Journal of Business Research: Tiago Gonçalves, Cristina Gaio

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Journal of Business Research 124 (2021) 603–609

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The role of management accounting systems in global value strategies☆

Tiago Gonçalves *, 1, Cristina Gaio 2
Advance/ CSG; ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics & Management – University of Lisbon, Portugal


Keywords: In this paper, we explore the relationship and interdependencies of firms’ positions in global markets, innova­
Management accounting systems tion, foci on value creation or value development strategies and their intensity of use and system design of
Value creation management accounting (MA) tools. We collect data through a survey of the 500 largest Portuguese firms. The
Global markets
results show multiple interdependencies of MA intensity of use and system design and global positioning as well
as the value foci of firms. Global market positioning, as well as MA intensity, is directly associated with inno­
vation. The multiple configurations also show that the value strategy focus (creating new products or solely
developing them for different markets) changes the nature of the MA system put in place by firms. Consequently,
we contribute to the discussion of MA systems vs MA packages by specifically addressing the fit and internal
consistency of those tools. Methodologically, the results are robust to different analytical tools - multivariate
regression, fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) and factor analysis.

1. Introduction both dyadic and network relationships. Value creation emerges from
those interorganizational relations in the form of both cooperating on
The existing literature shows that management accounting (MA)3 information management in order to leverage value creation throughout
tools are associated with the increasing flexibility that is necessary to the value chain and using hierarchical management control of infor­
respond to ever-present market changes (e.g. Nixon & Burns, 2012). mation and processes in group networks. Accounting plays a funda­
Chenhall and Moers (2015) point to the fact that accounting systems mental role in providing information for prioritizing relations, offering
moved from simple planning and control tools to more complex feedback about those relationships, and finally, shaping the dynamics of
innovation-oriented systems. IFAC (1998) identifies four stages of evo­ coevolution. We argue for a role in both creating and increasing value
lution. These stages differ in their information provision and resource and extend that value strategy globally.
management. Initially, MA tools were focused on the determination of Several papers pinpoint the gap between academic consensus on the
product cost. In the second stage, they were characterized as parts of definition and suitability of management accounting tools and their
management control systems. In the third stage, due to increased understanding and application to business cycle analysis by managers
competition and rapid technological development, the tools were (Nixon & Burns, 2012).
focused on the reduction of wasted resources. Finally, the fourth stage This paper investigates the impact of global markets on the adoption
emphasized value creation. To align cost management with company of different MA tools and the role of those tools in innovation and value
strategy, the implementation of different strategic cost management creation. Furthermore, we analyse the impact of different interorgani­
tools became imperative (Cooper & Slagmulder, 1999). zational structures as the basis for developing value creation and/or
Similarly, Håkansson and Lind (2006) review the relationship be­ value “expansion”, where the latter focuses on replicating value at a
tween organizations and their associations with accounting systems. global scale. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to explicitly
These relations provide the basis for organizational development under model those interdependencies.

The authors are grateful to financial support from FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portugal), national funding through research grant (UID/04521/
* Corresponding author at: ISEG, Rua Miguel Lupi 20, 1249-078 Lisboa, Portugal.
E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Gonçalves).
ORCID: 0000-0002-1031-0032.
ORCID: 0000-0002-4906-1547.
MA stands for management accounting throughout the text.
Received 19 June 2020; Received in revised form 20 October 2020; Accepted 24 October 2020
Available online 30 November 2020
0148-2963/© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
T. Gonçalves and C. Gaio Journal of Business Research 124 (2021) 603–609

Our results show multiple interdependencies of MA intensity of use, management teams for information. As before, MA tools had a reactive
system design and global positioning as well as the value focus of the nature wherein a problem would be detected only when a deviation
firm. Global market positioning, as well as MA intensity, is directly from the budget occurred. The beginning of the third phase emerged
associated with innovation. The multiple configurations also show that with globalization and its consequent global competition. It was
the value strategy focus (creating new products or simply developing necessary to create new MA tools focused on cost control and the
them for different markets) changes the nature of the MA systems that reduction of process waste. The fourth phase was focused on value
firms put in place. Consequently, we contribute to the discussion of MA creation and the efficient use of company resources. Due to the un­
systems vs MA packages by specifically addressing the fit and internal certainties of the competitive environment that were present in the
consistency of those tools. The results are economically relevant since 1990s, the focus of managements shifted once again. Value creation and
MA tools require investment to implement and thus must have benefits the efficient use of resources were achieved through the use of tech­
that outweigh those implementation costs. nologies that allowed firms to identify client and shareholder value
Our contribution is manifold: we extend existing literature by ana­ drivers (Gonçalves et al., 2018). In the last three phases, the focus
lysing tool adoption and value creation together under global interor­ changed; however, the need for information that began in the second
ganizational relationships; further, we do so by adopting multiple phase did not disappear but rather was adjusted. Information is thus
integrated literature scales and by using the different methodologies as considered an important asset to companies. Gonçalves et al. (2018) also
complements – multivariate regression and fuzzy-set qualitative show that group affiliation, global presence through export sales, and
comparative analysis. We extend empirical findings related to the the uncertainties of the competitive environment influence the adoption
analysis of MA tools as a system rather than as multiple individual of more strategy-oriented MA tools (target costing).
packages of tools (e.g. Grabner & Moers, 2013). We also contribute by Thus, we posit the following propositions consistent with those that
conceptually addressing the literature on value (e.g. Mizik & Jacobson, were previously discussed:
2003). We extend previous research by defining value-creating, strate­
Proposition 1. Global market presence and the uncertainties of the
gically focused firms as those that concentrate on internally developing,
competitive environment are directly associated with product and service
from inception, innovative products or services – similar to the defini­
innovation. These associations extend to strategies focusing on both value
tions used in the existing literature – and value-developers as those firms
creation and value development.
that focus on adapting those innovations to new local markets and thus
lack a true internal focus on innovation. We found no such distinction in Proposition 2. Global market presence and the uncertainties of the
the literature addressing the adoption of MA tools. Finally, we also competitive environment are directly associated with the increasing need for
extend previous research (Gonçalves, Gaio, & Silva, 2018) by focusing information and thus affect the intensity of use of MA tools and shape MA
explicitly on the interdependencies of MA systems and innovation/value system design.
strategies rather than on the determinants of the adoption of MA tools.
Bisbe and Otley (2004) study the association between the interactive
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 pre­
use of management control systems (MCSs)4 and innovation success.
sents the conceptual map and propositions. In Section 3, we explain the
Their study is based on two conditions: the use of MCS by management is
research method and data collection. Section 4 discusses the results.
directly associated with product innovation, or rather, with the effect of
Section 5 highlights the main findings, the contributions of the study,
product innovation on organizational performance. The first proposi­
and some implications from the findings.
tion, whether the use of MCS encourages product innovation, remained
unconfirmed. However, it was possible to validate the importance of
2. Conceptual mapping and propositions
formal MSC in innovations that enhance long-term company
Given the exploratory nature of this paper, the research objectives
The results of Bedford (2015) and Wijethilake, Munir, and Appuhami
based on our survey are presented in the form of propositions relating to
(2016) are aligned with those of Bisbe and Otley (2004). The former
the interdependencies of innovation, value (creation and development),
demonstrate that interactive controls improve business performance and
the presence of the firm in global markets and the use of MA tools.
strengthen and improve the innovation process but do not increase the
Furthermore, we posit only the logical and/or empirically expected di­
propensity for new product launch. In other words, MCSs have a
rections of those associations.
mediating role between innovation and business performance.
The role of innovation in organizational survival is an indisputable
Notwithstanding those results, Grabner and Moers (2013) analyse
fact in the existing literature (Damanpour & Gopalakrishnan, 2001;
and review the conceptual and empirical issues relating to MCS as a
Walker, Damanpour, & Avellaneda, 2007; Chenhall & Moers, 2015). It is
system or package. The authors argue for significant theoretical and
considered a tool that allows better environmental adaptation because it
empirical differences between considering a bundle of individual (and
facilitates an effective reaction in abrupt alterations, allowing the
static) adoption of MCS (as well as MA) tools embedded under a con­
company to maintain or increase its effectiveness and competitiveness
tingency theory framework and the explicit design of an MCS system
(Damanpour & Gopalakrishnan, 2001).
where the organization looks for the internal consistencies of those tools,
Walker et al. (2007) explain that innovation can be achieved through
thus extending the analysis under a complementarity theory. Conse­
the introduction of new products or services to the market or through
quently, we argue for an internal consistency of MA related to the
new internal procedures. Damanpour and Gopalakrishnan (2001)
strategic foci that firms adopt when it comes to innovation and value
complete this argument, adding that the innovation of products or ser­
creation and development.
vices is the type of innovation preferred by shareholders because these
innovations are patent protected.
Given the global market and its related uncertainties, companies
tended to feel the need to resort to information systems as support for 4
We use the terms management accounting (MA) and management control
decision-making. These new management needs resulted in a drastic
systems (MCS) interchangeably. We identify both concepts as routines and
evolution in MA tools. The systems evolved from simple and closed to
techniques addressing the need for information aimed at helping in manager
open and complex (Chenhall & Moers, 2015). decision-making. The literature also distinguishes between the analysis of in­
In their study, Abdel-Kader and Luther (2006) divide the evolution of dividual MA tools and the design of complex (synergic) systems of multiple
MA into four distinctive phases. Initially, in the 1950s, systems were individual MA tools that are put in place in the same organization (Grabner &
focused on product costs and financial control. Thereafter, the focus Moers, 2013). Our focus in this paper is on the systems rather than on indi­
remained on production; however, there was a higher demand from vidual, specific tools.

T. Gonçalves and C. Gaio Journal of Business Research 124 (2021) 603–609

Proposition 3. The intensity of use of MA tools and their different system Gopalakrishnan, 2001; Walker, 2006). To facilitate innovation and
configurations is associated with a strategic focus on innovation and value consequent value enhancement, the design of the organizational struc­
creation/development. ture should fit the strategy of the firm.
We conceptually extend the literature on value (e.g. Mizik & Proposition 4. Organizational structure and capabilities (such as internal
Jacobson, 2003). We extend previous research by defining value- resources focused on innovation) are directly associated with product and
creating, strategically focused firms as those that concentrate on inter­ service innovation. These associations asymmetrically relate to strategies
nally developing, from inception, innovative products or services – focusing on value creation or value development.
similar to the definitions used in the existing literature – and value-
Proposition 5. Organizational structure and capabilities (such as internal
developers as those firms that focus on adapting those innovations to
resources focused on innovation) are directly associated with the increasing
new local markets, thus lacking a true internal focus on innovation. We
need for information and thus affect the intensity of use of MA tools and
proxy “value-creators” as firms that focus their MA tools on the devel­
shape MA system design.
opment stage of new products, whereas “value-developers” are a proxy
for those whose focus is on controlling the production stage. We found Fig. 1 summarizes the conceptual model and presents the proposi­
no such distinction in the literature addressing the adoption of MA tools. tions under study.
The resource-based theory, formalized by Barney (1991), states that
firms are heterogeneous because they have heterogeneous resources. 3. Methods
Resources include assets, organizational processes, firm attributes, in­
formation and knowledge. Resources are valuable, enabling the firm to 3.1. Sample and data
implement strategies that improve its efficiency and effectiveness; are
rare; are imperfectly imitable; and are non-substitutable. Thus, re­ Following Gonçalves et al. (2018), we surveyed the 500 largest firms
sources are the main source of sustained competitive advantage, firm in Portugal in the year 2015 as published by the magazine “Exame.” This
performance and value creation. sampling made size an endogenous factor.
Due to global competition, increasing sophistication is needed to Data were collected from an online survey targeted at firms’ financial
examine the determinants of value, to implement strategies that controllers and officers (Cobanoglu, Warde, & Moreo, 2001). This sur­
improve firm efficiency and effectiveness and thus to create customer vey, as in Gonçalves et al. (2018), was adapted from Afonso, Nunes,
value, shareholder value and firm innovation. In this sense, information Paisana, and Braga (2008) and has already been used in several inter­
technologies and MA can play important roles, enabling firms to use national markets (Garg, Ghosh, Hudick, & Nowacki, 2003). Additional
their resources efficiently and to develop value-creation strategies. The questions stem from Cadez and Guilding (2008) and Juras (2014).
use of resources, such as information and organizational processes, to For clarity’s sake and for unequivocal identification of different MA
create value should be considered an integral part of MA (Abdel-Kader & tools without the use of specific vocabulary, we consider the main ac­
Luther, 2006). tions for each of the MA tools applied. By using action descriptions
Finally, according to contingency theory, managers should develop rather than technical names, we can identify the firms that knowl­
organizational structures to face different contingencies in creating edgeably adopt MA tools and those that use those tools without being
value and enhancing its appropriation. Contingency-framed studies aware of or familiar with the concept (Dekker & Smidt, 2003).
attempt to determine the most appropriate (bundle or system) tools for a A total of 106 firms (22%) accessed and partially answered the sur­
specific organization with its specific contingencies (Chenhall, 2006; vey, but only 61 fully completed it and were eligible for the analysis
Otley, 2016). Firms face increasing global competition, and reducing (13%). The results remain consistent after treatment for alternative
costs is no longer enough to sustain competitive advantage. Thus, firms missing values. Additionally, we rule out a nonresponse bias. Following
perceive innovation as a way to respond to market changes and market Armstrong and Overton (1977), we compare the profiles of respondents
demand to gain a competitive advantage (Damanpour & and nonrespondents and find no significant differences. Of the

Fig. 1. Conceptual model (for constructs details see Appendix).

T. Gonçalves and C. Gaio Journal of Business Research 124 (2021) 603–609

respondents, approximately 90.3% belong to an economic group. In factor analysis. By employing the factor analysis, we are able to find
terms of the main activities, 45.2% belong to manufacturing, 40.3% to orthogonal factors that show different configurations of MA tools meant
services, and 14.5% to retail. In total, 72.6% have launched a new to address the fit of the information system to different strategic focuses.
product in the last three years. By using this factor analysis, we are able to identify which MA system
The internal consistency of the survey questions in the survey is designs emerge from our data, namely, by finding which MA tools are
measured with a Likert scale and leads to a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.805. more correlated in our sample.
Additionally, internal validity is achieved by the research from which
we adapted our research instrument (Garg et al., 2003; Afonso et al., 3.4. Value-creators and value-developers
2008; Cadez & Guilding, 2008; Juras, 2014).
We extend the research on the impact of MA on value creation by
3.2. Innovation and value creation running model 2 separately for value-creator and value-developer
companies to analyse whether the roles of MA, organizational struc­
We use two different regression models to explore the impact of MA ture and global markets on companies that create new products are
on innovation (Innovation) and value creation (Value): a probit different from those that only develop products created by others. The
regression model (Eq. (1)) and a logistic regression model (Eq. (2)) classification of value creators/developers is adapted from a question
that surveys whether the focus of MA is on the development or the
Innovation = a + b1 MA + b2 Org Structure + b3 Global Mkt + b4 UncertE production phase of products.
+ b5 Manufact + e
(1) 4. Research results

Value = a + b1 MA + b2 Org Structure + b3 Global Mkt + b4 UncertE 4.1. Innovation and value creation
+ b5 Manufact + e (2)
Table 1 shows the results for model 1. We find evidence of a positive
Innovation is a binary variable that equals one if the firm has significant association between innovation (measured by new products
launched a new product in the past three years and zero otherwise (Bisbe launched in the past 3 years) and the proposed contingent conditions:
& Otley, 2004). Value is defined as the time-to-market of new products the presence of the firm in the global market (measured by a high per­
compared to that of competitors. MA is adapted from a question that centage of export sales); the existence of an organizational structure
surveys how important the use of MA tools is. Both models control for meant to focus on internally developing a product, service or process
the effect of (1) organizational capability to support the creation and innovation; and the intensity of use of MA tools.
development of new products (Org_Structure); (2) global markets In fact, the probability of innovation increases by almost two times
(Global_Mkt); (3) environmental uncertainty; and (4) industry charac­ when we compare firms with low-level or no MA systems with those that
teristics. Following previous research, we focus on manager perceptions employ the largest set of MA tools. Doing business globally increases the
of uncertainty because perceptions about the external environment are chance of engaging in innovation by 1.3 times.
what truly affect decisions in organizations (Duh, Xiao, & Chow, 2009). The results are consistent with previous research (Afonso et al., 2008;
The appendix provides more detailed information on variable defini­ Gonçalves et al., 2018).
tions and constructs.
4.2. The role of management accounting
3.3. The role of management accounting
Table 1 also shows the results for model 2. We find no significant
To further analyse the role of MA on innovation and value creation, evidence of association between the MA system in place (measured in
we first run an ordered regression model (Eq. (3)) as follows: terms of the intensity of use of different tools) and the global positioning
of the firm or any organizational structure focused on innovation. The
MA = a + b1 Org Structure + b2 Global Mkt + b3 UncertE + b3 Manufact + e
results can be overshadowed by any non-linearity and/or asymmetrical
configuration of the MA system, since the ordered logit requires linearity
To qualitatively explore, in our cases, the actual role of MA tools, we on the intensity of use and misses particularities of the distribution of
extend our data analysis through fsQCA. QCA is an instrument that al­ that construct.
lows the investigator to comprehend the behaviour (magnitude and To explore the data and evaluate any nonlinear configuration that
direction effects) of a condition and its combination with others in a could justify the previous nonsignificant regression results, we employ
model that leads to a certain outcome (Ragin, 2008). The use of this fsQCA. The causal conditions are calibrated according to the sample
technique permits the categorization of a causal condition between data distribution. Binary variables are calibrated as crispy, whereas
necessary and sufficient conditions (Ragin, 2008; Pappas, Kour­ Likert scale-based variables are calibrated as fuzzy uniformly distributed
outhanassis, Giannakos, & Chrissikopoulos, 2016). Finally, QCA con­ from 0 to 1. None of the conditions are found to be strictly necessary.
siders the possibility that combinations of different conditions lead to Table 2 shows the solution from fsQCA according to different combi­
the same outcome (Marx, 2006; Ganter & Hecker, 2014; Gonçalves, nations meant to address the concerns related to non-linear configura­
Gaio, & Costa, 2020). tions. The table is constructed through a comparison between
The fsQCA analysis uses four conditions. The first variable (Org_­ intermediate and parsimonious solutions to classify the conditions
Structure) tests the pre-existing organizational structure for product (Rihoux & Ragin, 2009). When a condition is present in both solutions, it
development. This variable tests whether the company has a clear in­ is considered a core causal condition because it has a very strong causal
ternal structure to support the creation and development of new prod­ relation. When the condition is visible only in an intermediate solution,
ucts. The second variable (Manufact) tests the influence of the company it has a weaker causal relation and is termed peripheral (Ragin, 2008;
sector. The third variable (Global_Mkt) accesses the impact of global Fiss, 2011).
presence. Finally, the fourth variable (UncertE) tests the impact that Since the unique coverage of each combination shows that all must
significant changes in the competitive environment have on the adop­ be considered empirically relevant, the total result shows a joint
tion of MA tools. importance of 0.958333, which indicates that the majority of the results
To robustly address any non-linearity within the MA system put in fall within the four combinations (Ragin, 2008; Rihoux & Ragin, 2009).
place by different firms and previously captured by fsQCA, we also run a The results show different types of companies with distinctive

T. Gonçalves and C. Gaio Journal of Business Research 124 (2021) 603–609

Table 1
Regression results.
Probit Regression Ordered Regression Logit Regression

Innovation MA Value

b z-Value b z-Value b z-Value

MA 1.91256 ** 2.06 − 0.62127 − 0.43

Org_Structure 0.96106 *** 2.56 0.75125 1.31 0.68935 1.21
Global_Mkt 1.27998 * 1.7 − 0.03330 − 0.04 0.49036 0.50
UncertE 1.36848 ** 1.96 − 0.39065 − 0.46 − 0.24372 − 0.33
Manufact − 0.59565 − 1.44 − 0.05623 − 0.10 0.52088 0.81
N 61 61 61
Pseudo R square 0.2092 0.0168 0.051

***p-value < 0.01.

**p-value < 0.05.
*p-value < 0.10.

Table 2 Table 3
fsQCA results: configuration for MA tools importance. Factor analysis.
Solutions Factor 1 Factor 2

1 2 3 Attribute Costing 0.5519

Life-Cycle Costing 0.4993
Org_Structure ●
Quality Costing 0.5874
Manufact ∘ ●
Target Costing 0.6242
Value Chain Costing 0.3893

UncertE ∘
Benchmarking 0.5689
Consistency 0.801471 0.919355 0.794118
Integrated Performance Measurement 0.5807
Raw Coverage 0.756944 0.395833 0.375000
Strategic Costing 0.7107
Unique Coverage 0.187500 0.159722 0.041667
Strategic Pricing 0.7345
Solution Coverage 0.958333
Brand Valuation 0.7397
Solution Consistency 0.821429
Competitor Cost Assessment 0.7266
Note: ● = core causal condition present; • = peripheral causal condition pre­ Competitive Position Monitoring 0.7957
sent; ○ = core causal condition absent; ∘ = peripheral causal condition absent. Competitive Performance Appraisal 0.7755
Customer Profitability Analysis 0.6779
Lifetime Customer Profitability Analysis 0.6428
characteristics, where MA tools are seen as valuable assets. Valuation of Customer as Assets 0.3641
We complement our results by exploring cases in each configuration, Eigenvalue 6.1415 1.2964
namely, to match each group of firms to a system of MA tools that they
adopt the most. KMO value = 0.7638 Cronbach’s alpha = 0.8935.
The first combination describes companies that have a clear structure
to support the creation and development of new products. Here, MA placing their focus on customer requirements (factor 2) or by fitting the
tools are used in the innovation process. Further analysis of the cases remaining strategic MA tools in the same MA system (factor 1). The
included in this configuration shows that these firms use a combination results shed further light on different theorized value-strategy foci.
of MA tools related to strategic cost management, such as target costing Our results point to similar evidence as in Gonçalves et al. (2018) and
(Gonçalves et al., 2018). Afonso et al. (2008). We find two groups of firms: those that comply with
The second type of companies are those that are not included in the client (or economic group) requirements and thus design their MA sys­
manufacturing sector and are not present in the global market and thus tems to meet those requirements and those that compete under more
are more local market-oriented. These types of companies have a cost- autonomous (yet uncertain) conditions leading to the need for a more
focused strategy. intense and broader use of MA tools.
The third type refers to manufacturing companies that do not face
environmental uncertainties. These companies are likely to have a
market monopoly, and the role of MA tools, such as in the previous 4.3. Value-creators and value-developers
combination, is more focused on cost and process optimizations and
standardizations. Table 1 also shows the results for a logit regression of the construct
A detailed exploration of the firms included in these last 2 configu­ “value” (measured by time-to-market of new products/services
rations provides evidence that these firms exhibit a lower use of strategic compared to competition) on proposed contingent causal conditions -
MA tools and are significantly more intensive in their use of traditional global market positioning; existence of a focused organizational struc­
cost control tools. ture to produce innovations; and the intensity of MA use. The results are
Since a detailed exploration of the cases included in the different once more inconclusive, probably due to a lack of linearity or asym­
configurations points to different MA system designs, we run a factor metric distribution of the value strategy in place.
analysis to evaluate the correlation structure of MA tool usage by the To test whether there are such nonlinear relationships, we run
firms surveyed in our sample. We run the factor analysis using the separate probit regressions for value-creators and value-developers.
perceived importance of all the tools of MA. By doing so, we are able to Consequently, we subsample our firms into “value-creators” and
identify which tools are implemented together most often and which are “value-developers”. We proxy “value-creators” as firms that focus their
used less in the same MA system. The results are presented in Table 3. MA tools on the development stage of new products, whereas “value-
The factor analysis presents reliable results, with a KMO statistic of developers” are proxied as those for which focus is on controlling the
more than 0.76 and a Cronbach alpha of nearly 0.90. We identify two production stage. We find no such distinction in the literature addressing
factors. Firms in our sample tend to design their systems either by the adoption of MA tools. The dependent construct “value”, as well as
the causal conditions tested in the regression model, remain the same.

T. Gonçalves and C. Gaio Journal of Business Research 124 (2021) 603–609

The results are presented in Table 4. Table 4

We find results that show positive associations between both value Additional analysis.
strategies and MA intensity as well as perceived market competition. Probit Regression Probit Regression
Nevertheless, presence in global markets and the existence of specific
Value Creator Value Developer
innovation-oriented organizational structures present symmetric effects
on value strategies. b z-Value b z-Value

Value-creators are positively affected by global markets and orga­ MA 0.8388 1.01 0.29297 0.27
nizational innovation capabilities, while value-developers are nega­ Org_Structure 0.9910 *** 2.69 − 0.59237 − 1.19
Global_Mkt 0.3596 0.58 − 1.66800 − 1.63
tively associated with global market weight on firm business as well as
UncertE 0.2852 0.65 0.30225 0.41
an increasing innovation-focused organizational structure. The results Manufact − 0.5556 − 1.34 0 0.00
are yet not fully significant. N 61 61
Pseudo R square 0.1287 0.1081
5. Conclusions ***p-value < 0.01.
**p-value < 0.05.
5.1. Discussion of empirical results *p-value < 0.10.

Our results allow us to empirically validate propositions 1 and 3 tools.

since we find a significant positive effect of global business on firm Our results also reveal important implications for management. We
innovation, as well as the importance of the MA system on those pro­ show the importance of economically analysing different information
cesses of innovation. The impact is almost twofold that of the former management and control tools according to the strategic foci of firms.
over firms that exhibit less weight of sales in global markets and use MA Our findings point to the need to adjust MA tools system design (the
tools less intensively. Similar to Bisbe and Otley (2004), Bedford (2015) combination of different tools) to the contingencies the firm faces under
and Wijethilake et al. (2016), our results show that MA tools are not different economic cycles and even under different interorganizational
sufficient to directly associate with innovation, but they improve busi­ structures. No unique solution fits all organizations, and to adequately
ness strategy, strengthening and improving the innovation process. In mediate the value strategy put in place, managers must consider po­
other words, MA tools have a mediating role between innovation and tential synergies from custom-fit MA system designs.
business performance.
We also find an association of MA intensity and MA system design
with different interorganizational configurations and strategy foci. 5.3. Research limitations and future research avenues
Firms tend to increase their intensity of use and the complexity of their
MA systems because they want to either comply with customer re­ Our results are based on a sample of the 500 largest firms in Portugal.
quirements (or group affiliation pressure) or be able to compete in a We argue that the conclusions are not context-specific since Portugal
more advantageous way in global markets where competition is fiercer. does not significantly differ from other developed markets. Neverthe­
These results are in line with those of Gonçalves et al. (2018). less, we urge additional research in other geographies to corroborate or
Finally, propositions 4 and 5 are also verified. We show a positive identify context-specific contingencies that could affect the implications
and significant association between organizational structure and inno­ of our research.
vation capabilities in line with previous literature. We also show an Additionally, we analyse complex concepts that are difficult to
asymmetric relation between a value strategy and organizational measure, such as value strategy, environment uncertainty or even MA
structure. In fact, we find that MA systems are designed to fit the strategy system complexity. This leads us to proxy, in a parsimonious way, these
and organization (as expected under contingency theory) but also show constructs with survey questions that try to capture the most relevant
an internal consistency required by complementarity theory to guar­ features of those concepts. Most of these proxies have already been
antee the internal consistency of those tools (Grabner & Moers, 2013). tested in the previous literature on which our research instrument is
based. However, this does not fully rule out any measurement error.
Future research should consider the potential measurement bias of
5.2. Research contributions and managerial implications
existing proxies as well as investigate potential substitute measures.
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Tiago Gonçalves is a professor of Finance and Accounting at ISEG, the School of Eco­
Gonçalves, T., Gaio, C., & Silva, M. (2018). Target costing and innovation-exploratory
nomics & Management of University of Lisbon. He completed a Master in Management
configurations: A comparison of fsQCA, multivariate regression, and variable cluster
(MBA) and a PhD in Management (with a major in Accounting and Finance). His research
analysis. Journal of Business Research, 89, 378–384.
interests are mainly in the areas of financial accounting and capital markets research,
managerial accounting and corporate decision making. His work has been published in
Gonçalves, T., Gaio, C., & Costa, E. (2020). Committed vs opportunistic corporate and
international reference journals. He is director of the Master in Finance at ISEG. He
social responsibility reporting. Journal of Business Research, 115, 417–427. https://
currently teaches Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Finance at under­
graduate, masters and PhD levels. He also has extensive experience in executive education.
Grabner, I., & Moers, F. (2013). Management control as a system or a package?
Conceptual and empirical issues. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 38, 407–419. Cristina Gaio is a professor of Accounting at the ISEG, the School of Economics & Man­
Håkansson, H., & Lind, J. (2006). Accounting in an interorganizational setting. agement of University of Lisbon. She completed a Master in Accounting at the University of
Handbooks of Management Accounting Research, 2, 885–902. Wisconsin – Madison and a PhD in Management at the ISCTE – University Institute of
10.1016/S1751-3243(06)02017-7. Lisboa. Her research interests are mainly in the areas of financial accounting, managerial
International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), (1998), International Management accounting and corporate reporting. Her work has been published in international refer­
Accounting Practice Statement: Management Accounting Concepts, New York. ence journals. She is director of the Masters in Accounting, Taxation and Corporate
Juras, A. (2014). Strategic management accounting-what is the current state of the Finance at the ISEG. She currently teaches Financial Accounting at undergraduate, masters
concept? Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition, 17(2), 76–83. and PhD levels. She also has extensive experience in executive education.
Marx, A. (2006). Towards more robust model specification in QCA results from a
methodological experiment. Philadelphia, PA: American Sociological Association.


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