What I Need To Know
What I Need To Know
What I Need To Know
MELC: After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. define democracy;
2. explain the different models of democracy;
3. compare and contrast the different models of democracy; and
4. analyze the current state of democracy in the Philippines.
What’s New
Activity 9.1 I-illustrate
Direction: What is democracy? Define in your own words.
What is It
Defining Democracy
derived from the two Greek words, namely, demos (people) and kratos (rule) which means “rule by the people.”
Adheres to the rule pf the people (system of government). It provides people the right to exercise “some form of genuine
control over the government.
Under a democratic government, the protection of individual liberties, the conduct of free elections and the assurance of political
equality are safeguarded by the state. In a democracy, people collectively exercise equal rights to participate in the decision-making
processes. Democracy differs from other forms of government like dictatorship and oligarchy. For example, in a dictatorial form of
government, people do not exercise rights in decision-making. Rather, power is confined to a single individual, called a dictator, who
has an autocratic exercise of political power. In an oligarchic system, power to rule is in the hands of a few people known as oligarchs.
Democracy Models
Helena Catt
1. Participatory Democracy
People rule through the collective discussion of issues that need to be debated. They discuss and take into consideration
as well as the possible solutions to the problem until such time that an arrangement on the best solution or option for the
group is achieved.
In this model of democracy, decisions and solutions are agreed upon and made by all members without resorting to vote.
Examples of this form of democracy include members of a cooperative resolving an issue related to the organization and
American political parties organizing conventions to select their presidential candidate.
Four Major Components of Participatory Democracy
a. All members has the opportunity to raise an issue, provide possible solutions to the problem and take part in the
crafting of the final decision.
b. The issues are discussed during face-to-face meetings.
c. There is much discussion involved in addressing the problem and everyone who wants to join can contribute to the
d. Members want consensus.
2. Direct Democracy
People decide in an assembly or forum of citizens, without conducting an election or using representatives.
It has an element of proximity because people assemble in a particular venue. It also has an element of directness
because people decide for their community together and directly without the use of formal mediation.
Example of this model include sports club or condominium owners who vote on the new sports club or condominium
Refers to a vote on a particular issue in which the outcome or decision is reached directly through people’s vote. The
decision can be made by representatives of the people or anyone else aside from voting citizens.
3. Representative Democracy
Requires the election of a few members who are responsible for making the necessary decisions for the people. These
people are chosen by the electorate as their representatives in government and thus they are answerable to the people
for making such decisions.
Examples of this model are the elections held in the parents-teachers’ association in schools, the presidential elections,
election of members of the Senate or House of Representatives.
In our modern world, it is the most common model of democracy followed by governments. It provides regular
constitutional opportunities for changing government leaders and a social mechanism that allows the majority of the people to
influence important decisions by selecting government leaders from a number of candidates.
People vote during election time in order to choose a new set of national and local leaders. The newly-elected
government leaders exercise political power. Voting and leaders’ exercise of political power must enshrined in the laws of
the land known as the constitution.
What Can I Do
Activity 9.2 “I-Wonder!”
Direction: Write your answer using the graphic organizer below.
Topic: What are manifestations or examples of democratic practices in the Philippines?
of Democratic