Monitoring and Fault Detection System For Power Transmission Using GSM Technology
Monitoring and Fault Detection System For Power Transmission Using GSM Technology
Monitoring and Fault Detection System For Power Transmission Using GSM Technology
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2.1 Short circuit fault parameters to monitor in this research, with the overall
objective of improving the reliability of the power system as a
Basically, faults can exist in four forms: they include line-to- whole. With a cloud-based remote management solution, user
line fault, double line-to-ground fault, single line-to-ground can have immediate access to generator parameters via a
fault and three phase fault. Different magnitude of fault regular web browser. Temperature sensors is used to sense the
current can result from each of these types of faults. Short temperature of the room and a message is sent to the master
circuits damage can be prevented by employing the use of mobile whenever the temperature rises beyond the threshold
circuit breakers, relays, or other protection as they help to parameter using the GSM modem [21-22].
disconnect the power in response to high current [10].
3 Methodology
2.2 GSM technology
The system, shown in Figure 1, is used to detect fault and send
a SMS alert using the GSM network once the fault is detected.
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communications.
The PIC microcontroller which serves as the heart of the entire
Developed in 1990, it has become the most popular standard
system enables access to real time state of the system. It
for mobile phones in the world. The implementation
receives the perceived parameter during power transmission,
environment determines the coverage area of each cell. The
detect breach in short circuit limit set by comparing the
boundaries of cells can overlap between adjacent cells (large
current sensed with the pre-set limit. If the current sensed is
cells can be converted into smaller cells) [11]. The technology
more than the pre-set current short circuit limit, the PIC
uses a blend of frequency division multiplexing (FDM) and
microcontroller sends a signal for the relay to trip off the
time division multiplexing (TDM). Different users at different
system, else the system remains connected. When the relay
time slot use different frequency, hence when user is ON, uses
trips of the system, an SMS alert is sent to the utility mobile
channel 900MHz for three seconds, then hop to channel
phone via the GSM network.
910MHz for the next three seconds and so on. Frequency
The GSM module and liquid crystal display (LCD) module
Hoping is the term giving to such process. Amongst the
are also connected to the PIC microcontroller. The LCD
various frequency of the GSM, 900MHz is the operational
module displays the parameters being monitored in the system,
frequency. It has the ability to re-use frequencies in order to
they include; the temperature, frequency of the supply,
increase capacity and at the same time coverage [12-13].
voltage, current the power consumed by the load in the
2.3 Short message service (SMS)
Figure 3 is the complete system circuit diagram and Figure 4 sudden interruption in the flow of current through the relay
is the flow chat. coil as a result of the switch opening. The coil will respond by
producing a sudden, large voltage across its leads, causing a
large surge of current through it.
3.4 The sensing unit Table 2 shows the output and input voltage readings of
each unit.
The sensing unit consists of the voltage sensing, the current
sensing, the frequency sensing and the temperature sensing, as
it helps to acquire electrical parameter and make the
respective signals available for the PIC to process.
4 Results and observations
The short circuit limit configuration was tested. A current limit
of 50A was configured using a mobile phone. The current
value set was sent to the SIM in the GSM module with the “#”
symbol before the digits i.e. #50, as this is what the
microcontroller recognizes (imputed in the code). This was
executed by powering up the system and connecting a load
with current rating exceeding the pre-set limit of 700W. For
the purpose of testing, an electric iron device was used, as it
had a befitting current rating of 1000W.
The system tripped off after the short circuit fault was imposed
on the system. Hence confirming the test for fault detection
and switching system (relay) functionalities.
5 Conclusion
A fault detection system enabled by the use of the GSM
wireless network for communication was achieved.
The fundamental objectives of this research work were
achieved as the system designed was able to detect
transmission fault. The occurrences of faults were displayed
and the message was sent through the GSM network over to
the utility mobile phone. A bi-directional communication was
established as the system was able to receive command from
the utility phone to set a short circuit limit.
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