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it clear that he fully

supports the franchises

decision and is looking
The Dallas forward to “hitting the
field” with Bundy.
Cowboys Present running back
Draft Star Ezekiel Elliot and coach
Mike McCarthy are not
Running convinced that this was
the right decision and Aaron Rodgers 
Back wonder if the retired
-Lushawn Threats shoe salesman can help Appears In 
After a few seasons of
the struggling team.
Even Bundy’s wife
SuperBowl LV 
losing, The Dallas Peggy wonders if the By Luz Paredes
Cowboys have made player can take his
the decision to draft Polk hands from his pants News flash: Patrick
High School Alumni and long enough to catch the Mahomes is hurt and
former star running football. will not play in Super
back, Al Bundy. Jerry bowl LV. Kansas City
Jones recalls watching
is making a trade with
the excitement of the
the Green Bay
1966 championship
game where Al Bundy
scored 4 touchdowns
against Andrew Johnson
High School. The game
winning touchdown,
happening in the final
seconds, against his
nemesis “Spare Tire.”
Dak Prescott has made
reporter that no one will
Pg. 2
Hollywood  ever measure up and be
as gorgeous as he is,
(continued from Pg. 1) Headlines but there might be
someone that can
Packers for Aaron
almost reach his
Rodgers. Since they
standard. Cruise also
lost to Tampa Bay two wanted to let His public
weeks prior in the NFL know that he will not
Championship game, give up his current
Rodgers has been workout routine and you
looking for another will still never catch him
chance to return to the with a donut, unless it’s
Big Game. What an written into the script.
Tom Cruise to  No fear, he will still
opportunity for
Rodgers to play Tom Use Stunt Double  appear topless when the
Brady for a third time movie requires it.
by: Jenna Rhude
this season. The
halftime show will It’s finally happened.
feature the Super Tom Cruise has
band Scorpions conceded his age and is Marvel Studios
no longer going to be
singing "Remember
performing his own
me" and various
musical numbers. Go
stunts. This may Film They
disappoint some, but it
Rodgers Go!!!
is also a very smart
decision on his part. by Jonathan Buchhorn
Who would want to
possibly hurt that Every movie Marvel
beautiful body? His Studios releases these
chiseled features are days is met with large
now something that can fan fare. However one
movie, only recently
still be admired for years
to come. Cruise did discovered, managed to
report that he would be release to little hype, or
carefully choosing his so we think.
stunt-double and try to Forget-Me-Not​ was a
get his features as close 2016 movie was a
Marvel production based
to his own as possible.
He did also tell this on the often
Pg. 3 catch up on that huge lady's man. The
character anytime soon. mysterious man is
Fonzie! They have been
(continued from Pg. 2)
spotted riding his
underappreciated motorcycle, eating at
character Surprising  Al's diner, and drinking
Forget-Me-Not. The
character Forget-Me-Not
New "Friend"  coffee at Central Perk.
Rachel has even been
was a mutant who's for Rachel  seen wearing his black
leather jacket. I caught
special powers were to
make himself easily by Michelle Lantz up with Ross to ask him
forgettable. Known to how he felt about
By now I'm sure Rachel dating again. He
have saved Captain
everyone has heard responded with, " I'm
America and the rest of
about the emotional FINE!", and walked
the Avengers on dozens
break up between Ross away. Clearly, he is not
of occasions ,the
and Rachel. But have fine, but "Ayy", I'm
character is quickly
you heard, rooting for the new
forgotten about by the
mighty ones, explained couple to succeed.
away with blurred
memories. The film
reportedly starred
Timothee Chalamet, Shocker! Gomez
who himself seemed to
have forgotten the role
Addams to
as well. The superhero there is a new guy in replace Alex
studio admits they had Rachel's life now? After
forgotten about the film Trebec as Host of
several attempts to ask
and only during a 2020 Rachel about this Jeopardy!
IRS audit had made mysterious man, I felt I
them re-check their owed it to all of you to By: Bryttany Carson
books from that year find out who he is. I
and there it was with an started watching Jeopardy is spicing
unreported box office Rachel's every move things up! After the
draw of $834 million. and I'm proud to say, I
Unfortunately Marvel tragic loss of Alex
know who he is. Are you
reports all prints have Trebek, producers of
ready for this? Rachel's
been misplaced, so new man is a very cool, Jeopardy are looking to
don't be expecting to handsome, motorcycle bring more excitement
riding guy, who is a
Pg. 4 enough of her wild
escapades. As she
(continued from Pg. 3) drove up to the center
to the show! Gomez she was seen being
Addams is an athletic greeted by the owner
and eccentric​ multi Mrs. Garrett. Mrs.
billionaire. He is also Garrett introduced her to
known for his crafty
Good Girl the girls; there was Blair,
schemes and bizarre Tootie, Natalie and Jo.
lifestyle. Gomez owns Gone Bad Brittney seemed to be
businesses around the
unsure of if she was
world, including a swamp, (again)
going to fit in at the
bought for "scenic value",
-Aranne Urbancic Eastland School for girls
crocodile farm, a buzzard
farm, a salt mine, a We all remember but as the girls have
tombstone factory, and Brittney as the sweet already told her, she
many others. Addams was and adorable Mickey would need to “take the
the obvious choice to Mouse Club Member but good, and take the bad”.
break the boring cycle. He
on Tuesday morning as Brittney will be in for a
is also well known for few years of rehab and
the alarm went off
coming up with dreadful reinvention. We wish her
Brittney Spears knew
plots and extravagant
she would no longer be luck and hopefully she
clothing. The producers of
seen that way ever will see her back on the
Jeopardy are confident
again. Monday night stage soon.
that Addams while gaining
the attention of audiences was the last straw as
with his witty and she was caught on
deranged personality. As camera dancing on
for the late host, Alex tables and tripping over
Trebek, he had an herself leaving multiple
amazing career with
LA bars. She has been
Jeopardy and he will be
to rehab before but she
dearly missed! But the
is off again. She has no
show must go on!
idea what is in store for
her but LA has had

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