Trawa-An Automated Solar Grass Cutter: To Access & Cite This Article
Trawa-An Automated Solar Grass Cutter: To Access & Cite This Article
Trawa-An Automated Solar Grass Cutter: To Access & Cite This Article
162 Copyright to IJIRMET
ISSN (Online): 2456-0448
International Journal Of Innovative Research In Management, Engineering And Technology Vol. 4, Issue 6, June 2019
major components are Solar panel: which is required robot communicate with all its parts or components
to convert photovoltaic energy to electrical energy, and to make it run. It uses ultrasonic sensors.
Solar charger: for storing the obtained electrical Ultrasonic sensors have a variety of applications
energy into the battery. such as distance measurement, obstacle avoiding and
anti-collision detection, measurement in automotive
parking assistance systems etc. Ultrasonic sensors
are more reliable since it almost always insensitive to
factors such as dust, smoke, mist, vapor, light etc. It
is also a cost-effective solution for distance sensing,
level, and obstacle detection compared to IR sensors
which can be used for the same.
powered mowers may be equipped with a battery. fully automated solar grass cutter is a step towards
the same. By incorporating the newest technologies,
GAS POWERED the solar grass cutter can be resource friendly while
at the same time improving the various aspects of
Gas-powered lawn mowers don’t have to grass cutting. The project brings about an automated
be charged. Also, they are not limited to the range solution, thereby reducing the time required for lawn
that can be covered using a corded electric mower. mowing, and does not waste or require heavy human
Despite its powerful performance, it requires frequentwork.
engine maintenance to keep up their performance
and to enhance longevity. In terms of negative VI. REFERENCES :
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