Transmission Line Contingency Analysis in Power System Using Fast Decoupled Method For IEEE-14 Bus Test System

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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 4, April 2015.
ISSN 2348 7968

Transmission Line Contingency Analysis in Power system using

Fast Decoupled Method for IEEE-14 bus Test system.
Rohini G D1, B Kantharaj2, R D Satyanarayana Rao3
M.Tech Student (Power System),EEE,AIT, VTU, Chikkamagalur1
Associate Professor, AIT, VTU, Chikkamagaluru2
Assistant Professor, AIT, VTU , Chikkamagaluru3

ABSTRACT----To predict the effect of outages in security assessment are based on load flow solution
power system the technique called contingency where full ac load flow is made to run for all
analysis is done. Contingency like failures of contingencies. The results obtained were accurate
equipment, transmission line etc. The off line analysis but these methods were found to be slow, as for all
to predict the effect of individual contingency of a
contingencies the load flow had to be run. But in
power system is done, and power system contains
large number of components. Practically only selected the present day, due to large interconnection and
contingencies will lead to severe conditions in power stressed operation power utilities are facing severe
system like violation of voltage and active power problems of maintaining the required security.
limits. The process of identifying these severe Today more emphasis is made on the greater utility
contingencies is referred as contingency selection and of generation and transmission capacity, which has
this can be done by calculating performance indices made the system to operate much closer to their
for each contingencies. In this paper, the contingency limits. So it has become, indispensable to do
selection by calculating two kinds of performance voltage security assessment accurately and
indices; voltage performance index (PIV) and Line
instantaneously, to avoid the system from voltage
performance index (PIF) for single transmission line
outage have been done with the help of Fast collapse. The concept of security in system
Decoupled method in Mipower software. The ranking operation may be divided into three components,
of most severe contingency has been done based on monitoring, assessment and control. Security
the values of performance indices. Simultaneously the monitoring starts with measurement of real time
value of bus voltages and active power flow before system data to provide up to date information of the
and after the most severe transmission line current condition of power system. Security
contingency has been analyzed. The effectiveness of assessment is the process whereby any violation of
the method has been tested on IEEE-14 bus test the actual system operating states. The second
systems. It can be seen from the results that, based on
much more demanding function of security
the knowledge of PIF and PIV the most severe
transmission line contingency can be identified. assessment is contingency analysis. Operations
personnel must know which line or generation
Keywords: contingency, contingency selection, outages will cause flows or voltages to fall outside
voltage performance index, Line performance index limits. To predict the effects of outages,
contingency analysis techniques are used.
I. INTRODUCTION Contingency procedure model single failure events
(i.e. two transmission lines, one transmission line
Contingency analysis is becoming an essential plus one generator etc.) one after another in
task for power system planning and operation. sequence until all credible outages have been
Power system security analysis forms an integral
studied. For each outage tested, the contingency
part of modern energy management system.
analysis procedure checks all lines and voltages in
Security is a term used to reflect a power systems the network against their respective limits.
ability to meet its load without unduly stressing its
apparatus or allowing variables to stray from Load flow analysis performs static security
prescribed range under the apparatus or allowing analysis for a given system so that the system is
variables to stray from prescribed range under operated defensively. Due to contingency, the
certain pre-specified credible contingencies. The system may enter an emergency state, wherein the
contingencies are in the form of network outage operator has to tale fast actions to restore the
such as line or transformer outage or in the form of system back to normal. Here the status of all the
equipment outage. The outage considered here is elements selected as contingency cased under
line outages. Outages which are important from contingency analysis section are made and outage
limit violation view point, are branch flow for line study is performed. The output of the program
security or MW security and bus voltage magnitude alarms the user of any potential overloads or out of
for voltage security. The conventional methods for limit voltages. The contingency analysis is based


IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 4, April 2015.
ISSN 2348 7968
on the computation s of voltage performance and violations. In electrical power systems voltage
overload performance indices. In this paper it stability is receiving special attention these days.
computes the voltage performance index (PIV) and During the past two and half decades it has become
Line flow performance index (PIF) for the given a major threat to the operation of many systems.
operating condition and provides security The transfer of power through a transmission
statusCompute the voltage performance index and network is accompanied by voltage drops between
Line flow performance index for all the possible the generation and consumption points. In normal
line outage conditions and the critical contingencies operating conditions, these drops are of the order of
having index values greater than 1 (contingency few percents of the nominal voltage. One of the
screening) is identified andThe contingency principle tasks of power system operators is to
ranking is done in the descending order according check that under different operating conditions
to the order of severity based on PIV. and/or following credible contingencies (e.g.:
tripping of a single line) all bus voltages remain
Any power system operates on satisfying the within bounds. In such circumstances, however in
demand from the generation. And also on the the seconds or minutes following a disturbance,
contingency state the power system should operate voltages may experience large progressive falls,
by giving alarm or to inform the insecurity to the which are so prominent that the system integrity is
operator, also to diagnose the faulty bus and endangered and power cannot be delivered to the
preventive measures should be taken to handle the customers. This catastrophe is referred to as voltage
contingency. There for contingency study is very instability and its calamitous result as a voltage
important in the load-flow analysis. The collapse.
performance index is calculated for every line
outage for IEEE 14-bus test system to implement Large violations in transmission line flow can
the module for power system static security result in line outage which may lead to cascading
assessment. The security classification, effect of outages and cause over load on the other
contingency selection and ranking are done based lines. If such over load results from a line outage
on the performance index which is capable of there is an immediate need for the control action to
accurately differentiating the secure and non-secure be initiated for line over load alleviation. Therefore
cases. Here in this project for IEEE-14 bus and load contingency analysis is one of the most important
flow anaylsis and performance index is done in tasks to be met by the power system planners and
MiPower software. operation engineers. But on line contingency
analysis is difficult because of the conflict between
the accuracy in solution of the power system
problem and the speed required to simulate all the
II. CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS contingencies. The simulation of contingency is
complex since it results in change in configuration
Contingencies are defined as potentially harmful
of the system.
disturbances that occur during the steady state
operation of a power system. Load flow constitutes ALoad flow methods:
the most important study in a power system for
planning, operation and expansion. The purpose of The objective of power flow study is to
load flow study is to compute operating conditions determine the voltage and its angle at each bus, real
of the power system under steady state. These and reactive power flow in each line and line losses
operating conditions are normally voltage in the power system for specified bus or terminal
magnitudes and phase angles at different buses, line conditions. Power flow studies are conducted for
flows (MW and MVAR), real and reactive power the purpose of planning (viz. short, medium and
supplied by the generators and power loss. long range planning), operation and control. The
other purpose of the study is to compute steady
In a modern Energy Management power system state operating point of the power system, that is
security monitoring and analysis form an integral voltage magnitudes and phase angles at the buses.
part but the real time implementation is a By knowing these quantities, the other quantities
challenging task for the power system engineer. A like line flow (MW and MVAR) real and reactive
power system which is operating under normal power supplied by the generators and loading of the
mode may face contingencies such as sudden loss transformers can also be calculated. The conditions
of line or generator, sudden increase or decrease of of over loads and under or over voltages existing in
power demand. These contingencies cause the parts of the system can also be detected from
transmission line overloading or bus voltage this study.


IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 4, April 2015.
ISSN 2348 7968
The different mathematical techniques used for A. IEEE 14-bus test system
load flow study are

1. Gauss Seidel method

2. Newton Raphson method
3. Fast Decoupled method
4. Stotts fast decoupled method

III. Performance index

A. Voltage performance index:

| | | |
PIV Wi (1)

Where, Fig 1.Single line diagram of IEEE 14-bus test

nb: Number of buses, Wi: Weightage factor for
bus i, |V i| new: post outage voltage magnitude at Contingency analysis is done for IEEE 14-bus
bus i, |V i| spec: Specified voltage magnitude at bus test system. The system consists of 2 generating
i (1.0 p.u.)Vi max: Maximum allowable voltage units, 17 transmission lines and 3 transformers.
change,which is computed as the difference
between maximum voltage and difference between The purpose of this project is to develop an static
minimum voltage and specified voltage, security in power system. Critical contingency
screening and ranking is carried out for different
if the voltage magnitude is less than the specified line outages using MiPower and the prediction of
voltage. The significance of the weightage is to the security state for a particular operating
give lower ranking (higher severity) for poor condition as well as screening and ranking is based
voltage at specific buses. on the PIV and PIF. Here PIF & PIV are calculated
by considering the outage of only one line
B. Lineflow performance index sequentially and the calculated indices are
summarized in Table 1.The effectiveness of the
method is tested for IEEE 14-bus test system
PIF Wi (2)

Here r base case load flow of IEEE-14 bus
Where, system is considered, and contingency is created
for the outage of line between buses then load flow
nl:Total number of series equipment, Wi: analysis is executed.Bus voltages, transformer and
Weightage factor for series element I, Pi new: New line loadings are tabulated.Contingency ranking
real powerflow in the line, Pi limit: Real power analysis is executed.Record PIF and PIV from the
flow limit of the line. report. Same procedure is followed for each
transmission line where only single line is
The contingency can be ranked depending on considered for one contingency analysis.
the importance of a line. If it is desired not to
overload a particular line, then that line weightage
is assigned a high value.

V. Results
IV. Tests and Results
Output result is shown below in the tabular
Results of IEEE 14-test bus system are column
discussed in the following section.


IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 4, April 2015.
ISSN 2348 7968
advanced protection schemes or load shedding
Outage PIF PIV Rankin Security schemes.
Line g Status
No. VII. References
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Table 1: Result of PIF and PIV at line outage


VI. Conclusion

In this paper, the calculation of PIV and PIF for

contingency selection has been done using FDLF
for IEEE-!$ bus test systems. From the results of
PIP and PIV it can be concluded that for the
transmission line contingency in line number 16 is
the most critical contingency. An outage in these
lines has the highest potential to make the system
parameters to go beyond their limits. It can be
further concluded that these lines require extra
attention which can be done by providing more


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