FA2020 - ENE505 - L7 - The Power Grid

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Lecture 7: The Power Grid

Kelly T. Sanders
September 28, 2020
Power Sector Trends

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 2
The fuel mix for the power sector is diverse and
changing relatively quickly
• Coal-fired power generation is
• Natural gas generation is
• Nuclear & hydro are stable
• Wind and Solar PV are
growing fast

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 3
Only 13.3 of the 38 Quads (35%) used to generate electricity
was actually delivered to end-use sectors in 2019
• Primary Energy: natural gas, coal, uranium, wind, solar • 61% conversion
radiation, biomass losses
• 2% to internal power
• Secondary Energy: The amount of primary energy that
plant uses
the electric sector consumed in primary energy (~38
• 2% T&D losses
Quad) is MUCH different than the amount of electricity
• 35% made it to end-
that is generated (~4100 billion kWh) which is greater
than the amount of electricity that is consumed (~3900
billion kWh)

(1 Quad = 1 quadrillion
BTU = 11015 BTU)

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 4
The Power Sector represents ~37% of US primary
energy consumption

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 5
Most electricity is distributed to residential,
commercial and industrial sectors

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 6
2/3 of the world’s electricity is from fossil fuels
Source of World World US US
Electricity 2017 2019 2017 2019
Electricity Generation from
Fossil Fuels:
Coal 38% 38% 30% 24% • World 2017: 66%
• World 2019: 64%
Natural 23% 23% 32% 38%
• US 2017: 63%
Oil 5% 3% <1% <1%
• US 2019: 62%
Nuclear 10% 10% 20% 20%

Hydropow 16% 16% 8% 7%


Renewabl 8% 10% 8% 11%


Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 7
Power Plants
What are the fuels used for electricity generation? What
are the technologies? What role does each type of
power plant play in the grid?

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 8
Major power plants in the U.S.
• Natural gas turbines
– 10 kW to 1200 MW (typical 100-500 MW)
• Coal boilers
– typical size is 250-500 MW
– 1-4 boilers per power plant
– hundreds of power plants in the United States
• Nuclear reactors
– 450-1350 MW each
– 1-3 reactors per power plant
– largest reactors are at the South Texas Project
(2.6 GW) and Palo Verde (3.875 GW) in Arizona
• Hydroelectric Dams
– Largest in the U.S.: 6.8 GW (Grand Coulee Dam)
– Largest in the World: 22.5 GW (Three Gorges Source: STP
Dam, China)

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 9
Most electricity generated around the world is made in
thermoelectric power plants that use heat, generated by
primary energy, to boil water to make high pressure steam
• Thermoelectric vs non-thermoelectric
– Thermoelectric or thermal power generation: heat is used to create
a high pressured steam or gas that spins a turbine
– Examples of Non-thermoelectric Prime Movers: Solar Photovoltaics,
Fuel Cells, Compressed Air Energy Storage
• A prime mover is a machine/ technology that converts fuel to
useful work
– Turbines = the most common type of prime movers, that convert fuel
(e.g. high-pressure gas, steam, wind, water, etc.) to mechanical
energy to a rotating shaft, which connects to a generator that makes
– Non-thermoelectric power generators, such as wind turbines
and hydropower also use turbines

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 10
Combined Cycle (CC) Electricity
(Combustion Part) CC Generation
(Steam Part)
by Prime
Mover* in
Turbines 2012
Wind (Onshore)
Combustion (NG)

Steam turbines *A Prime Mover is

(Includes fossil fuels, nuclear, geothermal, a technology that
steam solar with steam cycle) converts an energy
source/ fuel into
useful work
Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.
9/28/2020 Source: EIA.gov 923 Form ENE505 11
US Electricity Generation by Prime Mover (as a %) US Generation in 2012 US Generation in 2019

Steam Turbine (Thermoelectric) 62% 48%

Combined-Cycle (Combustion Turbine + Steam Turbine Part) 16% + 8% = 24% 21% + 10% = 31%
Hydraulic Turbine 7% 7%

Wind Turbine, Onshore 4% 7%

Combustion (Gas) Turbine (including jet engine design) 3% 3%

Combined-Cycle Single-Shaft Combustion

1% 1%
(turbine and steam turbine share one generator)

Internal Combustion (diesel, piston) Engine 0.2% 0.4%

Solar Photovoltaic 0.1% 2%

Turbines Used in a Binary Cycle

0.1% 0.1%
(e.g. geothermal applications)

Other 0.01% 0.01%

Fuel Cell 0.004% 0.004%

Energy Storage, Concentrated Solar Power 0.001% 0.02%

Compressed Air Energy Storage 0.000% 0.000%

Pumped Storage -0.1% -0.1%

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 12
There are several typical thermoelectric power
cycles that use steam and/or combustion turbine
prime movers
• Steam turbine driven (Rankine Cycle)
– Uses boilers to create steam from heat (from coal, gas, petroleum,
wood, nuclear reactors)
– [The big semi trucks of the power grid. Slow!]
• Combustion Gas turbines (Brayton Cycle)
– Burns high-pressure natural gas directly in turbine
– [The sports car of the power grid. Quick but inefficient!]
• Combined Cycle (Combines Rankine + Brayton)
– Burns natural gas directly in gas turbine [Brayton]
– Uses waste heat in exhaust to create steam [Rankine]
– [The trusty economical cars of the grid; pretty efficient, so-so
acceleration and deceleration]
• Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
• Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC)
Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.
ENE505 13
A steam cycle plant uses steam (thermal energy) to
move a turbine (mechanical energy) that drives an
electrical generator

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 14
The Rankine or Simple Steam cycle is used for
~2/3 of our electricity generation
Images: "Rankine cycle" by Andrew
Ainsworth & mpoweruk.com


Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.
ENE505 15
Gas Turbine Systems Have a Typical Efficiency
of 30-40%

Source: “Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems,” Masters

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 16
Combined Cycle Systems Have a 40-60%
Source: “Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems,” Masters

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 17
Natural Gas can be used in most of these cycles

• NGCT = Natural Gas Combustion Turbine

• NGST = Natural Gas Steam Turbine
– Natural Gas Boiler
• NGCC = Natural Gas Combined Cycle
• NGCHP = Natural Gas Combined Heat
and Power

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 18
Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) turns
solid fuels (e.g. Coal) into gas to run a combined

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.
ENE505 19
Real power plants are more complicated
Source: “Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems”

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 20
Heat Rates Are A Convenient Way to Assess
A Power plant’s Efficiency
Outgoing Electrical Energy [BTU] = Incoming Fuel Energy [BTU] ´ h

Efficiency : h < 1
Rate is NOT a units
conversion, it is a
Outgoing Electrical Energy [BTU] < Incoming Fuel Energy [BTU]
combination of an
efficiency AND a
Incoming Fuel Energy [BTU] 3412 [BTU]
Heat Rate = units conversion
Outgoing Electrical Energy [BTU] 1 [kWh]

Incoming Fuel Energy [BTU]

Heat Rate =
Outgoing Electrical Energy [kWh]

Incoming Outgoing
Fuel [BTU]
Power Plant Electricity

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 21
Heat Rates Are A Convenient Way to Assess
A Power Plant’s Efficiency
Year Fossil Fuel [BTU/kWh] Nuclear [BTU/kWh] Geothermal [BTU/kWh]

1949 15,033 --- ---

1980 10,388 10,908 21,639

1990 10,402 10,582 21,098

2000 10,201 10,429 21,017

2007 9,919 10,434 21,017

Source: EIA AER 2008, Table A6

Fuel [BTU]
Power Plant Electricity

Heat Rates Decrease with time = efficiency improves with time

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.
9/28/2020 LOW heat rates are BETTER than HIGH heat rates
ENE505 22
Heat rate indicates how efficiently a power plant
converts primary energy into finished electricity
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑑
Heat Rate=
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑒𝑑

8,330,000 𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐵𝑇𝑈 𝐵𝑇𝑈

Heat Rate NG = = 7,424
1122 𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐾𝑊ℎ 𝐾𝑊ℎ

The average natural gas fired power plant uses

much less primary energy to generate a unit of
electricity than a nuclear power plant

8,750,000 𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐵𝑇𝑈 𝐵𝑇𝑈

Heat Rate Nuclear = = 10,978
797 𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐾𝑊ℎ 𝐾𝑊ℎ

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 23
The heat rates of the natural gas fleet has gone down
substantially over time because of combined cycle plants
Note: LOW heat rates are BETTER than HIGH
heat rates

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 24
Electricity Grid: How do we pick (“dispatch”)
the power plants that run to meet our time-
changing electricity demand?

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 25
Each power plant has its own role in the grid’s
generation mix for meeting time changing demand
Peaking power plants: Really fast to
accelerate up and down; can respond to
quick changes in demand (the sports

Load-following power plants: Can

respond to predictable changes in
demand (the trusty sedans)

Baseload power plants: Really slow to

turn up and down, but are huge
generators of electricity (the semi trucks)

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 26
Our electricity demand changes according to season, diurnal cycle, day
of the week, etc.: most changes are very predictable, but small
adjustments need to be made in real-time to make sure power demand
= power supply
CL = Coal
NG= Natural Gas
OCGT= open-cycle gas turbine
NGIC= internal combustion gas turbine
OT = Once-through cooled
RC = recirculating cooled Peaking
NA = no cooling system power
ST = steam turbine
CC = combined cycle
CT= combustion turbine
HY= hydro turbine


Baseload power plants

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.
ENE505 27
Electricity Generating Units (EGUs) are
dispatched to meet time-varying demand based
on their characteristics
• “Baseload” EGUs: High capacity factor sources that are hard to
turn on and off; cheap to operate
– Limited by how fast they can “ramp up” [turn up] and “ramp down”
Power Plants

– Examples: Huge coal & nuclear power plants [The huge semi truck]
• “Load-following” EGUs
– Characteristics in-between Baseload and Peaking, medium capacity
– Can be operated to react to predictable changes in demand (i.e.,
shifting demand across day and night, season to season)
– Examples: Natural Gas Combined Cycles or Hydroelectric
• “Peaking” EGUs: Small sources that are easy to turn on/off

– “fast ramping”; can be turned up and down VERY fast to meet quick
changes in demand; VERY low capacity factors
– hydroelectric, natural gas combustion turbines
• Other sources (wind, solar) must be squeezed in with the rest
– Intermittent sources are currently limited to ~10-20% of total system
capacity because we can’t control when the sun shines/ wind blows
– Storage would really help with RE integration
Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.
ENE505 28
Capacity Factors indicate how often and/or how
intensely a power plant runs
• The Capacity Factor of a power plant is the ratio of its actual power
output over a period of time, to its maximum potential output if it
were operating at its full nameplate capacity indefinitely.

𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡

• 𝐶𝐹 =
𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑁𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 ∗ 8760 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠/𝑦𝑟

• Reflects
– operational characteristics: are generators baseload (high), load-following
(medium), peaking (VERY low)
– Fuel availability in the case of intermittent renewable energy generators
like wind and solar panels

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 29
Average Capacity Factors By CF is a function:
Fuel (EIA AER)
1. Reliability
2. Use
3. Fuel

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 30
However, capacity factors of all technologies
can vary seasonally due to electric heating and
cooling trends (e.g., here in Utah)

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 31
Power Plants are dispatched in the order of
least marginal cost
•Power plants dispatched so that supply = demand
• Marginal Cost = VOM + HR 𝗑 FC
– VOM = Variable Operations and Maintenance Costs ($/MWh)
– HR = Heat Rate (MMBTU/ MWh)
– FC = Fuel Cost ($/MMBTU)

[Sanders 2012]

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

9/28/2020 Capacity (MW)
ENE505 32
Downward shifts in natural gas prices have
decarbonized and dewatered the grid

[Sanders, Blackhurst, and Webber 2013]

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 33
The Electric Grid

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 34
Our current system was designed for a one-way
flow of electricity and information

Traditional Centralized Power System

1. Information & electricity move in one direction via centralized control
2. Very little storage available to buffer supply-demand balancing
3. Power plants are very responsive, while end-users are very passive grid participants
4. Power supply is relatively dirty and vulnerable to water-related disruptions

Consumer demands electricity

(apathetic to how much or when) Signal sent to power plants to adjust generation
one-way Information flow

one-way power flow

End user receives

Power plants turn up or down
to meet instantaneous
Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.
ENE505 35
Today, our grid is aging and vulnerable to
disruptions. It needs innovation….fast
Characteristics of our current grid:
• A grid operator has to balance instantaneous electricity supply to meet instantaneous electricity
demand at every second of the day
• Electrons typically move in a one-way direction from power plants through transmission lines (high
voltage), than distribution lines (lower voltage), to the electricity customer
• Electrons in the power lines are from a large set of power plants. There is no way to tell the individual
power plants that are providing your electricity in most electricity markets.
• Up until recently, our power plants were easy to control (i.e., turn up, turn down or turn off), which made
this system relatively easy to manage for grid operators.
• Outages can occur when: electricity supply ≠ electricity demand
• Information such as outages are not precise. If a line is broken, typically a customer has to report it.
Challenges for the future grid:
• Some sources are not easy to control (e.g.
wind & solar panels), making balancing
supply and demand difficult (without energy
• Storage is still expensive
• We would like electrons to move in two
directions (from grid to home, from home to
grid) when a customer can generate their
own energy

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 36
The US has several reliability councils to
maintain grid operation, and many balancing
There are 3 grids: East, West, Texas
authorities to balance regional supply and
demand • Very little electricity flows across (although
some does)

There are 6 regional entities responsible

for maintaining reliability

There are many balancing authorities

that balance supply and demand

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

9/28/2020 Source: DoE
ENE505 37
Electricity Grid: How do we move the electrons
from power plants to where electricity is
demanded (e.g., our homes, businesses, and

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 38
Battle of AC vs

“Transmission” is more
efficient w/ high
voltages [DC power]

“Distribution” is easier
with low voltage AC

~5-10% of electricity
that enters lines is lost
along the way

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

Image source: Boyle ENE505 39
AC vs. DC Grids Revisited
• The great grid battle of the 1880s
– Westinghouse backed AC
– Edison backed DC
• AC Grids are more efficient over short distances
– AC voltages are easy to step-up and step-down w/ transformers
– AC voltages are more likely to arc lines to ground
• induces losses (and risks)
• need high-elevation lines: the higher the voltage, the higher the lines
• need to keep the three lines separated
• DC lines: Over long distances high-voltage DC lines have
lower losses than AC
– DC voltages are more difficult to step up and down
– High voltage (~500kV) DC lines have lower losses over 1500+ km
– Can use a single pole because of lack of arcing concerns
• Requires a narrower right-of-way
– Solar panels and batteries typically use DC and then require a converter to get to AC
(should we change this as we use more solar/batteries?)

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 40
Transmission lines and distribution lines are both
used to carry electricity from one place to the other
• 10,000’s of power generators (note one
power plant might have several
• High Voltage Transmission:
– ~160,000 miles
– Rural
– 69 kV to 765 kV
– Lines in pairs (DC) or three phase current
– Less than 1% of transmission is underground
• Low Voltage Distribution:
– ~5.5 million miles
– Urban
– < 69 kV
• The grid structure helps maintain the
reliability of the power system by providing
multiple routes for power to flow and by
allowing generators to supply electricity to
many load centers.
– This redundancy helps prevent transmission
line or power plant failures from causing
interruptions in service.
Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.
ENE505 41
Traditional transmission infrastructure
challenges are expensive
• Siting difficulties
• Land-owner pushback (NIMBY)
• Regulation hurdles (especially cross-state)
• Costly delays:
– Siting & permitting: 5 to 7 years
– Construction: 2 to 3 years
– Can be as bad as 16 years from start to finish
• Blackouts:
– Weather (60% of outages in 2010)
– Blackouts cost Americans $150 billion each year
– Hurricane Sandy and Nor’easter costs for response and restoration: $350
to $450 million
• Transmission Construction Is Expensive
– Rule of thumb: ~$1,000,000/mile
– Tree trimming (+$10,000 to $20,000 per mile)
Source: Tennessee Valley Authority 2012; NERC 2011, DOE 2010

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 42
Underground transmission might reduce some
problems with overhead transmission… but it has other
• UG is more expensive to
Underground Overhead
build, cheaper to operate
Capital Costs $1.5-10M/mile $0.2-2M/mile • UG fails less often, but
takes longer to recover
Operational Generally lower than Generally higher
Costs OH than UG • How do we find the
broken part of the UG
Vulnerability Flooding Wind line?
Failure Rate Generally lower than Generally higher
• OH is vulnerable to wind,
OH than UG UG is vulnerable to
Resiliency Generally lower than Generally higher
OH than UG

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 43
The Grid is a Massive Engineering

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 44
…but, a squirrel can bring the grid down

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.

ENE505 45
“The grid is the largest supply chain with zero
inventory” - Don Sadoway, MIT

August 14, 2003 (Pre-Blackout)

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.
ENE505 46
“The grid is the largest supply chain with zero
inventory” - Don Sadoway, MIT

August 15, 2003 (Post-Blackout)

Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.
ENE505 47
Kelly T. Sanders, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
[email protected]

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