Ritonga 2020 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1460 012107

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The effect of problem-based video animation instructions to improve

students’ critical thinking skills
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AICMSTE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1460 (2020) 012107 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1460/1/012107

The effect of problem-based video animation instructions to

improve students' critical thinking skills

S Ritonga, S Safrida, I Huda, Supriatno and M A Sarong

Department of Biology Education Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 23111,

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. In the 21st century, people must have soft skills so that they can enter t h e
workplace. One of the skills which must be acquired by students is critical thinking skills.
Students’ low level of critical thinking skills is caused by the use of learning style that does not
promote their thinking skills so that the students are not able to identify a problem, observe, and
consider an observation result. Besides, the students are not able to make consideration, draw a
conclusion, identify and consider a term. The purpose of this study is to analyse the effect of
problem- based video animation instructions to improve students' critical thinking skills. A
quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest design was used in this study. The data
were analysed using N-gain and analysed using the Wilcoxon test at a significant level of 0.05.
The result of the study is p < α, which is 0.001 < 0.05. The conclusion of this study is about
students' critical thinking skills in terms of basic clarification, giving reasons for a decision,
concluding and further clarification. This criterion indicates that the problem-based video
animation instruction model is effective to improve students' critical thinking skills.

1. Introduction
In the 21st century, information can be accessed quickly by everyone in the world. Every individual
must have qualified soft skills to enable them to get into the world of work and be ready to compete.
One of the skills that students must possess is critical thinking skills, which can be obtained through
education. Education is the main alternative at preparing students to be able to compete in this century.
One way to promote students’ critical thinking skills is by giving them problems based on the
experience they have gained.
Based on observation done on biology teachers and second graders students of Islamic Senior
High School, it was found that the students’ critical thinking skill is low. The low level of critical
thinking skills of students at Islamic Senior High School is caused by the use of learning style which
can not promote their thinking skills so that they are not able to identify a problem/question, observe,
and consider an observation result.
Problem Based Video Instruction (PBVI) can improve student satisfaction, empathy, and learning
achievement in the context of Korean teacher education [1]. Also, the use of video disc-based
instruction can help students improve their problem-solving skills and students' attitudes [2]. Problem
based video instruction at the college level shows that problem-based video groups are superior to
problem-based text groups on student understanding tests [3].
Learning by using animated videos, the students can enrich their experiences and competencies in
various learning materials [4-7]. Video animation can provide a stronger visual appearance of various

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AICMSTE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1460 (2020) 012107 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1460/1/012107

phenomena and abstracts information which can improve the quality of learning processes and learning
outcomes [8].

2. Research method
A quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest design was used in this study. The participants of
this study were the second-grade students of Islamic Senior High School, which consisted of 51
students. To determine the research sample, the researcher distributed pre-test to find out the standard
deviation of each class. The same standard deviation is presented as samples because it has the same
skills. A random cluster sampling was adopted.
Critical thinking skill was measured by using essay test questions in the form of pre-test and post-
test [12]. Pretests are administered to the students to determine their initial abilities. Posttest is carried
out to measure students' knowledge after learning using first-grade video animation instruction
In addition to the questions used in the test, the assessment rubric is also compiled based on
indicators of critical thinking skills namely basic clarification, giving reasons for a decision, concluding
and further clarification [10]. Based on the rubric, researchers can determine whether or not the
students meet each indicator of critical thinking skills in solving the problems contained in the problem
The percentage value of critical thinking skills obtained from the calculation is then categorised
[12]. According to Table 1.
Table 1. Criteria of critical thinking
Score Criteria
81-100 Very critical
61-80 Critical
41-60 Moderate critical
21-40 Less Critical
0-20 Very Less Critical

After obtaining the value of critical thinking skills, it will be analysed by using a paired-sample t-
test. The t-test aims to show whether or not there is a significant increase between the pretest and
posttest. Paired t-test used to measure the comparison of the means of the two correlated (paired)
groups, which is critical thinking skill scores (one pretest and one posttest measured), the two
measures that are compared are normally distributed, and the measurement scale is ratio. Before the t-
test, the normality test was carried out first. t-test criteria if (p < 0.05) there is a significant increase

3. Result and discussions

3.1. Comparison of average pretest and posttest scores

The average score of students' critical thinking skills is presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Data description scores of students' critical thinking skills.

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.Deviation Variance
Pretes 51 25 39,58 30,39 3,36 11,31
Posttes 51 77,08 89,58 84,27 3,51 12,38

This data shows an increase in the average score of students' critical thinking skills. In the pretest,
the average score is 30.39. Whereas in the posttest, the average score is 84.27. These results indicate

AICMSTE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1460 (2020) 012107 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1460/1/012107
that problem-based video animation instruction is effective for improving students' critical thinking

3.2. Result of N-Gain analysis of student’s critical thinking skills

The scores of students' critical thinking skills are seen in Table 3.

Table 3. Results of N-gain scores Critical Thinking Skills

The average
Indicator of critical thinking The average value
value of the N-gain Criteria
skill of pretest
Elementary Clarification 35 90,36 0,85 High
The Basis for The 31,21 85,95 0,79 High
Inference 28,59 82,35 0,75 High
Advanced Clarification 25,98 78,43 0,70 Low
All aspects 30,19 84,27 0,77 High

Overall, the N-Gain score from each aspect of critical thinking skills increased with a very high
category. Increasing every aspect of critical thinking skills is presented in Figure 1.

90 85,95
Score a spect of cri tical th inking skills



40 35
30 25,98


Elementary The Basic For The Inference Advanced

Clarification Decision Clarification

Pretest Posttest

Figure 1. Increasing every aspect of critical thinking skills.

Every aspect of critical thinking skills has a different improvement from each aspect. Overall, these
results show that every aspect is improved. Students' skills in analysing obtained by identifying problems
so that they get the concepts through their learning experience.

3.3. Result of Paired Sample t-test

The pretest and posttest data were analysed by using paired data tests with data normality tested first, as
a prerequisite for further testing carried out parametric or nonparametric. The results of the normality test
are presented in Table 4.

AICMSTE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1460 (2020) 012107 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1460/1/012107
Table 4. Result of normality test data value of critical thinking test.
Statistic df Sig.
Pretest 0.184 51 0.001
Postest 0.177 51 0.007

The results of testing the normality of critical thinking skills get the Sig < 0.05 which means that the
data is distributed abnormally. Because the data is not normally distributed, the Wilcoxon test is carried
out. The results of the Wilcoxon test of students' critical thinking skills presented in Table 5.
Table 5. Result of Wilcoxon of student’ critical thinking skills
The average score The average score of
Variable Sig.
of pretest posttest
30,39 84,27 0,001

Non-parametric test results for paired data show Sig. 0.001. The criteria for concluding are if the
significance level is (Sig.) < 0.05. Wilcoxon results show that the use of the learning of problem-based
video animation instruction can improve students' critical thinking skills. The average pretest score was
30.39, and the average posttest score was 84.27, so it increased by 53.88.
The use of the problem-based video animation instruction makes students already accustomed to using
their critical thinking skills in learning, as evidenced by fluency in formulating the problem. The most
significant indicator of critical thinking skills is increasing students' skills in basic clarity, and
students can formulate problems based on observations of problem-based video animation instruction.
Students also have no difficulty in planning and conducting an investigation process through the use of
problem-based video instruction based animation videos. Students are also able to observe and consider
the results of the observation. The presentation phase also went smoothly, and each group had the
opportunity to present the solution to the problems found. Students have no difficulty in making
The use of problem-based video animation instruction can help students acquire their knowledge by
thinking about finding problems and finding solutions based on animated videos, animated videos enrich
students' experiences and competencies in various learning materials and visualise material to be more
The findings of this study show that animated videos can improve critical thinking skills. Based on the
previous study conducted by [1] comparing the use of problem-based video instruction with problem-
based text instruction. Using problem-based video instruction can improve student satisfaction,
understanding and retention. So problem-based video instruction based video animation is more effectively
used to improve students' critical thinking skills compared to using videos without conventional animation
and learning.
Video provides a more flexible media to support students’ learning activities which able to explain
concepts related to mechanisms or processes, can be repeated and stopped according to the needs of
students [14-17]. Videos can also attract students' attention in class, clarify ideas and illustrate concepts
so students can get long-term memory from the material [18,19]. The use of animation as one of the
effective tools of information technology in education has increased recently, and it is highly
recommended to use animation to improve the learning of individuals with special needs besides
individuals with distinctive developments [20]. The use of audiovisual media, students can see concretely
the material that is being presented before them without having to imagine abstractly that sometimes bores
students [21].

AICMSTE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1460 (2020) 012107 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1460/1/012107

4. Conclusions
Based on the results of this study, the learning of problem-based video animation instruction is
effective in improving the skills to think critically in the human respiration system concepts. From the
results of this study, it is recommended to other researchers to enhance the creativity and innovation in
learning such as by using current technology for example problem-based video animation instructions
to support learning in the classroom so that students' critical thinking skills can be improved.

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