Culinary Arts Chapter 2 LEARNING ACTIVITY

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Name: Hunnob, Mary Sunshine K.
Course/Year/Sec: BSTM 2
Date: 11-09-20

1. Let us determine how much you already know about utilizing kitchen tools and
equipment. Take this test. Below are jumbled letters. Write the correct answers on
the provided space



2. List down kitchen tools and equipments and its use that are not listed on your

Hand tools Heavy equipment Cook ware

1. Carving fork 1. Commercial oven 1. Fry pan

 Used to hold  This type of oven  Ideal for frying,
foods securely in is great for even scrambling,
place as well as style cooking and sautéing or
keeping hands ideal for baked searing. Sloped
away from the dishes. sides prevent
sharp blades of steam from
the knives as forming in the pan.
food is being
2. Potato mashers 2. Combination oven 2. Saute pan/ Sautoir
 Used to crush  The main plus of  Wide bottom area
soft food for this type of oven is for maximum heat
such dishes as its versatility. With conduction. Ideal
mashed a combination for sautéing,
potatoes, apple oven you can searing, braising,
roast, steam, deglazing,
sauce, or refried smoke, fry, bake, poaching, and stir
beans. or grill. frying.
3. Garlic presses 3. Pizza oven 3. Wok
 Used for pressing  This type of oven  Ideal for stir frying
garlic cloves is used for making or wok
through small pizzas. Because of applications. Deep
holes to extract its use is not curved sides
the pulp, oils, limited to just promote excellent
and juice from pizza making. With food movement.
the garlic. a pizza oven you
can also handle
anything from
desserts to meats.
4. Corers 4. Conveyor oven 4. Tapered Sauce Pan
 Used to remove  In a conveyor  Small bottom
stubborn cores oven, food passes diameter for less
from fruits and through a heat exposure.
vegetables conveyor belt Ideal for cooking at
where it heats up lower
or gets cooked at a temperatures for a
certain pace and longer time.
5. Citrus hand juicers 5. Tilt skillets 5. Straight sided sauce
 Used to extracts  Tilting skillets pan
juice from citrus quickly brown  Ideal for creating
fruits and food and simmer and reducing
vegetables by products. This sauces and cooking
shredding the equipment can vegetables. Use
fresh of food bake or roast all with a lid to control
item. types of meat and evaporation and
poultry. accelerated
6. Bucket and pail 6. Commercial gas range 6. Brazier
openers  Used in almost  Used as a hot bath
 Used for opening every restaurant in conjunction with
and resealing and foodservice tapered sauce pans
food storage kitchen to fry, for melting butters,
pails. braise, grill, and heating sauces or
steam. for blanching
7. fish scaler 7. Commercial 7. Sauce pot
 Made to easily charbroilers  Ideal for slow
remove the  Used cooking cooking stews,
scales attached device consisting sauces, soups,
to the skin of a of a series of casseroles and
fish that will be grates or ribs that roasts while
can be heated
prepared and using a variety of reducing the
cooked whole. means. content.
8. egg rings 8. Portable freezers 8. Stock pot
 Use to fry up  Has made it  Ideal for stocks,
perfectly round possible to soups, pastas, bulk
eggs and omelets transport items in vegetables and
danger of spoiling seafood.
without the mess
and inconvenience
of a cooler filled
with ice.
9. egg and mushroom 9. Upright freezers 9. Cast Iron Skillet
slicers  Perfect for  Long lasting
 Used for cutting freezing foods that construction lets it
quickly and you need to be easily go from oven
easily. able to access to table for fast,
easily. efficient service.
Ideal for sautéing,
searing, frying, and
even baking.
10. meat pounder 10. Drawer freezer 10. Roasting pan
tenderizer  Provide  Heavy duty
 Used to convenience for construction and
tenderize slabs the cook who large size
of meat in needs to have accommodates
preparation for certain items at roast, hams, and
cooking. hand while turkeys.
preparing foods.

3. what is the significance of a fire extinguisher in establishments? Defend your

A fire extinguisher in establishment are extremely important because it can
use for fire protection. It is for defense and often contain or extinguish fire, preventing
expensive damage to the establishment. These frequently noticed devices can be a
key ingredient in keeping people safe while in a fire emergency situation. Business
owners sometimes view fire extinguishers as red cans that just hang on the wall.
Mostly fire extinguishers are in the lobby and kitchen area.

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