Tyre Pyrolysis Plant: Equipments

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About Us
NSI Equipments Pvt. Ltd. is a fast emerging NSI Equipments Pvt. Ltd. mission is to consolidate at the
company specializing in the design and manufacture forefront of our Product Lines in Asia. We believe
of Various Chemical Process Plant and Equipments for everything is possible with right efforts and dedication.
industrial use for the past four decades. Over the years We are condent that we will achieve our goal by:
NSIE has consolidated its experience in its eld and has
developed its expertise. Our endeavor is to supply well
engineered product to the specic need of our customers. Quality Policy
Customer satisfaction is our paramount importance,
which is the foundation to our business policy. We have “To be passive and proactive in providing quality product
excellent reputation for the quality of our product range and solutions to clients by continuously striving to exceed
as always endeavoring to advance technology, appropriate their expectations”
fabrication processes at all stages of manufacture. Our commitment to quality is uninching. Our desire for
growth is deep rooted and our capacity for details is
This has been possible with the active participation amazing. We adhere to national and international
of our management, staff and workers. Everyone has standards across all operations: from sourcing the raw
contributed in his own manner and ultimately it is materials & till it transfers to the nished machinery and
teamwork that has won. nally successful commissioning. All our suppliers operate
quality management standards as dictated by specic
markets. This measure undoubtedly reects our royalty to
Vision quality assurance and our determination to provided the
products and service our customers demand.
NSI Equipments Pvt. Ltd. vision is to excel and provide
technology that is the most advanced in Asia and at par What set us apart is the depth of our commitment and the
with the international league. We believe every satised high level of our concern to deliver quality products,
customer is an asset and we target to satisfy each and efcient services and total solutions.
every customer walking in through our door. We envisage And this is where our quality improvement comes from.
achieving these ambitious growth plans as Green Progress
meaning attaining the goals in symbiosis with environment At NSIE, quality is a way of life.
and it's an integral part of our corporate vision.

Our credo is:-

Customer orientation to develop products (machines and
Customer Satisfaction
auxiliaries) that seek to meet customer aspirations.
An organization reputation that instills condence in the Customer satisfaction is the foremost concern in our work
customer to seek pre-purchase counseling, validation culture. That is why a few of our products are very popular
through trials and service needs that may arise.
among users. We have met stringent delivery schedules
and accepted challenges of precision manufacturing. We
Mission have extended our services to small scale and large-scale
customers equally, and bagged repeat orders.
NSI Equipments Pvt. Ltd. mission is to consolidate at the
forefront of our Product Lines in Asia. We believe
everything is possible with right efforts and dedication.
We are condent that we will achieve our goal by:
Final products output from Waste tyre pyrolysis:
Tire fuel oil: 45%
Carnon black: 30%
Steel wire: 15%
Flammable oil gas: 10%
World Market Scenario:
Why We Need Pyrolysis Plant? Final products Application:
Tire fuel oil: Oil from our recycling pyrolysis machine can
Billions of Rubber wastage is available all over the world be used as industrial fuel materials for burning.
being a major burden for everyone. We can't bury in or
land ll the Tires as it will take hundreds of years for it to Carbon black: Carbon black from this machine is crude, so
get dissolved in the land and also because of pollution you can sell it to the brick factory as internal combustion
problems. As compared to the developed countries, the or to the factory which need it as raw materials, such as
Indian rubber industry is developing at a rapid speed, shoe, tire, cable and sealant companies. You can take
rubber manufactures products are widely used, on the carbon black for deep processing.
other hand, the pollutant of waste rubber is increasing day
by day and its decomposing is very difcult, which is called Steel wire: It can be sold to the iron and steel company
as "Black Contamination". This has become a big threat to directly.
the environment. Compared to the developed countries,
we are still lack of experiences in treating the pollution; Flammable oil gas: It can be recycled to the reactor to
the capital and the market are also big problems. burn as fuel material.

Nowadays, the output of tire in India is more than 1.3

billion, i.e. the third in all over the world. The scrap tires The Pyrolysis Method:
for each year are 65 million, and are increasing steadily The Pyrolysis method for recycling used Tires is to
year by year. So, to set up a factory in each town, which ascertain Pyro - Oil and its biproducts in the form of
could extract black carbon and tire oil from 65-million Carbon Black and Scrap Steel, it is a 24 hours process
scrap tire, it is easy to nd the raw material. where whole or shredded tires are loaded in the reactor
and initially heated with Wood, Agricultural Briquettes,
First, Let's talk about "WASTE TO ENERGY" project. In one Coal, Gas or Pyro-Water under controlled conditions of
word, WTE means the process of converting waste temperature and pressure, which heats the Tires in a
tyre/plastic/engine oil to useful fuel oil and valuable reactor vessel containing an oxygen free atmosphere.
diesel. See what can we benet: WTE processes will make
an impact on our environment and will be a quite lucrative In the reactor the rubber is softened after which the
investment! This WTE process eliminates landlls, piles of rubber polymers continuously break down into smaller
used tires, asbestos, and toxic material by converting the molecules. These smaller molecules eventually vaporize
waste into electricity, fuel, steam, construction/highway and exit from the reactor. These vapors are condensed into
aggregate, and a superior insulation and creates jobs. oily type liquids, as these gases ow into vapor gas
separating tank, then through heat exchangers where
Waste Tyre Pyrolysis is a recycling technique that conversion of vapors into liquid takes place in the form of
converting plastic or tyre waste into industrial fuels like Tire Oil or Pyro-Oil takes place as water is constantly
pyrolysis oil, monomers, or other valuable materials by circulated in and out of the Heat Exchangers for cooling as
thermal and catalytic cracking processes like carbon a condensing medium. Some molecules are too small to
black, steel wire and hydrocarbon gas. It allows the condense; they remain as Hydro - Carbon Gas, Pyro – Gas,
treatment of mixed, unwashed which is used as fuel in the later stage of the process. In
general, When the temperature of the reactor has risen
100℃, light oil gas will be produced gradually; liquid oil
can be seen when the temperature rises 120℃ the range
between 250 ℃ and 280 ℃ is the biggest oil output; the
highest reaction temperature could rise up to 350 ℃.

The minerals that were part of the Tire i.e. Scrap Steel and
Carbon Black, about 40% by weight, are removed as a
solid. After this, the reactor is left for cooling for about 10
hours followed by unloading of Carbon Black directly into
jute bags followed by Scrap Steel removal with the help of
a mobile Hydra crane.
Pyrolysis of Scrap Tires
Pyrolysis of scrap tires offers an environmentally and economically attractive method for transforming waste tires into useful
products, heat and electrical energy. Pyrolysis refers to the thermal decomposition of scrap tires either in the absence or lack
of oxygen. The principal feedstocks for pyrolysis are pre-treated car, bus or truck tire chips. Scrap tires are an excellent fuel
because of their high caloric value which is comparable to that of coal and crude oil. The heating value of an average size
passenger tire is between 30 – 34MJ/kg.
Pyrolysis is the most recommended alternative for the thermochemical treatment of waste tires and extensively used for
conversion of carbonaceous materials in Europe and the Asia-Pacic. Pyrolysis is a two-phase treatment which uses thermal
decomposition to heat the rubber in the absence of oxygen to break it into its constituent parts, e.g., pyrolysis oil (or bio oil),
synthetic gas and char. Cracking and post-cracking take place progressively as the material is heated to 450-500°C and above.
Process Description

Schematic for Pyrolysis of Scrap Tires

The nature of the feedstock and process conditions denes
the properties of the gas, liquid and solid products. For
example, whole tires contain bers and steel while
shredded tires have most of the steel and sometimes most
of the ber removed. Processes can be either batch or
continuous. The energy required for thermal
decomposition of the scrap tires can be in the form of
directly-red fuel, electrical induction and or by
microwaves (like a microwave oven). A catalyst may also
be required to accelerate the pyrolysis process.

Useful Products
The high acceptance of pyrolysis for the treatment of
scrap tires is due to the fact that the derived oils and
syngas can be used as biofuels or as feedstock for rening
crude oil or chemical products. The pyrolysis oil (or bio oil)
has higher caloric value, low ash, low residual carbon and
low sulphur content.

The use of pyrolysis oil in cement kilns, paper mills, power

plants, industrial furnaces, foundries and other industries
is one of the best uses of scrap tires. Pyrolysis of scrap
tyres produces oil that can be used as liquid fuels for
The pyrolysis method for scrap tires recycling involves
industrial furnaces, foundries and boilers in power plants
heating whole or halved or shredded tires in a reactor
due to their higher caloric value, low ash, residual carbon
containing an oxygen free atmosphere and a heat source.
and sulphur content.
In the reactor, the rubber is softened after which the
The solid residue, called char, contains carbon black, and
rubber polymers disintegrate into smaller molecules
inorganic matter. It contains carbon black and the mineral
which eventually vaporize and exit from the reactor.
matter initially present in the tire. This solid char may be
These vapors can be burned directly to produce power or
used as reinforcement in the rubber industry, as activated
condensed into an oily type liquid, called pyrolysis oil or
carbon or as smokeless fuel.
bio oil. Some molecules are too small to condense and
remain as a gas which can be burned as fuel. The minerals
that were part of the tire, about 40% by weight, are
removed as a solid. When performed well a tire pyrolysis Features of the plant:
process is a very clean operation and has nearly no 100% wastage tyre recycling process.
emissions or waste. No chemicals & Intermediates are used in process (enviro
The heating rate of tire is an important parameter friendly).
affecting the reaction time, product yield, product quality During and after the process; no soil, water or air pollution
and energy requirement of the waste tire pyrolysis is observed.
process. If the temperature is maintained at around 450oC Creates economically Industrial liquid products out of
the main product is liquid which could be a mixture of wastage tyres.
hydrocarbon depending on the initial composition of The most cost-effective wastage tyre recycling technology
waste material. At temperature above 700oC, synthetic in the world.
gas (also known as syngas), a mixture of hydrogen and Raw material (wastage tyre) is cheap and easy to provide.
carbon monoxide, becomes the primary product due to It is a 100 % pollution free process, thus making eco-friendly
further cracking of the liquids. environment.
The process can be applied to all rubber based materials. Applications of Pyro - Oil
The system creates an alternate source of energy to replace Hot mix plants
petroleum products and natural gas. Forging unitsSteel Industries
Pyrolysis process to deal with the wastage tyre problem to a Rolling Mill Industries
great extent. The Pyrolysis Process ocuured I absence of Chemical Industries
Oxygen. Die casting units
The process of Pyrolysis has duration of 6 to 10 hours, Boilers
depending on the quantity and size of tyre(car tyre, truck Furnaces
tyre, etc.). During the process different vacuum values are
applied in predetermined temperatures and in different CARBON BLACK (30% to 35%)
phases. Different gases are obtained and the condensed It can be compressed into briquettes for industrial heating,
gas is stored as a fuel-oil in tanks. the caloric value is equal to the coal; it also can be
reprocessed into ne carbon black with higher quality by
Features of the plant: carbon grinding machine to be used as additive; making
carbon brick by briquetting equipment is also a better
The operation is more intelligent and convenient, so as to
utilization method.
save much manual power and material resource and reduce
STEEL WIRE (13% to 15%)
100% waste Tire recycling is achieved (no churn left after
Steel Wire, third product produced from the Pyrolysis
the process).
process. Tire contains steel wires and the amount range of
Raw material for these plants is waste Tires which are
13% to 15% of the total Tire wastage. All of the steel present
abundant in any part of the world.
in the Tire can be detached after the Pyrolysis recycling
Raw material is very cheap when compared to other
process is completed. Valuable steel wires are pressed and
sold to steel and scrap dealers.
Lower fees for waste management.
üNo chemical ingredients are used in process (environment
PYRO - GAS (about 10%)
Pyrolysis gas is produced during the process, about 3 hours
During and after the process; no soil, water or air pollution
after the process starts. The main component of it is
is observed.
methane (CH4) which is the prime reason why we cannot
Creates economically valuable products out of waste (all of
condense and store it, as it is combustible at room
the products are industrial raw materials that have a market
temperature. This gas is used in completion of the process
where it is diverted to the reactor's burning room through
The most cost-effective waste Tire recycling technology in
which the process is completed. The excess gas is later
the world.
burnt or used for heating other applications.
Raw material (scrap Tire) is cheap and easy to provide.
These are the by- products of Tire production.
There are some advantages of Pyro - Gas:
üEach recycled ton of Tire preserves 10 tons of CO2 that is a
It has higher caloric value as compared to natural gas.
major greenhouse gas.
It can be replaced where natural gas and propane are
The process can be applied to all rubber based materials.
The system creates an alternative source of energy to
The high energy gas may be utilized as a source of energy for
replace petroleum products and natural gas.
the Pyrolysis process.
System gives the opportunity to governments and local
The amount of gas generated in the system is 12% to 15% of
administrations to deal with the waste Tire problem to a
the total amount of recycled tires and considering the 10
great extent.
ton scrap Tire/day recycling capacity, the facility generates
System prevents the spread of diseases caused by waste
1200-1500 m³/day gas, which has an enormous energy
potential when evaluated.
It is feasible technology with small amount of investment,
high availability of raw materials, short recovery period and
with our guidance, is the ideal choice of investing.
The process of Pyrolysis has duration of 8 hours. During the Reason Why Our Plant Is
process different vacuum values are applied in pre-
determined temperatures and in different phases different “Pollution Free”
gases are obtained and the condensed gas is stored as fuel-
oil in tanks.

Pyrolysis Product Details

PYROLYSIS OIL (38 % to 42%)
The main product of Pyrolysis plant is Tire oil (industrial fuel
oil). This is used in many industries as fuel. It is a
replacement for furnace oil and LDO. There are 2 Tires of oil
we get from the process, one is normal Tire oil and other is
heavy oil. Heavy oil is about 2 % to 4% of the total produce.
The nal percentage is about 38 % to 42 % depending on the
quality of Tires. At present there is a great demand of fuel
oil in the market, as every industry requires fuel for various
In every process approx. 400 litre of pyro – water is
produced along with pyro – oil, it contains a certain
percentage of oil and carbon in it, due to which it has a
very high caloric value. This can be used in the initial
ring purpose hence eliminating the use of briquettes up
to 90%. Therefore, making it a very eco-friendly

Why Customer Choose Us?

Our research and development team are constantly
working on pyrolysis technology to provide our customers
with best solutions & technology.


Our team has practical, technical as well as theoretical
knowledge of pyrolysis machine and provides our customer
with best & latest technology.
Our technocrats have developed the machinery which is
techno-commercially proven, that provides high quality &
quantity of industrial fuel from tyres.
Designing of the machinery is done in such a manner that
ensures less maintenance, greater life & safety of the plant.
Less investment in equipment, efcient performance and
smooth production process are the biggest advantage of our
According to the actual site situation, weather conditions &
requirement of the customers, we design the automation of
pyrolysis plant.
Company takes responsibility from designing, engineering,
procurement, installation & operator training of the
We take the responsibility from machinery side to make
your machine function properly and to provide our
customers with great services at any time.
Company is providing extra safety equipment with PLC
SMOKE HANDLING SYSTEM controller and computerized controlling system with the
It is also called as smoke scrubber system which is placed plant.
at the top of the cover of reactor. In this process the smoke Provide our customers with best pyrolysis solutions, services
generated during the burning of wood or coal is suck by the & develop healthy business relations.
blower & that gas is treated with water wherein the A business relationship requires a lot of work and
carbon, wood & ash particles are settled down in the block commitment that you can expect from us.
due to heavy density as compared to water & due to the Our technocrats have vast theoretical & practical
smoke's temperature water will evaporate & white smoke experience & are highly qualied in the eld of pyrolysis.
which is pure smoke is emitted out of the chimney from
the height mention by PCB. This system avoids the air
pollution occurred due to the burning of wood.


We are reusing about 95% of generated pyro – gas as fuel
for the heating of reactor, remaining 5% gas is burnt at 100
feet height along the stack, thus destroying the methane
gas. This system destroys the odor and is smoke free. This
is one of the norms which is being suggested by the
Pollution Department.


In our process we have developed a mechanized, direct
outlet to collect carbon. Carbon is being unloaded directly
to carriage bags & thus avoiding the carbon to expose to
the atmosphere, therefore avoiding pollution due to
carbon. New Developments In Our
Tire Pyrolysis Plant
Oil during the process is collected in the underground tank
of 6.5 KL capacity is sent to a 7.5 KL capacity vertical tank
where the oil and water is separated. From there, pure oil
is transferred to the Main storage tanks.


The waste water which is produced in the process (i.e. 400
litres approx.) is now being used for ring initially during
the process instead of wood/briquettes. This will save up
to a minimum 1000 KGS of wood/briquettes every day.

Gas through the condensers is further transmitted through
the bubbler tank, which helps in recovery of pure oil of
approximately 50 litres per process, this oil has a density
of 0.8, whereas Diesel is 0.83 and pyro oil is 0.9. This oil
when recognized, will have a very high market value.

WATER SEAL SET (Secondary Gas Tank)

After the First Gas Tank, Gas is further processed through
the Water Seal Tank, it helps in further absorption of heavy
oil resulting in very less chances of condensers choking.


Excess uncondensed gas which is burnt in a room can now
be burnt along the stack at a height of 30 meters, or the
same can be burnt in the burning room automatically,
without any human interference.
10 Ton Plant Equipment Technical Parameter
Project Dimension (2600 mm X 7500 mm)

S. NO Equipment Specifications

1 Reactor Dimension (Diameter X Length) 2600 MM X 7500 MM

2 Equipment Model NSI-WTROP-10

3 Raw Material Rubber (Tires)

4 Structure Horizontal

5 Capacity for One Batch 9.5 Tons scrap Tires

6 Oil Yield 38 % to 42 %

7 Carbon Black 30 % to 35 %

8 Steel Wire 13 % to 15 %

9 Gas 10 % to 12 %

10 Working Pressure Normal

11 Main Engine Rotation Speed 0.4 RPM

12 Fuel Choice Wood, Briquettes, Gas, Pyro – Water

13 Power About 30 H.P

14 Cooling Method Water

15 Cooling Water Consumption (T/H) Cyclic

16 Type of Drive External Annual Gear Drive

17 Heating Method Direct

18 Type of Installation With Foundation

19 Operating Mode Intermittent Operation

Equipment List
S. NO Name Of Part With Specification QUANTITY IDENTIFICATION

[Horizontal Rotary Type]
1 a) Reactor : (2600 mm X 7000 mm) 16 mm BQ Material 1
b) Insulation Jacket (Cover)
c) Base Frame

2 1st Gas Collecting Tank 1

3 Heavy Oil Collecting Tank 1

Water Seal Set (Secondary Gas Tank)
Comes with 1 KL Oil Collection Tank

5 Horizontal Condensers 2

Condensers – tube bundle type
6 4
[Heat Exchangers]

7 Gas Distribution Tank 1

Conical self-support Chimney 100 feet Along with

Excess Gas Auto Flaring System at 100 Feet Height:
8 With monkey walk ladder (with cage) till Top, 1
sampling platform (with sampling port) –
2 nos, chimney template and foundation bolts.

I.D Fan
9 With 1
5 H.P Motor
Equipment List
S. NO Name Of Part With Specification QUANTITY IDENTIFICATION

Wet Scrubber with
10 1
5 H.P Pump

11 Cooling Tower 1

12 Operating Oil Tank 1
[5 KL Capacity]

Oil – Water Separation Tank
13 1
[7 KL Capacity]

14 The Gas Tank 1 Set

15 Electrical Panel Board with Digital Temperature Meter 1

Fire Bars
16 28
[Cast Iron]

Fire Door
17 2
[Cast Iron]

18 Gas Burners 5
Equipment List
S. NO Name Of Part With Specification QUANTITY IDENTIFICATION

19 Gas Blowers 5

Reactor's Gear Box Set
20 With 1

21 Pumps, Motors, Pipeline and Fittings As Capable

Project Planning &implementation

(for The 10 Ton/day Capacity)

Land Requirement 30000 Sq Feet

Construction Shed 2400 Sq Feet (for Plant set up)

Close Go Down 1500 Sq Feet (for Carbon & Steel Storage)

Water Requirement 1000 Liters/Day

Power Requirement 30 HP

Trained Operator – 1
Man Power Planning Workers – 5
Hydra Crane Operator - 1

Land & Building Depending on the area

Shed, Foundation & ALL Civil Construction work Rs. 10,00,000 (Approx.)

Price of the Plant Rs. 35,00,000 (INR)

Taxes GST Extra as applicable.

Transportation Client's Scope. Rs.

D.G set, Tire cutting machine, Wire pulling

8, 00, 000 (Approx.)
machine or a 2nd hand Hydra Crane.

Estimated Operational Cost And Return On

The analysis is based on the conjecture of 10 Tons per Day
capacity unit operating per batch:

Raw materials (Scrap Tire): 9.5 Tons per Day.

(This is the minimum gure taken into consideration)

R Monthly prot is calculated on the basis of 28 batches only.
R Maximum Expenditure and Minimum Prot is considered in the calculation as per the
present market scenario.
Project Planning &implementation
(for The 10 Ton/day Capacity)

Particular Quantity Price/Unit Total Cost

Raw Material 9500 10 Rs. 95,000/-

Labor 4000 1 Rs. 4,000/-

Wood 1500 5.5 Rs. 8,250/-

Power 1500 1 Rs. 1,500/-

Bank Loan Interest 2500 1 Rs. 2,500/-

Depreciation 2000 1 Rs. 2,000/-

Maintenance 500 1 Rs. 500/-

TOTAL EXPENDITURE : Rs. 1,13,750/-

Income For 10 Ton (Per Day)

Output % Particulars Output/KG Price/per KG Income

38% Oil 3,610 Rs. 34 Rs. 1,22,740/-

12% Steel 1,140 Rs. 11 Rs. 12,540/-

35% Carbon 3,325 Rs. 4 Rs. 13,300/-

Rs. 1,48,580/-

Profit Calculation
TOTAL PROFIT (Per Day) Rs. 34,830/-

TOTAL PROFIT (Per Month) Rs. 10,44,900/-

Specification Machine efficiency
Plates used S16 GR 70 Boiler Plate. Extraction Rate
Fuel – Appx. Upto 40 to 43%
Highly Fuel Efcient
Carbon Black
Highly Safe 30% – 35%

Low Pollution Steel Wires

10% - 15%

Detailed Working For Tyre Recycling Plant

S. NO Description Details – 5 Ton Capacity Details -10 Ton Capacity

1 Raw material Plant Scrap Tyres Scrap Tyres

2 Construction Horizontal Horizontal

3 Size of Reactor Dia 2200 mm x 6000 mm Dia 2600 mm x 7000 mm

4 Cycle Time Per Batch 21 Hrs. 27 Hrs.

5 Rated Capacity Per Month 28 Cycles 26 Cycles

6 Reactor Rotating Speed 0.5 to 0.8 RPM 0.5 to 0.7 RPM

7 Mode of Cooling of Fuel Gas Water Cooling Water Cooling

8 Power required 18KW-20KW 25KW-30KW

9 Oil Production Per Batch 2200 ltr. Per Batch 4200 ltr. Per Batch

10 Plates of Reactor 516 GR 70 Boiler Plate 516 GR 70 Boiler Plate

11 No. of Condensers 4 Set 5 Set

R Size indicated here are approximate sizes of Understanding only.

R Equipment Dimension will be as per our drawing and can change without notice.

R Production indicated here is based on certain assumption and standard operating parameters.

Result may vary from plant to plant and product to product.

Project Planning & Implementation (For the 10 ton/day capacity):
Land Requirement: 1200 sq. meters
Construction Shade : 45Ft * 100ft
Water Required : 500 liter per day
Power Requirement: 25KW-30KW
Manpower Required : Technical Manager-1, Worker-5

Other Arrangements to be made by Client

Storage tank of for Light oil, Civil Work, Local labor,Generator.Gear Pump.

Capital investment:
Price of the Plant : Please Contact for price

Delivery Terms & Conditions:

Delivery Time : 45-60 days from your order confirmation
Installation Period : 25 days

Estimated Operational Cost and Return on Investment:

The analysis is based on the conjecture of 10 tons/day capacity unit operation.

Raw material waste Tyre: 9000 kg/day(Depend upon Tyre Size)

Total output ;

• Carbon black (35%) – 3200 Kg.

• Furnace oil (42%) - 3600 Lit.

• Steel (10%) - 800 Kg.

• Gas (13%) - 1200 Kg (We are not considering its price)

Total Earning: (Per Day) (Unit: 10 tone)
Sl. No Product Output (%) Output (Kg.) Price Per Kg. Total Income
1. Carbon Black 35% -3300kg x Rs. 6/Kg. = Rs. 19,800/-
2. Furnace oil 40% - 3400 Kg x Rs.35/Kg. = Rs. 1,19,000/-(Oil price very 35from Rs.
(Oil price very from Rs.33 To Rs. 39,Take Average Rate Rs. 36.
3. Steel 12% - 800 Kg.x Rs.12 /Kg. =Rs. 9,600/-
4. Gas 13% 273 – 0

Total (A) Rs. 1, 48,400/-

Total Expense: (Day) (Unit: 10 Tone)

1. Waste Tyres : 9000 Kg.x Rs.13/Kg. = Rs. 1,17,000/day
2. Salary & Wages: 6 Person x Rs.500/per = Rs. 4,000/day
3. Fuel (For Initial Use) : Wood = Rs. 5500/day
4. Electricity + Water : = Rs. 2000/day
5.Misc. Expense : = Rs. 1000/Batch
(Bag Packing, Repairing, Renovation)

Total (B) Rs. 1,29,500/-

Profit (Earning – Expense) (A - B) = Rs. 18,900/Batch

Please note that all amounts/estimates on this page are as per market rates, and are used for symbolic
representation/estimation purpose only. The actual gure depends on lots of issues including quality of
raw material, power conditions, and others. These amounts/gures should be considered as example only,
and under whatever circumstances, NSI EQUIPMENTS does not take any guarantee, or cannot be held
responsible about these estimates as your actual return on investment.



Contact Us



Contact Person :
Lokesh Varshney (Director)

Address : Opposite Block Development Ofce,

Delhi Road, Meerut - 250002, Uttar Pradesh, India

Mobile :
+(91) - 9897700681
+(91) - 8279636108

Phone :
+(91) - (121) - 4030530
+(91) - (121) - 2519225
+(91) - (121) - 2521154

Email :
[email protected] Southern Regional Office :
[email protected] Address : 734. Mount Road,
Chennai - 600 006
Website :
www.nsiequipment.com E-mail :
www.nsiequipments.com [email protected]

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