Soft Sensitive Clays: Kchapter 24
Soft Sensitive Clays: Kchapter 24
Soft Sensitive Clays: Kchapter 24
608 Landslides:Investigation and Mitigation
Aerial view of
I emieijx landslide.
Ontario, Canada,
late mnrnlng,
Wednesday, June
23, 1993, involving
failure of 2.5 to
3.5 million m3,
much of which
flowed into South
Nation valley
impoundment of
river (foreground).
Failure took place
within 1 hour on
June 20, temporarily
damming river with
debris. Approximate
maximum height of
river impoundment
is shown during
overtopping of dam.
Ground surface
within failure is
about 12 m below
original ground
surface and slopes
Sensitive clay deposits are generally young marine
gently toward river.
The existence of sensitive clay deposits is related to clays deposited in preglacial and postglacial bod-
Debris flowed about
1.6 km upstream
ies of water that existed during the retreat of the
Mineral sources and depositional conditions re- last Wisconsin ice sheet between 18,000 and
and 1.7 km
sponsible for an open soil fabric and a relatively 6,000 years before the present (BP). Many of the
downstream of
high water content and topographic depressions left by the glaciers fonned
(Brooks et al. 1994; Geochemical factors responsible for a reduction freshwater lakes, but some were connected to the
Evans and Brooks of the liquid limit and the remolded shear oceans at some stage.
1994). strength. The weight of the continental ice sheets caused
These factors naturally restrict the geographic dis- depression of the land surface up to several hun-
tribution and geologic characteristics (including dred meters. Isostatic rebounding of the land sur-
composition, stratigraphy, groundwater geochem- faces occurred after the ice retreated, but this is a
istry, and groundwater volumes) of soft sensitive relatively siow process that is still continuing in
clay deposits. some regions. The enormous amounts of water in-
corporated into the continental ice sheets caused
the ocean volumes to be somewhat less than at
2.1 Geographic Distribution
present, and the ocean levels dropped worldwide
Although soft clay deposits are found in many by at least 120 m (Kenney 1964). However, the
parts of the worki, the most extensive areas of rate of ice-sheet melting and the consequent rise in
highly sensitive clays occur in Scandinavia and sea level were much more rapid than the rebound-
eastern Canada. They have also been reported in ing of the land surface following ice-sheet removal.
Alaska, Japan, the former Soviet Union, and New Isostatic rebound and eustatic sea-level changes
Zealand (Torrance 1987). Small areas of similar after the last deglaciation have been well docu-
deposits may still be discovered, but it appears un- mented (Kenney 1964; Andrews 1972; llillaire-
likely that any large areas of such deposits remain Marcel and Fairbridge 1978; Quigley 1980). The
undiscovered. isostatic rebound was much larger than the in-
Soft Sensitive Clays
crease in sea level. The net result of the interac- mineralogy. The silt fraction is most often high,
tion between changing land elevations and sea typically in the range of 30 to 70 percent. The
levels was a period of inundation and subsequent fraction with grain sizes smaller than 2 ,um gener-
reemergence of certain portions of the continental ally contains more rock flour than clay minerals,
land masses in the time between the melting of and the clay minerals are predominantly illite
the continental ice sheets and the present day. (Quigley 1980; Locat et al. 1984).
Sensitive clays are considered to have been de-
posited in marine, or at least brackish, bodies of 2.5 Stratigraphy
water. In North America the last glaciation covered
most of Canada, parts of the conterminous north- In large depositional basins, marine clay deposits
ern United States, and part of Alaska. The largest are generally massive and notably uniform. In
deposits of postglacial marine clays were formed in small basins, or in the proximal areas of large
the Champlain Sea, which occupied the St. Law- basins, marine clay deposits can be interlayered
rence lowlands from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the with sand and gravel and even with glacial till
region around the city of Ottawa during the period (Gadd 1975). For most slope stability analyses, the
approximately 12,500 to 10,000 years BP (Elson stratigraphy of typical postglacial soft clay deposits
1969; Gadd 1975; Hillaire-Marcel 1979). can generally be simplified (Figure 24-2). The
massive clay formation is confined between two
2.3 Groundwater Geochemistry relatively pervious boundary layers. The upper
boundary consists of either a weathered fissured FIGURE 24-2
The emergence of these postglacial marine clay crust or sand and silt derived from the final depo- Simplified
formations above sea level altered their ground- sitional stages. The lower boundary is formed ei- down-valley cross
water regimes, and because of hydraulic or ther by till deposited on the bedrock by glaciers or
section of typical
concentration gradients, their pore-water salt con- soft marine clay
by fissured bedrock. The overall coefficient of per- deposits of eastern
centration, which was initially as high as 32 gIL,
meability in the boundary layers is generally at Canada
was reduced. Present-day pore-water salinity in
least two orders of magnitude higher than that in (modified from
many sensitive clay deposits has been reduced to
the massive clay deposit. Lefebvre 1986).
values below 1 g/L. Reduction of pore-water
cations (salinity) is known to reduce the liquid
limits (Rosenqvist 1966) and the remolded shear
strength of clays.
Because of an open fabric and high water con-
tent retained since deposition, some lacustrine SURFICIAL LAYER
clays and unleached marine clays can also be fairly
a, fussured
sensitive. The soft Barlow-Oj ibway lacustrine clay
"' ,clay crust
in northern Quebec Province, for example, has a
water content of as much as 100 percent, a plas-
ticity index of 40, a liquidity index of 1.5, and a INTACT CLAY
sensitivity of about 20. However, geochemical fac-
tors, such as salinity reduction, are considered
necessary for the development of extrasensitive or
quick clays, which have a liquidity index greater
than 2 and flow when remolded. However, it
should be noted that geochemical factors other
than salinity reduction, such as the introduction TILL
of dispersants, can also lead to an increased li-
quidity index and sensitivity.
2.4 Composition and Mineralogy
crest. Such a condition is obviously detrimental to eral sites, especially in the Tyrrell Sea basin of
stability and favors a deep failure surface. In fact, northern Québec Province where valleys appear to
the artesian pressures evaluated from the flow net have evolved more rapidly because of a clay that is
of Figure 24-4(b) are sufficient to blow up the bot- more erodible than that in the St. Lawrence valley
tom of the valley. (Lefebvre 1986). The groundwater regime deduced
Groundwater within the lower boundary layer from a large number of piezometers at one site in
discharges into the river once the valley forma- the Broadback River valley is presented in Figure
tion reaches a sufficiently advanced stage [Figure 24-5(a) along with the stratigraphy obtained from
24-401. In the vicinity of the slope, the piezo- several borings. Figure 24-5(b) presents the results
metric head is slightly higher than the river level of a numerical analysis by the finite-element
and creates a downward gradient in the clay for- method. The permeability coefficients used in
mation. The surface infiltration into the upper these analyses were obtained by permeability tests
pervious boundary materials is much larger than in open-tube piezometers.
the flow that can percolate through the intact clay Both the numerical analysis and the piezomet-
formation. Thus, the water table is essentially un- nc data confirm that strong underdrainage devel-
affected by the downward drainage and generally oped in the clay formation when the underlying
remains close to the surface inside the upper till formation discharged into the river. The
boundary layer, fluctuating with the season. In the groundwater table remained close to the ground
upper boundary layer, the flow can be assumed to surface in the wet season so that essentially hydro-
be parallel to the ground surface and under almost static conditions prevailed in the surficial crust.
hydrostatic conditions. Under the crest of the slope, the pore pressure in-
Groundwater regimes along valleys in their final creased with depth in the upper part of the intact
stages of formation have been documented at sev- clay formation and then decreased toward the
permeability = k1
Equipotential lines
obtained from (a) so
piezometer readings
November 1980 and 40
(b) finite-element
analyses at I
Broadback River site,
northern Québec
Province, Canada 10 Mif Woe
(modified from 7/f //v
Lefebvre 1986).
100 150 200 250
so k=1.7 x 10 5 cm/s
Uj !:
LaRochelle 1974; Lefebvre 1981). Skempton all these sites, located over a region about 700 km
(1964) reached a similar conclusion, namely, that long, plot in a surprisingly narrow band. They rep-
for stiff overconsolidated clays, it is the strength at resent a range of natural water content from 40 to
large deformations that is mobilized during a slope 90 percent, plasticity index from 5 to 40, and pre-
failure. consolidation pressure from 100 to 600 kPa.
The use of the postpeak strength in performing The normalized postpeak envelope (Figure 24-8)
stability analyses of sensitive clays can be justified exhibits some curvature, with the shear resistance
by progressive failure along the failure surface or initially increasing rapidly with effective stress and
by the fact that the peak strength in sensitive clay then flattening toward the normally consolidated
cannot be mobilized under sustained load. Triaxial envelope. Because this normalized envelope is
drained creep tests performed on sensitive St. common to all Champlain Sea clay sites, it can be
Lawrence clays (Figure 24-7) have shown that used as a first approximation to derive the strength
creep failure develops for any loading above the parameters from a. As indicated by the curvature
strength level corresponding to large deformations of the envelope, for the same confinement stress
(Lefebvre 1981). In any event, the strength at range, ' increases with aç . If the parameters are
large deformations may be considered to form a determined for an identical confinement pressure
stability threshold in terms of either deformation (as') range of 5 to 20 kPa, the normalized enve-
or time. The postpeak strength is generally deter- lope of Figure 24-8 provides an estimate of 4' that
mined by means of an isotropically consolidated increases from 29 to 43 degrees, whereas G in-
triaxial drained test with a rate of loading of 1 to 2 creases from 100 to 400 kPa and c' remains ap-
percent per day to allow drainage; the test is con- proximately constant at 7 kPa. These values are
tinued to an axial deformation of 10 to 12 percent. summarized in Table 24-1. Test results from tube
Sampling disturbance is generally a significant samples generally correlate with the envelope de-
factor with sensitive clay in the overconsolidated fined in Figure 24-8 but exhibit a larger scatter.
state. The peak strength is, for example, much af- The postpeak strength defined for the soft sen-
fected by sampling disturbance. However, good sitive Champlain clays is surprisingly high and ap-
commercial tube sampling is sufficient to deter- pears somewhat paradoxical when compared with
mine the strength at large deformations. When the residual strength determined for stiff overcon-
tube sampling methods are used, the scatter in the solidated clays, which is defined by a zero cohesion
results may be larger than when block samples are intercept and a value for 4' that sometimes is as
used. In principle, the large-deformation strength low as 10 to 15 degrees. The high postpeak c' and
envelope can be determined for overconsolidated ' values for the Champlain clay are primarily re-
samples by using undrained tests with pore- lated to its mineralogy. The high silt and rock flour
pressure measurement. However, difficulties arise content and the relatively low fraction of illitic
in obtaining this determination accurately by such clay minerals result in a fairly large friction angle.
methods because the stress paths all tend to reach In addition, as shown by the correlations estab-
the failure envelope at the same stress state. lished with a, the shear strength at large defor-
mations is still influenced by the stress history and
4.3 Normalized Shear Strength may be different from a true residual strength.
The correlations established for Champlain
A large data bank has accumulated over the years clay should be checked, before they are adopted to
on the postpeak shear strengths of the sensitive describe the characteristics of sensitive clays from
Champlain Sea clays of eastern Canada. For spec- other regions of the world. From limited data ob-
imens reconsolidated in the laboratory to the same tained from analyses of block samples of sensitive
confining pressure, the strength at large deforma- clays from four sites in the Tyrrell Sea basin in
tions appears to be influenced by the stress history; northern Québec Province, the postpeak parame-
that is, it increases with preconsolidation pressure. ters for the Tyrrell Sea clays appear to be slightly
Figure 24-8 presents test results on block sample lower than those for Champlain clays. Figure 24-9
specimens of Champlain Sea clays from nearly 20 shows a comparison of the normalized postpeak
sites (Lefebvre 1981). The data are normalized by strength envelopes for the Tyrrell Sea and Cham-
the preconsolidation pressure, . The data from plain Sea clays.
Soft Sensitive Clays 615
FIGURE 24-10
Relation among type
of landslide failure, 800- 0
sensitivity, and
remolded shear 700 - 0
strength of sensitive
clays (modified from Landslide (non retrogressive)
600 - 0 0 Flowslide (retrogressive)
Grondin 1978).
500 -
400 -
U) 0
FIGURE 24-11 300-o
(below) 0
Risk of retrogression 200 -
in terms of
sensitivity and 100- 00
liquidity index; data
points are those 0 •.
shown in
Figure 24-10 0 1 2 3 4 5
(modified from Remolded Shear Strength (kPa)
Grondin 1978).
Soft Sensitive Clays 617
be such that the shear stress in the new slope ex- sometimes to human intervention. In slopes in
ceeds the undrained shear strength of the clay. which stability has already become marginal, some
Therefore, the potential distance of retrogression slight seasonal variations in the groundwater
is difficult to evaluate. Nevertheless, the risk of regime may trigger a landslide. For the long term,
retrogression after the occurrence of an initial however, the groundwater regime in the vicinity
failure can be assessed at least qualitatively. From of slopes evolves with the development of valleys
analytical studies and examination of more than in a way that affects the general stability of the
40 case records, Mitchell and Markell (1974) pro- valley walls and the morphology of the landslides.
posed that retrogression can occur only if the sta- Detailed piezometric readings are required to per-
bility number, N, = 'yHICu, is larger than 6 within mit a rational interpretation of the groundwater
the depth of potential failure. regime. Piezometric data should not be considered
This stability number is similar to the coeffi- isolated data values but a reflection of a ground-
cient used in the evaluation of bearing capacity, as water regime controlled by boundary conditions.
if the stress yH imposed by the new slope were cre- Approaches to stability analyses of sensitive
ating an undrained extrusion of the clay below. clay slopes are based largely on experience and the
The larger the value of 1H/Cu, the larger will be study of many case records. However, considera-
the retrogression distance before equilibrium. tion of the genesis of clay slopes justifies the type
Mitchell and Markell (1974) found a general rela- of analysis as well as the approach for determina-
tionship between yHICu and the distance of retro- tion of the shear-strength parameters. Landslides
gression, although other factors such as sensitivity, in sensitive clays are notorious for large and very
stratigraphy, and topography also appear to play a rapidly enlarging retrogressive earth flows that can
significant role in limiting retrogression. be triggered as a result of the initial failure. Exper-
The groundwater regime influences the effective- tise has been developed in the evaluation of sta-
stress profile and consequently the undrained bility against an initial failure using effective stress
shear strength profile, especially in normally con- analysis, proper pore-pressure data, and postpeak
solidated deposits. In the final stage of valley strength parameters. However, it remains difficult
formation, deposits may be affected by strong un- to assess whether an initial failure will generate a
sequence of retrogressive earth flows. Slopes com-
derdrainage, as described earlier, which causes the
posed of sensitive clays with a stability number
undrained shear strength to increase rapidly with
yH/Cu larger than 6 and a liquidity index higher
depth in the lower half of the clay deposit. Under
than 1.5 are generally considered as presenting
these circumstances, the most critical position for
a risk of retrogressive failure following an initial
a retrogression surface will be much higher on the
slope than would otherwise be the case because
of the unique relationships between the yI-I/Cu
values and elevation (or depth).
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