Pesticide Management

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Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30


1) Pesticide classification on use, chemical nature, formulation, toxicity and action etc.
2) Various methods in Pesticide Formulation Analysis
3) Principles, operation and application of various chromatographic techniques
4) Pesticide Dissipation, Residue Dynamics, Different methods/ Steps in residue analysis
5) Confirmative analytical techniques in residue analysis
6) Different terminologies used in Pesticide Residue Analysis
7) Maximum Residue Levels in pesticide
8) Pesticide Management

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

1. Pesticide classification on Use, Chemical nature, Formulation, Toxicity

and Mode of Action etc.

Pesticide: Pesticide is a substance which kills a pest.

Any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating
any pest (insect, rodent, nematode, fungus, weed, other forms of terrestrial or aquatic plant or animal life or
viruses, bacteria, or other microorganisms on or in living man or other animals, which the administrator
declares to be pest, and any substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator,
defoliant, or desiccant.

As per the Insecticides Act 1968, any substance which is in the schedule, or Such other substances
as the central government may, after consultation with the Board, by notification in the official gazette,
include in the schedule from time to time or Any preparation containing any one or more of such substances
is a pesticide.

The Pesticides can be classified in many ways on the basis of use, toxicity, mode of entry, mode of action,
chemistry and formulations.

The classification based on the basis of use can be as follows:

Acaricides, Algicide, Antifeedants, Avicides, Bactericides, Bird repellents, Chemosterillant, Fungicides

,Herbicide softeners, Herbicides, Insect attractants, Insect repellents, Insecticides, Mammal repellents,
Mating disrupters, Molluscicides, Nematicides, Plant activators, Plant growth regulators, Rodenticides,
Synergists, Virucides and Miscellaneous
Acaricides: are the substances that are used to kill mites and ticks, or to disrupt their growth or
development. and some of the examples are DDT, dicofol, , carbofuran, methiocarb, Propoxur,
abamectin, milbemectin, flufenoxuron, , chlorpyrifos, oxydemeton methyl, Phorate, Phosalone,
fenpyroximate, Fipronil, bifenthrin, cyhalothrin, fluvalinate , permethrin, chlorfenapyr

Algicide: are the substances that are used to kill or inhibit algae. Some of the examples are copper
sulfate, diuron, isoproturon, isoproturon, oxyfluorfen, simazine
Antifeedants: are the chemicals which prevent an insect or other pest from feeding. Some of the examples
are chlordimeforn, fentin and azadirachtin.

Avicides: are the chemicals that are used to kill birds. The list include fenthion, strychnine.

Bactericides: are the compounds that are isolated from or produced by a microorganism (e.g. a bacterium
or a fungus), or a related chemical that is produced artificially. which are used to kill or inhibit bacteria in
plants or soil. Some of the examples are copper hydroxide, kasugamycin, streptomycin, tetracycline .

Bird repellents: are the chemicals which act as the bird repellants and some of the examples are
copper oxychloride, diazinon, methiocarb, thiram, ziram

Chemosterillant: are the chemicals that renders an insect infertile and thus prevents it from
reproducing. Some insects that mate only once can be controlled or eradicated by releasing huge numbers of
sterilised insects, which act as sterilizing substances for the insects. All of these act in one of the three ways-

(a) they inhibit the production of egg or spam. If it fail then go to the second stages

(b) cause death of the spam or eggs

(c) If these steps are failed totally then these bring about lethal mutation on the spam or eggs material and
severally damage the genetic material and chromatin material of eggs and spam. This produce zygote ,but the
off springs will totally lost their reproduction ability.

Ex: diflubenzuron

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Fungicides: are the chemicals which are used to prevent, cure eradicate the fungi . Some of the examples
are cymoxanil , carpropamid, metalaxyl , metalaxyl-M , carboxin, aureofungin, kasugamycin ,
streptomycin , validamycin, kasugamycin, carbendazim , thiabendazole, thiophanate-methyl, cyproconazole,
difenoconazole , flusilazole, tebuconazole , triadimefon, Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride, iprodione ,
captan, ferbam , thiram , ziram. mancozeb, maneb , metiram , propineb , zineb, isoprothiolane, tridemorph,
edifenphos , fosetyl-Al, fenarimol, tricyclazole

Herbicide softeners: A chemical that protects crops from injury by herbicides, but does not prevent the
herbicide from killing weeds. Examples are benoxacor , cloquintocet, cyometrinil, cyprosulfamide

Herbicides: are the substances that are used to kill plants, or to inhibit their growth or development.
Some of the examples are alachlor, butachlor, metolachlor, pretilachlor, methabenzthiazuron, pendimethalin,
oxyfluorfen, imazethapyr, anilofos, glyphosate, oxadiargyl, oxadiazon, 2,4-D , clodinafop , cyhalofop,
quizalofop , Paraquat, atrazine, isoproturon, linuron, metoxuron, chlorimuron, sulfosulfuron.

Insect attractant: A chemical that lures pests to a trap, thereby removing them from crops, animals or
stored products.
Ex Gossyplure, Gyplure, Muscalure (name ends with lure as they lure the pests)

Insect repellents: A chemical that deters an insect from landing on a human or an animal. Some of the
examples are Citronella oil, Permethrin
Insect Growth regulator: A substance that works by disrupting the growth or development of an insect.
Some of the examples are. Diflubenzuron, buprofezin

Insecticides: A pesticide that is used to kill insects, or to disrupt their growth or development. Some of the
examples are azadirachtin, pyrethrins, carbofuran, carbosulfan, methomyl, buprofezin, diflubenzuron,
fenoxycarb, abamectin, emamectin, milbemectin, spinosad, cartap, clothianidin, imidacloprid ,
thiamethoxam, Acetamiprid, Thiacloprid, DDT, Lindane, Endosulfan, dichlorvos, monocrotophos,
phosphamidon, demeton-O-methyl , Ethion, Malathion, phorate, Dimethoate, Phosalone, azinphos-methyl,
chlorpyrifos, pirimiphos-methyl, quinalphos, triazophos, cyfluthrin, cyhalothrin ,lambda-cyhalothrin,
cypermethrin , alpha-cypermethrin , cyphenothrin , deltamethrin , fenpropathrin, esfenvalerate, fluvalinate ,
imiprothrin, tofenprox, chlorfenapyr, clothianidin thiamethoxam , Thiacloprid, isoprothiolane

Mammal repellents: A chemical that deters mammals from approaching or feeding on crops or stored

Mating disrupters: are the chemicals that interfere with the way that male and female insects locate
each other using airborne chemicals (pheromones), thereby preventing them from reproducing.

Molluscicides:are the substances used to kill slugs and snails. Some of the examples are copper sulfate,
metaldehyde, thiacloprid, thiodicarb,

Nematicides: are the chemicals which are used to control Nematicides. Some of the examples are
abamectin, benomyl , carbofuran , carbosulfan, methyl bromide, fenamiphos, phosphamidon, chlorpyrifos ,
dimethoate, phorate, triazophos.

Plant growth regulators: are the substances that alters the expected growth, flowering or reproduction rate
of plants. Fertilizers and other plant nutrients are excluded from this definition. 2,4-D,α-naphthaleneacetic
acid, ethephon, metoxuron, gibberellic acid, chlormequat, paclobutrazol, triacontanol, are some of the

Rodenticides: are the substances used to kill rats and related animals. Some of the examples are strychnine,
bromadiolone, coumachlor, coumatetralyl , warfarin, zinc phosphide, Lindane, aluminium phosphide

Synergists: A chemical that enhances the toxicity of a pesticide to a pest, but that is not by itself toxic to
the pest. Example: piperonyl butoxide

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Virucide: an agent having the capacity to destroy or inactivate viruses. Example: Ribavirin (not
available in India)

Miscellaneous: aluminium phosphide, sodium cyanide.

Biologicals: Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and plants Nematodes, insects and other parasites or predators.

Classification on the basis of the chemistry

A large number of group of chemicals are available in the list pesticides but we will confine to the pesticides
registered in India.

a) Insecticides : The insecticides available can be classified as Organo halogen, Organophosphorous,

Carbamates, Pyrethroids, Neonicotinoids, Miscellaneous pesticides, Spinosyns (spinosad) neriestoxin
(cartap), Fiproles (or Phenylpyrazoles)(Fipronil), Pyrroles (chlorfenapyr) , Quinazolines (fenazaquin),
Benzoylureas (diflubenzuron an IGR), Antibiotics (abamectin) etc.,

b) Fungicides: The fungicides available are aliphatic nitrogen fungicides(dodine), amide

fungicides(carpropamid), acylamino acid fungicides (metalaxyl), anilide fungicides (carboxin), antibiotic
fungicides (kasugamycin), methoxyacrylate strobilurin fungicides (azoxystrobin), aromatic fungicides
(chlorothalonil), carbamate fungicides or benzimidazole fungicides (carbendazim), conazole fungicides
(triazoles) (hexaconazole), copper fungicides (COC), dicarboximide fungicides (famoxadone ),
dichlorophenyl dicarboximide fungicides(iprodione ), dinitrophenol fungicides (dinocap), dithiocarbamate
fungicides(mancozeb), dithiolane fungicides (isoprothiolane), morpholine fungicides(tridemorph), Sulphur
compounds etc.,

c) Herbicides: The herbicides are anilide herbicides(flufenacet), chloroacetanilide herbicides (butachlor),

pyrimidinyloxybenzoic acid herbicides (bispyribac), benzothiazoleherbicides (methabenzthiazuron),
dinitroanilineherbicides (pendimethalin), nitrophenyl ether herbicides (oxyfluorfen), halogenated aliphatic
herbicides (dalapon), imidazolinone herbicides(imazethapyr), organophosphorus herbicides (anilofos),
phenoxyacetic herbicides (2,4-D), aryloxyphenoxypropionic herbicides (clodinafop), quaternary ammonium
herbicides (Paraquat), chlorotriazine herbicides (atrazine), triazolone herbicides (carfentrazone), Urea
herbicides (methabenzthiazuron), phenylurea herbicides (isoproturon), sulfonylurea herbicides

d) Rodenticides: Inorganic Rodenticides: (Zinc Phosphide,Aluminium Phosphide,Magnesium Phosphide)

coumarin Rodenticides (organic) (bromadiolone,coumachlor , coumatetralyl)

Organochlorine Pesticides
This group consists of, the polychlorinated derivatives of cyclohexane (Lindane), polychlorinated
biphenyls (DDT, dicofol) and polychlorinated cyclodiene (Endosulfan).

Physical: Solids which possess low volatility
Low solubility in water, high solubility in oils, fats,lipids etc.,
Not prone to environmental degradation.
Chemical: Isomerism is a common phenomenon, Ex. Gamma HCH
Stable over a wide range of pH
Toxicity: Possess a high acute toxicity as well as chronic toxicity

Compound LD50 (oral) mg/Kg

HCH 1000
dicofol 684-809
lindane 88-91
endosulfan 70-110

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

By and large these group of chemicals exhibit low selectivity

Biological stability: Not rapidly degraded by the enzyme, not rapidly exerted, but get stored in the fatty

Behaviour in the field: These chemicals are non systemic, act as contact and stomach poisons. Lindane
exhibits slight fumigant action. Persist in the environment for long time, results in pesticide residue problem
in the environment and bio magnification.

Effect of OC’s in the environment: Insecticides can kill bees , pollination decline and the loss of bees
that pollinate plants, and colony collapse disorder (CCD).

A number of the organochlorine pesticides have been banned from most uses worldwide, and
globally they are controlled via the Stockholm convention on persistent organic pollutants. (POP’s)

These include: aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin,heptachlor, mirex and toxaphene

Organo phosphorous pesticides

These are the esters of derivatised phosphoric acid, thiophosphoric acid and dithio phosphoric acids
which are called phosphates, thiophosphates and dithiophosphates respectively. Some of the examples of
each class of pesticides are as follows:

Group Example

i. Phosphates monocrotophos,phosphamidon, DDVP

ii. Thiophosphates or methyl parathion, fenitrothion, Phosphorothiates

oxy demeton methyl
iii. Dithiophosphates or
phosporodithioates dimethoate, phorate, Phosalone

Based on the organic moiety attached to the phosphoric acid these grouped can also be classified in
to aliphatic, phenyl and heterocyclic derivatives.


Physical: These compounds are available as liquids or semi solids and posses significant vapour pressure
and comparatively volatile. Some compounds have slight solubility in water (MCP and Phosphamidon are
soluble in water). Sunlight brings about modification of the toxicity of these molecules either way.

Chemical: These compounds which are esters of phosphoric acid are not stable in alkaline pH, but stable
over narrow range of pH. Thiophosphates and dithiophosphates undergo molecular rearrangements. Forms
isomers with increased toxicity( (may take place in storage as well as on application in the field) and under
go oxidation to give oxo compounds with increased toxicity. Sulphur atoms in side chain may be oxidised to
sulfoxide or sulfones which more toxic than parent molecule.

The organo phosphorous pesticides under go conversion of one pesticide in to another pesticides also takes
place. The following are some of the examples.

Trichlorfon dichlorvos

Formothion dimethoate

Acephate methamidophos

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30


Exhibits acute extreme toxicity to slight toxicity (Phorate1.5 to 3.7 mg/Kg, temephos 8600mg/Kg).
LD50 values may change with the purity of the compound (as the impurities present some times are more
toxic than the parent compd.) and they do exhibit low chronic toxicity. The undergo rapid conversion in to
low fat soluble metabolites which are excreted.

Biological stability: The OP compounds undergo enzymatic degradation and the metabolites are fat
insoluble and easily excreted. Bio magnification is almost absent and chronic toxicity is in significant

Behaviour in the field: Some of the OP compounds show systemic activity and chemicals like dichlorvos
exhibits fumigant action too. Persists for shorter duration and do not pose environmental problem like
organo halogen pesticides.


The Carbamates are esters of either carbamic acids or thiocarbamic acids. And the Carbamates may
be further subdivided in to three sub-groups as given under,

Group Example

i. Aryl N methyl carbamate Carbaryl, Propoxur

ii. Hetero cyclic mono or dimethyl Carbamates carbofuran
iii. carbamoylated oximes methomyl
iv. Thiocarbamates cartap hydrochloride
(neriestoxin group of insecticide)

Properties :

Physical : The organo carbamates are available as non volatile solids. carbaryl, carbofuran have very low
water solubility (40-6000ppm) where as Cartaphydrochloride is hygroscopic. And these compounds under go
degradation by the environmental factors.

Chemical : These compounds are unstable in alkaline medium.

Toxicity: The OC compounds exhibit moderate to extreme toxicity. And they do not display chronic

carbaryl moderately toxic

Propoxur and cartap highly toxic
Methomyl & carbofuran extremely toxic

Biological stability The OC compounds undergo enzymatic degradation and rapidly metabolised and
excreted. Bio magnification is almost absent and Chronic toxicity is in significant.

Behaviour in the field:

Carbaryl& Propoxur contact pesticides

Carbofuran, methomyl & systemic pesticides
methomyl is well taken up by leaves
Carbofuran is well taken up by the roots (soil applied)
and Cartap is taken by both roots and leaves.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30


The living organisms do contain naturally a large number of chemicals some of which give them
protection from foreign invasive and many such chemicals have been isolated, identified and evaluated of
their biological activity. The flowers of chrysanthemum contain compounds called pyrethrins which are
found to have possessed very good pesticidal activity but are found to be less stable in the environment.
The pyrethrins are chemically the esters of chrysanthemic acid and pyrethric acid ( contains dimethyl
cyclopropane group) with alcohols, namely pyrethrolone, cinerolone and jasmolone. Thus there are a total
of six esters as shown below.

Ester Acid portion Alcohol portion % content in pyrethrum


Pyrethrin –I chrysanthemic acid pyrethrolone 35

Cinerin-I chrysanthemic acid cinerolone 10
Jasmolin-I chrysanthemic acid Jasmolone 5
Pyrethrin –II Pyrethric acid pyrethrolone 32
Cinerin-I Pyrethric acid cinerolone 14
Jasmolin-I Pyrethric acid Jasmolone 4

Synthetic Pyrethroids: Allethrin was the first synthetic pyrethroid developed in 1949, followed by
resemethrin. However they have failed to contain the desired properties and proved to be highly photo
labile. The first photo sable pyrethroid developed was permethrin. This was followed by cypermethrin,
deltamethrin, and fenvalerate. Now world over plenty of synthetic Pyrethroids have been synthesized and
put to use in plan- protection, The latest of the series in India is…The synthetic Pyrethroids contain
halogenated derivative of dimethyl cyclopropane carboxylic acid and cyano phenoxy benzyl alcohol .
Fenvalerate is an exception with the acid portion being p-chlorophenyl isopropyl acetic acid instead of
cyclopropane carboxylic acid. In case of permethrin alcohol portion does not have cyano - group, but it is
simply phenoxy benzyl alcohol.


Physical: The Pyrethroids are present as volatile and non volatile solids or semisolids. They are insoluble in

Chemical: These compounds present in different isomeric forms Cis isomers are found to be more toxic.
Individual isomers also are being marketed (e.g. alphamethrin, deltamethrin). The pyrethroid chemicals are
unstable in alkaline medium.

Toxicity: The toxicity of these chemicals ranges from 80 to 4000mg/Kg body weight and toxicity varies
with the ratio of isomers and test animals/species. Toxicity to the insects can be increased by synergists
(e.g.. Piperonyl butoxide, sesamex) (9:1)


Neonicotinoids are modified structures from nicotine that have come in to existence with improved
bio efficacy.

 Acetamiprid
 Clothianidin
 Imidacloprid
 Thiacloprid
 Thiamethoxam
(2nd generation- thianicotinyl)

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30


Physical: These compounds are present as colour less to pale yellow crystals with almost negligible
solubility in water with exception of thiamethoxam which has got slight solubility in water.

Chemical: These compounds are weak bases and are stable in acid conditions. These chemicals under
go hydrolysis in alkaline solutions.

Toxicity: These compounds mostly belong to moderate to high toxic group. They do not have chronic
toxicity and not mutagenic and teratogenic. However some of the compounds have been reported to be
harmful to honeybees by direct contact but no problems expected when not sprayed into flowering crops.

Miscellaneous pesticides

The following are new arrivals in to the India from different class of chemical group and
with high potential of biological activity . The chemicals like Spinosad and abamectin are biological origin .
Many of these chemicals are required to use in very low dose of active ingredient to achieve the pest control
and do not bio accumulate.

Spinosyns (spinosad- Contact and stomach poison)

neriestoxin (cartap)
Fiproles (or Phenylpyrazoles)(Fipronil- Broad spectrum insecticide with
contact action)
Pyrroles (chlorfenapyr-Used against insects and mites stomach and stomach contact action)
Quinazolines (fenazaquin-Contact acaricide)
Benzoylureas(diflubenzuron a Contact insect growth regulator IGR)
Antibiotics (abamectin - Contact and stomach poison-insecticide and acaricide)

Classification of Herbicides

Herbicides can be classified on the basis of application as Foliar &Soil applied. From the behaviour
of these chemicals on application , they may be classified as contact and systemic herbicides. The foliar
applied herbicides may be either contact or systemic but the soil applied herbicides are mostly systemic
which is taken by the plant through the roots and translocate through out the plant. There is another type of
classification by their action that is selective and non selective. The non selective herbicides will kill all the
plants without any selection where as selective herbicides specific for specific species and in certain crops.
Further these herbicides are classified on the basis of time of application and their activity as pre emergent
and post emergent. The pre emergent herbicides are applied in to the soil before the weeds are germinated
where as the post emergent applied only after the germination.

The herbicides can also be classified further on the basis of their mode of action as follows:

1. Growth regulators
2. Amino acid synthesis regulators
3. Lipid synthesis inhibitors
4. Seedling growth inhibitors
5. Photosynthetic inhibitors
6. Cell membrane disrupters
7. Pigment Inhibitors

Growth regulators:

These are the compounds which disrupts hormone balance and protein synthesis by which the plant
ultimately dies. (phenoxy acetic herbicides, aryloxyphenoxypropionic herbicides ). These are primarily
broad leaf killers.


Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Amino acid synthesis regulators: These are the compounds which inhibits specific enzyme which is
responsible for synthesis of amino acids (Acetolactate synthase)
e.g. Imidazolinone herbicides (Imazethapyr)
pyrimidinylsulfonylurea herbicides (Bensulfuron Methyl )
Amino acid derivatives (inhibits EPSPS enzyme) (Glyphosate)

Lipid synthesis inhibitors: Lipid synthesis inhibitors prevents formation of fatty acids which are essential
for production of lipids. Aryloxy phenoxypropionic herbicides inhibits ACCase which is responsible for fatty
acid formation (e.g. Clodinafop-propargyl).

Seedling growth inhibitors: Seedling growth inhibitors are shoot growth inhibitors, root growth inhibitors.
These chemicals inhibits cell division, and lipid or protein synthesis, in the seedling
e.g. Acetanilide herbicides (Butachlor)

Photosynthetic inhibitors: Photosynthetic inhibitors inhibits electron transfer in photosynthesis and hence
conversion of sun light in the chemical energy e.g. Triazines (Atrazine).

Cell membrane disrupters: These group of chemicals disrupts cell membrane . e.g. Bypyridyliums or
quaternary ammonium salts (Paraquat).

Pigment Inhibitors: These chemicals prevents formation of pigments necessary for photosynthesis.
Bleaching or whitening of leaves occur. e.g. Isoxazolidones ( Clomazone).

The herbicides which are being used now in India belongs to the following class of chemicals :

1. anilide herbicides (flufenacet )

2. chloroacetanilide herbicides (metolachlor)
3. chlorotriazine herbicides (atrazine )
4. pyrimidinylthiobenzoic acid herbicides (Pyrithiobac sodium)
5. phenylurea herbicides (Isoproturon)
6. pyrimidinylsulfonylurea herbicides (Bensulfuron Methyl )
7. dinitroaniline herbicides (Fluchloralin Pendimethalin)
8. imidazolinone herbicides (Imazethapyr)
9. organophosphorus herbicides(anilofos)
10. oxadiazolone herbicides (oxadiargyl )
11. benzothiazole herbicides (methabenzthiazuron )
12. phenoxyacetic herbicides (2,4-D )
13. aryloxyphenoxypropionic herbicides (Clodinafop-propargyl)
14. quaternary ammonium herbicides (Paraquat)
15. Unclassified herbicide
16. halogenated aliphatic herbicides
17. oxadiazolone herbicides
18. Nitrophenyl ether (Oxyflourfen)
19. Isoxazolidones (Clomazone )


Chemicals which act on fungal pathogens are fungicides and chemicals which act on bacterial
pathogens are bactericides.

The fungicides can be classified basically as inorganic fungicides, organo metallic fungicides and
organic fungicides. The examples for inorganic fungicides are Sulphur and copper compounds. Methoxy

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

ethyl mercuric chloride which is under restricted use pesticides list is an example for organometallic
fungicide. And all other synthetic chemicals like alachlor, oxyfluourfen etc., are organic fungicides .

Classification based on field behaviour of these chemicals is contact and systemic fungicides.
Among the contact fungicides there are two sub-classes of fungicides (i)Non therapeutic Or Non eradicant
Or Protectant and (ii)Therapeutic Or Eradicant. And all the systemic fungicides belongs to Protective as well
as curative fungicides.

Non therapeutic Or Non eradicant Or Protectant: These chemicals do have limited mobility and applied
prior to onset of the infection. Thorough coverage is essential and acts to control further spread of the
disease if applied after the infection. These are comparatively less persistent. Ex: Copper fungicides,
Sulphur, Dithio Carbamates.

Therapeutic or Eradicant: Therapeutic property is exhibited only at optimum or higher concentration but
the same chemical exhibits only protective action at lower concentrations. Ex: Lime Sulphur, Edifenphos,
Captan, Dinocap, Chlorothalonil.

Systemic: These chemicals act as protective as well as curative fungicides. They are absorbed by the plant
and translocated mostly upward direction, better control and persistence in the plant which gives protection
for longer duration. Some of he chemicals are known to stimulate defense mechanism in the plants. Ex. TPM
which do not show fungicidal activity in -vitro but is a very good fungicide.

Few of the examples of this category are Carbendazim, Fenarimol, TPM, Carboxin, Triazoles,

Copper compounds: Copper sulphate (acidic) is water soluble and all other compounds are water insoluble.

Ex: Copper oxy chloride (alkaline) water in soluble (50%WP & 56% Oil based) Cuprous oxide
Bordeaux mixture (1% of 1:1 copper sulphate and lime in water) (alkaline) water insoluble, this should
not have any free copper.

Sulphur compounds: Sulphur is a fungicide and acaricide and available as WP(80%) and DP(85%) (40%
CS). Lime sulphur (22% solution) is prepared by boiling with lime which is a red coloured char solution.
Highly alkaline and unstable, converted in to CaSO4 Ca(OH)2, Ca CO3 H2S and Sulphur. Essentially it is a
calcium polysulphide (CaS.Sx + CaS2O3) Water :Sulphur: lime is 17:2:1

Phthalimide fungicides: The captan fungicide belongs to the phthalimide group and its mode of action is
multi-site contact activity. This is a protective and curative (contact) fungicide.

Dithio thio carbamates are used as seed dresser as well as foliar applied, as protective fungicide. Mancozeb
is available in combination with metalaxyl. moderately toxic. moderately persistent.

Thiram is environmentally stable and displays persistence in plants up to 1 to 1.5 months and in soil
for 6 to 24 months.

Benzimidazole fungicides:These group of chemicals inhibits mitosis by binding to beta-tubuline.These

chemicals are systemic with protective and curative action, Slightly toxic. Unstable in alkaline medium and
stable in acidic conditions. Benomyl and thiophanate methyl get converted in to carbendazim in the plant
system in the presence of water, sunlight and enzymatic action. Benomyl is more persistent than
carbendazim and TPM

Dinitrophenol fungicides: These compounds are contact fungicides with protective and curative action
Their mode of action is through uncouples mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation . Ex.Dinocap

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

dithio carbamate fungicides

Name Molecular formula Molecular weight Structure

A. Alkyl dithio carbamates S

1. Thiram C6H12N2S4 240.4
( CH3 )2-N-C-S
2. Ziram 305.8 2
C6H12N2S4Zn S

3. Ferbam ( CH3 )2-N-C-S Zn

C9H18FeN3S6 418.9 2
polymeric dithio
carbamate fungicides ( CH3 )2-N-C-S Fe
B. Alkylene dithiocarbamates 2

1. Zineb C4H6N2S4Zn 275.74 S

I 2
2. Mancozeb Mn (ZnCl2)y
C4H6N2S4Mn Zn CH -NH-C-S
2 II x
3. Propineb 290 S
I 2
4. Metiram CH -NH-C-S
2 II
[C16H33N11S16Zn3]x (1088.7)x S



I 2 I
CH2-NH-C-S-Zn(NH3)- CH2-NH-C-S-
S S x

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Organophosphorous fungicides: Edifenphos, Fosetyl-Al and iprobenfos (IBP) (Kitazin) are the
Organophosphorous fungicides . Among these edifenphos is a contact fungicide. Highly toxic chemical.
It under go enzymatic hydrolysis in the plant and moderately persistent.

Fosetyl-Al (True systemic ) blocks development of mycellium and sporulation and iprobenfos
which is a phospho lipid biosynthesis inhibitor are systemic fungicides and reasonably persistent .

Conazole fungicides (triazoles): These compounds are basically Sterol synthesis inhibitors . These are
available as non volatile solids with low solubility in water. These are systemic fungicides with protective
and curative action. Triazole fungicides undergo hydrolysis in the plant and soil and converted to
respective hydroxy compounds.

Imidazole, oxazole and strobillurin fungicides: Imidazole and oxazole fungicides inhibits
mitochondrial respiration process. The example for imidazole is Fenamidone and oxazole femoxadone
which are systemic fungicides and under go photo degradation in aqueous conditions. Azoxystrobin
belongs to strobillurin class and its mode of action is the same as imidazoles and oxazoles

Pyrimidine fungicides: Pyrimidine fungicides inhibits the Ergo sterol bio synthesis and these chemicals
are systemic fungicides. fenarimol is an example which is available as Fenarimol 12%EC.

Anilide fungicides: Anllide fungicides are systemic chemicals few of the examples belong to this group
are as follows.
i. Carpropamid 27.8% SC : Mode of action :Nucleic acid synthesis (inhibition of melanin),
Enhances crop resistance by increasing phyto alexin production following rice blast
ii. Thifluzamide: Inhibits succinate de hydrogenase in the tricarboxylic acid cycle Thifluzamide
24% SC used in rice against sheath blight, Rhizoctoni a solani

Dithiolane fungicides: Isoprothiolane belongs to this group of chemical which is a fungicide and plant
growth regulator . It’s a Systemic fungicide which inhibits penetration and elongation of infection hyphae
by inhibiting formation of infection peg or cellulase secretion. Used against blast in rice.

Strobilurin fungicides: This group of chemicals are systemic fungicides and they inhibit mitochondrial
Respiration. Azoxystrobin , Pyraclostrobin are presently registered for use in India

Antibiotic fungicides: Streptomycin, kasugamycin and validamycin belong to the antibiotic fungicides
which are used in agriculture. Their mode of action is mainly inhibition of protein synthesis .These
chemicals are systemic and are reasonable persistent. Kasugamycin, Streptomycin sulphate (sesqui salt),
Validamycin, (Streptomycin Sulphate 9%+ Tetracycline Hydrochloride 1%) SP are some of the
examples belong to this group of chemicals.

The availability of pesticides in the market for application or use give raise to another type of
classification, that is on the basis of type of formulation. Solid formulations for example, WP, SP, DP,
Granules etc., and the liquid formulations for example, EC,SC, AF, ULV. The domestic pesticide
formulations also are available in different formulations like LV, aerosol, Gels, mats, coils etc.

The Pesticide Formulations

Formulations : “Putting together of components in appropriate relationships or structures, according to a


Formulations are commercially produced for drugs, cosmetics, coatings, dyes, alloys, cleaning
agents, foods, lubricants, fuels, fertilizers, pesticides and many others.

Pesticide Formulations: “Pesticide formulations are mixtures of technical grade pesticide (s) with inert
diluents and auxiliary chemicals”.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Necessity: To understand the necessity of the pesticides to formulate, we better understand the
Characteristics of technical grade Pesticides first.

Characteristics of technical grade Pesticides:

High purity: very low quantity of chemical need to be sprayed over large surface area which is very
difficult and cannot be uniform

Solids or liquids or thick viscous pasty materials: spraying or broad casting is very difficult over the
large area

Low water solubility : dilution and application /broadcasting is not possible

High bio efficacy: Many a times very less quantity of chemical is more than sufficient to achieve
the desired pest control but spreading over the large area becomes difficult and can lead to inappropriate
application leading to undesirable problems

Toxic to mammals in varying degree: Some of the chemicals are highly to extremely toxic which will
be fatal for the operator , farm workers and the farming community besides environmental hazards if we
use as such. This is more so particularly with those comounds which have their dermal toxicity is also
very high/extreme- for eample phorate and carbofuran etc.,

Low selectivity: All the pesticides do not have inherent property to adhere and translocation in to the
plant system/insect but requires to be modified to achieve the selectivity)

Low storage stability: Some of the compounds do not possess storage stability unless a suitable
stabilisers are added

As has been seen above the characteristics of the technical pesticides do not allow them to be
applied directly the technical grade pesticides need to be formulated to achieve the desired properties and
use them advantageously.

Advantages of Pesticide Formulations:

 Facilitates easy handling

 Enables the farmer to dilute water insoluble pesticides in water
 Helps in achieving more uniform application
 Reduced toxic hazards
 Improved efficacy and selectivity
 Enhanced storage stability
 Cheaper

Basically there are Solid, liquid , gas and gel/paste formulations, each of which can be further
divided in to various sub classes of formulations on the basis of their physico chemical properties.
The solid formulations are available as powders ( wettable powders, soluble powders, dusting
powders and water soluble powders for seed treatment), granules ( extruded granules, coated granules
, encapsulated granules, water dispersible and micro granules), ready use cakes (Bromadiolone cake),
coils ( mosquito coils) tablets ( soluble tablets and tablets for bait) Mats ( mosquito control) and chalk
( chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin chalks for domestic pest control).

The liquid formulations consists of Emulsifiable concentrates ( e.g. chlorpyrifos EC,

cypermethrin EC) , soluble liquids (e.g. phosphamidon and monocrotophos), suspension
concentrates or flowable concentrate (SC), aqua flows (e.g. Carbaryl AF), Emulsified in water (e.g.
butachlor EW), oil miscible liquid (e.g. fenitrothion OL) , flowable for seed treatment (FS) , and
ready to use liquids namely Ultra Low Volume ULV, liquid vaporizers - LV ( mosquito control
refills )& Aerosols ( mainly domestic pest control in India)

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

All the formulations will contains some inert material/filler material as diluent. The pesticide
is mixed with the diluent to a desired level and then added some adjuvants to bring about the desired
physico chemical properties and stabilisers to the product besides some colouring dye.

The following are some of the diluents used in different formulation:

Sl.No. Type of formulation Preferred diluent

1. Emulsifiable concentrate Aromax, xylene, solvent C IX ,
Cyclohexane, butanol
2. Soluble liquids Isopropyl alcohol, Cyclohexanone
3. Water dispersible powders China clay
4. Granules Bentonite, coarse sand
5. Dusting powders Soap stone, talc

The adjuvants are usually a class of chemicals known as surface active agents which are available as
anionic, cationic, nonionic, Amphotylic and water insoluble. The concentration of these surface active
agents usually present in the range of 5% to 20 % Depending on the function they perform the S.A.As
are called as wetting agents, spreading agents, dispersing agents and emulsifiers.

In solid formulations, stabilisers are used to enhance the stability of the active ingredient or to enhance
the shelf life of the product . Some of the chemicals which are used as stabilisers are , glycols, urea, hexa
methyl tetra amine. In almost all the formulations, Epichlorohydrin is used as stabiliser.

Apart from the stabilisers, some miscellaneous substances also are used in certain formulations to
enhance their shelf life. Some of the substances are listed below.

Sl. No. Substance Formulation Purpose

1. Rosin Coated granules To coat or cover the granules
2. Carboxy methyl WP Viscosity modifier to improve
cellulose stability of the suspension
3. Calcium silicate WP Anti caking agent
4. Zinc oxide, lamp black, DP (Sulphur) Anti balling agent
5. Dye, colouring matter Several Warning agent or indicator
6. Gum resin Granules Binder

Compatibility of Pesticides

It has been a practice among our farming community to mix pesticide formulation , with another
pesticide formulation or micronutrients, or fertilizers and spray such tank mixture in the field . This is
done for various reasons and list them few.,

1. Simultaneous control of different pests that maybe present in the field.

2. To reduce the dose of one chemical on account of synergistic effects of other ingredients of mixture.
3. To save on labour cost, time, water.
4.To reduce the wear and tear of spray equipment.

But this type of unscientific practices can lead to catastrophic results as such tank mixtures may not be
compatible and can lead to many problems like

 the very purpose of pest control is not achieved due to decrease in the bio efficacy ( or
 the spray fluid is non homogenous , breaks or settles down resulting in erratic/inadequate
or no spray of pesticide.
 this leads to pest developing resistance to such chemicals.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

 the toxicity may increase enormously which becomes hazardous to the farmer as well as
the non target organisms.
 it ultimately leads to environmental contamination of the pesticide.
 may cause phyto toxicity
 the farmer will be at great loss of his investment as well as yield .

Therefore it is essential that the scientific principles, merits and demerits of the tank mixtures be made to
known to every field/ extension workers.

Compatibility may be defined as ability of two or more chemicals to exist together in one medium
in perfect harmony.

And the ideal requirements for calling a mixture to be compatible are as follows:

 Physical compatibility
 Chemical compatibility
 Physico-chemical compatibility
 Absence of phyto toxicity
 Absence of increase in toxicity to non-target organism.
 No reduction in bio efficacy

The factors that effect compatibility :

 Difference in composition of products mixed.

 Sequence of mixing.
 Degree of agitation.
 Quality of water used in mixing and preparing the spray fluid.
 Spraying equipment and its design.
 Temperature.
 Crop and its variety.
 Quality of different components of the mixture and their concentrations.

As has been seen above there are many variable factors that effect the compatibility of pesticide
formulations, it is difficult to suggest which pesticides with what other chemical or substance or what
concentration can be compatible as a guide , the mixing of pesticide formulations with any other as a tank
mix the field level should discouraged and the farmers may be advised to use only those pre mixed /
combinations pesticides which have been approved by the CIB& RC and are available in the market.

Toxicity of Pesticides

The toxicity of a pesticide is its capacity to cause injury to a living system, may be a human body, or parts
of the body (such as the lungs or the respiratory system); a pond, a forest and those creatures that live

The toxicity of a pesticide is dependent on a number of factors.

1. Dose: It is the quantity of a pesticide that a surface, plant, or animal is exposed to.
2. Time: How often the exposure occurs.

Thus, the how much of the substance is involved and how often the exposure to the substance occurs
gives rise to two different types of toxicity - acute and chronic toxicity.

Acute toxicity refers to how poisonous a pesticide is to a human, animal, or plant after a single short-term
exposure. A pesticide with a high acute toxicity is deadly even when a very small amount is absorbed.
Acute toxicity may be measured as acute oral toxicity, acute dermal toxicity, and acute inhalation

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Chronic toxicity is the delayed poisonous effect from exposure to a pesticide. Chronic toxicity of
pesticides concerns the general public, as well as those working directly with pesticides because of
potential exposure to pesticides on/in food products, water, and the air.

Routes of Entry: There are three specific ways in which pesticides may enter your body.

i. Dermal Route
Wet, dry, or gaseous forms of pesticides can be absorbed through the skin. Oil or paste forms allow
greater absorption than water-based pesticides. The eyes, eardrums, scalp and groin areas absorb
pesticides more quickly than other areas on the body. Once they are absorbed through skin, pesticides
enter the blood stream and are carried throughout the body.

ii. Inhalation Route

Dusts, spray mist, or fumes can be drawn into lungs as one breathes. Inhalation can occur during the
mixing, fumigating or spraying etc. The larger particles tend to stay on the surface of the throat and nasal
passages but smaller particles can be inhaled directly into the lungs and enter the blood stream.

iii. Oral Route

Pesticides can enter the body through the mouth (ingestion). This can occur when hands are not properly
washed before eating, swallowing by mistake or purposefully. Ingested materials can be absorbed
anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract (mainly by the small intestine). Once absorbed, they the blood
stream and circulate throughout the body.
The toxicity of a pesticide depends on the qualities of exposed individual as different individual
characteristics affect the person’s responds. Some examples of these individual qualities include:

 Health conditions: Individuals with poor health condition are more sensitive.
 Age: youngest and oldest individuals tend to be most sensitive.
 Gender/sex: Females are more sensitive.
 Body size: the effect of a dose is closely related to body weight.

Effects of Toxicity

a. Local or systemic (Both effects can occur with some pesticides.)

Local effects refer to those that take place at the site of contact with a material e.g. skin inflammation,
irritation of the mucous membrane lining the lungs due to inhalation of toxic fumes etc. Systemic effects
occur away from the original point of contact when pesticides are distributed throughout the body, or

b. Immediate or delayed (Both effects can occur with some materials.)

Immediate toxic effects are those which are experienced upon or shortly after exposure. (e.g. a sneezing
attack in response to inhaling pesticides during mixing). Delayed effects occur after some time has
passed. E.g. Tumors may not be observed in chronically exposed people for 20 to 30 years after the
original exposure to a cancer-causing or "carcinogenic" chemical.

c. Reversible or irreversible

Reversible effects are not permanent and can be changed or remedied. E.g. Skin rash, nausea, eye
irritation, dizziness, etc. Irreversible effects are permanent and cannot be changed once they have
occurred. E.g. Injury to the nervous system, birth defects, mutations, cancer etc.
d. Additive, antagonistic, or synergistic

An additive effect is one in which the combined effect of two pesticides is equal to the sum of the effects
of each (i.e. 2 + 2 = 4). An antagonistic effect occurs when the toxic effect of the combination of
pesticides is less than what would be predicted from the individual toxicities (i.e. 2 + 2 = 3). A

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

synergistic effect occurs when the combined toxic effect of two pesticides is much greater, or worse, than
the sum of the effects of each by itself (i.e. 2 + 2 = 5).

e. Exposure to pesticides may also result in the following:

 Reproductive effects: effects on the reproductive system

 Teratogenic effects: effects on unborn offspring (birth defects)
 Carcinogenic effects: produces cancer in living animal tissues.
 Mutagenic effects: permanent effects on genetic material that can be inherited.
 Neurotoxicity: poisoning of the nervous system, including the brain.
 Immunosuppression: blocking of natural responses of the immune system responsible for
protecting the body.

Measurement of Toxicity: Animals like rats, rabbits, mice, guinea pigs etc. are used to test pesticide
toxicity. Due to some differences between the ways human and animals body work, toxicity studies are
just guidelines for estimating and comparing toxic effects of pesticides.

a. Acute Toxicity Measures

Experimental doses are given orally, as well as put on the eyes, skin, and in the air that the test animals
breathe. The animals are then observed carefully for changes.

Lethal Dose Fifty (LD50): The amount of a pesticide that can kill half of the animals in a laboratory test.
The smaller the LD50 value of a pesticide means it more poisonous.
Measured in units as Milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg)

Lethal Concentration Fifty (LC50): It is a measure of "acute inhalation toxicity" of a pesticide. The
concentration of a pesticide that causes half of the animals to die is called LC50. Measured in milligrams
per liter (mg/l) or ppm and sometimes in milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3).

b. Chronic Toxicity Measures

There is no standard measure for chronic toxicity studies. Often the length of the experiment is in days,
months, or years and the amount of each dose is stated.
Classification is based on toxicity levels: as per the CIB RC classification there are four types of
classifications. They are:
Classification of the Medium lethal dose Medium lethal dose by Colour of identification
Insecticides by the oral route acute the dermal route dermal band on the label
toxicity LD 50 mg/kg.. toxicity LD 50 mg/kg.
body weight of test Body weight of test
animals animals
1 2 3 4
1. Extremely toxic 1-50 1-200 Bright red
2. Highly toxic 51-500 201-2000 Bright yellow
3. Moderately toxic 501-5000 2001-20000 Bright blue
4. Slightly toxic More than 5000 More than 20000 Bright green

Mode of Action of Insecticides

Study of Mode of Action is helpful to understand how human systems function in order to see similarities
and differences between humans and the pests we try to control. It also helps to prevent development of
pesticide resistance in the target pest(s) - Development of pest resistance can be avoided or delayed by
rotating pest control chemicals that work through different modes of action

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Insecticides and miticides generally target the

1. Nervous system
2. Growth and development
3. Energy production of insects

1 Nervous system

This system has two components:

i.) The peripheral nervous system to receive and transmit incoming (taste, smell, sight, sound, and
touch) and outgoing signals to the muscles and other organs, effectively telling them how to
ii.) The central nervous system (CNS) to interpret the signals and coordinate the body’s responses
and movements

A neuron is a single nerve cell, connects with other neurons and muscle fibers (the basic units of
muscles) through gaps at the end of each neuron. The gap between neurons, or between a neuron and a
muscle fiber, is called a synapse. Incoming signals (the pain from a sharp object, the sight of a predator,
or the odor of food, etc.) are transformed by the neuron into an electrical charge (called ions) which then
travels down the length of the neuron through –

1. Sodium channels,
2. Potassium channels,
3. Calcium channels, and
4. Chloride channels.

When an electrical charge reaches the end of the neuron, it stimulates a chemical messenger, called a
neurotransmitter, to be released from the end of the neuron which crosses the synapse and binds to a
receptor on the receiving end of the next neuron. Binding to the receptor causes the signal to be
converted back into an electrical charge in the second neuron, and the signal is transmitted along the
length of that neuron and the neurotransmitter is absorbed back into its originating neuron, and the nerve
cell is then in a resting stage until the next signal is received. This process repeats over and over until the
signal has reached the CNS (the brain and spinal cord in humans and a series of ganglia, or nerve bundles,
in the insect) to be interpreted. Impulses from the CNS to the peripheral nervous system continue in the
same way until the signal reaches the appropriate muscles or organs. Both humans and insects have many
different neurotransmitters that work at different sites throughout the nervous system. Among them (both
insects and humans have) acetylcholine (ACh) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are important
targets of some insecticides. ACh can either excite or inhibit its target neurons – depending on the
particular neuron and the specific receptors at the site. In contrast, GABA is an inhibitory
neurotransmitter – when GABA is the neurotransmitter activated at a synapse, the nerve impulse stops.

a. Cholinesterase Inhibition

Organophosphate and Carbamate Insecticides

Bind to the enzyme that is normally responsible for breaking down ACh after it has carried its message
across the synapse. The cholinesterase is not available to help break down the ACh, and the
neurotransmitter continues to cause the neuron to “fire,” or send its electrical charge. This causes over-
stimulation of the nervous system, and the insect dies.
Cholinesterase inhibition by carbamates is somewhat reversible.Organophosphate poisoning is not
reversible - the insecticide does not release the bound cholinesterase.

b. Acetylcholine Receptor Stimulation

Neonicotinoid insecticides mimic the action of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine (ACh). Cholinesterase
is not affected by these insecticides, but the nerve is continually stimulated by the neonicotinoid and leads
to over-stimulation of the nervous system leads to poisoning and death. A closer mimic for the insect’s
ACh than for human ACh - more specificity for insects and less ability to poison humans.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

c. Chloride Channel Regulation

Avermectins bind to the chloride channel and activate it causing an inhibitory effect, which, when
excessive, results in the insect’s death. Cyclodiene group of Organochlorine insecticides affect the
chloride channel by inhibiting the GABA receptor. The GABA receptor can no longer close the chloride
channel for which it acts as a gate. The end result is over-stimulation of the nervous system.

d. Sodium Channel Modulators

Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids act on tiny channels through which sodium is pumped to cause excitation of
neurons.They prevent the sodium channels from closing, resulting in continual nerve impulse
transmission, tremors, and eventually, death. Lindane also act as a Sodium channel modulator

2. Growth and Development

Insects shed their skin (Molting) in order to grow and to develop into their next life stage. Insecticides
target the insect’s growth and development either through interfering with Hormones or Blocking the
production of a structural component (Chitin) of the exoskeleton (Cuticle)
e. Chitin Synthesis Inhibitors (CSIs)

Chitin synthesis inhibitors (e.g. novaluron, diflubenzuron) , block the production of chitin. An insect
poisoned with a CSI cannot molt & reach the adult stage (cannot reproduce) and the insect dies. CSIs
are not considered toxic to humans.

b. Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs)

IGRs attack the insect’s endocrine system, which produces the hormones (juvenile hormone) needed for
growth and development into an adult form. Insects poisoned with IGRs cannot molt or reproduce, and
eventually they die. (e.g pyriproxyfen). Azadirachtin interferes with synthesis of Prothoracicotropic
hormone (PTTH)
Humans do not make or use the hormones insects use in molting. Because of this, IGRs are considered to
have little human toxicity.

4. Energy Production

Organisms generate energy from the food they take in and store the energy in molecules known as
adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
The energy stored in the ATP molecules can then be used to do the body’s work such as:

 Thinking,
 Moving,
 Growing,
 Synthesizing chemicals and Structures that the body needs.

Some insecticides inhibit or disrupt energy production. The insect stops eating and even moving, and dies
(e.g. Dicofol). Some insecticides block feeding (Azadirachtin).

On the basis of mode of action, they can also be classified as contact and stomach insecticides systemic or
translocated and with fumigant action.

The contact pesticide acts on the pest when the pest comes in to contact are chew the plant
material. Some examples are Endosulfan, Malathion, fenvalerate. Where as the systemic pesticide is
moved within a plant from the point of application to the point where the insect will contact or ingest it .
Some examples are monocrotophos, carbofuran. Some of the chemicals have fumigant action apart from
either of the above properties, for example DDVP, Lindane, chlorpyrifos.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

2. Various Methods in Pesticide Formulation Analysis

Titration, also known as titrimetry, is a common laboratory method of quantitative chemical
analysis that is used to determine the unknown concentration of an identified analyte. Because volume
measurements play a key role in titration, it is also known as volumetric analysis. A reagent, called the
titrant or titrator is prepared as a standard solution. A known concentration and volume of titrant reacts
with a solution of analyte or titrand to determine concentration.

Small volumes of the titrant are then added to the titrand and indicator until the indicator changes,
reflecting arrival at the endpoint of the titration. Depending on the endpoint desired, single drops or less
than a single drop of the titrant can make the difference between a permanent and temporary change in
the indicator. When the endpoint of the reaction is reached, the volume of reactant consumed is measured
and used to calculate the concentration of analyte.

It is appropriate to know the following terminology used in the titrimetric analysis.

Titrant. The solution containing the active agent with which a titration is made.

Titrand: The solution containing the active agent which is titrated.

Equivalence-point. The point in a titration at which the amount of titrant added is chemically equivalent
to the amount of substance titrated. (Stoichiometric (stoicheiometric)-point and Theoretical end-point are
synonymous with Equivalence-point.)

End-point. The point in a titration at which some property of the solution (as, for example, the colour
imparted by an indicator) shows a pronounced change, corresponding more or less closely to the
equivalencepoint. The end-point may be represented by the intersection of two lines or curves in the
graphical method of end-point determination.


Standard substance:

Primary standard. A substance of high purity which, by stoichiometric reaction, is used to establish the
reacting strength of a titrant, or which itself can be used to prepare a titrant solution of accurately known

Secondary standard. A substance used for standardizations, whose content of the active agent has been
found by comparison against a primary standard.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Standardisation: The process of finding the concentration or an active agent in a solution, or the reacting
strength of a solution in terms of some substance, usually by titration of a known amount of the substance
which is pure or has a known reaction value.

Indirect Titration: A titration (acid—base or other type) in which the entity being determined does not
react directly with the titrant, but indirectly via the intermediacy of a stoichiometric reaction with another
titratable entity.

Standard solution. A solution having an accurately known concentration of the active substance, or an
accurately known titre.

Primary standard solution: A standard solution prepared from a primary standard substance whose
concentration is known from the weight of that substance in a known volume (or weight) of the solution.

Secondary standard solution. A solution whose concentration or titre has been obtained by
standardization, or which has been prepared from a known weight of a secondary standard substance.

Titration error. The difference in the amount of titrant, or the corresponding difference in the amount of
substance being titrated, represented by the expression:

(End-point value — Equivalence-point value)

Types of titrations:

1. ACID-BASE. A titration involving the transfer of protons (Bronsted—Lowry) or electron-pairs

(Lewis) from one of the reacting species to the other in solution.

2. NON-AQUEOUS. A titration (acid—base or other type) in which the solvent medium is one other
than water and in which the concentration of the latter is minimal

2. COMPLEXIMETRIC (COMPLEXOMETRIC). A titration involving the formation of a soluble

complex between a metal ion and a complexing agent.

3. IODIMETRIC. Titration with, or of, iodine Some authors restrict iodimetry to titration with a standard
solution of iodine, and iodometry to titration of iodine; such restrictions are not recommended.

4. OXIDATION-REDUCTION (REDOX). A titration involving the transfer of one or more electrons

from a donor ion or molecule (the reductant) to an acceptor (the oxidant).

5 PRECIPITATION. A titration in which the entity being titrated is precipitated from solution by reaction
with the titrant.

Acid-Base titrations: Before starting the titration a suitable pH indicator must be chosen. The
equivalence point of the reaction, the point at which equivalent amounts of the reactants have reacted,
will have a pH dependent on the relative strengths of the acid and base used. The pH of the equivalence
point can be estimated using the following rules:

 A strong acid will react with a strong base to form a neutral (pH=7) solution.
 A strong acid will react with a weak base to form an acidic (pH<7) solution.
 A weak acid will react with a strong base to form a basic (pH>7) solution.
When a weak acid reacts with a weak base, the equivalence point solution will be basic if the base is
stronger and acidic if the acid is stronger. If both are of equal strength, then the equivalence pH will be

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

neutral. However, weak acids are not often titrated against weak bases because the colour change shown
with the indicator is often quick, and therefore very difficult for the observer to see the change of colour.
Acid–base titration is performed with a phenolphthalein indicator, when it is a strong acid – strong base
titration, a bromthymol blue indicator in weak acid – weak base reactions, and a methyl orange indicator
for strong acid – weak base reactions.
Different methods to determine the equivalence point include:
pH indicator: This is a substance that changes color in response to a chemical change. An acid-base
indicator (e.g., phenolphthalein) changes color depending on the pH. Redox indicators are also frequently
used. A drop of indicator solution is added to the titration at the start; when the color changes the
endpoint has been reached, this is an approximation of the equivalence point. Some of the pH indictors
are listed below.

Indicator Color on acidic side Range of color change Color on basic side

Bromophenol Blue Yellow 3.0–4.6 Blue

Methyl Orange Red 3.1–4.4 Yellow

Congo red Blue 3.0 - 5.0 Red

Bromocresol Green yellow 3.8 – 5.4 Blue

Methyl Red Red 4.4–6.3 Yellow

Litmus Red 5.0–8.0 Blue

Bromothymol Blue Yellow 6.0–7.6 Blue

Phenolphthalein Colorless 8.3–10.0 Pink

Alizarin Yellow Yellow 10.1–12.0 Red

Potentiometer: A potentiometer can also be used. This is an instrument which measures the electrode
potential of the solution. These are used for titrations based on a redox reaction; the potential of the
working electrode will suddenly change as the equivalence point is reached.

pH meter: This is a potentiometer which uses an electrode whose potential depends on the concentration
of H3O+ present in the solution. This is an example of an ion selective electrode. This method allows the
pH of the solution to be measured throughout the titration. At the equivalence point there will be a sudden
change in the measured pH. It can be more accurate than the indicator method, and is very easily

Conductance: The conductivity of a solution depends on the ions that are present in it. During many
titrations, the conductivity changes significantly. (For instance, during an acid-base titration, the H3O+ and
OH- ions react to form neutral H2O. This changes the conductivity of the solution.) The total conductance
of the solution depends also on the other ions present in the solution (such as counter ions). Not all ions
contribute equally to the conductivity; this also depends on the mobility of each ion and on the total
concentration of ions (ionic strength). Thus, predicting the change in conductivity is harder than
measuring it.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Color change: In some reactions, the solution changes colour without any added indicator. This is often
seen in redox titrations, for instance, when the different oxidation states of the product and reactant
produce different colours.

Complexometric titrations: A simple example in this type can be the titrations involving Silver nitrate
in titrating the cyanide ion ;

Ag + + 2 CN - ↔ [ Ag (CN)2]-

using the indicator potassium iodide ion and ammonia solution

[Ag(NH3)2]+ ↔AgI + 2 NH3 the formation silver iodide gives turbidity to the solution.

Another important complexometric titration is the titrations involving ethylenediaminetetra

acetic acid (EDTA) in determining the metal ions

M2+ + H4Y → MH2Y + 2H+

Commonly used indicators in the EDTA titrations are organic dyes such as Fast Sulphon Black,
Eriochrome Black T, Eriochrome Red B or Murexide.

 Iodometric Titration: Free iodine is titrated against standard reducing agent such as sodium
thiosulfate solution. Usual reagents are sodium thiosulfate as titrant, starch as an indicator (it
forms blue complex with free iodine molecules), and an iodine compound (iodide or iodate,
depending on the desired reaction with the sample).The color change at the end point is usually
blue to colorless. The principal reaction is the reduction of iodine to iodide by thiosulfate ( One
of the examples for redox titrations)

I2 + 2 S2O32− → S4O62- + 2 I-

Redox titrations; As the name indicates both oxidation and reduction simultaneously takes place in the
molecules to their respective oxidation/reduction states , The chemical reaction proceeds with transfer of
electrons (simultaneous loss and gain of electrons) among the reacting ions in aqueous media.

Some Redox titrations are named after the reagent

Permanganate titrations

Potassium permanganate is used as an oxidizing agent. The medium is maintained acidic by the
use of Dil. H2SO4. Potassium permanganate acts as self-indicator Used in the estimation of ferrous salts,
oxalic acid, oxalates, H2O2 etc. Solution of the Potassium permanganate should be standardized first using
standard oxalic acid or sodium oxalate .

2KMnO4 + 5 H2C2O4 + 3H2SO4 = 2MnSO4 + K2SO4 + 10 CO2 + 8H2O

2MnO4¯ + 5 C2O42¯+ 6H+ = 2Mn2+ + 10 CO2 + 8H2O

Dichromate titrations

Potassium dichromate is used as an oxidizing agent in acedic medium and sulphuric acid is used to
maintain the medium acidic. Potassium dichromate solution can be directly used for titrations. This type

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

of titration is mainly use in the estimation of Ferrous salts and Iodides. In these titrations of potassium
dichromate versus ferrous salt, either an external indicator (Potassium ferricyanide) or an internal
indicator (Diphenyl amine) can be used.

Iodimetric titrations also are redox titrations

Precipitation reactions: The argentometric titrations involving Silver nitrate in determining halogens is
a classical example for precipitation reactions. The titrant react with the analyte forming an insoluble
material and the titration continues till the very last amount of analyte is consumed.

Ag+ + Cl- = AgCl

The first drop of titrant in excess will react with an indicator resulting in a color change and announcing
the termination of the titration.

2 Ag+ + CrO42- = Ag2CrO4

This reaction should be carried out in faintly alkaline solution within the pH range of 6.5 to 9.0. In acid
solution , the chromate under goes the following reaction, where in no colour change can be observed.

CrO42- + 2H+ ↔ HCrO4- ↔ Cr2O72- + H2O

Nonaqueous titration is the titration of substances dissolved in non aqueous solvents. It is

suitable for the titration of very week acids and very weak bases.
E.g. The titration of organic bases with perchloric acid in anhydrous acetic acid. If a very strong
acid such as perchloric acid is dissolved in acetic acid, the latter can function as a base and
combine with protons donated by the perchloric acid to form protonated acetic acid.
Since the CH3COOH2+ ion readily donates its proton to a base, the titration of a base is accomplished .
The reactions involved can be expressed as furnished.

I. HClO4 ⇌ H+ + ClO4-

CH3COOH + H+ ⇌ CH3COOH2+ (onium ion)

HClO4 + CH3COOH ⇌ CH3COOH2+ + ClO4-



III. HClO4 + C5H5N ⇌ C5H5NH+ + ClO4-

Popularly used indicator used in this titrations is crystal violet , which shows different colours in different
medium as given under;

violet blue-green yellowish-green


1. Preparation of 0.1N silver nitrate:

Weigh about 17.0 grams of A.R. Silver nitrate and dissolve in 1000 ml water. This is standardized against
sodium chloride using potassium chromate indicator (The Mohr titration).

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30


Weigh out accurately 0.1000 to 0.1500 grams of A.R. Sodium Chloride and dissolve in sufficient
amount of water (50-100 ml). Add 1 ml of the indicator. Add the silver nitrate solution slowl from the
burette, swirling the liquid constantly, until the red colour formed by the addition of each drop begins to
disappear more slowly. Continue the addition dropwise until a faint but distinct change in colour occurs.
This faint reddish-brown colour should persist after brisk shaking.

Preparation of potassium Chromate indicator solution:

Dissolve 5 gms of A.R. Potassium Chromate in 100 ml water.

Normality of Silver Nitrate = Weight of NaC1 x 1000

Volume of AgNO3 x 58.46

2. Preparation of 0.1N Potassium Thiocyanate:

Weigh out about 10.5 gms. of A.R. Potassium Thiocyanate and dissolve it in 1 litre of water.

Pipette 25 ml of the standard 0.1N silver nitrate into a 250 ml conical flask adds 5 ml of 6N-nitric
acid and 1 ml of ferric indicator solution. Run in the potassium thiocyanate solution from the burette.
Continue the addition until one drop of the thiocyanate solution produces a faint brown colour, which no
longer disappears upon shaking.

Normality of potassium

Thiocyanate solution = Normality of AgNO3 x 25

Volume of thiocyanate added

The ferric indicator solution consists of a cold, saturated solution of A.R. ferric ammonium sulphate in
water (about 40% to which a few drops of 6N – nitric acid has been added.

3. Preparation of 0.1N Sodium Thiosulphate solution :

Weigh about 25.0 grams of A.R. Sodium Thiosulphate Na2S2O3. 5 H2O, dissolve in 1 litre of
water. If the solution is to be kept for more than a few days, add 0.1 gram of Sodium Carbonate or 3 drops
of Chloroform.


Potassium Iodate can be used for the standardization of Sodium Thiosulphate. Weigh out
accurately 0.14-0.15 gm of pure dry potassium iodate, dissolve it in 25 ml water, add 2 g of iodate-free
potassium iodide and 5 ml of 2 N sulphuric acid. Titrate the liberated iodine with the thiosulphate solution
when the colour of the solution has become a pale yellow, dilute to 200 ml with water, add 2 ml of starch
solution and continue the titration until the colour changes from blue to colourless.

Normality of Sodium Thiosulphate = Wt. of Pot.iodate x 1000

Vol. of thiosulphate x 35.67

4. Preparation of 0.1N Iodine:

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Dissolve 20 g. of iodate free potassium iodide in 30-40ml water. Weigh out about 12.7 g. of
iodine on a watch glass on a rough balance and transfer it into the concentrated Potassium iodide solution.
Shake until all the iodine has dissolved. Dilute it by water so that the total volume becomes 1 litre.


Transfer 25 ml of the iodine solution to a 250 ml conical flask, dilute to 100ml and add standard sodium
thiosulphate solution from a burette until the soln. has a pale yellow colour. Add 2 ml of starch solution
and continue the addition of the thiosulphate solution slowly until the solution is just colourless.

Normality of Iodine = Normality of Na2S2O3 x vol. of Na2S2O3


Preparation of Starch solution:

Make a paste of 1.0 g. of soluble starch with a little water, and pour the paste with constant
stirring, into 100ml of boiling water and boil for 1 minute. Allow the solution to cool and add 2-3 g. of
potassium iodide.

5. Preparation of 0.1N Sodium Hydroxide:

Dissolve about 4.0 g. (20 pellets) of Sodium Hydroxide in 1 litre of water.


This is standardized using Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate. Weight out accurately about 0.6-0.7 g. of A.R.
Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate into a 250 ml conical flask, add 75 ml of water and shake gently until the
solid has dissolved. Titrate this against Sodium hydroxide, using Phenolphthalein as indicator. The end
point is the appearance of pink colour.

Normality of NaOH = Wt. of potassium Hydrogen Phthalate x 1000

Volume of NaOH x 204.22

6. Preparation of 0.1N Hydrochloric acid:

Measure out by means of a graduated cylinder 9 ml of pure concentrated hydrochloric acid into a
1000 ml measuring cylinder containing about 500ml water. Make up to the litre mark with water and
thoroughly mix by shaking.


Weigh out accurately 0.2 g. of pure sodium carbonate into a 250 ml conical flask, dissolve it in
50-75 ml water and add 2 drops of methyl orange indicator. Titrate against hydrochloric acid from the
burette until the colour of the methyl orange becomes orange or a faint pink.

Normality of H C1 = Weight of Na2CO3 x 1000

Volume of HC1 x 53



Type of pesticide: Plant growth regulator

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Molecular formula: C12 H10 02 Molecular weight: 186.2


Registered products: Technical – 98%

S.L. – 4.5%

Principle: Alcohol present in the SL sample is evaporated off by heating on a hot water bath. The residue
is redissolved in water and acidified to release NNA from sodium salt. NNA is extracted into solvent
ether and washed with distilled water till free from mineral acid.After evaporation of ether, residue of
NAA is redissolved in neutral alcohol and titrated against standard NaOH.


+ NaCl

Sod. salt of NAA NAA


+ H2O

Sod. salt of NAA


1 GE of NaOH = 1 gm of NAA

Therefore 1000 ml of 1(N) NaOH = 1 GE of NaOH

= 186.2 NAA

Therefore t ml of (n) NaOH = 186.2 x t x n


Therefore % AI = 18.62 x t x n
Where W = weight in gms of the sample taken for analysis

T = titration reading

N = normality

Outline of the procedure:

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

(1) Technical grade sample: 3 gms of sample, weighed accurately is dissolved in 40 ml of neutralized
methanol and titrated against 0.5 (N) standard NaOH. Solution using phenolphthalein as
(2) S.L. Sample: 10 gm of sample is weighed accurately in a beaker and heated on a boiling water
bath till solvent is evaporated off and dry residue is obtained. This residue is dissolved in
minimum quantity of water* and acidified using 50 ml of 5 pH buffer solution (prepared by
dissolving 2.035 gms of citric acid and 2.924 gms of Na2 HPO4 in 200 ml water). The precipitate
of ANA is extracted in a separating funnel, quantitatively into 50 ml of ether**. Separate the
water layer and reextract it twice more using 50 ml ether each time. Combine all ether layers and
heat the ether layer on boiling water bath till solvent is evaporated off leaving dry residue.
Dissolve the residue in 50 ml of neutralized methanol and titrate with standard 0.1(N) Na OH
using phenolphthalein as indicator.


*ANA has solubility in water to the extent of 420 mg/1. If large quantity of water is used, then there
could be loss of AI.

**Ether is highly volatile, inflammable and explosive. Hence, extraction should be done in cooler
room. The vapour of ether should be released from time to time during extraction to prevent
development of pressure and bursting of separating funnel used for extractions. Further there should
be no naked flame or spark while working with ether. Never heat ether layer on hot plate or gas

(3) Identity test: UV spectroscopy:

(Described in subsequent sections)

Ref: IS : 13070 : 1991 - NAA – Technical

IS : 13138 : 1991 - NAA – SL.

Type of pesticide: Systemic insecticide belonging to carbamate group

Molecular formula: C12H15O3N Molecular weight: 221.3



Registered products: Tech i) 75%

ii) 90%

Formulations i) 3% CG

ii) 50% SP for Govt. use

Principle: One gm mole of carbofuran on alkaline hydrolysis in glycolic medium under reflux releases
one gram mole of methl amine which is collected quantitatively; in 2% Boric acid solution containing of

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

standard HCl is equivalent to hydrogen ion absorbed by methyl amine, original green colour is restord
bromo cresol green indicator. The boric acid methyl amine complex is then titrated with std. HCl. When
the volme. Thus hydrogen ions absorbed by methyl amine is determined which is the basis for cabculation
of AI.


3 3
3 3 + CH3NH2
3 3

CH NH + HCl + -
3 2 CH3NH3 Cl
Additional product


1 gm. Eq. of HCl = 1 gm. Eq. of methyl amine

Or 1000 ml of 1 N HCl = 221.3 gm of carbofuran

T ml of N HCl = 221.3 X t X N gm of AI
Hence % AI = 22.13 X t X N
Where t = titration reading in ml

N = normality of HCl

W = weight of sample taken

Outline of the procedure:

0.4 to 0.6 gm of AI weighed accurately; is hydrolysed for 60 minutes under relfux and stream of
nitraogen with 50 ml of 2 N glycolic KOH. The amine liberated is absorbed in 150 ml of 2% Boric acid
solution containing bromocresol green as indicator and estimated by titration against standard 0.1 N HCl.

Ref: IS: 11019 – 1984 for carbofuran technical

IS: 9360 – 1980 for granules.

Type of pesticide: A contact / protective fungicide with eradicant properties, belonging to phthalimide

Molecular formula: C9H8Cl3NSO2 Molecular weight: 301


Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

C N - S - C - Cl


Registered products: Technical 90%

WP 50%
WS 75%
DS 75%

Captan is hydrolysed with Sodium hydroxide in a medium of 1:1 mixture of methanol and
acetone under reflux when 3 equivalence of ionic chloride are liberated per mole of a.i. The ionic chloride
is estimated by Volhard’s method. A.I content is calculated by multiplying per cent chloride (corrected
free chloride), with a suitable convernsion factor.


N - S - C - Cl + 3NaOH N - S - C -OH + 3NaCl


N - S - C -OH + 3NaCl + H2O

NaCl + AgNO3 ---AgCl + NaNO3


1 gm equivalent of Silver nitrate = 1 gm equivalent of NaCl = 1/3 mole of a.i

1000ml of 1 N Silver nitrate = 100.3 gms of a.i

‘t’ ml of N normal Silver nitrate = 100.3 x t x n

% A.I = 10.03 x t x n

Multiply the above relationship by a suitable dilution factor, if necessary depending upon procedure.

Outline of the procedure:

1 gm a.i is taken in 250 ml volumetric flask and 125ml acetone is added. Shaken well to dissolve
the a.i and make up to the mark with Methanol. To the 50ml aliquot, 50ml of 0.3N solution of aqueous
Sodium hydroxide is added and refluxed for 1 hr.

After cooling add 5ml Hydrogen peroxide (30%) and boil gently for 10 min. If it’s still coloured,
repeat the above exercise. Destroy the excess alkalinity by using 1:1 Nitric acid and phenolphthalein. Add

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

10ml of Nitric acid in excess, 25ml standard solution of Silver nitrate and 5ml Nitro-benzene and 1 ml
Ferric alum indicator and titrated against standard Potassium thiocyanate solution to a faint brick red
colour (y ml).

Carry out a blank titration with 50ml aliquot of stock solution without hydrolysis (x ml)
Calculate‘t’ value by deducting y ml from x ml. and use dilution factor 5.


Captan is extremely unstable in solution. Hence blank titration for estimating free Chloride
should be done in the beginning, within half an hour of solution preparation.


IS: 11785-1986 for WP

IS: 14251-1995 for Tech

Type of pesticide: An acaricide with insecticidal action.

Molecular formula: C14H9Cl5O Molecular weight: 370.5


Cl C Cl

Cl C Cl


Registered products: Technical 82% min

EC 18.5%


One mole of dicofol on hydrolysis with alkali under reflux yields 3 moles of ionic Chloride which
is estimated by Volhard’s method. Free Chloride is also estimated and the correction is applied.


Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Cl C Cl + KOH Cl C Cl

Cl C Cl p'p'-dichloro benzophenone
CHCl3 + 4 KOH 3 KCl + HCOOK + 2H2O

KCl + AgNO3 AgCl + KNO3


3 gm equivalents of Silver nitrate = 3 gm equivalents of KCl = 1 gm mole of Dicofol

1 gm equivalent of Silve nitrate = 1/3 mole of a.i = 123.5 gms of a.i

1000ml of 1 N normal Silver nitrate = 123.5 gms of a.i

‘t’ ml of normal solution = 123.5 x t x n


% A.I = 123.5 x t x n x 100 = 12.35 x t x n

1000 x W W

Outline of the procedure: 0.5 gms of a.i refluxed with 50 ml of 0.5 N ethanolic KOH for 90 minutes
with 3 to 4 drops of ethanol as a seal. After cooling 50ml ethanol (95%) is added and swirled. The volume
is made up to 300ml with distilled water, and ethanol is evoparated on water bath. Excess alkali is
neutralized with 4N Nitric acid using Phenolphthalein as indicator and add 10ml Nitric acid in excess
followed by 50ml of standard Silver nitrate (0.1N) is added. The excess Silver nitrate is back titrated with
potassium thiocyanate.

Run a blank determination through all these steps of the procedure using all the reagents except

Ref: IS: 5279-1978 for EC

IS: 5278-1969 for Technical

Type of pesticide: Contact and protective fungicide

Molecular formula and Structural formula:

S.No. Name Structural formulae Molecular formulae

1. Copper oxy chloride 3Cu(OH)2CuCl2 Cu4H6O6Cl2
2. Copper sulphate Cu SO4 5 H2O Cu H10O9S
3. Cuprous oxide Cu2O Cu2O
Registered products:

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

S.No. Name % A.I (Copper content)

Tech. DP WP Oil based
1. Copper oxy Chloride 57 4 50 40,50 & 56
2. Copper Sulphate 25 -- -- --
3. Cuprous Oxide 80 -- -- --
4. Copper Hydroxide -- -- 50 --

Note: Since Copper is fungicidal component in the formulation, declared percentages are in terms of
Copper content which is estimated.
Principle: The Copper oxy chloride which is insoluble in water is digested with 1:1 HCl (or conc. Nitric
acid) to form water soluble cupric ions (i.e. Cu Cl2) which when treated with Potassium iodide liberate
one equivalent amount of Iodine. Thus liberated Iodine is estimated by standard Sodium thiosulphate
solution using starch solution as indicator.


3Cu (OH)2CuCl2 + 2 HCl ---- 4CuCl2

2CuCl2 + 4 KI ---- 2CuI + 4 KCl + I2

I2 + Na 2S2O3 ---- 2 NaI + Na2S4O6


2 equivalents of Sodium thiosulphate = 2 equivalents of Iodine

= 2 equivalents of Copper

One equivalent of Sodium thiosulphate = 1 equivalent of Copper

= 63.5 gms of Copper

1000 ml of 1 N Sodium thiosulphate = 63.5 gms of Copper

‘t’ ml of N normal Sodium thiosulphate = 63.5 x t x n gms.

% Copper content = 6.35 x t n x D
Where t = volume in ml of Sodium thiosulphate consumed

n = normality of Sodium thiosulphate

D = Dilution factor

W = Weight in gms of sample taken

Procedure: Weigh accurately a quantity of sample which contains 0.2 gm of a.i in a 250 ml iodine flask,
add 2 to 3 ml conc. Nitric acid, 20 ml distilled water, allow the material to dissolve by shaking, then boil
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

for 3 to 5 minutes. Cool the flask, add 1 gm. of Urea and boil again for about 5 min. Then cool and add
Sodium carbonate in small quantities with swirling until a faint precipitate or a blue colour appears. Add
10% acetic acid solution till the precipitate redissolves and solution becomes green. Add 5 ml of 30% KI
solution and titrate the brown solution with 0.1N standard Sodium thiosulphate to a pale straw yellow
colour. Add 1 ml of 1% starch solution, 1 to 2 gms of Potassium or Ammonium thiocyanate and continue
the titration until the blue colour just discharged.

Precautions: The boiling or digestion of the sample with acid solution should be for sufficient duration to
convert completely water insoluble Copper to water soluble Copper. Hence the boiling of the sample with
acid may be done for longer duration if necessary.


IS 1486-1978 for Copper Oxychloride Technical

IS 1506-1977 for Copper Oxychloride DP
IS 1507-1977 for Copper Oxychloride WP
IS 1665-1977 for Cuprous Oxide WP
IS 1669-1960 for Cuprous Oxide DP
IS 1682-1973 for Cuprous Oxide Technical
IS 12873-1990 for Copper Oxychloride OP (oil based)

Type of pesticide: They are protective and contact fungicides belonging to group of derivatives of
dithiocarbamic acid

Name Molecular formula Molecular Structure

A. Alkyl dithiocarbamates S

i. Thiram ( CH3 )2-N-C-S

C6H12N2S4 240.4 2

ii. Ziram ( CH3 )2-N-C-S Zn

C6H12N2S4Zn 305.8 S
iii. Ferbam
( CH3 )2-N-C-S Fe
C9H18FeN3S6 418.9 2

B. Alkylene dithiocarbamates S
i. Zineb I 2 Zn
C4H6N2S4Zn 275.74 2 II

ii. Mancozeb S
C4H6N2S4Mn Zn CH -NH-C-S
I 2 Mn (ZnCl2)y
2 II x

iii. Propineb S
C5H8N2S4Zn 290

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

iv. Metiram CH -NH-C-S- CH2 -NH-C-S-
I 2 I
CH2-NH-C-S-Zn(NH3)- CH2-NH-C-S-
[C16H33N11S16Zn3]x (1088.7)x S S x

Registered products:

S.No. Name % A.I in different products

1. Ferbam 81 75 - - -
2. Mancozeb 85 75 - - -
3. Thiram 95&98 - - 75 75
4. Zineb 80 75 - - -
5. Ziram 95 80 27 - -
6. Propineb 80 70 - - -
7. Metiram -- 75 -- -- --
*Combination of Mancozeb and Metalaxyl (containing 64% Mancozeb) as WP is also registered.

CS: Colloidal suspension DS: Dry seed dressers WS: Wet seed dressers

Principle: One mole of dithiocarbamate on decomposition with hot boiling dilute acid liberates two
moles of carbondisulphide (3 moles in case of Ferbam, 8 moles in case of Metiram) which, after removal
of Hydrogen sulphide (produced from impurities) by absorption in Cadmium sulphate/Lead acetate
solution, is converted quantitatively in methanolic KOH to Potassium xanthate. This Potassium xanthate
is quantitatively estimated in acetic acid medium by titration against standard Iodine solution using starch
solution as indicator.


Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Step - l A. Alkyl dithiocarbamates


( CH3 )2 - N - C - S
Zn + H SO 2 ( CH3 )2NH + 2CS2 + ZnSO4
2 4
( CH ) - N - C - S
3 2 Dimethyl amine

S Corban di sulphide

B. Alkyene dithiocarbamates

CH - NH - C - S
Zn + H SO CH NH + 2CS + ZnSO
2 4 2 2 2 4
CH2 - NH - C - S
S Corban di sulphide
Ethylene diamine

Step. II

CS + CH OH + KOH CH O - C - S - K + H O
2 3 3 2
Step. II

+ 2KI
2 +I CH O - C - S
2 3 2
CH O - C - S - K

In the case of alkyl bisdithiocarbamates, Ziram, Thiram, Ferbam. A.I content can also be estimated on the
basis of dimethylamine content.


a) Thiram, Ziram, Mancozeb, Propineb and Zineb

2 equivalents of Iodine = 2 equivalents of CS2 = 1 mole of a.i

1 equivalent of Iodine = ½ mole of a.i

1000ml of 1 N Iodine solution = ½ mole of a.i

‘t’ ml of N normal Iodine solution = mol. Wt. x t x n gms of a.i

2 x 1000
% A.I = mol.wt. x t x n
20 W
Where ‘t’ = volume of standard Iodine solution consumed by the sample.

N = normality of Iodine

W = weight in gms of sample taken.

b) Ferbam:

3 moles of CS2 = 1 mole of a.i

1 mole of CS2 = 1/3 mole of a.i
1 equivalent of Iodine = 1 mole of CS2= 1/3 mole of a.i
% A.I = mol.wt. x t x n
c) Metiram:
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

8 moles of CS2 = 1 mole of a.i

1 mole of CS2 = 1/8 mole of a.i

1 equivalent of Iodine = 1 mole of CS2= 1/8 mole of a.i

% A.I = mol.wt. x t x n

Take 100 to 150 ml of 1 N Sulphuric acid in reaction kettle. Take 25ml Lead acetate (Zinc acetate
in case of Propineb) in first absorber and keep it hot (approximately 70 deg.C). Take 25ml 2 N
methanolic KOH in the second absorber keep it chilled below 10 deg.C.

Assemble the train of apparatus. Connect it to the vacuum line and maintain a regular flow of air
through the assembly. Heat the acid in the kettle and keep it boiling. Transfer sufficient quantity of
sample accurately by weighing 0.2 to 0.3 gms of a.i into the reaction flask. Digest for one hour and forty-
five minutes. After the digestion is complete, quickly disconnect the KOH trap. Transfer quantitatively
with distilled water the contents of the trap in to a 500ml iodine flask. Neutralise it with 30% acetic acid
using phenolphthalein indicator, add 1ml excess acid and titrate immediately with 0.1N Iodine solution
using starch solution as indicator. End point is colourless to blue.

In case of Thiram the acid used is acetic acid (1:1) and Zinc oxide mixture instead of 1.1N
Sulphuric acid and 19.5% Cadmium sulphate solution is used instead of Lead acetate in the trap.


1. The final titration of Xanthate against standard Iodine solution should be done very rapidly
within two to three minutes because xanthate is unstable in neutral or faintly acidic medium.
2. The sample should be brought in contact with only hot acid not with cold acid, because in
cold acid only one and not two moles of carbon disulphide is released per mole of a.i.


IS 3898-1981 for Zineb Technical

IS 3899-1981 for Zineb WP
IS 3900-1975 for Ziram Technical
IS 3901-1975 for Ziram WP
IS 4320-1982 for Thiram Tech
IS 4766-1982 for Thiram WP
IS 4783-1982 for Thiram seed dressing formulation
IS 8707-1978 for Mancozeb Technical
IS 8708-1978 for Mancozeb WP
IS 11010-1984 for Ziram colloidal suspension
IS 12501-1988 for Ferbam Tech
IS 12562-1988 for Ferbam WP
IS 13692-1993 for Mealaxyl-Mancozeb WP

Type of pesticide: Systemic fungicide belonging to morpholine group

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Molecular formula: C19H39NO Molecular weight: 297.5


CH3(CH2)12 N O


Registered products: Tech. 95%

EC 75%

Method of Analysis: Acid base titration in non-aqueous medium

Principle: AI is titrated against perchloric acid in aqueous medium like acetic acid, when one gram
equivalent perchloric acid is consumed b one gram mole of a.i.


CH3(CH2)12 N O + HCLO4



CH3(CH2)12 N O CLO4


One-gram eqvt. Of perchloric acid = 1 gm mole of a.i. 1000ml of 1N perchlorc acid

= 297.5 gms. of a.i

% a.i = 29.75 X t X n
Where t = Titration reading in ml. of std. perchloric acid
N = normality of perchloric acid
W = weight in gms. of sample
Outline of the procedure:

Weigh accurately the sample equivalent to 1gm a.i in a flask. Dissolve in 50 ml acetic acid. Add
10ml acetic anhydride. Keep it for five minutes then titrate it against std. perchloric acid.


IS: 9667-1980 for Tridemorph Tech.

IS: 9656-1980 for Tridemorph EC.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30


Type of pesticide: Systemic insecticide belonging to organophosphorus group

Molecular formula: C7H17O2PS3 Molecular weight: 260.4


2 5
C H O 2
2 5

Registered products: Technical 90%

CG 10%

Principle: One mole of a.i on hydrolysis in acidic medium yields one mole each of diethyl dithio
phosphoric acid and ethyl mercaptan, which consume two equivalents of Silver nitrate. From the quantity
of Silver nitrate consumed by a.i alone, obtained after correcting for impurity interferences, a.i content is

H+ P + HCHO + C H SH
2 5
C2H5O 2 5 C H O SH
2 5
Hydrolysis Ethyle mercaptan
o,o- diethyl dithio phosphorice acid

+ AgNO

P + C H SAg
2 5
C2H5O S Ag
Agento mercaptan


Gm equivalents of Silver nitrate = 1 gm mole of a.i

1gm equivalent of Silver nitrate = ½ mole of a.i = 130.2 gms

1000ml of 1 N Silver nitrate = 130.2 gms of a.i

‘t’ ml of N normal Silver nitrate = 130.2 x t x n


% A.I = 13.02 x t x n
Where t = volume in ml of standard Silver nitrate solution consumed by a.i alone

N = normality of Silver nitrate

W = weight of sample taken

Outline of the procedure:

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Step I Preparation of sample stock solution

Sufficient quantity of the sample equivalent to 2.5 gms of a.i is extracted with acetone
quantitatively and made up to 250ml in a volumetric flask.

Step II Estimation of a.i and impurities

To a flask containing 150 ml water acidified with 5 drops of Nitric acid, add by pipette 50ml of
standard Silver nitrate solution and maintain at 500C. After attaining constant temperature, add by a
pipette 50ml of sample stock solution, and carry out hydrolysis at 500C. for 15 minutes. Titrate the excess
silver nitrate against standard thiocyanate solution using 1 ml 10% Ferric nitrate solution as indicator (x

Step III Estimation of impurities

Transfer by pipette 50ml of sample stock solution in to a 500 ml separating funnel containing
150ml enzene. Extract this solution thrice, each time by 50ml of 0.1N KOH in aqueous solution of 10%
Potassium nitrate followed by one washing with 50ml distilled water. Collect the aqueous layer and
acidify with concentrated Nitric acid till acidic to Congo red paper. Add 5 drops of acid in excess and
keep it in waer bath maintained at500C till contents of the flask attained constant temperature. Then add
by pipette 5 ml standard Silver nitrate and keep it in the water bath at 500C for 15 minutes. Then cool to
room temperature and titrate the excess Silver nitrate against std. thiocyanate solution using 1 ml of 10%
Ferric nitrate as indicator (y ml)

Calclate‘t’ value as shown below.

‘t’ = (50F1 – xF2) – (5F1 – yF2)

Where F1 = ratio of normality of Silver nitrate to 0.1

F2 = ratio of normality of thiocyanate to 0.1

Use a dilution factor of 5 while calculating final result.


i) IS: 7976-1976 for Technical

ii) IS: 9359-1995 for Gr.


Type of pesticide: Contact and protective fungicide, acaricide.

Molecular formula: S Molecular weight: 32.06

Registered products: Technical 99.5%

DP 85%

WP 70% & 80%

CS 40%

Solution 22%

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Principle: Sulphur is converted to thiosulphate by refluxing with Sodium sulfite. Excess Sodium sulfite is
destroyed by Formaldehyde and then the thiosulphate is estimated by titration with standard Iodine
solution using starch solution (1%) as indicator.


S + Na2SO3 Na2S2O3

2Na2S2O3 + I2 2NaI + Na S O
2 4 6


2 gm equivalent of Iodine = 2 gm mole of Hypo

= 2 gm mole of Sulphur

1 gm equivalent of Iodine = 1 gm mole of sulphur = 32.06 gms of Sulphur

1000ml of 1 N Iodine solution= 32.06 gms of Sulphur

‘t’ ml of N normal Iodine solution = 32.06 x t x n

If dilution is made the, Sulphur content % by mass = 3.2 06 x t x n x d

Outline of the procedure: Weigh accurately sufficient quantity of sample to contain 0.1 gm of Sulphur
in a 250ml flat bottom flask add 30ml to 40ml distilled water, 2 gms of sodium sulfite and few drops of
liquid paraffin. Reflux for 40 minutes, cool the flask and remove, add 10ml formaldehyde, 10ml acetic
acid solution and titrate immediately with standard Iodine using freshly prepared Starch solution. (‘t’ ml).

Carry out a reagent blank without sample as per above procedure.


IS 6444-1979 for Sulphur DP

IS 3383-1982 for Sulphur WP


Type of pesticide: Phosphine (fumigant) releasing product used in rodent control and stored grain

Molecular formula: AIP Molecular weight: 57.96

Registered products: Tablets 56%

55%, 57%, 60% for export

Reactions: 2AIP + 3 H2SO4 Nitrogen atmosphere _ > Al2(SO4)3 + 2PH3

2PH3 + 8(O) ------------------------ > 2 H3PO4

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

16gm equivalents of Oxygen = 2 gm mole of Phosphine = 2 gms mole of a.i

1 gm equivalent of Oxygen = 1/8 gm mole o a.i = 7.24 gms of a.i

1000ml of 1 N solution = 7.24 gms of a.i

‘t’ ml of N normal solution = 7.24 x t x n

% A.I = 0.724 x t x n
Where ‘t’ = quantity in ml of oxidant solution

n = normality

W = weight in gms of sample

Outline of the procedure:

0.2 to 0.3 gms of material is decomposed with 10% Sulphuric acid in inert atmosphere.
Phosphine liberated is swept by continuous stream of Nitrogen in to 200ml of standard 0.5N Potassium
permanganate solution measured accurately and distributed in three different gas absorption bottles.
Initially decomposition is carried out for 30 to 45 minutes at room temperature. Then the flask is heated
on water bath maintaining at 60 deg.C for another 15 minutes. Transfer quantitatively permanganate
solution into a 1 lit. beaker and add 200ml (sufficiently excess Oxalic acid) standard Oxalic acid (0.5N)
solution. Titrate the excess Oxalic solution against standard Potassium permanganate solution.

% A.I = 0.724 x (200 + A) N1 – (200 N2)

Where A = sample titration reading
N1 = normality of KMnO4
N2 = normality of Oxalic acid
W = Weight of sample

1. Phosphine is highly toxic and inflammable gas. Hence decomposition should be carried out only
in inert atmosphere.
2. Introduce sample into reaction flask only after removing air by sweeping apparatus with Nitrogen
gas for 15 minutes.
References: IS 6438-1980


Type of pesticide: Acute oral rodenticide

Molecular formula: Zn3P2

Molecular weight: 258

Registered products: Technical 80% min.

-do- 20% (for export)

1% & 2% (household products)

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30


One mole of a.i on acidic decomposition in an inert atmosphere yields two moles of phosphine
which is oxidized by absorption in Potassium permanganate solution. From the quantity of permanganate
solution consumed by phosphine, quantity of a.i is calculated.

Reactions: Zn3P2 + 3 H2SO4 Nitrogen atmosphere _ > 3 ZnSO4 + 2PH3

2PH3 + 8(O) ------------------------ > 2 H3PO4


16 gms equivalent of (O) = 2 gm mole of Phosphine = 1 gm mole of a.i

1 gm equivalent of (O) = 1/16 gm mole of a.i = 16.13 gms of a.i

1000 ml of 1 N solution = 16.13 gms of a.i

‘t’ ml of N normal solution = 16.13 x t x n

% A.I = 1.613 x t x n
Where t = Quantity in ml of oxidant solution

N = Normality of oxidant solution

W = Weight in gms of sample

Outline of the procedure:

Weigh accurately 0.5 gms of sample and analyse as per method outlined under aluminium
phosphide described earlier.

In order to remove adulteration by inorganic sulphides, phosphine carried by nitrogen is passed

through 100ml of 1 N Sodium hydroxide solution before passing through Potassium permanganate

Reference: IS 1251-1988 for Technical


Type of pesticide: Contact insecticide belonging to organophosphorus group

Molecular formula: C8H10O5NPS

Molecular weight: 263.21


Registered products: Technical 92%

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Technical concentrate 80%

DP 2%
EC 50%

The phenolic impurities mainly para nitrophenol are separated from a.i by washing the ethereal
sample solution with dilute chilled sodium carbonate A.I is reduced to amino derivative which is
estimated by diazotization titration.




P O NH2 + NaNO2 + 2HCl


P O N N Cl + NaCl + 2H2O



1 gm equivalent of Sodium nitrite = 1 gm mole of a.i = 263.21 gms of a.i

1000 ml of 1N Sodium nitrite = 263.21 gms of a.i

‘t’ml of n normal Sod. Nitrite = 263.21 x t x n gms of a.i

% A.I = 26.321 x t x n
Where ‘t’ = ml of standard solution of Sodium nitrite consumed by the sample
N = normality of sodium nitrite
W = weight of the sample

Outline of the procedure:

1 gm a.i * equivalent of sample is dissolved in 100ml ether contained in a separating funnel and
wash repeatedly, very carefully using each time 10 to 20 ml of chilled 1% Sodium carbonate solution till
the aqueous solution is free from yellow colour. Then ether layer is taken in to a beaker and mixed with
acid mixture (9:1 Acetic acid and HCl), add about 2 gms of Zinc dust or granules and heat it on water
bath for about 1 hr. and the solution in the beaker is colourless. Destroy the excess Zinc by adding conc.
HCl and heating. Cool and chill it to about O0C, add 5 gms of Sodium bromide or Potassium bromide and
titrate it slowly and carefully aganst standard Sodium nitrite solution using starch iodide paper as external

* AI is quantitatively extracted from solid formulations with ether before washing.


Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

IS 2570-1980 for Technical

IS 9372-1980 for Technical concentrate

IS 8760-1978 for DP

IS 2865-1978 for EC

Physico-chemical Characteristics

Even though A.I content is the most important parameter in a formulation, there are certain other
parameters which have profound influence on field bio efficacy of the formulation and hence are as much
important as A.I content. These parameters are of physico-chemical nature. So testing of samples for A.I
content alone is not sufficient measure of quality of the product. This does not reflect on field
performance when used at any time within expiry date and hence is incomplete analysis. All samples have
to be tested for physico-chemical parameters also after estimation of a.i content. Some of the important
physico-chemical parameters are listed below.

Sl. No. Parameter Application for

1. Acidity/Alkalinity All samples
2. Particle size DP/WP/Gr
3. Bulk density DP
4. Suspensibility WP
5. Emulsion stability EC
6. Water runoff test Coated Gr
7. Attrition test Coated Gr
8. Flash point EC

BIS has compiled and published methodologies for testing of these characteristics (IS 6940-1982,
Methods of test for pesticides and their formulations). For the purpose of training a beginner, simplified
and condensed methodologies are given in this section.

Acidity and Alkalinity

a) Preliminary qualitative test:

Mix 0.5gms or ml of sample with 1ml water and find out whether the sample is acidic or alkaline by
using litmus or pH paper.

b) Quantitative analysis:
i. For liquid formulations: 10gms sample, dispersed or dissolved in 100ml of water is titrated
against 0.05 N Sodium hydroxide or HC1 using either bromo cresol purple (1% alcoholic
solution) methyl red (1% aqueous solution).
Alternatively one may determine the end point using pH meter in which case end point is pH of mixture
of 50ml of acetone and 5ml of standard buffer solution (100ml of 2N acetic acid 100ml of 1N Sodium

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

ii. For solid formulation: 10gms of sample is mixed with 25ml acetone and warmed gently on a
hot water bath. Cool, dilute it with 75ml water and allow it to stand for 1 hour with
intermittent agitation. Decant or filter the liquid and titrate.

c) Calculations:

Acidity (as % Sulphuric acid) = 4.9 x t x n

Alkalinity (as Sodium hydroxide) = 4.0 x t x n
Particle Size

a) DP: 10gms of sample is weighed and transferred to a test sieve (75 micron or 200 mesh)
and shaken in a rotap shaker for 20 min. Material passing through or retained on the sieve
is weighed.
b) WP: 10gms of sample is mixed with 100ml of water, allowed to stand for half minute and
agitated gently with glass rod for half minute. Transfer the slurry on to sieve (75 or 45
micron as required) rinsing with tap water. Pass running water till all solids pass through.
Weigh the material retained on the sieve after drying in a tarred gooch crucible.
c) Granules: 100gms of sample is sieved for 15 min. through set of sieves of upper and
lower particle size declared on the label.

d) Calculations:

Material passing through the sieve = W1-W2x 100

Where W1 = Weight in gm of sample

W2 = Weight in gm of sample retained on the sieve.

Bulk Density

a) Find the weight of 100ml of sample filled in a measuring cylinder and calculate the density D1
b) Stopper and gently tap or drop the cylinder 20 times on a felt pad or any other soft surface
through a height of 15 cm. Measure the volume and calculate the density D2
c) Requirement: D2 should not be more than (D1 + 0.6D1)


Definition: Percentage of A.I held in the suspension of known concentration prepared in standard hard
water, after keeping for 30 minutes to stand for sedimentation if any.

Step - I Preparation of suspension

Weigh in a beaker enough quantity of sample to give (on mixing with water) 250ml of suspension
containing 0.5% or 2.5% a.i as per relevant specification requirement. Add about 50ml of standard hard
water of 342 ppm. Of Calcium carbonate (Dissolve 304 mgs of Calcium chloride and 139mgs of
magnesium chloride in 1 lit. of water) and stir gently with glass rod. Transfer the slurry quantitatively in
to a 250ml Stoppard measuring cylinder using standard hard water and diluting it up to the mark, Stopper
the cylinder and turn it quickly (30 times in a minute end over end. Allow the suspension to settle for 30
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Step - II Sucking the suspension

Gently remove by mild suction 225ml of suspension without disturbing bottom 25ml (within 15
seconds) and discard it.

Step - III Estimation

Transfer the bottom 25ml of suspension/sediment and estimate A.I content by relevant method
given in the specification.

Step. IV Calculation

% Suspensibility = 1000 (W1-W2)

9 W1
Where W = Weight in gm of a.i taken for test

W2 = Weight of a.i estimated in the bottom 25ml sediment

Emulsion Stability

2 or 5ml of sample is emulsified with standard hard water and diluted to 100ml in a Stoppard
measuring cylinder. Allow it to stand for one hour on a vibration free bench. Observe the emulsion for
creaming at the top and sediment at the bottom and measure the same, which should not exceed 2ml.

Water Runoff Test

Soak 10gms of sample for 15 min. in 50ml of water contained in a burette or glass tube fitted
with a stopcock. After the specified time drain off the water and estimate the a.i contained in the water.

Attrition Test

Determine the a.i in the residue on 75 micron sieve after shaking 100gms of sample for 2 hrs. on
rotap sieve shaker.

Flash point

Fill the cup (sample holder) of Abel’s closed cup flash point apparatus with the sample up to the
recommended level. Close the cup. Set up the test flame as very small dot or button. Measure the temp. of
the sample. Now introduce the test flame in to empty space above the surface of sample in the closed cup
and check whether the vapour contained in the empty space flashes or not. By repeating the above process
at different temperatures (by either heating or cooling the sample). The flash point of the sample should
be above 24.5 deg.C.


Spectroscopy is the science related to the study of interaction of radio magnetic energy with the
atoms, ions or molecules. When the electromagnetic radiation falls on the matter part of the radiant
energy is absorbed and remaining is transmitted are scattered or reflected. If the scattered or reflected
radiation is kept at least and constant, the measurement of transmitted radiation to that of incident
radiation is possible and the amount of absorbed radiation can be deduced out of it. The relationship can
be plotted to obtain spectrum called absorption/transmission spectrum. This type of study is known as
molecular absorption Spectroscopy. The instruments used for this study are Spectrophotometers .

The excited atoms ,ions or molecules on irradiation with a beam of electromagnetic radiation,
relax to lower energy levels by giving up their excess energy as photons ( fluorescence or
phosphorescence) to attain stability and such emitted radiant energy can be measured and plotted as a
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

spectrum which is called emission spectrum and the study the emission spectroscopy. The instruments
used for this study are Fluorometers and Spectrofluorometers.

We will confine our discussion to the molecular absorption spectroscopy in this chapter.

Important terminology used :

1.Wave length : maybe defined as distance between two troughs or crests of a wave ( denoted as
lambda) and expressed in micron( ), millimicron/ nanometer(nm)

2.Micron: 10-4 Cm

4.Wave number ( ): is defined as number of waves per centimeter. 1/ wavelength.
5.frequency ( ) may be defined as number of waves that passes through a unit in unit time.
V = C/ λ

6.velocity of light: C = 3 x 1010 Cm/sec

7.E = Energy
8.Planks constant = h = 6.623 x 10-27 erg sec/mol
9.Monochromatic light: The light which consists of polychromatic/multi wavelength radiation is
resolved using a prism or diffraction grating to give single wavelength radiation which is called
monochromatic light.

The electromagnetic radiation consists of a broad spectrum of radiations which are named on the
basis of their wave length or frequency as Gamma , X rays, Ultraviolet, Visible, Infrared rays and
Hertzian, Radio waves and Audible frequencies.

The radiation which are important for absorption spectroscopy are tabulated here under.

Sl.No Type of radiation Wave length Energy

1. Ultra violet (UV) 200 to 375 nm More
2. Visible (Vis.) 400 to 760 nm Medium
3. Infrared (IR) 1 micron to 50 micron Less

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Every radiation has got a defined amount of energy which is given by the relationship E = hC/
wavelength, where C is the speed of light and h planks constant whose product is constant and hence the
energy is associated with each wave length is unique and characteristic of it. The type of change that is
brought about in the energy level of the molecule by each monochromatic light is specific as that of their
energy. They may be listed as follows,

Type of radiation Type of energy level change

1. red (IR) Change in vibrational and rotational energy level
2. (Vis) Change in electronic level leading to excitation.
3. violet (UV) Change in electronic level leading to excitation.

Application : The molecular absorption spectroscopy can be applied for the purpose of qualitative and
quantitative analysis.

Qualitative Analysis:

As each molecular orbital in the molecule require a specific energy to excite to the higher energy
level, it absorbs a specific electromagnetic radiation or monochromatic light and becomes the qualitative
parameter for identification. Usually it is the lambda maximum and the shape of the spectrum of the
unknown compared with a known pure reference standard spectrum or compared with the spectra
available in the literature for its identification.

Quantitative analysis:

The quantitative analysis is based on two laws namely (i) Lamberts law. and (ii) Beer’s law and the
absorption is proportional to the concentration of the solute present in the solution within the limits of the
above laws.

Lamberts law : states that when monochromatic light passes through a transparent medium, the in
intensity of the emitted light decreases exponentially as the thickness of the absorbing medium increases
arithmetically, or that any layer of given thickness of the medium absorbs the same fraction of the light
incident upon it.

Beer’s law: state that the intensity of a beam of monochromatic light decreases exponentially as
concentration of absorbing substance increases arithmetically.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Combining both the laws we have Beer-Lamberts law , A = ecl = log I0/It = log 1/T = - log T

Where A= absorbance

e=molar absorption coefficient ( when concentration is expressed in mole dm-3)

c= concentration

l= path length

For any given molecule the molar absorption coefficient is constant and if a constant path length cell is
used then A is proportional to the concentration. And this principle is used for quantitative estimation of
the substances of known by comparing with the response/absorbance of a pure reference standard in a
single point calibration method or can draw a calibration curve of the reference standard and read out the
unknown concentration from its absorbance.

Deviations from the Beer’s law:

1. It is most reliable when radiation is monochromatic.

2. It is valid or linear relationship is observed only up to a particular concentration. Hence
quantitative analysis should be done within this range of linearity validity.
3. Solutions should be absolutely clear, even trace quantity of fine particles floating in solution will
give erratic results.
4. The cells should have absolutely transparent surfaces because Beer-Lamberts law assumes
minimum reflection of light.

UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
The schematic diagram of the UV-Visible Spectrophotometer is as follows.

Single beam spectrophotometer

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Double beam spectrophotometer

The UV-Visible Spectrophotometer consists of mainly a source, monochromator, Beam splitter, sample
path and reference path, cell holders and cells and the detector. The signal from the detector is fed to an
internal microprocessor or external personal computer, which will analyse the data, present in the desired
spectral form and generate the reports.

Source of light : The UV-Visible Spectrophotometer is equipped with two types of sources to give the
radiant energy to cover both the ranges of UV and Visible as no single source will be able to cover both
the ranges. The deuterium lamp is provided to supply the UV range of light, where as the tungsten lamp
provides the visible range.Both the lamps are aligned in such a way to give continuous spectrum of UV
and Visible range and the change over takes place automatically without any hindrance in scanning and
recording the complete range from 200 nm to 1100nm.

Monochromator: Earlier days the colorimeters were manufactured using filters as monochromators
and need to be changed depending on the requirement of the sample under investigation and the data
arrived are not so accurate.

Wavelength of absorbance Color Absorbed Color Remaining

maximum (nm)
380-420 Violet Green-yellow
420-440 Violet-blue Yellow
440-470 Blue Orange
470-500 Blue-green Red
500-520 Green Purple
520-550 Yellow-green Violet
550-580 Yellow Violet-blue
580-620 Orange Blue
620-680 Red Blue-green
680-780 Purple Green

The modern spectrophotometers are manufactured using either a prism or dispersive grating as
the monochromator, which will resolve spectrum to give an accuracy of 0.1nm. The monochromator is

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

made to move on rotating base with the help of a motor to project the required wave length through the

Beam splitter:

The spectrophotometers are manufactured as single beam and double beam instruments. The
single beam instruments are used in routine testing facilities where much accuracy is not involved and
they are less expensive than the double beam spectrophotometers. The double beam spectrophotometers
employ a design where the monochromatic light beam is split in to two and allowed to pass through two
paths one for reference solution and another for the sample solution. The two beams are made to reach
the detector simultaneously by employing a chopper, resulting in accurate measurement of the
transmission or absorption of light that takes place in the sample solution.


The most popular detector used in the Spectrophotometers is photomultiplier tube, which
converts the energy of the photons which falls on it in to an electrical energy and fed to the amplifier. The
amplifier transmits the data though the microprocessor connected to it which displays the transmission or
absorption values or it can plot the spectrum in case of scanning.

Photo Diode Array detector:

The latest of the detector is the Photo Diode Array detector which simultaneously collects the data points
through out the scanning wave lengths and process electronically to give the spectrum within no time.
This enables to identify the unknowns easily with much faster rate and can simultaneously obtain the
spectrum and absorption data for different wavelengths in a single run. This particular detector is
employed successfully in HPLC to monitor the unknowns where the quantity of sample available is
much less and in dynamic state.


Type of pesticide: Selective translocated herbicide belonging to phenoxy group

Molecular formula: C8 H6 O3 Cl2 Molecular weight: 221




Registered products:

S.No. Product Acid Equivalent Active Ingredient

1. 2,4-D Technical 97% 97% (As acid)
2. Ethyl Ester of 2,4-D – 90% 80% (As acid)
Technical 6% Free Acid (Max)
3. Granules 4% 4.5% (As ester)
4. W.P 18.5% 20.9% --do--
5. E.C 3% 38.3% --do--
6. SL 58% 69.8% (As salt)
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

7. SP 80% 88% --do--

Principle of analysis: Ester is converted to sodium salt. Salts (Sodium and amine salt) are acidified to
release 2,4-D acid which is extracted, washed and is titrated against standard sodium hydroxide solution.


Cl Cl
+ C2H5OH
+ NaOH

Cl Cl
Ethyl Ester of 2,4-D 2,4-D Sodium salt + HCl


2 2

Cl CH3 Cl

Cl Cl
2, 4 - D
Dimethyl amine salt of 2,4-D

Cl + H O
+ NaOH 2

2, 4 - D
Sodium salt of 2, 4 - D

Calculations: 1 GE of NaOH = 1 gm of 2, 4-D

1000 ml of 1 (N) Na OH = 221 gm of 2, 4-D

% AI as = 2.21 x t x n
Where t = titration reading in ml

N = normality of Na OH

W = weight of sample in gms.

Ester content % = 2, 4-D x 249

Dimethyl amine salt content % = 2, 4-D x 65.9
Sodium salt content % = 2, 4-D x 243

Introduce suitable dilution factor, if necessary, depending upon procedure:

Outline of the procedure:

(1) Technical 2,4-D

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

(a) A.I content: 5 gms of the sample, weighed accurately is dissolved in 50 ml of neutralized
alcohol. Add 50 ml water and titrate against standard 1(N) NaOH using bromothymol
blue (0.04% in alcohol) as indicator.
(b) Determination of free 2,4-D phenols:
i) Preparation of standard solution:
Dissolve 100 mg of pure 2,4-Dichlorophenol in 10 ml. acetone and dilute to 500 ml with water. Pipette 10
ml and dilute to 100 ml with water.

ii) Preparation of sample solution:

Weigh 200 mg of sample and dissolve in 60 ml of standard 0.1(N) NH4 OH and dilute to 500 ml with
distilled water.

iii) Colour development:

Pipette 50 ml of sample solution; add 0.5 ml of standard 4-amino-phenazone solution (2% in water) and
0.25 ml of potassium ferricyanide (7% in water) shake well.

Pipette 10 ml of standard solution, add 5 ml of standard ammonium hydroxide solution, (0.1N) dilute to
50 ml with water. Add 0.5 ml of standard 4-amino-phenazone and 0.25 ml of potassium ferricyanide.

Measure absorbance in spectrophotometer.

2)Amine salt of 2,4-D

1 gm of 2,4-D equivalent sample is weighed accurately, dissolved in 10 ml wate, acidified with dilute Hcl
(1:1), precipitate of 2,4-D extracted thrice with ether (25 ml each time), ether layer washed with minimum
quantity of water till free from chloride ions, ether distilled off, residue dissolved in 50 ml neutral alcohol
and 50 ml water and titrated against standard 0.1(N) NaOH using bromothymol blue as indicator.

(2) Sodium Salt: a stock solution of the sample is prepared by dissolving 10 gm in 250 ml water.
Pipette out 25 ml into separating funnel, acidify with 1.5 ml of dilute HCl (1:1), extract the acid
with ether, distill off the ether and titrate the residue of 2,4-D dissolved in 60 ml netutral alcohol
against 0.1(N) Na OH using broothymol blue as indicator.
(3) Ester: About 1 gm of 2,4-D equivalent sample is refluxed for 1 hour with 1.5 gm KOH, 80 ml
isopropanol and 20 ml water.
If the sample is EC: then extract the refluxed solution twice with petroleum ether. Then aqueous solution
is first neutralized with few drops of HCl (1:1) using phenolphthale-in and then made faintly alkaline with
NH4 OH (1:1). Then add 3 ml of 0.1% ba cl2. Shake continuously; dilute it to 250 ml mark in a
volumetric flask. Filter and pipette 100 ml into a separating funnel for further analysis.

If the sampe is technical: then transfer the entire solution after reflux into a separating funnel. Acidify the
solution with 3 ml HCl (1:1) extract 2,4-D with ether and proceed as mentioned under Sl. No. 3 above.

Identity test:

(1) For 2,4-D (Acid By TLC:

Spot on a silica gel-G (250 micron) plate, 10 microlitres of 5% solution, develop with chloroform+acetic
acid (95:5) Dry the plate at 1000c for 20 minute. Spray with bromocresol green solution (0.04% in

(2) For 2,4-D (Ester) : GLC method (described in subsequent section)

(3) For amine salt: 1 ml of sample is mixed with 5 ml of 1% sodium nitro prusside 2.5 ml of 10%
Acealdehyde and 5 ml of 2% sodium carbonate shake well. A dark blackish to brownish colour is
produced afgter 5 minutes.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

IS: 4321-1989 for 2,4-D (Technical)

IS: 1488-1989 for 2,4-D sodium (Technical)

IS: 7233-1991 for 2,4-D Ester (Technical)

IS: 10243-1993 for EC containing 2,4-D Ester

IS: 10244-1992 for WP containing 2,4-D Ester

IS: 13513-1992 for Gr containing 2,4-D Ester

IS: 1827-1989 for SL containing amine salt of 2,4-D


Description: Contact insecticide belonging to carbamate group.

Molecular Formula: C12H11O2N, Molecular Weight: 201

Structural Formula :

Registered Products: Technical - 97%

DP - 5% / 10%

WP - 50% / 85%

Flowable - 42%

Granule - 4%

LV - 40%

Combination - 4% each


(Carbaryl + Lindane)

Method of Analysis: a. Visible spectroscopy

b. HPLC* for estimation of Beta carbaryl.

a. Visible spectroscopy:

(i) Principle: Carbaryl, on alkaline hydrolysis, yields one mole each of 1-Naphthol, methylamine**, and
carbondioxide per mole of A.I. The reaction product, 1-Naphthol, is reacted with iodine solution to yield

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

purple red colour which is measured at 540 nm. The colour intensity (Absorbance) of test sample is
compared with that of standard reference sample and % AI content in test sample is calculated.

3 OH

+ NaOH + CO + CH NH
2 3 2

1 - Naphthol Methyl amine


+ I2 Coloured Complex

1 - Naphthol Iodine


a) Weigh, in two different flasks, enough quantity of reference standard and test sample equivalent
to 60 mgm A.I.
b) Add 10 to 15ml methanol followed by 1 ml of 0.5 (N) potassium hydroxide solution in methanol
and boil it for about 2 to 3 minutes. Add few more ml of methanol, if required, to prevent drying
up of flask.
c) Cool it to room temperature and dilute the solutions to 100 ml in a volumetric flask, filtering if
necessary, with methanol.
d) Pipette out 5 ml of these two solutions into two different 500 ml volumetric flasks, add about 300
ml water, followed by 20 ml of 0.01 (N) aqueous iodine solution. Shake well and dilute upto the
mark. Prepare a reagent blank.
e) Measure absorbances of these two solutions at 540 nm against reagent blank.

f) Calculations:

AI content % (m/m) = W1 X A2 X P
A1 W2
Where W1 = weight in gms of reference standard
A1 = absorbance of reference standard
A2 = absorbance of test sample
W2 = weight in gms of test sample
P = purity of reference standard
iii) I.S. Specifications:

IS : 7539 – 1975 for technical

IS : 7121 – 1973 for WDP
IS : 7122 – 1984 for DP
IS : 9368 – 1980 for granules
IS : 11784 – 1986 for carbaryl & GAMMA BHC granules

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30


Description: Systemic insecticide belonging to Organophosphorus group

Molecular Formula: C7H14O5NP Molecular weight: 223

Structural Formula:


Registered Products: Technical concentrate – 68% / 74%, SL – 36%

Method of Analysis: Visible spectroscopy.


Monocrotophos, on alkaline hydrolysis, yields one molecule each of 0,0-Dimethyl phosphoric

acid, aceto acetic acid monomethyl amide (MMA) forms. After acidifying, MMA is reacted with Ferric
ions to yield purple red colour which is measured at 544 nm. The colour intensity (Absorbance) of test
sample is compared with that of standard reference sample of Monomethyl Amide of Aceto Acetic Acid
(MMA), and % AI content in test sample is calculated. Thus, obtained value is corrected for interfering
impurity in the test sample, namely free MMA, in test sample, estimated separately without hydrolysis of
the sample.


Mol. Wt. 223
( Enol form of MMA )
ONa +


( Keto form of MMA ) ( Mol. Wt. 115 )


(I ) Estimation of total MCP content.

(A) Processing of sample.

(i) Weigh enough quantity of sample equivalent to 2.9 to 3.0 gms of AI into a 100 ml volumetric
flask, dissolve it in methanol and dilute it upto mark with methanol.

(ii) Transfer 10 ml of this solution to 250 ml volumetric flask and add 10 ml of 5 (N) aqueous sodium
hydroxide solutions. Keep it for 30 minutes at room temperature.

(iii) Neutralise the free alkalinity with 1(N) HNO3 and dilute upto the mark.

(B) Preparation of MMA standard solution.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Weigh 0.15 gms of MMA and dilute it with methanol in a 250 ml volumetric flask.

(C) Colour development.

Transfer 10 ml of solution A (iii) and B above into two 100 ml volumetric flasks. Add to both
flasks 10 ml of 5% methanolic acetic acid, 50 ml methanol and 10 ml of 4% aqueous ferric chloride
solution. Then add only to the flask containing MMA standard solution; 10 ml of sodium nitrate solution
(prepared by neutralising 10 ml of 5(N) NaOH with 1(N) HNO3 and diluting to 250 ml in a volumetric

Dilute the contents of both flasks with methanol upto the mark and measure absorbance at 544
nm against reagent blank.

(D) Calculation of total MCP content


= W1 X A2 X P X 19.41 = (X)
A1 W2

(II) Estimation of free MMA

(a) Transfer adequate volume (usually 2 to 4 ml) from stock solution of test sample (prepared as
under A (i) above) into a 100 ml volumetric flask. Develop colour as before and measure
absorbance (A3) at 544 nm against reagent blank.
(b) Calculate MCP equivalent to free MMA impurity in the sample as shown below:
MCP equivalent to free MMA.

= W1 X A3 X P X 0.776 = (Y)
A1 W2

III. Final calculation

(i) % A.I (w/w) in test sample = (X) - (Y)

(ii) % Free MMA (w/w) in test sample = Y

IV. IS Specifications:

IS : 8025 – 1990 for technical.

IS : 8074 – 1990 for S.L

Additional points:

(1) Reference standard to be used is MMA and not technical monocrotophos because with the latter,
it is not possible to estimate free MMA.
(2) Technical MMA is highly hygroscopic. Hence it should be weighed quickly to minimize
absorption of moisture. Alternatively, aqueous solution of MMA of known concentration may be
used as reference standard.
(3) It is the Enol form of MMA which produces colour with ferric ion. Keto form of MMA does not
produce colour with ferric ions. Hence about 10 minutes time should be given after addition of
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

ferric ion before measuring absorbance. This will enable complete conversion of Keto to Enol
form failing which erratic results will be obtained.
(4) While determining free MMA in the sample, absorbance values of standard and sample should be
as close as possible. If not, volume of stock solution of the sample, to be taken may be
proportionately reduced.


Description: Contact insecticide belonging to Organophosphorus group.

Molecular Formulation: C10H19O6PS2 Molecular Weight: 330

Structure Formula :


Registered Products: Technical - 95%

DP - 5%
WP - 25%
EC - 50%
ULV - 96%
Method of Analysis: Visible Spectroscopy.

(i) Principle:
Malathion, on alkaline hydrolysis, yields one mole each of 0, 0-Dimethyl Dithiophosphoric acid, fumaric
acid and two moles of ethanol per mole of AI. After acidifying, 0,0-Dimethyl Dithiophosphoric acid
(DMTA) is complexed with cupric ions to yield a yellow coloured complex which is extracted with
carbon tetrachloride and colour intensity (Absorbance) is measured* at 420 nm. The absorbance value of
test sample is compared with that of standard reference sample and % AI content in test sample is


Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

P +
+ NaOH
CH2 - COOC2H5 Hydrolysis CH3O S -H

O,O - Dimethy dithio-

phosphoric Acid
+ 2 ( C 2H5OH )
Fumaric Acid Ethyl Alcohal
2 S
P + FeCl3
P Fe P +
Fe++ CH3O S S

+ CuSO4 P Cu P
Cu++ CH3O S



Coloured complex is unstable and hence absorbance of sample and standard should be measured at the
same time lapse after addition of cupric ions.


i) Weigh enough quantity of reference standard and test sample to contain 100 mgm AI. Dilute
to 100 ml with ethanol/methanol in 100 ml volumetric flasks.
ii) Transfer 10 ml of these two solutions into two 100 ml volumetric flasks, add 1 ml acetonitrile
and dilute upto the mark with methanol.
iii) Transfer 15 ml of these two solutions into two different 250 ml separating funnels. Add 2 ml
of aqueous 0.5 (N) sodium hydroxide solutions. Allow the reaction (Hydrolysis) to proceed at
room temperature for 2 minutes.
iv) Add 75ml of ferric reagent* and keep it for 5 minutes.
v) Add, either by pipette or by volumetric flask, exactly 50 ml of carbon tetrachloride.
vi) ** Add, by fast delivery pipette, 2 ml of 1.5% aqueous copper sulfate solution. Shake
vigorously for 1 minute. Measure within 5 minutes absorbance of yellow coloured carbon
tetrachloride layer at 420 nm against solvent.
vii) Calculations:
AI content % (W/W) = W1 X A2 X P
A1 W2

Where W1 = Weight in gms of reference standard

A1 = Absorbance of reference standard
A2 = Absorbance of test sample
W2 = Weight in gms of test sample
P = Purity of reference standard

* Dissolve 4 gms of ferric chloride and 160 ml of conc. HCl in 500 ml water. Dilute 25 ml of this
solution to 1 litre with water.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

** Since colour is unstable, first process reference standard followed by test sample solution.

IS Specifications:

IS : 1832 – 1978 for technical

IS : 2567 – 1978 for EC

IS : 2568 – 1978 for DP

IS : 2569 – 1978 for WDP

3. Principles, operation and application of various chromatographic

Chromatography can be defined as a process in which separation of chemicals in a
mixture is accomplished by the differential adsorption /partition in two immiscible phases.
Chromatography is a technique to separate the components of a mixture based on
differential migration caused by a mobile phase over a stationary phase.

Chromatography word is derived from the Greek Word, Chromos meaning Colour, Graph of
Colours meaning Chromatography

Types of Chromatography

1. Column Chromatography – separates liquid sample in a liquid solvent (M.P.) and a column composed
of solid beads (S.P.)

2. Paper Chromatography – separates dried liquid samples with a liquid solvent (M.P.) and a paper
strip (S.P.)

3. Thin Layer Chromatography – separates dried liquid samples with a liquid solvent (M.P.) and a
glass plate covered a thin layer of adsorbent (S.P.)

4. Gas Chromatography – separates vaporized samples with a carrier gas (M.P.) and a column
composed of a liquid or of solid beads (S.P.)

5. High Performance Liquid Chromatography – separates liquid samples with a liquid solvent (M.P.)
and a column composed of solid beads (S.P.)

Chromatographic Methods Classification

Based on

I. Geometry of system

a. In column chromatography - the stationary phase is contained in tube called the

E.g. Column Chromatography, GLC and HPLC

b. Planar Chromatography - in this geometry the stationary phase is configured as a thin

two dimensional sheet.

In paper chromatography - a narrow strip of paper serves as a stationary phase.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

In thin Layer Chromatography – a thin film of a stationary phase of solid particles bound together
for mechanical strength with a binder such as calcium sulfate, is coated on a glass plate or plastic
or metal sheet.

II. Mode of Operation

o Development Chromatography – The Flow of mobile phase is stopped before solute

reach the end of the bed of stationary phase. Eg. Paper chromatography & Thin Layer

o Elution Chromatography – This method employed with columns involves solute

migration through the entire system. Detector continuously monitors the amount of solute
emerging out of the column Eg. Column Chromatography, GLC & HPLC.

III Based on the Phases involved

Mobile Phase Stationary Phase Type of Chromatography

Gas Liquid Gas Liquid Chromatography

Gas Solid Gas Solid Chromatography

Liquid Solid Liquid Solid Chromatography

Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Chromatography

IV Principles of Separation

Adsorption Chromatography – Chromatography in which separation is based on difference

between the adsorption affinities of the sample components for the surface of an active solid.

Partition Chromatography – Chromatography in which separation is based on differences

between the solubility of sample components in the Stationary phase and Mobile Phase.
The Affinity Chromatography – In this type of chromatography an affinity ligand specific for a
binding site on the target molecule, is coupled to an inert chromatography matrix.
Under suitable binding conditions this affinity matrix will bind molecule according to its
specificity only. All other sample components will pass through the medium unabsorbed.
After the wash step, adsorbed molecules are released and eluted by changing the conditions
towards dissociation or by adding an excess of a substance that displaces the target molecule from
a affinity ligand.

ION Exchange Chromatography - Chromatography in which separation is Based on difference

in the ion – exchange affinities of the sample component anions or cations are covalently
attached to stationary phase usually a resin.

Exclusion Chromatography - Stationary phase used are porous material. The mechanism used
for separating solute molecules according to their size is known as exclusion or size exclusion

Filtration performed in aqueous solvents on water soluble species are described as Gel
Filtration Chromatography (GFC).

Filtration performed on non – aqueous solvents on species soluble in organic solvents

are described as Gel permeation Chromatography (GPC).

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Features of Chromatography

 Two mutually immiscible phases

 One phase is stationary and the other one is mobile
 The Mixture is partitioned between the stationary and mobile phase
 Dependent upon the relative attraction of each component for the two phases
 Sample components are gradually separated into bands in the mobile phase
 At the end of the process separated components emerge in order of increasing interaction
with the stationary phase.

Application of Chromatography

I. Qualitative Analysis : is based on the retention time of the solute in the column (Rt )
II. Quantitative Analysis: is based on the response of the solute measured in terms of height
or area (based on Peak Height or based on Peak Area) .

Uses of Chromatography

a. Used by Scientist to

i. Analyze – Examine a mixture, its components and their relations to one another
ii. Identify – Determine the identity of a mixture of components based on
known components
iii. Purify – Separate components in order to isolate one of interest for further study
iv. Quantify – Determine the amount of the components present in the sample

b. In Real Life

i. Pharmaceutical company – Determine amount of each chemical found in new product

ii. Hospital – Detect blood or alcohol levels in a patients’ blood stream
iii. Law Enforcement – To compare a sample found at a crime scene, to sample from
iv. Environmental Agency – Determine the level of pollutants in the environmental samples.
v. Manufacturing plants – To purify a chemical needed to make a product.

Principles of Gas Chromatography

Gas chromatography (GC) or gas liquid chromatography (GLC) involves a sample being vaporized &
injected into the chromatographic column containing liquid stationary phase. The sample is transported
through the column by a flow of inert gaseous mobile phase (carrier gas). Separation takes place due to
differential migration caused by a mobile phase over a stationary phase.

GLC is operated at high temperature, hence it is must that, samples to be analyzed by this technique
should be thermally stable at operating temperature and volatile in nature. All the basic components of the
GLC are heated in different manner with some purpose.

Temperature of Injector port is usually maintained 500C higher than the boiling point of the least
volatile component of the sample, Column is heated slightly above the average boiling point of sample &
Detector temperature is kept highest to prevent condensation of compounds at detector which may lead to
loss of sensitivity.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Gas chromatograph mainly consists of injector, column, detector & recorder. Diagram -Typical
gas chromatograph

Chemical introduced in vapors phase and pass through the column of liquid stationary phase.
Separation takes place due to their differential partition in two phases in to different degree.

Partition Co-efficient (K)

The ratio of the Concentration Of a chemical in liquid phase to the concentration In gaseous phase.

K = -----
Cg Where, K=PartitionCoefficient
Cl = Conc. of chemical in liquid phase
Cg = Conc. of chemical in gaseous phase

GLC is a dynamic system where there is a continuous flow of carrier gas, Time taken by
the chemical to come out from the column is called as ‘Retention Time’ which is constant under
the set of parameters, hence Retention Time (RT) Forms the basis for identification. Length of
column plays important role in separations of mixture. Column should be sufficiently long to get
good separation.

If it is too much long, there will be complete separation but,

o RT will increase (Longer Run Time)

o Gives broad peak (Peak Broadening)

Effects of Various Parameters on Retention Time (RT)

1. Column Length
Increase in length - RT will increase
Decrease in length - RT will decrease

4. Temperature of Column
Increase in temperature - RT will decrease
Decrease in temperature - RT will increase

3. Carrier Gas Flow rate

Increase in flow rate - RT will decrease
Decrease in flow rare - RT will increase

4. Concentration of Stationary Phase

Increase in concentration - RT will increase
Decrease in concentration - RT will decrease

5. Particle size of Solid Support

Smaller the size - RT will increase
Larger the size - RT will decrease

Column Efficiency

Theoretical Plate (n)

Chemical passes through mobile phase to stationary phase and vice-versa. The junction is called
as Theoretical Plate.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

N = 16 (Rt/Wb)2

N = No. of Theoretical plates
Rt = Retention time
Wb = Width of the peak at base

More the no. of n, column will be more efficient.

Height Equivalent to Theoretical Plates (HETP)

HETP = ------

Where, l = Length of the column

n = No. of Theoretical plates

- Value of HETP is less, Efficiency will be more.

- Ideal length of Theoretical plate is 1 mm.


Separation of two chemicals in a mixture is called Resolution.

Rt2 - Rt1
R = --------------------------
0.5 (Wb1 + Wb2)

Carrier gas

The carrier gas must be chemically inert. The carrier gas is either nitrogen, helium, hydrogen or
argon. The choice depends on factors such as availability, cost, consumption, purity & type of detector

When detectors like FID & NPD are employed, in addition to carrier gas two more gases
are required as fuel gases i.e. hydrogen & zero air. As these gases are used from high pressure
cylinders, its supply is controlled through regulators and flow meters. Though, these gases are
highly purified, it is passed through the adsorbents like silica, charcoal & molecular sieve to protect gas
chromatograph from moisture & pollutants.

Sample injection port

The injector can be used in one of two modes – split or split less. The injector contains a
heated chamber containing a glass liner into which the sample is injected using a micro syringe with a
hypodermic needle. The needle is inserted through a self-sealing silicone rubber septum. The carrier gas
enters the chamber & can leave by three routes in split mode. The sample vaporizes to form a mixture of
carrier gas, vaporized solvent & vaporized solutes.


Column is a heart of chromatograph, as actual separation is effected in the column. There

are two types of columns – Packed & Capillary (also known as open tubular column).

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Packed columns contain a finely divided, inert, solid support material coated with liquid stationary
phase. Most packed columns are 0.5 to 2 meter in length & have a inner diameter of 2 to 3 mm.

Capillary column have an inner diameter of a few tenth of mm. They can be of two types,

i. Wall coated open tubular (WCOT) – columns have the stationary phase coated directly on
to the inner wall of the tubing.

ii. Support coated open tubular (SCOT) – columns have a finely divided layer of solid support
material deposited on the inner wall, on to which the stationary phase is then

SCOT columns are less efficient than WCOT columns & both types of capillary columns are
more efficient than packed columns.

In 1979 a new type of WCOT column was devised – The fused silica open tubular (FSOT)
column. These have much thinner wall than glass capillary column. These columns are flexible & can be
wound into coils. They have the advantage of physical strength, flexibility & low reactivity


Detector is a transducer that transforms chemical or physical properties of an analytes

into an electrical signal. The function of detector is to sense and measure the small amounts of the
separated components present in the carrier gas stream leaving the column. The output from the detector
is fed to a device which produces a trace called chromatogram.

The choice of detector depends on the concentration level to be measured and the nature of
separated components. Detectors are of two types,

i. Destructive – Sample which comes in contact of detector are destroyed & can not be used
for other detector.

ii. Non destructive – After sensing it remains undestroyed & can be used for other
detectors. FID & TCD are used for pesticide formulation
analysis, whereas, ECD, NPD,FPD & PID are used for
pesticide residue analysis.

Properties of detectors

Each detector has different sensitivity, linearity, stability & selectivity.


This is usually defined as the detector response (mV) per unit concentration of analyte
(mg / mL). It is an amount of analytes that can produce signal equal to twice of noise (baseline).


The linearity refers to the concentration range over which the signal is directly proportional to the
amount (or concentration) of analyte. A large linear range is a great advantage, but detectors with a small
linear range may still be used because of their other qualities.


Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

An important characteristics of a detector is the extent to which the signal output remains
constant with time, assuming there is a constant input. Lack of stability can be exhibited in two ways: by
baseline noise or by drift, both of which will limit the sensitivity of the detector.

Universal or selective response

A universal detector will respond to all the components present in a mixture. In contrast, a
selective detector senses only certain components in a sample. This can be advantageous if the detector
responds only to components of interest. The quantitative determination of component in GLC using
different type of detectors are based upon the measurement of the recorded peak area or peak height.

Hot Wire Detector

The Hot wire detector is also known as Thermal conductivity detector. In the detector two pairs
of matched filaments are arranged in a Wheatstone bridge circuit; two filaments in opposite arms of the
bridge are surrounded by the effluent from the chromatographic column. When pure carrier gas passes
over both the reference and sample filaments, the bridge is balanced, but when a vapour emerges from the
column, the rate of cooling of the sample filament changes and the bridge becomes unbalanced. The
extent of this imbalance is a measure of the concentration of vapour in the carrier gas which is fed to the
recorder producing the chromatogram.

In case of TCD, helium and hydrogen are the best carrier gases, as their thermal
conductivities are much higher than any other gases. On safety grounds helium is most preferred
because of its inertness.

TCD is universal, non destructive, simple and rugged detector.

Flame Ionization Detector

The effluent from the column is

mixed with hydrogen & burned in
the air to produce a flame over a tip
of the jet. As separated compounds
emerges out of the column, burns in
hydrogen rich flame and produces
ions which are collected at electrodes
resulting in increased conductivity &
increase in current, which is proportional to the quantity of chemical. FID is
nearly a universal detector for gas chromatography of organic compounds,
coupled with high sensitivity, stability, fast response and wide linear response range. This has made it
the most popular detector.

Electron Capture Detector

The ECD operates by ionization of the carrier gas from a radioactive source (H 3 or Ni63) splitting off
slow moving electrons. This ionization gives a background current commonly referred as standing
current. When halogenated compound passes through the detector, a certain amount of the free electrons
are captured, resulting decrease in standing current which is proportional to the quantity of the chemical,
is displayed as a peak on the recorder.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Nitrogen Phosphorus Detector

This contain an electrically heated a silica or ceramic bead fused to platinum wire is impregnated with
rubidium salt and placed between the jet and the collector electrode. The temperature of the bead
electrically heated by passing the current through platinum wire maintain at 600-800 0C temperature.
While plasma (flame) is sustained in the region of bead, when the flow of H2 gas is reduced to 1-2 ml /

NPD works on same principle as in case of FID. Presence of alkali bead makes it selective and more
sensitive to nitrogen and phosphorus containing compounds.

Flame Photometric Detector

It is based upon the atomic emission of light at 526 nm for ‘P’ and 394 nm for ‘S’. when compounds
containing these species are burnt in a hydrogen rich flame, the light collected with a mirror, filtered to a
specific wave length and measured by a photo multiplier tube.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Photo Ionization Detector

It works as an ionization detector similar to FID or ECD and the response results from the
collection and amplification of ions at a positively charged collector electrode using a conventional high-
impedance amplifier.

As organic solute molecules elute from the column, ions are produced by irradiating the elute with
light from a high-intensity ultraviolet lamp.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Important Detector – A Comparison

Detector Principle of operation Selectivity Sensitivity Linearity Minimum Carrier gas Remarks
(mic. gm) ( detectability

TCD Measure of thermal Universal 1 104 10-5 H2, N2 Non destructive,

Conductivity He2, CH4 simple, inexpensive
& rugged

FID H2, O2 Universal 10-1 107 2X 10-11 He, N2 Destructive


ECD N2 + ß ---- e-1 Selective 10-7 5X102 10-13 N2 Non-destructive

H3,Ni63 e + sample

AFID Alkali modified Selective P 10-7 103 1.5X10-14 He, N2 Destructive

(NPD) H2, O2 flame N – 10-3 1X10-12

FPD H2, O2 flame Selective P – 10-5 105 1X10-12 He, N2 Destructive

S 8X10-11

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30


The chromatographic column is the heart of the instrument.. The packed column has an internal
diameter of 2-4mm and has tubular construction of either glass or stainless steel . The column is
packed with particles, which act either as retarding stationary phase or may be coated with a thin film
of organic material, which may act as the stationary phase. There are two major types of capillary
columns. One is termed porous layer open tubular [PLOT] column, in which inner surface of the
column has embedded layer that contains stationary phase. The other type is a wall – coated open
tubular [WCOT] column in which a thin film organic stationary phase is bonded directly onto the inner
surface of the column. WCOT capillary columns are used for gas chromatographic analysis of trace
organic compounds. He inner diameter of capillary columns ranges from about 0,18 mm 0.53 mm.
columns with an id of 0.35mm are known as mega bore and are some what unique in that they can be
used in GC systems configured for either capillary or packed columns. The i.d.of packed columns ranges
from 2 to 4 mm. The separation power of respective columns is given by total chromatograhic plate
counts. These values are calculated for typical lengths of 20m for a capillary and 2m for a packed
column. The capillary column has 10-30 times more separating power than packed columns . If column
efficiencies are compared, calculated by normalizing chromatographic plates to length of columns [i.e
plates/ m],. capillary columns are slightly more efficient than packed columns. The high separating
power of capillary columns is achieved primarily by column lengths that can be achieved in column

The column capacity i.e mass of individual solutes that can be injected into columns is measured
in nanograms[ng] , for very narrow bore 0.18 mm capillary column is limited to about 100 ng per
component and increases to 1,000-2,000 ng for megabore [0.53mm].columns. By comparison,
capacity for packed columns is considerably higher, of the order of 10,000 ng . The packed column is
usually employed when sample injection volume is large. Generally packed columns are unfavorable for
trace analysis due to baseline instabilities as consequence of pressure changes during dosing procedure as
the result of excessive column bleed at high sensitivities
Capillary columns made from fused silica and synthetic quartz, coated on the out side with polyamide,
which make them flexible and easy to handle. Stationary phases are cross-lined polymers bonded to
interior column wall, effectively eliminating column bleed. Length of the capillary columns ranges from
10-60 m, however, 15 or 30m columns are commonly used for residue work.

Heating a column without carrier gas flow or exposing it to any oxygen at temperature 100οC
even for shorter periods can damage phases rapidly and irreversibly. Efficiency increases as capillary
columns bore size decreases. However, sample capacity decreases with decreasing bore size. For
narrow bore, gas flow requirement is at or less than 0.9ml/min, for traditional capillary columns, it is at
or less than 3ml/min. and for wide bore capillary columns, it is at or less than 6ml/min..However, wide
bore columns can accommodate 20-30 ml/min. gas flow without generating excessive column head
pressure. It is important the column should not be stressed in the oven and that couplings should not be
over tightened. It is good practice to carry out a leak test on the system frequently; but avoid using soap
solution for leak test of column since this may contaminate column. Ethyl acetate is known to be a
suitable solvent because of its volatility. Most problems of GC comes from leak and contamination.


The stationary phase of the column system is chosen after considering polar characteristics
of the analytes, their volatility range and column temperature programme. A diverse range of stationary
phase is available for WCOT capillary columns, 100℅ dimethylpolysiloxane polymer that is chemically
bonded on to the interior wall of the column, this is a non-polar stationary phase. This basic polymeric
matrix can be modified to create slightly more polar phase by incorporating phenyl group into the
structure. The 5% phenyl polymer composition is one of the most widely used separation phase. A
much more polar phase can be created by incorporating a cyanopropylphenyl group into the basic
dimethylpolysiloxane polymer. Nonpolar phases are more stable and chromatographically robust than
polar phases, which tend to have a lower temperature tolerance and are more susceptible to oxidative
damage if air is introduced into the column.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

DB-5 is non-polar column with 5% -phenyl , methylpolysiloxane, DB-1 has most nonpolar
siloxane stationary phas, surface bonded with 100% dimethylpolysiloxane. Db-5 is similar to DB-1
excepting that 5% of the methyl group is substituted with phenyl group, which is more polar. DB-17 has
a medium polar stationary phase(5% [phenyl-methyl polysiloxane). Generally more polar the stationary
phase is, better is the separation.

Film thickness ranges 0.1 – 5.0 um, and normally columns with 1.0 or 1.5um film thickness are
used in pesticide determination.

Polar stationary phases (cyanopropyl phenyl) are difficult to coat on to column walls, and hence
are usually available only 1.0um film thickness. They tend to bleed more than their non-polar
counterparts. Heating a column without carrier gas flow or exposing it to oxygen at temperature at or
above 100C, even for shorter period, can damage phases rapidly and irrseversibly. The stationary phases
fall into two categories i.e Liquids and solids, giving rise to GLC and GSC. Liquid stationary phases are
by far most frequently used reliable among the two types.

Liquid Stationary phases: Liquid stationary phases are used in both packed and capillary
columns . In either case, the properties which they need and the way in which they work are the
same and also the same type of compounds are used in both types of columns.. The liquid
stationary phase is a liquid which is coated on a solid support and packed in a column. When the
column is heated, the liquid layer on the solid support is activated and it comes in contact with
the mixture of compounds in gaseous form and due to affinity the components in the mixture
tend to remain in liquid or in gaseous phase.

Properties for stationary phase:

It must be non-volatile, and it should be thermally stable. and chemically inert i.e it should not
react with the components of the mixture to be identified. It should have high molecular mass such
molecules with high molecular mass have low volatilities. Saturated hydrocarbons,silicones ethers,esters
and amides are choosen. It should have polar molecules with strong inter molecular attraction..

When a mixture of chemical is introduced in a vapour phase and pushed through a column, the two
immiscible phases act on it at different degrees and partition takes place.

The partition coefficient (K) defined as the ratio of concentration of chemical in the stationary
phase to that of mobile phase.

K = CL

Chemically the stationary phases are organo-silicates with four different groups of configuration.
R1,R2,R3,R4 occupied by phenyl, methyl (CH3), cyanopropyl (C3H6CN) and tri-flluoro-propyl

Physically stationary phases are thick viscous gummy substances having high boiling point,
non-volatile, inert and thermally stable.

Solid stationary phases -

Solid stationary phases are less commonly used,but are attractive because they offer much
greater selectivity and in fact are
Often essential for analysis of gases and metals.

Solids stationary phases can be divided into two groups,i). those which operate by adsorption
and ii) those which operate on the molecular sieving principle.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Adsorption onto a solid surface is not a uniform principle process. Some areas of the surface
adsorb molecules more rapidly and more strongly than others and in such areas the adsorbed molecules
cluster more thickly. Such areas are known as active sites and they tend to be found by cracks and
crevices. This non-uniformity leads to non-linear adsorption and tailing. b) Forces responsible for
adsorption - a) hydrogen bonding b) dipole – dipole attraction , c) dipole induced dipole attraction ,d)
dispersion forces.

ii. Molecular sieves.

Examples of solid stationary phases:-

1. Alumina
2. Carbon black
3. Zeolite
4. Silica gel
5. Porous polymers


The support is a solid material on which the liquid stationary phase is coated in a packed
column. The support should have following properties. 1. Chemical inertness, thermal stability, non-
adsorbancy.2. Mechanical strength, uniform particle size, large surface area per unit volume.

The most important group of support are the diatomaceous earth based materials eg. Kieselguhr,
celite, chromosorb,crushed firebrick.

Diatomaceous earth is very porous and therefore has a high surface area, enabling it to absorb a
large amount of liquid stationary phase (up to 20- 30%) whilst still remaining a free flowing powder.
Chemically diatomaceous earth consists of about 95% SiO2, the remainder being Al2O3 and other metal
oxides. It is chemically inert and weak adsorbent , and can interfere with GLC. It does not have great
mechanical strength naturally .

High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Early liquid chromatography (LC) was carried out in glass column and with a diameter of 10 to
150mm . The columns were packed with 50cm to 500cm lengths of solid particles coated with an
adsorbed liquid that formed stationary phase. To ensure reasonable flow through the column, the particle
size were kept at 150 to 200 micro meter, even then the flow rates were at best few tenths of milliliter per
minute. Thus separation times were too long –often several hours. It is only after sixties that technology
came in to existence to make suitable pumps which can pump efficiently through 3 to 10 micron
columns. With the change in particle change and the efficient pumps the terminology of High Pressure
Liquid Chromatography has changed in to High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Now we are in
the era of Fast Liquid Chromatography where the reduced length of the column , reduced particle size of
1.7 microns stationary phase, and pumps capable of pumping with high pressures made it possible to
resolve very complicate matrix with ease and less time.

HPLC schematic diagram:

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Solvent reservoir: The solvent reservoirs are filled with the respective HPLC grade solvents which needs
to be filtered (if not already filtered) and degassed. Each of the solvent needs to be connected to the
pumps through the inert tubing and needs priming and purging of air and earlier solvent from the tubing
and the pump head. Utmost care should be taken while preparing mobile solvents and purging as in many
instances it is the mobile solvent(s) that effects system operation in a number of ways such as high
system back pressure, flow-related baseline noise, shifting retention times, abnormal peak shapes and
incorrect qualitative /quantitative results.

Solvent preparation:

Filtration: The filtration of the solvent is done using clean glass flasks and appropriate choice of filter
membranes with pore size of 0.45 microns or less and preserved in sealed containers. If premixing of
solvents is required it must be done using a clean and properly rinsed measuring cylinders/pipettes in
dust free atmosphere.

Solvent degassing: Proper degassing is essential to obtain reproducible retention times, stable pump
operation, stability in the baseline, stable operating pressures and enhanced sensitivity. The following are
some of the degassing methods.

1. Vacuum filtration: Vacuum filtration through 0.45 micron or less pore size membrane is one
method to degas the solvents but takes a longer time and may not be efficient alone.

2. Sonication: Sonication technique is used high energy sound waves to drive energy in to solvent
and cause submicron sized gas to aggregate. As the gas bubbles aggregate, they become large
enough to float out of the solvent. However as in the case of vacuum filtration the Sonication
alone is not enough to bring out the desired degassing as it takes longer times. There fore a
combination of vacuum filtration and Sonication `be used to achieve the degassing of solvents
within a minute.

3. Sparging: Sparging with helium though the solvents will saturate the solvents with helium and
leaves a blanket of helium has over the solvent which will prevent the degassed solvents from
absorbing the atmospheric gases.

4. In line degassing: The solvents are made to flow through a gas permeating chamber kept under
vacuum and such degassed solvents are pumped through the system. This problem do not suffer
the re saturation of gasses and can maintain a steady base line.

HPLC Solvents:
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

The solvents used in HPLC are analytical pure, free from suspended particles and also degassed
to give steady base line and without any interference in the analysis. Its physico chemical properties
should hinder neither the process of chromatography nor the identification of the solute under
investigation. For example if the detector used is spectrophotometer the solvents should be transparent
enough at the wave length of interest for the solute under investigation. The following are some of the
important solvents used in HPLC with important properties.

Sl.No. Solvent Miscibility UV cut off point RI Polarity index

1. Hexane 29 0.0
2. Cyclohexane 28 200 1.427 0.0
3. n-Decane 29 1.412 0.3
4. Octane 29 215 1.404 0.4
5. Carbon tetra chloride 265 1.466 1.7
6. Tri ethanolamine 26 1.8
7. Iso – propyl ether 26 1.368 2.2
8. Toluene 23 285 1.496 2.3
9. Benzene 21 280 1.501 3.0
10. Methylene chloride 20 232 1.424 3.4
11. Chloroform 19 245 1.443 3.4
12. Tetra hydro furan 17 225 1.408 4.2
13. Ethyl acetate 19 260 1.37 4.3
14. 1-Propanol 15 210 1.380 4.3
15. 2-Propanol 15 205 1.380 4.3
16. Ethanol 14 210 1.361 5.2
17. Pyridine 16 1.510 5.3
18. Acetone 15, 17 330 1.359 5.4
19. Acetonitrile 11.17 190 1.344 6.2
20. Acetic acid 14 230 (1% of MP) 1.372 6.2
21. Dimethyl formamide 12 1.428 6.4
22. Methanol 12 205 1.329 6.6
23. Formamide 3 7.3
24. Water -- 180 1.330 9.0

It is common practice to prepare the water for HPLC in their own laboratory. It is prepared by
distillation of distilled water or de ionised water twice preferably in quartz distillation unit, filtered and
stored in closed in sealed borosilicate bottles. The water is degassed before use just like any other HLC

Mobile phase modifiers: Apart from the usual mixtures of mobile phases for achieving separation in the
process of chromatography, to avoid tailing of the peaks , mobile phase modifiers like water, isopropyl
alcohol, to non polar mobile phase and tetra hydrofuran /acetic acid to polar mobile phases are added.

Pump: The pumps are operated preferably wet and without air bubbles. The flow settings are done as
per the requirement and the programming of the gradient flow is done carefully. The system leaks if any
be checked and rectified by identifying the problem. The pressure monitoring and safety pressure limits
also are maintained while running the pump.
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Injector port: The injector port is used in HPLC is a two stage injector port, where sample is loaded in
one stage and injected in the second stage. Moreover the injector consists of an automatically adjusted
pre calibrated sample loop which will allow only fixed amount of sample solution on to the column every
time which enables the analyst to introduce the sample without any injection error as in the case of GLC,
where much practice is required to obtain accuracy in the injections. However, certain precautions need
to be taken while injecting the sample like, using appropriate syringe, proper cleaning , sufficient amount
of sample ( always excess than sample loop size), clean syringe and without air bubbles.

Column: The choice of column is dependent on the type of molecules under investigation and is
maintained always in wet conditions. The assembling and detaching the column from the system requires
caution. The appropriate column and the compatible solvents may be identified while changing the
column and operating the system. The column requires to be equilibrated before actually use for analysis
to obtain reproducible retention times and areas. After use the solvent is allowed to run through column
to see the contaminants from the previous injection (s) flushed out and if necessary the proportion of the
polar solvent in the system be increased and run for some time so as to clean the column. The highly
contaminated columns requires regeneration using the series of solvents in sequence as recommended.
The columns are stored in a cool and vibration free shelves/cupboards.
Column maintenance:

The columns are shipped in a solvent suitable for the column by the manufacturer when supplied.
The column requires to be equilibrated before use in a sequential order and finally set the required
mobile phase. The following is one of the examples to follow to use .,

Silica column

Shipping solvent → Dichloromethane → isopropyl alcohol → Methanol →

Mobile phase → Dichloromethane

The equilibrium may be done by using a minimum of 50 volumes of column of each solvent
given and whenever the column needs to be regenerated the same cycle be repeated. When column is not
in use the column may be washed with appropriate intermediate solvents and finally preserved in hexane
or cyclohexane by end capping.

C18 or C8 columns:

Shipping solvent → 50% aq solvent → Methanol → Mobile solvent

The equilibrium may be done by using a minimum of 50 volumes of column of each solvent
given and whenever the column needs to be regenerated the same cycle be repeated. When column is not
in use the column may be washed with appropriate intermediate solvents and finally preserved in
methanol by end capping.

The columns may be tested for their efficiency using appropriate chemicals and the operating
conditions based on use or the manufacturers certificate.


The detectors used in HPLC depends on the solute under investigation and their physico chemical
properties with which the identity and quantification is most suitable. Commonly used detectors are ,
UV-Vis. Spectrophotometer/ Photo Diode Array (PDA) detector, Fluorescence detector, Refractive
Index(RI) detector, Mass Spectrometer and triple quad MS/MS detector.

The following table shows the commonly used detectors for different applications.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Sl.No. Detector Types of molecules Application

1. UV-Vis. Organic molecules, Any molecule that absorbs light between 170 and
Spectrophotometer, bio- molecules, 700 nm, PDAs are typically used either when the
PDA except carbohydrates molecules in the mixtures absorb at different
wavelengths or when the e max is unknown. PDA
can be used for determining the e max.
2. Fluorescence Aromatic compounds Generally used for applications that require
(PAHs) extremely high sensitivity (e.g. Residue analysis)
3. Refractive Index Carbohydrates, Molecules that do not have a UV chromophore and
Polymers can not be analysed by UV-Vis.
4. Mass spectrometer Organic molecules, Used to detect and determine the mass on any
Bio molecules molecule that can be ionized and is within the mass
range of the specific MS
5. Triple quad MS/MS Organic molecules, As above but allow more detailed structural studies
Bio molecules to be performed.

The UV-Vis Spectrophotometer detector is used widely used for quality control work in organic
analysis including Pesticide Quality control. For investigational and monitoring of Pesticide Residues
work the PDA is preferred. For conformational analysis the MS and MS/MS are the ultimate choice.

4. Pesticide Dissipation, Residue Dynamics, Different methods/ Steps in

residue analysis

Pesticide Dissipation

Releasing of pesticides into the environment can be beneficial (leaching of some herbicides into the root
zone can give you better weed control) and sometimes harmful as not all of the applied chemical reaches
the target site (runoff can move a herbicide away from target weed). The chemical is wasted, weed
control is reduced, and there is more chance of damaging other plants and polluting soil and water. Or
some of the pesticide may drift downwind and outside of the intended application site.
Dissipation of pesticides is defined as loss of pesticide residues from an environmental compartment due
to degradation and transfer to another environmental compartment. The dissipation includes various
processes like adsorption, transfer, breakdown and degradation.

Picture: Various Dissipation Processes

A. Transfer Processes
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Adsorption is the binding of pesticides to soil particles. The amount a pesticide is adsorbed to the soil
varies with the type of pesticide, soil, moisture, soil pH, and soil texture. Pesticides are strongly adsorbed
to soils that are high in clay or organic matter. They are not as strongly adsorbed to sandy soils.
Most soil-bound pesticides are less likely to give off vapours or leach through the soil. They are also less
easily taken up by plants. For this reason you may require the higher rate listed on the pesticide label for
soils high in clay or organic matter.

Volatilization is the process of solids or liquids converting into a gas, which can move away from the
initial application site. This movement is called vapour drift. Vapour drift from some herbicides can
damage nearby crops.
Pesticides volatize most readily from sandy and wet soils. Hot, dry, or windy weather and small spray
drops increase volatilization.
Where recommended, incorporating the pesticide into the soil can help reduce volatilization.

Spray Drift is the airborne movement of spray droplets away from a treatment site during application.
Spray drift is affected by:
 spray droplet size - the smaller the droplets, the more likely they will drift
 wind speed - the stronger the wind, the more pesticide spray will drift
 distance between nozzle and target plant or ground - the greater the distance, the more the wind can affect
the spray
Drift can damage nearby sensitive crops or can contaminate crops ready to harvest. Drift may also be a hazard
to people, domestic animals, or pollinating insects. Drift can contaminate water in ponds, streams, and ditches
and harm fish or other aquatic plants and animals. Excessive drift also reduces the pesticide applied to the
target and can reduce the effectiveness of a treatment.

Runoff is the movement of pesticides in water over a sloping surface. The pesticides are either mixed in the
water or bound to eroding soil. Runoff can also occur when water is added to a field faster than it can be
absorbed into the soil. Pesticides may move with runoff as compounds dissolved in the water or attached to
soil particles.
The amount of pesticide runoff depends on:
 the slope
 the texture of the soil
 the soil moisture content
 the amount and timing of a rain-event (irrigation or rainfall)
 the type of pesticide used
Runoff from areas treated with pesticides can pollute streams, ponds, lakes, and wells. Pesticide residues in
surface water can harm plants and animals and contaminate groundwater. Water contamination can affect
livestock and crops downstream.
Pesticide runoff can be reduced by:
 using minimum tillage techniques to reduce soil erosion
 grading surface to reduce slopes
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

 diking to contain runoff

 leaving border vegetation and plant cover to contain runoff
Pesticide losses from runoff are greatest when it rains heavily right after you spray. Reduce the chances of
runoff by watching the weather forecast. If heavy rain is expected, delay spraying to avoid runoff. Irrigate
according to label instructions.

Leaching is the movement of pesticides in water through the soil. Leaching occurs downward, upward, or
sideways. The factors influencing whether pesticides will be leached into groundwater include characteristics
of the soil and pesticide, and their interaction with water from a rain-event such as irrigation or rainfall. These
factors are summarized in the table below.
Leaching can be increased when:
 the pesticide is water soluble
 the soil is sandy
 a rain-event occurs shortly after spraying
 the pesticide is not strongly adsorbed to the soil.

Absorption is the uptake of pesticides and other chemicals into plants or microorganisms. Most pesticides
break down once they are absorbed. Pesticide residues may be broken down or remain inside the plant or
animal and be released back into the environment when the animal dies or as the plant decays.
Some pesticides stay in the soil long enough to be absorbed by plants grown in a field years later. They may
damage or leave residues in future crops.

Crop Removal through harvest or grazing may remove pesticide residues.

B. Degradation or Breakdown Processes

Degradation is the process of pesticide breakdown after application. Pesticides are broken down by
microbes, chemical reactions, and light or photodegradation. This process may take anywhere from hours or
days to years, depending on environmental conditions and the chemical characteristics of the pesticide.
Pesticides that break down quickly generally do not persist in the environment or on the crop. However
pesticides that break down too rapidly may only provide short-term control.
Microbial breakdown is the breakdown of chemicals by microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria.
Microbial breakdown tends to increase when:
 temperatures are warm
 soil pH is favourable
 soil moisture and oxygen are adequate
 soil fertility is good
Chemical breakdown is the breakdown of pesticides by chemical reactions in the soil. The rate and type of
chemical reactions that occur are influenced by:
 the binding of pesticides to the soil
 soil temperatures
 pH levels - Many pesticides, especially the organophosphate insecticides, break down more rapidly in
alkaline soils or in spray tank water with a high pH level.
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

 Soil moisture

Photodegradation is the breakdown of pesticides by sunlight. All pesticides are susceptible to

photodegradation to some extent. The rate of breakdown is influenced by the intensity and spectrum of
sunlight, length of exposure, and the properties of the pesticide. Pesticides applied to foliage are more exposed
to sunlight than pesticides that are incorporated into the soil. Pesticides may break down faster inside plastic-
covered greenhouses than inside glass greenhouses, since glass filters out much of the ultraviolet light that
degrades pesticides.

Hydrolysis: Degradation of pesticides due to water

Sampling is the act, process, or technique of selecting a suitable sample, or a representative part of a
population for the purpose of determining parameters or characteristics of the whole population It is the
process of taking portion(s) of a food or other substance for laboratory analysis so that the resulting analytical
data and conclusions can be applied to the original food or substance sampled. The samples should always be
a representative and be sufficiently large. Selecting a representative sample and correctly submitting it are
critical to obtaining acurate information from the analysis. For produce, it is important several portions are
collected from different areas of the field, bin, etc, for compositing in the laboratory, in order to determine the
average pesticide level in the commodity.

1.1 Sampling of Fruit, Vegetables and Grains

The following procedures should be followed while sampling of Fruit, Vegetables and Grains
(recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the Food and Agriculture Organization)
 Separate samples should be collected for distinct lots of produce - different fruits, vegetables or grains;
different cultivars or varieties; areas of crop which have had different chemical treatments, or which have
been sprayed on different days; produce sourced from different growers for repacking or processing.
 Do not freeze fresh produce. As a general rule all samples, especially samples of perishable fresh produce,
should be kept cool BUT NOT FROZEN. However, samples of already frozen foods should be kept frozen
until they reach the laboratory.
 Individual fruits and vegetables should not be cut or divided.

1.1.1 Taking a Sample of Produce in the Field

Superimpose an imaginary grid on the field dividing it into approximately 100 areas, and randomly select
10 of these to form a representative sample. Collect o.5 to 1 kg from each of these 10 areas and combine
them to form the sample of desired size (Table 1-4)
Each plant or fruit should have an equal chance of being chosen. Even when using the best possible
sampling techniques there will be variability between different samples. For a better estimate of the
residue status of a crop, take duplicate samples.
 Sample the parts of the crop that normally constitute the marketable produce.
 Avoid taking diseased or under-sized crop parts or produce at a stage when it would not normally
be harvested.
 Take samples in such a way as to be reasonably representative of typical harvesting practice.
 Take care not to remove surface residues during handling, packing or preparation.
 Sample and bag the required weight of samples in the field and do not sub-sample.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

 Keep records of the samples taken and the method used. Fruits and tree nuts

 Circle each tree or bush and select fruit from all segments of the tree or plant, high and low,
exposed and protected by foliage. For small fruits grown in a row, select fruit from both sides, but
not within 1 metre of the end of the row.
 Select the quantity of the fruit according to its density on the tree or plant, i.e. take more from the
heavily laden parts.
 Take both large and small fruits where appropriate, but not so small or damaged that they could
not be sold.
Table 1: Sampling of fruits

Commodity Quantity, method of collection

Citrus fruits e.g. orange, lemon, mandarin, A total of 12 fruits from several places on 4 individual
grapefruit trees. (If this produces a sample weight of less than 2
Pome fruits e.g. apples, pears kg, more fruit should be taken to yield a 2 kg sample)

Large stone fruit e.g. apricots, peaches, plums

Miscellaneous fruit e.g. guavas, mangoes,
papayas, pomegranates, kiwifruit, litchi
Small stone fruit e.g. cherries A total of 1 kg from several places on 4 trees
Grapes A total of 12 bunches, or parts of 12 bunches, from
separate vines to give at least 1 kg
Raspberries and other small berries A total of 0.5 kg from 12 separate areas or bushes
Strawberries, Gooseberries A total of 1 kg from 12 separate areas or bushes
Miscellaneous small fruits e.g. olives, dates, figs A total of 1 kg from several places on 4 trees
Pineapples A total of 12 fruits
Bananas A total of 24 fruits. Take two fingers each from top,
middle and lowest hand.
Tree nuts e.g. walnuts, chestnuts, almonds A total of 1 kg
Coconut A total of 12 nuts Bulb, root and tuber vegetables

 Take samples from all over the plot, excluding 1 metre at the edges of the plot and the ends of the
 Adhering soil is to be removed by brushing and, if necessary, gentle rinsing with cold running
 Trim off tops according to local agricultural practice. Details of any trimming should be recorded.
Where the tops are not used as animal feed (carrots, potatoes) they should be discarded; otherwise
(e.g. turnips, beets) they should be bagged separately.
Table 2: Sampling of bulb, root and tuber vegetables

Commodity Quantity, method of collection

Sugar beets 12 plants
Potatoes 12 tubers or more (sample weight: at least 2 kg)

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Other root crops e.g. carrots, red 12 roots or more (sample weight: at least 2 kg)
beet, sweet potato, turnip, radish
Bulb onions 12 plants
Spring onions 24 plants or more (sample weight: at least 2 kg)
Garlic 12 bulbs from 12 plants (sample weight: at least 2 kg)

Brassica and leafy vegetables, stalk and stem vegetables, legume vegetables and fruiting vegetables
 Take the sample from all parts of the plot, leaving 1 metre at the edges and ends of rows.
 Adhering soil need to be removed by brushing and/or gentle rinsing with cold water.
 Do not trim except for the removal of obviously decomposed or withered leaves. Details of any
trimming should be recorded.

Table 3: Sampling of other vegetables

Commodity Quantity, method of collection

Large Brassica crops e.g. 12 plants
cabbage, cauliflower
Cucumbers 12 fruits from 12 separate plants
Melons, gourds, pumpkins, 12 fruits from 12 separate plants. In case of large crops, the sample
watermelons size may be reduced to 5 units.
Egg plants (aubergines) 12 fruits from 12 separate plants
Sweet corn 12 ears (the sample should weigh at least 2 kg – where necessary take
a larger number of items to produce a 2 kg sample)
Mushrooms 12 items (the sample should weigh at least 0.5 kg)
Tomatoes, 24 fruits from small-fruiting varieties, 12 from large fruiting varieties.
Peppers (the sample should weigh a minimum of 2 kg )
Spinach 1 kg from 12 plants Cereals
 Cut stalks 15 cm above the ground and remove the grain from the straw.
 Care should be taken to avoid contamination when mechanical methods are used to separate the
parts of the crop. The operation is best carried out in the laboratory.
 If the plots are harvested mechanically, take not less than twelve grab samples of grain and straw
from the harvester at uniform intervals over the plot.
 Do not sample within 1 metre of the edges of the plot.

Table 4: Sampling of cereals

Commodity Quantity, method of collection

Cereal grains e.g. wheat, rice, barley, oats, and other 1 kg
small grain cereals; maize (off the cob)
Straw of the above crops 0.5 kg
Maize cobs 12 or more ears (the sample should weigh at least
2 kg)

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30 Grasses, forage and animal feed

 Cut with shears at normal harvest height (usually 5 cm above the ground) the vegetation from not
less than twelve areas uniformly spaced over the entire plot, leaving 1 metre at the edges of the
 Crops which are harvested mechanically can be sampled by taking not less than twelve grab
samples from the harvester at uniform intervals over the plot.
 Take 1 kg of sample for green forage and 0.5 kg for dry hay. Spices, Herbs and tea leaves

The freshly harvested produce is not normally required for tea although herbs should be sampled fresh
(sample size 0.5 kg). For tea and dry leaves, the sample size can be reduced to 0.2 kg.

1.1.2 Taking a Sample of Harvested Produce

Each laboratory sample should be made up of several individual sub-samples. As far as possible, sub-
samples should be taken randomly throughout the lot and should be of a similar size. For example: sub-
samples would consist of a single fruit or vegetable for larger items; a single bunch or bundle for grapes,
a small scoop of produce for small items (peas, berries etc). If produce has been packaged, sub-samples
should be taken from more than one box in the lot.

For cereals and other materials shipped in bulk, take a number of sub-samples (at least 10) from different
places. Residues on grains are typically due to post harvest use of fumigants. Sampling of bulk lot can be
done using the large sector trier to probe the surface of the bulk lot in several places. A sample size of 5
kg should be taken from 5 locations.

In some cases, it may be possible to do this by taking small grab samples while it is being unloaded, or
else use a grain sampling probe which allows for sampling at different depths.

The minimum number of sub-samples to be taken is given in Table 7. The minimum quantity that should
be sent to the laboratory is given in Table 8.

Table 7: Subsampling

Weight of lot (kg) Minimum number of sub-samples

Less than 50 3
50 – 500 5
More than 500 10
For product in bulk which can be assumed to be well mixed or homogenous e.g. grains, the laboratory
sample should consist of at least 10 sub-samples taken as described above.
For processed products in cans, bottles, packages or other small containers, especially when the weight of
the lot is unknown, the following sampling plan may be followed
Number of cans, packages or containers in the Minimum number of sub-samples
1-25 1
26-100 5
More than 100 10

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Table 8: Sample quantity required

Commodity Examples Minimum quantity required

Small or light products, unit weight Berries, Peas etc. 1 kg
up to about 25 g
Medium sized products, unit weight Apples, Pears, Citrus, Potatoes 1 kg (at least 10 units)
usually between 25 and 250 g
Large sized products, unit weight Cabbage, Melons, Cucumbers, 2 kg (at least 5 units)
over 250g grapes (bunches)
Grains and oilseeds 1 kg

1.2 Soil Sample

General rules for sampling soils

 Individual blocks or paddocks or areas of paddocks likely to have been subjected to different
chemical treatments should be sampled separately.
 The area sampled should be of the one soil type.
 Do not mix different soil types.
 Preferably, soil should be collected using a core-type sampling tool.
 Targeted sampling from small areas, e.g. around power poles, fence posts, old tree stumps or old
dip sites, may be required to identify residue ‘hot spots’.

There are two aspects of soil sampling:

i. As an environmental sample for analysis of pesticide residues in routine monitoring

ii. To know the dissipation rate of pesticides in case of supervised field trial.

Soil samples should be taken from growing fields in the grid pattern uniformly distributed, so that each
area of the field is sampled. A 3x3 grid with 9 total sample portions is suggested for smaller fields, with
4x4 (16 sample portions) for the medium sized fields, and 5x5 and even larger grids are used for very
large fields. Each sample site represents 1 portion of the total sample, and at each site, 2 soil plugs about
15 cm deep and 3-5cm in diameter are to be taken. The 2 plugs, when combined, become sample portion
of that sample site. Combine different sample portions from the whole field in a clean container such as a
bucket and mix thoroughly. Remove about 1/2 - 1 kg of soil and package up for transport to the

Another common soil sampling method for a field or other area is to take 5 portions in a Z pattern.

1.2.1 Collection of Surface Soil Samples

Collection of samples from near-surface soil can be accomplished with tools such as spades, shovels,
trowels, and scoops. Surface material is removed to the required depth and a stainless steel or plastic
scoop is then used to collect the sample. This method can be used in most soil types but is limited to
sampling at or near the ground surface.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

 Carefully remove the top layer of soil or debris to the desired sample depth with a pre-cleaned
 Using a pre-cleaned, stainless steel scoop, plastic spoon, or trowel, remove and discard a thin
layer of soil from the area which came in contact with the spade.
 Place the sample into a stainless steel, plastic, or other appropriate homogenization container, and
mix thoroughly to obtain a homogenous sample representative of the entire sampling interval.
Then, either place the sample into appropriate, labeled containers and secure the caps tightly.

1.2.2 Sampling at Depth with Augers and Thin Wall Tube Samplers

This system consists of an auger, or a thin-wall tube sampler, a series of extensions, and a "T" handle.
 Attach the auger bit to a drill rod extension, and attach the "T" handle to the drill rod.
 Clear the area to be sampled of any surface debris (e.g., twigs, rocks, litter). It may be advisable
to remove the first three to six inches of surface soil for an area approximately six inches in
radius around the drilling location.
 Begin augering, periodically removing and depositing accumulated soils onto a plastic sheet
spread near the hole. This prevents accidental brushing of loose material back down the borehole
when removing the auger or adding drill rods.
 After reaching the desired depth, slowly and carefully remove the auger from the hole. When
sampling directly from the auger, collect the sample after the auger is removed from the hole.
 Remove auger tip from the extension rods and replace with a pre-cleaned thin wall tube sampler.
Install the proper cutting tip.
 Carefully lower the tube sampler down the borehole. Gradually force the tube sampler into the
soil. Do not scrape the borehole sides. Avoid hammering the rods as the vibrations may cause the
boring walls to collapse.
 Remove the tube sampler, and unscrew the drill rods.
 Remove the cutting tip and the core from the device.
 Discard the top of the core (approximately 1 inch), as this possibly represents material collected
before penetration of the layer of concern. Place the remaining core into the appropriate labeled
sample container. Sample homogenization is not required.
 If volatile organic analysis is to be performed, transfer the sample into an appropriate, labeled
sample container with a stainless steel lab spoon, or equivalent and secure the cap tightly. Place
the remainder of the sample into a stainless steel, plastic, or other appropriate homogenization
container, and mix thoroughly to obtain a homogenous sample representative of the entire
sampling interval. Then, place the sample into appropriate, labeled containers and secure the caps
It is recommended to chill soil samples to 4C for transport to the laboratory.

1.3 Water Sample

Collect 3 litres of water to represent 1 sample from 1 water source. From a water source like pond or
small lake, collection of water from a single point is sufficient. But if it is a stream, collect samples from
different locations.

1.4 Milk

A total sample size of 2 litres is sufficient. Most recommended containers are glass jar. Where pouched
milk is to be sampled, a minimum of three 500 ml pouches of similar nature need to be taken.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

1.5 Processed food

Codex recommendation for sampling of processed packaged food-

Number of retail units in the lot Minimum no. of retail units to be sampled
1-25 1
26-100 5
100-250 10
Over 250 15

1.6 Eggs and Egg Products

Shell-eggs can be sampled at the primary producer or at the packer prior to shipment. The sample size for
the unpackaged shell-eggs at the producer is 6-dozen eggs. They are quite fragile and if packaging is not
available for transport to the laboratory, then the eggs can be broken, and the magma is placed in glass
jars and the shells are discarded. For sampling at packer, take 1 dozen eggs for 15 cases or fewer. For 16
cases or more, take a total of 10 dozen eggs, each from 10 cases selected at random.

Transport of samples

The laboratory sample must be placed in a clean, inert container which provides secure protection from
contamination, damage and leakage. The container should be sealed, securely labeled and the sampling
record must be attached. The use of marker pens containing organic solvents should be avoided for
labeling bags containing samples to be analyzed for fumigant residues, especially if an electron capture
detector is to be used.
Rapid transportation to the laboratory, preferably within one day, is essential for samples of most fresh
products. Very fragile or perishable products (e.g. ripe raspberries) may have to be frozen to avoid
spoilage and then transported in “dry ice” or similar, to avoid thawing in transit. Samples that are frozen
at the time of collection must be transported without thawing. Samples that may be damaged by chilling
(e.g. bananas) must be protected from both high and low temperatures. The condition of samples
delivered to the laboratory should approximate to that acceptable to a discerning purchaser, otherwise
samples should normally be considered unfit for analysis.
Water and Soil samples should be chilled at 4C immediately after collection for transport to the lab. The
glass jars used for sample collection should be rinsed thoroughly with methanol and dried.

Precautions to be taken during sampling, transportation, storage and sample preparation:

Samples must be separated from each other, and from other sources of potential contamination, during
transit to, and storage at, the laboratory.

 Take care not to remove surface residues during handling, packing or preparation. To provide a
representative sample of the raw commodity, adhering soil may have to be removed from some
crops, such as root crops. This may be done by brushing and if necessary gentle rinsing with cold
running water
 Make sure that sampling tools and bags are clean. Use new bags and containers of suitable size
and adequate strength. The bags or containers should be made of materials which will not
interfere with the analysis.
 Avoid contamination of the sample by hands and clothes which may have been in contact with
 Do not allow the samples to come into contact with containers or equipment (including vehicles)
that have been used for transporting or storing pesticides.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

 In case of residue trial, avoid sampling at the plot borders because of the possibility of spray drift
or overlap, especially where the plot is small and particularly when various pesticides and
dosages are applied to adjacent areas.
 Avoid cross-contamination of crop and soil samples.
 Incase of residue trial, sampling should proceed from the control to the lowest treatment and so
on to the highest treatment
 Pest control in, or near, the laboratory must be restricted to pesticides that will not be sought as

C. Storage of Sample

Usually the samples are stored in deep freezer maintained at -10C or below. Alternatively, instead of
storing the sample, the extract of the sample may be stored in a refrigerator. Though later method is
better, a control sample extracts fortified with pesticides need to be stored along with samples to know the
total degradation of pesticides during storage.

Sample Preparation


A quantity of a materials, delivered at one time and known, or presumed, by the sampling officer
to have uniform characteristics such as origin, producer, variety, packer, type of packing,
markings, consignor, etc. In case of food material, a suspect lot is one which, for any reason, is
suspected to contain an excessive residue. A non-suspect lot is one for which there is no reason
to suspect that it may contain an excessive residue.

Primary sample

One or more units taken from one position of a lot.

(a) The position from which a primary sample is taken in the lot should preferably be chosen
randomly but, where this is physically impractical, it should be from a random position in the
accessible parts of the lot.

(b) The number of units required for a primary sample should be determined by the minimum
size and number of laboratory samples required.

Bulk sample

The combined and well mixed aggregate of the primary samples taken from a lot is called bulk
sample. The primary samples must contribute sufficient material to enable all laboratory samples
to be withdrawn from the bulk sample.

Laboratory sample

The sample sent to, or received by, the laboratory. It is a representative quantity of material
removed from the bulk sample. The laboratory sample may be the whole or a part of the bulk
sample. Units should not be cut or broken to produce the laboratory sample(s).

Analytical sample

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

The material prepared for analysis from the laboratory sample, by separation of the portion of the
product to be analysed and then by mixing, grinding, fine chopping, etc., for the removal of
analytical portions with minimal sampling error.

Analytical portion

A representative quantity of material removed from the analytical sample, of proper size for
measurement of the residue concentration.

On receipt, each laboratory sample must be allocated a unique reference code by the laboratory.
Sample preparation, sample processing and sub-sampling to obtain analytial portions (an
analyzable sample portion that represents the whole sample) must take place before visible
deterioration occurs. Canned, dried or similarly processed samples should be analysed within the
stated shelf life. If a single analytical portion is unlikely to be representative of the ana-lytical
sample, replicate portions must be analysed, to provide a better estimate of the present residues.

The first step is to reduce the total sample (when necessary) to a manageable portion i.e. sub sampling.
Determine what portion of the sample can be used for analysis, i.e. for raw and partially processed foods
(this is called as edible portion) and for processed foods (this is the required portion). Both represent part
of food that is normally consumed. A reserve portion of the original unprepared sample is necessary or
desirable, and hence be stored for future use, such as a check analysis or for additional analysis required
for confirmation test. The final step is to physically homogenize sub sample aggregate by chopping,
grinding, blending etc.

Soil samples are always non-uniform in both particle size and composition. Hence to ensure
proper extraction, the soil sample must be ground to a uniformly small particle size.

Where appropriate, the analytical sample should be processed under special conditions, e.g. at
sub-zero temperature, to minimize adverse effects. Where processing could affect residues and
where practical alternative procedures are not available, the analytical portion may consist of
whole units, or segments removed from whole units. If analytical portions are to be stored before
analysis, the method and length of time of storage should be such that they do not affect the level
of residues present. Additional portions must be withdrawn for replicate and confirmatory
analyses, as required.

Portion of raw agricultural commodities to be analysed for pesticide residues:

Sl. Substrate Portion to be analysed

1. Root and Tuber Where separate tolerances are established for root and tuber, analyze top
vegetables and root separately. Where a tolerance is established including tops and/or
with tops, analyse whole commodity after removing adhering soil by
lightly rinsing in running water.

2. Leafy Vegetables Whole commodity after removing and discarding obviously decomposed
or withered leaves. Remove adhering soil from leaves if any.

3. Brassica Whole commodity after removing and discarding obviously decomposed

or withered leaves; excepting removal and discarding all leaves from
cauliflower and broccoli.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

4. Fruiting Vegetables Whole commodity after removing and discarding stems and husks.

5. Cucurbit Vegetables Whole commodity after removing and discarding stems

6. Cereal Grain Whole commodity (grain), excepting for fresh corn: Include kernels plus
cob after removing and discarding husk.

7. Eggs Whole commodity after removing and discarding shells

8. Fish Edible portion of the commodity after removing and discarding scales,
fins, viscera; bones and skin (if inedible)

In case of processed foods, analayse the whole processed commodity including any liquid or other
medium in which the commodity is packed. If any inedible medium is present, discard that medium.

Sample Extraction
The analysis of pesticide residues in food samples is increasingly becoming an important
technique. Extraction is a fundamental process in pesticide residue analysis. Extraction may be
defined as the procedure or step adopted to isolate the pesticides from the samples. This is
accomplished by emplying suitable solvents which remain in contact with the sample for a
specific duration. Extraction and clean-up methods vary greatly with the matrix used. It largely
depends on the moisture, fat and sugar content of the commodity. The quantity of sample to be
taken for extraction will depend upon the expected levels of residues as well as the sensitivity of
technique or tool employed, in the subsequent step of identification and quantification. In
general, 50 to 250g of solids are usually recommended whereas for liquids it may range between
2ml (in case of blood) to 5 litre (in case of water).
Ideal extraction procedure should be capable of extracting 100% of pesticides only, leaving
behind other materials. However this is not the actual practice. An extraction method should
satisfy the following requirements:
 Rapid
 Small solvent usage
 Good recovery: 40 to 120%.
 Robust: RSD of the recoveries less than 20% at LOQ.

Depending upon the type of samples, different extraction methods can be followed. The
following table lists the extraction methods, the matrix types, the techniques, and the analyte

Sl. Matrix Type Extraction Technique Analytes


1 Aqueous Separatory Funnel Liquid-Liquid Extraction, Semivolatile and

Continuous Liquid-Liquid Nonvolatile Organics
Extraction, Solid-phase Extraction (SPE)
2 Solids Soxhlet Extraction, Automated Soxhlet Extraction, Semivolatile and

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Pressurized Fluid Extraction Nonvolatile Organics

(PFE), Microwave Extraction, Ultrasonic Extraction,
Solids Supercritical Fluid Extraction Semivolatile and
3 Organochlorine
4 Air Sampling Train Separatory Funnel & Soxhlet Extraction Semivolatile Organics
5 Fruits and Blending and Separatory Funnel Liquid- Semivolatile and
Vegetables Nonvolatile Organics
Liquid Extraction

Test portions should be disintegrated thoroughly during extraction to maximize extraction efficiency.
Temperature, pH, etc., must be controlled if these parameters affect extraction efficiency, analyte stability
or solvent volume.
1. Liquid-liquid extraction: also known as solvent extraction and partitioning, is a method to separate
compounds based on their relative solubilities in two different immiscible liquids, usually water and
an organic solvent such as hexane, ether, dichloromethane, chloroform, ethyl acetate etc. It is
performed using a separatory funnel, also known as separation funnel, separating funnel, or
colloquially sep funnel. Most organic solvents float on top of an aqueous phase, though important
exceptions are most halogenated solvents.

In this method, the two phases i.e. a liquid sample and the extracting solvent are added through the
top of a separatory funnel with the stopcock at the bottom closed. The funnel is then closed and
shaken gently by inverting the funnel multiple times; if the two solutions are mixed together too
vigorously emulsions will form. The funnel is then inverted and the tap carefully opened to release
excess vapor pressure. The separating funnel is set aside to allow for the complete separation of
the phases. The top and the bottom tap are then opened and the two phases are released by

Separatory Funnel Extraction Procedure

1. Inspect the separatory funnel: The Teflon stopcocks work better than the ground glass stopcock. Make
sure that the stopper fits snugly in the top of the flask
2. Support the separatory funnel in a ring on a ringstand: The rings are located on the back shelves and
they come in many sizes. Choose a proper size ring before setting the funnel in it.
3. Add the liquid to the separatory funnel.:Place a stemmed funnel in the neck of the separatory funnel.
Add the liquid to be extracted, then add the extraction solvent. The total volume in the separatory funnel
should not be greater than three-quarters of the funnel volume. Insert the stopper in the neck of the
separatory funnel.
4. Shake the separatory funnel: Pick up the separatory funnel with the stopper in place and the stopcock
closed, and rock it once gently. Then, point the stem up and slowly open the stopcock to release excess
pressure. Close the stopcock. Repeat this procedure until only a small amount of pressure is released
when it is vented.
Now, shake the funnel vigorously for a few seconds. Release the pressure, then again shake vigorously.
About 30 sec total vigorous shaking is usually sufficient to allow solutes to come to equilibrium between
the two solvents.
5. Separating the layers: Let the funnel rest undisturbed until the layers are clearly separated. While
waiting, remove the stopper and place a beaker or flask under the sep funnel.
6. Carefully open the stopcock and allow the lower layer to drain into the flask. Drain just to the point that
the upper liquid barely reaches the stopcock. If the upper layer is to be removed from the funnel, remove
it by pouring it out of the top of the funnel.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

7. Store your separatory funnel with the cap (stopper) separate from the funnel. Otherwise it can become
irreversibly attached to the separatory funnel.
The organic product will be soluble in an organic solvent (organic layer) while the inorganic substances
will be soluble in water (aqueous layer). The organic solvent used for extraction must meet a few criteria:
1. Should readily dissolve substance to be extracted.
2. Should not react with the substance to be extracted.
3. Should not react with or be miscible with water (the usual second solvent).
4. Should have a low boiling point so it can be easily removed from the product.

Distribution ratio: The distribution ratio (D), sometimes referred to as the partition coefficient (P) is
the ratio of concentrations of a compound in the two phases of a mixture of two immiscible solvents at
equilibrium. It is equal to the concentration of a solute in the organic phase divided by its concentration
in the aqueous phase. Depending on the system, the distribution ratio can be a function of temperature,
the concentration of chemical species in the system, and a large number of other parameters. The phrase
"Partition Coefficient" is now considered obsolete by IUPAC, and "partition constant," "partition ratio,"
or "distribution ratio," are all more appropriate terms that should be used.
Removal of water: Although the criteria state that the organic solvent chosen should not be miscible with
water, some solvents dissolve a small amount. A drying agent such as sodium sulfate or magnesium
sulfate must be used, through which the organic solvent containing the dissolved product is passed
through before collecting.
2. Soxhlet Extraction: A Soxhlet extractor was invented in 1879 by Franz von Soxhlet for the
extraction of a lipid from a solid material. Typically, a Soxhlet extraction is only required where the
desired compound has a limited solubility in a solvent, and the impurity is insoluble in
that solvent.

Fig.1. Soxhlet Extractor

The sample is placed inside a thimble made from thick filter paper, which is loaded
into the main chamber of the Soxhlet extractor. The Soxhlet extractor is placed onto a
flask containing the extraction solvent and then equipped with a condenser. The
solvent is heated to reflux. The solvent vapour travels up a distillation arm, condenser
which ensures that the solvent vapour cools, and drips back down into the chamber
housing the sample and the chamber slowly fills with warm solvent. When the Soxhlet
chamber is almost full, the chamber is automatically emptied by a siphon side arm,
with the solvent running back down to the distillation flask. During each cycle, a
portion of the non-volatile compound dissolves in the solvent. This cycle may be
allowed to repeat many times, over hours or days. After many cycles the desired
compound is concentrated in the distillation flask. The advantage of this system is that
instead of many portions of warm solvent being passed through the sample, just one
batch of solvent is recycled. In some device (Fig.1) a funnel (3) allows to recover the
solvent at the end of the extraction after closing a stopcock between the funnel and the
extraction chamber. The solvent in the flask (1) is then evaporated and the sample concentrate is taken for
After extraction the solvent is removed, typically by means of a rotary evaporator, yielding the extracted
compound. The non-soluble portion of the extracted solid remains in the thimble, and is usually
3. Automated Soxhlet extraction: Several solvent extraction systems, automated or semi-
automated, based on the Soxhlet device are on the market to allow fast and effective determination of
organic compounds in food, soil etc. As example "Soxtec Systems" by FOSS
which performs boiling, rinsing and solvent recovery. Similarly, Soxtherm extractors from Gerhardt
GmbH was developed to reduce extraction times. The sample to be analyzed is weighed into cellulose
thimbles and inserted in the extraction device. Except diethyl ether, all solvents may be used (about 15 ml
per sample), with a 75% recovery of the solvent after the extraction which is completed in 30 to 60 min,
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

depending on the application. The Büchi Extraction System B-811 is an automated system which can be
used to perform an extraction according to the original Soxhlet principle. Four different extraction
methods are possible without making any changes to the unit: Soxhlet standard, Soxhlet warm, hot
extraction and continuous extraction. The system has an inert gas supply to avoid oxidation during
extraction and to accelerate the evaporation and drying process even with high boiling point solvents (up
to 150°C). In microwave-assisted Soxhlet extraction, uses two sources of energy, namely microwaves,
applied on the extraction chamber of a modified Soxhlet, and electrical heating applied on the distillation

4. Super-critical fluid extraction (SFE):

SFE makes use of a supercritical fluid as the extraction solvent. Carbon dioxide is the most common
solvent in SFE because it is safe, unreactive, readily available, relatively inexpenpensive, has a low
critical pressure and temperature point (74 atm and 31C). A key property of supercritical fluid is that,
fluid density, which is related to solvating power, in SFE can be controlled by changing extraction
pressure and temperature. Also, supercritical fluids have low viscosity even at high fluid density, which
allows good penetration into the matrix. Concentration of analytes after extraction is fast and convenient
because supercritical CO2 becomes a gas after depressurization.

Disadvantages include large capital cost and method development can be time consuming.

4. Solid Phase Extraction

Solid phase extraction is a chromatographic technique used to prepare samples for subsequent analysis by
removing interfering substances that may be present. This is done either by retaining the substance of
interest and washing off everything else or by retaining the interfering substances and eluting the product
of interest. Though the method is commonly used to clean up a sample before injection, today it is one of
the most widely used sample preparation methods. The general procedure is to load a solution onto the
SPE phase, wash away undesired components, and then wash off the desired analytes with another
solvent into a collection tube.

The SPE sample preparation technique is frequently carried out in a small, disposable, plastic column
(cartridge) that looks like a 10-mL medical syringe. The column is packed with a small amount (< 1.0 g)
of sorbent (e.g. C18-silica) which is held in place by frits.
It can be attached to a vacuum manifold, which increases the solvent flow rate through the cartridge. A
collection tube is placed beneath the SPE cartridge to collect the liquid that passes through the column.
6. Solid Phase Micro Extraction: The SPE method can also be implemented by using a micro-pipette
tip, a 96-well plate, a disk, or even coated fibers, the later has its own name - “solid-phase
microextraction” or SPME.
7. Accelerated Solvent extraction (ASE): ASE also known as Pressurized Liquid extraction (PLE), is
similar in principle to Soxhlet extraction, except that elevated temperatures and pressures are used in
enclosed vessels, which allows extraction by a small amount of solvent (<50 mL) to be completed in a
very short time (<20 min). Application of ASE has been reported for the extraction of various organic
compounds from different environmental samples including a few pesticides in soil, including chlorinated
and organophosphorus insecticides, the herbicide and the fungicide hexaconazole.

8. Microwave Assisted extraction (MAE): MAE has been applied to soil, food, vegetables, oil, eggs,
dairy products, sediments and other samples for extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),
pesticide residues, trace elements etc. MAE of pesticide residues is applied generally when the pesticide
residue level in samples is very low (ppm or ppt). It uses less extraction solvent for a same amount of
sample (about 1/10). However, it needs a different solvent from the conventional method to extract the
same pesticide. Studies have shown that, using iso-octane, n-hexane / acetone, benzene / acetone (2; 1),
methanol / acetic acid, methanol / n-hexane, iso-octane / acetonitrile etc. as solvent, with a certain
moisture condition of the soil or sediment, the extracted organochlorine pesticide residues are the same
whether using MAE method for 3 minutes or the Soxhlet extraction method for 6 hours. Microwave

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

extraction method has been applied to other samples of extracting pesticide residues such as: meat, eggs
and dairy products; soil and sand; dust, water and sediments; vegetables etc.

Quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe (QuEChERS)
Many food samples contain a range of pesticides. These pesticides can be acidic, basic and neutral, and
the sample matrix may contain components such as lipids, sterols, etc. Due to increasing throughput
requirements and cost pressures, a multi-residue method should meet the following criteria:
• Fast to perform — Use as few process steps as possible
• Easy to execute — Avoid laborious process steps such as evaporation/reconstitution
• Use a minimum amount of solvents and sorbents — Reduce costs and environmental impact
By minimizing the number of steps in multi-residue method, greater accuracy in results and a greater
throughput of samples can be achieved.
The QuEChERS method for pesticide analysis was first introduced by USDA scientists in 2003. The
method was modified to address some problematic pesticides by including a buffered extraction system.
The EN method 15662:2007 is a European variation to the QuEChERS method.
The QuEChERS technique is:
 Quick – Sample throughput is high and it can detect a range of pesticides in a single extraction
 Easy – No need for automation during the process and laborious process steps are eliminated
 Cheap – It uses less sorbent and solvent than other multi-residue methods
 Effective – It gives high recoveries and accurate results for a range of pesticide types
 Rugged – can detect a range of pesticides, such as polar and pH-dependent compounds
 Safe – Extraction is carried out using acetonitrile instead of chlorinated solvent.
This method is a sample preparation technique using solvent extraction of high-moisture samples with
acetonitrile, ethyl acetate or acetone and partitioning with magnesium sulfate alone or in combination
with other salts (MgSO4, NaCl and buffering citrate salts to induce liquid- liquid partitioning), followed
by sample clean-up using a dispersive solid-phase extraction (SPE) technique.
Although the EN and AOAC are similar methods, they do have several differences. First, the extraction
buffered system in the EN method uses sodium chloride, sodium citrate and disodium citrate
sesquihidrate instead of sodium acetate in the AOAC extraction step. Second, in the dispersive SPE step,
the EN method uses 25 mg PSA per mL of extract rather than 50 mg PSA per mL of extract as stated in
the AOAC method.
The first step (sample extraction) involves adding a homogenized food sample to a 50-ml centrifuge tube
containing magnesium sulfate and a salt such as sodium chloride or sodium acetate. Upon addition of
acetonitrile and extensive shaking and centrifugation of the tube, the magnesium sulfate induces a phase
separation between the acetonitrile and water layers. The compounds of interest transfer into the
acetonitrile layer. A portion of this acetonitrile layer is next transferred to a clean-up tube. This tube is
typically 2 or 15 ml in volume and contains a combination of sorbent materials in different amounts.
Magnesium sulfate is present to remove any excess water from the sample. Primary/secondary amine
(PSA) is used for the removal of organic acids and polar pigments, while endcapped C18 is used for lipid
and sterol removal. Graphitized carbon block is used if substances such as chlorophyll are present and
may break down during analysis. Following sample extraction and clean-up, a portion of the sample can
then be injected directly onto an LC or GC system without any need for evaporation, reconstitution or
derivatization. This technique was initially developed for analysis of fruit and vegetable products.
However, research has shown that it can be successfully utilized with other matrices such as milk, honey
and rice.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30


The steps or procedure adopted to isolate the pesticides from other impurities or co-extractives present in
the sample extract are called clean-up. The degree or level of clean-up should be very high so that highly
sensitive, expensive instruments used in subsequent steps are not adversely affected. During estimation,
the co-extractive may cause:

 Extra peaks
 Poor peak resolution
 Reduce efficiency of the column
In certain samples like water or soil, it may be possible to use uncleaned extract directly for the next step
because of absence of co-extractives. With the development of new extraction techniques and analytical
methods that are less affected by co-extractives, clean-up becomes less important.

Different clean-up methods are:

i) Liquid-liquid partitioning
ii) Column Chromatography
iii) Solid Phase Extraction
iv) Chemical clean-up
v) Gel-permeation/Size Exclusion Chromatography
vi) Sweep co-distillation

Liquid-liquid and liquid-solid partitioning, in which separation is based on polarity, are the primary
means of clean-up in residue analysis.

Liquid-liquid partitioning

Liquid-liquid partition clean-up using acetonitrile and dimethylformamide-hexane were amongst the
earliest methods developed to remove lipid materials.

Column chromatography

The widely used material in column-liquid chromatographic sample preparation for OC analysis are
florisil, alumina and silica. Alumina has also been mixed/impregnated with other compounds to aid clean-
up, e.g. alumina/silver nitrate column to remove carotenoids, elemental sulphur, and some interfering
organosulphur compounds, impregnated alumina with sulphuric acid to improve lipid removal etc.
Besides the type of adsorbent, their mesh size and column dimensions also play important role in
separation efficiencies.

Solid-phase Extraction

The solid-phase cartridge was developed soon after HPLC when high quality sorbent materials become
available. The cartridges are used for extraction of water samples, but a large part of their use has been for
clean-up of extracts. The mechanism of separation in SPE is the same as in HPLC. The type of solvent
and solid phase material can be varied to achieve the desired separation. Some common SPE stationary
phases are florisil, alumina, carbon, C-8, C-18 etc. The recent developments include polymer based

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

phases, and SPE disk format. Although the disk format can become clogged more easily than cartridges,
the disks allow faster throughput for large sample volumes.

The drawback with the use of certain sorbents in solid-phase techniques is the cost. Because, the sorbents
are often most expensive materials and most cartridges are designed to be discarded after a single use.

Chemical clean-up

Most chemical clean-up techniques reported have used fairly harsh acidic conditions, based on
concentrated sulphuric acid or chromic acid to remove lipids and elemental sulphur. Sulphuric acid can be
used successfully to clean-up extracts for the determination of the more robust organochlorines.
Compounds in the Drin group (Aldrin, Endrin, Dieldrin) are destroyed by this treatment, as are most other
oxidisable organics. Alternatively, the co-extracted lipid material may be modified by saponification with
ethanolic potassium hydroxide prior to separation on alumina or silica gel. This has the advantage of
removing the lipid hydrolysis products by back extraction into an aqueous phase and reducing to lipid
loading to any secondary clean-up column. Saponification of tissue prior to extraction may also improve
the recovery for some organochlorines.

Gel-permeation Chromatography

GPC was first developed in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, and began to be used in pesticide
regulatory methods in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. GPC also known as size-exclusion
chromatography (SEC), where the separation is based on molecular weight (size), separates
compounds with large molecular weight, such as lipids and proteins, from smaller analytes, such
as pesticides using a porous stationary phase material packed in a column

The smaller analytes can enter the pores more easily and therefore spend more time in these pores,
increasing their retention time. Conversely, larger analytes spend little if any time in the pores and are
eluted quickly. Commercial gels like Sephadex, Bio-Gel (cross-linked polyacrylamide), agarose gel and
Styragel are often used based on different separation requirements. Carbon-foam has been used very
successfully in the separation of very closely related OCs groups

Samples are dissolved in an appropriate organic solvent (cyclohexane, toluene, ethyl acetate etc.)
and after filtering, it is injected onto a column. The separation of multi-component mixture takes
place in the column. The constant supply of fresh eluent to the column is accomplished by the
use of a pump.

GPC can be automated in series with SFE, and studies have been performed that utilize supercritical CO2
mixed with liquids as the mobile phase in GPC.

Sweep co-distillation

The potential of sweep co-distillation in the routine clean-up of fatty tissue has only recently been
practically realized. The recent designs allow up to 10 fat samples (1 g of fat) to be injected into a heated
(235OC) fractionation tube containing silanised glass beads. The OCs are distilled in a stream of pure
nitrogen into a cold florisil (deactivated with 1% water) trap on the outside of the oven, which is
subsequently detached and eluted with hexane or hexane-diethyl either to remove the groups of OCs.
Until recently is technique was unreliable because of sample loss by degradation and adsorption.
However improved silanisation techniques on the glass packing now allow excellent recoveries from 1 g
of fat at 0.02-0.1 mg/kg range for OCs and 0.10 mg/kg for total PCBs. Good yields were also obtained for

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

the Organophosphorus (OPs) such as Fenchlorophos and Chlorophyriphos, and for pentachlorophenol,
which clearly indicate the future possibilities for the current systems.


The recent concerns for labour reduction and ease of use have led to a push for automation in clean-up
techniques. The automated clean-up instrument can be combined in series with automated SPE/PLE
and/or analytical instrument.

Clearly, there must be some justification for the financial outlay and technical expertise required for
automation. However in an area of trace analysis which is growing so rapidly and which at present is so
labour intensive, that justification is generally not too hard to find.

A. Identification and Quantification

Identification and Quantification are the most important steps of whole pesticide residue analysis
process. Since the job of Residue Analysis is to detect and estimate trace levels of toxic pesticide
residues in large quantity of samples, which may be equated to job of searching for needle in hay stack,
the analytical technique adopted should be extremely sensitive. In addition, it would be more desirable
if the technique is specific with repeatability, reproducibility, cheap and quick.

A.1 Techniques used for identification and quantification of pesticide residues are:
 Gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) with various detectors (FPD, NPD, ECD etc.)
 High-performance (pressure) liquid chromatography (HPLC) with various detectors like
DAD, Fluorescent etc.
 GLC coupled with Mass-Detector (GC-MS or GC-MSn)
 HPLC coupled with Mass-Detector (LC-MS or LC-MSn)

A.2 Steps involved in identification and quantification of pesticide residues are:

 Preparation of pesticide standards, calibration solutions
 Selection of GC/HPLC columns*
 Selection of GC/HPLC detectors*
 Method Validation
 Concentration/dilution of sample aliquot for injection
 Calculation of residue concentration

A.2.1 Preparation of Pesticide standards, calibration solutions, etc.

a) Identity, purity, and storage of standards

“Pure” standards of analytes and internal standards should be of known purity and each must be
uniquely identified and the date of receipt recorded. They should be stored at low temperature,
preferably in a freezer, with light and moisture excluded, i.e. under conditions that minimize the rate
of degradation. The pure standard may be retained if its purity is shown to remain acceptable. The
identity of freshly acquired “pure” standards should be checked if the analytes are new to the

b)Preparation and storage of stock standards

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

When preparing stock standards solutions, the identity and mass (or volume) of the standard and the
identity and amount of the solvent (or other diluents) must be recorded. The solvent(s) must be
appropriate to the analyte (solubility, no reaction) and method of analysis. The concentrations must
be corrected for the purity of the “pure” standard.
Not less than 10 mg of the standard should be weighed using a 5 decimal place balance. The ambient
temperature should be that at which the glassware is calibrated, otherwise preparation of the standard
should be based on mass measurement. Volatile liquid analytes should be dispensed by weight or
volume (if the density is known) directly into solvent. Gaseous (fumigant) analytes may be dispensed
by bubbling into solvent and weighing the mass transferred, or by preparing gaseous dilutions (e.g.
with a gas-tight syringe, avoiding contact with reactive metals).
Stock standards must be labeled properly, allocated an expiry date and stored at low temperature in
the dark in containers that prevent any loss of solvent and entry of water. Currently available data
show that stock standards of the large majority of pesticides in toluene and acetone are stable for at
least 5 years in the freezer when stored in tightly closed glass containers.
When a stock standard is prepared for the first time, and for suspensions (e.g. dithiocarbamates) and
solutions (or gaseous dilutions) of highly volatile fumigants that must be prepared freshly, the
accuracy of the solution should be compared with a second solution made independently at the same

c) Preparation, use and storage of working standards

When preparing working standards, a record must be kept of the identity and amount of all solutions
and solvents employed. The standards must be labeled indelibly, allocated an expiry date and stored
at low temperature in the dark in containers that prevent any loss of solvent and entry of water.
Septum closures are particularly prone to evaporation losses (in addition to being a source of
contamination) and should be replaced as soon as practicable after piercing, if solutions are to be

d) Testing and replacement of standards

Whenever any standard reaches its expiry date or is replaced, its purity should be checked. Existing
stock and working solutions may be tested against newly prepared solutions by comparing the
detector responses obtained from appropriate dilutions of individual standards or mixtures of
standards. The purity of an old “pure” standard may be checked by preparing a new stock standard
and comparing the detector responses obtained from freshly prepared dilutions of old and new stock
standards. The means from at least five replicate measurements for each of two solutions should not
normally differ by more than ±5%. The mean from the old (existing) solution is taken to be 100%.
However, if the number of replicate determinations required to distinguish a difference of ±5% is
unacceptably large for problematic analytes, the acceptable range may be increased to ±10%. The use
of an internal standard may reduce the number of replicate injections required to achieve a ±5%
difference. If a response of the old standard differs by more than ±5% (or ±10% in the case of
problematic analytes) from the new, storage time or conditions must be adjusted as necessary on the
basis of the results.

A.2.2 Method Validation

Within laboratory method validation should be performed to provide evidence that a method is fit for
the purpose for which it is to be used. All procedures (steps) that are undertaken in a method should
be validated, if practicable.
For multi-residue methods validation, representative matrices may be used. However, representative
matrices must be chosen carefully on the basis of their biological or “analytical” similarity. This may
be with regard to their water, lipid or sugar contents, pH, etc. So, for example, oranges may be
chosen as being representative of citrus fruits, and lettuce as representative of green leafy vegetables,
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

The method must be tested to assess different criteria such as linearity, sensitivity, mean recovery (as
a measure of trueness or bias), precision etc.

a) Calibration

i. Calibration with standard (Linearity Check)

The most straightforward method for quantitative chromatographic analysis involves preparation of a
series of standard solutions that approximate composition of unknown. It is done to detect differences
in response due to different concentration. Chromatograms for the standards are then obtained, and
peak heights or areas are plotted as the function of concentration. This plot is called Calibration Curve.
It is a straight line and can be represented with a regression equation.

Y=mX + C

Where, Y = Peak Area

X = Concentration
m = Slope of the curve
C = Constant
Responses used to quantify residues must be within the dynamic range of the detector. Extracts
containing high-level residues may be diluted to bring them within the calibrated range but, where
calibration solutions must be matrix-matched the concentration of matrix extract may have to be
Residues below the lowest calibrated level (LCL) should be considered uncalibrated, and therefore
reported as <LCL, whether or not a response is evident. The calibration curve should not be forced
through the origin.
Single level calibration may provide more accurate results than multilevel calibration if the detector
response is variable with time. When single-level calibration is employed, the sample response
should be within ±10% of the calibration standard response if the MRL is exceeded.

b) Reagent Blank
Analysis of reagent blanks should identify sources of interference in the equipment or materials used.
Ideally, there should be no signal values when control tests are run with the samples. Practically and
specially with agricultural commodities, this however never happens. Very often signals of “apparent
residues” or blank signals appear due to unremoved co-extractives in the extraction process, or
impurities in the solvents or reagents or instrument noise.

Volumetric equipment, such as flasks, pipettes and syringes, must be cleaned scrupulously; separate
glassware, syringe etc., should be allocated to standards and sample extracts, in order to avoid cross-
Where an internal standard is used, unintended contamination of extracts or analyte solutions with
the internal standard, or vice versa, must be avoided.
Equipment, containers, solvents (including water), reagents, filter aids, etc., should be checked as
sources of possible interference. Rubber and plastic items (e.g. seals, protective gloves, wash
bottles), polishes and lubricants are frequent sources. Vial seals should be PTFE-lined. Extracts
should be kept out of contact with seals, especially after piercing, by keeping vials upright. Vial seals
must be replaced quickly after piercing, if re-analysis of the extracts is necessary.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Interference from natural constituents of samples is frequent. The interference may be peculiar to the
determination system used, variable in occurrence and intensity, and may be subtle in nature. If the
interference takes the form of a response overlapping that of the analyte, a different clean-up or
determination system may be required. If it is not practicable to eliminate interference, or to
compensate for it by matrix-matched calibration, these analytes must be considered in the
interpretation of results.

c) Sensitivity
i) Limit of Detection (LOD)

LOD is defined as the lowest concentration of a pesticide residue that can be identified positively using a
particular method in a particular matrix. This concentration is recommended to be three standard
deviations above the measured average difference between the sample and blank signals which
corresponds to the 99% confidence level.

Samples that do not bear residues at or above the LOD are referred to as “non-detects” (NDs).

Sometimes other related (more specific) concepts like Method Detection Limit (MDL) and Instrument
Detection Limit (IDL) are used instead of LOD. The Method Detection Limit (MDL) refers to the lowest
concentration which can be reliably detected in either a sample or a blank and the Instrument
Detection Limit (IDL) refers to the smallest signal above background noise than an instrument can
reliably detect.

ii) Limit of Quantitation (LOQ)

LOQ is defined as the level above which quantitative results may be obtained. It is the lowest tested
concentration at which an acceptable mean recovery (normally 70-110%) and acceptable RSD (normally
<20%) are obtained. Samples that do not bear residues at or above the LOQ are often referred to as

To determine LOD and LOQ, fortification experiments should be conducted using a control sample and
at least 5 evenly spaced fortification levels, with at least 2 replications. Each replicated sample should be
individually fortified. All the analysis should be carried out consecutively. Where drift is exhibited, the
values should not be taken into consideration.

Lower Limit of Method Validation (LLMV). There are cases in which a laboratory does not
stringently determine the LOD and LOQ of a particular substrate/method/ equipment
combination but, rather, a “Lower Limit of Method Validation” (LLMV) is reported that could
be higher than the true LOQ within the capability of the method. The LLMV is simply the lowest
concentration at which the method was validated.

d) Recovery:

The portion of the compound, recovered in the final determinative step, after processing of the sample
(Extraction and Clean-up) is called recovery. In pesticide residue analysis studies it is of utmost
importance that the method used for analysis ensures recovery of the pesticides to the maximum
possible extent, which in turn reflects acceptance of the method employed for analysis.

In order to validate the residue analytical methods for crops, food, feed and environmental samples,
recovery studies are carried out at specified fortification levels. The analytical material is fortified with
the pesticide in a suitable solvent, and the solution is allowed to absorb into the sample. The fortified
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

control sample is then extracted and analysed in accordance with the specified method. Then recovery
is calculated as:

Recovery (%) = (Recovered Concentration/Added Concentration) x100

Recovery may be subjected to considerable variation induced by dissimilar handling during

processing/clean-up and by remnants of interfering substances in the final determination step
even when same methodology was followed. So, several recovery experiments should be run to
know the range of variation of the recovery from which the recoveries mean and its standard
deviation are calculated. The recovery and its range of variation are also greatly dependent upon
the amount of pesticides in the analyzed material. A minimum of 5 replicates is required (to check
the precision) at both the reporting limit (to check the sensitivity of the method), and at least at
another higher level, perhaps an action level, for example the MRL. With the aid of recovery mean,
the analytical results can be converted to a non-loss i.e Theoritical Recovery (TR) by applying
recovery Factor (RF).
If the analytical method does not permit determination of recovery (for example, direct analysis of
liquid samples, SPME, or headspace analysis), the precision is determined from repeat analyses of
calibration standards. The bias is usually assumed to be zero, although this is not necessarily so. In
SPME and headspace analysis, the trueness and precision of calibration may depend on the extent to
which the analyte has equilibrated, particularly with respect to the sample matrix.
Where practicable, recovery of all analytes determined should be measured with each batch of
analyses. If this requires a disproportionately large number of recovery determinations, the minimum
acceptable frequency of recovery may be as given in Table 1.
In cases where blank material is not available or where the only available blank material contains an
interfering compound at an acceptably low level, the spiking level for recovery should be ≥3 times
the level present in the blank material. The analyte (or apparent analyte) concentration in such a
blank matrix should be determined from multiple test portions. If necessary, recoveries should be
corrected by blank values.
The determination system must be calibrated with the representative analytes for every batch of
analyses. The minimum frequency for calibration of representative and all other analytes is given in
Table 1.
Table 1. Minimum frequencies for calibration and recovery Representative analytes
Minimum frequency of Calibration in each batch of analyses.
At least at the level corresponding to the reporting limit.
Minimum frequency of Determination in each batch of analyses.
At least at the level corresponding to the reporting limit.

Acceptable limits for single recovery should normally be in the range of 70-110% (in certain cases
60–140%) and may be adjusted using repeatability (validation) and intra laboratory reproducibility
(routine on-going recovery) data. Recoveries outside this range usually require re-analysis of the
batch but may be acceptable in certain justified cases.
The recovery study also helps in achieving various validation parameters of analysis. These parameters
also required for the registration of plant protection products and their a.i. The parameters are:

1. Trueness: There are various approaches to determine trueness of methods. The most common
is the performance of recovery experiments. According to the EC guidance document, the mean
recovery should be in the range of 70-110%. In justified cases, recoveries outside this range are

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

also acceptable. In such cases, the recovery factor is generally applied to the detected residue

2. Repeatability: Repeatability is defined as the precision under conditions where independent

test results are obtained with the same method on the identical test material in the same
laboratory by the same operator using the same equipment within short intervals of time.
Normally, it is estimated by the relative standard deviation (RSD) of the recoveries, which should
be lower than 20% per commodity and fortification levels.

3. Reproducibility: It is defined as the validation of the repeatability of recovery, from

representative levels, by at least one laboratory, which is independent of the laboratory which
initially validated the study.

4. Specificity: Specificity is defined as the ability of the method to distinguish between the analyte
being measured and other substrates. For this, blank value must be reported using
representative matrices. They should not be higher than 30% of the LOQ.
The highest precision for quantitative chromatography is obtained by using internal standard (I.S.),
because uncertainties introduced by the sample injection can be avoided. In this procedure, a carefully
measured quantity of an internal standard substance is introduced into each standard and sample, and
the ratio of the analyte peak area to the I.S. peak area are recorded. The I.S. peak should well be
separated from the peaks of all other components in the sample. With a suitable I.S., precisions of 0.5 to
1% are reported.

A.2.5 Dilution/Concentration of sample Extract

Great care must be exercised when extracts are evaporated to dryness, as trace quantities of many
analytes can be lost in this way. A small volume of high boiling point solvent may be used as a
“keeper” and the evaporation temperature should be as low as practicable. Frothing and vigorous
boiling of extracts, or dispersion of droplets, must be avoided. A stream of dry nitrogen or vacuum
centrifugal evaporation is generally preferable to the use of an air stream for small-scale evaporation,
as air is more likely to lead to oxidation or to introduce water and other contaminants.
Where extracts are diluted to a fixed volume, accurately calibrated vessels of not less than 1 ml
capacity should be used and further evaporation avoided. Alternatively, an internal standard may be
used, particularly for small volumes. Storage of extracts in a refrigerator or freezer will minimize
degradation of compounds.

A.2.6 Calculation of results

a) Chromatographic integration
Chromatograms must be examined by the analyst and the baseline fitting checked and adjusted, as
required. Where interfering or tailing peaks are present, a consistent approach must be adopted for
the positioning of the baseline for standards as well as for all sample peaks. Peak height or peak area
data may be used; whichever yields the more accurate and repeatable results.

b) Calculation of concentration Using Calibration Curve

The concentration of a pesticide residue can be calculated based upon the calibration curve. The pre-
requisite for this method is that the peak area should fall within the linear range of the curve. Then

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

the concentration can be calculated on basis of the slope of the calibration curve using the regression
Y=mX + C
Where, Y = Peak Area
X = Concentration
m = Slope of the curve
C = Constant

Limitation of this method is:

 frequent re-standardization is necessary
 Uncertainty in the volume of sample
c) Calculation of concentration Using Peak Area of Standard
The amount of pesticide residues present in a sample can be calculated using the formula:

R = (P1/P2) x C x (D/W)
R = Pesticide Residue in ppm or g/g or g/ml
P1 = Peak area of sample aliquot
P2 = Peak area of the standard solution
C = Concentration of standard solution (g/ml)
D = Volume of the sample extract (ml)
W = Weight of the sample portion used for analysis (g or ml)
In this case, the sample response should be within ±10% of the response of standard concentration
used for calculation.
In general, residues data are not to be adjusted for recovery. If they are adjusted for recovery (in case
of low recovery, generally <60%), then this must be stated. In this case they should be adjusted using
the mean value from 3 recoveries performed in the same matrix, and analysed in the same batch of

d) Qualifying results with uncertainty data

It is a requirement under ISO/IEC 17025 that laboratories determine and make available the
uncertainty associated with analytical results. Measurement uncertainty is a quantitative indicator of
the confidence in the analytical data and describes the range around a reported or experimental result
within which the true value can be expected to lie within a defined probability (confidence level).
Uncertainty ranges must take into consideration all sources of error. Laboratories should have
available sufficient data derived from method validation/verification, inter-laboratory studies (e.g.
proficiency tests) and in-house quality control tests, which are applied to estimate the uncertainties.
Estimates of typical uncertainty are based on previous data and may not reflect the uncertainty
associated with analysis of a current sample. Uncertainty data relate primarily to the analyte and
matrix used to generate them and should be extrapolated to other analytes and matrices with caution.
Uncertainty tends to be greater at lower levels, especially as the LOQ is approached. It may therefore
be necessary to generate uncertainty data for a range of concentrations if typical uncertainty is to be
provided for a wide range of residues data.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Replicate analyses of a specific sample combined with concurrent recovery determinations, can
improve the accuracy of the single-laboratory result and justify the use of a refined figure for the
measurement uncertainty.

5. Confirmative analytical techniques in residue analysis

Principles of confirmation
Negative results (residues below the reporting limit) can be considered confirmed if the recovery and
LCL measurement for the batch are acceptable. Positive results (residues at or above the reporting
limit) usually require additional confirmation. Unusually high residues must be identified by
combination of techniques, available and must be quantitatively confirmed by analysis of at least one
additional test portion. Different combinations of clean-up, derivatization, separation, and detection
techniques may also be used to support confirmation.
For confirmation of residues generally used methods are
 Use of selective detectors with GC or LC such as ECD, FPD, NPD, DAD and fluorescence,
offer only limited specificity.
 The use of dual column, i.e. a second column of different polarity in chromatography.
 The use of a highly specific detection system, such as mass spectrometry.
The use of combination of different polarity columns, can only provide limited confirmatory
evidence. These limitations may be acceptable for frequently found residues, especially if some
results are also confirmed using a more specific detection technique.

Confirmation by mass spectrometry (MS)

Mass spectrometric determination is considered as the most specific method of confirmation. The
term “confirmation by mass spectrometry” normally refers to over-whelming evidence that a sample
actually contains the analyte, i.e. proof of identity. MS of residues is usually carried out in
conjunction with a chromatographic separation technique to simultaneously provide:
i) retention time;
ii) ion mass/charge ratio; and
iii) abundance data

For GC-MS procedures, the chromatographic separation should be carried out using capillary
columns. For LC-MS procedures, the chromatographic separation can be performed using any
suitable LC column. Diagnostic ion chromatograms should have peaks (with minimum 3 data points
exceeding, S/N 3:1) of similar retention time, peak shape and response ratio to those obtained from a
calibration standard analysed in the same batch. Where chromatograms of unrelated ions show peaks
with a similar retention time and shape, or where unrelated ion chromatograms are not available (e.g.
with SIM), additional confirmation may be required. Where an ion chromatogram shows evidence of
significant chromatographic interference, it must not be relied upon to quantify or identify residues.
Careful subtraction of background spectra may be required to ensure that the resultant spectrum of
the chromatographic peak is representative. Whenever background correction is applied, this must be
applied uniformly throughout the batch and should be clearly indicated . Where ions unrelated to the
analyte in a peak-averaged “full-scan” spectrum (i.e. from m/z 50 to 50 mass units greater than the
“molecular ion”) do not exceed a quarter of base peak intensity in EI spectra, or one-tenth for all
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

other ionization methods, the spectrum may be accepted as sufficient evidence of identity. Where
unrelated ions exceed these limits, and they derive from chromatographically overlapping species,
additional evidence should be sought. Intensity ratios for principal ions should be within the
tolerance limits shown in Table 3. The ion that shows the best signal-to-noise ratio and no evidence
of significant chromatographic interference, should normally be used for quantification. In such
cases, MS/MS or MS-MSn can provide good evidence of identity.
Where the increased sensitivity obtained by scanning a limited mass range or by SIM, the general
minimum requirement is for data from two ions of m/z >200; or three ions of m/z >100, preferably
including the molecular ion. For a few analytes, where these minimum requirements may not be
achievable, ions with m/z <100 may also provide supporting evidence. However, ions arising from
common moieties may be of little use, as are cationised molecules or adducts, such as [M+NH ] ,
formed in LC-MS. Intensity ratios obtained from the more characteristic isotopic ions, e.g . those
containing Cl or Br, may be of particular utility. The selected diagnostic ions should not exclusively
originate from the same part of the parent molecule.
For full scan and SIM the relative intensities of the detected ions, expressed as a percentage of the
intensity of the most intense (abundant) ion or transition, should correspond to those of the
calibration standard at comparable concentrations and measured under the same conditions. Table 3
below indicates the maximum tolerances.
Table 3. Recommended maximum permitted tolerances for relative ion intensities using a range of
spectrometric techniques
Relative intensity EI-GC-MS CI-GC-MS, GC-MS , LC-MS, LC-
(% of base peak) (relative) n
MS (relative)
> 50 % ± 10 % ± 20 %
> 20 % to 50 % ± 15 % ± 25 %
> 10 % to 20 % ± 20 % ± 30 %
≤ 10% ± 50 % ± 50 %

Larger tolerances are more likely to lead to a larger percentage of false positive results. Likewise, if
the tolerances are decreased, then the likelihood of false negatives increases.
When full scan spectra are recorded in single mass spectrometry, a minimum of four ions should lie
within the maximum permitted tolerances for the relative ion intensities (Table 3). Computer-aided
library searching may be used. In this case, the comparison of mass spectral data in the test samples
with that of the calibration solution has to exceed a critical match factor. This factor should be
determined during method validation for every analyte. Variability in the spectra caused by the
sample matrix and the detector performance must be checked.

Confirmation by an independent laboratory Where practicable, confirmation of results in an

independent expert laboratory provides strong supporting evidence of quantity. If different
determination techniques are used, the evidence will also support identification.

6. Different terminologies used in Pesticide Residue Analysis

Pesticide Residue:

Any substance or mixture of substances in food resulting from the use of a pesticide and includes
any specified derivatives such as degradation and conversion products, metabolites, reaction products,
and impurities that are considered to be of toxicological significance. It is express in mg/Kg.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30


Sum total of all physical and chemical process that take place within an organism; chemical
changes that occur for a pesticide within an organism. It includes uptake and distribution within the body,
changes (biodegradation) and elimination of pesticides and their metabolites.


After the pesticide enter the plant or animal body, it is normally converted into parts

Dissipation and persistence

The first step is the initial phase in which the disappearance of the residue is fast. This phase is
called “Dissipation”. The second phase, in which there is a slow decrease in the amount of residue, is
known as “persistence”.

No observable adverse effect level (NOAEL)

It is the highest dose of substance that does not cause any detectable toxic effects in experimental
animal studies. It is expressed in mg/kg of body weight per day. To determine NOAEL values the sub
chronic and chronic studies are carried out in different species as given under.

Sub chronic
90-Day Feeding Study

 Rodent (Rat, Mouse)

 Non-rodent (Dog)
 Dermal (Depending on Use Pattern)
 Inhalation
 Neurotoxicity

One- or Two-year Oral Study

 Rodent (Usually Rat)

 Non-rodent (Dog)
 Life-time Oncogenicity Study
 Reproductive
 Multi-generation (Rat, Mouse), Fertility, Reproduction
 Teratogenicity (Rat, Mouse, Rabbit)
 In-Vitro Mutagenicity and Mechanistic Studies

Acceptable daily intake (ADI):

It is an estimate of the amount of a pesticide, expressed on a body weight basis that can be
ingested daily over a lifetime without appreciable health risk.

NOAEL animal studies (mg/kg body weight)

ADI for human beings (mg/kg body weight) = ----------------------------------------------------------
100 (safety factor)

PHI (Pre Harvest Interval):

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

The pre harvest interval is the time interval from the application of pesticide to harvest under
good agricultural practice so as to see that the pesticide residue falls below the MRL value.

Maximum Residue Level (MRL)

Is the maximum concentration of a pesticide residue in or on a food, agricultural commodity or

animal feed, resulting from the use of a pesticide according to Good Agricultural Practice (GAP). The
concentration is expressed in milligrams of pesticide residue per kilogram of the commodity. Under the
PFA Act, MRL or Tolerance Limits (TLs) are fixed considering MRLs based on supervised trials
conducted in India as well as the dietary habits of our population.

Toxicity studies of pesticides in animal are carried out to determine No observed Adverse Effect
Level (NOAEL). Data are evaluated and NOAEL is calculated from chronic study. It is usually expressed
in terms of milligrams of that particular pesticide per kilogram of body weight. From this NOAEL, the
Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) is calculated by dividing with a safety factor of 100. Therefore ADI,
which is expressed in terms of mg/kg body weight, is an indication that if a human being consumes that
amount of pesticide every day, throughout his lifetime, it will not cause appreciable health risk on the
basis of well known facts at the time of the evaluation of that particular pesticide. ADIs are derived from
the results of long term feeding studies with laboratory

MRL is therefore a dynamic concept dependant on extant knowledge and is therefore required to
be renewed from time to time.

Terminal residues of a particular pesticide on a treated crop are estimated from supervised trials,
to assess the maximum residue limit which the pesticide leaves when used as per the Good Agricultural
Practice (GAP).

Thus, the above three parameters i.e. ADI, terminal residues as per Good Agricultural Practice on
the crop and the diet pattern of the population are the critical inputs needed to derive the maximum
residue limits (MRLs) of pesticides in food commodities.

7. Maximum Residue Level of Pesticides

The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), established by FAO and WHO in 1963 to
develop harmonized international food standards, guidelines and codes of practice to protect the
health of the consumers and ensure fair trade practices in the food trade.

 The Codex Alimentarius officially covers all foods, whether processed, semi-processed
or raw, but far more attention has been given to foods that are marketed directly to
 Contains general standards covering matters such as food labelling, food hygiene, food
additives and pesticide residues (MRL value for different commodity) .
 The Codex Alimentarius is recognized by the World Trade Organization as an
international reference point for the resolution of disputes concerning food safety and
consumer protection

JMPR - Joint FAO/WHO Meetings on Pesticide Residues provide independent scientific

expert advice to the Commission and its specialist Committee on Pesticide Residues.

Codex India

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare has been designated as the nodal point for liaison with the Codex Alimentarius
Commission. The FSSAI has been established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 as
a statutory body for laying down science based standards for articles of food and regulating
manufacturing, processing, distribution, sale and import of food so as to ensure safe and
wholesome food for human consumption.The National Codex Contact Point (NCCP) has been
constituted by the FSSAI for keeping liaison with the CAC and to coordinate Codex activities in
India. The NCCP is located at Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare), FDA Bhawan, Kotla Road, New Delhi -110002, India. It coordinates and
promotes Codex activities in India in association with the National Codex Committee and
facilitates India's input to the work of Codex through an established consultation process

Core Functions of NCCP-INDIA:

 Coordinate all relevant Codex activities within India

 Receive all Codex final texts (standards, codes of practice, guidelines and other advisory
texts) and working documents of Codex Sessions and ensure that these are circulated to
those concerned
 Promote Codex Activities throughout India
 Build capacity in country to effectively take up Codex work
 Keep track of international food standards work and give comments and data to ensure
that international food standards elaborated are practicable for local manufactures and do
not hinder exports of food
 Undertake study and research work
 Encourage food manufacturers to improve quality and hygiene management to meet
requirements of international food standards; and
 Disseminate information of food standards and food laws to relevant government
agencies, primary producers, manufacturers, exporters, consumers and concerned
 Advise government on the implications of various food standardization, food quality and
safety issues
 Provide important inputs to the government so as to assist in ensuring quality and safety
of food to the consumers
 Cooperate with other local/regional or foreign organizations dealing with activities
relating to food standardization.

The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006

The FSSA aims to establish a single reference point for all matters relating to food safety and
standards, by moving from multi- level, multi- departmental control to a single line of command.

FSSAI and the State Food Safety Authorities shall enforce various provisions of the Act.


Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) was
established by the Government of India under the Agricultural and Processed Food Products
Export Development Authority Act & came into effect from 13th February, 1986

Functions of APEDA

 Fixing of standards and specifications for the scheduled products for the purpose of
 Carrying out inspection of fruits and fruit products, Milk and Poultry products, meat and
meat products in slaughter houses, processing plants, storage premises, conveyances or
other places where such products are kept or handled for the purpose of ensuring the
quality of such products;
 Improving of packaging of the Scheduled products;

 Improving of marketing of the Scheduled products outside India;

8. Principles of Pesticide Management

Pesticide Management is the regulation of the import, manufacture, export, sale, transport,
distribution, quality and use of pesticides with a view to
(i) control pests;
(ii) ensure availability of quality pesticides;
(iii) allow its use only after assessing its efficacy and safety;
(iv) minimize the contamination of agricultural commodities by pesticide residues;
(v) create awareness among users regarding safe and judicious use of pesticides, and
(vi) to take necessary measures to continue, restrict or prohibit the use of pesticides on
the basis of reassessment with a view to prevent its risk on human beings, animals or
environment, and for matters connected there with or incidental.
Pesticide Management is an activity carried out within the overall framework of the Plant
Production and Protection Division of FAO. It is designed to work together with member
countries and other International Organizations as a partner to introduce sustainable and
environmentally sound agricultural practices that reduce health and environmental risks
associated with the use of pesticides.
In March 2007 FAO and WHO signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in
a Joint Programme For The Sound Management Of Pesticides to provide unified, coordinated
and consistent advice and support to their Member States and to other stakeholders on sound
management of pesticides. The "FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Management"
(JMPM) is an expert ad hoc body administered jointly by FAO and WHO: the JMPM advises on
matters pertaining to pesticide regulation, management and use, and alerts to new developments,
problems or issues that otherwise merit attention from one or both Organizations. The JMPM
consists of members drawn from the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Management and the
WHO Panel of Experts on Vector Biology and Control, which are statutory advisory bodies of
the respective Organizations

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

The International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides

The International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides is the
worldwide guidance document on pesticide management for all public and private entities
engaged in, or associated with, the distribution and use of pesticides. It was adopted for the first
time in 1985 by the Twenty-fifth Session of the FAO Conference. It focuses on
i. Risk reduction,
ii. Protection of human health and the environmental, and
iii. Support for sustainable agricultural development by using pesticides in an effective
manner and applying IPM strategies.
Particular concerns are given for countries where living and working conditions make pesticide
use more risky.
The Code is designed to provide standards of conduct and to serve as a point of reference in
relation to sound pesticide management practices, in particular for government authorities and
the pesticide industry. Following the adoption of the Rotterdam Convention in 1998 and in view
of the changing international policy framework, as well as the persistence of certain pesticide
management problems, particularly in developing countries, in 1999 FAO initiated the update
and revision process of the Code.
The 12 Articles of the Code, plus supporting technical guidelines and a new Annex consisting of
references to international policy instruments related to the Code, represent an up-to-date
standard for pesticide management. This embodies a modern approach, leading to sound
management of pesticides which focuses on risk reduction, protection of human and
environmental health, and support for sustainable agricultural development by using pesticides in
an effective manner and applying IPM strategies.
In addition, the revised Code includes the life-cycle concept of pesticide management.

1. Objectives of the Code:

The objectives of this Code are to establish voluntary standards of conduct for all public and
private entities engaged in or associated with the distribution and use of pesticides, particularly
where there is inadequate or no national legislation to regulate pesticides.
The Code describes the shared responsibility of many sectors of society to work together so that
the benefits to be derived from the necessary and acceptable use of pesticides are achieved
without significant adverse effects on human health or the environment.
The Code addresses the need for a cooperative effort between governments of pesticide
exporting and importing countries to promote practices that minimize potential health and
environmental risks associated with pesticides, while ensuring their effective use
The entities which are addressed by this Code include international organizations, governments
of exporting and importing countries, pesticide industry, application equipment industry, traders,
food industry, users, and public-sector organizations such as environmental groups, consumer
groups and trade unions
The Code recognizes that training at all appropriate levels is an essential requirement in
implementing and observing its provisions. Therefore, governments, pesticide industry, users of
pesticides, international organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

parties concerned should give high priority to training activities related to each Article of the
The standards of conduct set forth in this Code:
i. Encourage responsible and generally accepted trade practices;
ii. Assist countries which have not yet established regulatory controls on the quality and
suitability of pesticide products needed in that country to promote the judicious and
efficient use of such products and address the potential risks associated with their use;
iii. Promote practices which reduce risks in the handling of pesticides, including minimizing
adverse effects on humans and the environment and preventing accidental poisoning
resulting from improper handling
iv. Ensure that pesticides are used effectively and efficiently for the improvement of
agricultural production and of human, animal and plant health
v. Adopt the "life-cycle” concept to address all major aspects related to the development,
regulation, production, management, packaging, labelling, distribution, handling,
application, use and control, including post registration activities and disposal of all types
of pesticides, including used pesticide containers
vi. Promote Integrated Pest Management (IPM) (including integrated vector management for
public health pests)
vii. Include reference to participation in information exchange and international agreements
identified in Annex 1, in particular the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed
Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International

2. Pesticide management
i. Governments have the overall responsibility to regulate the availability, distribution and
use of pesticides in their countries and should ensure the allocation of adequate resources
for this mandate.
ii. Pesticide industry should adhere to the provisions of this Code as a standard for the
manufacture, distribution and advertising of pesticides, particularly in countries lacking
appropriate legislation and advisory services.
iii. Governments of pesticide exporting countries should, to the extent possible:
a) Provide technical assistance to other countries, especially those lacking technical
expertise in the assessment of the relevant data on pesticides;
b) Ensure that good trading practices are followed in the export of pesticides, especially
to those countries with limited or no regulatory schemes.
iv. Pesticide industry and traders should observe the following practices in pesticide
management, especially in countries without legislation or means of implementing
a) Supply only pesticides of adequate quality, packaged and labelled as appropriate for
each specific market
b) In close cooperation with procurers of pesticides, adhere closely to provisions of
FAO guidelines on tender procedures
c) Pay special attention to the choice of pesticide formulations and to presentation,
packaging and labelling in order to reduce risks to users and minimize adverse effects
on the environment
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

d) Provide, with each package of pesticide, information and instructions in a form and
language adequate to ensure effective use and reduce risks during handling
e) Be capable of providing effective technical support, backed up by full product
stewardship to field level, including advice on disposal of pesticides and used
pesticide containers, if necessary;
Retain an active interest in following their products to the end-user, keeping track of
major uses and the occurrence of any problems arising from the use of their products, as a
basis for determining the need for changes in labelling, directions for use, packaging,
formulation or product availability.
Pesticides whose handling and application require the use of personal protective
equipment that is uncomfortable, expensive or not readily available should be avoided,
especially in the case of small-scale users in tropical climates. Preference should be given
to pesticides that require inexpensive personal protective and application equipment and
to procedures appropriate to the conditions under which the pesticides are to be handled
and used.
v. National and international organizations, governments and pesticide industry should take
coordinated action to disseminate educational materials of all types to pesticide users,
farmers, farmer organizations, agricultural workers, unions and other interested parties.
Similarly, users should seek and understand educational materials before applying
pesticides and should follow proper procedures.

vi. Concerted efforts should be made by governments to develop and promote the use of
IPM. Furthermore, lending institutions, donor agencies and governments should support
the development of national IPM policies and improved IPM concepts and practices.
These should be based on scientific and other strategies that promote increased
participation of farmers (including women's groups), extension agents and on-farm

vii. All stakeholders, including farmers and farmer associations, IPM researchers, extension
agents, crop consultants, food industry, manufacturers of biological and chemical
pesticides and application equipment, environmentalists and representatives of consumer
groups should play a proactive role in the development and promotion of IPM.

viii. Governments, with the support of relevant international and regional organizations,
should encourage and promote research on, and the development of, alternatives posing
fewer risks: biological control agents and techniques, non-chemical pesticides and
pesticides that are, as far as possible or desirable, target-specific, that degrade into
innocuous constituent parts or metabolites after use and are of low risk to humans and the

ix. Governments and the application equipment industry should develop and promote the use
of pesticide application methods and equipment that pose low risks to human health and
the environment and that are more efficient and cost-effective, and should conduct
ongoing practical training in such activities.

x. Governments, pesticide industry and national and international organizations should

collaborate in developing and promoting resistance management strategies to prolong the
useful life of valuable pesticides and reduce the adverse effects resulting from the
development of resistance of pests to pesticides.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

3. Testing of pesticides
Pesticide industry should:
i. Ensure that each pesticide and pesticide product is adequately and effectively tested by
recognized procedures and test methods so as to fully evaluate its efficacy, behaviour,
fate, hazard and risk with regard to the various anticipated conditions in regions or
countries of use;
ii. Ensure that such tests are conducted in accordance with sound scientific procedures and
the principles of good laboratory practice (15);
iii. Ensure that the proposed use pattern, label claims and directions, packages, technical
literature and advertising truly reflect the outcome of these scientific tests and
iv. Provide at the request of a country, methods for the analysis of any active ingredient or
formulation that they manufacture, and provide the necessary analytical standards;
v. Provide advice and assistance in the training of technical staff involved in the relevant
analytical work. Formulators should actively support this effort;
vi. Conduct residue trials prior to marketing, at least in accordance with Codex

4. Reducing health and environmental risks

Governments should:
i. Implement a pesticide registration and control system.
ii. Periodically review the pesticides marketed in their country, their acceptable uses and
their availability to each sector of the public, and conduct special reviews when indicated
by scientific evidence.
iii. Carry out health surveillance programmes of those who are occupationally exposed to
pesticides and investigate, as well as document, poisoning cases.
iv. Provide guidance and instructions to health workers, physicians and hospital staff on the
treatment of suspected pesticide poisoning.
v. Establish national or regional poisoning information and control centres at strategic
locations to provide immediate guidance on first aid and medical treatment, accessible at
all times.
vi. Provide extension and advisory services and farmers' organizations with adequate
information about practical IPM strategies and methods, as well as the range of pesticide
products available for use;
vii. Implement a programme to monitor pesticide residues in food and the environment

Pesticide industry should:

i. Cooperate & provide poison-control centres and medical practitioners with information
about pesticide hazards and on suitable treatment of pesticide poisoning;
ii. Make every reasonable effort to reduce risks posed by pesticides by:
 Making less toxic formulations available;
 Introducing products in ready-to-use packages;
 Developing application methods and equipment that minimize exposure to pesticides;

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

 Using returnable and refillable containers where effective container collection systems
are in place;
 Using containers that are not attractive for subsequent reuse and promoting
programmes to discourage their reuse, where effective container collection systems are
not in place;
 Using containers that are not attractive to or easily opened by children, particularly for
domestic use products;
 Using clear and concise labelling.
iii. Halt sale and recall products when handling or use pose an unacceptable risk under any
use directions or restrictions.
Government and industry should cooperate in further reducing risks by:
i. Promoting the use of proper and affordable personal protective equipment.
ii. Making provisions for safe storage of pesticides at both warehouse and farm level.
iii. Establishing services to collect and safely dispose of used containers and small quantities
of left-over pesticides.
iv. Protecting biodiversity and minimizing adverse effects of pesticides on the environment
(water, soil and air) and on non-target organisms.
To avoid unjustified confusion and alarm among the public, concerned parties should consider
all available facts and should promote responsible information dissemination on pesticides and
their uses.
In establishing production facilities of a suitable standard in developing countries

5.Regulatory and technical requirements

Governments should:
i. Introduce the necessary legislation for the regulation of pesticides.
ii. Conduct risk evaluations and make risk management decisions based on all available data
or information, as part of the registration process;
iii. Improve regulations in relation to collecting and recording data on import, export,
manufacture, formulation, quality and quantity of pesticides;
iv. Permit pesticide application and personal protective equipment to be marketed only if they
comply with established standards;
v. Detect and control illegal trade in pesticides;
vi. When importing food and agricultural commodities, recognize good agricultural practices
in countries with which they trade.

6. Availability and Use

Governments should use (where appropriate) the WHO classification of pesticides by hazard as
the basis for their regulatory measures and associate the hazard class with well-recognized
hazard symbols. When determining the risk and degree of restriction, the type of formulation and
method of application should be taken into account.
Two methods of restricting availability can be exercised by the responsible authority: not
registering a product or, as a condition of registration, restricting the availability to certain
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

groups of users in accordance with a national assessment of the hazards involved in the use of
the product.
Prohibition of the importation, sale and purchase of highly toxic and hazardous products, such as
those included in WHO classes Ia and Ib, may be desirable if other control measures or good
marketing practices are insufficient to ensure that the product can be handled with acceptable
risk to the user.

7. Distribution and trade

Governments should:
i. Develop regulations and implement licensing procedures to ensure that, those involved in
the sale of pesticides are capable of providing buyers with sound advice on risk reduction
and efficient use.
ii. Take the necessary regulatory measures to prohibit the repackaging or decanting of any
pesticide into food or beverage containers and rigidly enforce punitive measures that
effectively deter such practices;
iii. Encourage a market-driven supply process to reduce the potential for accumulation of
excessive stocks.
Pesticide industry should:
i. Take all necessary steps to ensure that pesticides entering international trade conform at
least to relevant FAO, WHO or equivalent specifications.
ii. Ensure that pesticides manufactured for export are subject to the same quality
requirements and standards as those applied to comparable domestic products;
iii. Encourage importing agencies, national or regional formulators and their respective trade
organizations to cooperate in order to achieve fair practices as well as marketing and
distribution practices that reduce the risks posed by pesticides.
iv. Recognize that a pesticide may need to be recalled by a manufacturer and distributor
when its use, as recommended, represents an unacceptable risk to human and animal
health or the environment, and act accordingly;
v. Endeavour to ensure that pesticides are traded by and purchased from reputable traders,
who should preferably be members of a recognized trade organization;
vi. Ensure that persons involved in the sale of pesticides are trained adequately, hold
appropriate government licences (where such licences exist) and have access to sufficient
information, such as material safety data sheets, so that they are capable of providing
buyers with advice on risk reduction and efficient use;
vii. Provide, consistent with national requirements, a range of pack sizes and types that are
appropriate for the needs of small-scale farmers and other local users, in order to reduce
risks and to discourage sellers from repackaging products in unlabelled or inappropriate
The procurer (government authority, growers' association, or individual farmer) should establish
purchasing procedures to prevent the oversupply of pesticides and consider including
requirements relating to extended pesticide storage, distribution and disposal services in a
purchasing contract.

8. Information Exchange
Governments should:

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

i. Promote the establishment or strengthening of networks for information exchange on

pesticides through national institutions, international, regional and sub-regional
organizations and public sector groups;
ii. Facilitate the exchange of information between regulatory authorities to strengthen
cooperative efforts. The information to be exchanged should include:
 Actions to ban or severely restrict a pesticide in order to protect human health or the
environment, and additional information upon request;
 Scientific, technical, economic, regulatory and legal information concerning pesticides
including toxicological, environmental and safety data;
 The availability of resources and expertise associated with pesticide regulatory
In addition, governments are encouraged to develop:
i. Legislation and regulations that permit the provision of information to the public about
pesticide risks and the regulatory process;
ii. administrative procedures to provide transparency and facilitate the participation of the
public in the regulatory process.
International organizations should provide information on specific pesticides (including guidance
on methods of analysis) through the provision of criteria documents, fact sheets, training and
other appropriate means.

9. Labelling, packaging, storage and disposal

i. All pesticide containers should be clearly labelled in accordance with applicable
guidelines, at least in line with the FAO guidelines on good labelling practice.
ii. Industry should use labels that:
 Comply with registration requirements and include recommendations.
 Include appropriate symbols and pictograms whenever possible, in addition to written
instructions, warnings and precautions in the appropriate language or languages.
 Include, in the appropriate language or languages, a warning against the reuse of
containers and instructions for the safe disposal or decontamination of used
 Clearly show the release date (month and year) of the lot or batch and contain relevant
information on the storage stability of the product.
iii. Pesticide industry, in cooperation with government, should ensure that:
 Packaging, storage and disposal of pesticides conform to the relevant FAO, UNEP9,
WHO guidelines or regulations or to other international guidelines, where applicable.
 Packaging or repackaging is carried out only on licensed premises where the
responsible authority is satisfied that staff are adequately protected against toxic
hazards, that the resulting product will be properly packaged and labelled, and that the
content will conform to the relevant quality standards.
iv. Governments should take the necessary regulatory measures to prohibit the repackaging
or decanting of any pesticide into food or beverage containers and rigidly enforce
punitive measures that effectively deter such practices.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

v. Governments, with the help of pesticide industry should inventory obsolete or unusable
stocks of pesticides and used containers, establish and implement an action plan for their
disposal, or remediation in the case of contaminated sites, and record these activities.
vi. Pesticide industry should be encouraged, with multilateral cooperation, to assist in
disposing of any banned or obsolete pesticides and of used containers, in an
environmentally sound manner, including reuse with minimal risk where approved and
vii. Governments, pesticide industry, international organizations and the agricultural
community should implement policies and practices to prevent the accumulation of
obsolete pesticides and used containers.

10. Advertising
i. Governments should control, by means of legislation, the advertising of pesticides in all
media to ensure that it is not in conflict with label directions and precautions.
ii. Pesticide industry should ensure that:
 All statements used in advertising are technically justified;
 Advertisements do not contain any statement or visual presentation which is likely to
mislead the buyer, in particular with regard to the “safety” of the product, its nature,
composition or suitability for use, official recognition or approval;
 Pesticides which are legally restricted to use by trained or registered operators are not
publicly advertised through journals other than those catering for such operators, unless
the restricted availability is clearly and prominently shown.
 No company or individual in any one country simultaneously markets different pesticide
active ingredients or combinations of ingredients under a single brand name;
 Advertisements do not misuse research results, quotations from technical and scientific
literature or scientific jargon to make claims appear to have a scientific basis they do not
 Claims as to safety, including statements such as "safe", "non-poisonous", "harmless",
"non-toxic" or "compatible with IPM," are not made, with or without a qualifying phrase
such as "when used as directed".
 Statements comparing the risk, hazard or “safety” of different pesticides or other
substances are not made;
 Misleading statements are not made concerning the effectiveness of the product;
 Advertisements do not contain any visual representation of potentially dangerous
practices, such as mixing or application without sufficient protective clothing, use near
food or use by or in the vicinity of children;
 Advertising or promotional material draws attention to the appropriate warning phrases
and symbols as laid down in the FAO labelling guidelines.
 Technical literature provides adequate information on correct practices, including the
observance of recommended application rates, frequency of applications and pre-harvest
 All staff involved in sales promotion are adequately trained and possess sufficient
technical knowledge to present complete, accurate and valid information on the products
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

 Advertisements and promotional activities should not include inappropriate incentives or

gifts to encourage the purchase of pesticides.

11. Monitoring and observance of the Code

 The Code should be published and should be observed through collaborative action on
the part of governments, individually or in regional groupings, appropriate organizations
and bodies of the United Nations system, international, governmental and non-
governmental organizations and the pesticide industry.
 The Code should be brought to the attention of all concerned in the regulation,
manufacture, distribution and use of pesticides, so that governments, individually or in
regional groupings, pesticide industry, international institutions, pesticide user
organizations, agricultural commodity industries and food industry groups (such as
supermarkets) that are in a position to influence good agricultural practices, understand
their shared responsibilities in working together to ensure that the objectives of the Code
are achieved.
 All parties should observe this Code and should promote the principles and ethics
expressed by the Code, irrespective of other parties' ability to observe the Code. Pesticide
industry should cooperate fully in the observance of the Code and promote the principles
and ethics expressed by the Code, irrespective of a government's ability to observe the
 Independently of any measures taken with respect to the observance of this Code, all
relevant legal rules, whether legislative, administrative, judicial or customary, dealing
with liability, consumer protection, conservation, pollution control and other related
subjects, should be strictly applied.
 FAO and other competent international organizations should give full support to the
observance of the Code.
 Governments, in collaboration with FAO, should monitor the observance of the Code and
report on progress made to the Director-General of FAO.
 NGOs and other interested parties are invited to monitor activities related to the
implementation of the Code and report these to the Director-General of FAO.
 Governing Bodies of FAO should periodically review the relevance and effectiveness of
the Code. The Code should be considered a dynamic text which must be brought up to
date as required, taking into account technical, economic and social progress.

Obsolete Pesticides

Half a million tonnes of obsolete pesticides are scattered throughout the developing world. These
toxic chemicals, often stored outdoors in leaking containers, are seeping into the soil and water.

Eliminating these dangerous stocks is a development priority. Rural communities can't hope to
develop if the soil and water are contaminated with pesticides. Their people can't hope to prosper
if they are suffering from severe illnesses caused by pesticide poisoning. FAO's Programme on
the Prevention and Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides is working to inform the world about the
dangers of obsolete pesticide stocks. It collaborates with developing countries to prevent more
obsolete pesticides from accumulating and assists them dispose of their existing stockpiles.
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

Pesticides that can no longer be used for any purpose are dangerous toxic waste.
Moreover, there are discarded pesticide containers. These old containers can be as dangerous as
the pesticides themselves. In developing countries, they are often used to store food or water.
FAO's Programme on the Prevention and Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides assists developing
countries deal with these toxic containers.

 FAO Pesticide Disposal Series 14: The Preparation of Inventories of Pesticides and
Contaminated Materials
 FAO Pesticide Disposal Series 15: Environmental Managment Tool Kit for obsolete
 FAO Pesticide Disposal Series 16: Environmental Managment Tool Kit for obsolete

Often stockpiles of old pesticides are poorly stored and toxic chemicals leak into the
environment, turning potentially fertile soil into hazardous waste. The Programme also provides
strategies for handling contaminated soil.

Pesticides: Around a thousand active ingredients are used to manufacture the wide array of
pesticides in countries all over the world. What's more, these ingredients come in many
thousands of different formulations. All these formulations degrade over time. The chemical by-
products that form as the pesticide deteriorates can be even more toxic than the original product.
Obsolete pesticide stockpiles are often poorly stored and the containers corrode and leak. In a
single storage facility, chemicals from many different products may blend together to create a
toxic quagmire.
Because of this tremendous chemical complexity, there is no single solution that can be applied
to clean up obsolete pesticide stocks.

Containers: Wherever pesticides are used, empty containers are generated. Obviously, no country can
eliminate the problem of used pesticide containers in a single, or even a series, of disposal operations. It's
an ongoing problem; one that poses a serious threat to the environment and public health. In many
developing countries, empty pesticide containers are highly valued property. Even though it is usually
impossible to remove all traces of toxic chemicals from pesticide containers, people often use them for
storing fuel or even food and water. This is clearly an unsafe practice that must be discouraged.

Dangers of improper disposal: When measures are taken to dispose of containers, often they are not
appropriate. For example, many pesticide suppliers and national authorities recommend the burying or
burning of waste pesticides and empty containers. But buried chemical waste can contaminate soil and
groundwater, while burning pesticides and containers releases highly toxic fumes. Often pesticides, empty
containers and contaminated materials are dumped in landfills or other general waste collection sites. Most
of these sites aren't designed to prevent toxic materials from leaking into the ground or being washed out by
rain into water bodies. In developing countries such sites are also usually scavenged and useful items such
as pesticide containers are reclaimed.

A responsibility of industry and the government

Most pesticide users can't dispose of pesticides and related waste materials safely. Under
the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides, manufacturers
and distributors of pesticides are expected to provide facilities that allow pesticide users to

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

dispose of empty containers and pesticide-related waste materials safely. National and local
authorities must also help with the disposal of farmers' and householders' pesticide-related waste.
They can do this by establishing schemes for collecting small quantities of pesticides, used
containers and contaminated materials. The FAO Programme provides technical advice and
guidance to assist developing countries take the necessary to reduce the risks posed by used
pesticide containers.
Contaminated soil: Obsolete pesticides are often improperly stored. Liquid pesticides can leak
out of corroded drums into the soil and groundwater and end up polluting local lakes and rivers.
The wind can spread pesticide powders over a wide area. Once pesticides enter soil they spread
at rates that depend on the type of soil and pesticides, moisture and organic matter content of the
soil and other factors. A relatively small amount of spilled pesticides can therefore create a much
larger volume of contaminated soil. For example, approximately 30 tonnes of pesticides buried
on a site in Yemen in the 1980s contaminated over 1500 tonnes of soil. Obviously, this can pose
a serious health and environmental threat to nearby communities.
Cleaning up contaminated water and soil is a desirable part of any obsolete pesticide disposal
operation. But dealing with contaminated soil is a costly, technically complex and difficult task.
Every site is different. First the extent of the contamination and the impact on the local
environment must be determined. This requires an understanding of the chemical properties of
the pesticides. Often the pesticides are unknown and samples must be analysed. Depending on
the results of the chemical analysis and risk assessment, there are three basic ways of dealing
with contaminated soil and water:
 removing the contamination by excavating the soil and pumping-up of groundwater;
 containing the contamination by covering contaminated soil with buildings, asphalt or
another impermeable layer, and preventing contaminated groundwater from flowing
 preventing human contact with the contamination by covering the contamination with
clean soil, fencing-off contaminated areas and closing contaminated wells.

Removing contamination is more expensive than containing it, which in turn is more expensive than
taking protective measures. Containment and protective measures are effective only for as long as they
are maintained and their proper maintenance may be difficult to ensure over a long period of time.
The FAO Programme has published a reference manual for assessing soil contamination to assist
developing countries to make sound decisions about how to deal with the problem in the most cost-
effective manner. FAO is also working to develop cost effective methods for dealing with pesticide
contaminated soil in developing countries

Why do we have this problem?

The only way we can permanently eliminate the dangers posed by old and unwanted pesticide
stocks is to make sure that no more stocks accumulate. That's why it is essential to understand
the reasons behind the build-up of existing obsolete pesticide stockpiles. As the philosopher
George Santayana said, "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
The major factors that have resulted in the creation of large quantities of old and unused
pesticides in developing countries are:

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

i. Pesticide Bans
In many countries, when a range of products has been banned or withdrawn for health or
environmental reasons stocks remain where they are stored and eventually deteriorate. Good
practice in such cases requires pesticide regulatory authorities to allow a phase out period when
products are banned or restricted so that existing stocks can be used up before the restriction is
fully applied.

ii. The ban on POPs pesticides

As the world became more aware of the dangers of POPs chemicals, these pesticides were
banned from donor-funded locust campaigns in the late 1970s. Many POPs pesticides, dieldrin in
particular, were widely used in campaigns to eradicate locusts in Africa. When the POPs
pesticides were banned, little thought was given to the fate of the remaining stock. Existing data
indicate that more than 20 percent of obsolete pesticides stockpiles consist of POP pesticides
which are nearly 30 years old. They are poorly stored and are leaking into the environment and
contaminating soil and water. Also, because they are very persistent, POPs pesticides can be
effective for a long time. As a result, the pesticides are sometimes stolen and sold illegally.
There are many cases where highly hazardous pesticides, which are not permitted for use in
industrialized countries, are exported to developing countries. For a pesticide to be banned, it has
to be registered first. Some pesticide companies have not registered or re-registered products
which they knew would have not have been authorized in their own country but continue to
produce and export the same products to developing countries. There are also cases of pesticide
manufacturers increasing exports of products that have been banned or restricted in their own
countries, possibly in order to use up existing stocks or to compensate for depleted local
Authorities within the country must identify the root cause for the accumulation of the stocks and
adopt measures to ensure that no more stocks will accumulate. By following the International
Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides, governments can ensure that useless
or unwanted pesticides don't enter the country and that the pesticides that are allowed in are
stored and managed safely. The FAO Programme on Prevention and Disposal of Obsolete
Pesticides has published several guidelines specifically related to the prevention of obsolete

Problem in Clearing of Obsolete Pesticides

Disposal of obsolete pesticides currently costs between 3 and 5 USD per kilogram or litre of
pesticide or contaminated material. This covers the costs of repackaging, site clean-up, overland
transportation, shipment to Europe and incineration in dedicated high-temperature hazardous
waste incinerators. To date about 3 000 tonnes of obsolete pesticides have been disposed of from
14 countries at a cost of almost 14 million. On the basis of global estimate totalling 250 000
tonnes of obsolete pesticides, about 1.25 billion would be needed to destroy all the stock.

Pesticide quality specifications

The "Joint Meeting on Pesticide Specifications" (JMPS) is an expert ad hoc body administered
jointly by FAO and WHO, composed of scientists collectively possessing expert knowledge of
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

the development of specifications. Their opinions and recommendations to FAO/WHO are

provided in their individual expert capacities, not as representatives of their countries or
The primary function of the JMPS is to produce recommendations to FAO and/or WHO on the
adoption, extension, modification or withdrawal of specifications. FAO is publishing
specifications for pesticides and their related formulations, as well the accompanying manual on
the development and use of these specifications.
The purpose of these publications is to provide
 a normal standard of quality for the buying and selling of pesticides
 assistance in the official approval and acceptance of pesticides
 protection for responsible vendors against inferior products
 a link between biological efficacy and specification requirements
 an international point of reference;

Insecticide Act-1968

The Insecticide Act-1968 has come in to existence in India as act of 46 of 1968, Dt. 2-9-1968.
The enactment of act took place on the basis of recommendation of Inter-ministerial Committee, headed
by DR. M.S. THACKER on “the Kerala & Madras Food-poisoning Cases Enquiry Commission’s report”
under Justice J.C. Shah, then a sitting judge of Bombay High court. Dr M.S. THACKER committee
recommended Short-term and Long-term measures on the basis of the enquiry commission’s report which
were accepted and the enactment of the Insecticide Act took place.

The constitution of Kerala & Madras Food-poisoning Cases Enquiry Commission under Justice
J.C. Shah took place due to the accidents occurred in April & May, 1958 , in Kerala(by Folidol
contamination ) & Tamil Nadu, causing Food Poison due to which many people died and suffered due to
the their toxic effects.

The Government has enacted the Insecticide Act 1968 on the basis of long term measures to
• Import
• Manufacture
• Sale
• Transport
• Distribution
• Use
of pesticides with a view to prevent risk to human beings, animals and for matters connected

The Salient features of the Bill of the are Establishment of CIB and RC Licensing of persons,
Establishment of CIL, Prohibition of import, manufacture, sale, etc ,Regulation of transport and storage of
insecticides so as to prevent cases of accidental contamination of food..Provision of taking immediate
action by way of prohibition of sale, distribution and use of any insecticide if it involved risk to human
beings and vertebrate animals.

The IA-1968 act comprises of 38 Sections in it dealing various aspects of the pesticides in its
life cycle and the act is executed following the 46 rules provided in the Insecticide Rules 1971 and the
Insecticides (Price, Stock Display and Submission of Reports) Order - 1986 . The rules are being
amended from time to time to suit and improve so as to serve the nation and farmers in particular and the
following are the amendements existing to the Insecticide Rules 1971.

a) The Insecticides(1st Amendment) Rules – 1993

b) The Insecticides (2nd Amendment) Rules – 2006
Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

As per the Act The Central Insecticides Board (CIB) is the Apex Advisory Body, which is
headed by Director General, Health services, and advises the Central & State Governments on
technical matters relating to Risk to human beings or animals involved in the use of insecticides and
measures necessary to prevent such risk; and manufacture, sale, storage, transport and distribution of
insecticides with a view to ensure safety to human beings and animals.

The Technical Executive Body under the act is Registration Committee which is Headed by
Agricultural Commissioner, Govt. of India . The Registration Committee Registers insecticides after
scrutinizing their formulae and verifying claims, made by applicants with regard to their efficacy and
safety to human beings and animals; and other functions as assigned by or under the Act.

The Registration of the insecticides is done under the Act in different categories depending on the
purpose and type operations intended by the applicant. They are three Types of registration as furnished

 Provisional [9(3B)]
 Regular [9(3)]
 Repeat [9(4)

The registration committee ensures the efficacy and safety of the products registered on scrutiny
of the data submitted by the registrants through its panel of experts on the following before issuing the

Ensuring Efficacy and Safety

 Chemistry
 Bio-efficacy / Residues
 Toxicity
 Packing & Packaging
Ensuring infrastructural facilities for

 Manufacture
 Stock
 Distribution
 Sale
 Exhibit for Sale
 Commercial Pest Control Operations

The CIB & RC periodically reviews the pesticide usage and its effects and considers the feed
back from the general public, scientific community and research bodies and through the media and satisfy
through its own technical expert committees and take necessary steps to impose prohibition on certain
pesticides pertaining to Import, Manufacture, Sale, Stock or exhibit for sale, Distribution, Transport
and Use or Caused to be used as it deemed fit for the reasons of Public Safety.

Regulation of Pesticide-usage restricted and banned pesticide

The Ministry of Agriculture regulates the manufacture, sale, transport and distribution, export, import
and use of pesticides through the ‘Insecticides Act 1968’ and the rules framed there under. Through this Act,
a Central Insecticides Board (CIB), has been set up to advise the Central and state governments on technical
matters and for including insecticides into the Schedule of the Act. The approval of the use of pesticides and
new formulations to tackle the pest problem in various crops is given by the Registration Committee (RC)
while the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare monitors and regulates pesticides residue levels in
food through Prevention of Food Adulteration Act. The existing MRLs listed in the Prevention of Food
Adulteration Act and Rules, are incorporated in the Food Safety and Standards Regulations, 2010.

Pesticide Management Division, NIPHM, Hyderabad-30

In India, the pesticides regulations are governed under the following Acts/Rules:

The Insecticides Act 1968 and Rules 1971

Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 1954
The Environment (Protection) Act 1986
The Factories Act 1948
Bureau of Indian Standards Act
Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act 1981
Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act 1974
Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules 1989

The Pesticides Management Bill, 2008 was introduced in the Rajya Sabha on October 21, 2008 but
this bill shall come into force after notification in the official gazette.

Restricted and Banned pesticide

The Central Insecticide Board (CIB) & Registration Committee (RC) scrutinizes and periodically
reviews all pesticides and their usage - some are banned from registration itself when it causes serious
environmental and public health concerns. Currently 230 pesticide have been registered by the Registration
committee India has banned 28 pesticides for manufacture, import and use (Table no. 2). The "main reason
for banning" pesticide was because of health hazard to human beings, animals and damage to the

India has currently banned for use of two pesticides and formulations - the neurotoxicant nicotin
sulfate and the Bangalore based manufactured broad-spectrum protective contact fungicide captafol 80 per
cent powder - but their manufacture is allowed for export (Table no. 3). Four pesticide formulations has
banned for import, manufacture and use (Table no. 4). Seven pesticides have been placed in the “Withdrawn
List” as these pesticides are likely to cause risk to human beings and animals as their safety cannot be fully
established for one of complete data asked for from the pesticide industry (Table no. 5). Another 18
pesticides have been "refused registration" as the pesticide industry has failed to submit "complete data"
about their products (Table no. 6).

Some pesticides are meant for "Restricted Use" which means that they can be used only for
prescribed purposes and by authorised personnel by obtaining the appropriate Government license.
Therefore 13 pesticides have been listed for restricted use in India.

Endosulfan : Endosulfan has been banned by the supreme Court of india w.e.f. 13-05-2011 for
production, use & sale all over India till further orders vide ad-Interim order in the Writ Petition (Civil)
No. 213 of 2011.

Lindane : Banned vide Gazette Notification No S.O. 637(E) Dated 25/03/2011) Lindane has been
Banned for Manufecture, Import or Formulate w.e.f. 25th March, 2011 and banned for use w.e.f. 25th
March, 2013).


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