Jan 29 2021 Chase Continued

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business ali sarah total begin 9/15

1848 2579.6

October 2020 bill sarah ali joined

cats 82.99 82.99
grocs 363.42 36.42
acting 1945.1
lowes 66.75 66.75
entertainment 107 120.7
apparel -171.26 37.5

payments made -35

foodout 101.63 25
La storage 133
doterra 149.98
weed 325 130
shipping 8
ballet 49

amazon 132.61 264.97

home ins 5.87 5.88
health 427.81
pets 224.57 224.57
donation 10
cell 47.4
meds 226.43
power elec 112.21 121.22
1936.57 3526.94 5463.51
actual 91.82 5555.33
amazon 100 100
2036.57 3718.76
november 2020 bill ali sarah joined
gas & eletctric 122.26 122.26
storage la 133
entertain ali 31.52
entertain sarah 1.07
entertainment 20.12 20.12
apparel -37.5 218.63
groceries 568.46 378.98
gifts 113.9
doterra 330.09
metlife 314
weed 120 258
amazon storecard 50 50
amazon purchases 168.08 26.28
comcast tv 84.82 84.82
norwex 119.63
donation 10 1
health 211.38 427.81
ballet 49
home 107.55 161.32
amazon homeo 80.86
cats 49.58 74.36
acting 47.69
cellular 47.4
sarah cocao 75.63
2178.22 2378.08 4557.3

last entry used 13th pnm gas 36.38

January 29th, 2021 Sarah Ali

entertain 332.74 377.88
utilities 207.07 207.07
comcast mobile 94.82
casting networks 21.9
donation 2 20
amazon 190.5 84.6
meds ali 79.5
foodout 141.5 141.5
ballet 98
aaa renew 44 44
ali gaming 126.13
household 105
grocs 502.43 713.74
gifts 30.21 39.86
cats 94 45
acting supplies 21.97
apparel 21.39 56.75
storage LA 301.11
plumbing 339.41 145.46
doterra 200 180
vehicle service 1.75
gas 25.52
sarah healthplan 769.88
rotary 75
ali car ins 98.33
stella adler 2392.89
ali healthcare 446.45
chase member 50 50
ali acting kennedy wkshp 125

50 50

3160 5940
2600 5900 paid 2/14

this is through fe 2nd ncludes the pnm payment.

now this is through the pending charges incl. 2/13/2021 doterra and bills locks

begin 9/15
including 21.34 and 97.75 pnm pa#NAME? this includes purchases through oct 12th and
the zappo shoes return was subtracted from the bal since they were returned.

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