Chapter 5-6 Homework Man2021
Chapter 5-6 Homework Man2021
Chapter 5-6 Homework Man2021
MAN 2021
MWF 9:00am-9:50am
Prof. Litchman Beco
Chapter 5 Homework
5-1 Formal planning is defining specific goals covering a specific time
period, writing down these goals and making them available to
organization members, and using these goals to develop specific plans
that clearly define the path of the organization. Informal planning very
little, if anything is written down. The planning is general and lacks
5-2 Planning is beneficial for four reasons. First planning establishes
coordinated effort. Second, planning reduces uncertainty by forcing
managers to look ahead. Third, planning reduces overlapping and
wasteful activities. Finally planning establishes the goals or standards
that facilitate control.
5-3 The six-step strategic management process.
Step 1: Identifying the organizations current mission, goals, and
strategies. Every organization needs a mission. Defining the mission
forces managers to identify what its in business to do.
Step 2: Doing an external analysis. Managers do an external analysis
so they know, for instance, what the competition is doing, what
pending legislation might affect the organization, or what the labor
supply is like in locations where it operates.
Step 3: Doing an internal analysis. It provides important information
about organizations specific resources, and capabilities. With that,
managers should be able to identify organizational strengths and
Step 4: Formulating Strategies. Managers design strategies that will
help an organization achieve its goals.
Step 5: Implementing strategies. Once strategies are formulated, they
must be implemented.
Step 6: Evaluating results. Questions like how effective have the
strategies been at helping the organization reach its goals? What
adjustments are necessary? And so on.
5-4 A SWOT analysis is organizations strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats. Its important to managers because it gets
them ready to formulate appropriate strategies.
5-5 Organizations that fail to plan are planning to fail. Is something
that I dont agree with. It never fails to happen to me that when I plan
Chapter 6 Homework
6-1 Organization design is when managers develop or change the
organizations structure.
6-2 The traditional view of work specialization is when a company
needs to meet daily output goals, the workers specialize in job tasks
such as molding, stitching, and sewing and lacing and so forth. In
todays view most managers today see work specialization as an
important organizing mechanism because it helps employees be more
The traditional view of departmentalization is when early management
writers argued that after deciding what job tasks will be done by
whom, common work activities needed to be grouped back together so
work was done in a coordinated and an integrated way. Todays view of
departmentalization many organizations use cross-functional teams,
which are teams made up of individuals from various departments and
that cross traditional departmental lines.
The traditional view of authority and responsibility is that you had to
be familiar with chain of command, the line of authority extending from
upper organizational levels to lower levels, which clarifies who reports
to whom. Todays view of authority is that you dont have to be a
manager to have power and that power is not perfectly correlated with
ones level in the organization.
The traditional view of span of control is the big questions How many
employees can a manager efficiently and effectively supervise? Most
favored small pans. In todays view many organizations are increasing
their span of control and is increasingly being determined by looking at
contingency variables.
The traditional view of centralization is the degree to which decision
making takes place at upper level of organizations. Decentralization is
the degree to which lower lower-level managers provide input or
actually make decisions. In todays view, managers often choose the
amount of centralization or decentralization that will allow them to best
implement their decisions and achieve organizational goals.
The traditional view of formalization refers to how standardized an
organizations jobs are and the extent to which employee behavior is
guided by rules and procedures. In todays view many organizations
rely less on strict rules and standardization to guide and regulate
employee behavior.
6-3 An organizations structure can be changed quickly because you
might have a new CEO that doesnt think the way things are arent
working and might change it around and fast. Yes I do think companies
Eduardo Padron
The President of the school
The student
Jennifer Diaz
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