Chromitite schlieren in serpentinite from one dunitic body with 'M'-shaped pattern typical of
mineralization associated with Alaskan-type ultramafic complexes (see also Hattori et al. 2004))
Zulkarnain, I. (2003)- Quartz-chloritoid rocks from Bobaris Range, South Kalimantan, Indonesia.J. Riset
Geologi Pertambangan (LIPI) 13, 1, p. 27-38.
(Quartz-chloritoid rocks in river on SW flank of Betagah Hill, S of Martapura, in Bobaris Range, S Kalimantan
(as pebbles in contact zone between ultramafic and metamorphic rocks). Other pebbles of mica and
glaucophane schists found nearby. Bobaris chloritoid classified as Fe-chloritoid, formed under medium
pressure. Associated with quartz and muscovite. Absence of other pelitic- derived metamorphic minerals
indicates source rocks probably clean sandstone with some clay impurities. Formed in accretionary complex)
Zulkarnain, I., J. Sopaheluwakan & S. Indarto (1995)- Geologi 'Komplek Akresi Kapur' Pegunungan Meratus-
Bobaris, Kalimantan Selatan; sebuah tinjauan awal berdasarkan lintasan Pegunungan Bobaris. In: Proc. Seminar
Sehari Geoteknologi dalam indistrialisasi, Puslitbang Geoteknologi LIPI, Bandung, p. 7-24.
(online at:
Zulkarnain, I., J. Sopaheluwakan, K. Miyazaki & K. Wakita (1996)- Chemistry and radiometric age data of
metamorphic rocks from Meratus accretionary complex, South Kalimantan, and its tectonic implication. In:
Sampurno et al. (eds.) Pros. Seminar Nasional Geoteknologi III, Puslitbang Geoteknologi (LIPI), Bandung, p.
(online at:
(No direct genetic connection between metamorphic rocks and ultramafic body of Meratus Range. Chemistry of
metamorphic rocks variable from basaltic (48% SiO2), granodioritic (65% SiO2), clastic sediments (87% SiO2)
and pelitic rock (25% Al2O3). Two different radiometric ages of mica schist (180 Ma and 116 Ma), suggesting
metamorphic rocks derived from different periods and environments, tectonically mixed during exhumation)
Achmad, Z. & L. Samuel (1984)- Stratigraphy and depositional cycles in NE Kalimantan basins. Proc. 13th Ann.
Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 109-120.
(Stratigraphy of NE Kalimantan Basin can be grouped into five major depositional cycles)
Addison, R., R.K. Harrison, D.H. Land & B.R. Young (1983)- Volcanogenic tonsteins from Tertiary coal
measures, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Int. J. Coal Geology 3, 1, p. 1-30.
(Laterally persistent tonsteins (kaolinite-mudstones of wide stratigraphical extent), up to 30cm thick, in coal
seams and associated sediments in Miocene SSW of Samarinda. Probably of volcanogenic origin)
Ade, W.C., I.T. McMahon & W. Suwarlan (1988)- Seismic lithology (AVO) interpretation at the Badak and
Nilam fields in the Sanga Sanga Block, Kalimantan. Proc. 17th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, 1, p. 325-358.
(Badak and Nilam gas-oil fields of onshore E Kalimantan Kutai Basin contain 7.4 and 6.0 TCF original gas in
place. Seismic amplitude responses can be used to detect gas sands)
Ade, W.C. & W. Suwarlan (1989)- Integrated interpretation of C-8 and G-61 sandstones at Badak and Nilam
fields in Sanga-Sanga block of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. AAPG Ann. Conv., San Antonio 1989. (Abstract
Adhitiya, R., M.M. Adeyosfi, S.S. Angkasa & F. Sihombing (2012)- Facies and diagenesis of Tabalar and
Tendehantu carbonate formation in Mangkalihat Peninsula area: an outcrop preliminary study to Oligocene-
Miocene reservoir candidate prospect. Bul. Sumber Daya Geology 7, 2, p. 78-91.
(online at:
Adriansyah, P. Sembiring, M. Badri & A. Akhtar (2005)- High frequency borehole seismic acquisition and its
applications for reservoir delineation of the Bunyu Field, onshore Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 30st Ann. Conv.
Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 391-404.
Akuanbatin, H. & T. Rosandi (1983)- Lingkungan pengendapan Formasi Tabul dan Formasi Tarakan serta
hubungannya dengan potensi hidrokarbon di Pulau Bunyu. Proc. 12th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI),
p. 9-20.
('Depositional environment of the Tabul and Tarakan Formations and relations with hydrocorarbons on Bunyu
Akuanbatin, H., T. Rosandi & L. Samuel (1984)- Depositional environment of the hydrocarbon bearing Tabul,
Santul and Tarakan Formations at Bunyu Island, NE Kalimantan. Proc. 13th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 425-441.
(Bunyu Island up to 80 hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir zones between 500-2500m in M Miocene- Pleistocene
deltaic deposits. Overall shallowing-upward series, progradation from W and SW)
Alam, F., Y. Sebayang, W. Djunarjanto & P.E. Prijanto (2010)- Coal stratigraphy of Separi, East Kalimantan,
Indonesia. In: N.I. Basuki & S. Prihatmoko (eds.) Proc. MGEI-IAGI Seminar Kalimantan coal and mineral
resources, Balikpapan 2010, p. 13-26.
(Separi area 40 km NE of Samarinda with extensive coal mining. Seven coal-bearing zones in ~1000m thick
section of M-L Miocene Balikpapan Fm clastics on Samarinda anticlinorium. Coal seams 0.3- 9.5m thick,
labeled A-H. Kutai basin tectoncs (1) M Eocene extension, same time as Makassar Straits; (2) Late Oligocene
extension along NW-SE faults; (3) M Miocene inversions mainly on E facing half grabens)
Alam, S. (2001)- Seismic sequence stratigraphy and depositional history of the Pliocene -Pleistocene fans in the
Ganal Block, offshore Kutai Basin, Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis Texas A&M University, College Station, p. 1-143.
(Seismic stratigraphy study of Pliocene- Pleistocene deep water clastics at Kutai Basin slope and basin floor of
Makassar Straits. Six sequences identified, with lowstand features submarine canyons, channels and fan lobes)
Allen, G.P. (1985)- Deltaic sediments in Modern and Miocene Mahakam Delta. Field Guide to Indonesian
Petroleum Association (IPA) Excursion, p.
Allen, G.P. (1996)- Sedimentary facies and reservoir geometry in a mixed fluvial and tidal delta system- the
Mahakam Delta, Indonesia. Petroleum Expl. Soc. Australia (PESA) Journal 24, p. 140-155.
(Review of sedimentological characteristics of modem Mahakam delta, E Kalimantan. Dominated by mixture of
fluvial and tidal processes, with wave energy practically zero. Modern delta dates from post-Holocene eustatic
stillstand and presently depositing 50-70m thick regressive highstand system which downlaps older
transgressive Holocene and Late Pleistocene deltaic lowstand deposits)
Allen, G.P. & J.L.C. Chambers (1998)- Sedimentation in the modern and Miocene Mahakam Delta. Indonesian
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Guidebook, p. 1-236.
Allen, G.P. & J.L.C. Chambers (1998)- Regional setting of the Mahakam Delta. In: Sedimentation in the
modern and Miocene Mahakam Delta, IPA Fieldtrip Guidebook, Chapter 6, p. 79-89.
Allen, G.P. & J.L.C. Chambers (1998)- Regional geology and stratigraphy of the Kutei basin. In: Sedimentation
in the modern and Miocene Mahakam Delta, IPA Fieldtrip Guidebook, Chapter 9, p. 159-171.
(Brief overview tectonic history and stratigraphy Kutei basin)
Allen, G.P., D. Laurier & J.M. Thouvenin (1976)- Sediment distribution patterns in the modern Mahakam
Delta. Proc. 5th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 159-178.
(First of many G. Allen studies on modern Mahakam Delta deposits, E Kalimantan)
Allen, G.P., D. Laurier & J. Thouvenin (1979)- Etude sedimentologique du delta de la Mahakam. TOTAL
Comp. Francaise Petroles, Notes et Memoires 15, p. 1-156.
('Sedimentological study of the Mahakam Delta'. Comprehensive study of sedimentology of modern Mahakam
Delta, a mixed tide- and fluvial-dominated delta in humid equatorial climate)
Allen, G.P. & F. Mercier (1988)- Subsurface sedimentology of deltaic systems. Petroleum Expl. Soc. Australia
(PESA) Journal 12, p. 30-44.
(Review of Mahakam Delta depositional system and depositional cycles)
Allen, G.P. & F. Mercier (1994)- Reservoir facies and geometry in mixed tide and fluvial-dominated delta
mouth bars: example from the Modern Mahakam Delta (East Kalimantan). Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 261-273.
Amar, R.A. & B. Sapiie (2018)- Fault-seal analysis in offshore gas fields of South Mahakam area, Kutai Basin,
Indonesia. Proc. 42nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA18-60-G, 21p.
Amarullah, D., U. Margani, S.N. Priatna, Priono & Sudiro (2002)- Inventarisasi dan evaluasi endapan batubara
Kapubaten Barito Selatan dan Barito Utara, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Kolokium Direktorat Inventarisasi
Sumber Daya Mineral (DIM) 2002, p. 20/1- 20/19.
(Inventory and evaluation of coal deposits in South and North Barito Districts, Kalimantan)
Amarullah, D. & D.P. Simatupang (2009)- Coal bed methane potential of Tanjung Formation in Tanah Bumbu,
South Kalimantan. In: 11th Reg. Congress Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of Southeast Asia
(GEOSEA 2009), Kuala Lumpur, p. 35. (Abstract only)
(CSAT-1 well drilled in 2008 in Asem-asem Basin of SE Kalimantan found 12 coal seams in Eocene Tanjung
Fm. Three main seams: E (212.34-213.30m), I (261.93-264.20m), and J (270.20-275.35m). (see also
Simatupang & Amarullah 2010))
Amiarsa, D.P., I.A. Kurniawan, Artedi Susanto, and Kristian N. Tabri (2012)- Carbonate facies model and
paleogeography of Tendehhantu Formation, Northern Kutai Basin, Indonesia. AAPG Int. Conv. Exhib.,
Singapore 2012, Search and Discovery Art. 50746, p.
(online at:
(Summary of fieldwork study of Tendehhantu Fm limestone at Gunung Sekerat in N Kutai Basin, S of
Mangkalihat Ridge and 300km N of Samarinda. Age M Miocene (Miogypina, Orbulina, etc.) Interpreted to be
atoll with diameter of ~30 km, with E side more forereef bioclastic carbonate and W side backreef lagoonal
environment (see also Suessli, 1976))
Anggayana, K., D.R. Kamarullah, A. Suryana & A.H. Widayat (2017)- Methane adsorption characteristics of
coals from Sambaliung area, Berau, East Kalimantan and Sawahlunto area, West Sumatra, Indonesia. J. Geologi
Sumberdaya Mineral 18, 4, p. 183-189.
(online at:
(Coalbed methane CBM evaluation of two Indonesian coals, Sambaliung (Berau/Tarakan, NE Kalimantan, E-
M Miocene Latih Fm) and Sawahlunto, (W Sumatra, Late Oligocene Lower Ombilin Fm). Gas storage capacity
of Sambaliung 113-269 scf/ton; Sawahlunto coals 486-561 scf/ton. Adsorption capacity related to coal rank:
low at Sambaliung area (vitrinite Rr ~0.38%) and higher at Sawahlunto (Rr ~0.72%))
Anggayana, K., B. Rahmad, H.H.A. Naftali & A.H. Widayat (2014)- Limnic condition in ombrotrophic peat
type as the origin of Muara Wahau Coal, Kutei Basin, Indonesia. J. Geol. Soc. India 83, p. 555-562.
(Maceral petrography of E (M?) Miocene upper Muara Wahau Fm coal from three drill cores. Two main
seams 8-40m thick. Huminite macerals 73- 88%.. Liptinite 0.7-6.7%, inertinite 4.3-34%.. Coal developed from
herbaceous plants in ombrotrophic type of peat. Preservation low and peat relatively wet or limnic)
Anggayana, K., B. Rahmad & A.H. Widayat (2014)- Depositional cycles of Muara Wahau Coals, Kutai Basin,
East Kalimantan. Indonesian J. Geoscience 1, 2, p. 109-119.
(Petrography of 30m section through E Miocene Wahau Fm coal)
Anggritya, K.D. & D. Kurniadi (2017)- Palynofacies role in hydrocarbon exploration: a study case from Kutai
Basin. Proc. Joint Conv. HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI, Malang 2017, 8p.
(Palynofacies study of M-L Miocene in wells from Louise Field, Sanga-Sanga anticlinorium, Kutai Basin)
Apriyani, N., Suharmono, M. Momen, S. Djaelani, A. Sodli, A. Satria & A.S. Murtani (2014)- Integrated cleat
analysis and coal quality on CBM Exploration at Sangatta II PSC, Kutai Basin, Indonesia. AAPG Int. Conf. &
Exh., Istanbul 2014, Search and Discovery Art. 80412, 31p. (Abstract + Presentation)
(online at:
(Balikpapan Fm. Miocene age coal outcrops three domains of face cleat strike: E-W in Bengalon area; NNW-
SSE in N Pinang and NE-SW in S Pinang area. Higher calorific value and low ash content correspond to high
cleat densities. Higher total sulphur corresponded to lower cleat density. Permeability much higher in outcrops
(200-5000 md) than in core samples from 260m depth (0.1-19 md))
Ardhie M.N., Canh Van Do, Purwanto, Sulistyo & A. Imran (2013)- Challenge and opportunity of developing
brown field. Integration approached of using multiple subsurface data and information. A lesson learned from
Mahoni Field, South Asset Kalimantan Operation Chevron Indonesia Company. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA13-G-180, p. 1-14.
(Mahoni field produced 11 MBO oil since 2001. Peak production of 10,000 BOD in 2002-2003, declining to
<900 BOD in 2009. Field consists of multiple fault compartments and reservoirs. M Miocene Upper and Lower
Yakin reservoirs produced almost 4.4 MMBO)
Arifullah, E. (2013)- The ethological study of Glossifungites ichnofacies in the modern & Miocene Mahakam
Delta, Indonesia. Berita Sedimentologi 28, p. 46-49.
(online at:
Arifullah, E., A. Bachtiar & Djuhaeni (2004)- Ichnological characteristics in the modern Mahakam delta, East
Kalimantan. Proc. 33rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, p. 1-16.
(Modern Mahakam Delta ichnological characteristics of four deltaic environments: (1) distributary channel:
low diversity with Psilonichnus, Skolithos, Ophiomorpha, Monocraterion, Teichichnus, Arenicolites, Planolites,
Thallasinoides, escaping traces and Glossifungites ichnofacies; (2) estuarine tidal bar: balanced diversity with
Psilonichnus, Ophiomorpha, Arenicolites, Skolithos, Siponichnus, Monocraterion, Paleophycus, Helminthopsis,
Teichichnus, Planolites, Chondrites, Paleodictyon, crawling traces, and vertebrate tracks; (3) interdistributary
area: medium diversity/ high bioturbation with Arenicolites, Ophiomorpha, Conichnus, Skolithos,
Scaubcylindrichnus, Diplocraterion, Rosselia, Teichichnus, Chondrites; (4) mouth bar: with Ophiomorpha,
Planolites, grazing traces, crawling traces, fecal casting, and abundant Skolithos-like dwelling tubes)
Arifullah, E., Y. Zaim, Aswan & Djuhaeni (2016)- Ichnofabric for stratigraphic analysis: an outcrop study in
Samarinda area, Kutai Basin, Indonesia. Proc. GEOSEA XIV and 45th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geologists
(IAGI) (GIC 2016), Bandung, p. 565-572.
Arifullah, E., Y. Zaim, Aswan, Djuhaeni, D. Ariwibowo, Y. Eriawan & M. Ilham (2016)- The significance of
ichnofabric analysis for sedimentological interpretation: an outcrop study at Palaran, Samarinda Area, Kutai
Basin, Indonesia. Proc. GEOSEA XIV and 45th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geologists (IAGI) (GIC 2016),
Bandung, p. 467-474.
(Trace fossils in Miocene deltaic Palaran Sst (Balikpapan Fm) in Samarinda area, Mahakam Delta onshore)
Armein, D. Woelandari & A. Bachtiar (1998)- Identifikasi fosil rombakan di lapisan Miosen cekungan Kutai
dan implikasinya geologinya. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Sed. Pal. Strat., p. 16-26.
('Identification of fossil debris in Miocene beds of the Kutai Basin and its geological implications')
Astuti, T.R. Puji & S.S. Surjono (2012)- Pengaruh diagenesis terhadap porositas batupasir Formasi Batu Ayau,
Cekungan Kutai Bagian Atas, Kalimantan Timur. J. Teknik Geologi (UGM) 1, 4, 5p.
(online at:
('Effect of diagenesis on porosity in Batu Ayau Fm sandstone, Kutai Basin, E Kalimantan'. Diagenetic
processes in Eocene Batu Ayau lithic sandstone include compaction, cementation (siderite, pyrite, chlorite,
zeolite), dissolution, and overgrowth of authigenic minerals)
Aziz, S. (1999)- Alluvial diamond potential in the offshore South and West Kalimantan. Proc. 28th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), 4, p. 341-344.
Aziz, S. (2007)- Keterdapatan intan sekunder di sepanjang Sungai Landak, Kalimantan Barat. J. Sumber Daya
Geologi 17, 5 (161), p. 287-299.
(online at:
('Secondary diamond potential along the Landak River, West Kalimantan'. Three terraces and alluvial deposits.
Quaternary diamond deposits reworked multiple times. Largest diamonds from Terrace 3)
Aziz, S., Sukido & F. Agustin (2004)- Sungai Riamkawa dan Riamkanan sebagai pembawa endapan intan
plaser di lembah Cempaka dan Martapura, Kalimantan Selatan. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 14, 3 (147), p. 208-
(Diamond placer deposits in paleochannels at Martapura/ Cempaka, SE Kalimantan, believed transported from
Meratus Mountains by Riam Kanan and Riam Kiwa Rivers. In Pelaihari area, S of Cempaka, no diamond-
bearing gravel layers found)
Bachtiar, A. (1993)- The inter-relationships of some maturity parameters of source rocks in Kutai Basin. Proc.
22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 2, p. 678.
Bachtiar, A. (2004)- Kerangka stratigrafi sekuen dan karakter batuan induk Miosen Awal di Cekungan Kutai
Hilir, Kalimantan Timur. Doct. Dissertation, Inst. Teknologi Bandung (ITB), p. (Unpublished)
('Sequence stratigraphic framework and character of Early Miocene source rocks in the Lower Kutai Basin,
East Kalimantan'))
Bachtiar, A., D.H. Heru N., Z. Azzaino, W. Utomo, A. Krisyunianto & M. Sani (2013)- Surface data re-
evaluation, Eocene source rock potential and hydrocarbon seepage, and Eocene sand reservoir prospectivity in
West Sangatta, Northern Kutai Basin. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc., IPA13-G-087, p. 1-29.
(Re-evaluation of source rock and hydrocarbon potential Late Eocene syn-rift coaly-brackish sediments from W
Sangatta area outcrops, near surface and hydrocarbon seeps. Two oil seeps derived from mixed organic matter
Type I and terrestrial higher plants of Type II/III. Most sandstones in Paleogene tight)
Bachtiar, A., E. Kurniawan & Y. Purwanti (1998)- Geological data acquisition during 3D seismic operation in
Mutiara field area, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 26th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 85-
(Sedimentology of outcrop and seismic shotholes over Mutiara field, Sanga Sanga anticline, onshore Kutei
basin, SW of Mahakam delta. M-U Miocene Balikpapan- Kampung Baru Fm sediments of paleo-Mahakam
Delta. 30 shallow reservoir sands mapped (73% channels, others bar sandstones). Channel width- thickness
ratio around 50. Example of M Miocene paleogeography map showing S-ward prograding delta plain-front)
Bachtiar, A., P.T. Setyobudi, M. Rozalli, E. Guritno, A. Subekti, P.A. Suandhi & A. Kriyunianto (2015)-
Integrated study of the depositional environment, structural geology, diagenesis and petroleum system of the
Tertiary at the southern border of the Upper Kutai Basin. Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, IPA15-G-173, 17p.
(S part of U Kutai basin with only one gas discovery (Kerendan). Pre-Tertiary mica-schists overlain by (1)M-L
Eocenefluvial-deltaic rift sediments, (2) Oligocene marine post-rift sediments with platform carbonates in S, (3)
inversion in E to Late Miocene dominated by deltaic sediments and change in paleo-shoreline orientation from
E-W to N-S, (4) Plio-Pleistocene NE-SW thrust faulting)
Bachtiar, A., J. Wiyono, Liyanto, M. Syaiful, Y.S. Purnama, M. Rozalli, A. Krisyunianto & A.S. Purnama
(2010)- The dynamics of Mahakam Delta- Indonesia, based on spatial and temporal variations of grab samples,
cores, and salinity. AAPG Int. Conf. Exhibition 2010, 58p. (Abstract + Presentation)
(online at:
Baillie, P., H. Darman & T.H. Fraser (2004)- Deformation of Cenozoic basins of Borneo and Sulawesi. In: R.A.
Noble et al. (eds.) Proc. Deepwater and frontier exploration in Asia and Australasia Symposium, Jakarta 2004,
Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), p. 443-461.
(Geological evolution since Oligocene result of two opposing forces; opening of S China Sea which started in
Oligocene and W-directed compression as micro-continental material from Australian Plate moved W since
Miocene. Overall sinistral wrenching produced zones of deformation extending through Borneo that are loci of
Neogene delta systems. Neogene compression produced W Sulawesi Fold Belt)
Bassoulet, P. (1984)- Study of hydrosedimentological processes within Barito Estuary, Delta Pulau Petak,
Kalimantan Indonesia. IFREMER Centre de Brest, 82p.
(Barito estuary studied in 1983 for 40km from mouth. Upsteam limit of saline water in 1983 dry season 38 km
from mouth)
Bassoulet, P., R. Djuwansah, D. Gouleau & C. Marius (1986)- Hydrosedimentological processes and soils of
the Barito estuary. Oceanologica Acta 9, 3, p. 217-226.
(Barito estuary studied for 40km from mouth. Controlled by tidal currents)
Bates, J. (1996)- Overpressuring in the Kutai Basin: distribution, origin and implications for the petroleum
system. Proc. 25th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 93-115.
(Overpressuring ubiquitous in Kutei Basin. Sequences affected by overpressuring younger from W to E,
consistent with easterly progradation. Primary mechanism for overpressure is Disequilibrium Compaction, and
is pervasive in sand-poor distal and deeper marine clastics. Three pressure zones: hydrostatic, transition and
hard overpressure. Large percentage of reserves in Transition Zone; commercially productive hydrocarbon
reservoirs not encountered in Hard Overpressure Zone in Sanga-Sanga PSC. Seal capacity of shales in
Transition Zone enhanced relative to Hydrostatic Zone and results in larger hydrocarbon columns)
Baumann, P. (1972)- Les faunes de foraminiferes de l’Eocene superieur a la base du Miocene dans le basin de
Pasir, Sud de Kalimantan. Revue Inst. Francais Petrole (IFP) 27, 6, p. 817-829.
Bazin, B., E. Brosse & F. Sommer (1997)- Chemistry of oil-field brines in relation to diagenesis of reservoirs 1.
Use of mineral stability fields to reconstruct in situ water composition. Example of the Mahakam Basin. Marine
Petroleum Geol. 14, 5, p. 481-495.
Beauchamp, J.B. (1980)- Seismic resolution in the Mahakam delta. Proc. 9th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 327-349.
(Conventional seismic with average wave length of 100m not adequate to differentiate 20m thick sandstone
Beets, C. (1941)- Eine Jungmiocane Mollusken-Fauna von der Halbinsel Mangkalihat, Ost-Borneo (nebst
Bermerkungen uber andere Faunen von Ost-Borneo; die Leitfossilien-Frage). Verhandelingen Geologisch-
Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kol., Geol. Serie13, p. 1-282.
(‘A Late Miocene mollusc fauna from the Mangkalihat Peninsula, E Kalimantan’. 160 well-preserved mollusc
species from one locality 114 at N side of Mangkalihat Peninsula, collected by Leupold))
Beets, C. (1947)- Note on fossil Echinoidea and Gastropoda from Sarawak and Kutei, Borneo. Geologie en
Mijnbouw, N.S., 9, p. 40-42.
(online at:
(Brief note on Miocene fossils of poor preservation collected by BPM personnel in Sarawak and E Kalimantan)
Beets, C. (1947)- On probably Pliocene fossils from the Mahakkam Delta region, East Borneo and from dessah
Garoeng (Lamongan), Java. Geologie en Mijnbouw 9, 10, p. 200-203.
(online at:
(Brief report on Late Miocene-Pliocene molluscs from BPM well in Mahakam Delta and from outcrop near
Garung in Lamongan District, E Java, collected by Rutten. No illustrations)
Beets, C. (1950)- On Quaternary Mollusca from the Islands of Boenjoe and Tarakan, E. Borneo. Leidsche Geol.
Mededelingen 15, p. 241-264.
(online at:
(Quaternary marine molluscs collected by BPM personnel from Bunyu (40 species) and Tarakan (9species))
Beets, C. (1950)- On probably Young Miocene fossils from the coal concession Batoe Panggal near
Tenggarong (Samarinda), Eastern Borneo. Leidsche Geol. Mededelingen 15, p. 265-281.
(online at:
(Study of Late Miocene molluscs collected in 1902 in shallow marine clays in coal quarries along Mahakam
River near Batu Panggal, SW of Samarinda. ~40-46% Recent species. Associated with shallow marine forams,
inc. Lepidocyclina epigona)
Beets, C. (1950)- On fossil Mollusca from the island of Mandul, East-Borneo. Leidsche Geol. Mededelingen
15, p. 291-304.
(online at:
(Molluscs from Mandul island, N of Tarakan, collected by Dr. Van Holst Pellekaan (BPM). 75 species,
probably mixed Pliocene and Quaternary taxa. No locality information)
Beets, C. (1950)- Pliocene Mollusca from a coral limestone of a hill near Sekoerau, E. Borneo. Leidsche Geol.
Mededelingen 15, p. 305-318.
(online at:
(15 species of Pliocene molluscs, collected by M. Schmidt in coral limestone hill near Sekurau, Sangkulirang
area. 67% living species. Corals from same locality described by Gerth 1923)
Beets, C. (1981)- Late Miocene Mollusca from Tapian Langsat and Gunung Batuta, Sungai Bangalun area,
Kalimantan (E. Borneo). Scripta Geologica 59, p. 13-28.
(online at:
(Two small Late Miocene mollusc assemblages from NE Kutai Basin, E Kalimantan)
Beets, C. (1983)- Miocene molluscs from Muara Kobun and Pulu Senumpah, Sangkulirang Bay, northern Kutai
(East Borneo). Scripta Geologica 67, p. 1-21.
(online at:
Molluscs from two localities around Sangkulirang Bay, E Kalimantan, collected by Schmidt in 1902 and Rutten
in 1912. Mainly gastropods of Preangerian age, incl. Cerithium kobunense n.sp., Carditella witkampi n.sp.))
Beets, C. (1983)- Miocene (Preangerian) molluscs from Kari Orang, northern Kutai, East Borneo. Scripta
Geologica 67, p. 23-47.
(online at:
(Molluscs collected by Witkamp in 1908 on N flank Kari Orang anticline 27 species are of Preangerian age
(Late Miocene; Tf3). Associated corals described by Felix 1921 and Gerth 1923)
Beets, C. (1983)- Preangerian (Miocene) Mollusca from the Lower Sangkulirang Marl Formation, Kari Orang,
Kalimantan (East Borneo). Scripta Geologica 67, p. 49-67.
(online at:
(Molluscs collected by Rutten in Lower Sangkulirang Marls Preangerian, Tf3 (Late Miocene) age, not Early
Miocene (Tf2) as originally interpreted. Twenty molluscan species (very few bivalves), including 4 new ones:
(Polinices? orangensis, Nihonia witkampi, Conus kutaiensis, and Laevicardium rutteni)
Beets, C. (1984)- Mollusca from Preangerian deposits of Mandul island, Northeastern Kalimantan (East
Borneo). Scripta Geologica 74, p. 49-80.
(online at:
(Molluscs collected in 1916 by BPM from Mandul Island, Tarakan basin. First examined by K Martin in 1916:
22 species, and age 'uppermost Old Miocene' or 'Upper Miocene'. Restudy identified 42 species, suggesting
mixed faunas and Miocene age)
Beets, C. (1986)- Preangerian (Late Miocene) Mollusca from a hill near Sekurau, northern Kutai, Kalimantan
Timur (East Borneo). Scripta Geologica 74, p. 1-37.
(online at:
(Molluscs fossils collected Schmidt in 1902 from hill near Sekurau, N Kutai, in Late Miocene clays with
limestones and sandstones, overlain by Pliocene coral limestones. Sixty species suggesting Preangerian age
(Tf3) and shallow marine conditions)
Beets, C. (1986)- Molluscan fauna of the Lower Gelingseh Beds s.str., Sangulirang area, Kalimantan Timur
(East Borneo). Scripta Geologica 82, p. 1-82.
(online at:
(Compilation of investigations of molluscs collected Rutten from Late Miocene Gelingseh Beds, E Kalimantan)
Bellet, J. (1987)- Le sondage Misedor- Palynofacies et analyse elementaire de la matiere organique. In: A.
Combaz (ed.) Geochimie organique des sediments plio-quaternaires du delta de la Mahakam (Indonesie)- le
sondage Misedor, Editions TECHNIP, Paris, p. 183-195.
('The Misedor well: palynofacies and elemental analysis of organic matter'. Organic matter in Mahakam Delta
sediments mainly of humic origin, from land plants. No evidence of marine organics. Kerogens mainly Type III)
Bianchi, N., G. Aplin, C. Davies, E. Guritno, W. Darmawan, A. Subekti & G. Airlangga (2016)- Revealing the
natural fracture network of the Berai Carbonate, Kerendan Field Complex, Indonesia. AAPG Geoscience
Techn. Workshop Characterization of Asian hydrocarbon reservoirs, Bangkok, Search and Discovery Art.
20356, 5p. (Extended Abstract)
(online at:
(Kerendan mid-sized gas field in C Kalimantan, producing from Late Oligocene Berai Lst reservoir. Intervals
with fractures. Image logs show two types of fractures, related to faulting)
Biantoro, E., M.I. Kusuma & L.F. Rotinsulu (1996)- Tarakan Sub-basin growth faults, northeast Kalimantan:
their roles in hydrocarbon entrapment. Proc. 25th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. 1, p. 175-189.
(Tarakan sub-basin 5 provinces separated by normal faults, controlled by Oligocene to Pliocene growth fault
systems. Fault development in three periods: Late Oligocene-E Miocene rift faulting, M-L Miocene growth
faulting, and Mio-Pliocene growth faulting. Miocene faults rejuvenation of previous faults, coinciding with
change from transgression to regression. Hydrocarbons trapped by growth faults: four way dip, roll-over
against fault, fault traps, and unconformity closures)
Biantoro, E., B.P. Muritno & J.M.B. Mamuaya (1992)- Inversion faults as the major structural control in the
northern part of the Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan. Proc. 21st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc., 1, p. 45-59.
(Kutai Basin deepest Tertiary basin in Indonesia with >10 km sediments. Structural pattern is anticlinorium
trending almost N-S, gradually changing to E-W at N edge. Compressional faults in N Kutai Basin are
inversion faults, rejuvenating Eocene-Pliocene extensional faults. Late compression by coupling between
Paternoster and Sangkulirang dextral strike slip faults in Plio-Pleistocene)
Biantoro, E., T.S. Priantono & J.M.B. Mamuaya (1994)- Potensi reservoir Eosen daerah Bungalun Barat,
Cekungan Kutai Utara: prediksi dari interpretasi seismik. In: Proc. 19th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geophys.
(HAGI), p. 355-373.
(‘Eocene reservoir potential in the W Bangulan area, N Kutai basin: prediction from seismic interpretation’)
Biantoro, E., B. Yulian & I. Muchlis (1991)- Identifikasi gejala diapirik dalam hubungannya dengan
pemerangkapan hidrokarbon di lapangan Sangatta dan sekitarnya. Proc. 20th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol.
(IAGI), Jakarta, p. 163-179.
('Identification of diapyric features and its relation with hydrocarbon in the Sangatta field and surroundings'.
Cores of Sangatta and surrounding anticlines may be cored by Late Miocene- Pleistocene diapyric shale flow)
Billman, H.G. & L.Witoelar Kartaadipura (1974)- Late Tertiary biostratigraphic zonation, Kutei Basin, offshore
East Kalimantan. Proc. 3rd. Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 301-310.
(First Late Miocene- Recent biozonation based on rotaliid benthic foraminifera for use in deltaic sediments
where planktonics and larger forams are usually absent)
Bishop, W.P. (1980)- Structure, stratigraphy and hydrocarbons offshore southern Kalimantan, Indonesia.
American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 64, p. 37-58.
(Java Sea S of Kalimantan stratigraphy)
Bleekrode S.A. (1858)- Eene beschouwing over de koolformatie van Borneo, naar aanleiding van XVIII en XIX
der Bijdragen tot de geologische en mineralogische kennis van Nederlandsch Indie. Tijdschrift voor
Nederlandsch-Indie 17, 10p.
('A discussion of the coal formation of Borneo…')
Bleekrode S.A. (1859)- Platinerz von Goenoeng Lawack auf Borneo. Annalen der Physik 183, 5, p. 189-191.
Boettger, O. (1875)- Die fossilen Mollusken der Eocanformation auf der Insel Borneo. In: R.D.M. Verbeek et
al., Die Eocanformation von Borneo und ihre Versteinerungen, Palaeontographica Suppl. 3, 1, p. 9-59.
(‘The fossil molluscs of the Eocene of Borneo’. Includes descriptions of molluscs from Eocene Tanjung Fm near
Pengaron, Meratus Mts. 18 species of gastropods and many more bivalves, most of them marine, but the lowest
clay beds associated with coals have mainly large fresh-brackish water Cyrena species)
Boettger, O. (1877)- Die fossilen Mollusken der Eocanformation auf der Insel Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen
Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 6 (1877), 2, p. 16-110.
(‘The fossil molluscs of the Eocene of Borneo’. Same paper as Palaeontographica (1875) paper above)
Bois, M., Y. Grosjean & L. de Pazzis (1994)- Shale compaction and abnormal pressure evaluation application
to the Offshore Mahakam. Proc. 23rd Annual Convention Indon. Petroleum Assoc. 1, p. 245-259.
Bon, J., T.H. Fraser, W. Amris, D.N. Stewart, Z. Abubakar & S. Sosromihardjo (1996)- A review of the
exploration potential of the Paleocene Lower Tanjung Formation in the South Barito Basin. Proc. 25th Ann.
Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc., 1, p. 69-79.
(Barito Basin ~5000m Cretaceous- Tertiary clastics with minor carbonates. M-Late Miocene compression
divided basin along 'Tanjung Line': to N deformed zone with reverse faulted anticlines; to S virtually
undisturbed sediments dipping down to axis of asymmetrical basin. Discoveries restricted to inverted area N of
"Tanjung Line". Tanjung Fm in undisturbed S Barito Basin shows Paleocene and Cretaceous sediments in
Lower Tanjung Fm (previously assigned to Lower Eocene). Primary reservoir basal transgressive sand (63
Ma), equivalent to Z860 sandstone in Tanjung Field. Principal source rocks are coals and coaly claystone with
Type III kerogens. Claystones associated with flooding surfaces of sequence-4 seal in Tanjung Field and also
expected to provide seals in study area)
Boudagher-Fadel, M.K., A.R. Lord & F.T. Banner (2000)- Some Miogypsinidae (foraminifera) in the Miocene
of Borneo and nearby countries. Revue Paleobiologie, Geneve, 19, 1, p. 137-156.
(Description of larger foram family Miogypsinidae and evolution of Miogypsinodella n. gen. in Te-Tf (Late
Oligocene- M Miocene) in NE Borneo. New species Miogypsina sabahensis)
Boudagher-Fadel, M.K., J.J. Noad & A.R. Lord (2000)- Larger foraminifera from Late Oligocene- earliest
Miocene reefal limestones of North East Borneo. Revista Espanola Micropal. 32, 3, p. 341-362.
(Gomantong Limestone of E Sabah deposited along E-W trending shoreline in Late Oligocene- E Miocene.
Sixteen species described, one new (Lepidocyclina banneri). (see also McMonagle et al. 2011))
Boudagher-Fadel, M.K. & M. Wilson (2000)- A revision of some larger foraminifera of the Miocene of
Southeast Kalimantan. Micropaleontology 46, 2, p. 153-165.
(Burdigalian- Serravallian Tf1-Tf2 larger foram assemblages from Batu Putih limestone patch reefs inland
from Mahakam Delta. With Lepidocyclina praedelicata n. sp.)
Brahmantio, R., C.M. Adam, A. Laffaure, E. Chavanne & N. Syarifuddin (2008)- Structural uncertainty study:
an example from Sisi-Nubi Fields. Proc. 32nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc., Jakarta, IPA08-G-097, 9p.
(Sisi and Nubi gas fields, off Mahakam delta, faulted anticlinal structures, compartmentalized by major NNE-
SSW faults, creating 6 main compartments; 4 in Nubi, 2 in Sisi)
Budiartha, K. & I. Hartono (1999)- Applications of hydraulic fracturing to increase oil production in Tanjung
Field, Kalimantan, Indonesia: Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 147-154.
Burroughs, H.C. (1972)- Attaka Oil Field. Proc. 1st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 128-
Burrus, J., E. Brosse, G. Choppin de Janvry, Y. Grosjean & J.L. Oudin (1992)- Basin modelling in the
Mahakam Delta based on the integrated 2D model TEMISPACK. Proc. 21st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 23-43.
(Coal-rich, normally pressured delta-plain facies in synclines most effective source rock, not deep
overpressured marine shales. Migration mostly parallel to bedding/ updip along structure flanks rather than
vertically across bedding)
Burrus, J., E. Brosse, J. De Choppin & Y. Grosjean (1994)- Interactions between tectonism, thermal history,
and paleohydrology in the Mahakam Delta, Indonesia: model results, petroleum consequences. AAPG Int.
Conf. Exh., Kuala Lumpur 1994, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 78, 7, p. 1186. (Abstract only)
(Mahakam Delta 2-d maturity models along 70-km-long transects confirm fluid inclusions evidence that region
cooled by up to 25°C in recent time. Cooling caused by topography-driven circulation in Late Miocene Fresh
Water Sands, charged along 600-m-high Pliocene coastal uplift. Best-fit age of uplift ~3 Ma. Most of flow
system has disappeared due to erosion. Discharge of meteoric waters along listric normal faults at periphery of
present-day delta. Observed temperatures and paleotemperatures agree with hypothesis that opening of N
Makassar basin was Paleogene rather than Oligocene- E Miocene age sometimes proposed)
Burrus, J., K. Osadetz, M. Gaulier, E. Brosse et al. (1993)- Source rock permeability and petroleum expulsion
efficiency: modelling examples from the Mahakam Delta, the Williston Basin and the Paris Basin. In: Proc. 4th
Conf. Petroleum Geology of Northwest Europe, Geol. Society London, p. 1317-1332.
Busono, I., H. Alam & S. Corbin (1997)- Controls on the reservoir quality of Lower Miocene sandstones, Kutei
basin. In: J.V.C. Howes & R.A. Noble (eds.) Proc. Int. Conf. Petroleum Systems SE Asia and Australasia,
Jakarta 1997, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), p. 745-749.
(Burial depth, temperature and related maturation of carbonaceous material and pressure major controls on
diagenesis of sandstones)
Butterworth, P.J., P. Cook, R.A. Ripple, M. Drummond et al. (2001)- Reservoir architecture of an incised-valley
fill from the Nilam Field, Kutai Basin, Indonesia. Proc. 28th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc., p. 537-555.
(Thick, multi-storey M Miocene G053B reservoir with 180 BCF OGIP interpreted as incised valley fill (IVF)
back-stepping sequence, deposited during relative sea level rise. IVF interpretation, rather than highstand
distributary channel model based on clear incision and basinward shift in facies, coeval sediment-starved
interfluves, and abnormal aspect ratio (3 km wide, 40m thick))
Camp, W.K., E.E. Guritno, D. Drajat & M.E.J. Wilson (2009)- Middle-Lower Eocene turbidites: a new
deepwater play concept, Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 33rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc., Jakarta, IPA09-G-001, 15p.
(E-M Eocene turbidite deposits penetrated by a few wells and also exposed onshore along uplifted area S of
Mangkalihat Peninsula, NE Kalimantan)
Campbell, K. & D. Wayan Ardhana (1988)- Post Convention Field Trip 1988: Barito Basin, South Kalimantan,
Guide Book. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), p. 1-54.
Caratini, C. & C. Tissot (1987)- Le sondage Misedor- Etude palynologique. In: A. Combaz (ed.) Geochimie
organique des sediments plio-quaternaires du delta de la Mahakam (Indonesie)- le sondage Misedor, Editions
TECHNIP, Paris, p. 137-171.
(Palynogical study of 638.6 m deep Misedor core hole on Handil Anticline, SW Mahakam delta. TD in Upper
Pliocene, continous deltaic facies. Stratigraphic markers Phyllocadus hypophyllus (Pleistocene- Recent),
Podocarpus imbricatus and Stenochlaena laurifolia (latest Miocene- E Pleistocene) help locate Plio-
Pleistocene boundary at sequence boundary at ~400m. Several short-lived peaks of Graminae (grass) pollen
Caratini, C. & C. Tissot (1988)- Paleogeographical evolution of the Mahakam delta in Kalimantan, Indonesia,
during the Quaternary and Late Pliocene. Review Palaeobotany Palynology 55, p. 217-228.
(Mahakam delta MISEDOR well (638.5m) reaches U Pliocene. Palynology markers Phyllocladus hypophyllus,
Podocarpus imbricatus and Stenochlaena laurifolia helped locate Plio-Pleistocene boundary at ~400m.
Uniform paleogeographical features below this depth and great variability of conditions above it. Indications of
climatic changes in several periods of low sea level with rise of detritus and high frequencies of grass pollen,
due to savanna development in response to colder climatic conditions)
Carbonel, P., C. Caratini & J. Gayet (1987)- Le sondage Misedor- Synthese des etudes geologiques. In: A.
Combaz (ed.) Geochimie organique des sediments plio-quaternaires du delta de la Mahakam (Indonesie)- le
sondage Misedor, Editions TECHNIP, Paris, p. 173-181.
('The Misedor well- synthesis of geologic studies'. Misedor shallow cored well in Handil Field area of
Mahakam Delta penetraded Quaternary (0-400m) and Late Pliocene clastic sediments (400- 638.6m). Four
transgressive- regressive sequences in deltaic setting)
Carbonel, P. & T. Hoibian (1988)- The impact of organic matter on ostracods from an equatorial deltaic area,
the Mahakam Delta, Southeastern Kalimantan. In: T. Hanai et al. (eds.) Evolutionary biology of Ostracoda, its
fundamentals and applications. Proc. 9th Int. Symposium Ostracoda, Shizuoka, Elsevier Developments in
Paleontology and Stratigraphy 11, p. 353-366.
(On ostracod fauna in Mahakam delta area. In front of delta mouth number of species decreases,
Hemicytheridea reticulata relatively common, and ornamentation of polymorphic species decreases. Between
delta mouths ornamentation increases, probably due to less degradation of organic matter here)
Carbonel, P., T. Hoibian & J. Moyes (1987)- Ecosystemes et paleoenvironnements de la zone deltaique de la
Mahakam depuis la fin du Neogene. In: A. Combaz (ed.) Geochimie organique des sediments plio-quaternaires
du delta de la Mahakam (Indonesie)- le sondage Misedor, Editions TECHNIP, Paris, p. 85-135.
('Ecosystems and paleoenvironments of the Mahakam Delta zone since the end of the Neogene'. Comprehensive
overview of delta plain environments and geographic distribution of benthic foraminifera (4 assemblages) and
ostracodes (5 assemblages). With data from Misedor core hole on Handil Anticline)
Carbonel, P. & J. Moyes (1987)- Late Quaternary paleoenvironments of the Mahakam Delta (Kalimantan,
Indonesia). Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecology 61, 3-4, p. 265-284.
(Paleoenvironments in deltas can be defined by biological tracers, mainly benthic foraminifera and ostracods.
In 200m of core these biomarkers show four transgressive marine sequences since 125,000 yr B.P., with sharp
asymmetry in a transgression/progradation cycle)
Carter, I.S. & R.J. Morley (1995)- Utilising outcrop and palaeontological data to determine a detailed sequence
stratigraphy of the Early Miocene deltaic sediments of the Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan. In: C.A. Caughey et
al. (eds.) Int. Symp. Sequence Stratigraphy in Southeast Asia, Jakarta 1995, Indon. Petroleum Assoc., p. 345-
(Sequence stratigraphic subdivision of >5000m of Early Miocene sediment in onshore Kutai Basin establishing
‘high-resolution’ palynology zonation between 20-16 Ma)
Cartier E.G. & A.K. Yeats (1973)- The Lower Tertiary in Kaltim Shell Contract area, East Kalimantan. Results
of 1972-1973 Field Surveys (Kaltim Shell), p.
(Unpublished Shell report. Hutchison 1996: Embaluh Group of the Upper Mahakam and Boh rivers of
Kalimantan yielded M Eocene planktonic foraminifera)
Cater, M.C. (1981)- Stratigraphy of the offshore area South of Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 10th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 269-284.
Cavanna, G.R. E. Caselgrandi, E. Corti, A. Amato del Monte, M. Fervari, M. Bello, J. Aruan and C. Golding
(2012)- Integrating the geophysical characterization of seismic thin beds with stochastic reservoir modeling: a
case study from the Kutei Basin (Offshore Kalimantan, Indonesia). In: Proc. Int. Petrol. Techn. Conf. (IPTC),
Bangkok 2012, IPTC 14570, 17p.
Chambers, J.L.C., I. Carter, I.R. Cloke, J. Craig, S.J. Moss & D.W. Paterson (2004)- Thin-skinned and thick-
skinned inversion-related thrusting- a structural model for the Kutai Basin, Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: K.R.
McClay (ed.) Thrust tectonics and hydrocarbon systems, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG), Mem. 82, p.
(Regional compression reactivated basement extensional faults, inverting Paleogene depocenters as anticlines
often flanked on one side by basement thrusts. Neogene section detached near top overpressured zone and
deformed as thin-skinned fold-thrust belt. Response to inversion of Paleogene rift section controlled in part by
heterogeneity in shallow section: syndepositional loading, delta progradation, normal faults, facies changes)
Chambers, J.L.C. & T. Daley (1995)- A tectonic model for the onshore Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan, based on
an integrated geological and geophysical interpretation. Proc. 24th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, 1, p. 111-130.
(Models for Samarinda Anticlinorium included gravity slumping, shale diapirism and thrusting. Structures in
Runtu Block are rigid deltaic- shelf sediments deformed into box-folds above folded shaly prodelta- bathyal
sediments. Detachment at top or within over-pressured shales at base of Lower Miocene deltaics. Gravity data
suggests semi-regional uplifts of over-pressured strata. Basement not visible on seismic, but gravity and
aeromagnetics show it between 7-14 km. Models imply small amounts of shortening across near-surface
structures and relatively large uplift. C Kutai Basin inversion of deep Paleogene rift basin gave rise to broad
regional folding of shale-rich over-pressured section. Closer spaced folding in near surface, normally
pressured, less ductile deltaic -shelf section of Samarinda Anticlinorium result of same inversion)
Chambers, J.L.C. & T.E. Daley (1997)- A tectonic model for the onshore Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan. In: A.J.
Fraser, S.J. Matthews & R.W. Murphy (eds.) Petroleum Geology of Southeast Asia. Geol. Soc. London, Spec.
Publ. 126, p. 375-393.
(Similar to above paper)
Chambers, J.L.C. & S. Moss (1999)- Depositional modelling of rift episodes and inversion of the Kutei Basin,
Kalimantan, Indonesia. Petroleum Expl. Soc. Australia (PESA) Journal, 27, p. 9-24.
(Tertiary facies distributions in Kutai Basin re-interpreted and used to build models of tectonic basin evolution
and depositional environments arrangements in relationship to major basin phases. Rift-related depocentres
may offer alternative exploration target to proven Miocene systems. New understanding of basin development is
important for appreciation of resource distribution in this and similar rift basins of Borneo and SE Asia)
Christensen, A.N., C. Jones, L.B. Kocijan, H. Booth, S. Rouxel & B. Kunjan (2018)- Airborne gravity
gradiometer survey over the Pelarang Anticline, onshore Kutai Basin, Indonesia. In: Proc. Australian
Exploration Geoscience Conf. (AEGC 2018), Sydney, p. 1-6. (Extended Abstract)
(online at:
(Pelarang Anticline part of NNE-SSW-trending Samarinda Anticlinorium in detached fold-thrust belt of
onshore Kutai basin. Detachment fold, ~30km long, with steeply dipping flanks. Airborne gravity shows
anticline associated with strong positive gravity anomaly, possibly from ~2000m high, high-pressured shale
core. Two commercial hydrocarbon accumulations, Sambutan and Mutiara)
Christensen, K., A. Nurhono, R.U. Zahar, S. Chipchase, Marwoto, D. Mochtar & B. Simmonds (1998)- The
Sepinggan Field: reducing field modelling and reserve calculation cycle time. Proc. 26th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 329-339.
Cibaj, I. (2009)- A fluvial series in the Middle Miocene of Kutei Basin: a major shift from Proto-Mahakam
shallow marine to the continental environment. In: Variations in fluvial-deltaic and coastal reservoirs deposited
in tropical environments, AAPG Hedberg Conf., Jakarta 2009, 11p. (online at:
(In Proto-Mahakam delta outcrops early M Miocene fluvial sand-rich interval, ~700-800m thick, above deeper
water marine facies, and overlain by more marine deltaic series)
Cibaj, I. (2010)- Fluvial channel complexes in the Middle Miocene of Lower Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan- the
stacking pattern of sediments. Proc. 34th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA10-G-053,
(600m thick M Miocene(N9-N13) section exposed near Samarinda. Basal Batu Putih reefal carbonates (called
10.5 Ma_mfs, but on Fig 1 shown as NN4-NN5= 14-18 Ma; called N8 by Allen & Chambers 1998) abruptly
overlain by fluvial channel sands, flood plain shales and 1-3m thick coals. Stacked fluvial parasequences, each
40-50m thick. Transition to fluvial deposits interpreted as SB 10.2 Ma (likely older?; JTvG), with influx of
coarse-grained sediment tied to tectonic uplift in hinterland)
Cibaj, I. (2011)- Channel-levee complexes in the slope turbidites of Lower Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan. Proc.
35th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA11 G-078, 18p.
(Description of geometry of sandstone reservoirs in slope turbidite channel- levee complexes in outcrop near
Cibaj, I. (2011)- Channel-levee facies and sea floor fan lobes in the turbidites of Lower Kutei Basin, East
Kalimantan. Berita Sedimentogi 21, FOSI- IAGI, p. 15-21.
(Online at:
(New outcrops of late Early- Middle Miocne (NN4-NN5) clastics and Batu Putih limestones on Samarinda
Anticlinorium NW of Samarinda. Channel-levee complexes/ slope turbidites and debris flows below Batu Putih
carbonates, which are thought to represent shelf break environment. Similar to paper above)
Cibaj, I. (2013)- Miocene stratigraphy and paleogeography of Lower Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan- a synthesis.
Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA13-G-090, p. 1-24.
(Review of 3500m thick Miocene section exposed in Samarinda area, Lower Kutei basin, at E flank of Separi
anticline. Ranging in age from Late Burdigalian (zone NN4, ~17 Ma) to E Tortonian (~10 Ma). Overall
regressive stacking pattern of deposits from slope turbidites of Hutunan village section, through shallow marine
and deltaic deposits to fluvial deposits of Harapan Baru section at top.
Cibaj, I., U. Ashari, J.A. Dal, V. Mazingue & M. Bueno (2015)- Sedimentology and stratigraphic stacking
patterns of the Sisi-Nubi Field Producing Interval, Lower Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 39th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA15-G-245, 33p.
(Sisi-Nubi field in shallow marine area off Mahakam Delta. Four third-order Genetic Sequences orders (in
lower regressive and upper overall transgressive stacking mode) and numerous 5th order parasequences
recognized in ~1800-2000m thick U Miocene (~7-5 Ma) Producing interval. Fresh-water sands throughout. In
Upper Fresh Water Interval locally small (2-5 km wide) patch reefal carbonate buildups)
Cibaj, I., F. Lafont, E. Chavanne & G. de Tonnac (2006)- Upper Miocene fluvial deposits offshore modern
Mahakam Delta. Proc. Jakarta 2006 Int. Geosc. Conf. Exhib., Indon. Petroleum Assoc., Jakarta, 06-PG-29, 4p.
(Producing Upper Miocene (Messinian) Fresh Water Sands Fm offshore Mahakam Delta in Sisi-Nubi Field
previously interpreted as deltaic sequence. Recent 3D seismic shows meandering features, evidence of fluvial
deposit 30 km offshore from modern delta and <10 km from present shelf break)
Cibaj, I., B. Lambert, P. Zaugg, U. Ashari, J.A. Dal & P. Imbert (2014)- Stratigraphic stacking patterns of the
Mahakam Area, Lower Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 38th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA14-G-145, 27p.
(M Miocene- Recent Mahakam Delta system in Lower Kutei Basin subdivided into four main 2nd order cycles,
with boundaries (defined as Base Max. Flooding surfaces) at 15, 11, 7 and 5 Ma. Correspond to major E-ward
(basinward) shifts of shelf break/ depocenters thickness)
Cibaj, I., N. Syarifuddin, U. Ashari, A. Wiweko & K.A. Maryunani (2007)- Stratigraphic interpretation of
Middle Miocene Mahakam Delta deposits: implications for reservoir distribution and quality. Proc. 31st Ann.
Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA07-G-116, p. 1-11.
(Samarinda area outcrops of 450m M Miocene deltaic deposits studied. Overall thickening-upward sequences
interpreted as indicating regressive evolution of deltaic parasequences)
Cibaj, I. & A. Wiweko (2008)- Recognition of progradational shelf deposits in the Middle Miocene of Kutai
Basin. Proc. 32nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA08-G-171, p. 1-14.
(Outcrop study of M Miocene progradational deltaic deposits NW of Samarinda. Upward transition from a
slope-basin environment to slope and from slope to shelf. No documentation of age control)
Cities Service Co. (1980)- Hydrocarbon plays in Tertiary, S.E. Asia basins. Oil and Gas J. 78, 29, p. 90-96.
Clark, T., J. Hadiwijoto, B. Zagalai, S. Martinez & D. Staples (1994)- Serang Field re-evaluation. Proc. 23rd
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 339-353.
(Serang field N of Attaka field, N Mahakam, E Kalimantan, evolved from non-commercial discovery in 1973 to
a field with proven reserves of 35 MBO and 275 GCF in Late Miocene deltaic sands)
Clark, T., M. Turk, J. Hadiwijoto & Y. Partono (1999)- Serang Field- discovery within a seismic "fault
shadow". Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 323-341.
(Serang field off E Kalimantan. Structure for long time hidden in shadow under large listric normal fault. Main
reservoir Upper Miocene fluvio-deltaic channel sands. Reefal carbonates preferentially developed on upthrown
block in M Miocene- early late Miocene (reservoir quality rel. poor) and in Pliocene (very porous))
Clauer, N., T. Rinckenbach, F. Weber, F. Sommer, S. Chaudhuri & J.R. O'Neil (1999)- Diagenetic evolution of
clay minerals in oil-bearing Neogene sandstones and associated shales, Mahakam delta basin, Kalimantan,
Indonesia. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 83, 1, p. 62-87.
(Study of clays in Handil and Tunu fields. Cllay fraction of Mahakam Delta Basin mixed-layer illite/smectite,
kaolinite/dickite, detrital illite, and chlorite. Hydrocarbon generation took place in deeper synclinal zones and
that oil migrated upward with brines, probably inducing most of illitization in upper sequence)
Cloke, I.R. (1997)- Structural controls on the basin evolution of the Kutai Basin and Makassar Straits. Ph.D.
Thesis, University of London, p. 1-376. (Unpublished)
(Flexural modelling of Neogene load of Mahakam Delta suggests sediments 20 km landward of present day
shelf-break loaded lithosphere with high elastic thickness, corresponding to oceanic lithosphere of 47 Ma.
Landward of this point, the elastic thickness is less and suggesting stretched continental crust.)
Cloke, I.R., J. Craig & D.J. Blundell (1999)- Structural controls on the hydrocarbon and mineral deposits within
the Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan. In: K.J.W. McCaffrey et al. (eds.) Fractures, fluid flow and mineralization,
Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 155, p. 213-232.
Cloke, I.R., J. Milsom & D.J.B. Blundell (1999)- Implications of gravity data from East Kalimantan and the
Makassar Straits: a solution to the origin of the Makassar Straits? J. Asian Earth Sci. 17, 1-2, p. 61-78.
(Gravity modeling and flexural backstripping suggest N Makassar basin underlain by M Eocene oceanic crust)
Cloke, I.R., S.J. Moss & J. Craig (1997)- The influence of basement reactivation on the extensional and
inversional history of the Kutai Basin, Eastern Kalimantan. J. Geol. Soc. London 154, p. 157-161.
(Kutai basins formed in M- Late Eocene above Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary orogenic complex. Basement
fabrics influenced extension and inversion. Basement fabric on margins and Tertiary cover dominated by NE-
SW, NW-SE and NNE-SSW-trending structures. Larger scale NW-SE narrow linear gravity lows cut NNE-SSW
highs on gravity data within basin. NNE-SSW basin-bounding faults overlap in right stepping en-echelon
manner. Opposing antithetic and synthetic half-grabens linked by oblique NW-SE transfer faults. Inversion
utilized extensional faults as reverse faults; however, NW-SE-oriented structures were reactivated as zones of
lateral offset along fold-thrust belt, whilst fault kinks oriented NE-SW reactivated as oblique-slip reverse faults)
Cloke, I.R., S.J. Moss & J. Craig (1999)- Structural controls on the evolution of the Kutai Basin, East
Kalimantan. J. Asian Earth Sci. 17, p. 137-156.
(Kutai Basin formed in M Eocene by extension linked to opening of Makassar Straits. N margin inverted NNE-
SSW trending Eocene half-grabens. Late Oligocene extension on NW-SE trending en-echelon faults under
different stress regime, indicating rotation of extension direction between 45-90°. Early Miocene N6-N8
inversion along E-facing half-grabens on N and S margins. WNW-vergent thrusts indicate compression from
ESE. Miocene collisions with N and E Sundaland triggered punctuated basin inversion. Inversion concentrated
in weak continental crust below Kutai Basin and various Sulawesi basins, while stronger oceanic crust or
attenuated continental crust of Makassar Straits acted as passive conduit for compressional stresses)
Combaz, A. & M. de Matharel (1978)- Organic sedimentation and genesis of petroleum in Mahakam Delta,
Borneo. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 62, 9, p. 1684-1695.
(Mahakam delta organic material in source rocks generally continental and vegetal origin. Oils paraffinic,
increase in gravity with depth, and very low sulfur content. Accumulations probably not far from source rocks,
but originate at greater depths. Hydrocarbons could have migrated vertically about 3000m along faults)
Core Laboratories (1996)- Regional sequence stratigraphic and geochemical study of the Tarakan Basin,
Northeast Kalimantan., p. (Unpublished Multi-client study)
Core Laboratories (2006)- Deep water reservoirs, Asia- a regional evaluation, Phase I- Indonesia and The
Philippines. p. (Unpublished Multi-client study)
(Study of deep water wells from Makassar Straits, Sulu Sea, S China Sea)
Courteney, S., P. Cockcroft, R. Lorentz, R. Miller, H.L. Ott, S. Wiman et al. (eds.) (1991)- Indonesia- Oil and
gas fields atlas, 5, Kalimantan. Indonesian Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 1-25, A1-A8.
(Introduction to Kalimantan geology and summary of oil and gas fields. Oil seeps first described from E
Kalimantan in 1865, first oil production in 1899 on Tarakan Island by BPM predecessor)
Crumeyrolle, P. (2003)- Two contrasting styles of Lowstand Deltaic wedges: the Roda Sandstone (Spain) as
seen from outcrops and the Late Pleistocene Mahakam Delta (Indonesia) as imaged from 3D and 2D Hr Seismic
profiles. In: H.H. Roberts et al. (eds.) Shelf margin deltas and linked down slope petroleum systems- Global
Crumeyrolle, P. & I. Renaud (2003)- Quaternary incised valleys and low stand deltas imaged with 3D seismic
and 2D HR Profiles, Mahakam Delta,Indonesia. AAPG Int. Conference, Barcelona 2003, Search and Discovery
Art. 90017, 8p.
(online at:
(Review of Late Pleistocene- Holocene of Mahakam Delta , showing complete cycle of lowstand (incised valleys
and prograding lowstand delta)- transgressive (up to 40m thick Halimeda carbonate buildups on interfluves of
incised valleys on shelf)- highstand sequence tracts (prograding clastics of modern delta))
Crumeyrolle, P., I. Renaud & J. Suiter (2007)- The use of two- and three-dimensional seismic to understand
sediment transfer from fluvial to deepwater via sinuous channels: example from the Mahakam shelf and
comparison with outcrop data (South Central Pyrenees). In: R.J. Davies et al. (eds.) Seismic geomorphology:
applications to hydrocarbon exploration and production, Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 277, p. 85-103.
(Stratigraphy and depositional environments of Pleistocene Mahakam delta lowstand delta/ fans, as mapped
from seismic, used to interpret outcrops of Sobrarbe delta deposits in Pyrenees)
Curiale, J.A., J. Decker, R. Lin & R.J. Morley (2006)- Oils and oil-prone coals of the Kutei Basin, Indonesia.
Abstract AAPG Int. Conf. Exh., Perth 2006, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 90 Program
(Kutei Basin Miocene and Eocene coals have oil-prone source rock potential. Nine Miocene and Eocene coals
(15- 36 Ma) on Borneo compared with oils from same basin. Several coals qualify as oil-prone potential source
rocks, but no single coal correlatable with any single oil)
Curiale, J., R. Lin & J. Decker (2005)- Isotopic and molecular characteristics of Miocene-reservoired oil of the
Kutei Basin, Indonesia. Organic Geochem. 36, p. 405-424.
(Thirty-two oils from Miocene sands of Kutei Basin examined. Isotopic data discriminate single megafamily of
oils dominated by angiosperm debris. Separable into two sub-families: onshore and continental shelf oils (low
lupanoid ratio) and continental slope oils (high lupanoid ratio))
Dalman, R.A.F., T. Missiaen, D.A.S. Ranawijaya, S.B. Kroonenberg, J.E.A. Storms & J.B. Reinink (2009)- The
Late Holocene progradation of the mixed fluvial-tidal Mahakam Delta, imaged using very high-resolution
shallow seismics. AAPG Hedberg Conference, Jakarta 2009, 3p. (Extended Abstract)
(online at:
Darlan, Y. & Sahudin (2012)- Gas biogenik dan unsur mineral pada sedimen delta Kapuas, Kalimantan Barat. J.
Geologi Kelautan 10, 3, p. 133-146
(online at:
('Biogenic gas and mineral elements in Kapuas delta sediments, West Kalimantan'. Bacterial-origin biogenic
gas in Quaternary clastic sediments of shallow boreholes in Kapuas Delta)
Darman, H. (1998)- Carbonate slope deposit of Bengalun River, East Kalimantan. Berita Sedimentologi (Indon.
Sediment. Forum, FOSI) 10, p. 4-6.
(Bengalon River near NE margin Kutei Basin exposes thick Paleogene and Neogene deep marine to fluvio-
marine sediments. E Miocene (zone N4) bathyal marine calcareous shales with bioclastic calci-turbidites.
Presence of carbonate sediments suggests nearby carbonate-producing shelf)
Darman, H. (1999)- Extracting flow pattern and point-bar characteristics of a modern river: a case study from
the Wahau River, East Kalimantan. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 403-414.
(Study of modern Wahau River deposition)
Darman, H. (2003)- Seismic expression of shelf breaks: examples from Borneo/Kalimantan basins. Berita
Sedimentologi (Indon. Sediment. Forum FOSI) 18, p. 8-13.
(Examples of shelf breaks/clinoforms on previously published seismic examples from offshore Kutai, Tarakan,
Sandakan, and NW Borneo)
Darman, H. (2017)- The Paleogene of East Borneo and its facies distribution. Berita Sedimentologi (Indon.
Sediment. Forum, FOSI- IAGI) 37, p. 5-13.
(online at:
(Review of East Kalimantan Barito, Kutei and Tarakan basins, all with M Eocene - U Oligocene Paleogene
sediments. M Eocene dominated by fluvial settings, U Eocene common coastal to shallow shelf deposits.
Carbonates developed in Oligocene in N and S; in Kutei Basin mainly shelf to bathyal clastics)
Darman, H. & K. Handoyo (2006)- "Deltaic” reservoir characteristics of giant fields of the Kutei and Baram
Basins, Borneo. AAPG 2006 Int. Conf. Exhibition, Perth 2006, Search and Discovery Art. 20191 (2013), 6p.
(Abstract and Presentation)
(online at:
(Giant fields in two basins surrounding Borneo, Baram and Kutei, producing oil and gas from Miocene deltaic-
shallow marine sandstones. Sandstones generally quartz dominated and derived from central part of Borneo.
Structures of fields in Kutei Basin generally larger, but reservoirs less continuous (distributary mouth bars,
interconnected by channel cuts))
Darman, H. & K. Handoyo (2008)- Deltaic reservoir characteristics of Kutei and Baram giant fields. In: J.A.
Katili et al. (eds.) Tectonics and resources of Central and Southeast Asia (Halbouty volume), Pusat Survei
Geol., Bandung, Spec. Publ. 34, p. 109-123.
(Kutei and Baram giant oil-gas fields both produce mainly from Miocene deltaic- shallow marine sandstones.
These are part of progradational sequences, formed after large amounts of generally quartz-rich sediments
began to pour from C Kalimantan into deep basins to N, W and E of Borneo in Early Miocene. Sands in Kutei
basin structures generally larger, but deltaic reservoirs discontinuous. Baram coastal and shallow marine
sandstones generally more continuous, but structures smaller)
Darman, H. & Y. Zaim (1994)- Sedimentologi endapan konglomerat batubara pada facies sungai, di daerah
Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur. Buletin Geologi (ITB) 24, 1-2, p. (also in Berita Sedimentologi 17, 2002)
('Sedimentology of coal conglomerate deposits within channel facies in Samarinda Region, East Kalimantan'.
Conglomerates with rounded-subrounded coal fragments in channel deposits of fluvial-deltaic Balikpapan Fm
in Samarinda Region. Coal fragments may be transported wood or reworked fragments from older coal seam)
Darmawan, W., A. Subekti, E. Guritno, J. Smart, H. Mustapha, B. Nugroho & A. Bachtiar (2015)- Structural
and stratigraphic evolution and implications for Paleogene syn rift exploration in North East Bangkanai, Upper
Kutai Basin, Indonesia. Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA15-G-112, 15p.
(NE Bangkanai PSC in NW onshore Upper Kutai Basin underwent M-L Eocene rifting (deltaic and shallow
marine clastics overlain by Nummulites limestones) and NW-SE strike-slip fault reactivation and E Miocene E-
W directed compression, which formed NE-SW and N-S trending inversion structures. Regional uplift in E
Miocene triggered start of regressive system and deposited fluvio-deltaic to marine sediments of M Miocene
Balikpapan Fm. Latest tectonism in Borneo in Pliocene- Recent. Syn-rift exploration play)
Daulay, B. & H. Panggabean (2001)- Batubara sebagai sumber hidrokarbon: studi kasus cekungan Kutai dan
Barito. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 11, 118, p. 1-17.
('Coal as a source of hydrocarbons: a case study in the Kutai and Barito Basins'. Coals good potential
petroleum source rocks)
Debec, P. & G.P. Allen (1996)- Late Quaternary glacio-eustatic sequences and stratal patterns in the Mahakam
delta. In: C.A. Caughey et al. (eds.) Proc. Int. Symp. on Sequence Stratigraphy in SE Asia, Jakarta 1995,
Indonesian Petroleum Association IPA), p. 381. (Abstract only)
(Late Quaternary eustatic cycles formed small-scale depositional sequences in Mahakam delta. High frequency
and asymmetry of Pleistocene eustatic cycles and rapid rates of sea-level rise and fall led to differences from
published sequence stratigraphic models. 3D seismic maps show narrow, incised fluvial valleys dissected by
dendritic erosion pattern (= converted highstand delta distributary channels). Incised valleys same size as
deltaic distributaries, relatively straight channels, 1-1.5 km wide and up to 30m of incision. Due to rapid sea-
level rise and low tide range transgressive deposits thin and do not fill incised valleys (remain as prominent
valley systems on transgressed shelf). During highstand delta progradation shelf valleys fill with prodelta mud.
Each depositional sequence two episodes of deltaic progradation: early lowstand, and highstand systems tract)
De Man, E., A. Gantyno, S. Huang, K. Petersen, E. Saferi, R. Widiarti, S. Wertanen & S. Rahardjanto (2012)-
CBM operational lessons learned- Barito Basin. Proc. 36th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta,
IPA12-E-194, p. 1-20.
De Matharel, M., G. Klein & T. Oki (1976)- Case history of the Bekapai Field. Proc. 5th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 69-93.
(1972 Bekapai oil field off Mahakam Delta on NNE trending anticline. Two main phases of delta progradation,
separated by ?E Pliocene? marine transgression. Hydrocarbons in delta front sands of lower delta)
De Matharel, M., P. Lehman & T. Oki (1980)- Geology of the Bekapai Field. In: M.T. Halbouty (ed.) Giant oil
and gas fields of the decade 1968-1978, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG), Mem. 30, p. 459-470.
(Bekapai Field 1972 discovery 15 km off Mahakam Delta. Large faulted anticline, multiple stacked deltaic
reservoir sands between 1300-1600m)
De Neve, G.A. (1947)- A new Archaias species from East Borneo. Bull. Bureau of Mines and Geological
Survey of Indonesia 1, 1, p. 13-16.
(New larger foraminifer species Archaias vandervlerki from Miocene Poelobalang beds, Bengalan river region,
E Kalimantan. (May be same asPseudotaberina malabarica, Burdigalian (Banner & Highton 1989))
Demchuk, T.D & T.A. Moore (1993)- Palynofloral and organic characteristics of Miocene bog-forest,
Kalimantan, Indonesia. Organic Geochem. 20, 2, p. 119-134.
(20m-thick Miocene Warukin Fm Sarongga lignite from SE Kalimantan distinct vertical variations in
palynofloras. Three palynofloral zones of bog-forest and mangrove affinity. Palynofloras and low sulphur
content suggest predominantly freshwater deposition. Plant material in Miocene lignite mainly derived from
Denney, D. (2008)- Reviving the mature Handil Field; from integrated reservoir study to field application. J.
Petroleum Technology 60, 1, p. 63-65.
(Summary of Herwin et al. (2007) paper. Mahakam Delta 1974 Handil field production declined from 200,000
BOPD in late 1970s to 12,500 BOPD in 2003. Infill drilling and optimization of enhanced-oil-recovery
increased production to 23,000 BOPD)
De Sitter, L.U. (1932)- Nota betreffende de foraminiferenfauna van het Neogeen van Koetai. Jaarboek
Mijnwezen Nederlandsch-Indie 59 (1930), Verhandelingen 3, p. 122-125.
('Note on the foraminiferal fauna of the Neogene of Kutai'. Summary of foraminifera distribution and BPM
stratigraphy of Kutai Basin, E Kalimantan. Boundary between Beboeloe and Poeloe Balang stage
characterized by extinction of Eulepidina. Alveolinella (=Flosculinella) bontangensis restricted to Poeloe
Balang stage. With detailed Neogene foraminifera range chart)
De Sitter, L.U. (1948)- Het Quartair in het kustgebied van Koetei ten N van de Mahakam rivier. Geologie en
Mijnbouw 10, 9, p. 177-183.
(online at:
(‘The Quaternary in the coastal region of Kutai, North of the Mahakam River’. Description of Quaternary
coastal terraces and drainage pattern, influenced by peneplain uplift)
Dharmasamadhi, I.N.W. & S.W. Reksalegora (2009)- Using pressure data to build a stratigraphic framework in
the deepwater Ranggas Field, Kutai Basin- East Kalimantan. Proc. 33rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), Jakarta, IPA09-G-181, 19p.
(Ranggas field 2001 oil-gas discovery mainly in Late Miocene slope channels in 1585m water depth. Pressure
analysis indicates four laterally-continuous pressure sealing shales that can be used for correlation. Numerous
thin shales, less than 100’ thick, have potential to seal over an extensive area)
Di Martino, E. & P.D. Taylor (2012)- Systematics and life history of Antoniettella exigua, a new genus and
species of cribrimorph bryozoan from the Miocene of East Kalimantan (Indonesia). Boll. Soc. Paleontologica
Italiana 51, 2, p. 99-108.
(online at:
(New cheilostome bryozoan from rocks around Burdigalian-Langhian boundary near Bontang, Kutai Basin.
Colonies encrust undersides of platy scleractinian corals that formed patch reefs in turbid shallow waters)
Di Martino, E. & P.D. Taylor (2012)- Morphology and palaeobiogeography of Retelepralia, a distinctive
cheilostome bryozoan new to the fossil record. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. Palaont. Abhandl. 263, p., 67-74.
(New species of bryozoan, Retelepralia macmonagleae, from, Late Oligocene W of Sukau, E Sabah)
Di Martino, E. & P.D. Taylor (2014)- Miocene bryozoa from East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Part I: Cyclostomata
and ‘Anascan’ Cheilostomata. Scripta Geologica 146, p. 17-126.
(online at:;idno=15146a02)
(Descriptions of 51 Miocene (late Burdigalian-Messinian) bryozoan species from 17 sections near Samarinda,
Bontang and Sangkulirang in Kutai Basin. Eleven new species of Microeciella, Pseudidmonea, Cranosina,
Parellisina, Vincularia and Canda. Bryozoans found mainly encrusting undersides of corals)
Di Martino, E. & P.D. Taylor (2015)- Miocene bryozoa from East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Part II: 'Ascophoran'
Cheilostomata. Scripta Geologica 1486, p. 1-142.
(online at:;idno=17148a01)
(Descriptions of 72 Miocene ascophoran-grade cheilostome bryozoa ((late Burdigalian-to Messinian) from 17
sections in E Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. Two new genera and 20 new species)
Di Martino, E., P.D. Taylor, V. Novak, N. Santodomingo, A. Rosler, J.C. Braga, K. Johnson & W. Renema
(2012)- Bryozoans from a Langhian patch reef in East Kalimantan (Indonesia). In: Indo-Pacific Ancient
Ecosystems Group (IPAEG) Conf., Catania 2012, Giornate Paleont. 12, 1p. (Abstract only)
(online at:
(Langhian patch reef exposed near Bontang, E Kalimanta, with 61 species of bryozoans, almost double number
of species (31) previously reported from Cenozoic of Indonesian Archipelago)
Djamas, Y.S. & E. Marks (1978)- Early Neogene foraminiferal biohorizons in E. Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: S.
Wiryosujono & E. Marks (eds.) Proc. 2nd Working Group Mtg. Biostratigraphic datum-planes of the Pacific
Neogene IGCP Project 114, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Spec. Publ. 1, p. 111-124.
(S Mangkalihat- N Kutai material allows some larger and planktonic foram zone calibrations:Late Oligocene
N2-N3 correlates with Te1-4, Early Miocene N4-N5 zones correlate with Te5)
Djamil, A.H. & S.O. Bany (2005)- Exploration geology of Sebuku Block, offshore Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Proc. 2005 SE Asia Petrol. Expl. Society (SEAPEX) Exploration Conf., Singapore, 21p. (Abstract +
(Sebuku Block on Paternoster Platform. Makassar Graben kitchen with Eocene source rocks (Lower Tanjung
lacustrine shales and fluvio-deltaic shales and coals). Lacustrine shale amorphous organic material (TOC 4-
6%, Type II oil prone kerogen) and significant fresh water algae Pediastrum and Botryococcus. Fluvio-deltaic
shale TOC 0.7- 2.54%, low HI, moderate gas potential. Coals TOC 20- 43% and HI 181-293, gas prone
kerogen. Slicks from leaking gas-condensate and light oil in traps confirm Eocene source. Main reservoir Berai
Lst, with gas in Makassar Straits-1 well. Carbonate deposited in basinal setting, with displaced material from
adjacent reef/ platform margin. Fractured basement oil test in Pangkat-1. Berai Fm and U Warukin Fm reefal
build-ups form exploration targets as well as clastic reservoirs of Lower Tanjung Fm in Makassar graben)
Doeglas, D.J. (1931)- Ostrakoden von N.O.-Borneo. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw
Nederlandsch-Indie, Bandung, 17, p. 25-54.
('Ostracodes from NE Borneo'. 16 species of Oligocene- U Miocene ostracodes from 43 localities in NE
Kalimantan, sampled by Leupold. Includes 14 new species, 11 of genus Nesidea, one of Cythere, Cytheridea
and Cythereis)
Dory, D.M. (1997)- Evolution of structures in the NE Kalimantan Basin, Indonesia. M.Sc. Thesis, University of
London, 40p. (Unpublished)
Doutch, H.F. (1992)- Aspects of the structural histories of the Tertiary sedimentary basins of East, Central and
West Kalimantan and their margins. BMR J. Australian Geol. Geophysics 13, 3, p. 237-250.
(online at:
(Semitau ridge is ESE trending structural ridge spanning outcrops of Permo-Triassic foliated igneous rocks of
Busang Complex in E and Embuoi Complex in Sanggau. Age of Plateau Sandstone in Ketangau Basin Late
Eocene, possibly extending into Early Oligocene)
Douville, H. (1905)- Les Foraminiferes dans le Tertiaire de Borneo. Bull. Soc. Geologique France, ser. 4, 5, p.
(online at:
('The foraminifera in the Tertiary of Borneo'. M Eocene- Miocene larger forams from SE Kalimantan, collected
by Buxtorf. Description of Spiroclypeus new genus and two new species S. orbioideus and S. pleurocentralis.
No locality maps, but according to Verbeek (1908, p. 481) from Meratus Mts front between Rantau and
Durand, B. & J.L. Oudin (1980)- Exemple de migration des hydrocarbures dans une serie deltaique: Le delta de
la Mahakam, Kalimantan, Indonesie. Proc. 10th World Petroleum Congress, Colchester, UK, 2, p. 3-11.
('Example of hydrocarbon migration in a deltaic series: the Mahakam Delta, Kalimantan')
Dutrieux, E. (1991)- Study of the ecological functioning of the Mahakam delta (East Kalimantan, Indonesia).
Estuarine, Coastal Shelf Science 32, 4, p. 415-420.
(Ecological functioning of Mahakam delta controlled by balance between influx of seawater during high tides
and influx of continental water. Marine populations pronounced upstream to downstream zonation.
Intermediate zones poor; richest near river mouth. Controlled mainly by physical factors, like salinity)
Duval, B. (2012)- Creative thinking led to 40 years of success in Mahakam, Indonesia. AAPG Int. Conf. Exhib.,
Singapore 2012, Search and Discovery Art. 20185, p. 1-41. (Presentation)
(online at:
(Review of discovery of oil-gas fields in Mahakam delta since early 1970's)
Duval, B.C., C. Cassaigneau, G. Choppin de Janvry, B. Loiret & L.M. Alibi (1998)- Technology and
exploration efficiency in the Mahakam delta province, Indonesia. Proc. 15th World Petroleum Congress,
Beijing 1997, 2, p. 187-200.
Duval, B.C., G. Choppin de Janvry & B. Loiret (1992)- Detailed geoscience reinterpretation of Indonesia's
Mahakam Delta scores. Oil and Gas J., August 10, 1992, p. 67-72.
(Brief review of Mahakam Delta petroleum geology/ petroleum system, based on OTC presentation)
Duval, B.C., G. Choppin de Janvry & B. Loiret (1992)- The Mahakam delta province: an ever changing picture
and a bright future. Proc. 24th Ann. Offshore Technology Conf. (OTC), Houston, OTC 6855, p. 393-404.
(Mahakam Delta oil exploration started in 1888, with field geological investigations near oil and gas seepages.
First oil discoveries at Sanga Sanga (1897) and Samboja (1909) in uplifted M Miocene sands. In 1970's several
giant gas-oil fields discovered offshore. By 1985, proven and probable initial reserves ~2.6 GBO and 20-30
TCF gas.)
Duval, B.C., C. Cassaigneau, G. Choppin de Janvry, B. Loiret, M. Leo, Alibi & Y. Grosjean (1998)- Impact of
the petroleum system approach to exploration and appraisal efficiency in the Mahakam Delta. Proc. 26th Ann.
Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 277-290.
(New petroleum system model to identify stratigraphic targets near identified kitchens. Peciko recognized as
new giant gas- condensate field. Understanding trapping model and hydrodynamic component key factor.
Sedimentological studies with pressure measurements greatly contributed to field model. Thin sand reservoirs
more continuous than expected. Peciko model applied to Tunu field lead to spectacular reserve additions)
Dwiantoro, M., S. Notosiswoyo, K. Anggayana & A.H. Widayat (2013)- Paleoenvironmental interpretation
based on lithotype and macerals variation from Ritan's lignite, Upper Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan. Procedia
Earth Planetary Sci. 6, p. 155-162.
(Composition of Miocene lignites from Ritan area, Upper Kutai Basin, E Kalimantan. Dominant maceral group
huminite (28-79%), liptinite (20-31.5%), inertinite group (6.5- 12%). Vitrinite Reflectance of huminite 0.23-
0.35% (transition stage from peat to lignite))
Edwards, T. (2000)- Redevelopment of the Sembakung oilfield- NE Kalimantan. SEAPEX Press 5, 6, p. 30-38.
(Redevelopment of N Tarakan basin oil field)
Edwards, T. & R. Walia (2002)- Reinterpretation of the Sembakung oilfield, Kalimantan, Indonesia utilizing
modern 3D seismic data. In: Canadian Soc. Expl. Geophysicists (CSEG) 2002 Geophysics Conv., 6p.
(Extended Abstract). (online at:
Ellen, H., M.M. Husni, U. Sukanta, R. Abimanyu, Feriyanto & T. Herdiyan (2008)- Middle Miocene Meliat
Formation in the Tarakan Island, regional implications for deep exploration opportunity. Proc. 32nd Ann. Conv.
Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA08-G-048, 20p.
(Most hydrocarbon exploration in Tarakan Basin focused on shallow Upper Miocene-Pliocene deltaics of
Tarakan and Santul Fms. In Bangkudulis and Sembakung Fields hydrocarbons in M Miocene Meliat Fm
fluvial-deltaic clastics, 630m thick in Barat 1, and likely associated with sand-bearing slope fan facies
overlying early lowstand basin floor fan E of island. Base Meliat Fm blocky sand above 16.5 Ma SB, tied to
uplift event. Top is transgressive limestone (Kapal Lst))
Emata, W.M., C. Irawan, Y.R. Sinulingga, B. Irawan & Cue Kalimantan (2016)- Challenge and hydrocarbon
potential of SN structure on Kutai Basin of East Kalimantan. In: Soc. Petroleum Eng. (SPE) Ann. Caspian
Techn. Conf., Astana, SPE-182539-MS, p. 1-11.
Endharto, M.A.C. (1997)- Reservoir characteristic of sandstones in Kutai Basin and its tectonic setting of East
Kalimantan. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre Bull. 21, p. 127-149.
(Three sandstone types in Miocene- Recent of Sanga-Sanga PSC in Kutai Basin: (1) E Miocene moderate
quartz and lithics; (2) late E Miocene- early M Miocene (lateN7- early N10) volcanogenic, reflecting increase
in volcanic activity in W Kalimantan 17- 14.5 Ma; (3) M and Late Miocene (mid N10- N18) high-quartz main
reservoirs, reflecting sediment recycling after basin inversion event at 14.5 Ma)
Endharto, M. & A. Bachtiar (1993)- Tipe provenansi dan proses diagenesa batupasir Miosen Awal, Cekungan
Kutai, Kalimantan Timur. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung. 2, p. 1044-1060.
('Provenance type and diagenetic processes of Lower Miocene sandstone, Kutei Basin, E Kalimantan'. QFL
diagramssuggest 'Recycled orogen'-type provenance for Bebulu and Pemaluan sandstones)
Erriyantoro, E.S., N.I. Basuki, R. Heryanto, L.D. Santy (2011)- Provenance of the Kantu Formation Sandstones,
Nanga Kantu Area, Ketungau Basin, West Kalimantan. Proc. 35th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, IPA11-SG-038, p.
(Provenance of Kantu Fm sandstones in Nanga Kantu area, Ketungau Basin, W Kalimantan, most likely from
Late Jurassic- E Cretaceous Kapuas Complex/ Lubok Antu Melange and E Cretaceous- M Eocene Rajang
Group located N-NE of Ketungau Basin, which were deformed and uplifted by end- Eocene Sarawak Orogeny)
Fardiansyah, I., A. Budiman & C. Prasetyadi (2010)- Identifying rock compressibilities influenced on delta
facies at Simpang Pasir Area, Samarinda Seberang, Kutei Basin and its related to reservoir characterization.
Proc. 34th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA10-SG-011, 18p.
Febriadi, E. (2010)- PT Arutmin discovery of South Kalimantan coal. In: N.I. Basuki & S. Prihatmoko (eds.)
Proc. MGEI-IAGI Seminar Kalimantan coal and mineral resources, Balikpapan 2010, p. 27-48.
(Description of coal exploration by PT Arutmin and geology of Eocene and M-L Miocene of Asem Asem and
Pulau Laut sub-basins. Company started as affiliate of ARCO/ Utah in 1981, sold to BHP in 1987. Senakin coal
mine exploited since 1988. Apparently mainly based on unpublished report of Friederich (1985))
Febrian W.A. & B. Sapiie (2013)- Tectonic inversion impact to coal cleat characteristics of Tanjung Formation,
Karangintan Area, Barito Basin, South Kalimantan. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, IPA13-SG-049, p. 1-18.
Felix, J. (1921)- Fossile Anthozoen von Borneo. Palaontologie von Timor, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 9, 15, p. 1-
Ferguson, A.J. (2016)- Kutai Basin exploration: past and future, an example of the use of simpe play types and
serendipity for successful exploration and develoment. Proc. IPA 2016 Technical Symposium, Indonesia
exploration: where from- where to, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 32-TS-16, p. 1-17.
(Kutai Basin mature basin, with high success rates drilling on surface anticlines, many of which are inversions
of growth faults in delta systems. Two main remaining play types are stratigraphic traps along flanks of
structural highs (e.g. Tunu) and drilling for isolated pressure compartments in overpressure zone)
Ferguson, A. & K. McClay (1997)- Structural modelling within the Sanga Sanga PSC, Kutei Basin,
Kalimantan: its implication to paleochannel orientation studies and timing of hydrocarbon entrapment. In:
J.V.C. Howes & R.A. Noble (eds.) Proc. Int. Conf. Petroleum Systems of SE Asia and Australia, Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 727-743.
(Sanga Sanga PSC four large fields in M and U Miocene deltaic sandstones in NNE-trending structures of
Mahakam fold belt. Gravity glide and strike-slip models do not simulate observed structures; thrusting, inverted
extensional faults and differential load models only partially simulate structures. Preferred combined tectonic
model for Mahakam fold belt is inversion of delta growth faults to form inverted graben structures, termed
inverted delta growth fault model. Change from overall extension to contraction started at 14.0 Ma. Structures
trending NNE are close to perpendicular to applied stress and become inverted)
Feriansyah, L.T., J.L.C. Chambers, S.H. Dewantohadi, M. Syaiful, Priantono & D.N. Imanhardjo (1999)-
Structural and stratigraphic framework of the Palaeogene in the northern Kutei Basin East Kalimantan. Proc.
27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petr. Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 443-455.
(Kutei basin 4 phases: (1) M-L Eocene extension; (2) L Eocene- Oligocene sag; (3) L Oligocene- E Miocene
renewed extension/ subsidence; (4) E Miocene- Recent delta progradation coincident with older depocentres
inversion; axis of deformation moves progressively E with time. Rapid facies variations in small extensional
depocentres (~20 km wide, up to 70 km long). Intrabasinal highs with thin clastics or limestones. More regional
depocentre in post-rift phase, beginning end-Late Eocene. Inversion process created two deformation styles: (1)
inversion anticlines in Paleogene;(2) detached tight anticlines in thick Neogene. Detached section same amount
of shortening (10-15%) as deeper inverted section)
Fernandes, H. & Djuhaeni (2018)- Analisis stratigrafi sikuen interval Pliosen pada lapangan Bunyu Tapa,
Kalimantan Utara. Bulletin of Geology (ITB) 2, 1, p. 175-196.
(online at:
('Sequence stratigraphy analysis of the Pliocene interval at Bunyu Tapa field, North Kalimantan'. Pliocene
Tarakan Fm in Bunyu Tapa oil field in N Kalimantan can be subdivided in 5 delta plain-dominated sequences)
Fitriadi, Z., D. Nugroho & N.I. Basuki (2017)- Studi tipe batuan dan pemodelannya di Blok X, Cekungan
Barito. Bulletin of Geology (ITB) 1, 1, p. 65-76.
(online at:
('Study of rock types and modeling in Block X, Barito Basin'. Interpretation of fluvial depositional facies of
(Eocene) Lower Tanjung Fm in wells of Tanjung Field, Barito Basin, SE Kalimantan. Highest porosity-
permeability in channel and point bar sands)
Friederich, M.C., T.A. Moore, M.S.W. Lin & R.P. Langford (1995)- Constraints on coal formation in Southeast
Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 6th New Zealand Coal Conf., Wellington, 1, p. 137-149.
(SE Kalimantan Eocene coal significantly different from Miocene coal. Eocene coals thinner, laterally
continuous, formed from palm/fern vegetation in transgressive setting, creating near-coastal peats as water
table rose, and were terminated as sea transgressed over peat. Miocene coals formed in freshwater sequence,
locally thick, sudden lateral thickness changes and very low ash and sulphur. Miocene coal component of
decay-resistant woody vegetation, Eocene palm/fern coal more susceptible to decay. Miocene coal beds formed
as domed peats, which contributed to erratic thickness changes and locally thick coal)
Furlan, S., S. Chaudhuri, N. Clauer & F. Sommer (1995)- Geochemistry of formation waters and hydrodynamic
evolution of a young and restricted sedimentary basin (Mahakam Delta Basin, Indonesia). Basin Research 7, 1,
p. 9-20.
(Chemical and isotopic data on formation waters of oil-fields from Mahakam Delta provide information about
mass transfers in sedimentary sequence. Depletions in Ca, Sr and K, etc., in waters related to illitization of
smectite, precipitation of carbonate minerals and dissolution of K-feldspar and precipitation of albite)
Furlan, S., N. Clauer, S. Chaudhuri & F. Sommer (1996)- K transfer during burial diagenesis in the Mahakam
Delta basin (Kalimantan, Indonesia). Clays & Clay Min. 44, 2, p. 157-169.
(In Mahakam delta basin Potassium necessary for illitization of illite/smectite mixed-layer minerals mainly
from K-feldspar alteration in sandstones and from mica in shales. Most of K-feldspar alteration outside main
zone of illitization, which is restricted to upper 2000m. Feldspar grains were altered below this depth, so
illitization requires open sedimentary system)
Gangui, A., T. Rosaz, B. Lambert & D. Roy (2000)- Tectonic evolution of the South Mahakam area and its
petroleum implications. AAPG Int. Conf. Exhib. Abstracts, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 84, 9,
p. 1428. (Abstract only)
(SE part of offshore Mahakam PSC influenced by extension, with E Eocene- early Late Miocene development of
NW-SE (transtensional?) normal faults (Maruat, Sesumpu, Sepinggan faults), separating Kutei basin from
Paternoster Platform. Associated E-W faults probably related to strike-slip component. Metulang Field is in M
Miocene tilted (growth-) fault block. Late Miocene-Pliocene compression (N150-170) caused dextral strike-slip
reactivation of main normal faults, causing fault block reactivation (Mandu structure) and "en-echelon" folds
(Jumelai Field). Most hydrocarbon accumulations are along major fault migration pathways)
Gany, M.U.A., D. Suyadi & Widodo (1994)- Pengaruh karbonisasi terhadap kualitas batubara, Kotabangun-
Kalimantan Timur. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), p. 1153-1159.
('Influence of carbonization on coal quality, Kotabagun, E Kalimantan')
Garrigues, P., M.L. Angelin, R. De Sury, J.L. Oudin, M. Ewald (1985)- Etude de la distribution des
monomethylphenanthrenes dans une serie de roches meres du delta de Mahakam (Indonesie). Comptes Rendus
Academie Sciences, Paris, Ser. 2, 300, 15, p. 747-750.
('Study of distribution of monomethylphenanthrenes in a series of source rocks in the Mahakam Delta')
Garrigues, P., J. Bellocq, P. Albrecht, A. Saliot & M. Ewald (1987)- Etude des marqueurs biogeochimiques tri-,
tetra-, et pentaaromatiques dans les sediments quaternaires et Pliocene superieur du delta de la Mahakam
(Indonesie). In: A. Combaz (ed.) Geochimie organique des sediments plio-quaternaires du delta de la Mahakam
(Indonesie)- le sondage Misedor, Editions TECHNIP, Paris, p. 317-342.
('Study of tri-, tetra-, et pentaaromatic biogeochemical markers in Quaternary and Upper Pliocene sediments of
the Mahakam Delta'. High levels of aromatic derivatives of higher plant constituents. No clear diagenetic
Garrigues, P., R. De Sury, M.L. Angelin, J. Bellocq, J.L. Oudin & M. Ewald (1988)- Relation of the methylated
aromatic hydrocarbon distribution pattern to the maturity of organic matter in ancient sediments from the
Mahakam Delta. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 52, 2, p. 375-384.
(New maturation indices based on methyl-anthracenes,-chrysenes and -pyrenes presented, based on
experiments on immature coal samples from well in Handil Field, Mahakam delta)
Garrigues, P., A. Saptorahardjo, C. Gonzalez, P. Wehrung, P. Albrecht, A. Saliot & M. Ewald (1986)-
Biogeochemical markers in the sediments from Mahakam Delta. Organic Geochem. 10, p. 959-964.
Gastaldi, C., J.P. Biguenet & L. de Pazzis (1997)- A reservoir characterization from seismic attributes. An
example from the Peciko Field (Indonesia). The Leading Edge 16, 3, p. 263-266.
(Seismic attributes used to map gas sand distribution in Peciko Field, 20 km S of Mahakam Delta, Reservoirs
are Late Miocene (~10 Ma) distributary mouth bars deposited in distal delta front environment)
Gastaldo, R.A., G.P. Allen & A. Huc (1995)- The tidal character of fluvial sediments of the modern Mahakam
River delta, Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: B.W. Flemming & A. Bartholoma (eds.) Tidal signatures in modern and
ancient sediments, Int. Assoc. Sedimentologists (IAS), Spec. Publ. 24, Blackwell, Oxford, p. 171-181.
(Brief sedimentological description of low wave-energy, mixed tide- and fluvially controlled Mahakam delta
complex. Medium- to fine-grained terrestrial sediment originates from 75 000 km2 drainage area. Two active
distributary systems, with interdistributary area of tidal channels and former fluvial distributary channels
which today are no longer connected to fluvial regime)
Gastaldo, R.A. & A.Y. Huc (1992)- Sediment facies, depositional environments, and distribution of phytoclasts
in the recent Mahakam Delta, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Palaios 7, 6, p. 574-590.
(Overview of distribution of sediments, vegetation and plant detritus in modern Mahakam delta)
Gautama, A.B. (1989)- Abnormal pressure behaviour with special emphasis on transition zone, Handil Field,
East Kalimantan. Proc. 18th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), p. 135-160.
Gayet, J. & P. Legigan (1987)- Etude sedimentologique du sondage Misedor (delta de la Mahakam,
Kalimantan, Indonesie). In: A. Combaz (ed.) Geochimie organique des sediments plio-quaternaires du delta de
la Mahakam (Indonesie)- le sondage Misedor, Editions TECHNIP, Paris, p. p. 23-71.
('Sedimentological study of the Misedor well (Mahakam delta)')
Gerard, J. & H. Oesterle (1973)- Facies study of the offshore Mahakam area. Proc. 2nd Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc., p. 187-194.
(First Miocene- Pliocene facies maps of Mahakam Delta. Mahakan Delta prograded E since M Miocene and
reached maximum extent in Late Miocene- E Pliocene. Delta was bordered to S and N by carbonate sediments
and limited to open sea by barrier reefs. Descriptions of deltaic subfacies and associated fauna)
Gerth, H. (1923)- Die Anthozoenfauna des Jungtertiars von Borneo. Sammlungen Geol, Reichs-Museums
Leiden, ser. 1, 10, 3, p. 37-136.
(online at:
('The coral fauna of the Late Tertiary of Borneo'. Descriptions of ~120 species of Miocene- Pliocene coral from
52 localities in E Kalimantan and Sabah, from museum collections in Leiden, Utrecht, Basel, etc.)
Geyler, H.Th. (1877)- Ueber fossile Pflanzen von Borneo. Palaeontographica Suppl. 3, 1, 2, p. 61-84.
(‘On fossil plants from Borneo’. 13 new species of moderately well preserved Eocene flora collected by Verbeek
from claystones associated with coal-bearing Tanjung Fm near Pengaron, SE Kalimantan. Eocene floras
comparable to present-day tropical vegetation. Incl. Phyllites spp., Nephelium, Entoneuron, Carpites)
Geyler, H.Th. (1879)- Die Eocanformation von Borneo und ihre Versteinerungen. III. Ueber fossile Pflanzen
von Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 8 (1879), 2, p. 3-54.
(‘The Eocene formation of Borneo. On fossil plants from the Eocene of Borneo’. Mainly on material collected
by Verbeek from Tanjung Fm near Pengaron. Reprint of Geyler (1877) Palaeontographica paper)
Goulty, N.R. & A.M. Ramdhan (2010)- Overpressure in the Kutai Basin- a radical reappraisal. In: 72nd EAGE
Conf. & Exhib., Barcelona 2010, F043, 5p. (Extended Abstract)
Granier B., J.M. Villain & R. Boichard (1997)- Biohermes holocenes a Halimeda au large du delta de la
Mahakam, Kalimantan (Indonesie)- Le concept de "section condensee dilatee". In: F.G. Bourroulh-Le Jan (ed.)
Carbonates intertropicaux, Mem. Soc. Geologique France, n.s., 169, p. 225-230.
('Holocene Halimeda bioherms in front of the Mahakam Delta, Kalimantan- The concept of dilated condensed
Grosjean, Y., G.C. De Janvry & B.C. Duval (1994)- Discovery of a giant in a mature deltaic province: Peciko,
Indonesia. Proc. 14th World Petroleum Congress, Stavanger, 2, p. 157-160.
Grosjean, Y., P. Zaugg & J.M. Gaulier (2009)- Burial hydrodynamics and subtle hydrocarbon trap evaluation:
from the Mahakam Delta to the South Caspian Sea. Int. Petrol. Techn. Conf. (IPTC), Doha, IPTC 13962, 12p.
(On 'Burial Hydrodynamic Trapping' of hydrocarbons in Mahakam Delta (examples Peciko and West
TunuField). Water expulsion from thick shale section during burial created tilted gas-oil-water contacts, and
offsets core of accumulation from anticlinal crest)
Grundy, R. J., D.W. Paterson & F.H. Sidi (1996)- Uplift measurements in Tertiary sediments of the Kutei
Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, as it relates to VICO Indonesia’s PSC and the surrounding area. Int. Geoph.
Conf., Soc. Expl. Geoph. (SEG), Jakarta 1996, Expanded abstracts, p. 81-85.
Guritno, E.E. & J. Chambers (1999)- North Runtu PSC: the first proven Eocene petroleum play in the Kutai
Basin. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 1-20.
(Paleogene hydrocarbon system proven recently in onshore NE Kutai basin PSC, but uneconomic so far.
Prospective areas exist in parts of Paleogene play fairway that have not suffered extensive uplift. System
appears limited by reservoir quality in Eocene syn-rift section)
Gwinn, J.W., H.M. Helmig & L. Witoelar Kartaadipoetra (1974)- Geology of the Badak field, East Kalimantan,
Indonesia. Proc. 3rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 311-331.
(Badak large 1972 gas-oil discovery N of Mahakam Delta. Broad anticline with multiple stacked Late Miocene-
Pliocene deltaic sandstones between 4500’- 11,000’. Estimated EUR 6 TCF gas, 50 MBO)
Handoyo, K. (2003)- Sequence stratigraphy and reservoir heterogeneity of the Serang Field, Kutei Basin,
Indonesia. M.Sc. Thesis, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, p. 1-175.
(online at:
(Late Miocene sandstone reservoirs of offshore Unocal Serang Field (1973), NE of Mahakam Delta, with 10
facies associations. Sequence stratigraphic analysis showed three intermediate-term cycles, divided in short-
term cycles. Overall landward-stepping, representing long-term base-level rise. Main reservoirs incised valley
fills. Sediment sourced from paleo-Mahakam Delta. Younger cycles greater reservoir heterogeneity. Because of
seaward-increasing mud content and bioturbation, rank of sediment bodies that act as reservoir in decreasing
order: (1) fluvial/distributary channels, (2) distributary channels and (3) delta front bars)
Harahap, D. (1975)- Notes on log evaluation in the Badak Field, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Geologi Indonesia
(IAGI) 2, 2, p. 39-44.
(Badak Field reservoir rocks are sands deposited in deltaic environment. Shaliness common in pay sands and
resistivity of formation waters varies from bed to bed)
Hartono A. & I. Saputra (2014)- Identifying carbonate play potential in Simenggaris Block, Tarakan Basin.
Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc, Geophys. (HAGI), Solo, PIT2014-1174, 5p.
(Hydrocarbon plays in Tarakan Basin generally in M Miocene-Pliocene deltaic sandstones, but potential for
carbonate play in Simenggaris Block, as shown by 2000' of carbonate penetrated by PF1 well (1979))
Hashimoto, W. (1973)- An unconformity discovered on the Tandjung anticline in the eastern rim of the Barito
Basin, Kalimo Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia. In: T. Kobayashi & R. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and
palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 12, p. 179-188.
(NE Barito Tanjung anticline with 1200m thick Tanjung Fm (500m Eocene basal conglomerates, overlain by
clastics, then Late Eocene/Tb limestones). Unconformity between Eocene Tb and Lower Oligocene Tc,
characterized by basal Tc sand with thin coal and reworked Tab fauna on Tanjung anticline. In Kahajan wells
Eocene/Tb directly overlain by Late Oligocene/Te. Tcd 295m thick in Tanjung area, thickening in Upper
Mahakam region to 1800m. Berai Lst 650m thick and mostly Lower Te/ Late Oligocene)
Hashimoto, W. (1974)- Supplementary notes to 'The oil geology of East Kalimantan' by K. Masatani. J.
Japanese Assoc. Petroleum Technologists 39, 2, p. 79-94. (in Japanese)
(online at:
(Supplement to Masatani (1967) paper on oil geology of E Kalimantan, focusing on geologic development of
Meratus Range and E margin of Barito Basin. Cretaceous Manunggul Gp begins with basal conglomerate.
Orbitolina identified as Aptian O. lenticularis and overlain by Turonian fossil-bearing formation. Several
unconformities in Tertiary of Tanjung oilfield and Meratus front. Kahajan well (W margin Barito basin) Te
limestone directly on Eocene Tab, so 'Tcd' reduced thickness to absent S, but thickening to N (1800m in Upper
Mahakam region))
Hashimoto, W., K. Kurihara & F. Masuda (1973)- A study on some reticulate Nummulites from Kalimantan
Selatan, Indonesia. In: T. Kobayashi & R. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia,
University of Tokyo Press, 13, p. 73-90.
(Biometric study of E Oligocene Nummulites (N. fichteli, N. intermedia) from two zone Tc localities in SE
Kalimantan: (1) ‘Masoekoe Limestone’ near kampong Masukou on N flank of Tandjung oil field anticline and
(2) kampong Tunggul Baru, right bank of Riam Kawa River, S of Pengaron. Large microspheric forms
previously described as N. intermedius, megalospheric forms are of Nummulites fichteli type)
Hashimoto, W. & K. Matsumaru (1973)- Nephrolepidina parva Oppenoorth from the Dahor area, Tandjung,
Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia. In: T. Kobayashi & R. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast
Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 11, p. 129-136.
Hayashi, Y., T. Inage, I. Suzuki & H. Nagura (1996)- Exploration history and trapping mechanism of Peciko
gas field, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. J. Japanese Assoc. Petroleum Technologists 61, 1, p. 25-34.
(online at:
(In Japanese with English summary. Peciko gas field in offshore S Mahakam delta. Distribution of gas zones
not controlled by distribution of sandstone layers, but by hydrodynamic trapping mechanism related to
expulsion of compaction water in prodelta muddy facies E and S of Peciko gas field)
Hehanussa, P.E. (1981)- Basic data from Barito delta, south Kalimantan, Indonesia. LGPN-LIPI, Bandung, 21p.
Hemmes, K., H. Darman, L. Suffendy & Meizarwin (2000)- Depositional systems of the deep-water Tarakan
Basin, Indonesia. Proc. 2000 AAPG Int. Conf. Exhib., Bali 2000, 1p. (Abstract only)
(Tarakan Basin passive continental margin with Late Eocene-Recent sediments on continental to oceanic crust,
created during M-L Eocene opening of Celebes Sea. M Miocene uplift of Borneo hinterland uplift triggered
massive influx of turbidites in deep-water area, deposited as fans in front of Tarakan delta and buried by
rapidly prograding Plio-Pleistocene Tarakan Delta slope deposits. Potential reservoir systems in deepwater
unconfined toe of slope fans, confined intra-slope fans and intra-slope channel-levee systems)
Hendrawan, A. Bachtiar, D. Apriadi, E. Kurniawan & Y. Bachtiar (1998)- Pemelajaran sedimentologi dari
Singkapan batuan Miosen di Cekungan Kutai, Kalimantan Timur. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol.
(IAGI), Sedimentology, Paleont. Stratigr., p. 1-15.
('Sedimentological study of Singkapan Miocene rocks in the Kutai Basin')
Heo, W., W. Lee and D.S. Lee (2015)- Hydraulic fracturing design for coalbed methane in Barito Basin,
Indonesia. Geosystem Engineering 18, 3, p. 151-162.
Herdiyanto, R., J.A. Siadary & D. Fadlan (2018)- Complexity of pore pressure and stress analysis in Mahakam
median axis of the lower Kutai Basin, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 42nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), Jakarta, IPA18-144-G, 14p.
Heriawan, M.N. (2007)- Spatial characterization and geological modelingof heterogeneous resource quality in a
multiplayer coal deposit. Ph.D. Thesis Kumamoto University, p. 1-121.
(online at:
(Geologic modeling of distribution and quality of multi-layer coal deposit from Lati Coal Mine, Tanjung
Redeub, S part of Tarakan Basin (Berau), NE Kalimantan). Coal horizons in ~1800m thick M Miocene Berau
(Latih) Fm, dominantly delta plain facies, overall progradational series. In Lati area 19 coal seams, individual
thickness generally 0.5- 3 m, max. 5.8m. Comparison work on Barito Basin Eocene Tanjung Fm coal)
Heriawan, M.N. & K. Koike (2008)- Identifying spatial heterogeneity of coal resource quality in a multiplayer
coal deposit by multivariate geostatistics. Int. J. Coal Geology 73, 3-4, p. 307-330.
(Geostatistical characterization of geometry and quality of multilayer coal deposit in E Kalimantan)
Heriawan, M.N. & K. Koike (2008)- Uncertainty assessment of coal tonnage by spatial modeling of seam
distribution and coal quality. Int. J. Coal Geology 76, 3, p. 217-226.
(On spatial modeling of coal seam distribution and coal quality at multiplayer coal deposit in E Kalimantan)
Heriawan, M.N., J. Rivoirard & Syafrizal (2004)- Resources estimation of a coal deposit using ordinary block
kriging. Proc. 13th Int. Symp. Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Wroclaw, Poland, p. 37-43.
(On Tarakan Basin Eocene coal)
Heriyanto, N., A. Nawawi, A.D.M. Mason, F.T. Ingram, D.E. Pedersen & R.C. Davis (1996)- Exploratory
update in the North Tanjung Block, South Kalimantan. Proc. 25th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, 1, p. 55-68.
(Results of Permin Tracer 1993-1995 exploration in N Tanjung Block, NE Barito basin. Wells Patas 1 and
Ngurit 1 with oil and gas shows. Muya 1 well high-wax oil that can not be produced. Exploration success
depends on early formed structures that remained intact after subsequent episodes of structuring)
Heriyanto, N., W. Satoto & S. Sardjono (1991)- Pematangan hidrokarbon dan hipotesa migrasi di Pulau Bunyu,
cekungan Tarakan. Proc. 20th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Jakarta, p. 261-280.
Heriyanto, N., W. Satoto & S. Sardjono (1992)- An overview of hydrocarbon maturity and its migration aspects
in Bunyu Island, Tarakan Basin. Proc. 21st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 1-22.
(Geochemical data in Bunyu Island show gentle rise on top oil window from Bunyu field in SE to Tapa Field in
NW. Water-washing of oil in Bunyu field (largest oil field). At Tapa major gas field, hydrocarbon altered by
fractionation. Bunyu hydrocarbon from fluvio-deltaic source rocks; Tapa gas from shallow lacustrine-
estuarine source. Differences of hydrocarbon type controlled by T gradient, higher in NW than SE.
Hydrocarbon migration controlled by tectonic framework and position during Mio-Pliocene tectonism.
Basement called Danau Fm. M Miocene regressive deltaics unconformably over E Miocene marine Naintupo
Fm, formed after E Miocene tectonism (~N9-N10 unc.?))
Heriyanto, N. & M. Wahyudin (1994)- Reflectance gradient and shale compaction, their relationship to basin
configuration during Early Neogene: a NE Kalimantan basin reassesment. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc.
Geol. (IAGI), Jakarta, 2, p. 927-943.
(In Indonesian. Relationships between thermal history, shale compaction and seismic shale velocity in Tarakan
Basin. Thermal history in platform area dominated by Neogene intrusions, within main depocenters controlled
mainly by sediment burial. Basement at Bangkudulis-1 well M Eocene basalt (43.9 +/- 1.30 Ma)
Herwin, H., E. Cassou & H. Yusuf (2007)- Reviving the mature Handil Field: from integrated reservoir study to
field application. SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conf. Exhib., Jakarta 2007, SPE-11082, 7p.
(Giant Handil field in Mahakam Delta was developed by more than 350 wells in 555 accumulations. Field
production declining from 200,000 BOPD in late '70s to 12,500 BOPD in 2003. Workover campaigns and
horizontal development wells increased production to 23,000 BOPD today)
Heryanto, R. (1993)- Neogene stratigraphy of Kalimantan. Bull. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, p. 82-91.
Heryanto, R. (2008)- Paleogeografi Cekungan Tersier Barito, Kalimantan. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc.
Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 1, p. 238-257.
(‘Paleogeography of the Tertiary Barito Basin, Kalimantan’. Overview of Barito basin Tertiary stratigraphy
and sketches of Barito Basin paleogeography in Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene)
Heryanto, R. (2009)- Karakteristik dan lingkungan pengendapan batubara Formasi Tanjung di daerah Binuang
dan sekitarnya, Kalimantan Selatan. J. Geologi Indonesia 4, 4, p. 239-252.
(online at:
('Characteristics and depositional environments of Tanjung Fm coal in the Binuang area, S Kalimantan'.
Eocene Tanjung Fm at E margin Barito Basin unconformably overlain by Plio-Pleistocene Dahor Fm. Coarse
sst- conglomerate in lower part, mudstone with coals and sandstone in middle, and mainly mudstone in upper
parts. Coal seams 50-350cm thick, with common vitrinite in all zones, inertinite highest in E Zone (14-16%).
Vitrinite reflectance of coal in W and Middle Zones ~0.45%, in E Zone is 0.45-0.50%, all subbituminous B
rank. Depositional environment of coals in W and Middle Zones was delta plain back mangrove- fresh water
swamp, in E Zone flood plain wet fresh water swamp)
Heryanto, R. (2010)- Geologi Cekungan Barito. Geol. Survey Indonesia (Badan Geologi), Bandung, Spec.
Publ., p. 1-139.
('Geology of the Barito Basin'. Major review of Barito Basin stratigraphy, tectonics, hydrocarbons, coal, etc.
Oldest rock in Meratus region is Permo-Carboniferous Lumo granite (319, 260 Ma). Also Jurassic and
Cretaeous granites, Jurassic-Cretaceous metamorphic and ophiolitic rocks and Cretaceous sediments in
Meratus Mts. Schwaner Mts: Pinoh Metamorphics with E Jurassic K-Ar age (189 Ma; biotite, C. Mouret 1987),
Sepauk Tonalite 104-123 Ma (Aptian-Albian). Barito Basin widespread Tertiary deposits start with M-L Eocene
coal-bearing Tanjung Fm rift deposits with sandstones ~75-85% quartz (mainly metamorphic provenance).
Overlain by ~75-95m thick Berai Lst with Heterostegina borneensis, Miogypsinoides complanata, Spiroclypeus,
Heryanto, R. (2014)- Batubara Formasi Tanjung sebagai batuan sumber hidrokarbon di Cekungan Barito. J.
Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 15, 3, p. 105-111.
(online at:
('The Tanjung Formation coal as a hydrocarbon source rock in the Barito Basin'. Coal seams in Eocene M
Tanjung Fm in Kualakurun area 50-150 cm thick and are potential oil and gas source rocks. Most coal samples
humic and composed mainly of vitrinite (80-90%) with some exinite and inertinite and gas-prone. Some samples
sapropelic, dominated by exinite (74%) and vitrinite (17%) and potential oil-prone source rock)
Heryanto, R. & U. Margono (2008)- The provenance and diagenesis of sandstone of the Eocene Tanjung
Formation in the Kualakurun area, Central Kalimantan. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 18, 5, p. 291-298.
(online at:
(Kualakurun area in W margin of Barito Basin. Eocene Tanjung Fm sandstone subarkose, sublitharenite and
felspathic litharenite. Grains dominantly quartz with some lithics and feldspar. Derived from Craton Interior
and Recycled Orogen, from Pre- Tertiary of Schwaner Mts W of area. Diagenesis indicates paleo-temperature
of 80- 95° C and burial depth of 2-3 km)
Heryanto, R. & H. Panggabean (2004)- Fasies dan sedimentologi Formasi Tanjung di bagian barat, tengah dan
timur tinggian Meratus, Kalimantan Selatan. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 14, 3 (147), p. 78-93.
('Facies and sedimentology of the Tanjung Formation in western, central and eastern Meratus Mountains,
South Kalimantan'. Lower and Middle parts of Eocene Tanjung Fm in fluvial facies, upper part in deltaic sandy
facies and lagoonal claystone facies. Sandstones quartzose 'Recycled Orogen' provenance. Lithics include
volcanics, metamorphics and chert. Paleocurrents from WNW to ESE, probably from Schwaner Mts or
Sundaland (Remarkably little feldspar suggesting Meratus Late Cretaceous arc volcanics not source for
Tanjung?; JTvG).)
Heryanto, R. & H. Panggabean (2011)- Provenance dan diagenesis batupasir Paleogen di daerah Purukcahu-
Muarateweh, Kalimantan Tengah. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 21, 6, p. 335-347.
(Provenance and diagenesis of the Paleogene sandstones in the Purukcahu- Muarateweh area, Central
Kalimantan'. Area between Barito and W Kutai Basins. Eocene sandstones of Tanjung, Haloq and Batuayau
Fms litharenites of recycled orogen provenance from Schwaner High Permo-Trias metamorphics and
Cretaceous granites. Diagenesis suggests paleotemperature of 80-95°C, from depth of 2000- 3000m. Oligo-
Miocene sst of Purukcahu and Karamuan Fms feldsphatic litharkose and litharenite, derived from magmatic
arc of Malasan Volcanics and recycled orogenics of Schwaner High)
Heryanto, R. & H. Panggabean (2013)- Lingkungan pengendapan Formasi pembawa batubara Warukin di
daerah Kandangan dan sekitarnya, Kalimantan Selatan. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 23, 2, p. 93-103.
(online at:
('Depositional environment of the coal-bearing Warukin Formation in the Kandangan area and surroundings,
South Kalimantan'. Miocene Warukin Fm coals in Barito Basin 0.5- 12m thick (some up to 50m thick; JTvG).
Macerals mainly vitrinite, less exinite/ liptinite and inertinite. Classified as wet forest swamp deposits)
Hettinga Tromp, H. (1933)- De ouderdom en geaardheid der koollagen in het kusttertiair ten zuiden van de
Mahakam (O. Borneo) en de mogelijkheid van aardolieaccumulaties. De Mijningenieur 14, 9, p. 150-151.
('The age and nature of coal beds in the coastal Tertiary South of the Mahakam (E Borneo) and the possibility
of oil accumulations'. Brief note on presence of low-moisture coal in Te (Late Oligocene- E Miocene) of Benau
Baru anticline, which may point to sapropelic coal with potential to generate oil. No figures, tbales)
Hickman, R.G., C. Stuart & T.P. Seeley (2000)- Evolution of the Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
AAPG Int. Conf. Exhib. Abstracts, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 84, 9, p. 1437-1438. (Abstract
Hidayat, S. (1995)- Mud volcanoes as an indication of geological structure in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: J.
Ringis (ed.) Proc. 31st Sess. Comm. Co-ord. Joint Prospecting Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore Areas
(CCOP), Kuala Lumpur 1994, 2, p. 267-281.
(Mud volcanoes on Samarinda anticlinorium (onshore of Mahakam delta). Mud samples with E Miocene (zone
N6) planktonic forams, adjacent outcrops M Miocene age (zone N8). Probably caused by overpressure of shale
by overthrusting)
Hidayati, S., E. Guritno, A. Argenton, W. Ziza & I. Del Campana (2007)- Re-visited structural framework of
the Tarakan sub-basin Northeast Kalimantan- Indonesia. Proc. 31st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc.,
IPA07-G-109, 18p.
(Tarakan sub-basin affected by E Eocene rifting creating stretched continental or transitional oceanic crust
under main basin?), E Oligocene uplift, early M Miocene uplift (start of major deltaic deposition), Late
Miocene growth faulting, Late Pliocene- Pleistocene compression. Stable area in W separated from Tarakan
Basin depocenter by one major regional normal fault. Major growth fault nearshore linked to toe thrusts in
deep water. NW-SE left lateral strike slip faults in basin believed to be continuation of Palu Koro fault system
from Sulawesi, and has been active since Pliocene (~5 Ma). Major anticlines that set up Bunyu and Tarakan
islands aligned in NW-SE direction, possibly formed above sinistral strike slip zones)
Hoibian, T. (1984)- La microfaune benthique traceur de l'evolution d'un systeme deltaique sous le climat
equatorial: le delta de la Mahakam (Kalimantan). Thesis 3e Cycle, Universite de Bordeaux I, p. 1-219.
('Benthic microfaunal markers in the evolution of an equatorial delta system: the Mahakam Delta
(Kalimantan)'. Study of Recent foraminifera and ostracodes in Mahakam Delta (see also Carbonel et al. 1986))
Honda, H. (2013)- Evaluation of average flow rate of subsurface fluid based on an inclined gas/water contact in
the Peciko gas field, Mahakam Delta Province, east Kalimantan, Indonesia. Chigaku Zasshi (= J. of Geography)
122, Issue p. 34-68.
(online at:
(In Japanese with English summary. Peciko gas field in Mahakam Delta with tilted gas-water contact, caused
by hydraulic gradient between adjacent hydrostatic domain and highly overpressured domain. Average flow
rate in gas zone is slow, estimated at 3.1 mm/year)
Honda, H., H. Kobayashi & H. Banjarnahor (2011)- Towards a new exploration opportunity: an inclined gas/
water contact, pressure gradients and an overpressured domain in and around the Peciko area, Mahakam Delta
Province, East Kalimantan. Proc. 35th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA11 G-103, p. 1-
(NWP-1 wildcat drilled in Mahakam Delta Province in 1992 confirmed N-dipping gas-water contact downdip
from Peciko 1 and PGH 1 wells, suggesting partial hydrodynamic entrapment in Peciko anticlinal closure)
Hook, J.A., P.J. Butterworth & A. Ferguson (2002)- Contrasting Miocene fluvio-deltaic channel types from
Perjuangan Quarry, East Kalimantan, Indonesia: implications for subsurface reservoir correlation. Proc. 28th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc., Jakarta, 1, p. 617-632.
(Outcrop of distributary channels and mouth bar sandstones near Samarinda)
Hook, J. & M.E.J. Wilson (2003)- Stratigraphic relationships of a Miocene mixed carbonate- siliciclastic
interval in the Badak field, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 29th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, p. 147-161.
Hooze, J.A. (1886)- Onderzoek naar kolen in de Berausche Landen ter Oostkust van Bomeo. Kolenterrein van
Goenoeng Sawar, idem over Poeloe Sepinang en dat van Goenoeng Taboer. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch
Oost-Indie 15 (1886), Verhandelingen, p. 5-105.
(‘Investigation of coal in the Berau region, Borneo East coast: coalfields of Gunung Sawar, Pulau Sepinang
and Gunung Tabur’. Report on survey work of coal deposits in 1882-1883 in 'Berau lands' of NE Kalimantan
(SW part of Tarakan Basin. Gunung Sawar ~14 km SW of Sambaliung on Kaleh River with 11 coal beds in
quartz sandstones, with total coal thickness of ~22m. Coalfield across Pulau Sepinang in Berau River also 11
coal beds, but coal closer to lignite and of poor quality. Gunung Tabur area 5 coal beds, total thickness ~7m)
Hooze, J.A. (1887)- Onderzoek naar kolen in het Rijk van Koetai ter Oostkust van Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen
Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 16 (1887), Verhandelingen 2, p. 5-94.
(‘Investigation of coal in the Kingdom of Kutai, East Kalimantan’. Report on coal terrains along Mahakam
River above Samarinda, mainly near Batu Panggal. Several areas with 10-18 coal beds with cumulative
thickness of 9-23 m)
Hooze, J.A. (1888)- Nadere gegevens betreffende enkele kolenterreinen in Koetai en onderzoek eener
aardoliebron aldaar. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 17 (1888), Verhandelingen 2, p. 325-336.
(‘Additional data on coal terrains in Kutai and investigation of an oil seep there’. Asphalt and burning gas seep
at Sanga-Sanga)
Hooze, J.A. (1888)- Onderzoek naar kolen in de Straat Laut en aangrenzende landstreken. Jaarboek Mijnwezen
Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 17 (1888), 2, p. 337-429.
(‘Investigation of coal in Laut straits and adjacent areas’)
Hooze, J.A. (1888)- Kolen aan de oostkust van Borneo, van de St Lucia- tot aan de Pamoekan-Baai. Jaarboek
Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 17 (1888), Technisch Admin. Ged., p. 431-470.
(‘Coal along the East coast of Borneo, from the St Lucia to the Pamukan Bay’. Four coal-bearing horizons:
Eocene (Palau Laut, Martapura), Middle Miocene (Sanga-Sanga, Samarinda), Upper Miocene (Samarinda),
Lower Pliocene (Balikpapan Bay))
Hotz, W. & L. Rutten (1917)- Geographisch-geologische Beschreibung des Kustengebietes von Koetei
zwischen Bontang und dem Santan Fluss (Ost Borneo). Verhandelingen Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig
Genootschap Nederland Kol., Geol. Serie 2, p. 243-248.
(online at:
(‘Geographical-geological description of the coastal area of Kutai between Bontang and the Santan River, E
Borneo’. Early geological survey, reporting traverses-cross-sections of folded Miocene-Pliocene sediments)
Huffington, R.M. & H.M. Helmig (1980)- Discovery and development of the Badak field, East Kalimantan,
Indonesia. In: M.T. Halbouty (ed.) Giant oil and gas fields of the decade 1968-1978. American Assoc. Petrol.
Geol. (AAPG), Mem. 30, p. 441-458.
Huffington, R.M. & H.M. Helmig (1990)- Badak Field- Indonesia. In: AAPG Treatise on petroleum geology
17, Structural traps III: Tectonic fold and fault traps, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG), p. 265-308.
(Badak field anticlinal structure with multiple Miocene deltaic reservoirs, estimated reserves 6.5 TCF gas, 96
MB condensate and 47 MB Oil)
Husein, S. (2017)- Lithostratigraphy of Tabul Formation and onshore geology of Nunukan Island, North
Kalimantan. J. Applied Geology (UGM) 2, 1, p. 25-35.
(online at:
Idris, R., E. Nurjadi, Z. Azzaino, A. Mardianza & W.L. Ambarwati (2015)- Evaluation of Paleogene potential
play in frontier area: Tanjung Area II Block, northern part of Barito Basin. Proc. Joint Conv. HAGI-IAGI-
IAFMI-IATMI, Balikpapan, JCB2015-389, 3p. (Extended Abstract)
(Burial history modelling of 2 wells in NE Barito Basin shows Eocene Tanjung Fm already reached oil window
in E Miocene time, and is in gas window in Lower Tanjung Fm)
Idris, R., E. Nurjadi, Z. Azzaino, A. Mardianza & W.L. Ambarwati (2015)- Revisit evaluation in Sangatta-
Bungalun block: a new hope for non-focus exploration area. Proc. Joint Conv. HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI,
Balikpapan, JCB2015-390, 4p. (Extended Abstract)
(Evaluation of reservoir prospectivity of Sangatta-Bungalun Block from basin modelling and petrophysics of
wells Kariorang 1, Sembulu 1, Sekurau 1 and Batuhidup 1)
Idris, R. & T.S. Priantono (1994)- Perkembangan submarine fan Eosen- Oligosen pada daerah Benderang-
Tapian Langsat, Cekungan Kutai, Kalimantan Timur. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI),
Jakarta, 1, p. 208-218.
('Development of Eocene- Oligocene submarine fans in the Benderang-Tapian Langsat area, Kutai Basin, East
Kalimantan'. In Bungalun area of NE part of Kutai Basin Eocene-Oligocene Beriun Fm in bathyal marine
facies with submarine fan sandstones)
Imanhardjo, D.N. & T.W. Kunto (1993)- Pemetaan parasekuen-set: suatu cara penyesuaian resolusi model
geologi guna interpretasi seismik stratigrafi sedimen deltaik. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol.
(IAGI), Bandung, 2, p. 1130-1140.
('Mapping of parasequence sets: a way of adjusting the resolution of geological models using seismic
stratigraphy interpretation of deltaic sediments'. With examples and facies maps of Sangatta field, E
Inaray, J.C., Y.H. Setiawan, R. Schneider, J.T. Noah & E. Lumadyo (2001)- Merah Besar and West Seno Field
discoveries: examples of exploration success on the slope environment, confined turbidity channel sand, deep-
water Kutei Basin, Indonesia. In: A. Setiawan et al. (eds.) Proc. Deep-Water Sedimentation of Southeast Asia,
FOSI 2nd Reg. Seminar, Jakarta 2001, p. 10-15. (Extended Abstract?)
Irawan, D. & D.H. Amijaya (2012)- Studi provenance batupasir Formasi Batu Ayau Cekungan Kutai di daerah
Ritanbaru, Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur. J. Teknik Geologi (UGM) 1, 2, 5p.
(online at:
('Sandstone provenance of the Batu Ayau Fm of the Kutai Basin in the Ritanbaru area, E Kalimantan'. Batu
Ayau Fm M Eocene syn rift deposit sandstone exposed in Ritanbar area. Provenance study shows sandstone
dominated by volcanics, some metamorphic material and less chert. Provenance type is recycled orogen that
changed to magmatic arc)
Iroe, H.D. (1981)- Evaluation of shaly sands Sepinggan Field, Indonesia. M.Sc. Thesis Colorado School of
Mines, T2510, p. 1-298. (Unpublished)
Ito, Y. & T. Taguchi (1990)- Petroleum geology and hydrocarbon source rocks in Mahakam Delta, East
Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: Symp. Application of geochemistry to petroleum exploration, J. Japanese Assoc.
Petroleum Technologists (Sekiyu Gijutsu Kyokaishi) 55, 1, p. 54-65.
(online at:
Jacobs, S.J. & N.D. Meyer (2001)- Direct hydrocarbon response technique: application and opportunity in
Barito-Kutai interbasinal high. Proc. 28th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 249-260.
(Paper suggesting subsurface hydrocarbons can be detected with ‘Direct Hydrocarbon Response Technique’
tool, utilizing spectral anomalies over outcrops)
Jacques, J., P. Poluan, A.H. Satyana & P. Jacques (2011)- Tectonic and structural framework of the Sebatik and
Nunukan islands- implications on hydrocarbon prospectivity. Proc. Joint Conv. Makassar IAGI-HAGI, Ujung
Pandang 2011, JCM2011-479, 2p. (Extended Abstract)
(Sebatik and Nunukan Islands in NE part of Tarakan Basin explored but no discoveries. Oil and gas
accumulations on Tarakan and Bunyu Islands first identified by seeps, with main traps NW-SE trending
anticlines that run through the centre of each island and plunge to the SE. Sebatik Island also dominated by
major NW-SE anticlinal fold with high-angle reverse faults. Broader, more open fold may exist on Nunukan. At
SE Sebatik Island, several oil seeps, most likely from source area offshore)
Jaffe, P.R., P. Albrecht & J.L. Oudin (1988)- Carboxylic acids as indicator of oil migration; II. Case of the
Mahakam Delta, Indonesia. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 52, 11, p. 2599-2607.
(Organic matter of Neogene Mahakam Delta sediments principally derived from terrestrial sources. Changes in
acidic biomarker distributions during oil migration may help determine migration distances of oils)
Jamas, J. & D. Luwarno (1982)- Hubungan antara Sigmoilina personata dengan Foraminifera Eosen di
Kalimantan Selatan. Geologi Indonesia 9, 2, p. 32-44.
('Association of Sigmoilina personata with Eocene foraminifera in S Kalimantan'. Good Eocene Discocyclina-
Pellatispira larger foram assemblages in Tanjung Fm from wells in Barito Basin. Associated with small benthic
foram Sigmoilina personata, a potential Eocene marker species as first proposed by Mohler (1946))
Jauhari, U., R. Permana, A. Wijanarko & A. Soenoro (2012)- Hydrodynamic trapping, tilted contacts and new
opportunities in mature onshore Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. AAPG Int. Conv. Exhib., Singapore
2012, Search and Discovery Art. 41060, p. 1-12.
(online at:
(Onshore Kutei Basin field with tilted gas-water contacts in most deep zone G reservoirs, connected to
overpressured shales. Higher pressure gradient of water legs in flank provides hydrodynamic force to push
GWC higher in one flank. Shallow E reservoirs unconnected to overpressured shales and have flat GWC)
Jeannot, J.P. (1981)- Haute resolution sismique dans le delta de la Mahakam. Petrole et Techniques (Assoc.
Francaise Techniciens du Petrole) 283, p. 144-147.
(‘High-resolution seismic in the Mahakam Delta’. Conventional seismic not adequate to study reservoir or
stratigraphic traps in Mahakam Delta. High-resolution seismic techniques used successfully in marine
environments, but more difficult in terrestrial environments)
Jefferies, K.G. (1980)- The Sanga Sanga Field. Proc. 9th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p.
(Sanga-Sanga field in onshore Mahakam delta 1898 discovery. Produced >255 million barrels of oil. NNE-
SSW trending narrow, asymmetrical anticline, 32 x 1 km, 911 wells. Many producing horizons between 250’-
Jezler, H. (1916)- Das Olfeld Sanga Sanga in Koetei (Niederl. Ost-Borneo). Zeitschrift f. Prakt. Geol. 24, p. 77-
85 and p. 113-125.
('The Sanga-Sanga oilfield in Kutai, E Kalimantan'. Early, detailed description of Sanga Sanga oil field,
onshore Mahakam Delta. Discovered in 1898 by mining engineer Menten and exploited by Shell predecessor
company. Producing from Tertiary sandstones in large anticline with surface oil seeps. About 100 wells
between 1901-1906, almost all <500m deep. Shallow oils rel. heavy)
Kiel, S., S. Reich, W. Renema, J.D. Taylor, F.P. Wesseling & J.A. Todd (2016)- A Late Miocene methane-seep
fauna from Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 1st Int. Workshop Ancient hydrocarbon seep and cognate
communities, Warsaw 2016, 1p. (Abstract only)
(online at:
(Late Miocene methane-seep deposit and associated fauna in Kutai Basin. Dominated by large, globular lucinid
bivalve Meganodontia sp. nov. (up to 12.4 cm), and elongate bathymodiolin mussel, Gigantidas sp. nov.(up to
8.7 cm long). Also common small lucinid Cardiolucina aff. quadrata and Isorropodon sp., rare lucinid
Lucinoma sp. and gastropods Bathybembix, Naticarius, Profundinassa, etc. Probably upper bathyal
environment (400-500m). Close affinities to Recent tropical W Pacific seep faunas)
Klaus, S., S. Selvandran, J.W. Goh, D. Wowor, D. Brandis, P. Koller et al. (2013)- Out of Borneo: Neogene
diversification of Sundaic freshwater crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura: Gecarcinucidae: Parathelphusa). J.
Biogeography 40, p. 63-74.
(online at:
Kloos, J.H. (1863)- Geologische opmerkingen over de kolen van Borneo. Tijdschrift Nederl. Indie 25, p. 294-
('Geological remarks on the coal of Borneo'. Brief, early literature review on coal and geology of SE
Kalimantan, where 'Oranje Nassau' mine near Pengaron, Martapura, had been operational since 1854. Also
mention of coal at Pulau Laut, Samarinda (E Kalimantan) and Labuan (N Borneo). No maps or figures)
Koch, R.E. (1926)- Mitteltertiare Foraminiferen aus Bulongan, Ost-Borneo. Eclogae Geol. Helvetiae 19, 3, p.
(online at:
(‘Middle Tertiary foraminifera from Bulongan, NE Kalimantan’. Listing of 255 deeper marine foram species,
mainly from Late Oligocene marls in Sajau and Binai rivers drainage, SE Bulongan. First descriptions of
planktonic foram marker species like Globigerina binaiensis and G. tripartita)
Koeshidayatullah, A. & B. Al-Ghamdi (2013)- Carbonate depositional model and facies distribution on the
transpression zone, East Kalimantan. In: 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC
2013, p. (Extended Abstract)
(Depositional model of latest E- earliest M Miocene Tendehantu Fm reef- forereef carbonate microfacies at
Antu Mountain, Mangkalihat Peninsula, NE Kalimantan)
Krausel, R. (1923)- Nipadites borneensis n. sp. eine fossil Palmenfrucht aus Borneo. Senckenbergiana 5, p. 77-
(On a new species of fossil fruit of Nypa-type mangrove palm from Eocene of Borneo)
Kristanto, R.B. & H. Murti (1992)- Potensi hidrokarbon daerah Sihung cekungan Barito, Kalimantan Selatan-
Pendekatan tektionik dan geohirokarbon daerah Tanjung Raya. Proc. 21st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol.
(IAGI), Yogyakarta, 1, p. 113-130.
('Hydrocarbon potential in the Sihung Area, Barito Basin, South Kalimantan- An exploration concept using a
combined tectonic and geohydrocarbon approach in the Tanjung Area'. Hydrocarbons in Tanjung Raya area in
different formations:Pretertiary- Eocene Tanjung Fm (Tanjung Field), Berai Fm (Tanta), Berai and Lower
Warukin (South Dahor), in Warukin Fm in Warukin and Tapian Timur fields. At structural highs hydrocarbons
trapped in older rocks)
Krol, L.H. (1925)- Eenige cijfers uit de 3 etages van het Eoceen en uit het Jong-Tertiair in de omgeving van
Martapoera- Zuid-Oost Borneo. Verhandelingen Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kol.,
Geol. Serie 8 (Verbeek volume), p. 343-356.
('Some numerical data on the three stages of the Eocene in the Martapura area, SE Borneo'. Detailed
stratigraphic thickness data of Eocene and young-Tertiary near Martapura. Little change from Verbeek 1875,
except minor age interpretation changes. Total Eocene thickness 856m (= much thicker than Verbeek's
estimates; JTvG))
Kurniawan, E., A. Bachtiar, Safarudin & B. Mulyanto (2001)- Paleosols in deltaic sediment: a case study in
Semberah Field, Mahakam Delta, Kutai Basin. Proc. 30th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI) & 10th
GEOSEA Regional Congress, Yogyakarta, p.
Kurniawan; E., A. Bachtiar & S. Martodjojo (2011)- Paleosols as an alternative method to define sequence
boundary in fluvial system: a case study in Semberah Field, Kutei Basin. Berita Sedimentologi 21, FOSI- IAGI,
p. 26-39.
(Online at:
(Paleosols used to identify sequence boundaries in Late Miocene Balikpapan/ Kampung Baru Fm fluvial-deltaic
sequences in outcrops at Semberah field, N part of Samarinda Anticlinorium, Kutai Basin. Total of 52
paleosols, grouped in 6 types, observed in 21 outcrops. Paleosols well developed in Highstand Sequence Tract,
in Lowstand ST. Absent or rare in Transgressive ST)
Kurniawan, T., B. Prasetiyo & D. Tangkalalo (2010)- Subsurface surveillance in low permeability oil reservoir
at Tanjung Field, Barito Basin, South Kalimantan. Proc. 34th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, IPA10-G-176, 13p.
(Tanjung Field low perm zones in Eocene Lower Tanjung Fm A and B main reservoirs caused by clays smectite
and kaolinite. Lowermost Tanjung Fm ~200m of alluvial fan deposits with volcanic conglomerates)
Kusnama (2008)- Batubara Formasi Warukin di daerah Sampit dan sekitarnya, Kalimantan Tengah. J. Geologi
Indonesia 3, 1, p. 11-22.
(online at:
('Warukin Fm coal in the Sampit area, C Kalimantan'. Miocene Warukin Fm in Sampit area, W Barito Basin,
~700m thick. Two main coal seams, A and B, 80- 200cm thick, generally banded brittle to friable, claystone
partings, subbituminous C- A rank, and deposited in wet-forest swamp with by high plants and shrubs)
Kusnida, D. & L. Arifin (2008)- Karakteristik akustik dan fenomena geologi endapan sedimen Kuarter Delta
Mahakam- Kalimantan Timur. J. Geologi Kelautan 6, 3, p. 167-173.
(online at:
('Acoustic characteristics and geological phenomena of Quaternary sedimentary deposits of the Mahakam
Delta -East Kalimantan'. Mahakam delta offshore shallow seismic profiles indicate at least four acoustic
intervals (depositional sequences), separated by unconformities)
Kusuma, M.I. & A.N. Nafi (1985)- Prospek hidrokarbon Formasi Warukin di cekungan Barito, Kalimantan.
Proc. 14th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), p. 105-124.
('Hydrocarbon prospects of the Warukin Fm in the Barito Basin, Kalimantan')
Kusworo, A., S. Reich, F.P Wesselingh, N. Santodomingo, K.G. Johnson, J.A. Todd & W. Renema (2015)-
Diversity and paleoecology of Miocene coral-associated molluscs from East Kalimantan (Indonesia). Palaios
30, 1, p. 116-127.
(Diverse Tortonian mollusc assemblage from coral carpet environment at Bontang, dominated by predatory
Laffaure, A, P. Dupouy, N. Syarifuddin (2008)- The Sisi-Nubi case history: reservoir characterisation in a
challenging geological setting. Proc. 32nd Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA08-G-096, 8p.
(Sisi (1986) and Nubi (1992) gas fields 25 km offshore Mahakam delta in 60-70m of water. Reservoirs Upper
Miocene deltaic sands between 1900-3800m, divided into upper 'Fresh Water Sands' and lower overpressured
'Sisi Main Zone'. Deltaic cycles with average thickness of 25m. Fluids mainly gas, with columns from 20-100m
for FWS. Anticlinal structures with several compartments. All channel sands >12m could be identified on
seismic, but no channels thinner than 5m could be seen on seismic)
Laggoun-Defarge, F., B. Pradier, E. Brosse, S. Belin & J.L. Oudin (1995)- Analyse microtexturale des
sediments organiques du delta de la Mahakam (Indonesie); relations avec les environnements de depot.
Comptes Rendus Academie Sciences, Paris, II, 320, 11, p. 1055-1061.
('Microtextural analysis of the organic sediments of the Mahakam Delta; relations with environments of
deposition'. Petroleum quality of humic organic matter of Mahakam delta is variable and not only correlated to
organic composition, but also to relations of organic and mineral constituents. Characteristic organo-mineral
microtextures identified in each depositional environment of delta)
Lalouel, P. (1979)- Log interpretation in deltaic sequences. Proc. 8th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 247-290.
(Examples of log interpretation in Miocene deltaic deposits of Handil Field, Mahakam Delta)
Lambert, B. (2003)- Micropaleontological investigations in the modern Mahakam delta, East Kalimantan
(Indonesia). Carnets de Geologie/Notebooks on Geology, 2003/02, p. 1-21.
(online at:
(Distribution of benthic foraminifera in Mahakam Delta system controlled by three main parameters: fluvial
input of fresh water and sediment, tides, and north to south drift current. Delta front environmments and
characteristic forams are: (1a)mud flats with Trochammina, Ammotium salsum, Arenoparrella mexicana,
Miliammina fusca; (1b) tidal flats (0-2m) with Trochammina, Ammobaculites agglutinans, Eggerelloides
scabrum, Ammonia beccarii; (2) internal delta front and river mouth bars with Ammonia beccarii, Elphidium;
(3) external delta front (1-5m) with Asterorotalia trispinosa; (4) prodelta (>5m) with Operculina gaymardi,
Pseudorotalia conoides, Ammonia annectens)
Lambert, B., B.C. Duval, Y. Grosjean, I.M. Umar & P. Zaugg (2003)- The Peciko case history: impact of an
evolving geologic model on the dramatic increase of gas reserves in the Mahakam Delta. In: M.T. Halbouty
(ed.) Giant oil and gas fields of the decade 1990-1999, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG), Mem. 78, p.
Lambert, B. & C. Laporte-Galaa (2005)- Discoaster zonation of the Miocene of the Kutei Basin, East
Kalimantan, Indonesia (Mahakam Delta Offshore). Carnets de Geologie, Mem. 2005/01, p. 1-63.
(Online at:
(Commonly used chronostratigraphic markers (foraminifera, spores and pollen) are rare or absent in most of
the Kutei Basin. Calcareous nannofossils present in prodelta shales, but also poor and dominated by
Discoasters. Propose modified Miocene nannofossil zonation of 13 zones for Outer Kutei basin, based on
Discoasters only)
Lambiase, J.J. & Salahuddin Husein (2015)- The modern Mahakam Delta: an analogue for transgressive-phase
deltaic sandstone reservoirs on low energy coastlines. AAPG Workshop Modern depositional systems as
analogues for Petroleum System', Search and Discovery Art. 51108, 38p. (Abstract + Presentation)
(online at:
(Mahakam Delta currently in transgressive phase))
Lambiase, J.J., D. Remus & Salahuddin Husein (2010)- Transgressive successions of the Mahakam Delta
province, Indonesia. AAPG Hedberg Conference, Jakarta 2009, Search and Discovery Art. 50257, 5p.
(online at:
(Transgressive successions important component of M Miocene and younger stratigraphy of Mahakam Delta
province and have considerable reservoir potential)
Lambiase, J.J., R.S. Riadi, N. Nirsal & Salahuddin Husein (2014)-The Mahakam Delta, Indonesia: a case study
for the deposition and preservation of transgressive deltaic successions. Int. Petroleum Techn. Conf., Kuala
Lumpur, IPTC-17867-MS, 4p.
Lambiase, J.J., R.S. Riadi, N. Nirsal & Salahuddin Husein (2017)- Transgressive successions of the Mahakam
Delta Province, Indonesia. In: G.J. Hampson et al. (eds.) Sedimentology of paralic reservoirs: recent advances,
Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 444, p. 335-348.
(Significant portion of Paleo-Mahakam Delta succession deposited during transgressive phases, either from
extensive major transgressions or short-lived transgressions within maintly progradational phases. Sandstone
facies with significant reservoir potential in transgressive successions: (1) backfilled distributary sandstones
(coastline-perpendicular 10-20 m thick sand bodies, fining-upward channel sands, becoming more marine
upwards; (2) shoreline-parallel, transgressive shoreline sandstones)
Land, D.H. & C.M. Jones (1987)- Coal geology and exploration of part of the Kutei Basin in East Kalimantan,
Indonesia. In: A.C. Scott (ed.) Coal and coal-bearing strata: recent advances, Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ.
32, p. 235-255.
(Survey of ~700 km2 of Miocene coal-bearing strata near Samarinda identified 1000 Mt of recoverable coal,
ranking from lignite A to high-volatile C bituminous, in 43 seams 1.5- 13 m thick. Environments of deposition
paralic. Section >3000m thick, divided into four formations, Loa Duri, Loa Kulu, Prangat and Kamboja Fms.
Coals low ash, high moisture and generally low sulphur)
Larasati, D., S. Ardi, G. Widiyanto, F.M. Fiqih, D.S. Widarto & A. Guntoro (2016)- Integrated study of
regional tectonics, geologic structures, and paleogeography reconstruction to develop CBM cleat model in
Tanjung II Block, South Borneo. Proc. 40th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA16-55-G,
(Coal cleat measurements in Warukin and Tanjung Fms of Barito Basin near Tanjung, tied to regional
structure maps. Dominant structural lineament in study area E-SW, while cleat strike lines mainly E-W)
Larasati, D., F.M. Fiqih, R. Idris, D.S. Widarto & B. Sapiie (2015)- Fracture shale gas study of Tanjung
Formation, Barito Basin, South Kalimantan. Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta,
IPA15-G-113, 21p.
Larrouquet, F., A. Gautama & L. Moinard (2003)- Identification of initial gas net-pay in deltaic reservoirs using
wireline acoustic measurements. Proc. SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conf. Exh., Jakarta 2003, 80545-MS, 13p.
(Acoustic method to distinguish gas from liquid in Mahakam Delta sand reservoirs)
Latouche, C. & N. Maillet (1987)- Etude des corteges argileux dans les formations deltaiques de la Mahakam
(Kalimantan, Indonesie), Essais d'interpretation paleogeographique et paleoclimatique. In: A. Combaz (ed.)
Geochimie organique des sediments plio-quaternaires du delta de la Mahakam (Indonesie)- le sondage Misedor,
Editions TECHNIP, Paris, p. 73-84.
('Study of clay assemblages in deltaic deposits of the Mahakam delta (Kalimantan), attempts of
paleogeographic and paleoclimatic interpretation'. Clay minerals in Misedor well 3 assemblages: (1) base to
400m (Late Pliocene): kaolinite dominant; (2) 365-189m (E Pleistocene): smectite dominant; and (3) 189-37m:
kaolinite dominant. Smectite presumably derived from erosion of lowlands, during rel. dry period of sealevel
Laya, K.P., B. Nugroho, N. Hadiyanto & W. Tolioe (2013)- Paleogeographic reconstruction of Upper Kutei
Basin: implications for petroleum systems and exploration play concepts. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA13-G-106, p. 1-16.
(Review of onshore U Kutei Basin, where 1985 Kerendan gas field proves presence of petroleum system. E-M
Eocene NNE-SSW trending isolated half-grabens formed on U Cretaceous- Paleocene metasediments and
Jurassic- U Cretaceous ophiolitic crust. With 7 E Eocene- M Miocene paleogeographic maps)
Laya, K.P., A. Prasetya, Y. Rizal, E. Guritno, D. Stokes & J. Smart (2014)- Sand fairway and play frameworks
on the deepwater slope area of North Kutei Province. Proc. 38th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, IPA14-G-142, 11p.
(On Neogene deepwater slope play in Bontang and SE Sangatta PSC areas, off E Kalimantan. Neogene strata
in N Kutai basin deposited in relatively narrow shelf associated with significant hinterland uplift and erosion.
Shelf area characterized by extensional listric growth. Neogene deltas in Kalimantan primary sediment source
for deepwater sand reservoirs in offshore Lower Kutai Basin. Productive turbidite sandstones with excellent
quality on slope as confined canyon/channel-fill systems. Sand deposition strongly controlled by syn-kinematic
lows, whereas intra-basinal highs commonly dominated by more silty and muddy deposits)
Laya, K.P., A. Subekti, S. Goesmiyarso & J. Warren (2017)- From isolation to inclusion: the application of
isotope analysis to unravel the influences of depositional style and diagenesis in Berai carbonates, Central
Kalimantan. Proc. 41st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA17-362-G, 13p.
(Gas well W Kerendan-1 (2013) core and log analysis shows Oligocene carbonate reservoir of interlayered
reservoir-quality grainstone and wacke-packstone units. Persistent presence of clastic materials suggest land-
attached setting. Diagenetic events generated secondary porosity during intermediate-deep burial and uplift)
Lefort, J.J., J.P. Thiriet, P. Le Quellec & J.B. Bailey (2000)- Sequence stratigraphy of the offshore Tarakan.
AAPG Int. Conf. and Exhib., Bali 2000, 8p. (Extended Abstract)
(Regressive Upper Miocene- Recent series, with major sequence boundaries and tectonically enhanced angular
unconformities. From W to E fluvial sediments pass into deltaic and shelfal deposits. Late Miocene rapid
subsidence and active N-S growth faulting trapped deltaic sediments in downthrown paleo-troughs in W, whilst
E part comprised sediment starved paleo-highs with marine shales and limestones. In latest Miocene W part
tilted and truncated. Pliocene subsidence slower and growth faulting less active. In Bunyu area, delta was able
to prograde E far towards paleo shelf-edge, since N-S trending paleohighs no longer present. Pleistocene
subsidence rate high and NW-SE arches set-up by reactivation of old lineaments)
Lelono, E.B. (2003)- Stratigraphic interpretation of the Middle Miocene deltaic sediment in the Sangatta area,
based on quantitative palynological data. Lemigas Scientific Contr. 2003, 2, p.
Lelono, E.B. & C.A. Setyaningsih (2014)- Miocene palynology of the Barito Basin, South Kalimantan. Lemigas
Scientific Contr. Petrol. Sci. Techn. 37, 1, p. 45-56.
(Rich palynomorph assemblages in Miocene of Barito Basin. Identified last occurrence of Florschuetzia
trilobata (M-Late Miocene boundary) and first occurrence of F. meridionalis (E-M Miocene boundary). Other
Miocene markers include Stenochlaenidites papuanus (Late Miocene) and Scolocyamus magnus (E-M
Miocene). Brackish mangrove palynomorphs indicate marine influence during deposition)
Lemoy, C., A. Wahyudi & J. Luccioni (1988)- Detailed geological modeling and structural mapping in Bekapai
Field: influence on the understanding of fluid movements and implications on oil recovery. Proc. 17th Ann.
Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 33-47.
(Bekapai field, offshore SE Mahakam Delta 1972 discovery, producing since 1974. Anticlinal structure with oil-
gas in Late Miocene- Pliocene deltaics)
Lentini, M.R. & H. Darman (1996)- Aspects of the Neogene tectonic history and hydrocarbon geology of the
Tarakan Basin. Proc. 25th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 168-172.
(Tarakan Basin one of three major Kalimantan Tertiary deltaic depocentres. Most production on dip oriented
arches in mostly non-marine depositional environment. Forced regressions caused deposition of deltaic
reservoirs far downdip in present day deep water. Tarakan Basin initiated simultaneously with formation of
Celebes Sea by rifting between M-L Eocene and E Miocene on E-hading en echelon block faults. Increase in
accommodation in M Miocene- Pliocene combination of subsidence and gravity-induced listric faulting. Dip-
oriented arches formed during latest Pliocene- Recent transpression on wrench faults crossing Makassar Strait)
LeRoy, L.W. (1941)- Small foraminifera from the Late Tertiary of the Netherlands East Indies. 1. Small
foraminifera from the Late Tertiary of the Sangkulirang Bay area, East Borneo. Quarterly Colorado School
Mines 36, 1, p. 1-62.
Leupold, W. (1927?)- Geological description of Northeastern Borneo: landscapes of Bulungan and Berau.
(Unpublished, pioneering report on geological survey and micropaleontology of large parts of NE Kalimantan.
Copy of typescript reportedly in archive of Netherlands Centrum for Biodiversiteit (Naturalis), Leiden, as
'Verslag Boeloengan-Beraoe, Arch. 55 30031 (larger foraminifera from Leupold NE Kalimantan collection
described in several papers by Van der Vlerk (1925, 1929))
Loiret, B. & J.F. Mugniot (1982)- Seismic sequences interpretation, a contribution to the stratigraphical
framework of the Mahakam Area. Proc.11th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 323-334.
Lubis, M.I. & S. Djaelani (2016)- Petroleum systems in the southern margin of the Kutei Basin. Proc. IPA 2016
Technical Symposium, Indonesia exploration: where from- where to, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta,
24-TS-16, p. 1-12.
(South Sesulu Block at S margin of offshore Kutai Basin, with structural traps formed during end-Early
Miocene inversion along left-lateral faults of Adang flexure zone. SIS-A1 well (2015) penetrated good quality
M-L Miocene deltaic and upper slope sandstones and tested dry gas from Late Miocene sandstone. Late
Oligocene-Miocene coals and shales in S Sesulu area good source rock potential)
Lubis, T., D. Kurniawan & H. Ellen (2011)- Facies modeling of fluvial reservoirs in "M" Field, Tarakan PSC
Block. Proc. 36th HAGI and 40th IAGI Ann. Conv., Makassar, JCM2011-156, 16p.
(Mamburungan Field on SE Tarakan Island, NE Kalimantan, discovered in 1985; 30 wells drilled since. At
least 80 stacked sandstone reservoirs in Late Miocene- Pliocene Tarakan Fm, fluvial-dominated in upper part,
delta-dominated in lower part. Facies analysis of sands from log suggest N-S channel orientations)
Madden, R.H.C. & M.E.J. Wilson (2013)- Diagenesis of a SE Asian Cenozoic carbonate platform margin and
its adjacent basinal deposits. Sedimentary Geology 286-287, p. 39-57.
(Study of diagenesis of Kedango Carbonate Platform of Kutai Basin during Eocene- Miocene. Most prevalent
and pervasive diagenetic feature is neomorphic alteration and replacement of metastable bioclasts and micritic
matrix, together with calcitisation of pore spaces. Burial fluids with marine character inferred as parent
diagenetic fluid, since stable-isotope compositions for neomorphic spar consistent with precipitation from SE
Asian Oligocene-Miocene seawater in burial environment)
Magnier, P., T. Oki & L.Witoelar Kartaadiputra (1975)- The Mahakam Delta, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 9th
World Petroleum Congress, p. 239-250.
Magnier, P. & B. Samsu (1975)- The Handil oil field in East Kalimantan. Proc. 4th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 2, p. 41-61.
(1974 discovery in S edge of Mahakam Delta. 11x4 km NNW-SSE trending anticline. Multiple stacked
reservoirs, mainly tidal delta plain sands, now between 1400-2300m)
Majesta, C., D. Cook, P. Cardola, D. Kurniawan, I. Buldani, G. Aquillina & F. Prasetia (2016)- Formation
evaluation in thin bed reservoirs, a case study from the Kutei Basin, Indonesia. Proc. 40th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA16-G-615, 13p.
(Log analysis case study of Jangkrik Field off E Kalimantan, in Pliocene gas-bearing deepwater canyon-fill
turbiditic and debrite reservoir sands)
Mamuaya, J.M.B., E. Biantoro & R. Gir (1995)- The trace of sandstone distribution of Q layers using seismic
amplitude and inversion: a case study in Sangatta Field, East Kalimantan. Proc. 24th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 2, p. 425-441.
(Seismic interpretation of distributary channels in Q-zone in Sangatta Field)
Marbun, A. (1992)- Hydrocarbon source rocks in the Balikpapan Bay area, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. M.Sc.
Thesis, University of Wollongong, p. 1-428. (Unpublished)
Marino & N. Sunarya (1992)- Aplikasi metoda geofisika pada studi Cekungan pembawa batubara Ketungau,
Kalimantan Barat. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 2, 4, p. 9-20.
(‘Application of geophysical methods to the study of the Ketungau Basin coal, Ketungau, W Kalimantan’.
Gravity and seismic refraction work in Ketungau Basin, NW Kalimantan)
Marheni, L., R. Aditiyo, A.E. Putra & E. Anggraeni (2009)- Tertiary tectonic of Barito Basin, South East
Kalimantan, and implication for petroleum system. Proc. 38th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI),
Semarang, PITIAGI2009-183, 15p.
(Literature review; no new data. Barito basin Eocene rifting, Late-Miocene- Pliocene inversion. Largest oil
field is the Tanjung (1938), with highly paraffinic oil in Eocene Tanjung Fm and fractured basement. Warukin
and Tapian Timur Fields produce more asphalitic oil from Miocene regressive Warukin Fm)
Marks, E., Sujatmiko, L. Samuel, H. Dhanutirto, T. Ismoyowati & B.B. Sidik (1982)- Cenozoic stratigraphic
nomenclature in East Kutei basin, Kalimantan. Proc. 11th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p.
Marshall, A.J. & H.O. Schumann (1981)- Stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential of the Klandasan beds in the
Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 10th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p.
(Thick M Miocene (N9-N12) Klandasan Beds predominantly quartz sands, deposited at S margin of Kutei
Basin. Interval 2310’-7574’ in Bongkaran No. 1 selected as type section of Klandasan Beds)
Marshall, N. (2016)- Improving the age control of Eastern Borneo’s Miocene sedimentary record. Ph.D. Thesis
University of Utrecht, Utrecht Studies in Earth Sciences 109, p. 1-214.
(online at:
(Collection of studies on Miocene of E Kalimantan (paleoenvironmental reconstruction, magnetostratigraphy,
strontium isotope stratigraphy, cyclostratigraphy and paleomagnetic rotations). Mahakam Delta cyclic
sediment alternations match Earth’s orbital oscillations (20, 40 and 100 kyr cyclicity in M Miocene, 15-11Ma).
Paleomag work on Eocene- Miocene sediments indicates Borneo island probably did not rotate drastically
since at least ~40 Ma, Late Eocene, but data from Cretaceous basalts do suggest ~40° CCW rotation)
Marshall, N., V. Novak, I. Cibaj, W. Krijgsman, W. Renema, J. Young, N. Fraser, A. Limbong & R. Morley
(2015)- Dating Borneo’s deltaic deluge: Middle Miocene progradation of the Mahakam Delta. Palaios 30, p. 7-
(Stratigraphic age model for 4km thick late E Miocene- early Late Miocene section of Samarinda region, E
Kalimantan, using magnetostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy and biostratigraphy. Two thin reef complexes at
Samarinda dated at ~15 Ma (Batu Putih; 16m; early zone Tf2 with Lepidosemicyclina polymorpha and
Nephrolepidina ferreroi) and 11.6 Ma (Stadion section, 10m; late Tf2 with Lepidosemicyclina and Cycloclypeus
annulatus). Mahakam Delta went through major phase of buildout and progradation during M and earliest Late
Miocene, during which time progradation across former shelf break took place in Samarinda area)
Marshall, N., C. Zeeden, F. Hilgen & W. Krijgsman (2017)- Milankovitch cycles in an equatorial delta from the
Miocene of Borneo. Earth Planetary Sci. Letters 472, p. 229-240.
(Paleo-Mahakam delta of E Kalimantan, Borneo developed during globally warm M Miocene in equatorial
setting. Statistical analysis of sandstone/shale alternations show distinct pattern of cycles with thicknesses of
∼90, ∼30, and ∼17m, translating into periods of ~100, 40, and 20 kyr, matching orbital eccentricity, obliquity
and precession cycles. Proximal paleo-Mahakam sedimentation dominantly controlled by allogenic orbital
forcing, probably as consequence of glacioeustasy (also in Marshall 2016 thesis))
Martin, K. (1914)- Miocane Gastropoden von Ost-Borneo. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, ser. 1,
9, 1, p. 326-336.
(online at:
('Miocene gastropods from E Kalimantan'. Fossiliferous marls of NE Kutai Basin collected by Rutten.
Localities Sungei Gelingseh, Sg. Bungalun and Bontang. With molluscs already known from Java and mainly
pointing to Late Miocene ages. With locality map but no other figures)
Maryanto, S. (1996)- Neoformisma bioklastika batugamping Bebulu daerah Tenggarong, Kalimantan Timur. J.
Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 6, 62, p. 2-7.
('Neomorphism of bioclasts in the Bebulu Limestone of the Tenggarong area, E Kalimantan'. Diagenesis of Late
Oligocene- earliest Miocene limestone in outcrops off Mahakam River, Kutai Basin)
Maryanto, S. (2009)- Diagenesis dan batuan sumber batupasir Formasi Lati di Daerah Berau, Kalimantan
Timur, berdasarkan data petrografi. Bull. Scientific Contr. (UNPAD) 7, 2, p. 109-126.
(online at:
Maryanto, S. (2011)- Stratigrafi dan keterdapatan batubara pada Formasi Lati di daerah Berau, Kalimantan
Timur. Bul. Sumber Daya Geologi 6, 2, p. 97-110.
(online at:
('Stratigraphy and occurrence of coal of Lati Formation in the Berau area, E Kalimantan'. M Miocene Lati Fm
up to 400m thick and deposited in delta plain- fluvial swamps. Coal seams locally developed in middle part of
formation, more common in upper part. Coal seams intensively cleated, subconchoidal fractured, moderate
density, sometimes with very fine siliciclastics partings and up to 6.5m thick)
Maryanto, S. (2013)- Diagenesis and provenance of Lati Sandstones in the Berau Area, East Kalimantan
Province, based on petrography data. J. Geologi Indonesia 7, 3, p. 137-144.
(online at:
(M Miocene deltaic sandstones of Lati Fm, Berau Area, SW Tarakan Basin, NE Kalimantan, classified as
litharenite, feldspathic litharenite, etc.. Provenance 'recycled orogenic', dominated by granitic rocks, sediments
and metamorphics. Transport directions to S and E)
Maryanto, S. (2016)- Sedimentologi batugamping Formasi Berai gunung talikur dan sekitarnya kabupaten
Tapin, Kalimantan Selatan, berdasarkan data petrografi. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 17, 2, p. 85-98.
(online at:
('Limestone sedimentology of the Berai Formation at the Talikur Mountain and its surrounding area, Tapin
Regency, South Kalimantan based on petrographic data'. Late Oligocene- E Miocene Berai Fm in NW foothills
of Meratus Range ~75m thick with several reefal environments in overall transgressive situation (with pictures
of Borelis pygmaeus, Heterostegina borneensis)
Maryanto, S., Rachmansjah & T. Sihombing (2005)- Mekanisme pengendapan batuan sedimen Tersier awal di
daerah Tewah, Gunung Mas, Kalimantan Tengah: kaitannya dengan keterdapatan batubara. J. Sumber Daya
Geologi 15, 1 (148), p. 38-56.
('The mechanism of deposition of Tertiary sedimentary rocks early in the Tewah area, Gunung Mas, Central
Kalimantan: relation with coal formation'. Study of Late Eocene Tanjung Fm in C Kalimantan with basal
alluvial fan deposits grading upward into fluvial flood plain with 10-80cm thick coal seams in upper part)
Maryanto, S., Rachmansjah & T. Sihombing (2005)- Lingkungan pengendapan batuan pembawa batubara
Formasi Warukin di lintasan Kuala Kurun- Hulu Sungai Manyangan, Gunung Mas, Kalimantan Tengah. J.
Sumber Daya Geologi 15, 4 (150), p. 64-81.
('Depositional environment of coal-bearing Warukin formation in the Kuala Kurun- Hulu Manyangan, River
section, Gunung Mas, Central Kalimantan'. On 500m thick M-L Miocene coal-bearing deposits in C
Kalimantan. At least 8 seams, coals subbituminous with vitrinite reflectance 0.52-0.55% (=~2km of sediment
removed?; JTvG), 9-11% water, etc. Associated with quartz-rich sandstones)
Maryanto, S., Rachmansjah, T. Sihombing & S.Wiryosujono (2005)- Sedimentologi batuan pembawa batubara
Formasi Lati di lintasan Lati, Berau, Kalimantan Timur. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 15, 4 (150), p. 33-48.
('Sedimentology of rocks below the coals of the (M Miocene) Lati Fm in the Lati section, Berau, E Kalimantan'.
Deposition of tide-dominated delta in E-M Miocene)
Maryanto, S. & T. Sihombing (2001)- Stratigrafi Paleogen daerah Kalimantan Selatan: kaitannya dengan
keterdapatan batubara. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Spec. Publ. 26, p. 29-51.
(’Paleogene stratigraphy of S Kalimantan’. Study of End-Eocene coal-bearing Tanjung Fm in SE Kalimantan.
Max. thickness of coal seams in Middle Tanjung Fm is 340 cm, deposited in fluvial- delta plain facies)
Mason, A.D.M., J.C. Haebig & R.L. McAdoo (1993)- A fresh look at the North Barito Basin, Kalimantan. Proc.
22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 589-606.
Masatani, K. (1967)- Oil geology of East Kalimantan. J. Japanese Assoc. Petroleum Technologists 32, 4, p.
228-240. (in Japanese)
(online at:
Maubeuge, F. & I. Lerche (1993)- A north Indonesian basin: geo, thermal and hydrocarbon generation histories.
Marine Petroleum Geol. 10, 3, p. 231-245.
(Elf-Aquitaine basin modelling study of unnamed basin, 'offshore north of Kalimantan'. (Location unknown, so
who cares; JTvG))
Maubeuge, F. & I. Lerche (1994)- Geopressure evolution and hydrocarbon generation in a North Indonesian
basin: two-dimensional quantitative modelling. Marine Petroleum Geol. 11, 1, p. 105-115.
(Elf-Aquitaine study of unnamed basin 'offshore north of Kalimantan', in young deltaic environment (more
information from mystery basin; JTvG))
Maulin, H.B., U.A. Saefullah, A. Wicaksono, A. Direzza, M. Purnama & I. Setiawan (2017)- Neogene
unconformity surfaces as evidence to tectonic re-activation- case study in Tarakan sub-basin. Proc. Joint Conv.
HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI, Balikpapan, JCB2015-390, 5p.
(Tarakan basin overall E-ward prograding delta system complicated by (1) sourcing by multiple feeder rivers
(proto-Sesayap, Sesanip and others) and (2) angular unconformities within delta deposits caused by several
tectonic cycles. Late Oligocene uplift of Kucing High, Late Miocene uplift E of Kucing High (Simenggaris area,
etc.; creating angular unconformity between Santul and Tarakan Fms), and Pleistocene renewed uplift in same
area and folding of present day Bunyu, Tarakan and Ahus structures)
McClay, K., T. Dooley, A. Ferguson & J. Poblet (2000)- Tectonic evolution of the Sanga Sanga Block,
Mahakam Delta, Kalimantan, Indonesia. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 84, p. 765-786.
(online at:
(Sanga Sanga Block four large fields in M-U Miocene deltaic sandstones, in NE-trending Mahakam fold belt,
characterized by long, tight, faulted anticlines and broad synclines. Anticlines cored by overpressured shales
and formed by reactivation of early delta-top extensional growth faults. Change from gravity-driven extension
to contraction at ~14 Ma (Calvert 2003: ~10.5 Ma inversion event in Kutei basin tied to collision of Banggai-
Sula microcontinent with E Sulawesi, but had already started in E Miocene)
Milligan, E.N., M.C. Friederich & Meng Sze Wu Lim (1996)- Coal exploration and development in
Southeastern Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: G.P. & A.C. Salisbury (eds.) Trans. 5th Circum-Pacific Energy and
Mineral Resources Conference, Honolulu 1990, Gulf Publishing, Houston, p. 221-230.
(Early 1980's exploration and development by BHP of Eocene coal in Pasir (Asem Asem) basin, E of Meratus
Mts. Eocene coal measures remarkably uniform over area of 20,000 km2. Coal in one major interval in lower
part of Tanjung Fm, total thickness ~13m, with thin bands of claystone. One thin (0.5-1.5m) but persistent coal
horizon 50-100m above main horizon. One thin (1-6m) limestone bed rich in Discocyclina, 100+m above coal
measures, could be traced over >100km in N-S direction)
Moge, M. & F. Febvre (2001)- Integrated study of a complex deltaic sand reservoir. Soc. Petrol. Engineers
(SPE) Paper 68659, p.
Mohler, W. (1943)- Palaeontology and stratigraphy of the Tertiary of SE Borneo. Chishitsuchosajo (Geol.
Survey, Bandung) Report, 12p. (Unpublished)
Mohler, W.A. (1946)- Sigmoilina personata n.sp., eine Leitform aus dem Eocen von Sudost Borneo und Java.
Eclogae Geol. Helvetiae 39, 2, p. 298-300.
(online at:
Mohler, W.A. (1946)- Lepidocyclina crucifera n.sp. aus dem Burdigalien von Ost-Borneo. Eclogae Geol.
Helvetiae 39, p. 302-309.
(online at:
('Lepidocyclina crucifera new species from the Burdigalian of E Kalimantan'. Stellate and advanced
nephrolepidine Lepidocyclina with four rays from Sungai Mandai, Berau area. Associated larger foram
assemblage includes Miogypsina and Miogypsinoides and suggests zone Tf1, Burdigalian)
Mohler, W.A. (1948)- Uber das Vorkommen von Alveolina und Neoalveolina in Borneo. Eclogae Geol.
Helvetiae 41, 2, p. 321-329.
(online at:
('On the occurrence of Alveolina and Neoalveolina in Kalimantan'. Eocene Alveolina rel. common in NE
Kalimantan, but not S of Sangkulirang Bay. Also common in Lutetian, M Eocene (Ta), but not in Priabonian.
Neoalveolina (N. pygmaeus group= Borelis; JTvG) first occurs at base of Tc/ Oligocene, commonly associated
with Nummulites fichteli)
Mohler, W.A. (1949)- Flosculinella reicheli n.sp. aus dem Tertiar e5 von Borneo. Eclogae Geol. Helvetiae 42,
2, p. 521-527.
(online at:
Flosculinella reicheli, a new species of globular flosculinellid from foram-rich marl of Te5/Burdigalian age, in
Hajup rubber plantation N of Tanjung, Hulu-Sungei area, N Barito basin, E Kalimantan)
Monthioux, M., P. Landais & J.C. Monin (1985)- Comparison between natural and artificial maturation series
of humic coals from the Mahakam delta, Indonesia. Organic Geochem. 8, 4, p. 275-292.
(Laboratory simulation of in-situ hydrocarbon formation from kerogen, comparing Type III-humic organic
matter from Mahakam delta to artificial and natural coal series. Natural maturation simulated better when
pyrolysis performed under confined conditions)
Monthioux, M., P. Landais & B. Durand (1986)- Comparison between extracts from natural and artificial
maturation series of Mahakam delta coals. Organic Geochem. 10, p. 299-311.
Moore, T.A. (1990)- An alternative method for sampling and petrographically characterizing an Eocene coal
bed, Southeast Kalimantan, Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Kentucky, Lexington, p. 1-240.
Moore, T.A., M. Bowe & C. Nas (2014)- High heat flow effects on a coalbed methane reservoir, East
Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia. Int. J. Coal Geology 131, p. 7-31.
(Miocene Balikpapan Fm in Sangatta, E Kalimantan, >1500m thick with common coal seams, <1- >5m thick,
and distributed throughout section. Measured gas <1- 13 m3/t, increasing downhole in cores. Sangatta area
higher geothermal gradient (50 °C/km) than most of E Kalimantan, especially near Pinang Dome in SW. Gas in
higher rank area could be thermogenic, while gas isotopes from well away from Pinang Dome indicate
biogenic origin)
Moore, T.A. & J.C. Ferm (1988)- A modification of procedures for petrographic analysis of Tertiary Indonesian
coals. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 2, 3-4, p. 175-183.
(Plant parts and tissues in SE Kalimantan Eocene coals classified on basis of morphology and degree of
degradation. Highest concentration and best preservation of plant parts and tissues in banded coal)
Moore, T.A. & J.C. Ferm (1992)- Composition and grain size of an Eocene coal bed in southeastern
Kalimantan, Indonesia. Int. J. Coal Geology 21, 1-2, p. 1-30.
(Eocene coal in SE Kalimantan (Asem Asem) composed of plant parts and tissues in matrix of fine-grained
particulate and amorphous material. Plant parts consists of stems, roots and leaves. Amorphous matrix consists
Moore, T.A., J.C. Ferm & G.A. Weisenfluh (1990)- Relationship of megascopic coal types to quality variation
within Eocene-age, Indonesian coal beds. Int. J. Coal Geology 16, p. 147-149. (Abstract)
(Mineable deposits (>1 m) of Eocene subbituminous-A rank coal in SE Kalimantan variable quality. Occur in
podlike bodies ~3×3 km in areal extent. Four major types. Bright coal types low in ash (6-14%). Bright, banded
coal types composed of well-preserved plant tissues (20-35%) and moderately high HGI (35-38). Bright, non-
banded coal lower of preserved plant structures (<15%) and lower HGI (30-35). Dull coal types higher ash
(15-35%) and HGI (35-40). Sulfur content highest at top of coal beds, associated with overlying marine and
brackish water sediments. Thicker, unsplit portions of seams composed of bright, low-ash coal. Dull, high-ash
coal types occur in thinner, split benches of coal body)
Moore, T.A. & M.C. Friederich (2010)- A probabilistic approach to estimation of coalbed methane gas-in-
place for Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: N.I. Basuki & S. Prihatmoko (eds.) Proc. Kalimantan coal and mineral
resources, MGEI-IAGI Seminar, Balikpapan 2010, p. 61-71.
(Preliminary study of Eocene and Miocene coal in Asem-Asem area indicates 253 BCF gas in place (P50))
Moore, T.A. & R.E. Hilbert (1992)- Petrographic and anatomical characteristics of plant material from two peat
deposits of Holocene and Miocene age, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Review Palaeobotany Palynology 72, p. 199-
(Kalimantan Holocene and Miocene peats two types of organic material: plant organs/tissues and fine-grained
matrix (cell walls and fillings, fungal remains, spores-pollen, resin). Some matrix material amorphous)
Moore, T.A., J.C. Shearer & S.L. Miller (1996)- Fungal origin of oxidised plant material in the Palangkaraya
peat deposit, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia: implications for 'inertinite' formation in coal. Int. J. Coal Geology
30, p. 1-23.
(Palangkaraya extensive surface peat layer 0-6 m thick. Common oxidised plant material formed from fungal
Morley, R.J., J. Decker, H.P. Morley & S. Smith (2006)- Development of high resolution biostratigraphic
framework for Kutei Basin. Proc. Int. IPA Geosci. Conf. Exhib., Jakarta 2006, PG 27, 6p.
(28 sequences identified in M Miocene- Pleistocene of W Makassar Straits)
Morley, R.J. & H.P. Morley (2010)- Neogene climate history of the Makassar Straits, with emphasis on the the
Attaka region, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 34th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta,
IPA10-G-208, 17p.
(Reconstruction of M Miocene- Recent Neogene climate history of E Kalimantan, based on Quaternary
Makassar Straits cores and Attaka field well samples, and compared to Natuna and Malay basins. Everwet
tropical climate since Late Miocene. Some intervals with evidence for 100 ka eccentricity cycles)
Moss, S.J. (1998)- Embaluh Group turbidites in Kalimantan- evolution of a remnant oceanic basin in Borneo
during the Late Cretaceous to Paleogene. J. Geol. Soc. London 195, p. 509-524.
(Turbidites outcrops in NW Borneo: Embaluh Group in Kalimantan and Rajang Group in Sarawak. Previous
interpretation of Late Cretaceous- Paleogene deep marine deposition and deformation in accretionary prism
implies S-dipping thrusts, N-ward stratigraphic younging, existence of arc- trench system and deformation and
metamorphism of turbidites. New fieldwork established S-ward stratigraphic younging in Kalimantan, no
evidence for S-dipping thrusts, metamorphism and accretionary complex-related deformation. Bulk of Rajang-
Embaluh Gp postdates inboard subduction-related magmatism. Rajang-Embaluh Group turbidites formed in
post-collisional foreland basin or remnant ocean basin. Lack of identifiable mountain belt and linked thrust
system, and probable oceanic affinity of crust beneath Rajang-Embaluh Group basin favor latter)
Moss, S.J. & J.L.C. Chambers (1999)- Tertiary facies architecture in the Kutai Basin, Kalimantan, Indonesia. J.
Asian Earth Sci. 17, p. 157-181.
(Kutai Basin Jurassic- Cretaceous basement ophiolitic units overlain by Cretaceous turbidite fan. Basin
initiated in M Eocene, with rifting and likely sea floor spreading in Makassar Straits, producing fault-bounded
depocentres, followed by sag phase sedimentation. Eocene depocentres variable sedimentary fills depending on
position. More uniform sedimentation in later Eocene and Oligocene. Tectonic uplift along S and N basin
margins and related subsidence of Lower Kutai Basin in Late Oligocene. Subsidence associated with high-level
andesitic-dacitic intrusives and associated volcanics. Miocene, basin fill overall regressive style of
sedimentation, interrupted by periods of tectonic inversion throughout Miocene to Pliocene)
Moss, S.J. & J.L.C. Chambers (1999)- Depositional modeling and facies architecture of rift and inversion
episodes in the Kutai Basin, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, p. 1-22.
(Kutai basin initiated in M Eocene in conjunction with rifting/ sea-floor spreading in N Makassar Straits.
Sedimentary fill of Eocene N-S/NE-SW trending, fault-bounded depocentres varies with position relative to
sediment source, paleo-water depths and half-graben geometry. This contrasts with uniform sedimentary styles
in Late Eocene and Oligocene. Late Oligocene ~N3 unconformity reflects uplift of C Kalimantan and extension
Lower Kutai Sub-basin is associated with andesitic-dacitic intrusives and volcanics. Volcanism and basin
margin erosion supplied large volumes of material E-wards, along with material from inverted Paleogene
depocentres. Miocene regressive sedimentation, interrupted by Miocene- Pliocene tectonic inversions)
Moss, S.J., J. Chambers, I. Cloke, D. Satria, J.R. Ali, S. Baker, J. Milsom & A. Carter (1997)- New
observations on the sedimentary and tectonic evolution of the Tertiary Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan. In: A.J.
Fraser, S.J. Matthews & R.W. Murphy (eds.) Petroleum Geology of Southeast Asia, Geol. Soc. London, Spec.
Publ. 126, p. 395-416.
(Kutai Basin opened in M-L Eocene in Borneo. Extensional faulting in foreland setting S of Late Cretaceous/
Paleogene C Kalimantan fold belt with U Cretaceous granites. Paleogene stratigraphy basal conglomerates,
shallow marine clastics and thick bathyal marine shales. Neogene stratigraphy dominated by deltaic clastics
and carbonate platforms. Three Tertiary suites of igneous activity, variously interpreted as melting of orogenic
root, extensional driven melting and/or subduction related melting. New model relates formation of Kutai Basin
to opening of Celebes Sea and collapse of uplifted Late Cretaceous/Paleogene orogenic belt)
Moss, S.J. & E.M. Finch (1998)- Geological implications of new biostratigraphic data from East and West
Kalimantan, Indonesia. J. Asian Earth Sci. 15, p. 489-506.
(New biostrat data from Cretaceous- Miocene of various parts of Kalimantan)
Munniks de Jong, W.D. (1915)- Aantekeningen over de Tidoengsche landen (Res. Z en O. afd. Van Borneo)
bewerkt naar het rapport van W.D. Munninks de Jongh. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 42
(1913), Verhandelingen, p. 22-35.
(Summary of reconnaissance survey report by Munniks de Jongh in 'Tidung lands' (NE Kalimantan- Sabah
border area). Occurrences of steep hills of Eocene Nummulites limestone (some also with Pellatispira; Rutten
1915a, b). Older 'Sembakoeng beds' are intensely folded shales and sands with bands of red radiolarite rock,
similar to Cretaceous Alino-Waringin beds of SE Kalimantan Meratus Mountains. Rutten (1915) found
fragments of this radiolarite in Eocene limestone)
Nainggolan, D.A., T. Padmawidjaja & W.H. Simamora (2004)- Interpretasi gayaberat terhadap Cekungan Kutai
Barat, dan struktur-struktur lain di Lembar Long Pahangai dan Long Nawan, Kalimantan Timur. J. Sumber
Daya Geologi 14, 3 (147), p. 181-195.
('Interpretation of gravity of the W Kutai Basin and structures in the Longpahangai and Longnawan sheets, E
Nandang, H. & Wahyudin, M. (1994)- Reflectance gradient and shale compaction, their relationship to basin
configuration during Early Neogene: a NE Kalimantan Basin reassessment. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc.
Geol. (IAGI), p. 927-942.
Napitupulu, H. & I.B. Sosrowidjojo (2002)- The Warukin Formation: an alternative source rock in the Barito
Basin. Proc. 31st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Surabaya, 1, p. 138-155.
(M Miocene coal-bearing Warukin Fm good-excellent hydrocarbon source rocks. Vitrinite reflectance in wells
0.3-0.68% (slightly suppressed?) ,suggesting lower part of formation could be fully mature in 2 depocenters.
Onset oil generation in Bangkau depocenter at ~4 Ma (top oil window 2250m), in Tapian Deep at ~6 Ma (top
oil window ~2900m. Modelling suggests oil expulsion of ~2000 MMBO in last few Myrs)
Napitupulu, H. & Yulian B. (1987)- Kematangan batuan induk di lapangan Tapa- Pulau Bunyu. Proc. 16th Ann.
Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), p.
('Maturation of source rocks in the Tapa field, Bunyu Island')
Nas, C. (1994)- Spatial variation in thickness and coal quality of the Sangatta seam, Kutei Basin, Kalimantan,
Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, p. 1-324. (Unpublished)
(online at:
(Late M Miocene Sagatta coal seam is most important seam in Balikpapan Fm of Sangatta coalfield, N Kutai
Basin, E Kalimantan. Formed as raised peat bog in floodplain of mixed load fluvial-deltaic system. Average
coal thickness 6m. High vitrinite (av. 91%). Low liptinite (av. 3%), inertinite (av. 3%), mineral matter (av. 2%)
and sulfur (av. 0.4%))
Netherwood, R. & A. Wight (1992)- Structurally-controlled, linear reefs in a Pliocene delta front setting,
Tarakan Basin, Northeast Kalimantan. In: C.T. Siemers, M.W. Longman et al. (eds.) Carbonate rocks and
reservoirs of Indonesia, Indonesian Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Core Workshop Notes 1, Ch. 3, p. 1-36.
(Sceptre Vanda-1 targeted 90m clean but cemented and partly shaly Pliocene? limestone. Four depositional
facies: coral framestone, coral rudstone, argillaceous coral floatstone-rudstone and laminated silty claystone.
Four cleaning-up cycles, representing sequences of reef-growth and progradation. None of cored limestones
good reservoir potential)
Nikijuluw, R., Z.A. Suwito, M.A. Arianto & D.A. Anggraini (2005)- Integrated reservoir assessment: a way to
identify "overlooked" multi-layered reservoirs. Soc. Petrol. Engineers (SPE) Asia Pacific Oil and Gas
Conference and Exhibition, Jakarta, Paper 93198-MS, 10p. (Extended Abstract)
(VICO Semberah field 1974 oil-gas discovery in onshore Mahakam Delta, E Kalimantan, in complex multi-
layer M-U Miocene fluvio-deltaic sandstone reservoirs. New assessment of previously overlooked thin-bedded
Fxx sand series)
Nirsal, N. (2010)- Facies distribution and stratigraphic development in the paleo-Mahakam Delta, Indonesia
M.Sc. Thesis, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, p. 1-83. (Unpublished)
Noeradi, D., B.P. Muritno, Sukowitono, E.A. Subroto & Djuhaeni (2005)- Petroleum system and hydrocarbon
prospectivity of the Simenggaris Block and its surrounding areas, Tarakan Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia: a
new approach by using sequence stratigraphy. In: AAPG Int. Conf. Exh., Paris 2005, 6p (extended abstract)
(Eight sequences/ sequence boundaries of Late Oligocene/ Early Miocene-Pliocene age identified in W, onshore
part of Tarakan basin)
Noon, S.W., J. Harrington & H. Darman (2003)- The Tarakan Basin, East Kalimantan: proven fluviodeltaic,
prospective deep-water and Paleogene plays in a regional stratigraphic context. Proc. 29th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 417-430.
(Tarakan basin four sub-basins Tidung, Tarakan, Berau and Muaras. Rift sedimentation underway by 43 Ma
(M Eocene) and may have begun in Cretaceous. Rifting continued until tectonic event near Eocene-Oligocene
boundary. Basin sag and eustasy controlled sedimentation until M Miocene. Episodic compression, punctuated
by eustatic events, characterizes M Miocene- Recent. Neogene source rocks mostly coals and 'fluvio-deltaic,
paralic' organic-rich shales. Reservoired oils in shelf settings point to mature Miocene source. Evidence for
hydrocarbons from Eocene or older organic matter. Paleogene or older lacustrine, brackish and marine, syn-
rift sediments)
Novak, V. & W. Renema (2015)- Larger foraminifera as environmental discriminators in Miocene mixed
carbonate-siliciclastic systems. Palaios 30, p. 40-52.
(Larger foraminifera from late E-M Miocene mixed carbonate-siliciclastics near Samarinda and Bontang, E
Kalimantan, suggest Batu Putih section paleoenvironments ranged from delta front to shelf edge reefs, Bontang
and Stadion sections formed in more restricted environments, under higher terrigenous inputt settings)
Novak, V., N. Santodomingo, A. Rosler, E. Di Martino, J.C. Braga, P.D. Taylor, K.G. Johnson & W. Renema
(2013)- Environmental reconstruction of a late Burdigalian (Miocene) patch reef in deltaic deposits (East
Kalimantan, Indonesia). Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecology 374, p. 110-122.
(Paleoenvironment and biodiversity of Late Burdigalian (Tf1 with Miogypsina cf. globulina, Lepidosemicyclina
polymorpha, Flosculinella bontangensis, etc.) patch reef developed in mixed carbonate- siliciclastic system.
Outcrop at NE margin of Kutai Basin near Bontang. Five facies types distinguished: foraminiferal packstone
(FP), bioclastic packstone with foralgal communities (BP), thin-platy coral sheetstone (CS), platy-tabular coral
platestone (CP), and shales (S). Assemblages and growth forms of coralline algae no major differences between
facies types and dominated by melobesioids and Sporolithon)
Noventiyanto, A. & I. Wahyudi (2011)- How geochemical analysis led to a discovery: South Sebuku-1 case,
Bengara I PSC, North East Kalimantan. Proc. 36th HAGI and 40th IAGI Ann. Conv., Makassar, JCM2011-360,
(Sebuku-1, drilled by ARCO in 1976, had many hydrocarbon shows in Tabul and Meliat Fms. Heptane content
in gas higher than many dry holes in other areas, suggesting leakage from nearby oil or condensate
accumulation could be source of light hydrocarbons. Sebuku-1 well was drilled down-dip of N flank of S Sebuku
structure. S Sebuku-1 well discovered deltaic reservoirs with gas-condensate in Tabul and Meliat Fms in 2009)
Novian, M.I. & H.D.K. Wijayanti (2012)- Paleogeography and sedimentation dynamics of Ujoh Bilang-
Batubelah Limestone Member, upstream Mahakam River, Ujoh Bilang Area, East Kalimantan Province. J.
Southeast Asian Applied Geol. (UGM) 4, 2, p. 99-107.
(online at:
(Upstream Mahakam River area with M-L Eocene rift deposits, overlain by Oligocene sag phase marine
claystones- sandstones with two carbonate members: Ujoh Bilang Fm (Early Oligocene, with Nummulites,
Eulepidina) and Batu Belah Lst (Late Oligocene, with Austrotrillina, Miogypsinoides, etc.)
Nuay, E.S., A.M. Astarita & K. Edwards (1985)- Early Middle Miocene deltaic progradation in the southern
Kutai Basin. Proc. 14th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 63-81.
(Eastward prograding M Miocene delta system in Balikpapan area, driven by early M Miocene uplift. Source
for well-sorted and rounded quartz-rich sediments probably sandstones of earlier progradational cycle derived
directly from granitic Sunda shield. Age of base sandy series (“Omega’ horizon) near zone N8-N9 boundary.
(Equivalent of E Java Ngrayong sst ?; JTvG))
Nuay, E.S. & A.P. Kadar (1994)- Neogene bioevents in the Kutai basin, Sanga-Sanga contract area, East
Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: R. Tsuchi (ed.) Pacific Neogene events in time and space, Contributions to the West
Pacific. IGCP-246, Shizuoka University, Japan, p. 87-100.
Nugraha, R.H.C. & N.I. Basuki (2012)- Evidence of backstepping carbonate platform during Oligo-Pliocene in
Landas Area, eastern tip Mangkalihat Peninsula, Eastern Borneo, Indonesia. Proc. 36th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA12-G-016, p. 1-15.
Nugroho, B., E. Guritno, H. Mustapha, W. Darmawan, A. Subekti & C. Davis (2016)- Post rift Oligocene
marine source rock, a new petroleum system in Greater Bangkanai, Upper Kutai, Indonesia. In: Int. Petroleum
Technology Conf. (IPTC), Bangkok, IPTC-18922-MS, 15p.
(Kerendan Gas Field in Bangkanai PSC, onshore Kutai Basin, is Oligocene carbonate gas producer. Gas
previously postulated to be generated from Eocene terrestrial source rocks, but recent C isotope data suggest
gas generation from marine source rock, not terrestrial in origin)
Nugroho, S.B. & D. Mandhiri (1993)- Reservoir modeling in the Bunyu Tapa gas field- an integrated study.
Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 2, p. 617-626.
(Bunyu Tapa gas field in N Tarakan basin with >84 mappable fluvio-deltaic sand bodies, with thickness of <1-
>30m. Same paper as Ramli, Nugroho et al. 1993, published by IPA)
Nugroho, S.B., B.S. Murti & B.M. Toha (2004)- Implementation of volume interpretation in revealing upside
potential in a mature field, the Sangatta oilfield: a case study. In: ASEG 17th Geophysical Conference, Sydney
2004, p. 1-5. (Extended Abstract)
(Seismic 3D volume interpretation revealed deeper play potential below mature Sangatta oil field, onshore E
Nummedal, D., Y.J. Partono, L. Greene, M. Boehm et al. (2000)- High-frequency sequence architecture in
upper Miocene and Quaternary strata on the Mahakam Shelf, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. AAPG Int. Conf.
Exhib., Bali, Abstracts, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 84, 9, p. 1470-1471. (Abstract only)
(online at:
(U Miocene productive interval in typical Attaka well ~1325 m thick, subdivided in ~35 sequences, averaging
~38 m thick. Age of succession 10.7- 7.3 Ma (3.4 My), suggesting sequences may be Milankovitch 100 ky
climate cycles. Sequences stacked in progradinging pattern. In some sequences, predominantly in lower part of
sampled interval, clinoforms downlap onto TST and HST carbonates. 100 ky climate cycles also dominated Late
Quaternary sedimentation on Mahakam shelf. Last Quaternary cycle average 40 m thick, with erosional basal
sequence boundary deeply incised by paleovalleys)
Nursanto, E., A. Idrus, H. Amijaya & S. Pramumijoyo (2013)- Characteristics and liquefaction of coal from
Warukin Formation, Tabalong area, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. J. Southeast Asian Applied Geol. (UGM) 5,
2, p. 99-104.
Nurwono, P.T. (1978)- Producing gas-condensate and oil rim reservoirs from channel sands of the Badak field.
Proc. 7th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 383-398.
Oppenoorth, W.F.F. (1930)- Verslag der diepboringen op het eiland Boenjoe. Jaarboek Mijnwezen
Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 58 (1929), p. 158-186.
('Report of deep drilling on Bunyu Island' Two 'deep' (500, 342m) wells drilled in 1923-1925 by geological
survey on anticlinal structure with small gas seeps on S Bunyu, NE Kalimantan. Drilled with purpose of finding
oil, and oil and gas shows were encountered, but stopped short of target. Also 7 shallow (125-235m)
reconnaissance wells. Detailed well lithology columns show numerous coal beds)
Orange, D.L., P.A. Teas, J. Decker, P. Baillie & T. Johnstone (2009)- Using SeaSeep surveys to identify and
sample natural hydrocarbon seeps in offshore frontier basins. Proc. 33rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), Jakarta, 21p.
(High resolution bathymetry and backscatter surveys help identify seafloor hydrocarbon seepage)
Ott, H.L. (1987)- The Kutei Basin- a unique structural history. Proc. 16th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 307-317.
(Structural model, combining tectonic, gravitational and isostatic forces to produce present day structures)
Oudin, J.L. (1987)- Diagenese de la matiere organique dans le bassin de la Mahakam. In: Geologie de la matiere
organique, Mem. Soc. Geologique France, N.S., 151, p. 107-114.
(‘Diagenesis of organic matter in the Mahakam Basin’)
Oudin, J.L, B. Durand & M. Shoell (1985)- Migration of oil and gas in the Mahakam Delta, Kalimantan;
evidence and quantitative estimate from isotope and biomarker studies. Proc. 14th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 2, p. 49-56.
Oudin, J.L. & P.F. Picard (1982)- Genesis of hydrocarbons in the Mahakam Delta and the relationship between
their distribution and the overpressured zones. Proc. 11th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p.
(Oil- gas fields in Mio-Pliocene deltaics with high % of organic material. Though mainly vegetal, good source
potential for gas and oil. Oils from different reservoirs in Handil field similar composition, but lighter oils in
shallower reservoirs. Distribution of oil and gas fields primarily depends on kinetics of hydrocarbon expulsion)
Page, S.E., R.A.J. Wust, D. Weiss, J.O. Rieley, W. Shotyk & S.H. Limin (2004)- A record of Late Pleistocene
and Holocene carbon accumulation and climate change from an equatorial peat bog (Kalimantan, Indonesia):
implications for past, present and future carbon dynamics. J. Quaternary Science 19, 7, p. 625-635.
(A 9.5m core from inland peatland in Kalimantan reveals organic matter accumulation started around 26,000
ky, providing oldest reported initiation date for lowland ombrotrophic peat formation in SE Asia)
Palar, S., J.F. Bowen, A. Elim, K.P. Leger, B. Simmonds, G.C. Fryns, M. Hursey & Marwoto (1999)-
Sepinggan Field development: a cross-functional team effort to develop bypassed attic oil. SPE Asia Pacific Oil
and Gas Conf. Exh. Jakarta, 1999, 12p.
Panggabean, H. (1991)- Tertiary source rocks, coals and reservoir potential in the Asem-Asem and Barito
basins, Southeastern Kalimantan, Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wollongong, p. 1-224.
(online at:
(Late Paleocene- E Eocene rifting in SE Borneo created the originally contiguous Barito, Asem-Asem and Kutei
basins. Meratus uplift started in Late Miocene. Eocene and Miocene coals)
Panggabean, H. (1999)- Paleogene sedimentary rocks and paleogeography in Northeast Kalimantan basins. J.
Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 9, 96, p. 2-20.
Panggabean, H. & R. Heryanto (2014)- Karakteristik mikroskopis dan fasies batubara di daerah Kualakurun dan
sekitarnya, Kalimantan Tengah. Majalah Geologi Indonesia (IAGI) 29, 3, p. 127-141.
('The microscopic characteristics and coal facies in Kualakurun and surrounding area'. Eocene Tanjung Fm
coals at Kahayan River area, W side of Barito Basin, C Kalimantan. Coal bed 0.3-3.0m thick, deposited in delta
plain environment. Vitinite 80-92%, liptinite 0.4-5.0%, inertinite 0-10%. Vitrinite reflectance (Rv) 0.48-0.62%
(= immature- early mature; = >2km of overburden removed?; JTvG))
Panigoro, H. (1983)- Petrographic characteristics of Badak and Nilam field sandstone reservoirs. Proc. 12th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 191-206.
(E Kalimantan Badak and Nilam fields 140 reservoir sands between 4000’- 13000’. Sandstones quartz arenites
and felspathic are main cementing agents, some carbonate and ferruginous cement also observed)
Panigoro, H. (1989)- Exploration implications of porosity and permeability preservation by early migration of
hydrocarbon in the Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 18th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 1-15.
(Wet sands generally tighter than hydrocarbon bearing ones, suggesting presence of hydrocarbons inhibited
porosity-permeability reduction by diagenesis)
Panjaitan, B., D. Pakpahan & S. Sirait (2014)- Potensi CBM berdasarkan data analisa kimia batubara dan studi
geologi regional pada Formasi Warukin dan Formasi Tanjung, cekungan Barito bagian utara, Kalimantan
Tengah dan Selatan. Proc. 43rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Jakarta, PIT IAGI 2014-040, 5p.
('CBM potential based on chemical analysis data of coal and regional geological study on the Warukin and
Tanjung Fms in N part of the Barito basin, C and S Kalimantan'. Miocene Warukin Fm coal with moisture 3-
14%, volatile matter 35-50%, ash 4-20%, sulfur 0.4- 4%, calories 5000-6000 ca /g (sub-bituminous coal quality
B A). Eocene Tanjung Fm coal moisture 3-6%, volatile matter 30-50%, 3% ash, sulfur 0.2- 2%, calories 6000-
7000 cal/g (bituminous A). Presence of face and butt cleats support potential of CBM)
Panuju, I. Prayitno, G. Rahmat, I. Firdaus & G. Sunardyanto (2007)- Revision of the Late Miocene
nannoplankton biostratigraphy for Kutei Basin. Proc. Joint Conv. 32nd HAGI, 36th IAGI and 29th IATMI, Bali
2007, JCB2007-098, p. 629-646.
(Higher resolution Late Miocene calcareous nannoplankton zonation, based on samples from 23 unidentified
wells in Kutai Basin. Seven zones subdividing Martini zones NN9- NN12 zones, based on, from base to top: FO
(Base) Discoaster quinqueramus, LO (Top) Minilitha convalis, FO Amaurolithus primus, FO Reticulofenestra
rotaria, LO Discoaster berggrenii, LO Reticulofenestra rotaria and LO Discoaster quinqueramus)
Partono, Y.J. (1992)- Low-resistive sandstone reservoirs in the Attaka Field. Proc. 21st Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 2, p. 21-34.
(Giant Attaka oil field in E Kalimantan reservoirs are M- L Miocene multi-layered deltaic- shallow marine
sandstones. Both high-resistive and low-resistive hydrocarbon-bearing sandstone layers are present)
Passe, W.B.B., H.R.E. Nugraha, M.A. Wijaya, L. Sitio & Y. Febriyeni (2008)- Hydrocarbon play in Ketungau-
Melawi basins. Proc. 32nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IP08-SG-082, 9p.
(Ketungau- Melawi intra-continental basins of W Kalimantan separated by Semitau Ridge. Semitau Complex
?Triassic metamorphic basement unconformably overlain by Cretaceous marine Pedawan Fm clastics, possible
source rocks. Tertiary terrigeneous and marine clastics. Source rock in (Eocene?) Silat and Sekayak Fms.
Reservoir rocks in deltaic sandstone of E-M Miocene (should be Eocene; JTvG) Haloq Fm. Paleocurrent and
provenance analysis indicate clastic source from N, from uplift of Boyan melange and Lubok Antu melange)
Payenberg, T.B., S.C. Lang, G.P. Allen & R. Koch (1999)- Orientations of deltaic and alluvial channels in the
Middle Miocene onshore part of the Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan and their potential as hydrocarbon reservoirs.
In: H. Darman & F.H. Sidi (eds.) Tectonics and sedimentation of Indonesia, FOSI-IAGI-ITB Regional Seminar
to commemorate 50th anniversary of Van Bemmelen's Geology of Indonesia, Bandung 1999, p. 64-66.
(Paleocurrents in M Miocene deltaic sandstones of Mutiara Field, S of Mahakam Delta. Smaller, isolated
fluvial-dominated delta distributary channels oriented generally N-S; Amalgamated alluvial channels (incised
valleys) orientation mainly WSW-ENE)
Payenberg, T.H.D. & A.D. Miall (2001)- A new geochemical sequence stratigraphic model for the Mahakam
Delta and Makassar Slope, Kalimantan, Indonesia: Discussion. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull.
85, 6, p. 1098-1101.
(Discussion of Peters et al. 2000 paper, taking issue with using outdated cycle chart and undocumented
sequence ages)
Payenberg, T.B., F.H. Sidi & S.C. Lang (2003)- Paleocurrents and reservoir orientation of Middle Miocene
channel deposits in Mutiara field, Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan. In: F.H. Sidi, D. Nummedal et al. (eds.)
Tropical deltas of Southeast Asia- sedimentology, stratigraphy and petroleum geology, Society for Sedimentary
Geology (SEPM) Spec. Publ. 76, p. 255-266.
(Mutiara field producing from M Miocene fluvio-deltaics. Main reservoirs channelized sandstones. Single-story
channels overall flow direction to S, parallel to strike of anticlines, probably response to M Miocene tectonic
activity. Multi-story incised valley(s) E-W orientation)
Pelton, P.J. (1974)- Exploration of the South Barito Basin reef tract, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 3rd Ann.
Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 153-169.
(Barito basin exploration started in 1937 with unsuccessful NKPM Kahajan and Kuripan wells. Conoco 1971
drilled four more dry wells, targeting Upper Berai Fm carbonate buildups)
Pertamina BPPKA (H. Darman et al.) (1996)- Petroleum geology of Indonesian basins. V: Tarakan basin,
Northeast Kalimantan. Petroleum geology of Indonesian basins: principles, methods, and application, Jakarta, p.
Pertamina BPPKA (A. Bachtiar et al.) (1996)- Petroleum geology of Indonesian basins, XI: Kutai Basin.
Petroleum geology of Indonesian basins: principles, methods, and application, Jakarta, p. 1-
Peters, K.E., J.W. Snedden, A. Sulaeman, J.F. Sarg & R.J. Enrico (1999)- New deepwater geochemical model
for the Mahakam delta and Makassar slope, Kalimantan. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petr. Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, p. 381-395.
(New source model: (1) waxy highstand oils onshore from M-U Miocene coals and shales deposited in coastal
plain highstand kitchens; (2) less waxy lowstand-1 oils offshore from M-U Miocene coaly source rocks in
deepwater lowstand kitchens. Most lowstand-2 oils higher maturity than lowstand-1 oils and originated from L-
M Miocene coaly source rocks. (3) low-maturity, nonwaxy transgressive oils onshore from M Miocene marine
shales deposited near maximum flooding surfaces)
Peters, K.E., J.W. Snedden, A. Sulaeman, J.F. Sarg & R.J. Enrico (2000)- A new geochemical sequence
stratigraphic model for the Mahakam Delta and Makassar Slope, Kalimantan, Indonesia. American Assoc.
Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 84, 1, p. 12-44.
(Generally accepted geochemical-stratigraphic model for Mahakam-Makassar Straits fails to explain recent
discoveries. Revised model upgrades potential of outer shelf. M Miocene source rock interval within oil window
Pieters, P.E., D.S. Trail & S. Supriatna (1987)- Correlation of Early Tertiary rocks across Kalimantan. Proc.
16th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petr. Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 291-306.
(Major unconformity at base Tertiary across Kalimantan. Basal Tertiary sandstone, dominantly terrestrial and
dated as Late Eocene, overlain by mudstone, then sandstone/mudstone unit. Second unconformity truncates this
sequence in W Kalimantan and is succeeded by overlapping terrestrial sandstone and Oligocene mudstone.
Third unconformity confined to E Kalimantan is overlain by Miocene deltaic sediments. Elongate, W-trending
basin filled by Early Tertiary sediments is folded and overthrust along N contact with orogenic complex by N-
dipping thrusts. With 3 paleogeographic maps)
Polhaupessy, A.A. (1998)- Palynology of Tanjung Formation, Rantau, South Kalimantan. In: Proc. 34th Sess.
Sess. Co-ord. Comm. Coastal Offshore Geosc. Programs E and SE Asia (CCOP), Taejon, Korea 1997, 2,
Techn. Repts, p. 35-39.
(Palynology of two sections of Tanjung Fm at Linuh and Miyawa, E of Rantau, Barito basin. Contain Late
Eocene-Oligocene assemblages of Florschuetzia trilobata, Retistephanocolpites williamsi, Meyeripollis
naharkotensis and Verracutosporites usmensis. Depositional environment intertidal backmangrove vegetation
system, in transgressive system)
Polhaupessy, A.A. (2007)- Palynocycles of Late Eocene Formation: a case study in Tanjung Formation, South
Kalimantan. In: Geologi Indonesia: dinamika dan produknya, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Spec.
Publ. 33, 2, p. 149-165.
(Quantitative palynological study of Late Eocene Tanjung Fm in Asem-Asem basin, S Kalimantan, to determine
cyclic patterns. Tropical assemblages. Diversity maximum at cycle boundaries, minimum in middle cycle)
Posthumus, O. (1929)- Vischotolieten van N.O. Borneo. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw
Nederlandsch-Indie 9, p. 87-108.
('Fish otoliths of NE Borneo'. Description of fish otoliths from Miocene- Pliocene samples collected in NE
Kalimantan Bulungan and Berau areas by Leupold)
Pramudhita, B.A.B., S.A. Siregar, H. Tanjung, M. Faris, R. Indrajaya, Satrio & Y. Kambu (2009)- Palynology
analysis and coal characterization: a preliminary study for CBM prospectivity of Balikpapan Fm., Kutei Basin.
Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA09-SG-040, p. 1-11.
(Palynogy analysis of outcrops of M Miocene Balikpapan Fm delta plain deposits in Kutai Basin shows four
facies-controlled assemblages. Coal 70-95% vitrinite and early mature for thermogenic gas generation, but at
peak for biogenic gas generation)
Prasetya, A., K.P. Laya, A. Subekti, Y. Rizal, J. Boast & J.D.C. Smart (2013)- The dynamics of sediment-
source catchment areas in North Kutei Basin: implications for deepwater plays prospectivity. Proc. 37th Ann.
Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA13-G-108, p. 1-14.
(Pleistocene-Recent river drainage systems in N Kutei Basin- slope characterized by sediment-starved
conditions, but active sediment source into N Kutei Basin in Late Miocene-Pliocene, probably derived from
Beriun Massifs, ~100 km to NW)
Prasetyo, B. (2003)- Facies mapping and reservoir potential of the G58 interval using 3D seismic data in Nilam
Field, Sanga-Sanga PSC, Indonesia. M.Sc. Thesis, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Bandar Seri Begawan, p. 1-
101. (Unpublished)
Prasongko, B.K., S. Notosiswoyo, K. Anggayana & C.I. Abdullah (2007)- Cleat distribution controls on the
sulphur content of the Miocene coal seam in the Palaran and Busui areas, East Kalimantan. Jurnal Teknologi
Mineral (ITB) 14, 3, p. 145-155.
(online at:
Pratama, D.A.P. & D.H. Amijaya (2015)- Lingkungan pengendapan batubara Formasi Warukin berdasarkan
analisis petrografi organik di daerah Paringin, Cekungan Barito, Kalimantan Selatan. Proc. 8th Seminar
Nasional Kebumian, Dept. Teknik Geologi, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, p. 582-593.
(online at: etc.
('Depositional environment of Warukin Formation coal based on organic petrographic analysis in the Paringin
area, Barito Basin, S Kalimantan'. Macerals in Miocene Warukin coals suggest deposition in telmatic
environment in transition between lower and upper delta plain environment, as paleomire in wet forest swamp)
Pretkovic, V., J.C. Braga, V. Novak, A. Rosler & W. Renema (2016)- Microbial domes and megaoncoids in
Miocene reefs in the Mahakam Delta in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecology
449, 1, p. 236-245.
(Coral patch reefs in Miocene Mahakam delta in E Kalimantan developed in shallow marine turbid waters, in
delta front- prodelta environment. Langhian patch reefs in limestone quarries of Air Putih area near Samarinda
with two types of microbial carbonates: low-relief domes and large nodules ('megaoncoids') around nuclei of
coral fragments. Slope of patch reef flank favored falling and rolling of encrusted corals, with continued growth
of microbial crusts on all sides of nodules. Both types near base of reef slope)
Priantono, T.S. & Raden Idris (1994)- Perkembangan submarine fan Eosen-Oligosen pada daerah Benderang-
Tapian Langsat, Cekungan Kutai, Kalimantan Timur. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), 1, p.
('Eocene- Oligocene submarine fan deposits in Benderang- Tapian Langsat area, Kutai Basin, E Kalimantan')
Priyantoro, A., E. Kusmana & A. Ruswandi (2010)- Facies characteristics of formation from the Upper Kutei
sub-basin, East Kalimantan. Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Lombok, PIT-IAGI-2010-189,
(On thick uplifted and exposed Upper Cretaceous- Paleogene section of Upper Kutai Basin. Fluvial
Cretaceous- E Eocene, fluvial-deltaic to shallow marine M-L Eocene and shallow marine Oligocene deposits.
Sandstones mainly quartz, but also feldspar and rel. common metamorphic rock lithics)
Provale, I. (1908)- Di alcune Nummulitine e Orbitoidine dell‘Isola di Borneo. Rivista Italiana Paleont. 14, p.
('On some nummulitids and orbitoidal foraminifera from the island of Borneo'. Late Eocene Nummulites,
Discocyclina (called Orthophragmina) and Pellatispira (here called Assilina) from 'Oudjou Halang' in C
Borneo, collected by Bonarelli. No locality maps or stratigraphy)
Provale, I. (1909)- Di alcune Nummulitine e Orbitoidine dell‘Isola di Borneo (parte seconda). Rivista Italiana
Paleont. 15, p. 1-34.
(Second part of Provale (1908) paper. Late Eocene- E Miocene LBF from SE, E and NE Kalimantan. No
locality maps or stratigraphy)
Purnomo, E. & R. Kadir (1992)- Konsep eksplorasi hidrokarbon di Pulau Bunyu, Kabupaten Bulungan,
Propinsi Kalimantan Timur. Proc. 21st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Yogyakarta, 1, p. 147-159.
('A new concept for hydrocarbon exploration in Bunyu Island, Bulungan District, North East Kalimantan'.
Bunyu island in Tarakan Basin petroleum exploration by BPM and NKPM since 1930. 14 wells, two producing
fields (Tapa, Nibung- Bunyu Lama). Anticlinal structures in blocks at downthrown side of N-S trending growth
Purwanto, T., R. Haryoko, S. Martodjojo & Djuhaeni (1998)- Analisa sekuen stratigrafi resolusi tinggi daerah
Sangatta Kalimantan Timur. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), 2 (Sed. Pal. Strat.),
Yogyakarta, p. 78-90.
Putra, P.I., R. Ranjani, Z. Yahya, R.S. Afifah & Widodo (2015)- Determination of turbidite facies and 3D
model based on outcrops and petrographic description in Mahakam area and implication as hydrocarbon source
rock in Kutai Basin. Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA15-G-109, 16p.
(Study of marine slope and lobe fan turbidite deposits of Late Oligocene- E Miocene Pamaluan Fm in outcrop
of Separi Anticline in W Samarinda area, E Kalimantan. Babulu Limestone deposited conformably above it)
Putra, P.R., Tasiyat, B. Sapiie & A.M. Ramdhan (2017)- Pore-pressure prediction and its relationship to
structural style in offshore Tarakan Basin, Northeast Kalimantan. Proc. 41st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA17-523-G, 14p.
(Two main structural styles in offshore Tarakan sub-basin: (1) proximal-shelf deformation dominated by
normal-growth faults and (2) distal-slope deformation dominated by toe-thrusts, both result of gravitational
sliding on upper E Miocene shale detachment surface. Top overpressure created by fluid expulsion predicted at
depth of 2000-3500m TVDss in M-L Miocene shale. Decrease of overpressure in distal direction)
Raguwanti, R., A. Naskawan, D. Tangkalalo & T. Kurniawan (2007)- Innovation technology using acoustic
impedance modeling for reservoir characterization at Tanjung oil field, Barito Basin, Southeast Kalimantan,
Indonesia. Proc. Joint Conv. 32nd HAGI, 36th IAGI and 29th IATMI, Bali 2007, p. 494-503.
(Modeling of six producing sandstone layers and dolerite sill in E-M Eocene Lower Tanjung Fm reservoir
interval in Tanjung Field)
Radke, M., P. Garrigues & H. Willsch (1990)- Methylated dicyclic and tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in crude
oils from the Handil Field, Indonesia. Organic Geochem. 15, p. 17-34.
(Organic compounds suggest high maturities of Mahakam Delta Handil field oils. Methylphenanthrene Index
indicates origin from source rocks at present depth of >3400m, deeper than previously assumed)
Rahmad, B., K. Anggayana, S. Notosiswoyo, S. Widodo & A.H. Widayat (2013)- Occurrence of long-chain n-
alkanes in Muara Wahau coal, Upper Kutai Basin, Indonesia. Int. Symp. Earth Science and Technology,
CINEST 2012, Procedia Earth Planetary Sci. 6, p. 38-41.
(online at:
(E Miocene Muara Wahau coal of Upper Kutai Basin 8-66m thick. With bimodal distribution of n-alkanes at n-
C16 and n-C31. n-C31 may be derived from higher plants, as is unusual high n-C38 in some Kalimantan coals)
Ramdhan, A.M. (2010)- Overpressure and compaction in the Lower Kutai Basin, Indonesia. Doct. Thesis
Durham University, p. 1-300.
(online at:
Ramdhan, A.M. & N.R. Goulty (2010)- Overpressure generating mechanisms in the Peciko field, Lower Kutai
Basin, Indonesia. Petroleum Geoscience 16, 4, p. 367-376.
(Peciko Field gas in multiple Miocene deltaic reservoirs. In deeper reservoirs gas trapped hydrodynamically
by high lateral overpressure gradients. Top of overpressure below 3 km burial depth, below depth range for
smectite to mixed-layer illite/smectite transformation. Gas generation and chemical compaction responsible
for overpressure generation, contradicting previous interpretation of disequilibrium compaction)
Ramdhan, A.M. & N.R. Goulty (2011)- Overpressure and mudrock compaction in the Lower Kutai Basin,
Indonesia: a radical reappraisal. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 95, 10, p. 1725-1744.
(Overpressure at depths below ~3 km in Lower Kutai Basin generally attributed to disequilibrium compaction,
but more likely to be controlled by chemical compaction/ cementation of mudrocks)
Ramdhan, A.M. & N.R. Goulty (2014)- Overpressure in the shelfal area of the Lower Kutai Basin. Proc. 38th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA14-G-357, 13p.
Ramdhan, A.M. & N.R. Goulty (2018)- Two-step wireline log analysis of overpressure in the Bekapai Field,
Lower Kutai Basin, Indonesia. Petroleum Geoscience 24, 2, p. 208-217.
(online at:
(Interpretation of overpressure from sonic and density wireline logs in oil-gas field off Mahakam Delta)
Ramli, R., S.B. Nugroho, J. Bradfield & S. Hansen (1993)- Reservoir modelling in the Bunyu Tapa gas field- an
integrated study. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 225-251.
(Bunyu Tapa 1975 gas field on Bunyu Island, NE Kalimantan, reservoir sands deposited as distributary channel
sands. Wells on W edge are on E flank of N-S trending anticline, close to gas-water contact, and separated from
eastern wells by N-S trending normal faults)
Ranawijaya, D.A.S., E. Usman, Y. Noviadi & K.T. Dewi (2004)- Paleoclimatology and sea-level changes of
Mahakam delta, East Kalimantan, interpreted from integrated geological and geophysical integrated data. In:
Q. He et al. (eds.) Proc. 41st CCOP Ann. Sess., Tsukuba 2004, p. 35-44.
(online at:
(On evolution of Mahakam Delta in Late Quaternary. Four climatic events controlled sedimentation)
Ranawijaya, D.A.S., E. Usman, Y. Noviadi & K.T. Dewi (2004)- Paleoclimatology and sea-level changes of
Mahakam delta, East Kalimantan, based on geological and geophysical integrated data. Bull. Marine Geol.
(MGI, Bandung), 19, 2, p. 41-58.
(Same paper as above)
Reksalegora, S.W., M.J. Hursey, N. Nurdiansyah, Sukerim et al. (2002)- Development strategy for a highly
compartmentalized reservoir in the Middle Miocene Yakin Sandstone, East Kalimantan. Proc. 28th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 671-680.
Renaud, G.P.A. (1874)- Verslag van de kolenmijn Oranje-Nassau te Pengaron, Zuider en Ooster Afdeeling van
Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 3 (1874), 2, p. 85-117.
(‘Report on the Oranje Nassau coal mine at Pengaron, SE Borneo’. Mostly mining technical description and
Renema, W., V. Warter, V. Novak, J.R. Young, N. Marshall & F. Hasibuan (2015)- Ages of Miocene fossil
localities in the Northern Kutai Basin: (East Kalimantan, Indonesia). Palaios 30, p. 26-39.
(Documentation of ages of 12 Miocene (Late Burdigalian- Messinian; ~16- 5 Ma) short-lived reefal limestone
localities in siliciclastics-dominated section of NE Kutai Basin)
Rengifo, R., W. Priyantono, S. Perrier, A.I. Julius & R. Phasadaon (2012)- Tunu Main Zone, an innovative
approach to integrate massive static and dynamic data into a Live 3D geological model. Proc. 36th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA12-G-019, p. 1-12.
(Reservoir model of Tunu giant gas-condensate field off Mahakam Delta, 75x15 km in size, with >800 wells.
Few 1000 stacked independent gas reservoirs. Main zone reservoirs stacked fluvio-deltaic Miocene sands
between 2000-5000m subsea. Best reservoirs channel sandstones, mainly E-W oriented)
Rengifo, R., T. Yoga & I. Cibaj (2012)- Tunu shallow gas combine traps, from drilling hazard to massive
successful development. Proc. 36th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA12-G-020, p. 1-12.
(Tunu giant gas-condensate field in front of Mahakam Delta, E Kalimantan, with 800 wells drilled so far.
Shallow Pliocene reservoirs above 2500m previously viewed as drilling risk, but recently identified as new
production horizons. Two domains: W flank region mainly stratigraphic traps in local structures and sharp
lateral boundaries and E crest area with more extensive reservoirs controlled by structure)
Riadi, R.S. (2013)- Depositional environments and stratigraphic development of the Grand Taman Sari circuit
outcrop: an analogue for transgressive Mahakam Delta successions. Bull. Earth Sci. Thailand (BEST) 6, 2, p.
(online at:
Riadi, R.S. & J. Lambiase (2015)- Outcrop analogues for subsurface sand body geometries in regressive and
transgressive Mahakam Delta successions. Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta,
IPA15-G-100, 14p.
Rizka, W. Gunawan, A. Kadir, S. Alawiyah & E.J. Wahyudi (2011)- Studi identifikasi struktur dan prospek
hidrokarbon berdasarkan metode gaya berat pada cekungan Kutai, Kalimantan Timur. Jurnal Teknologi Mineral
(ITB) 18, 4, p. 221-236.
(online at:
(Based on gravity anomalies Kutei Basin has faults/folds of almost NE-SW orientation) and structures are
reverse faults and wrench faults. Two sub-basins (1) Upper Kutei with continental basement and (2) Lower
Kutei with oceanic basement. Kutei Basin has deep top basement, with up to ~9.4 km of sediment)
Roberts, H.H. & J. Sydow (1996)- The offshore Mahakam delta: stratigraphic response of late Pleistocene-to-
modern sea level cycle. Proc. 25th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 147-161.
(Late Pleistocene-to-modern stratigraphy of Mahakam Delta records a progradational continuum from falling
stage in sea level, through initial rise, to modern highstand deposition. These results contrast with popular
sequence stratigraphic concepts which predict that large, rapid sea level drops, typical of latest Pleistocene,
should result in sedimentary bypass of entire shelf)
Roberts, H.H. & J. Sydow (1997)- Siliciclastic- carbonate interactions in a tropical deltaic setting: Mahakam
delta of East Kalimantan (Indonesia). Proc. 8th Int. Coral Reef Symposium, Panama, 2, p. 1773-1778.
(Holocene Mahakam Delta prograded across narrow shelf with carbonate buildups. Size of buildups from 25m
mud mounds in inner-middle shelf to 80m at shelf edge. Both types rich in aragonitic Halimeda green alga
flakes, probably related to flooding of shelf with nutrient-rich Pacific Intermediate water that flows through
Makassar Straits. Clinoforms of lowstand delta downlap and encase carbonate buildups))
Roberts, H.H. & J. Sydow (2003)- Late Quaternary structure and sedimentology of the offshore Mahakam delta,
East Kalimantan (Indonesia). In: F.H. Sidi, D. Nummedal et al. (eds.) Tropical deltas of Southeast Asia-
sedimentology, stratigraphy and petroleum geology, SEPM Spec. Publ. 76, p. 125-145.
(Alternating clastic deltaics and shelf carbonates reflect high-frequency cyclic sea level changes. Halimeda
bioherms on ravinement surface during Early Holocene transgression. Below ravinement surface are falling-
stage and lowstand fluvial- delta plain- incised valley deposits)
Roberts, H.H., J. Sydow, R. Fillon & B. Kohl (2002)- Stratigraphic architecture and fundamental sedimentology
of two Late Pleistocene deltas: Gulf of Mexico and Indonesia. In: Sequence stratigraphic models for exploration
and production: evolving methodology, emerging models, and application histories, 22nd Annual Gulf Coast
Sect. SEPM (GCSSEPM) Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research Conf. 22, p. p. 289-301.
(Sequence architectures of two Late Pleistocene deltas, built during falling to-lowstand relative sea-levels
(Mahakam River Delta of E Kalimantan and Mobile River Delta in Gulf of Mexico), differ significantly.
Lowstand progradation of Mobile River’s Lagniappe delta in numerous lobes incised by complex channel
network, and clinoforms downlap outer shelf shale above interglacial condensed section. Mahakam Delta
Roberts, H.H., J. Sydow, R. Fillon & B. Kohl (2003)- Late Quaternary shelf-edge deltas from Northeastern Gulf
of Mexico and Eastern Borneo (Indonesia): a comparison. In: Shelf margin deltas and linked down slope
petroleum systems, In: Proc. 23rd Annual Gulf Coast Sect. SEPM (GCSSEPM) Foundation Bob F. Perkins
Research Conf., p. 843-847.
(Shorter version of paper above)
Roberts, H.H., J. Sydow, J. Robalin & R. Fillon (2000)- A comparison of two Late Pleistocene shelf-edge deltas
(Indonesia and Gulf of Mexico)- stratigraphic architecture, systems tracts, bounding surfaces, and reservoir
potential. Trans. Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Soc. (GCAGS) 50, p. 361-367.
(Comparison of N Gulf of Mexico (Mobile River) and E Borneo shelf (Mahakam River) Late Pleistocene shelf-
edge deltas. Both deltas constructed by falling-to-lowstand deposition associated with latest Pleistocene glacial
maximum. Mahakam shelf falling-to-lowstand clinoforms downlap irregular surface of isolated carbonate
bioherms built above transgressive surface formed during preceding sea level rise. NE Gulf of Mexico
dominated by siliciclastic sedimentation)
Rohmana, R.C., I. Fardiansyah, L. Taufani, A. Budiman & A. Gunawan (2016)- Digital Outcrop Model (DOM)
and high-resolution sedimentology of Balikpapan deltaic sandstone: perspective of heterogeneities in thin-bed
reservoir. Proc. 40th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA16-243-G, 14p.
(3-D description of outcrop of M Miocene deltaic Balikpapan Fm sands-shales)
Rosary, D., A.B. Nicaksana & J.K. Wilkinson (2014)- A correlation of climate stratigraphy with biostratigraphy
to confirm stratigraphic units in the Sebatik Area. Proc. 38th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, IPA14-G-258, 17p.
(Review of N Tarakan Basin petroleum geology around Sebatik PSC blocks. 16 stratigraphic packages
recognized and correlated in Eocene- Recent interval, using log-derived transform curves considered to reflect
climate stratigraphy curves (no indication that actual climate or biostratigraphy data was used; JTvG))
Rosary, D., E. Sunardi, Yuniyanto & A. Krisna (2003)- Facies analysis of the Lower DR Sands, based on core
and wireline log interpretation, Attaka Field. Proc. 29th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1,
p. 1-11.
(Attaka Field 125 km NE of Balikpapan. Lower DR Sand in overpressure sequence at 10050- 10130’. Core and
log data from 20 wells show deltaic depositional system, which could be divided into 5 coarsening upward
units. Depositional environment interpreted as delta front and prodelta. Sand bars SW-NE orientation)
Rose, R. & P. Hartono (1978)- Geological evolution of the Tertiary Kutai- Melawi Basin, Kalimantan,
Indonesia. Proc. 7th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 225-252.
(Kutei basin and Melawi-Ketungau areas connected in Paleogene, with Melawi-Ketungau area open to NW
Borneo basin. Schwaner Block of SW Kalimantan and Kuching Arch of C Borneo yielded sediments throughout
Tertiary. Paleogene deposition transgressive except in Melawi-Ketungau area where it was regressive. Greatest
Kalimantan Paleogene carbonate development on Barito and Paternoster platforms. Isopach maps suggest
Meratus range was Tertiary depocenter. Meratus graben Eocene- M Miocene sediments uplifted, folded and
faulted in M-L Neogene. Obduction in Sabah area accompanied NW rotation which uplifted Kuching High and
resulted in deposition of second generation regressive sediments to N and S and provided impetus for
gravitational folds. Counter-clockwise rotation accomplished by M Tertiary. Late Neogene obduction of
oceanic crust onto E Sulawesi partially closed Meratus graben)
Rosler, A., V. Pretovic, V. Novak, W. Renema & J.C. Braga (2015)- Coralline algae from the Miocene
Mahakam Delta (East Kalimantan, Southeast Asia). Palaios 30, p. 83-93.
(Study of 31 species of crustose coralline algae from 6 localities of E-M Miocene (Burdigalian- Serravallian)
reefal limestone in E Kalimantan. Two main assemblages: (1) S: shallow-water, dominated by Neogoniolithon,
Rotinsulu, L.F., S. Sardjono & N. Heriyanto (1993)- The hydrocarbon generation and trapping mechanism
within the northern part of Barito basin, South Kalimantan. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), Jakarta, p. 607-633.
(Barito Basin two types of source rocks: Tanjung and Lower Warukin Formations shales and coals)
Rowley, K.G. (1973)- Rehabilitation and development of Tarakan Island. Proc. 2nd Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 217-220.
(Pamusian Field discovered in 1905, cum. production 181 MBO from ~1100 wells, from reservoirs between
180’- 7000’. With history of Tarakan Island oil production)
Rullie, S. (1982)- Pengembangan batubara didaerah Kalimantan Timur dan Selatan. Proc. 11th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), p. 129-142.
('Coal in the area of E and S Kalimantan')
Ruppert, L.F. & T.A. Moore (1993)- Differentiation of volcanic ash-fall and water-borne detrital layers in the
Eocene Senakin coal bed, Tanjung Formation, Indonesia. Organic Geochem. 20, 2, p. 233-247.
(Thin interbeds in Eocene Senakin coal bed, SE Kalimantan, are volcanic ash-falls and mixed volcanics-
clastics, possibly related to volcanism between Kalimantan and Sulawesi)
Rutten, L. (1911)- On Orbitoides of the Balikpapan Bay, East coast of Borneo. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akademie
Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 15, p. 1122-1139.
(online at:
(Miocene lepidocyclinids (called Orbitoides here) from Balikpapan Bay area: star-shaped L. radiata/ L.
martini, small L. sumatrensis and large species. Several new species proposed: L. acuta, L. flexuosa, L.
polygona. Also new subgenus of E-M Miocene miogypsinids Lepidosemicyclina, with new species L.
thecidaeformis and L. polymorpha. Locality map, but no good foram illustrations)
Rutten, L. (1912)- Studien uber Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien, 1. Uber Miogypsina von Ost-Borneo.
Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden (1), 9, p. 201-213.
(online at:
('Studies on foraminifera from East Asia, 1. On Miogypsina from East Kalimantan'. E-M Miocene Miogypsina
from Balikpapan Bay and Bontang areas, incl. Miogypsina bifida n.sp., M. (Lepidosemicyclina) polymorpha)
Rutten, L. (1912)- Studien uber Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien, 2. Uber Foraminiferen aus dem Gebiet des oberen
Kapoewas-Moeroeng, Sud-Borneo. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden (1), 9, p. 213-217.
('Studies on foraminifera from East Asia, 2. Foraminifera from the Upper Kapuas- Murung area, South
Kalimantan'. Early Miocene foram limestones from Sg, Mahanjong with large Lepicyclina formosa and
Cycloclypeus communis)
Rutten, L. (1912)- Studien uber Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien, 3. Eine neue Alveolinella von Ost-Borneo.
Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden (1), 9, p. 219-224.
('Studies on foraminifera from East Asia, 3. A new Alveolinella from East Kalimantan'. Alveolinella
bontangensis n. sp. from Miocene marl with Miogypsina 20 km W of Bontang. Now assigned to Flosculinella)
Rutten, L. (1914)- Studien uber Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien, 4. Neue Fundstellen von Tertiaren Foraminiferen
in Ost-Borneo. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden (1), 9, p. 281-307.
(online at:
('Studies on foraminifera from East Asia, 4. New localities of Tertiary foraminifera in E Kalimantan’. Mainly
on Miocene Lepidocyclina spp. near Balikpapan, Bontang and other localities)
Rutten, L. (1915)- Studien uber Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien, 8. Vier Eozanvorkommen aus Ost-Borneo.
Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden (1), 10, p. 3-10.
(online at:
('Studies on foraminifera from East Asia, 8. Four Eocene localities in East Kalimantan'. (1) Eocene at Sg
Bungalun with Pellatispira (but here called Calcarina), Nummulites and Discocyclina (here called
Orthophragmina), (2) Tanjung Mangkalihat (Discocyclina, Nummulites), (3) Tanjung Seilor (Kayan River;
Alveolina; also with N. fichteli= E Oligocene ?) and (4) black Nummulites limestone from Sebuku River)
Rutten, L. (1915)- Eocene orbitoiden en nummulieten van Paloe Laoet. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl-Indie 43
(1914), Verhandelingen 2, p. 74-77.
(Orthophragmina (=Discocyclina) omphalus and Nummulites bagelensis demonstrate Eocene age of marl
formation above sandstone- coal beds on Pulau Laut, SE Borneo)
Rutten, L. (1916)- Veranderingen in de facies van het Tertiair van Oost Koetei. Verslagen Akademie
Wetenschappen, Amsterdam 25, p. 700-709.
(Original Dutch version of Rutten (1917) 'Modifications of the facies...' below)
Rutten, L. (1917)- Modifications of the facies in the Tertiary Formation of East-Kutei (Borneo). Proc. Kon.
Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 19, 1, p. 728-736.
(online at:
(Observations on Miocene stratigraphy in East Kutei basin outcrops)
Rutten, L. (1920)- Over het voorkomen van Halimeda in Oudmiocene kustriffen van Oost Borneo. Verslagen
Kon. Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 28, p. 1124-1126.
('On the occurrence of Halimeda in Old-Miocene coast reefs of East Borneo'. Calcareous algae Halimeda rel.
common in modern coastal reefs in E Indonesia, but rel. uncommon in Miocene limestones. Several E Miocene
limestones from E Kalimantan have Halimeda, probably same as recent species H. opuntia)
Rutten, L. (1921)- On the occurrence of Halimeda in Old-Miocene coast reefs of East Borneo. Proc. Kon.
Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 23, 1, p. 506-508.
(online at:
(English version of Dutch paper above))
Rutten, L. (1925)- Tertiaire gesteenten uit noordwestelijk Britsch Borneo en uit Beraoe (O. Borneo). Verslagen
Kon. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam 34, 6, p. 579-583.
('Tertiary rocks from British Borneo and from Berau, E Borneo'. Dutch version of Rutten (1925), below)
Rutten, L. (1925)- Tertiary rocks from Northwestern Borneo and from Berau (E. Borneo). Proc. Kon. Nederl.
Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam 28, 7, p. 640-644.
(online at:
Rutten, L. (1925)- Borneo, geologisch-geografisch bekeken. Zesde Koloniale Vacantiecursus voor Geografen,
Amsterdam 1925, Comite voor Indische Lezingen en Leergangen, p. 2-7.
('Geologic- geographic view of Borneo'. Lecture notes of review of Borneo geology. Netherlands Borneo
relatively better known than British Borneo, through surveys of 'Mijnwezen' and scientific expeditions. Borneo
is aseismic, has no active volcanoes and is commonly viewed as 'old continent'. However, no rocks proven older
than Triassic and locally very thick Tertiary deposits, common young deformation, etc. not compatible with 'old
landmass'. Two widespread Mesozoic deposits: (1) Danau Fm (Triassic- Jurassic?) red radiolarites and basic
volcanics and (2) Cenomanian Orbitolina-bearing shallow marine sediments. No figures)
Rutten, L. (1926)- Over Tertiaire, foraminiferenhoudende gesteenten uit Beraoe (Oost Borneo). Verhandelingen
Kon. Nederl. Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kol., Geol. Serie 7, 4, p. 297-328.
('On Tertiary foraminifera-bearing rocks from Berau, E Kalimantan'. Oligocene and Miocene larger forams
Lepidocyclina, Miogypsina, reticulate Nummulites, etc. from widespread limestones in Berau region, NE
Kalimantan, collected by Weber (NKPM) and Beucker Andreae. Most Tertiary clastic sediments contain
rounded fragments of Mesozoic radiolarite, suggesting significant Pre-Tertiary uplift)
Rutten, M.G. (1948)- On the contemporaneous occurrence of Lepidocyclina and Discocyclina in Northern
Borneo. Geologie en Mijnbouw 10, 8, p. 170-172.
(online at:
(Unusual co-occurrence of (Eocene) Discocyclina/ Biplanispira and Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina and
Eulepidina) in sample from N Borneo; possibly Neogene age with reworked Eocene)
Rutten, M.G. (1950)- Comparison of Lepidocyclina zeijlmansi Tan from Borneo with Lepidocyclina birmanica
Rao from Burmah. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen 53, 2, p. 196-198.
(online at:
(Larger foram genus Lepidocyclina very rare in Eocene of SE Asia. First and only occurrence is Lepidocyclina
zeijlmansi Tan Sin Hok 1936 from northern Central Borneo. L. birmanica Rao 1942 from Eocene of Burma is
distinct, but closely related species. Both belong in subgenus Polylepidina)
Sadirsan, W.S., D.N. Imanhardjo & T.W. Kunto (1994)- The ancient Sangatta delta: new insight to the Middle
Miocene Northern Kutai Basin deltaic systems, East Kalimantan. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 45-55.
(M Miocene deltaics in Sangatta Field suggest Sangatta delta system separate from Mahakam Delta to S)
Safarudin & M.H. Manulang (1989)- Trapping mechanism in Mutiara Field, Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan.
Proc. 18th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 2, p. 399-421.
(Huffco Mutiara field combination structural- stratigraphic trap of N-S trending M-L Miocene delta sandstones
draped over NE-SW trending anticline)
Saib, M.D. & B.H. Suwandi (1991)- Interpretation of overpressured zone in Tunu field using Eaton formula and
sonic log data. Proc. 20th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Jakarta, p. 61-85.
(Most wells in Tunu field offshore Mahakam Delta encountered overpressure, probably tied to
undercompaction of shales below ~2000m-3000m)
Saib, M.D. & B.H. Suwandi (1992)- Penggunaan metoda D'Exponent untuk mendeteksi tekanan lapisan batuan
pada pemboran sumur eksplorasi di daerah kerja Total Indonesia, Delta Mahakam, Kalimantan Timur. Proc.
21st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Yogyakarta, 1, p. 147-159.
Saito, K., R.D. Nurim & T. Uchiyama (1988)- Sedimentological and geometrical analysis of sandstones in
Pamaguan Field, Kutei Basin- case study Indonesia. World Oil, July 1987, p. 43-46.
Sallee, J.E. & B.R.Wood (1984)- Use of microresistivity from the dipmeter to improve formation evaluation in
thin sands, Northeast Kalimantan, Indonesia. J. Petroleum Technology 36, 9, p. 1535-1544.
(On evaluation of U-M Miocene thin-bedded oil sands in Tarakan Basin, which were commonly overlooked in
reserves calculations, using dipmeter microresistivity curve processing)
Saller, A., R. Armin, L.O. Ichram & C. Glenn-Sullivan (1992)- Sequence stratigraphy of Upper Eocene and
Oligocene limestones, Teweh area, Central Kalimantan. Proc. 21st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, p. 69-92.
(Four major latest Eocene- Oligocene depositional sequences in Teweh area, straddling Barito Platform- Kutai
basin. Each sequence 200-500m thick. During sequences 2-4 carbonate shelf in S part Teweh area, basinal
shales to N. Overall deepening- backstepping of facies (to S or interior of platform). No evidence for ‘global’
29-30 Ma mid-Oligocene Haq et al. 1987 sea level drop, which must either be of less magnitude, or different
time. Looks like solid biostratigraphic and Sr-isotope age control, but little supporting data included)
Saller, A., R. Armin, L.O. Ichram & C. Glenn-Sullivan (1993)- Sequence stratigraphy of aggrading and
backstepping carbonate shelves, Oligocene, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: R.G. Loucks & J.F. Sarg (eds.)
Carbonate sequence stratigraphy: recent developments and applications. Mem. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol.
(AAPG) 57, p. 267-290.
(Teweh area of C Kalimantan with four major Oligocene carbonate sequences, each 200-500 m thick, with
carbonare shelves developed in S part of Teweh area)
Saller, A.H., J.T. Noah, J.C. Waugaman & A.P. Ruzuar (2003)- Sequence stratigraphy of isolated carbonate
buildups in a deltaic province, Kutei Basin, east Kalimantan, Indonesia. AAPG Ann. Conv., Houston 2002,
Search and Discovery Art. 30014, 9p. (Extended Abstract)
(online at:
(Kutei basin dominated by clastic deposition, but isolated carbonate buildups also common in Lower
Oligocene- Holocene. Buildups accumulated during transgressions, preferentially on structural highs and
margins of lowstand deltas. Pliocene outer shelf buildups that grew during single seismic-scale sequence
typically 100m thick, 5 km long, 1 km wide. Thicker buildups consist of stacked sequences. Carbonate buildups
drowned due to rapidly rising sea level and/or nutrient poisoning associated with approaching deltas)
Saller, A., S.W. Reksalegora & P. Bassant (2010)- Sequence stratigraphy and growth of shelfal carbonates in a
deltaic province, Kutai Basin, Offshore East Kalimantan. In: W.A. Morgan, A.D. George et al. (eds.) Cenozoic
carbonate systems of Australasia, Soc. Sedimentary Geology (SEPM), Spec. Publ. 95, p. 147-174.
(Kutai Basin Neogene dominated by deltaics, but carbonates also common. Carbonate-siliciclastic interactions
studied in U Pleistocene and U Miocene-Pliocene off N Mahakam delta. U Pleistocene carbonates on
siliciclastic shelf margins during ~110 kyr eustatic cycles. Carbonates also in two sequences in uppermost
Miocene and lower Pliocene. Mio-Pliocene carbonate buildups on shelf margin ~255 m thick, 5 km long, 1 km
wide and composed largely of bioclastic packstone and grainstone. Most Mio-Pliocene shelf-margin buildups
filled with water, probably because overlying siliciclastics do not seal)
Saller, A. & S. Vijaya (2002)- Depositional and diagenetic history of the Kerendan carbonate platform,
Oligocene, central Kalimantan, Indonesia. J. Petroleum Geol. 25, p. 123-150.
(Kerendan Berai Lst platform 11x16 km in W Kutei Basin. Aggradation during Oligocene transgression,
contemporaneous with aggradation- backstepping of Barito shelf margin. ~1000m thick, three aggrading
seismic sequences. Carbonate deposition started in Late Eocene, ended by drowning in Late Oligocene (~28.6
Ma). Three areas (1) platform interior/ lagoon wackestone-packstones with porosities <5%; (2) raised platform
rim, 1-2 km wide, with wacke-, pack-, grain- and boundstones, with grainstones increasing toward platform
Samson, P., T.D. Rochette & M. Lescoeur (2005)- Peciko geological modelling: optimizing fluid distribution
and model resolution of a giant gas field in a shale-dominated deltaic environment. Proc. Asia-Pacific Oil and
Gas Conf. Exh., Jakarta 2005, SPE 93253, p. 1-10.
(Geologic model of Peciko field, SE part of Mahakam Delta. Reservoir sands mainly distributary mouth bars,
triangular in outline, and limited extent (1.5- 4.5 km wide, 1-3m thick). Diagrams of distributary mouth bars.
See also below)
Samson, P., T.D. Rochette, M. Lescoeur & P. Cordelier (2005)- Peciko geological modelling: possible and
relevant scales for modelling a complex giant gas field in a mudstone dominated deltaic environment. Proc. 30th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 345-354.
(Geologic model of large (250 km2) Peciko field, SE of Mahakam Delta. Complex geology, mud- dominated
deltaic reservoir section with 2000m of gross gas column in tens of reservoirs. Total of 96 deltaic cycles)
Samuel, L. (1980)- Relation of depth to hydrocarbon distribution in Bunyu. Island, N.E. Kalimantan. Proc. 9th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 417-432.
(Geothermal gradients on Bunyu Island average 4.3°/100m, ranges 3.7- 5.3°C/100m. Maturation studies
indicate present subsurface temperatures maximal in history of deltaic Late Miocene- Pleistocene sediments)
Samuel, L. & S. Muchsin (1975)- Stratigraphy and sedimention in the Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan. Proc. 4th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 2, p. 27-39.
Santodomingo Aguilar, N. (2014)- Miocene reef-coral diversity of Indonesia: unlocking the murky origins of
the Coral Triangle. Ph.D. Thesis University of Utrecht, Utrecht Studies in Earth Sciences 63, p. 1-340.
(online at:
(Study of Miocene corals from patch reefs in E Kalimantan; collection of manuscripts. Incl. revision of fossil
record of Acropora (31 species) and Isopora in Indo-Pacific. Platy coral assemblages common up to M
Miocene (Serravallian), branching coral assemblages become dominant in Late Miocene (Tortonian) and first
occurrence of entirely massive coral assemblage (similar to modern) in Messinian)
Santodomingo, N., V. Novak, V. Pretkovic, N. Marshall, E. Di Martino, E.L.G.Capelli, A.Rosler et al. (2015)-
A diverse patch reef from turbid habitats in the Middle Miocene (East Kalimantan, Indonesia). Palaios 30, p.
(Faunas and facies of small 8-10m thick M Miocene 'Stadion section' patch reef in Mahakan Delta system near
Samarinda, E Kalimantan. 69 species of corals, 28 bryozoan and coralline algae (Neogoniolithon, Spongites,
Lithoporella, etc.). Key larger foraminifera incl. Nephrolepidina martini, Cycloclypeus annulatus and
Lepidosemicyclina bifida. Seven facies types)
Santodomingo, N., W. Renema & K.G. Johnson (2016)- Understanding the murky history of the Coral Triangle:
Miocene corals and reef habitats in East Kalimantan (Indonesia). Coral Reefs 35, 3, p. 765-
(Corals from E Kalimantan outcrops contain 79 genera and 234 species. Three different coral assemblages in
small patch reefs, developed under influence of high siliciclastic input from Mahakam Delta. Platy coral
assemblages(Porites, Leptoseris, etc.) common until Serravallian, branching corals became dominant in
Tortonian. By Late Tortonian massive coral assemblages dominated, similar to modern-style coral framework)
Santodomingo, N., C.C. Wallace & K.G. Johnson (2015)- Fossils reveal a high diversity of the staghorn coral
genera Acropora and Isopora (Scleractinia: Acroporidae) in the Neogene of Indonesia. Zoological J. Linnean
Society 175, 4, p. 677-763.
(online at:
(Extensive collections of Miocene corals from E Kalimantan, Indonesia, with 31 species of Acropora and 2 of
Isopora, in E Miocene (max. age 18-20 Ma). 12 extant species already present in E Miocene. Most corals
associated with shallow turbid habitats)
Santoso, B. (2011)- Geologic aspects controlling maceral and mineral matter content of Satui coals- South
Kalimantan. Indonesian Mining J. 14, 2, p. 63-73.
(online at:
(Coals in Asem-Asem Basin, SE Kalimantan, in Eocene Tanjung and M Miocene Warukin Fms. Eocene(?) coals
from Satui area dominated by bright-banded and banded types. Vitrinite and liptinite dominant macerals, minor
inertinite Mineral content relatively high. Brighter coal more vitrinite-rich. Vitrinite reflectance 0.48-0.54%)
Santoso, B. (2011)- Organic petrology of selected coal samples of Eocene Kuaro Formation from Pasir- East
Kalimantan. Indonesian Mining J. 14, 3, p. 146-153.
(online at:
(Coals from Eocene Kuaro Fm in Pasir area in S-most Kutai Basin. Maceral composition similar to most SE
Kalimantancoals. Presence of common pyrite and calcite reflects marine incursion. Vitrinite reflectance
(Rvmax%) 0.53-0.71% (subbituminous A- high volatile bituminous C))
Santoso, B. & B. Daulay (2004)- Organic petrology of selected Tertiary Kalimantan coals. Proc. 33rd Ann.
Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, p. 104-114.
(E and S Kalimantan Eocene and Miocene coals dominated by vitrinite, common exinite and rare inertinite.
Paleogene coals sub-bituminous to high volatile bituminous rank (Rv max. 0.53-0.67%), Miocene coals brown
to sub-bituminous rank (Rv max 0.30-0.57%)
Santoso, B. & B. Daulay (2005)- Type and rank of selected Tertiary Kalimantan coals. Indonesian Mining J. 8,
2, p. 1-12.
Santoso, B. & B. Daulay (2006)- Geologic influence on quality of selected Tertiary Barito coals. Indonesian
Mining J. 9, 2, p. 14-22.
(online at:
(Petrography of Eocene coals of Tanjung Fm, Barito basin, SE Kalimantan. Coals mainly vitrinite (av. 83%),
liptinite (av. 12%), rare inertinite and mineral matter Resinite, cutinite and sporinite are dominant liptinite
macerals. Mineral matter mainly clay and pyrite. Vitrinite reflectance of Eocene coal 0.53- 0.64% (sub-
bituminous- high-volatile bituminous); Neogene coals 0.30- 0.47% (brown coal- subbituminous)
Santoso, B. & B. Daulay (2006)- Geologic influence on type and rank of selected Tertiary Barito coal, South
Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: C. Chou et al. (eds.) Abstracts 23rd Ann. Mtg. Soc. Organic Petrology, Beijing 2006,
p. 214-216. (Extended Abstract)
Santoso, B. & B. Daulay (2008)- Importance of organic petrology to type and rank of Miocene Asem-Asem
coal- South Kalimantan. Indonesian Mining J. 11, 3, p. 1-10.
(online at:
(Coal petrography of 34 samples from Miocene Warukin Fm. Coals composed mainly of vitrinite with
subordinate liptinite, low inertinite, and very low mineral content. Vitrinite reflectance Rv 0.25-0.46% (brown
coal- sub-bituminous rank))
Santoso, B. & B. Daulay (2009)- Geologic and petrographic aspects for coal exploration in Sangatta- East
Kalimantan. Indonesian Mining J. 12, 1, p. 10-22.
(online at:
Santoso, B. & N.S. Ningrum (2010)- Characteristics of selected Mangkalihat coals according to petrographic
and proximate analyses. Indonesian Mining J. 13, 3, p. 128-134.
(online at:
(Coals in Eocene Kuaro Fm in Manggkalihat area of E Kalimantan, below Oligocene and younger limestone
section. Three seam,s 1.5-4.0m thick. Coals with very thin claystone-sandstone laminae and rel. common pyrite,
suggesting marine influence during deposition. High moisture (15-19%). Vitrinite reflectance 0.46-0.49%
(subbituminous A and B rank))
Santy, L.D. & R. Heryanto (2015)- Endapan kipas bawah laut Kapur Akhir di Kalimantan. J. Sumber Daya
Geologi 16, 4, p. 195-211.
(online at:
('Late Cretaceous submarine fan deposits in Kalimantan'. In two places: (1) Semitau High, W Kalimantan
(Selangkai Fm and Belikai Conglomerate), and (2) Meratus High, SE Kalimantan (Pitap Group))
Sapiie, B., A. Pamumpuni & M. Hadiana (2008)- Balancing cross-section and sandbox modeling of Satui fold-
thrust-belt, Asem-Asem Basin, South Kalimantan. Proc. 32nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, IPA08-G-151, 19p.
(NW-SE directed shortening in Asem-Asem basin at SE side of Meratus Range. Late Miocene deformation of
Eocene coal-bearing sediments related to major uplift of Meratus Mountains. >24% shortening in mine area)
Sapiie, B. & A. Rifiyanto (2017)- Tectonics and geological factors controlling cleat development in the Barito
Basin, Indonesia. J. Engineering Technol. Sci. (ITB), 49, 3, p. 322-339.
(online at:
(Late Eocene Tanjung Fm and E-M Miocene Warukin Fm coals in Barito Basin with cleats (micro-fractures)
predominantly oriented in WNW-ESE and NNE-SSW directions. Cleat density increases with structural position
like fold hinges and fault zones. Cleats form during coalification (shrinkage), and are superimposed by later
processes like fluid pressure and tectonic stresses and also affected by composition of the coal)
Sapiie, B., A. Rifiyanto & L.A. Perdana (2014)- Cleats analysis and CBM potential of the Barito Basin, South
Kalimantan, Indonesia. AAPG Int. Conf. & Exh., Istanbul 2014, Search and Discovery Art. 10653, 19p.
(Extended Abstract)
(Cleat distribution and orientations in coal in Barito Basin 3 major trends: WNW-ESE, NNW-SSE and NE-SW.
Cleat formation in Eocene Tanjung Fm may be related to NW-SE trending rifting, in Miocene Warukin Fm to
transpression along Meratus Range which produced NW-SE compressive stress Cleat spacing varies with coal
type and ash content. Decreasing cleat spacing from low to high coal rank. Cleat density higher with low ash
content. Some coals of Barito Basin have permeability of 20-2000 md)
Saputra, I. & A.Y. Prasetya (2017)- Pulse of depositional environment change in Tarakan Basin: some
perspective from onshore Simenggaris Area. Proc. Joint Conv. HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI, Malang 2017, 4p.
(In Tarakan Basin much of Eocene- E Miocene in marine facies. Common Oligocene limestones. Late M
Miocene huge sediment influx came in into Tarakan basin and deltaic sedimentation began)
Saputra, I. & T. Wibisono (2016)- Strike-slip fault geometry and its significance for petroleum play in Tarakan
Basin: a perspective from onshore Simenggaris area. Proc. 40th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, IPA16-488-G, 8p.
(Tarakan Basin with NE-SW trending folds of gravitational fault system related to deltaic sedimentation. Also
major NW-SE high-dip faults with flower structures in Bunyu, Tarakan, Ahus and Sebatik Arches, interpreted as
younger, transpressional strike-slip faults. Several oil fields near NW-SE trend (Bunyu, Tarakan, Sembakung,
Saputra, I., T. Wibisono & A.Y. Prasetya (2018)- Middle Miocene depositional environment shift in the
Tarakan Basin: some perspectives from the onshore Simenggaris area. Berita Sedimentologi 40, p. 45-54.
(online at:
(Stratigraphic succession in onshore Tarakan Basin two major depositional environments: Eocene-E Miocene
marine and upper M Miocene-Pliocene deltaic depositional environment)
Sardjono (1999)- Gravity field and structure of the crust beneath the Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
In: H. Darman & F.H. Sidi (eds.) Tectonics and sedimentation of Indonesia, FOSI-IAGI-ITB Regional Seminar
to commemorate 50th anniversary of Van Bemmelen's Geology of Indonesia, Bandung 1999, p. 62. (Abstract
(Summary of gravity field of Kutei Basin and surrounding areas. Onshore Bouguer anomalies generally from
+10 to +50 mGal; in Balikpapan area depocenter ~75 mGal. Assuming 9000m of sediment and underlying
continental crust, anomalies here should be ~ -115 mGal. One possible explanation is rise in Moho)
Sardjono, S. & L. Rotinsulu (1992)- The hydrocarbon generation and trapping mechanism within the northern
part of Barito Basin, South Kalimantan. Proc. 21st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Yogyakarta, 1, p.
(In NE Barito basin hydrocarbons sourced from two intervals: Eocene Tanjung Fm (lacustrine oil type) and
Miocene Lower Warukin Fm (fluviodeltaic oil type). First hydrocarbon generation in M Miocene from Tanjung
source; from Warukin source in Plio-Pleistocene)
Satyana, A.H. (1995)- Paleogene unconformities in the Barito Basin, Southeast Kalimantan: a concept for the
solution of the "Barito dilemma" and a key to the search for Paleogene structures. Proc. 24th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 263-275.
(Barito basin only 4 commercial discoveries, all in NE part of basin. Multiple unconformities and young
inversion. Suggests fields are preserved paleo-traps not affected by young structuring)
Satyana, A.H. (2010)- Geodynamic origins of Kalimantan sedimentary basins. Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Lombok 2010, 8p.
(Sedimentary basins of Kalimantan prolific for petroleum and coal deposits. Paleogene geologic evolution of
SE Asia strongly controlled by escape tectonics due to collision of India to Eurasia in M Eocene. Trans-
Kalimantan Lupar-Adang-Paternoster strike slip fault, opening of Makassar Strait and opening of S China Sea
responsible for formation of sedimentary basins in Kalimantan-Borneo)
Satyana, A.H. & E. Biantoro (1996)- Seismic stratigraphy of Eocene Beriun sands of West Bungalun, East
Kalimantan, Indonesia: a contribution to the Palaeogene stratigraphical knowledge of the Kutai Basin. In: C.A.
Caughey et al. (eds.) Proc. Int. Symp. Sequence Stratigraphy in SE Asia, Jakarta 1995, Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), p. 383-393.
(Kutei Basin up to 12,000m of sediments. E Eocene- E Oligocene generally transgressive sequences. Eocene NE
Kutei W Bungalun area Beriun reservoir-quality sands equivalent to hydrocarbon-bearing Tanjung sands of
Banto Basin. At least three seismic stratigraphic sequences. Deposition affected by growth faulting. Interpreted
as fan delta deposits in extensional tectonic regime)
Satyana, A.H. & R. Idris (1996)- Chronology and intensity of Barito uplifts, Southeast Kalimantan: a
geochemical constraint and windows of opportunity. Proc. 25th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, p. 207. (Poster Abstract)
(Barito Basin Paleogene mainly extensional deformation. Uplift and inversion of extensional structures starting
in Miocene and continuous today. Five uplift events in Tertiary: M Eocene, E-M Oligocene, late Oligocene- E
Miocene, M Miocene and Late Miocene- Pleistocene. First two uplift episodes interrupted Paleogene extension.
Late Miocene- Pleistocene major uplift event (~1200m). Oligo- Miocene uplift relatively minor (~50m))
Satyana, A.H., M.E.M. Purwaningsih & M. Imron (2002)- Coal seams within Eocene Tanjung Formation of the
Barito Basin, Southeast Kalimantan: sequence stratigraphic framework and geochemical constraints for source
potential. Berita Sedimentologi (Indon. Forum Sedimentologi, FOSI) 17, p. 14-21, 26.
(Barito Basin M Eocene synrift- postrift Lower Tanjung Fm clastics 7 sequences. Coals in three sequences of
postrift phase. Mostwidespread and thickest coal seams in transition between synrift- postrift phases. Coals
deposited in paralic to upper deltaic settings in various systems tracts. Coals TOC 44-73%, hydrogen index
(HI) 285-567 mgHC/gTOC and hydrogen to carbon ratio (H/C) of 0.87-1.18, showing coals are liptinitic and
can generate oil. Carbon isotopes and biomarkers show Tanjung Fm coals sourced Tanjung field oil)
Satyana, A.H. & P.D. Silitonga (1993)- Thin-skinned tectonics and fault-propagation folds: new insights to the
tectonic origin of Barito folds, South Kalimantan. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung,
p. 282-291.
(Barito Basin foredeep at Meratus front with closely spaced folds-thrusts, formed in M Miocene and Plio-
Pleistocene, all with high-angle reverse faults. Become increasingly imbricate towards Meratus Range. Strike
slip faults cut older structures. Hydrocarbons known only from folds and paleo-highs in N end of foredeep.
Satyana, A.H. & P.D. Silitonga (1994)- Tectonic reversal in East Barito Basin, South Kalimantan: consideration
of the types of inversion structures and petroleum system significance. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 57-74.
(E Barito basin Tertiary structural history characterized by tectonic reversal. Paleogene rifting with NW- SE
trending horsts and grabens followed by WNW to ESE Neogene compression with inversion of Paleogene
structures. Rift sedimentation resulted in E-M Eocene Lower Tanjung source rocks and reservoir sandstones.
Late Eocene- E Oligocene U Tanjung Fm postrift shales effective seal. Inversion started in E-M Miocene (N
Kalimantan and E Sulawesi collisions). Plio-Pleistocene inversion might create new traps or destroy previous
accumulations and remigrate hydrocarbons. Tanjung Raya fields ideal hydrocarbon-trapping conditions)
Sawada, H., T. Matsuyama, Y. Konda, T. Ishiyama & T. Hashimura (2007)- Middle and Upper Miocene slope
channel sandstone reservoir of Sadewa gas field, offshore Mahakam Delta, North Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan,
Indonesia; modeling of channel sand body based on exploratory wells and 3D seismic. In: Proc. JAPT
Symposium Exploration and exploitation in deep water, Sendai 2006, J. Japanese Assoc. Petroleum
Technologists (Sekiyu Gijutsu Kyokaishi), 72, 1, p. 98-107.
(online at:
(In Japanese with English summary. Sadewa Field 2002 gas discovery on slope in 1000-2800’ water off
Mahakam delta. Cores of Sadewa reservoir exhibit episodic turbiditic deposition of reworked delta sediments.
Slope channel sandstone reservoirs of Sadewa field detected as high-amplitude anomalies in 3D seismic data)
Saxby, R. & R. Latief (1988)- Post Convention Field Trip 1988: Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Guide Book.
Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), 19p.
Schlumberger, C. (1902)- Note sur un Lepidocyclina nouveau de Borneo. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums
Leiden (1), 6, p. 250-253.
(online at:
Schoell, M., B. Durand & J. L. Oudin (1985)- Migration of oil and gas in the Mahakam Delta, Kalimantan:
evidence and quantitative estimate from isotope and biomarker studies. Proc. 14th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 2, p. 49-56.
(Oils of Nilam field derived from humic organic matter at ~3500-4000m. Gases mature-overmature, formed
between ~5000-6000m)
Schoell, M., M. Teschner, H. Wehner, B. Durand & J.L. Oudin (1983)- Maturity related biomarker and stable
isotope variations and their application in the Mahakam delta, Kalimantan. In: M. Bjoroy et al. (eds.) Proc. Int.
Mtg. Organic Geochemistry 1983, Advances in Organic Geochemistry 10, Wiley & Sons, p. 156-163.
Schophuys, H.J. (1936)- Het stroomgebied van de Barito; landbouwkundige kenschets en landbouw
voorlichting. Ph.D. Thesis Agricultural University Wageningen, p. 1-207.
(online at:
('The drainage area of the Barito River; agricultural characterization')
Schurmann, H.M.E. (1925)- Over jong-Tertiaire bruinkolen in Oost Borneo. Verhandelingen Geologisch-
Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kol., Geol. Serie 8 (Verbeek memorial volume), p. 429-440.
(‘On Young Tertiary lignites in East Kalimantan’. Mainly discussion on relationship between water content and
age of lignite/ coal of Neogene of Kutei basin)
Schurmann, H.M.C. (1927)- Uber jungtertiare Braunkohlen in Ost-Borneo. Braunkohle 26, p. 609-612, 634-
(‘On Young Tertiary lignites in East Kalimantan’. Short version of above 1925 paper in German)
Schwaner, C. (1857)- De steenkolen in het rijk van Bandjermasin. Tijdschrift voor Nederl. Indie 19, 2, p. 129-
('Coal in the Banjarmasin region'. One of first descriptions of coal in SE Kalimantan, exploited at Pengaron
since 1848)
Schwartz, C.M., G.H. Laughbaum, B.S. Samsu & J.D. Armstrong (1973)- Geology of the Attaka oilfield, East
Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 2nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 195-215.
(Attaka first commercial offshore field in Kalimantan in 1970. NNW trending structure. Late Miocene- Pliocene
fluvial-deltaic reservoirs between 600’- 7800’, with oil produced from 34 sands between 2000-3400’. Structure
young anticline, but thinning of sands over crest of structure suggest Late Miocene- Pliocene early growth.
Strong positive gravity anomalies under Kutai Basin and Makasar Straits suggestive of oceanic crust basement)
Seigneurin, A., D. Muller, A. Galli & C. Ravenne (1993)- Optimization of the well-spacing with a geostatistical
model Tunu Field- Mahakam Area. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 2, p. 1-17.
(Reservoir model of >4 TCF Tunu gas field, Mahakam Delta. Multiple distal deltaic reservoir sands, mainly
rel. thin (1.5-2 m average) channel mouth bars, with occasional distributary channels. Gas in Tunu Main Zone,
immediately below Fresh water sands, from 2200- 4100m deep)
Septama, E., H. Darman & T. Tri Handayani (2017)- Mahakam delta system: the integration of outcrops,
modern depositional processes and subsurface data. IAGI Fieldtrip Guidebook, p. 1-66.
Septama, E., C.M.E. Putra, D. Vitri & T. Widiyanto (2014)- The development scheme in the oilfield with subtle
stratigraphic trap, a key to extend mature field life-span in Sangasanga Field, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
AAPG Int. Conf. Exhib., Istanbul, Search and Discovery Art. 20285, 22p.
(online at:
Setyaningsih, C.A. (2009)- Studi palinologi Formasi Mentawir, Sub Cekungan Kutai Bawah, Kalimantan
Timur. Jurnal Widyariset (LIPI) 12, 1, p. 109-115.
(online at:
('Palynological Study of the Mentawir Formation, Lower Kutai subbasin, E Kalimantan'. Palynology of interval
100'-4140' in well 'X' of 'DNA' field. Age mainly M Miocene (F. trilobata zone), 100-850' Late Miocene)
Setiawan, A. (1993)- Development of deltaic sedimentation in the E67/E68/E69 reservoir series, Nilam Field,
East Kalimantan. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung, 2, p. 847-862.
(E-W trending delta distributary channels in M Miocene ‘E’ sequences of Balikpapan Fm in Nilam giant gas
field, discovered in early 1970's by Huffington/ VICO in onshore Mahakan Delta area)
Setio, N., W. Suwarlan & R. Latief (1989)- The integration of borehole, seismic data, geological field work,
paleontological data and SAR in a thrusted area of East Kalimantan. Proc. 18th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 7-30.
Setyobudi, P.T., P.A. Suandhi, A. Bachtiar & A. Miri (2013)- Sedimentology of fluvial-deltaic coal formation
in Kutai Basin based on various outcrops, previous geological study and modern Mahakam Delta analogue.
Proc. Joint Conv. 38th Indon. Assoc. Geoph. (HAGI) - 42nd Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Medan, JCM2013-
0293, 7p.
(Review of M Eocene- Miocene paleogeography and coal distribution in Kutai Basin. Highest potential for coal
development in fluvial-delta plain facies of M-L Eocene (Tanjung Fm equivalent), Late Oligocene- E Miocene
(Pamaluan Fm equiv.) and multiple delta systems in M-L Miocene (Balikpapan Fm equiv.))
Siagian, H.P. & B.S Widijono (2013)- Anamali gayaberat kaitannya keterdapatan formasi pembawa batubara di
daerah Banjarmasin dan sekitarnya, Kalimantan Selatan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 14, 1, p. 29-37.
(‘Gravity anomaly in relation to the coal-bearing formation in Banjarmasin and surrounding areas, South
Kalimantan’.Gravity anomalies grouped into 3 parts: high gravity anomaly of 45-75 mGal tied to Meratus
High, anomalies of 20 -45 mGal tied Pretertiary and Tertiary rocks, (3) low gravity anomalies of -15 to 20
mGal reflecting Tertiary sedimentary basins)
Sidarto, G. Burhan, J. Hendryana, S. Kusumadinata & S. Hidayat (1998)- Struktur geologi daerah Sanga-sanga,
Kalimantan Timur. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral, 8, 82, p. 2-13.
('Geological structure of the Sanga-Sanga area, E Kalimantan')
Sidi, F.H. (1998)- Sequence stratigraphy, stratigraphy, epositional environment and reservoir geology of the
Middle Miocene fluvio-deltaic succession in Badak and Nilam fields, East Kalimantan. M.Sc Thesis,
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, p.
Sidi, F.H. (1999)- Comparison of paleo-Mahakam Delta with other delta systems. Berita Sedimentologi (Indon.
Sediment. Forum FOSI) 12, p. 10-13.
Sidi, F.H., H.C. Baskara, G.P. Allen & S.C. Lang (1998)- Controls on cyclic sequence architecture in the
middle Miocene paleo-Mahakam Delta system, Badak and Nilam fields, Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan,
Indonesia. AAPG Int. Conf. Exhib. Abstracts, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 82, 10, p. 1966-
(Badak and Nilam fields in M Miocene paleo-Mahakam fluvio-deltaic system. Productive horizons numerous
isolated mouth bar and distributary channel sandstone reservoirs in basin with high subsidence rates and high
sediment influx. High degree of cyclicity at three scales: (1) smallest (100-150’) represent delta lobes,
parasequences produced by autocyclic processes (2) Intermediate (800-1200’) regressive-transgressive
parasequence sets; (3) largest (6000-8000’) associated with major basin-fill patterns due to progradation of
Sidi, F.H., S. Damayanti, H.C. Baskara & I. Turseno (1998)- Stratigraphy and geometry of deltaic reservoirs of
the paleo-Mahakam system: an example from sequence stratigraphy study of Nilam gas field, Kutei Basin, East
Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: C.A. Caughey & J.V.C. Howes (eds.) Proc. Conf. Gas habitats of SE Asia and
Australasia, Jakarta 1998, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), p. 179-185.
Sieffermann, G.R. (1990)- Origin of iron carbonate layers in Tertiary coastal sediments of central Kalimantan
Province (Borneo), Indonesia. In: J. Parnell et al. (eds.) Sediment-hosted mineral deposits, Int. Assoc.
Sedimentologists (IAS), Spec. Publ. 11, p. 139-145.
(Siderite layers 20-30cm thick in Miocene coal-bearing series reflect reprecitation of iron in (brackish) coastal
plain zone)
Siemers, C.T., S. Sutiyono & S.K. Wiman (1992)- Description and reservoir characterization of a Late
Miocene, delta-front coral-reef buildup, Serang Field, Offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: Carbonate rocks
and reservoirs of Indonesia: a core workshop, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), p. 5-1-5-27.
(Late Miocene in Serang Field dominated by fluvial/deltaic and shallow-marine siliciclastics. Also numerous
carbonate units indicative of coral reef growth in delta-front, marine-shelf setting. The 80-6 Limestone (67’),
includes 'Lower reef' (25’; platy corals in argillaceous matrix grading up to massive and branching coral
fragments in mud matrix) and 'Upper reef' (42’; platy-coral-bearing wackestone, overlain by argillaceous coral
rubble, porous 10’ reef-core type coral rubble and 13’ of non-porous, reworked mix). Reef overlain by shallow
shelf- delta-front calcareous, shelly, silty shale. 80-6 Limestone represents cluster of buildups with lateral
extent of >2.5 km and possibly up to10’s of kms. Post-depositional degradation of reservoir quality. Extensive
recrystallization of skeletal fragments (especially corals, molluscs) and carbonate mud matrix).
Sigit, S. (1962)- Penjelidikan geologi terhadap endapan batubara didaerah Sungup-Selaro, di bagian utara Pulau
Laut (Kalimantan Tenggara). Djawatan Geologi Indonesia, Publ. Teknik, Seri Geol. Ekon. 3, 43p.
(‘Geological investigations of the Sungup-Selaro Region in the Northern Part of Pulau Laut (SE Kalimantan’).
Geologic reconnaissance in coal-bearing Sungup-Selaro region in N part of Laut island. Five seams in Eocene
coal measures, one with reserves of economic importance)
Sigit, S. (1963)- Penjelidikan geologi terhadap endapan batubara di Pulau Sebuku (Kalimantan Tenggara).
Djawatan Geologi Indonesia, Publ.Teknik, Seri Geol. Ekon. 5, 41p.
(‘Geological investigations of the coal deposits of Pulau Sebuku (SE Kalimantan)’. Reconnaissance in S part of
Sebuku island, E of Palau Laut, showed Eocene coal only in W part of widespread Eocene formations. Only one
seam, formed mainly from allochthonous material)
Silaban, S.A., S. Ardi, V. S. Agustin (2013)- Preliminary study depositional environment of Batu Ayau
Formation and its CBM play evaluation, Upper Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA13-G-071, p. 1-15.
(Late Eocene- E Oligocene coal-bearing formation in W Kutai Basin)
Simanjuntak, T.O. (1999)- Neogene Dayak Orogeny in Kalimantan. In: I. Busono & H. Alam (eds.)
Developments in Indonesian tectonics and structural geology, Proc. 28th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol.
(IAGI), Jakarta, 1, p. 83-90.
(Neogene orogeny in Kalimantan mainly characterized by extensional triplejunction, associated with Neogene
non-arc volcanics)
Simatupang, D.P. & D. Amarullah (2010)- Coal Bed Methane potency of Tanjung Formation in Tanah Bumbu
South Kalimantan. Bul. Sumber Daya Geologi 5, 2, p. 1-8.
(online at:
Sinaga, I.B., R. Nikijuluw & H. Ilham (2006)- A composite analysis for fluid facies interpretation and
hydrocarbon identification using advanced gas data. Case study Mutiara wells, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
AAPG Int. Conf. Exh., Perth 2006, 1p. (Abstract)
Singh, P.K., M.P. Singh, A.K. Singh & M. Arora (2010)- Petrographic characteristics of coal from the Lati
Formation, Tarakan Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Int. J. Coal Geology 81, 2, p. 109-116.
(Coals from outcrops in Tarakan basin high concentration of huminite (telohuminite), low concentrations of
liptinite and inertinite macerals. Coals originated under telmatic condition. Predominance of wood derived
tissues. High subsidence rates prevailed. Alternating phases of oxic and anoxic moor conditions)
Siregar, M.S. & R. Sunaryo (1980)- Depositional environments and hydrocarbon prospects, Tanjung Formation,
Barito Basin, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 9th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 379-400.
(Eocene Tanjung Fm producing oil since 1960’s. Lower member terrestrial-paralic clastics, middle member
maine-deltaic clastics, upper member marine shales and thin limestones. Plio-Pleistocene uplift of Meratus
Block and NNE-SSW trending anticlines)
Siregar, P.H., D. Ramdan, S.A. Yani, P. Bransden, A. Prasetya, T. Kearney & D.B. Waghorn (2010)-
Hydrocarbon potential of the North Kutei Basin: new exploration opportunities based on the new 3D seismic
data. Proc. 34th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA10-G-019, 25p.
(3D seismic offshore Sangatta field, N Kutei basin, shows Late Miocene- E Pliocene slope channel play)
Situmorang, B., C.D. Dwiyoga, A. Kustamsi (2006)- The untapped 'unconventional' gas: CBM resources of
Kutai Basin with reference to the North Kutai Lama Field, Sangasanga Area, East Kalimantan. Proc. Jakarta
2006 Int. Geosc. Conf. Exhib., Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), 06-OT-07, 11p.
(Eleven onshore coal basins of Indonesia contain 453 Tcf coalbed methane resources, of which 80.4 Tcf in
Kutai Basin (ARI, 2003). N Kutai Lama (NKL) field main targets for CBM development are M Miocene Prangat
and Late Miocene Kamboja Fms and uppermost E Miocene Loa Kulu Fm. Results from two wells between 700-
1400m indicate in-place CBM resources of NKL field 147 BCF)
Sjadzali, M.M. & J.M. Kachelmeyer (1986)- Yakin West and Yakin North fields: optimum development trough
integrated completion techniques. Proc. 15th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 2, p. 43-64.
Snedden, J.W. & J.F. Sarg (1998)- Large scale synsedimentary tectonic control on stratigraphic sequences in
two petroleum provinces of Borneo. Abstract AAPG Ann. Mtg, Salt Lake City1998, American Assoc. Petrol.
Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 82, 13 (Suppl.), 4p.
(Kutei and Sarawak basins two petroleum producing provinces where tectonics greatly impacted formation of
stratigraphic sequences. Sequence bounding unconformities can be used in tectonically active areas to provide
chronostratigraphic correlations across several paleoenvironments)
Snedden, J.W. & J.F. Sarg (1998)- Reducing reservoir and source risk in deepwater plays: examples from
Southeast Asia. In: Proc. SEAPEX 12th Offshore SE Asia Conf. OSEA 98, Singapore 1998, p. 257-269.
(Offshore Kutai and Sarawak basins sequence stratigraphy interpretation)
Snedden, J.W., J.F. Sarg, M.J. Clutson, M. Maas, T.E. Okon, M.H. Carter et al. (1996)- Using sequence
stratigraphic methods in high-sediment supply deltas: examples from the ancient Mahakam and Rajang-Lupar
deltas. Proc. 25th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 281-296.
Soetedja, V., D. Suyana, I N.H. Kontha & Safarudin (1998)- Case history of a marginal oil field development.
In: SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conf, Perth 1998, SPE 50054, p. 175-183.
(Semberah Field small 1973 oil discovery in N Mahakam area, 140 km N of Balikpapan, producing since 1991.
Paper mainly engineering history of marginal oil field)
Stankiewicz, B.A., M.A. Kruge & M. Mastalerz (1996)- A geochemical study of macerals from a Miocene
lignite and an Eocene bituminous coal, Indonesia. Organic Geochem. 24, 5, p. 531-545.
(Study of macerals from Miocene Warukin Fm lignite and Eocene Tanjung Fm high-volatile bituminous C coal
from SE Kalimantan. Most Indonesian lignites and low rank coals liptinite-rich (~10%) with low inertinite and
high vitrinite. Tropical angiosperm vegetation (Dipterocarpaceae), dominant in swamps of Kalimantan, are
prolific resin producers. Suberins from corkified plant cell walls form maceral suberinite in Indonesian lignites.
Resins in Eocene coal chemically and botanically different from Miocene and younger dammars)
Storms, J.E.A., R.M. Hoogendoorn, M.A.C. Dam, A.J.F. Hoitink & S.B. Kroonenberg (2005)- Late-Holocene
evolution of the Mahakam delta, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Sedimentary Geology 180, p. 149-166.
(Late Holocene Mahakam Delta example of mixed tide-fluvial dominated delta system. Delta prograded ~60 km
in past 5000 years. Natural levees, crevasse splays and avulsions absent in delta plain. Sand content decreases
significantly from fluvial to tidal-dominated areas. Progradational delta system evolved under conditions of
slowly rising sea level. Present day sediment load of Mahakam River insufficient to explain sediment volume of
subaerial and subaqueous Mahakam delta, suggesting hydraulic conditions in past may have been different)
Stromer, E. (1931)- Die ersten Alt-Tertiaren Saugetier-Reste aus den Sunda-Inseln. Wetenschappelijke
Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederlandsch-Indie, Bandung, 17, p. 11-14.
('The first Early Tertiary mammal remains from the Sunda islands'. Two teeth from probable Eocene beds at
Gunung Sebumban Ulu, Sedona River, Sanggau area, W Kalimantan, are first record of E Tertiary mammals in
Indonesia. Probably belong to small anthracocerid Artiodactylus, a family rel. common in M-U Eocene of
mainland SE Asia and Europe)
Stuart, C.J., H.F. Schwing, R.A. Armin, B. Sidik, R. Abdoerrias, W.D. de Boer et al. (1996)- Sequence
stratigraphic studies in the Lower Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: C.A. Caughey et al. (eds.) Proc.
Int. Symp. Sequence Stratigraphy in SE Asia. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta 1995, p. 365-368.
(Summary paper on Miocene Lower Kutei basin Unocal Miocene stratigraphy work)
Suandhi, P.A., A. Bachtiar, P.T. Setyobudi, E. Nurjadi, A. Mardianza, B.D. Harisasmita, M. Arifai & D. Hendro
H.N. (2017)- Sangatta delta evolution with an updated Miocene paleogeography. Berita Sedimentologi 39, p.
(online at:
(Discussion of Miocene-age Sangatta Delta system (Balikpapan and Kampung Baru Fms) in NE Kutai Basin.
Development controlled by Rantau Pulung- Mangkupa paleohigh, bound by NE-SW and N-S strike slip faults
that represent Neogene reactivations of old basement faults. Delta development started with small proto-
Sangatta Delta in E Miocene and became larger during M-L Miocene after inversion/ uplift at Kuching High to
W. More than 10 stacked, E-ward prograding fluvial-deltaic parasequence sets)
Suandhi, P., A. Bachtiar, P.T. Setyobudi, M. Rozalli & Y.S. Purnama (2013)- Paleogen facies model of North
Barito Area, comprehensive study of sedimentology, stratigraphy and potential reservoir. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA13-G-149, p. 1-13.
(N Barito basin outcrop study, from Pre-Tertiary metamorphics, M-L Eocene syn-rift clastics, Oligocene post-
rift clastics and carbonate, Miocene deltaics, etc.))
Subekti, A., K.P. Laya, E Guritno & M.N. Krisnayadi (2017)- Greater Bangkanai prospectivity: the application
of full-tensor gravity and magnetic survey, onshore Central Kalimantan. Proc. 41st Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA17-361-G, 17p.
(Gravity mag survey in upper Kutai Basin, in area with Kerendan and West Kerendan gas fields in Oligocene
carbonates. NE-SW trending surface anticlines are mainly (M Miocene?) inversions of M-L Eocene extensional
Subekti, A., H. Mustapha, E. Guritno, J. Smart, A. Susilo, B. Nugroho, W. Darmawan & M. Wilson (2015)-
New insights into the Kerendan Field carbonate morphology Upper Kutai Basin, Central- East Kalimantan.
Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA15-G-118, 16p.
(Late Oligocene Berai carbonate play in Upper Kutai Basin underexplored; Kerendan discovered by Unocal in
1982 is only hydrocarbon accumulation, in carbonate platform with two culminations with common gas-water
contact. Oligocene carbonate built on NNE-SSW trending Paleogene horsts. Kerendan High created by
inversion of rift faults. Kerendan Carbonate system not an atoll rim carbonate with interior lagoon as
previously interpreted, but complex of open platform carbonate with partially developed rim in which platform,
coral reefal buildups and carbonate sand aprons developed. Most porosity secondary, diagenetic)
Subroto, E.A. (2015)- The role of coaly materials as source rocks (conventional and unconventional) in the
Kutai Basin, Indonesia. In: Hydrocarbons in the tropics: on the edge, Abstracts 32nd Ann. Mtg. Soc. Organic
Petrology, Yogyakarta 2015, p. 123-128. (Extended Abstract)
(Five proven and potential types of petroleum source rocks identified in Kutai basin. Most oils tied to deltaic
coaly shales. Coaly materials significant role in hydrocarbon generation, conventional and unconventional)
Subroto, E., A. Bachtiar & B. Istadi (2006)- Source rock characterisation in the Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan,
Indonesia, based on biomarkers. Proc. Jakarta 2006 Int. Geosc. Conf. Exhib., Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta06-PG-28, 4p.
(Analyses 73 crude oils and 86 rock samples from Kutai Basin. Based on biomarkers five source types: deltaic
coaly shales, marine shales, mixed deltaic and marine shales, marine calcareous shales, and immature deltaic
coaly sediments. 62 oils correlate to deltaic coaly shales, remaining 11 correlate to marine shales. No mixed
sources detected in crude oils. Vitrinite reflectance data for some sediments appear to be suppressed)
Subroto, E.A., B.P. Muritno, Sukowitono, D. Noeradi & Djuhaeni (2005)- Petroleum geochemistry study in
sequence stratigraphic framework in the Simenggaris Block, Tarakan basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc.
30th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, IPA05-G-159, p. 421-432.
(Tarakan Basin Simenggaris Block 8 Oligocene-Pliocene sequences, with shales TOC between 0.65- 7%,
indicating several may be hydrocarbon source. Almost all sequences contain some coals or carbonaceous
materials. Only SB-2 and SB-1 (Naintupo Fm and older) reached optimal maturity. In deeper areas SB-5 to SB-
3 (Meliat Fm) are in middle mature stage)
Sudarmono, A. Direza, H.B. Maulin & A. Wicaksono (2017)- Some new insights to tectonic and stratigraphic
evolution of the Tarakan sub-basin, North East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 41st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA17-722-G, 22p.
(Tarakan Basin with E-ward prograding fluvio-deltaic sedimentation since E Miocene, sourced from multiple
feeder rivers (Sesayap, Sesanip and others). Deltaics at and E of Bunyu Island deposited on oceanic crust of
Celebes Sea. Tarakan sub-basin bounded by left-lateral strike slip faults Sampoerna (in N; Celebes Sea
transform fault?) and Maratua and Mangkalihat FZs (in S; continuation of Palu-Koro fault of Sulawesi?).
Sudradjat A. & A.H. Hamdani (2015)- The tectonic control on the formation of cleats in the coalbeds of Sajau
Formation, Berau Basin, Northeast Kalimantan. The 2nd. Int. Conf. and 1st Joint Conf. Faculty Geology Univ.
Padjadjaran Univ. Malaysia Sabah (IGC 2015), p. 187-192.
(online at:
(Distributions of cleat orientation, spacing, and aperture in Pliocene Sajau Fm lignite seams controlled by
main tectonic structures in area)
Suessli, P. (1978)- The Tendeh Hantu atoll- a Lower Miocene carbonate build-up in Mangkalihat Peninsula,
East Kalimantan. In: Proc. Carbonate Seminar, Jakarta 1976, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), p. 121-122.
(Abstract only)
(Narrow E-W trending high with steep N and S flanks formed in M Oligocene tectonic event, persisted through
Mio-Pliocene and developed into Mangkalihat Peninsula. Lower Miocene carbonate buildup outcrops,
including Tendeh Hantu ‘atoll’ sub-circular platform, ~30 km across. Overlain by Pliocene sediments.
Coralline sediments of edge dip at 30-50° towards interior of ‘atoll’. Most limestones in interior slightly
dolomitized packstones. Larger foraminifera Flosculinella globulosa, F. reicheli and Austrotrillina howchini
suggest early M Miocene (Lower Tf), age, age-equivalent of nearby zone N9 calciturbidites)
Suggate, R.P. & J.P. Boudou (1996)- Revision of the Mahakam coal series: Rock-Eval and rank(s) relations. J.
Petroleum Geol. 19, 4, p. 407-423.
Sugiaman, F., A. Cebastiant, K. Werner, A. Saller, D. Glenn & R. May (2007)- Reservoir characterization and
modeling of an Upper Miocene deepwater fan reservoir, Gendalo Field, Kutai Basin, Offshore East Kalimantan.
Proc. 31st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA07-G-056, 18p.
(Gendalo Field largest deepwater gas discovery off E Kalimantan. Primary reservoir U Miocene thin-bedded
turbidites (average sand bed thickness 15 cm), deposited at base-of-slope as unconfined fan. Three internal
units mapped based on 3D seismic data and four wells)
Suiter, J.S. (1996)- Shallow 3-D seismic analysis of Late Pleistocene lowstand deltas (Mahakam, Indonesia).
Proc. 25th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 347-351.
(Shallow 3D seismic facies analysis of Late Pleistocene Mahakam Delta)
Sujatmiko, A.Salim & B.S. Irawan (1984)- Geology of the Tunu gas field. Proc. 13th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 341-363.
Sukanta, U., Y. Kusnandar, S. Hidayati, H.I. Priyonggo, A. Siravoet al. (2009)- Understanding hydrocarbon-
bearing reservoirs and their critical factors for deep water exploration in the Tarakan Basin, North East
Kalimantan (Indonesia). Proc. 33rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA09-G-155, 3p.
(Short paper suggesting series of rapid sea level drops in M Miocene- Pliocene lead to deposition of sand-rich
turbiditic deposits along slope and basin floor in eastern deep offshore Tarakan basin)
Suleiman, A., D.A. Wulandari & A. Bachtiar (1998)- Identifikasi fosil rombakan di lapisan Miosen Cekungan
Kutai dan implikasi geologinya. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Yogyakarta, p. 2.16- 2.26.
('Identification of reworked fossils in Miocene sediments of the Kutai Basin and its geological implications'.
Locally common reworked bathyal foraminifera in Miocene deltaic deposits of Kutai Basin (incl. agglutinants
Cyclammina, Bathysiphon, Ammodiscus, large Haplophragmoides))
Sulistyo, Z.R., A. Sutanto & H. Sukhendra (2012)- Preliminary study of CBM potential in Jorong-Kintap area,
Asem-Asem Basin, South Kalimantan. Proc. 41st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Yogyakarta, 2012-E-
05, 7p.
Sumawinata, B. (1998)- Sediments of the lower Barito basin in South Kalimantan: fossil pollen composition. J.
Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto, 36, 3, p. 293-316.
(online at:
(Palynology/ environments of Holocene sediments from Lower Barito and Martapura Rivers shallow cores)
Sunardi, E., V. Isnaniawardhani, I. Cibaj, Amiruddin & I. Haryanto (2014)- The lithological succession in East
Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia: revisited in a new data on litho-biostratigraphic. Int. Journal of
Science and Research (IJSR) 3, 4, p. 707-713.
(online at:
(Brief review. Kutai Basin basement slickensided serpentinites (Kuaro, Muru River) and deep marine turbiditic
metasediments with polymict conglomerate, and pelagic sediments (Tewe River), interpreted as Jurassic
ultramafic complex. Overlain by E Miocene(?) and younger beds with numerous repetitions of prograding
patterns (fluvial-deltaic and shallow marine facies, with transgressive carbonate build ups). In Late Miocene
retrograding patterns and progressively deeper facies)
Sunaryo, R., S. Martodjojo & A. Wahab (1988)- Detailed geological evaluation of the possible hydrocarbon
prospects in the Bungalun area, East Kalimantan. Proc. 17th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, p. 423-446.
(Bungalun Area on SW side Mangkalihat Peninsula. Shallow wells between 1900-1941 with oil shows in thin
Late Miocene-Pliocene sands. Underlain by oceanic basalt or melange (Late Cretaceous Danau Fm). Overlain
by Eocene Mangkupa- Beriun deepwater? clastics in W and tuffs-dominated Sembulu Fm in E. Oligocene-E
Miocene to younger sequences two facies. Peripheral zones mainly limestones, younging to SE: Oligocene
Kedango Lst (700m), E Miocene Tabalar Lst (500m) and M Miocene Sekerat Lst (200-300m). Deeper parts of
basin mainly fine clastics. Bungalun Basin N-S structural grain, similar to Kutai basin, except E-W direction
near Sangkulirang Bay. Change of trend caused by rotation effect of Palu-Koro Fault further E)
Sunoto (1990)- Hubungan jendela minyak dan zone bertekanan lua (dengan sebaran hidrokarbon di Pulau
Bunyu). Geologi Indonesia, p. 49-60.
('Relationship between oil window and overpressure zone (with distribution of hydrocarbons in Bunyu Island)')
Sulaeman, Teteh S. (1997)- Late Tertiary palynology of the Handil Field, Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan,
Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Queensland, p. 1-228. (Unpublished)
(Palynostratigraphic study on core samples from Miocene reservoirs 28- 4 in 22 wells in Handil Field,
Mahakam Delta. Palynoflora composition: 224 species of fungal spores, 88 species of pollen grains and 14
species of spores. Four E Miocene- E Pliocene informal stratigraphic assemblages distinguished, based on
subzones of Florschuetzia meridionalis Zone)
Susianto, A., E.R. Esomar, R. Rahadi & M.N. Ardhie (2012)- The characteristics of the Sepinggan strike slip
fault zone and its role in forming structural traps the Southeast Kutei Basin. Proc. 36th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA12-G-062, p. 1-23.
(Sepinggan Fault is SE-NW trending right-lateral strike-slip fault, extending >70 km from offshore SE
Balikpapan to onshore S Penajam area. It is part of Adang fault zone. Initially formed as transform during
Eocene rifting, reactivated as strike slip in Miocene compression. Several significant hydrocarbon traps formed
along fault (Yakin, Sepinggan, Mahoni))
Sutha, N., I.M.A., R. Adi & Z. Arifin S. (2008)- Evaluating hydrocarbon potential at attic position in deltaic
multi complex reservoirs case study: “A100” reservoir, Semberah Field. Proc. 37th Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol.
(IAGI), Bandung, 1, p. 544-556.
Sutiyono, S. (1995)- Magnetic resonance image log use in evaluation of low resistivity pay in the Attaka Field.
Proc. 24th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petr. Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 167-179.
Sutjipto, R. Heryanto (1991)- Sedimentology of the Melawi and Ketungau basins, West Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wollongong, p. 1-255. (Unpublished)
(online at:
(Melawi and Ketungau similar basins, separated by Paleocene-E Eocene Semitau High (composed of highly
deformed turbiditic Selangkai Fm and U Cretaceous 'Boyan melange' tectonic breccia). Melawi Basin fill up to
7500m thick Eocene- Oligocene, gently folded, in 4 main units: (1) ?Late Eocene Ingar Fm outer shelf
mudstone (typical Eocene palynomorphs, also common reworked U Cretaceous marine forams), sandstones
derived from magmatic ar detritus from Schwaner Mts in S; (2) Late Eocene fluvial and marine Suwang Gp
(Dangkan Sst, Silat Shale), with increasing quartz and decreasing volcanics of recycled orogen-type
provenance;(3) Melawi Gp fluvial- lagoonal with Late Eocene Payak Fm/ Sepauk Sst and E Oligocene Tebidah
Fm; (4) Oligocene fluvial Kapuas Gp, unconformably over Melawi Gp after E Oligocene minor folding. With
Late Oligocene- E Miocene Sintang intrusives. Provenance from S and W in Ingar Fm, mainly from melange/
subduction complex in N in Suwang and Melawi Groups (recycled orogenic material from uplifted Late
Cretaceous Boyan and Eocene Lubok Antu melanges?). With palynology analyses by B. Porthault of Elf-
Aquitaine (later papers by Sutjipto under name Heryanto; JTvG))
Suwardji, A. Buhari, K. Kukuh & R. Prayitno (1994)- Low resistivity reservoir study: Sangatta field,
Kalimantan. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 2, p. 119-130.
(Identification of previously unrecognized low-resistivity oil reservoirs in Sangatta Field (1936 BPM discovery,
developed by Pertamina in 1970’s))
Suwarna, N. & B. Hermanto (2007)- Berau coal in East Kalimantan; its petrographics characteristics and
depositional environment. J. Geologi Indonesia 2, 4, p. 191-206.
(online at:
(E-M Miocene Berau coal in Berau Basin. M Miocene Lati Fm coal high in vitrinite (66-96%), mainly vitrinite
B, followed by inertinite (14-27%), exinite (1-7%) and mineral matter (0.4- 10.6%). Vitrinite reflectance 0.40-
0.58%. Depositional environment peat swamp in upper delta plain/ alluvial plain. Original vegetation mainly
cellulose rich, shrub-like plants, tree ferns, herbaceous plant communities, with minor amount of trees)
Suwarna, N., B. Hermanto, T. Sihombing & K.D. Kusumah (2006)- Coalbed methane potential and coal
characteristics in the Lati Region, Berau Basin, East Kalimantan. J. Geologi Indonesia 1, 1, p. 19-30.
(online at:
(Miocene coalbed methane potential and coal characteristics in Lati region, Berau basin, E Kalimantan.
Volatile matter of Lati coal 32-39.6%, sulfur 0.35-3.0%, ash 2.8-14.5% and moisture 12-20%. Vitrinite
reflectance (Rv) 0.42-0.57%, indicating sub-bituminous B- high volatile bituminous C coal rank. Low ash
content. Thermally immature- early mature, suggesting gas is biogenic)
Suwarna, N., H. Panggabean, M.H. Hermiyanto & A.K. Permana (2007)- Characterization of unconventional
fossil fuels in selected areas of Sumatera and Kalimantan, using organic petrography and geochemistry. Proc.
31st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA07-G079, 15p.
(Studies of oil shales and coalbed methane in Sumatra and Kalimantan)
Suwondo, D.H.H. Nugroho, A. Krisyunianto, A. Bachtiar, A. Suleiman & W. Utomo (2015)- Surface study for
subsurface analogue model for hydrocarbon potential evaluation in Pulaulaut Island, Asem-Asem Sub-basin.
Proc. Joint Conv. HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI, Balikpapan, JCB2015-290, 6p.
(Outcrop study of Pulau Laut, SE Kalimantan. Synrift Eocene rocks with source potential in lacustrine shales)
Syarifuddin, N. & I. Busono (1999)- Regional stress alignments in the Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia:
a contribution from a borehole breakout study. J. Asian Earth Sci. 17, p. 123-135.
(Borehole breakout data from 134 wells in Kutai Basin indicate maximum regional stress direction NW-SE,
which deviates from anticlinorium trends and from strike of thrust-faults in region. Patterns influenced by
reactivation of weak zones related to sediment loading (structural inversion))
Syarifuddin, N. & S. Masitah (2010)- Sisi-Nubi Field Development: Sand control strategy and implementation.
Proc. 34th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA10-E-015, 11p.
(Sisi-Nubi 1986-1992 gas discoveries 25 km offshore Mahakam Delta in 60-90m water depth. Reservoirs multi-
layered Upper Miocene deltaic deposits between 1900-3800m SS interval. Poorly consolidated fresh-water
bearing sands in upper part and relatively poor to tight, partly overpressured sands in deeper part.
Syarifuddin, N., W. Susanto, M. Bueno & E. Siawira (2010)- Optimized well placement and design to
maximize recovery in Sisi-Nubi field development. Proc. 34th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, IPA10-G-016, 8p.
Sydow, J. (1996)- Holocene to Late Pleistocene stratigraphy of the Mahakam Delta, Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Ph.D. Thesis Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, p. 1-170.
(online at:
(Late Pleistocene depositional cycles of Mahakam shelf stratal geometries indicating progradational continuum
from falling sea level stage to initial rise (no Late Pleistocene sediment bypass of entire shelf). Extensive, thick
Halimeda carbonate buildups during transgression and highstand flooding of shelf.
Taieb, R. & M.F. Sheppard (1993)- Les eaux de formation du Delta de Mahakam (Indonesie); evidences pour
une infiltration d'eaux meteoriques dans les champs a hydrocarbures. Comptes Rendus Academie Sciences,
Paris, Ser. 2, 317, 5, p. 623-628.
(Evidence for infiltration of meteoric waters into formation waters from the Mahakam Delta oil fields)
Tanean, H., D.W. Paterson & M. Endharto (1996)- Source provenance interpretation of Kutei Basin sandstones
and the implications for the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of Kalimantan. Proc. 25th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 333-345.
(Three Miocene- Recent sandstone types, all ‘recycled orogenic’ provenance. E Miocene (23-17 Ma) and
Pliocene- Recent sandstones moderately quartzose with lithics from Cretaceous Rajang metasediments.
Volcanic lithics record continuous volcanic activity. End-E- earliest M Miocene sandstones volcanogenic,
recording increase in W Kalimantan volcanic activity between 17-14.5 Ma. High-quartz M -L Miocene
sandstones form reservoirs in oil and gas fields along coast and offshore, and are recycled products of basin
inversion events that advanced from W to E. Onset of basin inversion at zone N10 (14.5 Ma). No associated
volcanic activity recorded in sediment)
Tan Sin Hok (1936)- Lepidocyclina zeijlmansi n.sp., eine neue Polylepidina von Zentral Borneo, nebst
Bemerkungen uber die verschiedenen Entstehungsweisen der Lepidocyclinen. De Ingenieur in Nederlandsch-
Indie (IV, Mijnbouw en Geol.), 3, 1, p. 7-14.
('Lepidocyclina zeijlmansi n.sp., a new Polylepidina from Central Borneo, with remarks on the various origins
of the Lepidocyclinids'. New, primitive species of Lepidocyclina from Eocene in Tjihan River, tributary of
Tan Sin Hok (1937)- On the genus Spiroclypeus Douville with a description of the Eocene Spiroclypeus
vermicularis nov. sp. from Koetai in East Borneo. De Ingenieur in Nederlandsch-Indie (IV), 4, 10, p. 177-193.
(Review of larger foram genus Spiroclypeus. Stratigraphic range Late Oligocene- E Miocene (zone Te) and also
in Late Eocene (Tb). On p. 179: mention of Biplanispira in Wani series of Buton)
Thalmann, H.E. (1942)- Hantkenina in the Eocene of East Borneo. Stanford University Publ., Geol. Sci. 3, 1, p.
(Occurrences of Late Eocene planktonic foram marker genus Hantkenina in marls from (1) Sangkulirang area
(Karangan and Batolepo Rivers; associated with thin limestones rich in Asterocyclina, Discocyclina,
Nummulites) and Tanjung Selor regions, E Kalimantan)
Thamrin, M. & Prayitno (1985)- Terrestrial heat flow in East Kalimantan (Barito, Kutei, Tarakan Basins). Proc.
21st Sess. Comm. Co-ord. Joint Prospecting Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore Areas (CCOP), Bandung, 2,
p. 110-121.
(E Kalimantan basins average T gradient in 90 wells 3.22°C/ 100m. Normal heat flow values in basins: Barito
with 1.80 HFU, Kutei 1.59 HFU and Tarakan-Bunyu with 1.68 HFU)
Thore, P. & P. Spindler (2013)- Breaking the limit of seismic resolution; a synthetic example based on Tunu
shallow gas development. The Leading Edge 32, 11, p. 1318-1326
(Seismic resolution commonly assumed to be limited to 1/4th of seismic bandwidth, often too coarse to resolve
thin layering inside reservoir zones. New seismic inversion application in U Miocene- Pliocene shallow gas
zone of Tunu field, offshore E Kalimantan, could retrieve layers as thin as 1/20th of seismic bandwidth)
Tiwar, S. & J. Tasuno P.H. (1980)- The Tanjung (South Kalimantan) and Sei Teras fields (South Sumatra): a
case history of petroleum in Pre-Tertiary basement. Proc. 16th Sess. CCOP, Bandung 1979, p. 238-249.
(Part of oil production in Tanjung field, Barito basin, is from Pre-Tertiary weathered and fractured porphyritic
volcanics and tuffaceous sandstones. Cumulative production about 21 MB oil and 14 GCF gas)
Tjia, H.D. (1963)- Large deltas in Kalimantan. Contr. Dept. Geology, Inst. Technology Bandung 53 (Th.H.F.
Klompe Memorial Volume), p. 73-90.
Tjia, H.D. (1970)- Eocene directional indicators near Tandjung, Southeast Kalimantan. Bull. Nat. Inst. Geology
and Mining (NIGM), Bandung 3, 1, p. 29-32.
(Pebble orientation and imbrication, ripple marks, etc. in basal member of Eocene Tanjung Fm in foothills of
Meratus Mts suggest dominant current to NNE- NE)
Tobler, A. (1926)- Miogypsina im untersten Neogen von Trinitad und Ost Borneo. Eclogae Geol. Helvetiae 19,
3, p. 719-721.
(online at:
(’Miogypsina in the basal Neogene of Trinidad and East Borneo’. Brief paper on occurrence of Miogypsina
with Spiroclypeus in Tabalong section, E Kalimantan, collected by Buxtorf. Not much new)
Tobler, A. (1927)- Maeandropsina im Tertiar von Ost-Borneo. Eclogae Geol. Helvetiae 20, 2, p. 321-323.
(online at:
(’Meandropsina in the Tertiary of East Borneo’. Larger foram Meandropsina from marly limestone of Samui
near Balikpapan, E Kalimantan, from donated collection in Basel. Assigned to Zone Tertiary 3y of Van der
Vlerk. May be Pseudotaberina (NB: Meandropsina s.s. is Upper Cretaceous genus; JTvG))
Tokita K., K. Tsukada, T. Akutsu & H. Honda (2005)- History and functions of petroleum system concepts in
the Mahakam Delta province; a view in the history of petroleum production. In: Oil and gas from the Cenozoic
Tosin, S. & R. Kadir (1996)- Tipe reservoir sedimen Miosen Tengah di sub-cekungan Tarakan, Cekungan
Tarakan, Kalimantan Timur. Proc. 25th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), 2, p. 495-512.
(‘Middle Miocene reservoir types in sub-basin Tarakan, E Kalimantan’)
Tosin, S. & T.S. Priantono (1994)- Pengaruh deformasi intra Miosen pada perkembangan biostratigrafi daerah
Tanjung, Cekungan Barito, Kalimantan Selatan. Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), 1, p. 219-
('Influence of intra-Miocene deformation on biostratigraphic development in the Tanjung area, Barito Basin, S
Trevena, A.S., S. Mahadi, S.A. Martinez, Marwoto et al. (1993)- Characterization of Upper Miocene deltaic
reservoirs at Attaka field, offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: C.D. Atkinson et al. (eds.) Clastic rocks and
reservoirs of Indonesia; a core workshop, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta 1993, p. 91-116.
(Attaka reservoirs fluvial and distributary channels and delta-front bars in series of Upper Miocene sequences.
Mean porosity/ permeability for fluvial sandstone cores are 30%/1040 mD; distributary sandstones, 27%/ 390
mD; high-energy, delta-front sandstones, 18%/ 21.5 mD. Shallow sandstones at Attaka field abundant volcanic
rock fragments and lower porosity- permeability than underlying more quartz-rich sandstones)
Trevena, A.S., Y.J. Partono & T. Clark (2003)- Reservoir heterogeneity of Miocene- Pliocene deltaic
sandstones at Attaka and Serang fields, Kutei Basin, Offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: F.H. Sidi, D.
Nummedal et al. (eds.) Tropical deltas of Southeast Asia- sedimentology, stratigraphy and petroleum geology,
Soc. Econ. Paleontol. Mineral. (SEPM) Spec. Publ. 76, p. 235-254.
(Attaka and Serang fields M-Late Miocene sandstone reservoirs are delta front bars and distributary channels.
Delta-front bars burrowed- laminated, fine-grained sandstones, up to 5m thick, and several km wide. Channel
sandstones cross-stratified, coarse- to fine-grained, 3-17 m thick and < 1.5 km wide). Coarsest grained and
thickest sandstones typically in lowstand deposits)
Ubaghs, J.G.H. (1929)- De geologie van Koetai (Z.O. Borneo). Dienst Mijnbouw Nederlandsch-Indie, Indon.
Geological Survey, Bandung, Open File Report F29-03, p. 1-158.
(‘The geology of Kutai, E Kalimantan’)
Ubaghs, J.G.H. (1934)- The geology of the area bordered by the Boengaloen River, Mahakam River and
Makassar Strait. Indon. Geol. Survey, Bandung, Open File Report S 37-3, p. 1-54.
(Unpublished; original in Dutch)
Ubaghs, J.G.H. & C.P.A. Zeijlmans van Emmichoven (1936)- Beschouwingen over het Palaeogeen van Borneo.
De Ingenieur in Nederlandsch-Indie, IV, 3, 9, p. 164-172.
(Critical review of ‘confusing’ Borneo chapter in Badings (1936) paper ‘Paleogene of Indies Archipelago’)
Ucok, H., C. Landeck, K. O'Donnell, D. Staples, W. de Boer & B. Antariksa (1995)- Small field development
offshore East Kalimantan. Proc. 24th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petr. Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 2, p. 343-360.
(Description of undeveloped 1971 Unocal Santan discovery, 10 miles E of Attaka, in Late Miocene reservoirs)
Umar, L., E. Purnomo & A. Bachtiar (1987)- Prospek hidrokarbon batupasir Formasi Beriun di daerah
Sangatta-Bungalun, Cekungan Kutai. Proc. 16th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), p.
('Hydrocarbon prospects in sandstones of the Beriun Formation in the Sangatta- Bungalun area, Kutai Basin')
Umbgrove, J.H.F. (1929)- Anthozoa van Noord-Oost Borneo. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen, Dienst
Mijnbouw Nederlandsch-Indie 9, p. 45-76.
('Anthozoans from NE Borneo'. Low diversity coral assemblages from Late Miocene- Pliocene Menkrawit,
Antjang and Domaring beds, collected by Leupold in NE Kalimantan)
Umbgrove, J.H.F. (1936)- Heterospira: a new foraminiferal genus from the Tertiary of Borneo. Leidsche Geol.
Mededelingen 8, p. 155-157.
(online at:
(Description of Late Eocene larger foram Heterospira mirabilis n. gen., n.sp. from several localities in E
Kalimantan. Genus renamed Biplanispira in 1937, Leidsche Geol. Mededelingen 8, p. 309)
Umbgrove, J.H.F. (1938)- A second species of Biplanispira from the Eocene of Borneo. Leidsche Geol.
Mededelingen 10, p. 82-89.
(online at:
(Biplanispira absurda n.sp. from Eocene of Sungei Sangajam, Tanah Bumbu, SE Kalimantan, with double
arrangement of chambers on both sides of a median plane. Considered to be aberrant specimens of Pellatispira
madaraszi or Pellatispira mirabilis by Cole (1970))
Usna, I. (1983)- The geological analysis of diamond-bearing gravels in Cempaka- Banyuirang area, S.E.
Kalimantan. M.Sc. Thesis, Kensington University, p. 1-107. (Unpublished)
Vallet, J. (1983)- Seismic facies study in the Sepasu area of East Kalimantan. Proc. 12th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 359-373.
(Sepasu area on NE margin Kutai basin three major sequences: (1) Phase of M Miocene delta construction; (2)
early Late Miocene transgression phase with extensive carbonate deposition; (3) E-ward basin tilting and
regression with deltaic deposition in Late Miocene- Pliocene)
Van de Weerd, A.A., R.A. Armin, S. Mahadi & P.L.S. Ware (1987)- Geological setting of the Kerendan gas
and condensate discovery, Tertiary sedimentation and paleogeography of the northwestern part of the Kutai
Basin, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. 16th Ann. Conv Indon. Petr. Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 317-338.
(Four phases of Tertiary sedimentation in NW Kutei Basin. (1) E-M Eocene Tanjung Fm basal coarse clastics
grade upwards into shallow-marine clastics, up to 1000m thick, onlap stable Barito Shelf. Syndepositional
faults in basal sequence. Oil-productive near Tanjung. E Eocene subsidence synchronous with renewed or
accelerated subduction beneath N-NW margin of Borneo; (2) Late Eocene-E Oligocene claystones in deep
basins, flanked by shallow marine clastics and carbonates. Phase terminated by minor compressional event,
with uplift and erosional truncation of some basement blocks; (3) Late Oligocene transgression, with platform
carbonates (Berai Fm) over Barito Shelf and Kutei Basin basement highs and slope carbonates and deep-
marine shales (Bongan Fm) in basin. Kerendan 1 gas discovery in isolated Oligocene carbonate platform on
basement high in W Kutei Basin. (4) thick uppermost Oligocene-Miocene deltaic and non-marine deposits.
Introduction of deltaics probably from areas undergoing inversion and uplift in N part of Kutei Basin and S
China Sea area. Inversion and uplift of this part of Kutei Basin probably in Late Miocene)
Van de Weerd, A.A. & R.A. Armin (1992)- Origin and evolution of the Tertiary hydrocarbon-bearing basins in
Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 76, 11, p. 1778-1803.
(M Eocene formation of Kalimantan extensional basins. Transgressive M Eocene and E Oligocene non-marine
and shallow marine clastics, carbonates and deep marine clastics, followed by regressive Late Oligocene-
Miocene. Oligocene uplift, erosion, and structural segmentation into smaller basins. Deltaic sedimentation in
latest Oligocene in upper Kutei basin, prograding E. By end E Miocene deltas near present Kutei coast.
Lower(?)- M Miocene deltaic sediments also in Barito, Asem Asem and Pasir basins, probably contiguous with
Kutei. Separate Miocene deltaic depocenter in Tarakan basin. Carbonate sedimentation in shallow areas
Vandenbroucke, M., Y. Debyser, M. Fabre, M. Montacer, P. Pillon, L. Jocteur-Monrozier & P. Jeanson (1987)-
Geochemie de la matiere organique du sondage Misedor. In: A. Combaz (ed.) Geochimie organique des
sediments plio-quaternaires du delta de la Mahakam (Indonesie)- le sondage Misedor, Editions TECHNIP,
Paris, p. 257-292.
('Geochemistry of the organic matter of the Misedor well'. Geochemical analyses of organic matter in Late
Pliocene- Recent sediments of interval 0-640m in the Misedor well, SW Mahakam Delta. Organic matter all
Type III, and derived from same higher land plants as organic matter in deeper water deltaic sediments)
Van der Vlerk, I.M. (1923)- Een nieuwe Cycloclypeus soort van Oost-Borneo. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-
Museums Leiden 10, 3, p. 137-140.
(online at:
('A new Cycloclypeus species from East Borneo'. Sample from Gunung Mlendong near Kari Orang, Kutai basin
(no map or stratigraphy info) rich in ?M Miocene larger forams. Contains Cycloclypeus martini n.sp., which
looks like and is associated with C. annulatus with concentric rings, but is smaller and has somewhat different
embryon. Associated with Cycloclypeus annulatus, Flosculinella bontangensis, Lepidocyclina spp., etc.)
Van der Vlerk, I.M. (1925)- A study of Tertiary Foraminifera from the "Tidoengsche landen" (E. Borneo).
Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederlandsch-Indie 3, p. 13-32.
(Late Oligocene- Early Miocene larger forams from 5 localities in Naintoepo and Tempilan beds, upper
tributaries of Sebuku River, NE Kalimantan, collected by Leupold. With Lepidocyclina spp., Cycloclypeus, three
new species of Spiroclypeus (S. tidoenganensis, S. yabei, S. wolfgangi). Little or no location info)
Van der Vlerk, I.M. (1925)- Lepidocyclina mediocolumnata nov. spec. de Pasir (SE-Borneo). Eclogae Geol.
Helvetiae 19, p. 267-269.
(online at:
(New species of Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) from Sungei Telakai, Pasir, SE Kalimantan. Associated with
Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) formosa and Spiroclypeus, suggesting Late Oligocene- E Miocene age)
Van der Vlerk, I.M. (1929)- Groote foraminiferen van N.O. Borneo. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst
Mijnbouw Nederlandsch-Indie, 9, p. 3-44.
('Larger foraminifera from NE Borneo'. NE Borneo Late Eocene-Miocene larger forams collected by Leupold
from Tidungsche Landen (Sebuku area), Bulungan and Mangkalihat Peninsula/ Sangkulirang Bay, NE
Kalimantan. With stratigraphic table; no maps)
Van Dijk, P. (1882)- Onderzoek naar de ontginbaarheid van steenkolen aan de Riam Kanan, in de Zuider- en
Oosterafeeling van Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 1881, 2, p. 213-237.
('Investigation into the exploitability of coal at the Riam-Kanan river, SE Kalimantan')
Van Gorsel, J.T. (2016)- A photographic journey through the Cretaceous-Tertiary stratigraphy of the Meratus
Mountains-Barito Basin margin, SE Kalimantan. Berita Sedimentologi 34, p. 26-34.
(online at:
Van Straelen, V. (1923)- Description de Raniniens nouveaux des terrains tertiaires de Borneo. Proc. Kon.
Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 26, 9-10, p. 777-782.
(online at:
(‘Description of new raninian crabs from the Tertiary of Borneo’. Decapod crab fossils collected by Lohr in
Tuhup River valley, Barito Basin, described as Ranina (Hela) molengraaffi, Ranina toehoepae, etc.))
Verbeek, R.D.M. (1871)- Die Nummuliten des Borneo-Kalksteines. Neues Jahrbuch Mineral. Geol. Palaont.
B9, p. 1-14.
('The Nummulites of the Borneo limestone'. First descriptions of Eocene Nummulites from SE Borneo (and
Indonesia), incl. Nummulites pengaronensis n.sp.)
Verbeek, R.D.M. (1874)- De Nummulieten uit den Eoceenen kalksteen van Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen
Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 3 (1874), 2, p. 133-161.
('The Nummulites from the Eocene limestone of Borneo'. Dutch version of 1871 paper on Eocene Nummulites
from SE Borneo. New Nummulites species from Pengaron area, Barito basin margin, SE Kalimantan)
Verbeek, R.D.M. (1875)- Geologische beschrijving der districten Riam-Kawa en -Kanan in de Zuider- en
Ooster-afdeeling van Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 4 (1875), 2, p. 3-130.
(‘Geologic description of Riam-Kawa and -Kanan districts in the departments of S and E Borneo’. From
geological observations made by Verbeek's stint as supervisor of Pengaron coal mine near Martapura in 1868-
Verbeek, R.D.M. (1875)- Ueber die Gliederung der Eocanformation auf der Insel Borneo (Die Eocanformation
von Borneo und ihre Versteinerungen). Palaeontographica, Suppl. 3, 1, p. 1-8.
(‘On the subdivision of the Eocene formation on Borneo Island’. Review of geology of Eocene formations of
Pengaron- Martapura area, SE Kalimantan, as introduction to series of paleontological by Boettger, Geyler
and Von Fritsch. With rel. detailed cross-section of Pengaron area. Eocene subdivided into 3 stages, from
bottom to top: (a) Sandstone, shale and coal, (b) soft claystone and marls, (c) limestones with Nummulites))
Verdier, A.C., T. Oki & A. Suardy (1979)- Geology of the Handil field. (East Kalimantan- Indonesia). In: M.T.
Halbouty (ed.) Giant oil and gas fields of the decade 1968-1978. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG),
Memoir 30, p. 399-422.
(Handil Field 1974 oil discovery in Mahakam Delta distributary plain. Broad anticlinal structure with 150
Middle-Late Miocene reservoir sands between 450-2900m. More than 70 lignite/coal marker beds used for
correlation of fluvial-deltaic sand bodies)
Verdier, A.C., T. Oki & Suardy (1980)- Geology of the Handil Field (East Kalimantan-Indonesia). SEAPEX
Proc. 5, Singapore, p. 124-150.
(Same as above)
Vijaya, A.S. & H.D. Iroe (1990)- Sepinggan field 3-D seismic survey East Kalimantan, Indonesia- case history.
Proc. 17th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Jakarta 1988, p. 119-130.
Vo, D.T., S. Waryan, A. Dharmawan, R. Susilo & R. Witjaksana R. (2004)- Lookback on performance of 50
horizontal wells targeting thin oil columns, Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan; Part A, Well performance data. J.
Canadian Petrol. Techn. 43, 11, p. 32-43.
Von Ettingshausen, C. (1883)- Zur Tertiarflora von Borneo. Sitzungsberichte Akademie Wissenschaften, Wien,
88, p. 372-376.
(online at:
('On the Tertiary flora of Borneo')
Von Fritsch, K. (1877)- Die Echiniden der Nummuliten-Bildungen von Borneo. Palaeontographica, Suppl. 3, 1,
2, p. 85-92. (also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 8 (1879), 1, p. 127-142)
(‘The echinoids from the Nummulites beds of Borneo’. Description of rel. poor echinoid assemblage of 6
species, all new, collected by Verbeek)
Von Fritsch, K. (1877)- Fossile Korallen der Nummulitenschichten von Borneo. Palaeontographica Suppl. 3, 1,
3, p. 93-135. (also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 8 (1879), 1, p. 143-230)
(‘Fossil corals from the Nummulites beds of Borneo’ Description of well-preserved coral assemblage from
Eocene limestone collected by Verbeek in Pengaron area, SE Kalimantan. Mainly new species)
Von Fritsch, K. (1877)- Einige Crustaceenreste der Eocanbildungen von Borneo. Palaeontographica, Suppl. 3,
1, p. 136-138. (also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 8 (1879), 1, p. 231-236)
(‘Some crustacean remnants from the Eocene formations of Borneo’. Crab fossils from concretions in blue-gray
Eocene shale from SE Kalimantan)
Von Fritsch, K. (1877)- Einige Eocane Foraminiferen von Borneo. Palaeontographica, Suppl. 3, 1, 3, p. 139-
(‘Some Eocene foraminifera from Borneo’. Descriptions of Nummulites and Discocyclina ('Orbitoides
papyracea, O. dispansa, O. epihippum, O. decipiens and O. omphalus) from Pengaron area, SE Kalimantan.
Also descriptions of (mid-Cretaceous) orbitolinids 'Patellina scutum' and 'Patellina trochus' from Seberuang
River, left tributary of Kapuas River, W Borneo (both assigned to Orbitolina concava by Martin 1889)) (Same
material already described by Verbeek (1871); JTvG))
Von Fritsch, K. (1879)- Einige Eocane Foraminiferen von Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-
Indie 8 (1879), 1, p. 236-251.
('Some Eocene foraminifera from Borneo'. Reprint Von Fritsch (1877))
Vosburg, B. & H.H. Roberts (2003)- Sedimentary evidence for turbidity maximum influenced fluvial deposition
in the modern Mahakam Delta. Trans Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Soc. 53, p. 836-845.
(Mahakam delta recent sedimentation)
Wahyudi, M. & B. Supriyadi (1993)- Quantitative evaluation of hydrocarbon expulsion from the Meliat
Formation in Sembakung Block, NE Kalimantan. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI) 2, p. 894-
Wahyudiono, J. & Baharuddin (2011)- Polideformasi pada batuan kelompok Embaluh- Rajang di daerah
Bhayangkara, Kalimantan Timur. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 21, 5, p. 257-264.
(online at:
('Polydeformation of the Embaluh- Rajang Group in Bayangkara area, East Kalimantan'. Landsat
interpretation suggests Cretaceous Embaluh- Rajang Gp flysch in NE Kalimantan affected by at least 3 periods
of deformation (U Cretaceous, Eocene, ?))
Wain, T. & B. Berod (1989)- The tectonic framework and paleogeographic evolution of the Upper Kutei Basin.
Proc. 18th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 55-78.
Walgenwitz, F. & N. Jacquemet (2006)- Large scale introduction of compaction water expelled from
overpressurized shales in gas field reservoirs of the Mahakam delta (Indonesia). Geochimica Cosmochimica
Acta 70, 18, p. A682. (Abstract only)
(Water salinities in Mahakam delta fields similar to range of connate water (fresh water in fluvial channels to
sea water in marine mouth bars). However, analyses show present-day composition results from mixing of
original connate waters with compaction water expelled from overpressured shales)
Walia, T. & T. Edwards (2002)- Reinterpretation of the Sembakung oilfield, Kalimantan, Indonesia utilizing
modern 3D seismic data. SEG 2002 Convention, Salt Lake City, 4p. (extended abstract)
(New 3D seismic over 1975 ARCO oil discovery 80 km NW of Tarakan 35 stacked Mio-Pliocene deltaics in
structural trap)
Warter, V. W. Miller, F.P. Wesselingh, J.A. Todd & W. Renema (2015)- Late Miocene seasonal to subdecadal
climate variability in the Indo- West Pacific (East Kalimantan, Indonesia) preserved in giant clams. Palaios 30,
p. 66-82.
(Late Miocene Tridacna shells show alternating dark and light growth bands. Lighter 18O values in dark
growth bands indicate growth during warm seasons. 18O variations suggest seasonal sea-surface temperature)
variability of 4.6 1.7 °C)
Weeda, J. (1958)- Oil basin of East Borneo. In: L.G. Weeks (ed.) Habitat of oil. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol.
(AAPG), Spec. Publ. 18, p. 1337-1346.
(Three Tertiary oil production centers in E Borneo: Tarakan-Bunyu, Balikpapan (=Kutai), Tanjung (=Barito).
Basin fill history similar to other Indonesian basins: basal sands overlain by shale, overlain by sands. Plio-
Pleistocene folding, mainly parallel to coast)
Weimer, R.J. (1975)- Impressions of the geology of the Mahakam delta complex and petroleum exploration.
Majalah Geologi Indonesia (IAGI) 2, 2, p. 45-47.
(Mahakam Delta Complex may be small scale aulacogen showing associated delta depocenters. Sedimentary
prism underlain by oceanic crust. Interplay of basin development, deltaic sedimentation and intrabasin
deformation displayed in E Kalimantan favors large petroleum prospects)
Werdaya, A., M. Alexandra, K. Nugrahanto, R. Anshori, A. Pradipta & P. Armitage (2017)- Comprehensive
evaluation of reservoir quality in the Early Miocene, Kutai Basin, onshore East Kalimantan. Proc. 41st Ann.
Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA17-569-G, 24p.
(E Miocene deltaic-shelfal clastic play in onshore Upper Kutai basin only partly explored. Sandstone reservoir
quality linked to deep burial main risk. QFL plots show E Miocene sandstone sub-litharenite to litharenite, with
lithics mainly metamorphic and sediment fragments (less quartz than M Miocene sandstones))
Werdaya, A., M. Wulansari & I. Billing (2013)- Gross depositional environment model of the Berai carbonate
formation and its implication for reservoir prospectivity in the Barito Basin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc.
37th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA13-G-001, p. 1-21.
(Depositional environment map of Late Oligocene- E Miocene Berai Limestone in Barito- Asem Asem Basin.
Most of Barito Basin part of extensive carbonate platform that continues into Asem Asem and Java Sea.
Meratus Uplift is younger feature and no influence of facies. Patch reef facies highest porosity (15-21%))
Wibisono, T., E.M.I. Kusumah, S.S. Bella, I.A. Siregar & A. Wicaksono (2012)- Characteristics and sandbody
geometry of the 72 Reservoir, South Sembakung, Simenggaris Block. Proc. 41st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc.
Geol. (IAGI), Yogyakarta, 2012-GG-06, 6p.
(S Sembakung field, Tarakan Basin, 72 sandstone reservoirs 10'-60' thick, deposited in tidal deltaic setting and
E-W trending channel facies)
Wibowo, A., J. Towart, J. Dirstein & M. Maklad (1999)- Seismic spectral signatures of the Badak oil and gas
field, onshore Kutei Basin, Kalimantan: an example of seismic reservoir imaging and characterization. In: C.A.
Caughey & J.V.C. Howes (eds.) Proc. Conf. Gas habitats of SE Asia and Australasia, Jakarta 1998, Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), p. 187-203.
Wibowo, R.A., T. Setiawan, P.D. Silitonga, D. Tangkalalo & Z. Nurzaman (2006)- Identification of lower
Tanjung high gamma ray anomaly as an indicator for production zones at Tanjung Oil Field, Barito Basin,
South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. Jakarta 2006 Int. Geosc. Conf., Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta06-
VSL-06, 4p. (Extended Abstract)
Wibowo, A., B. Srisantoso & W.F. Turnbull (2009)- Improved subsurface analytical methods to identify by-
passed zones in a mature gas field. Proc. 33rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA09-E-016,
(Reservoir study of 1972 Badak gas field in N Mahakam Delta. Cum production 12 TCF. More than 180
producing horizons, with 530 reservoirs)
Wibowo, S., L. Wisanti, A. Ryan, N. Purwatiningsih, J. Sondang & R.A. Wardhana (2014)- Key challenges in
mature field development- case study from Tanjung, Indonesia. Proc. 38th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), Jakarta, IPA14-E-036, p.
(Tanjung mature field with 170 wells in Eocene and Miocene sandstones of N Barito Basin. Producing since
1950, peaking at 50k BOD in 1961, but now mostly depleted with plans for secondary recovery. Initial oil
gravity 41°API)
Widiarti, R. & Dardji Noeradi (2008)- Reservoir modeling of shallow zone in Handil Field, Mahakam Delta,
East Kalimantan. Proc. 32nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA08-SG-081, 11p.
(Handil Field one of largest fields in Mahakam Delta, producing oil and gas since 1975. Six Miocene reservoir
zones. Sequence stratigraphy of Shallow Zone shows 4 reservoir intervals. One reservoir sand trends from
NNW in one main channel then splitting into three distributary channels in SSE)
Widiyanto, D.W., D.S. Djohor, H. Pramudito & Untung (2014)- Studi penentuan fasies lingkungan
pengendapan batubara dalam pemanfaatan potensi gas metana batubara di daerah Balikpapan, Kalimantan
Timur berdasarkan analisis proximate dan petrografi. MINDAGI 8, 2, p. 23-36.
(online at:
('Study of depositional facies of coal in utilization of coalbed methane gas potential in the Balikpapan, East
Kalimantan area, based on proximate analysis and petrography'. Core from 130m deep EPL 01 well in
Miocene Balikpapan Fm in Penajam area. 11 coal layers 0.2-3.1m thick, lignite- sub bituminous rank (Rv 0.28-
0.38%), up to 84% vitrinite. Environment wet forest swamp, dominated by woody plants, in lower delta plain)
Widodo, S., W. Oschmann, A. Bechtel, R.F. Sachsenhofer, K. Anggayana & W. Puettmann (2010)- Distribution
of sulfur and pyrite in coal seams from Kutai Basin (East Kalimantan, Indonesia): implications for
paleoenvironmental conditions. Int. J. Coal Geology 81, 3, p. 151-162.
(Rich ash, sulfur and pyrite (up to 1.4%) contents in Kutai Basin coals (especially C Busang and Sebulu mines)
related to Tertiary volcanic activity (Nyaan volcanics), with eolian transport to mire during or after
Wight, A.W.R., L.H. Hare & J.R. Reynolds (1993)- Tarakan Basin, NE Kalimantan, Indonesia: a century of
exploration and future hydrocarbon potential. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Proc. Symposium on tectonic framework and
energy resources of the Western margin of the Pacific Basin, Kuala Lumpur 1992, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia
33, p. 263-288.
(online at:
(Tarakan Basin with four major oil (Pamusian, Bunyu, Sembakung, Juata), one large gas (Bunyu Tapa) and
five minor oil fields, in NW-SE trending anticlinal structures, mainly on Tarakan and Bunyu islands. Cum.
production >320 MMBO. Reserves mainly in stacked fluvial Pliocene-Pleistocene sandstone reservoirs, but
also in 90 Upper Miocene- Pliocene shallow marine reservoirs. Bunyu and Tarakan islands Late Miocene-
Pliocene depocenters, inverted in Late Pleistocene. Unlike Kutai, major fold axes sub-parallel to sand fairways,
leading to rel. small closures. Oils generated from lacustrine and fluvial sources, at rel. low maturities.
Tarakan Basin underlain by metamorphosed Cretaceous island arc spilites of Danau Fm)
Wijaya, P. H., D. Noeradi, Djuhaeni & A.K. Permadi (2010)- Reservoir distribution and quality of Pliocene
deposits in Eastern offshore area, its implication to deepwater exploration of Tarakan Basin, East Kalimantan.
Proc. 34th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA10-G-128, 15p.
Wijaja, P.H., D. Noeradi, A.K. Permadi, E. Usman & S. Rusl (2011)- Sand distribution modeling of Middle
Miocene reservoir of "East Tarakan A Field" in eastern part of Tarakan Island, East Kalimantan. Bull. Marine
Geol. (MGI, Bandung) 26, 2, p. 119-134.
(online at:
('E Tarakan A-1' 2007 well encountered gas in M Miocene Meliat Fm deltaic sands, which also produces
hydrocarbons in other onshore Tarakan fields. Sand distribution models suggest E-W trending distributary
channel reservoirs)
Wijaya, P.H., D. Noeradi, A.K. Permadi, E. Usman & A.W. Djaja (2012)- Potensi migas berdasarkan integrasi
data sumur dan penampang seismik di wilayah offshore cekungan Tarakan, Kalimantan Timur. J. Geologi
Kelautan 10, 3, p. 117-131.
(online at:
('Oil and gas potential based on well and seismic data integration in offshore Tarakan basin, East Kalimantan')
Wijayanti, H.D.K., S.S. Surjono & Soedarmono (2014)- The paleogeography of Berau sub basin, NE
Kalimantan. Proc. 43rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Jakarta, PIT IAGI 2014-161, 6p.
(M Eocene- Pleistocene facies distribution study of Berau Sub-basin, S-most onshore depocenter of Tarakan
Basin. Basin located on passive margin, initiated with formation of Sulawesi Sea by rifting of N Sulawesi from
E Kalimantan in M Eocene. M Eocene- E Oligocene transgressive succession to marine conditions. Regression
related to regional uplift of W basin margin began in Late Oligocene, followed by transgression. M Miocene
uplift created newly emergent area to W and formed W to E prograding delta. Late Miocene tectonic event
Wilson, M.E.J. (2005)- Development of equatorial delta-front patch reefs during the Neogene, Borneo. J.
Sedimentary Res. 75, 1, p. 114-133.
(Early and Middle Miocene patch reefs formed in turbid waters associated with high siliciclastic input at
Mahakam Delta margin. Reefs initiated on unstable substrates on local low-relief bathymetric highs associated
with delta-front channels or distributary mouthbars in process of abandonment. Patch reefs developed only in
shallow waters, formed low-relief buildups, lacked rigid frameworks, and had gently sloping margins)
Wilson, M.E.J., W. Camp & M.J. Evans (2010)- Paleogene clastics, Mangkalihat, Borneo: implications for
petroleum systems. AAPG Conv., New Orleans 2010, Presentation, 25p.
(online at:
(Outcrops of Eocene siliciclastics investigated at Mangkalihat Peninsula, NE Kalimantan. M Eocene deep
marine Malio Mudstone with interbedded basalts underlain by E-M Eocene marginal marine Sembakung Fm
with coals, sandstones, claystones and sandy carbonates, grading upward into carbonate-clastic shelf deposits.
Late Eocene Sujau Fm quartz arenites, coals and sandy limestone (picture showing Pellatispira). Clastics in W
derived from volcanic and low-grade metamorphic terrain, in E from higher grade metamorphic source with
some cherts. Eocene block and basin development influenced environments and sediment pathways)
Wilson, M.E.J., J.L.C. Chambers, M.J. Evans, S.J. Moss & D.S. Nas (1999)- Cenozoic carbonates in Borneo:
case studies from northeast Kalimantan. J. Asian Earth Sci. 17, p. 183-201.
(M Eocene- Plio-Pleistocene carbonates in N Kutai Basin and Mangkalihat Peninsula, NE Kalimantan)
Wilson, M.E.J., J.L.C. Chambers, C. Manning & D.S. Nas (2012)- Spatio-temporal evolution of a Tertiary
carbonate platform margin and adjacent basinal deposits. Sedimentary Geology 271-272, p. 1-27.
(Evolution of carbonate platform margin of little known Late Eocene- E Miocene Kedango Limestone that
developed in semi-enclosed marine embayment at Bengalon area, NE margin of Kutai Basin. Eleven carbonate
facies in 30km long W margin of >600m thick platform and adjacent slope and basinal deposits)
Wilson, M.E.J. & M.J. Evans (2002)- Sedimentology and diagenesis of Tertiary carbonates on the Mangkalihat
Peninsula, Borneo: implications for subsurface reservoir quality. Marine Petroleum Geol. 19, p. 873-900.
(Mixed carbonate-siliciclastic shelf with intervening deeper water areas on E part of Mangkalihat Peninsula in
the Late Eocene- Oligocene. During Oligo-Miocene shallow-water platform carbonates accumulated over much
of Mangkalihat Peninsula. Platform steep, reef-rimmed N margin with marine cements. Platform interior low
energy area, affected by leaching of aragonitic bioclasts. Best reservoir quality on platform in grainstones and
packstones, towards platform interior from platform margin, with primary and secondary mouldic porosity)
Wilson, M.E.J., M.J. Evans, N.H. Oxtoby, D.S. Nas et al. (2007)- Reservoir quality, textural evolution, and
origin of fault-associated dolomites. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 91, 9, p. 1247-1272.
(Origin of dolomite near faults in Late Oligocene-E Miocene Taballar Lst of Mangkalihat Peninsuls, NE
Borneo. Sr isotope signature suggestive of remobilization of fluids from older limestone)
Wilson, M.E.J. & S.J. Moss (1999)- Cenozoic palaeogeographic evolution of Sulawesi and Borneo.
Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecology 145, p. 303-337.
(Early Eocene- Pliocene paleogeographic maps on plate tectonic reconstructions illustrate evolution of Borneo
and Sulawesi in Tertiary. Progressive accretion of continental and oceanic material from E onto E margin of
Sundaland, with resultant development of volcanic arcs. Large tracts of W Sulawesi, E Borneo, E Java Sea and
Makassar Straits formed extensive basinal area through much of Tertiary)
Wiman, S.K., A.W.R. Wight & S. Courteney (1995)- Geologic summary of Eastern Kalimantan. In: Seismic
Atlas of Indonesian Oil and Gas Fields, II: Java, Kalimantan, Natuna, Irian Jaya, Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), Jakarta, p. KAL-1-KAL-19.
(Brief overviews of Kutei, Tarakan, Barito basins)
Win, C.T., S.S. Surjono, D.H. Amijaya, S. Husein, A. Aihara & K. Watanabe (2013)- Distribution of pyrite and
mineral matter in coal seams from Samarinda area, Lower Kutai Basin, Indonesia. In: ASEAN Forum on clean
coal technology, 11th Int. Conf. Mining Material and Petrol. Engineering, Chiang Mai 2013, p. 17-24.
(online at:
(Samples of coal from Balikpapan Fm near Samarinda with both epigenetic and syngenetic pyrite. Tied to
influence of marine conditions, more prominent in lower part of studied section. Epigenetic pyrite and minerals
may originate from erosion of E Tertiary marine sediments of C Kalimantan ridge)
Winantris, I., H. Hamdani & E. Harlia (2017)- Paleoenvironment of Tanjung Formation Barito Basin- Central
Kalimantan. J. Geoscience Engineering Environm. Technol. 2, 2, p. 110-116.
(online at:
(Late Eocene coals in Tanjung Fm inMuara Teweh area, N Barito Basin, formed in, in upper delta plain swamp
environment with marine influence. Palynomorphs grouped into six types: fresh water and lowland (42%),
brackish water swamp (30%), peat and freshwater swamp (18%), marine (8%), backmangrove (1.5%) and
upland (1%). Palmae pollen dominant (Dicolcopollis, Proxapertites cursus, P. operculatus, Longapertites and
Palmaepollenites kutchensis). Also with Magnastriatites howardi Verrucatosporites usmensis,
Retistephanocolpites and Ixonantes, indicative of Late Eocene age)
Winantris, I. Syafri & R. Rinawan (2006)- Kandungan mikrofosil dalam formasi pembawa batubara dari daerah
Perian, Kecamatan Muntai, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur. Bull. Scientific Contr. (UNPAD)
4, 1, p. 7-17.
(online at:
('Microfossils in the coal-bearing formation in the Perian region, Muntai District, Kutai Regency, East
Kalimantan'. Palynomorphs from 4 samples from Perian River in Kutai Basin include Stenochlaenidites
papuanus, Florschuetzia meridionalis and F. levipoli, suggesting most likely M Miocene age. Foraminifera rare
Miocene forms only. Mainly mangrove and swamp environments)
Witts, D. (2011)- Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Barito Basin, Southeast Kalimantan, Indonesia. Ph.D.
Thesis, Royal Holloway, University of London, p. (Unpublished)
Witts, D. (2011)- Recognising sediment source areas of a transgressive coastal plain: the Barito Basin,
Southeast Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: Conf. Sediment provenance studies in hydrocarbon exploration &
production, Geol. Soc., London, 2011, p. 24-25. (Abstract only)
(late M Eocene- E Oligocene Tanjung Fm at base of Tertiary Barito Basin section deposited in tidally-
influenced coastal plain setting, undergoing transgression. Paleocurrent data indicate sediment transport into
coastal plain by river system flowing to N. Sediment derived from Schwaner Complex in W and Karimunjawa
Arch in SW, as indicated by provenance work. Sandstones texturally immature, but compositionally mature, due
to tropical weathering processes removing unstable minerals and lithic grains. Karimunjawa Arch was elevated
during Eocene and acting as barrier to transport from inland areas of Sundaland))
Witts, D. (2013)- Palaeocurrents and provenance: uplift history of the Meratus Complex, SE Kalimantan. Berita
Sedimentologi 28, p. 25-30.
(online at:
Witts, D., L. Davies & R. Morley (2014)- Uplift of the Meratus Complex: sedimentology, biostratigraphy,
provenance and structure. Proc. 38th Ann. Conv., Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA14-G-082, 21p.
(SE Kalimantan Meratus Mts emerged diachronously in E Miocene in N, earlier than previously suggested, but
in Late Miocene further S. Paleocurrents from Warukin Formation directed towards ESE (i.e. towards present-
day Meratus) in lower part, to WNW (i.e. away from Meratus) in upper ~500m of formation (M-U Miocene
Tapin Mb). Paleocurrents in E Miocene Kiwa Mb of Montalat Fm indicate sediment transport to NW (zircons
age populations same as in Eocene Tanjung Fm, suggesting reworked Tanjung Fm from Meratus High?).
Meratus Range probably elongate positive flower structure)
Witts, D., L. Davies, R.J. Morley & L. Anderson (2015)- Neogene deformation of East Kalimantan: a regional
perspective. Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA15-G-246, 22p.
(Review of Adang Line, etc.)
Witts, D., R. Hall, R.J. Morley & M.K. BouDagher-Fadel (2011)- Stratigraphy and sediment provenance, Barito
basin. Proc. 35th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA11-G-054, 18p.
(Revised Eocene- Miocene stratigraphy and depositional model for Barito basin surface sediments. M Eocene-
E Oligocene Tanjung Fm clastics, minor limestones and coal deposited in fluvio-tidal coastal plain to marginal
marine setting, sediment sourced from W and SW and mainly derived from metamorphic rocks. M-L Miocene
Warukin Fm marginal marine to fluviodeltaic, sediment was being transported from W for oldest part, mainly
derived from Schwaner Complex, lesser extent Rajang-Crocker Gp, partly from E for younger coal-bearing
sequences (=Meratus Mts uplift?))
Witts, D., R. Hall, G. Nichols & R. Morley (2012)- A new depositional and provenance model for the Tanjung
Formation, Barito Basin, SE Kalimantan, Indonesia. J. Asian Earth Sci. 56, p. 77-104.
(Tanjung Fm of Barito Basin deposited from late M Eocene- late Early Oligocene. Most of formation deposited
in tidally-influenced coastal plain and estuarine setting, and sediment was transported by rivers flowing to N
(NB: Witts et al. 2011 suggest Tanjung Fm from W and SW?; Heryanto & Panggabean 2004 suggested mainly
from WNW; JTvG). Heavy minerals and zircon geochronology identified Schwaner Complex W Borneo,
Karimunjawa Arch and S continuation of Meratus Complex in Java Sea as main sediment sources)
Wiroyudo, G.K. (1982)- Exploration review of the Bunyu PSC Area. CCOP Tech. Publ. 11, p. 141-154.
Wiweko, A. (1998)- Sedimentary facies and depositional geometry of distributary mouth bars in Tunu Field,
Miocene Kutei Basin and comparison with modern Mahakam Delta. Ph.D. Thesis Queensland University of
Technology, p.
Wiweko, A. & B. Giriansyah (2000)- Sedimentary facies of the Mahakam Delta: comparison between the
Modern and the Miocene. Berita Sedimentologi (Indon. Sediment. Forum FOSI) 12, p. 6-9.
(Modern Mahakam Delta developed in last 5000 years, after decline in rate of Holocene transgression.
Deposition dominated by fluvial and tidal processes. U Miocene Paleo-Mahakam Delta sediments often slightly
coarser grain size, more high-energy flood events, higher sand % and less tidal influence)
Wulandari, T., A. Sukapradja, A. Krisnaputra & J. Clark (2016)- An integrated reservoir characterization to
determine remaining potential in Sisi Nubi Field. Proc. GEOSEA XIV and 45th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc.
Geologists (IAGI) (GIC 2016), Bandung, p. 485-494.
(Sisi -Nubi gas fields, 25 km offshore Mahakam delta, discovered in 1986 and 1992 and cumulative production
>1 TCF gas, and 26 MMbbl condensates. With 4 main producing intervals, 69 geological layers and >300
fluvial- deltaic reservoir units)
Yabe, H. & S. Hanzawa (1924)- A Lepidocyclina limestone from Sangkoelirang, Dutch E. Borneo. Japanese J.
Geology Geography Trans. Abstr. 3, 2, p. 71-76.
(M Miocene limestone with Miogypsina polymorpha, Cycloclypeus annulatus, Lepidocyclina angulosa, etc.
from Maloewi Anticline, Sangkulirang, E Kalimantan)
Yoga, T.Y, F. Panggabean & Z. Abidin (2009)- Slump scar reconstruction and distribution in Tunu area and its
impacts on field development strategy. Proc. 33rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA-G-
093, 13p.
(Tunu giant gas field located at E limit of present Mahakam delta. Reservoirs mainly lower M Miocene deltaics
between 7.3 Ma regional flooding surface and regional unconformity at 10.5 Ma. Local collapse of edge of
deposited sediments during M Miocene produced large slump scars parallel to strike of Tunu anticline)
Yoga, T.Y & F. Tampilang (2016)- Mahakam Delta core workshop: TM-62 core synthesis a tight G zone
reservoir, Tambora Field, East Kalimantan. Proc. IPA 2016 Technical Symposium, Indonesia exploration:
where from- where to, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 47-TS-16, p. 1-13.
(Core description of delta distributary channel and mouth bar sand of M-U Miocene G-zone reservoir in
Tambora Field, Mahakam Delta)
Yuh, S., A. Anshariy, S. Ariawan, H. Khairy & C.M. Adam (2015)- Application of AVO seismofacies
technique to detect undrained prospects in Handil Shallow and Upper Zones, Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan.
Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA15-G-083, 14p.
(Handil field in Mahakam Delta >550 hydrocarbon accumulations between 230-3000m depth in 4-way dip
structure. Over 400 wells drilled. AVO analyses of 2011 3D seismic survey helps identify un-drained areas)
Yulihanto, B., B. Wijayanto, Sulistiyono & T. Junaedi (2006)- Hydrocarbon system of the Paleogene sediment
of the Melawi Basin, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. Jakarta 2006 Int. Geosc. Conf. Exhib., Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta06-PG-11, 4p.
(Melawi Basin intracontinental basin, surrounded by Triassic-Jurassic basement highs composed of granites
and schists. Thick Early Cretaceous- Oligocene sediments. Main source rock kerogens of lacustrine-deltaic
origin in Cretaceous and Late Eocene-Early Oligocene)
Yuniardi, Y. (2006)- Potensi dan kualitas batubara daerah Lipon Gedang, Kecamatan Sungai Durian,
Kabupaten Kotabaru, Kalimantan Selatan. Bull. Scientific Contr. (UNPAD) 4, 1, p. 41-51.
(online at:
(On Eocene Tanjung Fm coal potential in Lipon-Gendang area, Sungai Durian District, E of Kandangan
Meratus Mts front, SE Kalimantan. Four outcropping coal seams mapped, 0.2- 3m thick. Predicted resources
1,403,550 ton with average caloric value of ~5400 cal/gr and average sulfur 1.47%)
Yuniardi, Y., R. Fakhrudin & L. Jurnaliah (2010)- Zonasi paleontologi Cekungan Kutai Bagian Bawah, daerah
Balikpapan dan sekitarnya, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Bull. Scientific Contr. (UNPAD) 8, 2, p. 123-129.
(online at:
(Paleontological zonation of the Lower Kutai Basin, Balikpapan and surrounding area, East Kalimantan'. Brief
general discussion of Miocene- Recent foraminifera, calcareous nannoplankton and palynology biozonations.
No details on Kutai Basin)
Yuniardi, Y., B. Muljana & R. Fakhrudin (2012)- Kronostratigrafi Cekungan Kutai bagian bawah, daerah
Balikpapan dan sekitarnya, Kalimantan Timur. Bull. Scientific Contr. (UNPAD) 10, 1, p. 41-57.
Zagalai, B.M. (1994)- A deterministic approach to modeling a giant field with numerous stacked reservoirs.
Proc. 23rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 2, p. 51-64.
(Reservoir model of Attaka Field (2 GBO and 3 TCF gas in place), N of Mahakam Delta. Producing reservoirs
stacked over 10,000’ of Miocene deltaics)
Zahra, K.A., A.H. Hamdani & R.T. Rosmalina (2015)- Paleoenvironmental implications from biomarker
investigations on the Pliocene Lower Sajau lignite seam in Kasai Area, Berau Basin, Northeast Kalimantan,
Indonesia. J. Geoscience and Environment Protection 3, 5, p. 140-152.
(online at:
(Pliocene age lignites from Lower Sajau seam in borehole in Kasai Coal Field, Berau Basin. Lignite-grade coal
with abundant terpenoid biomarkers including lupane and oleanane indicate angiosperm-dominated vegetation.
Also hopanoid biomarkers indicating acidic depositional environment)
Zajuli, M.H.H. (2013)- Batuan sedimen halus kelompok Mandai berdasarkan analisis scanning electron
microscope (SEM). J. Sumber Daya Geologi 23, 3, p. 121-127.
('Fine-grained sedimentary rocks of the Mandai group, based on scanning electron microscope analysis'. In E
part of Ketungau Basin (also called Mandai Basin) of NW Kalimantan E Tertiary mudstones of Mandai Gp
consist of illite, smectite and kaolinite. Also Botryococcus algae. Diagenesis suggest burial to 2500-4000m)
Zajuli, M.H.H. & Suyono (2011)- Organic geochemistry and Rock-Eval pyrolysis of Eocene fine sediments,
East Ketungau Basin, West Kalimantan. J. Geologi Indonesia 6, 2, p. 95-104.
(online at:
(Geochemistry of Eocene Mandai Gp mudstones of E Ketungau Basin, NW Kalimantan, suggest poor to fair,
gas- prone source rock potential)
Zajuli, M.H.H. & J. Wahyudiono (2018)- Rock-Eval pyrolysis of the Oligocene fine-grained sedimentary rocks
from the Pamaluan Formation, Gunung Bayan Area, West Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan : implication for
hydrocarbon source rock potential. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 19, 2, p. 73-82.
(online at:
(?Late Oligocene shales of coal-bearing Pamaluan Fm in Gunung Bayan area of upper/NW Kutai Basin poor-
good quality source rock with gas-prone Type III kerogen. Maturity level mainly immature)
Zhang, Z. & C.S. Wright (2017)- Quantitative interpretations and assessments of a fractured gas hydrate
reservoir using three-dimensional seismic and LWD data in Kutei basin, East Kalimantan, offshore Indonesia.
Marine Petroleum Geol. 84, p. 257-273.
(Description of fractured gas hydrate reservoir over 500 km region from seismic data in offshore Kutei basin)
Zuffardi-Comerci, R. (1928)- Di alcuni foraminiferi terziari dell’isola di Borneo. Bol. Soc. Geol. Italiana 47, p.
('On some Tertiary foraminifera from the island of Borneo'. Includes descriptions of 'new' E Miocene larger
foram species from Bintut-Amuntai area (= Berai Lst, Barito Basin?). Proposed new species names
(Miogypsina verrucosa, M. cupulaeformis, Lepidocyclina amoentai, L. fovelata, etc.) never used; JTvG)
Zulmi, I., R. Ramadian, F. Fabian, M. Momen & U. Sukanta (2014)- Stratigrafi sikuen resolusi tinggi untuk
memahami distribusi reservoir di lapangan Semberah, Cekungan Kutai bagian bawah. Proc. 43rd Ann. Conv.
Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Jakarta, PIT IAGI 2014-180, 11p.
('High-resolution sequence stratigraphy to understand reservoir distribution in the Semberah Field, Lower
Kutai basin'. Detailed correlations of M-L Miocene deltaic sands, shales and minor coals and limestones in
Mentawir Fm (Balikpapan Mb) (palynozones Florschuetzia levipoli from 100’- 850’, Florschuetzia trilobata
from 850’- 4140’). At least 6 sequences)
Abdul Hadi, A.R., K. Xainey, M.S. Ismail & N. Mazshurraiezal (2017)- Sedimentology of the Lambir
Formation (Late Miocene), northern Sarawak, Malaysia. In: M. Awang et al. (eds.) Proc. Int. Conf. Integrated
Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences (ICIPEG2016), Kuala Lumpur 2016, Springer Verlag, p. 569-580.
Abdul Manaf, M. & R.H.F. Wong (1995)- Seismic sequence stratigraphy of the Tertiary sediments, offshore
Sarawak deepwater area, Malaysia. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 37, p. 345-361.
(online at:
(Sarawak deepwater area with eight seismic horizons representing tops of depositional sequences. Six upper
horizons (Late Oligocene- Pleistocene) tied to wells and dated based on paleontologic data. Older horizons
dated by correlation to global sea-level chart. With seismic facies maps)
Abd. Rahman, A.H.A., D. Menier & M Y. Mansor (2014)- Sequence stratigraphic modelling and reservoir
architecture of the shallow marine successions of Baram field, West Baram Delta, offshore Sarawak, East
Malaysia. Marine Petroleum Geol. 58B, p. 687-703
(Sequence stratigraphic study of Late Miocene Baram field, a medium-sized oilfield located in NE Baram Delta
Oil Province, off Sarawak)
Abdullah, N.S. & Harminzar M. (2013)- North Baram & North East Luconia play analysis. In: Petroleum
Geoscience Conf. Exhib. (PGCE 2013), Kuala Lumpur, P43, 4p. (Extended Abstract)
(North Baram and NE Luconia three major play types: (1) Pre-Mid-Miocene Unconformity (Late Oligocene- E
Miocene Cycle I-II) play at NE Luconia, (2) Post-MMU play (Upper Cycle V-VI) at N Baram Delta and (3) M-
Late Miocene Carbonate buildup play in C Luconia province
Abdullah, Nuraiteng T. & A. Kushairi (1987)- Pedawan Formation of the Penrissen area, Sarawak: a revision of
its upper age limit. Warta Geologi (Newsl. Geol. Soc. Malaysia) 13, 2, p. 43-50.
(online at:
(Youngest Globotruncana species at top of Pedawan Fm in Penrissen area (S of Kuching) Marginotruncana
coronata, Marginotruncana angusticarinata and Dicarinella carinata, signifying U Santonian age)
Abdullah, Nuraiteng T. & C.Y. Yaw (1993)- Distribution of foraminiferal assemblages in the Upper Eocene
Batu Gading Limestone, Sarawak. In: T. Thanasuthipitak (ed.) Int. Symposium Biostratigraphy of mainland
Southeast Asia: facies and paleontology (BIOSEA), Chiang Mai 1993, 1, p. 231-242.
(online at:
(In Batu Gading are off Baram River, Sarawak, S of Brunei, , massive U Eocene limestone, disconformably
overlain by Late Oligocene limestone breccia with mixed Late Eocene and Late Oligocene taxa, suggesting
post-Late Eocene emergence. With abundant Eocene larger foraminifera, incl. Nummulites javanus, N.
pengaronensis, Discocyclina, Asterocyclina. Limestones overlain by deep marine beds with earliest Miocene
Globigerina sellii- G. binaiensis planktonic foraminifera)
Abdullah, W.H. (1997)- Common liptinitic constituents of Tertiary coals from the Bintulu and Merit Pila
coalfields, Sarawak, and their relation to oil generation from coal. Petroleum Geology Conference '96, Kuala
Lumpur, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia, 41, p. 85-94.
(online at:
Abdullah, W.H. (1997)- Evidence of early generation of liquid hydrocarbon from suberinite as visible under the
microscope. Organic Geochem. 27, 7/8, p. 591-596.
(Example of early generation of liquid hydrocarbons from suberinite in coal sample from Merit-Pila coal field,
C Sarawak. As observed under microscope, generation of oil-like material, mainly as exsudatinite, from
maceral suberinite occurs at maturity level of ~0.4% vitrinite reflectance)
Abdullah, W.H. (1999)- Oil-generating potential of Tertiary coals and other organic-rich sediments of the
Nyalau Formation, offshore Sarawak. J. Asian Earth Sci. 17, p. 255-267.
(Coals and organic-rich clastics from Late Oligocene- E Miocene Nyalau Fm believed to be major source rock.
Coals dominated by vitrinite, with moderate- low exinite and inertinite. Samples vitrinite reflectance 0.42-
0.72%. Good oil-generating potential anticipated)
Abdullah, W.H. (1999)- Petrographic features of oil-prone coals from the Brunei-Muara District, Negara Brunei
Darussalam. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Proc. 9th Reg. Congress Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of SE Asia
(GEOSEA ’98), Kuala Lumpur 1998, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 43, p. 621-627.
(online at:
(M Miocene Belait Fm coals from Brunei-Muara District possess characteristics of oil-prone coals, like: high
abundance of hydrogen-rich macerals such as suberinite and liptodetrinite, presence of exsudatinite, oil
globules, oil haze and changes in fluorescence intensity. Expulsion of hydrocarbons may start at relatively low
thermal maturity level of 0.42 to 0.49%Ro)
Abdullah, W.H. (2002)- Oil staining in the onshore Togopi Formation, Dent Peninsula, NE Sabah Basin. Warta
Geologi 28, 4, p. 153-156.
(Extensive dark oil staining in white Late Pliocene- Pleistocene Togopi Fm limestone in remote outcrop of,
Dent Peninsula, NE Sabah)
Abdullah, W.H. (2002)- Organic petrological characteristics of limnic and paralic coals of Sarawak. In: G.H.
Teh (ed.) GSM Annual Geological Conference, Kota Bharu 2002, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 45, p. 65-69.
(Study of Tertiary coals from Merit-Pila and the Mukah-Balingian coalfields of Sarawak. Coals deposited in
two distinct depositional settings: Mukah-Balingian coals in paralic, lower coastal plain setting, Merit-Pila
coals were deposited inland in lacustrine setting)
Abdullah, W.H. (2003)- Coaly source rocks of NW Borneo: role of suberinite and bituminite in oil generation
and expulsion. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Petroleum Geol. Conf. Exhib. 2002, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 47, p. 153-163.
(online at:
(Organic petrography suggests suberinite and some others identified as the most oil-prone macerals in NW
Borneo coals. Oil-prone macerals most likely fom bark and root tissues of mangrove plants and other suberin-
bearing plant species)
Abdullah, W.H., M.H. Hakimi, I.E. Shushan & A.H.B. Rahman (2017)- Petroleum source rock characteristics
of marine versus coastal settings: A comparative study between Madbi Formation of Masila Basin, Yemen and
Nyalau Formation of Sarawak, Malaysia. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 63 (Geol. Soc. Malaysia 50th Anniversary
Issue 1), p. 103-115.
(online at:
(Comparison of two completely different oil source rocks, Jurassic of Yemen and Oligo-Miocene of Sarawak)
Abdullah, W.H., V. Kiselev, Y.M. Makeen, T.S. Olayinka & K.A. Mustapha (2014)- Direct liquefaction on low
rank Batu Arang coals of Malaysia: influence of petrographic composition. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 60 (C.S.
Hutchison Memorial Issue), p. 95-98.
Abdullah, W.H. & C.P. Lee (2002)- Hydrocarbon-bearing fissure in the limestone of the Togopi Formation,
Dent Peninsula, Sabah. Warta Geologi 28, 5, p. 193-196.
(online at:
(Geochemistry of dark stained fissure in outcrop, believed to be migrated oil)
Abdullah, W.H., C.P. Lee, P. Gou, M.K. Shuib, T.F. Ng, A.A. Albaghdady, M.F. Mislan & K.A. Mustapha
(2013)- Coal-bearing strata of Labuan: mode of occurrences, organic petrographic characteristics and
stratigraphic associations. J. Asian Earth Sci. 76, p. 334-345.
(Four Cenozoic units with coal-bearing sediments recognized on Labuan, Sabah. From youngest, immature
Belait Fm to Setap Shale and Temburong Fm, to oldest W Crocker Fm, with vitrinite reflectance 0.8-0.9%.
Analysed coals mainly mangrove-derived and considered to be oil-prone as suggested by common occurrences
of oil haze, suberinite, bituminite, exsudatinite and perhydrous vitrinite)
Abdullah, W.H., S.Y. Lee, M.K. Shuib & M.H.A. Hakimi (2011)- Organic-rich sequences of the Miri
Formation, Sarawak : implication for oil generating potential. Proc. 24th Ann. National Geoscience Conference
2011 (NGC2011), Johor Baru, B13, p. 52-53. (Extended Abstract)
(online at:
(Organic facies in outcrops around Miri, Sarawak. M Miocene Miri Fm with organic-rich sandstone intervals
with coal clasts and carbonaceous laminae. Early mature (Vitrinite reflectance Ro 0.35- 0.50%))
Abdullah, W.H., O.S. Togunwa, Y.M. Makeen, M.H. Hakimi, K.A. Mustapha, M.H. Baharuddin, S.G. Sia & F.
Tongkul (2017)- Hydrocarbon source potential of Eocene-Miocene sequence of Western Sabah, Malaysia.
Marine Petroleum Geol. 83, p. 345-361.
(Organic matter present in all formations studied mainly of terrigenous origin and gas prone (Type III and
Type III-IV kerogen), except for minor occurrence of mixed oil-gas prone Type II-III kerogen in Miocene Belait
Fm and in slump mass transport deposits of West Crocker Fm)
Abubaker, T., W.H. Abdullah & A.H. Abd. Rahman (2004)- Biomarkers as palaeoenvironment and thermal
maturity indicators of the Sandakan Formation (Late Miocene) East Sabah, Malaysia. Malaysian J. Science 23,
2, p. 165-174.
(Biomarker distributions and their application as thermal maturity and paleoenvironmental indicators for Late
Miocene Sandakan Fm. Samples analysed thermally immature for oil generation)
Abu Bakar, Z.A., M. Madon & A. Jalil Muhamad (2007)- Deep-marine sedimentary facies in the Belaga
Formation (Cretaceous-Eocene), Sarawak: observations from new outcrops in the Sibu and Tatau areas. Bull.
Geol. Soc. Malaysia 53, p. 35-45.
(online at:
(Description of submarine fan facies in folded, flysch-type deep-marine rocks of Cretaceous- Eocene Belaga
Fm of Rajang Group)
Adams, C.G. (1960)- Eocene and Miocene foraminifera from limestone and shale in the middle Baram Valley,
Sarawak. British Borneo Geol. Survey Annual Report 1959, p. 64-67.
(Occ. Eocene larger forams, incl. Discocyclina javana, Eorupertia, Halkyardia, Nummulites javanus, etc.)
Adams, C.G. (1964)- The age and foraminiferal fauna of the Bukit Sarang limestone, Sarawak, Malaysia. Geol.
Survey Borneo Region, Annual Report 1963, p. 152-162.
(Bukit Sarang Limestone of Sarawak, 20km SE of Tatau, Bintulu, rel. thin (~90m). With Tc/ Early Oligocene
species only: Borelis pygmaeus, Dictyoconus melinauensis n.sp., Halkyardia, Nummulites fichteli, etc.)
Adams, C.G. (1965)- The foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Melinau Limestone, Sarawak, and its importance
in Tertiary correlation. Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London 121, p. 283-338.
(Melinau Lst in NE Sarawak up to 7000’ thick. Age based on larger foraminifera Late Eocene- E Miocene. One
new genus, Wilfordia, three new species: Dictyoconus melinauensis, Neoalveolina inflata, and Wilfordia
sarawakensis. Dictyoconus recorded for first time from Oligocene-age strata)
Adams, C.G. & R. Haak (1962)- The stratigraphical succession in the Batu Gading area, Middle Baram, North
Sarawak. In: N.S. Haile, The geology and mineral resources of the Suai-Baram Area, North Sarawak, British
Borneo Geol. Survey Memoir 13, p. 141-150.
(Along Middle Baram River in NE Sarawak ~120' N-dipping massive Late Eocene limestone unconformably on
folded Late Cretaceous Kelalan/ Rajang Fm. Late Eocene with Tb larger forams Pellatispira, Discocyclina,
Aktinocyclina, Nummulites javanus, etc. Overlain (with erosional surface/ E Oligocene hiatus) by 40' thick
limestone breccia and bedded limestone with reworked Eocene larger forams and Heterostegina borneensis,
Spiroclypeus, Eulepidina, Borelis pygmaeus and Miogypsinoides (Te1-4; interpreted as E Miocene, but should
be latest Oligocene; JTvG). Overlain by earliest Miocene (N4-N5) calcareous shales with Globigerinoides,
Globigerina binaiensis, G. dissimilis, G. ciperoensis)
Adams, C.G. & H.J.C. Kirk (1962)- The Madai-Baturong Limestone member of the chert- spilite formations,
North Borneo. Geol. Magazine 99, 4, p. 289-303.
(Madai-Baturong limestone of Semporna Peninsula, SE Sabah, forms important marker horizon in 'oceanic'
Chert-Spilite Fm. Steeply NE-dipping, up to 2000' thick at Mt Madai. At Mt Madurong with oolite beds. In
lower part with Lower? Cretaceous shallow marine algae (Lithocodium, Cayeuxia, Hensonella) and
Dictyoconus foram. Upper part and breccias with U Cretaceous deep marine planktonic foraminifera
(Campanian Globotruncana, Heterohelix, Praeglobotruncana). Chert-Spilite Fm uplifted against Upper
Tertiary sediments along thrust fault. (Interpreted as seamount deposit on oceanic crust high by Lee (2003))
Adams, C.G. & H.J.C. Kirk (1963)- The Madai-Baturong Limestone member of the chert- spilite formations,
North Borneo. In: F.H. Fitch (ed.) Proc. British Borneo Geological Conference 1961, Kuching, Geol. Survey
Dept., British Territories in Borneo, Bull. 4, Kuching, p. 79-86.
(Same paper as Adams & Kirk 1962)
Adams, C.G. & G.E. Wilford (1972)- On the age and origin of the Keramit and Selidong Limestones, Sarawak,
East Malaysia. Geol. Survey Malaysia, Geological Papers 1, p. 28-42.
(Keramit and Selidong limestones deposited in moderately deep water; Eocene and Oligocene shales with
pelagic foraminifera interbedded with calcarenites with Late Oligocene (Lower Te) larger foraminifera)
Adams, E.W., R.E. Besems & S.J. Gough (2012)- “Pre-MMU” carbonates and the influence of age and tectonic
regimes on their growth styles, Sarawak, Malaysia. In: Petroleum Geoscience Conf. Exhibition (PGCE 2012),
Kuala Lumpur, Warta Geologi 38, 2, p. 120-121.
(online at:
Adams, E.W, P.F.M. Janssen, S. Ghani, S.J. Gough & P. Winefield (2013)- The Lower Miocene Great Barrier
Reef of Sarawak, Malaysia: the exploration potential of Cycle II and III carbonates. In: Petroleum Geoscience
Conf. Exhib. (PGCE 2013), Kuala Lumpur, O25, 3p. (Extended Abstract)
(E Miocene (~20 Ma) widespread passive shelf-margin carbonate deposition in distal part of NW-SE trending
paleo-Sarawak shelf, from northern C Luconia in NW to onshore Sarawak in SE. High-relief carbonate
platform margin developed, and in some locations continued into M-Late Miocene Luconia Province
carbonates. Vast parts of Lower Miocene Cycle II and III carbonates have poor primary reservoir properties)
Agostinelli, E., M. Raisuddin, E. Antoinelli & M. Aris (1990)- Miocene- Pliocene palaeogeographic evolution
of a tract of Sarawak offshore between Bintulu and Miri. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) 13th Petroleum Geology Seminar,
Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 27, p. 117-135.
(online at:
(Six Mio-Pliocene paleogeographic maps offshore Sarawak show progressive shift of paleo-shoreline. W Baram
line paleo-escarpment evident at least since M Miocene. NE of escarpment filled mainly in Late Miocene-
Pliocene by deposits associated with prograding paleo-Baram Delta)
Aitchison, J.C. (1994)- Early Cretaceous (pre-Albian) radiolarians from blocks in Ayer Complex melange,
eastern Sabah, Malaysia, with comments on their regional tectonic significance and the origins of enveloping
melanges. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 9, 3, p. 255-262.
(Red ribbon-bedded chert blocks in Miocene mudstone matrix melange in E Sabah with E Cretaceous
radiolarian fauna (pre-Albian?; no diagnostic species), older than age of oceanic basement rocks in Sulu and
Celebes Seas. Chert-Spilite Fm of E Sabah, from which blocks probably derived, may represent fragments of
early Pacific Ocean seafloor. Blocks incorporated into mud-matrix melange developed during E Miocene NW-
directed collision and overthrusting of Sulu volcanic arc onto thinned continental crust rifted from S China)
Akiyama, Y. (1984)- A case history- exploration, evaluation and development of the Mamut porphyry copper
deposit. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 17, p. 237-255
(online at:
(Mamut deposit in NW Sabah higher associated gold-silver than normal porphyry copper deposits.
Minralization tied to Late Miocene adamellite intrusions into Eocene- Miocene Trusmadi Fm)
Albaghdady, A., W.H. Abdullah & Lee Chai Peng (2003)- An organic geochemical study of the Miocene
sedimentary sequence of Labuan Island, offshore western Sabah, East Malaysia. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 46,
p. 455-460.
(online at:
(Labuan island off W coast of Sabah with outcrops of E-M Miocene Temburong, Setap Shale and Belait Fms.
Thermal maturity is early mature to mid mature for oil generation)
Alexander, J.B. (1956)- British Borneo. In: Lexique stratigraphique international, Stratigraphic Comm., Int.
Geol. Congress, Paris, III (Asie), 7, p. 1-313.
(First edition of North Borneo stratigraphic lexicon; see also second edition by Fitch (1961))
Algar, S., C. Milton, H. Upshall, J. Roestenburg & P. Crevello (2011)- Mass-transport deposits of the deepwater
Northwestern Borneo margin- characterization from seismic-reflection, borehole, and core data with
implications for hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation. In: R.C. Shipp et al. (eds.) Mass-transport deposits in
deepwater settings, Soc. Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) Spec. Publ. 96, p. 351-366.
Algar, S. (2012)- Big oil from “gas-prone” source rocks and leaking traps: Northwest Borneo. AAPG Int. Conf.
Exhib., Singapore 2012, Search and Discovery Art. 10465, p. 1-40. (Abstract and Presentation)
(online at:
(Murphy 2002 Kikeh Field oil discovery in offshore Sabah deepwater (>400 MMBO) in deepwater sands in
thrust structure. Oil source material M Miocene terrestrial plant material, present mainly in sandstones. Most
oil fields on Sabah shelf have abundant crestal faulting; presence of oil fields in 'gas province' probably due to
gas leakage via faults)
Ali, A.M. & E. Padmanabhan (2014)- Quartz surface morphology of Tertiary rocks from North East Sarawak,
Malaysia: implications for paleo-depositional environment and reservoir rock quality predictions. Petroleum
Expl. Development 41, 6, p. 761-770.
(Study of surface damage of quartz crystals from weathering and diagenesis in Miocene outcrop sandstones
from Sarawak. Belait conglomerates with euhedral quartz crystals with mechanical weathering defects, and
higher porosity than. Lambir sandstones with more chemical weathering features. Coatings of authigenic clay
and iron oxides inhibit or delay cementation, consequently preserving porosity
Ali, M.Y. (1992)- Carbonate cement stratigraphy and timing of hydrocarbon migration: an example from
Tigapapan Unit, offshore Sabah. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 32, p. 185-211.
(online at:
(Late Miocene Tigapapan Unit one of several hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs in offshore NW Sabah Basin.
Consists of bioclast-rich, clastics, interpreted as progradation storm shoal deposits. Cathodoluminescence,
geochemical and isotopic studies indicate 9 stages of carbonate cementation, formed from near surface to 2 km
depth. Sr isotope dating of dolomites indicates two events, 10.5 Ma and 8.9 Ma))
Ali, M.Y. (1995)- Carbonate cement stratigraphy and timing of diagenesis in a Miocene mixed carbonate-clastic
sequence, offshore Sabah, Malaysia: Constraints from cathodoluminescence, geochemistry, and isotope studies.
Sedimentary Geology 99, p. 191-214.
(Similar paper to Ali (1992) on carbonate cementation history in Middle-Late Miocene sandstone reservoir
offshore NW Sabah)
Ali, M.Y. (2014)- An integrated analysis of the depositional control, sedimentology and diagenesis of Cenozoic
carbonates from the Sarawak Basin, East Malaysia. Ph.D. Thesis Imperial College, University of London, p. 1-
(online at:
(Comprehensive analysis of Cenozoic carbonates from Sarawak Basin, both onshore (4 Late Eocene -E
Miocene units) and offshore (4 M-L Miocene build-ups in offshore C Luconia). Carbonate growth mainly
controlled by paleo-basement structures: some carbonates on flat rift blocks show flat-top morphology; on
tilted sub-blocks often conical shapes. Eustacy probably main controlling mechanism for carbonate growth.
Late Eocene Lower Batu Gading Lst massive nummulitic facies with Pellatispira; E Miocene U Batu Gading
Lst on disconformity and composed of finely bedded and brecciated limestones. Suai Lst (Te5?) fining-upward
parasequences of larger foraminifera dominated by large Eulepidina spp. E Miocene Subis Lst (Te5) rich in
corals, foraminifera and algae. Bekenu Lst laminated marls-shale calci-turbidites). Luconia offshore
carbonates greater similarity in facies and sequences. Ten stages of calcite cementation/ dolomitisation.
Presence of high T minerals indicate late stage corrosive fluids of hydrothermal origin, responsible for
porosity- permeability enhancement of reservoirs)
Alias, F.L. (2014)- Organic petrological and organic geochemical of tertiary coals within the west middle block
of the Pinangah coal field, Sabah, Malaysia. Masters Thesis, University of Malaya, p. 1-140.
(online at:
Alias, F.L., W.H. Abdullah, M.H. Hakimi, M.H. Azhar & R.L. Kugler (2012)- Organic geochemical
characteristics and depositional environment of the Tertiary Tanjong Formation coals in the Pinangah area,
onshore Sabah, Malaysia. Int. J. Coal Geology 104, p. 9-21.
(Tertiary Tanjong Fm coals in Pinangah Coalfield, S Sabah, are humic, dominated by vitrinite, with significant
liptinite and low inertinite macerals. Total organic carbon 51-78%, with bitumen values 57,300-140,000 ppm,
therefore source rock with good hydrocarbon-generative potential. Good liquid hydrocarbons generation
potential can also be expected from significant liptinitic content (>15%). Vitrinite reflectance Ro 0.42- 0.66%,
indicating immature- early mature stage for hydrocarbon generation)
Allen, A.W. (1951)- The geology of the Lundu-Sematon-Tanjong Datu area of the first division of Sarawak.
M.Sc. Thesis Durham University, p. 1-170.
(online at:
Allman-Ward, P. (1998)- Subsurface deepwater challenges in Brunei. Proc. 12th Offshore SE Asia Conf. 1998
(OSEA 98), Singapore, SE Asia Petroleum Expl. Soc. (SEAPEX), p. 219-233.
(Offshore Brunei deepwater play in marine turbidites with variable reservoir development. Only sizeable
deepwater finds to date: Brunei Shell Merpati (1992) gas/condensate field and Elf Perdana oil discovery)
Almond, J., P. Vincent & L.R. Williams (1990)- The application of detailed reservoir geological studies in the
D18 Field, Balingian Province, offshore Sarawak. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 27, p. 137-159.
(online at:
(Reservoir study of 1981 D18 Field discovery, 56 miles NW of Bintulu, Balingian province, off Sarawak.
Productive reservoirs E Miocene (Cycle II) lower coastal plain and delta plain deposits. Geological model with
NW to NE progradation and abandonment of small delta lobes in river-dominated lower delta plain setting)
Alshebani, K.A., W.H. Abdullah & A.H. Abd. Rahman (2003)- Biomarker characterization and thermal
maturity evaluation of Ganduman Formation, Sahabat area, Dent Peninsula, E Sabah, Malaysia. Bull. Geol. Soc.
Malaysia 46, p. 461-466.
(online at:
(Pliocene sediments fluvio-deltaic/ lacustrine Ganduman Fm in Sahabat area of Dent Peninsula, E Sabah, still
immature for hydrocarbon generation. Extract of one immature sandstone sample thermally mature, suggesting
migrated hydrocarbons)
Anderson, J.A.R. & J. Muller (1975)- Palynological study of a Holocene peat and a Miocene coal deposit from
NW Borneo. Review Palaeobotany Palynology 19, p. 291-351.
(Palynology study of Holocene raised peat bog near Marudi (Sarawak) and Miocene coal near Berakas
(Brunei) and compared with present-day swamp vegetation along NW Borneo coast. 76 pollen and spore types
recognized. Floristic composition of mixed swamp forest stage in both bogs closely comparable. Only one spore
type, Stenochlaena areolaris became extinct in Borneo)
Anuar, A., P. Abolins, P. Crevello & W.H. Abdullah (2003)- A geochemical evaluation of the west Crocker
Formation- clues to deepwater source rock facies. Warta Geologi 29, 6, p. 267-268. (Abstract only)
(online at:
(Geochemistry of outcrop samples from deep water facies of West Crocker Fm around Kota Kinabalu. Pelagic
basin floor shales with low organic content (TOC <0.5%) and unlikely source facies. Biomarkers mainly
marine signature (even C27, C28, C29 sterane, presence of C30 steranes, absence of higher plant indicators
oleanane and bicadinanes and low Tm/ Ts and Pr/Ph ratios). Fine turbiditic shales (levee/overbank deposits or
fine tails of turbidity currents with variable TOC (0.11-2.5%); possible source facies. Shales associated with
Anuar, A. & R.R.F. Kinghorn (1995)- Sterane and iriterpane biomarker characteristics from oils and sediment
extracts of the Middle-Upper Miocene sequences, Northern Sabah basin. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Proc. AAPG-GSM
Int. Conf. 1994, SE Asian basins; oil and gas for the 21st century. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 37, p. 415-436.
(Biomarker studies on oils and sediments from N Sabah Basin wells show dominantly terrigenous organic
matter source for hydrocarbons: high triterpane/sterane ratios, compounds diagnostic of land-derived plant
organic matter such as oleanane and resins W, T and R, and predominance of C 29 regular steranes over C27
and C28. Majority of extracted sediments immature (first authors to suggest landplants as main hydrocarbon
source in deep marine enviroments around Borneo?; JTvG))
Anuar, A. & A.J. Muhamad (1997)- A comparison of source rock facies and hydrocarbon types of the Middle
Miocene sequence, Offshore NW Sabah Basin, Malaysia. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Petroleum Systems of SE Asia
and Australasia, Jakarta 1997, p. 773-786.
(Potential source rocks in NW Sabah Basin in three broad paleoenvironments: 1) coastal-lower coastal plain;
2) fluviomarine and 3) continental shelf-deep marine areas. Preservation of organic matter seems related to
high productivity, high sediment accumulation rates and resistant nature of Type I11 higher land plant waxes to
oxidation and biodegradation. Anoxic depositional conditions not essential for organic matter preservation.
Oils discovered in each of these settings similar biomarkers: large oleanane peak, common bicadinanes, and
C2q-tetracyclic terpane, but only a small portion of source extracts correlates positively with Sabah oils)
Asis, J., M.N.I. Abdul Rahman, B. Jasin & S. Tahir (2015)- Late Oligocene and Early Miocene planktic
foraminifera from the Temburong Formation, Tenom, Sabah. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 61, p. 43-47.
(online at:
(Temburong Fm at Paal River, Tenom district, SW Sabah, fine-grained flysch deposits of distal part of deep-sea
fan. Two shale samples with planktonic foraminifera: (1) Globorotalia ciperoensis Zone (P22; Chattian) and
(2) Catapsydrax dissimilis-Praeorbulina sicana Zone (N7; late Burdigalian))
Asis, J. & Basir Jasin (2010)- Radiolaria Kapur dalam kompleks ofiolit Teluk Darvel di Sungai Sipit Lahundai,
Kunak, Sabah. Borneo Science 27, p. 1-4.
(online at: )
('Cretaceous radiolaria in the Darvel Bay Ophiolite Complex at the Sipit Lahunday River, Kunak, Sabah'.
Darvel Bay Ophiolite Complex consists of mafic-ultramafic association, overlain by bedded chert. Bedded chert
has abundant radiolarians and is exposed at Sipit Lahundai River, 22 km from Kunak. Three Aptian- Turonian
Asis, J. & Basir Jasin (2011)- Some Cretaceous radiolaria from Darvel Bay Ophiolite complex, Kunak, Sabah.
Proc. 24th Ann. National Geoscience Conference 2011 (NGC2011), Johor Baru, B13, p. 82. (Abstract)
(online at:
(Darvel Bay Ophiolite Complex of SE Sabah withperidotite, gabbro, pillow basalt and reddish-brown chert.
Cherts along Kunak-Semporna road with 56 species of radiolaria, of 3 assemblages: I: Aptian-Albian, with
Sticomitra simplex, Crucella bossoensis, etc.; II: Albian-Cenomanian, with Xitus mclauglini, Pseudoaulophacus
sculptus, Dictyomitra gracilis, etc.; III: Turonian, with Pseudotheocampe tina, Crucella cahensis, Dictyomitra
multicostata, etc.. Bedded chert with abundant radiolarians indicates high plankton productivity, possibly
related to upwelling. Absence of limestone suggests deposition below CCD depth)
Asis, J. & Basir Jasin (2012)- Some Cretaceous radiolaria from Kuamut Melange, Kunak, Sabah. Geol. Soc.
Malaysia, Nat. Geoscience Conf., Kuching 2012, Paper A2, p. 9-10.
Asis, J. & Basir Jasin (2012)- Aptian to Turonian radiolaria from the Darvel Bay Ophiolite Complex, Kunak,
Sabah. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 58, p. 89-96.
(online at:
(Darvel Bay Ophiolite Complex (formerly known as Chert-Spilite Fm) of E Sabah composed of ultramafics,
basalts, etc., capped by red radiolarian chert. Folded bedded cherts with 56 species of Aptian-Turonian
radiolarians in three assemblages. I (Aptian-Albian) with Sticomitra simplex, Crucella bossoensis, Xitus clava,
Dictyomitra communis, etc.; II (Albian-Cenomanian)with Xitus mclaughlini, Pseudoaulophacus sculptus,
Dictyomitra gracilis, etc.; III (Turonian) with Pseudotheocampe tina, Ultranapora cretacea, Alievium
superbum, Crucella cachensis, etc.. Abundance of radiolarians reflects high planktonic productivity. Absence of
limestone indicates deposition below Calcite Compensation Depth)
Asis, J. & Basir Jasin (2013)- Aptian to Turonian radiolarians from chert blocks in the Kuamut Melange, Sabah,
Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana 42, 5, p. 561-570.
(online at:
(Miocene Kuamut Melange in Kunak district, SE Sabah, probably unconformably overlies Darvel Bay Ophiolite
Complex. Consists of broken Paleogene formations and dismembered ophiolite blocks embedded in shale with
chert matrix. Fourteen samples from 1-2.5m thick chert-siliceous shale section on pillow basalt, with 45 species
of radiolaria. Three assemblages: I (Aptian-Albian), II (Albian-Cenomanian) and III (Turonian). Cherts
deposited on floor of marginal ocean basin in Cretaceous and tectonically deformed in melange in M Miocene)
Asis, J. & Basir Jasin (2013)- Miocene larger benthic foraminifera from the Kalumpang Formation, Tawau,
Sabah: preliminary interpretation. In: Proc. Nat. Geoscience Conf., Ipoh 2013, Geol. Soc. Malaysia, p. 66-68.
(Extended Abstract only)
(online at:…)
(Miocene larger foraminifera from Spit Lst unit of Kalumpang Fm in Teck Guan Quarry, Tawau, SE Sabah,
with 14 species of larger foraminifera, incl. Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) spp., Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina),
Miogypsina, Cycloclypeus (Katacycloclypeus) annulatus, Flosculinella bontangensis, etc. (most likely age
Middle Miocene; Langhian; JTvG). See also Asis and Jasin 2015))
Asis, J. & Basir Jasin (2015)- Miocene larger benthic foraminifera from the Kalumpang Formation in Tawau,
Sabah. Sains Malaysiana 44, 10, p. 1397-1405.
(online at:
(Samples of Kalumpang Fm/ Sipit Mb reefal limestone in 46m thick section at Teck Guan Quarry, 50km E of
Tawau, SE Sabah. Formation faulted and thrusted against Cretaceous Darvel Bay Ophiolite Complex at Darvel
Bay area. 17 species of larger foraminifera, in two assemblages: (1) Lepidocyclina (N) parva, L. (Eulepidina)
formosa (Te5, Aquitanian-Burdigalian; E Miocene); (2) Lepidocyclina (N) sumatrensis, Lepidocyclina (N)
angulosa, Lepidocyclina spp., Miogypsina sp., Katacycloclypeus annulatus, Cycloclypeus spp., Flosculinella
bontangensis, etc. (Tf1-2; M Miocene))
Atkinson, C.D., M.J.B.G. Goesten, A. Speksnijder & W. van der Vlugt (1986)- Storm-generated sandstone in
the Miocene Miri Formation, Seria Field, Brunei (NW Borneo). In: R.J. Knight & R.J. McClean (eds.) Shelf
sands and sandstones, Canadian Soc. Petroleum Geol. Memoir 11, p. 213-240.
(Cores from 20-25m thick reservoir interval in U Miocene Miri Fm, Seria field of Baram Delta Basin composed
predominantly of silty-sandy shales interspersed with numerous sandstone beds. Sands two main types: (1) thin
(0.1-1.5m), fining-upward units with patchy, sheet-like geometry and lateral extent of 100- 1500m (single storm
events); and (2) thicker (1.5- 3m), more extensive (>2 km) amalgamated sands (stacked storm sands of the
lower-middle shoreface. Overall shelf regression and shoaling, followed by transgression and deepening)
Aziz bin Ali, Che (1993)- Sedimentology and diagenesis of the E11 carbonate buildup and the Subis Limestone
(Miocene), Sarawak, Malaysia. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Reading, p. 1-. (Unpublished)
Back, S., C.K. Morley, M.D. Simmons & J.J. Lambiase (2001)- Depositional environment and sequence
stratigraphy of Miocene deltaic cycles exposed along the Jerudong Anticline, Brunei Darussalam. J.
Sedimentary Res. 71, 6, p. 913-921.
(Km-scale prograding delta clinoforms in outcrop. Large clinoforms at base of Miocene Belait delta represent
three major sand-shale sequences. Accumulation most likely during relative sea-level lowstand. Overlying 1-1.5
km thick shale unit interpreted as transgressive and early highstand conditions. Rapid progradation of thick
sand-dominated shoreface deposits characterizes late highstand. All sediments formed in shoreface to shelfal
setting in front of mud-rich delta, not continental-slope to deep-marine environment)
Back, S., F. Strozyk, P.A. Kukla & J.J. Lambiase (2008)- Three-dimensional restoration of original sedimentary
geometries in deformed basin fill, onshore Brunei Darussalam, NW Borneo. Basin Research 20, p. 99-117.
(W flank of Jerudong Anticline, onshore Brunei, exposes base of majorMiocene mud-rich delta, including km-
scale prograding clinoforms, delta-front turbidites and large- scale syndepositional faults. Lateral continuation
of system in subsurface of Belait Syncline is documented on 2D seismic data and wireline logs)
Back, S., H.J. Tioe, T.X. Thang & C.K. Morley (2005)- Stratigraphic development of synkinematic deposits in
a large growth-fault system, onshore Brunei Darussalam. J. Geol. Soc., London, 162, p. 243-257.
(Km-scale syn-sedimentary fault in outcrop in M Miocene deltaics along Jerudong Anticline, onshore Brunei
Baioumy, H., A.M. A. Salim, M.H. Arifin, M.N.A. Anuar & A.A. Musa (2018)- Geochemical characteristics of
the Paleogene-Neogene coals and black shales from Malaysia: implications for their origin and hydrocarbon
potential. J. Natural Gas Science Engineering 51, p. 73-88.
(On Cenozoic coals and associated black shales in Peninsular Malaysia (Eocene- Oligocene coals in small
basins on West coast), Sarawak (Late Oligocene- Miocene coals in Nyalau, Liang, Begrih and Balingian Fms)
and S Sabah (M Miocene coals in Tanjong Fm). All have mixed Type II-III kerogens and hydrogen index
suggesting potential for gas and oil generation. Coals and black shales from M Miocene Tanjong Fm formed
under wetter climate conditions than others)
Bait, B. (2003)- Geology of Kinabalu field and its water-injection scheme. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Petroleum
Geology Conference and Exhibition 2002, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 47, p. 165-179.
(online at:
(Geology and development of Late Miocene shallow marine 'L sandstone' reservoir in 1989 Kinabalu oil
discovery, offshore Sabah shelf. Hydrocarbons in >30 reservoirs, trapped against Kinabalu growth fault)
Balaguru, A. (1997)- Sedimentologi dan stratigrafi batuan sedimen Miosen di Lembangan Malibau, Sabah.
Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 40, p. 177-105.
Balaguru, A. (2001)- Tectonic evolution and sedimentation of the southern Sabah Basin, Malaysia. Ph.D.
Thesis, University of London, p. 1-420. (Unpublished)
Balaguru, A. (2008)- Tectonic evolution, sedimentation and chronostratigraphic chart of Sabah, Malaysia.
Petroleum Geology Conf. Exhib. (PGCE), Kuala Lumpur 2008, 2p. (Abstract only)
(At least three major episodes linked to NW-SE compression coinciding with subduction of Proto-South China
Sea: (1) Late Eocene (Sarawak Orogeny; collision of Luconia Continental Block; onshore Sarawak only); (2)
middle E Miocene (22-20Ma; Sabah Orogeny-BMU-Base Miocene Unc.; collision of Dangerous Ground
Balaguru, A. (2009)- Basin evolution, stratigraphy and petroleum system of the NE Sabah Basin: based on
integrated onshore and offshore studies. In: Proc. Petrol. Geol. Conf. Exh., Kuala Lumpur 2009, 4p.
(At least 3 major tectonic phases in Mio-Pliocene in NE Sabah basin: pre-rift forearc, rift and post-rift
inversion. Regional intra-E Miocene unconformity as consequence of collision of Dangerous Ground Block
with NW Borneo. End of rifting related to 15.5 Ma collision of Palawan microcontinent and Cagayan arc,
producing inversion and M Miocene unconformity. Late Miocene unconformity uplift and erosion related to 8.6
Ma collision of Philippine Block and SE margin of SE Asia)
Balaguru, A. & R. Hall (2009)- Tectonic evolution and sedimentation of Sabah, North Borneo, Malaysia.
Extended Abstract AAPG Int. Conf. Exhibition, Cape Town 2008, 15p.
(online at:
(At least 3 major episodes of NW-SE compression coinciding with ongoing subduction of proto-South China
Sea during Late Eocene, E Miocene and M Miocene)
Balaguru, A. & T. Lukie (2012)- Tectono-stratigraphy and development of the Miocene delta systems on an
active margin of Northwest Borneo, Malaysia. Petrol. Geosc. Conf. Exh. (PGCE 2012), Kuala Lumpur, Warta
Geologi 38, 2, p. 127-129.
(online at:
(Extended Abstract. Miocene- Recent regressive fluvio-deltaic systems progressively deformed and overlie
Oligocene low-metamorphic Crocker accretionary complexes. Three deltaic complexes, generally younging
from E to W: (1) mid E Miocene - early M Miocene Meligan Delta is separated by M Miocene unconformity (=
Deep Regional unconformity) from (2) M-L Miocene Champion Delta; separated by Late Miocene Shallow
Regional Unconformity from (3) Baram Delta)
Balaguru, A. & G. Nichols (2004)- Tertiary stratigraphy and basin evolution, Southern Sabah (Malaysian
Borneo). J. Asian Earth Sci. 23, p. 537-554.
(Stratigraphy revision, with recognition of late E Miocene regional unconformity around 22-19 Ma, earlier
than generally accepted age of ~17 Ma. Cretaceous? ophiolitic basement overlain by Eocene accretionary
complex and Oligocene deep marine forearc sediments. Late Oligocene- E. Miocene melange formation, etc.)
Balaguru, A., G.J. Nichols & R. Hall (2003)- The origin of the 'circular basins' of Sabah, Malaysia. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Malaysia 46, p. 335-351.
(Sub-circular basins’ of Meliau, Malibau and Tidung areas are structurally controlled synclines, interpreted as
remnants of single large basin, deformed in NW-SE trending transpressional zones. Recognition in field of E
Miocene regional unconformity, possibly equivalent to Deep Regional Unconformity offshore. Below
unconformity deposits of Eocene accretionary complex over ophiolitic basement and Oligocene Labang/
Kuamut Fms deep water succession formed in forearc basin, and underwent syn-depositional deformation.
Above unconformity is Tanjung Fm of Late E Miocene to M Miocene (NN3-NN5))
Balaguru, A., G.J. Nichols & R. Hall (2003)- Tertiary stratigraphy and basin evolution of Southern Sabah:
implications for the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of Sabah, Malaysia. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Petroleum Geology
Conf. 2002, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 47, p. 27-49.
(online at:
(Revised stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of S Sabah. E Miocene (Burdigalian; ~22-19 Ma) uplift/erosion
event in outcrop, probably equivalent to Deep Regional Unconformity offshore (but usually placed at 17 Ma).
Eocene accretionary complex over ophiolitic basement and Late Paleogene deep water forearc basin series,
including extensive melange. Localised limestone deposition during E Miocene uplift followed by up to 6000m
Banda, R.M. (1994)- Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Miri-Tinjar road section, North Sarawak,
Malaysia. In: F. Chand (conv.) Proc. 25th Geol. Conf., Techn. Papers, 6, Geol. Survey Malaysia, p. 77-116.
Banda, R.M. (1998)- The geology and planktic foraminiferal stratigraphy of the Northwest Borneo basin,
Sarawak, Malaysia. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Tsukuba, Japan, p. 1-145.
(online at:….)
(Overview of NW Borneo/ West Sarawak geology, mainly reflecting Early Cretaceous- Eocene period of S-
directed subduction, creating accretionary complexes, which ceased after Late Eocene Luconia Block collision.
Followed by study of planktonic foraminifera from overlying Late Oligocene-Pliocene basin)
Banda, R.M. (2000)- The planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Miri-Gunong Subis area, Sarawak,
Malaysia. Techn. Papers Min.Geosc. Dept. Malaysia 1, p. 89-131.
(Miri-Gunong Subis area four lithostratigraphic unit: Suai Fm metamorphosed shale (Ga binaiensis Zone;
early Early Miocene), Sibuti mudstone (Gs sicanus Zone; Mid Early Miocene), Lambir sandy alternations
(Orbulina suturalis-Gr peripheronda Zone; early Mid Miocene) and Miri Fm (barren) sandy alternations)
Banda, R.M. & A.U. Ambun (1997)- Major geological events since Cretaceous in Sarawak, Malaysia. In:
M.P.J. Militante (ed.) Third Int. Symp. Int. Geol. Correl. Program (IGCP) Project 350, Cretaceous
environmental change in East and South Asia. J. Geol. Soc. Philippines 52, p. 198-215.
(Sarawak and NE Kalimantan 5 tectonostratigraphic units 1) Borneo Basement of Carboniferous-Triassic
volcanics and metamorphics in NW and C Kalimantan; 2) E Cretaceous melange, widespread in Sarawak and
Kalimantan, slices of W Sarawak Block, shallow to deep marine sediments and underlying ophiolitic rocks; 3)
Folded Rajang Group, 5000’ of Early Cretaceous- Paleocene sediments in accretionary prism formed in
response to S- directed subduction of oceanic lithosphere from E Cretaceous- Late Eocene; 4) Isolated Basin
clastics, and 5) Peripheral Neogene basin clastics. Late Eocene regional deformation and uplift, termed
Sarawak Orogen, with development of major faults like Lupar, Sebangkoi and Mersing)
Banda, R.M., Amiruddin, W. Gunawan, A. Yan, Y. Ramli, D. Badang, T. Galina & R. Banjar (2012)- Progress
report- Malaysian-Indonesian geological correlation program in the border area Sintang-Silantek area. Geol.
Soc. Malaysia, Nat. Geoscience Conf., Kuching 2012, Paper A20, p. 36-38.
(In Sintang-Silantek area same geological formations are stretching NW-SE across Sarawak- Kalimantan
border but names and stratigraphic nomenclatures differ: (1) in NE tightly folded turbiditic sediments (Kapuas
Complex, Lupar Fm) in fault contact with: (2) Lubok Antu= Keriau melange/ Kapuas Complex belt of broken
formation, ophiolitic rocks and Jurassic-Cretaceous cherts in sheared shale matrix (Danau Complex, Pakong
mafic complex), possibly as young as Paleocene?; (3) in SW sandstone basins of Kantu (= Silantek Fm; Late
Eocene?), Tutoop (= Plateau Sst) and Ketangau Fms. Widespread mainly Miocene intrusives in Sintang and
Silantek area, named Sintang Intrusives)
Banda, R.M. & E. Honza (1996)- Miocene stratigraphy of northwest Borneo Basin. Warta Geologi (Newsl.
Geol. Soc. Malaysia). 22, 3, p. 242-243. (Brief abstract only)
(Regional Mapping Programme of Geological Survey of Malaysia in NW Sarawak defined four formations in
Miocene of area: Miri Fm (Mid to Late Miocene), Lambir Fm (early M Miocene), Sibuti Fm in mid E Miocene
and Suai Fm from early E Miocene. Additional member ise Subis Limestone Mb in the lower part of Sibuti Fm)
Banda, R.M., D. Lakkui, P. Chung & N. Lian (2009)- Lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic correlations of
Miocene sediments in the Pinangah coal basin and surrounding areas, Sabah. In: 11th Reg. Congress Geology,
Mineral and Energy Resources of Southeast Asia (GEOSEA 2009), Kuala Lumpur, p. 50. (Abstract only)
(Summary of mapping coal in outcrops of M Miocene Tanjong Fm, central South Sabah)
Barker, S.M., J. Jong, Q.T. Tran, K. Ogawa & S. Noon (2017)- A high resolution bio-sequence stratigraphic
interpretation of quaternary geology- a case study from deepwater Sarawak area. Asia Petroleum Geoscience
Conf. Exhib. (APGCE 2017), Kuala Lumpur, 43205, p. 29-37. (Extended Abstract)
(Bunguran Trough is intra-continental pull-apart basin in deepwater offshore Sarawak, and distal part of
Rajang Delta system. Discussion of Messinian-Holocene sequence/ biostratigraphy in area based on new JX
Nippon 'T-1' exploration well, with ~770m thick M Pleistocene and almost 1000m Late Pleistocene- Holocene.
New Late Pleistocene- Holocene cycle (cycle IX) proposed for Shell 'NW Borneo cycle scheme')
Bayliss, D.D. (1966)- Foraminifera from the Bau Limestone Formation, Sarawak, Malaysia. Geol. Survey
Borneo region Malaysia, Annual Report 1965, p. 173-195.
(Bau Limestone in W Sarawak with rel. low diversity Late Jurassic foraminifera assemblages, mainly
Nautiloculina oolithica, Pseudocyclammina lituus (forma alpha) and Torinosuella peneropliformis (see also
Wilford & Kho 1965))
Beattie, D. (1986)- Gravity modeling of a mafic-ultramafic association, Darvel Bay, Sabah, Northern Borneo.
B.Sc. Thesis Dalhousie University, Halifax, p. 1-56.
(online at:
(Pre-Tertiary mafic-ultramafic rocks at Darvel Bay, E Sabah, form ophiolite suite and provide evidence for M
Tertiary island arc-continent collision zone from SE to NW Sabah. Gravity survey shows positive anomaly of 70
mgal associated with outcropping mafic and ultramafic rocks (see also Ryall & Beattie 1996))
Beauvais, L. & H. Fontaine (1990)- Corals from the Bau limestone formation, Jurassic of Sarawak, Malaysia.
In: H. Fontaine (ed.) Ten years of CCOP research on the Pre-Tertiary of East Asia, CCOP Techn. Publ. 20, p.
(Well-preserved coral fauna of Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgean- Tithonian, possibly extending into earliest
Cretaceous) age from Bau Lst, W Sarawak, incl. Cladophyllia ramaea, Cuneiphyllia, Latiphyllia, Litharaeopsis,
etc.. Corals belong to species of North Tethys, no species as known from S Tethys. (Limestone similar to some
limestones from Sumatra and N Palawan Block, with common species stromatoporoid Cladocoropsis, foram
Pseudocyclammina lituus, algae Salpingoporella, etc. JTvG))
Beets, C. (1943)- Brechites venustulus, ein neuer Fund aus dem Miocan der Landschaft Serawak, N.W. Borneo.
Leidsche Geol. Mededelingen 13, p. 329-333.
(On a new species of tube-shaped pelecypod of genus Brechites from Miocene of Sarawak)
Behain, D. (2005)- Gas hydrate offshore NW Sabah: morpho-tectonic influence of gas hydrate and estimation
of concentration of gas hydrate above and free gas below the gas hydrate stability zone. Doct. Thesis
Technische Universitat Clausthal, p. 1-153.
(online at:
Benard, F., C. Muller, J. Letouzey, C. Rangin & S. Tahir (1990)- Evidence of multiphase deformation in the
Rajang-Crocker Range (northern Borneo) from Landsat imagery interpretation: geodynamic implications.
Tectonophysics 183, p. 321-339.
(Sarawak structural trends essentially E-W, with first deformation in E-M Eocene. Second event marked by N-
ward thrusting of Eocene over Oligocene, prior to deposition of M Miocene. In Crocker Belt of Sabah two
oblique generations of structures before deposition of U-M Miocene. Tight folds, trending N-S in Brunei, N60E
in N Sabah, bending to N130°E in Sandakan area. This pattern affected by late N60E-trending normal faults in
C Sabah) (see also Comments by (1) Hutchison, Tectonophysics 204, p. 175-177 and (2) Haile, Tectonophysics
204, p. 178-180))
Ben-Awuah, J. & E. Padmanabhan (2014)- Porosity and permeability modifications by diagenetic processes in
fossiliferous sandstones of the West Baram Delta, Offshore Sarawak. Int. J. Petroleum Geoscience Engineering
(IJPGE) 2, 2, p. 151-170.
(online at:
((Productive units of M-U Miocene cycles V and VI in Baram Delta have enhanced porosity-permeability from
dissolution of fossils. Similar to 2015 paper below)
Ben-Awuah, J. & E. Padmanabhan (2015)- Porosity and permeability modification by diagenetic processes in
fossiliferous sandstones of the Baram Delta, Sarawak Basin, Malaysia. In: M. Awang et al. (eds.) 3rd Int. Conf.
Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences (ICIPEG2014), Kuala Lumpur 2014, Springer Verlag, p. 47-
(Productive units of M-U Miocene cycles V and VI in Baram Delta have enhanced porosity-permeability from
dissolution of fossils)
Ben-Awuah, J. & E. Padmanabhan (2015)- Effect of bioturbation on reservoir rock quality of sandstones: a case
from the Baram Delta, offshore Sarawak, Malaysia. Petroleum Exploration Development 42, 2, p. 223-231.
(Depending on type of burrow, porosity- permeability of sandstone reservoirs in M-U Miocene of offshore
Baram Delta either enhanced (Ophiomorpha burrows with clean sand fill) or reduced (Diplocraterion burrows
with clays and organic matter in burrow fills) by bioturbation)
Ben-Awuah, J. & E. Padmanabhan (2017)- Heterogeneity in hydrocarbon and organic matter distribution in the
offshore West Baram Delta, Sarawak Basin. In: M. Awang et al. (eds.) Proc. Int. Conf. Integrated Petroleum
Engineering and Geosciences (ICIPEG2016), Kuala Lumpur 2016, Springer Verlag, p. 373-384.
Ben-Awuah, J., E. Padmanabhan, S. Andriamihaja, P.O. Amponsah & Y. Ibrahim (2016)- Petrophysical and
reservoir characteristics of sedimentary rocks from offshore west Baram Delta, Sarawak Basin, Malaysia.
Petroleum and Coal 58, 4, p. 414-429.
(online at:
(Reservoir quality of M-U Miocene sandstones on offshore W Baram Delta wells. Average porosity 25 %,
permeability 1911 mD for coarse grained sandstones, 5.7 % and 1.4 mD for very fine grained sandstones,
16.5% and 23 mD for bioturbated sandstone, etc. Excellent reservoir rock quality in coarse sandstones
attributed to lack of cement between grains, good intergranular porosity and pore connectivity)
Ben-Awuah, J., E. Padmanabhan & R. Sokkalingam (2017)- Geochemistry of Miocene sedimentary rocks from
offshore West Baram Delta, Sarawak Basin, Malaysia, South China Sea: implications for weathering,
provenance, tectonic setting, paleoclimate and paleoenvironment of deposition. Geosciences J. 21, 2, p. 167-
(Geochemistry, provenance, tectonic setting, etc., of offshore Miocene clastics in W Baram Delta Sandstones
provenance mainly felsic-intermediate igneous with minor mafic contribution. Passive margin tectonic setting
Bergman, S.C., C.S. Hutchison, D.A. Swauger & J.E. Graves (2000)- K:Ar ages and geochemistry of the Sabah
Cenozoic volcanic rocks. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 44, p. 165-171.
(online at:
(M Miocene (~14-19 Ma) K-Ar dates of volcanic rocks of S Dent Peninsula and Semporna Peninsula. Pliocene
rift-related, low K tholeiite series subaerial basalts of Kunak area. Miocene volcanics of Semporna and S Dent
Peninsulas calc-alkaline affinities with geochemistry indicating subduction related genesis)
Bernard, B.B. (2005)- Proof of an active petroleum system in the Bunguran delta front, deepwater Sarawak,
East Malaysia. Proc. 2005 SE Asia Petroleum Expl. Soc. (SEAPEX) Conf., Singapore, 36p. (Abstract +
(Geochemical indications of thermogenic gas and non-biodegraded oil seepage in 6 of 10 piston cores from
Amerada Hess Block F, off Sarawak)
Besems, R.E. (1993)- Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of Tertiary and Quaternary deposits of offshore NW
Borneo. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Proc. Symp. Tectonic framework and energy resources of the western margin of the
Pacific Basin, Kuala Lumpur 1992, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 33, p. 65-93.
(online at:
(Most extensive review of Cenozoic dinoflagellates in SE Asia. Paleogene- Recent dinoflagellate zonation,
based on analysis of 56 wells off NW Borneo and regional data)
Bidgood, M.D., M.D. Simmons & C.G.C, Thomas (2000)- Agglutinated foraminifera from Miocene sediments
of northwest Borneo. In: M.B. Hart et al. (eds.) Proc. 5 Int. Workshop on Agglutinated foraminifera, Plymouth
1997, Grzybowski Foundation Spec. Publ. 7, p. 41-58.
(online at:
(34 taxa of agglutinated forams in Miocene of Brunei and Sarawak and paleoenvironmental interpretation)
Bundesanstalt Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (1990)- Mineral resources investigation in Sabah, East
Malaysia, 1980-1984. Geol. Jahrbuch B74, p. 1-135.
(Collection of papers on mineral exploration activities in Sabah by Malaysian-German co-op, 1980-1984)
Bol, A.J. & B. van Hoorn (1980)- Structural styles in western Sabah offshore. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 12, p.
(online at:
(Two structural provinces in Neogene basin W of Sabah mainland. In S and C Sabah (between Labuan-
Mangalum) Late Miocene main tectonic phase creating steep, narrow, basement-involved anticlines. U
Miocene foldbelt separated by important fault zones from province with similar, but Pliocene-age structures
(between Mangalum and Kudat))
Bowen, J.M. & J.A. Wright (1957)- Geology of Crocker Range and adjoining areas. Shell Geologic Report 747,
p. (Unpublished)
(Geology/ stratigraphy of Crocker Range in unpublished oil company report. Much of information captured in
Liechti (1960))
Bracco Gartner, G.L., W. Schlager & E.W. Adams (2004)- Seismic expression of the boundaries of a Miocene
carbonate platform, Sarawak, Malaysia. In: G.P. Eberli et al. (eds.) Seismic imaging of carbonate reservoirs and
systems, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG), Memoir 81, p. 351-365.
(Miocene carbonate platform slope angles 2-25° and 250-300m relief. S slope characterized by bypass or
erosion throughout aggrading phase of platform development and buried by shale with onlapping beds
transported from S. On N flank, shale started to pile up during platform aggradation. Phases of erosional or
bypass conditions were short and alternated with two phases formed when platform debris interfingered with
shale. Asymmetry of platform architecture and distribution of sediments most likely due to paleowinds)
Breitfeld, H.T., T. Galin & R. Hall (2014)- U-Pb detrital zircon ages from Sarawak: changes in provenance
reflecting the tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia. American Geophys. Union (AGU), Fall Mtg., San Francisco,
V43D-4921, 1p. (Poster Abstract)
(Sarawak five Triassic- Cenozoic sedimentary basins. Zircons from Triassic of Sadong-Kuching Basin sourced
by Carnian- Norian (mainly ~220-260 Ma) volcanic arc and from Cathaysian rocks with Paleoproterozoic
zircons (peak at ~1800-1900 Ma). U Jurassic- E Cretaceous sands of Bau-Pedawan Basin (Pedawan Fm)
indicate initiation of subduction below W Sarawak in Late Jurassic, but still with common inherited Cathaysian
zircons. Subduction beneath Schwaner Mountains in early Late Cretaceous. After uplift forming Pedawan-
Kayan unconformity two episodes of extension: (1) Kayan Basin in latest Cretaceous- E Paleocene (Kayan Sst
zircons mainly M Cretaceous and Triassic), and (2) Ketungau Basin and Penrissen Sst in M-Late Eocene.
Zircons indicate nearby volcanic activity throughout E Cenozoic in NW Borneo. Inherited zircon ages indicate
alternation between Borneo and Tin Belt source rocks)
Breitfeld, H.T., T. Galin, R. Hall, I. Sevastjanova, M.A. Forster & G.S. Lister (2015)- Provenance and age of
Mesozoic to Cenozoic sedimentary successions and tectonic history of West and Central Sarawak. Asia Petrol.
Geoscience Conf. Exhib. (APGCE), Kuala Lumpur, 25853, 5p. (Extended Abstract)
(Provenance study in Triassic-Cenozoic basins of Kuching (W Sarawak) and Sibu Zones (C Sarawak deep
marine Rajang Gp) (separated by 'Lupar Line'). Ar-Ar ages of micas from metamorphic rocks in W Sarawak
indicate Late Triassic collisional event. Widespread Triassic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks associated with
subduction; Triassic U-Pb magmatic ages from zircons in Jagoi Granodiorite. Triassic Sadong Fm and deep
marine equivalent (Kuching Fm), sourced by Triassic (Carnian-Norian) volcanic arc. Pedawan-Kayan regional
unconformity marks end of subduction beneath Sarawak and indicates Late Cretaceous collision. Fluvial Kayan
Gp divided into Kayan Sst Fm and Penrissen Sst. Kayan Sst U-Pb detrital zircon ages indicate maximum
depositional ages of Undan Mb 71 Ma (Maastrichtian; with Cretaceous and Permo-Triassic zircons), Bungo
Mb 62 Ma (Danian; dominated by Cretaceous zircons) and Penrissen Sst 47-51 Ma (Late Ypresian- Lutetian).
Ketungau Gp records second episode of terrestrial sedimentation in W Sarawak. Basal Silantek Fm no older
than 42 Ma (Lutetian), unconformably on Cretaceous accretionary complex, Tutoop Sst (=Late Eocene- E
Oligocene Plateau Sst) and Ketungau Fm. Bako-Mintu Sst in upper part no older than 40 Ma (Bartonian).
Kuching and Sibu Zones connected with SW Borneo and Sundaland since Cretaceous)
Breitfeld, H.T., T. Galin, R. Hall, I. Sevastjanova, M. Forster & G. Lister (2015)- Proto-South China Sea and
South China Sea early history: a view from Sarawak. AAPG Asia Pacific Workshop Tectonic evolution and
sedimentation of South China Sea Region, Kota Kinabalu, Search and Discovery Art. 90236, 4p.
(online at:
(Extended Abstract. New Ar-Ar dating of white micas from supposed basement schists in W Sarawak yielded
Triassic ages. Triassic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks widespread in W Sarawak. Triassic U-Pb magmatic
ages from zircons in Jagoi granodiorite, W of Bau. Metamorphism associated with contemporaneous volcanic
arc magmatism, recording Triassic subduction and collision)
Breitfeld, H.T. & R. Hall (2018)- The eastern Sundaland margin in the latest Cretaceous to Late Eocene:
Sediment provenance and depositional setting of the Kuching and Sibu Zones of Borneo. Gondwana Research
63, p. 34-64.
(Kuching Zone in Borneo several large sedimentary basins of Late Cretaceous- Late Eocene age. W Sarawak
Kayan Basin with U Cretaceous- Lower Eocene Kayan and Penrissen Sandstones (Late Cretaceous- Paleocene
with abundant Cretaceous, Permian-Triassic and Precambrian zircons; Paleocene- E Eocene mainly
Cretaceous zircons from Schwaner granites of SW Borneo). In Kuching Zone Ketungau Basin with
unconformably overlying M-U Eocene Ketungau Group, with oldest sediments derived from nearby sources,
probably Triassic Sadong and Kuching Fms. Kuching sediments can be correlated with deep marine Rajang
Gp. Some magmatism but scarcity of contemporaneous zircons indicates it was very minor)
Breitfeld, H.T., R. Hall, T. Galin, M.A. Forster & M.K. BouDagher-Fadel (2018)- Unravelling the stratigraphy
and sedimentation history of the uppermost Cretaceous to Eocene sediments of the Kuching Zone in West
Sarawak (Malaysia), Borneo. J. Asian Earth Sciences 160, p. 200-223
(online at:
(Kuching Zone in W Sarawak two sedimentary basins (Kayan, Ketungau) that extend into Kalimantan.
Uppermost Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)- Lower Eocene Kayan Gp above Pedawan Unconformity, marking end
of Paleo-Pacific subduction-related magmatism (above Cretaceous Pedawan Fm forearc sediments). Kayan
and Penrissen Sst mainly fluvial- alluvial fan deposits. In late E or early M Eocene, sedimentation in basin
ceased and Ketungau Basin developed to E. Change marked by Kayan Unconformity. Sedimentation resumed in
M Eocene (Lutetian) with marginal marine Ngili Sst and fluvial Silantek Fm. Top of Ketungau Gp fluvial-
dominated Tutoop Sst. Paleocurrent measurements show dominant southern source, suggesting uplift of S
Borneo in region of Schwaner Mountains from latest Cretaceous onwards. Ketungau Gp also with reworked
Kayan Gp. Kuching Supergroup predominantly horizontal or low dips, with steep dips restricted to faults)
Breitfeld, H.T., J. Hennig, M.K. BouDagher-Fadel & R. Hall (2017)- The Rajang unconformity: major
provenance change between the Eocene and Oligo-Miocene sequences in NW Borneo. American Geophys.
Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, New Orleans, EP21A-1829, 1p. (Poster Presentation)
(online at:
(Detrital zircon age distributions suggest major change in provenance at unconformity between E-M Eocene
deepwater Belaga- Bawang Fms and fluvio-deltaic Oligo-Miocene Tatau-Nyalau Fms. Unconformity previously
interpreted as Late Eocene orogeny, but no evidence for subduction or collision event at this time in Sarawak;
possibly marks late M Eocene plate reorganisation. Borneo main source of Cretaceous (~120-150 Ma peak?)
zircons (Schwaner Mts, W Sarawak). Dominant Triassic (~220-240 Ma peak?) zircon age population in Nyalau
Fm indicates either provenance from Malay Peninsula tin belt or Indochina (SE Vietnam). (or unidentified
Triassic granites on Borneo? Persistent ~1800 Ma age peak; HvG))
Brondijk, J.F. (1963)- Sedimentation in Northwest Borneo. In: F.H. Fitch (ed.) Proc. British Borneo Geological
Conference 1961, Kuching, Geol. Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, Bull. 4, Kuching, p. 19-30.
(Brief note about 'geosynclinal' settings of 32 formations described from U Cretaceous- Late Tertiary in NW
Borneo by Liechti et al. 1960. Early recognition of some of Miocene sediments as turbidites)
Brondijk, J.F. (1963)- A reclassification of a part of the Setap Shale Formation as the Temburong Formation.
British Borneo Geol. Survey Annual Report 1962, p. 56-60.
(Oligocene Temburong Fm introduced for more folded lower part of Tetap Shale (now limited to E Miocene))
Brondijk, J.F. (1964)- The Danau Formation in NW Borneo. Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Malaysia, Annual
Report 1963, p. 167-178.
(Danau Fm with folded radiolarian cherts first described by Molengraaf in area of the great lakes of N-C
Kalimantan, in ~650 km E-W trending zone with average width of 60 km from W Borneo almost to E coast.
Proposal to reinstate name Danau Fm in Sarawak and Sabah for similar deposits like Lupar- Engkilili Fm and
Chert-Spilite- Wariu Fms)
Brown, K.M. (1987)- Structural and physical processes in accretionary complexes: the role of fluids in
convergent margin development. Ph.D. Thesis, Durham University, p. 1-500.
(online at:
(General study on accretionary prisms and mud volcanoes, with chapter on North Borneo Crocker Range)
Burgan A.M. & C. Aziz Ali (2009)- An organic geochemical investigation on organic rich sediments from two
Neogene formations in the Klias Peninsula area, West Sabah, Malaysia. Chinese J. Geochem. 28, 3, p. 264-270.
(Belait and Setap Shale Fms in Klias Peninsula area, W Sabah. Setap Fm TOC from 0.6 -1.54 wt% with mean
hydrogen index 60.1 mg/g, Belait Fm TOC values 0.36-0.61 wt% with mean HI 38.2 mg/g. Not good quality
source rocks. Maturation levels early peak oil in Setap Shale Fm and overmature in Belait Fm)
Burgan A.M. & C.A. Ali (2009)- Characterization of the Black Shales of the Temburong Formation in West
Sabah, East Malaysia. European J. Scientific Res. 30, 1, p. 79-98.
(online at:
(Miocene Temburong Fm at Tenom Pangi Dam site, W Sabah, steeply dipping, turbiditic deep water sediments.
TOC’s less than 0.5%. Organic matter mostly marine, with land plant contribution)
Burgan A.M. & C. Aziz Ali & S. Tahir (2008)- Chemical composition of the Tertiary black shales of West
Sabah, East Malaysia. Chinese J. Geochem. 27, 1, p. 28-35.
(Chemical analyses of various shales from W Sabah)
Burhannudinnur, M. & C.K. Morley (1997)- Anatomy of growth fault zones in poorly lithified sandstones and
shales: implications for reservoir studies and seismic interpretation: part 1, outcrop study. Petroleum
Geoscience 3, p. 211-224.
(Outcrop study of normal faults in poorly lithified Miocene-Pliocene deposits of Miri Fm in NE Brunei (see also
Part 2: Morley and Burhaniddunur 1997, Seismic reflection geometries))
Burton-Johnson, A. (2013)- Origin, emplacement and tectonic relevance of the Mt. Kinabalu granite pluton of
Sabah, Borneo. Ph.D. Thesis Durham University, p. 1-262.
(online at:
(Ophiolitic basement of Sabah not underlain by felsic crust. Sabah Ophiolite emplacement in E Jurassic
(~200Ma; similar to Meratus, and older than generally accepted). Emplacement of Mt Kinabalu granite during
regional NW-SE extension in SE Asia. Felsic magma of Mt Kinabalu derived by low degree melting of
incompatible element enriched basaltic melts (from fertile mantle source))
Burton-Johnson, A., C.G. Macpherson & R. Hall (2017)- Internal structure and emplacement mechanism of
composite plutons: evidence from Mt Kinabalu, Borneo. J. Geol. Soc., London, 174, p. 180-191.
(manuscript online at:
(Composite granitic intrusion of Mt Kinabalu in Sabah emplaced in upper-middle crust in Late Miocene over
0.8 Myrs, at contact between ultramafic basement and sedimentary cover. Emplacement during regional NNW-
SSE-oriented extension. Six major units, oldest tonalite/granodiorite and two final porphyritic granites.
Preferential emplacement of successive units along granite-country rock contact of previous units rather than
basement-cover rock contact exploited by initial units)
Carter, R.R., J.L.W. van Gils, W. Walton & K.F. Yap (1997)- Application of a new high resolution sequence
stratigraphy for reservoir modeling studies of the Upper Miocene deltaic reservoirs of Champion field, offshore
Brunei Darussalam. In: K.W. Shanley & B.F. Perkins (eds.) Shallow marine and non-marine reservoirs, Gulf
Coast SEPM Found. 18th Ann. Research Conf., p. 67-97.
Casson, N., M. Wannier, J. Lobao & P. George (1998)- Modern morphology- ancient analogue: insights into
deep water sedimentation on the active tectonic margin of West Sabah. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Proc. GEOSEA ’98,
Kuala Lumpur 1998, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 43, p. 399-405.
(online at:
Hydrocarbon potential offshore W Sabah margin heavily dependent on success of deep water M-L Miocene-
Pliocene turbidite play. Main prospects in water depths >900m. Analogues other 'turbidite provinces' may not
be applicable due to exceptionally large height differential of 7km, over relatively short distance of 200 km
between sedimentary hinterland and base of continental slope)
Challis, M., C. Curtis, N.L. Mahadzir, J. Mennie & S.B. Zainal (2015)- The Kebabangan gas field, Malaysia: a
20 year journey continues. Proc. SE Asia Petroleum Expl. Soc. (SEAPEX) Conf., Singapore 2015, 6.2, 3p.
(Kebabangan gas field off NW Sabah started gas production in 2014, 20 years since drilling KBB-1 by Shell/
Petronas. Long believed to be stranded gas resource)
Chiang, K.K. (2002)- Geochemistry of the Cenozoic igneous rocks of Borneo and tectonic implications. Ph.D.
Thesis, Royal Holloway University of London, p. 1-364. (Unpublished)
(Cenozoic arc-like magmatism in Borneo thought to be due to subduction of proto-S China Sea beneath NW
Borneo. SE Sabah igneous rocks are extension of subduction of Sulu Sea in SE direction along Sulu trench.
Wide range of basaltic to rhyolitic igneous rocks in Kalimantan with 5 phases of igneous activity: Paleocene,
Eocene, late Oligocene- E Miocene, late Miocene -Pliocene and Plio-Pleistocene (similar phases of igneous
activity in Sabah and Sarawak). SE Sabah igneous rocks divided into three groups. Oligo-Miocene andesites
and dacites, Late Miocene-Pliocene andesites and dacites, and Plio-Pleistocene basaltic lavas. Cenozoic
igneous rocks of Sarawak 4 phases of activity, coinciding with Phases II-V of Kalimantan and Sabah)
Chen, S.P. (1986)- Coal potential and exploration in Sarawak. In: G.H. Teh & S. Paramananthan (eds.) Proc.
5th Reg. Congress Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of SE Asia (GEOSEA V), Kuala Lumpur 1984, 2,
Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 20, p. 649-665.
(online at:
(Several coal deposits in Sarawak may be of economic importance. Silantek is Eocene coal in Ketungau basin
at Kalimantan border. Three others Mio-Pliocene. Quality variable, grade from lignite to bituminous)
Chen, S.P. & J.W.E. Lau (1978)- Malaysia, onshore sedimentary basins of Malaysia. 2. Sarawak. In:
Stratigraphic correlation between sedimentary basins of the ESCAP region, V, Min. Res. Dev. Ser. 44, p. 20-26.
Chiu, S.K. (1990)- The use of SAR imagery for hydrocarbon exploration in Sarawak. In: GSM Petroleum
Geology Seminar 1989, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 27, p. 161-182.
(online at:
(SAR survey of Block SK-12 onshore Sarawak allowed more detailed geological and cultural interpretation)
Chung, E., Ting King King & O. Al Jaaidi (2012)- Karst modeling of a Miocene carbonate build-up in Central
Luconia, SE Asia: challenges in seismic characterisation and geological model building. In: Int. Petroleum
Technology Conference (IPTC), Bangkok 2012, 2, IPTC 14539, p. 1023-1028.
Chung, K.W., A.H.A. Rahman & C.W. Sum (2012)- Sedimentology stratigraphy and microfossils of mid-Late
Tertiary clastic, Sandakan Formation in NE Borneo. In: ICIPEG 2012Conf., Kuala Lumpur 2012, p.
(Extended Abstract. Sandakan Fm of Segama Group exposed across Sandakan Peninsula, E Sabah. U Miocene
part of Segama Group three lithofacies: 1) brackish mudstone, 2) shallow marine sandstone and mudstone and
3) cross-bedded estuarine sandstone)
Chung, K.W., C.W. Sum & A.H.A. Rahman (2015)- Stratigraphic succession and depositional framework of
the Sandakan Formation, Sabah. Sains Malaysiana 44, 7, p. 931-940.
(online at:
(Sedimentology of Late Miocene Sandakan Fm, exposed across Sandakan Peninsula in E Sabah.
Unconformably overlies Garinono Fm. Seven lithofacies in estuary and shallow marine facies)
Chung, W.K. & D. Ghosh (2017)- Growth timing of Southern Field High carbonates, Central Luconia Province.
In: M. Awang et al. (eds.) Proc. Int. Conf. Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences (ICIPEG2016),
Kuala Lumpur 2016, Springer Verlag, p. 491-497.
(Growth timing of studied Miocene carbonate platform at C Luconia Province ~ 4 Myrs, governed by third-
order sea-level fluctuations and syndepositional tectonics. First karstification during Burdigalian sea-level
drop, over complex horst- graben setting, configured by seafloor expansion of S China Sea, before carbonate
initiation. Second major subaerial exposure/ karstification in Langhian. Third subaerial exposure minor
karstification. Final drowning in Serravallian without subaerial exposure)
Chung, W.K., D. Menier, S.N.F. Jamaludin & D. Ghosh (2016)- Geomorphology and karstification of the
Southern Field High carbonates in Central Luconia Province. Proc. Offshore Technology Conference Asia,
Kuala Lumpur 2016, OTC-26650-MS, 16p.
(Miocene carbonate platform development of Southern Field High of C Luconia Province. Initial patchy growth
during Burdigalian, followed by build-out and backstepping. Four 3rd order Burdigalian-Serravallian eustatic
cycles prior to platform drowning and rapid proto-Borneo clastic influx. With extensive karst development by
sub-aerial exposure and re-submergence of carbonate platforms. Karstification mainly along fractures and
faults. Final drowning correlated to surge of sea level rise in Serravallian)
Church, J. & Bong Poh Yuk (2012)- The Seria Field, Brunei...80 years on...near field exploration going strong!
Int. Petrol. Techn. Conf. (IPTC), Bangkok 2012, 3, IPTC 15199, p. 2849-2852.
(Seria oil field in onshore discovered in 1929 and produced >1.1 billion BO. Production peaked 120,000 BOD
in 1956. Field still has undeveloped hydrocarbon resources on N flank under shallow surf zone, to be targeted
by onshore 'fish-hook wells')
Clark, J. (2017)- Neogene tectonics of Northern Borneo: a simple model to explain complex structures within
Miocene-Recent deltaic-deepwater sediments both onshore and offshore. In: SEAPEX Exploration Conference
2017, Singapore, Session 7, 26p. (Extended Abstract + Presentation)
(All Neogene deformation across N Borneo is result of uplift and erosion of detached, gravity-driven collapse
system and shale diapyrism, not product of multi-phase basement tectonics. Deep Regional Unconformity may
not be unconformity, rather diachronous mechanical boundary of different responses of overpressured shale
and more competent sandy sediments to gravity-driven collapse)
Clark, J., P. Owen, S. O’Brien & B. Dawe (2015)- Central Luconia carbonates- ‘Shooting fish in a barrel’:
insights into success and failure mechanisms in a mature gas province. Proc. 2015 SE Asia Petroleum Expl.
Soc. (SEAPEX) Conference, Singapore, 5.3, p. 1-4. (Extended Abstract)
(>110 wells drilled in C Luconia area since 1968, offshore Sarawak, discovering 50 TCF gas-in-place, mainly
in Late Miocene carbonate buildups. Lack of charge (migration focus) principal cause of failure in carbonate
structures, with preasence of seal (presence or absence of‘thief beds’) over buildups a secondary factor)
Clennell, B. (1991)- The origin and tectonic significance of melanges in Eastern Sabah, Malaysia. J. Southeast
Asian Earth Sci. 6, 3-4, p. 407-429.
(E Sabah melanges composed mainly of deep water clastics, deposited in C Sabah Basin, mixed with exotic
ophiolitic material. Melanges not metamorphosed; vitrinite reflectance data suggest maximum temperature of
<120°C in matrix. Ophiolitic blocks commonly have tectonic shearing fabrics associated with low temperature
metamorphism and interpreted as inherited from shear in ocean floor environment (e.g. fracture zones) or
associated with ophiolite obduction. All melanges of E Sabah formed in series of related events in late E
Miocene and earliest M Miocene time. These events, which triggered sedimentary, diapiric and tectonic
melange-forming processes, are related to coeval onset of extension and sea floor spreading in SE Sulu Sea)
Clennell, M.B. (1992)- The melanges of Sabah, Malaysia. Ph.D. Thesis, University of London, p. 1-404.
Clennell, M.B. (1996)- Far-field and gravity tectonics in Miocene basins of Sabah, Malaysia. In: R. Hall & D.J.
Blundell (eds.) Tectonic evolution of SE Asia, Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 106, p. 307-320.
(Oceanic spreading ceased in S China Sea at ~17 Ma, after start of collisions of Asian mainland continental
blocks and NW Borneo and Palawan, causing uplift, erosion and 'Deep Regional Unconformity' in NW Sabah.
During compression at S margin of S China Sea, Sulu Sea underwent extension, with rifting in NW and oceanic
spreading in SE. E Sabah changed from deep marine clastic depositional environment in Oligocene- E
Miocene, to shallow marine and terrestrial sedimentation in M-L Miocene, with melange formation at time of
the Deep Regional Unconformity. Inversion of Miocene in E Sabah limited to edges of basement blocks, which
moved by far-field tectonic stresses. Post M Miocene basin evolution Sabah and Sandakan Basin influenced by
mud diapirism and sagging of progradational sand-rich sediments into underlying muds and melange units)
Collenette, P. (1955)- The coal deposits and a summary of the geology of the Silimpopon area, Tawau District,
colony of North Borneo. Geol. Survey Department British Territories in Borneo, p. 1-74.
(Coal seams of Silimpopon area in gently dipping Miocene strata. Pre-upper Eocene sediments (probably
Upper Cretaceous-Lower Eocene) in N. Local igneous masses. Only one seam of economic significance)
Collenette, P. (1958)- The geology and mineral resources of the Jesselton- Kinabalu area, North Borneo. Geol.
Survey Department British Territories in Borneo, Memoir 6, p. 1-194.
(Geology of area of NW Sabah, mainly dominated by thick series of Eocene- M Miocene sediments, severely
folded in M Miocene time, incl. Late Cretaceous- E Eocene Chert-spilite Fm (interbedded spilite-basalt and
chert-rich sediments; = Danau Fm of Molengraaff?), Eocene 'flysch-type' deep marine Trusmadi and Crocker
Fms, associated with peridotites. Unmetamorphosed facies of Trusmadi dettrital limestone interbeds with M-L
Eocene larger forams (Aktinocyclina, Pellatispira, Nummulites). Also Late Miocene Mt Kinabalu granodiorite,
Trusmadi Mts phyllites and ultrabasic rocks. With 1:125,000 scale geologic map)
Collenette, P. (1960)- Pensiangan and Upper Kinabatang area. Annual ReportBritish Borneo Geol. Survey,
1960, p. 99-106.
('Preview' of Memoir 12, S Sabah (Collenette 1965))
Collenette, P. (1963)- The Miocene backdeep in Borneo. In: F.H. Fitch (ed.) Proc. British Borneo Geological
Conference 1961, Kuching, Geol. Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, Bull. 4, Kuching, p. 47-60.
(In C-E Sabah NNE-SSW trending Miocene basinal basinal area, here called a 'backdeep', behind (East of) a
N-S 'geanticlinal ridge. Latest Oligocene (Te1-4) and E Miocene (Te5) sediments unconformable on
Collenette, P. (1964)- A short account of the geology and geological history of Mt Kinabalu. Proc. Royal
Society (London), B, 161, 982, p. 56-63.
(Mt Kinabalu is E Pliocene circular granodiorite body, intruded into highly folded Eocene- Miocene sediments
and associated ultrabasic and basic igneous rocks. Present landform considered to be mid-Pliocene peneplain,
arched and deeply dissected, through which Kinabalu granodiorite has risen in isostatic adjustment)
Collenette, P. (1965)- The geology and mineral resources of the Pensiangan and Upper Kinabatangan area,
Sabah. Borneo Region Malaysia Geological Survey, Memoir 12, p. 1-150.
(Geologic map and description of S Sabah, at NE Kalimantan border. Mainly deep-water ('eugeosynclinal') U
Cretaceous- U Eocene Rajang Gp sedimentary rocks in NE trending thrust faults of accretionary complex,
which have locally undergone metamorphism. Overlain unconformably by shallower facies Oligocene-Miocene
Kinabatang Gp, some folded in large 'circular basins' like Meliau and Malibau. Associated with U Cretaceous-
Lower Eocene basalt and spilite, Oligocene? gabbro and peridotite and younger basalt and spilite)
Collenette, P. (1966)- The Gerinono Formation, Sabah, Malaysia. Borneo Region Malaysia, Geological Survey
Annual Report for 1965, Kuching, p. 161-167.
Collins, D.S., H.D. Johnson & P.A. Allison (2015)- Mixed-energy, coupled storm-flood depositional model:
application to Miocene successions in the Baram Delta Province, NW Borneo. AAPG Search and Discovery
Art. 51133, 33p. (Abstract + Presentation)
(online at:
Collins, D.S., H.D. Johnson, P.A. Allison & A.R. Damit (2018)- Mixed process, humid-tropical, shoreline-shelf
deposition and preservation: Middle Miocene- modern Baram Delta Province, Northwest Borneo. J.
Sedimentary Res. 88, 4, p. 399-430.
(Comparision of outcrop analyses of facies and stratigraphic architecture in M Miocene Belait Fm with
process-based geomorphological and sedimentological analyses of coastal-deltaic depositional environments in
present-day Baram Delta Province)
Collins, D.S., H.D. Johnson, P.A. Allison, P. Guilpain & A.R. Damit (2017)- Coupled ‘storm-flood’
depositional model: application to the Miocene- modern Baram Delta Province, north-west Borneo.
Sedimentology 64, 5, p. 1203-1235.
(manuscript online at:
(Miocene -Recent Baram Delta Province 9-12 km of coastal-deltaic to shelf sediments over past 15 Myr. Facies
analysis of outcrops suggests ‘storm-flood’ depositional model, with two distinct periods: (1) fair-weather
periods dominated by longshore sediment reworking and coastal sand accumulation; and (2) monsoon-driven
storm periods characterised by increased wave energy and offshore-directed downwelling storm flow that occur
simultaneously with peak fluvial discharge caused by ‘storm-floods’)
Collins, J.S.H., C. Lee & J. Noad (2003)- Miocene and Pleistocene crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Sabah
and Sarawak. J. Systematic Palaeontology 1, 3, p. 187-226.
(Three new genera and 20 new species of Miocene and Pleistocene fossil crabs described from area SW of Miri,
Sarawak and Sandakan Peninsula of E Sabah. See also Morris & Collins 1991)
Cottam, M., R. Hall, C. Sperber & R. Armstrong (2010)- Pulsed emplacement of the Mount Kinabalu granite,
northern Borneo. J. Geol. Soc., London, 167, 1, p. 49-60.
(Sabah Mt. Kinabalu pluton at least four discrete pulses of intrusion. Concentric growth zones in zircons
indicate crystallization between 7.85- 7.22 Ma, and show pluton was emplaced in <800 ka. Oldest ages
coincide with highest elevations. Inherited zircon ages indicate Upper Unit derived from S China margin
Cottam, M., R. Hall, C. Sperber, B.P. Kohn, M.A. Forster & G.E. Batt (2013)- Neogene rock uplift and erosion
in Northern Borneo: evidence from the Kinabalu granite, Mount Kinabalu. J. Geol. Soc., London, 170, 5, p.
(Kinabalu granite emplaced between ~7.2-7.8 Ma. Late Miocene- E Pliocene rapid exhumation and uplift of
granite demonstrated by radiometric ages of (1) biotite (40Ar/39Ar; 7.3-7.6 Ma), (2) zircon fission-track (6.6-
5.8 Ma) and (3) apatite (~5.5 Ma). Emplacement and exhumation of Kinabalu granite not related to Sabah
orogeny (terminated in E Miocene), but caused by extension related to subduction rollback of Sulu Arc)
Cotton, L.J., P.N. Pearson & W. Renema (2014)- Stable isotope stratigraphy and larger benthic foraminiferal
extinctions in the Melinau Limestone, Sarawak. J. Asian Earth Sci. 79A, p. 65-71.
(Major extinction of larger foraminifera close to Eocene-Oligocene boundary in Melinau Limestone already
recognized by G. Adams. Isotope analyses (δ13C and δ18O) of rock samples studied by Adams show that end-
Eocene LBF extinction event in Melinau Limestone occurs below isotope excursion)
Couzens-Schultz, B.A. & K. Azbel (2014)- Predicting pore pressure in active fold-thrust systems: an empirical
model for the deepwater Sabah foldbelt. J. Structural Geol. 69B, p. 465-480.
(Deepwater Sabah well data used for empirical model for predicting pore pressure in active fold-thrust belt)
Cox, L.R. (1948)- Neogene Mollusca from the Dent Peninsula, British North Borneo. Schweizer. Palaeontol.
Abhandlungen 66, 2, p. 3-70.
(Molluscs from Late Miocene- Pliocene sandy marls and clays near E tip of Dent Peninsula. Discusses
proportion of living species, geologic ranges and index species).
Crevello, P.D. (2001)- The great Crocker submarine fan: a world-class foredeep turbidite system. Proc. 28th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 378-407.
(Major Late Eocene-Early Miocene submarine fan complex off N Borneo, covering >25,000 km2)
Crevello, P.D., H.D. Johnson, F. Tongkul & M.R. Wells (2008)- Mixed braided and leveed-channel turbidites,
West Crocker Fan system, Northwest Borneo. In: T.H. Nielsen et al. (eds.) Atlas of deep-water outcrops,
American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG), Studies in Geology 56, p. 50-72.
(Chapters 13-19 on examples of turbidite facies of outcrops in NW Borneo)
Crevello, P., C. Morley, J. Lambiase & M. Simmons (1997)- The interaction of tectonics and depositional
systems on the stratigraphy of the active Tertiary shelf margin of Brunei Darussalam. In: J.V.C. Howes & R.A.
Noble (eds.) Proc. Int. Conf. Petroleum Systems of SE Asia and Australasia., Jakarta, Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), p. 767-772.
(M Miocene-Recent stratigraphy of Brunei Darussalam series of seaward younging basins. More than 15 km of
deltaic marine sandstone and shale deposited in migrating depocenters. Sediments derived from nearby uplifted
Crocker-Rajang accretionary range. Region dominated by at least three delta complexes)
Cullen, A.B. (2010)- The Klias Peninsula and Padas River: NW Borneo, an example of drainage capture in an
active tropical foreland basin. AAPG Conv. 2010, New Orleans, Search and Discovery Art. 50294, 7p.
Cullen, A.B. (2010)- Transverse segmentation of the Baram-Balabac Basin, NW Borneo: refining the model.
Petroleum Geoscience 16, p. 3-29.
(W Baram Line separates two petroleum systems: (1) SW: Oligocene sst- Lower Miocene carbonate reservoirs
of gas-prone Luconia system; (2) NE: oil-rich Baram-Balabac Basin in M Miocene- E Pliocene sst deposited in
foreland basin. Baram-Balabac Basin four structural domains, with NW-SE trending boundaries similar to
strike of W Baram Line. Domain boundaries probably deep structures in underlying rifted continental crust.
Basin post-dates Sarawak Orogeny Eocene-E Oligocene collision of Dangerous Grounds-Reed Bank with
Sabah and Palawan. Minimal Oligo-Miocene subduction of oceanic crust under NW Borneo. Sabah Orogeny
Cullen, A. (2011)- Influence of hinterland bedrock lithologies on aspect of Borneo's deepwater fold and thrust
belt. Berita Sedimentologi 21, FOSI- IAGI, p. 9-14.
(Online at:
(Catchment areas of Borneo’s major river systems different bedrock lithologies, affecting provenance type and
potential reservoir quality. U Cretaceous-Paleogene deepwater Rajang-Embaluh Gp clastics main source of
reworked quartzose sands shed into Kutei, Tarakan and Baram Basins. Much of Baram basin mud-dominated
source, influencing development of raised peat mires, and structural style of deep water fold- thrust belt)
Cullen, A. (2012)- Nature and significance of the West Baram Line, NW Borneo. AAPG Int. Conv. Exhib.,
Singapore 2012, Search and Discovery Art. 30252, 12p.
(online at:
(Boundary between Luconia-Balingian carbonate province in SW and Baram clastics-dominated basin in NE
placed along W Baram and Tinjar Lines. This is is not large-scale E Miocene transform fault, but ancient
crustal discontinuity that was persistently re-activated in Cenozoic)
Cullen, A. (2014)- Nature and significance of the West Baram and Tinjar Lines, NW Borneo. Marine Petroleum
Geol. 51, p. 197-209.
(West Baram- Tinjar Line not transform boundary between Luconia and Dangerous Grounds, but boundary
between domains of continental crust that underwent differential extension in Eocene. Baram Basin underlain
by hyperextended continental crust on NE side of Baram Line, with Luconia in SW more rigid block)
Cullen, A., C. Macpherson, N.I. Taib, A. Burton-Johnson, D. Geist, T. Spell & R.M. Banda (2013)- Age and
petrology of the Usun Apau and Linau Balui volcanics: windows to central Borneo’s interior. J. Asian Earth
Sci. 76, p. 372-388.
(Usun Apau plateau in Sarawak along Tinjar Line, which defines onshore part of suture between Luconia and
Dangerous Grounds blocks. Plateau made of dacite and andesite erupted between 3.9- 4.1 Ma, and minor
basaltic dikes and flows (~2.1 Ma) represening younger episode of volcanism, similar in age and character to
Linau Balui basalts 100 km SE of plateau. Volcanics too young to be linked to subduction beneath Borneo.
Isotope ratios indicate assimilation of old, possibly Precambrian, continental crust, and similar to Pliocene
volcanics of South China Sea and Sulu Arc)
Cullen, A., M.S. Zechmeister, R.D. Elmore & S.J. Pannalal (2012)- Paleomagnetism of the Crocker Formation,
northwest Borneo: implications for late Cenozoic tectonics. Geosphere 8, 5, p. 1146-1169.
(Paleomagnetic study of Eocene- E Miocene sandstones from NW Sabah Crocker Fm. Sandstones pervasively
remagnetized. Mean ChRM directions for 7 locations between Kota Kinabalu and Keningau indicate minor CW
rotation, two locations near Tenom record CCW rotation. Remagnetization between 35-15 Ma. Probably early
episode of regional CCW rotation before 35 Ma, overprinted by CW rotation of crustal blocks during opening
of S China Sea (32-23 Ma), and also locally by CCW rotation after 10 Ma)
Cummings, R.H. (1955)- A preliminary account of foraminifera from the Carbo-Permian, West Sarawak.
Annual Report Geological Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, 1955, p. 79.
Cummings, R.H. (1962)- Limestones of the Terbat Formation, West Sarawak. Annual Report Geological
Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, 1961, p. 36-48.
(Terbat Limestone Fm in W Sarawak with fusulinid foraminifera assigned to Early Permian (Wolfcampian; =
(Asselian- Artinskian?) Pseudoschwagerina zone (Pseudoschwagerina heritschi, P. uber, Paraschwagerina,
Schwagerina). Associated small foraminifera suggest local correlation with Sumatra and Malaya (incl.
Nummolostegina cf. velebitana, Pseudotextularia sumatrensis, Cribrogenerina sumatrana, Climacammina
elegans (= similar to Bigenerina/ Cribrostomum elegans from Permian of Sumatra) (For Davydov et al. 2013
these forms signify broad latest Carboniferous- E Permian age. See also Fontaine 1990; JTvG))
Curiale, J., J. Morelos, J. Lambiase & W. Mueller (2000)- Brunei Darussalam- characteristics of selected
petroleums and source rocks. Organic Geochem. 31, p. 1475-1493.
(Three Tertiary deltaic complexes deposited up to 10 km of sediments. Strong correlations between certain
molecular maturity indicators and present-day temperature of reservoirs. Liquid hydrocarbon source potential
in tidal and coastal embayment facies, and greatest in Miocene coals)
Darman, H. & A.R. Damit (2003)- Structural control on sediment distribution in offshore Brunei Darussalam,
South China Sea. Proc. 29th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 347-353.
(Brunei offshore Neogene clastics compartmentalized by faults controlled by gravitational gliding and
tectonics. Two types of fault systems, NW dipping down-to-basin faults and SE dipping, counter-regional faults)
Darman, H., A. Sabli, A. Ang, S. Daud, H. Dejong, Bong Poh Yuk, A.R. Damit, M. Tajuddin (2007)- The
depositional model of the Upper Miocene section of the eastern offshore Area of Brunei Darussalam. Proc. 31st
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA07-G-086, 7p.
(Study of Upper Miocene sandstone reservoir distribution on area of Champion, Iron Duke Field and Bugan
fields, ~30 km NW of Bandar Seri Begawan. Sediment distribution controlled by structural events)
De Coo, J.C.M. & J.W.E. Lau (1977)- Recognition of reef facies in the Bau limestone (Upper Jurassic- Lower
Cretaceous), Sarawak. Geol. Survey Malaysia, Geological Papers 2, p. 72-78.
(Brief survey of facies in Late Jurassic- Early Cretaceous Bau Limestone S of Kuching, W Sarawak. Deposited
in reefal setting, mostly oncolite- algal and pelletal back-reef facies. Reef facies rudist-gastropod boundstone
and coralgal boundstone. No facies maps)
Dedeche, A.R., B. Pierson & A. Hunter (2013)- Outcrop analogs to the offshore Sarawak Miocene fields, how
effective can they be? The Subis limestone as an example. Proc. Petroleum Geoscience Conf. Exhib. (PGCE),
Kuala Lumpur 2013, 30p. (Presentation only)
(online at:
(Gunung Subis large flat-topped limestone hill in Sarawak still represents shape of original E Miocene
backstepping isolated carbonate platform. Similar to S China Sea/ Luconia carbonate buildups in terms of
growth history, but different diagenetic history)
Dedeche, A.R., B. Pierson & A. Hunter (2013)- Growth history and facies evolution of the Subis Limestone- a
carbonate platform exposed onshore Borneo Island, Malaysia. Proc. 75th EAGE Conf. Exhib., Carbonate
depositional environments and diagenesis, London, 1, TuP15 08, p. 55-57.
(presentation online at:
(Subis Limestone onshore Sarawak (with Niah cave) 2 main sequences: (1) U Oligocene lower sequence, deep
marine; (2) Lower Miocene upper sequence; reefal, and forming spectacular limestone hill that reflects original
carbonate platform. Good analogue to Sarawak offshore carbonate platforms)
De Heer, P.E. & H.I. Thio (1998)- South Furious Field, the evolution of an interpretation: subsurface model
based on latest drilling results. In: Proc. Offshore South East Asia Conference 1998 (OFFSEA 98), Singapore,
SE Asia Petroleum Expl. Soc. (SEAPEX), p. 125-139.
(S Furious oil field off N Sabah, NE of Labuan Island, 1974 discovery in M Miocene sands in complex
compressional wrench structure)
Demyttenaere, R., J.P. Tromp, A. Ibrahim, P. Allman-Ward & T. Meckel (2000)- Brunei deep water
exploration: from sea floor images and shallow seismic analogues to depositional models in a slope turbidite
setting. In: P. Weimer et al. (eds.) Deep-water reservoirs of the world, GCSSEPM Found. 20th Ann. Res. Conf,
p. 304-317.
De Silva, S. (1986)- Stratigraphy of the South Mukah- Balingian region, Sarawak. Warta Geologi (Newsl. Geol.
Soc. Malaysia), 12, 5, p. 215-220.
(online at:
(Onshore W Sarawak S Mukah- Balingian region with intensely folded Eocene Belaga Fm unconformably
overlain by gently folded Late Miocene- Pliocene Balingian and younger formations)
Dhonau, T.J. & C.S. Hutchison (1966)- The Darvel Bay area, East Sabah, Malaysia. Malaysia Geol. Survey,
Borneo Region, Annual Report 1965, p. 141-160.
Dill, H.G. & E.E. Horn (1996)- The origin of a hypogene sarabauite-calcite mineralization at the Lucky Hill
Au-Sb mine Sarawak, Malaysia. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 14, p. 29-35.
(M Miocene? gold-bearing hypogene Sb mineralization from Lucky Mill Mine in Bau mining district, Sarawak,
contains sarabauite and calcite as major constituents. Mineralization two stages, I: wollastonite, diopside and
epidote in Bau Limestone at T >400°C; II, sarabauite with gold at T above 377°C)
Doust, H. (1977)- Geology and exploration history of offshore Central Sarawak. Proc. First ASCOPE Conf.
Jakarta, p. 279-302.
(Same as Doust 1981)
Doust, H. (1981)- Geology and exploration history of offshore Central Sarawak. In: M. Halbouty (ed.) Energy
Resources of the Pacific Region, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG), Studies in Geology 12, p. 117-132.
(Central part of offshore Sarawak is ~300 km wide continental shelf that forms E-most part of N Sunda shelf.
Geologically, it includes NW Borneo basin with Oligocene-Holocene coastal-plain to deeper marine sediments,
developed in 8 depositional cycles. Deformation most severe in nearshore part or Balingian Province. Outer
shelf (Luconia Province) characterized by an extensive Miocene reefal carbonates. Exploration of shelf area
during last 15 years resulted in one oil field and several gas discoveries)
Dronamraju, S.V.C., J. Finol, A.M. Koraini & A.A. Zakaria (2005)- Constraining geological heterogeneity in
complex reservoirs: implications for stochastic modeling and reservoir management. In: SPE Asia Pacific Oil
and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Jakarta 2005, 93853-MS, p. 1-11.
(Depositional model of Lower Miocene fluvial and deltaic reservoir bodies in D18 field, 20km offshore Bintulu,
Sarawak. 80% of production from distributary channels and mouth bars of middle Cycle 2)
Edwards, M.B. (2002)- Sequence stratigraphic responses to shoreline-perpendicular growth faulting in shallow
marine reservoirs of the Champion field, offshore Brunei Darussalam, South China Sea: Discussion. American
Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 86, 5, p. 919-921.
(Critical discussion of Hodgetts, Imber et al. (2001) paper, followed by Reply)
Epting, M. (1980)- Sedimentology of Miocene carbonate buildups, Central Luconia, Offshore Sarawak. Bull.
Geol. Soc. Malaysia 12, p. 17-30.
(Central Luconia Miocene carbonate province with >200 buildups seismically mapped, 43 drilled, leading to
20 gas discoveries. Majority with excellent secondary porosity from fresh-water leaching and dolomitization.
Four basic facies types)
Epting, M. (1989)- The Miocene carbonate buildups of Central Luconia, offshore Sarawak. In: A.W. Bally (ed.)
Atlas of seismic stratigraphy, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG), Studies in Geology 27, p. 168-173.
(Over 60 M-L Miocene carbonate buildups tested in C Luconia province shelf area since 1967. Seven giant gas
fields >1 Tcf and >20 smaller gas accumulations. Size and distribution of buildups structurally controlled.
Large platform-type buildups on highs, pinnacle-type buildups in areas of stronger subsidence, and closer to
the source of clastic material. SW-NE alignment of buildups probably reflects rift-induced structural trends.
Most buildups now covered by 1000-2000m of progradational deltaic clastics)
Everett, A.H. (1878)- Notes on the distribution of the useful minerals in Sarawak. J. Straits Branch Royal
Asiatic Society 1, p. 13-30.
(Early note on occurrences of gold, coal, diamonds, etc., in Sarawak. No maps)
Faisal, M.M., S.A.K. Omang & S.H. Tahir (1995)- Geology of Kota Kinabalu and its implications to
groundwater potential. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 38, p. 11-20.
(online at:
(Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, area underlain by complexly folded and often steeply dipping Late Eocene-Lower
Miocene Crocker Fm sands-shales, deformed during middle Late Miocene 2-phase folding with older N-S trend
followed by broad NE-SW orientation (Crocker Thrust). Superimposed are Late Miocene E-W trending gentle
folds. Only Crocker Fm sandstone units and overlying Quaternary alluvium significant groundwater reservoirs)
Farrant, A.R., P.L. Smart, F.F. Whitaker & D.H. Tarling (1995)- Long-term Quaternary uplift rates inferred
from limestone caves in Sarawak, Malaysia. Geology 23, p. 357-360.
(Long-term base-level lowering measured in Mulu limestone caves in Sarawak is ~19cm/ ky, and has remained
constant over at least last 700 ka. Base-level lowering occurs in response to epeirogenic uplift of more resistant
limestones due to regional denudation of softer shales, and flexural isostasy associated with high rates of
offshore sedimentation)
Ferdous, N. & A.H. Farazi (2016)- Geochemistry of Tertiary sandstones from southwest Sarawak, Malaysia:
implications for provenance and tectonic setting. Acta Geochimica 35, 3, p. 294-308.
(online at:
(Paleocene- Miocene sandstones from SW Sarawak (Kayan Sst, Plateau Sst, Silantek Fm) sublitharenites,
dominantly composed of quartz with minor mica, feldspar and volcanic fragments. Derived from quartz-rich
recycled orogenic sources. Felsic igneous source suggested by a low TiO2 compared to CIA, etc.)
Ferguson, A., A. Bouma, L.D. Santy & S. Suliaman (2004)- Control of regional and local structural
development on the depositional stacking patterns of deepwater sediments in Offshore Brunei Darussalam. In:
R.A. Noble et al. (eds.) Proc. Deepwater and frontier exploration in Asia & Australasia symposium, Jakarta
2004, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), p. 113-125.
Fiah, N.M. & J.J. Lambiase (2014)- Ichnology of shallow marine clastic facies in the Belait Formation, Brunei
Darussalam. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 60 (C.S. Hutchison Memorial Volume), p. 55-63.
Fitch, F.H. (1955)- The geology and mineral resources of part of the Segama Valley and Darvel Bay area,
Colony of North Borneo. Geological Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, Memoir 4, p. 1-142.
(Mapping of Segama valley- Darvel Bay area, E Sabah. Pre-Late Eocene peridotites asscociated with Late
Cretaceous- E Eocene deep marine sediments and volcanics (Chert-spilite formation), deformed into N-dipping
thrust sheets. Rare metamorphics, including glaucophane schist. After 'Middle' Eocene folding-uplift locally
overlain by Eocene and Miocene formations, with reworked ophiolite debris at base of Tertiary. Period of
andesitic volcanism in Early Miocene (Aquitanian). Folding episode between E Miocene (Td-Te1-4; =
Oligocene;JTvG) and rel. undeformed Late Miocene (Te5-Tf; = E-M Miocene; JTvG). With 1:125k scale
geologic map, with remarkable lack of faults)
Fitch, F.H. (1956)- Problems of stratigraphy and geotectonics in North Borneo. Proc. 8th Pacific Science
Congress, Philippines 1953, 2, p. 537-551.
(Status of geologic research in N Borneo, with special reference to age of pre-Tertiary and lower Tertiary
sedimentary and intrusive rocks and close tectonic relationship of N Borneo with Philippines)
Fitch, F.H. (1958)- The geology and mineral resources of the Sandakan area and parts of the Kinabatangan and
Labuk valleys, North Borneo. Geol. Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, Memoir 9, p. 1-189.
(Area with sedimentary, extrusive, intrusive, and metamorphic rocks of upper Cretaceous-Tertiary age. W
quarter of area ultrabasic intrusives of Tingka-Meliau mountains and flanking basalts surrounded by sediments
of Eocene Kulapis and Crocker Fms. Flatter country of remainder of area Kulapis Fm, with Aquitanian strata,
and Upper Miocene beds that form circular basins. Copper deposits in Sandakan area)
Fitch, F.H. (1961)- Oil in Sarawak, 1910-1960. Geol. Survey Department British Territories in Borneo, Annual
Report 1960, p. 22-31.
(Summary of Shell commemorative volume of same title. Main event was Miri oilfield discovery by Royal
Dutch/Shell subsidiary in 1910. Miri 1 producing mainly from ~1000' depth)
Fitch, F.H. (1961)- British Borneo. In: Lexique stratigraphique international, 2nd Edition, Stratigraphic Comm.,
Int. Geol. Congress, Paris, III, Asie, 7b, p. 1-126.
(Second edition of North Borneo stratigraphic lexicon (first edition by Alexander (1956))
Fitch, F.H. (1961)- Geological map of Sarawak and part of Brunei, scale 1:2,000,000. Geological Survey,
Federation of Malaysia, 1961.
Fitch, F.H. (ed.) (1963)- Proceedings of the British Borneo Geological Conference 1961, Kuching, Geol.
Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, Bull. 4, Kuching, p. 1-184.
(Collection of 11 papers by Haile, Brondijk, Fitch, Collenette, Wilson, Adams, Wolfenden, Keij, etc.)
Fitch, F.H. (1963)- Possible role of continental core movements in the geological evolution of British Borneo.
In: F.H. Fitch (ed.) Proc. British Borneo Geological Conference 1961, Kuching, Geol. Survey Dept., British
Territories in Borneo, Bull. 4, Kuching, p. 31-46.
(Structure of Borneo Island explained as continuous N/ NW-ward movement of its continental core from Late
Cretaceous to present, with short pauses in Late Eocene and Middle Miocene, 'underthrusting the floor of the
geosyncline'. North Borneo is >100 mile wide belt of steeply dipping deep-water sediments. Mainly thrusting
and imbrication, less isoclinal folding. Driving mechanism not clear)
Fitch, F.H. (1963)- Geological relationship between the Philippines and Borneo. Philippine Geologist (J. Geol.
Soc. Philippines) 17, 2, p. 41-47.
Fontaine, H. & W.K. Ho (1989)- Note on the Madai-Baturong limestone, Sabah, East Malaysia; discovery of
Caprinidae (Rudists). CCOP Newsletter, Bangkok, 14, 3-4, p. 27-32.
(Isolated limestone occurrence with Upper (Lower?) Cretaceous caprinid rudists at Gunung at Madai and
Baturong hills SE of Lahad Datu, SE Sabah. (probably deposited on seamount in oceanic setting; Lee 2003))
Foo Yuan Han (2010)- Biostratigraphy correlation of the Subis Limestone with equivalent limestone bodies in
offshore Balingian province, Sarawak and Prupuh limestones in Java. In: Proc. ICIPEG 2010, Int. Conf. Integr.
Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences, Kuala Lumpur 2010, p. 31-32. (Abstract only)
(Subis Lst is member of Tangap Fm at Niah. Larger foraminifera include Miogypsina, Nephrolepidina,
probably E Miocene age. Similar age limestone in wells in Balingian province, offshore Sarawak and NE Java)
Forrest, J.K. (2009)- Samarang Field- seismic to simulation redevelopment evaluation brings new life to an old
oilfield, Offshore Sabah, Malaysia. Int. Petroleum Technology Conf. (IPTC), Doha, IPTC13162, p. 1-16.
(online at:
(Samarang field 35 year-old oilfield in E part of Baram Delta. Initially developed by Shell in 1975. Petronas
currently operating and reducing production decline rates Large rollover anticline, producing from Late
Miocene- E Pliocene deltaic- marine sandstones. Not much on geology)
Franke, D., U. Barckhausen, I. Heyde, M. Tingay & N. Ramli (2008)- Seismic images of a collision zone
offshore NW Sabah/ Borneo. Marine Petroleum Geol. 25, p. 606-624.
(BGR seismic data from S South China Sea, used for investigation of Miocene- Recent compressional
sedimentary structures of continental margin off NW Borneo. Closing of Proto-S China Sea began at ~44Ma)
Galin, T. (2013)- Provenance of the deep marine Belaga Formation in the Sibu Zone north of the Lupar Line,
Sarawak, Malaysia. M.Sc. Thesis, Royal Holloway, University of London, p. 1-161. (Unpublished)
Galin, T., H.T. Breitfeld, R. Hall & I. Sevastjanova (2017)- Provenance of the Cretaceous-Eocene Rajang
Group submarine fan, Sarawak, Malaysia from light and heavy mineral assemblages and U-Pb zircon
geochronology. Gondwana Research 51, p. 209-233.
(online at:
(Rajang Gp clastics in N Borneo thick, large deep-water submarine fan complex. In Sarawak Lupar and Belaga
Fms deposited fom latest Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)- late M Eocene. Borneo one of the few places in SE Asia
with sediments of this age preserved. Main source regions Schwaner Mts in SW Borneo, and W Borneo/Malay
Tin Belt. Heavy mineral assemblages and detrital zircon U-Pb dating show 3 units: (1) Late Cretaceous- E
Eocene age zircon-tourmaline-dominated (2) Early to M Eocene zircon-dominated, abundant Cretaceous
zircons and few Precambrian zircons derived primarily from Schwaner Mts; (3)M Eocene zircon-tourmaline-
dominated. Limited contemporaneous magmatism during Rajang Gp deposition, inconsistent with subduction/
arc setting. Rajang Gp deposited N of shelf edge formed by Lupar Line strike-slip fault)
Gartrell, A., J. Torres & N.M. Hoggmascall (2012)- A regional approach to understanding basin evolution and
play systematics in Brunei- unearthing new opportunities in a mature basin. Int. Petroleum Technology
Conference (IPTC), Bangkok 2012, IPTC 15171, p. 2802-2806. (Extended Abstract)
Gartrell, A., J. Torres & N. Hoggmascall (2012)- A regional approach to understanding basin evolution and
play systematics in Brunei- unearthing new opportunities in a mature basin. AAPG Int. Conv. Exhib., Singapore
2012, Search and Discovery Art. 10467, p. 1-14.
(online at:
(Presentation. Pretty regional cross-sections, etc., with little or no explanation)
Ganesan, B.M.S. (1997)- Geology and hydrocarbon potential of the offshore western Sarawak shelfal area.
Proc. ASCOPE 97 Conf., 2, p. 131-148.
Gassim M.B., S.H. Tahir & S. Sadikun (1995)- Structural geology of the Crocker Formation and its tectonic
control, Sabah, Malaysia. Proc. Int. Symp. Geology of Southeast Asia and adjacent areas, Hanoi 1995, J. of
Geol. Hanoi, B, 1995, 5-6, p. 181-196.
(Late Eocene- Early Miocene Crocker Fm turbiditic sediments of W coast Sabah subjected to at least two
tectonic events: (1) Early-Middle Miocene folding due to N-S and NW-SE directed compression and (2)
Pliocene NE-SW compression, less pronounced than (1))
Gassim, M.B. & S.H. Tahir (1995)- Canggaan bertindan dalam Formasi Crocker di kawasan Tamparuli.Bull.
Geol. Soc. Malaysia 38, p. 49-61.
(‘Superposed deformation in the Crocker Formation of the Tamparuli region’. Measured section of Crocker Fm
sandstone-shale along Tuaran-Tamparuli road. Sedimentary structures show beds are inverted. Deformation in
two events: early M Miocene folding along NE-SW trend, followed by deformation along NW-SE trend)
Gassim, M.B., S. Tahira & D.A. Brunotte (1993)- Tectonic evolution of Marudu Bay, Sabah. In: B.K. Tan et al.
(eds.) 7th Reg. Congress Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of SE Asia (GEOSEA VII), Bangkok 1991, J.
Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 8, p. 513-527.
(Marudu Bay, N Sabah, stratigraphic sequences in ascending order: Chert-Spilite Fm, Crocker Fm, Kudat
Fm, S Banggi Fm and Timohing Fm. Igneous rocks, especially serpentinite, also randomly distributed. Several
episodes of deformation. Marudu Bay has undergone rifting due to clockwise rotation since M Miocene)
Gastony, G.J. (1969)- Sporangial fragments referred to Dictophyllum in Triassic chert from Sarawak. American
J. Botany 56, 10, p. 1181-1186.
(Sporangial fragments of Mesozoic ferns in Late Triassic (Norian) black chert interbedded with trachytic
volcanic rocks of Serian Volcanic Fm, Penrissen Region, W Sarawak. Referred to Dictyophyllum exile)
Gebregergis, T.M. & W.I.W. Yukoff (2010)- Burial and thermal history model to evaluate source rock, in Tatau
Province, offshore Sarawak Basin, Malaysia. AAPG Int. Conf. Exh., Calgary 2010, Search and Discovery Art.
40706, 10p.
(online at:
Gee, M.J.R., H.S. Uy, J. Warren, C.K. Morley & J.J. Lambiase (2007)- The Brunei slide: a giant submarine
landslide on the North West Borneo margin revealed by 3D seismic data. Marine Geology 246, p. 9-23.
(3D seismic data offshore Brunei show giant landslide with volume of 1200 km3, area of ∼5300 km2 and
average thickness of ∼240m. It extends for >120 km from Baram Canyon in ∼200m water depth to deep basin
floor of NW Borneo Trough. Complex deposit, involving chaotic debris flow matrix, with blocks 500-1000m
wide and up to 250m thick. Imaging of basal sliding surface reveals striations ∼30-120 km long, and ∼10-30m
deep with significant basal erosion. Also older landslides buried several 100m below basin floor)
Geikie, J.S. (1905)- The occurrence of gold in Upper Sarawak. Trans. Inst. Mining and Metallurgy 15, p. 63-79.
(Early description of gold deposits near Bau and Bidi, 15m SW of Kuching. Ore bodies in Jurassic limestone,
close to porphyry dike)
Gendang, R., A.S. Hashim & D. Johari (2006)- Limestone resources in the Baram Area. Miri Division, North
Sarawak, Minerals Geoscience Dept. Malaysia, IMP 3/2005, p. 1-151.
Gerritsen, S., F. Ernst, C. Field, Y. Abdullah, D.N.P.H. Daud & I. Nizkous (2016)- Velocity model building
challenges and solutions in a SE Asian basin: beyond reflection tomography. First Break 34, 10, p. 91-97.
(Examples of seismic velocity building technologies to generate accurate models for imaging and depth
conversion in offshore Brunei)
Ghaheri, S. & M. Suhaili Bin Ismail (2017)- Review of tectonic evolution of Sabah, Malaysia. In: M. Awang et
al. (eds.) Proc. Int. Conf. Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences (ICIPEG2016), Kuala Lumpur
2016, Springer Verlag, p. 597-604.
(Sabah structure and tectonic history dominated by Late Oligocene- M Miocene S China Sea seafloor spreading
and Sulu Sea subduction. Sabah tectonics started in E Cretaceous. S China Sea subducted under N Borneo
margin, forming M Eocene- E Miocene basin sediments. Celebes Sea subducting N-ward under Dent Peninsula
in Late Oligocene. Circular basins in E part of Sabah formed in E-M Miocene, thought to be related to SE Sulu
Sea Basin rifting. Volcanic arc in Dent Peninsula also formed during this time, due to S-ward subduction of
Sulu Sea. In Late Miocene SE Sulu Sea Basin rifting ceased)
Goesten, M.J.B.G. & P.J. Ealey (1986)- Storm generated sandstones and their depositional geometry in a
Miocene reservoir from the north coast of Borneo. In: R.J. Knight & R.J. McClean (eds.) Shelf sands and
sandstones, Canadian Soc. Petrol. Geol. Memoir 11, p. 339-340.
Gou, P. (2014)- Organic petrographic characteristics of the Crocker Formation, NW Sabah, Malaysia. Bull.
Geol. Soc. Malaysia 60 (C.S. Hutchison Memorial Issue), p. 65-75.
(online at:
(Average vitrinite reflectance in deep marine Crocker Fm in NW Sabah is 0.82% Ro, indicating average burial
depths of 4.1 km. Crocker Fm poor petroleum source rock because of low phytoclast content (<2%) and lack of
oil-prone liptinitic macerals)
Gower, R.J.W. (1990)- Early Tertiary plate reconstructions for the South China Sea region: constraints from
NW Borneo. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 4, 1, p. 29-35.
(Subduction of oceanic crust beneath NW Borneo in Late Cretaceous- E Tertiary, associated with development
of major 'Crocker-Rajang' accretionary complex. Contemporaneous outer arc basin sedimentation in W
Sarawak and E Kalimantan consistent with SE-dipping subduction zone. Initiation of major clastic depocenter
in Baram-Belait area in E Miocene (Brondijk 1963) indicates major change in sedimentation and deformational
style at NW Borneo continental margin)
Grant, C.J. (2003)- The Pink Fan: a classic deep-marine canyon-fill complex, Block G, NW Sabah. In: G.H.
Teh (ed.) Petroleum Geology Conference and Exhibition 2002, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 47, p. 85-94.
(3D-seismic and well data for deep water NW Sabah sand-prone fan systems. Four major Middle-Upper
Miocene fan depositional cycles between ~12 and 6 Ma. Pink Fan is youngest, furthest outboard, still connected
to its feeder systems, and with two unnamed wells. Four or more separate feeder-fan apron systems)
Grant, C.J. (2004)- The Upper Miocene deepwater fans of Northwest Borneo. In: R.A. Noble et al. (eds.)
Deepwater and frontier exploration Symposium, IPA-AAPG Jakarta 2004, p. 421-428.
Grant, C.J. (2005)- Sequence boundary mapping and paleogeographic reconstruction: the keys to understanding
deepwater fan deposition across the NW Borneo active margin. Proc. 2005 SE Asian Petrol. Expl. Soc.
(SEAPEX) Exploration Conf., Singapore 2005, 1p. (Abstract only)
Graves, J.E., C.S. Hutchison, S.C. Bergman & D.A. Swauger (2000)- Age and MORB geochemistry of the
Sabah ophiolite basement. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 44, p. 151-158.
(online at:
(Late Jurassic- E Cretaceous (Neocomian) age most likely for ophiolite basement of Sabah, consistent with
Barremian-Aptian age of overlying ribbon cherts. K-Ar dates unreliable. Ophiolite suite of Labuk and Segama
Highlands of low-K tholeiitic affinity, with geochemistry indicating MORB characteristics. Before uplift, Sabah
ophiolitic basement formed part of either W Pacific or E Indian Ocean, still extant as ocean floor W of
Australia. Oceanic lithosphere of Sabah not 'proto South China Sea'; no genetic relationship to present day
South China Sea. N.S. Haile suggested more appropriate term 'Danau Sea')
Graves, J.E. & D.A. Swauger (1997)- Petroleum systems of the Sandakan Basin, Philippines. In: J.V.C. Howes
& R.A. Noble (eds.) Proc. Conf. Petroleum Systems of SE Asia and Australasia, Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), p. 799-813.
(Offshore Sandakan basin (Sulu Sea) up to 16 km of Mio-Pliocene sediment, eroded mainly from Eocene-
Oligocene Crocker Fm in Sabah, after extensive Miocene uplift. 17 wells drilled, 7 with hydrocarbon tests or
shows. Probable Mid-Miocene mixed oil-gas prone source rock. Sandakan basin history: Early Miocene intra-
arc rifting accompanied by widespread volcanic activity, M- L Miocene delta aggradation, latest Miocene
growth faulting, Pliocene delta progradation, Plio-Pleistocene carbonate deposition)
Grissemann, C., H. Henning & A. Yan (1990)- Geophysical contribution to prospecting for massive sulfide
deposits in the Bidu Bidu Hills in Sabah, Malaysia. Geol. Jahrbuch B74, p. 31-63.
(On exploration of massive sulfide ores in areas of chert-spilite formations in E Sabah)
Haak, R. (1955)- A study of the Miocene Gunong Subis Limestone complex. Shell Group Report, 25948, p. 1-
30. (Unpublished)
(Haile 1962: Subis Lst member of Setap Shale is isolated reefal carbonate platform dated as latest Oligocene
(Te1-4 in Subis 2 well; with Heterostegina borneensis, Miogypsinoides ubaghsi), continuing into basal Miocene
(Te5; with Miogypsinoides dehaartii, Sproclypeus spp., Austrotrillina howchini, etc.) at Bukit Subis outcrop.
Thickness 5900' in Subis 2 well, more commonly ~3000' thick. Locally common corals)
Hadley, D.F., E. Arochukwu, K. Nishi, M. Sarginson, H. Salleh & M. Omar (2006)- Depositional modelling of
Champion Field, Brunei: assessing the impact of reservoir architecture on secondary recovery. In: Proc. SPE
Asia Pacific Oil Gas Conf., Adelaide 2006, 30p.
(Champion field multi-billion bbl STOIIP oilfield off Brunei, producing since 1972 from >250 wells.
Production to date is <20% of original oil in place. Two main reservoir types: (1) stacked shoreface
parasequences (majority of reservoirs); (2) tide-dominated sediments channel fill or bar complexes)
Hageman, H. (1987)- Palaeobathymetrical changes in NW Sarawak during Oligocene to Pliocene. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Malaysia 21, p. 91-102.
(online at:
(Comparison of NW Sarawak Oligocene-Pliocene paleobathymetric history with global curve suggest Middle
Miocene- Pliocene changes largely controlled by eustacy, but Late Oligocene- E Miocene global changes
masked by tectonic movements)
Haile, N.S. (1952)- The coal deposits and geology of part of the Klingkang Range, West Sarawak, with a
detailed account of the Silantek and Abok seams. Geol. Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, 30p.
Haile, N.S. (1954)- The geology and mineral resources of the Strap and Sadong Valleys, West Sarawak,
including the Klingkang Range Coal. British Territories in Borneo Region Geol. Survey, Memoir 1, p. 1-150.
(W Sarawak Strap-Sadong valley area with intensely folded Carboniferous-Permian (grey Terbat Lst with
fusulinids, white chert and shale) and U Triassic (clastics with Monotis and Halobia, becoming more sandy to S
and E). Unconformably overlain by thick E Tertiary non-marine Silantek Fm shale-dominated series with thin
coals and brackish water molluscs and >1000m of Plateau Sandstone. Igneous rocks: pre-Triassic granite,
Triassic lavas and tuffs and Tertiary shallow igneous stocks and sills. Workable quantities of probably Eocene-
age coal, small amounts of gold, diamonds, bauxite, etc.)
Haile, N.S. (1956)- Limestone reserves in the Batu Gading area on the Baram River. British Borneo Geol.
Survey Ann. Report, Kuching, p. 30-38.
Haile, N.S. (1957)- The geology and mineral resources of the Lupar and Saribas Valleys, West Sarawak.
Malaysia Geol. Survey Borneo Region, Memoir 5, p. 1-123 + 125,000 scale map.
(Lupar-Saribas valley region complex geology, between two different tectono-stratigraphic regions: to W U
Paleozoic- Mesozoic, to NE U Cretaceous- Tertiary sediments. With isoclinally folded, steeply (dominantly S-?)
dipping deep marine 'flysch-type' U Cretaceous- Lower Eocene Rajang group geosynclinal sediments and
volcanics (in slaty facies in N, pelagic 'Danau/Engkilili' calcareous facies with radiolarian chert in S) (= Lubok
Antu melange= Paleo-Eocene melange complex with Cretaceous radiolaria, Orbitolina Lst, Assilina, etc.?; see
Tan 1979, Haile 1996; JTvG). Unconformably overlain by 'molasse-type' Upper Eocene- Miocene estuarine
and continental beds of Plateau series. Late Tertiary intrusive granitic stocks and laccoliths and dolerite sills.
Thin-bedded coals in Plateau series and gold-bearing placers exploited on small scale (Marup))
Haile, N.S. (1957)- New evidence of the age of the Plateau Series in West Sarawak. Annual Report Geological
Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, 1957, p. 77.
(Brief note on presence of Late Eocene (Tb) larger foraminifera Aktinocyclina and Nummulites at base of Kantu
Beds (lowest part of Plateau Series), proving Late Eocene or older age of 'Plateau Series transgression' over
Pretertiary- Lower Eocene rocks)
Haile, N.S. (1962)- The geology and mineral resources of the Suai-Baram area, North Sarawak. British Borneo
Geol. Survey Memoir 13, p. 1-176.
(Suai-Baram area of N Sarawak part of 'North Borneo geosyncline', S of Miri/ Brunei. With >45,000’ thick U
Cretaceous -Recent sandstones and shales (but U Cretaceous only in one outcrop). Sediments derived from
central granitic part of Borneo and later from recycled Cretaceous and Eocene sediments. Pre-Pliocene strata
moderately to highly folded. Regional strike N to NE. Major unconformity between Miocene and U Pliocene (E
Pliocene folding) (?). Paleocene limestones. Disconformity between U Eocene and Miocene (should be latest
Oligocene?; JTvG)(local angular unconformity below base Setap Shale (latest Oligocene; Te1-4) (basal
conglomerate with reworked Cretaceous radiolarian chert), missing E Oligocene in Melinau Lst and Batu
Gading Lst. Batu Gading Lst 120m of Late Eocene overlain with hiatus by 40m of latest Oligocene (Te1-4)
limestone. Subis Lst Mb of Setap shale with Te5/ E Miocene Miogypsinoides dehaarti/ Spiroclypeus (with
appendices by Adams & Haak on Batu Gading Lst and Johnson on calcareous algae))
Haile, N.S. (1963)- The Cretaceous- Cenozoic Northwest Borneo geosyncline. In: F.H. Fitch (ed.) Proc. British
Borneo Geological Conference 1961, Kuching, Geol. Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, Bull. 4,
Kuching, p. 1-18.
(NW Borneo Geosyncline with thick Upper Cretaceous- Recent sediments in 500 mile long, 200-250 mile wide
belt from Lupar Valley in West Sarawak, all of Brunei, to W part of Sabah. Thirty-two formations distinguished
(Liechti et al. 1960), grouped here in 4 lithostratigraphic groups: (1) Rajang Gp (U Cretaceous- Oligocene Te
1-4, C Sarawak- N Kalimantan- W Sabah, foredeep eugeosynclinal grading upward to miogeosynclinal,
common flysch, also radiolarian cherts and spilite in Lupar and Danau Fms, intensely folded, up to 50,000'
Haile, N.S. (1968)- The Northwest Borneo geosyncline in its geotectonic setting. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 1, p.
59. (Abstract only)
(Summary of Haile (1969) paper. One of last tectonics papers of SE Asia to use geosynclinal theory)
Haile, N.S. (1969)- Geosynclinal theory and the organizational pattern of the North-West Borneo geosyncline.
Quart. J. Geol. Soc., London, 124, 2, p. 171-188.
(NW Borneo geosyncline of Sarawak, Brunei and W Sabah, ~800 km in NE-SW direction. Thick Late
Cretaceous- late Cenozoic sequence, classified into 4 groups: (1) Rajang Gp (Late Cretaceous- E Miocene):
thick, folded flysch with chert-ophiolite at base; (2) Baram Gp (Late Eocene- Late Miocene): mainly
argillaceous, with sandstones and limestones; (3) Plateau Gp (Late Cretaceous to? Miocene): thick molasse-
type continental deposits in S; (4) Brunei Gp (Oligocene to Recent): estuarine and marine deposits with
molasse affinities in N. Migration of flysch deposition, orogeny, and molasse deposition, from S to N)
Haile N.S. (1992)- Evidence of multiphase deformation in the Rajang-Crocker Range (northern Borneo) from
Landsat imagery interpretation: geodynamic implications- Comment (2). Tectonophysics 204, p. 178-180.
(Critical review of Benard et al. 1990 paper)
Haile, N.S. (1996)- Note on the Engkilili Formation and the age of the Lubok Antu Melange, West Sarawak,
Malaysia. Warta Geologi (Newsl. Geol. Soc. Malaysia) 22, 2, p. 67-70.
(online at:
(Lupar Valley of W Sarawak is junction of Rajang Group accretionary prism to N and more continental part of
W Sarawak to S. Engkilili Fm fossiliferous calcareous shales with Paleocene-E Eocene limestone blocks
mapped by Haile as 'lower Eocene calcareous facies', distinct from the main 'cherty' facies, now known as
Lubuk Antu melange, to N. Most likely age of melange ~mid-Eocene; Engkilili Beds possibly slightly older)
Haile, N.S., S.K. Lam & R.M. Banda (1994)- Relationship of gabbro and pillow lavas in the Lupar Formation,
West Sarawak; implications for interpretation of the Lubok Antu Melange and the Lupar Line. In: G.H. Teh
(ed.) GSM Petroleum Geology Seminar VIII, 1991, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia. 36, p. 1-9.
(online at:
(Lupar Line regarded by many as major suture, but uncertainties regarding relationship of various belts and
rock types. Outcrops for Hydroelectric Project show gabbro in U Cretaceous Lupar Fm bedded flysch is
intrusive and pillow lavas interbedded (not older oceanic crust emplaced tectonically as faulted slices).
Junctions between Lubok Antu Melange and Lupar Fm, and between Lupar and Layar Fm, may be major
sutures, whereas Lupar Valley may only be fault zone in broad melange belt)
Haile, N.S. & N.P.Y. Wong (1965)- The geology and mineral resources of the Dent Peninsula, Sabah. British
Borneo Geol. Survey Memoir 16, p. 1-199.
Hakimi, M.H. & W.H. Abdullah (2013)- Liquid hydrocarbon generation potential from Tertiary Nyalau
Formation coals in the onshore Sarawak, Eastern Malaysia. Int. J. Earth Sciences (Geol. Rundschau) 102, p.
(Oligocene- E Miocene coals of Nyalau Fm exposed in N-C onshore Sarawak with TOC of 58-81%, hydrogen
index values of 282-510 mg HC/g TOC, Type II and mixed Type II–III kerogens. Vitrinite reflectance 0.47-
0.67% Ro, indicating initial oil window maturity. Coals are humic and generally dominated by vitrinite, with
significant amounts of liptinite and low amounts of inertinite. Good liquid hydrocarbons generation potential)
Hakimi, M.H., W.H. Abdullah, F.L. Alias, M.H. Azhar & Y.M. Makeen (2013)- Organic petrographic
characteristics of Tertiary (Oligocene-Miocene) coals from eastern Malaysia: rank and evidence for petroleum
generation. Int. J. Coal Geology 120, p. 71-81.
Hakimi, M.H., W.H. Abdullah, S.G. Sia & Y.M. Makeen (2013)- Organic geochemical and petrographic
characteristics of Tertiary coals in the northwest Sarawak, Malaysia: implications for palaeoenvironmental
conditions and hydrocarbon generation potential. Marine Petroleum Geol. 48, p. 31-46.
(Tertiary coals from Mukah and Balingian coalfields in W Sarawak good source rock potential. Dominated by
Type III kerogen and mixed Type II/III kerogens with HI values of 90-289 mg HC/g TOC. C coals thermally
immature (lignite to sub-bituminous C rank), with huminite reflectance of 0.26-0.39%)
Halim, M.F.A. (1994)- Geothermics of the Malaysian sedimentary basins. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 36, p. 163-
(online at:
(Geothermal gradient database from well and temperature data of wells in Malay basin (101 wells, av. 51.8
°C/km), Sarawak basin (88 wells; av. 43.3 °C/km) and Sabah basin (54 wells; av. 30.5°C/km))
Hall, R. (2013)- Contraction and extension in northern Borneo driven by subduction rollback. J. Asian Earth
Sci. 76, p. 399-411.
(online at:
(Paleogene subduction of Proto-South China Sea ended with E Miocene collision of Dangerous Grounds/Reed
Bank/N Palawan block and Sabah-Cagayan Arc. Much of N Borneo then became emergent, forming Top
Crocker Unconformity. N-ward subduction of Celebes Sea initiated formation of Sulu Sea backarc basin,
followed by subduction rollback to SE. This formed volcanic arc, which emerged briefly above sea level and
collapsed in M Miocene. Rollback drove extension in N Borneo and Palawan. Two main extensional episodes
(1) ~16 Ma, marked by Deep Regional Unconformity; (2) ~10 Ma, Shallow Regional Unconformity. Both
episodes caused exhumation of deep crust, probably on low angle detachments, followed by granite magmatism.
NW Borneo-Palawan Trough interpreted as flexural response to gravity-driven deformation of sediment wedge,
caused by uplift on land that resulted from extension, with contribution of deep crustal flow)
Hall, R. (2015)- Trenches, troughs and unconformities; collision, contraction and extension: South China Sea,
Borneo-Palawan and Sulu Sea. Geoscience Techn. Workshop, Tectonic evolution and sedimentation of South
China Sea Region, Kota Kinabalu 2015, AAPG Search and Discovery Art. 90236, 3p. (Extended Abstract)
(online at:
(Mainly summary of Hall (2013))
Hall, R., M.A. Cottam, S. Suggate, F. Tongkul, C. Sperber & G.E. Batt (2008)- The geology of Mount
Kinabalu. Sabah Parks Publ. 13, p. 1-77.
(online at:
(Mt Kinabalu 4100m high and highest mountain in SE Asia between E Himalayas and New Guinea. Composed
mainly of granite that formed at ~7-8 Ma. Partly underlain by serpentinised peridotites and by subducted crust
of S China margin)
Harper, G.C. (1975)- The discovery and development of the Seria oilfield. Brunei Museum, Penerbitan Khas
Bil. 10, p. 1-99.
Hasegawa, S., R. Sorkhabi, S. Iwanaga, N. Sakuyama, M. Naofumi & O.A. Mahmud (2005)- Fault-seal analysis
in the Temana Field, offshore Sarawak, Malaysia. In: R.Sorkhabi & Y.Tsuji (eds.) Faults, fluid flow, and
petroleum traps, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG), Mem. 85, p. 43-58.
(Fault-seal assessment of normal fault in Tertiary clastics in Temana field, Balingian, offshore Sarawak. Shale
smear factor values <6 and clay content ratio >30% on fault surface indicate across-fault sealing of reservoir
rocks on sand-sand interfaces)
Hashimoto, W. (1982)- Preliminary notes on fossil records of East Malaysia and Brunei. In: T. Kobayasi & R.
Toriyama (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 23, p. 137-175.
Hashimoto, W. & K. Matsumaru (1977)- Orbitolina from West Sarawak, East Malaysia. In: T. Kobayashi & R.
Toriyama (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 18, p. 49-57.
(Lower Cretaceous Orbitolina from Pedawan Fm, W Sarawak (?))
Hashimoto, W. & K. Matsumaru (1981)- Larger foraminifera from Sabah, Malaysia, part 1: Larger foraminifera
from the Kudat Peninsula, the Gomantan area and the Semporna Peninsula. In: T. Kobayashi & R. Toriyama
(eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 22, p. 49-54.
Hashimoto, W. & M.Tamura (1968)- Report of geological and palaeontological reconnaissance of Malaysia.
Mem. Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University 17, p. 34-50.
(Kakizaki et al. 2013: Pedawan Fm above Bau Limestone of SW Sarawak yields ammonoids of Late Tithonian-
E Cretaceous age (e.g. Berriasella or Micracanthoceras sp.))
Hay, A.K. (2000)- Overview of the Baram Delta province, Brunei Darussalam. Berita Sedimentologi (Indon.
Sediment. Forum FOSI) 12, p.
Hazebroek, H.P. & D.N.K. Tan (1993)- Tertiary tectonic evolution of the NW Sabah continental margin. In:
G.H. Teh (ed.) Proc. Symposium on tectonic framework and energy resources of the Western margin of the
Pacific Basin, Kuala Lumpur 1992, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 33, p. 195-210.
(online at:
(NW Sabah continental margin 6 tectono-stratigraphic provinces. Two main phases of Tertiary basin
development: (1) pre-early M Miocene deep-marine clastic sedimentation; (2) post-early M Miocene clastic
shelf/ slope deposition, prograding NW over unconformably underlying sediment wedge. NW Sabah Trough
young feature, not Paleogene trench (Baram Delta prism masks Paleogene trench). Tectonic evolution: (1) Late
Eocene-early M Miocene oblique subduction of S China Sea oceanic crust beneath NW Sabah; (2) Diachronous
collision of S China Sea attenuated continental crust with Sabah and cessation of ocean-floor spreading in
early M Miocene, led to uplift and erosion of accretionary prism (Deep Regional Unconformity); (3)
Resumption of convergence between Borneo and NW Sabah Platform in middle Late Miocene, with formation of
Shallow Regional Unconformity. E Sabah ophiolite complex continues into Palawan)
Hazebroek, H. P., D.N.K. Tan & J. M. Lamy (1992)- Tectonic evolution of the Northwest Sabah continental
margin since Late Eocene. AAPG Int. Conf., Sydney 1992, Search and Discovery Art. 91015, p.
(Abstract only; see also Tan and Lamy 1990) (Four-stage tectonic evolution model of NW Sabah shelf (1) Late
Eocene - early M Miocene subduction of S China Sea oceanic crust beneath Borneo, with creation of
accretionary prism, (2) collision of S China Sea attenuated continental crust with Borneo in early M Miocene,
leading to uplift and erosion of accretionary prism and creation of 'Deep regional unconformity', followed by M
Miocene- early Late Miocene NW progradation over inboard belt;. (3) Cessation of active subduction in middle
Late Miocene accompanied by major tectonic activity, with compressional deformation of Inboard Belt,
creating 'Shallow Regional Unconformity';(4) In Outboard Belt and East Baram Delta, thick prograding wedge
built out to NW from Late Miocene- Holocene. Late Pliocene deformation mainly in Outboard Belt and E
Baram Delta)
Heller, J., D. Basuki, M. Choo, S. O ‘Connor & R. Swarbrick (2014)- Using simple loading models to predict
crestal pore pressures in Miocene carbonate exploration targets, Luconia, Sarawak. Proc. 38th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA14-G-169, 9p.
Heng, Y.E, S.S. Keong & D.K. Tan (1992)- Geological map of Sarawak, 2nd Ed., Geological Survey of
Malaysia, p.
Hesse, S. (2010)- The tectonic evolution of NW Borneo. Dokt. Thesis Rheinisch-Westfalischen Technischen
Hochschule, Aachen, p. 1-95.
(online at:
(Thesis on seismic interpretation of structure of NW Borneo deepwater fold-thrust belt, composed of three
papers, published earlier (Hesse et al. 2009, 2010). Pliocene-Recent gravity-driven shortening decreases from
S to N, total shortening increases slightly to N, suggesting basement-driven compression along NW Borneo
increases to N. Main thrust activity in Late Pliocene-Holocene. Maximum shortening in C part of study area)
Hesse, S., S. Back & D. Franke (2009)- The deep-water fold-and-thrust belt offshore NW Borneo: gravity-
driven versus basement-driven shortening. Geol. Soc. America (GSA) Bull. 121, p. 939-953.
(Tectonic restorations of NW Borneo fold-and-thrust belt comparing amount of deep-water shortening
compared to extension across shelf suggests gravity-driven shortening decreases from S to N, while total
amount of shortening increases slightly to N. Basement-driven compression inferred to increase to N. Most of
shortening Late Pliocene and younger, ongoing)
Hesse, S., S. Back & D. Franke (2010)- The structural evolution of folds in a deepwater fold and thrust belt- a
case study from the Sabah continental margin offshore NW Borneo, SE Asia. Marine Petroleum Geol. 27, 2, p.
(2D regional seismic interpretation of deepwater fold and thrust belt offshore Sabah, NW Borneo)
Hesse, S., S. Back & D. Franke (2010)- Deepwater folding and thrusting offshore NW Borneo, SE Asia. In:
G.P. Goffey et al. (eds.) Hydrocarbons in contractional belts, Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 348, p. 169-185.
(2D seismic data shows extensive series of folds at leading edges of imbricate thrusts in deepwater offshore NW
Borneo. Widest and youngest anticlines near present-day thrust front, narrowest and oldest folds in most
landward parts of fold-thrust belt. Main thrust activity Pliocene- Holocene age)
Hinz, K., J. Fritsch, E.H. Kempter, A.M. Mohamed, J. Meyer, D. Mohamed, H. Vosberg, J. Weber & J.
Benavidez (1989)- Thrust tectonics along the north-western continental margin of Sabah, NW Borneo. Geol.
Rundschau 78, 3, p. 705-730.
(Plate tectonic models suggest inactive subduction zone along NW continental margin of Sabah. BGR seismic
data show autochthonous continental terrane with Oligocene- E Miocene carbonate platform, progressively
overthrust by allochthonous rock complex)
Hiscott, R.N. (2001)- Depositional sequences controlled by high rates of sediment supply, sea-level variations
and growth faulting: the Quaternary Baram Delta of northwestern Borneo. Marine Geology 175, p. 67-102.
(Shelf off Baram Delta is 50-70 km wide, underlain by 8-9 km of post-Eocene upper slope to estuarine deposits.
Shelf break is fault scarp at ∼130m below sea level. Outer-shelf Quaternary locally >1 km thick. Uppermost
Quaternary thickens 2-5x across en echelon shelf-edge growth faults. Five widespread ‘key’ reflectors, on high-
res seismic profiles (downlap surfaces beneath clinoforms, two directly overlying fluvial channels. Widespread
4th-order lowstand- bypass sequence developed during 120-10 ka sea-level cycle, up to 400m thick)
Hiscott, R.N. (2003)- Latest Quaternary Baram prodelta, Northwestern Borneo. In: F.H. Sidi, D. Nummedal et
al. (eds.) Tropical deltas of Southeast Asia- sedimentology, stratigraphy and petroleum geology, Soc.
Sedimentary Geologyogy (SEPM) Spec. Publ. 76, p. 89-107.
(Quaternary Baram Delta >1 km thick on outer continental shelf of Brunei, with mud-prone highstand delta
lobes, sand-prone lowstand shelf-edge deltas, incised-valley fills and transgressive sheet-like deposits on wave-
Hitam, R. & M. Scherer (1993)- Distribution and maturity of source rocks in Brunei Darussalam. Proc. 5th
Asian Council on Petroleum Conference and Exhibition (ASCOPE), Bangkok 1993, 5135, p. 1-12.
Ho, F., G. Jaeger & P. Lambregts (2003)- Seismic interpretation of carbonate turbidites in Central Luconia. In:
G.H. Teh (ed.) Petroleum Geology Conf. Exhibition 2002, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 47, p. 77-83.
(online at:
(C Luconia offshore carbonate buildups mainly Middle-Late Miocene age. Growth initiated on highs formed
during Late Oligocene rifting. Seismic evidence for carbonate turbidite deposits between buildups)
Ho, Wan Kin (1990)- Central Luconia Middle Miocene carbonate play, Sarawak Basin, Malaysia. CCOP
Techn. Publ. 23, p. 67-85.
(Play description of hydrocarbons in widespread Middle Miocene cabonate play of Luconia, offshore Sarawak)
Hodgetts, D., J. Imber, C. Childs, S. Flint, J. Howell, J. Kavanagh, P. Nell & J. Walsh (2001)- Sequence
stratigraphic responses to shoreline-perpendicular growth faulting in shallow marine reservoirs of the Champion
field, offshore Brunei Darussalam, South China Sea. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 85, 3, p. 433-
(Champion field, off Brunei, thick M-U Miocene shallow marine sediments associated with major growth fault
systems and deposited as part of paleo-Baram delta. Growth faults strike perpendicular to paleo-shoreline
orientation. Depositional responses to growth faulting layer thickening and addition of layers in hanging wall.
See also Discussion by Edwards 2002)
Hoesni, M.J. & M.N.C Mood (1995)- History of hydrocarbon generation in the Tembungo field, offshore
northwest Sabah. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Southeast Asian basins: oil and gas for the 21st century, Proc. AAPG-GSM
Int. Conf. 1994, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 37, p. 309-320.
(online at:
(Tembungo field off Sabah producing oil from Upper Miocene turbidite reservoirs. Oils low sulphur and wax
contents and API gravity 38-40°, derived from marginal marine source with significant land plant input. High
sedimentation rates in M-L Miocene. Tembungo structure began to grow in Late Miocene (7.2 Ma), with
accelerated growth in Early Pliocene. Faults sealing; barrier faults contributed to overpressure. Hydrocarbon
generation began at ~9.0 Ma and oil began to be trapped in Tembungo structure in Late Miocene-E Pliocene.
Oils most likely sourced from M Miocene sediments)
Hoffmann-Rothe, J. (1994)- Brunei/ Brunei. In: H. Kulke (ed.) Regional petroleum geology of the world, I,
Borntraeger, Berlin, p. 739-746.
(Brief review of oil-gas basin and fields of Brunei; in German)
Hoggmascall, N., C. Gibson, D. Blades & J. Torres (2012)- Source to sink modelling in NW Borneo: improving
understanding of the deepwater slope delivery system and utilising DEM and shallow analogues for deeper
prospectivity. AAPG Int. Conv. Exhib., Singapore 2012, Search and Discovery Art. 50755, p. 1-12.
(online at:
(Summary of integration work on offshore Brunei floodplain to basin floor for intervals in last 12 million years)
Ho Kiam Fui (1976)- Morphogenetic trend of Lepidocyclina and its application in time stratigraphy. Geologie
en Mijnbouw 55, 3-4, p. 147-158.
(online at:
(Correlation between Lepidocyclina degree of curvature and planktonic foram zonation in E-M Miocene of C
Luconia wells, Sarawak)
Ho Wan Kin (1990)- Central Luconia Middle Miocene carbonate play, Sarawak Basin, Malaysia. In:
CCOP/WRGA Play modelling exercise 1989-1990, CCOP Techn. Publ. 23, p. 67-85.
(Description and hydrocarbon assessment of M-L Miocene carbonate play play, offshore Sarawak. With
schematic Late Oligocene- Recent paleogeographic maps and 'Cycle V/VI carbonate buildup distribution map)
Hon, V. (1976)- Some analyses of the Serian Volcanics of the Kuap area. Annual Report Malaysia Geol. Survey
for 1975, p. 212-220.
(Late Triassic intermediate-basic Serian Volcanics from Kuap area, S of Kuching, W Sarawak, show affinity to
tholeiitic series)
Hon, V. (1981)- Physical controls of mineralization in the Bau town area, west Sarawak, Malaysia. Sarawak
Mining Bull. 1, p. 43-54.
Hon, V. & S.K. Lam (1992)- Geological Map of Sarawak, 2nd Edition, scale 1:500 000. Geol. Survey Malaysia.
Honza, E., J. John & R.M. Banda (2000)- An imbrication model for the Rajang accretionary complex in
Sarawak, Borneo. J. Asian Earth Sci. 18, 6, p. 751-759.
(Rajang accretionary complex generally S- dipping and younging N-ward. Interpreted as thrust slices, each 10-
15 km wide, formed by accretion at subduction trench. Accretion of Late Jurassic- Cretaceous oceanic crust
from Pacific (E) in Late Cretaceous, forming part of arc along E Asia margin from Japan to Kalimantan. E
Tertiary bending of S end of arc in Borneo changed direction of subduction to accretion from N)
Hood, F.H. & S. Tahir (2011)- Lithostratigraphy of the Late Neogene sedimentary sequence in Sandakan
Peninsula. Proc. 24th Ann. National Geoscience Conference 2011 (NGC2011), Johor Baru, P1-27, p. 107-109.
(Extended Abstract)
(online at:
(Sandakan Peninsula outcrops. Oldest exposed unit is M Miocene Garinono Fm, widely distributed in E Sabah,
with lower sequence of sedimentary melange/olistostrome and volcanics-dominated upper sequence, part of M
Miocene Cagayan Volcanic Arc. Volcanic facies andesite- dacite and tuff- tuffaceous sandstone. Unconformity
between volcanics and base of overlying Sandakan Fm also M Miocene age (Globorotalia fohsi fohsi).
Sandakan Fm 12km thick mudstones and cross-bedded sandstones. Common lignite seams, fossilized wood and
consolidated quartz pebble lenses)
Hoppe, P. (1990)- Photogeological investigations in the area of Mt. Kinabalu and adjacent parts of Sabah, East
Malaysia. Geol. Jahrbuch B74, p. 115-135.
(Photogeologic interpretation of parts of Sabah to obtain improved regional structure information. Area around
Mt Kinabalu is where two subduction zones merge, with 90° bend in folds of Crocker Fm Miocene accretionary
complex, etc.)
Houtz, R.E. & D.E. Hayes (1984)- Seismic refraction data from Sunda Shelf. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol.
(AAPG) Bull. 68, p. 1870-1878.
(Velocity changes in disturbed sediments on W edge Sarawak basin support claim Borneo subduction melange
(accretionary prism) extends into Sarawak basin. Zone of thickened subduction melange sediments may extend
N to shelf edge. Basement salient in E part West Natuna basin requires ~45 km shift in W boundary of
Cretaceous subduction melange. Crust below Sarawak basin oceanic, implying shelf edge advanced ~300 km N
over oceanic crust as result of post-Eocene progradation. Pre-Oligocene sediments thin in Sarawak basin)
Hutchison, C.S. (1971)- An alpine association of metabasites and ultrabasic rocks in Darvel Bay, East Sabah,
Borneo. Overseas Geology and Mineral Resources 10, 4, p. 289-308.
Hutchison, C.S. (1972)- Alpine-type chromite in North Borneo, with special reference to Darvel Bay. American
Mineralogist 57, 5-6, p. 835-856.
(Chromite layers and pods in dunite and serpentinite lenses in peridotite outcrops of Sabah. Association of
chromite-bearing ultramafic rocks with gabbro bodies and high-metamorphic tholeitic metabasalts (generally
as amphibolite, occasionally hornblende granulite) have formed in oceanic spreading zone)
Hutchison, C.S. (1978)- Ophiolite metamorphism in northeast Borneo. Lithos 11, p. 195-208.
(Darvel Bay ophiolite sequence of mantle harzburgite, gabbro(2 km thick), basalt and associated Late
Cretaceous (subsequent work has shown Early Cretaceous age; JTvG)- Eocene chert-spilite and Miocene
melange and olistostrome deposits. Ophiolite is extension into Borneo of Sulu Archipelago non-volcanic arc
(opiniion revised in Hutchison, 2000). Parts of ophiolite metamorphosed to gneiss, amphibolite, etc.)
Hutchison, C.S. (1982)- Pre-Tertiary basement of Borneo: what and where? Warta Geologi (Newsl. Geol. Soc.
Malaysia) 8, p. 295-297. (Abstract only)
(online at:
(Brief discussion of poorly known sialic basement terranes of Borneo. No maps)
Hutchison, C.S. (1988)- Stratigraphic-tectonic model for eastern Borneo. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 22, p. 135-
151. (also in Proc. GEOSEA 6 Conf., Jakarta 1987)
(NE Borneo nucleated since late Cretaceous around N Borneo Miri zone microcontinent that rifted off Vietnam/
S China. E margin passive, and grades into oceanic lithosphere of 'chert-spilite zone'. Early Miocene collision
of Miri microcontinent, causing folding-thrusting of Rajang group (suggests collision with Sulawesi, followed
by Makassar Straits opening, but this had already opened in Eocene; JTvG))
Hutchison, C.S. (1991)- Neogene arc-continent collision in Sabah, Northern Borneo (Malaysia)- Comment.
Tectonophysics 200, p. 325-329.
(Critical discussion of Rangin et al. (1990) paper. Palawan-N Borneo Trench not active subduction or collision
zone, and quite a few other 'incorrect' details. Miri Zone and Dangerous Grounds are singe continental block
and were both foreland in ?Miocene)
Hutchison, C.S. (1992)- Evidence of multiphase deformation in the Rajang-Crocker Range (northern Borneo)
from Landsat imagery interpretation: geodynamic implications- Comment (1). Tectonophysics 204, p. 175-177.
(Critical discussion of Benard et al. (1990) paper; see also Haile (1992))
Hutchison, C.S. (1992)- The Southeast Sulu Sea, a Neogene marginal basin with outcropping extensions in
Sabah. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 32, p. 89-108.
(online at:
(Sulu Sea marginal basin resulting from E Miocene intra-arc rifting. Early stages with explosive volcanic
activity and rifting resulting in extensive Ayer, etc. olistostromes, corresponding to Ayer, Tungku and Kuamat,
Garinono Fms. Uplift of Crocker Fm to W provide source for major quartz sands in SabahTanjong Fm and
major NE flowing delta near Sandakan fed turbidites of deep Sulu Sea. Sabah ophiolite complex predates late
early Miocene opening of Sulu Sea basin and represents Lower Cretaceous ocean floor on which arc was built.
Rare metabasite with glaucophane)
Hutchison, C.S. (1996)- The ‘Rajang accretionary prism’ and Lupar Line’ problems of Borneo. In: R.Hall & D.
Blundell (eds.) Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia, Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 106, p. 247-261.
(Rajang Group in Sarawak (and Embaluh Group in Kalimantan and equivalent rocks in Sabah, E Kalimantan)
N-facing accretionary prism, composed of Cretaceous- Late Eocene turbiditic sediments, younging N-ward.
Compressed into steeply S-dipping phyllite-quartzite complex (= M-Late Eocene Sarawak orogeny; collision
between Schwaner Mts Zone and Luconia-Balingian-Miri microcontinent). Unconformably overlain in N and S
by M-U Eocene continental- neritic clastics. Sabah W Crocker Fm Oligocene turbidites more shaly in N, and
nearshore in S. Several Miocene folding-uplift pulses. Provenance from uplifted U Cretaceous-Eocene of NE
Kalimantan and E Sarawak. M-Late Miocene Crocker Fm uplift ('Sabah orogeny' = E-M Miocene;JTvG).
Uplift ceased in Late Miocene. Paleocurrents show Upper Eocene basal sandstones provenance from
metamorphosed Sibu Zone. Kalimantan Melawi and Mandai basins unconformably over flysch-belt. Basins not
forearc, but formed after transformation of accretionary prism to collision complex landmass)
Hutchison, C.S. (2001)- Sundaland half-grabens of Sarawak; implications. Abstracts Petrol. Geol. Conf. Exhib.
2001, Paper 12, Warta Geologi (Newsl. Geol. Soc. Malaysia) 27, 5, p. 228-230. (Abstract only)
(Sundaland large continental peninsular landmass with half-grabens rifting from Late Eocene-Oligocene.
Sarawak W of West Balingian Line (Tatau or Mukah Province) integral part of this landmass, with NW-SE Late
Eocene- pre M Miocene grabens with up to 5km non-marine fill; marine inundation only after M Miocene sag.
Similar half grabens simultaneously developed on uplifted Rajang Group of Sibu Zone (Rajang had become
part of Sundaland after Late Eocene Sarawak Orogeny. Ketungau Basin of Kalimantan not unique. Sundaland
Late Eocene half-grabens are intermontane basins, like Basin and Range province of W North America)
Hutchison, C.S. (2002)- Did the northwest Borneo Trough terminate at the West Baram line; what do the
Miocene adakites/diorites indicate? Warta Geologi (Newsl. Geol. Soc. Malaysia) 28, 5, p. 250-251.
(NW Borneo Trough represents extinct plate margin and was active trench during spreading of S China Sea
marginal basin, from anomalies 11 (31 Ma) to 5c (16 Ma)).
Hutchison, C.S. (2005)- Geology of North-West Borneo- Sarawak, Brunei and Sabah. Elsevier, Amsterdam, p.
(Extensive review of Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah and N Kalimantan geology and stratigraphy)
Hutchison, C.S. (2010)- The North-West Borneo Trough. Marine Geology 271, 1-2, p. 32-43.
(NW Borneo Trough in deepwater Brunei-Sabah with melange wedge along SE margin, best explained as fossil
trench-accretionary prism, preserved when subduction ceased in M Miocene with arrival of thinned continental
crust at Benioff Zone, choking subduction and causing isostatic uplift of W Cordillera of Sabah. Overlain by
undeformed Upper Miocene- Holocene drape. Alternative interpretation was a SW major NW-directed thrust
Sheet System over autochthonous Dangerous Grounds terrane of attenuated continental crust of S China Sea
passive margin. Enigmas remain in Palawan area, where trough position is bathymetrically obscure in places
and position makes it impossible to derive Calamian micro-continent from continental Asia as required from its
stratigraphy. In SW Trough terminates abruptly at W Baram Line. Trough contains several spectacular edifices,
formerly suggested to be volcanoes or mud volcanoes but are drowned carbonate build-ups)
Hutchison, C.S. (2010)- Oroclines and paleomagnetism in Borneo and South-East Asia. Tectonophysics 496, p.
(Oroclinal bending of Borneo is result of indentation and collision by continental Miri Zone- C Luconia Block
in Eocene. Collision caused strong compression and uplift of Sibu Zone U Cretaceous- Eocene Rajang-
Embaluh Gp turbidite basin, which is floored by oceanic crust of Proto South China Sea. No paleomagetic work
Hutchison, C.S. (2011)- Oroclines and paleomagnetism in Borneo and South-East Asia. In: Petrol. Geol. Conf.
Exhib. (PGCE 2011), Kuala Lumpur, Warta Geologi 37, 1, p. 39. (Abstract only)
(online at:
(Oroclinal bending of Borneo resulted from indentation and collision of Miri Zone- C Luconia continental
block of N Sundaland into S Sundaland (= Late Eocene 'Sarawak Orogeny'))
Hutchison, C.S., S.C. Bergman, D.A. Swauger & J.E. Graves (2000)- A Miocene collisional belt in north
Borneo: uplift mechanism and isostatic adjustment quantified by thermochronology. J. Geol. Soc. London 157,
p. 783-793.
(Subduction followed by underthrusting of continental lithosphere, driven by Oligocene-Miocene spreading in S
China Sea, account for Sabah tectonic features. Isostatic rebound caused Late Miocene uplift of W Cordillera.
Strata buried to 4-8 km, then rapidly exhumed and cooled at ~0.6mm/year. Rapid erosion supplied abundant
clastics to Baram Delta, E lowlands and Sulu Sea. E Lowlands affected by Miocene Sulu Sea rifting)
Hutchison, C.S. & T.J. Dhonau (1969)- Deformation of an alpine ultramafic association in Darvel Bay, East
Sabah, Malaysia. Geologie en Mijnbouw 48, 5, p. 481-494.
(online at:
(Early description of Late Mesozoic ophiolites of Darvel Bay, E Sabah. Serpentinized peridotites (folded, with
boudinage), associated with gneiss, amphibolite chert-spilite formation, etc.))
Hutchison, C.S. & T.J. Dhonau (1971)- An alpine association of metabasites and ultrabasic rocks in Darvel Bay,
East Sabah, Malaysia. Overseas Geol. Miner. Res. 10, p. 289-308.
(Includes 140 Ma (basal Cretaceous) K-Ar age for meta-basalt from Sabah ophiolite)
Hutchison, C.S. & T. Surat (1991)- Sabah serpentinite sandstone and conglomerate. Warta Geologi (Newsl.
Geol. Soc. Malaysia) 17, 2, p. 59-64.
(online at:
(Serpentinite conglomerate and sandstone (grit) in Labuk Valley, NE Sabah W of Sandakan. Eroded from
uplifted peridotite and/or gabbroic layer of ophiolite. Age unknown. but possibly part of contiguous Oligocene
Kulapis Fm or Kamansi Beds)
Ibbotson, R. (2007)- Silimpopon- a Borneo coal mine. Opus Publications, Kota Kinabalu, p. 1-199.
(History of exploitation of Silimpopon coal mine, operating from 1905-1932 in Sabah, upriver from Tawau)
Ibrahim, C.A., L. Light, J. Ngu-Chee Kong & J. Mennie (2012)- Foresee the unforeseen: modeling West Baram
Delta overpressure, Offshore Sarawak. AAPG Search and Discovery Art. 41109, p.
(online at:
(Data from 62 W Baram Delta wells indicates onset of overpressure occurs at different depths, controlled
structurally and stratigraphically. Under-compaction overpressure, driven by rapid sedimentation,
predominant overpressure mechanism)
Ibrahim, N.A. (2003)- Deposition of the Tembungo deep-water sands. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Petroleum Geology
Conference and Exhibition 2002, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 47, p. 105-126.
(Core and seismic study of several 100m thick Late Miocene deep-water sands in Tembungo field off Sabah,
above the ‘Shallow Regional Unconformity’ (= ~9 Ma))
Idris, H.A.B.M., J. Jong, D.A. Nuraini B.A.B. & N.F.B.Salim (2015)- Jemuduk-1ST1 post well analysis:
implications on hydrocarbon charge and sedimentary fairway development of the Rajang Delta. Proc. 39th Ann.
Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA15-G-017, 20p.
Idris, H.A.B.M., A.B. Mustapha, N.F.B. Salim, D.A.N.B.A.Bakar, J. Jong & T. Murray (2015)- “J-1ST1” post
well analysis: implications on hydrocarbon charge and sedimentary fairway development of the West Luconia
Delta. Proc. SE Asia Petroleum Expl. Soc. (SEAPEX) Conf., Singapore 2015, 5.1, 42p. (Extended Abstract +
(Similar to Idris et al. 2015. J1ST1 well tested Plio-Pleistocene sands of West Luconia/ Rajang Delta shelf)
Idris, M.B. (1989)- Fossil crabs of Sabah. Warta Geologi 15, 5, p. 207-213.
(online at:
(Six localities of Late Miocene- Quaternary age in Sabah with crab fossils, incl. Macropthalmus, Scylla,
Euphylax and Martinaarcinus)
Idris, M.B. (1992)- CO2 and N2 contamination in J32-1, SW Luconia, offshore Sarawak. Bull. Geol. Soc.
Malaysia 32, p. 239-246.
(SW Luconia area offshore Sarawak prone to high CO2 (>60%; especially high in carbonate) and N2
contamination. Recent exploration well J32-1 five gas-bearing reservoirs in Neogene sands and limestones.
with CO2 from 2-76% and N2 from 1-12%). Contaminants commonly thought to be basement derived, but
possible other causes)
Idris, M.B. & K.H. Kok (1990)- Stratigraphy of the Mantanani Islands, Sabah. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 26, p.
(online at:
(Mantanani islands off N Sabah M Miocene bioclastic limestones and calcarenites with Lepidocyclina, overlain
by massive conglomerates)
Imai, A. (1994)- Sulfide globules associated with a felsite intrusion in the Mount Kinabalu quartz monzonite,
Sabah, East Malaysia: sulfide melt immiscibility in a highly silicic melt. Economic Geology 89, p. 181-185.
Imai, A. (2000)- Genesis of the Mamut porphyry copper deposit, Sabah, East Malaysia. Resource Geology,
Tokyo, 50, p. 1-23.
(Sabah Mamut porphyry type Cu-Au deposit ~10 km SE of Mt Kinabalu genetically related to quartz monzonite
('adamellite') porphyry stock of latest Miocene age (~7 Ma), associated with Late Miocene Mt Kinabalu
Imai, A. & K. Ozawa (1991)- Tectonic implications of the hydrated garnet peridotites near Mt Kinabalu, Sabah,
East Malaysia. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 6, p. 431-445.
(Garnetiferous peridotites part of ultramafic complex in Mt Kinabalu area. Associated with abundant spinel
lherzolites and in fault contact with surrounding Tertiary strata. High T peridotite mineral assemblages
overprinted by lowerT hydrous assemblages with abundant hornblende. Garnet peridotites part of sub-crustal
mantle under Kalimantan, metasomatized during ascent due to tectonism)
Ingram, G.M., T.J. Chisholm, C.J. Grant, C.A. Hedlund et al. (2004)- Deepwater North West Borneo:
hydrocarbon accumulation in an active fold and thrust belt. Marine Petroleum Geol. 21, p. 879-887.
(Deepwater acreage of NW Borneo active fold- thrust belt with hydrocarbon accumulations. Typical trapping
geometries hanging-wall anticlines, foreland folds and ridges and sub-thrust footwall cut-offs. Drilling targets
in deformed Miocene-Pliocene clastics, charged from active petroleum system. Major challenge is to avoid
drilling traps that expelled hydrocarbons during periods of active deformation)
Ismail, M.I.B. (1999)- Petroleum resources, Sabah. In: Petronas (1999) The petroleum geology and resources of
Malaysia, p. 593-602.
(On petroleum resources in 3 Neogene basins: Sabah, NE Sabah (Sandakan) and SE Sabah. Main basin is
Sabah Basin off NW Sabah, Discovered recoverable oil 1.2 BB Oil, 7.0 TCF gas in 23 oil and 28 gas fields)
Ismail, M.I., A.R. Eusoff, A.M. Mohamad, S.A. Aziz & B. Mahendran (1995)- The geology of Sarawak
deepwater and surrounding areas. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Southeast Asian Basins, oil and gas for the 21st century,
Proc. AAPG-GSM Int. Conf., Kuala Lumpur 1994, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 37, p. 165-178.
(online at:
(Study of 1989 Sarawak deepwater seismic transects. Two tectonostratigraphic provinces. North Luconia 7-8
km of Tertiary sediments, NNE-SSW trending extensional faults, buried hills and local forced folds. On E
boundary NNE-SSW fault separates it from NW Sabah Platform with NE-SW trending rifts with only 2-4 km
sediment. West Luconia Province up to 13 km of sediments, very thick post M Miocene, with E-W trending
growth faults and slumps/ toe thrusts formed by gravity gliding. These overlie normal-faulted section at mid
Miocene unconformity. Five sub-megasequences recognised)
Ismail, M.I. & R.B.A. Hassan (1999)- Tinjar province. In: Petronas (1999) The petroleum geology and
resources of Malaysia, Chapter 16, p. 395-409.
(Geology and hydrocarbon of area onshore Sarawak with U Eocene- U Miocene sediments, uplifted and folded
at end Early Miocene and Late Miocene. No discoveries so far)
Ismail, W.N.W, S.H. Tahir & Basir Jasin (2014)- Barremian-Aptian radiolaria from Chert-Spilite Formation,
Kudat, Sabah. Warta Geologi 40, 3-4, p. 59-61.
(online at:
(Radiolarian chert in siliceous shale in ophiolitic rocks at Bukit Pangaraban, Kudat, E Sabah, with
radiolarians dominated by Thanaria pacifica, Dictyomitra communis, Pseudoeucyrtis hanni and Podobursa
typica, suggesting Barremian-Aptian (E Cretaceous) age. Radiolarian chert is from basalt association. Low
CaO content suggests deposition below calcite compensation depth. Chert deposited on E Cretaceous oceanic
crust and represent oldest rocks in Sabah)
Iyer, S.R., Ong Swee Keong, N. Asmah, F. Nazihah & Satyanarayana (2010)- An insight into the tectonic
framework and structural evolution of a frontier area in Sarawak Offshore Basin, Malaysia. Petrol. Geosc.
Conf. Exhib. (PGCE) 2010, Kuala Lumpur, p. 178-181. (Extended Abstract)
(Structural fabric off Sarawak characterized by strong overprint of NW-SE to N-S reactivated basement trend,
over the older, less distinct, NE-SW trend. Post MMU tectonic setting: quiescent W half, separated by West
Balingian zone, from an active wrench- tectonics-dominated E half. Timing of wrench movement shifted from
Late Miocene in W to Recent in E)
Iyer, S.R., Ong Swee Keong, F. Nazihah & S.A. Abdullah (2012)- New perspective on evolution of northern
provinces of offshore Sarawak Basin, Malaysia. AAPG Int. Conf. Exhib., Singapore 2012, Search and
Discovery Art. 10482 (2013), 19p. (Presentation package)
(online at:
(Basins offshore Sarawak initiated as Late Cretaceous (?)- Late Eocene intra-cratonic rifts on continental crust
on foreland bulge (Phase I), creating N-S and NE-SW-trending half-grabens, dipping to E and SE. Gravity
modeling results suggest 15-20 km thick attenuated continental crust. Extension continued, with opening of S
China Sea in E Oligocene (Phase II), and subsequent drift phase up to early M Miocene. Well results suggest
non-marine to transitional environment for Cycle I -Lower Cycle II, and outer neritic to bathyal for Cycle III.
Iyer, S.R., H. Rosidah & A.S. Amar (2012)- Maturation of a new play concept in Northern Provinces of
Offshore Sarawak Basin, Malaysia. Petrol. Geosc. Conf. Exh. (PGCE 2012), Warta Geologi 38, 2, p. 125-126.
(online at:
('Sequence-A play concept' is based on seismic evidence: postulated lacustrine sediments ?Lat Cretaceous-
Eocene early half- graben fill in first phase of extension)
Jackson, C.A.L. & H.D. Johnson (2009)- Sustained turbidity currents and their interaction with debrite-related
topography: Labuan Island, offshore NW Borneo, Malaysia. Sedimentary Geology 219. p. 77-96.
(E Miocene Temburong Fm at Labuan Island off NW Borneo, deposited in a lower slope- proximal basin-floor
setting. Two gravity-flow facies: slump-derived debrites and turbidites deposited by sustained turbidity
currents. Routing of turbidity currents influenced by topographic relief at top of underlying debrite)
Jackson, C.A.L., A.A. Zakaria, H.D. Johnson, F. Tongkul & P.D. Crevello (2009)- Sedimentology, stratigraphic
occurrence and origin of linked debrites in the West Crocker Formation (Oligo-Miocene), Sabah, NW Borneo.
Marine Petroleum Geol. 26, 10, p. 1957-1973.
(Oligocene-E Miocene W Crocker Fm of N Borneo large submarine fan, part of accretionary complex. Range of
gravity-flow deposits observed (see also Zakaria et al. 2013)
Jacobson, G. (1970)- Gunung Kinabalu area, Sabah, Malaysia. Malaysia Geol. Survey Rept. 8, p. 1-111.
Jamaludin, S.N.F. & M. Pubellier (2013)- Interpretations on seismic volume over two Miocene carbonate
platforms in Central Luconia. In: Proc. Nat. Geoscience Conf., Ipoh (NGC2013), Geol. Soc. Malaysia, B07, p.
76-78. (Extended Abstract)
(online at:
Jamaludin, S.N.F., M. Pubellier & D. Menier (2014)- Relationship between syn-depositional faulting and
carbonate growth in Central Luconia Province, Malaysia. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 60 (C.S. Hutchison
Memorial Volume), p. 77-83.
(online at:
(Seismic interpretation of Miocene carbonate platforms EX and FY in C Luconia Province shows carbonate
buildups affected by syndepositional faulting. Faults formed during or just after final rifting of S China Sea)
Jamaludin, S.N.F., M. Pubellier & D. Menier (2017)- Structural restoration of carbonate platform in the
southern part of Central Luconia, Malaysia. J. of Earth Science (China) 29, 1, p. 155-168.
(Tectonic events affected growth of Miocene carbonates in C Luconia. Three stages: pre-carbonate (Late
Oligocene- E Miocene), syn-carbonate (M-L Miocene) and post-carbonate (Pliocene). Rifting of S China Sea
and subduction of proto-South China Sea responsible for pre-carbonate faulting; movement of ancient Baram
Line controls strike directions of normal faults in syn-carbonate stage. Subsidence and compaction due to
overburden of clastics from prograding deltas main reason for gravitational tectonics in post-carbonate stage)
Jamaluddin, T.A. (1989)- Struktur sedimen dalam Formasi Crocker di kawasan Tamparulih, Sabah. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Malaysia 24, p. 135-157.
(online at:
('Sedimentary structures of the Crocker Formation in the Tamparuli region, Sabah')
Janjuhah, H.T., A.M.A. Salim, M.Y. Ali, D.P. Ghosh & Meor H.A. Hassan (2017)- Development of carbonate
buildups and reservoir architecture of Miocene carbonate platforms, Central Luconia, Offshore Sarawak,
Malaysia. In: SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil Gas Conf. Exhib, Jakarta, SPE-186979-MS, p. 1-12.
(online at:
Janjuhah, H.T., A.M.A. Salim, D.P. Ghosh & A. Wahid (2017)- Diagenetic process and their effect on reservoir
quality in Miocene carbonate reservoir, offshore, Sarawak, Malaysia. In: M. Awang et al. (eds.) Proc. Int. Conf.
Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences (ICIPEG2016), Kuala Lumpur 2016, Springer Verlag, p.
Janjuhah, H.T., J.A.G. Vintaned, A.M.A. Salim, I. Faye, M.M. Shah & D.P. Ghosh (2017)- Microfacies and
depositional environments of Miocene isolated carbonate platforms from Central Luconia, offshore Sarawak,
Malaysia. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Ed.) 91, 5, p. 1778-1796.
(13 microfacies identified in core samples from well in C Luconia M-U Miocene reef complex)
James, D.M.D. (ed.) (1984)- The geology and hydrocarbon resources of Negara Brunei Darussalam. Muzium
Brunei, p. 1-164.
Jamil, A.S.A., M. Anwar & E.S.P. Kiang (1991)- Geochemistry of selected crude oils from Sabah and Sarawak.
Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 28, p. 123-149.
(online at:
(35 crude oils from 15 offshore Sabah and Sarawak oil fields analyzed. Three oil types: (1) normal, non-waxy,
(2) waxy and (3) biodegraded. Oils derived from landplant-derived organic matter)
Jasin, Basir (1991)- Some larger foraminifera and radiolaria from Telupid olistostrome, Sabah. Warta Geologi
17, 5, p. 225-230.
(online at:
(Telupid Olistostrome overlies Chert-Spilite Formation and ultramafic rocks, and probably result of submarine
sliding. Large limestone boulder with Late Eocene Pellatispira, Biplanispira, Nummulites, Spiroclypeus,
Discocyclina, Asterocyclina)
Jasin, Basir (1991)- The Sabah Complex- a lithodemic unit (a new name for the Chert Spilite Formation and its
ultramafic association). Warta Geologi 17, 6, p. 253-259.
(online at:
(Propose to replace name Chert-Spilite Fm with Sabah Complex, including its ultramafic association. Scattered
across Sabah. Early Cretaceous radiolaria in chert (Valanginian-Barremian; many Tan Sin Hok species;
JTvG); mafic-ultramafic volcanic rocks must be older probably Late Jurassic)
Jasin, Basir (1992)- Significance of radiolarian cherts from the Chert-Spilite formation, Telupid, Sabah. Bull.
Geol. Soc. Malaysia 31, p. 67-83.
(online at:
(Thin-bedded, reddish chert-shale in Telupid area, Sabah, overlying Late Jurassic or earliest Cretaceous ocean
floor basalt, pillow lava and peridotite. No pelagic limestones. Dismembered ophiolite sequence exposed by
obduction or thrusted during Late Cretaceous-Early Paleogene. Chert composed mainly of radiolaria: Early
Cretaceous assemblage with Archaeodictyomitra brouweri, A. pseudoscalaris, Pseudodictyomitra lilyae,
Hemicryptocapsa pseudopilula, etc. (many Tan Sin Hok species), most likely age Late Valanginian-Barremian.
Nearby (overlying?) olistostrome with M Eocene limestone blocks)
Jasin, Basir (1993)- Early Cretaceous radiolarians from the chert pebbles in the Lupar Formation, Sarawak.
Sains Malaysiana 23, 1, p. 71-79.
Jasin, Basir (1996)- Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous radiolarian from chert blocks in the Lubok Antu melange,
Sarawak, Malaysia. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 13, 1, p. 1-11.
Jasin, Basir (2000)- Geological significance of radiolarian chert in Sabah. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 44, p. 35-
(online at:
(Sabah radiolarian cherts associated with ophiolitic rocks in Chert Spillite Fm and as blocks in chaotic
deposits. Ophiolitic chert association from Bukit Pengaraban quarry near Kudat with 17 radiolarian taxa of
Barremian-Aptian age (with many 'Tan Sin Hok species'; JTvG). Chert samples from Wariu Complex suggests
Albian age. Radiolarian chert originally deposited on oceanic crust close to spreading center.Ophiolitic chert
association is oldest rock in Sabah)
Jasin, Basir (2000)- Significance of Mesozoic radiolarian chert in Sabah and Sarawak. In: G.H. Teh et al. (eds.)
Proc. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Ann. Geol. Conf. 2000, Pulau Pinang, p. 123-130.
(online at:
(Mesozoic cherts exposed in W Sarawak and Sabah dated by radiolarian faunas. Oldest chert with E Jurassic
(Pliensbachian- E Toarcian Canoptum spp, Parasuum spp., etc.) in dacitic tuff of Binong Pass, overlying Serian
Volcanics basalts-andesites. Chert sequence at base of Pedawan Fm with Late Tithonian-Berriasian
radiolarians of Tethyan affinity. Lubok Antu melange with chert blocks of three ages: (1) late Tithonian with
Parvicingula excelsa and Ristola altissima, (2) M Valanginian- Barremian with Cerops septemporata and (3)
late Albian-Cenomanian. Radiolarian chert pebbles from Lupar Fm with Hauterivian-Barremian radiolaria.
Chert from Sabah ophiolitic and melange associations Valanginian-Cenomanian. Cherts deep-marine and
related to high plankton productivity in E Jurassic and Early to early Late Cretaceous)
Jasin, Basir (2002)- Middle Miocene planktonic Foraminifera and their implications in the geology of Sabah.
Geol. Soc. Malaysia Ann. Geol. Conf. 2002, Kota Bharu, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 45, p. 157-162.
(online at:
(Planktonic foraminifera from M Miocene of Sabah. Garinono Fm melange in Bidu-Bidu area with early M.
Miocene Gs. sicanus zone (N 8); overlying tuffaceous mudstone with early M Miocene zone N10 (Orbulina,
Globorotalia peripheroacuta). Libong Tuffite Fm on Dent Peninsula with middle M Miocene Gr. fohsi fohsi
Zone (N12) assemblages. Setap Shale Fm at Kampung Sungai Berdaun, Labuan, with N8 assemblages a.a.)
Jasin, Basir, A. Jantan, Lim P.S. & M.N. Abd. Rahman (1989)- Some microfossils from the Wariu Formation.
Sains Malaysiana 18, 1, p. 57-75.
Jasin, Basir, I. Komoo & A. A.F. Abdullah (1993)- Some planktic foraminifera from the Setap Shale, Wilayah
Persekutuan Labuan. Sains Malaysiana 22, 1, p. 35-45.
(Early Middle Miocene (N8) planktonics; see also B. Jasin 2002))
Jasin, Basir & A. Madun (1996)- Some Lower Cretaceous radiolaria from the Serabang Complex, Sarawak.
Warta Geologi (Newsl. Geol. Soc. Malaysia) 22, 2, p. 61-65.
(online at:
(Serabang Complex of Sarawak, W of Kuching, not W continuation of Lubok Antu melange but older. Slaty
shale with 11 species of radiolaria: Hemicryptocapsa spp., Archaeodictyomitra lacrimula, Pseudodictyomitra
puga, Thanaria conica, T. pulchra, Parvicingula sp. and Xitus sp., indicating Valanginian- M Aptian age)
Jasin, Basir & U. Said (1999)- Significance of Early Jurassic radiolaria from West Sarawak. In: G.H. Teh (ed.)
Proc. 9th Reg. Congress Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of SE Asia (GEOSEA ’98), Kuala Lumpur
1998, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 43, p. 491-502.
(online at:
Jasin, Basir & U. Said (1999)- Some Late Jurassic- Early Cretaceous radiolarian faunas from the Pedawan
Formation, Sarawak. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Proc. 9th Reg. Congress Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of SE
Asia (GEOSEA ’98), Kuala Lumpur 1998, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 43, p. 611-620.
(online at:
(Deepwater Late Tithonian- Berriasian radiolarian chert in basal part of 4500m thick latest Jurassic-
Cretaceous Pedawan Fm, above Bau Limestone in Bau and Tubeh areas, Sarawak. With Loopus primitivus in
lower part, Artocapsa(?) amphorella and Hsuum raricostatum in upper part of ~5m thick chert sequence)
Jasin, Basir, U. Said & A.D. Woei (1996)- Discovery of Early Jurassic radiolaria from the tuff sequence, near
Piching, West Sarawak. Warta Geologi (Newsl. Geol. Soc. Malaysia) 22, 5, p. 343-347.
(online at:
(17 species of Early Jurassic (Late Pliensbachian- E Toarcian) radiolaria in >50m thick siliceous tuff sequence
in Sarawak- Kalimantan border area S of Kuching. Sequence dips ~50° to SW. Overlies Serian Volcanics and
probably basal part of Kedadom Fm. Key species Praeconocaryomma media, P. decora, Pantanellium
sanrafaelense, Canutus indomitus, Canoptum anulatum and C. rugosum)
Jasin, Basir & Sanudin Tahir (1978)- Middle Miocene planktonic Foraminifera from the Libong Tuffite
Formation, Sabah. Sains Malaysiana 16, 1, p. 85-95.
(see also Jasin 2002. Zone N10-N12 planktonic foraminifera in tuffaceous marine sediments)
Jasin, Basir & Sanudin Tahir (1988)- Barremian radiolaria from Chert-Spilite Formation, Kudat, Sabah. Sains
Malaysiana 17, 1, p. 67-79.
Jasin, Basir, H. Sanudin Tahir & R.H.S. Abdul (1985)- Lower Cretaceous radiolaria from the Chert-Spilite
Formation, Kudat, Sabah. Warta Geologi 11, 4, p. 161-162.
(online at:
(Brief paper on Lower Cretaceous radiolaria from chert above pillow lava in in Chert-Spilite Fm of N Sabah
(ocean floor sediments). First paper to conclusively demonstrate Barremian age of basal radiolarites above
ophiolite. Including several Tan Sin Hok 1927 species like Conosphaera tuberosa, Hemiaryptocapsa
pseudopilula, Stiahocapsa pseudodecora and Archaeodictyomitra pseudoscalaris, suggesting possible
Barremian- E Albian age)
Jasin, Basir, Sanudin Tahir & Z. Harun (1995)- Some Miocene planktonic foraminifera from Bidu-Bidu area,
Sabah. Warta Geologi 21, 4, p. 241-246.
(online at:
(Garinono Fm in Bidu-Bidu area, C Sabah with chaotic melange/ debris flow deposits. Planktonic foraminiferal
assemblage from melange mudstone matrix include Globigerinoides bisphericus and Praeorbulina sicana (N8,
late E Miocene). Overlain by well bedded tuffaceous mudstone-sandstone sequence with Orbulina universa, O.
suturalis and Globorotalia fohsi peripheroacuta (N10; early M Miocene). During M Miocene intense volcanic
activity with widespread tuffaceous material in E Sabah)
Jasin, Basir, H.T. Sanudin & F.F. Tating (1991)- Late Eocene planktonic foraminifera from the Crocker
Formation, Pun Batu, Sabah. Warta Geologi 17, 4, p. 187-191.
(online at:
(Red mudstone from Crocker Fm near Pun Batu, SW Sabah, rich in latest Eocene planktonic foraminifera, incl.
Turborotalia cerroazulensis, Hantkenina alabamensis, Cribrokantkenina inflata, etc.)
Jasin, Basir & Selvarajah (1988)- Paleogene planktonic Foraminifera from Pulau Kalampunian Kecil, Sabah.
Sains Malaysiana 17, 1, p. 99-113.
Jasin, Basir & F. Tongkul (2000)- Fosil radiolaria daripada jujukan ofiolit Lembah Baliojong, Tandek, Sabah.
In: Ibrahim Komoo & H.D. Tjia (eds.) Warisan Geologi Malaysia 3, LESTARI, UKM, p. 219-230.
('Radiolarian fossils in the ophiolite sequence in Baliojong Valley, Tandek, Sabah')
Jasin, Basir & F. Tongkul (2013)- Cretaceous radiolarians from Baliojong ophiolite sequence, Sabah, Malaysia.
J. Asian Earth Sci. 76, p. 258-265.
(Baliojong ophiolite sequence Baliojong River in N Sabah consists of basalts, overlain by well-bedded cherts,
mudstones and sandstones. Ophiolite sequence occurs as steeply-dipping, N-S oriented, overturned thrust slices
in Cenozoic sediments. Two radiolarian assemblage zones in cherts: (1) Dictyomitra communis Zone
(Barremian-Aptian) including Dictyomitra pseudoscalaris (Tan) and Pantanellium squinaboli (Tan) and (2)
Pseudodictyomitra pseudomacrocephala Zone (Albian-Cenomanian). Cherts probably first sediment deposited
on newly formed Cretaceous oceanic crust, intensely folded before deposition of Paleogene Crocker Fm)
Jennings, A.V. (1888)- Notes on the orbitoidal limestone of North Borneo. Geol. Magazine 5, 12, p. 529-532.
(Limestones of uncertain location, probably Silungen in Soubis and from Batu Gading, collected by Burls
contains Discocyclina spp. and Asterocyclina, probably Eocene in age)
Johansson, M. (1999)- Facies analysis of the Plateau Sandstone (Eocene to Early Miocene?), Bako National
Park, Sarawak, Malaysia. J. Asian Earth Sci. 17, p. 233-246.
(Sandstones near Kuching, W Sarawak, known as ‘Plateau Sandstones’, of possible Eocene- E Miocene age.
Anomalous kerogen compositions, proximity of onlap surface and paleocurrent direction to NNE, suggest
Bako Peninsula sands unrelated to Plateau Sst Fm in Klingang Range on Kalimantan border. New name Bako
Sst. Very thick-bedded sst with lenses of conglomerates and sandy mudstones, formed in braided channel
Johnson, H.D., J.W. Chapman & J. Ranggon (1989)- Structural and stratigraphic configuration of the Late
Miocene Stage IVC reservoirs in the St. Joseph field, offshore Sabah, NW Borneo. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia
25, p. 79-118.
(online at:
(Large, structurally complex field along Lower Pliocene wrench fault zone. Main reservoir Late Miocene
marine sands)
Johnson, H.D., T. Kuud & A. Dundang (1989)- Sedimentology and reservoir geology of the Betty field, Baram
Delta province, offshore Sarawak, NW Borneo. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 25, p. 119-161.
(online at:
(Moderate size oil field in Baram Delta Province. Structure combination E-W trending delta-related growth
faulting and later Pliocene NE-SW trending folding. Reservoirs stacked Miocene shallow marine sandstones)
Johnson, H.D., S. Levell & A.H. Mohamad (1987)- Depositonal controls of reservoir thickness and quality
distribution in Upper Miocene shallow marine sandstones (Stage IVD) of the Erb West Field, offshore Sabah.
Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 21, p. 195-220.
(online at:
(Erb West field off W Sabah NE-SW trending anticline, with hydrocarbons in 800' Late Miocene section with
shallow marine sandstones. Five main sandstone facies)
Johnson, J.H. (1966)- Tertiary red algae from Borneo. Bull. British Museum (Natural History), Geology, 11, 6,
p. 255-280.
(online at:
(41 species of red calcareous algae from Eocene-E Miocene limestones of Melinau Gorge and Paleocene
localities of upper Baram and Belukan River regions)
Johnston, J.C. & P.J. Walls (1975)- Geology of the Telupid area, Sabah. Geol. Survey Malaysia, Annual Rept.
for 1973, p. 213-220.
(Incl. glaucophane-bearing metabasalts from Telupid area, possibly part of Chert-Spilite Fm of Sabah)
Jones, M., S. Burley, N. Sharp & N. Wilson (2016)- Pushing the boundaries of exploration in East Malaysia:
building on early success. AAPG Int. Conf. Exhibition, Melbourne 2015, Search and Discovery Art.110226,
28p. (Abstract + Presentation)
(online at:
(On Tertiary deep-water sandstones exploration by Murphy Oil in deep water region off NW Sabah, with Kikeh,
etc. oil fields)
Jones, R., P. Restrepo-Pace, C. Goulder, Yee Ah Chim & C. Russell (2011)- The romance of NE Sabah’s shelf-
SB303 exploration potential. Proc. 2011 SE Asia Petroleum Expl. Soc. (SEAPEX) Conference, Singapore, 18,
26p. (Abstract + Presentation)
(Multiple hydrocarbon play types in Miocene carbonate buildups and clastics in Lundin blocks off NW Sabah)
Jong, J., S.A. Abdullah, S.M. Barker & T. Yoshiyama (2015)- Structural restoration and deformation history of
the Bunguran and Sabah fold-thrust belts, NW Borneo. In: Asia Petroleum Geosc. Conf. Exh. (APGCE), Kuala
Lumpur, 25992, p. 355-359. (Extended Abstract)
(Bunguran (= deepwater Rajang Delta) and Sabah (= deepwater Baram Delta) Fold-thrust belts result from
complex interplay between gravity-driven deformation and episodic regional thin-skinned compression driven
by South China Sea tectonics along margin)
Jong, J., P. Barber, L.H. Chim, Q.T. Tran, H. Kusaka, K. Muramoto & R. Uchimura (2013)- The petroleum
systems of onshore West Baram Delta, Northern Sarawak, Malaysia. In: Petroleum Geoscience Conf. Exhib.
(PGCE 2013), Kuala Lumpur, O2, 4p. (Extended Abstract)
(Onshore part of W Baram Delta petroleum province in N Sarawak with two distinct petroleum system: (1)
southern overmature gas system, sourced from deeply buried Eo-Oligocene basinal shales, charging wrench-
induced traps like Engkabang Anticline; (2) permit-wide oil and gas system sourced from peak mature Mid-
Late Miocene carbonaceous shales-coals in synclines, charging inversion and compressional fold structures.
Expulsion and charge of traps started in Late Miocene and continues to present-day)
Jong, J., P. Barber, Q.T. Tran & R. Uchimura (2015)- The petroleum systems of onshore West Baram Delta,
Northern Sarawak, Malaysia. Proc. SE Asia Petroleum Expl. Soc. (SEAPEX) Conf., Singapore 2015, 5.2, 4p.
(Extended Abstract + Presentation)
(Onshore W Baram Delta petroleum province in N Sarawak with Eocene-Recent sediment succession, affected
by three main deformation episodes: (1) late Cretaceous- Eocene (80-36 Ma) block faulting, with Eocene (rel.
tight) platform carbonates on local highs (2) late Oligocene- M Miocene (30-20.5 Ma) wrench movement along
West Baram-Tinjar Line, (3) M Pliocene- Recent (4.0-0 Ma) uplift and compression/inversion (e.g. Miri
Anticline). With 2014 Adong Kecil West-1 discovery near Miri. Source rocks: (1) southern gas system from
overmature Eo-Oligocene basinal shales, (2) northern oil-gas system from mature M-L Miocene carbonaceous
shales/ coals in synclinal areas)
Jong, J., S. Barker, F.L. Kessler & T.Q. Tan (2014)- The Sarawak Bunguran fold belt: structural development in
the context of South China Sea tectonics. In: Proc. 8th Int. Petrol. Techn. Conf. (IPTC), Kuala Lumpur, 18197-
MS, 30p.
(Bunguran Trough in offshore Sarawak Deepwater Block 2F with folded Neogene anticlines with reverse faults
and thrusts in cores. Bunguran Fold Belt is deepwater setting of Rajang Delta/ W Luconia Delta, for which
gravity sliding was advocated as mechanism of deformation. However, steep folds in anticline cores with
mainly reverse faults and anticlines in zones of thicker sediment, suggest inversions of sediment depocentres by
compressional tectonics. Foldbelt deformation driven by both gravity and regional compression)
Jong, J., S. Barker, F.L. Kessler & T.Q. Tan (2015)- One basin with several sediment sources: stratigraphic
records of the Bunguran Trough, Central South China Sea. In: Tectonic evolution and sedimentation of South
China Sea region, AAPG Workshop Kota Kinabalu, Search and Discovery Art. 30405, 7p. (Ext. Abstract)
(online at:
(Bunguran Trough intra-continental deepwater basin in W Luconia Province, off Sarawak in S China Sea. Sag
basin, where two major lineaments crossed. Oldest known rocks E Miocene shelfal clastics, now buried at
>6000m, overlain by U Miocene Cycle V 3000m of slope and toe-of-slope deposits, overlain by distal muddy
sediments of Muda Fm equivalent. All Pleistocene and older units underwent multiple deformations. Main
Neogene sediment supply shifted from Natuna High to Rajang Delta, then back to Natuna area in Pliocene)
Jong, J., S. Barker, F.L. Kessler & T.Q. Tan (2017)- Basin with multiple sediment sources: tectonic evolution,
stratigraphic record and preservation potential of the Bunguran Trough, South China Sea. Berita Sedimentologi
38, p. 5-48.
(online at:
(Deepwater Bunguran Trough off Sarawak is intra-continental pull-apart basin in deepwater Rajang/West
Luconia Delta province. Oldest stratigraphy shelf clastic deposits Late Oligocene Cycle I (= Gabus Fm of
Natuna Basin), now buried to >7000m. Sediments sourced from: (1) Natuna Arch in Oligocene- E Miocene and
Late Pliocene- Pleistocene (feldspatic and quartz-rich turbidites); (2) Rajang/ W Luconia Delta (Neogene) and
(3) minor contributions from Dangerous Grounds/ N Luconia and C Luconia Platform areas to N and E)
Jong, J., H.A.B.M. Idris, P. Barber, F.L. Kessler, Tran Q. Tan & R. Uchimura (2017)- Exploration history and
petroleum systems of the onshore Baram Delta, northern Sarawak, Malaysia. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 63
(Geol. Soc. Malaysia 50th Anniversary Issue 1), p. 117-143.
(online at:
(Review of onshore Baram Delta province in N Sarawak, with M Eocene- Holocene succession and 1910 Miri
oilfield discovery. Three episodes of deformation: (1) Late Cretaceous- Eocene (79.5-36 Ma) block faulting, (2)
Late Oligocene- M Miocene (30-20.5 Ma) wrench movement and folding; (3) M Pliocene (4 Ma)- Holocene
uplift and compressional folding. Two major anticlinal trends: Engkabang-Karap in S, Miri-Asam Paya in N.
Two distinct petroleum systems: (1) overmature gas in S, sourced from deep Eo-Oligocene basinal shales with
reworked terrestrial organic matter. Earlier oil charge probably in Oligocene before late basin reversal; (2) oil
and gas system from peak-mature M-L Miocene carbonaceous shales and coals in synclines, charging inversion
compressional structures along N Miri-Asam Paya anticlinal trend, and Miocene at Engkabang-Karap
Anticline. Expulsion and charge started in Late Miocene and is continuing to present-day. Exploration results
of Eo-Oligocene carbonate play disappointing. Onshore Baram Delta still contains attractive plays)
Jong, J., M.A. Khamis, W.M. Z.W. Embong, T. Yoshiyama & D. Gillies (2016)- A sequence stratigraphic case
study of an exploration permit in Deepwater Sabah: comparison and lessons learned from pre- versus post-drill
evaluations. Proc. 40th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA16-51-G, 24p.
(Deepwater Sabah basin with discontinuous Miocene submarine fan reservoir sands)
Jong, J., D.A. Nuraini & M.A. Khamis (2014)- Basin modeling study of deepwater Block R (DWR) offshore
Sabah and its correlation with surface geochemical analyses. Int. Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC),
Kuala Lumpur, IPTC-18186-MS, p. 1-11.
Kaeng, G.C., S. Sausan & Z. Simatupang (2016)- Overpressure mechanisms in compressional tectonic of
Borneo deepwater fold-thrust belt. Proc. 40th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA16-496-
G, 9p.
(Review of mechanisms that caused high overpressure in N Borneo deep-water fold-thrust belts. Active
deposition over ongoing lateral compression results in complex sediment compaction mechanism)
Kakizaki, Y., T. Ishikawa, J. Matsuoka & A. Kano (2010)- Lithostratigraphy and Sr-isotope ages of the Bau
Limestone Formation of Northwestern Borneo. Japan Geoscience Union Mtg. 2010, Makahari, Chiba 1010, p.
(Abstract only)
(Bau Limestone from two quarries (Marup, SSF; Gunung Panga) 30 km SW of Kuching, W Sarawak. Massive
reefal limestone locally rich in corals and rudists. Bunkit Akut quarry 40 km SW of Kuching well-bedded,
deeper water equivalent. Sr-isotopes suggest Late Oxfordian- E Kimmeridgean ages)
Kakizaki, Y. & A. Kano (2009)- Lithology and reefal fauna of the Bau Limestone Formation in Northwestern
Borneo, Malaysia. J. Geological Soc. Japan 15, p. 13-14.
(Brief report, in Japanese).
Kakizaki, Y., H. Weissert, T. Hasegawa, T. Ishikawa, J. Matsuoka & A. Kano (2013)- Strontium and carbon
isotope stratigraphy of the Late Jurassic shallow marine limestone in western Palaeo-Pacific, northwest Borneo.
J. Asian Earth Sci. 73, p. 57-67.
(Sr and C isotope stratigraphy of 202m thick shallow marine carbonate section of Late Jurassic Bau Lst at SSF
quarry, SW Sarawak, which was deposited in W Paleo-Pacific. Sr ratios of rudists suggest age of section is
latest Oxfordian (155.95 Ma)- Late Kimmeridgian (152.7 Ma), consistent with previous biostratigraphy. δ13C
values of Bau Limestone generally ∼1‰ lower than Tethyan values)
Kamis, A.M. & W.R. van der Vlugt (1988)- The impact of modern seismic in an old field. Proc. SE Asia
Petroleum Expl. Soc. (SEAPEX) Conf. 8, p. 17-27.
(On the use of seimic in resolving structural complexity on Seria Field, Brunei. Field doiscovered in 1928, 769
wells drilled, Oil-in-place ~2.8 billion barrels. ENE-WSW- trending faulted anticline, with Mio-Pliocene deltaic
reservoir sandstones)
Kanno, S. (1978)- Brackish molluscan fauna (Upper Eocene) from the Silantek Formation in West Sarawak,
Malaysia. In: T. Kobayashi et al. (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo
Press, 19, p. 103-112.
(Descriptions of brackish water bivalves Corbula dajacensis Martin, Taeniodomus gracilis Kruse, Geloina
hashimoto n.sp. and gastropod Paludomos)
Kasama, T., H. Akimoto, S. Hada & G. Jacobson (1970)- Geology of the Mt. Kinabalu area, Sabah, Malaysia. J.
Geosciences Osaka City University 13, p. 113-148.
(Reconnaissance study of Mt Kinabalu area, at junction of Borneo and Sulu tectonic arcs. Mt Kinabalu 4000m
high and composed of granite- granodiorite with K-Ar ages between 7.6- 9.0 Ma. A few younger isotope ages of
1.3 and 1.7 Ma may represent time of rapid uplift. Surrounded by Tertiary sediments of Crocker Fm and
Tenumpok Fms, with 1km or more wide metamorphic aureole with hornfels and gneiss. Crocker Fm isoclinally
folded, mainly in E-M Miocene (~19-20 Ma), mainly S dipping. E-W belt of ultrabasic rocks S of Mt. Kinabalu.)
Kayes, A.D. (2012)- Synthetic seismic validation of reservoir models of the carbonate gas fields in offshore
Sarawak, Malaysia. AAPG Int. Conv. Exhib., Singapore 2012, Search and Discovery Art. 41087, p. 1-29.
(online at:
(Shell Sarawak Gas Asset 20 producing gas fields with >40 Tcf of gas in place. Seismic modeling constrains
geological models of Miocene carbonate reservoirs)
Keij, A.J. (1964)- Upper Palaeocene Distichoplax Limestones of Kudat Peninsula and Pulau Banggi, Sabah.
Geol. Survey Borneo Region of Malaysia, Annual Report 1963, p. 153-154.
(Suangpai quarry in Tajau area of N Kudat Peninsula has basal marl with Late Paleocene planktonic forams,
overlain by dense white limestone with Discocyclina, Aktinocyclina, Asterocyclina (Ta zone) and the algae
Distichoplax biserialis, restricted to Paleocene- E Eocene in other areas of the Tethys. No maps or other
stratigraphy info)
Keij, A.J. (1964)- Distichoplax from Kudat Peninsula and Banggi island, Sabah, Borneo. Revue
Micropaleontologie 7, 2, p. 115-118.
(Well-illustrated account of Paleocene- E Eocene ?algae Distichoplax biserialis, commonly found in thin
limestones across Sarawak and W Sabah with Linderina, Opertorbitolites. In Suangpai Lst of N Kudat
Peninsula, with common Discocyclina, Aktinocyclina, Nummulites and Alveolina and nearby marls with Late
Paleocene planktonic forams)
Keij, A.J. (1964)- Late Cretaceous and Palaeogene arenaceous foraminifera from flysch deposits in
northwestern Borneo. Malaysia Geol. Survey Annual Report 1964, p. 155-158.
(Late Cretaceous- Paleogene flysch deposits across >550 mile belt from Sarawak to Sabah (Crocker Range).
Forams dominated by monotonous bathyal arenaceous 'Bathysiphon-Cyclammina-Trochammina' assemblages,
with rare calcareous benthics and planktonic foraminifera. Subtle varations between relative abundances
probably reflect environmental factors like oxygenation)
Keij, A.J. (1964)- Neogene to Recent species of Cytherelloidea (Ostracoda) from northwestern Borneo.
Micropaleontology 10, 4, p. 415-430.
(Cytherelloidea common in Neogene-Recent ostracode assemblages of N Borneo. Fifteen species, ten new)
Kessler, F.L. (2009)- Observations on sediments and deformation characteristics, Sarawak Foreland, Borneo
Island. Warta Geologi 35, 1, p. 1-10.
(online at:
Kessler, F.L. (2009)- The Baram Line in Sarawak: comments on its anatomy, history and implications for
potential non-conventional gas deposits. Warta Geologi 35, 3, p. 105-110.
(online at:
Kessler, F.L. (2012)- The Jokut Quarry observations on an intensely folded carbonate sequence North-West of
Mulu, Sarawak. Warta Geologi 38, 1, p. 1-3.
(online at:
(Jokut Quarry almost depleted limestone quarry NE of Mulu Massif. Probably N-most known occurrence of
carbonates in this part of Sarawak. Exposed U Oligocene (Lower Te) Selidong Fm carbonates steeply dipping,
intensely folded and fractured, floating in intensely folded shales and slates. Carbonates mainly mudstones to
packstones, with mounded features)
Kessler, F.L. (2013)- The Batu Gading, Bukit Besungai Hollystone Quarry- observations on an tectonically
isolated carbonate sequence northeast of Long Lama, Sarawak. Warta Geologi 39, 1, p. 1-4.
(online at:
(Batu Gading Hollystone Quarry ENE of Long Lama, one of several isolated carbonate blocks, tectonically
confined by regional faults, the nature of which remains uncertain. Carbonates in quarry ~50m thick and of
Late Eocene and E Miocene (should be Late Oligocene?; JTvG) ages (E Oligocene missing), predominantly
reefal, deposited on wave-cut shelf formed by Rajang Gp deep marine clastics. Carbonate body at least three
unconformities, second one angular (forams studied by Adams & Haak, 1962))
Kessler, F.L. & J. Jong (2014)- Habitat and C-14 ages of lignitic terrace deposits along the northern Sarawak
coastline. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 60 (C.S. Hutchison Memorial Issue), p. 27-34.
(online at:
(Quaternary lignitic transgressive terrace deposits in coastal locations in Miri area (C-14 ages 28.6- 8.2 ka;
Late Pleistocene- E Holocene), unconformably over Pliocene sediments. Thickness 1.5- 7.5 m. Now at different
elevations (14-38m altitude) and appear to be block-faulted, implying tectonic movements in Holocene)
Kessler, F.L. & J. Jong (2014)- The origin of Canada Hill- a result of strike-slip deformation and hydraulically
powered uplift at the Pleistocene/Holocene border? Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 60 (C.S. Hutchison Memorial
Issue), p. 35-44.
(online at:
(Canada Hill in centre of Miri, Sarawak, roofed by Pleistocene/Holocene terrace deposits, implying very young
uplift of complex anticline. Structure explained by strike-slip deformation, in conjunction with diapyric pillow of
Setap Fm clay)
Kessler, F.L. & J. Jong (2015)- Incision of rivers in Pleistocene gravel and conglomeratic terraces: further
circumstantial evidence for the uplift of Borneo during the Neogene and Quaternary. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia
61, p. 49-57.
(online at:
(Incised Pleistocene gravel beds and conglomerates common feature of Baram, Limbang and Temburong
drainage systems in NW Sarawak and Brunei. Incision from 9-76 m likely result of strong precipitation,
combined with ongoing uplift. Conglomerates almost exclusively from Lower Miocene Meligan Sst, and
deposited in nested fluvial terraces. Uplift may be ongoing present day)
Kessler, F.L. & J. Jong (2015)- Tertiary uplift and the Miocene evolution of the NW Borneo shelf margin.
Berita Sedimentologi 33, p. 21-46.
(online at:
(In NW Borneo transition from muddy M Miocene shelf to unusually sandy one attributed to (1) rise of Borneo
part of Sundaland in M-L Miocene, caused by tectonic compression and (2) availability, through erosion of
Rajang/Crocker sand source. E-M Miocene Cycle III 'Setap Shale' in Baram Delta rel. lean in sand. First
massive regional sand pulse in Baram Delta and Sabah during Cycle IV (Serravallian), post-MMU/DRU times.
Continued sand supply established shelf edge that remained almost stationary throughout Mid Cycle V)
Kessler, F.L. & J. Jong (2016)- Paleogeography and carbonate facies evolution in NW Sarawak from the Late
Eocene to the Middle Miocene. Warta Geologi 42, 1-2, p. 1-9.
(online at:
(After Paleocene-E Eocene Sarawak Orogeny (~40-36 Ma) shallow shelf developed in NW Sarawak, which
included Luconia/Tinjar terranes and rimmed recently emerged Rajang Gp hinterlands. Late Eocene benthic
foraminiferal limestone banks and ramps developed on sheltered shoals. By E-M Oligocene carbonate
deposition slowed. Second episode of carbonate deposition in E-M Miocene, with small coral-algal bioherms)
Kessler, F.L. & J. Jong (2017)- Examples of fault architecture and clay gouging in Neogene clastics of the Miri
area, Sarawak. Warta Geologi 43, 1, p. 15-20.
(online at:
(Good correlation between normal fault throw and fault gouge thickness)
Kessler, F.L. & J. Jong (2017)- Carbonate banks and ramps on the northern shore of Palaeogene and Early
Neogene Borneo: observations and implications on stratigraphy and tectonic evolution. Bull. Geol. Soc.
Malaysia 63 (Geol. Soc. Malaysia 50th Anniversary Issue 1), p. 1-26.
(online at:
(In NW Sarawak two independent carbonate systems: Late Eocene-Oligocene foraminiferal limestone banks
and E-M Miocene coral-algal buildups. No outcrop or well shows continuity of carbonate deposits from Late
Eocene to M Miocene. Eo-Oligocene carbonate system formed during deepening of NW Borneo foredeep after
Paleocene- E Eocene Sarawak Orogeny; E-M Miocene carbonates originated as foredeep shallowed and
eventually disappeared with establishment of shallow, clastic shelf)
Kessler, F.L. & J. Jong (2017)- The roles and implications of several prominent unconformities in Neogene
sediments of the greater Miri area, NW Sarawak. Warta Geologi 43, 4, p. 1–8.
(Neogene sequence of greater Miri area in NW Sarawak with up to four Neogene unconformities: well-
established Mid-Miocene Unconformity (MMU; ~15.5 Ma?) and less well-defined Shallow Regional
Unconformity (SRU; ~10 Ma), Intra-Pliocene Unconformity (IPU; 3.6 Ma) and Lower Pleistocene
Unconformity (LPU; ~1.6-1.8 Ma). Timings yet-to-be fully established)
Kessler, F.L. & J. Jong (2017)- A study of Neogene sedimentary outcrops of the Greater Miri area- can clay
gouging be calibrated in outcrops and shallow subsurface boreholes? Berita Sedimentologi 39, p. 5-24.
(online at:
(Fault zones with clay gouge in outcrops and shallow boreholes of Late Miocene- E Pliocene deltaic clastics
show no fault sealing capability. Probably due to weathering)
Kessler, F.L. & J. Jong (2018)- Hydrocarbon retention in clastic reservoirs of NW Borneo- examples of
hydrocarbon trap, reservoir, seal and implications on hydrocarbon column length. Berita Sedimentologi 40, p.
(online at:
(Hydrocarbon column length offshore Sarawak, Brunei and NW Sabah mainly controlled by effective and
laterally continuous top seal. Seal capacity affected by mineralogy, grain size, diagenesis and lateral continuity.
Hydrocarbon columns tend to be longer in clay-prone environments, like outer shelf and deepwater turbidite
environments (av. ~250m), and shorter in sand rich shallow marine- deltaic settings (av. 30m))
Khan, A.A., W.H. Abdullah, Meor H. Hassan & K. Iskandar (2017)- Tectonics and sedimentation of SW
Sarawak basin, Malaysia, NW Borneo. J. Geol. Soc. India 89, 2, p. 197-208.
Kho, C.H. (1968)- Bintulu Area, Central Sarawak, East Malaysia. Explanation of sheet 3/113/13. Geol. Survey
Malaysia, Borneo region, Report 5, p. 1-83.
(1:50,000 scale geologic map of area around Bintulu town, C Sarawak, with primary purpose evaluation of
Miocene coal beds. Oldest beds up to 14,000' thick Nyalau Fm marine-paralic clastics with zone Te4- Te5
(latest Oligocene- E Miocene) foraminifera limestones with Miogypsinoides and Heterostegina borneensis and
Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina), etc. Overlain by E Miocene Setap Shale Fm (or lateral equivalent of Nyalau Fm.;
Hutchison 2005). Folded in E Pliocene)
King, R.C., G. Backe, C.K. Morley, R.R. Hillis & M.R.P. Tingay (2010)- Balancing deformation in NW
Borneo: quantifying plate-scale vs. gravitational tectonics in a delta and deepwater fold-thrust belt system.
Marine Petroleum Geol. 27, 1, p. 238-246.
(GPS show 4-6 mm/yr of NW Borneo plate-scale shortening, not accommodated by plate-scale structures. Total
shortening observed in Baram delta toes does not balance against active extension in delta top; additional
shortening therefore attributed to plate-scale shortening across NW Borneo produced by far-field compression)
King, R.C., R.R. Hillis, M.R.P. Tingay & A.R. Damit (2010)- Present-day stresses in Brunei, NW Borneo:
superposition of deltaic and active margin tectonics. Basin Research 22, 2, p. 236-247.
(Two present-day stress provinces previously identified across Baram Delta System: (1) inner shelf inverted
province with margin-normal (NW-SE) max. horizontal stress orientation and (2) outer shelf extension province
with margin-parallel (NE-SW) max. horizontal stress. Borehole breakouts from 12 petroleum wells confirm
margin-normal max. horizontal stress orientations of inverted province (mean max. hor. stress orientation of
~117°). NW Borneo continental margin currently tectonically quiescent)
King, R.C., R.R. Hillis, M.R.P. Tingay & C.K.Morley (2009)- Present-day stress and neotectonic provinces of
the Baram Delta and deepwater fold-thrust belt. J. Geol. Soc., London, 166, p. 197-200.
(Present-day stress orientation measurements across Baram delta and deepwater delta toe fold-thrust belt)
King, R.C., M.R.P. Tingay, R.R. Hillis, C.K. Morley & J. Clark (2010)- Present-day stress orientations and
tectonic provinces of the NW Borneo collisional margin. J. Geophysical Research 115, B10415, p. 1-15.
(online at:
(Borehole deformation of 55 petroleum wells across NW Borneo collisional margin combined with seismic and
outcrop data, define seven tectonic provinces. Baram Delta- Deepwater Fold‐Thrust Belt deltaic gravitational
tectonics with 3 provinces (inner shelf inverted province, outer shelf extension province and slope to basin floor
compression province). Shale and minibasin provinces offshore Sabah. In Balingian province, sH is ESE-WNW,
reflecting ESE absolute Sunda plate motions due to absence of thick detachment seen elsewhere in NW Borneo.
C Luconia province poorly constrained orientations)
Kirk, H.J.C. (1957)- The geology and mineral resources of the Upper Rajang and adjacent areas. Geological
Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, Kuching, Memoir 8, p. 1-181.
Kirk, H.J.C. (1961)- A preliminary account of Cretaceous to Recent volcanic activity in relation to the
geological structure of British Borneo. Proc. 9th Pacific Science Congress, Bangkok 1957, 12, p. 192-197.
(Also in 'Annual Report Geological Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, 1957, p. 23-29)
(Two main periods of volcanic activity in North Borneo (Sabah): basalt-spilite interbedded with Cretaceous-
Eocene sediments and widespread Upper Tertiary- Quaternary basalt- andesite-dacite association eruptions)
Kirk, H.J.C. (1963)- Pliocene and Quaternary volcanic activity in British Borneo. In: F.H. Fitch (ed.) Proc.
British Borneo Geological Conference 1961, Kuching, Geological Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo,
Bull. 4, Kuching, p. 137-142.
(Two groups of Pliocene and Quaternary volcanism: (1) Upper Rajang area of E Sarawak and (2) Semporna
Peninsula of SE Sabah (continuation of Sulu Arc). Mainly explosive eruptions of andesite, dacite and rhyolite in
Pliocene, followed by extensive olivine basalts in Quaternary)
Kirk, H.J.C. (1966)- The mineralogy of Pinanduan copper deposit, Sabah, Malaysia. Geol. Survey Malaysia,
Borneo Region, Annual Report 1965, p. 196-204.
Kirk, H.J.C. (1967)- The igneous rocks of Sarawak and Sabah. Geol. Survey Malaysia, Borneo Region,
Kuching, Bull. 5, p. 1-210.
(see also 'preview' in Borneo Region Malaysia Geol. Survey, Annual Report 1963, p. 82-94. Incl. M Jurassic K-
Ar date forbiotite in hornfels in Segama Valley, Sabah, suggesting pre-Cretaceous metamorphic basement?)
Kirk, H.J.C. (1967)- The Mamut copper prospect, Kinabaluh, Sabah. Geol. Survey Malaysia, Borneo Region,
Kuching, Bull. 8, p. 68-80.
Kivior, I., S. Markham, S. Damte, S. Randle, M. Shimada, J. Jong, H. Kusaka & TranN Quoc Tan (2011)-
Mapping regional sedimentary horizons in the onshore Baram Delta, Sarawak, from magnetic and gravity data
using Energy Spectral Analysis. In: Proc. Petroleum Geology Conference and Exhibition (PGCE), Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, p.
Kob, M.R.C. & M.Y. Ali (2008)- Regional controls on the development of carbonates in East Natuna Basin and
Luconia area. Proc. 32nd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA-08-G-078, 6p.
(E Natuna basin- Luconia platforms off NW Borneo between areas of subsidence/ faulting in N and
compressional tectonics in S. Extensive development of carbonates in Early -Late Miocene. Late Oligocene- E
Miocene extension in Luconia and nearby areas, followed by episodic compression in M Miocene. Areas near
main uplifted region in E and SW dominated by clastics, carbonates thrived on rifted margin in W. Similar
setting in E Natuna. Subsequent compression resulted in inversion and folding, with uplift of parts of E Natuna-
Luconia region. Folds formed sites for latest M-Late Miocene carbonate growth. Sea level rise at base Pliocene
drowned most of carbonate in region except few buildups in NW, which still thrive today)
Kob, M.R.C. & M. Mohamed (1995)- Chronostratigraphy of Miocene turbiditic sequence of Sabah Basin from
nannofossil assemblages. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Proc. AAPG-GSM Int. Conf. Southeast Asian basins: oil and gas
for the 21st century, Kuala Lumpur 1994, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia, p. 143-163.
(online at:
(Offshore Sabah Basin is Neogene trench-associated basin filled with progradational cycles of marine and
coastal sediments. Age-determinations of M-L Miocene strata through quantitative nannofossil analysis more
reliable than foraminifera due to floods of reworked forms. Dominant indigenous assemblages differentiated
from reworked assemblages through quantitative analysis)
Kocsis, L., A. Briguglio, A. Roslim, H. Razak, S. Coric & G. Frijia (2018)- Stratigraphy and age estimate of
Neogene shallow marine fossiliferous deposits in Brunei Darussalam (Ambug Hill, Tutong district). J. Asian
Earth Sci. 158, p. 200-209.
(Outcrops of sandstones-clays at Ambug Hill in NE Brunei with layers rich in marine fossils. Calcareous
nannoplankton of Late Tortonian- E Messinian (NN11) age, confirmed by Sr-isotope age from bivalves (8.3- 6.2
Ma). Overlain by emersion surface, possibly tied to Me1 (7.25 My) or Me2 (5.73 My) sequence boundary)
Kon'no, E. (1968)- Some Upper Triassic species of Dipteridaceae from Japan and Borneo. J. Linnean Soc.
London, Botany, 61, 384, p. 93-105.
(Description of Cuxthropteris (=Clathropteris) meniscoides from near SW border of Sarawak, southernmost
occurrence of Dipteridaceae flora of SE Asia in Borneo in Upper Triassic)
Kon’no, E. (1972)- Some Late Triassic plants from the Southwestern border of Sarawak, East Malaysia. In:T.
Kobayashi & R. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 10,
p. 125-178.
(Plants from beds near basal conglomerates of Halobia-bearing coaly series near Krusin, SW Sarawak.
Probably Late Carnian age. 15 species from Sadong Fm, now called‘Krusin flora’. With Neocalamites,
Clathropteris miniscoides, Dictyophyllum cf. nilssoni, Cladophlebis spp., Todites, etc. Belongs to
Dictyophyllum-Clathropteris floral province of E Asia/ SW Pacific, without any European or North Asian floral
elements, and similar to Norian Tonkin Flora of N Vietnam. No stratigraphy details (Hutchison 2005:
associated in same formation Carnian-Norian bivalves Halobia and Monotis salinaria and sands derived from
Serian Volcanics) (Krusin flora classified as Carnian age, and 'East Asian floristic zone', similar to 'Yamaguti
Flora' of Japan, by Dobruskina 1994))
Koopman, A. (1996)- Regional geological setting. In: S.T. Sandal (ed.) The geology and hydrocarbon resources
of Negara Brunei Darussalam (2nd ed.), Spec. Publ. Muzium Brunei and Brunei Shell Petroleum Company
Berhad, Syabas, Bandar Seri Begawan, p. 49-60.
Koopman, A. & J. Schreurs (1996)- The coastal and offshore oil and gas fields. In: S.T. Sandal (ed.) The
geology and hydrocarbon resources of Negara Brunei Darussalam (2nd ed.), Spec. Publ. Muzium Brunei and
Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Berhad, Syabas, Bandar Seri Begawan, p. 155-192.
Koopman, A. & J. Schreurs (1996)- The inland hydrocarbon accumulations. In: S.T. Sandal (ed.) The geology
and hydrocarbon resources of Negara Brunei Darussalam (2nd ed.), Spec. Publ. Muzium Brunei and Brunei
Shell Petroleum Co. Berhad, Syabas, Bandar Seri Begawan, p. 193-198.
Koopmans, B.N. (1967)- Deformation of the metamorphic rocks and the Chert-Spilite formation in the southern
part of the Darvel Bay area, Sabah. In: Geological papers 1966, Geol. Survey of Malaysia, Borneo Region, Bull.
8, p. 14-24.
Koopmans, B.N. & P.H. Stauffer (1968)- Glacial phenomena on Mount Kinabalu, Sabah. In: Geological papers
1966, Malaysian Geol. Survey, Borneo region, Bull. 8, p. 25-35.
(Evidence of Pleistocene glacial erosion above 12,000' at on Mt. Kinabalu (elev. 4100m/ 13,455'). Glaciated,
with ice cap of ~5.4 km2 in Pleistocene until about 10,000 years ago. Two Pleistocene glaciations, but no clear
Kosa, E. (2013)- The rivers of Luconia: the effects of sea-level lowstands on the stratigraphy of a mixed
carbonate/clastics province; Miocene- Present, Offshore Sarawak, NW Borneo. In: Proc. Petrol. Geosc. Conf.
Exh. (PGCE 2013), Kuala Lumpur, 5p. (Extended Abstract)
(C Luconia gas-producing province with ~250 carbonate build-ups, now mostly covered by clastics. Clastics
historically interpreted as marine, pro-delta sediments deposited over drowned carbonates, but re-interpreted
as stacked delta lobes with paleo-coastlines extending basinward of most Luconia build-ups. This study
suggests evidence for fluvial and other erosional geomorphology and links this to hydrocarbon habitats,
carbonate-clastic interactions and reservoir/seal distribution. Fluvial processes exerted major control on
carbonate inception inM Miocene, and on hydrocarbon-retention capacity of clastic overburden)
Kosa, E. (2013)- Wings, mushrooms and Christmas trees: insights from carbonate seismic geomorphology into
the evolution of Central Luconia. AAPG Int. Conv. Exhib., Singapore 2012, Search and Discovery Art. 50783,
51p. (Presentation and Abstract; see also full paper Kosa et al. (2015))
(online at:
(C Luconia gas province off Sarawak, NW Borneo with >200 Miocene-Recent carbonate build-ups identified.
Interpretation of carbonate geomorphology from seismic varied through time. Prevalent model of evolution of
C Luconia infers ‘maximum transgression' initiating carbonate growth in M Miocene, followed by progressive
burial of province under Borneo-sourced clastic deltas in Late Miocene. Hydrocarbon columns in C Luconia
tend to be short and terminate at intersections of carbonate edifices with clastic sequence boundaries. New
model of clastic stratigraphy proposed, of stacked delta-lobes punctuated by exposure and/or flooding surfaces
and evolving contemporaneously with carbonates)
Kosa, E. (2015)- Sea-level changes, shoreline journeys, and the seismic stratigraphy of Central Luconia,
Miocene-present, offshore Sarawak, NW Borneo. Marine Petroleum Geol. 59, p. 35-55.
(C Luconia province of Sarawak Basin with>200 M Miocene- Recent carbonate build-ups. Clastic sediments
around/ between carbonate build-ups interpreted as stacked low-relief deltas, which frequently prograded
beyond area of carbonate build-ups. Deltaic topsets juxtaposed against carbonate build-ups hydrocarbon
migration routes. Most carbonate reservoirs underfilled; hydrocarbon columns limited to youngest onlapping
Kosa, E., A. Hafrez, K. Boey, A. Azhar & G. Wee (2012)- Sequence stratigraphy of clastic overburden of the
Miocene carbonate gas province in Central Luconia, Offshore Sarawak, NW Borneo: implications for
hydrocarbon-retention capacity. In: Int. Petrol. Techn. Conf. (IPTC), Bangkok 2012, IPTC 14578, p. 1208-
(C Luconia, off NW Borneo, mature gas province with >45TCF gas discovered in Miocene carbonate build-
ups. Most commercial discoveries in carbonate platforms, but remaining prospectivity mostly in pinnacle-shape
carbonates, where commercial volumes require long hydrocarbon columns)
Kosa, E., G.M.D. Warrlich & G. Loftus (2015)- Wings, mushrooms, and Christmas trees: the carbonate seismic
geomorphology of Central Luconia, Miocene-present, offshore Sarawak, Northwest Borneo. American Assoc.
Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 99, 11, p. 2043-2075.
(see also Kosa (2013). C Luconia province of Sarawak Basin off NW Borneowith extensive Miocene-Holocene
carbonate buildupse up to 2km thick and with complex seismic geomorphologies. Intermittent carbonate and
siliciclastic deposition governed by oscillating sea level and variable siliciclastic input. Location of buildups
with respect to deltaic facies and seismic expressions of marginal carbonate strata, locally known as wings,
used here to classify carbonate seismic geomorphologies)
Kosaka, H. & K. Wakita (1978)- Some geologic features of the Mamut porphyry copper deposit, Sabah,
Malaysia. Economic Geology 73, 5, p. 618-627.
(Mamut porphyry copper-gold deposit of Paleocene- Upper Miocene age one of many mineralized centers in
NW-SE trending tectonic zone in Sabah, N Borneo. Copper mineralization associated with K-rich adamellite
porphyry intrusion. Wall rocks consist of serpentinite and clastic sediments. See also Imai (2000))
Kosters, M., P.F. Hague, R.A. Hofmann &d B.L. Hughes (2008)- Integrated modeling of karstification of a
Central Luconia Field, Sarawak. In: Int. Petroleum Techn. Conf. (IPTC 2008), Kuala Lumpur, IPTC 12327, 9p.
(Some carbonate fields in C Luconia gas province karstified, as demonstrated by severe drilling losses. Largest
gas field (1969 discovery, ~175km NNW of Bintulu, producing since 1987) is elongate Miocene buildup.
Seismic study suggests extensive dendritic karst network in zones 3 and 4, mainly in C and E parts of field.
Overlying zone 2.3 part of transgressive systems tract with rel. poor porosities and form field-wide baffle)
Krebs, W.N. (2011)- Upper Tertiary chronosequence stratigraphy of offshore Sabah and Sarawak, NW Borneo,
Malaysia: a unified scheme based on graphic correlation. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 57, p. 39-46.
(online at:
Krebs, W.N. & A. van Vliet (2009)- The Middle Miocene Unconformity (MMU): neither Middle Miocene nor
unconformity? In: Programme and abstracts Petroleum Geology Conf. Exh., Kuala Lumpur 2009, Geol. Soc.
Malaysia, Paper 16. (Abstract only)
(online at:
(Middle Miocene Unconformity of N Borneo/ S China Sea not true unconformity, but end of late E Miocene
extension around 'oceanic' core of S China Sea. Crests of fault-blocks experienced minor submarine erosion.
Bako-1 and Mulu-1 wells drilled on paleo-highs, reveal age of MMU is late E Miocene)
Krol, L.H. (1927)- Palaeozoicum (?) in Sarawak en Britsch-Noord Borneo. De Mijningenieur 8, p. 113-115.
(On the age of coal-bearing rocks from Sarawak: initially believed to be of Late Paleozoic age (Tennison
Woods, 1885, based on presumed presence of Vertebraria and Phyllotheca), but more likely of Tertiary age)
Lam, K.S. (1988)- Sibu Area, Central Sarawak Malaysia, Explanation Sheet 2/111/12. Geol. Survey Rept.,
Geol. Survey Malaysia, Sarawak, p. 1-151.
Lambiase, J. & A. Cullen (2012)- Sediment supply systems of the Champion "Delta" of NW Borneo:
implications for the distribution and reservoir quality of associated deepwater sandstones. AAPG Int. Conf.
Exh., Singapore 2012, Search and Discovery Art. 50775, p. (Presentation)
(online at:
Lambiase, J. & A. Cullen (2013)- Sediment supply systems of the Champion “Delta” of NW Borneo:
implications for deepwater reservoir sandstones. J. Asian Earth Sci. 76, p. 356-371.
(M Miocene- Pliocene 'Champion Delta' sedimentation on NW Borneo margin not one simple, large delta.
Multiple sand sources from Padas, Limbang and Trusan Rivers)
Lambiase, J.J., A.R. Damit, M.D. Simmons, R. Abdoerrias & A.A. Hussin (2003)- A depositional model and
the stratigraphic development of modern and ancient tide-dominated deltas in NW Borneo. In: F.H. Sidi et al.
(eds.) Tropical deltas of Southeast Asia; sedimentology, stratigraphy and petroleum geology. Soc. Sedimentary
Geology (SEPM) Spec. Publ. 76, p. 109-123.
(Modern deltas of NW Borneo may be wave-dominated (Baram River) or tide-dominated (deltas within Brunei
Bay). Details on Trusan River Delta, outcrops of M-Miocene and younger Belait Fm, etc.)
Lambiase, J.J., A.A.A. Rahim & C. Yaw Peng (2002)- Facies distribution and sedimentary processes on the
modern Baram Delta: implications for the reservoir sandstones of NW Borneo. Marine Petroleum Geol. 19, 1,
p. 69-78.
(Present-day Baram Delta wave-tide dominated. Tertiary shoreface reservoir sandstones wave-dominant, tidal
signatures absent. Modern Baram Delta not appropriate analogue for most shoreface reservoir sands)
Lambiase, J.J. & S. Tulot (2013)- Low energy, low latitude wave-dominated shallow marine depositional
systems: examples from northern Borneo. Marine Geophysical Res. 34, 3-4, p. 367-377.
(Depositional environments of wave-dominant successions in M-L Miocene Belait and Sandakan Fms in Brunei
and NE Sabah)
Lambiase, J.J., T.Y. Tzong, A.G. William, M.D. Bidgood, P. Brenac & A.B. Cullen (2008)- The West Crocker
formation of northwest Borneo: a Paleogene accretionary prism. In: A.E. Draut et al. (eds.) Formation and
applications of the sedimentary record in arc collision zones, Geol. Soc. America (GSA), Spec. Paper 436, p.
(West Crocker Fm in NW Borneo interpreted as accretionary prism. Two episodes of syndepositional folding-
thrusting. Probable Eocene age differs from accepted Oligocene- E Miocene age and consistent with deposition
of W Crocker Fm during phase of NW Borneo margin tectonism. Sandstones in W Crocker deposited by high-
density turbidity currents that constructed progradational lobes in ~1000m or more water. Sandstones with
abundant feldspars and lithics suggests first-cycle product of eroded orogenic belt and short transport distance)
Lasman, M.R. (1998)- Channel chasing in the D35 field offshore Sarawak. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Petroleum
geology Conference 1997, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 42, p. 39-45.
(online at:
(D35 oilfield offshore Sarawak in Balingian Province 1983 discovery in E-M Miocene 'Cycle III' delta plain
channel deposits. Seismic ampitudes help identify channel sand thickness)
Latiff, A.H A., S.N.F. Jamaludin & M.N.A. Zakariah (2015)- Post-stack seismic data enhancement of thrust-
belt area, Sabah Basin. PowerMEMS 2015, IOP Conf. Ser., Earth Environm. Science 30, 012006, p. 1-6.
(online at:
(Seismic processing offshore NW Sabah))
Lau, J.W.E. (1974)- The 'rediscovery' of rudist with its associated fauna in the Bau Limestone and its
palaeobiogeographic significance in circumglobal correlation and plate tectonic studies. Malaysia Geol. Survey,
Borneo Region, Annual Report for 1973, p. 188-197.
(Description of macrofauna of Late Jurassic- Early Cretaceous Bau Limestone at Paku Mine E of Bau, W
Sarawak. Mainly primitive diceratid rudists, incl. Heterodiceras aff. luci (= Epidiceras speciosum of Skelton
Lau, J.W.E. (1977)- Stratigraphic correlation of Tertiary basins in offshore Malaysia, South China Sea.
ASCOPE, 30p.
Lee, C.P. (2003)- The Madai-Baturong Limestone in eastern Sabah and its new interpretation as a seamount.
Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 46, p. 161-165.
(online at:
(Isolated shallow marine limestone bodies up to 300m-600m thick and 2.5-3.5 km wide, surrounded by
deepwater deposits of Rajang/ ‘Chert-Spilite’ formation probably Cretaceous seamount deposits. Algae,
Hensonella and small simple Dictyoconus suggest Early Cretaceous age. Jasin (1991) suggested Madai-
Baturong Limestone was deposited on horst while Valanginian-Barremian chert of Chert-spilite Fm was
deposited in surrounding deep waters)
Lee, D.T.C. (1968)- The Sandakan Formation, East Sabah. Bull. Geol. Survey Malaysia, Borneo Region, 9, p.
Lee, D.C. (1970)- Sandakan Peninsula, Eastern Sabah, East Malaysia, explanation of sheet 6/117/16, 6/118/13,
5/117/4 and 5/118/1. Geol. Survey East Malaysia, Rept. 6, 75p.
Lee, D.T.C. (1990)- Formation of Pulau Batu Hairan and other islands around Pulau Banggi, Northern Sabah.
Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 26, p. 71-76.
(online at:
(New island emerged from sea E of Pulau Banggi, N Sabah in 1988. Grey muds and red mudstones with blocks
up to several m diameter of sandstone (from Crocker Fm?), chert, and rare ultrabasic rocks (from Chert-spilite
formation). With prominent 10m long radial tensional fractures. Formed by diapyric action, but no gas or mud
cones. >40 other small island E and SE of Pulau Banggi probably similar origin)
Lee, D.T.C. & H.S. Weber (1986)- Base metal exploration in Sabah. In: G.H. Teh & S. Paramananthan (eds.)
Proc. GEOSEA V Conf., Kuala Lumpur 1984, 1, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 19, p. 405-419.
(Base metal explation program since 1980 initially focused on anomalies associated with Late Tertiary
volcanics and copper-zinc anomalies related to pillow-lava stage of C Sabah ophiolite assemblages. Follow-up
work lead to discovery of Cyprus-type massive sulphide occurrences related to volcanics of Chert-Spilite
Formation in Bidu-Bidu hills, NE Sabah)
Legrand, X., S. Sherkati & M.L. Lee (2015)- Evolution of deformation-sedimentation interaction in NW
Offshore Sabah: implication for hydrocarbon exploration. Asia Petrol. Geosc. Conf. Exhib. (APGCE 2015),
Kuala Lumpur, 4p. (Extended Abstract)
(Offshore Sabah subjected to tectonic and gravity deformation since E Tertiary. E Miocene event led to crustal
overthickening and uplift of former deep marine thick shale (Setap Fm) to shallow water environment. Relief
prepared initial conditionsfor delta-related sequence in M Miocene time. Differential loading triggered mobile
shale, forming mini-basins and shale ridges. Late Miocene more shale-prone prograding system. Gravity faults
with rollovers and associated outboard, Late Miocene- Pliocene toe-thrusts, linked along shallow detachment.
Further offshore imbricate thrust system rooted in deeper detachment)
Leong, K.M. (1972)- The occurrences of Orbitolina-bearing limestone in Sabah, Malaysia. In: N.S. Haile (ed.)
Regional Conference on the Geology of Southeast Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Abstracts of papers, Geol. Soc.
Malaysia, p. 38. (Abstract only)
(Hutchison (2005), p. 226-229: Brecciated, probably Aptian-Albian age limestone with Orbitolina lenticularis
and Hedbergella in Segama Highlands. Possibly related to Madai-Baturong Lst and part of Eastern Rajang
Group, which has been interpreted as seamount deposit in oceanic environment)
Leong, K.M. (1975)- New ages from radiolarian cherts of the Chert-Spilite Formation, Sabah. Warta Geologi 1,
5, p. 96-98.
(online at:
(First Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian- Barremian) age date obtained from sample J7250 of radiolarian chert
of Chert-Spilite Fm by W. Riedel, based on Staurosphaera septemporata, Sphaerostylus lanceola and probably
Dictyomitra boesii, etc. Previously believed to be mainly Upper Cretaceous age. Same as Leong (1977))
Leong, K.M. (1976)- Miocene chaotic deposits in eastern Sabah: characteristics, origin, and petroleum
prospects. Malaysia Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Annual Report 1975, p. 238.
Leong, K.M. (1977)- New ages from radiolarian cherts of the Chert-Spilite Formation of Sabah. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Malaysia 8, p. 109-111.
(online at:
(Lower Cretaceous age for radiolarians from cherts, Sabah, identified by W. Riedel. Valanginian- Barremian
species Staurosphaera septemporata, Sphaerostylus lanceolata, etc., in one sample suggest Chert-spilite Fm (=
cover of Sabah obducted oceanic crust) older than previously assumed by Geological Survey reports. Other
samples with U Cretaceous radiolaria. Same paper as Leong (1975))
Leong, K.M. (1978)- ‘The Sabah Blueschist Belt’- a preliminary note. Warta Geologi 4, 2, p. 45-51.
(online at:
(Proposed 'Sabah blueschist belt' is partly shear zone and partly sedimentary melange. Belt, with blocks of
serpentinite, glaucophane schist, amphibolite, etc. in Miocene Ayar Fm, extends across C Sabah, trending NW
from Dent Peninsula. Probably related to S-dipping subduction zone related to SW movement of Sulu Sea plate
during Miocene)
Leong, K.M. (1998)- Sabah crystalline basement; ‘spurious’ radiometric ages? Continental? Warta Geologi 24,
1, p. 5-8.
(online at:
(Sabah Upper Segama area with metamorphic (amphibolite) and igneous rocks (granite, granodiorite, diorite,
tonalite), some with Jurassic radiometric ages of 150, 160 and 200 Ma. Suggesting possible pre-Cretaceous
igneous-metamorphic continental crustal material below Cretaceous 'new oceanic basement' known as Chert-
Spilite Formation. Age and composition of Crystalline Basement debated)
Leong K.M. (1999)- Geological setting of Sabah. In: The petroleum geology and resources of Malaysia,
Petronas, Kuala Lumpur, Chapter 21, p. 473-497.
(Review of Sabah geology, mainly based on Tongkul (1991). Paleogene and Neogene basins. Common mud
volcanoes in E Sabah)
Leong, K.M. (2009)- A discussion on the paper- ‘Age and MORB geochemistry of the Sabah ophiolite
basement by Graves et al. (2000)’. Warta Geologi 35, 1, p. 11-13.
(online at:
(Jurassic radiometric ages in Graves et al. (2000) vindicate oldest K-Ar radiometric age (210±3 Ma) from
Sabah determined by Leong (1974) from granitoid in Kawag Gibong river, but never accepted by Hutchison
(1988, 1989). (NB: 210 Ma= Late Triassic JTvG))
Leong, K.M. (2016)- Discussion on omission of Sabah Pre-Cretaceous geology and geochronology data in Tate
(2002), Balaguru et al. (2003), Lee et al. (2004) and Wan Nursaiedah Wan Ismail et al. (2014). Warta Geologi
42, 1-2, p. 10-11.
(online at:
Leong, K.M. (2017)- Review of 50-years (1966-2016) debate on age of Sabah crystalline basement granitic
rocks: are the granitic rocks in Upper Segama Sabah fragments of supercontinent Pangaea? Proc. 30th Nat.
Geosc. Conf. Exhib. (NGC 2017), Kuala Lumpur, DRG29-116, Warta Geologi 43, 3, p. 223-224. (Extended
(online at:
(Sabah granites often viewed in literature as Cretaceous in age and related to ophiolites, but radiometric ages
of 210 and 185 Ma suggest it predates ophiolites and more likely represents Pre-Cretaceous continental
basement that originated from continental margin of E Asia during creation of Proto-South China Sea Basin)
Leong, K.M. & A. Anuar (1999)- Northeast Sabah Basin. In: Petronas (1999) The petroleum geology and
resources of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, p. 543-569.
Leong, K.M. & A. Anuar (1999)- Southeast Sabah Basin. In: Petronas (1999) The petroleum geology and
resources of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, p. 573-589.
Levell, B.K. (1987)- The nature and significance of regional unconformities in the hydrocarbon-bearing
Neogene sequences offshore West Sabah. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 21, p. 55-90.
(online at:
(W Sabah Tertiary trench-associated basin with up to 12 km of mainly siliciclastic sediments. Two phases: (1)
pre-M Miocene deep marine, imbricated sediments related to S/ SE ward subduction; (2) M Miocene and later
NW-prograding shelf-slope sequences, after cessation of subduction. Boundary is 'Deep Regional
Unconformity', marking end of subduction in early M Miocene. Additional unconformities in younger sequence.
NW Sabah underlain by six separate basement blocks)
Levell, B.K. & A. Kasumajaya (1985)- Slumping in the Late Miocene shelf-edge offshore west Sabah: a view
of a turbidite basin margin. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 18, p. 1-29.
(online at:
(Series of elongate spoon-shaped unconformities mapped along 150km of 250km long Late Miocene shelf edge
offshore W Sabah. Interpreted as slump scars, formed by retrogressive submarine slumping. Relief between
neighbouring slumpscars, overlain by slope clays, may provide stratigraphic trap potential. Slump scar-rich
unconformities point to redeposited, sand-prone turbidites downslope)
Liechti, P., F.W. Roe & N.S. Haile (1960)- The geology of Sarawak, Brunei and the western part of North
Borneo. British Territories of Borneo, Geological Survey Dept., Bull. 3, p. 1-360.
(Comprehensive 1960 compilation of North Borneo geology by Shell geologists. With chapter on igneous rocks
by Kirk. Region composed mainly of Upper Cretaceous- Miocene geosynclinal formations and Upper Eocene-
Pleistocene strata deposited in isolated basins. Igneous activity in Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic and Upper
Cretaceous-Quaternary. Three pre-Tertiary and four Tertiary phases of folding)
Liechti, P. (1967)- Uber synsedimentare Tektonik und ihre olgeologische Bedeutung. Freiberger
Forschungshefte, ser. C, 229, p. 31-63.
('On syn-sedimentary tectonics and their significance for oil geology'. With examples of melange deposits of
North Borneo)
Light, M.P.R. D.J. Bird, G.A. Posehn & M.A.A Hudi (1994)- Complex transtensional structures and the
hydrocarbon potential of the Greater Sarawak Basin as defined by Synthetic Aperture Radar. Bull. Geol. Soc.
Malaysia 36, p. 145-156.
(online at:
(SAR and other data over onshore Greater Sarawak Basin reveal complex tectonostratigraphic history. West
Sarawak Basin and NE Borneo underwent complex transtensional deformation in Tertiary related to strike-slip
motion caused by indentation of India against Asia. Sinistral strike-slip zones well developed as Sabah Shear,
Lim, P.S. (1980)- The evaluation, assessment and calculation of ore reserves of the Mamut Mine- a case history.
Geol. Survey Malaysia, Geological Papers 3, p. 114-125.
(Mamut mine at SE slopes of Mt Kinabalu is the only porphyry copper mine in Sabah)
Lim, P.S. & Y.E. Heng (1985)- Geological map of Sabah, 1: 500,000, 3rd Ed.. Geological Survey of Malaysia.
Lim, P.S. & S. Tunggah (1989)- Geology and coal potential of the northeastern Meliau Basin, Sabah. Proc. 20th
Geological Conf. 1989, Techn. Papers 1, Geol. Survey Malaysia, p.
Lim, W.Y., L.C. Peng & N.T. Abdullah (2012)- Sediment and fauna of the Arip Limestone of the Tatau
Formation, Sarawak, Malaysia. Geol. Soc. Malaysia, Nat. Geoscience Conf., Kuching 2012, Paper P1-10, p.
105. (Abstract only)
(Occurrence of M-U Eocene Arip limestone of Tatua Fm in SW Tatau area. With Nummulites, Discocyclina,
Pellatispira and planktonic foraminifera)
Lindsay, R.O. & R.K. Foster (2002)- Correcting a false assumption-offshore Brunei. The Leading Edge 21, p.
(Classic AVO/ inversion seismic-analysis procedures failed in deepwater offshore Brunei. No geology)
Lu Hongbo & R.C. Shipp (2011)- Impact of a large mass-transport deposit on a field development in the upper
slope of southwestern Sabah, Malaysia, offshore northwest Borneo. In: R.C. Shipp et al. (eds.) Mass-transport
deposits in deepwater settings, Soc. Sedimentary Geol. (SEPM) Spec. Publ. 96, p. 199-220.
(Description of large submarine mass failures on upper continental slope. One of features fan-like outline in
plan view, up to 10 km wide, up to 40 km dip extent and thickness up to176 m)
Lubis, L.A., S. Bashah & D.P. Ghosh (2015)- Comparison of different rock physics models to evaluate the
impact of pore types on velocity-porosity relationship in carbonates of Central Luconia Sarawak. In: M. Awang
et al. (eds.) Third Int. Conf. Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences (ICIPEG2014), Kuala Lumpur
2014, Springer Verlag, p. 387-393.
Lukie, T. & A. Balaguru (2012)- Sequence stratigraphic, sedimentologic and petrographic insights of the
Miocene (Stage IVA) outcrops of the Klias Peninsula and Labuan Island, Sabah, Malaysia, Borneo. AAPG Int.
Conf. Exhib., Singapore 2012, Search and Discovery Art. 10468, 37p. (Presentation)
(online at:
(Outcrop study of fluvial and deltaic sediments in Sabah))
Lunt, P. (2014)- A review of the foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Melinau Limestone, Sarawak. Berita
Sedimentologi 29, p. 41-50.
(online at:
(Study of Melinau limestone, Sarawak shows age range from late M Eocene (Letter Stage Ta) to E Miocene
(Te5, ~20.3 Ma). Strontium dating and biostratigraphy shows significant change in sedimentary rates or
preserved thickness during mid-Oligocene (latest Tc or intra-Td times). Termination of Melinau limestone with
initial event near Oligocene-Miocene boundary (Te4-Te5 boundary) and youngest limestones dated as Te5)
Lunt, P. & J.H.M. Jais (2015)- Correlating Borneo outcrop to offshore geology; a regional perspective. AAPG
Geoscience Techn. Workshop, Tectonic evolution and sedimentation of South China Sea region, Kota
Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, AAPG Search and Discovery Art. 90236, 3p.
(online at:
Lunt, P. & M. Madon (2017)- A review of the Sarawak cycles: history and modern application. Bull. Geol. Soc.
Malaysia 63 (Geol. Soc. Malaysia 50th Anniversary Issue 1), p. 77-101.
(online at:
(Major review of Late Eocene-Pleistocene depositional cycles I-VIII, used by Shell since 1960's for Sarawak/
Brunei Tertiary. Cycles originally defined by initial transgression changing to regression, and probably reflect
interplays between tectonic and eustatic events. Initial (unpublished) definitions updated through time, but most
biostrat support data unpublished. Cycles I-III, seem to be linked to regional extension and subsidence. Cycle I-
II boundary close to Oligocene- Miocene boundary, coinciding with Top Crocker Unconformity in Sabah and
onset of seafloor spreading in W South China Sea. Base Cycle IV transgression at ~15.5 Ma called 'break-up
unconformity' by Hutchison (2004), based on strongly rifted topography called 'M Miocene Unconformity'
(MMU); followed by accelerated sediment supply. Base Cycle V at ~12-13 Ma. Etc.)
Lunt, P. & M. Madon (2017)- Onshore to offshore correlation of northern Borneo; a regional perspective. Bull.
Geol. Soc. Malaysia 64 (Geol. Soc. Malaysia 50th Anniversary Issue 2), p. 101-122.
(online at:
(Review of Oligocene - Pleistocene stratigraphy of N Borneo, with emphasis on dating regional unconformities:
Top Crocker Unconformity (TCU; Oligo-Miocene boundary, ~23 Ma); Deep Regional Unconformity (DRU,
late M Miocene, ~12 Ma; 'Sabah Orogeny' (around E-M Miocene boundary, with uplift in C Borneo and
accelerated progradation of deltic deposits to N))
Macpherson, C.G., K.K. Chiang, R. Hall, G.M. Nowell, P.R. Castillo & M.F. Thirlwall (2010)- Plio-Pleistocene
intra-plate magmatism from the southern Sulu Arc, Semporna Peninsula, Sabah, Borneo: implications for high-
Nb basalt in subduction zones. J. Volcanology Geothermal Res. 190, 1-2, p. 25-38.
(Chemistry of Plio-Pleistocene high-Nb basalts/ basaltic andesites from Semporna Peninsula at S end of Sulu
Arc. Semporna basalts not associated with adakitic magmatism, which is frequent in some subduction zones)
Madden, R.H.C., M.E.J. Wilson, M. Mihaljevic, J.M. Pandolfi & K. Welsh (2017)- Unravelling the depositional
origins and diagenetic alteration of carbonate breccias. Sedimentary Geology 357, p. 33-52.
(Batu Gading Limestone isolated outcrops along Baram River, ~80 km SE of Miri, Sarawak, and part of
Melinau Limestone Fm. Unconformably overlies Cretaceous turbiditic Kelalan Fm. Basal transgressive
sequence 40m thick with Late Eocene larger foraminifera Pellatispira, Discocyclina and Nummulites (probably
deepening-upward series), overlain by 10m thick limestone breccia with mixed clasts of Late Eocene and Late
Oligocene age (Te1-4; with Heterostegina borneensis and Miogypsinoides), overlain by deep marine Miocene
beds. Breccia formation probably in submarine slope setting)
Madon, M. (1994)- The stratigraphy of northern Labuan, NW Sabah Basin, East Malaysia. In: G.H. Teh (ed.)
Petroleum Geology Conf. VIII, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 36, p. 19-30.
(online at:
(Labuan Island Neogene basin with >12 km of sediments. 'Basement' of basin Paleocene-Eocene Rajang Gp
foldbelt, consisting of highly deformed deepwater deposits (accretionary wedge s formed during Late Eocene-
M Miocene subduction under Sabah), underlain by ?Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous complex of ultramafic intrusive
rocks, radiolarian chert, and spilite. M Miocene regional uplift at end of subduction caused erosion of Rajang
foldbelt and regional DRU unconformity. On Labuan deformed argillaceous strata under Belait conglomerate
ridge near Layang-Layangan typical of Temburong Fm, suggesting Setap Shale Fm is absent)
Madon, M. (1999)- North Luconia Province. In: The petroleum geology and resources of Malaysia, Chapter 19,
Petronas, Kuala Lumpur, p. 443-454.
(Review of deepwater offshore N Sarawak N Luconia province. Hydrocarbon exploraton unsuccessful so far)
Madon, M.B. (1999)- Geological setting of Sarawak. In: The petroleum geology and resources of Malaysia,
Petronas, Kuala Lumpur, Chapter 12, p. 275-290.
(Review of Sarawak geology. Petroleum produced mainly from Neogene of offshore Sarawak basin. Kuching
zone in W-most Sarawak is part of W Borneo/ Sundaland continental basement core, which extends S into
Kalimantan, with oldest rocks pre-U Carboniferous Kerait Fm metamorphics, U Carboniferous- Triassic
limestones with Late Triassic intermediate volcanics, overlain by Jurassic-Cretaceous siliciclastics, etc.. Sibu
zone intensely deformed Late Cretaceous-Eocene turbidites of Rajang accretionary prism, equivalent of
Selangkai Fm in Kalimantan. Miri zone less deformed U Eocene- Recent sediments. Sarawak Basin originated
as Oligocene- E Miocene foreland basin after collision of Luconia Block with W Borneo Basement)
Madon, M. & P. Abolins (1999)- Balingian Province. In: The petroleum geology and resources of Malaysia,
Chapter 14, Petronas, Kuala Lumpur, p. 345-367.
(Review of offshore Sarawak hydrocarbon province, with 4 main fields (Temana, Bayan, D18, D35) in Late
Oligocene- E Miocene deltaic clastics)
Madon, M., Cheng L.Kim & R. Wong (2013)- The structure and stratigraphy of deepwater Sarawak, Malaysia:
Implications for tectonic evolution. J. Asian Earth Sci. 76, p. 312-333.
(History of N Luconia Province, Sarawak deepwater area, related to tectonic history of S China Sea. Sarawak
Basin initiated as foreland basin as result of collision of Luconia block with Sarawak (Sarawak Orogeny),
with deep foreland basin (‘flysch’) phase in Late Eocene-Oligocene, followed by ‘molasse’ phase of shallow
marine shelf progradation to present day. E Miocene Unconformity caused by relative uplift and submarine
erosion between ∼19-17 Ma, with 500-2600m of missing section, equivalent to 8-10 My time gap. EMU
extends over entire NW Borneo margin and related to Sabah Orogeny which marks cessation of sea-floor
spreading in S China Sea and collision of Dangerous Grounds block with Sabah. Sarawak basin part of
remnant ocean basin that closed by oblique collision along NW Borneo margin. Closure started in Late
Eocene in Sarawak and moved progressively NE into Sabah until M Miocene)
Madon, M. & A. Hadi Abd Rahman (2007)- Penecontemporaneous deformation in the Nyalau Formation
(Oligo-Miocene), Central Sarawak. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 53, p. 67-73.
(online at:
(Outcrops of Late Oligocene- E Miocene Nyalau Fm in Tg. Similajau and Bintulu areas show common
penecontemporaneous deformation (thrusts/ folds, slumps, etc.), indicating tectonic controls on sedimentation
in Sarawak foreland basin)
Madon, M. & R.B.A. Hassan (1999)- Tatau Province. In: The petroleum geology and resources of Malaysia,
Chapter 17, Petronas, Kuala Lumpur, p. 413-426.
(Review of offshore Sarawak Tatau hydrocarbon province, with gas-oil fields in non-marine U Oligocene- Lw
Miocene clastics and M-U Miocene carbonates. Characterized by NNW trending E Miocene normal faults)
Madon, M. & R.B.A. Hassan (1999)- West Luconia Province. In: The petroleum geology and resources of
Malaysia, Chapter 18, Petronas, Kuala Lumpur, p. 428-439.
Madon, M., K.M. Leong & Azlina Anuar (1999)- Sabah Basin. In: The petroleum geology and resources of
Malaysia, Chapter 22, Petronas, Kuala Lumpur, p. 501-542.
(NW Sabah Basin mainly offshore with >12km of early M Miocene and younger sedimentary basin, formed
after uplift and exhumation of underlying Oligocene- E Miocene and older unmetamorphosed turbidites of
'Crocker fold-thrust belt', with upper and lower Rajang units separated by major Late Eocene unconformity.
Pre-and post lower M Miocene sediments separated by 'Deep Regional Unconformity'. Basin includes Baram
Delta complex, which extends west into Sarawak and Brunei. Several oil-gas fields, incl. Tembungo, Barton,
Erb South, Ketam, etc.)
Madon, M., J. Norazlina, A. Ayub, K.S.M. Nor, S.M. Najmi, I.A. Zamzamie & A. Yusof (2015)- Structural
evolution of the NW Sabah deepwater fold and thrust belts and its implication for hydrocarbon prospectivity.
Asia Petrol. Geosc. Conf. Exhib. (APGCE), Kuala Lumpur, p. 317-321. (Extended Abstract)
(NW Sabah deepwater fold-thrust belt may be viewed as deformed sedimentary fill of Sabah Trough foreland
basin. Deformation along margin appears diachronous, increasing N-wards. Mainly forward/seaward-breaking
thrusts, while landward-verging backthrusts in N resulted in complex interference fold-thrust structures)
Mahmud, O.A.B. (1999)- Petroleum resources, Sarawak. In: The petroleum geology and resources of Malaysia,
Petronas, Kuala Lumpur, p. 457-472.
Mahmud, O.A., H.D. Tjia & M.I. Ismail (2001)- Interpretation of newly acquired aerogravity data enhances the
prospectivity of the Tinjar Province, onshore Sarawak. In: G.H. Teh et al. (eds.) Proc. Geol. Soc. Malaysia,
Annual Geol. Conf. 2001, Pangkor, p. 19-26.
(online at:
(No commercial discoveries in onshore Sarawak since 1910 Miri field. Tinjar Province of onshore N-C
Sarawak underexplored, due to assumption of shallow basement after Oligo-Miocene uplift and erosion.
Shallow basement not supported by seismic or gravity-magnetic data. New aerogravity and magnetic data
showed up to 5000m sediment in Tinjar Province and surrounding area, with series of highs and lows)
Majid, M.F.A., M.S. Ismail, A.H.A. Rahman & M.A. Mohamed (2017)- Facies distribution and petrophysical
properties of shoreface- offshore transition environment in Sandakan Formation, NE Sabah Basin. In: Proc. 5th
Int. AeroEarth Conf., Kuta 2017, IOP Conf. Series, Earth Environm. Science 88, 012023, p. 1-8.
(online at:
(Outcrop study in Sandakan, NE Sabah, of Miocene shallow marine sandstone of Sandakan Fm. Shoreface to
offshore transitional environments, with common Hummocky Cross Stratified sandstone)
Mansor, H.E., J.Asis & Meor H.A. Hassan (2017)- Oligocene-Miocene large benthic foraminifera from the
Tajau Sandstone Member, Kudat Formation, Sabah. Proc. 30th Nat. Geosc. Conf. Exhib. (NGC 2017), Kuala
Lumpur, DRG29-112, Warta Geologi 43, 3, p. 220-221. (Extended Abstract)
(online at:
(Tajau Sst Member of Kudat Peninsula, Sabah, gently folded thick pebbly coarse sandstones with Late
Oligocene (Te1-4) larger foram assemblage (Heterostegina borneensis, Eulepidina, etc.))
Mansor, M.Y., J.W. Snedden, J.F. Sarg, B.S. Smith, T. Kolich & M. Carter (1999)- Pre-drill predictions versus
post-drill results: use of sequence stratigraphic methods in reduction of exploration risk, Sarawak deep-water
blocks, Malaysia. J. Asian Earth Sci. 17, 1-2, p. 247-254.
(Sequence stratigraphic methods used to assess reservoir, source and seal distribution in Mobil-operated
deep-water blocks of Sarawak. Wells Mulu-1 and Bako-1 penetrated high-quality shallow marine sandstone
reservoirs in E-M Miocene. Lack of hydrocarbon charge may be due to position relative to coaly source. Wit
small paleogeographic maps of E Miocene)
Mathew, M.J. (2016)- Geomorphology and morphotectonic analysis of North Borneo. Doct. Thesis, Universite
de Bretagne Loire, p. 1-140.
(online at:
(Collection of papers on geomorphology and morphotectonic analysis of Rajang and Baram drainage basins of
Sarawak. Characterized by high denudation rates since Miocene. At end of Miocene rapid uplift of possibly
whole Interior Highlands and coastal areas of Sarawak. Enhanced post 5 Ma erosion rates led to rapid
progradation of deltas and Plio-Quaternary sediments that reach thicknesses of >6 km)
Mathew, M.J., D. Menier, A.H. Abdul Rahman, N.A. Siddiqui, M. Pubellier & M. Hassaan (2014)- Tertiary
Sarawak Basin origin: a small step in demystifying the ambiguity. AAPG Int. Conf. & Exhib., Istanbul 2014,
Search and Discovery Art. 10642, 9p. (Extended Abstract)
(online at:
(Oligocene- Recent tectonic subsidence plots from 7 offshore wells show rapid initial subsidence and gradual
decrease in subsidence rate with time, indicative of rift origin following McKenzie model)
Mathew, M.J., D. Menier, N.A. Siddiqui, S.G. Kumar & C. Authemayou (2016)- Active tectonic deformation
along rejuvenated faults in tropical Borneo: inferences obtained from tectono-geomorphic evaluation.
Geomorphology 267, p. 1-15.
Mathew, M.J., D. Menier, N.A. Siddiqui, M. Ramkumar, M. Santosh, S. Kumar & M. Hassaan (2016)-
Drainage basin and topographic analysis of a tropical landscape: insights into surface and tectonic processes in
northern Borneo. J. Asian Earth Sci. 124, p. 14-27.
(Geomorphic analysis of Rajang and Baram drainage basins, N Borneo. Landscape of N Borneo experienced
rapid uplift after 5 Ma and undergoing active folding of Rajang Group thrust belts today)
Mat Zin, Ismail C. (1992)- Regional seismostratigraphic study of the Tembungo area, offshore West Sabah.
Bull. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 32, p. 109-134.
(online at:
(Seismic stratigraphic study of Late Miocene hydrocarbon-bearing Stage IVD turbidite sequence around
Tembungo field, offshore W Sabah. Turbidite sequence, characterised by oblique seismic reflection pattern,
deposited in sedimentary bypass system tract as result of wrench-related uplift of Bunbury-St. Joseph area)
Mat Zin, Ismail C. (1994)- Dent Group and its equivalent in the offshore Kinabatangan area, East Sabah. In:
G.H. Teh (ed.) Petroleum Geology Conf. VIII, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 36, p. 127-143.
(online at:
(Dent Peninsula in E Sabah with thick Miocene deltaics (Dent Group), unconformably overlying Oligocene - E
Miocene (and older?) Segama Gp conglomeratic rocks with ultrabasic, etc. boulders. Onshore Dent Peninsula
Togopi Fm mainly marls, Ganduman Fm delta plain deposits grading to shallow marine deltaic and marine
eastward, argillaceous Sabahat Fm marine deposit) Three major uplifts of regional significance occurred in E
Miocene (deformation of Segama Gp), Late Miocene and Late Pliocene times)
Mat Zin, Ismail C. (1996)- Tertiary tectonics and sedimentation history of the Sarawak basin, East Malaysia.
Ph.D. Thesis Durham University, p. 1-277.
Mat Zin, Ismail C. (1997)- Tectonics evolution and sedimentation history of the Sarawak Basin. In: G.H. Teh
(ed.) Petroleum Geology Conference '96, Kuala Lumpur, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 41, p. 41-52.
(online at:
(Seismic stratigraphy of offshore Sarawak Basin shows 7 unconformities in Tertiary section. Development of
basin started in late Oligocene, with deposition along coastline in NW-SE direction (along ~W Balingian Line;
parallel to major structural lineaments) and became oriented to present day NE-SW direction in Late Miocene.
Basin formed as result of NW-SE trending right-lateral fault movement in Late Oligocene-Miocene. Deposition
and preservation of coastal plain and shallow marine sediments continued in E, while W area remained as high
until Late Miocene)
Mat Zin, Ismail C. (1997)- Subsidence history of Sarawak Basin. In: Proc. ASCOPE 97 Conf. Challenges and
opportunities in the 21st century, 1, p. 107-127.
Mat Zin, Ismail C. (1998)- Subsidence nature of a strike-slip related basin: an example learned from the
Sarawak Basin. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Petroleum geology conference 1997, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 42, p. 63-83.
(online at:
(Subsidence profile of Sarawak Basin suggests basin formed by strike-slip tectonism, not foreland lithospheric
flexure by subduction of S China Sea oceanic crust beneath NW Sarawak. Burial history curves for wells show
rapid early subsidence followed by later phase of slower subsidence, indicative of rift-type tectonic origin.
These are followed by compressional basin inversion events or continued with thermal subsidence similar to rift
basin profile. Stretching factors and heat-flow show consistent with strike-slip tectonics)
Mat Zin, Ismail C. (1999)- Tertiary tectonic model of North-West Borneo. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Proc. 9th Reg.
Congress Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of SE Asia (GEOSEA ’98), Kuala Lumpur 1998, Bull. Geol.
Soc. Malaysia 43, p. 417-432.
(online at:
(Sarawak Basin dominated by NE-SW strike-slip tectonism. Onshore Lupar Melange Lupar Melange in SW
Sarawak ~20 km wide, composed of blocks in sheared pelitic matrix with Lower Eocene microfauna; chert
blocks with E-M Cretaceous radiolaria. Commonly interpreted as subduction melange, but may beformed by
strike-slip tectonics. Eight other NW-SE trending strike slip zones identified on- and offshore Sarawak)
Mat Zin, Ismail C. (2000)- Stratigraphic position of the Rangsi Conglomerate in Sarawak. In: G.H. Teh et al.
(ed.) Geol. Soc. Malaysia Ann. Conf. 2000, Pulau Pinang, p. 131-136.
(online at:
(Rangsi conglomerate that outcropping in Tatau Horst area in Sarawak long regarded as (Late Eocene) basal
unit of Tatau Fm. Seismic stratigraphic suggests Rangsi conglomerate much younger than Tatau Fm, possibly
equivalent to Balingian Fm of Late Miocene age. 'Tatau Horst' not extensional horst, but positive flower
structure, formed as result of Miocene transpressional strike-slip episode)
Mat Zin, Ismail C. & J. Sipan (1994)- Application of sequence stratigraphic techniques on the non-marine
sequences: an example from the Balingian Province, Sarawak. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 36, p. 105-117.
(online at:
(Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of non-marine lower coastal plain deposits of late Oligocene- E Miocene
sediments Cycle I and II in onshore Balingian Province, onshore C Sarawak)
Mat Zin, Ismail C. & M.E. Tucker (1999)- An alternative stratigraphic scheme for the Sarawak Basin. J. Asian
Earth Sci. 17, 1-2, p. 215-232.
(Sequence stratigraphic model of Sarawak basin. Eight major sequences in mid-Oligocene- Pleistocene,
separated by seven regional unconformities. Oldest unconformity between basement (Belaga Fm) and overlying
Late Oligocene sediments. New sequences named T1S- T7S. Sequences probably tectonically induced, rather
than related to global eustatic sea-level falls.)
Maulana, H. & H.S. Hakimi (2013)- Mass Transport Complex (MTC) control on the basin floor stratigraphic
succession and sand deposition: an observation from deepwater Brunei. Berita Sedimentologi 28, p. 41-44.
(online at:
(Description of large, Recent Brunei Mega mass transport complex, sourced from Baram Canyon)
McGilvery, T.A. & D.L. Cook (2003)- The influence of local gradients on accommodation space and linked
depositional elements across a stepped slope profile, offshore Brunei. In: H.R. Roberts et al. (eds.) Shelf margin
deltas and linked down slope petroleum systems: global significance and future exploration potential, Bob F.
Perkins Research Conf., Gulf Coast Section SEPM (GCSSEPM), p. 387-419.
McGilvery, T.A. & D.L. Cook (2004)- Depositional elements of the slope/basin depositional system Offshore
Brunei. In: R.A. Noble et al. (eds.) Proc. Deepwater and Frontier Exploration in Asia & Australia Symposium,
Jakarta, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), DFE04-OR-019, 13p.
(Modern continental slope deposition off Brunei. ‘Stepped slope’ resulting from basinward thrusting and deltaic
sediment loading. Elongate, structurally controlled mini-basins 2-10 km wide, 20-60 kmlong. Primary elements:
1) Sediment dispersal fairways 2-5 km wide; 2) Distributary channel/lobe complexes of sheet deposits and low
relief channels; 3) Mass wasting features; 4) Submarine canyons developed by mass wasting along forelimbs of
thrust structures)
McGilvery, T.A. & D.L.Cook (2004)- Flow paths and water bottom gradients across a stepped slope profile,
Offshore Brunei. In: R.A. Noble et al. (eds.) Proc. Deepwater and Frontier Exploration in Asia & Australia
Symposium, Jakarta, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), DFE04-PO-020, 7p.
McGilvery, T.A., G. Haddad & D.L.Cook (2004)- Seafloor and shallow subsurface examples of mass transport
complexes, Offshore Brunei. Proc. Offshore Technology Conf. (OTC), Houston, 16780, p. (Extended
McGiveron, S. & J. Jong (2016)- Morphological description of a mud volcano caldera from deepwater Sabah-
general implications for hydrocarbon exploration. Warta Geologi 42, 3-4, p. 69-79.
(online at:
(Seismic profiles and maps description of 500m diameter mud volcano caldera at 1100m water depth offshore
Sabah. Mud volcano overlies toe-thrust anticline and has well-defined caldera)
McManus, J. & R.B. Tate (1983)- Obduction in Sabah. Proc. SE Asia Petroleum Expl. Soc. (SEAPEX) 6, p. 58-
(Part of Sulu Sea floor (Late Cretaceous-Eocene ‘chert-spilite Fm’ of Darvel Bay and associated ultrabasic
rocks) obducted in Early Miocene(?) onto N margin of Borneo microcontinent. Intensely sheared and
imbricated. Resting on partly metamorphosed sediments of Eocene- Oligocene age (Ta- Te1-4))
Menier, D., M. Mathew, M. Pubellier, F. Sapin, B. Delcaillau, N. Siddiqui, M. Ramkumar & M. Santosh
(2017)- Landscape response to progressive tectonic and climatic forcing in NW Borneo: implications for
geological and geomorphic controls on flood hazard. Nature Scientific Reports 7, 457, p. 1-18.
(online at:
(On consequences of uplift and orographic-precipitation on evolution of orogens and landscapes of NW Sabah)
Menier, D., B. Pierson, A. Chalabi, K.K. Ting & M. Pubellier (2014)- Morphological indicators of structural
control, relative sea-level fluctuations and platform drowning on present-day and Miocene carbonate platforms.
Marine Petroleum Geol. 58, B, p. 776-788.
(online at:
(Analysis of seismic morphologies of M-L Miocene carbonate platforms of C Luconia Platform off Sarawak
(mainly 'Mega-Platform') and satellite images of possible Recent analogues in Tun Sakaran Marine Park, S
Sulu Sea, off Sabah)
Meor, H.Hassan, H.D. Johnson, P.A. Allison & Wan H. Abdullah (2013)- Sedimentology and stratigraphic
development of the upper Nyalau Formation (Early Miocene), Sarawak, Malaysia: a mixed wave- and tide-
influenced coastal system. J. Asian Earth Sci. 76, p. 301-311.
(online at:
(Facies analysis of Lower Miocene U Nyalau Fm, exposed around Bintulu, Sarawak. Wave- and tide-dominated
coastal system (shoreface, fluvio-tidal channels, bay and mangrove facies associations))
Meor, H.Hassan, H.D. Johnson, P.A. Allison & Wan H. Abdullah (2017)- Sedimentology and stratigraphic
architecture of a Miocene retrogradational, tide-dominated delta system: Balingian Province, offshore Sarawak,
Malaysia. In: G.J. Hampson et al. (eds.) Sedimentology of paralic reservoirs: recent advances, Geol. Soc.,
London, Spec. Publ. 444, p. 215-250.
(Balingian Province of NW Borneo with oil production mainly from Early Miocene (cycle II) coastal plain
deposits. Four types of vertical facies successions. Cycle II tide-dominated delta system, partly analogous to
modern Rajang Delta and Lupar Embayment of S Sarawak. Fluvio-tidal channel and tide-dominated delta
successions represent periods of progradation; wave-dominated shoreface and barrier lagoon successions
during transgression and/or delta lobe abandonment. Several high-order sequences stacked into two lower-
order, ~100-300m thick fining-upwards megasequences)
Metcalfe, I. (1985)- Lower Permian conodonts from the Terbat Formation. Warta Geologi (Geol. Soc.
Malaysia), 11, 1, p. 1-4.
(online at:
(Sparse uppermost Carboniferous- early Lower Permian conodont assemblage from Terbat Lst at Gunung
Selabor near Indonesian border SSE of Kuching. First record of conodonts from N Borneo, incl.
Anahignathodus and Streptognathodus elongatus. Color Alteration Index of 4 suggests heating to 190-300°C)
Mihaljevic, M., W. Renema, K. Welsh & J.M. Pandolfi (2014)- Eocene- Miocene shallow-water carbonate
platforms and increased habitat diversity in Sarawak, Malaysia. Palaios 29, 7, p. 378-391.
(online at:
(Indo-Pacific marine biodiversity hotspot originated between Late Eocene and E Miocene, coinciding with
increase in availability of shallow-marine habitats driven by opening of S China Sea and collision of Australia
with Pacific arcs and SE Asian margin. Carbonate platform environments in Sarawak (ramp-like late M
Eocene- E Miocene Melinau carbonate platform and unattached basal Miocene Subis carbonate platform)
Milroy, W.V. (1953)- Geology of West Sarawak with notes on the palaeontology of west Sarawak by W.E.
Crew and comments on the geology of W Sarawak by P. Liechti. Report GR602, Royal Dutch Shell, p.
(Unpublished) (Hashimoto et al. 1975, p. 286: incl. occ. Maastrichtian larger foram Lepidorbitoides cf
blanfoldi in Engkilili Fm)
Milsom, J., R.A. Holt, C.S. Hutchison, S.C. Bergman, D.A. Swauger & J.E. Graves (2001)- Discussion of a
Miocene collisional belt in North Borneo: uplift mechanism and isostatic adjustment quantified by
thermochronology. J. Geol. Soc. London 158, p. 396-400.
(Milsom & Holt critique of Hutchison et al. (2000) paper ‘Miocene collisional belt N Borneo’, and reply by
Hutchison. Hutchison et al. interpretations of deep structure of Sabah incompatible with Holt (1998) data on
gravity field)
Milsom, J., R. Holt, D.B. Ayub & R. Smail (1997)- Gravity anomalies and deep structural controls at the Sabah-
Palawan margin, South China Sea. In: A.J. Fraser, S.J. Matthews & R.W. Murphy (eds.) Petroleum Geology of
Southeast Asia, Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 126, p. 417-427.
(SE margin of S China Sea divided into segments with differing gravity patterns by NE-SW lineaments (W
Baram-Tinjar Line, Balabac Line). Sabah Trough gravity low is foreland basin on extended continental crust of
terrane derived from Eurasian margin (with Palawan), which collided with Sabah margin in E-M Miocene)
Mohamad, M. & J.J. Lobao (1997)- The Lingan Fan: Late Miocene-Early Pliocene turbidite fan complex, North
West Sabah. In: J.V.C. Howes & R.A. Noble (eds.) Proc. Int. Conf. Petroleum Systems of SE Asia & Australia,
Jakarta, Indon Petrol. Assoc. (IPA), p. 787-798.
(Seismic facies study of Late Miocene/Early Pliocene Lingan Fan complex of turbidite fans offshore NW Sabah.
Fan system divided into 4 seismic sequences. Turbidite systems first pond into higher, more proximal basins
and reach more distal basins by successive fill and spill processes. Four seismic facies identified)
Mohamed, A., A.H. Abd Rahman and M. S. Ismail (2015)- Sedimentary facies of the West Crocker Formation
North Kota Kinabalu-Tuaran Area, Sabah, Malaysia. Journal of Physics, Conference Series 660, 012004, IOP
Publishing, p. 1-6.
(online at:
(Sedimentology study of new outcrops in W Crocker Fm in Sabah suggests deposition in sand-rich submarine
fan setting, with inner fan channel-levee complex, mid-fan channelised lobes, and outer fan facies)
Mohamed, Idris & O.C Meng (1992)- Sequence stratigraphy of Tertiary sediments offshore Sarawak (Balingian
and Luconia provinces). In: Symposium on the Tectonic framework and energy resources of the western margin
of the Pacific Basin. Warta Geologi 18, 6, p. 277-278.
Mohammad, A.M. & R.H.F. Wong (1995)- Seismic sequence stratigraphy of the Tertiary sediments, offshore
Sarawak deepwater area, Malaysia. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Proc. AAPG-GSM Int. Conf. 1994, Southeast Asian
basins; oil and gas for the 21st century, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 37, p. 345-361.
(online at:
(Sarawak deepwater seismic sequence stratigrapy study identified eight sequences, grouped into four
supersequences A, B, C and D, tied to regional tectonic events of S China Sea. Higher order sequences also
interpreted from paleontologic, lithologic, paleofacies data and GR-logs from four wells. Four main seismic
facies, ranging from non-marine to deepmarine. Seismic facies maps for Oligocene-Lower Miocene Ss C
indicate all four facies, overall transgressive stacking, and NW-SE trending paleoshoreline. M Miocene-Recent
Ss D suggests mainly outer shelf- deep marine facies and E-W trending paleoshoreline)
Mohammad, Y.b. Ali. & P. Abolins (1999)- Central Luconia Province. In: Petronas (1999) The petroleum
geology and resources of Malaysia, p. 371-391.
McMonagle, L.B., P. Lunt, M.E.J. Wilson, K.G. Johnson, C. Manning & J. Young (2011)- A re-assessment of
age dating of fossiliferous limestones in eastern Sabah, Borneo: implications for understanding the origins of
the Indo-Pacific marine biodiversity hotspot. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecology 305, p. 28-42.
(Shallow marine limestones rel. rare onshore N Borneo and show punctuated development, in area underlain
by oceanic crust and dominated by deep marine sedimentation. Re-dating of limestones in E Sabah: (1) Lower
Kinabatangan Lst mid-Oligocene (coral-rich, larger foram zone Te1, nannofossil zone NP24, Sr isotope ages
28.8-27.6 Ma); (2) Gomantong Lst Early Miocene (LBF zone Te5/earliest Tf1, Sr age 21.0 Ma); (3) Togopi
Limestone with Alveolinella quoyi and abraded Calcarina (Pliocene-Pleistocene; Sr age 1.72 Ma)
Morgan, A.B. (1974)- Chemistry and mineralogy of garnet pyroxenites from Sabah, Malaysia. Contrib.
Mineralogy Petrology 48, p. 301-314.
(Garnet pyroxenites ('eclogites') and corundum-garnet amphibolites from Dent Peninsula of E Sabah occur as
exotic blocks in Late Miocene slump breccia deposit of Segama Gp. Bulk composition and mineralogy similar
to garnet pyroxenite lenses within ultramafic rocks. Estimated T and P for pyroxenites ~850° C and ~19 kbar
(= mantle depth, ~65km?)
Morley, C.K. (2003)- Outcrop examples of mudstone intrusions from the Jerudong anticline, Brunei
Darussalam and inferences for hydrocarbon reservoirs. In: P. van Rensbergen et al. (eds.) Subsurface sediment
mobilization, Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 216, p. 381-394.
(Mudstone intrusions in Jerudong area represent natural hydraulic fractures developed above mobile mudstone
diapir sourced from M Miocene Setap Fm. Intrusion geometries influenced by pre-existing normal faults)
Morley, C.K. (2007)- Interaction between critical wedge geometry and sediment supply in a deep-water fold
belt. Geology 35, 2, p. 139-142.
(On low angle dips of surface and basal detachment faults of Late Miocene–Holocene deep-water fold-and-
thrust belt of offshore NW Borneo)
Morley, C.K. (2009)- Geometry of an oblique thrust fault zone in a deepwater fold belt from 3D seismic data. J.
Structural Geol. 31, 12, p. 1540-1555.
(Late Pliocene-Recent growth of 12 km long, deepwater anticline at distal margin of Baram Delta Province)
Morley, C.K. & S. Back (2008)- Estimating hinterland exhumation from late orogenic basin volume, NW
Borneo. J. Geol. Soc., London, 165, 1, p. 353-366.
(Miocene- recent sediment volumes for Baram Deltaic Province estimated. Volume restoration onto sediment
source area determined exhumation of ~5 km from 17 Ma- Recent. Denudation for M Miocene, Late Miocene
and Pliocene- Recent proceeded at similar rates. Initial uplift of central Borneo attributed to buoyancy of
thinned continental crust that jammed subduction zone under NW Borneo in E Miocene. Absence of decay in
erosion rates from M Miocene-Recent suggests additional uplift possibly related to slab detachment)
Morley, C.K., S. Back, P. van Rensbergen, P. Crevello & J.J. Lambiase (2003)- Characteristics of repeated,
detached, Miocene-Pliocene tectonic inversion events in a large delta province on an active margin, Brunei
Darussalam, Borneo. J. Structural Geol. 25, p. 1147-1169.
Morley, C.K. & M. Burhannudinnur (1997)- Anatomy of growth fault zones in poorly lithified sandstones and
shales: implications for reservoir studies and seismic interpretation: part 2, Seismic reflection geometries.
Petroleum Geoscience 3, 3, p. 225-231.
(Seismic reflection data across growth faults off NW Borneo show many of small-scale fault geometries
recognized in outcrop can also be interpreted on seismic data. Some fault zones single fault plane; others up to
1km wide bundles of overlapping fault planes connected by hard and soft linkage geometries)
Morley, C.K., P. Crevello & Z.H. Ahmad (1998)- Shale tectonics and deformation associated with active
diapirism: the Jerudong Anticline, Brunei Darussalam. J. Geol. Soc., London, 155, p. 475-490.
(Jerudong anticline of Brunei outcrop example of multiple phases of diapir growth and interaction with country
rock. N-S-trending anticline overlies high-angle transpressional basement fault zone. Deformation history: (1)
M Miocene E-W to NE-SW-trending growth faulting and shale-diapir growth; (2) Late Miocene- E Pliocene
transpression. Continued uplift and erosion elevated overpressured horizons to where hydraulic fracturing
reached surface and Holocene-age mud volcanoes developed)
Morley, C.K., R. King, R. Hillis, M. Tingay & G. Backe (2011)- Deepwater fold and thrust belt classification,
tectonics, structure and hydrocarbon prospectivity: a review. Earth-Science Reviews 104, p. 41-91.
(Includes examples from NW Borneo, Seram)
Morley, C.K., M. Tingay, J. Warren, P. Boonyasaknanon & A. Julapour (2014)- Comparison of modern fluid
distribution, pressure and flow in sediments associated with anticlines growing in deepwater (Brunei) and
continental environments (Iran). Marine Petroleum Geol. 51, p. 210-229.
(On structural development, overpressure generation and fluid type/migration in deep-water offshore Brunei
and outcrops in Central Basin of Iran)
Morley, R.J. (1998)- Palynological evidence for Tertiary plant dispersals in the SE Asian region in relation to
plate tectonics and climate. In: R. Hall & J.D. Holloway (eds.) Biogeography and geological evolution of SE
Asia, Backhuys Publ., Leiden, p. 211-234.
(online at;
(Includes re-evaluation of Muller (1968) conclusions on palynological ages of Pedawan Fm (most likely
Albian- Santonian) and Kayan/ Plateau sandstone (more likely Paleocene than Late Cretaceous-Eocene))
Morris, S.F. & J.S.H. Collins (1991)- Neogene crabs from Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak. Bull. British Museum
(Natural History), Geology, 47, p. 1-33.
(online at:
(Descriptions of 36 species of Mio-Pliocene crab fossils from 17 localities in NW Borneo. Abnormally high
proportion of leucosiids)
Morrison, K. & W.C. Lee (2003)- Sequence stratigraphic framework of Northwest Borneo. In: G.H. Teh (ed.)
Petroleum Geology Conf. Exh. 2002, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 47, p. 127-138.
(online at:
(Eocene- Recent depositional sequences of Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei, tied to Haq et al. (1988) global cycle
chart. Major regional unconformities (mostly tectonic events): near Base Miocene/22.2 Ma; Deep Regional
Unconformity/ 15.5 Ma; late Middle Miocene/12.1 Ma/uplift event; early Late Miocene/10.6 Ma/eustatic,
Shallow regional Unconformity/Late Miocene/8.5 Ma; latest Miocene/5.6 Ma/ eustatic; latest Pliocene/~2
Muda, J. & F. Tongkul (2008)- Geoheritage resources of the Baliajong River: Potential for geotourism
development. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 54, p. 139-145.
(online at:
(Baliajong River ~3 km NE of Tandek, E of Marudu Bay, N Sabah, with outcrop of Lower Cretaceous-
Paleocene oceanic crust (formerly 'Chert-spilite Fm'), comprising N-S trending imbricated gabbro and
interbedded pillow basalts and red, bedded radiolarian cherts, forming basement rock of N Sabah. Deformed
basement overlain by Miocene (22-15 Ma) Crocker Fm clastics, which were folded at 15 Ma. Failed manganese
mining operation in 1903-1908. Area promoted as geotourism destination)
Mueller, F.P. (1915)- Tektite from British Borneo. Geol. Magazine, ser. 6, 2, 5, p. 206-211.
(Four black lustrous tektites 1.5-3 cm in diameter, found in 1913 near Tutong Station, SW of Brunei town,
washed out of white quartz sand 1-2' below surface, in terrace deposit ~40' above sea level. With first map of
distribution of billitonite/ tektite of Malaysia- Indonesian region?)
Muff, R. (1990)- Geological, geochemical, and ore microscopic investigations of the massive, cupriferous
sulfide occurrences at West Sualog in the Bidu Bidu Ophiolite Complex, Sabah, East Malaysia. Geol. Jahrbuch
B74, p. 65-95.
(On stratabound copper-bearing massive sulphides in upper part of basic volcanic sequence of ophiolite
complex in U Cretaceous- Eocene Sabah Melange Complex, overlain by fine-clastic sedimentary rocks)
Muhamad, Abdul J. & M.J. Hoesni (1992)- Possible source for the Tembungo oils: evidence from biomarker
fingerprints. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 32, p. 213-232.
(online at:
(Tembungo field off NW Sabah faulted anticline, with similar oils in Late Miocene sandstones in different fault
blocks: paraffinic, low sulfur and waxy. Biomarkers suggest terrigenous source rocks with abundant land plant
organic matter)
Muller, J. (1964)- Palynological contributions to the history of Tertiary vegetation in N.W. Borneo. In: D.
Murchison & T.S. Westoll (eds.) Coal and coal-bearing strata, Elsevier, p. 39-40.
Muller, J. (1964)- A palynological contribution to the history of mangrove vegetation in Borneo. In: L.M.
Cranwell (ed.) Ancient Pacific floras, the pollen story, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, p. 33-42.
Muller, J. (1968)- Palynology of the Pedawan and Plateau sandstone formation (Cretaceous- Eocene) in
Sarawak, Malaysia. Micropaleontology 14, 1, p. 1-37.
(online at:
(Pioneering study of palynology of U Cretaceous- Eocene section of Sarawak. Pedawan Fm is Cenomanian-
Turonian age, Plateau Sandstone is of Senonian- Eocene age (Senonian age of basal Plateau Sst supported by
Said et al. (1996) but Plateau Sst mainly viewed as Paleocene- E Eocene by Morley (1998), Hutchison (2005))
Murtaza, M., A.H. Abdul Rahman & C.W. Sum (2015)- The shallow marine succession of Begrih Formation
(Pliocene), Mukah Area, Sarawak: facies, stratigraphic characteristics, and paleoenvironmental interpretation.
In: M. Awang et al. (eds.) 3rd Int. Conf. Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences (ICIPEG2014),
Kuala Lumpur 2014, Springer Verlag, p. 337-362.
(Facies analysis of Pliocene Begrih Fm exposed along Mukah-Selangau road, NW Sarawak. 15 facies deposited
in shallow marine setting with pronounced storms, wave, fluvial, and tidal influence)
Mustafar, M.A., W.J.F. Simons, K.M. Omar & B.A.C. Ambrosius (2014)- Monitoring of local deformations in
North Borneo. In: 25th Congress Int. Federation Surveyors (FIG), Kuala Lumpur, TS11, 12p.
(online at: )
Mustafar, M.A., W.J.F. Simons, F. Tongkul, C. Satirapod, K.M. Omar & P.N.A.M. Visser (2017)- Quantifying
deformation in North Borneo with GPS. J. Geodesy, p. 1-19.
(online at:
(GPS survey results indicates extension along coastal regions of Sarawak and Brunei (5-9 mm/ year W-directed
movement) but strain rate tensors in Sabah reveal only insignificant extension, while compression occurs
throughout NW Borneo. CW (microblock) rotation of N part of North Borneo. Low subsidence rates along W
coast of Sabah, but inconsistent trends between Crocker and Trusmadi Mts. Unable to confirm hypothesis of
gravity sliding as main driving force. Ongoing Sundaland- Philippine Sea plate convergence may still play role
in present-day deformation)
Mustapha, K.A. & W.H. Abdullah (2013)- Petroleum source rock evaluation of the Sebahat and Ganduman
Formations, Dent Peninsula, Eastern Sabah, Malaysia. J. Asian Earth Sci. 76, p. 346-355.
(Evaluation of petroleum potential of M Miocene- E Pliocene Sebahat Fm and Pliocene Ganduman Fm.
Thermally immature onshore, but continue into Sandakan sub-basin of S Sulu Sea)
Mustapha, K.A., W.H. Abdullah, Z. Konjing, S.S. Gee & A.M. Koraini (2017)- Organic geochemistry and
palynology of coals and coal-bearing mangrove sediments of the Neogene Sandakan Formation, Northeast
Sabah, Malaysia. Catena 158, p. 30-45.
(Coals in mangrove sediments of Sandakan Fm of Sandakan Peninsulawith vitrinite reflectance (Ro) 0.31-
0.49%, indicating immature- very early mature for hydrocarbon generation. Dominated by Type III kerogen,
with some Type II/III. Presence of dinoflagellate cysts and offshore mudstones consistent with rel. high sulphur
content from marine inundations. Palynomorphs with abundant mangrove and freshwater pollen Presence of
Florschuetzia levipoli, F. meridionalis and F. semilobata suggests E-M Miocene age)
Mustard, H.M. (1997)- The Bau gold district- East Malaysia. In: Proc. World Gold Conf. ’97, Singapore 1997,
Australasian Inst. of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), Parkville, 2, p. 67-80.
(Gold and platinum in Miocene fault-controlled veins and replacements in U Jurassic- Lower Cretaceous Bau
Limestone in SW Sarawak. Mined since 1820)
Myers, L.C. (1977)- Weathering profile developed on ultrabasic rocks at Telupid, Sabah. Geol. Survey
Malaysia, Geol. Papers 2, p. 66-71.
Mylius, H.G. (1990)- The geological setting of a cupfiferous sulfide mineralization in the Kiabau area of the
Bidu Bidu Hills, Sabah, East Malaysia. Geol. Jahrbuch B74, p. 97-114.
(Massive copper-bearing pyrite mineralization in sequence of altered basalt and mudstone close to contact with
ultrabasic rocks)
Nagano, K., S. Takenouchi, H. Imai & T. Shoji (1977)- Fluid inclusion study of the Mamut porphyry copper
deposit, Sabah, Malaysia. Mining Geology 27, 143, p. 201-212.
(online at:
Nagarajan, R., J.S. Armstrong-Altrin, F.L. Kessler & J. Jong (2017)- Petrological and geochemical constraints
on provenance, paleoweathering, and tectonic setting of clastic sediments from the Neogene Lambir and Sibuti
Formations, Northwest Borneo. In: R. Mazumder (ed.) Sediment provenance: influences on compositional
change from source to sink, Chapter 7, Elsevier, Amsterdam, p.123-153.
(Petrography and geochemistry suggest Miocene Lambir and Sibuti Fms clastics derived from recycled
sedimentary/metasedimentary sources in an evolving passive-to-active continental margin setting)
Nagarajan, R., J. Jong & F.L. Kessler (2017)- Provenance of the Neogene sedimentary rocks from the Tukau
and Belait Formations, Northeastern Borneo by mineralogy and geochemistry. Warta Geologi 43, 2, p. 10-16.
(online at:
(Miocene quartz-rich clastics of Tukau and Belait Fms sourced from area comparable to Rajang-Crocker
mountain belt in Borneo hinterland. Tukau Fm supplied from moderately-weathered continental hinterland
composed of acidic igneous and/or metamorphic lithologies, and older sediments. Miocene Belait Fm reflects
stronger weathering and significant input of mafic minerals (i.e. biotite, Mg-chromites))
Nagarajan, R., P.D. Roy, M.P. Jonathan, R. Lozano, F.L. Kessler & M.V. Prasanna (2014)- Geochemistry of
Neogene sedimentary rocks from Borneo Basin, East Malaysia: paleo-weathering, provenance and tectonic
setting. Chemie der Erde- Geochemistry 74, p. 139-146.
(Neogene sediments of Sarawak classified as extremely weathered sandstones, with post-depositional K-
metasomatism and zircon enrichment through sediment recycling. Geochemical characteristics suggest mixed-
nature provenance. Enriched Cr in quartz arenite and Fe-sandstone related to contribution from ophiolite or
fractionation of Cr-bearing minerals)
Nagarajan, R., P.D. Roy, F.L. Kessler, J. Jong, V. Dayong & M.P. Jonathan (2017)- An integrated study of
geochemistry and mineralogy of the Upper Tukau Formation, Borneo Island (East Malaysia): sediment
provenance, depositional setting and tectonic implications. J. Asian Earth Sci. 143, p. 77-94.
(Late Miocene or younger ((∼10–2.6 Ma) Tukau Fm of Sarawak formation unconfomably overlies M Miocene
Lambir Fm. Clastics highly mature and recycled from weathered sedimentary- metasedimentary sources, with
granitoids and mafic-ultramafic rocks. Cretaceous and Triassic-age detrital zircons from felsic rock, tie to
granitoids of Schwaner Mts (Kalimantan) and Tin Belt granites, but probably recycled via Rajang Group,
uplifted and eroded in Neogene. Chromian spinels indicate minor influence of mafic- ultramafic rocks.
Deposited in passive margin with passive collisional and rift settings)
Nagtegaal, P.J.C. (1989)- A century of petroleum exploration in Sarawak and Sabah. ASEAN Council on
Petroleum, p. 29-36.
Nakai, I., H. Adachi, S. Matsubara, A. Kato, K. Masutomi, T. Fujiwara & K. Nagashima (1978)- Sarabauite, a
new oxide sulfide mineral from the Sarabau Mine, Sarawak, Malaysia. American Mineralogist 63, 7-8, p. 715-
(online at:
(New realgar-like red mineral in hydrothermal ore deposits in U Jurassic- Cretaceous of Sarabau Au-Ag mine
near Bau, SW of Kuching)
Nakamura, T., T. Miyake, N. Kanao & N. Tomizawa (1970)- Exploration and prospecting in Mamut Mine,
Sabah, Malaysia. Mining Geology 20, 100, p. 106-113.
(online at: (In Japanese, with English abstract)
Newton, R. Bullen (1897)- On a Jurassic Lamellibranch and some other associated fossils from the Sarawak
River Limestones of Borneo; with a sketch of the Mesozoic fauna of that island. Geol. Magazine IV, 4, p. 407-
(Review of Jurassic- Cretaceous macrofossils known from Borneo, and description of M Jurassic bivalve
Alectryonia amor in British Museum collection, probably from Sarawak River, with distinct European affinity.)
Newton-Smith, J. (1967)- Bidu-Bidu Hills area, Sabah, East Malaysia. Geol. Survey Malaysia Borneo Region,
Report 4, Kuching, p. 1-109.
(Mapping of Bidu-Bidu area in C Sabah. Area consists of Chert-spilite Formation, ultrabasic rocks, basic
rocks, Miocene Garinono Fm melange and and Kamansi Beds tuffaceous sediments)
Newton-Smith, J. (1977)- Geology and mineralization at the Mamut copper prospect. Sabah. Geol. Survey
Malaysia, Geol. Papers 2, p. 55-65.
(Additional observations on Tertiary porphyry copper type ore body on SE slope of Mt Kinabalu, first described
by Kirk (1967))
Ng, P.K.L. & Earl of Cranbrook (2014)- Fossil brachyuran crabs from the Jambusan Caves (Bau, Sarawak),
collected by A.H. Everett in 1878-1879. In: R.H.B. Fraaije et al. (eds.) Proc. 5th Symp. Mesozoic and Cenozoic
Decapod Crustaceans, Krakow 2013, Scripta Geologica 147, p. 289-307.
(online at:;idno=16147a21)
(Crustacean fossils from Jambusan Caves in Bau (Sarawak) assigned to two species of potamid freshwater
crabs (Brachyura) that are still extant in area, Isolapotamon bauense and I. consobrinum. Two species were
probably collected for food by early human inhabitants of Sarawak)
Ng, T.S. & M. Mohamad (1996)- A quantitative analysis of seismic reflection in a gas-bearing carbonate
buildup, offshore Malaysia. In: P. Weimer & T.L. Davis (eds.) Applications of 3-D seismic data to exploration
and production, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG), Studies in Geology 42, p. 219-244.
(Some 200 Miocene carbonate buildups mapped in Luconia Province, offshore Sarawak. Vertical and lateral
porosity variations in carbonate reservoirs can be calibrated to seismic amplitude and acoustic impedance)
Nijman, M., S. Paris & J. Boyd-Gorst (2012)- New opportunities through reservoir performance reviews and
facies based dynamic modelling of a mature oil field under waterflood. Int. Petroleum Techn. Conf. (IPTC),
Bangkok 2012, 11p.
(Champion Field in Brunei Darussalam, producing since 1972. Field geologically complex, with >500 stacked
sandstones reservoirs, heavily faulted, at depths from 200-1500m subsea. Primary and secondary recovery from
pattern waterflood since 1984. Reservoir modeling effort is part of ongoing Champion Waterflood project,
which aims to increase the recoverable reserves and production capacity from this mature field)
Noad, J.J. (1999)- The sedimentary evolution of the Tertiary of Eastern Sabah, Northern Borneo. Ph.D. Thesis,
University of London, p. 1-456. (Unpublished)
Noad, J. (2001)- The Gomantong Limestone of eastern Borneo: a sedimentological comparison with the near-
contemporaneous Luconia Province. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecology 175, p. 273-302.
(C Sabah basin was Eocene-Miocene E-W trending foreland basin, with carbonates in E. Late Oligocene-
earliest Miocene (Te5) Gomantong Lst outcrops in E. Sabah interpreted as shelf with fringing and patch reefs.
Carbonate deposition ended with ‘rejuvenation of C Sabah basin’ around E-M Miocene boundary, ~16 Ma)
Noad, J. (2013)- The power of palaeocurrents: reconstructing the palaeogeography and sediment flux patterns of
the Miocene Sandakan Formation in eastern Sabah. Berita Sedimentologi 28, p. 31-40.
(online at:
Noad, J. & R. Preece (2014)- Making sense of mud: the use of benthic foraminifera in mudstone sedimentology,
Sabah, North Borneo. Berita Sedimentologi 29, p. 53-65.
(online at:
(On use of benthic foraminifera in interpretation of depositional environments of mudstone samples from five
formations outcropping in E Sabah, NE Borneo, ranging in age from Eocene- Pliocene)
Nordin, A.F. H. Jamil, M.N. Isa, A. Mohamed, S.H. Tahir, B. Musta, R. Forsberg, A. Olesen et al. (2016)-
Geological mapping of Sabah, Malaysia, using airborne gravity survey. Borneo Science 37, 2, p. 14-27.
(online at: )
(Airborne gravity survey database for land and marine areas compiled to update geological map of Sabah)
Nugraheni, R.D., W.S. Chow, A.H.A. Rahman, S.N.M. Nazor & M.F. Abdullah (2014)- Tertiary coal-bearing
heterolithic packages as low permeability reservoir rocks in the Balingian Sub-basin, Sarawak, Malaysia. Bull.
Geol. Soc. Malaysia 60 (C.S. Hutchison Memorial Issue), p. 85-93.
(online at:
Nuttall, C.P. (1961)- Gastropoda from the Miri and Seria Formations, Tutong Road, Brunei. In: G.E. Wilford,
The geology and mineral resources of Brunei and adjacent parts of Sarawak, British Borneo Geol. Survey
Memoir 10, p. 73-87.
((Miocene?-)Pliocene gastropods from Brunei. Living species 65-80%. No figures)
Nuttall, C.P. (1961)- Mollusca from the Togopi Formation (Upper Cenozoic) of North Borneo. Malaysia.
British Borneo Geol. Survey, Borneo, Annual Report 1960, p. 83-96.
(Late Miocene-Pliocene molluscs collected by Collenette from Topogi Fm at E Dent Peninsula of Sabah. Living
species ~75-83%. Mainly shallow marine taxa. No figures)
Nuttall, C.P. (1964)- Report on Mollusca from the Sebahat Formation, Tunku River, Dent Peninsula, Sabah.
Geol. Survey, Borneo Region, Malaysia, Annual Report 1963, p. 165-166.
(Brief note on small collection of likely Late Miocene- Pliocene molluscs from Tungku River near Lung Sangai)
Nuttall, C.P. (1965)- Report on the Haile collection of fossil Mollusca from the Plio-Pleistocene Togopi
Formation, Dent Peninsula, Sabah, Malaysia. Geol. Survey Borneo Region, Malaysia, Memoir 16, p. 155-192.
Nuttall, C.P. & K.M. Leong (1972)- Occurrence of Acteonella (Opistobranch gastropod) in the Cretaceous of
Sabah. Geol. Survey Malaysia, Geol. Papers 1, p. 1-8.
Ogawa, K. & J. Jong (2016)- A leaking hydrocarbon charge system in deepwater Sabah- evidence from
reservoir fluid geochemistry and mud-gas isotope analysis. Proc. 40th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), Jakarta, IPA16-57-G, 26p.
(Distribution of oils in Miocene Kamunsu and Kinarut turbiditic reservoirs in Bestari-1 well, offshore Sabah)
Ogawa, K. & J. Jong (2017)- A unique Post-MMU hydrocarbon charge system in the Bunguran Trough: a case
study from deepwater Sarawak and implications for petroleum exploration. In: SEAPEX Exploration
Conference 2017, Singapore, Session 7, 3p. (Extended Abstract)
(Bunguran Trough intra-continental basin in deepwater setting of Rajang Delta, off Sarawak. Characterised by
deepwater clastic deposition of post-M Miocene Unconformity sediments. Pre-MMU sediments now buried to
>6000m One potential source rock intervals currently mature for hydrocarbon generation in post-MMU
sequences is Lower Pliocene section)
Olave-Hoces, S. (2006)- Controls on isolated carbonate platform evolution and demise, Central Luconia
province, South China Sea. M.Sc. Thesis Texas A&M University, College Station, p. 1-85.
(online at:
(Many isolated carbonate platforms in C Luconia in M-Late Miocene. Flooding at ~16.5 Ma initiated near-
simultaneous carbonate sedimentation. Five growth stages. SE C Luconia platforms thicker and larger,
reflecting greater subsidence to SE. First platforms drowned in E at ~12.5-9.7 Ma, affected by siliciclastic
sediments and high local subsidence. Platforms drowned later (~6.3-5.5 Ma) caused by rapid sea-level rise and
local subsidence. C Luconia carbonate platforms drowned earlier (latest Late Miocene) than E Natuna
platforms (E Pliocene))
Omang, S.A.K. (1993)- Petrology, geochemistry and structural geology of the Darvel Bay Ophiolite, Sabah,
Malaysia. Ph.D. Thesis Royal Holloway, University of London, p. (Unpublished)
Omang, S.A.K. (1995)- Petrology and geochemistry of the mantle-sequence peridotite of the Darvel Bay
Ophiolite, Sabah, Malaysia. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 38, p. 31-48.
(online at:
(Mantle-sequence peridotites of Darvel Bay Ophiolite mainly depleted harzburgites. Less depleted (refractory)
mantle than harzburgites of Oman, Papuan and Halmahera ophiolites and represent supra-subduction zone
(SSZ) ophiolite type)
Omang, S.A.K. (1996)- Sub-ophiolite metamorphic rocks in the Tungku area, Lahad Datu, eastern Sabah,
Malaysia; origin and tectonic significance. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Petroleum geology conference, Kuala Lumpur
1995, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 39, p. 51-64.
(online at:
(Sub-ophiolite metamorphic garnet amphibolites (clasts in late E Miocene- M Miocene melange) formed at high
P-T and interpreted as derived from metamorphic sole below Darvel Bay Ophiolite Complex, formed during
subduction of ocean crust and emplacement of ophiolite complex. Garnet amphibolites were oceanic crust
MORB tholeiites, metamorphosed in upper mantle and deformed and recrystallised with mylonitic textures in
amphibolite facies. K/Ar age of 76± 21 Ma (Cretaceous- Eocene!) coincides with Late Cretaceous-Paleogene
age of subduction beneath Darvel Bay Ophiolite inferred from stratigraphic evidence)
Omang, S.A.K. (1996)- Petrology and geochemistry of the volcanic rocks associated with the Darvel Bay
Ophiolite, Lahad Datu, eastern Sabah, Malaysia. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Petroleum geology conference, Kuala
Lumpur 1995, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 39, p. 65-80.
(online at:
(At least three unrelated volcanic rock groups in ophiolitic terrain of Darvel Bay area. Group I and II may be
related to oceanic crust formation, Group III to M Miocene volcanic arc activity of Dent Peninsula)
Omang, S.A.K. & A.J. Barber (1996)- Origin and tectonic significance of the metamorphic rocks associated
with the Darvel Bay Ophiolite, Sabah, Malaysia. In: R. Hall & D.J. Blundell (eds.) Tectonic evolution of SE
Asia, Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 106, p. 263-279.
(Banded hornblende gneiss, amphibolite and schists form lenses in 8 km wide belt in Darvel Bay Ophiolite
Complex, representing gabbros, plagiogranites, basaltic dykes, basaltic volcanics and cherts formed at
spreading ridge in supra-subduction zone environment, deformed at high T- low P along transform fault.
Garnet pyroxenites and amphibolites found as clasts in Miocene volcanic agglomerates formed at high-P, and
derived from metamorphic sole formed during ocean crust subduction and emplacement of ophiolite complex)
Omang, S.A.K., W.A.W. Mohamed & S.H. Tahir & S.A. Rahim (1992)- The Darvel Bay ophiolite complex, SE
Sabah, Malaysia- preliminary interpretations. Warta Geologi 18, 3, p. 81-88.
(Darvel Bay ophiolite complex of E Sabah consists of ultramafic (mantle peridotite and ultramafic cumulate),
gabbro (gabbroic rocks, amphibolites and plagiogranites) and volcanic-sedimentary units (basaltic lavas and
Cretaceous radiolarian cherts). Complex bounded by E-M Miocen melanges to N and S, with blocks of
ophiolite. Complex interpreted as part of the oceanic crust segment which lay between Sundaland craton and
the Philippines archipelago and was obducted onto Sabah in Late Paleogene to Neogene time)
Omang, S.A.K. & S.H. Tahir (1995)- Cretaceous and Neogene lavas of Sabah; origin and tectonic significance.
Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 38, p. 21-30.
(online as:
(Cretaceous Telupid basalt low-K tholeiitic lava or "boninitic suite", formed in response to intra-oceanic
subduction. As subduction proceeded, magma composition changed to calc-alkaline suite (high-K Neogene
Tungku and Tanjung Batu andesites). Volcanics evolution starts with oceanic island arc, where supra-
subduction zone extension led to genesis of tholeiitic/ boninitic lava (Telupid basalt), followed by volcanic arc
(Tungku andesite), followed by arc-splitting, as extension continued, Sulu Sea marginal basin formed. Partial
closing of Sulu Sea caused S-ward subduction beneath older arc and formation of Tanjung Batu andesite)
Ooi Phey Chee, M. Poppelreiter, D. Ghosh & R. Lazar (2017)- Study of Central Luconia Miocene carbonate
buildup: integration of geological, modern carbonates and 3D seismic characterization Proc. 30th Nat. Geosc.
Conf. Exhib. (NGC 2017), Kuala Lumpur, PDPT16-107, Warta Geologi 43, 3, p. 290-291. (Extended Abstract)
(online at:
(Brief review of geologic model of 3x5km M-L Miocene carbonate buildup of TX Field, 170km N of Bintulu,
offshore Sarawak)
Osmaston, H. (1980)- Patterns in trees, rivers and rocks in the Mulu Park, Sarawak. The Geographical J. 146, p.
(Study of geomorphology and geological control in Mulu Park karst terrain)
Ovinda & J.J. Lambiase (2017)- Lateral facies and permeability changes in upper shoreface sandstones, Berakas
Syncline, Brunei Darussalam. Indonesian J. Geoscience 4, 1, p. 11-20.
(online at:
(Facies and permeability changes in outcrops of M Miocene Belait Fm in Berakas Syncline, Brunei)
Pierson, B.J. (2010)- Contrasting dolomite textures of Miocene carbonate platforms in Central Luconia,
Sarawak, Malaysia. Petrol. Geosc. Conf. Exhib., Kuala Lumpur 2010, p. (Extended Abstract)
Percival, T.J. & A.H. Hofstra (2002)- Bau, Malaysia; SRHDG deposit associated with Miocene magmatism.
Geol. Soc. America, 2002 Ann. Mtg., Abstracts with Programs 34, 6, p. 142. (Abstract only)
(Bau district, NW Borneo, produced 37.3 t gold. It is in thrust sheet comprised of Late Jurassic- M Cretaceous
limestone and clastics and Late Triassic island arc volcanics that is overthrust by L Jurassic- L Cretaceous
siliciclastic turbidites. M Miocene magmatism due to SE subduction of Proto- S China Sea under Borneo.
Numerous 10-13 Ma, I-type, intermediate to felsic porphyry stocks intrude >30 km long NNE transtensional
fault zone. Au deposits at intersection of NNE fault system and ENE-striking anticline)
Petronas (1999)- The petroleum geology and resources of Malaysia. Petronas, Kuala Lumpur, p. 1-665.
(Most comprehensive overview of Malaysia (incl. N Borneo) geology and oil and gas fields)
Pilz, R. (1913)- Geologische Studien in Britisch Nordborneo. Jahresberichte Freiburger Geol. Gesellschaft 6, p.
('Geological studies in British North Borneo'. Early reconnaissance survey of Sabah by German mining
engineer Pilz for British North Borneo Company. First to recognize (1) presence of Jurassic-Cretaceous deep
marine sediments with radiolaria (Danau Fm of Molengraaff), overlain by Tertiary clastics and carbonates and
(2) young age of Kinabalu volcanics and pluton (see also Wannier 2017))
Pimm, A.C. (1965)- Serian Area, West Sarawak, East Malaysia. Geol. Survey Borneo Region Malaysia, Report
3, p. 1-92.
(Serian area in W Sarawak- W Kalimantan border area, SE of Kuching. Pre-Upper Carboniferous Kerait
schists, similar to 'NW Kalimantan Domain'. Overlain by steeply-dipping, NW striking, brecciated Late
Carboniferous- E Permian Terbat Fm interbedded fusulinid limestone, chert and shale, at least 3000' thick.
Unconformably overlain by Late Triassic (late Carnian-Norian) Sadong Fm clastics and tuffs with Halobia and
late Norian? Serian Fm andesitic-basaltic volcanics. Sadong-Serian Fms folded before deposition of Late
Jurassic Bau Limestone. Unconformably overlain by ?Eocene Silantek Fm clastics. Intrusives dated as M
Miocene in S part of area, continuing into Kalimantan. With 1:50,000 scale geologic map)
Pimm, A.C. (1967)- Bau Mining District, West Sarawak, Malaysia. Part II- Krokong. Geol. Survey Borneo
Region Malaysia, Bull. 7, 2, p. 1-97.
Pimm, A.C. (1968)- Triassic volcanic rocks in East and West Malaysia. Geol. Survey Borneo Region Malaysia,
Bull. 8, p. 36-40.
Pour, A.B. (2014)- Remote sensing aspects of Bau Gold District, Serawak, Malaysia. In: I. Basuki & A.Z.
Dahlius (eds.) Sundaland Resources, Proc. Indon. Soc. Econ. Geol. (MGEI) Ann. Conv., Palembang, p. 393-
(Lithological-structural mapping with remote sensing of mineralized zones in Bau gold field in W Sarawak with
Carlin style gold deposits. Late Triassic Serian Volcanics overlain by Late Jurassic- Cretaceous sediments. E
Jurassic deformation event, with 190 Ma Jagoi granodiorite. M Miocene Bau Trend porphyritic granodiorites
with porphyry-copper style mineralization, skarn, limestone polymetallic replacement, epithermal precious
metal, disseminated gold, and Ba-Hg deposits)
Pour, A.B. & M. Hashim (2014)- Structural geology mapping using PALSAR data in the Bau gold mining
district, Sarawak, Malaysia. Advances in Space Research 54, p. 644-654.
(Synthetic Aperture Radar data useful in remote sensing of tropical/sub-tropical regions. Bau gold mining
district in W Sarawak similar to Carlin style gold deposits, but mineralization more structurally controlled.
Most quartz-gold bearing veins in high-angle faults, fractures and joints in massive units of Bau Limestone.
Four deformation events in district: (D1) ENE trending parallel faults, pre- E Jurassic, associated with E
Jurassic Jagoi Granodiorite? (= Late Triassic; Breitfeld et al. 2017); (D2) SW-NE oriented compressional tight
folds, (D3) E-W to NW-SE trending folds, folding Tertiary molasse; (D4) NNE trending lineaments along which
M Miocene microgranodiorites emplaced, probably right-lateral transcurrent faults)
Prasetyo, T., A. Firth & M.R. Lasman (2007)- A relationship of overpressure, diagenesis and hydrocarbon
accumulation, East Balingian Basin, Offshore Sarawak- Malaysia. Proc. 31st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA07-G-070, 15p.
(E Balingian Basin oil-gas fields in large NE-SW trending folds, resulting from episodic inversion events which
started in late M Miocene (11.7 Ma). Deeper reservoirs of East Balingian generally overpressured and of low
quality (quartz overgrowths, dolomite cement), even where hydrocarbon-bearing. Top overpressure varies
between different stratigraphic units, but all in thick shale-prone sequences)
Prosser, D.J. & R.R. Carter (1997)- Permeability heterogeneity within the Jerudong Formation: an outcrop
analogue for subsurface Miocene reservoirs in Brunei. In: A.J. Fraser et al. (eds.) Petroleum geology of
Southeast Asia, Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 126, p. 195-235.
(Permeability measurements on outcrop of 56m of Late Miocene (E Tortonian) Jerudong Fm at Punyit Beach,
Brunei, show large variations)
Prouteau, G., R.C. Maury, C. Rangin, E. Suparka, H. Bellon, M. Pubellier & J. Cotten (1996)- Les adakites
miocenes du NW de Borneo, temoins de la fermeture de la proto-mer de Chine. Comptes Rendus Academie
Sciences, Paris 323, ser. IIa, 11, p. 925-932.
('The Miocene adakites of NW Borneo, witnesses of the closing of the proto-South China Sea'. Early Miocene
Sintang granodiorite intrusives aged 18.3 and 19.2 Ma, with characteristics of oceanic slab melts (adakites).
Youngest rocks (16.5, 16.7 Ma) are calc-alkaline dacites. Sintang adakites coeval with subduction of Proto
South China Sea Basin which may have started at ~20 Ma)
Prouteau, G., R.C. Maury, F.G. Sajona, M. Pubellier, J. Cotton & H. Bellon (2001)- Le magmatisme post-
collisionnel du Nord-Ouest de Borneo, produit de la fusion d'un fragment de croute oceanique ancre dans le
manteau superieur. Bull. Soc. Geologique France 172, 3, p. 319-332.
('The post-collisional magmatism of NW Borneo: product of melting of a fragment of oceanic crust in the upper
mantle'. Magmas in Sarawak formed by melting of subducted oceanic crust in upper mantle, as evidenced by
Miocene adakites. Two kinds of intrusions: High-medium K calc-alkaline diorites in N of study area (Lower
Miocene; 22.3-23.7 Ma); microtonalites and dacites near Kuching and S Sarawak (M-U Miocene, 14.6- 6.4
Ma). Lower Miocene diorites characteristic of subduction-related magmas. M-U Miocene microtonalites and
dacites also adakitic features: SiO2-rich (65-70%) and sodic; rare pyroxenes, etc.)
Rahim, A.R., Z. Konjing, J. Asis, N. Jalil, A.J. Muhamad, N. Ibrahim, A.M. Koraini, R.C. Kob, H. Mazlan &
H.D. Tjia (2017)- Tectonostratigraphic terranes of Kudat Peninsula, Sabah. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 64 (Geol.
Soc. Malaysia 50th Anniversary Issue 2), p. 123-139.
(online at:
(Four geological terranes make up Kudat Peninsula: (1) N Sabah exotic Terrane (Eocene sandstones with M-L
Eocene Suang Pai Lst with Discocyclina, Pellatispira, etc.), separated by (2) Kudat Fault Zone (up to 6 km
wide horst with E Cretaceous ophiolite and oceanic crust) from (3) Slump Terrane (wide area from Sikuati to
Kota Marudu, consisting of mainly lower slope turbidites with slump intervals). S-most terrane is (4) Mengaris
Duplex (latest Eocene to Oligocene West Crocker Fm turbidites)
Rahman, M.H., B.J. Pierson & W.I.W. Yusoff (2012)- Classification of microporosity in carbonates: examples
from Miocene carbonate reservoirs of Central Luconia, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia. In: Proc. Int. Petrol.
Techn. Conf. (IPTC), Bangkok 2012, IPTC 14583, 12p. (Extended Abstract)
(Five types of microtextures in C Luconia Miocene carbonates: a) chalky moldic limestone, b) argillaceous
tight limestone, c) moldic limestone, d) Moldic dolomitic limestone and e) chalky limestone)
Rahman, Z.A. (1999)- Structural pattern of the Crocker Formation in southern part of Beaufort area, Sabah.
Borneo Science 6, p. 11-20.
Ramkumar, M., M. Santosh, R. Nagarajan, S.S. Li, M. Mathew, D. Menier, N. Siddiqui, J. Rai, A. Sharma et al.
(2017)- Late Middle Miocene volcanism in Northwest Borneo, Southeast Asia: implications for tectonics,
paleoclimate and stratigraphic marker. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecology 490, p. 141-162.
(Zircon dating of 6cm thick tephra layer in thick coal near Mukah, Sarawak, suggests latest M Miocene
volcanic event (main zircon age group ~11.4- 11.8 Ma). Also older inherited zircons)
Ramli, M.N. & Ho Kiam Fui (1984)- Depositional environments and diagenesis of the F6 reef complex, central
Luconia province, offshore Sarawak, Malaysia. In: Proc. Joint ASCOPE/ CCOP Workshop on hydrocarbon
occurrences in carbonate rocks, Surabaya 1982, ASCOPE Techn. Paper 2, Jakarta, p. 269-292.
Ramli, M.Y. (1992)- Paranchangan fault zone; the southern sector, Sabah. In: Y.E. Heng (ed.) Proc. 23rd Geol.
Conf. Techn. Paper, Geol. Survey Malaysia, p. 131-140.
Rangin, C. (1991)- Neogene arc-continent collision in Sabah, northern Borneo (Malaysia)- Reply.
Tectonophysics 200, p. 330-332.
(Reply to Hutchison (1991) critique of Rangin (1990) paper)
Rangin, C., H. Bellon, F. Benard, J. Letouzey, C. Muller & S. Tahir (1990)- Neogene arc-continent collision in
Sabah, N. Borneo (Malaysia). Tectonophysics 183, p. 305-319.
(Sabah arc-continent collision in early M Miocene, followed by intraplate shortening, still active today. Late
Oligocene-M Miocene volcanic arc imbricated with melanges and thrust NW-ward on polyphase-deformed Late
Cretaceous-M Miocene turbiditic sequence (Crocker Range). Intraplate shortening seen in thrusting- folding
offshore Sabah along Palawan-N Borneo Trench and broad folds and strike-slip faulting in previously sutured
terranes. Collision result of final stage of S-ward subduction of Proto-S China Sea or back thrusting of Sulu
volcanic arc during Celebes Sea subduction to N. K-Ar age of 137 Ma for gabbro of Sabah oceanic crust
basement, 6 Ma cooling age for Kinabalu granodiorite) (see also comments and reply by Hutchison (1991))
Reinhard, M. (1922)- Contributions to the physiography and geology of the South-East Coast of British North
Borneo. The Geographical J. 63, 2, p. 121-134.
(One of earliest geologic maps and descriptions of Sabah, surveyed in 1913-1914 for 'Nederlandsche Koloniale
Petroleum Maatschappij')
Reinhard, M. & E. Wenk (1951)- Geology of the colony of North Borneo. Bull. Geological Survey Dept.,
British Territories in Borneo, 1, p. 1-160.
(Early compilation of North Borneo geology, commissioned by Shell. Cretaceous? Pre-Eocene Danau Fm of
flysch, radiolarian chert, ophiolitic rocks (serpentinite, gabbro) and manganese ore, always intensely folded/
imbricated. Slate Formation probably older than Danau Fm, both often hard to distinguish from Danau Fm.
Rice-Oxley, E.D. (1991)- Palaeoenvironments of the Lower Miocene to Pliocene sediments in offshore N.W.
Sabah area. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 28, p. 165-194.
(online at:
(Biostratigraphy and seismic stratigraphy used in Miocene-Pliocene in offshore NW Sabah to define paleo-shelf
edges/ paleo-coastlines and 4 seismic facies. Offshore Sabah pre-early M Miocene deposition of deep marine
Rijks, E.J.H. (1981)- Baram Delta geology and hydrocarbon occurrence. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 14, p. 1-18.
(online at:
(Baram Delta thoroughly explored, classic delta province, containing bulk of Sarawak oil reserves. With 11 oil
fields, 2 gas fields, one onshore (Miri, 1910). Delta depocenter developed in Late Eocene and from early M
Miocene onward characterized by multiple regressive phases of sedimentation. Tectonic interaction of N-
hading growth faults and NE-SW trending latest Miocene folds)
Robinson, K., P. Baltensperger, A. Thomas & S. Noon (2009)- The Middle Miocene unconformity (MMU) and
globigerinid sands in deepwater Sarawak. In: Programme and abstracts Petroleum Geology Conf. Exh., Kuala
Lumpur 2009, Geol. Soc. Malaysia, Paper 17, 3p. (Abstract only)
(online at:
(Talang 1 well gas in planktonic foraminifera sands of early M Miocene age (N8, 16.1- 16.3 Ma Sr age),
immediately above ‘Mid-Miocene angular unconformity’, on flank of rotated fault block. Underlying “Mid
Miocene unconformity” dated as Early Miocene (zone N6) in age with Sr Isotope age of 18.5-19.0 Ma)
Roe, F.W. (1954)- Outline of the geology of British Borneo. Annual Report Geological Survey Dept., British
Territories in Borneo, 1954, Kuching, p. 6-22.
Roe, F.W. (1955)- Radioactive age determinations of West Sarawak igneous rocks. Geol. Survey Dept., British
Territories in Borneo, Kuching, Annual Report 1955, p. 76-77.
(Klompe 1962: Granites from NW Borneo radiometrically dated as 185 and 210 Ma, although Roe and Haile
believed these granites were emplaced in late Permian- E Triassic and E Permian - late Carboniferous)
Roe, F.W. (1957)- Sketch map showing the geology of Borneo, scale 1:2000,000. Geol. Survey Dept., British
Territories in Borneo, Kuching, Annual Report 1957.
Roe, F.W. (1964)- The geological relationship between Mt Kinabalu and neighbouring regions. Proc. Royal
Society (London), B, 161, 982, p. 49-56.
(Mt Kinabalu in Sabah 13,455' high. Main peaks granodiorite, intruded across two areas of ultrabasic rocks.
Recent radiometric dates by Snelling on biotite 9 ± 2 Ma and 1.3 ± 0.7 Ma. Sundaland rocks may extend into
Sabah: biotite hornfels in Segama Valley dated as 160 ± 8 Ma (E Jurassic) age of metamorphism)
Ronghe, S. & S. Pambayuning (2002)- Depth-induced impedance variations in reservoir sands; implications for
predicting lithology and fluid distributions offshore Brunei Darussalam. The Leading Edge 21, p. 388-393.
Roohi, G. (1994)- Biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of the Subis limestone, Sarawak, East Malaysia. M.Sc
Thesis University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, p. 1-168. (Unpublished)
(Early Miocene Subis Limestone of Sarawak. With Niah caves, 65 km SW of Miri)
Roohi, G. (1998)- Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of the Subis Limestone (Early Miocene) Sarawak, East
Malaysia and correlation with the Neogene of the Indus Basin, Pakistan. Pakistan J. Hydrocarbon Research 10,
p. 81-104.
Rutten, L. (1915)- Studien uber Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien, 9. Tertiare Foraminiferen von den Inseln
Balambangan und Banguey, nordlich von Borneo. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden 10, p. 11-18.
(online at:
('Studies on foraminifera from East Asia, 9. Miocene and Eocene larger forams from Balambangan and
Banguey islands, North of British Borneo'. M Miocene marls with Lepidocyclina angulosa, Cycloclypeus
annulatus, Oligocene with Nummulies fichteli, Eocene with Orthophragmina (= Discocyclina), etc., collected
by Hotz from two islands N of Sabah, Balambangan and Banguey (= Banggi))
Rutten, L. (1921)- Over den ouderdom der Tertiaire oliehoudende afzeetingen van Klias-schiereiland en Poeloe
Laboean (Noordwest Borneo). Verslagen Kon. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 29, p. 1140-1149.
('On the age of the Tertiary oil-bearing deposits of the peninsula of Klias and Pulu Labuan'. Dutch version of
Rutten (1921) below)
Rutten, L. (1921)- On the age of the Tertiary oil-bearing deposits of the peninsula of Klias and Pulu Labuan
(N.W. Borneo). Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 23, 2, p. 1142-1150.
(online at:
(Samples from Klias Peninsula and Klias island off N Borneo with E-M Miocene larger forams. Recognizes
‘stupendous uplift’ of Central Borneo, generating huge volumes of Neogene clastics in E, SE and NW. In
Sangkulirang area, E Borneo, Neogene deposits more pelagic to East, ‘pointing to an old marine territory in
Makassar Strait’. Oil-producing beds of Tarakan island field are of Tertiary h age (Plio-Pleistocene))
Rutten, L. (1925)- Over fossielhoudende Tertiaire kalksteenen uit Britsch Noord Borneo. Verhandelingen
Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kol., Geol. Serie 8 (Verbeek Memorial Volume), p. 415-
('On fossiliferous Tertiary limestones from British North Borneo'. Kudat Peninsula N of Kinabalu Eocene
limestones with Discocyclina, Spiroclypeus and Pellatispira, but some samples with younger Lepidocyclina)
Ryall, P.J.C. & D. Beattie (1996)- A gravity high in Darvel Bay. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Petroleum geology
conference, Kuala Lumpur 1995, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 39, p. 113-122.
(online at:
(Gravity survey along coastlines and on islands of Darvel Bay shows broad WNW-striking gravity high of 60
mgal, with maximum on S coast of Pulau Sakar, suggesting extensive ultramafic body beneath Darvel Bay)
Sadikun, S. (1997)- Some quantitative studies on wireline logs of the Baram Delta Field. Bull. Geol. Soc.
Malaysia 41, p. 139-150.
Said, U., M.R. Umor & A. Jantan (1996)- On the lowermost palynomorphs assemblage in the Kayan Sandstone
from Gunung Senggi, Bau, Sarawak. Warta Geologi (Newsl. Geol. Soc. Malaysia). 22, 3, p. 244.
(online at:
(Abstract only. Kayan Sst overlies Cretaceous Pedawan Fm with slight angular unconformity in area N of Bau,
W Sarawak. At Gunung Senggi basal rocks are N and NW-dipping shale and sandstone of Pedawan Fm.
Towards top arenaceous rocks of Kayan Sst dip in opposite direction and contain well-preserved palynomorphs
dominated by Balmeisporites holodictyus, Dictyophyllidites equiexinus, Alisporites similis, also Araucariacites
australis, Polypodiaceoisporites retirugatus, Reticolpites sarawakensis, etc. Assemblage assignable to Senonian
Sakamoto, T. & T. Ishibashi (2002)- Paleontological study of fusulinoidean fossils from the Terbat Formation,
Sarawak, East Malaysia. Mem. Fac. Science, Kyushu University, Ser. D, Earth Planetary Sci. 31, 2, p. 29-57.
(U Carboniferous- basal Permian Terbat Fm limestone, chert and shale, S of Kuching, W Sarawak, with diverse
fusulinid foram assemblage of M Moscovian (lower U Carboniferous)- Asselian (basal Permian) age. (29
species, 18 genera: Millerella, Ozawainella, Pseudostaffella, Fusiella, Schubertella, Boultonia, Profusulinella,
Fusulinella, Beedeina, Fusulina, Quasifusulina, Darvasites, Chusenella, Rugosofusulina, Paraschwagerina
Triticites, Sphaeroschwagerina). Correlates with faunas from E Tethys, including Thailand, S China, Japan)
Salim, N.F.B., H.A.B.M. Idris, D.A.N.B.A. Bakar, K. Ogawa, T.Q. Tan & J. Jong (2015)- Jelawat-1ST1 post-
well analysis revisited & the main reason for failure in finding effective hydrocarbon accumulation. In: Asia
Petroleum Geosc. Conf. Exh. (APGCE), Kuala Lumpur, 25867, 5p. (Extended Abstract)
(Jelawat-1ST1 2004 wildcat tested anticline in Bunguran Trough fold-thrust belt, deepwater Rajang Delta. Late
Miocene Cycle V turbidites with high amplitude anomalies deepest objective, but only tight reservoirs with
minor gas shows. No other effective reservoirs in overlying section. Modelling suggests adequate hydrocarbon
generation and migration, but ineffective regional top seal)
Salleh, Z., A.S.A. Jamil, K.R. Mohamed & C.A. Ali (2008)- Hydrocarbon generation potential of the coals and
shales around the Eucalyptus campsite area, Maliau Basin, Sabah. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 54, p. 147-158.
(Shales and coals of M Miocene Kapilit Fm, Maliau Basin, SE Sabah, good- very good hydrocarbon generating
potential. Vitrinite Reflectance of most samples 0.57- 0.70%, indicating early oil generation stage)
Saller, A. & G. Blake (2003)- Sequence stratigraphy and syndepositional tectonics of Upper Miocene and
Pliocene deltaic sediments, Offshore Brunei Darussalam. In: F.H. Sidi, D. Nummedal et al. (eds.) Tropical
deltas of Southeast Asia-sedimentology, stratigraphy and petroleum geology, SEPM Spec. Publ. 76, p. 219-234.
(Two main Late Miocene-Pleistocene delta systems on Brunei shelf, Champion and Baram. 'Fourth-order'
sequences of 100-200k years average duration, probably close to 100 ky Milankovich frequency)
Sandal, S.T. (ed.) (1996)- The geology and hydrocarbon resources of Negara Brunei Darussalam, 1996
Revision. Brunei Shell Petroleum Co. and Brunei Museum, Bandar Seri Begawan, Syabas, p. 1-243.
(summary online at:…)
(Standard work on geology and oil-gas of Brunei, mainly by Brunei Shell geologists. This is updated version of
James et al. (1984) book)
Sanderson, G.A. (1966)- Presence of Carboniferous in West Sarawak. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG)
Bull. 50, 3, p. 578-580.
(Preliminary note on Terbat Limestone Fm, Upper Sadong valley, W Sarawak. With three different fusulinid
assemblages, probably Late Carboniferous and Early Permian in age. Not much detail)
Sanudin, H.T. & T.H. Tan (1986)- The Sabah Melange- a stratigraphic unit? Warta Geologi 12, 2, p. 58-59.
(online at:
(Outcrops of "Chert-Spilite Formation" in Sabah invariably associated with sheared ophiolitic rocks and
olistholiths. Outcrops of chert and spilite in melanges are broken blocks of ophiolite suites. Sedimentary
formations with chert and spilite, all having features of melange, should be grouped as one mappable body and
named 'Sabah Melange')
Sanudin, H.T., B.G. Muhammad, J.J. Pereira & C.J. Quek (1992)- Occurrence of melange in the Bengkoka
Peninsula, Sabah. Warta Geologi 18, 1, p. 1-7.
(online at:
Sapawi, A., M.L. Anwar & E. Seah P.K. (1991)- Geochemistry of selected crude oils from Sabah and Sarawak.
Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 28, p. 123-139.
Sapin, F. (2010)- Impact du couple erosion/sedimentation sur la structuration d’un prisme d’accretion:
l’exemple du prisme NO Borneo: approche geologique, sismique et thermique. Ph.D. Thesis Universite Paris 6,
p. 1-254. (Unpublished)
('Impact of erosion / sedimentation on the structural configuration of an accretionary wedge: example of the
NW Borneo Wedge; geological, seismic and thermal approach')
Sapin, F., I. Hermawan, M. Pubellier, C. Vigny & J.C. Ringenbach (2013)- The recent convergence on the NW
Borneo Wedge- a crustal-scale gravity gliding evidenced from GPS. Geophysical J. Int. 193, 2, p. 549-556.
(online at:
(Frontal fold-and-thrust belt in deep water NW Borneo Wedge ('toe-thrusts') traditionally considered as
inactive and attributed to thin-skin gravity-driven Baram and Champion deltas. However, some evidence of
convergence and compression from GPS velocities and stress field from borehole analysis between NW Borneo
and Sunda Plate (Dangerous Grounds). Recent compression on frontal FTB is result of orogenic collapse of
NW Borneo in Sabah- N Sarawak since 1.9 Ma, after lithospheric convergence ceased at 3.6 Ma)
Sapin, F., M. Pubellier, A. Lahfid, D. Janots, C. Aubourg & J.C. Ringenbach (2011)- Onshore record of the
subduction of a crustal salient: example of the NW Borneo wedge. Terra Nova 23, 4, p. 232-240.
(Subducted horst in NW Borneo Wedge evidenced by strong bend of structural trend of Rajang-Crocker Belt
and area with ′hummocky′, texture representing dismantled packages of sediments, also some large back and
out-of-sequence thrusts in internal zones and complex folds rooted on shear structures in accretionary wedge)
Sapin, F., M. Pubellier, J.C. Ringenbach & T. Rives (2011)- The Brunei fold-and-thrust belt: tectonically- or
gravity-driven? AAPG Hedberg Conf., Tirrenia 2009, 6p. (Extended Abstract)
(online at:
(NW Borneo Margin commonly considered as inactive because of absence of seismicity, but recent GPS studies
(Socquet 2003, Simons et al. 2007) show relative motion between NW Borneo coastline and fixed Sunda Plate
of 6 mm/yr, attributed to convergence in NW Borneo Trench. Champion deltaic province prograded over active
fold-thrust belt. Brunei deepwater fold-and-thrust belt active since M Miocene, but mainly gravity-driven since
Late Miocene, with lithospheric convergence accommodated in Brunei onshore area)
Sapin, F., J.C. Ringenbach, T. Rives & M. Pubellier (2012)- Counter-regional normal faults in shale-dominated
deltas: origin, mechanism and evolution. Marine Petroleum Geol. 37, p. 121-128.
(On 'counterregional normal faults' on seismic data from Tertiary Niger delta and Brunei Champion- Baram
Basin delta system. Faults initiated on apex of early folds, as shelf-break propagated seaward)
Sarkar, S.S. (1973)- The extension of Tethyan Lower Cretaceous to Sarawak, East Malaysia. Geol. Soc.
Malaysia Newsl. 45, p. 4-5.
(online at:
(U Tithonian- Lower Valanginian ammonites Berriasiella, Micracanthoceras and Turmanniceras from basal
Pedawan Fm shales (overlying Bau Lst). Tethyan-affinity assemblage. No illustrations. Locality clarified in
Hashimoto et al. (1975) as 19 mile marker on Serian Road)
Schaar, G. (1976)- The occurrence of hydrocarbons in overpressured reservoirs of the Baram Delta (Offshore
Sarawak, Malaysia). Proc. 5th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 2, p. 163-169.
Schaub, H.P. & A. Jackson (1958)- The northwestern oil basin of Borneo. In: L.G. Weeks (ed.) Habitat of Oil,
American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG), Spec. Publ. 18, p. 1330-1336.
(Shell paper on oil province of North Borneo, Sarawak and Brunei, where oil was first found on Labuan island
in 1866. Commercial production from Upper Miocene- Lower Pliocene clastics)
Schlee, D., P.H. Chan, J. Dorani & F.K. Voong (1992)- Riesenbernsteine in Sarawak, Nord-Borneo. Lapis 17,
9, p. 13-23.
('Giant amber from Sarawak'. Large (up to 3.5m long, >10cm thick)slabs of fossil resin (amber), associated
with coaly beds in Miocene Nyala Fm)
Schmidt, C. (1904)- Uber die Geologie von Nordwest-Borneo und eine daselbst enstandene “Neue Insel”.
Gerlands Beitrage Geophysik 7, 1, p. 127-136.
(‘On the geology of NW Borneo and a newly-formed island’. Discussion of folded Tertiary around Brunei Bay,
Klias Peninsula and Labuan Island and ‘birth’ of new mud diapyr island off W side of Klias Peninsula in 1897)
Schmidtke, E. (1988)- Paleomagnetic study of the Sundaland continental massif: implications for Southeast
Asian tectonics. M.A. Thesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, p. 1-101. (Unpublished)
Schmidtke, E.A., M.D. Fuller & R.B. Haston (1990)- Paleomagnetic data from Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo,
and the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonics of Sundaland. Tectonics 9, 1, p. 123-140.
(Paleomagnetic data from 231 samples of W Sarawak U Jurassic-Miocene show increasing CCW declination
deflection with age. Samples from mid-Cretaceous Orbitolina limestone near Pedawan ~90° CCW rotation.
Oligo-Miocene intrusions CCW rotations of 52° (26 Ma) and 22° (17 Ma). Sites in U Eocene- Oligocene
Silantek Fm ~41° CCW rotation. CCW rotation extends into Malay Peninsula, suggesting W Borneo and
Malay Peninsula stable block in latest Cretaceous-Cenozoic, with up to 108° CCW rotation. Cenozoic rotation
also possibly between Indochina and Borneo. Sense of rotation does not support 'propagating extrusion
tectonics' model of Tapponnier et al. (1982, 1986) for Cenozoic of Sundaland)
Schreurs, J. (1997)- Geology of Brunei deltas, exploration status updated. Oil and Gas J. 95, 31, p. 76-80.
(Summary of Brunei petroleum geology)
Schreurs, J. (1997)- The petroleum geology of Negara Brunei Darussalem; an update. In: J.V.C. Howes & R.A.
Noble (eds.) Proc. Int. Conf. Petroleum systems of SE Asia and Australasia, Jakarta 1997, Indon. Petroleum
Assoc., p. 751-766.
(Summary of Sandal et al. (1996) Shell book on geology and hydrocarbons of Brunei. Brunei in Neogene Baram
Delta Province. Three main delta phases in overall regressive system: (1) Meligan Delta (Proto-Champion,
early Baram Delta), pre-M Miocene, only preserved as erosional remnants in uplifted hinterland; (2) Champion
Delta (E Baram Delta), axis of progradation along Brunei- Sabah border, M-Late Miocene (14.2-7.4 Ma); (3)
Baram Delta, main axis in Brunei's W Offshore, E Pliocene (5.2 Ma) - Recent)
Schuh, W.D. (1993)- Geology, geochemistry, and ore deposits of the Bau gold mining district, Sarawak,
Malaysia. Ph.D. Thesis University of Arizona, p. 1-395.
(online at:
(Study of ore deposits and structural- tectonic setting of Bau area, W Sarawak. In Late Triassic, Bau was in
island arc- back-arc basin environment (Serian andesitic volcanics). E Jurassic deformation and uplift followed
by active margin development with subduction of W Pacific oceanic plate under NW Kalimantan block. Erosion
of Serian Volcanics produced turbidites of Latest Jurassic- Late Cretaceous Pedawan Fm. Coeval development
of rudist patch reefs on unstable shelf edge of overriding plate until Cenomanian. Early Tertiary molasse
deposition ended with M Eocene event. Crustal-scale dextral strike-slip fault system (Bau Trend) developed
during M Miocene post-subduction regional extension. Principal gold mineralization in M-L Miocene (12-10
Ma), when I-type, calc-alkaline granodiorites intruded along Bau Trend and intersection with ENE fracture
zones. Central Bau underlain by ENE trending plutonic body at depth)
Schwing, H.F., S. Algar, P. Crevello & J. Roestenburg (2005)- Mass transport complexes of the Northwest
Sabah deepwater: characterisation from seismic and borehole data. Proc. 2005 SE Asia Petroleum Expl. Soc.
(SEAPEX) Conf., Singapore. 1p. (Abstract only)
(Mass transport complexes make up significant part of sediments in deepwater Sabah Trough off NW Borneo.
MTCs vary in scale from 100s of m wide/ 10s of m thick to amalgamated bodies of 100s of km2 with thicknesses
of 100s of m. Both debritic facies and coherent slump facies recognised)
Shoup, R.C. (2007)- The relationship between recovery efficiency and depositional setting in a deltaic plain
environment. AAPG Ann. Conv., Long Beach 2007, Search and Discovery Art. 40240, p. 1-17.
(online at:
(Study of Temana Field, Balingian Province, offshore Sarawak, with >100 Oligo-Miocene deltaic reservoir
compartments. Channel sandstone reservoirs in estuarine settings where connected laminated overbank
deposits provide aquifer support have recovery efficiencies up to 50%. Channel sands without connected
overbank deposits have recovery efficiency of 30%.)
Shuib, M.K. (2003)- A dextral strike-slip model for the Miri Structure. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 47, p. 95-103.
(online at:
(Miri Field structure result of interplay between compression and tensional wrenching (NNE-trending dextral
Siddiqui, N.A., A.H.A. Rahman, C.W. Sum, M.J. Mathew & D. Menier (2014)- Facies characteristics and static
reservoir connectivity of some siliciclastic Tertiary outcrop successions in Bintulu and Miri, Sarawak, East
Malaysia. AAPG Int. Conf. & Exhib., Istanbul 2014, Search and Discovery Art. 51035, 21p. (Extended
(online at:
(Outcrop analysis and characterization of sandstones in Miocene Nyalau and Miri Fms marginal- shallow
marine succession in Bintulu and Miri area, Sarawak)
Siddiqui, N.A., A.H.A. Rahman, C.W. Sum, M.J. Mathew & D. Menier (2016)- Onshore sandstone facies
characteristics and reservoir quality of Nyalau Formation, Sarawak, East Malaysia: an analogue to subsurface
reservoir quality evaluation. Arabian J. Science Engineering, 41, 1, p. 267-280.
(Sedimentology of shallow marine sandstones of Nyalau Fm (Oligocene-M Miocene) outcrops, Bintulu area)
Siddiqui, N.A., A.H.A. Rahman, C.W. Sum & M. Murtaza (2017)- Sandstone facies reservoir properties and
2D-connectivity of siliciclastic Miri Formation, Borneo. In: M. Awang et al. (eds.) Proc. Int. Conf. Integrated
Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences (ICIPEG2016), Kuala Lumpur 2016, Springer Verlag, p. 581-595.
Siddiqui, N.A., M. Ramkumar, A.H.A. Rahman, M.J. Mathew, M. Santosh, C.W. Sum & D.Menier (2018)-
High resolution facies architecture and digital outcrop modeling of the Sandakan Formation sandstone reservoir,
Borneo: implications for reservoir characterization and flow simulation. Geoscience Frontiers, p. (in press)
(online at:
(Digital imaging and reservoir quality analysis of 750m outcrop of Late Miocene or younger, shallow marine-
deltaic Sandakan Fm, Sabah)
Sidek, A, U. Hamzah & R. Junin (2015)- Seismic facies analysis and structural interpretation of deepwater NW
Sabah. Jurnal Teknologi (UTM, Sciences & Engineering) 75, 1, p. 115-125.
(online at:
Sia, S.G. & W.H. Abdullah (2011)- Concentration and association of minor and trace elements in Mukah coal
from Sarawak, Malaysia, with emphasis on the potentially hazardous trace elements. Int. J. Coal Geology 88, 4,
p. 179-193.
(On hazardous elements in coal from Mukah field, which is enriched in As, Cr, Cu, Pb, Sb, Th, and Zn. Field
with 12 coal seams in U Miocene Balingian Fm (E Miocene?; see Sia et al. 2014), which is unconformably
overlain by E Pliocene Begrih Fm. Balingian Fm with brackish water forams Ammodiscus, Glomospira,
Haplophragmoides, Trochammina)
Sia, S.G. & W.H. Abdullah (2012)- Geochemical and petrographical characteristics of low-rank Balingian coal
from Sarawak, Malaysia: its implications on depositional conditions and thermal maturity. Int. J. Coal Geology
96-97, p. 22-38.
(Geochemical and coal petrographical analyses of low-rank U Pliocene Balingian coal from Sarawak.
Characterised by high moisture, low ash and low sulphur contents. Low ash and sulphur content, together with
lack of epiclastic partings indicate coal deposition in ombrotrophic raised bogs)
Sia, S.G. & W.H. Abdullah (2012)- Enrichment of arsenic, lead, and antimony in Balingian coal from Sarawak,
Malaysia: modes of occurrence, origin, and partitioning behaviour during coal combustion. Int. J. Coal Geology
101, p. 1-15.
(Balingian Coal from U Pliocene Liang Fm in Sarawak highly enriched in As, Pb and Sb and vaporized and
released into atmosphere during coal combustion. Enrichment may be related to nearby Sb-As mineralization.
Liang Fm unconformably overlies Lower Pliocene Begrih Fm in N and Eocene Belaga Fm in S)
Sia, S.G., W.H. Abdullah, Z. Konjing & A.M. Koraini (2014)- The age, palaeoclimate, palaeovegetation, coal
seam architecture/mire types, paleodepositional environments and thermal maturity of syn-collision paralic coal
from Mukah, Sarawak, Malaysia. J. Asian Earth Sci. 81, p. 1-19.
(online at:
(Mukah coal in Balingian Fm previously assigned Late Miocene age, but abundance of Casuarina pollen
associated with Dacrydium, Stenochlaena palustris, Florschuetzia levipoli and Stenochlaena areolaris indicate
palynozone PR9, Early Miocene, i.e. during collision between Luconia- Dangerous Grounds Block with
Borneo. Coal with common detrohuminite without enrichment of liptinite group macerals. Low sulphur content
and evidence from palynomorphs in seams show coal was deposited in freshwater mires with little or no marine
influence. Fauna present in host rock formation suggests brackish-water deposition)
Sidek, A., U. Hamzah & R. Junin (2015)- Seismic facies analysis and structural interpretation of deepwater
Sabah. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 75, 1, p. 115-125.
(online at:
(Deepwater NW Sabah and Sabah Trough seismic shows 8 Paleocene- Recent seismic stratigraphic units, 6
seismic facies and 5 sequence boundaries)
Sidek, A., U. Hamzah, A.R. Samsudin, M.H. Arifin & R. Junin (2015)- Deep crustal profile across NW Sabah
Basin: integrated potential field data and seismic reflection. ARPN J. Engineering Applied Sciences 11, 3, p.
Simmons, M.D., M.D. Bidgood, P. Brenac, P.D. Crevello, J.J. Lambiase & C.K. Morley (1999)- Microfossil
assemblages as proxies for precise palaeoenvironmental determination- an example from Miocene sediments
from north-west Borneo. In: R.W. Jones & M.D. Simmons (eds.) Biostratigraphy in production and
development geology, Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 152, p. 219-241.
(Palynomorphs and foraminifera allow distinction of paleoenvironments where core is absent in Miocene
deltaic-marine clastics formations of Brunei-Sabah)
Simon, Khor, M. Hakif & M.P.J. Barbeito (2014)- Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Miocene Kampung
Opak limestone (Sibuti Formation), Bekenu, Sarawak. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 60 (C.S. Hutchison Memorial
Issue), p. 45-53.
(online at:
(Kampung Opak Limestone in Sibuti Fm, onshore Sarawak, 44m thick wackestone-mudstones with Miogypsina
and marls with M Miocene (N9- N13) planktonic foraminifera, probably representing distal margins of
carbonate platform)
Sleumer, B.H.G. (1978)- The Subis Limestone Complex- Sarawak, Malaysia. In: Proc. Carbonate Seminar,
Indon. Petroleum Assoc., Jakarta 1976, p. 120-121. (Abstract only)
(Subis Lst, 100 km S of Miri, ~1000’ thick isolated carbonate buildup with caves in Sarawak. Age early E
Miocene (larger foram zone Te5; Eulepidina+ Miogypsina). Contemporaneous Setap Fm shales belong to G.
binaiensis planktonic foram zone)
Sorkhabi, R. (2011)- Kota Kinabalu, Sabah; a turbidite paradise. GEO ExPro, 8, 5, p. 52-56.
Sorkhabi, R. & S. Hasegawa (2005)- Fault zone architecture and permeability distribution in the Neogene
clastics of Northern Sarawak (Miri Airport road outcrop), Malaysia. In: R. Sorkhabi & Y. Tsuji (eds.) Faults,
fluid flow and petroleum traps, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG), Mem. 85, p. 139-151.
Sperber, C.M. (2009)- The thermotectonic development of Mount Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Ph.D. Thesis
Royal Holloway, University of London, p. (Unpublished)
(Mount Kinabalu is 4095m high post-orogenic granitic intrusion, emplaced far from active plate boundaries at
~8 Ma. Thermochronological study suggests exhumation rates of ~0.40 mm/yr for central zone and ~0.60
mm/yr for marginal zone of igneous body)
Staub, J.R., H.L. Among & R.A. Gastaldo (2000)- Seasonal sediment transport and deposition in the Rajang
River delta, Sarawak, East Malaysia. Sedimentary Geology 133, p. 249-264.
(Description of sedimentary processes in Rajang Delta, NW Borneo, and variations in deposition between wet
and dry seasons)
Staub, J.R. & J.S. Esterle (1993)- Provenance and sediment dispersal in the Rajang River delta/ coastal plain
system, Sarawak, East Malaysia. Sedimentary Geology 85, p. 191-201.
(Rajang delta in embayment formed by folded Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments of C Borneo Massif. Alluvial
valley floodplain, abandoned tidally flushed delta plain and actively accreting rectilinear delta/coastal plain.
50-80% of surface area covered by peat 1-20m thick. Margins of thick, domed peat deposits interfinger with
and are overlain by root-penetrated siliciclastic sediments)
Staub, J.R. & R.A. Gastaldo (2003)- Late Quaternary sedimentation and peat development in the Rajang River
Delta, Sarawak, East Malaysia. In: F.H. Sidi et al. (eds.) Tropical deltas of Southeast Asia; sedimentology,
stratigraphy, and petroleum geology. Soc. Sedimentary Geology (SEPM), Spec. Publ. 76, p. 71-87.
(Thick, domed peat deposits on Rajang delta tide-influenced alluvial valley and coastal plain. NE-striking
shoreline terrace sands along landward margin of delta and coastal plain and gravel outcrops in alluvial valley
expression of VIIa/ 125 ka highstand surface. Lignite near present coast at 80m depth represents IIIb highstand
surface, indicating 40m of subsidence in last 40 ka. Gravel dominates base of incised-valley fill 10km wide-
45m thick and overlain by fining-upward succession with tidally influenced upper part. Interfluve areas in
landward half of NE delta plain and adjacent coastal plain with >10m Recent peat deposits on Pleistocene
began accumulating between 7.3- 5.8 ka as rate of sea-level rise slowed. Seaward half of NE delta plain, delta
front, and prodelta up to 40m thick seaward-thickening wedge, accumulated in last 5 ka, with basal gravel lag
over rooted alluvial soil, overlain by delta-front and prodelta clays- silts, delta-front distributary-mouth sands
and shoreline sands. Young (<5 ka), thin (<10m) peat on top of wedge in this part of delta plain)
Stauffer, P.H. (1967)- Studies in the Crocker Formation, Sabah. Bull. Geol. Survey Borneo Region 8, p. 1-13.
('The most significant paper on the Crocker Fm'; Hutchison 2005. Paleocene- E Miocene deformed submarine
fan system)
Stauffer, P.H. & D.T.C. Lee (1972)- Sedimentology of the Sandakan formation, East Sabah. Geol. Survey of
Malaysia, Geol. Papers 1, p. 10-17.
Stephens, E.A. (1956)- The manganese deposits of North Borneo. In: J. G. Reyna (ed.) Symposium sobre
yacimientos de manganeso, 4, Asia y Oceanica, Reports 20th Sess. Int. Geological Congress, Mexico, 4, p. 297-
(Manganese mineralization in N Borneo associated with radiolarian chert in Paleocene- Lower Eocene cherts
and spilites, capped by M Eocene- Miocene sandstone, shale, and limestone. Ore mainly psilomelane and
pyrolusite. Manganese probably introduced simultaneously with extrusion of basic lavas, contemporaneous
with silicification. Tropical weathering subsequently concentrated manganese)
Stephens, E.A. (1958)- The geology and mineral resources of the Kota Belud and Kudat area, North Borneo,
with an account of Taritipan manganese deposits. Geological Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, Mem.
5, p. 1-137.
(Kota Belud Kudat region with Chert-Spilite Fm Cretaceous- Early Eocene cherts (with manganese ores in
Taritipan district), spilites and related geosynclinal deposits, with intermediate-ultrabasic igneous intrusives.
Thick Eocene sands-shales and (mainly N of Kudat) Miocene shallow marine sediments and andesites. Oil
seeps near Sikuati)
Stinton, F.C. (1963)- Teleostian otoliths from the Upper Tertiary strata of Sarawak, Brunei and North Borneo.
British Borneo Geol. Survey, Annual Report 1962, p. 75-92.
(18 species (14 new) of marine fish otoliths from M-U Miocene- E Pliocene Miri and Seria Fms of Brunei and
Sarawak and Togopi Fm of E Sabah)
Straub, K.M. & D. Mohrig (2009)- Constructional canyons built by sheet-like turbidity currents: observations
from offshore Brunei Darussalam. J. Sedimentary Res. 79, 1, p. 24-39.
(Seismic examples of Quaternary canyons in 900m of water off Brunei, not formed by erosion, but in net
deposition conditions)
Suggate, S. (2011)- Provenance of Neogene sandstones of Sabah, Northern Borneo. Ph.D. Thesis, Royal
Holloway, University of London, p. 1-441. (Unpublished)
Suggate, S. (2011)- Provenance of Neogene sandstones, Sabah, Northern Borneo. In: Conf. Sediment
provenance studies in hydrocarbon exploration & production, Geol. Soc., London 2011, p. 32. (Abstract only)
(E Miocene Sabah Orogeny deformed/ exposed pre-Neogene rocks in N Borneo (Top Crocker Unconformity)
Most Neogene sands compositionally and texturally mature, and recycled from pre-Neogene sediments,
ultimately derived from Schwaner Mts and Malay-Thai Tin Belt Granites, with some input from N Borneo
ophiolitic basement, and Cenozoic volcanic rocks. Exception is oldest member of E Miocene Kudat Fm, which
is immature, with granites and metamorphic rocks of Palawan Microcontinental Block contributing significant
amounts of sediment. Jurassic zircon populations indicate S China source. Also garnet composition supports
derivation of garnets from Palawan)
Suggate, S.M., M.A. Cottam, R. Hall, I. Sevastjanova, M.A. Forster, L.T. White, R.A. Armstrong, A. Carter &
E. Mojares (2014)- South China continental margin signature for sandstones and granites from Palawan,
Philippines. Gondwana Research 26, 2, p. 699-718.
(online at:
(Heavy mineral analysis and U-Pb dating of detrital zircons from metasediments and Cenozoic sandstones and
U-Pb dating of zircons from Cenozoic granites of N Palawan Continental Terrane and S Palawan Terrane.
NPCT metasediments zircons maximum Late Cretaceous depositional age, derived from sediments deposited on
S China margin before rifting/ opening of South China Sea. Miocene SPT sandstones with similar heavy
mineral assemblages. Palawan Terrane sandstones similar to Lower Miocene Kudat Fm of N Borneo (and
different from other Borneo sandstones), suggesting sediment transport from Palawan to Borneo in E Miocene
following arc-continent collision. C Palawan granite Eocene age (42Ma). Capoas granite age 13.8-13.5 Ma,
with inherited zircon ages implying melting of S China-derived continental crust with Cenozoic rift-related and
arc material)
Suggate, S.M. & R. Hall (2013)- Using detrital garnet compositions to determine provenance: a new
compositional database and procedure. In: R.A. Scott et al. (eds.) Sediment provenance studies in hydrocarbon
exploration and production, Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 386, p. 373-371.
(Detrital garnet compositions suggest Neogene sandstones of N Sabah, Borneo, derived from metamorphic and
igneous garnets from Palawan Block in E Miocene)
Sulaiman, N.B. (2017)- Controls on the geometry and evolution of deep-water fold thrust belt of the NW
Borneo. Ph.D. Thesis University of Leeds, p. 1-163.
(online at:
(On the offshore NW Sabah gravity-driven extensional-compressional system. Pulses of M Miocene- Recent
proximal uplift started in E (now onshore) part of NW Borneo and increased slope elevation and sediment
supply to basin. Shortening resulted in response to gravity spreading of uplifted continental interior)
Swauger, D.A., S.C. Bergman, A.P. Marillo, E.S. Pagado & T. Surat (1995)- Tertiary stratigraphy and tectonic
framework of Sabah, Malaysia: a field and laboratory study. In: 8th Regional Conf. Geology Minerals, and
Energy Resources of SE Asia (GEOSEA 95), Manila 1995, p. 35-36.
Swauger, D.A., C.S. Hutchison, S.C. Bergman & J.E. Graves (2000)- Age and emplacement of the Mount
Kinabalu pluton. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 44, p. 159-163.
(online at:
Swinburn, P.M. (1993)- Tectonic styles of the Balingian Province. Warta Geologi 19, 6, p. 269-270. (Abstract
(Balingian Province off Sarawak bounded to N by more stable C Luconia Province. To W and E are W
Balingian and W Baram Lines, both major NW-SE trending lineations, and may represent old transform faults.
Deformation in Tertiary times related to periodic movement along major bounding transform faults and
opening of S China Sea. Balingian Province 3 sub-provinces: (1) E Balingian, with strong, late Miocene to
Pliocene wrench-related deformation; (2) SW Balingian, with Oligocene- E Miocene wrench-related
deformation; (3) NW Balingian several phases of strong deformation from Oligocene- Pliocene)
Syazwani, N., B.J. Pierson & A.W. Hunter (2013)- Diagenetic responses to sea level changes on Pleistocene-
Holocene carbonates in the Celebes Sea, East Sabah, Malaysia. Proc. 75th EAGE Conf. Exhib., Carbonate
depositional environments and diagenesis, London, 1, TuP15 07, p. 52-54.
(On diagenesis of elevated Quaternary reef limestone in Celebes Sea, E of Sabah)
Tahir, S.H. & A. Jantan (1994)- Stratigraphy of the Middle Miocene volcanic facies, Dent Peninsula, Sabah.
Warta Geologi (Newsl. Geol. Soc. Malaysia) 20, 3, p. 225-227. (Abstract)
(online at:
(M Miocene volcanic facies of Dent Peninsula, E Sabah, here named Silabukan Fm, 2000m thick and with 3
members. Probably submarine island arc volcanics and part of Sulu Arc. Uncormably over Dent melange/
Crocker Fm accretionary complex. Major phase of uplift coincident with early pulse of volcanic activity in
early M Miocene (base planktonic foram zone N10))
Tahir, S.H., B. Musta & I.A. Rahim (2010)- Geological heritage features of Tawau volcanic sequence, Sabah.
Geol. Soc. Malaysia 56, p. 79-85.
(online at:
(Description of Early Cretaceous oceanic crust/ Neogene volcanic arc terrane of Semporna Peninsula, SE
Sabah near Kalimantan border. Oldest rocks fragmented oceanic crust material (Chert-Spilite Fm), emplaced
in Albian-Cenomanian (similar age as Meratus Mts?). Overlain by thick, folded M Miocene volcanic island arc
deposits, overlain by Plio-Pleistocene volcanics. Sabah deformation phases in M Eocene, M Miocene and Plio-
Pleistocene. Two volcanic arc phases: (1) related to closing of Celebes and Sulu marginal basins in M Miocene
and (2) related to S Philippine Sea Plate in Plio-Pleistocene)
Tahir, S.H., S.A.K. Omang & M.M. Faisal (1995)- Middle Miocene volcanic sequence in Eastern Sabah.
Borneo Science 1, 1, p. 9-27.
(online at:
(M Miocene calc-alkaline volcanic arc deposits of Segama Gp in Dent Peninsula and Kalumpang Fm in
Semporna Peninsula, E Sabah are parts of volcanic arc. Remnants of volcanic arc extend N-ward into Sulu
Ridge and volcanism ended in late M Miocene. Arc assemblage overlies late E- early M Miocene melange.
Probably submarine stratovolcano, with mainly pyroclastics, breccias, some lava flows, lenses of shallow
marine carbonates and open marine tuffaceous shales with common planktonic foraminifera, incl. Orbulina,
Globorotalia praefohsi, Gr. fohsi and Gr. fohsi robusta (= zones N11-N12, ~12-14 Ma)).
Taib, N.E. (2012)- Plio-Pleistocene volcanism in the Upper Rajang Valley- a window into the crust under the
Rajang Group. Geol. Soc. Malaysia, Nat. Geoscience Conf., Kuching 2012, Paper A15, p. 28. (Abstract only)
(Plio-Pleistocene bimodal volcanic edifices in upper Rajang valley (Niewenhuis Mts, Usun Apau, Hose Mts,
Linau-Balui volcanics and others in N Kalimantan). Ar/Ar ages of Usun Apau dacites 4 Ma, Usun Apau and
Linau-Balui basalts 2-2.5 Ma. Usun Basalts reminiscent of Oceanic Island Basalts (OIB), associated with
mantle plumes and rifting/extension. Bimodal volcanism also associated with rifting and extension. Similarities
to basalts from S Sulu Arc on Semporna pensinsula, interpreted earlier as contamination of mantle melts with
radiogenic component from Paleozoic lower crust)
Tamura, M. (1973)- Two species of lower Cretaceous Parvamussium from Kyushu, Japan, and Sarawak,
Borneo. In: T. Kobayashi & R. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of
Tokyo Press, 11, p. 119-124.
(Lower Cretaceous pectinid bivalve from Sarawak, S of Kuching. Also report perisphinctid ammonite from Bau
series black shale, probably Berriasella or Microanthoceras indicating Tithonian-Berriasian age)
Tamura, M. & C. Hon (1977)- Monotis subcircularis Gabb from Sarawak, East Malaysia. In: T. Kobayashi et
al. (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 18, p. 29-31.
(Late Triassic thin-shelled bivalve Monotis subcircularis found at Kuap, Sarawak. Identified as M.
subcircularis, but more likely Monotis (Eomonotis) according to Silberling (1985))
Tamura, M. & C. Hon (1977)- Upper Jurassic bivalves from the Kedadom formation of Sarawak, Malaysia. In:
T. Kobayashi & R. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press,
18, p. 33-47.
(Kedadom Limestone Fm of W Sarawak rich in bivalves (Nuculana, Grammatodon, Somapecten, Lucina,
Neoburmesia, etc.) show Callovian or Kimmeridgean to Berriasian age and related to Torinosu fauna on
Pacific side of Japan (Kobayashi 1978, Hayami 1984) (similar to Vogel (1896, 1900) faunas from W
Kalimantan?; also viewed as 'Torinosu-type fauna' by Tamura 1959; JTvG))
Tan, D.N.K. (1975)- Preliminary notes on the melange in the Lupar Valley. Annual Report Geol. Survey of
Malaysia 1974, p. 219-228.
Tan, D.N.K. (1978)- Lower Cretaceous age for the chert in the Lupar Valley, West Sarawak. Warta Geologi 4,
6, p. 173-176.
(online at:
(Radiolaria assemblages identified by Pessagno from 5 exotic chert blocks in Lubok Antu melange of Lupar
Valley, W Sarawak. Believed to be same as radiolaria studied by Hinde in Molengraaff (1902) from cherts in
adjoining Upper Kapuas Valley in NW Kalimantan. Radiolaria studied by Pessagno indicate Early Cretaceous
age, most likely Valanginian-Barremian (incl. Thanaria conica, Parvacingula spp., Pantanellium spp,
Archaeodictyomitra, etc.)
Tan, D.N.K. (1979)- Lupar Valley, West Sarawak; Explanation of sheets 1-111-14, 1-111-15, and 1-111-
16. Geol. Survey Malaysia Report 13, p. 1-159.
(Hutchison 2005: Lupar Line complex composed of imbricated U Cretaceous flysch with paleocurrents SW to
NE (Lupar Fm), chaotic melange (Lubok Antu melange with E-M Eocene microfauna in matrix) and ophiolitic
rocks (Pakong mafic complex: gabbro and pillow basalts))
Tan, D.N.K. (1982)- The Lubok Antu melange, Lupar Valley, West Sarawak: a Lower Tertiary subduction
complex. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 15, p. 31-46.
(online at:
(Lower Tertiary Lubok Antu melange in W Sarawak 10.5 km wide in Lupar Valley, extending SE into
Kalimantan. S of melange is U Cretaceous Lupar Formation = Danau Complex of Molengraaff (1902), with
turbidite flow directions to NE. N of melange is Pakong mafic complex with overturned pillow lavas dipping
steeply to NE. Melange contains of blocks of Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian-Barremian) radiolarian chert,
mid-Cretaceous Orbitolina limestone, U Cretaceous greywacke and slate, Paleo-Eocene limestone with
Distichoplax, Discocyclina and Nummulites, calcareous shale, mudstone, sandstone, basalt, spilite, gabbro and
serpentinite in pervasively sheared pelitic matrix, locally with E Eocene foraminifera and nannofossils. Also
Tan, D.N.K. (1983)- Nomenclature of the Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary molasse deposits of West Sarawak.
Annual Report Geol. Survey of Malaysia 1981, p. 348-355.
(Introduction of name Plateau Sandstone, used earlier in Kalimantan, to massive molasse deposits in W
Sarawak by Liechti et al. (1961) caused much confusion. Some sands assigned to this should be 'Kayan Sst')
Tan, D.N.K. (1984)- Palaeocurrents in the Tertiary sedimentary deposits in western Sarawak. Bull. Geol. Soc.
Malaysia 17, p. 258-264.
Tertiary fluvial-deltaic sediments from 7 localities in W Sarawak investigated for paleocurrent indicators. Local
mean directions to NW, N, NE, NNE and ESE suggest provenance of these rocks is Carboniferous-Permian and
Mesozoic sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks of present Bau-Kuching-Serian area)
Tan, D.N.K. (1986)- Palaeogeographic development of West Sarawak. In: G.H. Teh & S. Paramananthan (eds.)
Proc. 5th Reg. Congress Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of SE Asia (GEOSEA V), Kuala Lumpur
1984, 1, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 19, p. 39-49.
(online at:
(Four paleogeographic maps of W Sarawak: Carbo-Permian, Triassic, Jurassic-Cretaceous and Lower
Tertiary. Carbo-Permian data limited. M-L Triassic Sadong Fm mixed continental- shallow marine deposits
and Serian Volcanics. Early Jurassic orogeny/ uplift, feeding Late Jurassic-Cretaceous Kedadom and Pedawan
Fms, and offshore deep-sea pelagic deposits. By Early Tertiary most of W Sarawak uplifted; intermontane
basins with Silantek Fm, Kayan Sst and Plateau Sst)
Tan, D.N.K., B.A.R. Abdul Hadi, A. Azlina, B. Boniface & K.T. Chow (1999)- West Baram Delta. In: Petronas
(1999) The petroleum geology and resources of Malaysia, Ch. 13, p. 293-341.
(Baram Delta is NW prograding delta system since M Miocene. Onshore Brunei exploration resulted in
discovery of one large field (Miri,1910) and 27 unsuccessful wells. Offshore Brunei and Sabah 11 oil-gas
discoveries by Shell between 1955-1988. Additional fields discovered in 1990's. Structures dominated by
gravity tectonics (rotated fault blocks with growth faults. Oils generally light, low sulfur, derived from
landplant material)
Tan, D.N.K. & J.M. Lamy (1990)- Tectonic evolution of the NW Sabah continental margin since the Late
Eocene. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 27, p. 241-260.
(online at:
(NW Sabah Shelf tectono-stratigraphic provinces. Four tectonic stages: (1) Late Eocene- early M Miocene
subduction of proto-S China Sea oceanic crust under Borneo; (2) early M Miocene collison of S China Sea
continental crust with Borneo, with uplift and erosion of accretionary prism and 'Deep Regional Unconformity';
(3) cessation of subduction in M-L Miocene accompanied by compressional deformation associated with deep-
seated N-S shear zones in inboard belt (4) Late Miocene-Holocene: inboard belt stable and eroding, outboard
belt E Baram Delta, prograding to NW)
Tate, R.B. (1976)- Palaeo-environmental studies in Brunei. Proc. SE Asia Petroleum Expl. Soc. (SEAPEX),
Singapore, 3, p. 102-124.
(Measured sections of Brunei Neogene deltaic deposits with interpretations of paleoenvironments)
Tate, R.B. (1991)- Cross-border correlation of geological formations in Sarawak and Kalimantan. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Malaysia 28, p. 63-95.
Tate, R.B. (1992)- The Mulu Shear Zone- a major structural feature of NW Borneo. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia
31, p. 51-65.
(online at:
(Major regional NE-SW trending shear zone from NE Sarawak- Brunei to Sabah. Affects basal Melinau
Limestone. Oldest movements probably post-Eocene, youngest sediments·affected by NE shears probably
Pliocene or even younger in offshore areas. Possibly tied to oblique subduction, but transcurrent movement
continues after end of subduction in M Miocene?)
Tate, R.B. (1994)- The sedimentology and tectonics of the Temburong Formation- deformation of early
Cenozoic deltaic sequences in NW Borneo. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia, p. 97-112.
(online at:
(Oligocene?-age Temburong Fm in E Brunei deposited mostly in shallow water, subsaline embayment or lower
alluvial floodplain. Rocks metamorphosed to sericite grade. Deformation probably between U Oligocene-
Lower Miocene)
Tate, R.B. (1995)- The Balingian shear zone, West Balingian and West Baram lines, Sarawak, and their
importance in the early Cenozoic evolution of NW Borneo. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 38, p. 141-151.
(online at:
(Major zone of WNW- trending intense deformation near Sg. Balingian between Sibu and Bintulu, probably
continuing offshore along gravity lineament. W Balingian and W Baram Lines mark boundaries of offshore
hydrocarbon provinces and together with new shear zone, form fundamental tectonic framework for this part of
NW Borneo. Distribution of heat flow, igneous rocks, Oligocene deltas and Oligocene-Miocene carbonates
across N Sarawak and N Kalimantan appear to be related to framework which extends across C Borneo)
Tate, R.B. & V. Hon (1991)- The oldest rocks in Borneo; a note on the Tuang Formation, West Sarawak and its
importance in relation to the presence of a ''Basement'' in West Borneo. Warta Geologi (Newsl. Geol. Soc.
Malaysia) 17, 5, p. 221-224.
(online at:
(Oldest rocks in W Sarawak are Tuang and Kerait schists, possibly equivalent units and possibly correlative
with Pinoh Metamorphics of C Kalimantan. Low grade (greenschist) metamorphic rocks, presumably of pre-
Late Carboniferous age. Tuang Fm probably meta-turbidites and ultrabasic rocks, possibly Permian-
Carboniferous ocean floor)
Teoh Ying Jia (2009)- Characteristics of sedimentary facies and reservoir properties of some Tertiary
sandstones in Sabah And Sarawak, East Malaysia. M.Sc. Thesis Universiti Sains Malaysia, p. 1-115.
(partly online at:
Teoh Ying Jia & A.H. Abd Rahman (2009)- Comparative analysis of facies and reservoir characteristics of Miri
Formation (Miri) and Nyalau Formation (Bintulu), Sarawak. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 55, p. 39-45.
(Outcrop study of sandstones of tidal- shallow marine M Miocene Miri and Nyalau Fms in Sarawak)
Thies, K., M. Ahmad, H. Mohamad, R. Bischke, J. Boyer & D.Tearpock (2006)- Structural and stratigraphic
development of extensional basins: a case study offshore deepwater Sarawak and Northwest Sabah, Malaysia.
AAPG Ann. Conv. 2005, Search and Discovery Art. 10103, 6p.
(online at:
(Half-grabens of deepwater Sarawak and Sabah two or more regressive cycles of rift fill, related to early rifting
from ~43-30 Ma and S China Sea seafloor spreading between 30-16 Ma, separating Dangerous Grounds-
Luconia microplates from Eurasia. Collision of Luconia Block with Kalimantan Block in M Oligocene and
Dangerous Grounds block in M Miocene, terminating half-grabens extension. Lower part of rift-fill cycles
predominantly bathyal facies; upper parts more sand prone inner neritic to fluvio-marine)
Ting, K.K., B.J. Pierson, O.S. Al-Jaaidi & P.F. Hague (2012)- Effects of syn-depositional tectonics on platform
geometry and reservoir characters in Miocene carbonate platforms of Central Luconia, Sarawak. Int. Petrol.
Techn. Conf. IPTC, Bangkok 2012, IPTC 14247, p. 245-261.
(Evidence of syn-depositional tectonic movements in ‘Mega Platform’, a 30x50km large and 1.2km thick
carbonate Miocene carbonate platform (cluster of 6 buildups) in N part of C Luconia Basin. In Luconia
Province carbonate reefs started to grow during Miocene on uplifted half graben footwalls)
Tingay, M.R.P. (2003)- In situ stress and overpressures of Brunei Darussalam. Ph.D. Thesis, Adelaide
University, Australia, p. 1-271.
(online at:
(Study of stress and overpressure from 157 wells in 61 fields in Brunei. Overpressure observed in 54 fields in
underlying prodelta shales and inner shelf deltaic sequences)
Tingay, M.R.P., R.R. Hillis, C.K. Morley, R.C. King, R.E. Swarbrick & A.R. Damit (2009)- Present-day stress
and neotectonics of Brunei: implications for petroleum exploration and production. American Assoc. Petrol.
Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 93, 1, p. 75-100.
(Present-day stress in Tertiary Baram Delta exhibits range of values that reflect NW Borneo active margin
(situated underneath the basin) and local stresses generated within delta)
Tingay, M.R.P., R.R. Hillis, C.K. Morley, R.E. Swarbrick & S.J. Drake (2005)- Present-day stress orientation in
Brunei: a snapshot of prograding tectonics in a Tertiary delta. J. Geol. Soc. London 162, p. 39-49.
(Baram Delta on active margin. Structures margin-parallel gravity tectonics and margin-normal transpressive
tectonics associated with active margin. Maximum horizontal stress margin-normal (NW-SE) in proximal parts
of basin and margin-parallel (NE-SW) in outer shelf. Rotations result of ‘deltaic’ and ‘basement-associated’
tectonic regimes that ‘prograde’ basinwards. Proximity of active margin resulted in uplift and inversion of
hinterland that forced delta system to prograde rapidly. Zone of active deltaic growth faulting ‘prograded’ as
delta rapidly prograded across shelf. After uplift and delta progradation, old growth faults of inner shelf ceased
being active and successively reactivated by similarly ‘prograding’ margin-normal inversion front)
Tingay, M.R.P., R.R. Hillis, C.K. Morley, R.E. Swarbrick & S.J. Drake (2005)- ‘Prograding’ tectonics in
Brunei: regional implications for fault sealing. In: Alaska Rocks 2005, The 40th U.S. Symp. Rock Mechanics
(USRMS): Rock mechanics for energy, mineral and infrastructure development in the Northern Region,
Anchorage, ARMA/USRMS 05-785, 14p.
(online at:
(Baram Delta province of Brunei built on active margin. Structures are result of both margin-parallel gravity-
driven deltaic tectonics and margin-normal transpressive tectonics associated with active margin. Breakouts
and DITFs observed in 19 wells suggest maximum horizontal stress oriented margin-normal (NW-SE) in
proximal parts of basin and margin-parallel (NE-SW) in distal region. Margin-normal σHmax direction
perpendicular to strike of Miocene-Pliocene normal growth faults, suggesting ~90° rotation over time. All
major fields located in inner shelf region of Brunei where faults not optimally aligned for present-day
reactivation and seal breach)
Tingay, M.R.P., R.R. Hillis, C.K. Morley, R.E. Swarbrick & E.C. Okpere (2003)- Pore pressure/ stress coupling
in Brunei Darussalam; implications for shale injection. In: P. van Rensbergen et al. (eds.) Subsurface sediment
mobilization, Geological Soc., London, Spec. Publ. 216, p. 369-379.
Tingay, M.R.P., R.R. Hillis, C.K. Morley, R.E. Swarbrick & E.C. Okpere (2003)- Variation in vertical stress in
the Baram Basin, Brunei: tectonic and geomechanical implications. Marine Petroleum Geol. 20, p. 1201-1212.
(Vertical stress determined in 24 fields in Baram Basin, using density log and checkshot velocity data. Basin
shows variation in vertical stress gradient between 18.3 and 24.3 MPa/km at 1500m depth below surface.
Variation caused by bulk rock density change of 2.48-2.07 g/cm3 from hinterland to delta front. Differential
uplift of hinterland and undercompaction caused density and hence vertical stress variation)
Tingay, M.R.P., R.R. Hillis, R.E. Swarbrick & C.K. Morley (2005)- Origin and petrophysical log response of
overpressures in the Baram Delta Province, Brunei. Proc. 30th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, 1, p. 381-390.
Tingay, M.R.P., R.R. Hillis, R.E. Swarbrick, C.K. Morley & A.R. Damit (2007)- ‘Vertically transferred’
overpressures in Brunei: evidence for a new mechanism for the formation of high-magnitude overpressure.
Geology 35, 11, p. 1023-1026.
(Pore pressure data from 61 fields across Baram Delta province reveal two types of overpressure: basal pro-
delta shales overpressures generated by disequilibrium compaction, overlying sand/shale deltaic sequence
overpressures generated by fluid expansion. Fluid expansion overpressures in fields that were inverted during
Pliocene, which resulted in large-scale fluid migration from prodelta shales into deltaic sequences)
Tingay, M.R.P., R.R. Hillis, R.E. Swarbrick, C.K. Morley & A.R. Damit (2009)- Origin of overpressure and
pore-pressure prediction in the Baram Delta province, Brunei. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 93,
1, p. 51-74.
(Baram Delta overpressures in inner shelf deltaic sequences and prodelta shales, generated by disequilibrium
compaction in prodelta shales and by fluid expansion in inner-shelf deltaic sequences. Overpressures in inner-
shelf deltaics vertically transferred into reservoir units via faults from prodelta shales. Sediments overpressured
by disequilibrium compaction different physical properties to those overpressured by vertical transfer)
Tjia, H.D. (1970)- Transcurrent faulting in the Sarawak-Kiri region, Sarawak, East Malaysia. Geol. Magazine
107, 3, p. 217-224.
(Left-lateral, NNW-SSE trending transcurrent fault in Sarawak-kiri valley, W Sarawak. Belongs to important
fracture zone that extends into Kalimantan, and continues in N direction along edge of Sunda Shelf beneath S
China Sea. Continental part of SE Asia rotated counter-clockwise up to Lower Paleogene)
Tjia, H.D. (1972)- Structural pattern of Bau Limestone Formation, Sarawak. Sains Malaysiana (Malaysian J.
Science) 1, B, p. 173-182.
(Abrupt change in trend from SSW-NNE to NW-SE, compression directions reflected in topography, etc.)
Tjia, H.D. (1974)- Sense of tectonic transport in intensely deformed Trusmadi and Crocker sediments, Ranua-
Tenompok area, Sabah. Sains Malaysiana 3, 2, p. 129-161.
Tjia, H.D. (1983)- Quarternary tectonics of Sabah and Sarawak, East Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana 12, p. 191-
Tjia, H.D. (1988)- Accretion tectonics in Sabah: Kinabalu Suture and East Sabah accreted terrane. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Malaysia 22, p. 237-251.
(online at:
(Kinabalu suture zone 80 km wide belt with Triassic- M Miocene rocks across Sabah from Darvel Bay- Telupid-
Marudu Bay to Banggi and Balambangan islands. Three collisional rock assemblages: (1) Cretaceous-
Paleocene chert-spilite Fms, (2) Paleocene- Oligocene turbiditic Trusmadi Fm and Crocker Fms and (3)
Tjia, H.D. (1998)- The Dulit Triangle in Sarawak: a most striking example of detachment tectonics. In: G.H.
Teh (ed.) Petroleum geology Conference 1997, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 42, p. 95-100.
(online at:
(Dulit triangle conspicuous kink in NE and ENE structural trendlines of C and N Sarawak. Structures of
triangle comprise open synclines of Neogene Belait Fm and tight folds in U Oligocene-Lw Miocene Nyalau Fm
that were bent about vertical axes into NE and SE trending structures)
Tjia, H.D. (2003)- Northwest Sabah overthrust system. Proc. Ann. Geol. Conf. 2003, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia
46, p. 5-10.
(online at:
(Study of folding/ thrusting in outcrops of Crocker and Trusmadi Fm turbidites of Sabah and their regional
context. Suggest major 300km wide NW-verging overhrust sheet formed around E-M Miocene boundary and
producing Deep Regional Unconformity (DMU))
Tjia, H.D. (2007)- Kundasang (Sabah) at the intersection of regional fault zones of Quaternary age. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Malaysia 53, p. 59-66.
(online at:
Tjia, H.D. (2012)- The paleo-orientations of Northwestern Borneo and adjacent to South China Sea Basins. J.
Geologi Indonesia 7, 2, p. 67-76.
(online at:
(Limited paleomagnetic data from W. Kalimantan and SW Sarawak indicate CCW rotation of >50° during
Cenozoic. However, region consists of mosaic-like assemblage of diverse tectono-stratigraphic terranes, each
with separate tectonic development. Stress fields changed in different ways in different terranes and indicate
that regional, progressive CCW rotation of Borneo not possible)
Tjia, H.D. (2015)- Sole markings of extraordinary size and variety in Crocker sandstones of Sabah. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Malaysia 61, p. 11-21.
(online at:
(Eocene- E Miocene Crocker Fm of Sabah with large sole markings near Kaung Village on mid-slope of Mount
Kinabalu, incl. >10m long groove casts. Effects of turbulent flow. Nereites-Zoophycos ichnofacies with
Paleodictyon confirm bathyal-abyssal depth of deposition. In other localities of Crocker Fm in Sabah,
paleocurrents ran N-ward, exception near Kaung Village where S-directed)
Tjia, H.D. (2016)- Temburong and Setap in Northwestern Borneo: equivalent or different formations? Berita
Sedimentologi 35, p. 65-72.
(online at:
(On marine Oligocene- E Miocene Temburong Fm and mainly late Early- M Miocene Setap Fm in NW Borneo)
Tjia, H.D. & M.I. Ismail (1994)- Tectonic implications of well-bore breakouts in Malaysian basins. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Malaysia 36, p. 175-186.
(online at:
(Over 100 well-bore breakout directions in Malay, Sarawak, Sabah and Sandakan basins show consistent
correlation with current and past tectonic stress fields. Younger layers of Malay Basin (above 5500') breakouts
oriented NE, consistent with shallow-focus earthquake stress trajectories associated with subduction of Indian
Ocean Plate W of Sumatra. In older layers breakouts responded to N-S regional compression. Etc.)
Tjia, H.D., M.I. Ismail & O.A. Mahmud (1998)- The Tubau Lineament (Sarawak) is a strike-slip fault zone.
Warta Geologi 24, 3, p. 129-132.
(online at:
Tjia, H.D., I. Komoo, P.S. Lim & Tungah Surat (1991)- The Maliau Basin, Sabah: geology and tectonic setting.
Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 27, p. 261-292.
(online at:
(Circular E Maliau Basin, Sabah, is landward extension of Tarakan Basin. Fieldwork found good quality coal
seams in E-M Miocene Tanjung Fm. Majority of current indicators to NE. Miocene rocks uplifted to 1600m
above SL)
Tjia, H.D., I. Komoo, C.A. Ali & S.H. Tahir (1992)- Geology of Taman Bukit Tawau, Semporna Peninsula,
Sabah. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 31, p. 113-131.
(online at:
(Volcanic mountains in SE Sabah up to 1320m high are Quaternary dacitic, andesitic and basaltic volcanics)
Tjia, H.D., B. Sidi & C.L. Teoh (1987)- Superimposed deformation and vergence of lower Tertiary sediments
near Tatau, Sarawak. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia, 21, p. 251-271.
(online at:
(Outcrops along trunk road near Tatau, C Sarawak, include Late Eocene- E Oligocene turbidites(associated
with explosive volcanics), unconformably overlain by less deformed M Oligocene- M Miocene neritic- littoral
sediments. Two tectonic vergences:earlier N-ward vergence with large recumbent folds and later W-vergence
with smaller overturned folds. E Tertiary deposition in fore-arc basin on ocean side of magmatic arc)
Togunwa, O.S., W.H. Abdullah, M.H. Hakimi & P.J. Barbeito (2015)- Organic geochemical and petrographic
characteristics of Neogene organic-rich sediments from the onshore West Baram Delta Province, Sarawak
Basin: implications for source rocks and hydrocarbon generation potential. Marine Petroleum Geol. 63, p. 115-
(M-L Miocene outcrop samples in W Baram Province S of Miri, Sarawak Basin, generally organic rich (TOC 1-
11%), but mainly gas-prone Type III kerogen (hydrogen Index <105 mg HC/g). Vitrinite reflectance Ro of 0.39-
0.48% indicates immature- very early mature kerogens. Offshore equivalents buried deeper and could be
effective petroleum (gas) source rock)
Tokuyama, A. & S Yoshida (1974)- Kinabalu fault, a large strike-slip fault in Sabah, East Malaysia. In: T.
Kobayashi & R. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 14, University of Tokyo Press,
p. 171-188.
(Series of NW-SE trending left-lateral strike-slip fault zones with possible 300km of displacement across Sabah-
Kinabulu, supposedly linking up with Palu-Koru fault of Sulawesi)
Tongkul, F. (1987)- Sedimentology and structure of the Crocker Formation in the Kota Kinabalu area, Sabah,
East Malaysia. Ph.D. Thesis University of London, p. 1-318. (Unpublished)
Tongkul, F. (1989)- Sedimentology and structure of the Crocker Formation in the Kota Kinabalu area, Sabah,
East Malaysia. In: B. Situmorang (ed.) Proc. 6th Regional Conf. Geology mineral hydrocarbon resources of
Southeast Asia (GEOSEA VI), Jakarta 1987, IAGI, p. 135-156.
(Crocker Fm Eocene- E Miocene flysch-type outcrops in NW Sabah composed of lower shaly unit, upper sandy
sequence, interpreted as large N-prograding Eocene-Oligocene submarine fan system. Deposition of coarse
sediment peaked in Oligocene. Sediment source Borneo/Sunda Shelf to SW (quartz-rich continental, current
directions generally to N). Fan sediments imbricated into series of E-dipping thrust slices, 200-600m thick, with
resistant ridges repeating every 1-2km, formed during subduction/ accretion against Borneo in Late Oligocene-
E Miocene. Termination of deformation followed by major uplift of Crocker complex in M-L Miocene, after
collision of Dangerous Grounds microcontinent)
Tongkul, F. (1990)- Structural styles and tectonics of Western and Northern Sabah. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia
27, p. 227-240.
(online at:
(Deformational episodes of W and N Sabah E Cretaceous-Pliocene igneous and sedimentary rocks: (1) Late
Cretaceous- E Eocene basement (chert-spilite oceanic formation) deformation/ uplift; (2) M Miocene NW-SE
and N-S directed thrusting of M Eocene- E Miocene Crocker- Kudat sediments (3) gentle deformation of U
Miocene- Pliocene sediments)
Tongkul, F. (1991)- Basin development and deposition of the Bongaya Formation in the Pitas area, northern
Sabah. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 29, p. 183-193.
(online at:
(Small basin in Bengkoka Peninsula of N Sabah with Late Miocene Bongaya sediments controlled by earlier
faults trending NE-SW, N-S and NW-SE on underlying, uplifted Crocker and Chert-Spilite Fms. Nearly circular
basin sediments sourced from older uplifted rocks to E, S and SE by overlapping fluvio-deltaic fan lobes)
Tongkul, F. (1991)- Tectonic evolution of Sabah, Malaysia. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 6, p. 395-406.
(SE-ward subduction in front of rifted continental block of S China under emergent oceanic basement in E
Sabah controlled development of NE-SW trending basin with M Eocene-E Miocene sediments. Opening of S
China Sea Basin in M Oligocene-M Miocene caused further subduction and narrowing of basin. M Eocene-E
Miocene sediments compressed into fold-thrust belt trending ~NE-SW in W Sabah and NW-SE in N and E
Sabah. Subduction accompanied by volcanic activity in E Sabah in E-M Miocene. Deformed sedimentary pile
and underlying oceanic basement then subjected to NW-SE extension related to E-M Miocene opening of Sulu
Sea Basin. This resulted in development of extensive chaotic deposits in E and C Sabah and also controlled
development of circular basins for deposition of thick, Early- Late Miocene sediments. Continued extension
resulted in further SE-ward subduction in SE Sabah, producing Late Miocene-Quaternary volcanics)
Tongkul, F. (1993)- Tectonic control on the development of the Neogene basins in Sabah, East Malaysia. In:
G.H. Teh (ed.) Proc. Symp. Tectonic framework and energy resources of the Western Margin of the Pacific
Basin, Kuala Lumpur 1992, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 33, p. 95-103.
(online at:
(Two structural trends, NE-SW and NW-SE, controlled Miocene basin evolution in Sabah)
Tongkul, F. (1994)- The geology of northern Sabah: its relationship to the opening of the South China Sea.
Tectonophysics 235, p. 131-137.
(N Sabah E Cretaceous-Pliocene sedimentary and igneous rocks. Three deformation episodes associated with
NW-SE and N-S oriented compression: (1) Late Cretaceous- E Eocene uplifted oceanic basement, site for
deposition of M Eocene- E Miocene Crocker and Kudat Fms, sourced from continental basement in SW; (2)
Latest Oligocene and early M Miocene N-S directed imbricate thrusting, controlling E-W trending basins
development filled with U Miocene S Banggi and Bongaya Fms; (3) Minor continuation of N-S compressional
deformation. Deformation episodes related to S-ward movements of continental blocks separated from S margin
of China during opening of S China Sea subbasins)
Tongkul, F. (1995)- The Paleogene basins of Sabah, East Malaysia. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Proc. AAPG-GSM Int.
Conf. Southeast Asian Basins: oil and gas for the 21st century, Kuala Lumpur, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 37, p.
(online at:
Tongkul, F. (1997)- An ancient oceanic crust in Tandek, Sabah - a unique geological heritage. Sabah Society J.
14, p. 1-10.
(Outcrop of Cretaceous oceanic crust and ocean floor ('chert-spilite'). See also Muda and Tongkul, 2008)
Tongkul, F. (1997)- Sedimentation and tectonics of Paleogene sediments in central Sarawak. Bull. Geol. Soc.
Malaysia 40, p. 135-155.
(online at:
(Deposition of Paleogene sediments in C Sarawak occurred in four stages, with depocentres generally
advancing and younging to NE in response to progressive SWt subduction-accretion of Mesozoic oceanic
lithosphere under W Sarawak)
Tongkul, F. (1997)- Polyphase deformation in the Telupid Area, Sabah, Malaysia. J. Asian Earth Sci. 15, p.
(Telupid area in C Sabah Mesozoic ophiolitic basement, overlain by Cretaceous- Oligocene sediments. At
least three deformation phases: (1) M Eocene folding- thrusting of basement and older Paleogene sediments
trending N70E, (2) early Lower Miocene imbrication of basement rock and overlying sediments to NE; (3)
early M Miocene thrusting of deformed basement rock and overlying sediments to NW)
Tongkul, F. (1999)- Batuan kerak lautan kuno Sungai Baliojong, Tandek, Kota Marudu, Sabah. In: I. Komoo &
M.S. Leman (eds.) Warisan Geologi Malaysia 2, LESTARI, UKM, p. 299-328.
('Ancient oceanic crust in the Baliojong River, Tandek, Kota Marudu, Sabah')
Tongkul, F. (1999)- Regional geological correlation of Paleogene sedimentary rocks between Sabah and
Sarawak, Malaysia. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Proc. 9th Reg. Congress Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of SE
Asia (GEOSEA ’98), Kuala Lumpur 1998, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 43, p. 31-39.
(online at:
Three groups of Paleogene sedimentary rock units can be correlated regionally between Sabah and Sarawak:
(1) intensely deformed, Paleocene- E Eocene turbiditic clastic sediments, partly metamorphosed to slate and
metasandstone; (2) 'E Crocker' steeply dipping late Lower Eocene- early U Eocene submarine fan sandstone-
shale with thrust transport directions generally to N and NW, and (3) 'W Crocker' U Eocene- U Oligocene
sandstone- shale, with local conglomerate, limestone and marl, with deformation similar to Unit 2. Paleogene
sediments deposited in large basin along NW Borneo. Deposition and deformation of sediments in successive
stages: younger sediments were deposited on top or in front of older accreted sediments in response to NW-SE
closure of elongate basin)
Tongkul, F. (2006)- The structural style of Lower Miocene sedimentary rocks, Kudat Peninsula, Malaysia. In:
Petroleum Geol. Conf. & Exh. 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 49, p. 119-124.
(online at:
(Kudat Peninsula mostly Lower Miocene sediments, deformed into large-scale folds on three major WNW-ESE
trending imbricate thrust slices. Deformation probably caused by progressive N-S transpression related to M
Miocene collision of Dangerous Ground/ Reed Bank with NW Sabah along NW Borneo Trough)
Tongkul, F. (2017)- Active tectonics in Sabah- seismicity and active faults. Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 64 (Geol.
Soc. Malaysia 50th Anniversary Issue 2), p. 27-36.
(online at:
(Sabah under WNW-ESE compressive stress due W-ward movements of Philippine-Pacific plate against SE-
moving Eurasian plate, causing NE-SW trending active thrust faults and NW-SE trending strike-slip faults.
Resultant regional folding/ warping of upper crust produced uplifted NE-SW belt in W Sabah (Crocker-
Tongkul, F. & F.K. Chang (2003)- Structural geology of the Tertiary Maliau Basin, Sabah. In: G.H. Teh (ed.)
Petroleum Geology Conf. Exhib. 2002, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 47, p. 51-61.
(online at:
(Maliau Basin saucer-shaped basin in C and S Sabah. 7500m thick clastics section, mainly M Miocene age and
deltaic- coastal facies)
Torres, J., A. Gartrell & N. Hoggmascall (2011)- Redefining a sequence stratigraphic framework for the
Miocene to Present in Brunei Darussalam: roles of local tectonics, eustacy and sediment supply. Int. Petrol.
Techn. Conf. (IPTC), Bangkok 2011, IPTC 15167, p. 2790-2801.
(Summary of Brunei Shell work on M Miocene- Recent deltaic sequences of Baram-Balbac Basin. Previous
studies used global sequence framework and underestimated local autocyclic forcing. Revised tectono-
stratigraphic framework established ten 3rd order Late Miocene- Present sequences. Some can be tied to
regional compressional pulses, two sequence boundaries now calibrated to two major global eustatic falls (11.7
and 5.73 Ma). 11.7 Ma event shows ~15 km basinward shift of shelf edge, but no sub-aerial erosion on emerged
shelf. The 5.73 Ma event (near Top Discoaster quinqueramus) shows modest basinward shift of shelf edge,
widespread canyon incision along margin and major incision of fluvial system feeding Champion Delta)
Ujie, H. (1970)- Miocene foraminiferal faunas from the Sandakan Formation, North Borneo. In: T. Kobayasi &
R. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 8, p. 165-185.
(Sandakan Fm on Sandakan Peninsula, NE Sabah, >4500m thick clastic series, mostly barren, 3 samples with
M Miocene planktonic forams (Gr. fohsi zone))
Ujie, H. (1977)- New species and subspecies of benthonic foraminifera from the Miocene Sandakan Formation,
North Borneo. In: T. Kobayasi & R. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology. Southeast Asia, University of
Tokyo Press, 18, p. 87-102.
(Descriptions of marine benthic forams from Middle Miocene Sandakan Fm. New species of Bolivina,
Ammonia, Pseudorotalia borneensis, Gyroidina, etc. No stratigraphy or biozonations)
Ulfa, Y., N. Sapari & Z.Z.T. Harith (2011)- Combined tide and storm influence on facies sedimentation of
Miocene Miri Formation, Sarawak.Eksplorium 32, 2, p. 77-89.
(online at:
(Outcrop facies study of M-L Miri Fm in Miri Field area, Sarawak. Two main facies associations: (1) tide-
dominated estuary; and (2) wave and storm- dominated facies)
Unjah, T., Basir Jasin & Uyop Said (2000)- Aspek paleontologi Formasi Pedawan Kawasan Batu Kitang- Bau,
Sarawak. In: G.H. Teh et al. (eds.) Proc. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Ann. Geol. Conf. 2000, Pulau Pinang, p. 159-163.
(online at:
('Paleontological aspects of the Pedawan Formation at Batu Kitang- Bau, Sarawak'. Brief discussion of
palynomorphs and macrofaunas in Cretaceous Pedawan Fm, SW Sarawak)
Vachard, D. (1990)- A new biozonation of the limestones from Terbat area, Sarawak, Malaysia. In: H. Fontaine
(ed.) Ten years of CCOP research on the Pre-Tertiary of East Asia, CCOP Techn. Publ. 20, p. 183-208.
(Terbat Lst of W Sarawak- NW Kalimantan border area with 7 diverse M Carboniferous- earliest Permian
fusulinid assemblages: M Carboniferous with (1) Profusulinella- Goksuella and (2) Beedeina- Komia; (3) latest
Carboniferous with (3) Dutkevichites and (4) Pseudofusulina-Ozawainella; (5) earliest Permian (lower
Asselian) with Occidentoschwagerina fusulinoides, Ozawainella (=Nummulostegina velebitana of Cummings);
(6) M-U Asselian with Ozawaiella angulata, Schwagerina, Boultonia willsi, Tricitites and (7) U Artinskian with
Langella ex. gr. perforata (= Padangia perforata Lange 1925) and common Permocalculus. Sarawak
assemblages most similar to S and N China and Alps)
Vahrenkamp, V.C., F. David, P. Duijndam, M. Newall & P. Crevello (2004)- Growth architecture, faulting, and
karstification of a Middle Miocene carbonate platform, Luconia Province, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia. In: G.P.
Eberli et al. (eds.) Seismic imaging of carbonate reservoirs and systems, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol.
(AAPG), Mem. 81, p. 329-350.
(Mega Platform is 30x50-km large and 1.2-km-thick carbonate platform, originating in late Early- early M
Miocene on structural high. First aggraded, then backstepped in M Miocene. Several transgressive,
aggradational, and progradational cycles overprinted by karst events. Demise of platform either drowning from
combined subsidence- eustatic sea level rise, or much-later drowning, preceded by period of exposure resulting
from second-order sea level fall and decrease in subsidence caused by onset of Late Miocene tectonism in
Borneo. Hiatus of ~5 m.y. before platform was buried by deep-marine siliciclastics prograding from large NW
Borneo deltas. Growth architecture, faulting and karstification key to exploiting hydrocarbon reservoirs)
Vahrenkamp, V.C., Y. Kamari & S.A. Rahman (1998)- Three dimensional reservoir geological model and
multiple scenario volumetrics of the F23 Miocene carbonate build-up, Luconia Province, offshore Sarawak.
Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 42, p. 15-26.
(online at:
(Gas reservoirs in M Miocene carbonate builups of C Luconia with complex internal reservoir architecture
influenced by paleo-wind pattern and sea level fluctuations, with backstepping, progradational and
aggradational growth phases. Transgressive systems dense argillaceous limestones, possibly isolating gas
volumes. During repeated periods of flooding platform backstepped up-wind, then prograded down-wind again
during sea level high stands. Most likely gas volume in F23 field 3.98 Tcf)
Van Borren, L.K., A. Koopman & A.J. Schreurs (1996)- Stratigraphy. In: S.T.Sandal (ed.) The geology and
hydrocarbon resources of Negara Brunei Darussalam (2nd ed.), Spec. Publ. Muzium Brunei and Brunei Shell
Petroleum Company Berhad, Syabas, Bandar Seri Begawan, p. 81-128.
(Includes review of biostratigraphy in Brunei region (p. 81-96))
Van den Brink, H. (2001)- Neogene dinoflagellate cysts from a deep water well, offshore Sabah, northern
Borneo. Berita Sedimentologi 16, p. 22-25.
(Study of marine dinoflagellate cysts in U Miocene- Pliocene of deep water well offshore Sabah. Potential
useful 'tops' in Pliocene: Hystrichokolpoma rigaudiae, H. okinawinum, Dapsilidinium pastielsi, Lingulodinium
pycnospinosum. For U Miocene: Selenopemphix brevispinosa and Systematophora placacantha)
Van den Brink, H. (2002)- Neogene dinoflagellate cysts from a deep water well, offshore Sabah, northern
Borneo. Proc. 34th Ann. Mtg. American Assoc. Stratigr. Palynologists (AASP), p. 278-279. (Abstract only)
(Attempt to establish dinoflagellate cyst biozonation for Late Miocene- Recent in deep-water wells off Sabah
and Brunei. Palynological assemblages dominated by land plant material; marine elements (dinoflagellate
cysts, acritarchs, algae) only 2-5% of microflora. Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages similar to open oceanic
assemblages from E Indian Ocean and NE Australian margin)
Van der Zee, W. & J.L. Urai (2005)- Processes of normal fault evolution in a siliciclastic sequence: a case study
from Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. J. Structural Geol. 27, 12, p. 2281-2300.
Van Ditzhuijzen, P.J.D. & J.A. de Waal (1984)- Reservoir compaction and surface subsidence in the Central
Luconia gas bearing carbonates, offshore Sarawak. Proc. 5th Offshore South East Asia Conf., SE Asia Expl.
Soc. (SEAPEX), Singapore, p. 27-40.
(Pores in carbonates with common moldic porosity may collapse as reservoirs are depleted, and cause
Van Hattum, M.W.A. (2005)- Provenance of Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in Northern Borneo. Ph.D. Thesis
Royal Holloway College, University of London, p. 1-467. (Unpublished)
Van Hattum, M., R. Hall & G.J. Nichols (2003)- Provenance of northern Borneo sediments. Proc. 29th Ann.
Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 305-319.
(Upper Cretaceous- Eocene sediments mature quartzose, possibly derived from mainland SE Asia/Indochina. In
Eocene shift to relatively immature recycled orogenic sands. Eo- Oligocene Crocker Fm mainly derived from
granites; ultimate source probably S Borneo Schwaner Mountains)
Van Hattum, M.W.A., R. Hall, A.L. Pickard & G.J. Nichols (2006)- Southeast Asian sediments not from Asia:
provenance and geochronology of North Borneo sandstones. Geology 34, 7, p. 589-592.
(Eocene- Lower Miocene Crocker turbidite sst of N Borneo derived from Borneo and SE Asia, not from Asian
sources after India-Eurasia collision. Compositionally mature due to tropical weathering, but mostly first-cycle
sandstones from granitic and subordinate metamorphic, sedimentary and ophiolitic rocks. Detrital zircons
Archean- Eocene ages, mostly Mesozoic. Main source Cretaceous granites of Schwaner Mts in SW Borneo in
Eocene, Permo-Triassic granites and Proterozoic basement of Malay-Thai Tin Belt in Oligocene)
Van Hattum, M.W.A., R. Hall, A.L. Pickard & G.J. Nichols (2013)- Provenance and geochronology of
Cenozoic sandstones of northern Borneo. J. Asian Earth Sci. 76, p. 266-282.
(Crocker Fan of Sabah deposited during subduction of Proto-South China Sea in Eocene- E Miocene. Collision
of microcontinental blocks with N Borneo in E Miocene terminated deep water sedimentation and resulted in
regional Top Crocker Unconformity, followed by sedimentation of fluvio-deltaic- shallow marine facies in late
E Miocene. Crocker Fan sandstones derived from sources in Borneo and nearby SE Asia. Sandstones mostly
from granitic sources, with some metamorphic, sedimentary and ophiolitic material. In Eocene sands mainly
Cretaceous zircons (~90-130 Ma; from granites of Schwaner Mts). In Oligocene sands more common zircons
from Permian-Triassic granites (~213-268 Ma) and Paleoproterozoic (~1850 Ma) from basement of Malay Tin
Belt. Miocene fluvio-deltaics mostly recycled from deformed Crocker Fan. Lower Miocene Tajau Sst of Kudat
Fm in N Sabah derived mainly from granitic and high-grade metamorphic source rock, probably from N, from
continental crust from S China and subduction-related metamorphic rocks)
Van Heck, S.E. (2001)- Calcareous nannoplankton and planktonic foraminifera from the Neogene offshore
Northwest Borneo. Berita Sedimentologi 16, p. 14-21.
(Summary of sequence of M Miocene and younger foram and nannoplankton biostratigraphic events recognized
in deepwater NW Borneo wells)
Vannucchi, P., A. Maltman, G. Bettelli & B. Clennell (2003)- On the nature of scaly fabric and scaly clay. J.
Structural Geol. 25, 5, p. 673-688.
(On scaly clay fabric, including chapter on scaly clay in E-M Miocene East Sabah melange)
Van Rensbergen, P. & C.K. Morley (2000)- 3D seismic study of a shale expulsion syncline at the base of the
Champion delta, offshore Brunei and its implication for the early structural evolution of large delta systems.
Marine Petroleum Geol. 17, p. 861-872.
(Example of Late Miocene expulsion rollover syncline related to mobile shale, described from 3D seismic)
Van Rensbergen, P. & C.K. Morley (2003)- Re-evaluation of mobile shale occurrences on seismic sections of
the Champion and Baram Deltas, offshore Brunei. In: P. Van Rensbergen et al. (eds.) Subsurface sediment
mobilization, Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 216, p. 395-409.
(3D seismic data in Baram and Champion delta provinces show chaotic areas, conventionally interpreted as
shale diapers, have dimmed but coherent reflectivity. Dimming attributed to sediment intrusive complexes,
overpressured fluids, gas clouds or processing artefacts. M Miocene-Recent Champion and Baram deltaic
provinces characterized by gravity tectonics-related structures, also affected by episodic contraction, with
inversion of some growth faults. Emplacement of shale pipes, gas clouds and intrusive complexes generally
later (Pliocene) than underlying reactive diapirs (Late Miocene))
Van Vliet, A. & W.N. Krebs (2009)- The Middle Miocene Unconformity (MMU) in North Luconia, deepwater
Sarawak: how unconformable is the unconformity? Warta Geologi 35, 3, p. 131-133.
(online at:
(M Miocene Unconformity (MMU) of S China Sea in most places neither M Miocene age, nor true widespread
break in stratigraphic record. Crustal extension in late E Miocene resulted in listric faulting, fault-block
rotation and accelerated subsidence around ‘oceanic’ core of S China Sea. Crests of fault-blocks experienced
minor (mainly submarine) erosion)
Van Vliet, A. & M.M. Schwander (1989)- Stratigraphic interpretation of a regional seismic section across the
Labuan Syncline and its flank structures, Sabah, North Borneo. In: A.W. Bally (ed.) Atlas of seismic
stratigraphy, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG), Studies in Geology 27, p. 163-167.
Vijayan, V.R., C. Foss & H. Stagg (2013)- Crustal character and thickness over the Dangerous Grounds and
beneath the Northwest Borneo Trough. J. Asian Earth Sci. 76, p. 389-398.
(Crustal thickness across Luconia Province and Dangerous Grounds is 25-30 km. NW Borneo/ Sabah Trough is
underlain by thinned crust (25-20 km total crustal thickness), without tectonic discontinuity)
Vogt, E.T. & M.F.J. Flower (1989)- Genesis of the Kinabalu (Sabah) granitoids at a subduction-collisional
junction. Contrib. Mineralogy Petrology 103, 4, p. 493-509.
(Kinabalu batholith is Late Neogene granitoid in NW Sabah, where subducted S China Sea lithosphere of
extinct Borneo-Palawan subduction zone interacted with collisionally thickened crust of N Sabah collision
suture. Intruded into melange lithologies of Trusmadi and Crocker Fms. Exposed batholith with small core of
biotite-quartz monzodiorite grading to hornblende-quartz monzonite. Unusual zonation from inner low-K to
outer high-K compositions)
Wahab, M.H., A. Asraff, J.J. Ismail & C.A. Ibrahim (2013)- Significant hydrocarbon accumulation in deep
overpressured play of West Baram Delta: a breakthrough. In: Petroleum Geoscience Conf. Exhib. (PGCE
2013), Kuala Lumpur, 3p. (Extended Abstract)
(Two recent HPHT wells successfully tested deep overpressured play in W Baram Delta, offshore Miri, with
discoveries of gas and condensate at >4500m below mudline. Reservoir pressure ~14,000 psi. 200m net gas
sand penetrated with all gas bearing reservoirs filled to structural spill (~650m of vertical gas colum). No
maps, well names, etc.)
Wakita, K. (1981)- The alteration and mineralization of serpentinite of the Mamut porphyry copper deposit.
Mining Geology 31, 5, p. 351-365.
(online at:
(Mamut porphyry copper deposit associated with Upper Miocene adamellite porphyry intrusion. Localized in
intrusion and in serpentinite and clastic sediments wall rocks. Four types of serpentinite alteration)
Wang, P.C., S.Z. Li, L.L. Guo, S.H. Jiang, I.D. Somerville, S.J. Zhao, B.D. Zhu, J. Chen, L.M. Dai, Y.H. Suo &
B. Han (2016)- Mesozoic and Cenozoic accretionary orogenic processes in Borneo and their mechanisms. In:
Evolution of West Pacific Ocean, South China Sea and Indian Ocean, Geological J. 51, Suppl. S1, p. 464-489.
(Borneo Accretionary Orogen Mesozoic- Cenozoic accretionary orogeny, with intensely deformed Rajang-
Crocker Gp Accretionary prism, ophiolites and calc-alkaline igneous rocks. Four episodes of Sabah
deformation: (D1) displacement foliation (S1) and NNE-trending thrusts (Sabah Orogeny; 23-16 Ma); (D2)
WNW- or NW-striking thrusts (formation of Deep Regional Uncomformity at 16 Ma), followed by NNW-SSE-
trending thrusts and folds; (D3) Shallow Regional Uncomformity at 10 Ma; (D4) NNE-trending sinistral strike-
slip faults and WNW-trending dextral faults (NW-SE-trending extension after multi-stage collisional events).
Accretionary orogen related to evolution of Proto-S China Sea, which continuously subducted under Borneo
Block and closed in Late Eocene- E Miocene. BAO still active, as thrusting and subduction of Dangerous
Grounds under Borneo Block. NNE-trending faults considered as transform faults, rotating to present-day NW-
trending faults due to CCW rotation of entire Borneo Block. Previous NNE-trending Tinjar Fault major
boundary, with Oligocene- E Miocene strata and igneous rocks to NE, and Cretaceous-Late Eocene to SW)
Wanner, J. (1922)- Beitrage zur Geologie und Geographie von Nordost-Borneo. Ergebnisse einer von Dr.
Stamm in den 1913 und 1914 ausgefuhrten Reise nach Borneo. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. Palaont., Beilage Band
45, 1921, p. 149-213.
(‘Contributions to the geology and geography of NE Borneo’. Summary of results of field survey in N Borneo in
areas of Darvel Bay, Siagau River and Sandakan Bay by K. Stamm for NKPM in 1913-1914)
Wannier, M. (2009)- Carbonate platforms in wedge-top basins: an example from the Gunung Mulu National
Park, Northern Sarawak (Malaysia). Marine Petroleum Geol. 26, 2, p. 177-207.
(Melinau carbonate platform of NE Sarawak initiated in M Eocene on rotating slice of Rajang accretionary
prism. Differential loading enhanced rotation of mobile substratum and created asymmetrical wedge-top basin.
Extensional S margin of basin ~2200m thick Eocene-Oligocene carbonates. Backstepping and dismemberment
of carbonate system started in latest Oligocene; deep-marine sedimentation prevalent in E Miocene)
Wannier, M., P. Lesslar, C. Lee, H. Raven R. Sorkhabi & A. Ibrahim (2011)- Geological excursions around
Miri, Sarawak, 1910-2010, Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the discovery of the Miri oil field. Belle's
Bookshop, Ecomedia, Miri, Sarawak, p. 1-279.
(Shell geologists review of geology of Miri oilfield, Sarawak (discovered 1910, peak production 1929) and
outcrop descriptions of Miocene- Quaternary deltaic sediments and faults around Miri anticline, Niah National
Park with caves in E-M Miocene Subis Lst, Mulu National Park with caves in Late Eocene- Oligocene Melinau
Lst, etc.. With notes on fossils, mud volcanoes, tektites)
Warrlich, G.M.D., E.W. Adams, T.C.F. Tam, E. Kosa, K.K. Ting & A.D. Kayes (2013)- The value of regional
correlation and analogues in managing a mature asset: examples from the Central Luconia gas fields. Petroleum
Geoscience Conf. Exhib. (PGCE 2013), Kuala Lumpar, 5p. (Extended Abstract)
(Consistent, sequence-stratigraphic correlation framework in C Luconia gas fields and use of modern-day and
fossil outcrop analogues aid in planning development wells, predicting recovery factors and optimizing
recovery. Gas recovery depends on presence or absence of argillaceous tight layers formed during flooding
events in reservoir, as well as their relative position to GWC)
Warrlich, G.M.D., D. Palm, H. van Alebeek, D. Volchkov, S.C. Hong, E.W. Adams, A. Ryba et al. (2014)-
Scenario-based pore pressure prediction to reduce drilling risks, examples from the Sarawak Asset, North West
Borneo, Malaysia: Int. Petrol. Techn. Conf. (IPTC), Kuala Lumpur, Paper 17952, 13p.
Watanabe, Y., H. Natori & G. Lingkai (1995)- Geochemical characteristics of the Tertiary argillaceous rocks
from central-Northeast Sarawak, Malaysia. J. Sediment. Soc. Japan 41, p. 3-15.
(online at:
Watters, D.G., R.C. Maskall, I.M. Warrilow & V. Liew (1999)- A sleeping giant awakened: further
development of the Seria Field, Brunei Darussalam, after almost 70 years of production. Petroleum Geoscience
5, 2, p. 147-159.
(Seria Field 1929 discovery in large WSW-ENE trending anticline. Produced 164 Mm3 (>1 billion barrels)of
oil from 778 wells by 1996 (34% of in-place volumes). 3D seismic used to identify undrilled closures and areas
of unswept oil in field)
Weber, H.S. & D.T.C. Lee (1990)- Mineral resources investigation in Sabah, East Malaysia, 1980-1984;
selected results and conclusions. Geol. Jahrbuch B74, p. 3-29.
(Results of German mineral resources survey in Sabah. Focused on lead-zinc-copper anomalies associated with
Late Tertiary volcanic belt of Semporna Peninsula and copper-zinc anomalies associated with Late Cretaceous-
E Tertiary ophiolites of C Sabah)
Weng, H.C., E. Rollett, K. Maguire, G. Stone, S. Hayon & L.B. Leong (2011)- Identification, significance and
correlation of Mass Transport Complexes in Malaysian deepwater fields. Int. Petroleum Technology
Conference (IPTC) 2011, Bangkok, IPTC-14781-MS, p. 1851-1864.
(Distribution of Mass Transport Complexes in deepwater Sabah strong control on distribution of reservoir and
seal. MTCs typically exhibiting high angle chaotic dips, are denser than overlying and underlying sediments,
and generate strong seismic markers)
Whittaker, J.E. & R.L. Hodgkinson (1979)- Foraminifera of the Togopi Formation, eastern Sabah, Malaysia.
Bull. British Museum (Natural History), Geology, 31, p. 1-120.
(online at:
(125 species of foraminifera described from Late Miocene Togopi River section. Species names Ammonia
togopiensis n.sp. introduced for Billman et al (1980) marker speciesAmmonia ikebei; Asterorotalia pulchra for
more commonly used name Asterorotalia trispinosa)
Whittle, A.P. & G.A. Short (1978)- The petroleum geology of the Tembungo Field, East Malaysia offshore.
Proc.SE Asia Petroleum Expl. Soc. (SEAPEX) Offshore SE Asia Conf. 6, Singapore, 11p.
(Tembungo 1971 first oil and gas discovery offshore Sabah in anticlinal structure with Late Miocene turbidite
reservoir sands. Reserves ~15 MBO)
Wicker, J.J. & J.E.F Stearn (1999)- Baram Field- the 3D marine re-processing challenge. In: G.H. Teh (ed.)
Proc. 9th Reg. Congress Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of SE Asia (GEOSEA ’98), Kuala Lumpur
1998, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 43, p. 439-450.
(online at:
(Baram Field 1963 Shell discovery offshore Sarawak is largest field in Baram Delta Province (EUR 283
MMBO). Complex structure and stratigraphy, with >746 hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs identified. Re-
processing of 1988 seismic survey improved interpretation)
Wilford, G.E. (1955)- The geology and mineral resources of the Kuching-Lundu area, West Sarawak, including
the Bau mining district. Geological Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, Memoir 3, p. 1-254.
(Kuching-Lundu area is westernmost part of Sarawak. N Borneo composed of sedimentary rocks from probably
Devonian to Quaternary age and variety of volcanic and intrusive igneous rocks. Structurally part of Sunda
shelf, an extension of continental Asia. Gold and diamonds mined in early 19th century. Gold, antimony, and
mercury ores genetically associated with Tertiary acid intrusions. With 1:125,000 geologic map of study area
and 1:50,000 map of Bau gold mining district)
Wilford, G.E. (1961)- The geology and mineral resources of Brunei and adjacent parts of Sarawak with
descriptions of Seria and Miri oilfields. British Borneo Geol. Survey Dept., Memoir 10, p. 1-319.
(Major review of Brunei geology. Area part of centre of 'NW Borneo geosyncline', with great thicknesses of
Paleocene- Recent sediments (possibly >100,000’). Presence of (reworked?). Pleistocene tektites in gravel pits
in young terrace deposits (K-Ar date of tektite from Pentuan Hill 730,000 years))
Wilford, G.E. (1964)- The geology of Sarawak and Sabah caves. Geol. Survey Borneo Region, Malaysia, Bull.
6, p. 1-181.
(Caves in all larger limestone outcrops of North Borneo. Mainly Permian (Terbat Fm), Jurassic and
Cretaceous (Bau Fm) ages in W Sarawak, mainly Eocene- Miocene ages (Melinau Lst, Tangap Fm) in E
Sarawak, Cretaceous (Madai-Baturong Lst) and Miocene (Gomantong Lst) in Sabah. Most limestones fine-
grained and very low porosity. One 'lava tunnel' in basalt near Darvel Bay, E Sabah. Limited geology info)
Wilford, G.E. (1967)- The effects of late Tertiary and Quaternary tectonic movements on the geomorphological
evolution of Brunei and adjacent parts of Sarawak. J. Tropical Geography, Singapore, 24, p. 50-56.
Wilford, G.E. (1968)- Notes on the geomorphology of Sabah. In: P. Collenette & J. Goh (eds.) Geological
Papers 1967, Geological Survey of Borneo Region, Malaysia, Bull. 9, p. 1-22.
Wilford, G.E. & C.H. Kho (1965)- The geology and mineral resources of the Penrissen area, West Sarawak,
Malaysia. Malaysia Geol. Survey Borneo Region, Rept. 2, p. 1-195.
(Description of geology and 1:50,000 scale geologic map of area S of Kuching along NW Kalimantan border.
Named after 4350' high Penrissen Peak, which is on border, composed of Plateau Sandstone. Oldest rock U
Triassic Sadong Fm (with U Triassic bivalves Halobia, Grammatodon, Monotis salinaria, etc.) and Serian
Volcanics. Triassic unconformably overlain by Kedadom Fm with Kimmeridgian ammonoids Lithacoceras and
Subplanites sp. Conformably overlain by Bau Lst with latest Jurassic- E Cretaceous algae (Cladocoropsis,
Clypeina, Salpingoporella, Thaumatoporella, etc.) and foraminifera (Pseudocyclammina lituus, Nautiloculina
oolithica). Widespread Cretaceous Pedawan Fm with radiolaria, Etc..)
William, A.G., J.J. Lambiase, S. Back & M.K. Jamiran (2003)- Sedimentology of the Jalan Selaiman and Bukit
Melinsung outcrops, western Sabah: is the West Crocker Formation an analogue for Neogene turbidites
offshore? In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Petroleum Geology Conf. Exhib. 2002, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 47, p. 63-75.
(online at:
(Outcrop study of~500m of Oligocene- E Miocene West Crocker Fm turbidites, W Sabah. Texturally immature
sands. Paleocurrent directions consistently to N, oblique to NE-SW marginal basin, possibly derived from
uplifted Rajang accretionary prism)
Wilson, M.E.J., E. Chang Ee Wah, S. Dorobek & P. Lunt (2013)- Onshore to offshore trends in carbonate
sequence development, diagenesis and reservoir quality across a land-attached shelf in SE Asia. Marine
Petroleum Geol. 45, p. 349-376.
(online at:
(Onshore to offshore trends in carbonate development and reservoir quality assessed across Late Oligocene-
Miocene of NW Borneo (Sarawak) shelf from outcrops and wells. Carbonates developed as localised build-ups
and more continuous sheet-like deposits in near-coast to shelf margin positions. Most samples show evidence
for marine micritisation and in shelf margin positions isopachous cements. Burial diagenesis predominates
(compaction, neomorphism, fracturing, late leaching, dolomitisation). Some early, probable meteoric leaching
affected inner shelf deposits prior to pervasive calcite cement formation, probably reflecting alteration from
terrestrial groundwaters in meteoric aquifers derived from humid landmass of Borneo. Best porosity (20-35%)
Wilson, R.A.M. (1961)- The geology and mineral resources of the Banggi island and Sugut River area, North
Borneo. Geol. Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, Memoir 15, p. 1-143.
(Geology of NE Borneo Banggi and Balamban Islands off N tip of Sabah and mainland Sugut river area. Thick
Late Eocene-Miocene Crocker Fm geosynclinal sequence on mainland, mainly S/ SW dipping. On islands
imbricated, sheared (strike N, shearing towards W), Chert-Spilite Fm of Upper Cretaceous or Lower Eocene
pillow lavas, basaltic intrusions and chert beds, brecciated and intruded by serpentinite sheets and younger
ultrabasic plutonics. S Banggi Fm with E Miocene (Te5) limestones, some with reworked Eocene Discocyclina
and ?Pellatispira). M Miocene (lower Tf) Balambangan Lst with Miogypsina, Katacycloclypeus annulatus)
Wilson, R.A.M. (1963)- The Chert-Spilite Formation of North Borneo. In: F.H. Fitch (ed.) Proc. British Borneo
Geological Conference 1961, Kuching, Bull. Geol. Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, 4, Kuching, p.
('Chert-spilite Fm sediments form NE/NNE trending discontinuous 'ophiolitic' belt across C-E Sabah, from
Sempurna Peninsula in SE to Kota Belud in NW and Balambangan- Banggi Islands in N. Mainly deep marine
radiolarian cherts, basaltic volcanics (pillow lavas), graywacke sandstones and serpentinite sheets of
Cretaceous- Eocene age. All strongly imbricated and often look like slickensided breccias. Also breccias with
boulders in clay matrix. Relationships with underlying and overlying formations not clear. Most of tectonic
activity predates Crocker and Kulapis Fm)
Wilson, R.A.M. (1964)- The geology and mineral resources of the Labuan and Padas Valley area, Sabah,
Malaysia. Geol. Survey Borneo Region, Malaysia, Memoir 17, p. 1-150.
Wolfenden, E.B. (1960)- The geology and mineral resources of the lower Rajang Valley and adjoining areas,
Sarawak. Geol. Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, Memoir 11, p. 1-167.
(Area of C Sarawak with mainly Upper Cretaceous- Recent sediments and rare Tertiary intrusive and extrusive
igneous rocks. Thick Upper Cretaceous- Upper Eocene deep water Rajang Fm series of mildly dynamically
metamorphosed argillaceous rocks, sandstone, and conglomerate, intensely folded in Late Eocene. Oldest rocks
Upper Cretaceous (with Globotrunca, Orbitolina)- U Eocene Belaga Fm (incl. Pellatispira, Discocyclina,
planktonics). Tatau Fm with rich Eocene- Oligocene foraminifera. In NE thick Upper Eocene- Pliocene
sandstones and shales with thin Late Eocene limestones and volcanics. Upper Eocene- Pliocene rocks folded)
Wolfenden, E.B. (1961)- Molluscs from the Bau Formation of the Tebakang area, First Division. Geol. Survey
Department British Territories in Borneo, Annual Report 1960, p. 47-
(Brief note on Late Jurassic fauna in conglomeratic shale of Bau Lst Fm of W Sarawak: ammonites
(Lithacoceras or Subplanites), bivalves (Nuculana, Cucullaea, Astare, Corbula). No figures)
Wolfenden, E.B. (1963)- Sematan and Lundu area, West Sarawak. British Borneo Geol. Survey Report 1, p. 1-
(Includes detailed descriptions of bauxite occurrences)
Wolfenden, E.B. (1963)- Bauxite in West Sarawak. In: F.H. Fitch (ed.) Proc. British Borneo Geological
Conference 1961, Kuching, Bull. Geol. Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, 4, p. 119-136.
Wolfenden, E.B. (1965)- Geochemical behaviour of trace elements during bauxite formation in Sarawak,
Malaysia. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 29, 9, p. 1051-1062.
(Bauxite and kaolinitic clay formed by weathering of andesite lava under humid tropical conditions in W
Sarawak. At Sematan bauxite is ~10' thick on hills and extends under surrounding alluvial sand and clay where
composition secondarily modified (swamp bauxite). During formation of hill bauxite, Cr, Zr and Ga are
concentrated, Ni, Co, P, Mn, Sr and Y are depleted. No geology details)
Wolfenden, E.B. (1965)- Bau mining district, West Sarawak, Malaysia, Part 1: Bau. Geol. Survey Borneo
Region, Malaysia, Bull. 7, 1, p. 1-147.
(Geologic map of part of W Sarawak, SW of Kuching, an area with long history of gold-siver mining. Includes
description of >1800' thick, massive Upper Jurassic Bau Limestone with foram Pseudocyclammina lituus, algae
Thaumatoporella parvovesiculifera, stromatoporoid Cladocoropsis mirabilis and also Calpionella. Locally with
sandstone- pebbly sandstones with abundant igneous rock fragments at base, unconformable on U Triassic
basaltic Serian volcanics. Conformably overlain by >10,000' of marine Cretaceous Pedawan Fm, now mostly
eroded in Bau region. Upper Cretaceous folding phase, strongest NW of Bau, rel. minor to SE, followed by
deposition of Plateau Sandstone. Also probably M Miocene folding phase. Acidic igneous intrusions of
probably M Miocene age.)
Wolfenden, E.B. & N.S. Haile (1963)- Sematan and Lundu Area, West Sarawak. Explanation of sheets 1-109-3,
1-109-4, 1-109-7, 1-109-8 and 2-109-15. Geol. Survey Dept., British Territories in Borneo, Kuching, Report 1,
p. 1-159.
(Geologic maps at 1:50,000 scale of W-most part of Sarawak, W of Kuching, bordering W Kalimantan. Oldest
rocks thick, intensely folded and locally metamorphosed Jurassic- Cretaceous Serabang Fm flysch, radiolarian
chert and ultrabasics (mainly gabbro-dolerite). Interpreted as 'geosynclinal' series (Hamilton 1979 and
Hutchison 2005 suggest this is Lower Cretaceous melange, similar to Lubuk Antu/ 'Lupar Line' further East; it
is accretionary prism formed during Early Cretaceous subduction of Proto China Sea from N. Unconformably
overlain by gently-dipping Paleogene? Plateau Sandstone)
Wolfenden, E.B. & H.J.C. Kirk (1967)- Bauxite and laterite in British Territories in Borneo. The Philippine
Geologist (J. Geol. Soc. Philippines) 21, 3, p. 102-116.
(Bauxite was found at Sematan in W Sarawak in 1949. Further prospecting in Sarawak and N Borneo from
1950-1952 not successful. In Sarawak some laterite associated with bauxite, but not economic. Bauxite and
laterite present in N Borneo, but extent little known)
Wong, R.H.F. (1993)- Sequence stratigraphy of the Middle Miocene-Pliocene Southern offshore Sandakan
Basin, East Sabah. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Proc. Symposium on the Tectonic framework and energy resources of the
western margin of the Pacific Basin, Kuala Lumpur 1992, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 33, p. 129-142.
(Offshore Sandakan Basin sequence stratigraphic study based on seismic and 8 wells. Three main units: (1) M
Miocene- early U Miocene (moderate progradation; five 3rd order sequences); (2) middle U Miocene (high
progradation, low aggradation; three 3rd order sequences); (3) late U Miocene- Pliocene (high aggradation,
low progradation; five 3rd order sequences. Shelf edges mainly N-S trending and prograding East)
Wong, R. (1996)- Seismic sequence stratigraphic interpretation enhances remaining hydrocarbon potential of
the SE Collins Field. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Petroleum Geology Conf. 1995, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 39, p. 223-
(online at:
(SE Collins field 1972 marginal oil field discovery in complexly faulted central portion of the Inboard Belt of
NW Sabah Basin. Elongated, N-S anticlinal structure with reverse faults on N, W and S. Main reservoirs M
Miocene sands. New sequence stratigraphic study lead to doubling of reserves estimate)
Wong, Y.L. (2012)- Stratigraphy of the Ransi Member of the Middle Eocene to Oligocene Tatau Formation in
the Tatau-Bintulu area, Sarawak, East Malaysia. M.Sc. Thesis, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, p. 1-256.
(online at:
(Ransi conglomerate-sandstone originally dated as U Miocene-Pliocene, but basal part of U Eocene- Oligocene
Tatau Fm. Separated from underlying more tightly folded Belaga Fm by angular unconformity. Conglomerate
mainly angular- subangular clasts of chert, quartz, igneous and metamorphic fragments. Igneous clasts rhyolite
similar to M Eocene igneous intrusion at Bukit Piring in Tatau Area. Source of Ransi beds mainly from chert
and metamorphic rocks of older Rajang Gp to S, as indicated by paleocurrent determinations. Volcanic clasts
suggest volcanic source in hinterland during deposition. Arip Lst (equivalent to or younger than Ransi Mb) in
Tatau Formation to SW with M-L Eocene microfossils such as Discocyclina, Nummulites, Pellatispira)
Woods, J., G.R. Gaafar & Shin Ni Chai (2012)- Chemostratigraphic correlation of Miocene turbidite sequences
Offshore Sabah, Malaysia. Proc. 36th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA12-G-076, p.
(Brief review of use of geochemical rock data for sand correlations)
Wu, J.E. (2010)- 4D evolution of deepwater fold and thrust belt, NW Borneo, South China Sea. Ph.D. Thesis
University of London, p. 1-616. (Unpublished)
Xue, F.J., G. Sen, M.A. Beg & H.H.B. Abu Bakar (2016)- Effective karst modelling for carbonate build-ups in
Central Luconia, Offshore Malaysia. In: 3rd EAGE Integrated Reservoir Modelling Conference, Kuala Lumpur,
4p. (Extended Abstract)
(On mapping karst features on 3D seismic over large offshore Miocene carbonate buildup in C Luconia)
Yabe, H. (1918)- Notes on a Carpenteria Limestone from B.N. Borneo. Science Reports Tohoku Imperial
University, Sendai, Japan, Ser. 2 (Geol.), 5, p. 15-30.
(Three limestone samples from Kinatabang River, British N Borneo, with Cycloclypeus annulatus and common
Carpenteria (interpreted by Yabe to be Oligocene, but more likely M Miocene?; JTvG))
Yabe, H. & S. Hanzawa (1925)- A Lepidocyclina limestone from Klias Peninsula, B.N. Borneo.
Verhandelingen Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kol., Geol. Serie 8 (Verbeek volume), p.
(Early Miocene limestone with Lepidocyclina, Miogypsina, Spiroclypeus from Klias Peninsula)
Yabe, H. & S. Hanzawa (1926)- A foraminiferous limestone, with a questionable fauna, from Klias Peninsula,
British North Borneo. Science Repts. Tohoku Imp. University, Sendai, Japan, Ser. 2 (Geol.), 9, 1, p. 1-7.
(online at:
(Discusssion of Rutten (1925) and description of another example of limestone with mixed Eocene (Pellatispira,
Discocyclina, Nummulites) and Late Oligocene-E Miocene (Spiroclypeus, Lepidocyclina) larger forams)
Yan, A.S.W. (1991)- Features of volcanic-hosted epithermal gold mineralization in the Nagos and Mantri areas,
Sabah. Proc. 22nd Geological Conference, Geol. Survey Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Techn. Paper 3, p. 1-16.
Yanagida, J. & J. Lau (1978)- The Upper Jurassic and Middle Cretaceous Terebratulidae from the Bau Limestone
formation in West Sarawak, Malaysia. In: T. Kobayashi & R. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of
Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 19, p. 35-47.
(Bau Limestone E of Paku, 4 km E of Bau, SW Sarawak, contains Oxfordian- lower Kimmeridgean terebratulid
brachiopods, incl. Neumayrithyris torinosuensis (originally described from Jurassic Torinosu series in Japan)
and Ornatothyris bauensis n.sp.)
Yin, E.H. (1992)- Regional geology- Sarawak. Malaysia Geol. Survey Annual Report 1991, p. 58-74.
Yin, E.H. (1992)- Regional geology- Sabah. Malaysia Geol. Survey Annual Report 1991, p. 74-82.
Yokoyama, K., Y. Tsutsumi & W.S.K. Bong (2015)- Age distributions of monazites in the Late Cretaceous to
Late Eocene turbidite from northwestern Borneo and its tectonic setting. Bull. Natl. Museum Nat. Sci., Tokyo,
C 41, p. 29-43.
(online at:
(Late Cretaceous- Late Eocene turbidites of Rajang Gp widely distributed in NW part of Borneo. Three main
peaks in monazite age distributions of recent sands in 4 rivers: 200-300 (~240?) Ma, 400-500 (~440) Ma and
1850-1900 Ma, and weak cluster at 700-1100 Ma. Age distributions suggest detrital grains not from Indochina
Peninsula, but from S China Craton.)
Zaiauri, W.M., W. Embong, H. Mohamad & K. Mansor (2008)- New perspective on exploration prospect
analysis: a case study on the Central Luconia carbonates, Sarawak, East Malaysia. In: Int. Petroleum Techn.
Conf. (IPTC), Kuala Lumpur 2008, 12792-MS, p. 1-3 (Extended Abstract)
(>70% of major gas discoveries in Malaysia in M-L Miocen carbonate reservoirs of C Luconia Province. Many
remaining carbonate structures (pinnacles) believed to be (1) too small, (2) severely overpressured and
therefore capable of holding only short gas columns; (3) contain high CO2 and H2S, and (3) likely leak through
thief beds in overburden. Recent gas discoveries include Petronas PC4-1 which found 640m gas column at
normal pressure and with minimal H2S and CO2)
Zakaria, A.A., H.D. Johnson, C.A.L. Jackson & F. Tongkul (2013)- Sedimentary facies analysis and
depositional model of the Palaeogene West Crocker submarine fan system, NW Borneo. J. Asian Earth Sci. 76,
p. 283-300.
(Sedimentological analysis of Paleogene W Crocker Fm around Kota Kinabalu, SW Sabah. Large submarine
fan system at tectonically active margin of NW Borneo, interpreted as multiple-sourced, shelf-fed, Type II, low-
efficiency, sand-rich depositional system)
Zakaria, A.A., H.D. Johnson, C.A.L. Jackson & F. Tongkul (2013)- Sedimentology of the major W Crocker
submarine fan system; analogue to the younger productive fans, NW Sabah Basin. In: Petroleum Geoscience
Conf. Exhib. (PGCE 2013), Kuala Lumpur, P13, 5p. (Extended Abstract)
(W Crocker Formation outcrops in NW Sabah near Kota Kinabalu. Represents large (25,000 km2), Oligocene -
E Miocene sand-dominated basin-floor submarine fan, deposited in accretionary foredeep basin. One of largest
Cenozoic basin floor fan systems in SE Asia. Five facies associations. Multiple-sourced, shelf-fed, Type II, low-
efficiency and sand-rich system.Probably comprised of several small lobes. Fan built out N-ward with sediment
supply from SW. Fan system later accreted, uplifted and imbricated into series of thrust slices (see also Tongkul
1987, Crevello 2001, Jackson et al. 2009))
Zakaria, A.A., H.D. Johnson, C.A.L. Jackson & M.N.M. Yusoff (2013)- Mass Transport Complex (MTC) on
NW Borneo Slope; influence of thrust related folding on its stratigraphic development. In: Petroleum
Geoscience Conf. Exhib. (PGCE 2013), Kuala Lumpur, P37, 5p. (Extended Abstract)
(Lingan fan system on steep (2-4º) NW Borneo margin off Sabah, located in a toe-thrust foldbelt area in front of
E Baram Delta. With mass transport complexes in channelised fan systems
Zampetti, V. (2004)- Interdependence of seismic imaging and sedimentology (Miocene carbonate platforms,
South China Sea). Doct. Thesis Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, p. 1-134. (Unpublished)
Zampetti, V. (2010)- Controlling factors of a Miocene carbonate platform: implications for platform
architecture and off-platform reservoirs (Luconia Province, Malaysia). In: W.A. Morgan, A.D. George et al.
(eds.) Cenozoic carbonate systems of Australasia, Soc. Sedimentary Geology (SEPM), Spec. Publ. 95, p. 129-
Zampetti, V., W. Schlager, J.H. van Konijnenburg & A.J. Everts (2003)- Depositional history and origin of
porosity in a Miocene carbonate platform of Central Luconia, offshore Sarawak. In: G.H. Teh (ed.) Petroleum
Geology Conf. Exhib. 2002, Bull. Geol. Soc. Malaysia 47, p. 139-152.
(online at:
(Seismic and core study of unidentified M-Late Miocene carbonate platform in Luconia province. Buildup
growth primarily vertical aggradtion, with flat top, with backstepping of margin. Two phases of progradation,
youngest steep and with segments of slope collapsing in large landslides. Porosity very heterogeneous, mostly
secondary and related to dissolution under deep burial conditions)
Zampetti, V., W. Schlager, J.H. van Konijnenburg & A.J. Everts (2004)- Architecture and growth history of a
Miocene carbonate platform from 3D seismic reflection data; Luconia province, offshore Sarawak, Malaysia.
Marine Petroleum Geol. 21, 5, p. 517-534.
(online at:
(Luconia carbonate platform growth started in Late Oligocene-E Miocene by coalescence of isolated patch
reefs. Growth history includes phases of progradation, backstepping and collapse of platform flanks. Most
pronounced seismic reflections correspond to flooding events. Subaerial exposure demonstrated in only one
case. Platform growth terminated by gradual drowningin Late Miocene)
Zampetti, V., W. Schlager, J.H. van Konijnenburg & A.J. Everts (2004)- 3-D Seismic characterization of
submarine landslides on a Miocene carbonate platform (Luconia Province, Malaysia). J. Sedimentary Res. 74,
6, p. 817-830.
(Submarine landslides on flanks of Miocene carbonate platform. Chaotic deposits basinward of slide scar
widen in transport direction and end in indistinct lobes. Slide masses extend for 1.5 km into basin, with130m
maximum thickness. Slide deposit on W flank two events, separated by smooth reflection interpreted as
hemipelagic mud between carbonate-rich slide masses. Syndepositional faulting affects geometry of platform
margins, particularly at time of slope failure)
Zheng, Q.L., S.Z. Li, Y.H. Suo, X.Y. Li, L.L. Guo, P.C. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y.B. Zang, S.H. Jiang & I.D.
Somerville (2016)- Structures around the Tinjar-West Baram Line in northern Kalimantan and seafloor
spreading in the Proto South China Sea. Geological J. 51, Suppl. S1, p. 513-523.
(Tinjar-West Baram Line is NW-trending trans-lithospheric fault in N Borneo; its NW extension into S China
Sea is W Baram Line. Originated as NE/NNE-trending transform fault during spreading of Proto-South China
Sea before 35 Ma and before NW trending strike-slip movement since Oligocene)
Zielinski, G.W., M. Bjoroy, R.L.B. Zielinski & I.L. Ferriday (2007)- Heat flow and surface hydrocarbons on the
Brunei continental margin. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 91, 7, p. 1053-1080.
(Brunei margin thermogenic hydrocarbons in landward half of study area (heat flow 83.7 ± 66.5 mW/m2).
Seaward, mean heat flow is 59.0 ± 22.6 mW/m2, and surface thermogenic hydrocarbons largely absent. Low-
heat-flow zone coincides with Palawan Trough paleosubduction zone. High-heat-flow zone of seepage
coincides with land-derived Baram delta sediments, constituting a pseudo-accretionary prism)
Argakoesoemah, R.M.I. (2017)- Middle Eocene palaeogeography of the greater Makassar Straits region,
Indonesia: a review of Eocene source rock distribution. Proc. 41st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, IPA17-247-G, 22p.
(Review of E-M Eocene synrift sediments of Makassar Straits wells and proto-Barito and Kutai and W Sulawesi
basins, areas with similar Eocene stratigraphies. Non-marine syn-rift deposition likely initiated M Eocene, in
peripheral foreland basin, with widespread marine shales by Late Eocene. Area of well-developed lacustrine M
Eocene in E part of S Makassar Basin)
Argakoesoemah, R.M.I., H.B. Nainggolan, I. Wahyudi, A. Hidayat & M.F. Shahab (2016)- Fluvial-to-
deepwater stratigraphy and structural development of southern part of North Makassar Basin, Indonesia. Proc.
40th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA16-728-G, 23p.
(Review of Eocene- Recent stratigraphy of S part of N Makassar Basin. E Eocene non-marine synrift sequences
overlain by Late Eocene late rift and Oligocene-younger post rift deepwater deposits across basin, exception
for Paternoster Platform area. Late Early Eocene (~47 Ma) seafloor spreading initiated in Celebes Sea and
was believed to extend to SW into N Makassar Basin, but still controversial. Major inversion-uplift of
Paternoster Platform in M Miocene)
Ariyono, D., J. Kupecz, I. Sayers, C. Tanos & A. Hilman (2013)- Source rock and thermal calibration for timing
of generation and expulsion in the South Makassar Basin, Indonesia. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA13-G-160, p. 1-20.
(Hydrocarbons in wells in S Makassar Basin area (Ruby Field gas, Pangkat-1 oil, Sultan-1 gas) confirm
presence of working petroleum system. Geochemical analyses from Kelara-1, Makassar Straits-1, Martaban-1
and Pangkat-1 suggest main source in M Eocene coals and lacustrine shales. Late Eocene little or no source
potential. Hydrocarbon generation started at ~20 Ma in S Makassar Basin and 12 Ma in Pangkat Graben.
Timing of hydrocarbon generation relative to seal emplacement is critical risk for pinnacle reefs like Sultan-1)
Armandita, C. (2014)- The geometry and origin of gravity-controlled structures: mass transport complex (giant
slump) in South Makassar Strait basin. Proc. 43rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Jakarta, PIT IAGI
2014-048, 6p.
(Large, but rel. coherent Pliocene Mass Transport Complex (deep water gravity slump) identified in S
Makassar Strait Basin, with area >9000 km2 and volume of 2438 km3. Derived from NW)
Armandita, C., C.K. Morley & P. Rowell (2015)- Origin, structural geometry, and development of a giant
coherent slide: The South Makassar Strait mass transport complex. Geosphere 11, 2, p. 376-403.
(S Makassar Strait Mass Transport Complex with extensional headwall region in upper slope of Paternoster
Platform. Area of >9000 km2, volume 2438 km3, core region thickness ~1.7km. Composed of shale-dominated
sediments. With relatively coherent internal stratigraphy. Toe region deformed into thrust-related structures.
Probably caused by caused by ~2° seaward rotation of Paternoster platform in Pliocene. ~6-7 km of shortening
in toe region of MTC occurred at slow strain rate)
Azidin, N.F.N., A. Balaguru & N. Ahmad (2011)- Structural styles of the North West Sabah and West Sulawesi
fold thrust belt regions and its implication to the petroleum system- a comparison. In: Petroleum Geology
Conference and Exhibition 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Poster 23, p. 173-176. (Extended Abstract)
(Brief comparison of offshore NW Sabah foldbelt (toe thrust of delta system) and W Sulawesi foldbelt in
Makassar Straits)
Bachri, S. (2012)- Fase kompresi di Selat Makassar berdasarkan data geologi daratan, seismic laut dan citra
satelit. J. Sumber Daya Geologi 22, 3, p. 137-144.
(online at:
('Compressional phase in Makassar Straits based on geological land data, marine seismic and satellite
imagery'. Last deformation phase in Makassar Strait is compressional, unlike older extensional phase that
formed Makassar Strait. Seismic data from E part of Makassar Strait and outcrop geology in W Sulawesi show
W-verging fold-thrust system that is still active today. Thrust-fold structures in onshore E Kalimantan and
offshore W Makassar Straits show vergence to E)
Baillie, P. & J. Decker (2011)- The Makassar Straits new thoughts on an old area. Proc. 2011 SE Asia
Petroleum Expl. Soc. (SEAPEX) Conference, Singapore, 35p. (Abstract + Presentation)
(Makassar Straits formed by M Eocene extension, typical Sundaland, grabens and half-grabens. With top syn-
rift unconformity of Late Eocene (38-40 Ma) age. Basement is stretched continental crust. Deepwater sediments
deposited in response to tectonic events in adjacent Borneo and Sulawesi in Late Eocene- Neogene. M Miocene
pulse of E-directed quartzose turbidites deposited in deepwater. All petroleum system elements present)
Baillie, P. & J. Decker (2012)- Geological development of the Straits of Makassar, Indonesia. AAPG Int. Conv.
Exhib., Singapore 2012, Search and Discovery Art. 30251, p. 1-4. (Extended Abstract)
(online at:
(Makassar Straits resulted from M Eocene (42 Ma) extension, creating grabens and half-grabens in continental
or marginal marine setting. In central part of Strait up to 4km of deep marine sediment above Late Eocene (~36
Ma) top syn-rift unconformity. Turbidite sediments both W- and E-directed (major Borneo-derived pulse in E-M
Miocene; sediments from Sulawesi in latest Miocene-Pliocene. While classic turbidite sedimentation has
occurred, hyperpycnal flow from tropical river floods contributed substantially to fill of Makassar Strait)
Baillie, P., P. Gilleran, W. Clark, S.J. Moss, A. Stein, E. Hermantoro & S. Oemar (1999)- New insights into the
geological development of the deepwater Mahakam delta and Makassar Straits. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta 1999, p. 397-402.
(New non-exclusive 2D seismic survey revealed new insights into geological evolution and prospectivity of N
Makassar Straits. Neogene deepwater basin floor fans and channel complexes identified in Neogene. Near
present-day shelf edge of Mahakam Delta area discontinuous NNE-trending, E-verging imbricate fold-thrust
system, with folding age younging to E. M Eocene-Oligocene shales acted as regional decollement. Thrusts
primarily gravitational deformation of delta toe and can often be linked to extensional slope graben and
regional growth faults updip)
Baillie, P., P.A. Teas, J. Decker, D. Orange & Widjanarko (2008)- Contrasting deepwater sediment feeder
systems, Sulawesi, Indonesia. AAPG Hedberg Conference, Ushuaia-Patagonia, Argentina, Search and
Discovery Art. 90079, p. (Extended Abstract)
(Present-day deepwater depositional channel systems which drain W Sulawesi, imaged on multibeam
bathymetry: (1) high-sinuosity system draining NW into Makassar Strait from Palu Bay, and (2) low-sinuosity
system draining S into Bone Bay and E Java Sea)
Berendson, E., A. Cebastiant, D. Glenn, F. Hariyannugraha, K. Kirschner, R. May, R. Schneinder et al. (2005)-
Geocellular modelling and uncertainty qualification of reservoir properties: a deepwater laminated-sand
reservoir, Gendalo Field, Kutei Basin, Indonesia. Proc. 30th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, 1, p. 499-504.
(Makassar Strait Gendalo field ~60 km SE of Mahakam Delta in 2500’-5200’ of water. Miocene basin floor fan
sands primary pay. Broad, anticline, formed as result of Late Pliocene compression. Reservoir thin-bedded
Bernando N., H., I. Wahyudi & R.M.I. Argakoesoemah (2017)- Structural style of the southern province of
West Sulawesi fault thrust belt, and its implication for hydrocarbon exploration, Makassar Strait, Indonesia.
Proc. 41st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA17-387-G, 14p.
Burollet, P.F., R. Boichard, B. Lambert & J.M. Villain (1986)- Sedimentation and ecology of the Pater Noster
carbonate platform. Proc. 15th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 155-169.
(Pater Noster Platform broad shallow platform off SE Kalimantan. Recents sediments m-c grained carbonate
sand. Reef islands and vicinity sands composed of coral fragments, red algae, molluscs and foraminifera. Some
sheltered lows up to 80% Halimeda algae. Open marine area sands mainly forams, often larger ones. On E
slope and medium deep terraces of Massa Lima, sediments rich in planktonic foraminifera and coccoliths;
glauconite may be abundant)
Burollet, P.F. & C. Salle (1981)- Seismic reflection profiles in Makassar Strait. In: A.J. Barber & S.
Wiryosujono (eds.) The geology and tectonics of Eastern Indonesia, Proc. CCOP-IOC SEATAR Working
Group Mtg., Bandung 1979, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Spec. Publ. 2, p. 273-276.
(Brief discussion of old 1974 IFP/ Total/ Elf seismic survey across Makassar Straits)
Chudanov, D. A., A. Terry, Y. Partono & J. Inaray (2004)- Field Overview of West Seno. In: Offshore
Technology Conf. (OTC), Houston 2004, OTC-16520-MS, 8p.
(West Seno in Makassar Strait PSC in 2400- 3400' of water on slope of N Mahakam Delta discovered in 1998
and is Indonesia's first deepwater oil-gas field. First production in 2003. U Miocene reservoir sands series of
deepwater amalgamated channel and channel-levee deposits (see also Redhead et al. 2000))
Cloke, I.R., J. Milsom & D.J.B. Blundell (1999)- Implications of gravity data from East Kalimantan and the
Makassar Straits: a solution to the origin of the Makassar Straits? J. Asian Earth Sci. 17, p. 61-78.
(Gravity modeling and flexural backstripping suggest North Makassar basin underlain by M Eocene oceanic
Courel, R., G. Hollomon, M. Kim, D. Richert, C. Tiranda & P. Tognini (2011)- A re-evaluation of the South
Makassar Basin using an integrated multi-discipline approach. SEAPEX Expl. Conf., Singapore 2011,
Presentation 21, p. 1-43.
(S Makassar basin off Sulawesi in water depths averaging 2000m. Basin along SE margin of Sundaland
province and thought to be composed of extended continental crust. Initiated during early Middle-Late Eocene
back-arc rifting, creating tilted basement blocks topography, followed by Late Eocene- Oligo-Miocene
carbonate deposition. New data led to revision of age of rifting and of Neogene megasequences. Heat flow from
BSR overall higher in S Makassar Basin than in N Makassar. Bouguer gravity differences between N and S
Makassar basins may suggest presence of oceanic basement in N Makassar Strait)
Damayanti, S. & J.A. Paju (2012)- New findings and updating of petroleum systems in Makassar Strait area.
Proc. 41st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Yogyakarta, 2012-E-08, p.
(Hydrocarbon exploration in deepwater Makassar Straits in last 6 years has not come up positive results, but
cannot yet be conclusively condemned)
Decker, J., P.A. Teas, J.A. Curiale, E.A.E. Johnson & D.L. Orange (2004)- Multibeam exploration in the
Makassar Strait. In: R.A. Noble et al. (eds.) Proc. Deepwater and Frontier Exploration in Asia & Australia
Symposium, Jakarta, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, DFE.04-0R-043, p. 11-30.
(Unocal multibeam bathymetry surveys over 3 PSC blocks in Makassar Straits. Papalang and Popodi blocks off
E Kalimantan numerous anomalous seafloor bathymetry features, many characterized by gas seeps, and few oil
seeps. Sangkarang PSC off SW Sulawesi no indications of thermogenic hydrocarbons in 109 samples from 33
cores; Lombosang 1 well confirmed lack of charge in one portion of that basin)
Del Negro, R., P. Castellano, A. Kuhfuss, L. Mattioni, J. Moss & M. Vialla (2013)- Structural styles and
petroleum system modelling of the North Makassar Straits, Indonesia. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA13-G-077, p. 1-20.
(N Makassar Basin initiated with rifting in M Eocene- E Oligocene, resulting in development of NNW-SSE-
oriented en-echelon basement faults. At same time, protodelta of Mahakam River developed S of present-day
location. NW-SE trending compression started in M Miocene and continued until today. 2D basin modeling
indicates M Miocene source rocks in dry gas zone (Ro~2.0) in W to early mature (0.6<Ro<1.2) in E)
De Man, E., F. Ashby, J. Bacheller, A. Cahyono, Suriamin, J. Corthay, P. Hillock & S. Wilmot (2011)- Deep-
water site investigation- Makassar Straits (Indonesia). Proc. 35th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, IPA11-G-198, 14p.
(On pre-drill site investigation for potential geohazards at ExxonMobil exploration wells in deepwater
Makassar Strait (Rangkong, Sultan, Kris))
De Vera, J. & K. McClay (2011)- Structural styles of the West Sulawesi deep-water fold and thrust belt,
Makassar Straits, Indonesia. Berita Sedimentologi 22, p. 15. (Abstract only)
(online at:
(Active, Late Miocene/E Pliocene- Recent NE-SW-trending and NW-verging deepwater fold and thrust belt
offshore West Sulawesi in E Makassar Straits, ~250km long and as up to 75 km wide. Five structural domains
ondip sections, from NW to SE: abyssal plain, deformation front, folded domain, thrust domain and inversion
domain. Styles of deformation front controlled by inversion of Pliocene-Pleistocene extensional faults (large
anticlines resulting from reactivation of Paleocene rift structures))
Dinkelman, M.G., J. Granath, D. Bird, J. Helwig, N. Kumar & P. Emmet (2009)- Predicting the Brittle-Ductile
(B-D) transition in continental crust through deep, long offset, prestack depth migrated (PSDM), 2D seismic
data. AAPG Int. Conf. Rio de Janeiro 2009, 6p. (Extended Abstract)
(Online at:
(Deep seismic imaging allows interpretation of features in crystalline basement. Example of stretched
continental crust for S Makassar Basin, showing supracrustal faults sole out near top of seismic transparent
zone, possibility brittle-ductile transition in lower continental crust)
Dunham, J., R. Lin, A. Saller, J. Decker & T. Nicholson (2003)- Transportation and concentration of oil- and
gas-prone kerogen into deep water sediments of the Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc. (IPA) Newsl., June 2003, p. 26-30.
Dunham, J.B. & L.D. McKee (2001)- Hydrocarbon discoveries in Upper Miocene unconfined submarine fan
facies, deep-water Kutei Basin, Indonesia. Proc. 2nd Reg. Seminar Indon. Sedim. Forum (FOSI), p. 50.
Dunham, J. & Unocal Expl. Team (2016)- Deepwater discoveries in turbidite sands of the Makassar Straits,
East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. IPA 2016 Technical Symposium, Indonesia exploration: where from- where
to, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 8-TS-16, p. 1-18.
(Review of Mio-Pliocene deep-water slope channel exploration in Kutai Basin side of Makassar Straits. First
oil and gas discoveries in Merah Besar (1996) and West Seno (1998) fields, followed by deeper water Gendalo
(2000) and Ranggas (2002) discoveries. Deepest prospect in >6000' of water and >15,000' feet deep was
Gehem (2003), reaching M Miocene fan-sands with significant gas column. Substantial exploration potential
remains in M Miocene base-of-slope fan plays)
Eisma, D. (1990)- Dispersal of Mahakam River suspended sediment in Makassar Strait, Indonesia. In: V.
Ittekkot et al. (eds.) Facets of modern biogeochemistry, Springer, Berlin, p. 127-146.
Faugeres, J.C., J. Gayet & E. Gonthier (1989)- Microphysiographie des depots Quaternaires dans le detroit de
Makassar (Ocean Indien); opposition entre une marge stable (Borneo, Kalimantan) et une marge active
(Celebes, Sulawesi). Bull. Soc. Geologique France, Ser. 8, 5, 4, p. 807-818.
(‘Micro-physiography of Makassar Straits Quaternary deposits, between stable Borneo and active Sulawesi
margin’. Seabeam profiles of N Makassar Straits show passive Borneo margin with high clastic influx and
active Celebes margin with narrow shelf and less terrigenous influx)
Faugeres, J.C., J. Gayet, E. Gonthier, C.Latouche & N. Maillet (1990)- Variation des sources de sediments dans
le detroit de Makassar (Indonesie) au Quatemaire recent: role des facteurs morphostructuraux et eustatiques.
Oceanologica Acta 1990, Spec. Vol. 10, Actes du Colloque Tour du Monde Jean Charcot 1989, p. 295-306.
(online at:
('Variations in sediment sources in Makassar Straits (Indonesia) in the late Quaternary: the role of
morphostructural and eustatic factors'. Mineralogy of sediments from Makassar Straits show differences
between sediments supplied from Kalimantan in W and Sulawesi in E. Kalimantan source quartzitic sand, with
rare feldspars. Heavy minerals mainly pyroxene (hypersthene) and amphibole, clays mainly illite-kaolinite.
Sulawesi source abundant feldspars, lithoclasts and micas, with amphibole and pyroxene (augite) and illite-
chlorite clay mineraIs. During Late-Pleistocene of sealevel lowstand Mahakam River discharged directly on
shelf edge, dominating sediment supply. Rising sealevel in Holocene trapped river sediments in delta, so most
sediment supplied to Makassar Straits from steep Sulawesi margin)
Fowler, J.N., E. Guritno, P. Sherwood & M.J. Smith (2001)- Depositional architectures of Recent deep water
deposits in the Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan. Proc. 28th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1,
p. 409-422.
(Seismic facies and depositional models of Recent slope channel and basin floor fan system in NW Makassar
Fowler, J.N., E. Guritno, P. Sherwood, M.J. Smith, S. Algar et al. (2004)- Depositional architectures of Recent
deepwater deposits in the Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan. In: R.J. Davies et al. (eds.) 3D seismic technology:
application to the exploration of sedimentary basins. Geol. Soc., London, Mem. 29, p. 25-33.
(Seismic examples of slope channes and basin floor fans. Large depocentres occur where gradients are low and
system switches from confined to unconfined. Erosionally confined channels feed basin floor fans at toe-of-
slope, while channels confined by levees feed fans on 'distal' basin floor)
Fraser, T.H. & L.A. Ichram (1999)- Significance of Celebes Sea spreading centre to the Paleogene petroleum
systems of the SE Sunda Margin, Central Indonesia. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, p. 431-441.
(Celebes Sea is Eocene spreading centre active until ~37 Ma, same time as Sarawak Orogeny. About 300 km of
Paleogene Celebes oceanic crust now partly consumed by Minahasa Trench. Makassar Straits is continuation
of Celebes Sea extension. Paleogene clastics much thicker in SW Sulawesi than in Barito Basin. Source of
clastics in Sangkarang Graben proposed to be craton of west C Kalimantan. Development of S Makassar
Straits ruptured proto-Barito fluvial system which previously flowed from Kalimantan into Flores Sea)
Fraser, T.H., B.A. Jackson, P.M. Barber, P. Baillie & K. Myers (2003)- The West Sulawesi foldbelt and other
new plays within the North Makassar Straits- a prospectivity review. Proc. 29th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum
Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, G-171, p. 429-450.
Fraser, T.H., B.A. Jackson, P.M. Barber, P. Baillie & K. Myers (2003)- The West Sulawesi Foldbelt- a new
exploration play in the Makassar Straits, Indonesia. SEAPEX Press 6, p. 27-38.
(Similar to paper above. Makassar Straits formed by Paleogene rifting- sea floor spreading. Onset of
compression in Miocene, resulting in development of W Sulawesi foldbelt in Pliocene)
Gallup, D.L., P.C. Smith, J.F. Star & S. Hamilton (2005)- West Seno deepwater development case history-
production chemistry. Int. Symposium on oilfield chemistry 2005, Soc. Petrol. Engineers (SPE), SPE 92969, p.
Gartrell, A., C. Hudson & B. Evans (2005)- The influence of basement faults during extension and oblique
inversion of the Makassar Straits rift system; insights from analog models. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol.
(AAPG) Bull. 89, 4, p. 495-506.
(Analog models used to investigate influence of cross-trending basement faults on inverted rift systems like
Makassar Straits)
Gayet, J., P. Carbonel, J. Duprat, L. Labeyrie, J.C. Faugeres, E. Gonthier & J. Moyes (1990)- Impact de la
transgression holocene sur la sedimentation dans le detroit de Makassar. Oceanologica Acta, Spec. Vol. 10, p.
(online at:
(‘Impact of the Holocene transgression on sedimentation in Makassar Straits’. During glacial maximum/sea-
level low sediments deposited by turbidity currents from Kalimantan. During deglaciation/ rise of sea-level,
sediment from Kalimantan contributed to Mahakam delta or dispersed over shelf, circulation in straits slowed
down and stratification became more marked, reflecting present day monsoon system. Sulawesi input less
abundant and mineralogically different from Kalimantan material)
Gayet, J., J.C. Faugeres & E. Gonthier (1990)- La sedimentation quaternaire recente dans le detroit de
Makassar. Oceanologica Acta, Spec. Vol, 10, p. 307-320.
('Quaternary sedimentation in Makasar Straits'. Kullenberg drop cores 1.8-10m of Quaternary sediments from
50-2440m water depth in N and S Makassar Straits)
Gunawan, B.K. & S. Damayanti (2010)- New insight: basin development mechanism and tectono-stratigraphy
of Makassar Basin. Proc. HAGI-SEG Int. Geosciences Conf., Bali 2010, IGCE10-OP-138, 23p.
(Makassar Straits basin result of transtensional pull-apart tectonics, with WNW- ESE regional strike-slip faults:
Sangkulirang-Palu Koro, Adang-Lupar and S Makassar Strait faults. New tectono-stratigraphic basin fill
nomenclature proposed like 'syn-transtensional' and 'foreland'. Horsts and grabens formed in multiple periods
from M Eocene- Late Miocene, not only in M Eocene- E Oligocene: Syn-transtension 1- M Eocene- U
Oligocene, Syn-transtension 2- E Miocene- upper M Miocene, Syn-transtension 3- U Miocene)
Guntoro, A. (1999)- The formation of the Makassar Strait and the separation between SE Kalimantan and SW
Sulawesi. J. Asian Earth Sci. 17, p. 79-98.
(SE Kalimantan and W Sulawesi separated due to Eocene opening of Makassar Strait. Seismic refraction and
gravity modeling support Eocene extension and Eocene-Oligocene oceanic crust in central parts of Makassar
Straits. Makassar Strait formed by backarc spreading/ trench roll-back of Cretaceous accretionary crust,
Guntoro, A. (2000)- Makassar Strait. In: H. Darman & F.H.Sidi (eds.) Outline of the geology of Indonesia,
Chapter 6, Indonesian Association of Geologists (IAGI), Jakarta, p. 90-96.
(Makassar Straits basement characterized by strong posive isostatic gravity anomaly, suggesting oceanic
marginal basin)
Guritno, E., L. Salvadori, M. Syaiful, I. Busono, A. Mortimer, S. Hakim, J. Dunham, J. Decker & S. Algar
(2003)- Deep-water Kutei Basin: a new petroleum province. Proc. 29th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 519-540.
(Deep-water Kutei Basin Merah Besar and West Seno discoveries in toe-thrust anticlines. Development of toe-
thrust anticlines influenced deposition of reservoir, source, maturity, migration routes and traps. Mildly
structured Upper Miocene in C Province is gas prone, N Province contains oil and gas)
Hall, R., I.R. Cloke, S. Nur’aini, S.D. Puspita, S.J. Calvert & C.F. Elders (2009)- The Makassar Straits: what
lies beneath? Petroleum Geoscience 15, 2, p. 147-158.
(online at:
(Makassar Straits formed by rifting, starting in M Eocene. Structures beneath Late Eocene unconformity may
be carbonate build-ups on tilted fault blocks or volcanic edifices. Authors of this paper can not agree on
whether basement beneath straits is oceanic or extended continental)
Harjono, H. (1981)- Selat Makassar: hasil awal penelitian geologi dan geofisika marin SO-16C. J. Riset Geologi
Pertambangan (LIPI) 4, 1, p. 14-19.
(online at:
('Makassar Strait: preliminary results of marine geological and geophysical studies SO-16C'. Geophysical
survey in S Makassar Basin suggests similarities to N Makassar Basin. Oceanic basement seems to be present
in center of S Makassar Basin)
Heri, T., R. Mathers & R.A. McCarty (2009)- West Seno; the first deepwater field in Indonesia a strategy to
optimize reserves. Proc. 33rd Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA09-E-192, 15p.
(West Seno gas-oil field off E Kalimantan in 2400- 3400’ of water. Reservoirs ~50 independent compartments
in mainly Upper Miocene amalgamated deepwater channel-levee sands)
Hidayat, R., S. Husein & S.S. Surjono (2012)- Regional depositional model of South Makassar Basin
depocenter, Makassar Strait, based on seismic facies. J. Southeast Asian Applied Geol. (UGM) 4, 1, p. 42-52.
(online at:
(Seismic facies maps of synrift Eocene to post-rift Berai Lst to Miocene Warukin Fm in block off SW Sulawesi)
ISIS Petroleum Consultants/ TGS-NOPEC (2003)- CM-01 MC2D Seismic survey- Hydrocarbon potential of
the deep water Makassar Straits, Indonesia. Unpubl. Multi-client study, p.
(More detailed version of Fraser et al. (2003) papers. N Makassar Basin on Cretaceous accretionary crust,
followed by E-M Eocene (50-42) Ma rifting, 42 Ma breakup, Late Eocene/ 42-38 Ma sea floor spreading with
volcanic centers along spreading axes/ transfer faults, Oligocene (38-20.5 Ma) sag phase)
Isnawati, D. Sunarjanto, Julikah & S. Munadi (2006)- Optimistic view for hydrocarbon exploration in South
Makassar Basin. Proc. Int. Geosc. Conf. Exhib., Jakarta 2006, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), 06-PG-06, 4p.
(Paleogene rifting between Kalimantan and Sulawesi created conditions for generation of hydrocarbons)
Jackson, B.A. (2004)- Seismic evidence for gas hydrates in the North Makassar basin, Indonesia. Petroleum
Geoscience 10, p. 227-238.
(Gas hydrates suggested by bottom simulating reflectors (BSR), primarily in offshore extension of W Sulawesi
Fold Belt. Turbidites in fold belt mini-basins provide reservoir and source of organic material for production of
biogenic methane gas. Geothermal gradients from BSR database av 4.7°C/100m)
Johansen, K., S. Maingarm & A. Pichard (2007)- Hydrocarbon potential of the South Makassar Basin,
Indonesia. Proc. SE Asia Petroleum Expl. Soc. (SEAPEX) Conf. 2007, Singapore, 43p. (Abstract +
(S Makassar Basin unexplored area in 1000-2000m water. Sulawesi Fold Belt to E, Paternoster Platform to W
and E Java Sea/Doang Platform to S. Separated from N Makassar Basin by Adang strike slip Fault Zone. S
Makassar rift basins part of Eocene extensional phase from C Java to onshore S Sulawesi. Half graben syn-rift
fill two seismic facies: lower main rift non marine clastics, upper sequence late syn-rift or early post rift marine
clastics. Syn-rift fill >2 km thick and potential source rock. DHI’s and gas anomalies indicate active petroleum
system. Structural plays mainly defined by Eocene rift phase. Main reservoirs Oligocene carbonates and
Eocene- E Oligocene clastics over basement highs. Platform carbonates and pinnacle type reefs may have
better reservoirs. Oligocene-E Miocene turbidities possible secondary play. Post-rift thermal subsidence
resulted in 3-4 km of mudstone- shales. Late Miocene-Pliocene compressional tectonics resulted in minor
deformation of S Makassar Basin, resulting in N-S trending folds and thrusts along Sulawesi Fold Belt)
Kacewicz, M., J. Decker, R. Lin, C. Stuart, P. Taylor & E. Johnson (2002)- A new regional heat flow and
hydrocarbon migration model for the Kutei Basin and Central Makassar Straits. AAPG Ann. Mtg., Houston,
Texas (Abstract).
(New heat flow model based on crustal stretching in deepwater Kutei basin and C Makassar Straits. Heat flow
varies from 32-44mW/m2 in shallow water to 45- 52 mW/m2 in deepwater at present. No significant difference
between deepwater heat flow N and S of Mahakam delta and no basinward cooling)
Kapid, R., K.T. Dewi & A. Muller (2004)- New biostratigraphic sub-biozonation for Indonesia, derived from
calcareous nannoplankton and ostracode assemblage in Makassar Strait. 5th Int. Conf. Asean Marine Geology,
Bangkok 2004, p.
Kirschner, K. & S.F. Walden (2004)- A case study: gas in place sensitivities from geocellular modeling of the
Gendalo Field, Ganal PSC. In: R.A. Noble et al. (eds.) Proc. Deepwater and frontier exploration in Asia &
Australia Symposium, Jakarta, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, DFE04-PO-054, 5p.
(Modeling of Gendalo Field deepwater gas field off Mahakam Delta. Water depths 3500’-5000’. Two deep
water turbiditic sand intervals)
Kupecz, J., I. Sayers, P. Tognini, A. Hilman, C. Tanos & D. Ariyono (2013)- New insights into the tectono-
stratigraphic evolution of the South Makassar Basin. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, IPA13-G-158, p. 1-41.
(Updated regional tectono-stratigraphic model for S Makassar Basin. Four mega-sequences in M Eocene- M
Miocene: (1) M Eocene (45-37 Ma) extension, creating half-grabens with NW-SE orientation, such as Pangkat-
1 area; (2) more widespread extension in Late Eocene- E Oligocene (37-28 Ma; possibly to 20 Ma), evidenced
by NNE-SSW trending Taka Talu Graben, etc.; (3) drop in relative sea-level at start of E Oligocene, with
erosion of carbonate platform deposits from Paternoster Platform and re-deposition in bathyal Pangkat Graben
as debris flows (Ruby Field); (4) second major lowstand occurred from E-M Miocene (20-12 Ma), coinciding
with demise of carbonates in area. Pro-delta sediments prograded from NW to SE, filling Pangkat Graben,
backstepping onto Paternoster platform, and prograding into S Makassar Basin)
Lelono, E. B. (2007)- Palinomorf Eosen dari Selat Makasar. Lembaran Publikasi Lemigas 41, 2, p. 1-10.
('Eocene palynomorphs from C Makassar Straits'. Interval 8100’-11850’ of 'Well O' in Makassar Straits with
Eocene age palynomorphs, incl. Proxapertites operculatus, P. cursus, Palmaepollenites kutchensis,
Lin, R., A. Saller, J. Dunham, P. Teas, J. Curiale, M. Kacewicz & J. Decker (2005)- Source, generation,
migration and critical controls on oil vs. gas in the deepwater Kutei petroleum systems. Proc. 30th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 447-466.
(Kutei Basin deep water geochemical analyses indicate that allochthonous land-plant organic matter is source
of hydrocarbons. TOC 1%- >50% with hydrogen indices between 100- 400. Overall kerogen assemblages type
III and subordinate type II, consistent with gas condensate to gas volatile oil system. No marine algal remains
evident. Gases mainly thermogenic; mixing of 'biogenic' methane and CO2 in some shallow Pliocene
reservoirs. Generation of oil and gas mostly at 'oil window' maturities)
Lumadyo, E. (1999)- Deep-water exploration in the Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan. In: C.A. Caughey & J.V.C.
Howes (eds.) Proc. Conf. Gas habitats of SE Asia and Australasia, Jakarta 1998, Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), p. 205-209.
(Summary of Unocal deep water Makassar Straits evaluation)
Lunt, P. & J.T. van Gorsel (2013)- Geohistory analysis of South Makassar. Berita Sedimentologi 28, p. 14-24.
(online at:
(S Makassar Straits Basin after initial rifting of grabens there were four major unconformities that affected
sedimentation, and all thought to be controlled by tectonism: (1) ~39 Ma (late M Eocene) with accelerated
rifting on distal margins of Sundaland; (2) 36 Ma (early Late Eocene) with rapid localized subsidence in S
Makassar Straits basin; (3) 34 Ma (near Eocene- Oligocene boundary), with onset of Berai Limestone in W and
strongly reduced rates of deep-water sedimentation throughout Makassar- Spermonde area; and (4) ~24 Ma
(near Oligocene-Miocene boundary), with start of new clastic phase with high rates of sedimentation.)
Malecek, S.J. & P. Lunt (1996)- Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of Middle-Late Miocene lowstand sands
in the Makassar Strait, offshore east Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: C.A. Caughey, D.C. Carter et al. (eds.) Proc.
Int. Symp. Sequence stratigraphy in Southeast Asia, Jakarta 1995, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), p. 369-379.
(Lowstand deepwater sands reservoirs in M-L Miocene of Makassar Straits off Kalimantan. Depositional
patterns and correlations on slope and basin floor modified by compressional folding and faulting, most evident
in M Miocene and older sections. Also deformed by growth faulting and shale diapirism in much of Late
Miocene and younger section. With Teritis- Perintis wells correlation)
Malecek, S.J., C.M. Reaves, W.S. Atmaja & K.O.Widiantara (1993)- Seismic stratigraphy of Miocene and
Pliocene age outer shelf and slope sedimentation in the Makassar PSC, Offshore Kutei Basin. Proc. 22nd Ann.
Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 345-371.
(Sequence stratigraphic framework for Miocene-Pliocene age outer shelf, slope and basin floor sediments in
Makassar PSC. No detailed stratigraphy)
McKee, D. & J. Dunham (2004)- Does 2D seismic still have a role in frontier exploration? A perspective from
the deepwater Kutei Basin. In: R.A. Noble et al. (eds.) Proc. Symp. Deepwater and frontier exploration in Asia
and Australasia, Jakarta, Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), p. 59-69.
(Deepwater Makassar Straits 2D seismic identified 11 prospects, 10 drilled, 5 successful)
Morley, R.J., J. Decker, H.P. Morley & S. Smith (2006)- Development of high resolution biostratigraphic
framework for Kutei Basin. Proc. Jakarta 2006 Int. Geosci. Conf. Exh., Indon. Petroleum Assoc., PG 27, 6p.
(28 sequences identified in M Miocene- Pleistocene of Makassar Straits)
Morley, R.J. & H.P. Morley (2011)- Neogene climate history of the Makassar Straits, Indonesia. In: R. Hall,
M.A. Cottam & M.E.J. Wilson (eds.) The SE Asian gateway: history and tectonics of Australia-Asia collision,
Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 355, p. 319-332.
(Neogene climate history of Makassar Straits from palynological studies of Late Quaternary cores from ocean
floor and petroleum exploration wells penetrating E Pleistocene- M Miocene section. Distinctly seasonal
Morley, R.J., H.P. Morley, A.A.H. Wonders, Sukarno & S. van der Kaars (2004)- Biostratigraphy of modern
(Holocene and Late Pleistocene) sediment cores from Makassar Straits. In: R.A. Noble et al. (eds.) Proc.
Deepwater and frontier exploration in Asia and Australasia, Indon. Petrol Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta 2004, 11p.
(Palynology and foraminifera from two shallow Late Pleistocene- Holocene cores from Makassar Straits and
offshore SW Sulawesi)
Moss, S.J., W. Clark, P.W. Baillie, I. Cloke, A.E. Hermantoro & S. Oemar (2000)- Tectono-stratigraphic
evolution of the North Makassar Basin, Indonesia. AAPG Int. Conf. Bali 2000, p. A-63, 3p. (Extended abstract)
(New seismic in Makassar Straits indicates M Eocene extension and sufficient rifting to generate seafloor
spreading in deeper parts of N Makassar Straits. Evidence for oceanic crust underlying parts of N Makassar
Straits includes rugose nature of top basement and volcanic topography (seamounts). N Makassar Basin is M
Eocene marginal oceanic basin formed with extension of W Philippines Sea- Celebes Sea spreading ridge into
E Borneo/W Sulawesi margin. Interpretation in line with plate tectonic, gravity modeling and paleogeographic
reconstructions. Four prominent seismic stratigraphic markers in N Makassar represent major phases of basin
development from early extension to present-day contractional tectonics)
Musgrove, F.W., R. Avianto & R. Schneider (1999)- Construction and destruction at a deepwater slope seabed:
implications for reservoir models in the Makassar Strait, offshore East Kalimantan. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 415-429.
(High frequency data of present-day deepwater sea bed useful for models of deepwater deposition)
Nainggolan, H.B., R.M.I. Argakoesoemah, I. Wahyudi, A. Hidayat & M.F. Shahab (2015)- Structural
description of Adang Fault, Makasar Strait, Indonesia. Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, IPA15-G-157, 11p.
(Adang Fault along N flank of Paternoster Platform, S part of N Makassar Basin, is high-angle, NW-SE
trending transtensional dextral strike-slip fault. Many of fault splays reach sea floor, suggesting recent activity.
After syn-rift deposition in Late Eocene inversion/uplift of Peternoster Platform starting in E Miocene, resulting
in Oligocene carbonate debris partially flushed towards deepwater basin; uplift peaked in M Miocene)
Nicolini E., D. Spinelli, F. Paone, A. Marceglia, A. Mashedi A, F. Paoni, R. Canever, F. Felappi & C. Monti
(2012)- A wide detailed geophysical survey of offshore Makassar Strait. Proc. 36th Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA12-G-127, p. 1-14.
(Shallow seabed seismic surveyand bathymetry around new Jangkrik field on upper slope in ~150-450m water
depth, 605km offshore in Makassar Strait, SE of Mahakam delta, E Kalimantan)
Nur' Aini, S., R. Hall & C.F. Elders (2005)- Basement architecture and sedimentary fill of the North Makassar
Straits basin. Proc. 30th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 483-497.
(2D seismic, gravity and well data over N Makassar Strait extensional basin shown-echelon faults bounding
disconnected NNW-SSE trending half-graben and graben depocentres, most likely produced by oblique rifting.
Principal extension direction E-W. Rifting M- Late Eocene. Crust beneath N MS interpreted to be continental.
Three postrift megasequences: (1) Late Eocene- Oligocene, (2) E-M Miocene prograding delta after uplift of
Kalimantan, (3) Late Miocene with turbidite interval in central part of basin. E Pliocene increase sediment
supply from E as result of W-ward propagation of W Sulawesi fold- thrust belt)
Nurusman, S. (1986)- Etude geothermique des bassins profonds du detroit de Makassar (Indonesie).
Implications geodynamiques. Doct. Thesis, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, p. 1-175. (Unpublished)
(Geothermal study of Makassar Straits and geodynamic implications. Yuwono et al. 1988: Makassar Straits
rifting caused thinning of continental crust without significant opening)
Nurusman, S. (1990)- Heatflow measurements in the deep basins of the Makassar Strait (Indonesia). In: B.
Elishewitz (ed.) Proc. CCOP Heat Flow Workshop III, Bangkok 1988, CCOP Techn. Publ. 21, p. 27-38.
Panjaitan, S. (2003)- Kemungkinan adanya minyak dan gas alam dari data gayaberat bagian Timur cekungan
Selat Makassar Utara daerah Pasangkayu, Sulawesi Selatan. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 13, 137, p. 18-30.
('Oil and gas possibilities from gravity data in the eastern part of the North Makassar Straits basin,
Pasangkayu area, S Sulawesi')
Pireno, G.E. (2014)- Perkembangan porositas dan permeabilitas batugamping fragmental endapan laut dalam di
daerah Paparan Paternoster, Cekungan Makassar Selatan. Ph.D. Dissertation Inst. Teknologi Bandung (ITB), p.
1- . (Unpublished)
('The development of porosity and permeability of deep marine detrital limestones marine sediment in the area
of the Paternoster Platform, South Makassar Basin')
Pireno, G.E., C. Cook, D. Yuliong & S. Lestari (2009)- Berai Carbonate debris flow as reservoir in the Ruby
Field, Sebuku Block, Makassar Straits: a new exploration play in Indonesia. Proc. 33rd Ann. Conv. Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA09-G-005, 19p.
(Ruby Field, originally discovered in 1974 with Makassar Straits 1 well. Located in NW-SE trending W
Makassar Graben, at S side of Paternoster Platform. Inversion structure? in NW-SE trending W Makassar
Graben. Reservoir Upper Berai Fm Late Oligocene- earliest Miocene re-deposited carbonate, derived from
Paternoster Platform in NE)
Pireno, G.E. & D.N. Darussalam (2010)- Petroleum system overview of the Sebuku Block and the surrounding
area: potential as a new oil and gas province in South Makassar Basin, Makassar Straits. Proc. 34th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA10-G-169, p. 673-688.
(Overview of SW Makassar Straits petroleum system. Source rocks Eocene Lw Tanjung Fm lacustrine shale
(Pangkat 1) and fluvio-deltaic coaly beds (Martaban 1). Potential reservoir rocks Lw Tanjung Fm sandstones,
Berai Fm carbonates (reefal facies, Berlian-1; carbonate debris, Ruby Field) and U Warukin Fm carbonates)
Pireno, G.E., E. Suparka, D. Noeradi & A. Ascaria (2015)- Porosity and permeability development of the deep-
water Late-Oligocene carbonate debris reservoir in the surroundings of the Paternoster Platform, South
Makassar Basin, Indonesia. J. Engineering Technol. Sci. (ITB), 47, 6, p. 640-657.
(online at:
(Ruby Field gas discovery in Late Oligocene Berai Fm deep marine, re-deposited carbonate debris reservoir
near Paternoster Platform. Limestone clasts range from pebble-size to boulders in matrix of micrite and fine
bioclasts. Matrix-supported facies better porosity- permeability than clast-supported facies. Porosity generally
moldic and vuggy, resulting from dissolution, and controlled by deep-burial diagenesis by dewatering of
underlying Lower Berai Fm bathyal shales and overlying Lower Warukin shales during burial)
Posamentier, H.W., P.S.W. Meizarwin & T. Plawman (2000)- Deep-water depositional systems ultra-deep
Makassar Strait, Indonesia. In: P. Weimer, R.M. Slatt et al. (eds.) Deep-water reservoirs of the world, Gulf
Coast Section SEPM Found. (GCSSEPM), Proc. Annual Bob F. Perkins Research Conf. 20, p. 806-816.
(Deep water environment in Makassar Strait characterized by abundant turbidite, debrite and sediment wave
deposits. Depositional elements deposited in deep-water depositional sequences as: 1) debris flow sheets/lobes
at base, 2) distributary channels or frontal splays, 3) leveed channels, capped by 4) less widespread debris flow
sheets or lobes. Miocene- Pleistocene leveed channels common in >2000m water depth, and characterized by
moderate-high sinuosity and range in width from <250m- 1 km, and are associated with overbank wedges with
abundant sediment waves, best developed on outer bends of channel meanders. Leveed channels feed and
overlie distributary channel complexes (= submarine fans; JTvG), which can be >10 km wide and >80m thick.
Amalgamated debris flow sheets up to 150m thick and >20 km wide)
Prasetya, G.S, W.P. De Lange & T.R. Healy (2001)- The Makassar Strait tsunamigenic region, Indonesia.
Natural Hazards 24, 3, p. 295-307.
Prelat, A., J.A. Covault, D.M. Hodgson, A. Fildani & S.S. Flint (2010)- Intrinsic controls on the range of
volumes, morphologies, and dimensions of submarine lobes. Sedimentary Geology 232, p. 66-76.
(Comparisons of submarine fan lobe dimensions from six different systems, including Pleistocene fan of Kutai
basin/ W Makassar Straits (mainly from data in Saller et al. 2004, 2008). Pleistocene basin floor fan 22x22 km
across, deposited during period of low sea level that ended at ~240 ka, fed by paleo-Santan River, N of
Mahakam river. Main depocentre of fan located where seabed gradient decreases from 2.1° (slope) to 0.3°
(basin floor), basinward of toe-trust belt)
Przywara, M., J. McArdle & A. Sola (2016)- New insights into the North Makassar Basin: revitalizing the data
brings new prospectivity. Proc. 40th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA16-523-G, 4p.
(Mainly PGS brochure for reprocessed seismic dataset in deepwater N Makassar Straits off NE Kalimantan)
Redhead, R.B., E. Lumadyo, A. Saller, J.T. Noah, T.J. Brown, Y. Yusri, J. Inaray et al. (2000)- West Seno field
discovery, Makassar Straits, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: P. Weimer et al. (eds.) Deep-water reservoirs of
the world, Gulf Coast Section SEPM 20th Ann. Res. Conf., p. 862-876.
(West Seno 1998 Unocal discovery in 730-975m water depth, NE of Mahakam Delta. W Seno 2 discovery well
encountered>59m of oil-bearing sandstones, W Seno-1 well >113 m of oil and gas bearing sandstones in
adjacent downthrown fault block. Reservoirs M-U Miocene turbiditic channel sandstones, associated with
interbedded, levee-overbank sand/shale sequences, deposited in mid-slope position. Fault and stratigraphically
trapped in an updip position. Porosity 22-32%, permeability 150-1500 mD. Oil and gas derived from mainly
terrestrial plant organic material. Oils API gravity 35-46°)
Rousseau, M., V. Guerin, F. Sapin, D. Restiadi, C. Malla-Meidianna & J.M. Gaulier (2015)- South Makassar
Basin: 3D thermal modeling- implication for future exploration. Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc.
(IPA), Jakarta, IPA15-G-262, p. 1-15.
(S Makassar Basin is rift basin initiated in Eocene, subsequently inverted since E Miocene (incl. M Miocene
uplift/ inversion in Paternoster High. Three exploration wells found mainly gas, suggesting S Makassar Basin
essentially gas prone, but 3D thermal model suggest significant oil rim may exist in periphery of basin)
Ruzuar, A.P., R. Schneider, A.H. Saller & J.T. Noah (2005)- Linked lowstand delta to basin-floor fan
deposition, Offshore East Kalimantan: an analogue for deepwater reservoir systems. Proc. 30th Ann. Conv.
Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 467-482.
Saller, A. (2013)- Pleistocene shelf-to-basin depositional systems, offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia: insights
into deep-water slope channels and fans. AAPG Distinguished Lecture, 2012-2013 Lecture Series, Search and
Discovery Art. 50847, 52p. (Abstract + Presentation)
(online at:
(3D seismic data y of Pleistocene shelf margin, slope and basin offshore E Kalimantan/ Makassar Straits.
Clastic sequences on shelf dominated by progradational packages deposited during highstands and falling
eustatic sea level. During last two sealevel lowstands (~18 and ~130 ka), coarse lastics generally not deposited
in deep-water because lowstand deltas did not prograde over underlying shelf margin. During lowstand of ~240
ka, deltas prograded over previous shelf edge, and sand-rich sediments spilled onto slope. Channel-levee
complexes on slopes where deltaic sediment supply was large (paleo-Mahakam River); incised valleys/canyons
on slopes with limited clastic input. Basin floor deposits dominated by mass-transport complexes, suggesting
slope valleys and canyons formed by mass failures of slope, not erosion associated with turbidite sands)
Saller, A. (2017)- Mixed carbonates and siliciclastics North of the Mahakam Delta, Offshore East Kalimantan,
Indonesia. AAPG Ann. Conv. Exhib., Houston 2017, Poster, Search and Discovery Art. 1393, 5p. (Abstract +
Poster presentation)
(online at:
Saller, A.H., T. Brown, R.B. Redhead, H.F. Schwing & J. Inaray (2000)- Deepwater depositional facies and
their reservoir characteristics, West Seno Field, offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia. AAPG Int. Conf.
Abstracts, American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 84, 9, p. 1484-1485. (Abstract only)
(Upper Miocene deepwater strata between 7500-8800’ in West Seno Field about 27% sand, f-vf-grained and
poorly sorted, deposited in middle- upper slope channel-levee complexes. Massive sands best reservoirs (av.
porosity 29.3%, perm 630 mD), deposited as channel-fills or splay deposits. 'High resistivity-terrigenous' shales
with thin silt and sand laminae interpreted as lowstand overbank deposits. Massive to burrowed, 'low-
resistivity-hemipelagic' shales widespread and interpreted as transgressive and highstand deposits. Very thin
sheets of coaly fragments locally abundant immediately above and within sand beds)
Saller, A. & I.N.W. Dharmasamadhi (2012)- Controls on the development of valleys, canyons, and unconfined
channel-levee complexes on the Pleistocene slope of East Kalimantan. Marine Petroleum Geol. 29, 1, p. 15-34.
(Contrasting depositional patterns on Pleistocene deepwater slopes of offshore E Kalimantan: (1) in N
dominated by deep valleys and canyons (relatively ‘starved’ for siliciclastic sediment); (2) central slope
dominated by unconfined channel-levee complexes (large amounts of sediments from Mahakam Delta during
Pleistocene lowstands)
Saller, A., I.N.W. Dharmasamadhi, T. Lilburn & R. Earley (2010)- Seismic geomorphology of submarine
slopes; channel-levee complexes versus slope valleys and canyons, Pleistocene, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In:
L.J. Wood, T.T. Simo & N.C. Rosen (eds.) Seismic imaging of depositional and geomorphic systems, Gulf
Coast Sect. SEPM, Ann. Perkins Research Conf. 30, Houston, p. 433-471
(3-D seismic images of Pleistocene deepwater slope channels E of Mahakam Delta. Channel-levee complexes
developed where sediment supply was high; erosional channels where siliciclastic input rel. low)
Saller, A., R. Lin & J. Dunham (2006)- Leaves in turbidite sands: the main source of oil and gas in the deep-
water Kutei Basin, Indonesia. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 90, 10, p. 1585-1608.
(Hydrocarbons in Kutei basin derived from land-plant source material. Leaf fragments in turbidite sandstones
look like main source of deep-water oil and gas)
Saller, A. & J. Noah (2005)- Sequence stratigraphy of a linked shelf to basin floor system, Pleistocene, north
Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proc. Soc. Econ. Geoph. (SEG) 2005 Conv., Houston, 4p. (Extended
(Pleistocene lowstand delta-canyon- basin-floor fan system, 240 ka old. The 18 and 130 ka lowstand deltas did
not reach slope)
Saller, A., J.T. Noah, A.P. Ruzuar & R. Schneider (2004)- Linked lowstand delta to basin-floor fan deposition,
offshore Indonesia; an analog for deep-water reservoir systems. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull.
88, 1, p. 21-46.
(3D seismic study of Pleistocene lowstand delta to basin floor deposition offshore E Kalimantan. Reflectors
traced downslope from lowstand delta to basin-floor fan in last three Pleistocene cycles (each 110 k.y. in
duration). During sea level lowstand at ~240 ka, delta prograded over previous shelf edge and sand-rich
sediments spilled onto slope. Slope canyon connects 240-ka lowstand delta to coeval basin-floor fan. Canyon
fill lower amalgamated channel complex and upper channel-levee complex. Lower part of basin-floor fan broad
lobes with relatively continuous reflectors. Higher part sinuous channel-levee complex that prograded over
lower fan and fed sheetlike lobes on outermost fan. Lowstand strata do not onlap slope but extend from last
clinoforms of lowstand deltas)
Saller, A., K. Werner, F. Sugiaman, A. Cebastiant, R. May, D. Glenn & C. Barker (2008)- Characteristics of
Pleistocene deep-water fan lobes and their application to an upper Miocene reservoir model, offshore East
Kalimantan, Indonesia. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 92, 7, p. 919-949.
(Late Pleistocene basin-floor fan seismic study to provide analog for deep-water fields off E Kalimantan.
Pleistocene basin-floor fan ~170m thick, 22 km across, and with 18 lobes. Average lobe size 3.8x 7.2 km and
34m thick. Lobes contain sheetlike splays, distributary channels and younger incised channels. U Miocene
Gendalo 1020 reservoir composed of turbidite sands draped over anticline. Gross reservoir interval 50-150m
thick thin-bedded turbidite sands with net-to-gross ~50%)
Sardjono (1999)- Crustal structure of the Makassar Strait implication for geodynamics processes. Proc. 24th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geophys. (HAGI), Surabaya, p. 3-10.
Sardjono (2000)- Gravity field and structure of the crust beneath the Makassar Strait, Central Indonesia. AAPG
Int. Conf. Exhib., Bali. (Abstract only)
(Basement of Makassar Strait attenuated continental crustal rocks and probably also parts of upper mantle.
Basins with up to 15,000m sediment and water depth of 2000-3000m. SEASAT data show trends and structure
of crust, indicating stretching of continental crust in or before Miocene but tectonic polarity changed, probably
in Late Miocene. Buckling-up of lower crustal rocks, suggests regional stretching ceased and regional
compression prevailing until today. No figures)
Sassen, R. & J.A. Curiale (2006)- Microbial methane and ethane from gas hydrate nodules of the Makassar
Strait, Indonesia. Organic Geochem. 37, 8, p. 977-980.
(White gas hydrate nodules in piston cores from Borneo side of deep water Makassar Strait. Hydrocarbon
99.9% methane and traces of microbial ethane, relatively depleted in 13C. Detrital higher-plant material likely
source of microbial methane-ethane, formed by in-situ reduction of CO2 by extremophile bacteria adapted to
high pressure. Hydrate several 100m above base of gas hydrate stability zone. Nodular hydrate associated with
seafloor authigenic carbonate and chemosynthetic clams characteristic of deep cold vent sites)
Satyana, A.H. (2015)- Rifting history of the Makassar Straits: new constraints from wells penetrating the
Basement and oils discovered in Eocene section- implications for further exploration of West Sulawesi
Offshore. Proc. 39th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA15-G-104, p. 1-35.
(New basement penetrations in N Makassar Straits by wells: Rangkong-1 and Kaluku-1 suggest basement of
Makassar Straits is Paternoster-W Sulawesi microcontinent, thinned due to rifting from E-M Eocene to E
Miocene, as response to back-arc rifting related to subduction roll back in SE Sundaland. Eocene rifted
grabens and horsts were sites for shallow lacustrine sources, sandstone reservoirs, and traps)
Schwing, H.F. (1999)- Deep-water exploration in the Kutei basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: Palawan 99
Int. Conf., p.
Sebayang, D., E. Guritno & B. September (2004)- Seismofacies comparison of deepwater sequences:
Pleistocene to Recent Examples from Offshore North Sumatra and Kutei Basins, Indonesia. In: R.A. Noble et
al. (eds.) Proc. Deepwater and frontier exploration in Asia and Australasia symposium, Jakarta 2004, Indon.
Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), p. 349-360.
(Basic paper on deep water channel-levee complexes)
Sherwood, P., S. Algar, G. Goffey, I. Busono, J.N. Fowler, J. Francois, M.J. Smith & A. Strong (2001)-
Comparison of recent and Mio-Pliocene deep water deposits in the Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan. Proc. 28th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, 1, p. 423-438.
(Deepwater Kutei Basin (Makassar Straits) seismic examples of slope and basin floor sediments)
Siringoringo, L.P. & D. Noeradi (2016)- The Paleogene tectonostratigraphy of northern part Masalima Trench
Basin. J. Geoscience Engineering Environm. Technol. (JGEET) 1, 1, p. 7-24.
(online at:
(N part of Masalima Trench Basin in S end of Makassar Straits and extends to NE part of Java Sea. N part of
Masalima Trench Basin formed by NE-SW normal faults with early syn rift sediment (M Eocene), deep marine
late syn rift (Late Eocene- E Oligocene) and deep marine post rift (E Oligocene- E Miocene). Basement in
'Alpha well' red radiolaria chert, presumably tectonic melange, in 'Beta well' (on high) metasediments with K-
Ar age of 131 +/- 7 Ma (Lower Cretaceous))
Situmorang, B. (1977)- The Makassar Trough regional geology and hydrocarbon prospects. Lemigas Scientific
Contr. 1, 1, p. 3-20.
(N and S Makassar basins originated as continental rift in triple-junction rift-system. Classified as marginal
sea, flanked in W by Asian continental margin and by volcanic arc of Sulawesi in E. Strongly positive gravity
anomalies suggest it is underlain by oceanic crust. Melawi-Ketungau basins of Kalimantan possible third arm
of triple junction rift system. Possible presence of turbiditic reservoir rocks, and favorable conditions for
accumulation of organic matter during initial rifting stage of seafloor spreading suggest Makassar basins may
be highly prospective)
Situmorang, B. (1982)- The formation and evolution of the Makassar Basin, Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis Chelsea
College, University of London, p. 1-313. (Unpublished)
Situmorang, B. (1982)- The formation of the Makassar Basin as determined from subsidence curves. Proc. 11th
Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 83-107.
(Subsidence of Makassar Basin compatible with McKenzie stretching model. Basin formation started with
rifting in E-M Eocene or earlier, continuing until E Miocene. Rifting ceased by end of E Miocene, and since
then >6 km of sediments deposited across basin without significant deformation. Oceanic crust will occur at
stretching factor of 2.9, corresponding to present water depth of >3.2 km. No such water depths, so basin
underlain by thinned continental crust (but includes sediment thickness?; JTvG))
Situmorang, B. (1984)- Formation, evolution, and hydrocarbon prospects of the Makassar Basin, Indonesia. In:
S.T. Wilson (ed.) Trans. Third Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Conference, Honolulu 1982,
American Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG), p. 227-232.
(Makassar Straits subsidence explained by stretching of continental crust by factor of 2.0- 2.9. Initially fault-
controlled subsidence started in E-M Eocene, or possibly earlier. Active crustal stretching lasted until end of E
Miocene; thermally controlled subsidence since M Miocene. Predicted crustal thickness in central part of basin
15 km. Assuming heatflow of 1.6 HFU Pre-Lower Miocene reached maturity for hydrocarbon generation. With
seismic profile 605)
Situmorang, B. (1989)- Crustal structure of the Makassar basin as interpreted from gravity anomalies:
implications for basin origin and evolution. Lemigas Scientific Contr. 13, 1, p. 10-24.
(Gravity, well subsidence data and seismic data of (South) Makassar Basin interpreted to suggest it is underlain
by highly attenuated continental crust with average thickness of 15km (but central zones of line A-A' in South
Makassar basin E of Paternoster Platform modeled as ~8-9 km crustal thickness= oceanic crust thickness?;
JTvG). Continental rifting during M Eocene- E Miocene, followed by thermal subsidence)
South, D., G. Toxopeus & B. Myhren (2013)- Karama PSC well results-a lesson learned on provenance and
seismic imaging of deepwater systems. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, IPA13-
G-070, p. 1-7.
(Karama block off W Sulawesi in N Makassar Strait multiple prospects (bright seismic amplitudes in Late
Miocene- E Pliocene section in young foldbelt structures). Sediments sourced from Sulawesi hinterland, with
deep-water fans and debris flow identified from 3D seismic data. Three wells drilled on interpreted sand
fairways showed bright seismic amplitudes not sand but siltstones, greywacke sandstones with no to poor
reservoir properties)
Subroto, E. A., D. Noeradi A. Priyono, H.E. Wahono, E. Hermanto & M. Syaifuddin (2007)- Preliminary study
on Paleozoic and Mesozoic source rocks in the frontier offshore South Makassar basin, Indonesia. In: Y. Wang
& T.D. Bullen (eds.) Proc. 12th Int. Symposium on Water-rock interaction, Kunming 2007, Taylor and Francis,
London, 2, Chapter 188, p. 905-908.
(Oil and and gas known from onshore and offshore S Makassar Basin, but source rocks not established yet.
Most likely source in basin Eocene- Oligocene sediments and, possibly also Miocene. Samples from exploration
wells suggest most samples have not reached oil window. Basin modeling suggest Eocene sediments mature
from peak oil to dry gas window, Miocene sediments range from barely mature to peak of oil generation
(Misleading title?; JTvG))
Tanos, C.A. (2011)- Diagenetic effects on reservoir properties in a carbonate debris deposit: case study in the
Berai Limestone, “M” Field, Makassar Strait, Indonesia. Bull. Earth Sci. Thailand 4, 2, p. 17-24.
(online at:
(S Makassar Straits 'M' gas field (= Ruby/ Makassar Straits) developed in Oligocene- E Miocene Berai Fm
carbonate slope debris reservoirs. With multistage diagenetic and tectonic evolution, incl. phase of late deep
burial leaching)
Tanos, C.A., J. Kupecz, A.S. Hilman, D. Ariyono & I.L. Sayers (2013)- Diagenesis of carbonate debris deposits
from the Sebuku Block, Makassar Strait, Indonesia. Proc. 37th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA),
Jakarta, IPA13-G-159, p. 1-18.
(Ruby Field, SW Makassar Strait, will be developed from Late Oligocene carbonate debris flow reservoirs.
Reservoir facies mainly matrix- and clast-supported breccias. Debris deposits correspond to two global sea
level lowstands (Chattian-1; 28 Ma) and Burdigalian-1; 20 Ma). Adjacent feature (NW Ruby-1) unexpectedly
dry, and, unlike Ruby Field, did not undergo extensive late dissolution, and may also have been isolated from
lateral hydrocarbon migration)
Tanos, C.A., J. Kupecz, S. Lestari, J.K. Warren & A. Baki (2012)- Depositional and diagenetic effects on
reservoir properties in carbonate debris deposits: comparison of two debris flows within the Berai Formation,
Makassar Strait, Indonesia. AAPG Int. Conf. Exhib., Singapore 2012, Search and Discovery Art. 50768, p.
(online at:
Teague, R., J.T. Noah, R. Redhead, M. Swanson, T. Brown & N. Briedis (1999)- Merah Besar and West Seno
Field discoveries, Makassar Strait, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. AAPG Int. Conf. Exh. Abstracts, American
Assoc. Petrol. Geol. (AAPG) Bull. 83, 8, p. 1343.
(First Indonesia deep water discoveries by Unocal in 1996 and 1998 in toe-thrust anticlines with stratigraphic
trapping components. Merah Besar in 1700' - 2700' of water, 40 km2, productive reservoirs between 4000-
9500’ TVD in Pliocene and Upper Miocene upper to mid-slope turbidite channel-levee sandstones. West Seno
in 2400- 3200' of water, ~70 km2, with hydrocarbons between 7000' -9500' TVD, where Upper and M Miocene
sandstones are faulted and stratigraphically trapped in updip position. Sandstones rel. continous and
interpreted as amalgamated turbidite channels capped by hemipelagic shales. Porosity 24-32%, permeability
150-1500 md. Sandstones quartzose and mainly fine grained. Miocene oils and Pliocene and Miocene gases
derived from similar source facies of land plant-dominated organic material. Oils API gravity 35-46 degrees)
Thompson, P., J.J. Hartman, M.A.A. Anandito, D. Kumar et al. (2009)- Distinguishing gas sand from
shale/brine sand using elastic impedance data and the determination of the lateral extent of channel reservoirs
using amplitude data for a channelized deepwater gas field in Indonesia. The Leading Edge 28, 3, p. 312-317.
(Chevron Sadewa Field 2002 discovery in Makassar Straits NE of Mahakam Delta, ~5 km from Kalimantan
shelf edge in water depths of 1500-2500'. Reservoirs Late Miocene deep water channel sandstones. Nine wells
drilled. Very expensive development. Propose using elastic impedance data for distinguishing gas sands)
Untung, M., J. Taruno, A. Maulana, P. Kridoharto & S. Sukardi (1985)- Explanatory note on preliminary
aeromagnetic map of the Makassar Strait. Proc. 20th Sess. Comm. Co-ord. Joint Prospecting Mineral Resources
in Asian Offshore Areas (CCOP), Kuala Lumpur 1983, 2, Tech. Repts., p. 199-209.
(Aeromagnetic map over Makassar Straits shows two areas of different character, separated by Paternoster
Arch: (1) high anomalies of quiet magnetization in North Makassar Basin (interpreted to be oceanic crust) and
(2) low to high anomalies of noisy character in South Makassar Basin)
Van Gorsel, J.T. & E.C. Helsing (2014)- A Late Oligocene drowned pinnacle reef in deepwater Makassar
Straits. Berita Sedimentologi 29, p. 116-122.
(online at:
(Carbonate seamount with 320-350m of relief in 2050m deep water of S Makassar Straits is Late Oligocene-age
pinnacle reef, which drowned in latest Oligocene time, based on presence of Miogypsinoides cf. bantamensis
near crest and Spiroclypeus and Neorotalia mecatepecensis deeper in section. Carbonate buildup with ferro-
manganese cement, representing >20 Million years of deep water seafloor exposure and non-deposition)
Visser, K., R. Thunell & M.A. Goni (2004)- Glacial- interglacial organic carbon record from the Makassar
Strait, Indonesia: implications for regional changes in continental vegetation. Quaternary Science Reviews 23,
1-2, p. 17-27.
(Climate in W Pacific Warm Pool 3-4°C colder during glacial periods. Core MD9821-62 from Makassar Strait
suggests vegetation on Borneo and other islands did not significantly change from tropical rainforest during
last two glacial periods. This supports hypothesis that winter monsoon increased in strength during glacial
periods, allowing Indonesia to maintain high rainfall despite cooler conditions. Organic matter mixed marine-
terrestrial; higher TOC during glacials due to enhanced erosion of continental shelves)
Wijaya, P.H. & D. Kusnida (2009)- Tinjauan geotektonik Selat Makassar Utara, implikasinya terhadap potensi
hidrokarbon laut dalam cekungan Kutai, Kalimantan Timur. J. Geologi Kelautan 7, 3, p. 109-121.
(online at:
('The geotectonic views of the North Makassar Straits, its implications for the potential of marine hydrocarbons
in the Kutai basin, East Kalimantan'. Literature review of geotectonic evolution of Makassar Straits and
potential for hydrocarbons in deepwater Makassar Straits in toe thrusts around Mahakam Delta. Seismic
Willacy, C., S. Oemar, A.E. Hermantoro & P. Gilleran (2000)- Prestack depth imaging within Makassar Straits,
Eastern Kalimantan. Proc. 27th Ann. Conv. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, p. 457-466.
(Prestack depth migration of deepwater E Kalimantan seismic line with complex overthrusting)
Wissman, G. (1984)- Makassar Strait- Celebes Sea Survey- data compilation and interpretation of cruises
VALDIVIA 16/1977 and SONNE 16/1981. In: Bundesanstalt Geowissenschaften Rohstoffe (BGR), Techn.
Report 97210, Hannover, p. 1-210. (Unpublished)
(BGR 1977 and 1981 seismic surveys in Makassar Straits and Celebes Sea, part of SEATAR campaign)
Wissmann, G. (1984)- Is Sulawesi colliding with the Paleogene rifted margin of eastern Kalimantan? A
hypothesis deduced from seismic reflection profiles in the Makassar Straits- Celebes Sea. In: Bundesanstalt
Geowissenschaften Rohstoffe (BGR), Techn. Report 97210, Data compilation and interpretation of cruises,
Valdivia, 16/1977 and Sonne 16/1981, p. . (Unpublished)