Student Exploration: Disease Spread

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Name: Harley Jones Date: 2/28/21

Student Exploration: Disease Spread

Directions: Follow the instructions to go through the simulation. Respond to the questions and
prompts in the orange boxes.

Vocabulary: disease, epidemic, infect, infectious disease, pathogen

Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.)

1. Why do you think it is important to cover your mouth when you cough?

So that germs do not spread

2. Why should you always wash your hands before you eat?

So that you wash all the germs off of your hands

Gizmo Warm-up
When a person has a disease, his or her normal body functions are
disrupted. Some diseases, such as diabetes and most cancers, are not
spread from one person to another. But other diseases, such as the flu
and strep throat, can be spread. These diseases are known as
infectious diseases. Infectious diseases are caused by viruses,
bacteria, and other agents known as pathogens.

In the Disease Spread Gizmo, you will be able to observe how various
pathogens can spread through a group of people. Click Play ( ) and

1. Describe what happened on the SIMULATION pane:

People start to move around the room. After a person goes to the food table they most
likely turn green

2. Look at the color key on the bottom right of the Gizmo. What is happening when a person changes color?

They became infected with a disease

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Get the Gizmo ready:
Activity A:
● Click Reset ( ).
Person-to-person ● On the CONTROLS tab under Active Diseases,
transmission turn off Foodborne and turn on Person to person.
● Set the Number of people to 5.

Question: What factors affect how quickly a pathogen spreads from person to person?

1. Predict: Some pathogens are spread directly from one person to another. This can happen when people
come into direct contact or share items, such as drinking glasses. What do you think might affect how
quickly a pathogen is spread from person to person?


2. Identify: Select the SIMULATION tab on the left and the TABLE tab on the right. (You will want the table
tab open to answer question C.)

A. What does the purple person represent? an infected person

B. Click Play, and observe the simulation for a people must come into direct contact
while. What must happen for the disease to
spread from one person to another?

C. How long did it take to infect five people? 3 hrs

3. Experiment: Click Reset. Change the Number of people to 15. Click Play, and record how long it takes to
infect five people. Repeat this four times for a total of 5 trials, and calculate the mean time. Repeat the
experiment when there are 25 people and 35 people in the room.

Number of people Time to infect five people, 5 trials (h) Mean time (h)
15 5.2 hr
25 4.3 hours
35 3 hours

4. Interpret: Study the data you collected. What trend do you see in the data, and how would you explain it?

As the number of people in the room increased, the time to infect five people decreased

5. Experiment: Not all pathogens are equally infectious. Click Reset. Set the Number of people to 20. Under
Probability of transmission, select Low for Person to person.

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On the SIMULATION tab, click Play. Record the time it takes to infect five people for five trials, and find the
mean. Then repeat the experiment with a medium and high probability of transmission. (Note: For the
“Medium” setting, move the slider half-way between the Low and High positions.)

Transmission probability Time to infect five people, 5 trials (h) Mean time (h)
Low 74.6 hours
Medium 5.9 hours
High 3.1 hours
As the probability of transmitting it increased the time needed to infect five people
decreased. a higher chance of becoming infected made it more likely to spread

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7. Analyze: On the CONTROLS tab, place the Probability of transmission slider under Person to person
half-way between Low and High. Select the SIMULATION and GRAPH tabs. Click Play.

A. At what time did the disease spread most Slow at first but as more people became
slowly? Most quickly? infected the rate increased

B. How could you explain this change in the The disease spreads when infected
rate of the disease’s spread? people interact with uninfected people

8. Apply: An epidemic is the rapid spread of an infectious disease. How do you think a government could try
to prevent an epidemic of a dangerous person-to-person pathogen?

Make people wear mask and limit the amount of people that can be in a place.

Activity B: Get the Gizmo ready:

Foodborne and ● Click Reset.

airborne ● On the CONTROLS tab under Active diseases,
transmission turn off Person to person and turn on Foodborne.

Question: How do foodborne and airborne pathogens spread?

1. Predict: How do you expect the spread of a foodborne disease to be similar to and different from the
spread of a person-to-person disease?

Both diseases are transmitted when a person comes in contact with something that has the

2. Observe: Select the SIMULATION tab. Click Play and closely watch the people moving around the room.
A. What does each person do just before they visit the buffet table
becoming infected?

B. How are foodborne pathogens transmitted? By consuming food or beverage that

contains a pathogen
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C. If a person in the simulation never eats or The person must eat or drink from the
drinks anything from the buffet table, is it buffet table to become infected
possible for them to become sick with the
foodborne disease? Explain your answer.

3. Analyze: Select the GRAPH tab, and wait for every person to become infected.
A. At what time did the disease spread most The disease spread a lot in the
slowly? Most quickly? beginning and then slowly at the end

B. How could you explain this change in the The more time that passed, the more
rate of the disease’s spread? likely it was a person would visit the
buffet table

4. Compare: How does the spread of a foodborne pathogen compare to the spread of the person-to-person
pathogen you studied in activity A?

the foodborne pathogen spread slower because the odds of coming in contact with the
pathogen did not increase over time

5. Predict: How would you expect the spread of an airborne disease to be similar to and different from the
spread of a foodborne disease and a person-to-person disease?

all these diseases spread when a person comes in contact with something carrying a

6. Experiment: Run a few simulations with the airborne pathogen.

A. What patterns do you notice in how the airborne the pathogen seems to spread
pathogen spreads? randomly

B. How does the spread of an airborne pathogen the person does not need to
compare to the spread of foodborne and person- come in contact with another
to-person pathogens? person or food item to become

7. Think about it: Suppose there is an infectious disease at a party. How could doctors tell if the disease was
foodborne, airborne, or transmitted person to person?

The doctors could study the rate that the disease transmitted

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