Candida Col Index

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Intensive Care Med (2014) 40:1429–1448

DOI 10.1007/s00134-014-3355-z MY PAPER 20 YEARS LATER

Philippe Eggimann
Didier Pittet
Candida colonization index and subsequent
infection in critically ill surgical patients:
20 years later

Received: 20 March 2014 Abstract Introduction: For dec- Results: The recognition of specific
Accepted: 23 May 2014 ades, clinicians dealing with characteristics among underlying
Published online: 17 June 2014 immunocompromised and critically ill conditions, such as neutropenia, solid
 The Author(s) 2014. This article is patients have perceived a link organ transplantation, and surgical
published with open access at and nonsurgical critical illness, has between Candida colonization and
subsequent infection. However, the enabled the description of distinct
pathophysiological progression from epidemiological patterns in the
colonization to infection was clearly development of invasive candidiasis.
established only through the formal Conclusions: Despite its limited
description of the colonization index bedside practicality and before con-
(CI) in critically ill patients. Unfortu- firmation of potentially more accurate
nately, the literature reflects intense predictors, such as specific biomark-
confusion about the pathophysiology ers, the CI remains an important way
P. Eggimann of invasive candidiasis and specific to characterize the dynamics of colo-
Adult Critical Care Medicine and Burn nization, which increases early in
Unit, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire
associated risk factors. Meth-
Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland ods: We review the contribution of patients who develop invasive
e-mail: [email protected] the CI in the field of Candida infection candidiasis.
and its development in the 20 years
D. Pittet ()) following its original description in Keywords Candida albicans 
Faculty of Medicine, Infection Control 1994. The development of the CI Candidemia  Invasive candidiasis 
Program and WHO Collaborating Center on enabled an improved understanding of Colonization  Colonization index 
Patient Safety, University of Geneva Empirical treatment 
Hospitals (HUG), Rue Gabrielle-Perret-
the pathogenesis of invasive candidi-
Gentil 4, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland asis and the use of targeted empirical Nosocomial infections
e-mail: [email protected] antifungal therapy in subgroups of
Tel.: ?41 22 372 9844 patients at increased risk for infection.

Introduction Early empirical treatment of severe candidiasis has

improved survival, but is responsible for the overuse of
Candida spp. colonization occurs in up to 80 % of critically antifungals [12–14]. This overuse not only contributes to
ill patients after 1 week in intensive care [1–3]. This very high a huge financial burden, but has also promoted a shift to
proportion contrasts strongly with the low rate of invasive Candida species with reduced susceptibility to antifungal
candidiasis in less than 10 % of them [4, 5]. Despite recent agents [15, 16]. Unfortunately, recent guidelines resulting
advances in microbiological techniques, early diagnosis of from expert consensus failed to provide high-level rec-
invasive candidiasis remains problematic and microbiologi- ommendations about empirical antifungal treatment or to
cal documentation often occurs late in the course of infection clarify the nature of such treatment strategies [8, 17, 18].
[6–8]. This explains its high crude and attributable mortality, Despite limited levels of evidence, empirical treatment
i.e., in the range reported for septic shock [9–11]. currently relies on the positive predictive value of risk

assessment strategies, such as the colonization index (CI), Solid organ transplant recipients
Candida score, and predictive rules based on combina-
tions of risk factors [19–21]. Anti-rejection therapy increases the risk for Aspergillus
Improved knowledge of the pathophysiological spec- and other filamentous fungal infections in solid organ
ificities of invasive candidiasis should promote better use transplant recipients, except among those receiving small
of clinical tools in the evaluation of patients who could bowel and liver transplants, in whom additional specific
truly benefit from early antifungal therapy [22]. In con- surgical factors further modify the epidemiology of dis-
trast to most bacterial infections, invasive candidiasis is ease [34, 35]. Prolonged and intense impairment of
characterized by a 7–10-day delay between exposure to cellular T cell-mediated immune response may contribute
risk factors and infection development [23–25]. This time to the high proportion of cutaneous and mucosal candi-
window provides a unique opportunity for the imple- diasis [36]. This factor has justified the use of systematic
mentation of a structured approach to the rigorous antifungal prophylaxis in these patients in whom, as
selection of patients likely to benefit from early empirical among neutropenic patients and bone marrow transplant
antifungal treatment [19, 26]. recipients, breakthrough Candida spp. infection develops
The CI is the most widely studied clinical tool for the with strains resistant to the agent used [18].
early risk assessment of invasive candidiasis among at-
risk patients. The primary objective of this review is to
highlight its role in this setting. The use of colonization Nonsurgical critically ill patients
dynamics, as assessed by the CI, for the early detection of
patients likely to benefit from early antifungal treatment is In nonsurgical critically ill patients, the continuous and
also explored in comparison with other tools currently prolonged support of failing organs and the selective
available in clinical practice. Finally, we also propose a pressure of broad-spectrum antibiotics constitute key risk
research agenda for the next decade. factors for invasive candidiasis. Support of organ failure
requires the use of numerous devices, such as intravas-
cular catheters, endotracheal tubes, naso- and oro-gastric
tubes, and Foley catheters, which are frequently colonized
Pathophysiology of invasive candidiasis by Candida spp. as a result of the high affinity of their
biofilm [1]. These specificities may explain progressive
Nosocomial exogenous transmission of Candida has been colonization in a high proportion of patients after pro-
well described [27]. Of note, both endogenous and longed stay in the intensive care unit (ICU) [6, 37, 38].
exogenous colonization can co-exist in the clinical setting They may also explain a higher proportion of catheter-
[1]. However, carefully designed studies using genotyping related infections in the absence of severe immune
of Candida strains confirmed that endogenous coloniza- impairment [39]. In this context, the role of exposure to
tion is responsible for the large majority of severe steroids largely used to improve the speed of recovery
candidiasis [28, 29]. from circulatory failure remains to be determined.
The epidemiology of invasive candidiasis has some Limited data are available on the usefulness of pro-
important differences in immunocompromised and criti- phylaxis and recent guidelines did not include
cally ill patients (Fig. 1). recommendation for antifungal prophylaxis in nonsurgi-
cal critically ill patients [17, 18, 40].
Neutropenic and bone marrow transplant recipients

Neutrophils are essential in the defense against invasive Critically ill patients recovering from abdominal
candidiasis [30]. Their prolonged absence in neutropenic surgery
patients or those with functional impairment after bone
marrow transplantation, combined with the selective Additional factors should be considered in patients after
pressure of frequent and repetitive exposure to antibacte- abdominal surgery [41]. Any perforation or opening of the
rial agents, plays a major role in the development of digestive tract results in contamination of the peritoneum
invasive candidiasis in these patients. A high density of by bowel flora. In most cases, surgical cleaning of the
Candida spp. on mucosal surfaces injured by chemother- abdominal cavity, eventually combined with antibiotics, is
apy develops progressively and is responsible for fungal sufficient to allow full recovery [42]. Except for patients
translocation with a high risk of candidemia. The use of presenting with nosocomial peritonitis and some of those
systematic antifungal prophylaxis in the past three decades presenting with septic shock and multiple organ failure,
explains the epidemiology of Candida infection, typi- the identification of Candida spp. has no clinical signifi-
cally characterized by breakthrough invasive candidiasis cance under these conditions [22]. Recurrent peritonitis
[31, 32]. Infection is almost always caused by a Candida following anastomotic leakage or persistent inflammation
strain resistant to the antifungal agent used [15, 33]. may be required for the progression of Candida spp.

Gram positive
Gram negative
Red cell

Neutropenic patients Solid organ transplant recipients

Candida spp.
Gram positive
Gram negative
Red cell

Critically ill surgical patients Critically ill non-surgical patients

Fig. 1 Pathophysiology of invasive candidiasis in different patient populations. Detailed mechanisms are summarized in the
corresponding sections of the text

colonization to invasive candidiasis [43]. However, the 1970s of Candida infection in surgical patients, mani-
development of invasive candidiasis requires concomitant festing as ‘‘disseminated candidiasis’’ and characterized
exposure to additional factors, such as an increasing by persistent fungemia and multiple disseminated mic-
amount of Candida spp. in a non-functioning bowel, roabscesses on autopsy, several authors reported that it
prolonged antibiotic treatment, and/or requirement for might be preceded by fungal colonization. Klein and
organ support. In contrast to nonsurgical patients, these Watanakunakorn [48] reported the presence of visceral
particularities explain why a high proportion of invasive microabscesses in up to 30 % of patients with Candida
candidiasis cases do not manifest with candidemia and spp. colonization and recommended treatment of all such
develop only late in the course of the disease [44]. patients with critical illness or persistent candidemia.
Non-candidemic invasive candidiasis includes intra- Solomkin et al. confirmed this concept in a detailed
abdominal abscess and peritonitis defined by one of the review of 63 surgical patients with postoperative candi-
following culture results from specimens obtained at sur- demia. Among 51 patients who developed candidemia as a
gery: (1) monomicrobial growth of Candida spp.; (2) any late complication of intra-abdominal infection, adequate
amount of Candida spp. growth within a mixed-flora antifungal treatment ([3 mg/kg amphotericin B) resulted
abscess; or (3) moderate or heavy growth of Candida spp. in in survival of 10/15 patients compared with 6/36 untreated
mixed-flora peritonitis treated with appropriate antibacte- patients. Autopsies revealed visceral Candida spp. mic-
rial therapy according to susceptibility testing [43–46]. roabscesses in 7/20 patients [42, 49]. Moreover, a digestive
Two small prospective studies, including one placebo- fungal source was identified in nearly all patients, and
controlled, suggested that antifungal prophylaxis in candidemia was considered to originate from intestinal
patients presenting with anastomotic leakage after Candida spp. growth in the presence of mucosal loss.
abdominal surgery may prevent the development of Calandra et al. provided further evidence of the clinical
invasive candidiasis [18, 45, 46]. significance of Candida colonization of the peritoneum in
In patients with severe acute necrotizing pancreatitis, surgical patients [39]. In a series of 49 patients with
invasive candidiasis develops with similar pathophysio- spontaneous perforation (n = 28) or surgical opening of
logical characteristics. Progressive colonization of the the digestive tract (n = 21), 19 (39 %) patients developed
bowel within the first 2 weeks of the disease results in invasive candidiasis, including 7 cases of intra-abdominal
translocation into necrotic tissues, and fungal infections abscesses and 12 cases of peritonitis [43]. Invasive can-
have been documented in up to 10 % of patients not didiasis developed significantly more frequently in patients
exposed to antibiotics. who had undergone surgery for acute pancreatitis than in
those with gastrointestinal perforations (90 vs. 32 %,
p = 0.005) or other disorders, such as diseases of the bil-
Critically ill patients with Candida isolated iary tract or colon (90 vs. 17 %, p = 0.003). Invasive
from the respiratory tract candidiasis was associated significantly with an initially
high or increasing amount of Candida spp., as assessed by
Candida spp. colonization of the airway is frequently semiquantitative cultures. Compared with uninfected
reported in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients, patients, Candida spp. showed light, moderate, and heavy
and its clinical significance is difficult to evaluate. Can- growth from the first positive specimen in 26 (87 %) vs. 9
dida has a low affinity for alveolar pneumocytes and (47 %), 4 (13 %) vs. 6 (32 %), and 0 vs. 4 (21 %) infected
histologically documented pneumonia has been rarely patients, respectively (p = 0.005). Moreover, the amount
reported. Hematogenous dissemination in the context of of Candida spp. cultured from subsequent specimens
candidemia [1] may be responsible for multiple pulmon- increased in 15 (79 %) infected patients and only 2 (7 %)
ary abscesses and should be viewed as a distinct entity. uninfected patients (p \ 0.001) [39].
Hence the existence of true candidal pneumonia is
doubtful and recovery of Candida spp. from the respira-
tory tract should generally be considered as colonization
and does not justify antifungal therapy [17–19]. Candida colonization index: the missing link
In the early 1990s, the origin of Candida spp. infection
was highly debated [50]. Whether the infection was
Candida colonization exogenous or endogenous in origin, and whether patients
could become colonized with strains from the surrounding
The distinction between patients with Candida spp. col- environment or with their ‘‘own’’ strains of Candida spp.
onization who did not require treatment and those likely was uncertain. We tested the hypothesis that yeast colo-
to develop invasive infection was identified as a difficult nization would precede infection in critically ill patients
clinical challenge in the field of infectious diseases more [23]. We determined the genotypic characteristics of 322
than 40 years ago [47]. After the description in the early Candida spp. collected prospectively from 29 critically ill

patients who developed significant colonization under the total number of body sites cultured [24]. With the
routine culture surveillance two to three times weekly exception of blood cultures, samples collected from body
over a 6-month period. These patients belonged to a sites other than those routinely screened are also considered
cohort of 650 surgical ICU patients. Significant coloni- in the CI (Table 1). Only strains of Candida spp. with the
zation was defined as the presence of Candida spp. in same genetic identity are considered in calculating the CI.
three or more samples taken from one or more sites on at All 29 included patients were heavily colonized with
least two consecutive screening days. Candida spp. Candida spp., but with no significant difference in the
strains isolated from an individual patient had an identical reason for ICU admission and comorbidities between
genetic pattern, even when isolated from different body infected and uninfected patients. The Acute Physiology
sites, and this pattern remained the same over a prolonged and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) score and
period of up to 140 days. No horizontal transmission duration of antibiotic exposure before colonization were
could be demonstrated during the study period. Invasive higher among the 11 patients who ultimately developed
candidiasis, including 8 cases of candidemia, occurred in invasive candidiasis. In these patients, colonization pre-
11/29 (38 %) patients. All patients who developed ceded infection by an average of 25 days (range 6–70).
infection had previous colonization by strains with iden- The 18 patients who did not develop infection were col-
tical genetic patterns. Our intensive surveillance failed to onized for a mean of 29 days (range 5–140). A total of
document cross-transmission of Candida spp. between 153 [5.3 ± 1 (range 3–8) per patient] distinct body sites
colonized and non-colonized patients. were tested, and this number did not differ significantly
between the two groups of patients.
The CI was calculated daily, and the highest values
Colonization index obtained before invasive candidiasis development were
compared with those recorded for patients who did not
The development of the CI has been viewed as a major develop candidiasis. The average CI differed significantly
conceptual advance in the characterization of supporting between colonized and infected patients (0.47 vs. 0.70,
the progression from colonization to infection in surgical p \ 0.01). All patients who ultimately developed infec-
patients. tion reached the threshold value of 0.5 before infection
The Candida CI is defined as the ratio of the number of (Fig. 2). Importantly, infected patients reached the
distinct non-blood body sites colonized by Candida spp. to threshold CI value an average of 6 days (range 2–21)

Table 1 Description of the colonization index

Index Definition Formula

Colonization index (CI) Ratio of the number of distinct non-blood body sites CI ¼ Number of sites colonized
Number of sites cultured
colonized by Candida spp. to the total number of
body sites cultured. With the exception of blood
cultures, samples collected from body sites other
than those routinely screened are also considered.
Only strains of Candida spp. with identical
electrophoretic karyotypes are considered when Number of sites colonized
calculating the CI CCI ¼
Number of sites cultured
Corrected colonization Product of the CI and the ratio of the number of
Number of sites with heavy growth
index (CCI) distinct body sites showing heavy growth (??? 
from semi-quantitative culture or B105 in urine or Total positive sites
gastric juice) to the total number of body sites with
Candida spp. heavy growth
Use of the CIa In patients perceived to be at risk of developing an
invasive candidiasis: twice weekly surveillance
culture of the following sitesb:
- Oropharynx swab or tracheal secretions
- Gastric fluid
- Perinea swab or stool sample
- Urine sample
- Surgical wound swab or drained abdominal fluids
- Catheter insertion sites
Identification of Candida species at the genetic level has only b Except for specific invasive candidiasis discussed in the section
been performed in the original study. However, different species of on pathophysiology of non-candidemic invasive candidiasis, Can-
Candida may contribute to the burden of fungi which will eventually dida spp. isolated from these sites should be considered as
result in symptomatic infection. Accordingly, we suggest to con- colonization
sider all species of Candida identified for the calculation of the CI

Colonization intex or a methodology derived from its original description to

assess the dynamics of Candida colonization in different
subgroups of critically ill patients at risk of invasive
candidiasis. Unfortunately, these data have not been val-
idated in large multicenter trials.
Several studies have indirectly suggested the validity
and potential usefulness of the CI, but almost exclusively
in surgical patients (Table 2). This index has been used to
characterize colonization dynamics [37, 38, 51–55],
assess the significance of candiduria in critically ill
patients [38, 56–59], and evaluate the impact of anti-
fungal prophylaxis in subgroups of patients at risk of
Days candidiasis [40, 46, 60–63]. At least four studies have
reported the use of the CI to guide empirical antifungal
Fig. 2 Colonization index. This index is defined as the ratio of the treatment. Although major methodological flaws may
number of distinct non-blood body sites with Candida spp. preclude the validation of their findings, this application
colonization to the total number of distinct body sites tested. It
was recorded for each patient from the first day of colonization
reduced the incidence of ICU-acquired invasive candidi-
until discharge from the intensive care unit (uninfected patients) or asis in all four studies (Table 3) [57, 64–66].
severe candidiasis development (infected patients). Black circles Dubau et al. [57] prospectively monitored CIs weekly
represent patients who developed severe candidiasis, white circles in 89/669 consecutive patients staying in the ICU for
represent patients who remained colonized. Reproduced with more than 7 days after digestive surgery who had pro-
permission from Pittet et al. [24]
tein C levels greater than 100 mg/l or received antibiotic
treatment for more than 7 days. All patients developing
before candidiasis. All but one patient reached this a CI above 0.5 were empirically treated with antifungals
threshold at least 3 days before the time of infection. The until it decreased below 0.5. The proportion of patients
sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predic- with CIs greater than 0.5 increased from 6 to 25, 40, 55,
tive values of the CI were determined to be 100, 69, 66, and 59 % after 1, 2, 3, 4, and more than 4 weeks,
and 100 %, respectively. respectively. Only one of the 35 patients with CIs
greater than 0.5 who were empirically treated with
Corrected colonization index antifungal medications developed candidiasis; the degree
of colonization decreased rapidly in the other 34
In a post hoc analysis, we developed the corrected colo- patients.
nization index (CCI) by taking into account the amount of In a before/after trial, Piarroux et al. [64] prospectively
Candida spp. recovered by semiquantitative cultures [24]. used weekly CIs and CCIs to assess the intensity of
The CCI is the product of the CI and the ratio of the Candida spp. colonization in 478 surgical patients staying
number of distinct body sites showing heavy growth in the ICU. Patients with CCIs greater than 0.4 received
(??? or at most 105 in urine or gastric juice) to the total empirical antifungal treatment. Compared with an his-
of distinct body sites with Candida spp. growth (Table 1). torical cohort of 455 control subjects, the incidence of
The mean CCI differed significantly between colo- invasive candidiasis was lower among these patients (7.0
nized (0.16) and infected (0.56) patients (p \ 0.01). CCIs vs. 3.8 %; p = 0.03). Moreover, this strategy completely
were less than 0.35 in all colonized patients and at least prevented the development of ICU-acquired invasive
0.4 in all infected patients (p B 0.001). The sensitivity, candidiasis. The proportions of patients treated empiri-
specificity, and positive and negative predictive values cally were 87 % of those with CCIs greater than 0.4
were all 100 %. In a multiple logistic regression analysis, (some of them died before the CCI could be calculated),
only the APACHE II score [odds ratio (OR), 1.03; 95 % 18 % of those with CCIs less than 0.4 and CIs greater
confidence interval, 1.01–1.05 per point; p = 0.007] and than 0.5, and 2 % of those with CCIs less than 0.4. A total
CCI (OR, 4.01; 95 % confidence interval, 2.16–7.45; of 25 % of patients received empirical antifungal treat-
p \ 0.001) independently predicted the development of ment. The authors estimated that 160 complete
invasive candidiasis. mycological screenings and 10 preemptive antifungal
treatments were needed to prevent one proven ICU-
acquired invasive candidiasis. Despite the absence of
randomization, this study is the most valuable ever per-
Overview of the usefulness of the colonization index formed using the CI to guide empirical antifungal
treatment. However, the intense laboratory work required
Since the publication of the paper describing the CI in to perform CI in all ICU patients and the high proportion
1994 in Annals of Surgery, many centers have used the CI of patient treated may explain why this practice is not
Table 2 Reported experience with the use of the colonization index (CI)

Reference Type of Number of Number of CI monitoring Number of Main CI findings Authors’ conclusion
patient; patients invasive surveillance
study candidiasis cultures
design cases

General studies (n = 7)
Tran et al. [51] Cardiac surgery; 81 7 Preoperatively, 773 (mean, 8.8/ CI : in 57 % developing IC, ‘‘This study showed that three
prospective day 6 or at patient); 116 23 % uninfected; epidemiological factors—
discharge (16.3 %) positive CI associated with female sex duration of the intravascular
(45 vs. 21 %), catheter catheterization and medical
duration (13 vs. 11 days), devices, length of stay in the
length of ICU stay (5.7 vs. SICU and the sex of the
4.9 days) patient—were associated in
CI did not change in 43 % elective cardiovascular
developing IC, 72 % surgical patients with an
uninfected increase of the Candida spp.
colonization index, which
helps to identify high-risk
patients for Candida
Yazdanparast Cardiac surgery; 131: coronary artery 0 Preoperatively, 147 In patients requiring ‘‘Epidemiological data
et al. [52] prospective bypass grafting postoperatively extracorporeal circulation, obtained from this study
with (n = 72) and (day not : CI associated with more show that coronary artery
without (n = 59) specified) antibiotic use (1.50 ± 0.83 bypass grafting with
extracorporeal vs. 1.08 ± 0.40; different extracorporeal circulation
circulation agents; p = 0.0055) procedure is associated with
an increase in the use of
antibiotics and subsequently
a higher risk of Candida
Charles et al. Mixed ICU, 51: 20 MICU, 32 51 Daily for 7 days Not specified (mean, Mean CI in 46 assessed: ‘‘Candidemia occurrence is
[37] patients with SICU (p \ 0.05) before 3.2/patient before 0.56 ± 0.39 associated with a high
candidemia; candidemia candidemia) CI C 0.50 in 21 (45.6 %) mortality rate among
retrospective MICU 0.74 ± 0.31 vs. SICU critically ill patients.
0.45 ± 0.40 (p = 0.01) Differences in underlying
Mean CI in survival 0.46 vs. conditions could account for
death 0.63 (p = 0.04) the poorer outcome of the
Better ICU outcome associated medical patients. Screening
with prior surgery [HR, 0.25 for fungal colonization could
(0.09–0.67)], antifungal allow identification of such
treatment [HR, 0.11 high-risk patients and, in
(0.04–0.30)], absence of turn, improve outcome’’
neutropenia [HR, 0.10
Table 2 continued

Reference Type of Number of Number of CI monitoring Number of Main CI findings Authors’ conclusion
patient; patients invasive surveillance
study candidiasis cultures
design cases

Charles et al. Medical ICU, stay 92 1 (septic shock Weekly (mean, 3.2/ 1,696 (mean, CI C 0.50 in 36 (39.1 %), ‘‘Candida spp. multiple-site
[38] [7 days; with typical patient) 18.4/patient) almost all with detectable colonization is frequently
prospective maculopapular fungal colonization on ICU reached among the critically
rash, positive admission ill medical patients. Broad
skin biopsy) Predictors of CI C 0.5: spectrum antibiotic therapy
Candida colonization at was found to promote fungal
admission [OR 18.80 growth in patients with prior
(5.21–67.79)], [2 days colonization. Since most of
bladder catheterization [OR, the invasive candidiasis in
10.44 (1.61–67.85)] the ICU setting are thought
CI : associated with days on to be subsequent to
broad-spectrum antibiotics colonization in high-risk
[b = 0.01 (0.01–0.02)], patients, reducing antibiotic
hematological malignancy use could be useful in
[b = 0.41 (0.09–0.73)], preventing fungal
candiduria [b = 0.2 infections’’
Empirical antifungal treatment
prescribed in 14/36 (39 %)
with CI C 0.5, 7/56 (13 %)
with CI \ 0.5 (p = 0.007)
Eloy et al. [53] Mixed ICU, risk 75: 4 MICU (2 At admission, 901; 469 (52 %) Accuracy of CI [ 0.5 in ‘‘Serological tests failed to
factors 46 MICU, 29 SICU respiratory weekly positive predicting IC in MICU: sens, differentiate infected from
(antibiotics or tract, 2 75 %; spec, 35 %; PPV, non-infected patients. The
hospital stay urinary); 5 10 %; NPV, 94 % Pittet’s CI identified infected
[8 days, SICU (4 In SICU: sens, 100 %; spec, surgical patients (Fisher
neutropenia); peritonitis, 1 50 %; PPV, 29 %; NPV, exact test, 0.052), which are
prospective urinary) 100 % in the population with
CI [ 0.5’’
Agvald-Ohman Mixed ICU, stay 59 10 At admission, then 401; 149 (37 %) 32 (54 %) received antifungals: ‘‘High colonization index and
et al. [54] [7 days; weekly positive 10 with IC [mean CI, 0.7; 8 recent extensive gastro-
prospective had digestive surgery, 7 had abdominal surgery were
CIs [ 0.5 (\0.8 in 6)]; 22 significantly correlated with
without IC (mean CI, 0.26; 7 IC. The results indicate that
had digestive surgery, 9 had ICU patients exposed to
CIs [ 0.5) extensive gastro-abdominal
17/25 (68 %) with CIs C 0.5 surgery would benefit from
on day 7 received early antifungal
antifungals prophylaxis’’
Predictors of IC: CI [ 0.5 (OR,
19.1 [2.4–435]), digestive
surgery [OR, 60 (2.4–
Table 2 continued
Reference Type of Number of Number of CI monitoring Number of Main CI findings Authors’ conclusion
patient; patients invasive surveillance
study candidiasis cultures
design cases

Massou et al. Medical ICU, stay 100 15 At admission, then 816 (including 143 CI C 0.5 in 53 (53 %), ‘‘CI has the advantage to
[55] [2 days and at weekly blood cultures) predicted only by provide quantified data of
least one risk corticosteroids [OR, 5.1 the patient’s situation in
factor; (1.02–25.2)] relation to the colonization.
prospective Accuracy of CI [ 0.5 in But, it isn’t helpful with
predicting IC: sens, 93 %; patients having an invasive
spec, 48 %; PPV, 26 %; candidiasis in medical
NPV, 98 % intensive care unit’’
Only neutropenia predicted
invasive candidiasis [OR,
18.3 (2.9–114)]
Candiduria studies (n = 5)
Chabasse [56] 15 mixed ICUs, 135 0 At time of Not available Candiduria: \103, 56 (42 %); ‘‘Quantification of candiduria
one major or two candiduria and/ 103–104, 21 (16 %); [104, could be useful to select
minor risk or candidemia 56 (42 %) patients at high risk for
factors and CI [ 0.5 in 36/76 tested (65 % disseminated candidiasis’’
candiduria; with candiduria [104, 31 %
prospective with candiduria \104;
p = 0.003)
Dubau et al. Surgical ICU, stay 89 1/35 empirically On inclusion, then 2,238 Absence of candiduria: ‘‘The presence of a candiduria
[57] or antibiotics treated with weekly CI = 0.3–0.47 (p = 0.008) was significantly associated
[7 days or CIs C 0.5; 0 Presence of candiduria: with an increased invasive
postoperative with CI = 0.57–0.87 candidiasis’’
fistula and CIs \ 0.5; 22 (p = 0.0001)
CRP [ 100 mg/ candiduria
ml; prospective
Sellami et al. Mixed ICU, stay 162 6; 56 candiduria On inclusion, then Not available Candiduria: \103, 12 (21 %); ‘‘Candiduria superior or equal
[58] [3 days; weekly 103–104, 16 (29 %); [104, to 104 UFC/ml associated
prospective 28 (50 %) with risk factors may predict
Mean CI = 0.47 candiduria, invasive candidiasis in
0.8 IC (n = 6) critically ill patients’’
CI [ 0.5 in 67 % candiduria
Charles et al. Medical ICU, 92 9 Weekly 1,696 (mean, 18.4/ : CI associated with: days on ‘‘Since most of the invasive
[38] stay [ 7 days; patient) broad-spectrum antibiotics candidiasis in the ICU
prospective [b = 0.01 (0.01–0.02)], setting are thought to be
hematological malignancy subsequent to colonization
[b = 0.41 (0.09–0.73)], in high-risk patients,
candiduria [b = 0.2 reducing antibiotic use could
(0.09–0.31)] be useful in preventing
fungal infections’’
Table 2 continued

Reference Type of Number of Number of CI monitoring Number of Main CI findings Authors’ conclusion
patient; patients invasive surveillance
study candidiasis cultures
design cases

Ergin et al. [59] Mixed ICU, stay 100 9 (5 candidemia, On inclusion, then 1,691 (mean, CI [ 0.2, 42 (42 %); ‘‘Candida colonization and
[7 days; 4 urinary); 42 weekly 17/patient) CI [ 0.2 and \0.5, 34 (34 %); Candida colonization index
prospective candiduria CI C 0.5, 8 (8 %) may be used as useful
Accuracy of CI C 0.5 in parameters to predict
predicting invasive invasive Candida
candidiasis: sens, 100 %; infections’’
spec, 64 %; PPV, 21 %;
NPV, 100 %
Prophylaxis studies (n = 6)
Laverdière Neutropenia 266 41: 9/135 (6.7 %) On randomization, 1,904; 458 (21 %) Colonization ; (39–36 %) ‘‘Fluconazole prevented and
et al. [60] (leukemia or fluconazole, at end of positive fluconazole, : (37–73 %) reduced fungal colonization
BMT); 32/131 prophylaxis placebo (p \ 0.0001) of the alimentary tract and
prospective, (24.4 %) CI ; (0.18–0.16) fluconazole, subsequent invasive fungal
double-blinded, placebo : (0.18–0.39) placebo infections… In cancer
randomized: (p \ 0.001) (p \ 0.001) patients, a colonization
prophylaxis Accuracy of CI B 0.25 in index B0.25 at the initiation
(fluconazole, predicting IC at baseline: of chemotherapy clearly
400 mg/day sens, 39 %; spec, 82 %; predicts a low risk of
orally) vs. PPV, 28 %; NPV, 88 % invasive fungal infection’’
placebo At end of prophylaxis: sens,
76 %; spec, 69 %; PPV,
69 %; NPV, 94 %
Garbino et al. Mixed ICU, 204 6/103 (5.8 %) Daily Not available Colonization: 29/55 (53 %) ‘‘…fluconazole prophylaxis in
[40] [2 days fluconazole, fluconazole, 40/51 (78 %) selected, high-risk critically
mechanical 16/101 (16 %) placebo (p = 0.01) ill patients decreases the
ventilation and placebo CI ; (0.26–0.13) fluconazole, incidence of Candida
expected (p \ 0.001) : (0.26–0.50) placebo infection, in particular,
continuation for (p \ 0.001) candidemia’’
C72 h; Mean pre-infection CI in
prospective, patients with candidemia
double-blinded (n = 10): 0.89
100 mg/day iv)
vs. placebo plus
(polymyxin B,
Table 2 continued
Reference Type of Number of Number of CI monitoring Number of Main CI findings Authors’ conclusion
patient; patients invasive surveillance
study candidiasis cultures
design cases

Normand et al. Mixed 98 0 On randomization, Not available Colonization: 0/51 nystatin, ‘‘Oral nystatin prophylaxis
[61] ICU, [2 days then every 12/47 (25 %) placebo efficiently prevented
mechanical 3 days (p \ 0.01) Candida spp. colonization in
ventilation; CI ; (0.1–0.05) nystatin, : ICU patients at low risk of
prospective, (0.1–0.25) placebo (p \ 0.05) developing invasive
open-label, candidiasis’’
nystatin vs.
Senn et al. [46] Surgical ICU, 19 1 (6–8 expected On inclusion, then Not available CI ; (0.5–0.3) during ‘‘Despite limitations such as the
recurrent in this high- twice in week 1, (median, 4 sites/ prophylaxis (p = 0.03) open single-center non-
gastrointestinal risk group then weekly patient screened) comparative design and the
perforation/ without until end of small sample size, the
anastomotic prophylaxis) follow-up observations of this proof-
leakage or acute of-concept study suggest
necrotizing that caspofungin may be
pancreatitis; efficacious and safe for
prospective, prevention of intra-
non- abdominal candidiasis in
comparative, surgical patients with a high-
caspofungin risk profile’’
Giglio et al. Surgical/trauma 99 0 On inclusion, then 2,569; 746 (29 %) Overall: CI ; (0.12–0.0) ‘‘The present trial shows that
[62] ICU, [2 days every 3 days positive nystatin, : (0.2–0.44) nystatin pre-emptive therapy
mechanical until end of placebo (p \ 0.05) in surgical/trauma ICU
ventilation; follow-up (day Colonization at entry: CI ; patients significantly reduces
prospective, 15) (0.1–0.0) nystatin, : fungal colonization, even in
randomized, (0.2–0.42) placebo those colonized at
open-label: (p \ 0.05) admission’’
prophylaxis (oral
3 9 1 million
U/day) vs.
Chen et al. [63] Mixed ICU, 124 8: 3/60 (0.5 %) On inclusion, every Not available; 874 CCI at day 6: 0.19 nystatin, ‘‘Nystatin might reduce the
mechanical nystatin, 5/64 3 days until end positive 0.39 placebo (p \ 0.05) colonization by Candida
ventilation; (7.8 %) of follow-up At day 9: 0.0 nystatin, 0.45 albicans and was associated
prospective, placebo (day 9) placebo (p \ 0.05) with shorter ICU stay’’
randomized, (p [ 0.05) Length of ICU stay:
open-label: 9.6 ± 3.5 days nystatin,
prophylaxis (oral 11.9 ± 6.3 days placebo
nystatin, (p \ 0.05)
3 9 1 million
U/day) vs.

CRP C-reactive protein, BMT bone marrow transplant, MICU medical ICU, SICU surgical ICU, sens sensitivity, spec specificity, PPV positive predictive value, NPV negative predictive value
Table 3 Use of the colonization index (CI) to guide the initiation of empirical antifungal treatment

Reference Type of patient; Number of patients Number of CI monitoring Number of Main CI findings Authors’ conclusion
study design invasive surveillance
candidiasis cultures

Interventional studies (n = 4)
Dubau et al. [57] Surgical ICU, stay or 89 1/35 with On inclusion, 2,238 CI [ 0.5: week 1, 6 %; week ‘‘A treatment was started
antibiotics [7 days or - CI [ 0.5 then weekly 2, 25 %; week 3, 40 %; whenever a colonization
postoperative fistula and receiving week 4, 55 %; week [4, index [0.5 was associated
CRP [100 mg/ml; empirical 59 % with severe clinical or
prospective, open, non- antifungal CI ; rapidly after start of biological signs. This
randomized: empirical treatment empirical antifungal involved an increase of the
antifungal treatment for CI treatment in 34/35 patients expense of antifungal
[0.5 drugs. The potential
benefits could not be
evaluated from our study’’
Piarroux et al. [64] Surgical ICU, stay C5 days; 478 Overall IC: 18 On inclusion, 6,682 With empirical treatment: ‘‘Preemptive treatment of
prospective, open, non- [3.8 %; 2/455 then weekly CCI [ 0.4, 96/117; highly colonized patients
randomized: empirical (7.0 %) in CCI \ 0.4 and CI C 0.5, may efficiently prevent
antifungal treatment for historical 11/66; CCI \ 0.4 and SICU-acquired proven
CCI [ 0.4 controls] CI \ 0.5, 5/230 candidiasis. Our results
ICU-acquired: 0 *160 complete mycological demonstrate the feasibility
[10/455 (2.2 %) screenings and 10 and benefits of
in historical preemptive treatments implementing a large
controls; needed to prevent at least systematic mycological
p \ 0.001) one proven SICU-acquired screening of SICU
candidiasis patients’’
Eren et al. [65] Mixed ICU, inclusion criteria 37 0 Not specified 191 26 (70 %) with C. albicans ‘‘…follow-up of the ICU
not specified; prospective colonization patients in terms of C.
observational, intervention CI C 0.5 in 7 (5 with IgM, albicans CI and IgM
not specified (antifungal IgG positivity) would be effective for the
treatment for CI [ 0.5?) CI \ 0.5 in 19 (3/12 tested prevention of serious
with IgM, IgG positivity) Candida infections’’
IgM, IgG found in 0/7
patients tested without
colonization, out of 11
Wang et al. [66] 5 mixed ICUs, APACHE 110 Not specified Not specified Not available; Antifungal treatment for ‘‘Application of CCI may
score [ 10; prospective 575 positive sepsis started at enhance the accuracy of
randomized: empirical 0.9 ± 0.7 days in timely preemptive
antifungal treatment for CCI C 0.4, 3.8 ± 3.6 days treatment for invasive
CCI C 0.4 (intervention in control (p \ 0.05) candidiasis and facilitate
group) or (control group) the collection of
epidemiological data of
Candida in critically ill

Sens sensitivity, spec specificity, PPV positive predictive value, NPV negative predictive value

currently used widely among non-immunocompromised antibiotics, the presence of a central line, together with at
critically ill patients. least one additional risk factor among the following: par-
In a prospective study of 37 critically ill patients, Eren enteral nutrition, dialysis, surgery, pancreatitis, systemic
et al. [65] found a correlation between the CI and the steroids, or other immune suppressive agents. The inci-
presence of C. albicans antibodies. Among 26 patients dence of invasive candidiasis was 16.7 % (14/84) vs.
with C. albicans colonization, immunoglobulin M (IgM) 9.8 % (10/102) in patients receiving placebo and caspo-
and IgG were found in 5/7 (71 %) patients with CIs fungin, respectively (p = 0.14). When baseline infections
greater than 0.5, compared with only 3/12 (25 %) patients were included, it was 30.4 % (31/102) and 18.8 % (22/
with CIs less than 0.5 in whom serum could be tested 117), for patients receiving preemptive placebo and ca-
(total, n = 19) and 0/7 non-colonized patients in whom spofungin, respectively (p = 0.04). Safety, length of ICU
serum could be tested (total, n = 11) [65]. The authors stay, antifungal use, and mortality did not differ. The
stated, ‘‘in the follow-up of the patients, no candidemia authors concluded that caspofungin prophylaxis was safe
developed and this was thought to be due to the pre- with a non-significant trend to reduce invasive candidiasis,
ventive measures which were taken especially in ICU and that the preemptive therapy approach deserves further
patients with CI [ 0.5,’’ suggesting that empirical anti- study. Two recent and currently unpublished studies
fungal treatment was given to patients with CIs greater attempt to use clinical predictive rules to guide empirical
than 0.5. antifungal treatment. The first, entitled ‘‘Pilot Feasibility
Study With Patients Who at High Risk For Developing
Invasive Candidiasis in a Critical Care Setting (MK-0991-
067 AM1’’ ( identifier: NCT01045798)
Comparison of the colonization index with other and conducted by the Mycoses Study Group, was termi-
predictive tools nated because of a low recruitment rate after the inclusion
of only 15 patients and generation of uninterpretable data.
The accuracy of the CI has been compared with that of Preliminary results of the second study, entitled ‘‘A Study
other surrogate markers of invasive candidiasis, such as to Evaluate Pre-emptive Treatment for Invasive Candidi-
the Candida score, predictive rules, and, more recently, asis in High Risk Surgical Subjects (INTENSE)’’
beta-glucan (Table 4) [44, 67–72]. In a prospective study ( identifier: NCT01122368), showed a
of 89 high-risk surgical ICU patients (61 recurrent gas- high proportion of invasive candidiasis at study entry;
trointestinal tract perforation; 25 severe acute independent experts considered, however, that the major-
pancreatitis) in whom 29 developed a non-candidemic ity of salvage antifungal treatments were unjustified.
invasive candidiasis, Tissot el al. showed that two con- Globally, the proportion of invasive candidiasis develop-
secutive beta-glucan serum levels above 80 pg/ml ing in the group receiving preemptive antifungal treatment
predicted early the development of infection with a sen- was not different from that of the group receiving placebo,
sitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and a but the number of patients excluded from the analysis
negative predictive value of 65, 78, 68 and 77 %, resulted in an underpowered analysis.
respectively [44]. Similarly, a previous study by Posteraro These outcomes illustrate a well-known paradigm of
et al. [70] in a cohort of medical and surgical critically ill accuracy. The use of the most sensitive test potentially
patients staying more than 5 days and developing a severe increases the number of patients who are uselessly treated
sepsis, in whom beta-glucan was higher than 80 pg/ml, empirically. In contrast, the use of the most specific test
showed a sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, potentially increases the number of patients who do not
and a negative predictive value of 93, 94, 72, and 99 %, receive empirical antifungal treatment and in whom late
respectively for the early detection of invasive candidiasis treatment could be associated with a worse outcome.
(16 episodes, including 13 candidemia). Overall, the An ongoing prospective multicenter, double blind,
accuracy of CI is lower than other methods for the early randomized-controlled French trial (EMPIRICUS) is
detection of patients at higher risk of infection. Never- currently recruiting critically ill patients at risk of inva-
theless, the usefulness of beta-glucan to guide empirical sive candidiasis. Patients mechanically ventilated for
antifungal treatment remains to be determined. more than 4 days with sepsis of unknown origin and with
Three industry-sponsored studies failed to demonstrate at least one extra-digestive fungal colonization site and
the clinical usefulness of predictive rules combining var- multiple organ failure are eligible for randomization to
ious risk factors. A predictive rule was used in a receive empirical micafungin or a placebo. This study
multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-con- includes prospective determination of the CI among its
trolled trial comparing caspofungin vs. placebo as secondary endpoints and may help to develop guidelines
antifungal prophylaxis or preemptive treatment in 222 for treating non-immunocompromised patients with fun-
critically ill patients [73]. The rule combined ICU stay for gal colonization multiple organ failure and sepsis of
at least 3 days, mechanical ventilation, exposure to unknown origin [74].
Table 4 Comparison of the colonization index (CI) with other markers for the prediction of invasive candidiasis

References Type of patient; Number of Number of CI monitoring Performance of CI Performance of Authors’ conclusion
study design patients invasive comparators

Leon et al. 36 mixed ICUs, stay 1,107 58; 18/240 in At inclusion, 892 with Candida spp. 892 with Candida spp. ‘‘In this cohort of
[67] C7 days; whom BG then weekly colonization or colonization or invasive colonized patients
prospective, could be (4,198 invasive candidiasis candidiasis staying [7 days, with a
observational cohort performed cultures) Development of Development of invasive CS \3 and not
invasive candidiasis: Candida receiving antifungal
candidiasis: score \3, 13/565 treatment, the rate of IC
CI \ 0.5, 16/411 (2.3 %); Candida score was \5 %. Therefore,
(3.9 %); C3, 45/327 (13.8 %) IC is highly improbable
CI C 0.5, 42/481 Sens, 78 %; spec, 66 %; if a Candida-colonized
(8.7 %) PPV, 14 %; NPV, non-neutropenic
Sens, 72 %; spec, 98 %; AUC, 0.774 critically ill patient has
47 %; PPV, 9 %; 8.7 needed to treat to a Candida score \0.3’’
NPV, 96 %; AUC, avoid one episode of
0.633 invasive candidiasis
20.8 needed to treat to
avoid one episode
of invasive
Ellis et al. Hematological patients 86 12 (14 %) Twice a week CI C 0.5 in 52/86 Mannans/anti-mannans ‘‘Serial assays for
[68] with febrile (60 %), 8/9 (89 %) (33 patients (2 mannans and anti-
neutropenia and IC consecutive positive mannans in patients at
[3 days broad- Accuracy not tests): sens, 73 %; spec, risk for invasive
spectrum antibiotics; determined 80 %; PPV, 0.36; NPV, candidiasis may
prospective, 0.95 usefully contribute to
usefulness of serial Positive correlation of the management of
analysis for invasive candidiasis such patients’’
mannans/anti- with b-glucans
mannans, b-glucans (r = 0.28, p = 0.01)
Caggiano Neurological ICU, stay 51 3 candidemia At admission, Colonization: 76 % at No mannan/anti-mannan ‘‘Thus, our experience
et al. [69] C7 days; then every study entry, 92 % on detected in patients suggests that
prospective, link 3 days (to day day 15 without candidemia monitoring CI could be
between 15) CI C 0.5: 16.6 % at Mannans: sens, 66.6 %; helpful in identifying
colonization and study entry, 75 % spec, 100 % patients at risk of
invasive candidiasis on day 15 (all IC) Anti-mannans: sens, invasive fungal
CCI: 0.34 at study 100 %; spec, 100 % infection. In addition,
entry, 0.60 on complementing this
day 15 with anti-Candida
antibodies detection in
patients with CI C 0.5
increases the positive
predictivity for
infection allowing an
early diagnosis of
Table 4 continued
References Type of patient; Number of Number of CI monitoring Performance of CI Performance of Authors’ conclusion
study design patients invasive comparators

Posteraro Mixed ICU, stay 95 16 (14 invasive At entry, day 3, CI C 0.5: overall, Candida score C3: ‘‘A single-point BG assay
et al. [70] C5 days; candidiasis) and then 35 %; IC, 56 %; no overall, 22 %; IC, based on a blood
prospective, single- weekly IC, 30 % (p = 0.04) 75 %; no IC, 11 % sample drawn at the
center, Sens, 64 %; spec, (p \ 0.001). Sens, sepsis onset, alone or in
observational: 70 %; PPV, 27 %; 86 %; spec, 87 %; PPV, combination with
diagnostic value of NPV, 92 %; AUC, 57 %; NPV, 97 %; Candida score, may
BG assay, Candida 0.63 (0.57–0.79) AUC, 0.80 (0.69–0.92) guide the decision to
score, CI BG positivity: overall, start antifungal therapy
21 %; IC, 94 %; no early in patients at risk
IC, 6 % (p \ 0.001). for Candida infection’’
Sens, 94 %; spec,
94 %; PPV, 75 %;
NPV, 99 %; AUC,
0.98 (0.92–1.00)
Candida score C3 and
BG positivity: sens,
100 %; spec, 84 %;
PPV, 52 %; NPV, 100 %
Peman et al. 6 mixed ICU, high risk 53 0 Not specified CCI C 0.4: 23/53 CAGTA positivity: 22/53 ‘‘This study identified
[71] of invasive (43 %) at study (42 %) at study entry, previous surgery as the
candidiasisa; entry, 41/53 (77 %) 47/53 (90 %) at end of principal clinical factor
prospective, at end of study study associated with
usefulness of CAGTA-positive
CAGTA results (serologically
proven candidiasis) and
emphasises the utility
of this promising
technique, which was
not influenced by high
Candida colonization or
antifungal treatment’’
Hall et al. Mixed ICU, severe 101 18 (5 died) Not specified Colonization: 16/18 Candida score: sens, ‘‘In this study the Candida
[72] acute pancreatitis; (89 %) IC, 37/83 23 %; spec, 85 %; PPV, colonisation index score
retrospective, (45 %) no IC 39 %; NPV, 72 %; was the most accurate
diagnostic value of (p = 0.0006). AUC, 0.62 (0.52–0.71) and discriminative test
BG assay, Candida Colonization for IC: Predictive ruleb: sens, at identifying which
score, CI OR, 4.33 61 %; spec, 49 %; PPV, patients with severe
(1.07–17.5); 21 %; NPV, 85 %; acute pancreatitis are at
p = 0.04 AUC, 0.59 (0.49–0.69) risk of developing
CI C 0.5: sens, 67 %; candidal infection.
spec, 79 %; PPV, However its low
43 %; NPV, 91 %; sensitivity may limit its
AUC, 0.79 clinical usefulness’’

Sens sensitivity, Spec specificity, PPV positive predictive value, NPV negative predictive value, AUC area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, CAGTA Candida

(1) Acute pancreatitis with[7 days evolution, (2) prolonged ([14 days) ICU stay and C3 risk factors (diabetes mellitus, extrarenal depuration, parenteral nutrition,[7 days
The CI and other predictive tools (the Candida score

abdominal candidiasis’’
indexes and anticipates
score and colonization

culture-negative intra-
and predictive rules) have been specifically developed by
superior to Candida

diagnosis of blood
Authors’ conclusion

‘‘BG antigenemia is using their positive predictive value for the early identi-
fication of high-risk patients who will develop invasive
candidiasis. Nevertheless, it is relevant to note that the
negative predictive values of the CI and all other surro-

broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, major abdominal surgery), (3) liver transplantation, (4) neutropenia or bone marrow transplantation, or (5) high CAGTA
gate markers of invasive candidiasis are much higher than
their positive predictive values [21]. Among them, only
the negative predictive value of the Candida score has
been validated in a multicenter prospective clinical trial
sens, 66 %; spec, 83 %;

86 %; spec, 50 %; PPV,
Candida score C3: sens,

BG [ 80 pg/ml (29):

PPV, 73 %; NPV,

54 %; NPV, 84 %;
78 %; AUC, 0.79
Performance of

AUC, 0.61

Advantages and pitfalls of the use of colonization

To summarize the data reviewed on the use of the CI, its
main advantages are that it has been successfully used to
CI C 0.5: sens, 26 %;

35 %; NPV, 67 %;

characterize colonization dynamics, assess the signifi-

14 %; spec, 77 %;
spec, 76 %; PPV,

PPV, 23 %; NPV,
65 %; AUC, 0.43
Performance of CI

cance of candiduria, and to evaluate the impact of

CCI C 0.4: sens,

antifungal prophylaxis. A low CI has a high negative

AUC, 0.67

predictive value for the further development of invasive

candidiasis. Among the pitfalls, it should be emphasized
that it is work-intensive with a limited bedside practica-
bility, that only limited data are available for nonsurgical
patients, and its cost-effectiveness and usefulness for the
management of critically ill patients remain to be proven
then twice a
On admission,
CI monitoring

in large prospective clinical trials.


Further perspectives
These observations may pave the way for a new paradigm
Number of

in the research agenda of the early diagnosis of invasive


candidiasis and take advantage of the disease patho-

physiology characterized by a 7–10-day delay between

exposure to risk factors and infection. We propose a

Number of

stepwise approach to optimize the accuracy of the CI and


other clinical tools (Fig. 3).

Provided that preliminary results can be confirmed in

larger cohorts of patients [76], preliminary stratification

according to specific genetic polymorphisms could be
anastomotic leakage
or acute necrotizing

diagnosis of intra-

used as a preliminary step to increase the accuracy of

accuracy of BG
antigenemia for

subsequent steps. The second step is to take advantage of

Type of patient;


the high negative predictive values of the CI, Candida

Surgical ICU,


albicans germ tube antibody

study design


score, and/or predictive rules. This strategy will reduce

the currently large proportion of useless antifungal treat-
ments, frequently started for nonobjective emotional
Table 4 continued

reasons. The enhanced intrinsic risk of invasive candidi-

asis in patients with increased risk identified after this
Tissot et al.

second step may further improve the accuracy of bio-


markers, such as mannan/anti-mannan antibodies and/or



b-glucan, applied in the third step. This approach should

enhance the ability to identify patients who will truly

Fig. 3 Proposed study designs to select high-risk patients who patients at low objective risk of invasive candidiasis are ruled out
would truly benefit from early empirical antifungal treatment. First, by using the high negative predictive values of current risk-
patients should be stratified according to pathophysiological assessment strategies (CI, Candida score, peritonitis score, predic-
characteristics specific to invasive candidiasis (i.e., immunocom- tive rule). In the third step, empirical antifungal treatment is started
promised individuals, after digestive surgery, other critically ill early in high-risk patients identified by increased biomarkers
patients). The three-step approach: In a first optional step, increased values, such as beta-glucan performed only in patients retained by
intrinsic risk of invasive candidiasis is identified by specific genetic who met criteria outlined in previous steps. A simplified approach
polymorphisms related to innate immunity. In the second step, restricted to steps two and three may be also of potential interest

benefit from early antifungal treatment and reduce antifungal treatment. Continued development and execu-
unnecessary overexposure to antifungal agents in patients tion of clinical trials in this difficult field are important.
with a documented limited risk of infection. Until further progress can be achieved with new clinical
Moreover, the high negative predictive value of the studies of specific biomarkers involving larger patient
predictive tools (CI, Candida score, and predictive rules) cohorts, 20 years after its description, the CI remains one
for the further development of an invasive candidiasis of the best methods of characterizing the dynamics of
may allow one to stop empirical antifungal treatment Candida colonization and identifying patients at very low
possibly prescribed before evaluating the patient accord- or increasing risk of invasive candidiasis.
ing to the proposed stepwise approach.
Acknowledgments PE received research grants and/or educational
grants and/or speaker’s honoraria and/or consultant’s honoraria
from (in alphabetic order): Astellas, Merck, Sharp & Dohme-Chi-
bret, and Pfizer.
Conflicts of interest DP declares no disclosure of potential
conflicts of interest regarding their contribution to this study.
The development of the CI has enabled better appreciation
of the dynamics of Candida colonization in patients at Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
high risk of invasive candidiasis. It can still be used, as it is Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits
in many institutions, for the early detection of patients at any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
high risk of invasive candidiasis and to guide empirical provided the original author(s) and the source are credited.

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