Referee Report Forms

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Referee 1


Please give your frank and objective assessment of the candidate, who has applied to TIFR for
enrolment as a Research Scholar in the Ph.D. programme. Your evaluation is essential for us to judge
the suitability of the candidate. Please ensure that you seal this Report in an envelope and sign
across the top and bottom flaps of the envelope before handing it over to the student. We greatly
appreciate your help in selecting deserving candidates for our Graduate School.

1. Full name of the applicant: Mr./Ms. __________________________ App.Seq.No.: ______

2. How well do you know the applicant ? Quite Well Fairly Well Not so well

3. a) How long have you known the applicant? ____________ year(s).

b) In what capacity? as an undergraduate student

as a post graduate student in any other capacity (please specify)

4. Please mark the columns appropriate to the applicant (assess only those skills about which
you have first-hand information). The percentages refer to the sample of all students with
similar qualifications known to you.

Outstanding High Medium Low

(among top (between (between (less than
5%) 5-10%) 10-20%) 20%)
General intelligence

General scientific knowledge

Grasp of basics

Knowledge of the field of specialisation

Mathematical ability

Experimental skills

Capacity for independent thinking

Perseverance in difficulty

Ability to work with others

Communication skills

5. a) State the applicant’s three strongest qualities:

b) State the applicant’s three most striking weaknesses:
6. a) How would you place the applicant in relation to all the students you have known
during the last three years?

Top 5% Between 5-10% Between 10-20% Below 20%

b) Are you recommending more than one student to TIFR this year? If so, please rank
them in order of merit.
i) _____________________________________________________________________
ii) _____________________________________________________________________
iii) _____________________________________________________________________

c) Any general remarks (e.g. comparison with ex-student(s) of yours who is now in TIFR
or has been here earlier will be useful).

7. Given an opportunity, would you like to have the applicant as your own research student?

Yes No, because _____________________________________

8. Do you feel that his / her grades (or marks) correctly represent his / her level of ability?

Yes No, he / she should have got higher / lower marks.

9. Is there any special topic that you think the applicant knows particularly well?


10. Which field(s) of study do you think the applicant is most suited for?


11. In summary, how would you recommend the applicant?

Very strongly Strongly Average With reservation

Date: _________________ Signature: _____________________


Your Name: ______________________________________________________________

Designation: ______________________________________________________________
Institution / Univ.: ______________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Mobile No. : ________________________ Landline No. : _________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________________________________
Referee 2


Please give your frank and objective assessment of the candidate, who has applied to TIFR for
enrolment as a Research Scholar in the Ph.D. programme. Your evaluation is essential for us to judge
the suitability of the candidate. Please ensure that you seal this Report in an envelope and sign
across the top and bottom flaps of the envelope before handing it over to the student. We greatly
appreciate your help in selecting deserving candidates for our Graduate School.

1. Full name of the applicant: Mr./Ms. __________________________ App.Seq.No.: ______

2. How well do you know the applicant ? Quite Well Fairly Well Not so well

3. a) How long have you known the applicant? ____________ year(s).

c) In what capacity? as an undergraduate student

as a post graduate student in any other capacity (please specify)

4. Please mark the columns appropriate to the applicant (assess only those skills about which
you have first-hand information). The percentages refer to the sample of all students with
similar qualifications known to you.

Outstanding High Medium Low

(among top (between (between (less than
5%) 5-10%) 10-20%) 20%)
General intelligence

General scientific knowledge

Grasp of basics

Knowledge of the field of specialisation

Mathematical ability

Experimental skills

Capacity for independent thinking

Perseverance in difficulty

Ability to work with others

Communication skills

5. a) State the applicant’s three strongest qualities:

b) State the applicant’s three most striking weaknesses:
6. a) How would you place the applicant in relation to all the students you have known
during the last three years?

Top 5% Between 5-10% Between 10-20% Below 20%

b) Are you recommending more than one student to TIFR this year? If so, please rank
them in order of merit.
i) _____________________________________________________________________
ii) _____________________________________________________________________
iii) _____________________________________________________________________

c) Any general remarks (e.g. comparison with ex-student(s) of yours who is now in TIFR
or has been here earlier will be useful).

7. Given an opportunity, would you like to have the applicant as your own research student?

Yes No, because _____________________________________

8. Do you feel that his / her grades (or marks) correctly represent his / her level of ability?

Yes No, he / she should have got higher / lower marks.

9. Is there any special topic that you think the applicant knows particularly well?


10. Which field(s) of study do you think the applicant is most suited for?


11. In summary, how would you recommend the applicant?

Very strongly Strongly Average With reservation

Date: _________________ Signature: _____________________


Your Name: ______________________________________________________________

Designation: ______________________________________________________________
Institution / Univ.: ______________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Mobile No. : ________________________ Landline No. : _________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________________________________

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