Research Final Assignment

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Research Final Assignment

1.Define the following concepts

a. Research :  Research
is work that involves studying something and trying to
discover facts about it.
b. Objectives : Research
objectives quite simply answer a simple question, The
answer can go down in depth and become 10 more questions.
c. Population : Population can be explain as a comprehensive group of
individuals, institutions, objects and so forth with have a common
characteristics that are the interest of a researcher.
d. Sample : A sample is defined as
a smaller set of data that
a researcher chooses or selects from a larger population
e. Census : A census is a study of every unit, everyone or everything, in a
f. Element

2.What is the significance of research?

Answer: The term significance can mean outstanding, note-worthiness, importance, attention-
catching and so on. With the time, energy and resources, any researcher would want the
research study he/she is doing to be significant, outstanding, note-worthy, important and
contribute well to the extant literature

3.Distinguish between

a. Pure research and applied research

Answer: he key difference between pure and applied research depends on their goal; pure
research is conducted without a specific goal in mind whereas applied research
conducted with the aim of solving a problem

b. Exploratory and Diagnostic studies

Answer: Exploratory research is one which aims at providing insights into
and an understanding of the problem faced by the researcher. Descriptive
research, on the other hand, aims at describing something, mainly
functions and characteristics
c. Descriptive study and analytical study
Answer: Descriptive studies often have no prior hypotheses and are
opportunistic studies of disease whereas analytical studies are used to test
hypotheses by selection and comparison of groups

d. Conceptual and Empirical studies

Answer: Conceptual research is a type of research that is generally related to

abstract ideas or concepts whereas empirical research is any research
study where conclusions of the study are drawn from evidence verifiable by
observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.

4.Define ‘experimental research, and discuss its features.

Answer: Experimental research is the most familiar type of research design
for individuals in the physical sciences and a host of other fields. This is
mainly because experimental research is a classical scientific experiment,
similar to those performed in high school science classes

5.Differentiate between:

a. Independent and dependents variables

Answer: In research, the ‘independent variable’ is the perceived cause or
treatment, whereas the ‘dependent variable’ or outcome variable is
measured for reaction due to the independent variable. 

b. Basic and applied research

Answer: Basic research is theoretical in nature while applied research is
practical; hence, it is associated with technology. As compared
to applied research, basic research has a wider scope.
While basic research predicts future phenomena, applied research creates
solutions or preventions for probable problems

c. General and specific objectives

 Answer: General objective . There is usually only one, as it encompasses
the entirety of an investigation or a project , and it is the primary goal to be
achieved, that towards which all the efforts of an organization or all the
chapters of a thesis grade contribute, for example.
 Specific objectives . There are usually several, since each segment of an
organization or each chapter of an investigation has its own goal to be
achieved, which is under-edited or contained in the general objective.
d. Cross-sectional survey and Longitudinal survey
Answer:The difference between cross sectional surveys and longitudinal s
urveys is that cross sectional takes place at a single point in time and looks
at one population, whereas longitudinal surveys take place at multiple
periods of time and looks at many different populations.

e. Sampling error and Non-sampling error

Answer: Non-sampling error occurs due to sources other than sampling while
conducting survey activities is known as non-
sampling error. Sampling error arises because of the variation between the
true mean value for the sample and the population.
f. Accessible population and target population
Answer: Target Population The entire group of people about which information is wanted is
the target population . Accessible Population
The target population is who the researcher wants to study, and the accessible population is who
the researcher can actually study
g. Research method and research methodology

Answer: Research Methods and Research Methodology are two terms that are often confused
as one and the same when strictly speaking they are not so as they have many differences
between them. One of the primary differences between them is that research methods are the
methods by which the research is conducted into a specific subject or a topic

6.What are the three main goals of research?

Answer: The three main goals of research are establishing facts, analyzing
information, and reaching new conclusions.

7.Give any five (5) key things that indicate that the topic has been well chosen?

8.What are the main sources of research topic?

1. Answer; Primary sources are original materials on which other research is based,

2. Secondary sources are those that describe or analyze primary sources,
3. Tertiary sources are those used to organize and locate secondary and primary sources

9.What is a scientific research? Discuss how scientific methods are different from
non-scientific methods?
Answer: The scientific method is essentially a step-by-step process
that researchers can follow to determine if there is some type of
relationship between two or more variables.
Scientific method uses method of trial and error. Trial and error is
equivalent to scientific methods, Scientist use more details way of
understanding of problem.Whereas in case
of non scientific method, it is just prediction or forecasting the
event with the help of hunch or strong feeling

10.What are the critical steps in undertaken a research (Research Process)?

Answer: These 8 stages in the research process are;

1. Identifying the problem.

2. Reviewing literature.
3. Setting research questions, objectives, and hypotheses.
4. Choosing the study design.
5. Deciding on the sample design.
6. Collecting data.
7. Processing and analyzing data.
8. Writing the report.

11.Before undertaken any study, there are key things that need to be taken
into cognizance. Give and describe them.

12.Discuss three things you would to identify a research topic

Answer: First, you will want to understand the difference between a subject and
a topic. A subject is broad and general, such as Education or Sports or Film
-- too big to be the focus of your research paper. You need to look within the
broad subject area to find your topic.

13.Research problem different from general problems in three important ways, to

separate the two problems a research should answer 3 basic questions. What are
these questions?

14.Mention four main functions of research objectives

15.Briefly give describe different types of research variables

Answer: Variables represents the measurable traits that can change over the course of a
scientific experiment. In all there are six basic variable types: dependent, independent,
intervening, moderator, controlled and extraneous variables.

16.A researcher is interested in understanding the factors which lead to happiness. After
conducting a survey, she finds happiness is largely determined by having a moderate
number of close friends.

In her study, “happiness” is what?

A) A Dependent Variable B) An Independent Variable C) An Attribute

17.Describe the difference between probability and non-probability sampling method

and mention the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Answer: probability sampling and non-probability sampling. In the first case,

each member has a fixed, known opportunity to belong to the sample,
whereas in the second case, there is no specific probability of an individual
to be a part of the sample.

For a layman, these two concepts are same, but in reality, they are different
in the sense that in probability sampling every member of the population
gets a fair chance of selection which is not in the case with non-
probability sampling. 

18.Mention three advantages of sampling

 Low cost of sampling.
 Less time consuming in sampling
 Scope of sampling is high

19.State three qualities of good sampling

 Representative:
 Adequacy
 Homogeneity

20.Define the sampling process.

Answer: Sampling is a process used in statistical analysis in which
a predetermined number of observations are taken from a larger

21.Distinguish between:

a. Convenience and purposive sampling

Answer: Convenience Sampling Versus Purposive Sampling. Convenience
sampling technique is applicable to both qualitative and quantitative studies,
although it is most frequently used in quantitative studies while purposive
sampling is typically used in qualitative studies

b. Systematic and stratified sampling

Answer: Systematic is where only the first unit is selected at random and the
remaining units are picked in a sequence with equal intervals. Stratafied is
where the units are split into groups and then a random sample is picked
from each group.

c. Judgmental and quota sampling.

Answer: Judgmental Sampling is a non-probability sampling technique wherein either an
authority picked by the researcher or the researcher himself selects units to be sampled
based on their judgement, Quota Sampling is a non-probability sampling method in which
researchers can form a sample involving individuals that represent a population and are
chosen according to traits or qualities.

22.Dr. Ahmed wants to conduct a study on why university students miss classes. He

contacts Gollis University and selects 500 students from the register to participate

in his study.

d. What is the target population?

e. What is the accessible population?

f. What is the sampling frame?

g. What is the sample?

23.List the various types of probability and non-probability sampling.

24.Differentiate between sample and sampling?

Answer: In other words, the respondents selected out of
population constitutes a ‘sample’, and the process of selecting respondents
is known as ‘sampling.’. The units under study are called sampling units, and
the number of units in a sample is called sample size

25.Nimco determines her respondents by asking people as to who would be most

suited for her study. Through this, she is referred from one respondent to the other.

What type of non-probability sampling has been utilized?


26.Omer is trying to gather data for his study. He goes to a fast-food restaurant during

the lunch hour and asks people who walk into the restaurant if they would be willing

to fill out a questionnaire. Which method of sampling is Omer using?

27. What is the type of non-probability sampling where the required sample and

sample per stratum is determined and complied, however, it lacks

randomization in the selection of the respondents for the study?

28. What is the sampling technique used in Qualitative research wherein the

researcher chooses individuals who are easily accessible to become

respondents for the study?

29. Compare census survey and sample survey. Under what conditions is a

sample preferred to a Census?

30. Define data collection and list different methods of data collection.

31. There are two sources of data Primary and Secondary. Define them.

32. What are three types or formats of questionnaires used in research?

33. Close-ended (forced-response) items take different forms. Mention them.

34. With suitable examples, define a likert scale, matrix scale, ranking

and rating questionnaires.

35. What do you mean by observation and also list its advantages and limitations

36. Differentiate between participant and non-participant.

37. Define Research Design. What are the characteristics of a good research design?

38. List the major components of a research design.

39. Explain and illustrate the following research designs:

a. Quantitative Designs
i. Experimental designs:
 True designs

 Quasi designs

 Pre-designs
 Non-Experimental designs:

 Ex-post facto designs

 Survey designs.

 Correlation designs.

 Qualitative designs.

 The Case study design.

 Ethnography designs.

 Phenomenological designs.

 Historical designs.

 Grounded theory designs.

“For any research to be successful it must be well designed.” Justify this statement

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