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Qualification: WELDING
Unit of Competency: Weld Carbon Steel Plates and Pipes Using GTAW
Module Title: Weld Carbon Steel Plates and Pipes Using GTAW
Module Description: This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes in welding carbon steel plates using SMAW process.
Summary of Learning Outcome:
1. Perform Root Pass
2. Clean Root Pass
3. Weld subsequent filling passes
4. Perform capping

Learning Outcome 1:
Teaching Methods Assessment
Content Outline Learning Activities Follow-up Activities Training Resources Time/Day
and Techniques Methods

 Weld Carbon Steel  Preliminary

Plates and Pipes Activities  Discussion  Written  Self check  GTAW NC II  4 hrs.
Using SMAW 1.Check that the examination CBLM
workshop is in place: (self check)

5S in the workshop
Availability of
Good working
condition of tools
& equipment

2.Check the
attendance of the

3.Conduct orientation
on how to use the
learning materials
 Written  Observation
 Explain the  Group examination and oral  Video, Slide  2 hrs.
essentials of discussion (self check) questioning presentation
 Arc Welding  2 hrs.
Basic Module
 Different tools and  Different tools and
equipment their equipment their  GTAW CBLM
uses, parts and uses, parts and  Written  Self Check
functions functions examination and oral
(self check) questioning
 Identify Types of  Read INFO IN THE
personal protective TRAINING
equipments and RESOURCE AREA
uses. (PPE ) on welding

 Read the  Present all  Video, Slide  2 hrs.

information sheets tools to the presentation
on welding and trainees and
owner’s manual demonstrate
of all tools and

 Deposit weld
beads on plate
 Self check  Re- Weld Any
 Weld plates in  Practical
 Actual Work Defect  8 hrs.
single pass fillet Work Area
joints in all

 Perform single
pass fillet weld in
different positions
 Check actual  Re- Weld Any
work of the Defect
 1F Flat position  Actual Work  Practical  8 hrs.
 2F Horizontal Work Area
 3F Vertical
 4F Over head

Learners’ feedback:

Formative Evaluation:
Progress checks for every learning outcome in the form of self-check paper and ball pen, questions to be asked, observation of
performance thru hands-on activity. Example of Formative Evaluation: The answer sheets submitted by the trainees thru the self check and correct responses on
The questions asked.
Learning Outcome 2: Clean Root Pass
Teaching Methods Assessment
Content Outline Learning Activities Follow-up Activities Training Resources Time/Day
and Techniques Methods

 Weld plates in  Actual Work  Demonstration  Observation and  Practical  4 hrs.

fillet T joints in all oral Work Area
positions questioning Activity

 1G Flat position  Actual Work  Actual Work  Re- Weld Any  Practical
 2G Horizontal Defect Work Area
 3G Vertical
 4G Over head

 Weld plates in
single pass groove
joints in flat,
horizontal and
vertical positions

Learner’s Feedback
Institutional Assessment:
An evaluation conducted at the end of the module either written, oral or demonstration of skill in the workplace or simulated
Environment. Trainer’s self-reflection: The following may be consider: successful elements of the lesson, how you can improve on certain delivery methods,
Actions to take to improve teaching skills. Example of Trainer’s self reflection: The use of actual learning aids displayed in the workshop like plates and pipe materials,
Tools, equipment and personal protective equipment reinforced the understanding of the lesson.
Learning Outcome 3: Weld subsequent filling passes
Teaching Methods Training
Content Outline Learning Activities Assessment Methods Follow-up Activities Time/Day
and Techniques Resources

 Weld plates in  Actual Work  Demonstrate  Re- Weld Any  Practical  4 hrs
multiple pass Actual Work to Defect Work Area
groove joints in the Trainees Activity
flat, horizontal  Individual
and vertical Demonstration

 Perform V
Groove  Actual Work  Demonstrate  Re- Weld Any  Practical  4 hrs
 Single Pass Actual Work to Defect Work Area
Vertical Butt the Trainees
Joint Weld Or  Group
First Pass Of Demonstration
Deposit  Individual

Learner’s Feedback
Institutional Assessment: An evaluation conducted at the end of the module either written, oral or demonstration of skill in the workplace or simulated
Environment. Trainer’s self-reflection: The following may be consider: successful elements of the lesson, how you can improve on certain delivery methods,
Actions to take to improve teaching skills. Example of Trainer’s self reflection: The use of actual learning materials displayed in the workshop like plate and pipe
materials, Tools, equipment and personal protective equipment reinforced the understanding the lesson. Effective learning support, and individual demonstration,
and effective positive attitude.
Learning Outcome 4: Perform capping
Teaching Methods Training
Content Outline Learning Activities Assessment Methods Follow-up Activities Time/Day
and Techniques Resources

 Weld plates in  Actual Work  Observation and  Individual  Practical  8 hrs.

single pass oral questioning Demonstration Work Area
groove joints in  Demonstrate Activity
overhead Actual Work to
positions the Trainees

Learner’s Feedback
Institutional Assessment:
 Direct observation on actual demonstration.
 Written exam and oral questioning.
 Demonstration

Trainer’s self-reflection: The following may be consider: successful elements of the lesson, how you can improve on certain delivery methods,
Actions to take to improve teaching skills. Example of Trainer’s self reflection: The use of actual learning materials displayed in the workshop like plate and pipe
materials, Tools, equipment and personal protective equipment reinforced the understanding the lesson. Effective learning support, and individual demonstration,
And effective positive attitude.

Hubert M. Rodriguez
Metals and Engineering Trainer
Kananga EDC Institute of Technology

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