Tugas Modul 2 Bahasa Inggris

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I. Activities Modul 2
1. Learn and find the meaning of the terms in this chapter!

apply consideration experience qualification

application corporation HRD responsibility
applicant current Internship requirement
accomplishment employer opportunity resume
advertisement employment part-time job unemployment
company enclose position vacancy

2. Look at the sample of application letter!

a. According to the letter, what position that the applicant applies?
b. Where did the applicant get information about the job from?
c. What does the applicant try to elaborate in second paragraph of the letter’s body?
d. What is the meaning of “I look forward to the opportunity to personally discuss why
I am particularly suited for this position”?
e. Pay attention to the word ‘also’ and ‘in addition’! What is the similarity of them?
What is their function? Mention some words that have the same meaning/function
with them!
f. How does the applicant can be reached to inform about the interview?

3. Write the pattern in the following table!

Present continuous tense Subject + to Preposition to + Preposition
be+ verb-ing phrase in/on phrase
I am writing to you I am writing To you regarding In Star magazine
regarding your your advertisement on September
advertisement in Star 13, 2018
Magazine on September 13,
I am writing to you to I am writing To you to express my In weeks
express my interest interest regarding
regarding your current your current
advertisement in Weeks. advertisment
I am writing to enquire I am writing To equire whether In Palembang
whether there are any there are any
vacancies for the White vacancies for the
Beauty Company in White Beauty
Palembang. Company

Present tense/ Expressing Subject + infinitive Preposition for/to

certainty certainty + object + phrase
I am sure that I have I am sure (that) I have enough for this position.
enough experience for experience
this position.
I believe I also have I believe I also have the To work on a team
the necessary skills to necessary skills
work in a team
I believe I would be a I believe I would be a great To your
great addition to your addition organization

4. Look at the ads below! (email)

5. Find the job vacancy advertisement from any sources that meet your desire to build
your career in the future! Show it!
Do you think you will match the requirements there? Explain it!


1. Apply : menerapkan experience : pengalman

Application : Lamaran HRD : HDR
Applicant : Pelamar internship : magang
Accomplishment : prestasi opportunity : kesempatan
Advertisement : Iklan part-time job : kerja paruh waktu
Company : Perusahaan position : posisi
Consideration : pertimbangan qualification : kualifikasi
Corporation : Perusahaan responsibility : tanggung jawab
Current : saat ini requirement : syarat
Employer : majikan resume : rangkuman
Employment : pekerjaan unemployment : pengangguran
Enclose : Melampirkan vacancy : lowongan

2. a. Manager of kocak branch

b. Newspaper appeared in the Jawa pos
c. Of experiences and achievements in his work
d. confident about her competence
e. - similarity of the word 'also' and ' in addition' that is of having the same meaning and
- function of the word 'also' and 'in addition' that ia adverbial conjunction.
- word that have same meaning/function whit then: too, as well, beside, additionally.
f. The applicant listed his contact and email in his letter. “ I can be reached via telephone
number 031-858564 or by email at [email protected].

3. Isinya di tabel
4. Kirim lewat email

I thought I would qualify above because I had the same skill and skill as the
requirements in the job ads above.

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