Pfizer: Margins Expansion Helps Net Earnings Growth Despite Revenue Decline
Pfizer: Margins Expansion Helps Net Earnings Growth Despite Revenue Decline
Pfizer: Margins Expansion Helps Net Earnings Growth Despite Revenue Decline
28 July 2020
Reuters: PFIZ.NS; Bloomberg: PFIZ IN
Margins expansion helps net earnings growth despite revenue decline NBIE Values your patronage- Vote for The
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Pfizer reported revenue of Rs5,149mn in 1QFY21, 8.8% above ours and 7.3% below consensus Here
estimate. On YoY basis, revenue was down 5.4% as the COVID pandemic led to lower demand for its
hospital anti infective portfolio and vaccine (Prevnar). Considering higher exposure of Pfizer in the SELL
anti-infective space, we had assumed a low teen decline for Pfizer earnings, in line with IPM growth Sector: Pharmaceuticals
during the quarter. During the quarter anti infective segment in IPM had declined high teens.
However, the revenue decline happened to be much softer around 5%. We believe potentially a CMP: Rs4,343
significant increase in demand of products to raise immunity would have helped their vitamin &
Mineral portfolio (Becosule franchise). During the year (FY21), Pfizer would also see the impact of loss Target Price: Rs3,512
in sales from 5 brands (Lyrica, Amlogard, Daxid, Viagra, Fumycin and Dilantin), which are part of the
divestment that Pfizer India will make as part of the proposed merger of Mylan and Upjohn. These Downside: 19%
brands are currently part of reported revenue as the transaction is not yet closed. These brands
Vishal Manchanda
1QFY21 Result Update
Margins (%) 4QFY18 1QFY19 2QFY19 3QFY19 4QFY19 1QFY20 2QFY20 3QFY20 4QFY20 1QFY21
Gross Profit 62.7 64.0 61.0 65.6 65.7 64.9 63.1 62.7 61.9 65.5
EBITDA 26.6 25.4 25.0 30.0 28.2 30.5 29.0 24.8 21.7 36.2
EBIT 23.3 21.8 21.6 26.6 24.9 25.9 24.5 20.2 16.0 30.9
PBT 29.3 27.8 28.6 39.0 31.4 32.1 32.0 30.6 24.3 33.7
PAT 20.1 17.9 18.4 25.7 20.4 20.7 27.2 25.8 20.5 24.2
Source: Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities Research
2 Pfizer
In s titu tio n a l E q u itie s
Financial statements
it 1: Exhibit 4: Income statement Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Cash flow
Y/E March (Rsmn) FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21E FY22E Y/E March (Rsmn) FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21E FY22E
Net sales 19,802 20,815 21,517 23,668 26,035 PBT 5,479 6,599 6,425 6,578 7,952
% growth (3.0) 5.1 3.4 10.0 10.0 (Inc.)/dec. in working capital 708 -2,202 -229 -404 -691
Raw material costs 7,397 7,479 7,924 8,521 9,373
Cash flow from operations 6,187 4,397 6,196 6,174 7,261
Staff costs 3,143 3,238 3,645 3,937 4,252
Other income -1,169 -1,661 -1,732 -741 -1,061
Other expenses 4,259 4,446 4,222 4,363 4,508
Total expenditure 14,799 15,163 15,791 16,820 18,132 Depreciation 663 714 1,032 1,012 1,012
EBITDA 5,003 5,652 5,726 6,848 7,903 Tax paid (-) -1,878 -2,309 -1,334 -1,656 -2,001
% growth 43.3 13.0 1.3 19.6 15.4 Net cash from operations 3,803 1,018 4,141 4,789 5,211
EBITDA margin (%) 25.3 27.2 26.6 28.9 30.4 Capital expenditure (-) -1,015 -76 -1,921 717 -858
Other income 1,143 1,674 1,840 838 1,158 Net cash after capex 2,787 942 2,220 5,506 4,353
Interest costs 4.2 12.9 108.5 96.9 96.9 Other investment activities 680 1,535 1,390 838 1,158
Gross profit 12,405 13,336 13,593 15,148 16,662
Cash from financial activities -980 -1,052 -555 -15,194 -554
% growth (0.4) 7.5 1.9 11.4 10.0
Change in cash balance 2,487 1,425 3,056 -8,849 4,956
Depreciation 663 714 1,032 1,012 1,012
Profit before tax 5,479 6,599 6,425 6,578 7,952 Opening cash balance 15,231 17,719 19,143 22,199 13,350
% growth 6.0 20.4 (2.6) 2.4 20.9 Closing cash balance 17,718 19,144 22,199 13,350 18,306
Tax 1,878 2,309 1,334 1,656 2,001 Source: Company, Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities Research
Effective tax rate (%) 34 35 21 25 25
Net profit 3,601 4,291 5,091 4,922 5,950
% growth 6.9 19.2 18.7 (3.3) 20.9
Adjusted EPS (Rs) 78.7 93.8 111.3
Exhibit 7: Key ratios
% growth 6.9 19.2 18.7 (3.3) 20.9 Y/E March FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21E FY22E
Source: Company, Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities Research Profitability & return ratios
bit 2: EBITDA margin (%) 25.3 27.2 26.6 28.9 30.4
it 3: Exhibit 6: Balance sheet EBIT margin (%) 21.9 23.7 21.8 24.7 26.5
Net profit margin (%) 18.2 20.6 23.7 20.8 22.9
Y/E March (Rsmn) FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21E FY22E
RoE (%) 14.1 15.1 15.9 17.1 22.4
Equity 458 458 458 458 458
RoCE (%) 17.0 17.3 14.6 20.2 26.0
Reserves 26,375 29,656 33,497 23,323 28,816
Working capital & Liquidity ratios
Net worth 26,832 30,113 33,955 23,780 29,273
Receivables (days) 25 29 29 28 27
Total loans 25 25 25 25 25
Inventory (days) 153 167 188 191 189
Deferred tax liabilities 146 22 0 0 0
Payables (days) 220 227 199 183 165
Other non-current liabilities 378 347 1,366 1,366 1,366
Working capital days -42 -32 19 36 51
Total liabilities 27,381 30,508 35,345 25,171 30,664
Current ratio (x) 2.6 2.8 3.2 3.0 2.8
Fixed assets including CWIP 825 714 2,153 424 269
Quick ratio (x) 2.2 2.4 2.8 2.5 2.2
Goodwill & intangible Assets 8,351 7,824 7,274 7,274 7,274
Valuation ratios
Long-term loans & advances 433 318 319 319 319
EV/Sales (x) 9.1 8.6 8.2 7.8 6.9
Other non-current assets 3,123 3,377 3,826 3,826 3,826
EV/EBITDA (x) 36.2 31.8 30.8 27.1 22.8
Inventories 2,971 3,867 4,306 4,630 5,093
P/E (x) 55.2 46.3 39.0 40.4 33.4
Debtors 1,548 1,717 1,720 1,850 2,035
P/BV (x) 7.4 6.6 5.9 8.4 6.8
Cash and cash equivalents 507 738 17,638 12,638 12,638
Bank balance 17,211 18,405 4,561 712 5,668 Source: Company, Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities Research
Other current assets 1,793 2,303 1,906 1,906 1,906
Total current assets 24,030 27,030 30,131 21,736 27,340
Creditors 4,956 4,359 4,268 4,260 4,218
Other current liabilities/provisions 4,563 4,533 4,441 4,499 4,499
Total current liabilities 9,519 8,892 8,709 8,759 8,717
Net current assets 14,511 18,138 21,422 12,977 18,624
Asset held for sale 137 137 352 352 352
Total assets 27,380 30,508 35,345 25,171 30,664
Source: Company, Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities Research
3 Pfizer
In s titu tio n a l E q u itie s
PE Chart
PE Mean 1SD -1SD 2SD -2SD
Rating track
Date Rating Market price Target price (Rs)
14 December 2018 Accumulate 2,772 2,737
25 January 2019 Accumulate 2,681 2,963
5 April 2019 Accumulate 3,251 2,963
29 May 2019 Sell 3,281 3,181
13 August 2019 Accumulate 2,920 3,181
23 September 2019 Buy 3,288 3,886
29 October 2019 Accumulate 3,495 3,886
17 February 2020 Sell 4,193 3,886
27 March 2020 Accumulate 3,892 4,287
23 April 2020 Accumulate 4,178 4,287
22 June 2020 Sell 4,082 3,512
28 July 2020 Sell 4,343 3,512
4 Pfizer
In s titu tio n a l E q u itie s
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5 Pfizer
In s titu tio n a l E q u itie s
Stock Ratings Absolute Returns
BUY> 15%
SELL< -5%
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6 Pfizer