Calcule Doze de Aplicare
Calcule Doze de Aplicare
Calcule Doze de Aplicare
Compiled by
Training and Fellowships Program
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
Patancheru 502 324, Andhra Pradesh, India
Pest Control
Compiled by
Training and Fellowships Program
Publications in this Skill Development Series (SDS) are issued semiformally for limited distribution to
program participants, colleagues, and collaborators. Copies may be requested by the S D S number.
Constructive criticism from readers is welcomed by: Program Leader, Training and Fellowships Program,
ICRISAT. Contributors for this issue are Mr. S.K. Pal, Manager, Plant Protection, Farm Engineering and
Services Program, and Dr. S.K. Das Gupta, Senior Training Officer, Training and Fellowships Program.
Information presented in this document has been taken from published and unpublished reports. Efforts
have been made to indicate trade names (®) where available. Omissions or inclusions of a trade name
does not constitute endorsement or discrimination of a product by ICRISAT or the compilers. This
publication should not be cited as a reference.
Comments and suggestions from Drs H.C. Sharma, T.G. Shanower, and D. McDonald for compiling
this document are gratefully acknowledged. Thanks to Mr S.V. Prasad Rao and Mr Y.P. Lingam for
processing this publication.
Pesticides 1
Pest Surveillance 17
Surveillance methods 17
Protection Levels 19
References 26
Evaluations 27
The following are frequently used terms related to pesticides and their application.
Pesticides Chemicals or mixtures of chemicals that are used for killing. repelling,
mitigating or reducing pest damage.
Fungicides Substances that prevent, destroy or inhibit the growth of fungi in crop
Insecticides Substances that prevent, inhibit, destroy, kill insects (belonging to Class
Insecta, Phylum arthropoda).
Rodenticides Substances that prevent, inhibit, destroy, kill rodents (Class Mammalia,
Order Rodentia).
Miticides/Acaricldes Substances that prevent, inhibit, destroy, kill or mitigate mites (Acarina
arachnid arthropods).
Nematicides Chemicals that prevent, repel, inhibit or destroy members of the Class
Molluscicides Prevent, repel, inhibit or destroy members of the Phylum Mollusca such
as snails.
Active ingredient (a.i) is a part of a pesticide formulation which is the actual toxicant sometimes
referred to as "technical grade" or "basic pesticide"
Inert ingredients Substances, other than the active ingredient, which constitute a pesticide
Classification of Pesticides
TAFP SDS no 15 1
Classification based on target pest species
The following explains the classification of pesticides based on target organisms. For certain organisms,
subclassifications are also made.
Pesticide classification
Fungi Fungicides
Microorganisms Algae Algaecides
Bacteria Bactericides
Arachnids Acaricides or
Insects Insecticides
Molluscs Molluscicides
Nematodes Nematicides
Rodents Rodenticides
Birds Avicides
Plants Weedicides or
The classification of pesticides based on their chemical nature is rather complex. Modern pesticides are,
in general, organic chemicals (compounds with carbon). However, some inorganic compounds are also
used as pesticides. The organic pesticides can be subdivided into classes based on their molecular
structure. These classes are organochlorines, organophosphates, carbamates, organomercurials,
thiocarbamates, acetamides, ureas, etc. Combining the two methods of classification based on target
species and chemical nature, a useful classification system is obtained. This is given below.
Inorganic Fungicides
Organochlorines Pyrethroids
Insecticides Organophosphates Other organics
Nitropenols Uracils
Herbicides Chlorophenoxy Triazines
Organic compounds Thiocarbamates
Dipyridyls Other organics
Organotins Organophosphates
Fungicides Organomercurials Other organics
2 TAFP SDS no 15
Appendix IV lists pesticides approved in India under the Insecticides Act, 1968, and their class based
on target organisms and chemical nature. It should be remembered that a pesticide may appear in more
than one class based on its target species, but will be in only one class based on its chemical nature.
i) Stomach poisons.
ii) Contact poisons.
iii) Systemic poisons.
iv) Fumigants.
Stomach poisons
Stomach poisons enter the body of the pest through the mouth during feeding into the digestive tract from
where these are absorbed into the systems. Stomach poisons are more effective against c h e w i n g i n s e c t s
and useful in controlling insects with siphoning or sponging types of mouth parts (housefly for an example).
Examples: dieldrin, sulfur, lead arsenate, etc.
Contact poisons
These poisons enter the body directly through the cuticle by contact with the treated surface of the foliage,
stem, etc. These poisons act on the nervous system of the pest. These may also be applied directly on
to the body of the pest as a spray or dust. Examples: benzene hexachloride. dichloro diphenyl trichloro
ethane, endrin, quinalphos, carbamates, etc. Some of the known pesticides derived from plants also have
contact action. Examples: pyrethrum, rotenone, sabadilla. nicotine, etc.
Systemic poisons
These poisons are applied on the plants' surface such as the foliage, green parts of the stem, and near
the roots from where these are translocated into the plant tissues. Most of the systemic poisons act as
stomach poisons, or both as stomach and contact poisons. The parts of the plant where these poisons
have been translocated become lethal to the pests feeding on these parts of the plants. Systemic poisons
are more effective against sucking pests. They have a selective action with little effect on the predators
and parasites directly, unless acting through the food chain. Translocation of these poisons takes place
mostly through xylem vessels. Examples: demeton-o-methyl, phosphamidon. monocrotophos. phorate.
carbofuran. dimethoate, mevinphos, aldicarb, etc.
Fumigants are volatile poisons and enter the body of the pests through the respiratory system. These are
widely used in controlling stored grain pests. All types of pests can be killed by fumigants irrespective of
the types of mouthparts provided a gas-tight atmosphere is ensured (i.e., fumigants are nonselective).
Even for soil pests such as nematodes, fumigation is effective. Examples: dichlorvos. hydrogen cyanide,
methyl bromide, paradichlorobenzene, ethylene dichloride, carbon tetrachloride, naphthalene, nemagon,
aluminum phosphide, etc.
Pesticide Formulations
Pesticides, with a few exceptions, are sold and used as formulated products. Formulating a pesticide
improves its performance and increases its environmental safety.
TAFP SDS no 15 3
Pesticides are first manufactured as technical grade (active ingredient or a . i ) . In this form, they are
unsuitable for direct use because of the following reasons:
- They have unsuitable physical characteristics. They are generally waxy or lumpy solids or viscous
liquids. In this f orm, they are difficult to apply.
- They have high purity levels and hence the required dose is difficult to disperse. The quantity
involved is very small to be evenly and effectively dispersed over a specified area.
- The toxicity of the a.i. is much higher compared to the formulations. Thus, application of a.i. is not
only hazardous but also needs specialized training and knowledge in handling.
- The a.i. does not have the ideal physiochemical characteristics which the formulations have.
Formulations contain the a.i. in a definite concentration together with other materials such as inert
carriers, emulsifiers, wetting agents, solvents, thickeners, encapsulants, etc.
According to the intended mode of application, the common formulations can be grouped as follows:
i) Dusts (D)
ii) Granules (G)
iii) Encapsulated granules
i) Fumigants (Fig. 4)
ii) Smoke generators or tablets that vaporize
iii) Aerosols and pressurized sprays
D. Other formulations
Type of Formulations
These are concentrated solutions of the technical grade material containing an emulsifier to help the
concentrate mix readily with water for spraying. The emulsifier is a detergent that causes the suspension
of microscopically small oil droplets in water, to form an emulsion. W h e n an emulsifiable concentrate is
added to water and agitated (i.e., stirred vigorously), the emulsifier causes the oil to disperse uniformly
throughout the carrier (i.e., water) producing an opaque liquid. Liquid formulations are easy to transport
a n d store, and require little agitation in the tank. However, care must be exercised in handling the toxic
4 TAFP SDS no 15
Figure 1. An emulsifiable concentrate (insecticide).
TAFP SDS no 15 5
Figure 3. A fungicide (wettable powder).
Figure 4. A tumigant.
6 TAFP SDS no 15
Wettable powders (WP)
W h e n an inert dust is impregnated with the pesticides, and a wetting agent is incorporated, the resultant
powder, if mixed with water with continuous agitation, forms a fine suspension. To formulate a wettable
powder, the technical grade of the toxicant is added to an inert diluent and a wetting agent (comparable
to a dry soap or detergent) is added in the required ratio, and the whole combination is thoroughly mixed.
Wettable powders usually contain 5 0 % of the inert talc or clay but may even be mixed in a proportion of
7 5 % a.i. and 2 5 % other inert substances. Constant stirring of the mixture is generally required after
addition of water, as otherwise the suspension may settle to the bottom of the liquid. Wettable powders
are easy to carry, store, measure, and mix. However, care must be taken to protect against inhalation
during handling.
These are the simplest of formulations and the easiest to apply. In a formulated dust, the following two
types of mixtures are usually found:
a) Undiluted toxic agent, e.g., sulfur dust used for control of mites and powdery mildew.
b) Toxic a.i. plus an inert diluent. This is the most c o m m o n dust formulation sold as 2 % , 5%, or
1 0 % a.i dust.
Dusts are the least effective and, although prices are lower, have the least economic return. Dusts
give poor deposit on the target plants. It has been calculated that not more than 10-15% of the applied
material is retained on the surface.
Granular pesticides
This is a formulation in which the chemical is in the form of small granules of inert material, either as a
coating on the surface of the inert granules, or as an impregnated toxicant in the granules. The a.i. of the
granules varies from 3% to 1 0 % in India, but may be up to 2 5 % in some countries. The size of the
granules varies from 20 to 80 mesh (i.e., the number of grits (granules) per inch of the sieve through which
they have to pass). Granular pesticides can be applied on to the soil, or may be placed in the whorl of
leaves depending on the nature of pest control required.
Granular insecticides may be more economic since precise applications are possible with them.
When applied in the soil, they are generally less harmful to beneficial insects such as bees. For systemic
insecticides, granule application is excellent since they are placed in the root zone.
Ultra low volume applications are so formulated that in many instances. they do not need any further
dilution or only a small quantity of diluent carrier is needed. The total volume required with the ULV
formulations is from 2 to 4 L ha -1 . These formulations require specialized application techniques. ULV
sprayers, helicopters or fixed-wing aircraft fitted with spray booms are used With ULV applications, drift
may be a problem.
Pesticides nomenclature
TAFP SDS no 15 7
Chemical names
The chemical names are usually rather complex. These are made out according to the principles of
nomenclature accepted by the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) and/or by CA
(Chemical Abstracts). E.g. 2,2-dicholorovinyl dimethyl phosphate.
Common names
For the chemical name of any pesticide, a c o m m o n name is usually officially selected by recognized bodies
such as the International Standards Organization (ISO); the British Standards Institute (BSI); the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI), etc. C o m m o n names help to avoid confusion resulting from the use
of several trade names or proprietary names for the same product marketed by different firms. It is
conventional to write the c o m m o n name starting with a small letter, e.g., dichlorvos (DDVP).
The manufacturer or the formulator selects the brand name/trade name or proprietary name There may
be various trade names for a single product and it is conventional to write the initial letter of the trade name
in capitals, e.g., Furadan, Nogos, Nuvan, Marvex.
8 TAFP SDS no 15
Calculation of Insecticide Dosage
Insecticides may need to be selectively applied for controlling insect pests. Accurately computing the
amount of insecticide required for a given area, and uniform application rate is essential for effective control
of insect pests.
Commercial products available in the market are commonly in the form of a wettable powder (WP),
granules, or emulsifiable concentrates (EC).
Insecticide recommendations are often expressed as kilograms of active ingredient per hectare (kg a.i. ha-1)
or percentage concentration of active ingredient (% a.i) of the insecticide in the final diluted solution.
Therefore, the insecticide should be used in the correct dosage by diluting the exact amount of the
concentrated form of insecticide with a predetermined volume of water or other diluent or by spreading the
exact amount of granules required over a specific area. To achieve this, it is necessary to calculate the
exact amount of insecticide material needed for the area being covered.
Expression of concentration
Each commercial insecticide possesses an active ingredient ( a . i ) , the principal chemical compound that
acts on the insect. Because this active ingredient is highly toxic it is marketed in a diluted form.
i) In solid formulations such as dust, wettable powder or granules, the active ingredient is mixed
with inert material. The concentration is expressed as -
ii) Liquid formulation Here the a.i. is dissolved in a solvent with an emulsifying agent. It is
expressed as an emulsifiable concentrate (EC). The concentration can be expressed in two
b) Grams L -1
iii) Diluent. This is a liquid (water or oil) used to dilute the concentrated active ingredient.
TAFP SDS no 15 9
iv) Volume of spray. The amount required to cover uniformly an area or a given amount of
foliage. The volume is affected by the sprayer. droplet size. and volume such as:
Recommended dosages
Most insecticide recommendations are given in kg of a.i. ha -1 . In this, the volume of spray required ha -1
is determined by the type of equipment and its calibration. Recommendations are also given in a.i (%) in
the total volume of spray. Here the volume of spray is always specified. In summary:
W h e n recommendation is in kg a.i. ha -1 .
Specification required:
1) Area to be sprayed
2) Concentration of a.i in formulation
3) Recommended rate as kg a.i. ha -1 .
Example: If Basudin 10G granule (10% a.i.) is used at the rate of 2 kg a.i ha -1 , then amount of
Basudin 10G required for 2500 m 2 is:
Specification required:
i) Area to be treated
ii) Recommended rate as kg a.i. ha -1
iii) Concentration ot commercial EC as a.i (%) or kg L -1
10 TAFP SDS no 15
When concentration of EC is in a.i. (%)
Example: Malathion to be sprayed at the rate of 2 kg a.i. ha -1 for 8000 m 2 and Malathion EC has
2 0 % a.i. How much liters of Malathion is required?
Example: Folidol (methyl-parathion) (0.72 kg a.i. L -1 ) is to be applied at the rate of 1.5 kg a.i. ha -1
How much will be required for 3.5 ha?
Specifications required:
1 Spray volume as L ha -1
2 Concentration desired as a.i. (%) in spray
3 Concentration of commercial product as a.i. (%)
Formula :
Example: To control leaf hoppers in a plot. 2000 L of 0.09% carbaryl is to be prepared. The
commercial product to be used is Sevin 5 0 % . How much Sevin is required?
Specification required:
1) Spray volume as L ha -1
2) Concentration as percentage ot a.i desired.
TAFP SDS no 15 11
3) Concentration of commercial EC as a.i. (%).
Example: 1900 L of 0.04% endrin spray is to be prepared. How much commercial 19.5% EC is
With the above example now determine how m u c h Folidol will be required for each tank load
of spray (e.g., a knapsack sprayer).
Example: Suppose with a knapsack sprayer, the application rate was found to be 200 L ha -1 (by
calibration). How much Folidol (.72 kg a.i. L -1 ) will be required for each tank load (20 L capacity)
w h e n the recommended rate is 1.5 kg a.i. ha -1 ?
3. Since the tank capacity is 20 L, the number of tank loads required to spray will be
= 200 = 10
Commercial products are available in the form of wettable powders, granules, dusts, or emulsifiable
Recommendations are expressed as kg a.i per hectare (kg a.i. ha -1 ) or percentage concentration (a.i.
%) in the spray volume.
Active ingredient (a.i.) is the actual chemical, which is diluted and sold in the market. This is
expressed as a.i. (%) in the formulation.
12 TAFP SDS no 15
• Liquid formulations are also expressed as active ingredient (%) of the emulsitiable concentrates [a.i.
(%) in EC] or as g L-1.
• Water or oil may be used to reduce the concentration of the active ingredient.
• Recommendations are also given as % a.i. in spray volume. Here the total volume of spray is
specified for a given area.
• Note that all the calculations based in this module consider the diluent to be water.
1. Spray volume
2. Amount of a.i. desired or recommended (rate kg a.i. ha-1)
3. Concentration in the commercial product
4. Area to be sprayed
• Amount of spray to be used for adequate coverage are sometimes specified by the manufacturers
or find the volume by 'sprayer calibration'.
• Correct application depends on other factors apart from insecticide calculation. Accurate sprayer
calibration, measurement of diluent, uniform application of spray are all steps in achieving a good
insect control (refer to sprayer calibration and operation of a knapsack sprayer)
• All precautions recommended by the manufacturer in preparing spray solutions should be observed
to avoid injury, contamination, or poisoning.
TAFP SDS no 15 13
Use and Operation of a Knapsack Sprayer
To achieve good results of pest control and economic use of pesticides a sprayer has to be in good
working condition and sprayer must be calibrated before it is used to avoid over or under application of
a) A nozzle output of the sprayer should be checked where the nozzle orifice wears out over a time.
b) The swath width of application is directly effected by the size and the angle of the nozzle. Each
nozzle has its characteristic spray angle, as the distance between the nozzle tip and the plant
canopy varies, the area covered by the spray material also varies. Therefore, the distance the
nozzle is held from the ground or plant must be constant for uniform coverage.
c) Pressure in the tank has to be regulated constantly (with installation of a pressure gauge).
d) Walking speed of the operator should be constant as it is essential to achieve a uniform rate of
1) Fill the sprayer with clean water, clean its nozzle and strainer, and flush the hose if required.
2) Determine the walking speed of spray operator for a measured distance for at least 3 to 4 times and
calculate the average speed.
4) Calculate the area sprayed in one minute by multiplying the width of the swath and distance covered
in one minute
1) Refill the tank, discharge the spray with required pressure for one minute into a bucket.
2) Measure the quantity of the liquid collected L min -1 . Repeat the above procedure 3 times and use
the average figure for subsequent calculations.
Example: If a nozzle discharges 0.4 L min - 1 and the operator covers 20 m 2 in a minute, then the application
rate ha -1 is:
14 TAFP SDS no 15
If the tank capacity is 20 L and the rate of application is 200 L ha -1 , then the
Maintenance of sprayers
Routine maintenance of sprayer is an essential practice to increase the life of a sprayer. One should avail
of all information from the sprayer supplier about assembling, operation, and maintenance of the sprayer:
2) Do not use a sprayer for pesticide application if it has been used for herbicides. It is potentially
dangerous to use the same sprayer because a little amount of herbicide left may damage a sensitive
crop. A sprayer for herbicides should be used exclusively for such chemicals only.
3) Even w h e n a sprayer is u s e d only for herbicides, it should be cleaned thoroughly between changes
from one herbicide to another. The same is also true for insecticides.
4) Each part of the sprayer and nozzle should be cleaned thoroughly after each usage.
5) With most chemicals, a thorough washing with water may be sufficient. Washing should be done until
the washings are colorless.
6) Addition of a detergent will quicken the process but care should be taken that no trace of detergent
is left in the sprayer.
7) For phenoxy compounds, such as 2-4-D or 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy acetic acid, the sprayer should
be washed several times with water and detergent, and sometimes with kerosene to rinse out any
chemical soluble in oil. Fill the sprayer with a mixture of water and trisodium phosphate or
household ammonia (if neither is available, use a strong detergent solution). Circulate the solution
throughout the sprayer and let it stand overnight. Do not use ammonia, if any part of the sprayer
is made up of brass. Completely drain next day and thoroughly rinse with water.
8) After use, all spray equipment should be thoroughly dried. All valves should be opened for draining
and position the equipment in such a way that all the water either drains out or evaporates. Ensure
all moving parts are lubricated after each use so that the equipment will be ready for next use.
TAFP SDS no 15 15
Figure 5. Calibration of a knapsack sprayer.
16 TAFP SDS no 15
Pest Surveillance
One of the basic requirements in managing pests on a research farm is constant vigil and surveillance,
monitoring of biotic and abiotic components of the crop ecosystem to assess or predict pest outbreaks.
Implicit in this concept is the principle of economic threshold level, the point at which pest control is
The use of precise monitoring techniques coupled with accurate economic threshold levels allows
the most effective and efficient use of pesticides. The approach is essential to minimize costs, to maintain
stability of the agroecosystem, and to reduce the amount of pesticides released into the environment.
However, pest surveillance should not be concerned with pest incidence only. It should be used as a tool
to determine the factors which actually cause pest occurrence.
2. The degree of success of the plant protection measures will largely depend upon an effective pest
surveillance and monitoring programs.
3. By sampling immature stages of insect/pests, it is possible to forecast the numbers of pests expected
in the later stages and spray dates are determined so that the first larvae are destroyed.
Surveillance methods
a) Systematic sampling
Taking samples in the alternate rows and beds, depending upon the size of the plot and the number of
rows, it can easily be decided about the rows and beds in which the sampling can be done.
b) Diagonal fashion
The person should start taking samples from one corner and walk diagonally taking samples from alternate
beds. Once the samples are taken in one diagonal line, samples should be taken from the nearest other
corner. The percentage of pest incidence and the number of pests per plant are to be calculated.
TAFP SDS no 16 17
Figure 7. Surveillance crew in a groundnut field. Figure 8. A pheromone trap in groundnut.
Figure 9. Observation for thrips on groundnut. Figure 10. Surveillance data sheet.
18 TAFP SDS no 16
Controlling pests In a research farm
The plant protection and surveillance unit on a research farm can relieve the researchers from the routine
pest control operations so that they can get enough time to conduct research in their respective fields. This
unit should maintain a close liaison with the entomologists to solve the pest problems on the farm. The
surveillance unit personnel should visit each and every trial on the research farm once in a week (from
emergence) and report their findings so as to plan timely pest control operations.
Protection Levels
Depending on the need for pest control, the trials on the experimental station need to be classified into the
following categories.
o Intensive protection
Very important crops, e.g., germplasm lines, can be grouped into this category as even a minor
damage to such crops is of much concern to the scientists.
o Research protection
Refers to trials protected to avoid some amount of pest damage without interfering with the
required results.
o Economic protection
Followed for trials protected to avoid moderate or bulk damage. These trials are sprayed only
w h e n severe infestation cause economic damage affecting the progress of further research.
o No protection
Pesticides are frequently applied as a prophylactic or on a fixed calendar schedule irrespective of the
occurrence or level of the pest population However, fewer applications are needed if they are timed more
accurately and this will reduce selection pressure for resistance. A routine pest assessment is required,
preferably aided by a pest forecast of the probable level of infestation, to avoid fixed schedules.
i) Economic injury level. It is the lowest population density that will cause economic damage.
ii) Economic threshold. The population density at which control measures should be applied to
prevent the increasing pest population from reaching the economic injury level.
Apart from counting the number of insects in a crop, various trapping techniques can be used to
sample populations, e.g., pheromone traps, light traps, and attractant (such as fishmeal) traps.
Time of sampling and the stage of the life cycle sampled are most important. Detection of eggs is
most important to avoid delay in taking the appropriate control measure.
Some larvae are very difficult to find untilthey reach the third or fourth instar while others feed inside
plant parts. A pesticide application should be done early, at the start of an infestation of first instar larvae,
otherwise less control is achieved.
TAFP SDS no 15 19
Important Pests on ICRISAT Mandate Crops
Atherigona soccata Shoot fly Eggs: White, cigar-shaped 2 mm C a u s e s deadheart and death
(Rondani) length, singly on the under of seedlings. From 1 w e e k to
surfaces of the leaf. Hatching 1 month. Late sowings more
period 2-3 days. Maggot: prone to attack.
Whitish yellow. 8-10 days. Pupa:
5-10 days.
Chilo partellus Spotted stem Egg: Flattish oval, and tend to Leaf feeding, deadheart -
(Swinhoe) borer overlap like fishscales 10-18 in causing windowing on the
masses. Hatch in 4-5 days. leaves. Upper surface eaten
Larvae: Cream colored with lines and lower surface intact, stem
of black dots on the body, live up tunneling.
to 19-27 days, bore into stems.
Pupates inside stem and adults
e m e r g e in 7-10 days.
Calacoris angustatus Earhead bug Adult: 5 mm long 1 mm width Sucks sap from the
(Lethiery) yellowish green. Lays 150 to 200 developing grain. Grain
eggs hatch in a week. Nymphs, attacked will shrivel, reducing
first instar orange - red and later crop yield and quality.
turn light green. N y m p h s develop
to adult. Life cycle less than 3
w e e k s . O p e n type heads are less
Contarinia sorghicola Sorghum Adult 1.3 to 1.6 mm long, dark Larvae f e e d on the ovary,
(Coquilett) midge h e a d , brown antennae and legs, prevents normal grain
a n d orange - red thorax and development.
a b d o m e n , and grayish hyaline
wings. Lays 75 eggs in flowering
spikeletes, <1 day life. Larvae
9-11 days, 14-16 days total life,
9-12 generation during one season
and results in the build-up of high
infestations when sorghum
flowering times are extended by a
wide range of sowing dates or
20 TAFP SDS no 15
Scientific name of pest Common Identification marks/life stages Nature of d a m a g e
Helicoverpa armigera Earhead Eggs: Spherical, yellowish eggs are Feeds on the developing
(Hubner) caterpillar laid singly on the young sorghum grain.
heads. Incubation period 3-4
days. Young larvae whitish green.
Fully grown larvae vary from
almost black, brown, or green to
pale yellow or pink with light and
dark stripes. Lasts 18-25 days.
Pupates in soil. Adults emerge 1-2
weeks. The moth is large and
brown or gray with specks that
form a V-shaped mark on the
forewings. The hind wings are dull
colored, with a black border.
Peregrinus maidis Shoot bug Adults: Yellowish brown females N y m p h s , adults suck sap
(Ashmead) and males dark brown. Females 1 causing the plants to appear
1/2 times larger than males. The unhealthy yellow. Growth
nymphs and adults live in groups stunted. High infestation at
on the leaves, within leaf whorls, the boot stage may twist the
and on the inner side of leaf top leaves and prevent the
sheaths. 26 days life. emergence of panicles.
Honey dew execration favors
the growth of sooty mould.
Rhopalsiphum maidis Aphids Aphids dark bluish-green and some The young and adults suck
(Fitch) what ovate. Winged wingless the plant juice. Causes yellow
forms, females give birth to living molting of the leaves.
young without mating, generation Produces honeydew on which
remains one week. Winter - active. molds grow. Also transmits
Yield losses are rare. Rain maize dwarf mosaic virus.
suppresses population.
Oligonychus pratensis Mites Eggs (50/female) are laid on under Suck sap from under side of
(Banks) surface of leaves in webbing hatch leaves. The infested areas
3-4 days. Life cycle remains 11 pale yellow to reddish. Fine
days at 27°C. Hot and dry weather webbing on lower side.
usually increases mite population.
Apart from the pest species described above there are many pests whose economic importance is
low. They are soil pests: wire worms, white grubs, cut worms, etc. Shoot pests — grasshoppers, hairy
caterpillars, beetles, leaf weevil, pink borer, etc.
TAFP SDS no 15 21
Several species Wireworms Eggs in clusters in the soil. They Larvae feed on millet seed
are minute, oval, and pearly white. they hollow out the grain
22 TAFP SDS no 15
Lachnosterna White grub Adults: Emerge on the onset of The young grubs initially feed
(Holotrichia) first monsoon showers and feed on on rootlets and later as they
consanguinea wild hosts (Babul, Acacia, neem, grow they eat away the entire
(Blanch) etc.). primary root resulting in plant
Grubs: Description as in millet. mortality.
Empoasca karri Jassids Forty nymphs can be expected Nymphs and adults suck sap
(Pruthi) from one female. Peak infestation from the young leaves.
during Aug-Sep. High and well Severe infestation leads to
distributed rainfall encourages good leaf tips yellowing with 'V'
population. marking.
Scirtothrips dorsalis, Thrips Winter crop suffers more. One life Suck sap from tender leaves.
Frankliniella schultzei cycle needs about 15 days. Adults Yellowish white patches on
(Trybom), live up to 20 days and lay about the upper surface of the
Thrips palmi (Kami) 40-50 eggs. leaves and necrotic patches
(Lelhiery) on the lower surface.
Transmit tomato spotted wilt
Aproaerema modicellas Leaf miner Soybean highly preferred. One Blisters enlarge, becomes
(Deventer) female can lay about 200 eggs (2-3 brown and dry up. Severe
days), young larva initially mine the d a m a g e looks whole field
leaves, but after 5-6 days c o m e s 'burnt-up.'
out and webs the adjacent leaflets
together and feed on from inside
the w e b b e d leaves. Pupation
inside webs. Adults emerge 5-7
days, 3-4 generations in one
cropping cycle. Moths attracted to
light traps.
Spodoptera litura (F.) Tobacco Eggs are laid in masses, 150-400 Voracious foliage feeders.
caterpillar covered with brown scales. Later instar larvae can cause
Individual can lay up to 2500 eggs, d a m a g e to growing pods.
hatches 3-4 days. Larva feeds
during nights and hide during day
in soil debris.
TAFP SDS no 15 23
Lactrostera (Holotrichia) White grub The young grub feed on small roots and organic matter.
consanguinea (Bl.) The affected plants wither and die. The d a m a g e in a
field occurs in patches.
Spodoptera litura (F.) Tobacco T h e s e insects feed on the foliage and growing tips.
caterpillar Severe infestation causes total defoliation, leaving only
bore stems. Beside foliage d a m a g e , the late-instar
larvae can d a m a g e the developing pods particularly in
light soils.
Aphis craccivora Aphids Aphids infest crops at all stages of growth when
(Koch) conditions are favorable.
Plusia orichalcea Pea semilooper Polyphagous moth with a golden patch on the forewing
caterpillar green caterpillar feed on leaves during Dec-Mar.
24 TAFP SDS no 15
Odontotermes spp Termite Wilting of young plants, sometimes produce a hole in the
Microtermes spp stem just below the soil surface. Microtermes spp tunnels
into stem and root. Stems attacked by Odontotermes spp
are covered with below while termites feed upon the stem
Empoasca spp Jassids The attacked leaflets become cup shaped and yellow at
edges. Severely infected leaflets turn brown-red followed by
defoliation and stunting.
Grapholita (Cydia) critica Leaf webber Infestation starts at seedling stage and may persist to the
(Meyr.) reproductive stage. Leaflets are webbed and larvae feed
within the w e b . Growth of shoot is prevented.
Megalurothrips usitatus Thrips Severe infestation causes shedding of buds and flowers.
Helicoverpa armigera Pod borer They destroy buds, flowers, pods when flowers and pods are
(Hubner) caterpillar not available they feed upon leaflets leaving the veins.
Larvae enter into the pod by making a hole and then eat
developing and partially mature seed.
Maruca testulalis (Geyer) C o w p e a pod borer The larvae web leaves, buds pods together and feeds inside.
Exelastis atomosa Plume moth The larvae chew into the bud, flowers, pods. Small holes
(Walsingham) can be seen in the buds and tender pods.
Etiella zinckenglla Lima been pod The larvae are present in the mature and dried pods. The
(Treitschke) borer infestation in m a x i m u m at the end of the pigeonpea season
w h e n temperatures are high. Faecal granules are found
inside the d a m a g e d pods.
Melanagromyza obtusa Pod fly No external symptom until the fully grown larvae chew and
(Malloch) m a k e holes in the p o d s wall. They leave a window for
emergence of flies after pupation in pod-damaged seeds are
of no value.
Tanaostigmoides cajaninae Pod w a s p Attached locules of young pods remain undeveloped. They
(LaSalle) feed inside the pod and make an exit hole for the emerging
w a s p , which is smaller than that of pod fly.
TAFP SDS no 15 25
Oudejans, J.H. 1982. Agro-pesticides: their m a n a g e m e n t and application. Bangkok, Thailand: United
N a t i o n s E c o n o m i c a n d Social C o m m i s s i o n for A s i a a n d the Pacific. 205 pp.
R e e d , W., and Lateef, S.S. 1990. Pigeonpea: Pest m a n a g e m e n t . Pages 3 4 9 - 3 7 4 in The Pigeonpea
(Nene, Y.L., Hall, S.D., a n d Sheila, V.K., e d s ) . Wallingford, UK: C A B International.
R e e d , W . , Lateef, S.S., S i t h a n a t h a n , and P a w a r , C.S. 1989. Pigeonpea and chickpea insect identification
handbook. Information Bulletin no. 26. P a t a n c h e r u , A . P . 5 0 2 3 2 4 , India: International C r o p s R e s e a r c h
Institute for t h e S e m i - A r i d Tropics.
Teetes, G.L., Sheshu Reddy, K.V., Leuschner, K.L., and House, L.R. 1983. Sorghum insect
identification handbook. Information Bulletin no. 12. Patancheru, A.P. 502 324, India: International Crops
R e s e a r c h Institute for t h e S e m i - A r i d Tropics.
26 TAFP SDS no 15
Select the most appropriate answer and check the correct answer at the end of the booklet.
1. Commercial Sevin WP contains 5 0 % a.i. How much S e v i n ® is required to make 200 L of 0.09%
spray solution?
a) 201 g. b) 205 g.
c)211g. d)360g.
2. D i m e c r o n ® 50 EC is recommended to control stem borers at the rate of 1.75 kg a.i. ha -1 . How much
Dimecron will be required to treat 1250 m 2 ?
a) 30 kg. b) 40 kg.
c) 20 kg. d) 50 kg.
4. Calculate the amount of F o l i d o l ® 0.72 kg a.i. L -1 required to prepare a spray solution for treating 2.4
ha at the rate of 1.25 kg a.i. h a ' .
a) 4.16 L. b) 4.2 L.
c) 5.16 L d) 5 L.
5. Rogor® 3 0 % is to be sprayed at the rate of 1 L a.i. ha -1 to control thrips. How much Rogor is
required to spray 2500 m 2 ?
a) 0.85 L. b) 0.83 L.
c) 0.97 L. d) 1.0 L
a) 4.8 L. b) 5.0 L.
c) 3.2 L. d) 4.5 L.
a) 4.8 L. b) 5.0 L.
c) 3.2 L. d) 4.5 L.
8. To control head bugs in sorghum, 300 L of 0.33% carbaryl 50 WP is to be prepared. How much
chemical is required for the spray solution?
9. To control shoot fly on sorghum 0.35% spray solution is to be prepared with Endosulfan 35 EC.
How much chemical will be required for 250 L spray solution?
a) 2.7 L. b) 2.5 L.
c ) 3 . 1 L. d) 5.1 L.
TAFP SDS no 15 27
10. Following data are obtained for calibrating a knapsack sprayer. Find the total volume of spray
required ha -1 .
Nozzle discharge min -1 500 mL
Walking speed of the operator 25 m min - 1
Width of spray swath 80 cm
a) 270 L. b) 250 L.
c) 280 L. d) 290 L.
11. A tractor mounted sprayer has 28 nozzles fitted 50 cm apart. Nozzle discharge min - 1 (for one
nozzle) is 1.5 L. Tractor speed is 6 km h -1 . Find the total spray volume ha -1 .
a) 300 L. b) 200 L.
c) 250 L. d) 350 L.
12. The nozzle discharge from a knapsack sprayer is 0.4 L min - 1 and the operator covered 20 m 2 min -1 .
Folidol (0.72 kg a.i. L -1 ) is to be applied at the rate of 1.5 kg a.i. ha -1 with this sprayer. Calculate the
(i) application rate of this sprayer, (it) how much Folidol will be required ha -1 , and (iii) how much
Folidol will be required for each tank load of the sprayer. The capacity of the sprayer is 20 L.
a) millet. b) castor.
c) groundnut. d) pigeonpea.
14. The pest that transmits the bud necrosis virus in groundnut crop is
a) shootbug. b) leafminer.
c) spodoptera. d) thrips.
15. The pest that causes dead hearts in sorghum at the seedling stage is/are
a) aphids. b) shoottly.
c) mites. d) midge.
16. Forecasting of a pest incidence depends on the catch of insects in the traps (pheromone and light
a) True. b) False.
17. Decisionmaking on a spray operation depends on the degree of infestation and threshold levels of
pest and disease incidence.
a) True. b) False.
18. When the walking speed of the person operating the sprayer increases, the spray liquid h a 1
a) True. b) False.
a) True. b) False.
28 TAFP SDS no 15
20. Fumigants are chemicals that enter the body of the insect by body contact.
a) True. b) False.
1.d); 2. d); 3. c); 4. a); 5 b ) ; 6 b ) ; 7. a); 8. a); 9 b ) ; 10. b); 1 1 . a); 12. a); 13. c); 14. d); 15. b);
16. a); 17. a); 18. a); 19. b); 20. b); 2 1 . c).
TAFP SDS no 15 29
Appendix I
Date :
No. of plants with pests
SI. No. of Shoot fly Stem Mythimna Shoot Midge Aphids Head Helicoverpa Others
no plants borer bugs bugs
examined Egg Dead-
Pearl Millet
No. of plants with insects
SI. No. of plants Wireworm Stem Agrotis Mythimna Headbugs Helicoverpa Earhead Others
no. examined borer bugs
1 2 3
No. of plants with insects plant -1
30 TAFP SDS no 15
Plant Protection and Surveillance Unit: Data Sheet
ICRISAT - Farm and Engineering Services Program
SI. No. of plants Helicoverpa Leaf weber Exelastls Lampides Blister Others
No. examined beetles
Egg Larvae Egg Larvae Egg Larvae
SI. Thrips/terminal fold Helicoverpa larvae Spodoptera Aphids Leaf miner Others
No. Frankliniella, Scirto thrips
1 2 3
TAFP SDS no 15 31
Appendix II
Surveillance Samples, Area Covered Person-1 Day-1, Number of Samples ha-1, and Insect Pest to be
1 Sfly = Shoot fly, STBR = Stem borer, MY = Mythimna, MIT = Mites. HEBU = Headbug,
HLLA = Helicoverpa larva, Ml = Midge, HLEG = Helicoverpa egg, EXL = Exelastis, BBF = Blue butterfly,
S P O D = Spodoptera, LW = Leaf webber, LM = Leafminer, WW = Wireworm.
32 TAFP SDS no 15
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Appendix IV
TAFP SDS no 15 39
Benomyl Systemic fungicide Carbamate
40 TAFP SDS no 15
Cartap Insecticide Thiocarbamate
TAFP SDS no 15 41
Coumatetralyl Rodenticide Other organic
42 TAFP SDS no 15
Dieldrin Insecticide Organochlorine
TAFP SDS no 15 43
Ethylene di bromide Fumigant Other organic
44 TAFP SOS no 18
Hexachlorobenzene Seed protectant Organochlorine
TAFP SDS no 15 45
Metham sodium Fungicide, herbicide Dithiocarbamate
46 TAFP SDS no 15
Pebulate Herbicide Thiocarbamate
TAFP SDS no 15 47
Rotenone Insecticide Other organic
48 TAFP SDS no 15
Thiophanate-M Fungicide Thiocarbamate
Technical grade pesticides should never be used for field application for the following reasons:
* Technical grade materials do not have the right physical characteristics for general application.
* Technical grade materials are highly concentrated and hence cannot be evenly applied.
* Technical grade materials are more toxic due to high concentration levels.
TAFP SDS no 15 49