Educational Transfer
Educational Transfer
Educational Transfer
CPE Contact
Aaron Thompson, Vice President
Email: [email protected]
The following guidelines reflect approved updates to the General Education Transfer Policy
and Implementation Guidelines (2004). The spirit of the original policy – emphasizing the
professional integrity of all public institutions in the acceptance of general education
coursework between institutions – remains a key element of the revised policy. The updated
General Education Transfer Policy and Implementation Guidelines (2012) will be in effect for
all students admitted for the fall semester 2012.
• Emphasize aspects of general education requirements that are common among public
institutions in Kentucky and encourages completion of approved AA/AS transfer programs.
• Promote the acceptability of general education credits as students transfer from one public
institution to another.
The policy requires a minimum of 30 unduplicated semester credit hours or the equivalent
(may include an approved SACS justification for fewer hours) to meet the general education
component of a baccalaureate degree. The core components of the policy include
communication, arts and humanities, quantitative reasoning, natural sciences, and social and
behavioral sciences, as outlined within the Statewide General Education Core.
2. Each institution recognizes the professional integrity of all other public institutions in the
acceptance of their general education program.
3. Universities will recognize the completion of AA/AS transfer degrees (meeting all required
transfer components) by admitting students to junior level standing and accepting the
corresponding general education credits as meeting institution-wide lower-division general
education requirements at the receiving institution. Students are encouraged to complete
an AA/AS prior to transferring.
4. The General Education Transfer Policy applies to students who are accepted for admission
into one of Kentucky’s public higher education institutions. Students should be aware of the
admission requirements of the institution into which they intend to transfer.
5. The General Education Transfer Policy applies to students who transfer from one Kentucky
public higher education institution to another Kentucky public higher education institution
with the intention of completing their educational program at the receiving institution.
Students who intend to transfer credits back to their home (degree-granting) institution may
6. The general education requirements covered in this policy are not intended to fulfill general
education requirements for particular majors. Requirements of a specific major will not be
set aside by this policy. This is a most important distinction and should be noted by students
and their advisors.
7. The transfer system at all institutions will include an audit process through which the
sending institution will certify to the receiving institution the general education certification
levels that have been completed by the student.
8. Close cooperation and communication among colleges and universities is essential for
facilitating the transfer process for students and to enable the participating institutions to
maintain timely and comprehensive information. Particular attention will be paid to
academic advising on each campus and to interaction among campuses in order to inform
students about the nuances of general education requirements at the various institutions.
9. Each receiving institution will provide a process for students to appeal decisions related to
the transfer of general education credits.
1. General Education Category Certified. Students who have completed some but not all of
the five categories in the Core Component will be “Category Certified” for purposes of
transfer. Individuals in this situation must fulfill all of the remaining general education
requirements of the receiving institution that have not been satisfied through “Category”
2. General Education Core Certified. Students who have completed all of the categories –
the core component – with a minimum of 30 unduplicated credit hours will be “Core
Certified” for purposes of transfer. Individuals in this category must fulfill the remaining
general education requirements of the receiving institution that have not been satisfied
through the core component.
3. General Education Fully Certified. Students who have completed a general education
program, with a minimum of 30 unduplicated semester credit hours or the equivalent (may
include an approved SACS justification for fewer hours) which includes the core component
and all additional institutional-specific general education courses, will be “General
Education Fully Certified” for purposes of transfer. If the receiving institution’s general
education program requires a sum of hours that is less than the total the student has taken
Advising. Advising at both sending and receiving institutions and an inter-institutional network
are essential to the successful implementation of this transfer policy. Academic advisors and
other institutional staff concerned with transfer should enforce and strengthen, if necessary,
policies and procedures and should establish an inter-institutional communications link (e.g.,
through a statewide Web presence for easier communication among institutional staff
addressing similar issues).
Sending and receiving institutions are to advise transferring students that general education
certification does not set aside specific major or programmatic requirements where
coursework may be used to satisfy both a general education requirement and another specific
degree requirement (e.g., a course serves as satisfying both a general education requirement
and a supporting course requirement). 13KAR2:020(5)(2)
Publicity. The general education transfer policy and the courses that meet general education
requirements should be easily accessible to students. The transfer policy should be included in
each institution’s catalog for easy reference. The general education transfer policy and the
courses designated for completion of general education requirements will be reviewed
annually by a subcommittee of the Statewide Transfer Committee and institutional
Certification of Transcripts. The sending institution will indicate, either on the transcript or as
an attachment to the transcript, whether the student is Fully Certified, Core Certified, Category
Certified in general education, or if they have completed any of the coded general education
courses (e.g., WC, OC, AH, QR, NS, SL, and SB) at their institution. If general education
coursework has been earned at more than one public Kentucky institution, will conduct a
comprehensive review for certification and must include certifications received from previous
institutions. Transfer certifications will be processed for all students requesting a transcript to
be sent to a Kentucky public postsecondary institution (excluding students requesting
transcripts for application to master’s, doctorate, or professional degree programs).
a. If a public sending institution endorses the use of credits earned from a regionally
accredited public or independent college or university for satisfying a general education
requirement (category, core, fully certified, or coded course), the receiving institution will
accept this decision.
b. If a public sending institution endorses the use of credits from a non-regionally accredited
institution for satisfying a general education requirement (category, core, fully certified, or
coded course), the certifying institution must have a policy stated in the undergraduate
catalog regarding the acceptance of coursework in accordance with SACS standards and a
process of assessment to ensure that certified coursework demonstrates that student
learning outcomes for the statewide general education category have been met.
c. The sending institution will certify courses with satisfactory national exam scores listed in
the “Kentucky Standard Acceptable Scores for National Exams” Table. KRS
Transfer Certification. Transfer certification from any KCTCS college or Kentucky public
university will be accepted as documented and analyzed according to transfer policies. The
receiving institution must review the transcript and notify the student of their remaining
requirements within one semester of their admittance. This does not preclude an institution
from evaluating the transcript for administrative errors.
a. The receiving institution will accept a coded course (e.g., WC, OC, AH, QR, NS, SL, and
SB) as meeting part of the requirement for the general education category associated with
the code, unless the course has been determined to be equivalent and has a direct
articulation to a course that fulfills a requirement in a different category of general education
at the receiving institution. The category assigned by the sending institution will be honored
unless it is to the advantage of the student to award a different category.
b. If the sending institution certifies standardized credit by exams (e.g., College Level
Examination Program, Advanced Placement, or other accepted examinations) for
application to its general education requirements, the receiving institution will recognize
these requirements as having been fulfilled. KRS 164.2951(2)(e)
Applying Credit. The general education transfer component and additional transfer
articulations already in place should be supplemented by an institutional commitment that, to
the extent possible, the transfer of any remaining credit hours beyond the general education
transfer component to the receiving institution will be treated as liberally as possible to
maximize the transferability of credit toward meeting degree requirements.
Transfer Student Grades. Receiving institutions will treat transfer students’ grades in the
same way they treat native student grades. Specifically, an institution that accepts “D” grades
for native students will accept “D” grades for transfer students. While a “D” grade will be
accepted as a course transferred, program requirements may prohibit a “D” grade from being
accepted toward specific academic program requirements of the receiving institution. The
treatment of transfer student grades also applies to students receiving pass/fail grades.
Student Appeals. Each institution shall have a written student appeals process in their
catalog. It will provide for institutional review of transfer decisions. A second state-level review
will be available for transfer decisions. KRS 164.2951(2)(m)
The General Education Transfer Policy applies to students who are accepted for admission
into one of Kentucky's public higher education institutions. Students planning to transfer should
be aware of the admission requirements of the institution into which they intend to transfer.
General education certifications noted on a student's transcript will be applicable upon
admission into the receiving institution.
Since the provisions of this policy address only institution-wide lower division general
education requirements, students are advised to be aware of the general education
requirements of the college or school within the university and the general education
requirements of the degree program to which they plan to transfer.
A central office on each campus will receive the transfer information. Normally, the
admissions office would handle this task.
No. The General Education Transfer Policy does not add to, subtract from, or change any
general education courses required for a major. Students need to work closely with their
advisors to determine what relationship, if any, exists between requirements for general
education and requirements for a specific major. This is a most important issue and should
be carefully noted.
Each institution has a process for appeals related to the General Education Transfer Policy.
Also, each institution will appoint a person to serve as the official institutional liaison with
respect to the policy. Students in need of assistance should contact that individual.
Transfer students are those who transfer from one public higher education institution
(sending institution) to another public higher education institution (receiving institution) with
the intention of completing their educational program at the receiving institution.
Transient students are students in good standing in any recognized institution who enroll in
another institution with the intention of transferring the credits earned to their home
Does the transfer policy allow students to receive duplicate credit by taking courses at
one institution and repeating equivalent or similar courses at another institution?
No. The General Education Transfer Policy does not impact the policies of the respective
institutions with regard to duplicate course credit. Students should work closely with their
academic advisors to make appropriate course selections before and after transferring
from one institution to another.
How will college credit earned through high school dual enrollment be evaluated for
meeting general education requirements?
Students earning college credit while completing secondary school requirements will have
those credits evaluated to determine whether they meet the statewide general education
learning outcomes.
1. Write clear and effective prose in several forms, using conventions appropriate to audience
(including academic audiences), purpose, and genre. (LEAP A, B, C and D)*
2. Listen and speak competently in a variety of communication contexts, which may include
public, interpersonal, and/or small-group settings. (LEAP B, C and D)*
3. Find, analyze, evaluate, and cite pertinent primary and secondary sources, including
academic databases, to prepare speeches and written texts. (LEAP B and D)*
5. Plan, organize, revise, practice, edit, and proofread to improve the development and clarity
of ideas. (LEAP B and D)*
WC courses must meet the first SLO and OC courses must meet the second SLO, with both
types of courses meeting at least two of the remaining three SLOs.
3. Determine when computations are needed and to execute the appropriate computations.
1. Utilize basic formal elements, techniques, concepts and vocabulary of specific disciplines
within the Arts and Humanities. (LEAP A and B)*
2. Distinguish between various kinds of evidence by identifying reliable sources and valid
arguments. (LEAP B)*
3. Demonstrate how social, cultural, and historical contexts influence creative expression in
the arts and humanities. (LEAP A and B)*
4. Evaluate the significance of human expression and experience in shaping larger social,
cultural, and historical contexts. (LEAP A, B and C)*
5. Evaluate enduring and contemporary issues of human experience. (LEAP A and D)*
At least two AH courses must be taken to meet all of the student-learning outcomes. Each AH
courses should meet at least three of the five SLOs.
2. Explain basic concepts and principles in one or more of the sciences. (LEAP A and B)*
3. Apply scientific principles to interpret and make predictions in one or more of the sciences.
(LEAP A, B and D)*
4. Explain how scientific principles relate to issues of personal and/or public importance.
(LEAP A, B, C and D)*
NS courses should meet the four SLOs. Each institution’s general education natural science
block must meet the category experience.
2. Apply knowledge, theories, and research methods, including ethical conduct, to analyze
problems pertinent to at least one area of the social and behavioral sciences.
(LEAP A, B, C and D)*
4. Integrate knowledge of at least one area of the social and behavioral sciences into issues of
personal or public importance. (LEAP A, B, C and D)*
5. Communicate effectively using the language and terminology germane to at least one area
of the social and behavioral sciences. (LEAP A and D)*
At least two SB courses from different disciplines must be taken to meet all of the
student-learning outcomes.
* Kentucky’s Statewide General Education Student Learning Outcomes are mapped to the
American Association of Colleges and Universities’ (AAC&U) Liberal Education for
America’s Promise (LEAP) Essential Learning Outcomes—as a guiding vision and national
benchmarks for college learning and liberal education in the 21st century.