Small Ruminant Fasciolosis in Jimma Area of South Western Ethiopia: Its Epidemiology and Minimum Monetary Loss
Small Ruminant Fasciolosis in Jimma Area of South Western Ethiopia: Its Epidemiology and Minimum Monetary Loss
Small Ruminant Fasciolosis in Jimma Area of South Western Ethiopia: Its Epidemiology and Minimum Monetary Loss
ISSN 1992-6197
© IDOSI Publications, 2012
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.gv.2012.9.5.66213
Jimma University, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, P.O. Box: 307, Jimma, Ethiopia
Abstract: A cross sectional tudy was conducted from November 2011 to March 2012 on 512 animals (384 sheep
and 128 goats) from Jimma and surrounding districts based on coprological and postmortem examinations.
The objectives of the study were to estimate the prevalence of fasciolosis, assess associated risk factors,
identify Fasciola speciecs, estimate monetary loss due to liver condemnation and estimate sensetivity of
sedimentation techinique for detection of Fasciola eggs. An overall prevalences of 13.3% (14.6% in sheep and
9.4% in goats) and 24.0% (26.3% in sheep and 17.2% in goats) were recorded by coprology and postmortem
examinations, respectively. The prevalence of fasciolosis was 1.72, 3.00 and 4.42 times higher in sheep than
goats, animals with less or equal to two years than those above 4 years old and poor conditioned compared
to those with good body condition score, respectively. Both species of Fasciola were recovered from
sheep and goats of all study areas; F. hepatica being predominant (12.3%) compared to F. gigantica (4.3%).
The sensitivity of the sedimentation technique to detect Fasciola eggs was 55.28% in relation to postmortem
examination of fresh liver and a substantial agreement (kappa = 0.653) was obtained between the two tests.
The minimum annual monetary loss from liver condemnation alone was 21,045.90 Ethiopian Birr (1,238.00 USD
with 1 USD = 17.00 ETB). Study on eocnomic and public health implication of the parsite together with
molecular typing of specices circulating in the area are recommended.
Key words: Fasciolosis Epidemiology Small ruminant Monetary loss Jimma Ethiopia
Corresponding Author: Worku Tigre, Jimma University, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine,
P.O. Box: 307, Jimma, Ethiopia.
Global Veterinaria, 9 (5): 635-641, 2012
small ruminants’ liver condemnation and to estimate the Ante Mortem Examination: During ante mortem
sensitivity of sedimentation technique to diagnose examination, identification numbers were given to the
fasciolosis in relation to postmortem inspection of liver. study animals and their ages were recorded by looking the
appearance of the incisor teeth [11]. Body Condition
MATERIALS AND METHODS Score of the study animals was made by the method of
previous workers [12]. Then, before slaughtering of
Study Area and Period: The study was conducted from selected animals, fresh fecal sample was collected
November, 2011 to March, 2012 in Jimma town and the directly from rectum and kept in separate glass or
surrounding districts namely: Dedo, Kersa, Mana and plastic container with individual animal identification
Seka. Jimma town, the capital of Jimma zone is located in number.
Oromia Regional Administration at 352km south west of
Addis Ababa at a latitude of 7°41' N and longitude of Faecal Examination for Detection of Fasciola Eggs:
36°50' E. During the study period, the area received a The collected fecal samples were taken to parasitology
mean annual rain fall of about 1530mm which comes from laboratory of the school of veterinary medicine of Jimma
long and short rainy seasons. The average minimum and University and examined using standard sedimentation
maximum annual temperatures were 7°C and 30°C, technique [13]. Coprological examinations were made
respectively. Agriculture is the livelihood for more than within 24 hours [14]. To differentiate between eggs of
90% of the population in rural community of the zone. paramphistomum species and fasciola species, a drop of
The main agricultural system is mixed crop livestock methylene blue solution was added to the sediment.
production and animals are mainly produced in an Eggs of fasciola species show yellowish brown with an
extensive system [2]. indistinct operculum and embryonic cells, while eggs of
paramphistomum species is large and show transparent
Study Animals and Study Design: The study animal were egg shell with distinct operculum and clear embryonic
local breeds of 384 sheep and 128 goats brought from the cells [13].
study areas to Jimma abattoir and main hotels in Jimma
town for slaughter. All animals were managed under Postmortem Examination of Fresh Liver: All animals from
extensive management system. A cross-sectional study which fecal sample taken were followed for postmortmen
was the used design. It involves categorization of the examination. During the postmortem examination, livers
study population according to their specific geographic were examined visually and by palpation of the entire
origin (district), body condition score (BCS), sex and age organ. Then, it was followed by transverse incision of the
to estimate the prevalence of fasciolosis and assess the liver across the thin left lob in order to confirm the case
associated potential risk factors. [15].
Sample Size Determination and Sampling Method: Sample Collection, Processing and Parasitological
The sample size for the study was calculated using Examination: One hunred twenty three positive livers
the formula given earlier [10] with 95% confidence (101 from sheep and 22 from goats) were collected
interval (CI) and 5% absolute level of precision as follows: separately into ice box with ID number of the animal
N = (1.962xPexp (1-P exp))/d2 where: N= sample size, Pexp= and transported to parasitology laboratory of school
expected prevalence (50%) and d = desired level of of veterinary medicine of Jimma University. Then, livers
precision (5%). Since there was no study conducted in and gall bladders were subjected to thorough
this area on small ruminant fasciolosis, 50% expected investigation for parasite count and species identification.
prevalence was taken. Accordingly, the sample size was The fluke recovery, count and specices identification
determined to be 768 animals (384 sheep and 384 goats). were made as recommended eailer [16, 17]. Briefly, the
But, due to the fact that, few goats were brought for gall bladder was removed and washed to screen out
slaughter during the study period, only 512 animals mature flukes. The liver was cut into slices of about 1cm
(384 sheep and 128 goats) were included in this study. thick and put in a metal trough of warm water to allow
The study animals were randomly selected from all sheep mature flukes lodged in smaller bile ducts to escape and
and goats brought for slaughtering at the Jimma abattoir then the heads of the flukes were counted. Identification
and selected hotels in Jimma town on the dates of visit to of the species involved was carried out using the size
both of them. parameters.
Global Veterinaria, 9 (5): 635-641, 2012
Estimation of the Monetary Losses from Liver Prevalence of Small Ruminant Fasciolosis as Influenced
Condemnation: The monetary loss was estimated based by Different Risk Factors: The prevalence of fasciolosis
on liver condemnation due to fasciolosis [18, 19] as was significantly influenced by species, age and BCS of
follows: LLC = NPSS x POF x CSL + NPGS x PGF x CGL the small ruminants included in this study (Table 2).
where: LLC = loss due to liver condemnation, NPSS =
annual slaughter rate of sheep, POF = prevalence of Fluke Burden and Species of Fasciola: The mean fluke
ovine fasciolosis (prevalence of liver condemnation due burden was 49 with respective minimum and maximum of
to fasciolosis), CSL = average cost of sheep liver, NPGS 3 and 95 flukes per infected liver. Of the 512 examined
= annual slaughter rate of goats, PGF = prevalence of goat livers, 5.4, 10.9 and 7.6% had fluke counts between 1-20,
fasciolosis and CGL = cost of goat liver. All affected 21-49 and 50-95, respectively. As indicated in Table 3, the
livers were condemned since partial approval was not overall prevalence of F. hepatic was 12.3% followed by
practiced in the abattoir. An interview was made with that of F. gigantica (4.3%).
15 retailers of offal produced at Jimma municipality
abattoir and 9 individuals working for three hotels in Sensetivity of Sedimentation Method for Detection of
Jimma town to obtain information on the average price of Fasciola Eggs: From the 123 small ruminats that had
a liver from sheep and goats. Accordingly, the average flukes in their livers, only 68 showed Fasciola eggs in
market price of sheep and goat liver was found to be 6.00 their feces. The sensitivity of a single coprological
ETB. Annual small ruminant slaughter rate in Jimma town examination by sedimentation was 55.28%. There was
was obtained from the record kept by the abattoir and substantial agreement between the two tests (k = 0.653)
interview with employers of the main hotels in the town (Table 4).
on the number of sheep and goats they slaughter. As a
result, a minimum of 10,950 sheep and 3,650 goats were Monetary Loss Assessment Result: Annual minimum
reported to be slaughtered per year. monetary loss from liver condemination due to small
ruminant fasciolosis was 21,045.9 ETB (i.e. 10,950
Statistical Analysis: Data were entered in Microsoft slaughter rate of sheep x 0.263 prevalence of sheep
Excel 2007 spreadsheet and analyzed using SPSS fasciolosis x 6.00 ETB cost of one sheep liver + 3,650
statistical software package version 16.0. Descriptive slaughter rate of goats x 0.172 prevalence of goat
statistics were computed as appropriate. Origin, species, fasciolosis x 6.00 ETB cost of a liver of goat =21,045.9
sex, age and body condition score of the small ruminants ETB).
were the major independent variables. The association of
these variables with the prevalence of fasciolosis was DISCUSSION
assessed by logistic regression and Chi-squire test on the
basis of postmortem examination result as it detects best Prevalences of ovine and caprine fasciolosis were
than coprology. The sensitivity of the direct 26.3 and 17.2%, respectively with overall prevalence of
sedimentation technique was calculated by taking 24.0% by postmortem examination of livers. About thirty
postmortem inspection of liver as gold standard. Kappa percent [21] and 32.9% [22] ovine fasciolosis and 15.9%
coefficient was used to compare the agreement between caprine fasciolosis [22] were reported from different parts
coprology and post mortem examination for diagnosis of of Ethiopia. Similarly, a prevalence of 20.93 ovine
fasciolosis. The kappa value was interprated as: fasciolosis and 12.26% caprine fasciolosis was reported
agreement by chance (K< 0), slight agreement (K = 0.01- from Quetta, Pakistan [17]. Higher prevalence of small
0.20), fair agreement (K= 0.21-0.40), moderate agreement ruminant fasciolosis have been reported from different
(K= 0.41-0.60), susbistantial agreement (K= 0.61-0.80) parts of Ethiopia. A prevalence of 56.56% ovine
and almost perfect agreement (K=0.81-0.99) [20]. A value fasciolosis was reported from the irrigation areas of upper
of P<0.05 was considered significant at 95% confidence Awash river basin [13]. Moreover, a prevalence of 49%
interval. was reported in sheep from Dawa-Chaffa –Kemissie [23]
and Holeta [24] areas of Ethiopia. These findings show
RESULTS that fasciolosis is a prevalent and endemic problem of
small ruminants in different parts of Ethiopia. The
Prevalence: Summary of the prevalence of fasciolosis in prevalence of fasciolosis is a function of the local climatic
sheep and goats obtained by coprology and postmortem condition, availability of permanent water and other
examinations is presented in Table 1. agricultural and livestock management practices that
Global Veterinaria, 9 (5): 635-641, 2012
Table 1: Over all prevalence of fasciolosis in sheep and goats slaughtered in Jimma town
Examination method and prevalence
Coprology Postmortem
------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
Species (examined number) Positive (%) 95 % CI Positive (%) 95 % CI
Sheep (384) 56 (14.6) 11.4-18.5 101 (26.3) 22.2-30.9
Goat (128) 12 (9.4) 5.5-15.7 22 (17.2) 11.6-24.7
Total (512) 68 (13.3) 10.6-16.5 123 (24.0) 20.5-27.9
Global Veterinaria, 9 (5): 635-641, 2012
Table 4: Sensetivity of coprological examination for detection of A study on fluke count revealed a mean fluke
Fasciola eggs burden of 49 per infected liver. This implies high
Postmortem examination pathogenicity of liver flukes and significant economic
---------------------------------- importance in the study area. More than 40 and 50 flukes
Fecal examination Positive Negative Total Kappa per liver indicate a high pathogenicity in small ruminants
Positive 68 0 68 0.653 and cattle, respectively [16]. Significant production
Negative 55 389 444 losses also reported in infections with 30 flukes per liver
Total 123 389 512 [30, 31].
In the current study, the sensitivity of sedimentation
influence the parasite and/or hosts [25]. These could be technique to detect Fasciola eggs was 55.28%. This is
the reason for the difference in the prevalence of comparable to the reports of 56.7% in Vietnam [32] and
fasciolosis from different parts of Ethiopia. 60% in Switzerland [33]. The low sensitivity of
The result of the present study showed significantly sedimentation method may be attributed partly to the fact
higher prevalence of fasciolosis in sheep compared to that Fasciola eggs only appear in feces 8-15 weeks post
goats similar to earlier reports [17, 22]. This could be due infection [11]. Furthermore, detection of Fasciola eggs is
to the difference in the feeding behavior of the two not reliable during the prepatent period as eggs are
species of animals and the nature of their immunological expelled intermittently depending on the evacuation of the
reaction to the parasite. Sheep are grazers and they graze gall bladder [34].
near the ground, while goats are browsers. Such feeding The 21,045.9 ETB ($1,238.0) financial loss observed in
behaviors increase the chance of exposure for sheep and the present study is relatively lower than the $3,784.52
reduce that of goats [4]. Sheep and cattle couldn’t loss from Modjo Modern Export Abattoir [4] and
develop strong immunity [26] and sheep are thought to $5,8411.26 from Ada Liben district of Ethiopia [35]. This is
acquire little resistance to fasciolosis [27]. due to the fact that most individuals and butchers in
Significantly high prevalence of fasciolosis in sheep Jimma zone slaughter animals, mostly small ruminants, at
and goats under or equal to two years old (47.4%) and the home. In Jimma and surroundig districts, 91.6, 28.0 and
least in those about four years of age (11.2%) were 9.4% householders, butchers and abattior workers were
observed in the current study. Lower prevalence of slaughtering animals outside abattior [36]. Moreover,
gastrointestinal parasites including fasciolosis was fasciolosis also cause significant economic loss due to
reported in older animals [28]. This was suggested to mortality, reduced growth rate, increased susceptibility to
be due to the immunological maturity and development secondary infections and expenses for control measures
of acquired immunity as animals get older. This in addition to the loss from liver condemnation [3]. It is
hypothesis was also supported by different experimental difficult to estimate acurate financial loss only from liver
studies [29]. In the present study, the prevalence of condemnation and using data under reporting on number
fasciolosis was 4.4 times higher in sheep and goats with of animals slaughtered per year. As a result, the current
poor body condition compared to those with good body result showed under estimation of the actual economic
condition score. This might be due to the fact that loss due to fasciolosis in the area.
fasciolosis cause weight loss and emaciation and/or
shoats with poor body conditions are more susceptible to CONCLUSION
the parasite [17].
Both species of Fasciola are infecting sheep and Infection with Fasciola parasite was found to be
goats from all study areas with single or mixed infections common in small ruminants from Jimma and the
as proved in the present study. In Ethiopia, F. hepatica is surrounding districts. The prevalence was significantly
common in areas above 1800 meters above sea level, influenced by species, age and body condition score of
while F. gigantica is predominant in those areas having the small ruminants. Most of the animals were negative for
altitude bellow 1200 meters. The co-existance of both coprological examination by simple sedimentation
specices was reported in areas with altitude ranging technique even though they are infected and found
from 1200 to 1800 meters above sea level [4]. Jimma positive by postmortem examination of the liver. The high
town and surrounding areas have altitudes ranging prevalence of fasciolosis obtained in the present study
from 1710-2110 meter above sea level which enhance clearly indicates the high risk the parasite poses to the
co-existence of both species of Fasciola [2]. economy and public health in Jimma zone. Detailed study
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