"Cryptography Essentials" Course Project: Instructions

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CTECH202: Cryptography Essentials

Cornell Tech

“Cryptography Essentials” Course Project


Complete this project and submit it to your instructor. See the assignment page for
information about the grading rubric. Do not hesitate to contact your instructor if you
have any questions about the project.

This course project consists of three parts, each of which corresponds to concepts that
you will learn throughout the course. Complete each project part as you progress
through the course. Wait until all three parts are complete before submitting the project.
Begin your course project by completing Part One below.  

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CTECH202: Cryptography Essentials
Cornell Tech

Part One: Analyze an Encryption Scheme

Consider a sample encryption scheme where the key is a random 4-digit pin code
denoted by: d1, d2, d3, d4. To encrypt a message m, first break the message up into
chunks of four letters. Next, shift each four-letter block of your message by your pin
code. For instance, if the key (i.e., the pin code) is 3412, the message
GOODMORNING gets encrypted as follows:


3  4 1  2 3  4 1  2 3  4 1
J  S P F P S  S P L  R H

Answer the following questions. Please limit your answers to 100 words or less.

Give an informal Type here…

definition of a
scheme. We
encourage you to
re-watch the
videos in this
module several
times to help you
answer this

If the pin code is

7832, what does
encrypt to?

In this sample
scheme, how do
you decrypt
messages given
the secret key
provided above?

Is this a good
scheme? Why or
why not?

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CTECH202: Cryptography Essentials
Cornell Tech

Part Two: Explore the Use of Key Pairs

Public-key cryptography forms the foundation of secure communications today, so it is
important that you solidify your understanding of how key pairs work to encrypt and
decrypt messages. Answer the questions below. Please limit your answers to 100
words or less.

Give an informal definition

of a public-key encryption
scheme and how it differs
from a private-key
encryption scheme.

In your own words, explain

the difference between a
public key and a secret

Think of a business-related
data privacy problem or
challenge. Describe how
you might use public and
private keys to solve the
Think of the Top two tools used for communication:
communication tools used
in your own work
environment. Then, list the
top two most frequently Type of encryption they rely on:
used tools or applications.
Do some research, both
internally and on the web,
to see what kind of Was it easy to find information on the kind of encryption
encryption scheme the that the tools rely on to secure communications?
tools use to protect
messages (private-key
encryption or public-key
encryption). Consider
sending a message to
someone in your
technology department to
help you answer the
questions to the right.

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CTECH202: Cryptography Essentials
Cornell Tech

Part Three: Devise a Commodity Exchange

Think of a commodity that could be traded online via a public ledger. For the purposes
of this project, you can imagine that this public ledger is equivalent to a public Facebook
wall; anyone can see what is posted to the profile. Although it will be missing some key
properties to make it secure (i.e. you have to put your trust that Facebook will not
tamper with the transactions posted to the public wall), it will be good enough for your
fledgling commodity exchange. Below, you will describe how you would use digital
signatures to ensure the integrity of the exchange. Please limit your answers to 100
words or less.

Give an informal
definition of a digital
signature scheme. We
recommend that you re-
watch the videos in this
module several times
before attempting to
answer this question. In
your definition, be sure
to include the purposes
of a public key and a
secret key.

Describe how you

would use the public
ledger in combination
with digital signatures to
create your commodity
exchange. Specifically,
explain how digital
signatures would be
used to protect
commodities from being

To submit this assignment, please refer to the instructions in the course.

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