Audio Video Non Disclosure Agreement NDA
Audio Video Non Disclosure Agreement NDA
Audio Video Non Disclosure Agreement NDA
Article I: Content
Whereas, the Releaser is producing Audio Video Content (the “Content”), all information about
the Content and script, including any and all concepts, ideas and materials relating thereto, and
whether in written, oral, electronic or other form, shall hereafter be deemed confidential and
proprietary information (“Confidential Information”).
Article V: No Guarantees
This Agreement pertains solely to the confidential nature of the Contents and in no way
guarantees or suggests employment of the Recipient, nor does it provide terms for
compensation or expenses related to the Content. Any employment, compensation or financial
arrangements made between the parties shall be written out in another contractual instrument
and shall have no affect on the binding terms and conditions herein.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date below.