Explore The Integration of Cost Leadership Strategy and Differentiation Strategy
Explore The Integration of Cost Leadership Strategy and Differentiation Strategy
Explore The Integration of Cost Leadership Strategy and Differentiation Strategy
7th International Conference on Education, Management, Information and Computer Science (ICEMC 2017)
Abstract. Cost-leading strategies and differentiation strategies have their own characteristics and
scope of application. However, with the change of modern production management mode and the
development of information network technology in the information economy era, a single
competitive strategy can not get competitive advantage. In real life, in most industries, if an
enterprise can do both the effective difference, but also to maintain a low price, then it is possible to
become the market leader. This paper focuses on the strategy of cost leadership strategy and
differentiation strategy, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the two strategies.
Finally, it discusses the ways of integrating the two strategies, hoping to provide some
enlightenment for the two strategic management of the enterprise.
To sum up, the current research on the cost leadership strategy and differentiation strategy can be
implemented in parallel there is no uniform conclusion. Even in the study that the cost strategy and
the differentiation strategy can be fused, the two strategic integration perspectives are also different.
This paper first describes the importance of strategic integration, and then analyze the two strategies
in parallel implementation environment, and further elaborate two strategies in parallel specific
mechanism for the two systems is also different. For example, in a manufacturing system, the
company should reward employees who provide innovative methods to reduce costs, and develop a
more personalized product as as a reward standard in the R & D system. Therefore, the scissors
difference management model effectively avoid the contradiction between the two strategies to
promote the integration of low cost and differentiation.
Information Network Technology. With the development of information network technology,
more and more enterprises began to use information technology to provide differentiated services to
meet the individual needs of different users, while enterprises can rely on a variety of modern
information systems to reduce operating costs, so that enterprises both provide differentiated
services, but also make the cost ahead of the competitors, to achieve the balance of cost leadership
and differentiation. Enterprises that implement the converged competitive strategy should make full
use of modern information technology, fundamentally transform and reorganize business processes,
and rebuild flexible manufacturing systems that can support fast response, small batch and variety,
and realize the effective integration of low cost advantage, speed advantage and differentiated
product advantages.
Strategic Alliances. Different enterprises in the same industry may be based on their own
resources, ability, organizational structure, and culture to develop a different competitive strategy. If
building strategic alliances among different enterprises with different competitive strategies in the
same industry, by using the organizational flexibility, the ambiguity of the boundary, the loosening
of the relationship, the operation efficiency and the the advantages combination of the strategic
alliance, the enterprise can make use of the simple alliance to make up the shortage of the resource
ability, and effectively use the strategic alliance to achieve the complementary advantages and
resource sharing between enterprises[10]. These ultimately contribute to the cost advantage and the
difference between the advantages of integration.
Total Quality Management. Total quality management has formed a complete set of
methodologies that are popularized in many enterprises. Existing studies have shown that total
quality management has a positive impact on the competitive advantage[11] Effective
implementation of total quality management can bring the following advantages to the enterprise:
improve product quality and meet customer demand for availability and reliability of product;
increase product and price attractiveness to reduce customer turnover rate; by reducing the defective
occurrence rate and rework rate to reduce the need for maintenance services and the product costs.
It can be seen that total quality management is an effective means of taking into account cost
leadership and differentiation.
Based on the idea that differentiation strategy and cost leadership strategy can be integrated, this
paper elaborates the necessity of strategic integration and the feasibility of integration theory, and
further explores the current practice of strategic integration. However, this paper only elaborates
from the theoretical point of view, and the future research direction should be from the simple
integration of strategic feasibility research to the establishment of strategic integration model and
specific guidance on how to implement the integration of these two strategies.
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