# of Carbons Name Formula (C: AP Chemistry Chapter 22 - Organic Chemistry

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AP Chemistry Chapter 22 - Organic Chemistry

22.1 Alkanes: Saturated Hydrocarbons

A. Straight-chain Hydrocarbons
1. Straight-chain alkanes have the formula C nH2n+2
2. Carbons are sp3 hybridized

The First 10 Alkanes

# of Carbons Name Formula (C nH2n+2)
1 Methane CH4
2 Ethane C2H6
3 Propane C3H8
4 Butane C4H10
5 Pentane C5H12
6 Hexane C6H14
7 Heptane C7H16
8 Octane C8H18
9 Nonane C9H20
10 Decane C10H22
B. Structural Isomers
1. Same formula, but the atoms are bonded together in a different order
2. Different bonding order results in different properties

C4H10 Butane C4H10 2-methylpropane

C. Rules for Naming Alkanes (Nomenclature)

1. For a branched hydrocarbon, the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms
gives the root name for the hydrocarbon
2. When alkane groups appear as substituents, they are named by dropping
the -ane and adding -yl.
3. The positions of substituent groups are specified by numbering the longest
chain of carbon atoms sequentially, starting at the end closest to the
4. The location and name of each substituent are followed by the root alkane
name. The substituents are listed in alphabetical order (irrespective of any
prefix), and the prefixes di-, tri-, etc. are used to indicate multiple identical

D. Reactions of Alkanes
1. Combustion reactions
a. 2C2H6(g) + 7O2(g) à 4CO2(g) + 6H2O(g)
2. Substitution reactions
a. CH 4 + Cl2 →
CH 3 Cl + HCl
methane chloromethane

3. Dehydrogenation reactions
a. CH 3 CH 3 Cr
2O  → CH 2 = CH 2 + H 2
3 at 500° C

ethane ethylene

E. Cyclic Alkanes (Cycloalkanes)

1. Alkanes in which the carbon atoms are arranged in a ring, or cyclic,

a. The 90° angle in cyclobutane is not nearly tetrahedral, therefore the

molecule is quite unstable
2. Nomenclature
a. Rings are numbered to give the smallest substituent numbers
b. Largest substituents are given the lowest possible numbers

22.2 Alkenes and Alkynes

A. Alkenes
1. Hydrocarbons that contain double bonds
a. The simplest alkene is ethene, or ethylene
(C 2H4)
b. Alkenes are nonpolar molecules
B. Geometric Isomers
1. Isomers in which the order of atom bonding is the
same but the arrangement of atoms in space is
2. A molecule can have a geometric isomer only if two carbon atoms in a rigid
structure each have two different groups attached

Cis 1,2-dichloroethane Trans 1,2-dichloroethane

3. In some isomer pairs, one isomer is biologically active, while the other is not
(specificity of enzymes is the cause)
C. Alkynes
1. Hydrocarbons with triple covalent bonds
a. The simplest alkyne is ethyne, or acetylene (C 2H2)

b. Alkynes are nonpolar molecules

D. Reactions of Alkenes and Alkynes
1. Addition reactions
a. Hydrogenation
CH 2 = CHCH 3 + H 2 Catalyst
 → CH 3 CH 2 CH 3
Propene Propane
b. Halogenation
CH 2 = CHCH 2 CH 2 CH 3 + Br2 → CH 2 BrCHBrCH 2 CH 2 CH3
1-Pentene 1-2-dibromopentene
c. Polymerization
(1) small molecules are joined together to form a large molecule

22.3 Aromatic Hydrocarbons

A. Structure of Aromatics
1. Hydrocarbons with six-membered carbon rings and delocalized electrons
a. The simplest aromatic hydrocarbon is benzene (C 6H6)

b. Aromatic hydrocarbons are nonpolar molecules

B. Geometric Isomerism
1. ortho (o-) = two adjacent substituents
2. meta (m-) = one carbon between substituents
3. para (p-) = two carbons between substituents

o-dichlorobenzene m-dichlorobenzene p-dichlorobenzene

C. Reactions of Aromatic Hydrocarbons
1. Substitution reactions

22.4 The Petrochemical Industry

A Brief Narrative:
Petroleum contains molecules that vary from short chain (1 to 4 carbons) to very long
chains (greater than 25 carbons). In the nineteenth century, kerosene and gas oil were
the most desirable "fraction" of petroleum. With the advent of the internal combustion
engine, the shorter chain molecules that make up gasoline became more important.
Until that time they were considered a waste product of the purification of kerosene.

Rather than waste the kerosene-gas oil fraction, refineries take the long chain
molecules and break them into the smaller molecules of gasoline in a process called

22.5 Hydrocarbon Derivatives

Classes of Organic Compounds
Class Functional Group General Formula
hydroxyl group (-OH)
Alkyl halide


carbonyl group

carbonyl group
Carboxylic acid

carboxyl group



amine group


Class: Ether Name: dimethylether

Class: Ether Name: diethylether

Class: Carboxylic acid Name: ethanoic acid

Class : Alcohol Name: ethanol (ethyl alcholol)

Class: Aldehyde Name: methanaldehyde

Class: Carboxylic acid Name: propanoic acid

Class: Ether Name: ethylmethylether

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