Riprap, Flow-Through Rockfill, and Reinforced Rockfill
Riprap, Flow-Through Rockfill, and Reinforced Rockfill
Riprap, Flow-Through Rockfill, and Reinforced Rockfill
FEMA Workshop
February 20, 2013
Tony L. Wahl
Hydraulics Laboratory
Denver, Colorado
Manual Chapters
• Chapter 7: Flow-through rockfill and
reinforced rockfill
– Lead author: Bob Dewey
Embankment dam design
• Chapter 8: Riprap
– Lead author: Tony Wahl
Hydraulics laboratory
Rockfill Caveats
• Reinforcement is common for rockfill dams
• Reinforced rockfill is used to stabilize concrete structures
• There are no examples of using reinforced rockfill to protect an
embankment dam against overtopping flow or through-flow
• There are no examples of reinforcement being added to
earthfills with existing downstream shells considered to be
• There is too much chance of dam failure to consider such a
system in the design phase of a new or modified high or
significant hazard earthfill embankment dam.
• Existing equations do not take into account the non-
homogeneous and anisotropic nature of a rockfill placement
• Rockfill placed in lifts often has variable gradation and density,
even within one lift
• Vibratory compaction produces a thin, fine-grained layer at top
of each lift
• Rock materials tend to break down the closer they are to the
compaction machinery
• Vertical permeability is less than horizontal, often much less
• Some rockfills, particularly the shells of embankments dams
that are called rockfill, have layers or entire zones with
excessive small stones that cause earthfill-type behavior
Design & Analysis – Rockfill
• Flow Over
• Flow Through
• Mass Stability
• Filter Compatibility
Design of Rockfill
• Size of rock and slope of fill will be limited by
– Flow Through
– Flow Over
• Hard to know which will control, so both
should be analyzed
– If more than 30% smaller than 1-inch, then it
behaves more like earthfill and Flow Over will
probably control
Leps (1973)
• Key design reference is Leps (1973)
– Leps, Thomas M., “Flow Through Rockfill,” pp. 87-107 of
Embankment Engineering – Casagrande Volume, edited by
Hirschfeld, Ronald C. and Poulos, Steve J., Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1973.
• Parameters such as the average velocity of water in
the voids, height of seepage exit on the downstream
slope and unit flow rate are solved for iteratively
beginning with assumed values of rockfill
permeability, hydraulic gradient, hydraulic radius,
void ratio, rock size and slope of the downstream
Allowable Through-Flow
Downstream Slope Dominant size of Permissible Flow Through Rockfill (cfs/ft)
(H:V) rock in slope
(in.) Loose Dense
1.5:1 24 4 10
1.5:1 48 15 40
1.5:1 60 20 55
5:1 12 5 15
5:1 24 20 15
5:1 36 35 95
5:1 48 55 150
5:1 60 75 200
10:1 12 15 40
10:1 24 45 120
10:1 36 80 220
10:1 48 120 330
10:1 60 170 470
Allowable overflow
• Hartung &
Scheuerlein (1970)
• Max q versus
downstream slope
for three rock sizes
Mass Slope Stability
• Mass or global slope stability must be considered
• A slope stability analysis of deep seated failure surfaces is
• Seepage forces must be included in static slope stability
analysis to evaluate stability of a flow-through rockfill
• Overtopping flow forces should be added to a slope stability
• Most computer stability tools are set up to solve these types of
problems, but the challenge to the analyst is to accurately
estimate the seepage forces for turbulent flow
– Flow nets from a laminar seepage analysis are not applicable
– More research is needed on forces induced by turbulent flow
Effect of Reinforcement on
Global Slope Stability
• Most reinforcement is intended to protect
only the surface of the downstream slope
– Unless reinforcement is designed for a dual
purpose, it is advised to conservatively ignore
reinforcement during slope stability analysis
Filter Compatibility
• Filter compatibility is required between the
outer layers of a rockfill zone, (the armor
protection), and the inner zones of an
embankment dam
• Filter compatibility must be satisfied by all
materials in the embankment
• This may require multiple layers of gradually
smaller particles from outside to inside
• e.g. D15,coarse < 5*D85,finer
• Rocks kept in place on slope with a steel reinforcement mesh
on the surface.
• Mesh size related to smallest rock that could be dislodged from
the downstream outer face of the embankment slope
• The mesh should have sufficient strength to resist the tractive
and seepage forces acting on the surface particles
• If overtopping occurs, the mesh needs to also withstand the
impact forces of debris carried by the overflow
• Materials:
– Usually steel reinforcement bars tied together (no. 7 bars or larger)
– Chain link fencing and welded wire are weaker alternatives,
vulnerable to debris impacts
• To best prevent debris from catching on mesh
during overtopping, horizontal bars are placed
against the fill and the vertical bars are attached
above the horizontal steel
• Large rockfill reduces the cost of reinforcement by
allowing more widely spaced bars
• Equal horizontal and vertical spacing not needed
– Example is Pit 7 afterbay where no. 7 bars were spaced at 10-foot
centers on the horizontal and at 1-foot centers on the vertical
• Horizontal bars connected to vertical bars where
they cross with clamps or other devices to maintain
the shape of the mesh
Anchor Bars
Abt & Johnson (1991)
Robinson (1998)
100 Frizell, design eqn
qa, cfs/ft
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Example: 4.5
q = 30 cfs/ft
Robinson (1998)
Frizell, design eqn
D50 (ft)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
• Upper Stoneville
Reservoir Dam –
Auburn MA
• Riprap overtopping
protection detailed in
2002 ASDSO paper
“Throwing Rocks at
the ½-PMF” by
Wooten and Wood
(GEI Consultants)
• High hazard
(downstream homes,
20-ft high, 400-ft long
Upper Stoneville 2:1 downstream slope
Qovtop = 14 cfs/ft
D50=1.5 ft
Thickness= 4*D50