31446222 4597750
By James Jacobs
paizo.com, Jackson Dunn <[email protected]>, Nov 30, 2024 31446222
James Jacobs
Luis Loza
James Jacobs
Michael Sayre
Avi Kool and Solomon St. John
Patrick Hurley and Simone D. Sallé
Loïc Canavaggia
Wilmar Ballespí Escarp and Firat Solhan
Erik Mona
A Harrowing Vision 3 4597751
Character Suggestions 5
Skills and Feats 8
Paizo Inc.
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Redmond, WA 98052-0577
paizo.com, Jackson Dunn <[email protected]>, Nov 30, 2024 31446223
Player’s Guide
How to Use This Guide
Welcome to the Stolen Fate Adventure Path!
The Stolen Fate Player’s Guide will help you to WHERE ON GOLARION?
prepare for this sprawling, epic campaign, where your Unlike many Adventure Paths, Stolen Fate does not
characters must band together to track down the stick to one part of the world—or even to the Material
scattered components of a powerful deck of magic Plane! While the campaign begins in the city of
harrow cards in order to protect destiny itself from Absalom, and thus your characters need a reason
those who seek to control it. In this campaign for to gather there at the start, it won’t be long before
Pathfinder Second Edition, you’ll start with 11th-level you’re traveling to the far reaches of the world. It’s
characters who have already established themselves best to be prepared for anything, anywhere!
as heroes in an adventuring group, only to discover
several strange and magical cards in your possession
that tie to a vision that pulls you toward the Grand for the mysterious magical harrow cards each PC
Bazaar in Absalom, the City at the Center of the World. starts play with.
As the campaign progresses, you’ll travel across the • Character Suggestions (page 5): Guidance, practical
world of Golarion (and even beyond to other planes) in advice, and specific tips for creating an 11th-level
pursuit of the scattered 54 cards of this magical harrow character who fits seamlessly into this campaign.
deck, but as you chase down these powerful treasures, • Harrow Player Options (page 12): Rules for a new
you’ll come to discover that your group isn’t alone in archetype, a new ritual, and a new bloodline for
seeking these cards! harrow‑themed sorcerers are presented here. Note that
To play in this campaign, all you need is the Pathfinder these options are all uncommon, but for Stolen Fate, they
Core Rulebook and a character sheet. With your Game should be made available for all PCs to choose from.
Master’s permission, you can also use Pathfinder Second
Edition supplemental rulebooks, campaign setting books, DRAWING FROM A HARROW DECK
and other accessories to further customize your character. Often during Stolen Fate, you’ll need to draw a card 4597752
While not required to enjoy the Stolen Fate Adventure from a harrow deck. If you don’t have a harrow deck
Path, having at least one copy of the official Pathfinder to draw from, you can instead roll a d6 and a d10 to
Harrow Deck (available at local shops or on paizo.com) simulate a draw using the table below.
at your table at your table to reference will help not only
with verisimilitude but to aid your group in keeping track ROLLING HARROW CARD DRAWS
of which cards from the mysterious harrow deck that d6 Suit d10 Alignment
you’ve recovered and which ones are still out in the wild 1 Hammers (STR) 1 Lawful Good
awaiting discovery. Some of the player options you’ll find 2 Keys (DEX) 2 Lawful Neutral
later in this Player’s Guide are built around the harrow, 3 Shields (CON) 3 Lawful Evil
and having a real deck to draw cards from makes for 4 Books (INT) 4 Neutral Good
a fun and interactive way to play the game. Of course, 5 Stars (WIS) 5 Neutral
without a harrow deck, you can mimic a draw by rolling 6 Crowns (CHA) 6 Neutral Evil
dice or even using a deck of regular playing cards. If you 7 Chaotic Good
use playing cards, the easiest solution is to simply write 8 Chaotic Neutral
the name of each harrow card onto a corresponding 9 Chaotic Evil
playing card (you’ll need to use both Jokers in this case to 10 Roll Again
have a full set of 54 cards to draw from).
On the following pages, you’ll find specific suggestions A Harrowing Vision
to help create a new 11th-level character or customize The event that kicks off Stolen Fate is a shared vision.
an existing character to work well in the Stolen Fate Whether this vision manifests in the form of a vivid
Adventure Path. This Player’s Guide is organized into dream, sudden hallucination, potent resurfaced
the following sections: memory, or something else entirely is up to you, but
• A Harrowing Vision (page 3): This describes the unusual regardless of the medium by which your PC experiences
vision your PC experiences just before you begin the the vision, it’s shared by each PC alike. The contents of
Stolen Fate Adventure Path as well as presents rules this vision are presented below.
paizo.com, Jackson Dunn <[email protected]>, Nov 30, 2024 31446224
Player’s Guide
Memories of your past, realities of your present, and fears the start, each of you owns one piece of the puzzle of
and hopes for your future suddenly overwhelm you with Stolen Fate.
a torrent of emotion. So many choices you’ve made! So If your group has fewer than four players, the card
many more to go! Do they even matter? Are your choices or cards not chosen will be found somewhere in your
yours, or are they always what you’d choose? Do you have adventures ahead. Likewise, if your group has more
a fate that’s set in stone, or do you get to decide your than four players, your GM will provide additional
future? Suddenly, you’re standing on a street corner—one details on the extra cards the group can choose from.
you somehow know is in the Grand Bazaar within the city All of this information is provided in the first adventure
of Absalom. Before you is a wooden building flanked by of Stolen Fate.
a flower shop and an open-air meat vendor. A sign above Keep in mind that while a card’s associated ability
the building’s door reads “Three Moves Ahead,” and déjà score and alignment can influence the type of powers it
vu washes over you. You’ve never been here... or have has, it has no impact on the character who selects that
you? Will you? Should you? A blood-curdling scream card. For example, a lawful good paladin whose highest
shatters the building and, after a brief sense of pain and ability score is Strength would receive no additional
loss, the vision fades. As your senses return, you realize bonus for selecting The Paladin, nor would a chaotic
that clutched in your hand is something new. A single neutral elf who loathes metalwork and has a low
beautifully illustrated harrow card. You don’t remember Constitution be penalized for selecting The Brass Dwarf.
finding it, but you instinctively know it has always been
yours. Though you only now hold it, your fate has been tied INVESTING YOUR CARD
to it for a long time. Each card grants a passive boon and an activated
ability. There’s no need to Identify Magic once you hold
When you recover from this vision, the card you one of these cards in your hand—the function of the
clutch in your hand reveals some of its powers to you. card is imparted automatically to you as soon as a card
Discovering the full nature of the card and its other is touched. Once invested, a card need only be carried
powers, as well as the cause of your vision, are pursuits on your person to function or grant you its activated 4597753
you and your fellow players will unravel as you begin ability, whether you hold the card in hand, carry it in a
play in Stolen Fate—but the fact that all of you had pouch, or tuck it into a boot, belt, or hatband.
the same vision, and all of you now own a different While each PC starts with only one card, you’ll find
card from the same strange harrow deck presents a more as you play Stolen Fate. You can have up to five
difficult‑to-ignore conundrum. Does the shop Three cards invested at any one time, but regardless of how
Moves Ahead in Absalom’s Grand Bazaar have the many cards you invest, the cards collectively count only
answers you seek? as a single item. In effect, one to five cards comprise a
single invested “hand” that grants numerous effects. In
CHOOSING YOUR CARD this way, as your party discovers more and more cards,
The first thing you’ll need to do as you create or each PC can customize their hand as needed, swapping
prepare your character for Stolen Fate cards out each time they Invest an Item.
is work with your GM and the The specific details of the four cards you begin this
other players to decide which of campaign with are presented below.
the four mysterious cards your
character begins with. Each of THE BRASS DWARF ITEM 20
its own powers, as detailed below, Usage carried; Bulk —
but there are other elements Suit Shields (Con); Alignment lawful neutral
of this card that you’ll need to The Brass Dwarf represents invulnerability. When you
discover through play. Work with invest The Brass Dwarf, you gain resistance to fire
the other players so you all come equal to your level.
to a decision on which PC starts Activate [one-action] envision; Frequency once per hour; Effect
with which card—you’ll be able Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, mental, poison, or
to mix and match the cards as you sonic. You can’t choose the damage type for which The
wish once the game begins, but at Brass Dwarf currently gives you resistance. You gain
paizo.com, Jackson Dunn <[email protected]>, Nov 30, 2024 31446225
Player’s Guide
resistance to the damage you chose equal to your level, Activate [reaction] envision; Trigger You fail or critically fail a
and you lose the prior resistance that The Brass Dwarf saving throw; Frequency once per day; Effect Adjust the
gave you. For 1 minute, you gain weakness equal to half result of your saving throw up by one degree of success.
your level to the damage type of the prior resistance.
Usage carried; Bulk — Suit Keys (Dex); Alignment
Suit Crowns (Cha); Alignment lawful chaotic neutral
good The Rabbit Prince represents
The Empty Throne represents great the unreliability of hand‑to‑hand
loss and wisdom from those who are combat and how even cunning
now gone. As long as you have The foes can lose to lucky novices.
Empty Throne invested, it grants you As long as you have The Rabbit
a +2 item bonus to Society and Lore Prince invested, it grants you a
checks made to Recall Knowledge +1 status bonus to attack rolls you
regarding individuals who are make as a readied action.
no longer alive (such as checks Activate [reaction] (fortune) envision;
to learn about Taldor’s historical Trigger You miss a creature
founder but not to learn about its with a melee weapon Strike;
current empress). This increases to Frequency once per day; Effect
a +3 item bonus if you are at least Reroll the triggering Strike with
17th level. a +1 status bonus. If you hit,
Activate [one-action] envision; Frequency once per day; attempt a DC 15 flat check; on a failure, your weapon
Effect You overwhelm a target you can see gains the broken condition (if your weapon is already 4597754
within 60 feet with feelings of helplessness broken, it’s destroyed). If you’re at least 14th
and loss. The creature must attempt a Will level, this flat check is DC 10. If you’re at
DC equal to your class DC. least 17th level, this flat check is DC 5.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target can’t benefit from Character Suggestions
circumstance or status bonuses for 1 Once you’ve worked with the other
round. players and your GM to determine which
Failure The target can’t benefit from card your PC starts with, it’s time to begin
circumstance or status bonuses for 1 the process of creating your character.
day, and the target’s allies are unable Since Stolen Fate begins with the party
to benefit from circumstance or status being 11th level, character creation will be
bonuses while within 15 feet of the more involved, but the notes and advice on
target. the following pages will help you create a
Critical Failure As failure, except the PC who is thematically appropriate for the
duration is 1 week. Adventure Path. You can, of course, use
existing 11th level characters. In fact, this option works
THE PALADIN ITEM 20 quite well if you and the other players are already part
UNIQUE ABJURATION ARTIFACT INVESTED MAGICAL of an established group, with Stolen Fate representing
Usage carried; Bulk — your group’s latest adventure. The start of Stolen Fate
Suit Hammers (Str); Alignment lawful good assumes your group has gathered and already know
The Paladin represents righteousness and resolute defense. each other, and have already arrived at Absalom’s
As long as you have The Paladin invested, you gain the Grand Bazaar. The mysterious Three Moves Ahead
Shield Block general feat (Core Rulebook 266). If you shop from your vision is only a few blocks away!
already possess this feat, you gain an additional reaction at Though you’re free to make any kind of character
the start of your turn that can only be used to Shield Block. you like for the Stolen Fate Adventure Path, taking the
paizo.com, Jackson Dunn <[email protected]>, Nov 30, 2024 31446226
Player’s Guide
following suggestions into consideration will help you can stage your adventures, pursue Downtime activities,
get the most out of this campaign. and rest and relax between encounters—it’s just not
going to be a location with a lot of opportunity to
ALIGNMENTS climb social ladders or engage in intrigue with multiple
In Stolen Fate, you and your friends set off on an factions of NPCs.
epic treasure hunt across the world of Golarion and Alchemists will eventually have access to workshops
beyond. Your initial motivation—be it curiosity, to pursue their craft, but for the first few sessions be
wanderlust, a search for power, or anything else prepared to have all the resources you’ll need to play
will, as the campaign progresses, be augmented your class on hand—owning a set of alchemist’s tools
by the fact that your group finds themselves as the will be more than enough to start with. There are no
defenders of fate itself, and you’ll face those who alchemist research fields that are particularly thematic
wish to manipulate fate and secure grand futures for or inappropriate for Stolen Fate.
themselves that could eradicate the very concept of Barbarians are an excellent choice for Stolen Fate,
free will and choice. The plot assumes that your group both because of the class’s strong ties to personal
will want to preserve agency and free will rather than freedom and emotions and because barbarians are
risk being railroaded into a future you have no control very self-sufficient. With that in mind, you won’t have
over, and as such, chaotic alignments are slightly more much opportunity to spend time with barbarian clans
thematically appropriate overall. But in the end, no or followings in this Adventure Path. Given Stolen
one alignment is required—the most important thing Fate’s themes of fate and destiny, the spirit instinct
is that your PC and the others in your party are allied is perhaps slightly more thematically appropriate
and supportive of each other. than other instincts, but all barbarian instincts will
work well in this campaign—with one exception.
ANCESTRIES The superstition instinct (Advanced Player’s Guide
Stolen Fate sends your PCs across the world, and 108) could potentially clash against this campaign’s
even visits other planes, but you won’t be spending a expectation that the PCs will be deeply immersed 4597755
particularly long time in any one location. As a result, in magical and supernatural themes for most of its
any ancestry is potentially appropriate for play in this duration, particularly when it comes to interacting
Adventure Path. As the campaign begins in Absalom, with the harrow and its powers.
ancestries commonly found there make logical sense, Bards will have many opportunities to influence
but during the course of Stolen Fate you’ll visit many NPCs and even groups of creatures during Stolen Fate
other lands. Work with your GM if you wish to play an (sometimes in unexpected ways), but no one bard build
uncommon or rare Ancestry, but note that ancestries is more thematically or mechanically advantageous
more at home in aquatic environments won’t have over another in this Adventure Path. When you select
much of an opportunity to enjoy the water. your muse, tying it to the harrow or an entity/religion/
force associated with destiny would be a proper bit of
CLASSES flavor to add to your character.
The primary themes of Stolen Fate are clashes against Champions are all appropriate for Stolen Fate,
those who would steal free will from the world, travel provided their tenets don’t set them up to clash against
to a wide range of locales, the excitement of chasing the rest of the party (although thematically, liberators
down powerful magic treasures and hunting artifacts, are the most appropriate choice). Champions who
and the harrow deck itself. Class builds that focus on choose a steed ally may find that such an ally could be
supporting the party or being self-sufficient will feel difficult to utilize in some portions of the campaign,
the most at home here, but characters who thrive by but in others will be a significant boon, so be prepared
remaining in a single location to network and build for a constantly changing focus on this particular class
regional or local power will likely be frustrated by the option’s viability should you choose it.
adventure’s multiple locations and the fact that for many Clerics have extensive freedom to choose their deity
of them, you just won’t remain there for long. Stolen in this campaign, as long as their chosen religion doesn’t
Fate is not an Adventure Path for those who want to put them at odds with the rest of the party. See “Faiths”
settle down. That said, fairly early on your group will on page 8 for more specific guidelines on faiths that are
gain access to a unique “home base” from which you particularly thematic to this Adventure Path.
paizo.com, Jackson Dunn <[email protected]>, Nov 30, 2024 31446227
Player’s Guide
Druids will find that the more diverse they are in
handling different natural regions, the better off they’ll
be—Stolen Fate spends time in deserts, jungles, frozen HARROW CARD IMPLEMENTS
reaches, swamps, plains and more, but never stays in Unique among the character classes, the thaumaturge
one environment for long. All druidic orders are equally has a specific link to the harrow, in that six of
appropriate, as are animal companion choices (with the the nine implements detailed in Pathfinder Dark
exception of aquatic animals). Archive have specific links to one of the six harrow
Fighters of all kinds can excel in Stolen Fate, suits—amulets with Shields, lanterns with Stars,
although it’s always good to keep in mind that some mirrors with Keys, regalia with Crowns, tomes with
of the encounters you’ll face in this Adventure Path Books, and weapons with Hammers. With the GM’s
shouldn’t be solved with violence. permission, a thaumaturge could use a harrow card
Gunslingers will need to ensure that they have of the appropriate suit as their implement.
access to the uncommon supplies they’ll need
to perform as the campaign begins, but as play
proceeds the options available to resupply will only divination magic or emotions. Emotional acceptance
grow—despite visiting some regions where guns and gathered lore are excellent thematic choices for
are unknown (or others where they might be more your subconscious mind, while the infinite eye and
common than you expect). the silent whisper are good thematic choices for your
Inventors like gunslingers, will need to ensure that conscious mind.
they have access to the uncommon supplies they’ll need Rangers will have ample opportunities for their
to do their job. No one inventor innovation is more or abilities to shine in Stolen Fate, particularly when
less appropriate for Stolen Fate than another. it comes to being self-sufficient in unusual regions.
Investigators are a fine choice for Stolen Fate, but If you gain an animal companion, remember that
keep in mind that this campaign doesn’t have much aquatic animals aren’t a great choice for this Adventure
in the way of mysteries to solve. For the bulk of the Path. Stolen Fate features a wide range of terrains to 4597756
campaign you’ll be chasing down treasures, and you’ll adventure in, but you won’t spend a significant amount
generally know where you’ll need to look for each of time in one over the other, so choices for the Favored
item, but your skills will still be generally useful. Terrain class feat are relatively open.
Kineticists are a fine choice for Stolen Fate, but Rogues should keep in mind that there isn’t going to
thematically, elemental forces don’t play a big role in be a lot of time to build reputations in specific areas,
this Adventure Path. That also means there’s no bad but there will be plenty of traps and hazards to face
choice to select from when building your character! along with treasure to steal. Consider the advice for
A magus can excel in Stolen Fate—while the type of skills starting on page 8 in this Player’s Guide when
magic they pursue isn’t particularly tied, thematically, choosing where to focus your training.
to this Adventure Path, that just leaves them to make Sorcerers are an excellent thematic choice for this
choices as they wish! Adventure Path, since the traditions of the harrow are
Monks, like fighters and magi, are free to choose steeped in ancient Varisian magical traditions. All of
class options as they wish. See “Faiths” on page 8 for the sorcerer bloodlines could be equally interesting,
additional guidance on religion or belief. but consider the new harrow bloodline presented
Oracles are an excellent thematic choice for Stolen on page 15 of this Player’s Guide as a particularly
Fate, particularly if you choose to play an oracle who thematic option.
has strange ties to the harrow, themes of fate and Summoners should consider the relative lack of
destiny, or the concepts of travel or exploration. None aquatic environments when building their eidolon
of the mysteries presented in the Advanced Player’s but apart from that will find have a wide range of
Guide are particularly inappropriate for Stolen Fate, opportunities to use their skills during Stolen Fate.
but of those listed there, the lore mystery is perhaps the Swashbucklers are like fighters—they’ll have plenty
most appropriate from a thematic stance. See “Faiths” of chances to shine in this Adventure Path, but their
on page 8 for additional guidance. ability to use performance or other attention-grabbing
Psychics will find much to align with during tactics might grant additional advantages in certain
Stolen Fate, particularly if they lean in to elements of encounters where combat isn’t the best option.
paizo.com, Jackson Dunn <[email protected]>, Nov 30, 2024 31446228
Player’s Guide
Thaumaturges will fit very well into the theme of General-use languages that will be handy include
Stolen Fate with their focus on powerful magical Abyssal, Aklo, Daemonic, Infernal, Jotun, and Sylvan.
artifacts. The harrow itself is the most obvious place More specific languages that will not be as useful for
for a thaumaturge to draw inspiration from, so pay the entire campaign but could be incredibly valuable in
close attention to which suit of the harrow your chosen a small number of encounters include Azlanti, Cyclops,
implement is associated with. Druidic, Mwangi, Razatlani, Shoanti, Shory, Tengu,
Witches whose magic focuses on fate or divinatory Thassilonian, Tien, Varisian, and Vudrani.
themes will work best in Stolen Fate. Fate is without
doubt the strongest thematic choice for a patron in SKILLS AND FEATS
this campaign. You’ll be facing a wide range of challenges as you
Wizards who focus on divination magic will find travel the world in search of magical cards, and that
their areas of study most closely match the themes of means there will be plenty of opportunities for skills to
Stolen Fate, but all schools of magic will have ample shine. Physical skills like Acrobatics and Athletics will
opportunities to shine during this Adventure Path. be consistently useful throughout the campaign as you
face environmental challenges, and there are more than
FAITHS enough hazards to justify expertise in Thievery. There
As with alignments, faiths focused on chaos are slightly aren’t a lot of plotlines that rely heavily on Stealth, but
more thematic than others, but those who focus it will remain a valuable skill to use in encounter mode
particularly on the concept of fate, travel, and treasure as it ever is.
hunting are a great fit for Stolen Fate. Deities like Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation, and even
Cayden Cailean, Desna, Gorum, Nethys, Norgorber, and Performance will often be of use in encounters where
Pharasma are strong choices in these regards, but there combat isn’t the best option. Society and Survival will
aren’t any particular faiths that are automatically bad be handy in dealing with the unusual or unexpected
choices for your character to adhere to in this campaign. regions you visit, and even though this is a higher level
Likewise, there aren’t any whose membership will grant campaign where you’ll likely have excellent access to 4597757
unique roleplaying advantages and opportunities as you healing magic, Medicine still has its place.
play through Stolen Faith—even though prophecy and Downtime can potentially play a significant part of
destiny play key roles in this adventure, the church of Stolen Fate, especially in the context of using various
Pharasma doesn’t feature heavily in the plot. skills to build up your customized “home base”—a
One obscure faith you’ll want to speak to your GM plot element that you’ll encounter relatively soon in the
about before taking for your PC is the Followers of first adventure. A lot of different skills will be helpful
Fate, which is introduced on page 184 of Pathfinder here in ways that aren’t expected, which only enhances
Bestiary 2. This faith, which worships the powerful existing options, with Crafting being particularly useful
agents of fate and destiny called norns, could pose if you wish to create your own treasures. There won’t
complications if you select it, so make sure to work be as many opportunities to Earn Income early on, but
with your GM if you wish for your character to follow even this downtime activity gets support to a certain
this religion. extent later in the campaign.
As one would expect with a campaign so heavily
LANGUAGES focused on supernatural themes, the four skills
Since significant portions of this campaign send you associated with magic are particularly useful in Stolen
traveling to distant lands, you’ll often find yourselves Fate. Occultism is probably the most commonly utilized
adventuring, if even for a relatively short time, in regions of the four, with Arcana and Religion tied for second.
with wildly different languages. Stolen Fate, more than Nature has the least impact on matters associated
most Adventure Paths, benefits from the party possessing with the harrow, but it still has its place—and more
as wide a net of languages as possible rather than focusing importantly, will help you recognize the unusual
on shared tongues. This way, different characters have locations you’ll travel to and perhaps help you prepare
opportunities to serve as translators. Spells like tongues for your journeys.
will be particularly valuable, and language-dependent The strongest choice for a Lore specialty is
effects won’t be quite as useful as they are in a campaign Fortune‑Telling Lore, both from a thematic viewpoint
focused on a more local stage. and for its usefulness in certain encounters. Work with
paizo.com, Jackson Dunn <[email protected]>, Nov 30, 2024 31446229
Player’s Guide
your GM if you want to pick up a specific Lore, so that session. All multiclass archetypes work well for a Stolen
they’ll know to adjust things now and then during play Fate campaign, and the harrower archetype, presented
so you’ll get a chance to use your Lore skill, but at the on page 13 of this book, is particularly useful, both
same time, don’t be afraid to approach problems and mechanically and thematically. Other thematically
mysteries in the context of one of your Lore skills. Doing appropriate archetypes from the Advanced Player’s
so can help justify to the GM opportunities for you to Guide include archaeologist, blessed one (particularly if
use unexpected Lore skills to Recall Knowledge. If you you’ve been blessed by good fortune), horizon walker,
want to pick up a Lore focused on a specific type of linguist, loremaster, and scout.
creature, work with your GM to determine if your choice
is appropriate for the campaign, but Daemon Lore, GEAR
Demon Lore, and Devil Lore will all have significant If you’re beginning Stolen Fate with established
moments to shine during the Adventure Path. Lores characters, you’ll likely already have your own gear—
based on terrain will also be quite helpful as you travel although this also represents a great time to adjust
the world, especially Forest Lore, Hills Lore, Mountain PC wealth so that no one PC has a disproportionate
Lore, and Swamp Lore, but others like Desert Lore, amount of gear than another.
Plains Lore, and Underworld Lore will have moments If you’re creating a brand new 11th-level character,
as well. Abyss Lore and First World Lore are the most though, you’ll need to purchase your character’s gear.
useful planar‑focused Lore skills. Other miscellaneous To ensure fairness for each PC, you should consult with
Lore skills that might have a few specific moments in your GM and decide which of the following methods
play include (but are not limited to) Absalom Lore, will be used in your Stolen Fate campaign.
Academia Lore, Art Lore, Astronomy Lore, Dwarf Lore, Lump Sum: This method grants a lump sum of 4,500
Farming Lore, Labor Lore, Mercantile, Lore, Sailing gp to each PC to spend as they wish on any common
Lore, Scribing Lore, and Warfare Lore. items of level 10 or less. With the lump sum method,
You should avoid Feats that work best when you’re the total value of your gear may well end up being less
limited to a smaller region or focus their effects on than what you’d get with the Pick Your Items option, 4597758
only one location. You could also work with your but you’ll have greater control over the levels of items
GM to ensure your feat choice won’t become obsolete you can purchase and can load up on larger numbers of
after you move on from a region. Feats that aid in lower level treasures.
communication, like Multilingual or Legendary Pick Your Items: This is the recommended method,
Linguist, will be particularly helpful in keeping up with since there’s less math involved, and it avoids potential
the wide range of languages spoken in Stolen Fate. option paralysis when deciding how to efficiently
And any feat that helps you be more self-sufficient is spend every single coin. When you pick your items, you
never a bad choice in Stolen Fate, since you’ll often find select the following permanent items from any of the
yourself a long way from home. Most of the adventure common treasures from the Core Rulebook:
and encounters in Stolen Fate take place in wilderness • One 10th-level item
areas or dungeon areas—once you move on from • Two 9th-level items
Absalom in the first adventure, you won’t be spending • One 8th-level item
a particularly long time in urban environments, so • Two 7th-level items
feats that work best in cities should a lower priority • 500 gp to spend on consumable items of 10th level
than those that work best in the wild or in site-based or lower, or permanent items of 6th level or lower,
explorations of ruins or dungeons. as you see fit.
In the end, Stolen Fate has a very wide net when it
comes to encounter themes, so there’s a chance that BACKGROUNDS
even the more obscure skill choices and feats could You can select any background you choose for your
prove useful somewhere along the way! character, as destined adventurers come from all
walks of life. Some of the best thematic choices for
ARCHETYPES backgrounds in the Core Rulebook include emissary,
One element to keep in mind is that since you’re fortune teller, nomad, scholar, and scout.
creating an 11th-level character, archetypes can become The six new backgrounds on the following pages
a significant part of your character’s build from the first are also available for characters in the Stolen Fate.
paizo.com, Jackson Dunn <[email protected]>, Nov 30, 2024 31446230
Player’s Guide
Alignments Ancestries Classes Languages Skills Archetypes
Champion (liberator), Abyssal, Aklo, Common
Strongly Lore, Nature,
CG, CN All Sorcerer (harrow), (Taldane), Daemonic, Harrower
Recommended Occultism,
Thaumaturge Infernal, Jotun, Sylvan
Religion, Society,
Azlanti, Cyclops, Druidic, Crafting,
Blessed One,
Mwangi, Razatlani, Deception,
CE, LG, Other classes Horizon Walker,
Recommended All Shoanti, Shory, Tengu, Diplomacy,
NG, N (except below) Linguist,
Thassilonian, Tien, Intimidation, Lore
Varisian, Vudrani (see pages 8-9),
Other Lores
Other classes
Appropriate LN, LE, NE All All others (except below) (except below), Other archetypes
(except below)
Medicine, Stealth
Each of these rare backgrounds are tailor made to more interested in reading than other pursuits. Or maybe
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match the themes of this Adventure Path but are you had some unsettling experiences with misinformation
also all linked to one of the six suits of the harrow or knowledge that sent you in pursuit of something
and grant you an additional way to manipulate your dangerous. Try to come up with one event from your past
destiny by using a special free action to guide your where your pursuit of books or the testing of knowledge
fate. These free actions have you, the player, draw a learned from them placed you in danger, but also keep in
random harrow card to determine the potency of your mind that you managed to escape this danger because of
fate, but for your character, the free action happens what you’ve learned from your voracious reading habits!
in the space of a blink of an eye—your PC need not This background is associated with the suit of Books.
actually draw a card (or even have a harrow deck at Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence,
hand) to use these free actions. and one is a free ability boost.
You gain the Multilingual skill feat, are trained in the
BOOKISH PROVIDENCE BACKGROUND Academia Lore skill, and gain the following free action.
RARE Recall Under Pressure [free-action] (fortune) Trigger You attempt
You have always been interested in knowledge and learned to Recall Knowledge during a combat; Frequency
to read from a very young age. Perhaps one or both of once per day; Effect Rather than roll a different skill
your parents were librarians or scholars, or maybe the to Recall Knowledge during the fight, your memory
local bookshop or university was a place you felt safe at. flashes back to something you read in some old book.
Or, you could simply have been an avid reader of stories. You instead attempt this Recall Knowledge check with
Whatever the case, books have always brought you peace an Academia Lore check. If the information you recall
and comfort, and you try to never travel without a few ends up being helpful and positive in an obvious way
packed away in your belongings. Since not every book is before you take your next turn, draw a random harrow
written in the same language, you’ve also picked up a few card. You gain a +1 status bonus to saving throws for
extra languages along the way. Your interest in the written the remainder of the combat encounter as your morale
word hasn’t always been a positive, though. You might soars or a +2 status bonus if the card you drew was
have been bullied or tormented by your peers for being from the suit of Books.
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Player’s Guide
CROWN OF CHAOS BACKGROUND Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength, and
RARE one is a free ability boost.
Your life was one of tumult and mayhem, but you don’t see You gain the Hefty Hauler skill feat and are trained in
this as a bad thing. Perhaps you lived life on the road as one of the following Lore skills, as fits your history: Daemon
part of an ever-changing group, such as being a member of Lore, Demon Lore, or Devil Lore. You also gain the following
a traveling circus or part of a years-long pilgrimage with a free action.
group of explorers. Maybe you were a member of a large Harrow the Fiend [free-action] (fortune) Trigger You start your turn in
family and found the best way to get attention was to be combat against a foe or foes you recognize to be fiends;
unpredictable. Or you could have grown up in a region Frequency once per day; Effect You gain a +1 status
where society had collapsed, such as a war zone or ruined bonus on all Strikes or spell attack rolls against fiends
city after a disaster, where you were forced to constantly for the duration of combat. Once during combat, you
think on your feet to handle unexpected situations. One can draw a harrow card after you determine if a Strike
thing you’ve certainly excelled at is developing the skill of or spell attack on a fiend hits but before you determine
lying to strangers in order to put them at ease. Is it really a damage or effects caused to the fiend. If you draw a card
bad thing to lie, after all, if the end result is good for both from the suit of Hammers, increase the degree of success
sides? Or at the very least, good for you? of your Strike or spell attack by one.
This background is associated with the suit of Crowns.
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Charisma, and KEYS TO DESTINY BACKGROUND
one is a free ability boost. RARE
You gain the Charming Liar skill feat and are trained in a From as far back as you can remember, it seems you were
Lore about a specific terrain, as befits where you spent most always meant to enter a specific industry or profession, be it
of your childhood growing up. You also gain the following artistry, engineering, farming, herbalism, labor, merchantry,
free action. scribing, theater, or warfare. Perhaps your parents belonged
Chaotic Destiny [free-action] (fortune) Trigger You fail a saving throw to this profession and encouraged you to follow in their
during a combat; Frequency once per day; Effect Chaos footsteps, or maybe a personal hero of yours inspired you 4597760
intervenes on your behalf at the last instant as you fail to take up their calling in honor of their accomplishments.
a saving throw. Draw a harrow card and reroll the saving Whatever the reason, the skills associated with that
throw you failed. You must take the result of the reroll, profession came naturally to you, but as time wore on and
but if you drew a card from the suit of Crowns, improve you grew older, you began to realize that this profession,
the result by one degree of success. while interesting to you, isn’t what you want to do with
your life. The lure of glory and adventure beckons. You can
HAMMERED BY FATE BACKGROUND always go back to the studio, farm, or stage once you retire,
RARE after all!
Your life has been difficult, in no small part due to the This background is associated with the suit of Keys.
influence of all things fiendish in your past. You might be a Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity, and
tiefling whose heritage has resulted in you being shunned one is a free ability boost.
or ostracized by society, or you could be any ancestry who You gain the Assurance general skill feat and are
grew up in a land where fiendish influence lingers—such as trained in one of the following Lore skills associated with
devil-haunted Cheliax or the realm of Sarkoris Scar, where a profession, as befits your history: Art Lore, Engineering
the influence of the Worldwound and its demonic invaders Lore, Farming Lore, Herbalism Lore, Labor Lore, Mercantile
yet linger. Perhaps you carry an old scar or wound from a Lore, Scribing Lore, Theater Lore, or Warfare Lore. You also
frightening encounter with a demon, have a fiend-related gain the following free action.
element as part of your class (such as a sorcerer bloodline Lucky Break [free-action] (fortune) Trigger You attempt a skill check
or a fiendish patron whom you worship), or endured during Exploration or Downtime; Frequency once per day;
a long‑term affliction from a fiendish source that only Effect Draw a harrow card, then reroll the skill check. If
recently has been alleviated. Whatever the case, fate has you draw a card from the suit of Keys, add a +4 status
thrown horror and terror at you at every turn, and that’s bonus to the original roll and your reroll, then take the
taught you to always be ready for whatever those fiends result you prefer as your actual result. If you drew any
might have in store for you next. other card, you gain no bonus and must take the result of
This background is associated with the suit of Hammers. the rerolled skill check.
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Player’s Guide
SHIELDED FORTUNE BACKGROUND You gain the Pilgrim’s Token skill feat (Advanced Player’s
RARE Guide 208; this token need not be from a faith and could
You’ve always been tougher than your peers. As a child, simply be a good luck charm) and are trained in the Fortune-
you may have been able to endure the rough‑and‑tumble Telling Lore skill. You also gain the following free action.
horseplay with friends more easily. You regularly emerged A Quick Glimpse Beyond [free-action] (fortune) Trigger You attempt a
relatively unscathed from accidents could have been secret check; Frequency once per day; Effect You can roll
quite dangerous. At some point in your past, you had a the secret check yourself rather than have the GM roll it.
particularly close call with death—be it from a near-fatal As you roll, draw a harrow card. If the card drawn is from
accident, a fight gone horribly wrong, a close call with the suit of Stars, the next secret check you make during
illness, or something similar, yet you quickly recovered. the next 24 hours can also be rolled by you. Each time
You may or may not believe you’re more fated to face you roll your own additional secret check in this way,
unexpected hardship in your life, but regardless, you know draw a new harrow card, and each time you draw a card
you can take what destiny has to dish out. from the suit of Stars, your next secret check in the next
This background is associated with the suit of Shields. 24 hours can also be rolled by you. If you ever critically
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution, fail a secret check that you roll yourself as a result of
and one is a free ability boost. this ability, fate turns away from you, and your Pilgrim’s
You gain the Toughness general feat and also gain the Token no longer functions until the next time you make
following free action. your daily preparations.
Fated Not to Die [free-action] (fortune) Trigger You are dying;
Frequency once per day; Effect Draw a harrow card, Harrow Player Options
and you automatically lose the dying condition, though The following new rules options are available to all
you remain unconscious at 0 Hit Points. If the card you players in a Stolen Fate campaign.
drew was from the suit of Shields, you awaken and have
an amount of Hit Points restored to you equal to 1d6 + HARROWING RITUAL 1
Cast 1 hour; Cost rare pigments and inks worth a total value
WRIT IN THE STARS BACKGROUND of 20 gp × the target’s level
RARE Primary Check Fortune-Telling Lore (trained) or Occultism
Destiny has always intrigued you. Maybe you grew up (expert)
in a family where fortune-telling and divinations were a Range touch; Target 1 willing creature
day‑to‑day part of life, or perhaps you had your fortune Duration 1 month or until fulfilled
told as a young adult and the results were so shockingly The typical harrow reading does not magically manipulate
accurate that you became a believer. The mysteries of fate, but when you perform a harrowing ritual to infuse
what might lie in store for us all have long intrigued you, a reading with occult power, you can impart real magical
and you’re always eager to debate whether or not we benefits to the target of the reading that give them agency
have free will or if destiny is predetermined—be it for one and control over a task or goal in their immediate future.
side or the other. You may see the failure of prophecy The first 50 minutes of this ritual’s casting are spent
that began with the onset of the Age of Lost Omens as a preparing the target creature for the reading by meditating,
dire indication of some sort of horrible cosmic mistake. concentrating on the task or goal to be focused on, and
Conversely, you could view this age as new era of freedom allowing you to paint or ink occult symbols from the harrow
where reality is finally admitting that each person is free onto the target’s body to link them to the upcoming reading.
to determine their own path to the future. You still own a The final 10 minutes of the ritual comprise the reading itself,
small token from your childhood that you view as a lucky during which the symbols placed on the target fade away
charm, but whatever your beliefs are today, many of your while infusing their fate.
fortunes have foretold that great things lie in store for The target of harrowing must describe a set of events or
you in the future, and you can’t wait to find out what course of action they intend to attempt in the near future—
they might be! something like “hunting down a specific wanted criminal”
This background is associated with the suit of Stars. or “traveling to Varisia to investigate the Storval Stairs.”
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Wisdom, and You can roleplay out the actual harrow reading if you wish,
one is a free ability boost. using any spread to perform the reading, but at the ritual’s
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Player’s Guide
completion, a single potential opportunity for the target to Varisian people had more deeply established traditions.
manipulate fate bonds to their destiny, depending on the But recently, particularly as Varisia’s importance in
result of your primary skill check to perform this ritual. Avistan has grown, harrowers have begun to spread
As long as this ritual’s duration persists, the creature is across the world of Golarion.
temporarily immune to further harrowing rituals.
Critical Success The target gains agency over fate and HARROWER DEDICATION FEAT 2
chance while in the pursuit of their goal, gaining a UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE DEDICATION
“wild card.” Randomly determine a harrow suit, either You become trained in Occultism; if you are already trained
by rolling 1d6 or by drawing a card from a full harrow in this skill, you become trained in a different skill of your
deck, and then consult the Associated Suit Checks table choice instead. You also become trained in Fortune-Telling
below. At any point during harrowing’s duration, the Lore, and you learn the harrowing ritual.
creature can expend this wild card to immediately reroll In addition, once a day when you perform your daily
any associated check they just made, gaining a +4 status preparations, you can perform a harrow reading for yourself
bonus to the reroll. They must use the second result. if you have access to a harrow deck. Draw a card from your
Once this reroll is taken and the wild card is spent, the harrow deck—that card’s suit becomes your active harrow
harrowing ritual’s effects end. omen for the next 24 hours and modifies several other
Success As critical success, but the wild card does not grant harrower feats as detailed on the following pages. You gain
a status bonus to the reroll. the Avoid Dire Fate reaction.
Failure As success, but the wild card instead grants a –4 Avoid Dire Fate [reaction] (fortune) Requirements you have an
status penalty to the reroll. active harrow omen; Trigger you fail or critically fail a
Critical Failure The target’s destiny is beyond their check associated with your harrow omen’s suit; Effect
capability to manipulate. The wild card has no effect, Treat the failure as a success or a critical failure as a
and further harrowing rituals cast on the target for one failure. You no longer have an active harrow omen.
month automatically result in critical failures. Special You can’t select another dedication feat until
Heightened (+1) The target gains an additional wild card. you’ve gained two other feats from the harrower archetype. 4597762
Attempt a primary skill check for each additional If you retrain out of this feat, you lose the harrowing ritual
wild card drawn to determine that card’s benefits. The you learned from it.
harrowing’s duration ends as soon as the target spends
all of their wild cards. EXPERIENCED HARROWER FEAT 4
ASSOCIATED SUIT CHECKS When you perform the harrowing ritual, the DC for the
Suit Associated Check Primary Check is never more than the standard DC by level,
1—Hammers (Str) Strikes (both melee and ranged) and the cost for the ritual is halved. If you use a fine harrow
2—Keys (Dex) Reflex saving throws deck, the cost for the ritual is removed entirely.
3—Shields (Con) Fortitude saving throws
4—Books (Int) Skill checks HARROW CASTING [one-action] FEAT 4
5—Stars (Wis) Will saving throws UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE METAMAGIC
6—Crowns (Cha) All other checks (including flat checks) Requirements You have an active harrow omen.
You draw a card from your harrow deck just before you cast
HARROWER ARCHETYPE a spell to infuse your magic with its destined potential. If
Whether or not the revelations and divinations of a your next action is to Cast a Spell, the suit of the card you
typical harrow card reading are trustworthy, none draw enhances the spell in one of the following ways. If the
can deny that the strange powers wielded by the card you draw matches the suit of your active harrow omen,
harrower are real. The harrower uses the ancient art the effect is enhanced further as detailed below. When you
of fortune‑telling to harness destiny and augment their Harrow Cast, attempt a DC 11 flat check. If you fail this check,
spellcasting abilities, infusing them with power by you lose your active harrow omen at the end of your turn.
drawing cards from their harrow deck and letting fate Hammer The force of the spell is enhanced. This effect
decide what elements of their magic need augmentation. only enhances single-target offensive spells that require
For many years, the traditions of the harrower were you to make a successful spell attack or require a saving
limited to regions like Varisia and Ustalav, where the throw from the target to resist. If you hit the target, or if
paizo.com, Jackson Dunn <[email protected]>, Nov 30, 2024 31446234
Player’s Guide
they fail their saving throw, the spell inflicts additional force 15th level. This effect lasts as long as you sustain it, up to 1
damage equal to the spell’s level. This additional damage minute, or until you no longer have an active harrow omen.
doubles if your harrow omen is Hammers. Once the effect ends, you lose your active harrow omen.
Key Some of the magic remains behind, infusing your Hammers: cold damage
defenses. Until the start of your next turn, you gain a +1 Keys: fire damage
status bonus to your AC and all saving throws. If your Shields: poison damage
harrow omen is Keys, this increases to a +2 status bonus. Books: electricity damage
Shield As the spell’s magic takes effect, it heals you as Stars: mental damage
well, restoring Hit Points equal to 2d6 + the spell’s level. Crowns: acid damage
If your harrow omen is Shields, the Hit Points restored
increases to 4d6 + twice the spell’s level. HARROW RITUALIST FEAT 6
Book The spell’s magic infuses your mind with sudden UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE
insights about the target. You can attempt to Recall You immediately learn two of the following rituals: astral
Knowledge about the target as a free action, using your projection (Advanced Player’s Guide 240), call spirit, commune,
spell attack roll to make the check. You gain a +2 status commune with nature, legend lore, or planar binding. When
bonus to this roll if Books is your harrow omen. you perform any ritual, you can incorporate harrow cards into
Star The spell’s magic bolsters those it aids. This effect the ritual to gain a +2 status bonus to all skill checks made to
only enhances single-target spells cast on willing subjects. resolve the effects of the ritual. You can take this feat more
The magic restores Hit Points to the affected target equal than once; each time you do, you learn two new rituals.
to 2d6 + the spell’s level. If your harrow omen is Stars, the
magic also grants the target a +2 status bonus to all saving VENGEFUL SPIRIT DECK [two-actions] FEAT 6
throws until the start of your next turn. UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE METAMAGIC
Crown The spell’s magic is hidden and subtle, and observers Requirements You have an active harrow omen.
may not realize you’re doing anything more than manipulating You manifest a ghostly deck of harrow cards. Draw a card
cards in your harrow deck. Attempt a Fortune‑Telling Lore from a harrow deck, then select a target within 60 feet. The 4597763
check against all observer’s Perception DCs. If your check is card flies through the air to strike at that target, inflicting
successful against an observer’s Perception DC, that observer 4d6 damage, with a basic saving throw against your class
doesn’t notice you are Casting a Spell, even though normally DC. The type of damage inflicted is determined by your
spells have sensory manifestations. This hides only the spell’s active harrow omen (as indicated on the list for Benevolent
spellcasting actions and manifestations, not its effects. If Spirit Deck above); if the card drawn is in the same suit
your harrow omen is Crowns, you gain a +2 status bonus to as your active harrow omen, the target takes a –2 status
your Fortune-Telling Lore check. penalty to its saving throw. The damage increases to 6d6
if you’re 10th level and 8d6 if you’re 15th level. You can
RESTORE OMEN FEAT 4 continue to throw cards at targets on your turn as long as
UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE EXPLORATION MANIPULATE you Sustain the Vengeful Spirit Deck—throwing a card takes
Requirements You do not have an active harrow omen. two actions. This effect lasts as long as you Sustain it, up to
You spend 10 minutes meditating with your harrow deck, 1 minute, or until you no longer have an active harrow omen.
then draw a card. The suit of the card grants you a new Once the effect ends, you lose your active harrow omen.
harrow omen.
UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE CONCENTRATE You have a knack for drawing the right card, be it from a
Requirements You have an active harrow omen. harrow deck, in a game of cards, or even when drawing
You manifest a ghostly deck of harrow cards that seek to from a Deck of Many Things. When you’re attempting a
protect you or an ally. Select one willing target within 30 skill check involving the drawing of cards or resolving the
feet; the cards move through the air to surround that target, effects of a divination effect (including attempting a saving
protecting them from harm and granting a +1 status bonus throw against a hostile divination effect against you), you
to AC and resistance 5 to a type of damage associated gain a +2 status bonus to the check. When you draw a card
with your active harrow omen (see below). This resistance to determine your harrow omen, perform Harrow Casting,
increases to 10 if you’re at least 10th level and 15 if you’re cast harrowing, or if you activate a magical deck of cards,
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Player’s Guide
draw 2 cards, and choose the one you prefer as your actual You use the power of the card’s suit to influence a creature
card drawn. You can even use this ability when drawing around you. When you draw a card, you can choose to
from a Deck of Many Things, but only once per deck. The impart a boon or bane associated with the card’s suit. The
unused card is shuffled back into the stack. target must attempt a Will save. On a failure, they receive
the effects of the chosen boon or bane. If you target an
HARROW BLOODLINE (SORCERER BLOODLINE) ally with this spell, they can choose to willingly accept the
You have a deep connection to the harrow, perhaps effects without attempting a saving throw. The target can
passed on through generations or unlocked after you had attempt to remove the card’s influence by using an action,
a harrow reading performed for you. This connection which has the concentrate trait, to attempt the saving
gives you an uncanny influence over your own fate. throw again; on a success, the effect ends.
To determine the card, draw a card from a harrow deck. If
Spell List occult you don’t have a harrow deck available, you can roll 1d6 to
Bloodline Skills Occultism, Performance randomly determine the suit you draw.
Granted Spells cantrip: detect magic; 1st: ill omen (Advanced 1. Hammers (Str) Boon: The target gains a +2 status bonus
Player’s Guide 221), 2nd: augury; 3rd: wanderer’s guide; to damage rolls; Bane: The target is enfeebled 1.
4th: suggestion; 5th: shadow siphon; 6th: true seeing; 7th: 2. Keys (Dex) Boon: The target gains a +1 status bonus to
retrocognition; 8th: unrelenting observation; 9th: weird AC; Bane: The target is clumsy 1.
Bloodline Spells initial: unraveling blast; advanced: invoke 3. Shields (Con) Boon: The target gains temporary Hit
the harrow; greater: rewrite possibility Points equal to twice the spell’s level; Bane: The target
Blood Magic You become enveloped in possibility, is drained 1.
represented as multiple versions of yourself from 4. Books (Int) Boon: The target gains a +1 status bonus to
your possible futures overlaid on each other. You gain skill checks; Bane: The target is stupefied 1.
concealment for 1 round, but can’t use the concealment 5. Stars (Wis) Boon: The target gains a +1 status bonus to
to Hide. saving throws; Bane: The target is confused.
6. Crowns (Cha) Boon: The target can roll twice and take the 4597764
UNRAVELING BLAST FOCUS 1 higher result on a single check during the duration. This
UNCOMMON DIVINATION SORCERER is a fortune effect; Bane: The target must roll twice and
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal take the lower result on a single check of your choosing
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature during the duration. This is a misfortune effect.
Saving Throw Will Heightened (6th) The duration is 1 minute. The target must
You unleash a small blast of potential that destroys one of succeed a total of two saving throws to end the effect.
a creature’s possible futures, leaving them reeling. You deal The value of boons and banes doubles. The Crowns suit
2d4 mental damage to the creature, and it must attempt a affects a total of three checks during the duration.
Will save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. REWRITE POSSIBILITY FOCUS 5
Success The creature takes half the mental damage. UNCOMMON DIVINATION MENTAL FORTUNE PREDICTION SORCERER
Failure The creature takes full damage and is flat-footed Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
until the start of its turn. Range touch; Targets 1 creature
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage, becomes Duration 1 minute
stunned 1, and is flat-footed until the start of your next You continually glimpse into the target’s future and nudge
turn. fate to guide them toward the best possible outcome. Due
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 3d4. to the amount of information this spell requires you to
process, you can’t have more than one rewrite possibility
INVOKE THE HARROW FOCUS 3 spell in effect at a time. Casting it again ends the previous
UNCOMMON DIVINATION SORCERER casting. While rewrite possibility is in effect, the target gains
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal a +1 status bonus to initiative rolls. In addition, you gain the
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature following reaction.
Saving Throw Will; Duration 1 round Rewrite Possibility [reaction] Trigger The target fails a check;
You draw a card from the harrow, either one from a deck you Effect The target rolls again with a +2 status bonus and
have in hand or magically produce one as part of the spell. uses the higher result.
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Player’s Guide
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distributed using this License. Director of Licensing • John Feil
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your Director of Marketing • Aaron Shanks
acceptance of the terms of this License. Marketing and Licensing Coordinator • Raychael Allor
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Community and Social Media Specialist Jonathan Morgantini
Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with Director of Community • Tonya Woldridge
the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. Organized Play Coordinator • Alex Speidel
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material Director of Project Management • Glenn Elliott
as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation Project Manager • Lee Aula
and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
Finance Operations Specialist • B. Scott Keim
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of
this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Front End Engineering Lead • Andrew White
Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the Senior Software Developer • Gary Teter
copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Software Architect • Brian Bauman
original Open Game Content you distribute. Software Developer • Robert Brandenburg
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as Software Test Engineer • Erik Keith
an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent System Administrators II • Whitney Chatterjee and Josh Thornton
Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to Web Content Manager • Maryssa Mari
indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark Webstore Coordinator • Katina Davis
in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed
in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Customer Service Lead • Austin Phillips
Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a Customer Service Team • James Oakes, Khangi Wampler, and Jackson Wood
challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity Warehouse Manager • Jeff Strand
used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Logistics Coordinator • Kevin Underwood
Product Identity. Warehouse Distribution Lead • Heather Payne
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which Warehouse Team • Alexander Crain, Summer Foerch, James Mafi, Zac Moran,
portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. Evan Panek, and Jesus Reynoso Ortiz
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated
versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy,
modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version This product is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with
of this License. the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (Second Edition).
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of
the Open Game Content You distribute. Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Game Content: All
Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from trademarks, registered trademarks, proper nouns (characters, deities, locations, etc., as
the Contributor to do so. well as all adjectives, names, titles, and descriptive terms derived from proper nouns),
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms artworks, characters, dialogue, locations, organizations, plots, storylines, and trade dress.
of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content, or are exclusively
judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game derived from previous Open Game Content, or that are in the public domain are not
Material so affected. included in this declaration.)
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with
all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the Open Game Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity, the game
breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. mechanics of this Paizo game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material
provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written
15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE permission.
Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Pathfinder Stolen Fate Player’s Guide © 2023, Paizo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Paizo, the
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo, Pathfinder Society, Starfinder, and the
and Dave Arneson. Starfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.; the Pathfinder P logo, Pathfinder
Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition) © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Accessories, Pathfinder Adventure, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Pathfinder Adventure
Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter. Card Society, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Battles, Pathfinder Combat Pad,
Pathfinder Stolen Fate Player’s Guide © 2023, Paizo Inc.; Authors: James Jacobs. Pathfinder Flip-Mat, Pathfinder Flip-Tiles, Pathfinder Legends, Pathfinder Lost Omens,
Pathfinder Pawns, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Pathfinder Tales, Starfinder Adventure
Path, Starfinder Combat Pad, Starfinder Flip-Mat, Starfinder Flip‑Tiles, Starfinder Pawns,
Starfinder Roleplaying Game, and Starfinder Society are trademarks of Paizo Inc.