Significance of The Study

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Significance of the Study

Quarantine has helped protect the public by preventing exposure to people who
have or may have a contagious disease like CoVID-19. It separates and restricts the
probability of acquiring and transmitting infectious diseases.

The generalization of this study would be a great contribution to the control of the
spread of CoVID-19 in relation to quarantine practices observed today. Results of this
research study will be highly significant and beneficial to the following:

Medical Staffs. They have the primary ethical obligation to patients and have been
long-recognized as public health responsibility. In the context of an infectious disease
outbreak like CoVID-19, they, the medical staffs or front liners of combatting the
disease, may utilize this study as a response to how quarantine reduces the
transmission of diseases and protect the health of the public.

Patients. As the center of health and medical attention, patients will benefit from this
study as it informs them of the role of quarantine in the prevention of the spread of
diseases. This may help them to abide by the public health rules and norms in the
containment of such diseases and for them to avoid the risks of being infected with

Public Health. This study may benefit the public health in the containment of a CoVID-
19 outbreak. It informs them of how quarantine plays a major role in the isolation and
prevention of a disease spread. Thus, it may help them lessen the prevalence of
CoVID-19 cases.

Other Researchers. This study will be a source of another problem of the study or can
be replicated using additional variables in another locale or setting with different
respondents. This will result to a possible research topic for their own study. Enrichment
or validation of the variables is recommended for them to reinforce the results of this
study. The findings of this study can also serve as reference to other existing studies.

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