UGC XII Plan Guidelines-Autonomous-colleges
UGC XII Plan Guidelines-Autonomous-colleges
UGC XII Plan Guidelines-Autonomous-colleges
o determine and prescribe its own courses of study and syllabi, and restructure
and redesign the courses to suit local needs; and
o prescribe rules for admission in consonance with the reservation policy of the
state government;
o Evolve methods of assessment of students? performance, the conduct of
examinations and notification of results;
b. Relationship with the parent university, the state government and other
educational institutions:
Autonomous colleges are free to make use of the expertise of university
departments and other institutions to frame their curricula, devise methods of
teaching, examination and evaluation. They can recruit their teachers according to
the existing procedures (for private and government colleges).
The state government will assist the autonomous colleges by:
Autonomy granted to the Institution is Institutional and covers all the courses at U.G., P.G.,
Diploma, M.Phil. Level, which are being run by the Institution at the time of conferment of
autonomous status. Also all courses introduced by the Institution after the conferment of
autonomous status shall automatically come under the purview of autonomy. Partial autonomy
cannot be given to any Institution.
Autonomous status covers certificate, diploma, undergraduate, postgraduate and M. Phil.
programmes offered in colleges that are autonomous and those seeking autonomous status. The
parent university will confer the status of autonomy upon a college that is permanently affiliated,
with the concurrence of the state government and the University Grants Commission. Once the
autonomy is granted, the University shall accept the students of autonomous college for award of
such degrees as are recommended by the autonomous college. The Act and Statutes of the
universities ought to be amended to provide for the grant of autonomy to affiliated colleges.
Before granting autonomy, the university will ensure that the management structure of the
applicant college is adequately participatory and provides ample opportunities for academicians
to make a creative contribution.
All Colleges under Section 2(f), aided, unaided, partially aided and self-financing which are or
are not covered under 12(B) of the UGC Act are eligible to apply for autonomous status. This
includes Engineering Colleges also.
a. Academic reputation and previous performance in university examinations and its
academic/co-curricular/extension activities in the past.
b. Academic/extension achievements of the faculty.
c. Quality and merit in the selection of students and teachers, subject to statutory
requirements in this regard.
d. Adequacy of infrastructure, for example, library, equipment, accommodation for
academic activities, etc.
e. Quality of institutional management. (f) Financial resources provided by the
management/state government for the development of the institution.
f. Responsiveness of administrative structure. (h) Motivation and involvement of faculty in
the promotion of innovative reforms.
g. Self Financing colleges can also apply for autonomy after they have completed
minimum 10 years of existence. However, conferment of autonomy will not entitle them
to receive autonomy grant. They will have to follow the same procedure as applicable to
other colleges.
h. (i) Unaided/aided colleges: Minimum 10 years of existence and accreditation by
NAAC/NBA. Henceforth non-accredited colleges would not be eligible for autonomy
and the existing colleges be asked to undertake accreditation within one year.
(ii) The NAAC accredited colleges should have a minimum of B Grade accreditation.
The Commission further decided that in respect of
Engineering/Technical/Management Colleges, NBA accreditation should be insisted
for at least three courses while considering them for fresh/extension of autonomy
tenure. However, for single faculty institutions accreditation for only one course
should be insisted upon while considering them for fresh/extension of autonomy
(iii) While NAAC/NBA is compulsory, those institutions which have been evaluated by
NBA should apply for NAAC accreditation within two years.
(iv) All those colleges which were earlier accredited and their accreditation status has
now expired, but have applied for NBA/NAAC accreditation, should be granted
fresh autonomous status /extension.
(v) The constituent colleges may be asked to undergo a separate accreditation by NAAC
for the purpose of granting autonomy to it unless the NAAC report specifically
mentions the names of the constituent colleges that have been covered along with
the accreditation of the parent university
Faculty Preparation:
It is essential to get the staff of the college involved in the thinking and planning processes from
the very beginning. Seminars, workshops and consultations may be organised to make the staff
familiar with the concept, objectives and rationale of autonomy. (This will help them have a sense
of participation in decision making and motivate them to get involved in the entire exercise). This
could form part of the academic calendar of the college.
Departmental Preparation :
An important responsibility of the department is that of designing suitable courses in the major
and related subjects, introducing new courses of study, renaming obsolete courses by changing
their content, updating existing courses to match the current state-of-the-art in each discipline,
and preparing course materials and human resources.
These will be done in the light of the general objectives of autonomy and the specific objectives
of the education institutions.
Common programmes to be adopted are:
Institutional Preparation:
Since an autonomous college is called upon to perform many of the functions that the university
has hitherto performed, it must study the academic, administrative/management and financial
implications of such a changeover and prepare itself to discharge its new functions efficiently.
5. Procedure of applying for Fresh Autonomous Status:
The eligible colleges can apply for Fresh Autonomous Status in the prescribed format
(Annexure - I ) through out the year.
Colleges whose term of Autonomous Status is expiring should apply to UGC for Extension of
their status in the prescribed format (Annexure-II).
An Expert Committee may be constituted for all fresh cases with representation of university and
State Government nominees. The existing procedure of Screening Committee may be scraped and
the Chairman shall constitute Expert Committee for on the spot inspection for consideration of
each proposal.
The Chairman, UGC may constitute a Standing Committee of 3-4 members to look into the
Expert Committee reports for conferment of fresh autonomous status and extension of autonomy
to colleges before the recommendations are placed before the Commission. Any inconsistencies
in the reports may also be informed to the Commission.
Once the autonomy is granted by UGC with the concurrence of representatives of University and
the State Govt. concerned, the University will issue a notification to the effect within a period of
not more than three (3) months. Autonomy will be conferred initially for a period of six years.
7. Nature of Assistance:
Autonomy grant cannot be used for creation of posts, payment of salary to any of the
college staff, payment of honorarium (except clause [x] above) to existing staff, to meet
normal college contingency requirement or to subsidies.
Examination fee should be fixed so that income from fee can meet the expenditure on
examinations and other staff appointed in examination cell.
The ceiling of normal assistance will be as follows:
S. No. Nature Of Institution Amount of
Grant in Rs.
a. Only Under Graduate:
1. Arts/Science/Commerce one faculty only 9,00,000/-
2.Multi-faculty 10,00,000/-
and more than one faculty 15.0 1.00 16.00
10.00 1.00 11.00
20.00 2.00 22.00
8. Governance of an Autonomous College:
The college will have the following committees to ensure proper management of academic,
financial and general administrative affairs.
The following are statutory bodies:
o Governing Body
o Academic Council
o Board of Studies
o Finance Committee
Academic Council:
The Academic Council will be solely responsible for all academic matters, such as, framing of
academic policy, approval of courses, regulations and syllabi, etc. The Council will involve
faculty at all levels and also experts from outside, including representatives of the university
and the government. The decisions taken by the Academic Council will not be subject to any
further ratification by the Academic Council or other statutory bodies of the university. The
composition and functions of the Academic Council are given in Annexure IV.
Board of Studies:
The Board of Studies is the basic constituent of the academic system of an autonomous
college. Its functions will include framing the syllabi for various courses, reviewing and
updating syllabi from time to time, introducing new courses of study, determining details of
continuous assessment, recommending panels of examiners under the semester system, etc.
The composition and functions of the Board of Studies are given in Annexure V.
Finance Committee:
The Finance Committee will advise the Governing Body on financial matters and shall meet at
least twice a year. The constitution and functions of the Finance Committee are given in
Annexure VI.
9. Procedure for Monitoring/Evaluation and release of grant:
The right of autonomy may not be conferred once and for all. It has to be continuously earned
by the college. The status of autonomy will be granted initially for a period of six years.
Each autonomous college will, with the approval of its Academic Council, formulate an
appropriate mechanism to evaluate its academic performance, improvement of standards, and
assess the extent and degree of success in the utilisation of autonomy. Self-evaluation will be
made annually. UGC may conduct review of autonomous status at any time, as it deems fit.
However, they will be an external evaluation during the sixth year, which will determine the
continuance or revocation of autonomous status.
A Review Committee constituted by the Chairman, UGC with a few experts may visit the
colleges to review the working of the autonomous colleges as under:-
The concerned State Govt. may be requested to nominate its nominee both at the time of fresh
induction of a College as an autonomous college and at the time of reviewing the work of an
autonomous college. In case the State Govt. do not provide its nominee within 90 days after
the issue of the letter, the above Committees may go ahead with the process of review and for
the fresh induction. The commission further decided that two teachers representative may be
nominated by the Principal of the College to serve in the Governing Body for a period of two
To avoid hardship to existing autonomous colleges, provision of 80% of the admissible grant
will be released to such autonomous colleges by the Regional Offices as an On Account
grant, in case the review of the autonomous colleges is delayed beyond the expiry of tenure of
Also in the event of delay in the review report and renewal of autonomy, the college will
continue to enjoy autonomy with the entitlements of benefits, fiscal or otherwise so conceived
under the scheme, unless the government or parent university by a special order withholds
such continuation.
Those Autonomous Colleges that have been successfully reviewed for the last 3 times (18
years) and have maintained continuously a NAAC score of minimum B Grade (with CGP of
2.5) shall be exempted from the mandatory Committee visit required for extension of
Autonomous College status. These colleges shall furnish the relevant information (as per
format) for extension of the Autonomous College status once they fulfill the above criteria and
extension will be considered automatically by the Commission.
All autonomous colleges should also be required to upload information on their website
regarding courses offered, faculty, availability of infrastructure, admission details etc.
In the event of the availability of evidence confirming decline in standards in an autonomous
college, it shall be open to the UGC and the university to revoke the autonomous status of that
college after careful scrutiny, and mutual consultation and due notification to the management.
In such cases the students already admitted under the autonomous scheme would be allowed to
complete the course under autonomous status.
Procedure for release of Autonomy Grant by UGC:
Following procedure is laid down for release of autonomy grant to Autonomous Colleges
enjoying autonomy in the tenure period.
1. Autonomous College should hold meeting of Finance Committee in the month of
April 1st week to take stock of the utilization of autonomy grant of previous year and
to discuss the budget of for the autonomy grant of coming year. A detailed Blue Print
of budget should be duly approved by the Finance Committee in this meeting.
2. Only those items should be included, which are admissible as per clause 7 of these
guidelines. No expenditure other than these items shall be accepted for utilization.
3. The budget so prepared and approved by the Finance Committee will be submitted to
the Governing Body for final approval, before 25th of April every year.
4. The budget duly approved by the Finance Committee and the Governing Body should
be submitted to the concerned Regional Office of the UGC on or before 30th April. In
case the meeting of the Governing Body is not held before 30th April due to
unavoidable reasons, the Principal in the capacity of Member Secretary of Governing
Body, may submit the budget to the concerned Regional Office of the UGC under
approval of the Chairman of the Governing Body.
The parent university will award degrees to the students evaluated and recommended by
autonomous colleges. The degree certificates will be in a common format devised by the
university. The name of the college will be mentioned in the degree certificate, if so desired.
Autonomous colleges that have completed three terms can confer the degree under their title
with the seal of the university.
10. Special features of an autonomous college:
Starting of New Courses
An autonomous college may rename the existing course after restructuring/redesigning it with
the approval of the college Academic Council as per UGC norms. The new nomenclature
should be as specified by UGC under section 22 of UGC Act. The university should be duly
informed of such proceedings so that it may award new degrees in place of the old.
The university should have the right to review all new courses of an autonomous college.
Where there is evidence of decline in standards or quality, the university may, after careful
scrutiny, and in consultation with the UGC, either help modify them, wherever possible, or
cancel such courses.
Step 1
The concerned department of the college should conceive the idea of introducing new course
and it should be well discussed in the Board of Studies of that subject. The Board of Studies
will formulate the idea into a proposal with all necessary details such as objectives, eligibility,
course content and fees structure. Such proposal will be forwarded to the Academic Council.
The proposal will be in the shape of an ordinance.
Step 2
The Academic Council will discuss such proposal in its meeting and shall approve the
proposal. In case the Council finds the proposal appropriate. The Academic Council shall have
the right to send back the proposal to the Board of Studies for revision/modification or may
reject the proposal giving suitable reasons. The proposal can be resubmitted to the Academic
Council for reconsideration after the necessary modifications are made.
Step 3
The proposals approved by the Academic Council will ultimately be submitted to the
Governing Body of the college for final approval and for permission to execute the proposal.
Step 4
Autonomous college shall send all proposal approved by the Governing Body of the college to
the University for information.
University may ask clarification regarding the issues in the proposal from the college. The
college is bound to give such clarification with an understanding that the university shall
accept the students for award of degree under such newly proposed courses.
11. Meetings of the Statutory Bodies:
Introduction of a new course should be executed after due preparation and large scale
participatory discussions.
o Preparation for a course to be introduced in the next academic session should start in
the month of October of the preceding session with meetings of Board of Studies.
There shall be continuous, comprehensive evaluation of students through internal and
external examination. At least 2 internal examinations per semester and 1 semester
ending examination should be conducted.
The parent university will award degrees to the students evaluated and recommended by
autonomous colleges. The degree certificates will be in a common format devised by
the university. The name of the college will be mentioned in the degree certificate, if
so desired.
14. Few General issues:
o All recruitments of teaching staff will be made by the Governing Body/state government in
accordance with the policies laid down by the UGC and state government.
o Universities shall consider both internal and external assessment of students in autonomous
colleges for admitting them to higher-level courses.
o Organization of special need-based short-term courses under the colleges department of
continuing education may be an important activity of an autonomous college. Such
courses ought to benefit the students of the college besides outsiders who may enroll for
o The time spent by teachers on projects and extension work shall be counted for reckoning
their workload as prescribed by the Commission.
o An autonomous college should prepare a calendar for meetings of various bodies to ensure
that the implementation of the recommendations made by them is not unduly delayed for
reasons of non-convening of such meetings.
o A wide variety of courses may be evolved in modules so that students may opt for them
according to their convenience. Such courses may help them acquire additional credits.
o Teacher evaluation in autonomous colleges may include periodical self-evaluation,
institutional assessment of teacher performance, student feedback, research appraisal and
other suitable forms of teacher appraisal.
o Autonomous colleges in a given region may form a consortium for mutual
cooperation/collaboration in chosen areas such as management skills, national services,
entrance examinations, services projects, inter-collegiate/intra-collegiate sharing of
expertise and human resources for teaching programmes.
o Credit system and credit transfer among colleges in general and autonomous college in
particular may be suitably adopted.
o Autonomous colleges to be involved in recurrent academic innovative activities which are
carefully designed keeping the interest of the students and quality of education at non
compromising end.
o Autonomous colleges due to their permanent affiliation with the university need not apply
for affiliation for new subjects at the time of introduction. Any new subject to be started
by an autonomous college shall be covered under autonomous scheme.
o The Principal of the government autonomous college will be empowered to make
purchases from UGC fund without prior approval/permission of the State Government.
o Autonomous college need not pay affiliation fees to the Parent University every year. One
time fees can be paid at the time of conformant of autonomous status. Such fees can be
decided by the Executive Council of the Parent University.
o The UGC will provide VSAT to each autonomous college for Internet connectivity.
o Autonomous colleges are free to institute medals for meritorious students. The value and
other terms of reference may be decided with the approval of appropriate bodies in the
2. Affiliating University
7. Type of Institution/College ..
(Govt./Private/Aided etc.)
5. Institutional management.
6. Financial resources the management can provide for the development of the
1. Name of college:
2. Name of principal:
3. Telephone/fax/email:
4. Year of establishment:
7. Courses offered:
M. Phil.
List of journals in the library:
List of major items of equipment in the college (costing more than Rs.50,000/-
13. Whether college has been accredited by NAAC/NBA, mention the rating
Principal (Sign & Seal) Registrar/Dean of the University (Sign & Seal)
TTeacher of the
2 members College Nominated by the Principal based on seniority.
Educationist or Nominated by the Principal based on seniority for
1 member
industrialist two years
1 member UGC nominee Nominated by the UGC
State government
1 member Nominated by the state government.
1 member University nominee Nominated by the university.
Term: Two years, except for the UGC nominee whose term will be a full six years. Meeting:
At least twice a year.
Subject to the existing provision in the bye-laws of respective college and rules laid down by
the state government, the governing body* of the above colleges shall have powers to:
- Fix the fees and other charges payable by the students of the college on the
recommendations of the Finance Committee.
- Institute scholarships, fellowships, studentships, medals, prizes and certificates on the
recommendations of the Academic Council
- Perform such other functions and institute committees, as may be necessary and deemed
fit for the proper development, and fulfil the objectives for which the college has been declared
as autonomous.
I. Composition:
III. Meetings:
The principal shall convene a meeting of the Academic Council at least once a year.
IV. Functions:
Without prejudice to the generality of functions mentioned, the Academic Council will have
powers to:
(a) Scrutinise and approve the proposals with or without modification of the Boards of Studies with
regard to courses of study, academic regulations, curricula, syllabi and modifications
thereof, instructional and evaluation arrangements, methods, procedures relevant thereto etc., provided
that where the Academic Council differs on any proposal, it will have the right to return the matter for
reconsideration to the Board of Studies concerned or reject it, after giving reasons to do so.
(b) Make regulations regarding the admission of students to different programmes of study in the
(c) Make regulations for sports, extra-curricular activities, and proper maintenance and
functioning of the playgrounds and hostels.
(d) Recommend to the Governing Body proposals for institution of new programmes of study.
(e) Recommend to the Governing Body institution of scholarships, studentships, fellowships, prizes
and medals, and to frame regulations for the award of the same.
(f) Advise the Governing Body on suggestions(s) pertaining to academic affairs made by it.
(g) Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Governing Body.
I. Composition:
3. Two experts in the subject from outside the college to be nominated by the Academic Council.
4. One expert to be nominated by the vice-chancellor from a panel of six recommended by the college
6. One postgraduate meritorious alumnus to be nominated by the principal. The chairman, Board of
Studies, may with the approval of the principal of the college, co-opt:
(a) Experts from outside the college whenever special courses of studies are to be
II. Term
III. Meeting
The principal of the college shall draw the schedule for meeting of the Board of Studies for different
departments. The meeting may be scheduled as and when necessary, but at least once a year.
IV. Functions
The Board of Studies of a department in the college shall:
(a) prepare syllabi for various courses keeping in view the objectives of the college, interest of the
stakeholders and national requirement for consideration and approval of the Academic Council;
(b) suggest methodologies for innovative teaching and evaluation techniques;
(c) suggest panel of names to the Academic Council for appointment of examiners; and
(d) coordinate research, teaching, extension and other academic activities in the
I. Composition:
(b) One person to be nominated by the Governing Body of the college for a period
of two years.
Designation: (Principal)
a. By managing society:
b. By university
3. Annual evaluation done by the college during the year under review
4. Number of courses modified, stopped or started during the year (Give names of courses):
6. Progress of expenditure:
Building Guest
faculty Orientation of
Redesigning of
equipment Furniture
Library Meeting of
governing & other
It is certified that the amount of Rs._______ (Rupees _____________________) out of the total grant of
Rs.______ (Rupees_____________________) sanctioned to______________________ by the University Grants
Commission vide its letter number ___________ dated _______ towards
______________ __________ under______________________________ scheme has been utilised
for the purpose for which it was sanctioned and in accordance with the terms and conditions as laid
down by the Commission.
If, as a result of check or audit objection, some irregularities are noticed at a later
stage, action will be taken to refund, adjust or regularize the objected amount.
Annexure - IX
NEW DELHI-110002
NEW DELHI 110 002
Name of the College /Address / Date of the Visit Venue For the grant of Fresh /
Pin Code / Fax Extension Autonomous
Names of the Expert Visiting Committee Members and UGC Officers present:
a) Men :
b) Women :
c) Co-Education :
5. Type of College
a) Arts / Science/Commerce :
b) Engineering :
c) Education
a) Class Rooms :
b) Laboratories ;
c) Library :
d) Hostels (Women) :
Teaching staff
Non-Teaching staff
S. Name of the Total no. of teaching staff Total no. Of Research Total no. of NAAC
No. College strength Publications/Projects Conferences/Seminars/
during the last 5 years symposium during the
last 5 years
Ph.D M.Phil Others Total Res. Projects Organised Attended
1. National National
Internation Internatio
al nal
2. Self
v. Conferences/Seminars/Symposium
8. Whether the committee is satisfied with the present mode of the teaching method adopted by
the college,
9. Academic achievements of the students during the last 5 years in detail such as various ranks
obtained by its students in the Universitys Exams.
Students Students
Year/Batch S.No. Course Appeared Passed Distinction First Second Third % of Pass
University Ranks:
10. Whether the committee is satisfied with the type of courses being offered by the college,
11. Whether all the Teachers are in favour of getting autonomous status to the college,
(a) Whether the committee is satisfied with the present mode of the examination being conducted
by the college? Any specific method of evaluation which the committee would like to suggest to
them may be indicated.
(b) Interaction with Students/Teaching staff/Non teaching staff, give specific comments in
detail for such interaction undertaken.
Whether the Governing Body, Academic Council, Board of Studies and Finance Committee meeting are
being conducted by the college periodically or not specific comments in detail with regard to resolutions
passed by the above bodies in the recent past may be given.
The following fees are approved by Admission and Fee Regulatory Committee of for the year
Courses & Caution Tuition Special Development Total in
Classes deposit(refundable at Fees in Fees in Fees in Rs. Rs.
the end of the course) Rs. Rs.
in Rs.
18. Financial utilization of UGC funds : specific comments be given:-
(Give details of Autonomy Grant/General Development grant, if any received by the college for the last
five years separately.)
6. Autonomous Grant,
7. Any other scheme
X & XI Plan accounts of the college have already been settled. Copies of the UGC letters are enclosed at
The details of income and expenditure of funds received from different sources is enclosed at
Observations and Suggestions of the Committee
Demerits/ Suggestions
Annexure - X
NEW DELHI-110002
NEW DELHI 110 002
Name of the Expert Visiting Committee Members and UGC Officer(s) Present.
a. Men :
b. Women :
c. Co- Education :
5. Type of College
b. Engineering :
c. Education :
a. Class Rooms :
b. Laboratories :
c. Library :
d. Hostels (Women) :
(Boys) :
e. Others like: Administrative Block/ :
Principals Office / Staff Room/ Common
Room / Canteen / Sports Facilities
(Indoor)/ Auditorium etc.
Teaching staff
Non-Teaching staff
S. Name of the Total no. of teaching staff Total no. Of Research Total no. of NAAC
No. College strength Publications/Projects Conferences/Seminars/
during the last 5 years symposium during the
last 5 years
Ph.D M.Phil Others Total Res. Projects Organised Attended
1. National National
Internation Internatio
al nal
2. Self
The details of Academic Activities:
(i) List of teaching staff with pay, qualification and designation (whether permanent / temporary / adhoc) is
attached as
(ii) List of non teaching staff with pay, qualification and designation is attached as
(iii) List of Research publications by the faculties is attached as
(iv) List of Research Projects undertaken by Faculties of the College during the last five years is attached
(v) List of Seminars / Conferences / workshops Organized By the College is attached as
(vi) List of Seminar/ Symposia attended by the faculties is attached as
8. Whether the Committee is satisfied with the present mode of the teaching method adopted by the
college, Yes / No . (Specific comments in detail may be given as to the shortcomings observed, if any)
9. Academic achievements of the students during the last five years in detail such
as various ranks obtained by its students in the University examinations.
Students Students
Year/Batch S.No. Course Appeared Passed Distinction First Second Third % of Pass
University Ranks:
10. Whether the committee was satisfied with the type of courses being offered by the college., Yes / No
(Specific comments in details with regard to any particular course given / withdrawn as the case may be) :
11. Whether all the Teachers are in favour of getting autonomous status to the college, Yes / No (Give
reasons in detail as to whether the Committee interacted with the teachers separately so as to
ascertain their views for and against, if any
12. Any other information which the committee feels will help UGC in taking decision to grant
autonomy or continuation of Autonomous status to this college.
13. Examination Reforms
(a) Whether the committee is satisfied with the present mode of the examination being conducted
by the college? Any specific method of evaluation which the committee would like to suggest to
them may be indicated.
14. Interaction with students/Non-teaching staff, give specific comments in detail for such
interaction undertaken.
Whether the Governing Body, Academic Council, Board of Studies and Finance Committee
meeting are being conducted by the college periodically or not. Specific comments in details
with regard to resolutions passed by the above bodies in the recent past may be given.
19. Financial Utilization of UGC funds: Specific comments be given (Give details of Autonomy Grant
/General Development grant, if any received by the college for the last five years separately)
S.No Name of the Scheme Grant Allocated Grant Released Grant Utilised
A) X Plan Development Assistance
(i)UG Development Assistance
(ii)PGDevelopment Assistance
(iii)Womens Hostel
B) XI Plan Development Assistance
(i)UG Development Assistance
(ii)PGDevelopment Assistance
(iii)14 merged Scheme
(iv) Special Assistance for
C) Grant Received during XII plan
D) Autonomous Grant
2007- 08
2009- 10
2010- 11
X & XI Plan accounts of the college have already been settled. Copies of the UGC letters are enclosed at
The details of income and expenditure of funds received from different sources is enclosed at
Demerits/ Suggestions