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B.Com IInd Year.

Subject- Relational Database Management System

B.Com II Year

Subject: Relational Database management System

Unit – I Evolution of Database Technology, File-Oriented system, Database system, Client Server
Platform:, Database system in the organization: Database and Data sharing, Startegic
database planning, Management control, risks and cost of database: logical and physical
data representation.

Unit – II Database Development Life Cycle (DDLC). Principles of conceptual Database Design,
Objects, Specialization Generalization, Relationship, Cardinality, Attributes, Relational
data Model: Fundamental Concepts, Normalization process (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF)
Transforming Conceptual Model to a Relational Model.
Unit – III Relational Algebra, Relational implementation with SQL, introduction, Data Definition
Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data control Language (DCL),
Transaction control Language (TCL), Schema and Table Definition, SQL functions:
Mathematical functions, Group functions, view definition: Introduction command to
create VIEW.
Unit – IV Physical, storage media, Disk performance factors data storage format file organization
and addressing method implementing, Managing the data base environment- Database
administration and control, DBA functions, goals, integrity, security and recovery.
Unit – V Introduction to SQL- Components of SQL, DDL,DML, Query Language DCI, TCI, SCL etc
invoking sql plus The oracle data types two dimensional matrix creation, Insertion
updation, deletion operations, the many faces of SELECT component creating tables
using query, inserting data using query, modifying the structure of tables, renaming
tables, dropping tables, dropping columns, logical operators, range searching, pattern
matching, use of Alias, Oracle Function. Accessing data from multiple tables. Set
operations. Union, Intersect, Minus. Data constraints: 1/0 constricting Business Rule
constraints. Groping Data save point, ROLLBACK & COMMIT constructing creating user
accounts, granting permission, revoking permission
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Unit 1

Evolution of Database technology:-

File System
A File Management system is a DBMS that allows acces to single files or tables at a time. In a File System,
data is directly stored in set of files. It contains flat files that have no relation to other files (when only
one table is stored in single file, then this file is known as flat file).

Disadvantages of File processing system

1) Data redundancy

In computer system many files are likely in the different formats and the programs are written in
different programming languages. Moreover, the same information may be duplicated in several files,
this duplication of data is known as data redundancy.

Example: The address and telephone number of a particular customer may appear in a file that consist
of saving account records and in a file that consist of checking account record.

2) Data inconsistency
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Various copies contain the same type of data which may no longer which means that various copies of
same data may contain different kind of information.

Example: A changed customer address may be reflected in savings account records but not elsewhere in
the system.

3) Difficulty in accessing data

In file processing system it is very difficult to access the data in a specific way and it also require a
special application program which carry out new task.

4) Data isolation

Because data are scattered in various files and files may be in different formats, writing new applications
program to retrieve the appropriate data is difficult.

5) Integrity problem

Database must satisfy a particular consistency constraint. These constraints are added in application

Example: The balance of a bank account may never fall below a prescribed amount.

6) Atomicity problem

A computer system, like any other mechanical or electrical devices, is subject to failure. In many
applications, it is crucial that if failure occurs, the data be restored to the consistent state that existed
prior to the failure.

7) Concurrent access anomalies

If two programs run concurrently it is important to has supervision. But supervision is difficult to
provide because data is decentralized in file processing system. In such an environment, interaction
updates may result in inconsistent data.

8) Security problems

In this not every user of the database system should be able to access all the data.

Advantage of File-oriented system:

1. Backup:

 It is possible to take faster and automatic back-up of database stored in files of computer-based
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

 computer systems provide functionalities to serve this purpose.it is also possible to develop
specific application program for this purpose.

2. Compactness:

 It is possible to store data compactly.

3. Data Retrieval:

 Computer-based systems provide enhanced data retrieval techniques to retrieve data stored in
files in easy and efficient way.

4. Editing:

 It is easy to edit any information stored in computers in form of files.

 Specific application programs or editing software can be used for this purpose.

5. Remote Access:

 In computer-based systems, it is possible to access data remotely.

 So ,to access data it is not necessary for a user to remain present at location where these data are

6. Sharing:

 Data stored in files of computer-based systems ca be shared among multiple users at a same

A Database Management System (DBMS) is a system software that allows users to efficiently define,
create, maintain and share databases. Defining a database involves specifying the data types, structures
and constraints of the data to be stored in the database. Creating a database involves storing the data on
some storage medium that is controlled by DBMS. Maintaining a database involves updating the
database whenever required to evolve and reflect changes in the miniworld and also generating reports
for each change. Sharing a database involves allowing multiple users to access the database. DBMS also
serves as an interface between the database and end users or application programs. It provides control
access to the data and ensures that data is consistent and correct by defining rules on them.
An application program accesses the database by sending queries or requests for data to the DBMS. A
query causes some data to be retrieved from database.

Advantages of DBMS over File system –

 Data redundancy and inconsistency – Redundancy is the concept of repetition of data i.e. each
data may have more than a single copy. The file system cannot control redundancy of data as
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

each user defines and maintains the needed files for a specific application to run. There may be a
possibility that two users are maintaining same files data for different applications. Hence
changes made by one user does not reflect in files used by second users, which leads to
inconsistency of data. Whereas DBMS controls redundancy by maintaining a single repository of
data that is defined once and is accessed by many users. As there is no or less redundancy, data
remains consistent.

 Data sharing – File system does not allow sharing of data or sharing is too complex. Whereas in
DBMS, data can be shared easily due to centralized system.

 Data concurrency – Concurrent access to data means more than one user is accessing the same
data at the same time. Anomalies occur when changes made by one user gets lost because of
changes made by other user. File system does not provide any procedure to stop anomalies.
Whereas DBMS provides a locking system to stop anomalies to occur.

 Data searching – For every search operation performed on file system, a different application
program has to be written. While DBMS provides inbuilt searching operations. User only have to
write a small query to retrieve data from database.

 Data integrity – There may be cases when some constraints need to be applied on the data
before inserting it in database. The file system does not provide any procedure to check these
constraints automatically. Whereas DBMS maintains data integrity by enforcing user defined
constraints on data by itself.

From pre-stage flat-file system, to relational and object-relational systems, database technology has
gone through several generations and its history that is spread over more than 40 years now.

Difference between File Management System v/s Database Management System

File Management System Database Management System

File System is a general, easy-to-use system to store

general files which require less security and Database management system is used when security
constraints. constraints are high.

Data Redundancy is less in database management

Data Redundancy is more in file management system. system.

Data Inconsistency is less in database management

Data Inconsistency is more in file system. system.
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Centralisation is hard to get when it comes to File Centralisation is achieved in Database Management
Management System. System.

User locates the physical address of the files to access In Database Management System, user is unaware of
data in File Management System. physical address where data is stored.

Security is low in File Management System. Security is high in Database Management System.

Database Management System stores structured data

File Management System stores unstructured data as which have well defined constraints and
isolated data files/entities. interrelation.

Database Applications:

★ Banking: all transactions

★ Airlines: reservations, schedules

★ Universities: registration, grades

★ Sales: customers, products, purchases

★ Manufacturing: production, inventory, orders, supply chain

★ Human resources: employee records, salaries, tax deductions

The Evolution :
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

1968 File-Based: predecessor of database, Data was maintained in a flat file.

Flat Files:

Earlier, punched cards technology was used to store data – later, files. But the files have no as
such advantage, rather have several limitations.

Advantages Limitations
Various access methods , e.g., sequential, Requires extensive programming in third-
indexed, random generation language such as COBOL, BASIC.
Separation and isolation: Each program
maintains its own set of data, users of one
program may not be aware of holding or
blocking by other programs that are being
used somewhere else, by another user.
Duplication of data – same data is held by
different programs, thus, wastes space and
High maintenance costs such as ensuing data
consistency and controlling access
Sharing granularity is very coarse.
Weak security.

[1968-1980] Era of Hierarchical Database: Prominent hierarchical database model was IBM’s first
DBMS called IMS (Information Management System).

Hierarchical Data Model:

Mid 1960s Rockwell collaborates with IBM to create the Information Management System (IMS), IMS
lead the mainframe database market in 70’s and early 80’s.
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

In this model, files are related in a parent/child manner, with each child file having at most one parent

Advantages Limitations
Efficient searching. Complex implementation
Less redundant data. Difficult to manage and lack of standards, can’t
easily handle many-many relationships.
Data independence. Lacks structural independence.
Database security and integrity.

Network Data Model:

Early 1960s, Charles Bachmann developed first DBMS at Honeywell, Integrated Data Store (IDS)

It standardized in 1971 by the CODASYL group (Conference on Data Systems Languages).

In Network data model, files are related as owners and members, similar to the common network model
except that each member file can have more than one owner.

Network data model identified the following three database components:

1. Network schema—database organization[structure]

2. Sub-schema—view s of database per user
3. Data management language — at low level , procedural
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Advantages Limitations
Ability to handle more relationship System complexity and difficult to design
types and maintain
Ease of data access Lack of structural independence as data
access method is navigational.
Data Integrity
Data Independence

Prominent network database model was CODASYL DBTG model where as IDMS was the most popular
network DBMS.

Here, I am clearly mentioning one thing that the Hierarchical Model and the Network Model were in use
in almost the same era.

[1970-present] Era of Relational Database and Database Management: The relational database
model was conceived by E. F. Codd in 1970. It can be defined using the following two terminologies:

1. Instance – a table with rows or columns.

2. Schema – specifies the structure (name of relation, name and type of each column)
The model is based on branches of mathematics called set theory and predicate logic.

Relational DBMS at a glance:

B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

General Comparison:

Here is a glimpse of all those database models we have discussed till now.

Object Oriented Database Model:

It supports the modeling and creation of the data as objects.

B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Advantages Limitations
Can efficiently manage a large number of different Switching an existing database to OODBMS
data types. requires an entire change from scratch.
Objects with complex behaviors are easy to handle An OODBMS is typically tied to a specific
using inheritance and polymorphism etc. programming language and an API; this reduces
its flexibility.
Reduces the large number of relations by creating Ad-hoc queries are difficult to implement as one
objects. cannot join two classes as one can join two tables
in RDBMS. Therefore, queries depend upon the
design of the system.
Creates problems when deleting data in bulk.

Object Relational Database Model:

Object relational databases span the object and relational concepts.

Advantages Limitations
Large storage capacity The architecture of the object relational model is
not appropriate for web applications.
High access speed
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Let’s take a fleeting look at the history.

1970: Ted Codd at IBM’s San Jose Lab proposed relational models.

Two major projects start and both were operational in late 1970s

INGRES at University of California, Berkeley became commercial and followed up POSTGRES which was
incorporated into Informix.

System R at IBM san Jose Lab, later evolved into DB2, which became one of the first DBMS product based
on the relational model. (Oracle produced a similar product just prior to DB2.)

1976: Peter Chen defined the Entity-relationship(ER) model

1980s: Maturation of the relational database technology, more relational based DBMS were developed
and SQL standard adopted by ISO and ANSI.

1985: Object-oriented DBMS (OODBMS) develops.

1990s: Incorporation of object-orientation in relational DBMSs, new application areas, such as data
warehousing and OLAP, web and Internet, Interest in text and multimedia, enterprise resource planning
(ERP) and management resource planning (MRP)

1991: Microsoft ships access, a personal DBMS created as element of Windows gradually supplanted all
other personal DBMS products.

1995: First Internet database applications

1997: XML applied to database processing, which solves long-standing database problems. Major
vendors begin to integrate XML into DBMS products.

Figure 1 . Pictorial representation of Database Evolution over decades

B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Obviously, we cannot discuss all of the history material here, so if anyone wants to study more, here are
the names of the models proposed up till now:

1. Semantic [SIM: Semantic Information Manager]

2. Multidimensional [MDDBMS]
3. Associative
4. Concept-Oriented [CODM: Concept-Oriented Data Model] etc.

People who deal with databases

Many persons are involved in the design, use and maintenance of any database. These persons can be
classified into 2 types as below.

Actors on the scene:

The people, whose jobs involve the day-to-day use of a database are called as 'Actors on the scene', listed
as below.

1. Database Administrators (DBA):

The DBA is responsible for authorizing access to the database, for Coordinating and monitoring its use
and for acquiring software and hardware resources as needed. These are the people, who maintain and
design the database daily.

DBA is responsible for the following issues.

a. Design of the conceptual and physical schemas:

The DBA is responsible for interacting with the users of the system to understand what data is to be
stored in the DBMS and how it is likely to be used.

The DBA creates the original schema by writing a set of definitions and is Permanently stored in the
'Data Dictionary'.

b. Security and Authorization:

The DBA is responsible for ensuring the unauthorized data access is not permitted.

The granting of different types of authorization allows the DBA to regulate which parts of the database
various users can access.

c. Storage structure and Access method definition:

The DBA creates appropriate storage structures and access methods by writing a set of definitions,
which are translated by the DDL compiler.

d. Data Availability and Recovery from Failures:

B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

The DBA must take steps to ensure that if the system fails, users can continue to access as much of the
uncorrupted data as possible.

The DBA also work to restore the data to consistent state.

e. Database Tuning:

The DBA is responsible for modifying the database to ensure adequate Performance as requirements

f. Integrity Constraint Specification:

The integrity constraints are kept in a special system structure that is consulted by the

DBA whenever an update takes place in the system.

2. Database Designers:

Database designers are responsible for identifying the data to be stored in the database and for choosing
appropriate structures to represent and store this data.

3. End Users:

People who wish to store and use data in a database.

End users are the people whose jobs require access to the database for querying, updating and
generating reports, listed as below.

a. Casual End users:

These people occasionally access the database, but they may need different information each time.

b. Naive or Parametric End Users:

Their job function revolves around constantly querying and updating the database using standard types
of queries and updates.

c. Sophisticated End Users:

These include Engineers, Scientists, Business analyst and others familiarize to implement their
applications to meet their complex requirements.

d. Stand alone End users:

These people maintain personal databases by using ready-made program packages that

provide easy to use menu based interfaces.

4. System Analyst:
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

These people determine the requirements of end users and develop specifications for transactions.

5. Application Programmers (Software Engineers):

These people can test, debug, document and maintain the specified transactions.

b. Workers behind the scene:

1. Database Designers and Implementers:

These people who design and implement the DBMS modules and interfaces as a software package.

2. Tool Developers:

Include persons who design and implement tools consisting the packages for design, performance
monitoring, and prototyping and test data generation.

3. Operators and maintenance personnel:

These are the system administration personnel who are responsible for the actual running and
maintenance of the hardware and software environment for the database system.

Client Server Platform:

Client/server is a term used to describe a computing model for the development of

computerized systems. This model is based on the distribution of functions between two types
of independent and autonomous processes; servers and clients.

Basic Components
A client is any process that requests specific services from server processes.
A server is a process that provides requested services for clients.
Both clients and servers can reside in the same computer or in different computers
connected by a network.
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Variations on Client Server

The key to client/server power is where the requested processing takes place.

In mainframe systems and Application Server based systems all processing takes place
on the server, and the client is used to display the data screens.
With PC and File servers all processing takes place on the PC and the server is used only
for storage
There are many variations of these models today (see below)
The client/server environment provides a clear separation of server and client

Basic Client Server Model

Three Components of Client/Server Architecture

The client is any computer process that requests services from the server. It is also
known as the front-end application.
The server is any computer process providing services to the clients. The server is also
known as the back-end application.
The communication middleware is any computer process(es) through which clients and
servers communicate. It is also known as middleware or communications layer.

Interaction of Client and Server Components

Purpose of Database Management Systems

B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Organizations use large amounts of data. A database management system (DBMS) is a software tool
that makes it possible to organize data in a database.

The standard acronym for database management system is DBMS, so you will often see this instead of
the full name. The ultimate purpose of a database management system is to store and transform data
into information to support making decisions.

A DBMS consists of the following three elements:

1. The physical database: the collection of files that contain the data

2. The database engine: the software that makes it possible to access and modify the contents of
the database

3. The database scheme: the specification of the logical structure of the data stored in the

While it sounds logical to have a DBMS in place, it is worth thinking for a moment about the alternative.
What would the data in an organization look like without a DBMS? Consider yourself as the organization
for a moment, and the data are all the files on your computer. How is your data organized? If you are like
most typical computer users, you have a large number of files, organized in folders.

You may have word processor documents, presentation files, spreadsheets, photographs, etc. You find
the information you need based on the folder structure you have created and the names you have given
to your files. This is called a file system and is typical for individual computer users.

Now consider the challenges you are faced with. Have you ever lost a file? Have you had difficulty finding
a file? Probably. Perhaps you are using multiple computers and your files are located in different
physical locations. And, when was the list time you created a backup of all your files? You do back up,

You probably get the picture. A file system is relatively simple, but it only works if you keep yourself
very organized and disciplined. Now consider an organization with 1,000 employees, each with their
own computer. Can you see some of the challenges when using a file system? Do you really want critical
financial data floating around the offices as simple files on individual computers?

Functions of a DBMS

So, what does a DBMS really do? It organizes your files to give you more control over your data.

A DBMS makes it possible for users to create, edit and update data in database files. Once created, the
DBMS makes it possible to store and retrieve data from those database files.

More specifically, a DBMS provides the following functions:

 Concurrency: concurrent access (meaning 'at the same time') to the same database by multiple
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

 Security: security rules to determine access rights of users

 Backup and recovery: processes to back-up the data regularly and recover data if a problem

 Integrity: database structure and rules improve the integrity of the data

 Data descriptions: a data dictionary provides a description of the data

Within an organization, the development of the database is typically controlled by database

administrators (DBAs) and other specialists. This ensures the database structure is efficient and

Database administrators also control access and security aspects. For example, different people within
an organization use databases in different ways. Some employees may simply want to view the data and
perform basic analysis. Other employees are actively involved in adding data to the database or updating
existing data. This means that the database administrator needs to set the user permissions. You don't
want someone who only needs to view the database to accidentally delete parts of the database.

Characteristics and Benefits of a Database

There are a number of characteristics that distinguish the database approach from the file-based system
or approach. This chapter describes the benefits (and features) of the database system.

Self-describing nature of a database system

A database system is referred to as self-describing because it not only contains the database itself, but
also metadata which defines and describes the data and relationships between tables in the database.
This information is used by the DBMS software or database users if needed. This separation of data and
information about the data makes a database system totally different from the traditional file-based
system in which the data definition is part of the application programs.

Insulation between program and data

In the file-based system, the structure of the data files is defined in the application programs so if a user
wants to change the structure of a file, all the programs that access that file might need to be changed as

On the other hand, in the database approach, the data structure is stored in the system catalogue and not
in the programs. Therefore, one change is all that is needed to change the structure of a file. This
insulation between the programs and data is also called program-data independence.

Support for multiple views of data

A database supports multiple views of data. A view is a subset of the database, which is defined and
dedicated for particular users of the system. Multiple users in the system might have different views of
the system. Each view might contain only the data of interest to a user or group of users.
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Sharing of data and multiuser system

Current database systems are designed for multiple users. That is, they allow many users to access the
same database at the same time. This access is achieved through features called concurrency control
strategies. These strategies ensure that the data accessed are always correct and that data integrity is

The design of modern multiuser database systems is a great improvement from those in the past which
restricted usage to one person at a time.

Control of data redundancy

In the database approach, ideally, each data item is stored in only one place in the database. In some
cases, data redundancy still exists to improve system performance, but such redundancy is controlled by
application programming and kept to minimum by introducing as little redudancy as possible when
designing the database.

Data sharing

The integration of all the data, for an organization, within a database system has many advantages. First,
it allows for data sharing among employees and others who have access to the system. Second, it gives
users the ability to generate more information from a given amount of data than would be possible
without the integration.

Enforcement of integrity constraints

Database management systems must provide the ability to define and enforce certain constraints to
ensure that users enter valid information and maintain data integrity. A database constraint is a
restriction or rule that dictates what can be entered or edited in a table such as a postal code using a
certain format or adding a valid city in the City field.

There are many types of database constraints. Data type, for example, determines the sort of data
permitted in a field, for example numbers only. Data uniqueness such as the primary key ensures that no
duplicates are entered. Constraints can be simple (field based) or complex (programming).

Restriction of unauthorized access

Not all users of a database system will have the same accessing privileges. For example, one user might
have read-only access (i.e., the ability to read a file but not make changes), while another might have read
and write privileges, which is the ability to both read and modify a file. For this reason, a database
management system should provide a security subsystem to create and control different types of user
accounts and restrict unauthorized access.

Data independence
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Another advantage of a database management system is how it allows for data independence. In other
words, the system data descriptions or data describing data (metadata) are separated from the
application programs. This is possible because changes to the data structure are handled by the
database management system and are not embedded in the program itself.

Transaction processing

A database management system must include concurrency control subsystems. This feature ensures that
data remains consistent and valid during transaction processing even if several users update the same

Provision for multiple views of data

By its very nature, a DBMS permits many users to have access to its database either individually or
simultaneously. It is not important for users to be aware of how and where the data they access is stored

Backup and recovery facilities

Backup and recovery are methods that allow you to protect your data from loss. The database system
provides a separate process, from that of a network backup, for backing up and recovering data. If a hard
drive fails and the database stored on the hard drive is not accessible, the only way to recover the
database is from a backup.
If a computer system fails in the middle of a complex update process, the recovery subsystem is
responsible for making sure that the database is restored to its original state. These are two more
benefits of a database management system.



The most significant difference between a file based systems and database systems is Data sharing.
Data sharing also requires a major change in the way of data are handled and managed with in the
organization. Data sharing are of 3 (three) types. They are

1. Sharing Data between functional units.

2. Sharing data between management units.

3. Sharing data between geographically dispersed location.

1. Sharing data between functional units: The term data sharing suggests that people in different
functional areas are use a common pool of data. Each of these are own applications without data
sharing the marketing group may have their data files. The purchasing group like accounts group
their own data files and marketing group have their own data files and so on… each group
benefits from its own data. Eg diagram.
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

In contrasts the effect of combining data into database is synergistic that is the combined data are more
valuable then the some of the data in separated files .Not only does each group continue to have access
to its own data but with in a reasonable limits and control they have access to other data as well. In this
environment the marketing department for eg: Is better of because it has access to data from
purchasing, especially product evolution which provide valuable input for marketing campaigns.

2. Sharing data between Management units: Diagram

Different levels of users also need to share data . The three different levels of users are 1. Operation
level, 2. Middle Management Level, 3. Execute level.

These three levels are corresponded to the three different types of system these are Electronic data
processing, Management information system, and Decision support system.

EXECUTIVE à Decision Support System à Strategic Reports, Queries, Analysis.

MIDDLE MANAGEMENT à Management Information System à Management reports of functional areas.

Operations à Electronic Data Processing System à Transaction file, Maintenance Processing and control

The relationships of the above three systems have to different management levels is shown in diagram
.These levels of users and system naturally requires three different types of data. The user at the
operational level needs data for transaction processing that is include data for new accounts are changes
to an existing accounts management. The management information system level utilize summaries to
indicate which sales representatives were most or least productive and executives at highest level used
decision support system to discover long term trends that apply to their own corporation as well as to
identify the economic social and political environment in which they operate. The DSS means Decision
Support System help them makes the decisions such as building a new factory starting or dropping a
product line and DSS uses summery data from with in the company as well as market and author data
form outside sources.

3.Sharing data between geographically dispersed location: A company with several

locations has important data distributed over a valid geographically area sharing . these data is a
significant problems. A centralized database is physically contained to a single location controlled by a
single computer that is Personal computer most function for which databases are created and
accomplished more easily . If the database is centralized and it is easily to update and back up , recovery
and control access to a database . If we know database exactly where it is and what’s software control it
and identify the remote place where it is located.

Data modeling

Data modeling is the process of creating a data model for the data to be stored in a Database. This data
model is a conceptual representation of
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

 Data objects

 The associations between different data objects

 The rules.

Data modeling helps in the visual representation of data and enforces business rules, regulatory
compliances, and government policies on the data. Data Models ensure consistency in naming
conventions, default values, semantics, security while ensuring quality of the data.

Data model emphasizes on what data is needed and how it should be organized instead of what
operations need to be performed on the data. Data Model is like architect's building plan which helps to
build a conceptual model and set the relationship between data items.

The two types of Data Models techniques are

1. Entity Relationship (E-R) Model

2. UML (Unified Modelling Language)

Data Model

The primary goal of using data model are:

 Ensures that all data objects required by the database are accurately represented. Omission of
data will lead to creation of faulty reports and produce incorrect results.

 A data model helps design the database at the conceptual, physical and logical levels.

 Data Model structure helps to define the relational tables, primary and foreign keys and stored

 It provides a clear picture of the base data and can be used by database developers to create a
physical database.

 It is also helpful to identify missing and redundant data.

 Though the initial creation of data model is labor and time consuming, in the long run, it makes
your IT infrastructure upgrade and maintenance cheaper and faster.

Types of Data Models

There are mainly three different types of data models:

1. Conceptual: This Data Model defines WHAT the system contains. This model is typically created
by Business stakeholders and Data Architects. The purpose is to organize, scope and define
business concepts and rules.
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

2. Logical: Defines HOW the system should be implemented regardless of the DBMS. This model is
typically created by Data Architects and Business Analysts. The purpose is to developed
technical map of rules and data structures.

3. Physical: This Data Model describes HOW the system will be implemented using a specific DBMS
system. This model is typically created by DBA and developers. The purpose is actual
implementation of the database.

Conceptual Model

The main aim of this model is to establish the entities, their attributes, and their relationships. In this
Data modeling level, there is hardly any detail available of the actual Database structure.

The 3 basic tenants of Data Model are

Entity: A real-world thing

Attribute: Characteristics or properties of an entity

Relationship: Dependency or association between two entities

For example:

 Customer and Product are two entities. Customer number and name are attributes of the
Customer entity
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

 Product name and price are attributes of product entity

 Sale is the relationship between the customer and product

Characteristics of a conceptual data model

 Offers Organisation-wide coverage of the business concepts.

 This type of Data Models are designed and developed for a business audience.

 The conceptual model is developed independently of hardware specifications like data storage
capacity, location or software specifications like DBMS vendor and technology. The focus is to
represent data as a user will see it in the "real world."

Conceptual data models known as Domain models create a common vocabulary for all stakeholders by
establishing basic concepts and scope.

Logical Data Model

Logical data models add further information to the conceptual model elements. It defines the structure
of the data elements and set the relationships between them.

The advantage of the Logical data model is to provide a foundation to form the base for the Physical
model. However, the modeling structure remains generic.

At this Data Modeling level, no primary or secondary key is defined. At this Data modeling level, you
need to verify and adjust the connector details that were set earlier for relationships.
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Characteristics of a Logical data model

 Describes data needs for a single project but could integrate with other logical data models
based on the scope of the project.

 Designed and developed independently from the DBMS.

 Data attributes will have datatypes with exact precisions and length.

 Normalization processes to the model is applied typically till 3NF.

Physical Data Model

A Physical Data Model describes the database specific implementation of the data model. It offers an
abstraction of the database and helps generate schema. This is because of the richness of meta-data
offered by a Physical Data Model.

This type of Data model also helps to visualize database structure. It helps to model database columns
keys, constraints, indexes, triggers, and other RDBMS features.

Characteristics of a physical data model:

 The physical data model describes data need for a single project or application though it maybe
integrated with other physical data models based on project scope.

 Data Model contains relationships between tables that which addresses cardinality and
nullability of the relationships.

 Developed for a specific version of a DBMS, location, data storage or technology to be used in the

 Columns should have exact datatypes, lengths assigned and default values.

 Primary and Foreign keys, views, indexes, access profiles, and authorizations, etc. are defined.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Data Model:

B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Advantages of Data model:

 The main goal of a designing data model is to make certain that data objects offered by the
functional team are represented accurately.

 The data model should be detailed enough to be used for building the physical database.

 The information in the data model can be used for defining the relationship between tables,
primary and foreign keys, and stored procedures.

 Data Model helps business to communicate the within and across organizations.

 Data model helps to documents data mappings in ETL process

 Help to recognize correct sources of data to populate the model

Disadvantages of Data model:

 To developer Data model one should know physical data stored characteristics.

 This is a navigational system produces complex application development, management. Thus, it

requires a knowledge of the biographical truth.

 Even smaller change made in structure require modification in the entire application.

 There is no set data manipulation language in DBMS.

Conceptual, Logical and Physical Data Model

Conceptual, logical and physical model or ERD are three different ways of modeling data in a domain.
While they all contain entities and relationships, they differ in the purposes they are created for and
audiences they are meant to target. A general understanding to the three models is that, business analyst
uses conceptual and logical model for modeling the data required and produced by system from a
business angle, while database designer refines the early design to produce the physical model for
presenting physical database structure ready for database construction.
With Visual Paradigm, you can draw the three types of model, plus to progress through models through
the use of Model Transitor.
Conceptual Model
Conceptual ERD models information gathered from business requirements. Entities and relationships
modeled in such ERD are defined around the business's need. The need of satisfying the database design
is not considered yet. Conceptual ERD is the simplest model among all.
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Conceptual ERD example

Logical Model
Logical ERD also models information gathered from business requirements. It is more complex than
conceptual model in that column types are set. Note that the setting of column types is optional and if
you do that, you should be doing that to aid business analysis. It has nothing to do with database
creation yet.
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Logical ERD example

Physical Model
Physical ERD represents the actual design blueprint of a relational database. It represents how data
should be structured and related in a specific DBMS so it is important to consider the convention and
restriction of the DBMS you use when you are designing a physical ERD. This means that an accurate use
of data type is needed for entity columns and the use of reserved words has to be avoided in naming
entities and columns. Besides, database designers may also add primary keys, foreign keys and
constraints to the design.
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Physical ERD example

Transiting from Conceptual/Logical to Physical ERD

Model Transitor enables you to transit a logical ERD to a physical ERD and with the transition
relationship maintained. To transit, right click on the background of your conceptual/logical ERD, and
then select Utilities > Transit to Logical/Physical ERD... from the popup menu. This will form a new
ERD with new entities there. You can make changes like to rename the entities and columns, or to add
extra entities in the new ERD.
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System


Data must be viewed as a corporate resource and other corporate resources must be devoted to the
development, implement and use of one or more databases. Database planning is strategy corporate
effort to determine the information needs of the organization form extended period into the future. A
successful database planning project will precede operational project to design and implement new
databases to satisfy the organizational information needs.

The need for database planning: Database planning is directed by the information needs of the
organization which in turn or determined by the company’s business plan . the process is shown in the
below diagram.

Business Plan à Information Needs à Database Plan à Database Development Projects.

The corporation formulates has its strategy business plan for the next 5 (five) years . Accomplishing the
objectives of this plans depends on the availability of certain identify types of information . The
information can we obtained only if the data sources are identified in the database planning, or in place
. This indicates the needs of the database development projects which create new database or enhance
or integrate existing databases. Database planning has significant advantages James cites several
advantages of formal information resource plan.

1. It expresses management current understanding of the information resources.

2. It identifies and justifies resources requirements, helping ensure that the resources will be

3. It identifies and justifies for effective resources management including the collaboration among
departments or diligence with in the organization.

4. It Specifies action plans for achieving objectives.

5. It can provide a powerful stimulus and sense of direction to employees at all levels.

COSTS & RISKS involved in database development:

In database approach in order to maintain or develop database we should take a risk and we should
invest money , time and environment. Database approach when we develop a new database or when we
maintain an existing database we should consider the following points.

 New specialized persons.

 Installation and manage cost and complexity.
 Conversion costs.
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 Need for explicit back up and recovery.

 Organizational conflict.

New specialized persons: Organization adopted the database approach to maintain individuals to design
and implement database for that an organization provides DBA and manage a staff of new people
because there is a rapid changes in the technology .New people will have to be retrained or upgraded
their knowledge in database approach in an organization required specialized skill persons to maintain
the database.

Installation and manage cost and complexity: A multi user database management system is a large and
complex . It has a high level install cost requires a staff to trained persons to install and operate . It also
require professionals to maintain annual maintenance and cost .These systems are require to install new
software to upgrade the database for that we should take a risk to modify Hard ware and data
communications in an organization.

Unit II
Database Development Process

A core aspect of software engineering is the subdivision of the development process into a series of
phases, or steps, each of which focuses on one aspect of the development. The collection of these steps is
sometimes referred to as the software development life cycle (SDLC). The software product moves
through this life cycle (sometimes repeatedly as it is refined or redeveloped) until it is finally retired
from use. Ideally, each phase in the life cycle can be checked for correctness before moving on to the
next phase.

Software Development Life Cycle – Waterfall

Let us start with an overview of the waterfall model such as you will find in most software engineering
textbooks. This waterfall figure, seen in Figure 13.1, illustrates a general waterfall model that could
apply to any computer system development. It shows the process as a strict sequence of steps where the
output of one step is the input to the next and all of one step has to be completed before moving onto the
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Figure 13.1. Waterfall model.

We can use the waterfall process as a means of identifying the tasks that are required, together with the
input and output for each activity. What is important is the scope of the activities, which can be
summarized as follows:

 Establishing requirements involves consultation with, and agreement among, stakeholders about
what they want from a system, expressed as a statement of requirements.

 Analysis starts by considering the statement of requirements and finishes by producing a system
specification. The specification is a formal representation of what a system should do, expressed
in terms that are independent of how it may be realized.

 Design begins with a system specification, produces design documents and provides a detailed
description of how a system should be constructed.

 Implementation is the construction of a computer system according to a given design document

and taking into account the environment in which the system will be operating (e.g., specific
hardware or software available for the development). Implementation may be staged, usually
with an initial system that can be validated and tested before a final system is released for use.

 Testing compares the implemented system against the design documents and requirements
specification and produces an acceptance report or, more usually, a list of errors and bugs that
require a review of the analysis, design and implementation processes to correct (testing is
usually the task that leads to the waterfall model iterating through the life cycle).

 Maintenance involves dealing with changes in the requirements or the implementation

environment, bug fixing or porting of the system to new environments (e.g., migrating a system
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from a standalone PC to a UNIX workstation or a networked environment). Since maintenance

involves the analysis of the changes required, design of a solution, implementation and testing of
that solution over the lifetime of a maintained software system, the waterfall life cycle will be
repeatedly revisited.

Database Life Cycle

We can use the waterfall cycle as the basis for a model of database development that incorporates three

1. We can separate the development of a database – that is, specification and creation of a schema
to define data in a database – from the user processes that make use of the database.

2. We can use the three-schema architecture as a basis for distinguishing the activities associated
with a schema.

3. We can represent the constraints to enforce the semantics of the data once within a database,
rather than within every user process that uses the data.

Figure 13.2. A waterfall model of the activities and their outputs for database development.

Using these assumptions and Figure 13.2, we can see that this diagram represents a model of the
activities and their outputs for database development. It is applicable to any class of DBMS, not just a
relational approach.

Database application development is the process of obtaining real-world requirements, analyzing

requirements, designing the data and functions of the system, and then implementing the operations in
the system.
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Requirements Gathering

The first step is requirements gathering. During this step, the database designers have to interview the
customers (database users) to understand the proposed system and obtain and document the data and
functional requirements. The result of this step is a document that includes the detailed requirements
provided by the users.

Establishing requirements involves consultation with, and agreement among, all the users as to what
persistent data they want to store along with an agreement as to the meaning and interpretation of the
data elements. The data administrator plays a key role in this process as they overview the business,
legal and ethical issues within the organization that impact on the data requirements.

The data requirements document is used to confirm the understanding of requirements with users. To
make sure that it is easily understood, it should not be overly formal or highly encoded. The document
should give a concise summary of all users’ requirements – not just a collection of individuals’
requirements – as the intention is to develop a single shared database.

The requirements should not describe how the data is to be processed, but rather what the data items
are, what attributes they have, what constraints apply and the relationships that hold between the data


Data analysis begins with the statement of data requirements and then produces a conceptual data
model. The aim of analysis is to obtain a detailed description of the data that will suit user requirements
so that both high and low level properties of data and their use are dealt with. These include properties
such as the possible range of values that can be permitted for attributes (e.g., in the school database
example, the student course code, course title and credit points).

The conceptual data model provides a shared, formal representation of what is being communicated
between clients and developers during database development – it is focused on the data in a database,
irrespective of the eventual use of that data in user processes or implementation of the data in specific
computer environments. Therefore, a conceptual data model is concerned with the meaning and
structure of data, but not with the details affecting how they are implemented.

The conceptual data model then is a formal representation of what data a database should contain and
the constraints the data must satisfy. This should be expressed in terms that are independent of how the
model may be implemented. As a result, analysis focuses on the questions, “What is required?” not “How
is it achieved?”

Logical Design

Database design starts with a conceptual data model and produces a specification of a logical schema;
this will determine the specific type of database system (network, relational, object-oriented) that is
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required. The relational representation is still independent of any specific DBMS; it is another
conceptual data model.

We can use a relational representation of the conceptual data model as input to the logical design
process. The output of this stage is a detailed relational specification, the logical schema, of all the tables
and constraints needed to satisfy the description of the data in the conceptual data model. It is during
this design activity that choices are made as to which tables are most appropriate for representing the
data in a database. These choices must take into account various design criteria including, for example,
flexibility for change, control of duplication and how best to represent the constraints. It is the tables
defined by the logical schema that determine what data are stored and how they may be manipulated in
the database.

Database designers familiar with relational databases and SQL might be tempted to go directly to
implementation after they have produced a conceptual data model. However, such a direct
transformation of the relational representation to SQL tables does not necessarily result in a database
that has all the desirable properties: completeness, integrity, flexibility, efficiency and usability. A good
conceptual data model is an essential first step towards a database with these properties, but that does
not mean that the direct transformation to SQL tables automatically produces a good database. This first
step will accurately represent the tables and constraints needed to satisfy the conceptual data model
description, and so will satisfy the completeness and integrity requirements, but it may be inflexible or
offer poor usability. The first design is then flexed to improve the quality of the database
design. Flexing is a term that is intended to capture the simultaneous ideas of bending something for a
different purpose and weakening aspects of it as it is bent.

Figure 13.3 summarizes the iterative (repeated) steps involved in database design, based on the
overview given. Its main purpose is to distinguish the general issue of what tables should be used from
the detailed definition of the constituent parts of each table – these tables are considered one at a time,
although they are not independent of each other. Each iteration that involves a revision of the tables
would lead to a new design; collectively they are usually referred to as second-cut designs, even if the
process iterates for more than a single loop.
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Figure 13.3. A summary of the iterative steps involved in database design.

First, for a given conceptual data model, it is not necessary that all the user requirements it represents
be satisfied by a single database. There can be various reasons for the development of more than one
database, such as the need for independent operation in different locations or departmental control over
“their” data. However, if the collection of databases contains duplicated data and users need to access
data in more than one database, then there are possible reasons that one database can satisfy multiple
requirements, or issues related to data replication and distribution need to be examined.

Second, one of the assumptions about database development is that we can separate the development of
a database from the development of user processes that make use of it. This is based on the expectation
that, once a database has been implemented, all data required by currently identified user processes
have been defined and can be accessed; but we also require flexibility to allow us to meet future
requirements changes. In developing a database for some applications, it may be possible to predict the
common requests that will be presented to the database and so we can optimize our design for the most
common requests.

Third, at a detailed level, many aspects of database design and implementation depend on the particular
DBMS being used. If the choice of DBMS is fixed or made prior to the design task, that choice can be used
to determine design criteria rather than waiting until implementation. That is, it is possible to
incorporate design decisions for a specific DBMS rather than produce a generic design and then tailor it
to the DBMS during implementation.

It is not uncommon to find that a single design cannot simultaneously satisfy all the properties of a good
database. So it is important that the designer has prioritized these properties (usually using information
from the requirements specification); for example, to decide if integrity is more important than
efficiency and whether usability is more important than flexibility in a given development.

At the end of our design stage, the logical schema will be specified by SQL data definition language (DDL)
statements, which describe the database that needs to be implemented to meet the user requirements.


Implementation involves the construction of a database according to the specification of a logical

schema. This will include the specification of an appropriate storage schema, security enforcement,
external schema and so on. Implementation is heavily influenced by the choice of available DBMSs,
database tools and operating environment. There are additional tasks beyond simply creating a
database schema and implementing the constraints – data must be entered into the tables, issues
relating to the users and user processes need to be addressed, and the management activities associated
with wider aspects of corporate data management need to be supported. In keeping with the DBMS
approach, we want as many of these concerns as possible to be addressed within the DBMS. We look at
some of these concerns briefly now.

In practice, implementation of the logical schema in a given DBMS requires a very detailed knowledge of
the specific features and facilities that the DBMS has to offer. In an ideal world, and in keeping with good
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software engineering practice, the first stage of implementation would involve matching the design
requirements with the best available implementing tools and then using those tools for the
implementation. In database terms, this might involve choosing vendor products with DBMS and SQL
variants most suited to the database we need to implement. However, we don’t live in an ideal world and
more often than not, hardware choice and decisions regarding the DBMS will have been made well in
advance of consideration of the database design. Consequently, implementation can involve additional
flexing of the design to overcome any software or hardware limitations.

Realizing the Design

After the logical design has been created, we need our database to be created according to the
definitions we have produced. For an implementation with a relational DBMS, this will probably involve
the use of SQL to create tables and constraints that satisfy the logical schema description and the choice
of appropriate storage schema (if the DBMS permits that level of control).

One way to achieve this is to write the appropriate SQL DDL statements into a file that can be executed
by a DBMS so that there is an independent record, a text file, of the SQL statements defining the
database. Another method is to work interactively using a database tool like SQL Server Management
Studio or Microsoft Access. Whatever mechanism is used to implement the logical schema, the result is
that a database, with tables and constraints, is defined but will contain no data for the user processes.

Populating the Database

After a database has been created, there are two ways of populating the tables – either from existing
data or through the use of the user applications developed for the database.

For some tables, there may be existing data from another database or data files. For example, in
establishing a database for a hospital, you would expect that there are already some records of all the
staff that have to be included in the database. Data might also be brought in from an outside agency
(address lists are frequently brought in from external companies) or produced during a large data entry
task (converting hard-copy manual records into computer files can be done by a data entry agency). In
such situations, the simplest approach to populate the database is to use the import and export facilities
found in the DBMS.

Facilities to import and export data in various standard formats are usually available (these functions
are also known in some systems as loading and unloading data). Importing enables a file of data to be
copied directly into a table. When data are held in a file format that is not appropriate for using the
import function, then it is necessary to prepare an application program that reads in the old data,
transforms them as necessary and then inserts them into the database using SQL code specifically
produced for that purpose. The transfer of large quantities of existing data into a database is referred to
as a bulk load. Bulk loading of data may involve very large quantities of data being loaded, one table at a
time so you may find that there are DBMS facilities to postpone constraint checking until the end of the
bulk loading.

Guidelines for Developing an ER Diagram

B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Note: These are general guidelines that will assist in developing a strong basis for the actual database
design (the logical model).

1. Document all entities discovered during the information-gathering stage.

2. Document all attributes that belong to each entity. Select candidate and primary keys. Ensure
that all non-key attributes for each entity are full-functionally dependent on the primary key.

3. Develop an initial ER diagram and review it with appropriate personnel. (Remember that this is
an iterative process.)

4. Create new entities (tables) for multivalued attributes and repeating groups. Incorporate these
new entities (tables) in the ER diagram. Review with appropriate personnel.

5. Verify ER modeling by normalizing tables.

The Relational Data Model

The relational data model was introduced by C. F. Codd in 1970. Currently, it is the most widely used
data model.

The relational model has provided the basis for:

 Research on the theory of data/relationship/constraint

 Numerous database design methodologies

 The standard database access language called structured query language (SQL)

 Almost all modern commercial database management systems

The relational data model describes the world as “a collection of inter-related relations (or tables).”

Fundamental Concepts in the Relational Data Model


A relation, also known as a table or file, is a subset of the Cartesian product of a list of domains
characterized by a name. And within a table, each row represents a group of related data values. A row,
or record, is also known as a tuple. The columns in a table is a field and is also referred to as an attribute.
You can also think of it this way: an attribute is used to define the record and a record contains a set of

The steps below outline the logic between a relation and its domains.

1. Given n domains are denoted by D1, D2, … Dn

2. And r is a relation defined on these domains

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3. Then r ⊆ D1×D2×…×Dn


A database is composed of multiple tables and each table holds the data. Figure 7.1 shows a database
that contains three tables.

Figure 7.1. Database with three tables.


A database stores pieces of information or facts in an organized way. Understanding how to use and get
the most out of databases requires us to understand that method of organization.

The principal storage units are called columns or fields or attributes. These house the basic components
of data into which your content can be broken down. When deciding which fields to create, you need to
think generically about your information, for example, drawing out the common components of the
information that you will store in the database and avoiding the specifics that distinguish one item from

Look at the example of an ID card in Figure 7.2 to see the relationship between fields and their data.

Figure 7.2. Example of an ID card by A. Watt.

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A domain is the original sets of atomic values used to model data. By atomic value, we mean that each
value in the domain is indivisible as far as the relational model is concerned. For example:

 The domain of Marital Status has a set of possibilities: Married, Single, Divorced.

 The domain of Shift has the set of all possible days: {Mon, Tue, Wed…}.

 The domain of Salary is the set of all floating-point numbers greater than 0 and less than

 The domain of First Name is the set of character strings that represents names of people.

In summary, a domain is a set of acceptable values that a column is allowed to contain. This is based on
various properties and the data type for the column.


Just as the content of any one document or item needs to be broken down into its constituent bits of data
for storage in the fields, the link between them also needs to be available so that they can be
reconstituted into their whole form. Records allow us to do this. Records contain fields that are related,
such as a customer or an employee. As noted earlier, a tuple is another term used for record.

Records and fields form the basis of all databases. A simple table gives us the clearest picture of how
records and fields work together in a database storage project.

Figure 7.3. Example of a simple table by A. Watt.

The simple table example in Figure 7.3 shows us how fields can hold a range of different sorts of data.
This one has:

 A Record ID field: this is an ordinal number; its data type is an integer.

 A PubDate field: this is displayed as day/month/year; its data type is date.

 An Author field: this is displayed as Initial. Surname; its data type is text.

 A Title field text: free text can be entered here.

B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

You can command the database to sift through its data and organize it in a particular way. For example,
you can request that a selection of records be limited by date: 1. all before a given date, 2. all after a
given date or 3. all between two given dates. Similarly, you can choose to have records sorted by date.
Because the field, or record, containing the data is set up as a Date field, the database reads the
information in the Date field not just as numbers separated by slashes, but rather, as dates that must be
ordered according to a calendar system.


The degree is the number of attributes in a table. In our example in Figure 7.3, the degree is 4.

Properties of a Table

 A table has a name that is distinct from all other tables in the database.

 There are no duplicate rows; each row is distinct.

 Entries in columns are atomic. The table does not contain repeating groups or multivalued

 Entries from columns are from the same domain based on their data type including:

o number (numeric, integer, float, smallint,…)

o character (string)

o date

o logical (true or false)

 Operations combining different data types are disallowed.

 Each attribute has a distinct name.

 The sequence of columns is insignificant.

 The sequence of rows is insignificant.

The Entity Relationship Data Model

The entity relationship (ER) data model has existed for over 35 years. It is well suited to data modelling
for use with databases because it is fairly abstract and is easy to discuss and explain. ER models are
readily translated to relations. ER models, also called an ER schema, are represented by ER diagrams.

ER modelling is based on two concepts:

 Entities, defined as tables that hold specific information (data)

B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

 Relationships, defined as the associations or interactions between entities

Here is an example of how these two concepts might be combined in an ER data model: Prof. Ba
(entity) teaches (relationship) the Database Systems course (entity).

For the rest of this chapter, we will use a sample database called the COMPANY database to illustrate the
concepts of the ER model. This database contains information about employees, departments and
projects. Important points to note include:

 There are several departments in the company. Each department has a unique identification, a
name, location of the office and a particular employee who manages the department.

 A department controls a number of projects, each of which has a unique name, a unique number
and a budget.

 Each employee has a name, identification number, address, salary and birthdate. An employee is
assigned to one department but can join in several projects. We need to record the start date of
the employee in each project. We also need to know the direct supervisor of each employee.

 We want to keep track of the dependents for each employee. Each dependent has a name,
birthdate and relationship with the employee.

Entity, Entity Set and Entity Type

An entity is an object in the real world with an independent existence that can be differentiated from
other objects. An entity might be

 An object with physical existence (e.g., a lecturer, a student, a car)

 An object with conceptual existence (e.g., a course, a job, a position)

Entities can be classified based on their strength. An entity is considered weak if its tables are existence

 That is, it cannot exist without a relationship with another entity

 Its primary key is derived from the primary key of the parent entity

o The Spouse table, in the COMPANY database, is a weak entity because its primary key is
dependent on the Employee table. Without a corresponding employee record, the spouse
record would not exist.

An entity is considered strong if it can exist apart from all of its related entities.

 Kernels are strong entities.

 A table without a foreign key or a table that contains a foreign key that can contain nulls is a
strong entity
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Another term to know is entity type which defines a collection of similar entities.

An entity set is a collection of entities of an entity type at a particular point of time. In an entity
relationship diagram (ERD), an entity type is represented by a name in a box. For example, in Figure 8.1,
the entity type is EMPLOYEE.

Figure 8.1. ERD with entity type EMPLOYEE.

Existence dependency

An entity’s existence is dependent on the existence of the related entity. It is existence-dependent if it

has a mandatory foreign key (i.e., a foreign key attribute that cannot be null). For example, in the
COMPANY database, a Spouse entity is existence -dependent on the Employee entity.

Kinds of Entities

You should also be familiar with different kinds of entities including independent entities, dependent
entities and characteristic entities. These are described below.

Independent entities

Independent entities, also referred to as kernels, are the backbone of the database. They are what other
tables are based on. Kernels have the following characteristics:

 They are the building blocks of a database.

 The primary key may be simple or composite.

 The primary key is not a foreign key.

 They do not depend on another entity for their existence.

If we refer back to our COMPANY database, examples of an independent entity include the Customer
table, Employee table or Product table.

Dependent entities

Dependent entities, also referred to as derived entities, depend on other tables for their meaning. These
entities have the following characteristics:

 Dependent entities are used to connect two kernels together.

B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

 They are said to be existence dependent on two or more tables.

 Many to many relationships become associative tables with at least two foreign keys.

 They may contain other attributes.

 The foreign key identifies each associated table.

 There are three options for the primary key:

1. Use a composite of foreign keys of associated tables if unique

2. Use a composite of foreign keys and a qualifying column

3. Create a new simple primary key

Characteristic entities

Characteristic entities provide more information about another table. These entities have the following

 They represent multivalued attributes.

 They describe other entities.

 They typically have a one to many relationship.

 The foreign key is used to further identify the characterized table.

 Options for primary key are as follows:

1. Use a composite of foreign key plus a qualifying column

2. Create a new simple primary key. In the COMPANY database, these might include:

 Employee (EID, Name, Address, Age, Salary) – EID is the simple primary key.

 EmployeePhone (EID, Phone) – EID is part of a composite primary key. Here, EID
is also a foreign key.


Each entity is described by a set of attributes (e.g., Employee = (Name, Address, Birthdate (Age), Salary).

Each attribute has a name, and is associated with an entity and a domain of legal values. However, the
information about attribute domain is not presented on the ERD.

In the entity relationship diagram, shown in Figure 8.2, each attribute is represented by an oval with a
name inside.
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Figure 8.2. How attributes are represented in an ERD.

Types of Attributes

There are a few types of attributes you need to be familiar with. Some of these are to be left as is, but
some need to be adjusted to facilitate representation in the relational model. This first section will
discuss the types of attributes. Later on we will discuss fixing the attributes to fit correctly into the
relational model.

Simple attributes

Simple attributes are those drawn from the atomic value domains; they are also called single-valued
attributes. In the COMPANY database, an example of this would be: Name = {John} ; Age = {23}

Composite attributes

Composite attributes are those that consist of a hierarchy of attributes. Using our database example, and
shown in Figure 8.3, Address may consist of Number, Street and Suburb. So this would be written as →
Address = {59 + ‘Meek Street’ + ‘Kingsford’}

Figure 8.3. An example of composite attributes.

Multivalued attributes

Multivalued attributes are attributes that have a set of values for each entity. An example of a
multivalued attribute from the COMPANY database, as seen in Figure 8.4, are the degrees of an
employee: BSc, MIT, PhD.
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Figure 8.4. Example of a multivalued attribute.

Derived attributes

Derived attributes are attributes that contain values calculated from other attributes. An example of this
can be seen in Figure 8.5. Age can be derived from the attribute Birthdate. In this situation, Birthdate
is called a stored attribute, which is physically saved to the database.

Figure 8.5. Example of a derived attribute.


An important constraint on an entity is the key. The key is an attribute or a group of attributes whose
values can be used to uniquely identify an individual entity in an entity set.

Types of Keys

There are several types of keys. These are described below.

Candidate key

A candidate key is a simple or composite key that is unique and minimal. It is unique because no two
rows in a table may have the same value at any time. It is minimal because every column is necessary in
order to attain uniqueness.

From our COMPANY database example, if the entity is Employee(EID, First Name, Last Name, SIN,
Address, Phone, BirthDate, Salary, DepartmentID), possible candidate keys are:

B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

 First Name and Last Name – assuming there is no one else in the company with the same name

 Last Name and DepartmentID – assuming two people with the same last name don’t work in the
same department

Composite key

A composite key is composed of two or more attributes, but it must be minimal.

Using the example from the candidate key section, possible composite keys are:

 First Name and Last Name – assuming there is no one else in the company with the same name

 Last Name and Department ID – assuming two people with the same last name don’t work in the
same department

Primary key

The primary key is a candidate key that is selected by the database designer to be used as an identifying
mechanism for the whole entity set. It must uniquely identify tuples in a table and not be null. The
primary key is indicated in the ER model by underlining the attribute.

 A candidate key is selected by the designer to uniquely identify tuples in a table. It must not be

 A key is chosen by the database designer to be used as an identifying mechanism for the whole
entity set. This is referred to as the primary key. This key is indicated by underlining the
attribute in the ER model.

In the following example, EID is the primary key:

Employee(EID, First Name, Last Name, SIN, Address, Phone, BirthDate, Salary, DepartmentID)

Secondary key

A secondary key is an attribute used strictly for retrieval purposes (can be composite), for example:
Phone and Last Name.

Alternate key

Alternate keys are all candidate keys not chosen as the primary key.

Foreign key

A foreign key (FK) is an attribute in a table that references the primary key in another table OR it can be
null. Both foreign and primary keys must be of the same data type.

In the COMPANY database example below, DepartmentID is the foreign key:

B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Employee(EID, First Name, Last Name, SIN, Address, Phone, BirthDate, Salary, DepartmentID)


A null is a special symbol, independent of data type, which means either unknown or inapplicable. It
does not mean zero or blank. Features of null include:

 No data entry

 Not permitted in the primary key

 Should be avoided in other attributes

 Can represent

o An unknown attribute value

o A known, but missing, attribute value

o A “not applicable” condition

 Can create problems when functions such as COUNT, AVERAGE and SUM are used

 Can create logical problems when relational tables are linked


Normalization should be part of the database design process. However, it is difficult to separate the
normalization process from the ER modelling process so the two techniques should be used

Use an entity relation diagram (ERD) to provide the big picture, or macro view, of an organization’s data
requirements and operations. This is created through an iterative process that involves identifying
relevant entities, their attributes and their relationships.

Normalization procedure focuses on characteristics of specific entities and represents the micro view of
entities within the ERD.

What Is Normalization?

Normalization is the branch of relational theory that provides design insights. It is the process of
determining how much redundancy exists in a table. The goals of normalization are to:

 Be able to characterize the level of redundancy in a relational schema

 Provide mechanisms for transforming schemas in order to remove redundancy

B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Normalization theory draws heavily on the theory of functional dependencies. Normalization theory
defines six normal forms (NF). Each normal form involves a set of dependency properties that a schema
must satisfy and each normal form gives guarantees about the presence and/or absence of update
anomalies. This means that higher normal forms have less redundancy, and as a result, fewer update

Normal Forms

All the tables in any database can be in one of the normal forms we will discuss next. Ideally we only
want minimal redundancy for PK to FK. Everything else should be derived from other tables. There are
six normal forms, but we will only look at the first four, which are:

 First normal form (1NF)

 Second normal form (2NF)

 Third normal form (3NF)

 Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF)

BCNF is rarely used.

First Normal Form (1NF)

In the first normal form, only single values are permitted at the intersection of each row and column;
hence, there are no repeating groups.

To normalize a relation that contains a repeating group, remove the repeating group and form two new

The PK of the new relation is a combination of the PK of the original relation plus an attribute from the
newly created relation for unique identification.

Process for 1NF

We will use the Student_Grade_Report table below, from a School database, as our example to explain
the process for 1NF.

Student_Grade_Report (StudentNo, StudentName, Major, CourseNo, CourseName, InstructorNo,

InstructorName, InstructorLocation, Grade)

 In the Student Grade Report table, the repeating group is the course information. A student can
take many courses.

 Remove the repeating group. In this case, it’s the course information for each student.

 Identify the PK for your new table.

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 The PK must uniquely identify the attribute value (StudentNo and CourseNo).

 After removing all the attributes related to the course and student, you are left with the student
course table (StudentCourse).

 The Student table (Student) is now in first normal form with the repeating group removed.

 The two new tables are shown below.

Student (StudentNo, StudentName, Major)

StudentCourse (StudentNo, CourseNo, CourseName, InstructorNo, InstructorName, InstructorLocation,


How to update 1NF anomalies

StudentCourse (StudentNo, CourseNo, CourseName, InstructorNo, InstructorName, InstructorLocation,


 To add a new course, we need a student.

 When course information needs to be updated, we may have inconsistencies.

 To delete a student, we might also delete critical information about a course.

Second Normal Form (2NF)

For the second normal form, the relation must first be in 1NF. The relation is automatically in 2NF if, and
only if, the PK comprises a single attribute.

If the relation has a composite PK, then each non-key attribute must be fully dependent on the entire PK
and not on a subset of the PK (i.e., there must be no partial dependency or augmentation).

Process for 2NF

To move to 2NF, a table must first be in 1NF.

 The Student table is already in 2NF because it has a single-column PK.

 When examining the Student Course table, we see that not all the attributes are fully dependent
on the PK; specifically, all course information. The only attribute that is fully dependent is grade.

 Identify the new table that contains the course information.

 Identify the PK for the new table.

 The three new tables are shown below.

Student (StudentNo, StudentName, Major)

B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

CourseGrade (StudentNo, CourseNo, Grade)

CourseInstructor (CourseNo, CourseName, InstructorNo, InstructorName, InstructorLocation)

How to update 2NF anomalies

 When adding a new instructor, we need a course.

 Updating course information could lead to inconsistencies for instructor information.

 Deleting a course may also delete instructor information.

Third Normal Form (3NF)

To be in third normal form, the relation must be in second normal form. Also all transitive dependencies
must be removed; a non-key attribute may not be functionally dependent on another non-key attribute.

Process for 3NF

 Eliminate all dependent attributes in transitive relationship(s) from each of the tables that have
a transitive relationship.

 Create new table(s) with removed dependency.

 Check new table(s) as well as table(s) modified to make sure that each table has a determinant
and that no table contains inappropriate dependencies.

 See the four new tables below.

Student (StudentNo, StudentName, Major)

CourseGrade (StudentNo, CourseNo, Grade)

Course (CourseNo, CourseName, InstructorNo)

Instructor (InstructorNo, InstructorName, InstructorLocation)

At this stage, there should be no anomalies in third normal form. Let’s look at the dependency diagram
(Figure 12.1) for this example. The first step is to remove repeating groups, as discussed above.

Student (StudentNo, StudentName, Major)

StudentCourse (StudentNo, CourseNo, CourseName, InstructorNo, InstructorName, InstructorLocation,


To recap the normalization process for the School database, review the dependencies shown in Figure
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Figure 12.1 Dependency diagram, by A. Watt.

The abbreviations used in Figure 12.1 are as follows:

PD: partial dependency

TD: transitive dependency

FD: full dependency (Note: FD typically stands for functional dependency. Using FD as an
abbreviation for full dependency is only used in Figure 12.1.)

Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)

When a table has more than one candidate key, anomalies may result even though the relation is in
3NF. Boyce-Codd normal form is a special case of 3NF. A relation is in BCNF if, and only if, every
determinant is a candidate key.

BCNF Example 1

Consider the following table (St_Maj_Adv).

Student_id Major Advisor

111 Physics Smith

111 Music Chan

320 Math Dobbs

671 Physics White

803 Physics Smith

The semantic rules (business rules applied to the database) for this table are:

1. Each Student may major in several subjects.

B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

2. For each Major, a given Student has only one Advisor.

3. Each Major has several Advisors.

4. Each Advisor advises only one Major.

5. Each Advisor advises several Students in one Major.

The functional dependencies for this table are listed below. The first one is a candidate key; the second is

1. Student_id, Major ——> Advisor

2. Advisor ——> Major

Anomalies for this table include:

1. Delete – student deletes advisor info

2. Insert – a new advisor needs a student

3. Update – inconsistencies

Note: No single attribute is a candidate key.

PK can be Student_id, Major or Student_id, Advisor.

To reduce the St_Maj_Adv relation to BCNF, you create two new tables:

1. St_Adv (Student_id, Advisor)

2. Adv_Maj (Advisor, Major)

St_Adv table

Student_id Advisor

111 Smith

111 Chan

320 Dobbs

671 White
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803 Smith

Adv_Maj table

Advisor Major

Smith Physics

Chan Music

Dobbs Math

White Physics

BCNF Example 2

Consider the following table (Client_Interview).

ClientNo InterviewDate InterviewTime StaffNo RoomNo

CR76 13-May-02 10.30 SG5 G101

CR56 13-May-02 12.00 SG5 G101

CR74 13-May-02 12.00 SG37 G102

CR56 1-July-02 10.30 SG5 G102

FD1 – ClientNo, InterviewDate –> InterviewTime, StaffNo, RoomNo (PK)

FD2 – staffNo, interviewDate, interviewTime –> clientNO (candidate key: CK)

FD3 – roomNo, interviewDate, interviewTime –> staffNo, clientNo (CK)

FD4 – staffNo, interviewDate –> roomNo

A relation is in BCNF if, and only if, every determinant is a candidate key. We need to create a table that
incorporates the first three FDs (Client_Interview2 table) and another table (StaffRoom table) for the
fourth FD.
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Client_Interview2 table

ClientNo InterviewDate InterViewTime StaffNo

CR76 13-May-02 10.30 SG5

CR56 13-May-02 12.00 SG5

CR74 13-May-02 12.00 SG37

CR56 1-July-02 10.30 SG5

StaffRoom table

StaffNo InterviewDate RoomNo

SG5 13-May-02 G101

SG37 13-May-02 G102

SG5 1-July-02 G102

Normalization and Database Design

During the normalization process of database design, make sure that proposed entities meet required
normal form before table structures are created. Many real-world databases have been improperly
designed or burdened with anomalies if improperly modified during the course of time. You may be
asked to redesign and modify existing databases. This can be a large undertaking if the tables are not
properly normalized.

Functional dependency
In a given table, an attribute Y is said to have a functional dependency on a set of
attributes X (written X → Y) if and only if each X value is associated with precisely
one Y value.

For example, in an "Employee" table that includes the attributes "Employee ID"
and "Employee Date of Birth", the functional dependency {Employee ID} →
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

{Employee Date of Birth} would hold. It follows from the previous two sentences
that each {Employee ID} is associated with precisely one {Employee Date of

Full functional dependency

An attribute is fully functionally dependent on a set of attributes X if it is:
 functionally dependent on X, and
 not functionally dependent on any proper subset of X. {Employee
Address} has a functional dependency on {Employee ID, Skill}, but not a
full functional dependency, because it is also dependent on {Employee
ID}.Even by the removal of {Skill} functional dependency still holds
between {Employee Address} and {Employee ID}.

Transitive dependency
A transitive dependency is an indirect functional dependency, one in
which X→Z only by virtue of X→Y and Y→Z.

Trivial functional dependency

A trivial functional dependency is a functional dependency of an attribute
on a superset of itself. {Employee ID, Employee Address} → {Employee
Address} is trivial, as is {Employee Address} → {Employee Address}.

Multivalve dependency
A multivalued dependency is a constraint according to which the presence
of certain rows in a table implies the presence of certain other rows.

Join dependency
A table T is subject to a join dependency if T can always be recreated by
joining multiple tables each having a subset of the attributes of T.
Norm Description
Defined by In definitio
Two The domain of
First versions: E each attribute contains
1NF normal .F. only atomic values, and the value of
form Codd (197 each attribute contains only a single
0), C.J. value from that domain.
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Norm Description
Defined by In definitio
Date (200
Second No non-prime attribute in the table
2NF normal E.F. Codd 1971 is functionally dependent on
form a proper subset of any candidate
Every non-prime attribute is non-
transitively dependent on every
versions: E
candidate key in the table. The
Third .F.
1971and attributes that do not contribute to
3NF normal Codd (197
1982 the description of the primary key
form 1), C.
are removed from the table. In
other words, no transitive
dependency is allowed.
Every non-trivial functional
dependency in the table is either
EKNF C. Zaniolo 1982 the dependency of an elementary
key attribute or a dependency on a
Boyce– Raymond
Every non-trivial functional
Codd F.
BCNF 1974 dependency in the table is a
normal Boyceand
dependency on a superkey
form E.F. Codd
Fourth Every non-trivial multivalued
4NF normal 1977 dependency in the table is a
form dependency on a superkey
Fifth Every non-trivial join
5NF normal 1979 dependency in the table is implied
form by the superkeys of the table
Every constraint on the table is
Ronald a logical consequence of the table's
DKNF y normal 1981
Fagin domain constraints and key
6NF Sixth C.J. 2002 Table features no non-trivial join
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Norm Description
Defined by In definitio
normal Date, Hugh dependencies at all (with reference
form Darwen, to generalized join operator)
and Nikos

UNF: A table that contains 1/more repeating gps.

1NF: Each cell must have one value & no repeating gps.
2NF: Every non-primary key Attribute is fully functionaly dependent on
primary key. i.e. Remove
partially dependency.
3NF: Dependent on primary key. i.e. Remove transitive dependency.
BCNF: Boyce Codd Normal Form: Every determenent is a candidate key.
4NF --- >5NF: Higher Normal Form

Modification Anomalies
Once our E-R model has been converted into relations, we may find that some
relations are not properly specified. There can be a number of problems:
Deletion Anomaly: Deleting one fact or data point from a relation results in
other information being lost.
Insertion Anomaly: Inserting a new fact or tuple into a relation requires
we have information from two or more entities – this situation might not be
Update Anomaly: Updating one fact in a relation requires us to update
multiple tuples.
Here is a quick example to illustrate these anomalies: A company has a Purchase
Order form:

Normalization Process
 Relations can fall into one or more categories (or classes) called Normal
 Normal Form: A class of relations free from a certain set of modification
 Normal forms are given names such as:
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

 First normal form (1NF)

 Second normal form (2NF)
 Third normal form (3NF)
 Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF)
 Fourth normal form (4NF)
 Fifth normal form (5NF)
 Domain-Key normal form (DK/NF)
 These forms are cumulative. A relation in Third normal form is also in 2NF
and 1NF.
 The Normalization Process for a given relation consists of:
a. Specify the Key of the relation
b. Specify the functional dependencies of the relation.
Sample data (tuples) for the relation can assist with this step.
c. Apply the definition of each normal form (starting with 1NF).
d. If a relation fails to meet the definition of a normal form, change the
relation (most often by splitting the relation into two new relations)
until it meets the definition.
e. Re-test the modified/new relations to ensure they meet the
definitions of each normal form.
In the next set of notes, each of the normal forms will be defined along with an
example of the normalization steps.

First Normal Form (1NF)

A relation is in first normal form if it meets the definition of a relation:
 Each attribute (column) value must be a single value only.
 All values for a given attribute (column ) must be of the same type.
 Each attribute (column) name must be unique.
 The order of attributes (columns) is insignificant
 No two tuples (rows) in a relation can be identical.
 The order of the tuples (rows) is insignificant.
 If you have a key defined for the relation, then you can meet the unique
row requirement.
 Example relation in 1NF (note that key attributes are underlined):
 STOCKS (Company, Symbol, Headquarters, Date, Close_Price)

Company Symbol Headquarters Date Close Price

Microsoft MSFT Redmond, WA 09/07/2013 23.96
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Microsoft MSFT Redmond, WA 09/08/2013 23.93

Microsoft MSFT Redmond, WA 09/09/2013 24.01
Oracle ORCL Redwood Shores, CA 09/07/2013 24.27
Oracle ORCL Redwood Shores, CA 09/08/2013 24.14
Oracle ORCL Redwood Shores, CA 09/09/2013 24.33

Second Normal Form (2NF)

A relation is in second normal form (2NF) if all of its non-key attributes are
dependent on all of the key.
Another way to say this: A relation is in second normal form if it is free from
partial-key dependencies
Relations that have a single attribute for a key are automatically in 2NF.
This is one reason why we often use artificial identifiers (non-composite keys) as
In the example below, Close Price is dependent on Company, Date
The following example relation is not in 2NF:
STOCKS (Company, Symbol, Headquarters, Date, Close_Price)

Company Symbol Headquarters Date Close Price

Microsoft MSFT Redmond, WA 09/07/2013 23.96
Microsoft MSFT Redmond, WA 09/08/2013 23.93
Microsoft MSFT Redmond, WA 09/09/2013 24.01
Oracle ORCL Redwood Shores, CA 09/07/2013 24.27
Oracle ORCL Redwood Shores, CA 09/08/2013 24.14
Oracle ORCL Redwood Shores, CA 09/09/2013 24.33

Company Symbol Headquarters

Microsoft MSFT Redmond, WA
Oracle ORCL Redwood Shores, CA
FD1: Symbol → Company, Headquarters
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STOCK_PRICES relation:
Symbol Date Close Price
MSFT 09/07/2013 23.96
MSFT 09/08/2013 23.93
MSFT 09/09/2013 24.01
ORCL 09/07/2013 24.27
ORCL 09/08/2013 24.14
ORCL 09/09/2013 24.33
FD1: Symbol, Date → Close Price

In checking these new relations we can confirm that they meet the definition of
1NF (each one has well defined unique keys) and 2NF (no partial key

Third Normal Form (3NF)

A relation is in third normal form (3NF) if it is in second normal form and it
contains no transitive dependencies.
Consider relation R containing attributes A, B and C. R(A, B, C)
If A → B and B → C then A → C
Transitive Dependency: Three attributes with the above dependencies.
Example: At CUNY:

Course_Code → Course_Number, Section

Course_Number, Section → Classroom, Professor

Consider one of the new relations we created in the STOCKS example for 2nd
normal form:
Company Symbol Headquarters
Microsoft MSFT Redmond, WA
Oracle ORCL Redwood Shores, CA
The functional dependencies we can see are:
FD1: Symbol → Company
FD2: Company → Headquarters
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so therefore:
Symbol → Headquarters

This is a transitive dependency.

This gives us the following sample data and FD for the new relations
Company Symbol
Microsoft MSFT
Oracle ORCL

FD1: Symbol → Company

Company Headquarters
Microsoft Redmond, WA
Oracle Redwood Shores, CA

FD1: Company → Headquarters

Again, each of these new relations should be checked to ensure they meet the
definition of 1NF, 2NF and now 3NF.
Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
 A relation is in BCNF if every determinant is a candidate key.
 Recall that not all determinants are keys.
 Those determinants that are keys we initially call candidate keys.
 Eventually, we select a single candidate key to be the key for the relation.
 Consider the following example:
o Funds consist of one or more Investment Types.
o Funds are managed by one or more Managers
o Investment Types can have one more Managers
o Managers only manage one type of investment.
 Relation: FUNDS (FundID, InvestmentType, Manager)

FundID InvestmentType Manager

99 Common Stock Smith
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

99 Municipal Bonds Jones

33 Common Stock Green
22 Growth Stocks Brown
11 Common Stock Smith

Fourth Normal Form (4NF)

A relation is in fourth normal form if it is in BCNF and it contains no multivalued
Multivalued Dependency: A type of functional dependency where the
determinant can determine more than one value.
More formally, there are 3 criteria:
1. There must be at least 3 attributes in the relation. call them A, B, and C, for
2. Given A, one can determine multiple values of B.
3. Given A, one can determine multiple values of C.
4. B and C are independent of one another.

Book example:
Student has one or more majors.
Student participates in one or more activities.
StudentID Major Activities
100 CIS Baseball
100 CIS Volleyball
100 Accounting Baseball
100 Accounting Volleyball
200 Marketing Swimming
FD1: StudentID →→ Major
FD2: StudentID →→ Activities

Portfolio ID Stock Fund Bond Fund

999 Janus Fund Municipal Bonds
999 Janus Fund Dreyfus Short-Intermediate Municipal Bond
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Scudder Global
999 Fund Municipal Bonds
Scudder Global Dreyfus Short-Intermediate Municipal Bond
999 Fund Fund
888 Kaufmann Fund T. Rowe Price Emerging Markets Bond Fund

A few characteristics:
 No regular functional dependencies
 All three attributes taken together form the key.
 Latter two attributes are independent of one another.
 Insertion anomaly: Cannot add a stock fund without adding a bond fund
(NULL Value). Must always maintain the combinations to preserve the
 Stock Fund and Bond Fund form a multivalued dependency on Portfolio ID.
 PortfolioID →→ Stock Fund
 PortfolioID →→ Bond Fund

Resolution: Split into two tables with the common key:

Portfolio ID Stock Fund
999 Janus Fund
999 Scudder Global Fund
888 Kaufmann Fund

Portfolio ID Bond Fund

999 Municipal Bonds
999 Dreyfus Short-Intermediate Municipal Bond Fund
888 T. Rowe Price Emerging Markets Bond Fund

Fifth Normal Form (5NF)

B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Also called “Projection Join” Normal form.

There are certain conditions under which after decomposing a relation, it cannot
be reassembled back into its original form.
We don’t consider these issues here.

Domain Key Normal Form (DK/NF)

A relation is in DK/NF if every constraint on the relation is a logical consequence
of the definition of keysand domains.
Constraint: An rule governing static values of an attribute such that we can
determine if this constraint is True or False. Examples:
 Functional Dependencies
 Multivalued Dependencies
 Inter-relation rules
 Intra-relation rules
However: Does Not include time dependent constraints.

Key: Unique identifier of a tuple.

Domain: The physical (data type, size, NULL values) and semantic (logical)
description of what values an attribute can hold.
There is no known algorithm for converting a relation directly into DK/NF.

What is Normalization?
Normalization is the process of efficiently organizing data in a database. There are
two goals of the normalization process: eliminating redundant data (for example,
storing the same data in more than one table) and ensuring data
dependencies make sense (only storing related data in a table). Both of these are
worthy goals as they reduce the amount of space a database consumes and ensure
that data is logically stored.

Summary of the Normal Forms

The database community has developed a series of guidelines for ensuring that
databases are normalized. These are referred to as normal forms and are
numbered from one (the lowest form of normalization, referred to as first normal
form or 1NF) through five (fifth normal form or 5NF). In practical applications,
you'll often see 1NF, 2NF, and3NF along with the occasional 4NF. Fifth normal
form is very rarely seen and won't be discussed in this article.
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Before we begin our discussion of the normal forms, it's important to point out
that they are guidelines and guidelines only. Occasionally, it becomes necessary to
stray from them to meet practical business requirements. However, when
variations take place, it's extremely important to evaluate any possible
ramifications they could have on your system and account for possible
inconsistencies. That said, let's explore the normal forms.

First Normal Form (1NF)

First normal form (1NF) sets the very basic rules for an organized database:
Eliminate duplicative columns from the same table.
Create separate tables for each group of related data and identify each row with
a unique column or set of columns (the primary key).

Second Normal Form (2NF)

Second normal form (2NF) further addresses the concept of removing duplicative
Meet all the requirements of the first normal form.
Remove subsets of data that apply to multiple rows of a table and place them in
separate tables.
Create relationships between these new tables and their predecessors through
the use of foreign keys.

Third Normal Form (3NF)

Third normal form (3NF) goes one large step further:
Meet all the requirements of the second normal form.
Remove columns that are not dependent upon the primary key.

Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF or 3.5NF)

The Boyce-Codd Normal Form, also referred to as the "third and half (3.5) normal
form", adds one more requirement:
Meet all the requirements of the third normal form.
Every determinant must be a candidate key.

Fourth Normal Form (4NF)

Finally, fourth normal form (4NF) has one additional requirement:
Meet all the requirements of the third normal form.
A relation is in 4NF if it has no multi-valued dependencies.
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Remember, these normalization guidelines are cumulative. For a database to be in

2NF, it must first fulfill all the criteria of a 1NF database.
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Unit III
Introduction to Database Languages
The main objective of a database management system is to allow its users to perform a number of
operations on the database such as insert, delete, and retrieve data in abstract terms without
knowing about the physical representations of data. To provide the various facilities to different
types of users, a DBMS normally provides one or more specialized programming languages
called Database (or DBMS) Languages.

There are many popular RDBMS available to work. They are as follows:-
 MySQL
 MS SQL Server

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a database sublanguage for querying and modifying
relational databases. It was developed by IBM Research in the mid 70's and standardized by
ANSI in 1986.
SQL (pronounced "ess-que-el") stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is used to
communicate with a database.
SQL statements are used to perform tasks such as update data on a database, or retrieve data
from a database. Some common relational database management systems that use SQL are:
Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, Access, Ingres, etc.

Characteristics of SQL:-
 Allows users to describe the data.
 Allows users to define the data in database and manipulate that data.
 Allows embedding within other languages using SQL modules, libraries & pre-compilers.
 Allows users to create and drop databases and tables.
 Allows users to create view, stored procedure, functions in a database.
 Allows users to set permissions on tables, procedures, and views

SQL Process:
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

SQL Functions:-
SQL has many built-in functions for performing calculations on data.

SQL Aggregate Functions

SQL aggregate functions return a single value, calculated from values in a column.
The Useful aggregate functions are as follows:
 AVG() - Returns the average value
 COUNT() - Returns the number of rows
 FIRST() - Returns the first value
 LAST() - Returns the last value
 MAX() - Returns the largest value
 MIN() - Returns the smallest value
 SUM() - Returns the sum

SQL Scalar functions

SQL scalar functions return a single value, based on the input value.
The Useful scalar functions are as follows:
 UCASE() - Converts a field to upper case
 LCASE() - Converts a field to lower case
 MID() - Extract characters from a text field
 LEN() - Returns the length of a text field
 ROUND() - Rounds a numeric field to the number of decimals specified
 NOW() - Returns the current system date and time
 FORMAT() - Formats how a field is to be displayed

Components of SQL:-
SQL commands are instructions used to communicate with the database to perform specific
task that work with data. SQL commands can be used not only for searching the database but
also to perform various other functions like, for example, you can create tables, add data to
tables, or modify data, drop the table, set permissions for users. SQL commands are grouped
into four major categories depending on their functionality:
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

 Data Definition Language (DDL) - These SQL commands are used for creating,
modifying, and dropping the structure of database objects. The commands are CREATE,
 Data Manipulation Language (DML) - These SQL commands are used for storing,
retrieving, modifying, and deleting data. These commands are SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE,
and DELETE.
 Transaction Control Language (TCL) - These SQL commands are used for managing
changes affecting the data. These commands are COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and SAVEPOINT.
 Data Control Language (DCL) - These SQL commands are used for providing security to
database objects. These commands are GRANT and REVOKE.

Some of the Most Important SQL Commands

 SELECT - extracts data from a database
 UPDATE - updates data in a database
 DELETE - deletes data from a database
 INSERT INTO - inserts new data into a database
 CREATE DATABASE - creates a new database
 ALTER DATABASE - modifies a database
 CREATE TABLE - creates a new table
 ALTER TABLE - modifies a table
 DROP TABLE - deletes a table
 CREATE INDEX - creates an index (search key)
 DROP INDEX - deletes an index

Some of the Most Important SQL Commands with SQL statement

DML: Data Manipulation Language

SQL-Data Statements -- query and modify tables and columns
o SELECT Statement -- query tables and views in the database
o INSERT Statement -- add rows to tables
o UPDATE Statement -- modify columns in table rows
o DELETE Statement -- remove rows from tables

TCL:- Transaction Control Language

SQL-Transaction Statements -- control transactions
o COMMIT Statement -- commit the current transaction
o ROLLBACK Statement -- roll back the current transaction

DDL:- Data Definition Language

SQL-Schema Statements -- maintain schema (catalog)
o CREATE TABLE Statement -- create tables
o CREATE VIEW Statement -- create views
o DROP TABLE Statement -- drop tables
o DROP VIEW Statement -- drop views
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

o GRANT Statement -- grant privileges on tables and views to other users

o REVOKE Statement -- revoke privileges on tables and views from other users

The SQL SELECT Statement:-

The SELECT statement is used to select data from a database.

SELECT column_name,column_name
FROM table_name;
SELECT * FROM table_name;

WHERE clause: - It is used to filter records.

SELECT column_name,column_name
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value;
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

Operators in where clause:-

Operator Description
= Equal

<> Not equal.

> Greater than

< Less than

>= Greater than or equal

<= Less than or equal

BETWEEN Between an inclusive range

LIKE Search for a pattern

IN To specify multiple possible values for a column

SQL AND & OR Operators:-

 The AND & OR operators are used to filter records based on more than one condition.
 The AND operator displays a record if both the first condition AND the second condition
are true.
 The OR operator displays a record if either the first condition OR the second condition is

IN operator is used when you know the exact value you want to return for at least one of the

SQL ORDER BY Keyword:-

The ORDER BY keyword is used to sort the result-set. The ORDER BY keyword is used to sort
the result-set by one or more columns.
The ORDER BY keyword sorts the records in ascending order by default. To sort the records in a
descending order, you can use the DESC keyword.
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

SELECT column_name,column_name
FROM table_name
ORDER BY column_name,column_name ASC|DESC;


The INSERT INTO statement is used to insert new records in a table.
The first form does not specify the column names where the data will be inserted, only their

INSERT INTO table_name

VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...);
The second form specifies both the column names and the values to be inserted:

INSERT INTO table_name (column1,column2,column3,...)

VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...);
SQL UPDATE Statement
The UPDATE statement is used to update records in a table.

UPDATE table_name
SET column1=value1,column2=value2,...
WHERE some_column=some_value;

SQL DELETE Statement

The DELETE statement is used to delete records in a table.
DELETE FROM table_name
WHERE some_column=some_value;


The CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a table in a database.
Tables are organized into rows and columns; and each table must have a name.
CREATE TABLE table_name
column_name1 data_type(size),
column_name2 data_type(size),
column_name3 data_type(size),
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

The DROP TABLE Statement

The DROP TABLE statement is used to delete a table.
DROP TABLE table_name;

The ALTER TABLE Statement

The ALTER TABLE statement is used to add, delete, or modify columns in an existing table.
To add a column in a table, use the following syntax:
ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD column_name datatype


SQL GRANT is a command used to provide access or privileges on the database objects to the
The Syntax for the GRANT command is:
GRANT privilege_name
ON object_name
TO {user_name |PUBLIC |role_name}
 privilege_name is the access right or privilege granted to the user. Some of the access
rights are ALL, EXECUTE, and SELECT.
 object_name is the name of an database object like TABLE, VIEW, STORED PROC and
 user_name is the name of the user to whom an access right is being granted.
 user_name is the name of the user to whom an access right is being granted.
 PUBLIC is used to grant access rights to all users.
 ROLES are a set of privileges grouped together.
 WITH GRANT OPTION - allows a user to grant access rights to other users.


The REVOKE command removes user access rights or privileges to the database objects.
The Syntax for the REVOKE command is:
REVOKE privilege_name
ON object_name
FROM {user_name |PUBLIC |role_name}
B.Com IInd Year. Subject- Relational Database Management System

The COMMIT Command:

The COMMIT command is the transactional command used to save changes invoked by a transaction to
the database.
The COMMIT command saves all transactions to the database since the last COMMIT or ROLLBACK
The ROLLBACK Command:
The ROLLBACK command is the transactional command used to undo transactions that have not already
been saved to the database.
The ROLLBACK command can only be used to undo transactions since the last COMMIT or ROLLBACK
command was issued.

The syntax for ROLLBACK command is as follows:

SQL Data Types:-
SQL data type is an attribute that specifies type of data of any object. Each column, variable and
expression has related data type in SQL.
SQL offers six categories of data types for your use:
 Exact Numeric Data Types: int, numeric, bit etc
 Approximate Numeric Data Types: Float, real
 Date and Time Data Types: Datatime, date, time, smalldatetime
 Character Strings Data Types: Char, varchar,varchar(max), text
 Unicode Character Strings Data Types: Nchar, nvarchar,ntext
 Binary Data Types: Binary,varbinary
 Misc Data Types

SQL Operator
An operator is a reserved word or a character used primarily in an SQL statement's WHERE
clause to perform operation(s), such as comparisons and arithmetic operations.
Operators are used to specify conditions in an SQL statement and to serve as conjunctions for
multiple conditions in a statement.
 Arithmetic operators  Logical operators
 Comparison operators  Operators used to negate conditions

Set operators:-
SQL support few of set operators on the SQL tables. They are as follows:-
 Union
 Intersect
 minus
B.Com II year Subject- Relational Database management System

The SQL ORDER BY clause is used to sort the data in ascending or descending order, based on
one or more columns. Some database sorts query results in ascending order by default.
SELECT column-list
FROM table_name
[WHERE condition]
[ORDER BY column1, column2, .. columnN] [ASC | DESC];

The SQL GROUP BY clause is used in collaboration with the SELECT statement to arrange
identical data into groups.
The GROUP BY clause follows the WHERE clause in a SELECT statement and precedes the
ORDER BY clause.
SELECT column1, column2
FROM table_name
WHERE [ conditions ]
GROUP BY column1, column2
ORDER BY column1, column2

The HAVING clause enables you to specify conditions that filter which group results appear
in the final results.
The WHERE clause places conditions on the selected columns, whereas the HAVING clause
places conditions on groups created by the GROUP BY clause.

SELECT column1, column2

FROM table1, table2
WHERE [ conditions ]
GROUP BY column1, column2
HAVING [ conditions ]
ORDER BY column1, column2
B.Com II year Subject- Relational Database management System

A Subquery or Inner query or Nested query is a query within another SQL query and
embedded within the WHERE clause.
A subquery is used to return data that will be used in the main query as a condition to
further restrict the data to be retrieved.
Subqueries can be used with the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements along
with the operators like =, <, >, >=, <=, IN, BETWEEN etc.
There are a few rules that subqueries must follow:
 Subqueries must be enclosed within parentheses.
 A subquery can have only one column in the SELECT clause, unless multiple
columns are in the main query for the subquery to compare its selected columns.
 An ORDER BY cannot be used in a subquery, although the main query can use an
ORDER BY. The GROUP BY can be used to perform the same function as the ORDER
BY in a subquery.
 Subqueries that return more than one row can only be used with multiple value
operators, such as the IN operator.
 The SELECT list cannot include any references to values that evaluate to a BLOB,
 A subquery cannot be immediately enclosed in a set function.
 The BETWEEN operator cannot be used with a subquery; however, the BETWEEN
operator can be used within the subquery.

SELECT column_name [, column_name ]

FROM table1 [, table2 ]
WHERE column_name OPERATOR
(SELECT column_name [, column_name ]
FROM table1 [, table2 ]
The SQL Joins clause is used to combine records from two or more tables in a database. A JOIN
is a means for combining fields from two tables by using values common to each.
SQL Join Types:
There are different types of joins available in SQL:
 INNER JOIN: returns rows when there is a match in both tables.
 LEFT JOIN: returns all rows from the left table, even if there are no matches in the right
 RIGHT JOIN: returns all rows from the right table, even if there are no matches in the left
 FULL JOIN: returns rows when there is a match in one of the tables.
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 SELF JOIN: is used to join a table to itself as if the table were two tables, temporarily
renaming at least one table in the SQL statement.
 CARTESIAN JOIN: returns the Cartesian product of the sets of records from the two or more
joined tables.
SQL Functions:-
There are two types of functions in SQL

1) Single Row Functions: Single row or Scalar functions return a value for every row that is
processed in a query.
2) Group Functions: These functions group the rows of data based on the values returned by the
query. This is discussed in SQL GROUP Functions. The group functions are used to calculate
aggregate values like total or average, which return just one total or one average value after
processing a group of rows.

There are four types of single row functions. They are:

o Numeric Functions: These are functions that accept numeric input and return numeric values.

o Character or Text Functions: These are functions that accept character input and can return
both character and number values.

o Date Functions: These are functions that take values that are of datatype DATE as input and
return values of datatype DATE, except for the MONTHS_BETWEEN function, which returns
a number.

o Conversion Functions: These are functions that help us to convert a value in one form to
another form. For Example: a null value into an actual value, or a value from one datatype to
another datatype like NVL, TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, TO_DATE etc.

Numeric Functions:
Numeric functions are used to perform operations on numbers. They accept numeric
values as input and return numeric values as output. Few of the Numeric functions are:
ABS (x)
CEIL (x)
TRUNC (x, y)
ROUND (x, y)
Character or Text Functions:
Character or text functions are used to manipulate text strings. They accept strings or
characters as input and can return both character and number values as output.
B.Com II year Subject- Relational Database management System

Few of the character or text functions are as given below:

 LOWER (string_value)
 UPPER (string_value)
 INITCAP (string_value)
 LTRIM (string_value, trim_text)
 RTRIM (string_value, trim_text)
 TRIM (trim_text FROM string_value)
 SUBSTR (string_value, m, n)
 LENGTH (string_value)
 LPAD (string_value, n, pad_value)
 RPAD (string_value, n, pad_value)
Date Functions:
These are functions that take values that are of datatype DATE as input and return
values of datatypes DATE, except for the MONTHS_BETWEEN function, which returns a
number as output.
Few date functions are as given below.
 ADD_MONTHS (date, n)
 ROUND (x, date_format)
 TRUNC (x, date_format)
 NEXT_DAY (x, week_day)
 LAST_DAY (x)
 NEW_TIME (x, zone1, zone2)
Conversion Functions:
These are functions that help us to convert a value in one form to another form. For Ex: a
null value into an actual value, or a value from one datatype to another datatype like NVL,
Few of the conversion functions available in SQL are:
 TO_CHAR (x [,y])
 TO_DATE (x [, date_format])
 NVL (x, y)
 DECODE (a, b, c, d, e, default_value)
B.Com II year Subject- Relational Database management System

Unit IV
Extra Knowledge
Larger measures include:
kilobyte (KB) equal to 1,024 bytes
megabyte (MB) equal to 1,024 KB
gigabyte (GB) equal to 1,024 MB
terabyte (TB) equal to 1,024 GB
petabyte (PB) equal to 1,024 TB
exabyte (EB) equal to 1,024 PB
A data storage device is a piece of technology that is used either to temporarily or
permanently hold information in a structured fashion. By structured, we mean that the
information is organization in a way that makes it is easy to retrieve after-the-fact.
There are basically two types of data storage devices available. Dynamic storage requires
power to maintain the information it stores. An example of this type of store is Random
Access Memory (RAM). This is the storage referred to when you talk about your computer's

Serial Access Memory

Sequential access means the system must search the storage device from the beginning of
the memory address until it finds the required piece of data. Memory device which
supports such access is called a Sequential Access Memory or Serial Access Memory.
Magnetic tape is an example of serial access memory.

Direct Access Memory

Direct access memory or Random Access Memory, refers to conditions in which a system
can go directly to the information that the user wants. Memory device which supports such
access is called a Direct Access Memory. Magnetic disks, optical disks are examples of direct
access memory.

Static storage maintains its contents even with the power off. Examples of this type of
storage fall into a number of categories. They include:
Magnetic Storage - this technology uses magnetism and small metal pieces embedded in a
plastic film to encode information. Examples include cassette tapes, DAT tapes, floppy
disks, and hard disks. Don't be surprised if you haven't heard of all of these. Some are likely
before your time.
Optical Storage - this technology uses lasers and bumps on a plastic disk to encode
information. Examples include CD's, DVD's, and Blu-rays.
B.Com II year Subject- Relational Database management System

Flash Storage - this technology uses electronics, particularly flash memory (memory that is
readable and writable, and maintains its contents with the power off), to encode the
information. Examples include memory sticks, and solid state (SSD) drives.
Cloud Storage - this technology is just a remote version of the types already mentioned.
Examples include Amazon's AWS, and Microsoft's Azure.
Paper Storage - this technology encodes information by punching holes in paper cards. An
example of this is punch cards, which have fallen out of use.
A memory is just like a human brain. It is used to store data and instruction. Computer
memory is the storage space in computer where data is to be processed and instructions
required for processing are stored.
The memory is divided into large number of small parts. Each part is called a cell. Each
location or cell has a unique address which varies from zero to memory size minus one.
For example if computer has 64k words, then this memory unit has 64 * 1024 = 65536
memory location. The address of these locations varies from 0 to 65535.
Memory is primarily of two types
Internal Memory − cache memory and primary/main memory
External Memory − magnetic disk / optical disk etc.
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Characteristics of Memory Hierarchy are following when we go from top to bottom.

 Capacity in terms of storage increases.
 Cost per bit of storage decreases.
 Frequency of access of the memory by the CPU decreases.
 Access time by the CPU increases.
A RAM constitutes the internal memory of the CPU for storing data, program and program
result. It is read/write memory. It is called random access memory (RAM).
Since access time in RAM is independent of the address to the word that is, each storage
location inside the memory is as easy to reach as other location & takes the same amount of
time. We can reach into the memory at random & extremely fast but can also be quite
RAM is volatile, i.e. data stored in it is lost when we switch off the computer or if there is a
power failure. Hence, a backup uninterruptible power system (UPS) is often used with
computers. RAM is small, both in terms of its physical size and in the amount of data it can
RAM is of two types
Static RAM (SRAM)
Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
Static RAM (SRAM)
The word static indicates that the memory retains its contents as long as power remains
applied. However, data is lost when the power gets down due to volatile nature. SRAM
chips use a matrix of 6-transistors and no capacitors. Transistors do not require power to
prevent leakage, so SRAM need not have to be refreshed on a regular basis.
Because of the extra space in the matrix, SRAM uses more chips than DRAM for the same
amount of storage space, thus making the manufacturing costs higher.
Static RAM is used as cache memory needs to be very fast and small.
Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
DRAM, unlike SRAM, must be continually refreshed in order for it to maintain the data. This
is done by placing the memory on a refresh circuit that rewrites the data several hundred
times per second. DRAM is used for most system memory because it is cheap and small. All
DRAMs are made up of memory cells. These cells are composed of one capacitor and one
ROM stands for Read Only Memory. The memory from which we can only read but cannot
write on it. This type of memory is non-volatile. The information is stored permanently in
such memories during manufacture.
A ROM, stores such instruction as are required to start computer when electricity is first
turned on, this operation is referred to as bootstrap. ROM chip are not only used in the
computer but also in other electronic items like washing machine and microwave oven.
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Following are the various types of ROM −

MROM (Masked ROM)
The very first ROMs were hard-wired devices that contained a pre-programmed set of data
or instructions. These kind of ROMs are known as masked ROMs. It is inexpensive ROM.
PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory)
PROM is read-only memory that can be modified only once by a user. The user buys a blank
PROM and enters the desired contents using a PROM programmer. Inside the PROM chip
there are small fuses which are burnt open during programming. It can be programmed
only once and is not erasable.
EPROM (Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory)
The EPROM can be erased by exposing it to ultra-violet light for a duration of upto 40
minutes. Usually, an EPROM eraser achieves this function. During programming an
electrical charge is trapped in an insulated gate region. The charge is retained for more
than ten years because the charge has no leakage path. For erasing this charge, ultra-violet
light is passed through a quartz crystal window (lid). This exposure to ultra-violet light
dissipates the charge. During normal use the quartz lid is sealed with a sticker.
EEPROM (Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory)
The EEPROM is programmed and erased electrically. It can be erased and reprogrammed
about ten thousand times. Both erasing and programming take about 4 to 10 ms
(millisecond). In EEPROM, any location can be selectively erased and programmed.
EEPROMs can be erased one byte at a time, rather than erasing the entire chip. Hence, the
process of re-programming is flexible but slow.

Cache Memory
Cache memory is a very high speed semiconductor memory which can speed up CPU. It acts
as a buffer between the CPU and main memory. It is used to hold those parts of data and
program which are most frequently used by CPU. The parts of data and programs, are
transferred from disk to cache memory by operating system, from where CPU can access
Cache memory is faster than main memory.
It consumes less access time as compared to main memory.
It stores the program that can be executed within a short period of time.
It stores data for temporary use.
Cache memory has limited capacity.
It is very expensive.

Virtual memory
Virtual memory is a technique that allows the execution of processes which are not
completely available in memory. The main visible advantage of this scheme is that
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programs can be larger than physical memory. Virtual memory is the separation of user
logical memory from physical memory.
This separation allows an extremely large virtual memory to be provided for programmers
when only a smaller physical memory is available. Following are the situations, when
entire program is not required to be loaded fully in main memory.
User written error handling routines are used only when an error occurred in the data or
Certain options and features of a program may be used rarely.
Many tables are assigned a fixed amount of address space even though only a small amount
of the table is actually used.
The ability to execute a program that is only partially in memory would counter many
Less number of I/O would be needed to load or swap each user program into memory.
A program would no longer be constrained by the amount of physical memory that is
Each user program could take less physical memory, more programs could be run the same
time, with a corresponding increase in CPU utilization and throughput.

Auxiliary Memory/ Secondary memory.

Auxiliary memory is much larger in size than main memory but is slower. It normally
stores system programs, instruction and data files. It is also known as secondary memory.
It can also be used as an overflow/virtual memory in case the main memory capacity has
been exceeded. Secondary memories cannot be accessed directly by a processor. First the
data/information of auxiliary memory is transferred to the main memory and then that
information can be accessed by the CPU.
Characteristics of Auxiliary Memory are following −
 Non-volatile memory − Data is not lost when power is cut off.
 Reusable − The data stays in the secondary storage on permanent basis until it is not
overwritten or deleted by the user.
 Reliable − Data in secondary storage is safe because of high physical stability of
secondary storage device.
 Convenience − With the help of a computer software, authorised people can locate
and access the data quickly.
 Capacity − Secondary storage can store large volumes of data in sets of multiple
 Cost − It is much lesser expensive to store data on a tape or disk than primary

Depending on whether secondary memory device is part of CPU or not, there are two types
of secondary memory – fixed and removable.
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Let us look at some of the secondary memory devices available.

Hard Disk Drive
Hard disk drive is made up of a series of circular disks called platters arranged one over the
other almost ½ inches apart around a spindle. Disks are made of non-magnetic material
like aluminum alloy and coated with 10-20 nm of magnetic material.
Floppy Disk
They are flexible plastic discs which can bend, coated with magnetic oxide and are covered
with a plastic cover to provide protection. Floppy disks are also known as floppies and

Memory Card
This has similar functionality to a flash drive but is in a card shape. It can easily plug into a
port and removed after its work is done. A memory card is available in various sizes such
as 8MB, 16MB, 64MB, 128MB, 256MB etc.
Flash Drive
This is also known as a pen drive. It helps in easy transportation of data from one system to
another. A pen drive is quite compact and comes with various features and designs.
This is short for compact disk - read only memory. A CD is a shiny metal disk of silver
colour. It is already pre recorded and the data on it cannot be altered. It usually has a
storage capacity of 700 MB.

Various types of Secondary Storage Devices are as Followings:

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1) Magnetic Tapes: The Magnetic Tapes is the Type of Secondary Storage Device and this
Device is used for taking back up of data and this Tape contains some magnetic fields and
the Magnetic Tapes are used Accessing the data into the Sequential Form and the Tape Also
Contains a Ribbon which is coated on the Single Side of the Tape and also contains a head
which reads the data which is Recorded on to the Tape. And when we are reading
the information from the disk then we can also read backward information means we can
also back the Tape for Reading the Previous information. And For inserting the Tape into
the System we also Requires Some Tape Drives Which Contains Tape and which is
Responsible for Reading the contents from the Tapes.

They can Store huge Amount of data into the Tape Drive , But the Main Limitation of the
Tape Drive is that we cant Access the Data from the Disks directly means if we wants to
100th Record from the Tape then we must have to move all the Previous i.e. 99th Records
first. And the Tapes are also easily damaged due to the Human Errors.
2) Magnetic Disks : - This is also called as the hard disk and this is made from the thin
metal platter which is coated on the both sides of the magnetic Disks. And the there are
Many Plates or Platters into a single Hard Disk and all the Plates are Made from the
Magnetic Materials and all the Disks are Rotate from the 700 to 3600 rpm means Rotation
per Minute and the Hard Disk also Contains a head which is used for both Reading and
Writing the Data from the Hard Disks.

The Plate of Disk is Divided into the Tracks and sectors and the collection of Tracks makes
a Cylinder means all the Tracks of the Disk which a Consecutive Areas makes a Cylinder.

The Disk is first divided into the Number of Tracks and the Tracks are further divided into
the sectors and the Number of Tracks Makes a Cylinder. All the data is Stored into the disk
by using Some Sectors and each sectors belongs to a Tracks.
The Data is accessed from the Disk by using the heads, all the heads have Some Arm those
are used for Reading the Data from the Particular Tracks and sector. When the Disk Rotates
very high Speed then the Head also Moves, For Reading the data from the Disk the ARM
touches with the Particular Track and read the data from that Location.
For Locating a Particular data from the Disk the head Moves Around the Disk very Fastly
and data which a user wants to Access must have an Address So that Arm of the head just
use that Address Means the Number of Cylinder, Number of Track and Number of Sectors
from which user wants to read the data.
With the Help of these Read and Write heads we can also Read the Data from the Disk and
we can also Stores some data onto the Disk. Some Time Considerations are also used when
we are accessing or storing the data onto the hard disk.
Disk Performance factors:
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1) Seek Time: - The Total Time which is Taken to Move on the Desired track is known as
the seek Time. And time is always measured by using the Milliseconds.

2) Latency Time. : The time required to Bring the Particular Track to the Desired
Location Means the Total Time to bring the Correct the Sector for Reading or for the read
and Write head. This is also called as the Average Time.

3) Data Transfer Time: The Total Time which is required for Reading and Writing the
data into the Disk is known as the Data transfer Time.

When we are Taking About the Magnetic Tapes then we can say that the Storage Capacity of
the disk is Measure in the Form of Mega Bytes and when are talking about the Hard Disk
then the Measurement will be in the Form of Giga Bytes. Means the Capacity of t the Hard
Disk will be Read by using the Giga Bytes. The Magnetic Tapes are Sequential Access Device
and the Hard Disk is the Direct Access Device means the data of this Disk will be Read from
Any Location and the Data can be Read from the Disk by using the Read Write Heads. But
hard Disks are Costlier than the Simple Magnetic Tapes. But the capacity of the Hard Disk is
very high in compare to the Tapes.

3) Floppy Diskette: Floppy disk is a kind of storage device that can be used to carried
around? The Floppy Disk is also a Secondary Storage device which is used for storing the
data in a Permanent Manner. The floppy is made up of Rigid Mylar Plastic and also contains
a Magnetic black disk inside the Plastic Cover.
The Floppy Disk also Stores all the Data into the Form of Tracks and Sectors and the floppy
Disk provides both Reading and Writing the data into the Disk. The Floppy Disk is also
called as Reusable Disk means the Floppy Disk Provides us the Facility to Read and Writes
the Data into disk as and When Necessary and Also Many Times. We can Read and Write
the data from the Disk.
The Main Advantage of the Floppy Disk is that the Data can be Stored many Times but the
Main Limitation of the floppy Disk is that floppy Disk have a Small capacity and the Floppy
Disk also doesn’t have Reliability means the Data Stored into the Disk may not be used for
Long Time because the floppy Disk is very Sensitive Thing when we Move the Head of the
Disk Again and Again then the floppy disk gets Damaged.
So that we can say that Floppy Disk is not a Reliable thing. And I the Other side the Cost of
floppy Disk is also high means with the Comparison of the Other Storage Media’s Floppy
Disk have some more cost.
But the Main Advantage of the Floppy Disk is that floppy Disk is used for Moving the data
from one Computer to Another With the Advent of the Floppy Disk we can Store the Data
Into the Floppy Disk and after that we can Easily Remove that Disk from the System and
Also Put the Disk into the Another System for Taking the Data.
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But we cannot Start or Run the System without the Hard Disk So that floppy Disk is used to
Transfer the Files from one System into the. There are Two Types of floppy Disk Available
first is the 3.5 and second is the 5.2. But for inserting the Floppy Disk into the System we
must have to use the Floppy Disk Drive in the System.
For Reading the data from the Disk there are also Some Read and Write heads those are too
used. And the Head will touch the Surface of the floppy Disk So that this will lead to the
Damage of the Disk So Quickly because when the Head Directly Touch the Surface of the
Disk, then this will lead to the Scratches on the Disk and also cause Damage of the Disk. And
the Drive can take only one Disk Means we can insert only one Floppy Disk at a Time into
the Floppy Drive. The capacity of the floppy Disk is 1.44 MB. So that we can Floppy Disks as
rare as Possible.
Floppy Disk Contains a Notch which Specify Whether the data will be Read or Write Means
to Say if we wants to Protect our data then we can set the Notch of the Floppy Disk as a
Read Only.

4) Optical Disks: The Optical Disks are also called as the CD-ROM’s means Compact Disk
Read Only Memory which is also used for Storing the data into the Disk and this is called as
the Optical Disk because the CD-ROM ‘s are made up of the Golden or Aluminum Material
and the data is Stored on the Disk in the Form of the Tracks and Sectors.
The Whole Disk is Divided into the Number of Tracks and the Single Track is Divided into
the Number of Sectors and the Data is Stored into the Sectors and the Disk is Divided into
the Sectors as the first Track Contains the Sectors in the huge Size and the Other Tracks
contains the Sectors in a Small Manner. So that as the Disk grows the Disk is Divided into
the Small Number of Tracks and the Sectors.
CD-ROM Contains the data Which is truly Read able means we cant edit the contents of the
CD-ROM Means once Data has been Written into the CD , we can be able to Change the
Contents of the Disk and the Data which is Stored on the Disk can be Any Time Read by the
user. The CD-ROM provides us the Large Capacity in compare to the Floppy Disks and the
CDROM can Store the Data from 650 MB to 800 MB means the data can be Store up to this
There are Many Disks that cant be Erased once Written So they are also called as the
WORM Disks Means the Write Once and Read Many Mane a user can just Write the data
only one Time and then after that he can use that Disk Many Times but a user cant Edit or
Change those Contents after they are Written into the File. So that these Disks are not
Reusable. So that these Types of Optical Disks are also called as the CD-ROM and also Some
Times they are known as the CD-R Means the Read Only Disks because the data which is
Written into these Types of Disks is never to be Erased.
Now these Days there are also Some CDs Available those are also called as the CD-RW or
Read Writable Disks. As the Name Suggest these Disks Provides the feature to the user to
Read and Write the Contents from the Disk as they feel Necessary So that the CD-RW are
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now Most Popular because a user can any Time Remove the Contents from the Disk and
also he can store the new Contents into the Disk.
CD Drive
CD stands for Compact Disk. CDs are circular disks that use optical rays, usually lasers, to
read and write data. They are very cheap as you can get 700 MB of storage space for less
than a dollar. CDs are inserted in CD drives built into CPU cabinet. They are portable as you
can eject the drive, remove the CD and carry it with you. There are three types of CDs −
CD-ROM (Compact Disk – Read Only Memory) − The data on these CDs are recorded by the
manufacturer. Proprietary Software, audio or video are released on CD-ROMs.
CD-R (Compact Disk – Recordable) − Data can be written by the user once on the CD-R. It
cannot be deleted or modified later.
CD-RW (Compact Disk – Rewritable) − Data can be written and deleted on these optical
disks again and again.

The CD-R and CD-RW both have Same Capacity and both these can be used for Transferring
the Files from one System to another but the Main difference is that the cost. The CD-RW
has Some More Cost in compare to the Simple CD or in Compare to the CD-R.

Winchester Disk: Another term for hard disk drive. The term Winchester comes from an
early type of disk drive developed by IBM that had 30MB of fixed storage and 30MB of
removable storage; so its inventors called it a Winchester in honor of its 30/30 rifle.
Although modern disk drives are faster and hold more data, the basic technology is the
same, so Winchester has become synonymous with hard.

Magnetic Drum: A direct-access, or random-access, storage device. A magnetic drum, also

referred to as drum, is a metal cylinder coated with magnetic iron-oxide material on which
data and programs can be stored. Magnetic drums were once used as a primary storage
device but have since been implemented as auxiliary storage devices.

The tracks on a magnetic drum are assigned to channels located around the circumference
of the drum, forming adjacent circular bands that wind around the drum. A single drum can
have up to 200 tracks. As the drum rotates at a speed of up to 3,000 rpm, the device's
read/write heads deposit magnetized spots on the drum during the write operation and
sense these spots during a read operation. This action is similar to that of a magnetic tape
or disk drive.
Unlike some disk packs, the magnetic drum cannot be physically removed. The drum is
permanently mounted in the device. Magnetic drums are able to retrieve data at a quicker
rate than tape or disk devices but are not able to store as much data as either of them.

Pen Drive
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Pen drive is a portable memory device that uses solid state memory rather than magnetic
fields or lasers to record data. It uses a technology similar to RAM, except that it is
nonvolatile. It is also called USB drive, key drive or flash memory.

Blu Ray Disk

Blu Ray Disk (BD) is an optical storage media used to store high definition (HD) video and
other multimedia filed. BD uses shorter wavelength laser as compared to CD/DVD. This
enables writing arm to focus more tightly on the disk and hence pack in more data. BDs can
store up to 128 GB data.

File organization
File organization refers to the way data is stored in a file. File organization is very
important because it determines the methods of access, efficiency, flexibility and storage
devices to use. There are four methods of organizing files on a storage media. This include:
 sequential,
 random,
 serial and
 indexed-sequential

Sequential file organization

Records are stored and accessed in a particular order sorted using a key field.
Retrieval requires searching sequentially through the entire file record by record to the
Because the record in a file are sorted in a particular order, better file searching methods
like the binary search technique can be used to reduce the time used for searching a file .
Since the records are sorted, it is possible to know in which half of the file a particular
record being searched is located, Hence this method repeatedly divides the set of records in
the file into two halves and searches only the half on which the records is found.
For example, of the file has records with key fields 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and the computer is
searching for a record with key field 50, it starts at 40 upwards in its search, ignoring the
first half of the set.
Advantages of sequential file organization
The sorting makes it easy to access records.
The binary chop technique can be used to reduce record search time by as much as half the
time taken.
Disadvantages of sequential file organization
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The sorting does not remove the need to access other records as the search looks for
particular records.
Sequential records cannot support modern technologies that require fast access to stored
The requirement that all records be of the same size is sometimes difficult to enforce.

Random or direct file organization

Records are stored randomly but accessed directly.
To access a file stored randomly, a record key is used to determine where a record is stored
on the storage media.
Magnetic and optical disks allow data to be stored and accessed randomly.
Advantages of random file access
Quick retrieval of records.
The records can be of different sizes.

Serial file organization

Records in a file are stored and accessed one after another.
The records are not stored in any way on the storage medium this type of organization is
mainly used on magnetic tapes.
Advantages of serial file organization
It is simple
It is cheap
Disadvantages of serial file organization
It is cumbersome to access because you have to access all proceeding records before
retrieving the one being searched.
Wastage of space on medium in form of inter-record gap.
It cannot support modern high speed requirements for quick record access.

Indexed-sequential file organization method

Almost similar to sequential method only that, an index is used to enable the computer to
locate individual records on the storage media. For example, on a magnetic drum, records
are stored sequential on the tracks. However, each record is assigned an index that can be
used to access it directly.

Indexed sequential access file combines both sequential file and direct access file
In indexed sequential access file, records are stored randomly on a direct access device
such as magnetic disk by a primary key.
This file have multiple keys. These keys can be alphanumeric in which the records are
ordered is called primary key.
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The data can be access either sequentially or randomly using the index. The index is stored
in a file and read into memory when the file is opened.

Advantages of Indexed sequential access file organization

In indexed sequential access file, sequential file and random file access is possible.
It accesses the records very fast if the index table is properly organized.
The records can be inserted in the middle of the file.
It provides quick access for sequential and direct processing.
It reduces the degree of the sequential search.

Disadvantages of Indexed sequential access file organization

Indexed sequential access file takes longer time to search the index for the data access or
It requires more storage space.
It is expensive because it requires special software.
It is less efficient in the use of storage space as compared to other file organizations.

Database environment
A database environment is a collective system of components that comprise and regulates
the group of data, management, and use of data which consist of software, hardware,
people, techniques of handling database and the data also.
Here, the hardware in a database environment means the computers and computer
peripherals that are being used to manage a database and the software means the whole
thing right from the operating system (OS) to the application programs that includes
database management software like M.S. Access or SQL Server. Again the people in a
database environment include those people who administrate and use the system. The
techniques are the rules, concepts, and instructions given to both the people and the
software along with the data with the group of facts and information positioned within the
database environment.
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Component of Database Environment

Database Administration and control

Before trying to understand the functions of the database administrator, it is necessary to
first learn the three different functional levels needed to maintain a database. These levels
are the data administration (DA), the database administration (DBA), and database
A data administration (also known as a database administration manager, data architect,
or information center manager) is a high level function responsible for the overall
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management of data resources in an organization. In order to perform its duties, the DA

must know a good deal of system analysis and programming.
These are the functions of a data administrator (not to be confused with database
administrator functions):
1. Data policies, procedures, standards
2. Planning- development of organization's IT strategy, enterprise model, cost/benefit
model, design of database environment, and administration plan.
3. Data conflict (ownership) resolution
4. Data analysis- Define and model data requirements, business rules, operational
requirements, and maintain corporate data dictionary
5. Internal marketing of DA concepts
6. Managing the data repository

Database administration is more of an operational or technical level function responsible

for physical database design, security enforcement, and database performance. Tasks
include maintaining the data dictionary, monitoring performance, and enforcing
organizational standards and security.

The functions of a database administrator

1. Selection of hardware and software
 Keep up with current technological trends
 Predict future changes
 Emphasis on established off the shelf products
2. Managing data security and privacy
 Protection of data against accidental or intentional loss, destruction, or misuse
 Firewalls
 Establishment of user privileges
 Complicated by use of distributed systems such as internet access and client/ server
Responsibilities of DBA:
1. Schema Definition:
 The DBA definition the logical Schema of the database.A Schema refers to the overall
logical structure of the database.
 According to this schema, database will be developed to store required data for an
2. Storage Structure and Access Method Definition:
 The DBA decides how the data is to be represented in the stored database.
3. Assisting Application Programmers:
 The DBA provides assistance to application programmers to develop application
4. Physical Organization Modification:
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 The DBA modifies the physical organization of the database to reflext the changing
needs of the organization or to improve performance.
5. Approving Data Access:
 The DBA determines which user needs access to which part of the database.
 According to this,various types of authorizations are granted to different users.
6. Monitoring Performance:
 The DBA monitors performance of the system.The DBA ensures that better
performance is maintained by making changes in physical or logical schema if
7. Backup and Recovery:
 Database should not be lost or damaged.
 The DBA ensures this periodically backing up the database on magnetic tapes or
remote servers.
 In case of failure, such as virus attack database is recovered from this backup.

Database – Integrity, Security and Recovery

Recovery Techniques
Several recovery techniques have been proposed for database systems. As we have seen
that two types of failures are there, so now we will discuss about how to recover from
those two types of failures. Soft failure or Media failure recovery can be done
using/restoring the last backup copy or by doing forward recovery if the system logs is
intact. While Hard failure or system failure recovery using log include backward recovery
as well as forward recovery. So there are two main strategies for performing recovery:
1) Backward Recovery (UNDO)
In this scheme the uncommitted changes made by a transaction to a database are undone.
Instead the system is reset to some previous consistent state of database that is free from
any errors.
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2) Forward Recovery (Redo)

In this scheme the committed changes made by a transaction are reapplied to an earlier
copy of the database.

In simpler words, when a particular error in system is detected, the recovery system makes
an accurate assessment of the state of the system and then makes appropriate adjustment
based on the anticipated results had the system been error free. One thing to be noted that
the Redo operation must be idempotent i.e. executing it several times must be equivalent to
executing it once. This characteristic is required to guarantee correct behavior of database
even if a failure occurs during the recovery process.

Security & Integrity

Information security is the protection of information against unauthorized disclosure,
alteration or destruction. Database security is the protection of information that is
maintained in a database. It deals with ensuring only the "right people" get the rights
access to the "right data". By right people are mean to those people who have the right to
access or interact with the database. This ensured that the confidentiality of the data is
For e.g.: - In an educational instruction, information about student's grade, & university's
personal information accessible only to authorities concern & not to everyone. Another
example can be in case of medical records of patients in a hospital, these could accessible
only to health care officials. In computer definition, specification of access rules about who
has what type of access to what information is known as problem of authorization. These
access rules are defined at the time database is defined. The person who writes access rules
is called on authorizer. The process of ensuring that information & other protected object
are accessed only in authorized ways is called access control. The term integrity is also
applied to data & to the mechanism that help to ensure its correctness. Integrity refers to
the avoidance of accidental loss of consistency. Protection of database contents from
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unauthorized access includes legal & ethical issues, organization policies as well as
database management policies. To protect database several levels of security measures are
maintained: -
1. Physical : The site or sites containing the computer system must be physically
secured against illegal entry of unauthorized person.
2. Human : A template authorization is given to user to reduce chance of any other
user giving access to outsides in exchange of some favors.
3. O.S. : Even though a fool proof security measures are taken to secure database
System, weakness in O.S. security may serve as a means of unauthorized access to
the database.
4. Network : Since databases allow distributed or remote access through terminals or
network, software level security within the network software is an important issue
to be taken under consideration.
5. Database system : In database also according to user needs authorization is
distributed or done. That is to say user may bee allowed to read data & issue queries
but would not be allowed to deliberately modify the data. Only some upper level
users may be allowed to do so giving them authorized access rights with database
itself. It is the responsibility of database system to ensure that these authorization
restrictions are not violated.

Relationship between security & integrity

Database security usually refers to access, where as database integrity refers to avoidance
of accidental loss of consistency. But generally, the turning point or the dividing line
between security & integrity is not always clear. Fig. Below shows relationship between
data security & integrity.
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Authorization is the culmination of the administrative policies of the organization. As name
specifies, authorization is a set of rules that can be used to determine which user has what
type of access of which portion of the database. The person who writes access rules is
called an authorizer.
An authorizer may set several forms of authorization on parts of the database. Among them
are the following:
1. Read Authorization: allows reading, but not modification of data.
2. Insert Authorization: allows insertion of new data, but not the modification of
existing data, e.g. insertion of tuple in a relation.
3. Update authorization: allows modification of data, but not its deletion. But data
items like primary-key attributes may not be modified.
4. Delete authorization: allows deletion of data only.
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Unit V


As defined by Codd (see previous discussion) a relational database must have a common
language that is used to create the database, store and manipulate the data within it and
manage security.

SQL (often pronounced 'sequel') is the most commonly used language for relational
databases. It is used in relational databases such as:

 Oracle (Oracle Corporation)

 DB2 (IBM)

 SQLServer and Access (Microsoft Corporation)


You will be using SQL to create tables and manipulate data within those tables. A
worldwide standard is defined for SQL, overseen by the ANSI SQL Committee.

SQL Components

SQL consists of three components:

1. Data Definition Language (DDL)

2. Data Manipulation Language (DML)
3. Data Control Language (DCL)

The Data Definition Language (DDL). This component of the SQL language is used to
create and modify tables and other objects in the database. For tables there are three main

CREATE TABLE tablename to create a table in the database

DROP TABLE tablename to remove a table from the database
ALTER TABLE tablename to add or remove columns from a table in the database
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The Data Manipulation Language (DML) component of the SQL language is used to
manipulate data within a table. There are four main commands:

SELECT to select rows of data from a table

INSERT to insert rows of data into a table
UPDATE to change rows of data in a table
DELETE to remove rows of data from a table

The Data Control Language (DCL) This component of the SQL language is used to create
privileges to allow users access to, and manipulation of, the database. There are two main

GRANT to grant a privilege to a user

REVOKE to revoke (remove) a privilege from a user

Data Types:
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Datatypes cover three main areas - Character, Numeric and Date. The most common
types, defined in the SQL ANSI standard are:

 CHAR(length): fixed-length character data

 CHAR VARYING(length) variable-length character data (length is the maximum

number of characters that can be stored). Oracle allows the alternative word

 DECIMAL (precision, scale): floating point number. Precision is the number of

digits in the number, scale is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point,
eg: DECIMAL(7,2) could hold a number up to 99999.99

 INTEGER: a whole number. Oracle allows the alternative word NUMBER is place of

 DATE: a valid date (in Oracle this datatype includes the time as well. There is no
explicit time datatype).

Create command:

Creating a basic table involves naming the table and defining its columns and each column's
data type.

The SQL CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a new table.

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The basic syntax of the CREATE TABLE statement is as follows −

CREATE TABLE table_name(

column1 datatype,

column2 datatype,

column3 datatype,


columnN datatype,

PRIMARY KEY( one or more columns )



The syntax of this command is:

DROP TABLE tablename;

This command will remove a table from the database. No confirmation message is given,
the table is simply removed. All data is lost and any indexes (see later) on the table are
dropped as well. If the table does not exist a warning is given.


The INSERT INTO statement is used to insert new records in a table.


It is possible to write the INSERT INTO statement in two ways.

The first way specifies both the column names and the values to be inserted:

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, ...)

VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...);
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If you are adding values for all the columns of the table, you do not need to specify the
column names in the SQL query. However, make sure the order of the values is in the same
order as the columns in the table.

Second Way The INSERT INTO syntax would be as follows:

INSERT INTO table_name

VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...);


The ALTER TABLE statement is used to add, delete, or modify columns in an existing table.

The ALTER TABLE statement is also used to add and drop various constraints on an
existing table.


To add a column in a table, use the following syntax:

ALTER TABLE table_name

ADD column_name datatype;


To delete a column in a table, use the following syntax (notice that some database systems
don't allow deleting a column):

ALTER TABLE table_name

DROP COLUMN column_name;


To change the data type of a column in a table, use the following syntax:

ALTER TABLE table_name

ALTER COLUMN column_name datatype;

Rename Table :
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SQL RENAME TABLE syntax is used to change the name of a table. Sometimes, we choose
non-meaningful name for the table. So it is required to be changed.


ALTER TABLE table_name

RENAME TO new_table_name;

Optionally, you can write following command to rename the table.

RENAME old_table _name To new_table_name;

Drop Table:

A SQL DROP TABLE statement is used to delete a table definition and all data from a table.


DROP TABLE "table_name";



Logical operator

 AND
 OR
 NOT

The AND and OR operators are used to filter records based on more than one condition:

 The AND operator displays a record if all the conditions separated by AND are

 The OR operator displays a record if any of the conditions separated by OR is TRUE.

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The NOT operator displays a record if the condition(s) is NOT TRUE.

AND Syntax

SELECT column1, column2, ...

FROM table_name
WHERE condition1 AND condition2 AND condition3 ...;


SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE Country='Germany' AND City='Berlin';

OR Syntax

SELECT column1, column2, ...

FROM table_name
WHERE condition1 OR condition2 OR condition3 ...;


SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE City='Berlin' OR City='München';

NOT Syntax

SELECT column1, column2, ...

FROM table_name
WHERE NOT condition;


SELECT * FROM Customers

WHERE NOT Country='Germany';

Range Searching

In order to select data that is within a range of values, the BETWEEN operator is used. The
BETWEEN operator allows the selection of rows that contain values within
a specified lower and upper limit. The range coded after the word BETWEEN is inclusive.
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The lower value must be coded first. The two values in between the range must be linked
with the keyword AND. A BETWEEN operator can be used with both character and numeric
data types. However, one cannot mix the data types that is the lower value of a range of
values from a character column and the other from a numeric column.


Retrieve product_no,description,profit_percent,sell_price from the table product_master

where the values contained within the field profit_percent is Between 10 and 20
both inclusive.

SELECT product_no,description,profit_percent,sell_price FROM Product_Master WHERE

profit_percent BETWEEN 10 AND 20;

BETWEEN Operator

The BETWEEN operator selects values within a given range. The values can be numbers,
text, or dates.

The BETWEEN operator is inclusive: begin and end values are included.

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name BETWEEN value1 AND value2;

SELECT * FROM Products

SELECT * FROM Products

BETWEEN with IN Example

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The following SQL statement selects all products with a price BETWEEN 10 and 20. In
addition; do not show products with a CategoryID of 1,2, or 3:


SELECT * FROM Products

AND NOT CategoryID IN (1,2,3);


IN operator allows you to easily test if the expression matches any value in the list of
values. It is used to remove the need of multiple OR condition in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE
or DELETE. You can also use NOT IN to exclude the rows in your list.

SELECT column_name(s)

FROM table_name

WHERE column_name IN (list_of_values);

Find the Fname, Lname of the Employees who have Salary equal to 30000, 40000 or 25000.


SELECT Fname, Lname

FROM Employee

WHERE Salary IN (30000, 40000, 25000);

Pattern Matching

LIKE Operator

The LIKE operator is used in a WHERE clause to search for a specified pattern in a column.

There are two wildcards used in conjunction with the LIKE operator:

 % - The percent sign represents zero, one, or multiple characters

 _ - The underscore represents a single character
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LIKE Syntax
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE columnN LIKE pattern;

LIKE Operator Description

WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'a%' Finds any values that start with "a"

WHERE CustomerName LIKE '%a' Finds any values that end with "a"

WHERE CustomerName LIKE Finds any values that have "or" in any position

WHERE CustomerName LIKE Finds any values that have "r" in the second position

WHERE CustomerName LIKE Finds any values that start with "a" and are at least 3
'a_%_%' characters in length

WHERE ContactName LIKE 'a%o' Finds any values that start with "a" and ends with "o"

SQL Aliases

SQL aliases are used to give a table, or a column in a table, a temporary name.

Aliases are often used to make column names more readable.

An alias only exists for the duration of the query.

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Alias Column Syntax

SELECT column_name AS alias_name
FROM table_name;

Alias Table Syntax

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name AS alias_name;

SELECT CustomerID AS ID, CustomerName AS Customer
FROM Customers;

Alias for Tables

SELECT o.OrderID, o.OrderDate, c.CustomerName
FROM Customers AS c, Orders AS o
WHERE c.CustomerName="Around the Horn" AND c.CustomerID=o.CustomerID;

Oracle Built in Functions

There are two types of functions in Oracle.

1) Single Row Functions: Single row or Scalar functions return a value for every row that
is processed in a query.
2) Group Functions: These functions group the rows of data based on the values returned
by the query. This is discussed in SQL GROUP Functions. The group functions are used to
calculate aggregate values like total or average, which return just one total or one average
value after processing a group of rows.

There are four types of single row functions. They are:

1) Numeric Functions: These are functions that accept numeric input and return numeric
2) Character or Text Functions: These are functions that accept character input and can
return both character and number values.
3) Date Functions: These are functions that take values that are of datatype DATE as input
and return values of datatype DATE, except for the MONTHS_BETWEEN function, which
returns a number.
4) Conversion Functions: These are functions that help us to convert a value in one form to
B.Com II year Subject- Relational Database management System

another form. For Example: a null value into an actual value, or a value from one datatype
to another datatype like NVL, TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, TO_DATE etc.

SQL Joins

SQL Joins are used to relate information in different tables. A Join condition is a part of the
sql query that retrieves rows from two or more tables.

A SQL Join condition is used in the SQL WHERE Clause of select, update, delete statements.

Joins in SQL

The SQL Syntax for joining two tables is:

SELECT col1, col2, col3...

FROM table_name1, table_name2
WHERE table_name1.col2 = table_name2.col1;

If a sql join condition is omitted or if it is invalid the join operation will result in a Cartesian
product. The Cartesian product returns a number of rows equal to the product of all rows
in all the tables being joined. For example, if the first table has 20 rows and the second
table has 10 rows, the result will be 20 * 10, or 200 rows. This query takes a long time to

SQL Joins Example

Lets use the below two tables to explain the sql join conditions.

Database table "product";

product_id product_name supplier_name unit_price

100 Camera Nikon 300
101 Television Onida 100
102 Refrigerator Vediocon 150
103 Ipod Apple 75
104 Mobile Nokia 50

Database table "order_items";

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order_id product_id total_units customer

5100 104 30 Infosys
5101 102 5 Satyam
5102 103 25 Wipro
5103 101 10 TCS

SQL Joins can be classified into Equi join and Non Equi join.

1) SQL Equi joins

It is a simple sql join condition which uses the equal sign as the comparison operator. Two
types of equi joins are SQL Outer join and SQL Inner join.

For example: You can get the information about a customer who purchased a product and
the quantity of product.

2) SQL Non equi joins

It is a sql join condition which makes use of some comparison operator other than the
equal sign like >, <, >=, <=

1) SQL Equi Joins:

An equi-join is further classified into two categories:

a) SQL Inner Join

b) SQL Outer Join

a) SQL Inner Join:

All the rows returned by the sql query satisfy the sql join condition specified.

SQL Inner Join Example:

If you want to display the product information for each order the query will be as given
below. Since you are retrieving the data from two tables, you need to identify the common
column between these two tables, which is the product_id.

The query for this type of sql joins would be like,

B.Com II year Subject- Relational Database management System

SELECT order_id, product_name, unit_price, supplier_name,


FROM product, order_items

WHERE order_items.product_id = product.product_id;

The columns must be referenced by the table name in the join condition, because
product_id is a column in both the tables and needs a way to be identified. This avoids
ambiguity in using the columns in the SQL SELECT statement.
The number of join conditions is (n-1), if there are more than two tables joined in a
query where 'n' is the number of tables involved. The rule must be true to avoid
Cartesian product.
We can also use aliases to reference the column name, then the above query would be

SELECT o.order_id, p.product_name, p.unit_price,

p.supplier_name, o.total_units

FROM product p, order_items o

WHERE o.product_id = p.product_id;

b) SQL Outer Join:

This sql join condition returns all rows from both tables which satisfy the join condition
along with rows which do not satisfy the join condition from one of the tables. The sql
outer join operator in Oracle is ( + ) and is used on one side of the join condition only.
The syntax differs for different RDBMS implementation. Few of them represent the join
conditions as "sql left outer join", "sql right outer join".
If you want to display all the product data along with order items data, with null values
displayed for order items if a product has no order item, the sql query for outer join
would be as shown below:
B.Com II year Subject- Relational Database management System

SELECT p.product_id, p.product_name, o.order_id,


FROM order_items o, product p

WHERE o.product_id (+) = p.product_id;

The output would be like,

product_id product_name order_id total_units

------------- ------------- ------------- -------------

100 Camera

101 Television 5103 10

102 Refrigerator 5101 5

103 Ipod 5102 25

104 Mobile 5100 30

NOTE: If the (+) operator is used in the left side of the join condition it is equivalent to
left outer join. If used on the right side of the join condition it is equivalent to right outer
SQL Self Join:
A Self Join is a type of sql join which is used to join a table to itself, particularly when the
table has a FOREIGN KEY that references its own PRIMARY KEY. It is necessary to
ensure that the join statement defines an alias for both copies of the table to avoid
column ambiguity.
The below query is an example of a self join,

SELECT a.sales_person_id, a.name, a.manager_id,

b.sales_person_id, b.name
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FROM sales_person a, sales_person b

WHERE a.manager_id = b.sales_person_id;

2) SQL Non Equi Join:

A Non Equi Join is a SQL Join whose condition is established using all comparison
operators except the equal (=) operator. Like >=, <=, <, >
SQL Non Equi Join Example:
If you want to find the names of students who are not studying either Economics, the sql
query would be like, (lets use student_details table defined earlier.)

SELECT first_name, last_name, subject

FROM student_details

WHERE subject != 'Economics'

The output would be something like,

first_name last_name subject

------------- ------------- -------------

Anajali Bhagwat Maths

Shekar Gowda Maths

Rahul Sharma Science

Stephen Fleming Science

UNION Operator

In Oracle, UNION operator is used to combine the result sets of two or more Oracle SELECT
statements. It combines the both SELECT statement and removes duplicate rows between
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Each SELECT statement within the UNION operator must have the same number of fields in
the result sets with similar data types.


SELECT expression1, expression2, ... expression_n

FROM table1

WHERE conditions


SELECT expression1, expression2, ... expression_n

FROM table2

WHERE conditions;


SELECT supplier_id

FROM suppliers


SELECT supplier_id

FROM order_details

UNION ALL Operator

In Oracle, the UNION ALL operator is used to combine the result sets of 2 or more
SELECT statements. It is different from UNION operator in a way that it does not
remove duplicate rows between the various SELECT statements. It returns all of the

Each SELECT statement within the UNION ALL must have the same number of fields in
the result sets with similar data types.
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Difference between UNION and UNION ALL operators

UNION operator removes duplicate rows while UNION ALL operator does not remove
duplicate rows.


SELECT expression1, expression2, ... expression_n

FROM table1

WHERE conditions


SELECT expression1, expression2, ... expression_n

FROM table2

WHERE conditions;


SELECT supplier_id
FROM suppliers
SELECT supplier_id
FROM order_details;

In Oracle, INTERSECT Operator is used to return the results of 2 or more SELECT statement. It
picks the common or intersecting records from compound SELECT queries.
SELECT expression1, expression2, ... expression_n
FROM table1
WHERE conditions
SELECT expression1, expression2, ... expression_n
FROM table2
SELECT supplier_id
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FROM suppliers
SELECT supplier_id
FROM order_details;
MINUS operator

In Oracle, MINUS operator is used to return all rows in the first SELECT statement that are
not returned by the second SELECT statement.

Each SELECT statement has a dataset and the MINUS operator returns all documents from
the first dataset and then removes all documents from the second dataset.

For example

SELECT expression1, expression2, ... expression_n
FROM table1
WHERE conditions
SELECT expression1, expression2, ... expression_n
FROM table2
WHERE conditions;

SELECT supplier_id
FROM suppliers
SELECT supplier_id
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FROM order_details;

Data Constraints

Constraints are the rules enforced on the data columns of a table. These are used to limit the
type of data that can go into a table. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the data in the
Constraints could be either on a column level or a table level. The column level constraints are
applied only to one column, whereas the table level constraints are applied to the whole table.

Following are some of the most commonly used constraints available in SQL.

 NOT NULL Constraint − Ensures that a column cannot have NULL value.
 DEFAULT Constraint − Provides a default value for a column when none is specified.
 UNIQUE Constraint − Ensures that all values in a column are different.
 PRIMARY Key − Uniquely identifies each row/record in a database table.
 FOREIGN Key − Uniquely identifies a row/record in any of the given database table.
 CHECK Constraint − The CHECK constraint ensures that all the values in a column
satisfies certain conditions.
 INDEX − Used to create and retrieve data from the database very quickly.

Constraints can be specified when a table is created with the CREATE TABLE statement or you
can use the ALTER TABLE statement to create constraints even after the table is created.
Dropping Constraints
Any constraint that you have defined can be dropped using the ALTER TABLE command with
For example, to drop the primary key constraint in the EMPLOYEES table, you can use the
following command.

Some implementations may provide shortcuts for dropping certain constraints. For example,
to drop the primary key constraint for a table in Oracle, you can use the following command.

Some implementations allow you to disable constraints. Instead of permanently dropping a

constraint from the database, you may want to temporarily disable the constraint and then
enable it later.
Integrity Constraints
Integrity constraints are used to ensure accuracy and consistency of the data in a relational
database. Data integrity is handled in a relational database through the concept of referential
B.Com II year Subject- Relational Database management System

There are many types of integrity constraints that play a role in Referential Integrity (RI).
These constraints include Primary Key, Foreign Key, Unique Constraints and other constraints
which are mentioned above.

Grouping data from table

The SQL GROUP BY clause is used in collaboration with the SELECT statement to arrange
identical data into groups. This GROUP BY clause follows the WHERE clause in a SELECT
statement and precedes the ORDER BY clause.
The basic syntax of a GROUP BY clause is shown in the following code block. The GROUP BY
clause must follow the conditions in the WHERE clause and must precede the ORDER BY clause
if one is used.
SELECT column1, column2
FROM table_name
WHERE [ conditions ]
GROUP BY column1, column2
ORDER BY column1, column2

Consider the CUSTOMERS table is having the following records −
| 1 | Ramesh | 32 | Ahmedabad | 2000.00 |
| 2 | Khilan | 25 | Delhi | 1500.00 |
| 3 | kaushik | 23 | Kota | 2000.00 |
| 4 | Chaitali | 25 | Mumbai | 6500.00 |
| 5 | Hardik | 27 | Bhopal | 8500.00 |
| 6 | Komal | 22 | MP | 4500.00 |
| 7 | Muffy | 24 | Indore | 10000.00 |
If you want to know the total amount of the salary on each customer, then the GROUP BY query
would be as follows.
This would produce the following result −
| Chaitali | 6500.00 |
| Hardik | 8500.00 |
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| kaushik | 2000.00 |
| Khilan | 1500.00 |
| Komal | 4500.00 |
| Muffy | 10000.00 |
| Ramesh | 2000.00 |

Sub queries
A Subquery or Inner query or a Nested query is a query within another SQL query and
embedded within the WHERE clause.
A subquery is used to return data that will be used in the main query as a condition to further
restrict the data to be retrieved.
Subqueries can be used with the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements along
with the operators like =, <, >, >=, <=, IN, BETWEEN, etc.
There are a few rules that subqueries must follow −
 Subqueries must be enclosed within parentheses.
 A subquery can have only one column in the SELECT clause, unless multiple
columns are in the main query for the subquery to compare its selected columns.
 An ORDER BY command cannot be used in a subquery, although the main query can
use an ORDER BY. The GROUP BY command can be used to perform the same
function as the ORDER BY in a subquery.
 Subqueries that return more than one row can only be used with multiple value
operators such as the IN operator.
 The SELECT list cannot include any references to values that evaluate to a BLOB,
 A subquery cannot be immediately enclosed in a set function.
 The BETWEEN operator cannot be used with a subquery. However, the BETWEEN
operator can be used within the subquery.


A view is nothing more than a SQL statement that is stored in the database with an
associated name. A view is actually a composition of a table in the form of a predefined SQL

A view can contain all rows of a table or select rows from a table. A view can be created
from one or many tables which depends on the written SQL query to create a view.

Views, which are a type of virtual tables allow users to do the following −

 Structure data in a way that users or classes of users find natural or intuitive.
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 Restrict access to the data in such a way that a user can see and (sometimes) modify
exactly what they need and no more.
 Summarize data from various tables which can be used to generate reports.

Creating Views

Database views are created using the CREATE VIEW statement. Views can be created from
a single table, multiple tables or another view.

To create a view, a user must have the appropriate system privilege according to the
specific implementation.

The basic CREATE VIEW syntax is as follows −

CREATE VIEW view_name AS

SELECT column1, column2.....

FROM table_name

WHERE [condition];



SELECT name, age


A sequence is a set of integers 1, 2, 3, ... that are generated in order on demand. Sequences
are frequently used in databases because many applications require each row in a table to
contain a unique value and sequences provide an easy way to generate them.

A synonym is an alternative name for objects such as tables, views, sequences, stored
procedures, and other database objects.
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You generally use synonyms when you are granting access to an object from another
schema and you don't want the users to have to worry about knowing which schema owns
the object.

Create Synonym (or Replace)

You may wish to create a synonym so that users do not have to prefix the table name with
the schema name when using the table in a query.

The syntax to create a synonym in Oracle is:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] [PUBLIC] SYNONYM [schema .] synonym_name

FOR [schema .] object_name [@ dblink];

Allows you to recreate the synonym (if it already exists) without having to issue a
DROP synonym command.
It means that the synonym is a public synonym and is accessible to all users.
Remember though that the user must first have the appropriate privileges to the
object to use the synonym.
The appropriate schema. If this phrase is omitted, Oracle assumes that you are
referring to your own schema.
The name of the object for which you are creating the synonym. It can be one of the

 table
 view
 sequence
 stored procedure
 function
 package
 materialized view
 java class schema object
 user-defined object
 synonym
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FOR app.suppliers;

The Data Control Language (DCL) component of the SQL language is used to create
privileges to allow users access to, and manipulation of, the database. There are two main

GRANT to grant a privilege to a user

REVOKE to revoke (remove) a privilege from a user

GRANT command

In order to do anything within an Oracle database you must be given the appropriate
privileges. Oracle operates a closed system in that you cannot perform any action at all
unless you have been authorised to do so. This includes logging onto the database, creating
tables, views, indexes and synonyms, manipulating data (ie select, insert, update and
delete) in tables created by other users, etc.

The SQL command to grant a privilege on a table is:


There are many more forms of the GRANT command, but this is sufficient for this Unit.

Any combination of the above privileges is allowed. You can issue this command on any
tables that you have created. For example:

GRANT SELECT ON employee TO hn23;

B.Com II year Subject- Relational Database management System

REVOKE command

The SQL command to revoke a privilege on a table is:


For example:

REVOKE SELECT ON employee FROM hn23;


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