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Module #0: Reading List

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Module #0

DIETER: Ch. 1, pp. 1-6
• Components used in engineering structures usually
need to bear mechanical loads.

• Engineers are mainly interested in design rules that

allow them to dimension components.

• Materials scientists/engineers usually focus on the

physical processes that occur in the material (i.e.,
physical metallurgy/materials) during mechanical

• A good materials engineer should be able to

understand and apply both.
Mechanical Behavior of Materials

• This is a subject that addresses

how materials respond to forces and loads.

• We shall address this subject mechanistically

and mathematically.
General Characteristics of Materials
• Metals
– Strong, stiff, conductive, tough

• Ceramics
– Strong, stiff, hard, temperature and corrosion resistant, brittle

• Polymers
– Cheap, light weight, corrosion resistant, low strength, low stiffness,
creep prone

• Composites
– Strong, stiff, light weight, expensive

The different properties exhibited by each class of

materials can be tied directly to their
Typical process engineering problem
You are the chief metallurgist at a stamping plant. At your plant,
304L stainless steel sheets are stamped into oil cans. You produce
20 cans/minute. The first 1000 cans form perfectly with no defects
or failures. However, ten of the next 200 cans fail during stamping.
Then, 25 of the next 200 fail. 100 of the next 200 fail. This is
summarized below.

# cans total # cans #failures

1000 1000 0
200 1200 10
200 1400 25
200 1600 100

Your job is to determine what is causing the failures during

Solution to process engineering problem

In this particular problem, deformation characteristics
change with time.

 Dislocation generation & motion

 Work hardening
 Transformation induced plasticity
 Ms, Md (martensite temperature)
Solution to process problem – cont’d
Temperature of die rises above the martensite start
temperature during processing.
This increases work hardening during processing, which
is good for increasing the amount of uniform plastic
elongation, but which also makes it more difficult to
deform the material uniformly.
The solution is not just an application or mechanics
problem. Rather it is related to intrinsic materials
A Typical Materials Engineering Problem
• Tungsten light bulb
filaments fail after a few
thousand hours.

• Why?
• How?
• What can be done to
increase their service
lifetimes? Centre de Recherche Public, Gabriel Lippmann
Solution to Filament Problem

• A tungsten light bulb filament can creep under its

own weight, which can lead to shorting due to the
touching of adjacent coils.
• It is well known that the W wire will recrystallize
during operation resulting in a “bamboo” structure
(see the next page).
• When a light bulb is turned on, the filament
undergoes thermal expansion along its length.
This expansion is transient and non-uniform. The
resulting expansion gradient imparts a tensile
force along the length of the wire resulting in a
Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Engineering Methods for
Deformation, Fracture, and Fatigue, Third Edition, force perpendicular to the grain boundaries in a
by Norman E. Dowling. ISBN 0-13-186312-6. recrystallized filament. After a long enough period
of operation, the force will become large enough
© 2007 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights
to cause the filament to fracture intergranularly.
Solution to Filament Problem – cont’d

(a) (b)
Drawing direction

(c) (d)
Schematic microstructures of (a) drawn W wire and (b) such a wire following high-temperature
exposure. Figures (c) and (d) are light optical micrographs of W before and after high-temperature

The schematic illustrates a fine-grained microstructure where the grains are elongated along the
drawing direction. Upon exposure to high temperatures, the cold worked structure in the drawn wire
recrystallizes producing a “bamboo” structure. The bamboo structure consists of grains having
diameters equal to the wire diameter and grain lengths several times this diameter. The boundaries
between grains will display cusp-like features as illustrated above.
Figures (a) and (b) were adapted from T.H. Courtney, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 2nd Ed., Waveland Press (2005), p. 322. Figures (c)
and (d) were adapted from P. Szozdowski and G. Welsch, Scripta Materialia, 41 (1999) pp. 1241-1245
A Typical Materials Selection Problem

• Engineers designing computer systems for long-

term use in Earth orbit or in space deliberately use
1980’s era microprocessors as opposed to modern
ones. Explain why and hypothesize a solution that
would allow the use of modern microprocessors.

• To solve this problem you will need a good

understanding of physical metallurgy, in particular
point defect generation in space (due to
irradiation), and deformation mechanisms.
A Typical Materials Engineering Problem

• Pure copper (Cu), which has a face centered cubic

crystal structure, is highly deformable and work
hardens slowly. With the addition of a small
quantity of Au in solid solution, the deformability of
Cu decreases significantly and its work hardening
rate increases. Explain what is happening.

• An understanding of physical metallurgy and

deformation mechanisms is needed here.
Engineering structures are subject to many
different types of forces/loads

• Surface forces/loads:
– forces from contact
• Ex., friction, point load, etc…

• Volume forces/loads:
– forces that act over the entire body
• Ex., gravity, magnetic forces, etc…

In most engineering applications, surface forces are

more significant than volume forces; but there are
– “can you think of any?”
Engineering structures are subject to many
different forces

• Static forces/loads:
– Forces that do not vary with time. They are constant in
magnitude, direction and location.

• Quasi-static forces/loads:
– Forces that vary “slowly” with time.

• Dynamic forces/loads:
– Forces that vary with time
– Steady-state forces –maintain the same character (frequency,
amplitude, etc) over a long time.
– Transient forces – change their character with time (e.g.,



Basic Types of Deformation

Time Independent
• Elasticity*
• Plasticity*

[i.e., change shape]
Time Dependent
• Viscoelasticity
• Viscoplasticity / Creep*
After N.E. Dowling, Mechanical
Behavior of Materials, Engineering
Methods for Deformation, Fracture,
and Fatigue, 3rd Ed., (Prentice Hall,
Upper Saddle River, 2007) p. 2.
1. Elastic deformation: reversible deformation that is
recovered immediately upon unloading. It is analogous to
the stretching of atomic bonds. In the elastic regime,
stress σ is usually linearly proportional to strain ε.
Hooke’s law applies: σ = Eε where E is the modulus of

2. Plastic deformation: permanent deformation that is not

recovered upon unloading. Plastic deformation
commences at the proportional limit. At this point the
material is said to yield. Yielding is characterized by the
yield strength σo. After yielding, σ is not linearly
proportional to ε. Empirical relationships other than
Hooke’s law have been developed to describe the
relationship between σ and ε.
3. Creep/viscoplastic: permanent deformation that occurs
with time. Usually occurs at high homologous
(i.e., T/Tmp ≥ 0.4). Creep deformation is permanent and
is not recovered upon unloading.
– Think of it as deformation that occurs in a material that is
subjected to a constant load or stress that is often below the yield
point of the material.

4. Viscoelastic: reversible deformation that occurs with

time. “Rubbery” behavior.
Types of or Causes for Fracture
Static Loading
• Brittle
• Ductile
• Environmental
• Creep* Rupture


[i.e., “break” into pieces]

Cyclic Loading (Fatigue*)
• High cycle
After N.E. Dowling, Mechanical • Low cycle
Behavior of Materials, Engineering • Fatigue crack growth
Methods for Deformation, Fracture, • Corrosion fatigue
and Fatigue, 3rd Ed., (Prentice Hall,
Upper Saddle River, 2007) p. 2.
Separation of body or object into pieces.

1. Ductile materials can sustain lots of plastic deformation

prior to fracture.

2. Brittle materials fracture with little or no plastic

deformation are called “brittle.”
• Anything that might cause a component to lose its
structural tolerances, thus prevent it from serving
its intended purpose.

• This generally this means:

(i) fracture,
(ii) plastic deformation, or
(iii) excessive elastic deformation.

• We design and select materials to avoid failure.

The Engineer’s Approach to Mechanical Behavior
• Strength of materials approach (1)

– Principles of elasticity and plasticity are used to predict

material response. You learned about these things in
statics, dynamics and strength of materials courses.

– This approach is applied with great frequency in design.

Still very useful!

– The advantages of this approach are that relatively few

constants are needed to predict mechanical behavior.
The Engineer’s Approach to Mechanical Behavior
• Strength of materials approach (2)
– Problem: general theories break down when the atomic
nature of materials is introduced as a variable.

– Examples:
• Creep (a form of high temperature deformation). Microstructure
changes with time.

• Stress concentrations at crack tips. Local stress may be higher

than global stress.

• Ductile-to-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) in steels.

Fundamental changes in the material behavior cause a brittle
solid to function like a “plastic” material.
The Engineer’s Approach to Mechanical Behavior
• Strength of materials approach (3)

– In engineering design, strength of materials is still used.

– To effectively design or properly select a material for a

given application, structure must be taken in to account
at some level.

Macrostructure (x1)

Microstructure (x106)

Nanostructure (x109)
General Assumptions
– The member is in static equilibrium
• Fi=0; Mi=0 (external forces = internal resisting forces)

– The body is continuous

• It contains no voids, holes, or spaces.
• ALL materials contain flaws on some level.
– The body is homogeneous
• It has properties that are identical at any point
• ALL materials and structures contain local inhomogeneities.
– The body is isotropic
• Properties don’t vary with direction or orientation.
• If properties do vary, then the body is anisotropic.
• Crystalline materials are inherently anisotropic.
Problems with Assumptions
– The member is in static equilibrium
• Fi=0; Mi=0 (external forces = internal resisting forces)

– The body is continuous

• It contains no voids, holes, or spaces.
►ALL materials contain flaws (on some level).
– The body is homogeneous
• It has properties that are identical at any point
►ALL materials and structures contain local inhomogeneities.
– The body is isotropic
• Properties don’t vary with direction or orientation.
• If properties do vary, then the body is anisotropic.
►Crystalline materials are inherently anisotropic.
Fundamental Types of Mechanical Behavior

• Elasticity -

• Plasticity -

• Fracture -

• Creep -

• Fatigue -

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