Absolute Value Equations #1 PDF

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Algebra 1 Name___________________________________

©c P2l0J1t6` KKUu[ttaz ESjoWfGtgwbayrKeQ vLfLHCs.h g uAFlQlV rr]iIgahZt`sg praeMsGesrRvDeedl.

Absolute Value Equations #1 Date________________ Period____

Solve each equation.

1) 7x = 0 k
2) =3

3) -9b = -81 4) Problem 1) has ______ solutions because

the absolute value is equal to _______.

5) Problem 2) has ______ solutions because 6) Problem 3) has ______ solutions because
the absolute value is equal to _______. the absolute value is equal to _______.

Solve each equation.

7) 5m + 9 = -31 8) 7 + 8x = 57

Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©A o2m0B1q6[ ^Kpu^tZay qSFodfgtkwuaFrleZ ILLLhCL.D Y TAWlZle arLifgQhWtdsS prleMsNearsvpeHdi.N Z wMra_dwef Pw^ibtuh^ BIjnRf[itnTiPtjek YAvlYg_ePbargaD s1F.
9) -7k - 2 = 12 10) 5 - 9b = 58

11) 5 - 7n = 16 12) -10 + 5b = 35

13) 2 - 4a + 8 = 38 14) -9x + 6 + 8 = 20

15) 9 + 4x - 4 = 17 16) 7b - 1 - 10 = -4

Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©m N2J0a1E6K sKKuuttav eSDoTfKtfwRaKrxeg QLxLsCU.H b WAPlZlT NrgiXgEhLttsP MrBe^s^eDrKv]egdg.Y C JM[aVdgeG EwbiZtPhQ OI\nZfOienoiRtie\ vAKlagAeubJrmaQ B1h.
17) 6x - 3 - 3 = 36 -7x + 1
18) = -1

19) 9 x - 8 + 9 = -27 v
20) - 5 = -4

21) 2 + 9a = -16 22) -10 - 6 2v - 8 = -82

23) 3 8x + 6 + 10 = -68 24) 8 6 - 4x + 7 = -9

Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©Y S2o0x1C6a VKsuetya^ ES\oYfdtLwEaUrveM yL\LTCJ.W h xAhlylr erKiog^hQtlsD ZrNeUsGegrGvGeidV.X p xMJaEd[eO cwXictdhS LIWnvfMiWnHittteC GAxljgUe`bEr^au X1x.
Answers to Absolute Value Equations #1
1) {0} 2) {18, -18} 3) No solution. 4) 1,0
5) 2, a positive number 6) no, a negative number 7) No solution.
25 10 53 11
8) { }
, -8 { }
9) -2,
10) - , 7
9 { }
11) - , 3
7 { }
12) {9, -5} 13) {-7, 8} 2 15
14) - , 2
3 { }
15) 3, -
2 { }
5 17) {7, -6} 18) No solution. 19) No solution.
{ }
16) 1, -
20) {5, -5} 21) No solution. 22) {10, -2} 23) No solution.
24) No solution.

Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©Z O2U0y1F6U tKOurtyax QSUo]fJtRweaCrgel eLpLHCl.v ` WAqldls driifgNhttFsZ DrreCsMelrjvIeadm.S M BMvasdReJ ^w\iftRhI rIgnVfwiunfirtze^ LAplggQeKbRrvaU y1z.

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