Mission Objective: Create Mission Objective: Create Mission Objective: Create

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Mission Objective: Create Mission Objective: Create Mission Objective: Create

Make an origami animal. Cook up a new recipe. Create a handmade

Fold a piece of paper into origami and then Show off your culinary wizardry by greeting card.
give it to someone, along with this card. making a new edible treat.
Make a greeting card for an obscure
holiday and then give it to someone,
along with this card inside.

WHEN YOU DO: Share your recipe with

someone else, along with this card.
TRACK THIS CARD: B1-0315420-50
659026-50 TRACK THIS CARD: B1-0315420-52
659026-52 TRACK THIS CARD: B1-0315420-49
SneakyCards.COM SneakyCards.COM SneakyCards.COM

Mission Objective: Surprise Mission Objective: Grow Mission Objective: Create

FinalSneakyCardCompleteDeck.indd 50 FinalSneakyCardCompleteDeck.indd
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Hide this card somewhere Try a new food. Create a chalk art masterpiece.
it can be easily found. Draw something in chalk
on a public sidewalk.

WHEN YOU DO: Give this card to someone

IF FOUND: Take card and hide it near you at the time you try it. WHEN YOU DO: Track this card and leave it
somewhere new. as a signature for someone to pick up.
TRACK THIS CARD: B1-0315420-19
659026-19 TRACK THIS CARD: B1-0315420-40
659026-40 track this card: AB-0315420-361
AA 096104-49
SneakyCards.COM SneakyCards.COM SneakyCards.COM

Mission Objective: Create Mission Objective: Solve Mission Objective: Solve

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Paint a rock. Decode the message and Decipher the secret codeword.
Find a small rock and then give it follow its instructions.
a paint makeover. Then hide the
rock with this card under it. 23113314 44232443 13114214
4434 43343215343315
5223243115 43231125243322
4423152442 23113314

IF FOUND: Track this card and WHEN YOU DO: Hand this card to someone who
then repeat above objective. says something that rhymes with the word.
track THIS : : AB-0315420-361
AA 096104-46
trackthis card
card AB-0315420-361
AA 096104-51
track this card: track this card: AB-0315420-361
AA 096104-54
SneakyCards.COM SneakyCards.COM SneakyCards.COM
Mission Objective: Surprise Mission Objective: Surprise Mission Objective: Grow

Hide this card in a shoe. Hide this card inside Make a wish.
a refrigerator. Close your eyes and make a wish
while holding this card.

IF FOUND: Track card and IF FOUND: Track card and WHEN YOU DO: Track this card and then
then repeat above objective. then repeat above objective. give it to the next person you see.
AA 472184-23
track this card: track this card: AB-0315420-361
AA 472184-22 track this card: AB-0315420-361
AA 096104-43
SneakyCards.COM SneakyCards.COM SneakyCards.COM

Mission Objective: Grow Mission Objective: Grow Mission Objective: Grow

Go sugar-free. Get physical. Meditate.

Avoid eating anything made with Try out a new sport or physical activity. Sit in a public place and
processed sugar for 24 hours. meditate for 10 minutes.

WHEN YOU DO: Track this card and then WHEN YOU DO: Track this card and then
WHEN YOU DO: Track this card and then
give it to someone you meet there. hand it to the first person you see after.
give it to someone to do the challenge.
track this card: AB-0315420-361
AA 096104-42 track this card: AB-0315420-361
AA 096104-41 AB-0315420-361
AA 096104-37
track this card:

SneakyCards.COM SneakyCards.COM SneakyCards.COM

Mission Objective: Grow Mission Objective: Care Mission Objective: Care

Go stargazing. Pick up 7 pieces of litter. Encourage a local business.

Help keep your community Recommend a local business to someone,
looking beautiful! either in person or via online review.

WHEN YOU DO: Track this card and then WHEN YOU DO: Track this card and then WHEN YOU DO: Track this card and then
give it to someone you meet along the way. pass it to someone to do the same. pass it to someone to do the same.
AA 096104-38
track this card: AB-0315420-361
AA 096104-32
track this card: track this card: AB-0315420-361
AA 096104-36
SneakyCards.COM SneakyCards.COM SneakyCards.COM

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