Research Feedback 5
Research Feedback 5
Research Feedback 5
Research Little or no 2.1 Use research to 2.1 Use research to 2.1 Use research to
evidence support the support the support the
Primary & presented or development of a development of a development of a
secondary information does creative media creative media creative media
Evaluated not relate production project production project production project
Infographics sufficiently to to a satisfactory to a high standard. to a very high
task standard. 2.2 Use analytical standard.
2.2 Use analytical and evaluative 2.2 Use analytical
and evaluative skills to develop and evaluative
skills to develop creative solutions skills to develop
creative solutions to realise a media creative solutions
to realise a media production project to realise a media
production project to a high standard. production project
to a satisfactory to a very high
standard standard
My topic research was very enjoyable, I have a great interest in the space race especially the
Apollo Programme as a result I already knew a lot of information about the topic before I had
even stared, this made the research a lot more enjoyable as I already had a pretty good rough
idea about what I would say. I think lighting and sound are the most important elements in my
film because it creates atmosphere and cements a realistic tone so as a result, I wrote about them
the most and researched it more heavily. My tutor noticed that the characters in my film were a
bit basic and needed fleshing out so the audience cared about them as a result I will make the
austreounits in my film more emotional and less official than is seen in the real Apollo missions.
The ships were in production long before my research on the ships, as a result this information
was not very useful, I may however need to create a 144/1 scale miniature of both the LEM and
command module so this information would be useful there. The costumes and action figures are
very frustrating as the figures I have, have very little movement in them this means that the
characters dialog and voice acting is very important to make up for the space suits lack of
I ran some extra test shots this week such as the lunar men walking, I am trying to decide if my
astronauts should jump or simply walk. If I can get the movement right, I think jumping is a lot
easier to animate however if I cannot get a proper rig sorted or get the astronauts movements to
show the jump then I will have to get them to walk normally which would not look as good and
may even take longer to animate.
Overall, I am about a half a week behind as I still have to do all of my target audience research,
however because I will be at college, I expect this to be lot easier to conduct as I can interview
people at college. I also would like to do more character research to make my astronauts feel
more human and interesting to the audience.