433Mhz Uhf Ask Data Transmitter and Receiver: Egrf-433A1

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433MHz UHF ASK Data Transmitter

and Receiver
Technical Manual
Rev 1r0

EGRF-433A1 transmitter and receiver pair is a low

cost solution for radio wireless control application
circuits. Operating at 433MHz ISM frequencies,
this low power radio system has a remote operat-
(125 meters/370 ft being typical) . The control
distance can be stretched to 175meters, if short
temporary disconnections due to RF signal drop
outs can be tolerated.


Before we go any further, it may be a good idea to

know the EGRF-433A1 limitations. The most im-
portant thing to keep in mind is, the EGRF-433A1
is not a UART wireless cable replacement out of
the box. It is, for a fact, a data transmitter-receiver
system. But the thing is, its output is a raw, noisy,
low level RF pulses that still requires a fair amount
of signal processing before it becomes usable for
data transmission. Figure 1. The EGRF-433A1 UHF Receiver (larger of the
two) and Transmitter Module.
The reception data, if present, will be available
mixed with lots of random pulses (noise). The re-
ceiving MCU is expected to process the reception
data to extract its content and examine the data if
mits and receives data in a way not compatible
with any UART protocol.

Programming an MCU to work with EGRF-433A1

does not sound so easy, and the fact is, it is really
not. Arduino and gizDuino users are quite fortu-
nate though. Someone already built a collection of
routines to carry out these tasks, called the Vir-
tualWire library. With the use of this library, using
EGRF-433A1 with Arduino and gizDuino becomes
as straightforward and painless even for begin-
ners. Figure 2. e-Gizmo Remote Controller with VirtualWire
transmitter module, ready for a gizDuino based wireless
remote robot control application.

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The transmitter module is based on Micrel’s UHF The transmitter is ASK pulse modulated by ap-
transmitter MICRF113. This is a very stable UHF plying LVTTL level pulses at the TXIN input. TXIN
oscillator locked to a crystal frequency. It is ca- input is non linear. Basically, what the input pulses
pable of delivering RF output of up to 10dbm, does is turn ON and OFF the transmitter at a suc-
although in our circuit, actual RF output is about 3 cession to effect ASK transmission.

Figure 3. The transmitter module is crystal locked in frequency, ensuring a stable and more reliable

Table 1. Interface Port P1

PIN ID Description
1 +3v3 Power Input, 1v8 to 3v6 volts
2 GND Power Ground WIRE
3 No connection +3V3 (SEE TEXT)
4 TXIN ASK Data Pulse input P1

Figure 4. The transmitter module component layout. A

stranded core insulated wire cut to 17cm in length can
be used as an antenna.

EGRF-433A1 UHF Transmitter-Receiver ©2012 e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central Page 2 of 12 pages


The receiver module is built around ATA3741, a the detection of sync signal. The sync pulses are
UHF receiver circuit capable of demodulating ei- immediately followed by a start marker - a 12bit
ther an ASK or FSK signal. The receiver frequency pulse pattern, the number of bytes to transmit, and
is likewise crystal locked to keep the frequency the data stream itself. Transmission is concluded
from wandering off and getting out of tune with the with a 4 byte CRC that must be used by the host
transmitter. controller to validate the data.

The output of the ATA3741 is already in the form of ="4$>&$'%&$"*-$2"!0)&4$?&-6$=33$4'-'$'+-&%$-)&$0-'%-$

digital pulses. But as it is, it is not ready for use. As marker are encoded in 4b/6b format in order not
I already mentioned, we could expect a data out- the upset the DC bias of the ATA3741 receiver
put mixed with all sorts of noise. Hence, to ensure PLL circuit. Any undesired DC bias within the PLL
succesful data transfer, the receiver hosts MCU control loop will almost guarantee a data lost.
need something it could easily recognize from
noise to get it start processing of reception data Fortunately for Arduino and gizDuino program-
and deal with the separation of data from noise mers, you need not worry about these details. Eve-
more effectively. For this, the data packet is send ry complicated thing just mentioned had already
by the transmitting device with extra payloads for been taken cared of by the VirtualWire library, so
synchronization and error detection. The payload that you don’t have to. It is a free Arduino IDE add-
depends on the protocol used. Following is the on library that can work with EGRF-433A1 wireless
scary detail. hardware. If you haven’t done so, now is the good
time to download this library.
VirtualWire starts transmission by sending a series
of synchronization pulses, 18 pairs of 1 and 0s to Users of non-Arduino compatible platform/MCUs
be exact. The hosts MCU running the VirtualWire are not as lucky, and may have to do the dirty work
reception routine continuously checks for this themselves. For now, Google is your best friend.
sync pulses, and will only start processing upon

Figure 5. A snapshot of an oscilloscope trace of a EGRF-433A1-T transmitter module sending the mes-
sage “123456”. The lower trace is the expanded highlighted portion of the packet. The lower trace clearly
payload itself.

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valued components even on RF section. This is a PLL receiver circuit frequency locked to a crystal

Table 2. P1 Interface Port

1 DEM Analog Demodulator Output
2 EN Enable Input, Normally open (“1”) Vcc
3 N.C. No connection DATA
4 DATA Data Output EN
5 GND Common Ground
6 Vcc +5V Power Input

Figure 7. EGRF-433A1-R Receiver Module components

layout. The antenna can likewise be fashioned out of a
17cm length of stranded insulated wire.

EGRF-433A1 UHF Transmitter-Receiver ©2012 e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central Page 4 of 12 pages


To use the EGRF-433A1 with your gizDuino, you UART port pin 0, pin 1, and pin 2 of the gizDuino
need to integrate the VirtualWire library with your free. The UART port is one of the most useful
current Arduino IDE installation. Installing Virtual- features of a microcontroller. A lot of devices would
Wire Libraries to your Arduino IDE requires only a want to connect in the UART port. And it is not
couple of steps: needed for EGRF-433A1 to work, although you
can use it with equal ease if you want to. It will
1. Download the latest VirtualWire library from just be a waste. You will never know when you will
http://www.open.com.au/mikem/arduino/ need it for other devices.

@6$A"B!1$-)&$23&$'"4$(*1?$-)&$>)*3&$C!%-5'3D!%&$ In the following example, it is connected to pin 14.

folder to your Arduino IDE directory libraries sub- An Arduino sample sketch for the transmitter is
folder (e.g. E:\arduino-1.0.1\libraries) shown in the following page.

This library will run with all gizDuino platform,

including the minis.

Transmitter Application Example

The transmitter circuit requires just one I/O line

driving the TXIN. Any DIO can be used to drive the
TXIN. But it is probably a good idea to keep the



say, this setup will work with any Arduino and compatible module as well, not just with the gizDuino+.
User can freely use any other DIO pin other than the one shown in this example.

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/* Sample Arduino Sketch for
* e-Gizmo EGRF-433A1-T
* UHF Transmitter Module
* Using VirtualWire Protocol
* This will work with all gizDuino and Arduino platform

#include <VirtualWire.h>

// DIO txpin assignment. Change pin assignment if you want to

const byte txpin=14; // tx pin assigned to DIO 14

void setup()

vw_setup(4800); // Transmission speed at 4800bps

vw_set_tx_pin(txpin); //tell VirtualWire which pin to use

void loop()

char *msg=”123456”; // test message “123456”

// Send message via VirtualWire

vw_send((uint8_t *)msg, strlen(msg));
// That’s it!

EGRF-433A1 UHF Transmitter-Receiver ©2012 e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central Page 6 of 12 pages

Receiver Application Example

The receiver circuit, as a minimum, requires just cease going from state to state (Fig. 11). This will
one gizDuino DIO to implement. The host control- conceivably put a burden in the MCU hosts, with
ler (gizDuino) running the VirtualWire services the effect showing as system slowing down. The
1&%!*4!('33?$()&(O0$-)&$01&(!2&4$PQH6$Q+$'"$!"(*,- Enable pin helps minimize this. It works by keeping
ing stream is detected, it processes the data, get the DATA output silent (no pulses) when nothing is
rid of the noise, checks for data integrity, and then being sent from the transmitter side (Fig. 10). This
expose the clean receive data to a running user is possible because the ATA3741 chip used in the
codes. All complex tasks are done by the Virtual- receiver module has a built-in function that can
Wire for you. detect the synchronization start pulse on its own.
To use it, the host MCU must pull down Enable pin
Control to the receiver ENable pin is not neces- for a short moment after the completion of a data
sary, but is highly recommended. The EGRF- packet reception.
433A1 DATA output pin, as repeatedly mentioned,
is littered with random noise pulses. Even with the An Arduino demo sketch for the receiver module is
absence of incoming signal, the DATA output never shown in the following pages.



Figure 9. EGRF-433A1-R Receiver Module on a gizDuino+. As in the transmitter wiring example, users
can freely choose a different DIO if the application circuit so requires. But remember to modify the pin as-

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Figure 10. Oscilloscope trace of receiver DATA output with Enable pin in use. The Enable func-
tion mutes the DATA output after completing reception of a data packet, and then restart DATA
output by itself upon detection of an incoming transmission.

Figure 11. You can leave out the Enable function. But this is what will happen in the DATA
output. Random noise pulses keeps coming out of the DATA pin even in the absence of an
incoming signal. This may present a unnecessary burden that could slow down the process-
ing speed of the hosts MCU.

EGRF-433A1 UHF Transmitter-Receiver ©2012 e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central Page 8 of 12 pages

/* Demo Rx program for e-Gizmo EGRF-433A1-R UHF Rx module *
* by e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central
* using VirtualWire Libraries
* This sample program dumps Rxed data to serial port.
* Monitor received data by using the IDE Serial Monitor

#include <VirtualWire.h>

const byte rxpin=11; // DIO pin 2 for Rx

const byte rxenable=7; //DIO pin 7 for Rx Enable
const byte ledpin=13; // Built in LED

/* EGRF-433A1-R Speed settings */

// select 9600bps or 4800bps

// Make sure only one group is uncommented

// Uncomment next two lines if you want to set speed to 9600baud

//unsigned int spattern=0x7810; //BR_Range3
//unsigned int lpattern=0x2ee0; // bit check limit 46-56

//Uncomment next two lines for 4800 baud

unsigned int spattern=0x6810; //BR_Range2
unsigned int lpattern=0x2FD8; // bit check limit for 4500-5100 bps

byte bitctr=14;

void setup()
pinMode(rxenable,OUTPUT); // EGRF-433A1 DIO for ENable pin
ATA3741(); // setup Rx module ATA3741 chip

// UART is used for this demo to allow visual display

// of Rxed data via Arduino IDE Tools>Serial Monitor
// Otherwise, it is freely available for other purpose

// Apply VitualWire settings

vw_setup(4800); // Bits per sec
vw_rx_start(); // Start the receiver PLL running

pinMode(ledpin,OUTPUT); // LED

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void loop()

uint8_t buf[VW_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN];
int i;



// And dump Rxed data to serial port

// Rxed data are stored in buf[] memory

Serial.print(“Rx Data: “);

$ +*%$F!$T$/L$!$`$:5<&"L$!aaK

digitalWrite(rxenable, LOW); // Reset EGRF-433A1-R

digitalWrite(13, LOW); // Flash OFF LED indicator
digitalWrite(rxenable, HIGH); //Re enable to receive next data packet


/* EGRF-433A1-R Hardware Initialization Routines

* to start RX activity

void ATA3741(void){

// forcing DATA pin low for 15ms
pinMode(rxpin,OUTPUT); // Change DATA pin direction to OUTPUT

// wait for t2

// send 14 bits init pattern

EGRF-433A1 UHF Transmitter-Receiver ©2012 e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central Page 10 of 12 pages

if((spattern & 0x8000)==0)





// Enter 14-bit bit check limits pattern

if((lpattern & 0x8000)==0)


// Output a logic low

void ATA3741_LO(void){
// wait until rxpin goes hi

pinMode(rxpin,OUTPUT); // output a low
delayMicroseconds(150); // for 150uS

// Output a logic high

void ATA3741_HI(void){
// Since rxpin should be normally at logic high
// just wait if necessary until rxpin goes high

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Figure 12. EGRF-433A1-T Transmitter Module PCB artwork.



Figure 12. EGRF-433A1-R Receiver Module PCB artwork.

EGRF-433A1 UHF Transmitter-Receiver ©2012 e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central Page 12 of 12 pages

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