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EN Digital Output User Manual

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Digital Output

User Manual


Main Support no.: +370 5 2045030

Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532
Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 1
[email protected] | www.ruptela.com
Table of contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Compatibility ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Legal notice........................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Document change log ............................................................................................................ 4
2 DOUT modes ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 General configuration of DOUT peripherals............................................................................... 5
2.2 LED/Buzzer ........................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Blocking ................................................................................................................................ 7
2.4 Custom ................................................................................................................................. 8
2.5 GSM jamming block ............................................................................................................... 8
2.6 Immobilizer ........................................................................................................................... 8
2.6.1 Operating principle........................................................................................................... 9
2.6.2 Use cases ...................................................................................................................... 10
2.6.3 Immobilizer status ......................................................................................................... 10
3 Configuring DOUT activation with conditions ................................................................................ 11
3.1 Configuring DOUT activation by speed ................................................................................... 12
3.2 Configuring DOUT activation by AIN ...................................................................................... 13
3.3 Configuring DOUT activation by DIN ...................................................................................... 14
3.4 Configuring DOUT activation by GSM jamming ....................................................................... 15
3.5 Configuring DOUT activation by rollover................................................................................. 16
4 Configuring ignition blocking via server ........................................................................................ 17
4.1 FM device configuration ........................................................................................................ 17
4.2 Fleet management system configuration ................................................................................ 19
4.3 Vehicle blocking activation via TrustTrack .............................................................................. 20
5 Configurable DOUT patterns ....................................................................................................... 21
5.1 Operating principle............................................................................................................... 21
5.2 Configuration....................................................................................................................... 22
6 Driver registration ...................................................................................................................... 24
6.1 Description .......................................................................................................................... 24
6.2 Driver registration and related sections in the configurator ...................................................... 24
6.3 Peripherals configuration ...................................................................................................... 25
6.3.1 iButton/1-Wire RFID configuration ................................................................................... 25
6.3.2 iButton DS1971 EEPROM reading through the 1-Wire interface configuration ...................... 26
6.3.3 RS232 RFID configuration (only for Pro4, Tco4 HCV and Tco4 LCV devices) ........................ 27
6.3.4 Magnetic card reader configuration ................................................................................. 28
6.5 Driver registration ................................................................................................................ 29

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Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 2
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6.5.1 Registration ................................................................................................................... 29
6.5.2 Mandatory registration ................................................................................................... 30
6.5.3 Dual registration ............................................................................................................ 30
6.5.4 Blocking ........................................................................................................................ 30
6.5.5 Passenger registration .................................................................................................... 31
7 DOUT activation in sleep mode and special conditions ................................................................... 32
8 SMS commands ......................................................................................................................... 33
8.1 DOUT commands ................................................................................................................. 33
8.1.1 Setio – set outputs ......................................................................................................... 33
8.1.2 Getio – read inputs/outputs states................................................................................... 33
8.1.3 Setiotime – set output for temporary period ..................................................................... 34
8.2 DOUT activation with conditions ............................................................................................ 36

Main Support no.: +370 5 2045030

Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532
Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 3
[email protected] | www.ruptela.com
1 Introduction
Digital output (DOUT) is an interface where the digital signal can have two signal states. These states can
change once a condition is met or they can be changed by using SMS commands. Depending on the state
and pattern, a control signal is outputted. This signal can activate various indication peripherals or control
the vehicle by blocking the engine or limiting its speed.

DOUTs can be used to inform the driver about various events in progress, such as overspeeding or GSM
jamming. For this functionality to work, a peripheral must be connected to the tracking device in order for
it to be activated by the set conditions. This functionality works with the following peripherals:
Custom DOUT applications
GSM jamming block
More information about peripheral devices and connections can be found on our documentation website:

1.1 Compatibility
This functionality is compatible with the following devices with the latest firmware version:
HCV5 FM-Pro4
LCV5 FM-Eco4
Pro5 FM-Eco4 S
Trace5 FM-Eco4 T
FM-Tco4 HCV FM-Eco4 RS T

You can get the latest firmware and configurator from our documentation website: doc.ruptela.lt

1.2 Legal notice

Copyright © 2021 Ruptela. All rights reserved. Reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of parts or
all of the contents in this document in any form without the prior written permission of Ruptela is
prohibited. Other products and company names mentioned in this document are trademarks or trade
names of their respective owners.

1.3 Document change log

Date Version Change details
2019-09-02 1.0 Initial draft.
2020-04-06 1.1 Compatible device list updated.
Updated: Compatible device list.
2020-10-23 1.2
Added: Connection schematics for 5th gen devices.
2020-12-18 1.3 Updated: GSM jamming block.
Updated: Legal notice.
2021-01-26 1.4
Updated: Configuring DOUT activation by GSM jamming.

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Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532
Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 4
[email protected] | www.ruptela.com
2 DOUT modes
2.1 General configuration of DOUT peripherals
Assuming that the peripherals were connected correctly, follow these steps to configure the peripherals:
1. In the FM device configurator, select your device from the drop-down list.
2. In the IO events section click the Options button, this will open the IO settings window.
3. In the IO settings window, select a peripheral device in the DOUT drop-down list. The peripheral
device must be selected on the same DOUT it is connected to (if a peripheral is selected on one
DOUT it will be unavailable for selection in the other). Selecting a peripheral on a DOUT will enable
the Activation conditions button.

Be aware, that the Inverted checkbox inverts the logic of the selected DOUT.
DOUT activation with conditions is described further on separately in the Configuring DOUT activation with
conditions chapter.

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2.2 LED/Buzzer
Both LED and Buzzer modes are identical in function, the only difference being that LED controls an LED
indicator, while Buzzer controls a buzzer or some other sound emitting device. It is possible to configure
LED on one DOUT and Buzzer on the other, making it possible to indicate the same condition visually and
audibly. The peripherals must be connected to the same DOUTs they were configured on.

An example, in which both buzzer and LED are connected is shown below:

Advanced Family devices:

Pro Family devices:

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Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532
Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 6
[email protected] | www.ruptela.com
LED/Buzzer indication is most commonly used with driver registration. An in-depth description of the
functionality can be found in the Driver registration document. They may also be used together with other
DOUT modes, to indicate DOUT activation.

2.3 Blocking
This mode allows blocking the engine from being started under certain conditions. A changeover relay is
used to disable the engine starter, when the relay is connected to the DOUT and Blocking is configured
on. When the DOUT is in an active state, the engine starter is disabled until the DOUT is deactivated.
Blocking can only be configured on one DOUT at a time.
Blocking is commonly used with driver registration. An in-depth description of the functionality can be
found in the Driver registration document. Blocking may also be used together with other DOUT modes
such as LED or Buzzer.
A relay connection example in which DOUT1 is used is shown below:

Advanced Family devices:

Pro Family devices:

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Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532
Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 7
[email protected] | www.ruptela.com
Engine blocking can also be used with a fleet management platform, e. g. Trustrack for remote engine
blocking. This functionality allows users to control the DOUT1 of the FM devices using GPRS commands
which are automatically sent to the server. The configuration of the functionality is described in the
Configuring ignition blocking via server chapter.

2.4 Custom
This mode allows the FM device to emit a customizable pattern when the DOUT is triggered. Custom mode
can be used with the Geofencing functionality or the DOUT activation by conditions. Custom can only be
enabled on one DOUT at a time. A more detailed description is provided in the Configurable DOUT patterns
chapter of this document.

2.5 GSM jamming block

This mode allows to detect GSM jamming and notify the driver that the GSM network is being jammed.
Alternatively, the vehicle ignition can be blocked until the network is no longer jammed and it is unblocked
by an authorized driver. GSM jamming block can only be configured on one DOUT at a time.
GSM jamming block has one configurable parameter:
Min.duration – the parameter defines for how long GSM jamming must be detected in seconds
to trigger the DOUT.
GSM jamming block can be used with a buzzer or LED to indicate GSM jamming. GSM jamming block can
also be used with a relay to block the ignition in case of GSM jamming, as well as with alarm systems or
other devices. The peripheral must be connected to the DOUT GSM jamming block is configured on (see
the descriptions of LED/Buzzer and Blocking for connection examples).

To use the jamming detection functionality with LTE Cat M1 models, the modem firmware version must
be BG96MAR02A07M1G_01.018.01.018 or newer. The modem firmware version can be checked using the
modrev SMS command.

2.6 Immobilizer
This mode allows immobilizing the vehicle. “Immobilizer” mode can only be activated and
deactivated via an SMS command. This functionality can be enabled only on one of the DOUTs. To
configure this mode, select Immobilizer in the DOUT drop-down list. Additionally, you can set a pattern
for this DOUT. A more detailed description is provided in Configurable DOUT patterns chapter.

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Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532
Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 8
[email protected] | www.ruptela.com
2.6.1 Operating principle
In order to understand the full workflow of the immobilizer, refer to the given workflow diagram:

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Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 9
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2.6.2 Use cases
There are some examples given which explain several possible use-cases. Refer to the workflow diagram
above for the general operating principle of the functionality.
Case 1
Initial conditions:
1. Immobilizer SMS is received;
2. Ignition is ON;
3. CAN speed is not available, the GPS fix available and GPS positional measurement precision is high
enough (HDOP < 1.5);
4. GPS speed is 0.

If the conditions are met, the device will output a continuous signal according to the set pattern.

Case 2
One of the cases is sending the immobilizer SMS command to an FM device with a lower speed setting
compared to the actual speed. For example, the actual speed is 80 km/h, the immobilizer command is
sent with a 60 km/h limit (pass immobilizer 60). If the ignition is on, the immobilizer will not activate in
any case until the GPS or CAN speed has first lowered below the set 60 km/h limit and afterwards reached
the set limit.

Case 3
Additionally, to the previous case, the reset SMS command (or any other case when the device resets)
should be also described. The reset command resets the FM device. The reset command has no effect on
the immobilizer command and functionality unless at that moment the ignition is off. If the immobilizer is
active, the reset command will not disable it. If the case of the first example is in effect (and the Ignition
is ON), GPS or CAN speed is 80 km/h and a pass immobilizer 60 command is sent, it will still not activate
the immobilizer until the vehicle speed first drops below the set limit.

2.6.3 Immobilizer status

Immobilizer status is important when the SMS reset command is received.
The device saves the last known “Immobilizer” status and if the speed parameter is not available, the
device checks the last known immobilizer status:

If the status was disabled – the device keeps the DOUT inactive and waits for the speed parameter.
If the status was enabled – the device activates the DOUT. If there is an activated pattern, it is
If the last known status is not available, the device keeps the DOUT inactive and waits until the
GPS fix and speed parameter are acquired.

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Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532
Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 10
[email protected] | www.ruptela.com
3 Configuring DOUT activation with conditions
Assuming that the peripherals were connected correctly, follow these steps to configure DOUT activation
by conditions:
1. In the FM device configurator, select your device from the drop-down list.
2. In the IO events section click the Options button, this will open the IO settings window.
3. In the IO settings window, select a peripheral device in the DOUT drop-down list. There is no
priority on which DOUT a peripheral is selected (if a peripheral is selected on one DOUT it will be
unavailable for selection in the other). Selecting a peripheral on a DOUT will enable the Activation
conditions button.

Be aware, that the Inverted checkbox inverts the logic of the selected DOUT.
4. Click the Activation conditions button, this will open the settings for DOUT activation under
5. In the settings window, the user can select under what condition the DOUTs will be activated.

This covers the general process of the configuration. The configuration for each condition is described
further on separately.

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Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532
Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 11
[email protected] | www.ruptela.com
3.1 Configuring DOUT activation by speed
To configure DOUT activation by speed, follow these steps:

1. To enable DOUT Activation by speed, tick the checkbox.

2. Select an Output channel (the peripheral connected to the FM device and configured on a DOUT
as described previously), this will be the DOUT activated by the selected condition.
3. Set the Speed limit at which the DOUT will be armed, but not activated. This means that once
the speed limit is reached and the debounce timer has run out (if configured) the device will be
ready to activate and will wait until the Activation speed (configured further) is reached to
actually activate the DOUT. The speed limit cannot be lower than 1 km/h.
4. Set the Activation speed. Speed indicates when the DOUT is actually activated. Activation
speed is mostly used for the blocking functionality to avoid any potential dangers with its use. In
cases when the output channel is set to LED or Buzzer, the activation speed can be set close to
the speed limit. The Activation speed cannot higher than the Speed limit.
5. Select a deactivation method:
Deactivation speed defines speed at which speed the DOUT is deactivated. This option can
be selected only if the activation speed is greater than 1 km/h.
Alternatively, the user can set the Deactivation timeout. After time runs out, the DOUT
state is reset and the monitoring of the vehicle’s speed continues.
6. Optional recommended step. Set the Debounce timer. This timer defines how much time the
device will wait after the speed limit is reached to arm the DOUT, if within this time period the
speed falls below the configured speed limit, the DOUT will not be armed. It is recommended to
set the debounce timer to a couple of seconds to avoid possible speed spikes.

After the configuration is complete, close the window and send the configuration to the FM device.
DOUT activation by speed working principle:

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Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532
Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 12
[email protected] | www.ruptela.com
3.2 Configuring DOUT activation by AIN
To configure DOUT activation by AIN, follow these steps:

1. To enable DOUT Activation by AIN, tick the checkbox.

2. Select an Output channel (the peripheral connected to the FM device and configured on a DOUT
as described previously), this will be the DOUT activated by the selected condition.
3. Set the Voltage limit at which the DOUT will be activated, after the debounce timer has run
out (if configured). The voltage limit can be set to be either Lower than < or Larger than > the set
value. The voltage is set in volts, the resolution is 0,005 V.
4. Select the Analog input, from which the voltage readings are received, this must be configured
individually depending on the actual connection to the FM device.
5. Select a deactivation method:
Deactivation by voltage resets the DOUT after the voltage has dropped below the set limit
for at least 2 seconds.
Alternatively, the user can set the Deactivation timeout, after the timer runs out, the DOUT
state is reset and monitoring of the vehicle’s voltage continues.
6. Optional recommended step. The user can configure the Debounce timer. This timer defines
how much time the device will wait after the set voltage limit is reached, before activating the
DOUT. If within this time period the voltage level no longer meets the activation condition, the
DOUT will not be activated. It is recommended to set the debounce to a couple of seconds to avoid
possible voltage spikes.

After the configuration is complete, close the window and send the configuration to the FM device.
DOUT activation by AIN working principle:

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Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532
Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 13
[email protected] | www.ruptela.com
3.3 Configuring DOUT activation by DIN
To configure DOUT activation by DIN, follow these steps:
1. To enable DOUT Activation by DIN, tick the checkbox.
2. Select an Output channel (the peripheral connected to the FM device and configured on a DOUT
as described previously), this will be the DOUT activated by the selected condition.
3. Set the DIN level, at which the DOUT will be activated, after the debounce timer has run out (if
configured). The DIN level can be set to either high (changes from 0 to 1), or low (changes from
1 to 0).
4. Select the Digital input from which the DIN state will be received, this must be configured
individually depending on the actual connection to the FM device.
5. Select a deactivation method:
Deactivation by level will reset DOUT after the DIN state reverts to the previous state, for
at least 2 seconds.
Alternatively, the user can set the Deactivation timer, after it runs out, the DOUT state is
reset and monitoring of the DIN level continues.
6. Optional recommended step. The user can configure the Debounce timer. This timer defines
how much time the device will wait after the DIN level is activated, before activating the DOUT. If
within this time period the DIN level reverts to the previous state, the DOUT will not be activated.
It is recommended to set the debounce to a couple of seconds to avoid possible spikes.

After the configuration is complete, close the window and send the configuration to the FM device.

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Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532
Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 14
[email protected] | www.ruptela.com
3.4 Configuring DOUT activation by GSM jamming
To configure DOUT activation by GSM jamming, follow these steps:
1. To enable DOUT Activation by GSM jamming, tick the checkbox.
2. Select an Output channel (the peripheral connected to the FM device and configured on a DOUT
as described previously), this will be the DOUT activated by the selected condition.
3. Set the Min. duration. Once GSM jamming is detected, this parameter defines for how long (in
seconds) it must be registered continuously, for the DOUT to actually be armed. If the time does
not pass and the jamming is no longer being detected, the timer will reset. If the timer passes, the
DOUT goes to the “armed” (ready) state.
4. Select one or several of the activation conditions. If several conditions are enabled, Activation
speed has the highest priority. If Activation speed is enabled, other enabled conditions are not
checked, unless speed data is not received or is not valid from the CAN line or OBD line (the device
first checks the CAN line, then the OBD line). There is no priority for other conditions, and the
DOUT will be activated by the condition that is fulfilled first. The following conditions can be set:
Activation speed – this activation method defines the speed at which the DOUT will be
activated. For example, activation speed is set to 30 km/h, the DOUT is armed. The vehicle is
going at 60 km/h, the DOUT will not activate, until the vehicle slows down to 30 km/h. The
FM device will receive speed information from various sources, but in the event, if no data is
available, the system will check for a different activation condition. (This activation method
is available for the following devices: HCV5, LCV5, Pro5, FM-Tco4 HCV, FM-Tco4
LCV, FM-Pro4).
Activation timeout – this activation method will simply activate the DOUT once the timeout
has passed after the DOUT has entered the armed state;
Activation by ignition – if this activation method is selected, the DOUT will activate if it was
armed and afterwards the ignition was turned OFF, or if the ignition was OFF, to begin
with, the DOUT will activate immediately. For this condition, it is recommended to set
engine state detection to DIN4.
5. Set the deactivation timeout. This parameter defines after what time period the DOUT will be
deactivated after the DOUT is activated. If the value is set to 0, the DOUT will not be deactivated
automatically, and it will be possible to deactivate it only with a doutreset SMS command. In
order to avoid a constant DOUT activation state in areas with constant GSM jamming, it is highly
recommended to set a Deactivation timeout above 0s.

After the configuration is complete, close the window and send the configuration to the FM device.

Main Support no.: +370 5 2045030

Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532
Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 15
[email protected] | www.ruptela.com
3.5 Configuring DOUT activation by rollover
There are some initial conditions needed for the functionality to work:
1. The accelerometer is calibrated;
2. Rollover detection is enabled in the Impact detection settings.
3. Recommended. Enable the Roll over alarm functionality in the IO settings window.
To configure DOUT activation by rollover follow these steps:
1. Tick the Activation by Rollover checkbox to enable the functionality.
2. Select an Output channel from the drop-down list. It is the configured DOUT mode. If Disabled
is selected, the functionality will not work.
3. Enable one of the deactivation conditions:
Deactivation by level – the DOUT is deactivated once the rollover is not detected anymore.
Deactivation timeout – the DOUT is deactivated after an entered period of time passes.
The default value is 60 seconds, input range – from 0 to 80000 seconds. If the value is set to
0, then the DOUT will not deactivate automatically and can only be deactivated only by the
doutreset SMS command.
4. Optional recommended step. Set the Debounce timer which defines how much time the device
will wait before changing the status of activated DOUT. It is recommended to set the debounce
timer in order to avoid spikes. The default value is 10 seconds, input range – from 0 to 60 seconds.

After configuring DOUT activation by rollover, close the window and send the configuration to the device.

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Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532
Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 16
[email protected] | www.ruptela.com
4 Configuring ignition blocking via server
4.1 FM device configuration
To configure engine blocking via server, follow these steps:
1. Select your device model in the drop-down list.
2. Select the TCP protocol in the Global settings.
3. Below Global settings, locate Identification string and select Static from the drop-down list.
4. Locate the Link settings in the Profile settings and click the Options button.
5. A new Link status window will open. Tick the Constant link checkbox.

6. Locate the IO events section in the Profile settings and click the Options button.
7. A new IO setting window will open. In the Digital outputs section, locate the DOUT1 and select
Blocking from the drop-down list.

Only DOUT1 can be controlled via server.

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Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 17
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Close the IO settings window and send the configuration to the device.

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[email protected] | www.ruptela.com
4.2 Fleet management system configuration
The other configuration part of the functionality is configured from the fleet management system. In this
case, the TrustTrack platform is used for further explanation. Only accounts with administrator rights can
access the system. Follow these steps:

1. Login to the Locator Control Manager platform.

2. Click the Objects in the Navigation bar on the left side of the screen.
3. Find the object to configure and click Edit button in the View column.

4. In the general settings section, tick the Ignition blocking is configured checkbox.
5. Optional step. If the SMS password is set in the Authorized numbers settings, then the password
also has to be set in TrustTrack system. Otherwise, skip this step. In the Only for FM enter the
same SMS password in the FM password input field.

At the end of parameters configuration table, click the Save button to enable the functionality.

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[email protected] | www.ruptela.com
4.3 Vehicle blocking activation via TrustTrack
After device configuration is complete and the peripheral is connected to DOUT1, follow these steps:

1. Login to the TrustTrack platform using your credentials.

2. After a successful login, click the corresponding icon in the navigation bar on the left side of the
screen to open the Fleet status menu.
3. Select and click the object you want to block to open its Summary panel. If all previous
configuration steps are done correctly, a Block vehicle bar with a toggle button will appear in the
Summary panel.
4. Click the Block vehicle toggle button.

5. A confirmation dialog box will open. Click Block to confirm the vehicle’s ignition blocking.

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Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532
Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 20
[email protected] | www.ruptela.com
5 Configurable DOUT patterns
Configurable DOUT patterns are used with the Geofencing feature. It makes DOUT configuration much
more flexible and gives users an ability to configure it according to their needs.

5.1 Operating principle

Configurable DOUT patterns can be used only together with the Geofencing feature. It works on one
DOUT at a time. The pattern itself is defined by the six pattern parameters.
Pattern parameters
th – duration of the high (DOUT is active) pulse in milliseconds. Input range – from 1 to 10000 ms.
tl – duration of the low (DOUT is inactive) pulse in milliseconds. Input range – from 1 to 10000 ms.
ch – constant, which increments every high pulse duration. Value in milliseconds. Can be a negative
number, in which case the pulse duration is decreased. Input range – from -10000 to 10000 ms.
cl – constant, which increments every low pulse duration. Value in milliseconds. Can be a negative
number, in which case the pulse duration is decreased. Input range – from -10000 to 10000 ms.
n – number of cycles. Input range – from 1 to 10000 ms.
State – final state for the DOUT. DOUT will remain in this state after the pattern is completed. This
can be high – H (DOUT is Active) or low – L (DOUT is inactive).

Pattern parameters in the configurator

Pattern parameters field is divided into six sections – one for each pattern parameter. Sections are
separated by the semicolon punctuation marks. Starting from the right, parameters match each field in
the following order: th ; tl ; ch ; cl ; n ; State.

th tl ch cl n
Pattern examples
1. Pattern parameters: th = 1000, tl = 1000, ch = 500, cl = -500, n=3 and state = H.

The pattern in the configurator:

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2. Pattern parameters: th = 1000, tl = 1000, ch = -50, cl = 0, n=3 and state = H.

The pattern in the configurator:

5.2 Configuration
Set DOUT pattern parameters
1. Open the FM device configurator and select your device model in the drop-down list.
2. In the IO events section click on the Options button. A IO settings window will open, where
IO parameters can be enabled or disabled.
3. In the bottom right corner select one of the DOUTs. In its drop-down menu select Custom. The
Pattern field will be displayed below.

Enter the pattern parameters in the Pattern field.

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Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532
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Enable DOUT in Geofencing options
4. Under the Global settings, in the Geofencing section click on the Options button. A new
Settings of Geozones windows will open.
5. At least one Output channel drop-down list on the right should be active. Select Custom to
activate your DOUT pattern.
The full geozones functionality description can be found in the Internal geozones document.

Close the Settings of Geozones window and send the configuration to the device.

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Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532
Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 23
[email protected] | www.ruptela.com
6 Driver registration
6.1 Description
Driver registration functionality is used to authorize vehicle start, identify the driver(s) and track working
hours. In the Driver registration options, you can set one of our prepared driver registration types. Various
registration sources are supported. It is possible to get information about registration via LED, Buzzer or
even use it to block vehicle ignition.

Registration types:
Dual registration
Driver registration
Mandatory Registration
A full functionality description can be found on our documentation website, Driver registration.

6.2 Driver registration and related sections in the configurator

There are important sections in the FM device configurator that determines driver registration working
1. In the Authorized IDs section, click the Options button. This will open a new Authorized IDs
window. Input authorized numbers that allow various blocking/unblocking functions (e.g. ignition).
The numbers can be IDs of the iButton, RFID or magnetic card.
2. In the main window, locate the IO events section and click the Options button. A new IO
settings window will open. Configure peripheral devices connected to the FM device’s DOUTs.
3. In the main window, locate the Driver registration section and click the Options button. A new
Registration settings window will open. Here, you can change the driver registration settings.

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6.3 Peripherals configuration
6.3.1 iButton/1-Wire RFID configuration

The IO parameter iButton ID must be enabled in order to see the ID number in TrustTrack system reports.
The configuration is the same for iButton and for 1-Wire RFID devices.
1. Open the IO settings window as described previously. Select an empty slot in which the newly
selected parameter will be set. (Empty slots are marked as disabled, in the example below the slot
is already named after the parameter since the Enable checkbox was already marked).
2. Open the ID drop-down list and select iButton driver ID.
3. Tick the Enable checkbox to activate the parameter. If the checkbox is not ticked, the parameter
will not be set in the selected slot.
4. Set Event on to Change.
5. Set the Priority to High.
6. Now the parameter is enabled and configured, you can safely close the window or continue
enabling and configuring other parameters.

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6.3.2 iButton DS1971 EEPROM reading through the 1-Wire interface configuration

IO parameters (8B or 16B) DS1971 iButton ID must be enabled in order to see the ID number in TrustTrack
system reports.
1. Enable the Send I/O data with v1.1 protocol checkbox in the Protocol selection section.
2. Enable the 1-Wire checkbox in the Interfaces section.
3. Select DS1971 from the drop-down list and click the Config button.
4. Tick one of the Data length checkboxes to select how many bytes of data should be read. In an
offset, the device will read bytes that are situated after skipped symbols. The default value is 8
5. Set the Offset field value. It defines how many starting symbols from the ID should be skipped
when reading the DS1971 iButton. The default offset value is 0. Value range – from 0 to 31.
6. Click the Enable IO button. A new Configured IO window will open.
7. Click the Save button to enable the selected IO parameters. All properties for the selected IO
parameters will be automatically set. If needed, the IO parameters can be configured manually.

Reading the EEPROM from the DS1971 iButton takes longer than reading a usual iButton, it is highly
recommended to hold the iButton a couple of seconds longer when scanning the DS1971 iButton.
If DS1971 iButton EEPROM reading is configured on 1-Wire, other 1-Wire peripherals connected to the FM
device will not work!

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6.3.3 RS232 RFID configuration (only for Pro4, Tco4 HCV and Tco4 LCV devices)

When the RS232 RFID reader is used for identification, you need to configure one of the FM device’s ports
to receive RFID data. Also, the RFID IO parameter (RFID PortA or RFID PortB) has to be enabled in order
receive the driver ID to the server.
1. Open the IO settings window as described previously. Select an empty slot in which the newly
selected parameter will be set. (Empty slots are marked by disabled, in the example below the slot
is already named after the parameter since the Enable checkbox was already marked).
2. Open the ID drop-down list and select RFID PortA or RFID PortB.
3. Tick the Enable checkbox to activate the parameter. If the checkbox is not ticked, the parameter
will not be set in the selected slot.
4. Set Event on to Change.
5. Set the Priority to High.
6. In the Interfaces section, check the PortA or PortB checkbox, this will enable a drop-down list
to the right of the checkbox name. Select RFID reader in the drop-down list.
7. Now the parameter is enabled and configured, you can safely close the window or continue
enabling and configuring other parameters.

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6.3.4 Magnetic card reader configuration
A detailed functionality description can be found In the Magnetic card reader connection and configuration
1. Enable the Send I/O data with v1.1 protocol checkbox in the Protocol selection section.
2. In the Interfaces section, put a tick either on PortA or PortB checkbox. This should be the same
FM device interface that was used in connection to the Magnetic card reader.
3. Select Magnetic card reader from the drop-down list.
4. Optionally, click the Config button to adjust magnetic card reader options.
5. Click the Enable IO button. A new Configured IO window will open.
6. Click the Save button. All properties for the selected IO parameters will be automatically set. If
needed, the IO parameters can be configured manually.

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6.5 Driver registration
After configuring the DOUTs and driver ID reading peripherals, return to the main configurator window,
locate the Driver registration section and click the Option button. A new Registration settings
window will open. At the top left side of the window, locate the Registration function. The following
functions can be selected in the drop-down list:
Mandatory registration
Dual registration

Buzzer/LED duration and Alert duration fields can be used to configure various indication aspects.

If you leave the Registration function drop-down menu as disabled, digital outputs will do nothing and
the ID is sent only once (the ID is not held until the ignition is switched off).
Passenger registration
All registration modes except dual registration can be combined with the passenger registration option.
More details about this can be found in Passenger registration chapter.

6.5.1 Registration
Registration option allows optional driver registration over an iButton or Magnetic card identification
Registration Output
In the Output selection field, you can select peripherals that were previously configured on the DOUTs
(LED/Buzzer). Please note that if you select Registration or Mandatory registration mode and select
Blocking output (if it is configured on DOUTs), the engine will not be blocked. Blocking function works
ONLY when Blocking is selected as a Registration source.

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6.5.2 Mandatory registration
Mandatory registration is designed to "force" the driver to register. If the vehicle’s ignition is on, the driver
will be constantly reminded to register.
Mandatory registration Output
In the Output selection field, the user can select peripherals that were previously configured on the
DOUTs (LED/Buzzer). Please note that if you select Registration or Mandatory registration mode and
choose Blocking output (if it is configured on DOUTs), the engine will not be blocked. Blocking function
works ONLY when the Blocking as a Registration source is selected first.
6.5.3 Dual registration
Dual registration requires two separate registrations to happen in order to drive the vehicle. Registrations
are mandatory. For example, this registration function could come in handy in a driving school, where an
instructor and a student would have to register before they could start a driving lesson.
Dual registration is supposed to be used with:
iButton/iButton DS1971/1-Wire RFID reader – for registration;
Relay – to block/unblock the engine starter;
Buzzer/LED – for indication.
In dual registration mode, you can also track trip progress by enabling IO ID 583 "Trip Status". To do so,
you must use extended protocol v1.1. This IO can generate events on Monitoring, Change. Averaging
does not work. The trip status IO can have one of these values:
0 – end of the trip;
1 – start of the route;
2 – open trip;
3 – registration is not done, but the vehicle is moving.
Dual registration Output
In the Output selection field, you can select peripherals that you configured on the DOUTs (LED/Buzzer).

6.5.4 Blocking
If you do not need the authorized IDs list, you can deselect Enable checkbox for the Authorized IDs list -
in this case, any iButton/RFID card can unlock the engine – untick the Enable checkbox
Go to IO events settings and select Blocking on one of DOUTs.

Blocking Output
Go to Driver registration in the main configurator window. Select the Registration function as
Blocking. On Output select Blocking (if you do not select it, blocking will not work). If LED/Buzzer is
configured in the DOUTs section, select it in the Output field. LED will blink/Buzzer will make a sound upon
successful/unsuccessful registration.

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In the drop-down list on the right, select one of the Registration sources:

If an authorized ID was used to start the engine and then an unauthorized ID was scanned, the record is
made with this unauthorized ID, but the ignition is NOT blocked.
6.5.5 Passenger registration
This checkbox allows passengers to register with an iButton/DS1971 iButton or 1 Wire RFID. This feature
works with all registration modes except dual registration. Passenger registration requires one of the
following IO parameters to be enabled:

ID 536 "iButton passenger ID"

ID 623 “DS1971 iButton internal 8B passenger ID”
ID 624 “DS1971 iButton internal 16B passenger ID”

It is important to select the IO ID in accordance with the selected data length (8B or 16B). Data will be
read based on that configuration.
To enable one of these IO parameters you must use extended protocol v1.1.

iButton IO can generate records with events on Monitoring, Change and Hysteresis. Averaging does not

When the iButton ID is read and DIN3=0, ID will be written to IO ID 34 (iButton ID).

When the iButton ID is read and DIN3=1, ID will be written to IO ID 536 (iButton passenger ID)

iButton DS1971 can generate records with events on Monitoring or Change. Averaging is not available.

When DS1971 iButton ID is read and DIN3=0, ID will be written to IO ID 620 (DS1971 iButton internal
8B driver ID) or to IO ID 621 (DS1971 iButton internal 16B driver ID) – depends on the data length

When DS1971 iButton ID is read and DIN3=1, ID will be written to IO ID 623 (DS1971 iButton internal
8B passenger ID) or to IO ID 624 (DS1971 iButton internal 16B passenger ID) – depends on the data
length configuration.

iButton passenger ID IO is reset together with Driver ID (IO 34) (Same for the DS1971 iButton IO)
according to the device configuration. Passenger ID is not verified with authorized ID list, it does not
unblock engine for blocking mode and normally it does not disable buzzer/LED for mandatory registration.

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7 DOUT activation in sleep mode and special conditions
Several special conditions must be taken into account when using the DOUT activation with conditions:

Once the DOUT is activated by a condition, it cannot be disabled by a transition to any sleep mode
or by changing a profile.
Once the FM device goes into sleep/deep sleep mode, activation by speed will not work.
If DOUT activation by speed is armed or activated, the device cannot go to sleep/deep
sleep/custom sleep mode. In custom sleep mode, if DOUT activation by speed changes status
to armed or activated, the device wakes up.
If DOUT activation by speed is armed or activated, the device cannot go to sleep/deep
sleep/custom sleep mode. In custom sleep mode, if DOUT activation by GSM jamming changes
status to armed or activated, the device wakes up.
If DIN state is HIGH, the device cannot go to sleep mode, if DIN status is LOW, the device can
go to sleep mode, but will wake up if the DIN state changes to HIGH.
DOUT activation by conditions behavior in custom sleep mode depends fully on the configuration
of the custom sleep mode.
If the device goes to sleep mode or deep sleep mode, DOUT activation from GSM jamming will not

Since DOUTs can be activated by other functionalities apart from DOUT activation with conditions, a
hardcoded priority list of DOUT activations is implemented to set priorities for functionalities. If a DOUT is
activated by functionality or a condition, all other activation conditions, which are lower in the priority
list are temporarily deactivated while the DOUT is active. The priority is set as follows:

1. Driver registration
2. Activation by GSM jamming
3. Activation by rollover
4. Geofencing
5. Activation by speed
6. Activation by AIN
7. Activation by DIN

It is recommended to use one DOUT for the ativation with conditions functionality while leaving the other
DOUT for functionalities such as driver registration and Geofencing to avoid confusion.

Example: DOUTs are activated by geofencing, while the DOUTs are active, activation by speed, AIN and
DIN will be temporarily ineffective.

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8 SMS commands
8.1 DOUT commands
SMS commands can be sent to the FM device. The FM device answers with an SMS message as well. This
is an easy way to quickly interact with the FM device. SMS commands are used to:

get specific information from the FM device;

reconfigure parameters of the FM device;
control various functions of the FM device.

8.1.1 Setio – set outputs

The SMS message is used to set DOUT1 and DOUT2 output level. DOUTs have to be connected to the
electric circuit correctly.

SMS command structure:

password setio <X1>,<X2>
<X1> – state of DOUT1
<X2> – state of DOUT2
Possible state values:
• 0 – low
• 1 – high
• 2 – state does not change

password setio 0,1
SETIO configuration data ok

“Setio” SMS command will not work with several FM device configurations. If a DOUT is configured to
“Blocking” and driver registration is enabled and registration function is set to blocking or “DOUT activation
with conditions” enabled and DOUT is set as an output channel, then “setio” SMS command will have no

8.1.2 Getio – read inputs/outputs states

The SMS message is used to get status about DOUT1, DOUT2, DIN1, DIN2, DIN3, DIN4, AIN1 and AIN2.

SMS command structure:

password getio
Response structure:
X – digital value (1 – high, 0 – low).
Y – analog value in millivolts.

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password getio

8.1.3 Setiotime – set output for temporary period

This SMS command allows activating the DOUTs for a set amount of time. Pulse lengths must be provided
for the active and inactive states.

Operation principle
When the FM device receives the setiotime command, it stores the status of DOUT’s and after the sequence
restores the previous status. If one setiotime command interrupts another, the state is UNDEFINED ('1' or
'0') after both sequences are finished. In this case, interrupt means that several consecutive setiotime
commands were sent, one overlapping the other.

Sending several setiotime commands in fast succession will make the DOUT stuck, thus requiring a device
reboot. It is highly recommended to wait until a response is received for the first sent setiotime command,
before sending the next. Value of ‘0’ means GND and ‘1’ – no GND.

If one of the DOUT is configured as LED, Buzzer blocking or Jamming blocking, setiotime cannot be used.
It is possible to set a number of repeats sequence.

password setiotime ⏞
⏟500 0
⏟500 1 ⏟500 , ⏞
⏟300 … 0 0
⏟200 1⏟300 1
⏟300 … 0
Slot1 Slot2 Slot3 Slot10 | Slot1 Slot2 Slot3 Slot10

The slot contains the following:

Logical state (0 or 1)
State duration in milliseconds (the minimum duration of the 250 ms is recommended)
Each DOUT has 10 slots for impulse levels (high/low). Maximum of 10 slots are dedicated for one DOUT.
The maximum length of the SMS is 160 symbols.
Request example with repetitions:

password setiotime ⏞
⏟500 0
⏟500 1
⏟300 … 0
⏟500 n=10
⏟ ,⏞
⏟200 1⏟300 1
⏟300 … 0⏟500 n=20

Slot1 Slot2 Slot3 Slot10 | Slot1 Slot2 Slot3 Slot10

Repetitions Repetitions

Only one DOUT can be set at a time.

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The following example shows two sequences where the first sequence interrupts setio command:
password setiotime 0 10,0 10
password setio 1,1

If SMS is incorrect, the device will response:

setiotime syntax error in <DOUTX> settings: <error text>


<error text> is described below in the table:
Error text Error description
Other functionality is configured on the DOUT, for example, LED or
other process controls output
No comma separator. Comma is used to separate DOUTs
no comma symbol
wrong format Not enough symbols were received
wrong level Wrong logical value. Only ‘1’ or ‘0’ is accepted
no space symbol Space symbol is missing
wrong ms number Wrong time length value
wrong repeat number Wrong repeat number value
exceeded max slot Exceeded maximum number of 10 slots on one output
pulse is shorter than 10ms Pulse length must be at least 10 milliseconds
other reason Other error – contact technical support

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8.2 DOUT activation with conditions
DOUT activation with conditions supports two SMS commands. The first SMS command is doutreset which
can reset the state of the activated DOUTs remotely. The DOUTs will be reset even if DOUT activation
conditions are fulfilled.

If the DOUT state is reset via an SMS command, they can only be reactivated after the deactivation
conditions are met.

SMS command structure:

password doutreset
The following responses can be received:
DOUT activation mechanism was reset
DOUT activation mechanism is inactive
DOUT activation is not configured
The second SMS command is for the Immobilizer DOUT mode.

SMS command structure:

password immobilizer <speed>
<speed> - describes the vehicle speed at which the progressive DOUTs must be toggled.
If no custom DOUTs are configured, the device will respond with the following message:
immobilizer is not configured
To reset the custom DOUT patterns the user must send the following message:
password resetimmob
The device will respond with the following message:
immobilizer reset

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