Nursing English 1

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Esme Anggeriyane, Ns.,M.Kep

Learning Sessions:
Questions and answer


Esme Anggeriyane, Ns.,M.Kep

Specific Learning Outcomes:

1. Students will be able to talk about various of parts of

2. Students will be able to describe patients description
3. Students will be able to spell correct parts of body words
4. Students will be able to use vocabularies about parts of
Body System
 B1 (Breathing)
 B2 (Blood, Cardiovascular)
 B3 (Brain, Neuromuscular)
 B4 (Bladder, Urinary)
 B5 (Bowel, Gastrointestinal)
 B6 (Bone, Musculoskeletal)
Musculoskeletal System

 The main role of the skeletal

system is to provide support
for the body, to protect
delicate internal organs and
to provide attachment sites
for the organs.
 Major organ: Bones,
cartilage, tendons and
 The main role of the
muscular system is to
provide movement.
 Major Organ: skeletal
muscles and smooth
muscle throughout the
Circulatory System

 Major Role: the main

role of the circulatory
system is to transport
nutrients, gases (such
as oxygen and CO2),
hormones and wastes
through the body.
 Major organ: heart,
blood vessels and
Nervous System
 Major Role:
The main role of the
nervous system is to relay
electrical signals through
the body. The nervous
system directs behavior
and move and along
with the endocrine
system, controls
physiological processes
such as digestion,
circulation etc.
 Major Organ:
Brain, spinal cord and
peripheral nerves.
Respiratory System
 Major Role:
The main role of the
respiratory system is to
provide gas exchange
between the blood
and the environment.
Primarily, oxygen is
absorbed from the
atmosphere into the
body and carbon
dioxide is expelled from
the body.
 Major Organ: Nose,
trachea and lungs.
Digestive System
 Major Role: The main role
of the digestive system is
to breakdown and
absorb nutrients that are
necessary for growth and
 Major Organs: Mouth,
esophagus, stomach,
small and large intestines.
Excretory System

 Major Role: The main

role of the excretory
system is to filter out
cellular wastes, toxins
and excess water or
nutrients from the
circulatory system.
 Major Organ: kidneys,
ureter, bladder and
Endocrine System
 Major Role: The main role of
the endocrine system is to
relay chemical massages
through the body. In
conjunction with the nervous
system, these chemical
messages help control
physiological processes such as
nutrient absorption, growth
 Major Organs: Many
glands exist in the body
that secrete endocrine
hormones. Among these
are the hypothalamus,
pituitary, thyroid, pancreas
and adrenal glands.
Reproductive system

• Major Role:
The main role of the
reproductive system is to
manufacture cells that
allow reproductive. In the
male, sperm are created to
inseminate egg cells
produced in the female.
• Major Organs:
Male (top): testes, seminal
vesicles and penis.
Female (Bottom): Ovaries,
oviducts, uterus, vagina
and mammary glands.
1. head
2. arm
3. back
4. waist
5. buttocks/ backside
6. leg
7. face
8. Chest
9. stomach
10. hip
11. hand
12. foot
13. eye
14. eyebrow
15. nose
16. mouth
17. chin
18. hair
19. ear
20. lips
21. neck
1. forehead
2. temple
3. eyebrow
4. eyelid
5. Eyelash
6. pupil
7. cheek
22. nail
23. thumb
24. finger
25. wrist
26. palm
27. shoulder
28. forearm
29. upper arm
30. elbow
31. knee
32. thigh
33. shin
34. calf
35. ankle
36. heel
37. toe
Esme Anggeriyane, Ns., M. Kep
Learning Outcomes:

 Students are able to mention kinds of nursing instruments.
 Students are able to mention the function of nursing instruments.
 Students are able to mention nursing instruments containers
 Students are able to use any, enough, much, many for countable and
uncountable noun.
 Students are able to order supplies.
A Sphygmomanometer/ Blood Pressure monitor
 To measure the blood pressure

Digital Sphygmomanometer

A Stethoscope

 To listen the heart and bowel
A Thermometer

 To measure the body temperature.

 To assess pupil reaction, mouth condition.
Laryngeal Mirror

 To examine the inside of mouth.
Reflex Hammer

 To check for abnormalities of the nervous system.

 To measure the time

 to look into the ear canal to see the ear drum

 To examine the interior of the eye

 To measure body height
Weight Scale

 To device to measure weight or calculate mass
Digital Weight Scale

Vagina Speculum

 To examine the vagina and cervix condition.
Nasal Speculum

 to enlarge the nasal passages and examine nose condition.

 To protect the infection

 To facilitate drug admission
IV Catheter

 To connect the intravenous fluid into the body.
Infusion Set

 To connect the intravenous fluid into the IV catheter.
Infusion Stand

Thumb/ Plain dissecting forceps

 To do the wound dressing
Chirurgic/ Tissue/ Teeth forceps

 To lift the tissue, to do the wound dressing
Artery forceps

 To clamp the artery
Needle Holder

 To hold the needle
Cylinders & big forceps

 To clamp and raise the sterile tools in the instrument tray.
Dissecting Scissors

 To do necrotomy procedure
Bandage Scissors

 To cut the bandage.
Tongue Depressor

 To press the tongue when doing mouth examination.
Blade & Scalpel Handle

 To make incision when surgical procedure.

 To suture the wound incision.
Kidney Dish

 To put dirt tools and wastes.
Instrument Tray with Cover

 To put sterile tools.
Examining couch &
Foot step

 To examine the patient
A wheeled Stretcher

 The patient’s transportation tool
Wheel Chair

 To bring the patient into another place.

 To support the patient for walking.
Screen/ Room Cubicle

 To keep patient’s privacy when doing procedures.
A trolley

 To bring the tools to do procedure.
Bowl and bowl stand

Needle Destroyer

 To destroy the needle

 To suck the mucus in the airway.

 To dilute the secret
A tray

 The tool to bring any nursing instrument into the patient.
Suture Scissors

 To up the heacting
Urine Specimen glasses

 To collect the urine specimen

 To put a bowl of liquid/ fluid
Urine Catheter & Urine Bag

 To facilitate the urine out
Hot water bottle

 To reduce the pain and decrease hot body temperature
Cold water bottle

 To reduce the inflammation and bleeding

 To move the patient into another place
Spitting mug

 To throw out the sputum
Urinal & Bedpan

 The place for urinate and defecate.
Dressing jar

 To put the gauze and cotton.

Esme Anggeriyane, Ns., M. Kep

Learning Objective
• Students are able to understand about “countable and
uncountable noun”
• Students are able to understand about “any, enough,
much, many”
• Students are able to answer the questions of material
Do you know about
• Subject
• Object
• Adverb

“Lecturer measures the time with stopwatch”
Countable Noun

Uncountable Noun
Countable nouns
Examples of countable nouns
singular plural
✓ apple apples
✓ pineapple pineapples
✓ cucumber cucumbers
✓ strawberry strawberries
✓ grape grapes
Uncountable nouns
Examples of uncountable nouns:

✓ salad dressing
✓ lettuce
✓ ham
✓ water
✓ milk
SOME AND ANY (Beberapa)
Possitive sentence for Negative and Interrogative
countable and uncountable sentence for countable and
noun uncountable noun
Some + Singular/ Negative (aren’t) + any +
Uncountable Noun countable noun(s/es)?
Some + Plural/ Countable Interrogative (is/ do) + any +
noun (s/ es) Uncountable noun
Offer and request
Countable noun (s/ es)
Uncountable noun (without
1. We bring some antiseptic 1. I don’t have any nursing
gel books.
2. My sister buys some 2. Is there any sugar?

Some + Singular/ Negative (aren’t) + any +

Uncountable Noun countable noun(s/es)?
Some + Plural/ Countable Interrogative (is/ do) + any +
noun (s/ es) Uncountable noun

Would you like some
Can I borrow some money?
Uncountable noun Countable noun
Singular noun (without s/ es) Plural noun (s/es)
Interrogative sentence Interrogative sentence
How much + uncountable How many + countable noun
noun (singular noun) (plural noun s/ es)
Much can also be followed by Many can also be followed by
the preposition "of" when the preposition "of" when
the word is followed by the word is followed by
articles (a, an, the), articles (a, an, the),
possessive (your, his, her, possessive (your, his, her,
its), or pronoun (them, us, its), or pronoun (them, us,
you) you)
Uncountable noun Countable noun
I don’t have much work Many hospitals are available
How much sugar should I add How many hospitals do you
to your tea? have?
ENOUGH (Cukup)
Enough is placed after the adjective or adverb
Enough is placed before the noun (countable and
countable noun)
The word enough can also be used without putting
nouns or adjectives afterwards.
ENOUGH (Cukup)
This class is not big enough
1. There are not enough ambulances for taking the
patient to hospital
2. We have enough time
It is hot enough to go to nursing laboratory
• Mardiyanti, W. (2012). Countable/
Uncountable Nouns. Jakarta Timur: PT
Balai Pustaka

Esme Anggeriyane, Ns., M. Kep

Learning Outcome
1. Students are able to memorize the vocabularies of
Hospital departments/wards.
2. Students are able to describe what different hospital
departments/wards do.
3. Students are able to speak by confident
 Ward : Ruangan
 Surgical ward : R. Bedah
 Medical ward : R. Penyakit Dalam
 Maternity ward : R. Nifas
 Pulmonology ward : R. Paru
 Orthopedic ward : R. Bedah tulang
 Gynecological ward : R. Kandungan
 Geriatric ward : R. Lansia
 Pediatric ward : R. Anak
 Perinatology ward : R. Bayi
 Dermatologic ward : R. Kulit
 E. N. T ward : R. THT
 Long stay ward : R. Rawat inap
 Delivery Room : R. Bersalin/ VK
 Recovery Room : R. Pemulihan
 Emergency Room : IGD
 Anesthetic Room : R. Pembiusan
 Admission Room : R. Pendaftaran
 Antenatal Clinic : Klinik ANC
 Post natal Clinic : Klinik Post natal
 Body Death Room : Kamar Jenazah
 Psychiatric Unit : Unit kejiwaan
 Intensive care unit : Unit perawatan intensif
 Infectious Disease Unit: Unit penyakit
 Cardio Vascular Care Unit/ ICCU:
 Operating Theater : Kamar operasi
 Dispensary/ Pharmacy : Apotek
 Laboratory : Laboratorium
 Doctor’s Longue : R. Istirahat dokter
 Midwife’s Longue : R. Istirahat bidan
 Nurse’s Longue :R. Istirahat perawat
 Information Center : Pusat informasi
 Nurse Station : R. kerja perawat
 Dentistry Clinic : K. Gigi
 Pediatric Clinic : K. Anak
 Obstetric Clinic : K. Kandungan
 Surgical Clinic : K. Bedah
 E.N.T Clinic : K. THT
 Out patient clinic : Klinik rawat jalan
 Nursing Home : Panti jompo
 Laundry Department : I. Laundri
 Nutrient Department : I. Gizi
 Out patient Department : IRJA
 Long Stay Department : IRNA
 Occupational Therapy Department:
 Physiotherapy Department:
 X-ray department :
 Central Sterile Supply Department:

Esme Anggeriyane, Ns.,M.Kep

Student’s Goals:
1. Students will be able to talking about work and training in the hospital
2. Students will be able to describe routines and current activities (present
simple and present continuous)
3. Students will be able to write routines and current activities in the hospital
4. Students will be able to use verb for describing jobs
• Physician : Dokter Umum
• Cardiologist : Dokter Jantung
• Pulmonologist : Dokter Paru
• Dermatologist : Dokter Kulit
• Dentist : Dokter gigi
• Surgeon : Dokter Bedah
• Pediatrician : Dokter Anak
• Internist : Dokter Penyakit Dalam
• ENT Specialist : Dokter THT
• Gynecologist : Dokter Kandungan
• Obstetrician : Ahli Kebidanan
• Orthopedic Surgeon/ Orthopedist: Dokter Tulang
• Anesthesiologist : Dokter Anastesi
• Neurologist : Dokter Saraf
• Ophthalmologist : Dokter Mata
• Psychologist : Psikolog
• Psychiatrist : Psikiater
• Pathologist : Dokter Patologi Anatomi
• Radiologist : Ahli Radiologi
• Nutritionist/ Dietician : Ahli gizi
• Pharmacist : Apoteker
• Midwife : Bidan
• Lab Technician : Teknisi Lab
• Head nurse : Kepala ruangan
• Director of nursing service: Kepala Bid. Keperawatan
• Nurse : perawat
Present Tense
• Subject+ Verb (s/es)+ Object
1. Nurse A. observes the patient’s abdomen
2. I am gynecologist
Present Continuous Tense
• Subject+ to be (am, are, is) +Verb 1+ Ing+ Object
1. Nurse A observing the patient’s abdomen now
2. I am being gynecologist

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