FA2020 - ENE505 - L7 - The Power Grid
FA2020 - ENE505 - L7 - The Power Grid
FA2020 - ENE505 - L7 - The Power Grid
Kelly T. Sanders
September 28, 2020
Power Sector Trends
(1 Quad = 1 quadrillion
BTU = 11015 BTU)
Combined-Cycle (Combustion Turbine + Steam Turbine Part) 16% + 8% = 24% 21% + 10% = 31%
Hydraulic Turbine 7% 7%
Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.
ENE505 15
Gas Turbine Systems Have a Typical Efficiency
of 30-40%
Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.
ENE505 19
Real power plants are more complicated
Source: “Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems”
Efficiency : h < 1
Rate is NOT a units
conversion, it is a
Outgoing Electrical Energy [BTU] < Incoming Fuel Energy [BTU]
combination of an
efficiency AND a
Incoming Fuel Energy [BTU] 3412 [BTU]
Heat Rate = units conversion
Outgoing Electrical Energy [BTU] 1 [kWh]
Incoming Outgoing
Fuel [BTU]
Power Plant Electricity
Fuel [BTU]
Power Plant Electricity
– Examples: Huge coal & nuclear power plants [The huge semi truck]
• “Load-following” EGUs
– Characteristics in-between Baseload and Peaking, medium capacity
– Can be operated to react to predictable changes in demand (i.e.,
shifting demand across day and night, season to season)
– Examples: Natural Gas Combined Cycles or Hydroelectric
• “Peaking” EGUs: Small sources that are easy to turn on/off
– “fast ramping”; can be turned up and down VERY fast to meet quick
changes in demand; VERY low capacity factors
– hydroelectric, natural gas combustion turbines
• Other sources (wind, solar) must be squeezed in with the rest
– Intermittent sources are currently limited to ~10-20% of total system
capacity because we can’t control when the sun shines/ wind blows
– Storage would really help with RE integration
Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.
ENE505 28
Capacity Factors indicate how often and/or how
intensely a power plant runs
• The Capacity Factor of a power plant is the ratio of its actual power
output over a period of time, to its maximum potential output if it
were operating at its full nameplate capacity indefinitely.
• Reflects
– operational characteristics: are generators baseload (high), load-following
(medium), peaking (VERY low)
– Fuel availability in the case of intermittent renewable energy generators
like wind and solar panels
[Sanders 2012]
“Transmission” is more
efficient w/ high
voltages [DC power]
“Distribution” is easier
with low voltage AC
~5-10% of electricity
that enters lines is lost
along the way