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XRRIA005EN-A Joe Flow Calibrating Systems en

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::: Intelligence in Rheometry

Tips and Tricks from Joe Flow

Calibrating and adjusting rheometer systems: Keep your rheometer fit!
To ensure the consistent quality of your measurement results, it is important to check your rheometer at regular intervals.
This guideline is valid for the UDS rheometer and all MCR xx0 Preparing the rheometer
and MCR xx1 series rheometers.
Make sure the rheometer is located in a place without vibrations
and air drafts. Check the alignment of the rheometer with the
Introduction supplied level. During the air measurement and motor adjust-
ment the environment around the rheometer should be as still
Checking a rheometer requires an air measurement and as possible because extremely small torque values need to be
measurement of a certified viscosity standard, also called a measured. The rheometer should be switched on approximately
standard oil. The inertia of the used measuring system can also one hour before starting the check. You can carry out the instru-
be determined. ment initialization and set the target temperature for the viscosity
measurement. Find the target temperature on the calibration
The air measurement is carried out to check the quality of the certificate of the viscosity standard.
motor adjustment and the condition of the bearing. During
the motor adjustment the residual friction in the bearing is
measured. The measured values are saved in the rheometer Air measurement and motor adjustment
electronics and used for every measurement. With air-bearing-
supported motors these values are extremely low. However, the For this step there are templates available in the RheoPlus
friction can be noticeable at low torques, e.g. when measuring software. These guide you through the check step-by-step. The
low-viscosity liquids. names may vary depending on the software version you use.
If you find no suitable template, contact your local Anton Paar
The adjustment of the rheometer is checked by measuring representative.
a viscosity standard. Generally speaking, this check can be
carried out with any measuring system if the standard chosen 1. Go to "File -> New" to open the RheoManager.
has a viscosity value suitable for the measuring system.
However, it is best to use cylinder systems as they are least 2. From the standard templates select the template for motor
affected by the filling volume and fluctuations of the room adjustment and air measurement for your rheometer type
temperature. As a reference, use the cylinder system CC27 (air-bearing / ball-bearing) in the tab "Support".
and a viscosity standard in the range from 1500 mPas to 2000
mPas at 20 °C (2000AW from the German Calibration Service).
The table below gives an overview of viscosity values suitable
for other systems.

Type ø [mm] Viscosity [mPas]

Cylinder < 17 5000 to 10000

Cylinder ≥ 17 1000 to 2000 Fig. 1: RheoManager

Cone or plate < 50 5000 to 10000 If there is no template available for ball-bearing rheometers,
select the template for pressure cells.

Cone or plate ≥ 50 500 to 2000

3. Click on the button "Control Panel" to open the device
driver. If you have not already initialized the instrument, click
Double gap - 50 to 100 the button "Initialize" and send the set temperature for the
subsequent oil measurement.

4. Insert the measuring system but not the cup and close the
If the check is carried out with a cone or plate, a temperature- control panel with "OK".
controlled hood must be used as the viscosity values of the Only for cone/plates: After the rheometer has reached a
standard oils are generally very dependent on the temperature. stable temperature, carry out the zero-gap determination.
If you want to check the temperature before the measurement,
use a calibrated thermometer. 5. Click on the button "Go to calibration position" and wait
until the rheometer has reached the target position.
With cylinder measuring systems, the temperature sensor can
be positioned in the wall of the measuring cup. Temperature 6. Click on the button "Start air check". Save the workbook
plates have an opening for the sensor in the side. when the software requires it. The software now starts the
air measurement and shows the values in a diagram and a
table. The diagram contains the limit values within which the
measurement values must be.
3. Click on the button "Rheometer: Control Panel" and drive
the measuring head to the lift position.

4. Cylinder systems: Fill the cup with the viscosity standard

up to the marking. When you can see no more bubbles in
the cup, insert it into the measuring chamber. If necessary,
remove the measuring system and replace it after inserting
the cup.

Cone/plates: Apply slightly too much sample onto the

Fig. 2: Example of an air measurement with limit values lower plate. The required sample amount can be found on
the data sheet for the measuring system or under "Tools
-> Setup -> Device and Accessories".
7. If the measurement values are outside the limits, click on
"Stop" and "Perform motor adjustment". 5. On the Start screen of the workbook you created, click on
the button "Setup reference curve and diagram".
8. In the control panel select "Service" and click "Motor

9. Follow the instructions on the screen to start the adjust-

ment. The adjustment takes approx. 3 minutes (RheoPlus
3.0 or higher) or approx. 12 minutes (RheoPlus 2.81 or

10. After the adjustment is completed, close the motor adjust-

ment with "OK".

11. Start the determination of inertia of the measuring system

in the "Support" tab. After completion, click "Save" and
close the device driver with "OK".

12. Click "Start 2nd air check".

Fig. 4: Start screen for an oil measurement
13. If the measurement values are inside the limits, let the
measurement run until the end. Then click "Quit". 6. Click on the button "Setup calibration oil boundaries".
Enter the target value of the viscosity in the dialog box and
If the measurement values are still outside the limits, make sure select the measuring system and the rheometer. Close the
that the rheometer is not disturbed by outside influences (e.g. dialog box by clicking "OK".
vibrations or air drafts). Repeat the motor adjustment and the
air check. If it is not possible to achieve a good air measure-
ment, contact your local Anton Paar representative.

Measurement with a viscosity standard

1. Go to "File -> New" to open the RheoManager.

2. From the standard templates select the template for "Mea-

suring System Verification and Calibration with Standard
Oil" in the tab "Support".

Fig. 5: Setting up the reference curve (oil boundaries)

7. Click on the button "Start new boundary calculation" and

return to the main menu. If necessary, you can change the
axes of the diagram under "Edit min-max scaling".

Fig. 3: RheoManager

8. Click on the button "Go to calibration position". For cones

(CP) or plates (PP): Trim the sample when the software
requires it and confirm this with "Continue". After the
measuring position has been reached, trim the sample
again and click on the button "Please trim sample once

Fig. 7: Measurement of the viscosity standard with boundaries

It is possible to change the conversion factors of the mea-

suring system to adapt the measured viscosity values. This
option is for the adjustment of special measuring systems
and should only be used for standard measuring systems
Fig. 6: Main menu after consultation with your local Anton Paar representative.

9. Click on the button "Start measurement".

Save the workbook when the software requires it.
RheoPlus now starts to measure the viscosity standard
and gives the resulting viscosity curve and the previously
calculated boundaries.

The viscosity curve must be inside the boundaries. If this

is the case, let the measurement finish and click on the
button "Analysis: check result". The determined viscosity
value is shown under the diagram. The instrument check
is now complete. You can close the workbook with "Quit".

If the measured values deviate from the target values,

stop the measurement and check the sample volume, the
temperature and the boundaries.
Make sure that the used oil has not exceeded its expiry
date and was not contaminated. Start the measurement

Instruments for:
Density & Colloid science
concentration measurement X-ray structure analysis
Rheometry & viscometry CO2 measurement
Chemical and analytical High-precision temperature
techniques measurement www.anton-paar.com

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