Oseanologi Dan Limnologi Di Indonesia

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Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia 2018 3(1): 49-61


Print ISSN: 0125-9830 Online ISSN: 2477-328X
Nomor Akreditasi: 712/AU3/P2MI – LIPI/10/2015

Grouping of Meroplankton Habitat in Jakarta Bay and Seribu Island

Pengelompokan Habitat Meroplankton di Teluk Jakarta dan Kepulauan Seribu

Reny Puspasari1 and Aisyah2

Fisheries Research Center

Email: [email protected]

Submitted 18 May 2017. Reviewed 3 November 2017. Accepted 7 February 2018.

Jakarta Bay is an estuarine ecosystem and facing the small island groups of Seribu Island. Jakarta
Bay is known as nursery ground for many marine biotas, determined by numerous numbers of
meroplankton. The distributions of meroplankton are highly influence by environmental conditions of
Jakarta Bay and Seribu Islands. This research objective was to analyze the habitat preferences of some
meroplankton groups such as shrimp, mollusk, crab and fish larvae in Jakarta Bay and Southern Seribu
Islands. Fish larvae sampling was conducted in 13 stations that categorized into estuarine and small island
stations in Jakarta Bay and Southern Seribu Island, combination of seven estuarine stations and six small
island stations. The results found that there was a variation on the distribution and composition of
meroplankton in sampling area. There were six groups of marine meroplankton, namely shrimps, mollusk,
crabs, fish, jelly fish and squid larvae in Jakarta Bay and Seribu Island. The abundance of shrimp, mollusk
and fish larvae is higher in April than August. The abundance of crab larvae is higher in August than April,
while the others are found in small number both in April and August. Shrimps, fish and mollusks larvae
have no specific preferences in habitat used, however they mostly used small island stations as their habitat
compare to estuary, which has high temperature and salinity
Keywords: distributions, habitat, Jakarta Bay, meroplankton, Seribu Islands
Teluk Jakarta tergolong ekosistem estuary, yang menghadap kepada sekumpulan pulau-pulau kecil
di Kepulauan Seribu. Teluk Jakarta merupakan daerah asuhan bagi biota laut, yang ditandai oleh banyaknya
meroplankton yang ditemukan di wilayah tersebut. Penyebaran meroplankton sangat dipengaruhi oleh
kondisi lingkungan Teluk Jakarta dan Pulau Seribu. Terdapat variasi sebaran dan komposisi meroplankton
di daerah pengamatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa habitat beberapa kelompok
meroplankton seperti udang, moluska, kepiting dan larva ikan. Pengumpulan sampel larva dilakukan di 13
stasiun pengamatan yang mewakili estuary dan pulau pulau kecil di Teluk Jakarta dan Pulau Seribu bagian
selatan, meliputi tujuh stasiun estuary dan enam stasiun pulau kecil. Hasil menunjukan bahwa terdapat
enam kelompok meroplankton laut, meliputi larva udang, moluska, kepiting, ikan, ubur-ubur dan larva
cumi. Kelimpahan udang, moluska dan larva ikan tinggi pada April dibandingkan dengan Agustus.
Kelimpahan larva kepiting menunjukan hal sebaliknya, yaitu tinggi pada Agustus dibandingkan dengan
April. Sedangkan larva yang lain ditemukan dalam jumlah kecil pada bulan-bulan tersebut. Larva udang,
ikan dan moluska tidak memiliki habitat khusus, namun keberadaan mereka kebanyakan dijumpai pada
pulau-pulau kecil dibandingkan dengan estuary, dimana kondisi lingkungan seperti suhu dan salinitas pada
ekosistem tersebut relatif lebih tinggi.
Kata kunci: distribusi, habitat, meroplankton, Pulau Seribu, Teluk Jakarta

Puspasari & Aisyah

in numerous numbers everywhere. The research

Introduction objective is to analyze the grouping pattern of
meroplankton in habitat selection, these study
Early life phase of some marine biota is allow us in knowing the spatial and temporal
the most critical phase in their life history. Their patterns in distribution and abundance of
survival rate is mostly low due to the high meroplankton in Jakarta Bay and Southern Seribu
predation, the availability in appropriate food Islands.
source, physical condition and habitat preference
to grow up. Those physical and biological Methods
conditions at the time egg and larvae
development may differ time to time and between Sample collection and Analysis
locations. The pattern and distribution of egg and Meroplankton samples were collected
larvae are initially set by the adults, but a during two surveys carried out in April and
combination on physical and biological factors August 2014 in Jakarta Bay. The sampling
(water movement, temperature, distribution, scheme was based on ecosystem type, such as
abundance of prey and predators) act directly on estuaries and coral reef ecosystem. There were
larvae to influence their distributions, abundance, seven estuarine stations and six small island
growth and survival (Heat 1992). stations, which represent three typical
Jakarta Bay is a big estuarine system, ecosystems such as coral reef, sea grass and
receiving run off from 13 rivers, facing a small mangroves. The list of sampling stations is
island groups namely Seribu Islands. The presented in Table and Figure 1.
environmental or oceanographic conditions of A bonggo net sampler of 60 cm diameter
Jakarta Bay are influencing by Seribu Islands and 500 µm mesh size was used on both field
water quality. However there is a big different on sampling. The net was towed during 10 minutes
the physical condition between both those using a vessel at speed of 1 – 2 knot. The volume
ecosystem. Estuary tends to have low salinity of water filtered was determined by multiplying
and high TSS, and mangroves predominant the speed of vessel with the time of withdrawal
plants, while in small island, salinity is high, TSS and the area swept. The depth of the net was
is low and seagrass meadows are predominant arranged by using weight and buoy, sampling
vegetation. There are ecological connectivity depth approximately below the surface. Volume
between Jakarta Bay and Seribu Islands. Jakarta of water filtered is used to standardize catches to
bay and Seribu Island serve as nursey ground for numbers per square meter. In the laboratory,
many marine biotas. Nastiti et al. (2010) found meroplanktonic species were sorted then counted
high abundance in fish larvae in Jakarta Bay, and and identified into group of taxa then continue to
Puspasari et al. (2013) found high abundance of family level. Meroplankton in this research
fish larvae in Seribu Islands. The distribution of referred to any kind of marine organism larvae.
meroplankton in Jakarta Bay and Seribu Island is Temperature and salinity were measured
much dispersed. Some species has a preference in manually using thermometer and refractometer.
certain conditions to grow, while others are found

Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia 2018 3(1): 49-61

Table 1. Sampling stations

Tabel 1. Stasiun pengamatan
Type of
Stations Positions
Muara Marunda S 6° 4' 51,83 E 106° 58' 2,92 Estuary
M. Gembong S 6° 1' 45,18 E 106° 59' 7,51 Estuary
M. Bahagia S 5° 56' 24,96 E 106° 59' 23,95 Estuary
M. Buting S 5° 54' 52,42 E 107° 1' 30,52 Estuary
Pulau Damar kecil S 5° 59' 3,26 E 106° 51' 15,76 Small Island
P. Damar Besar S 5° 57' 4,86 E 106° 50' 21,78 Small Island
P. Tidung S 5° 48' 26,05 E 106° 31' 23,21 Small Island
P. Lancang S 5° 56' 14,78 E 106° 36' 6,11 Small Island
P. Rambut S 5° 58' 1,76 E 106° 41' 37,78 Small Island
P. Pari S 5° 51' 53,20 E 106° 35' 37,13 Small Island
Tanjung Anom S 5° 59' 52,01 E 106° 39' 22,23 Estuary
Tj. Rebo S 6° 2' 12,50 E 106° 42' 50,10 Estuary
M. Kamal S 6° 5' 27,46 E 106° 43' 55,37 Estuary

Figure 1. Research location in Jakarta Bay and Southern Seribu Islands.

Gambar 1. Lokasi penelitian di Teluk Jakarta dan Pulau Seribu bagian Selatan.

Puspasari & Aisyah

Multivariate Analysis stations showed lower average temperature and

Sampling sites were compared to define salinity than small island stations.
areas with similar taxa composition. The taxa by
sampling site matrix, expressed as abundance
Abundance of Zooplankton
values (number of individuals per m3), was Zooplankton is a food source of
analyzed using both cluster analysis and metric meroplankton (marine larvae), most of
multidimensional scaling (MDS) (Somarakis et marine larvae feed on micro and meso
al. 2002). MDS analysis requires a matrix of zooplankton. Zooplankton abundance in 13
measures of associations. In this paper, matrix is sampling stations are describe in Figure 3.
a description of meroplankton species Figure 3 shows that zooplankton
associations. Data were transformed using the abundance was higher in August (117,007.42
log10(x+1) function to enhance the contribution of ind/m3) than April (96,105.76 ind/ m3). The
the less abundant species. Following the cluster highest zooplankton abundance occurs in Buting
analysis, the data sets were further subjected to and Marunda Estuaries, respectively. Totally, all
MDS ordination. Prior to ordination, “outlier” estuarine stations have higher abundance (10,639
sample sites identified with cluster analysis were ind/m3) of zooplankton compare to small island
removed from the data set to obviate problems stations (3,605.5 ind/m3).
associated with such outliers, e.g. biasing or
Taxonomic Composition, Abundance and
dominating the ordination often compressing the
distribution of the remaining sites.
Meroplankton collected by using a bongo
Image mapping analysis was conducted
net composed of six groups of larvae that were
to explain more on group agglomerated. Image
shrimp, fish, mollusk, crab, squid, jelly fish and
mapping analysis shows the number of adjacent
fish egg. Shrimp larvae were dominating the
attribute points in every group. Attributes refer
meroplankton composition both in April and
to the type of larvae (fish, shrimps, mollusk, crab,
August (Figure 4 and 5). In April, shrimps larvae
jelly fish and others). Adjacent attribute point
comprised almost 98 % of total larvae; another 2
shows the similarity of any stations within groups
% are mollusks, crabs, fishes, squids and jelly
(Herman 2010).
fishes. While in August, domination of shrimps
Results larvae was decreased, meroplankton comprised
of shrimp larvae (78%), fish larvae (10%), crab
Environment Condition
larvae (4%), egg (4%), both of mollusk and squid
Sampling stations were divided into two
larvae (4%). Total larvae found in April was 92.3
categories, there are: seven estuarine stations and
times higher than in August. The abundance
six small island stations. Average temperature on
distribution of each group of larvae is described
April (22.4oC) was lower than August (28oC), and
in Figure 4 and 5.
salinity on April was 21.9 ppt, while salinity on
August was 26.4 ppt (Figure 2). Estuarine

Figure 2. Profile of temperature and salinity on April and August.

Gambar 2. Profil suhu dan salinitas pada Bulan April dan Agustus.

Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia 2018 3(1): 49-61

Figure 3. Zooplankton abundance in estuary and small islands stations.

Gambar 3. Kelimpahan zooplankton pada stasiun pulau kecil dan estuari.

a b

c d

No presence of eggs

No presence of other larvae

Figure 4. Variation on the distribution of group larvae in April (a shrimp larvae; b. crab larvae;
c. fish larvae; d. jelly fish larvae; e. squid larvae; f. eggs; g. others).
Gambar 4. Variasi sebaran kelompok larva pada Bulan April (a. larva udang; b. larva kepiting; c.
larva ikan; d. larva ubur-ubur; e. larva cumi-cumi; f. telur ikan; g. lainnya).
Puspasari & Aisyah

a b

No presence of jelly
fish larvae

e f

Figure 5. Variation on the distribution of group larvae in August (a. shrimp larvae; b. crab larvae;
c. mollusk larvae; d. jelly fish larvae; e. squid larvae; f. eggs; g. others).
Gambar 5. Variasi sebaran kelompok larva pada bulan Agustus (a. larva udang; b. larva kepiting;
c. larva ikan; d. larva ubur-ubur; e. larva cumi-cumi; f. telur ikan; g. lainnya).

Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia 2018 3(1): 49-61

In April, the most abundant of shrimp MDS ordination shows that larvae
larvae is found in Damar Kecil Island with attribute does not have a significant characteristic
3,060.6 ind/m3, while in August found in Tanjung of agglomeration of Group 1 and Group 2 (Figure
Rebo with 20.8 ind/m3. The most abundant fish 7). Hierarchical cluster analysis agglomerates
larvae in April was found in Gembong Estuary Tidung Island into Group 1, but MDS ordination
(3.7 ind/m3) and in Tidung Island (3.5 ind/m3), put. Tidung Island separately with others. Image
while in August found in Bahagia Estuary (3.1 mapping analysis shows that Tidung Island has
ind/m3). The molluscs were found in higher different pattern in fish and carb larvae
number in the small island stations and estuary abundance, which is they presence in a higher
stations with the thick mangrove area (Tj. Anom number compare to other stations in Group 1
and Tj. Rebo). Crab larvae showed different (Figure 8c).
distribution between April and August. In April, Distances among stations in Group 1 are
crab larvae only found significantly in Tj. Anom quite small, indicating that Group 1 has higher
(estuary – mangrove ecosystem), while in August similarity. There are some adjacent points in
found in all stations. The highest abundance of Group 1 stations, such as in shrimp, mollusk and
crab larvae was in Damar Kecil Island (coral reef crab larvae. Group 1 characterized by
ecosystem). Squid larvae only present in a small significantly high shrimp larvae abundance, low
proportion, found in Damar kecil Island, Bahagia mollusk and crab larvae (Figure 8a). Three
Estuary and also Lancang and Pari Island (only stations belong to Group 2 were in one area even
present in August). Another additional group though the distance was quite wide within them.
found only in April was jelly fish which abundant Group 2 characterized by low number of fish
in Tj. Rebo (3.8 ind/m3). larvae and higher number of mollusk compare to
other stations (Figure 8b).
Grouping of habitat used The grouping pattern of sampling
Hierarchical cluster analysis was done
stations in August is quite different with April.
based on location. In April, all stations
Cluster analysis grouped all of the stations into 4
agglomerated into 4 groups, there are Group 1, a
groups, there were Group 1 comprised Marunda
big group consisted of 8 stations (combination Island and Rambut Island stations, Group 2
between estuarine and small island stations); comprised Bahagia Estuary and Damar Besar
Group 2 consisted of 3 stations categorized as Island, Group 3 only consisted of Buting Estuary,
small island; Group 3 and Group 4 were the and stations belonging to Group 4 were Damar
outlier comprised estuarine station respectively
kecil, Lancang, Tidung, Pari Islands, Tj. Anom,
(Figure 6).
Tj. Rebo, Kamal and Gembong Estuaries (Figure
Multi-dimentional scaling ordination
excluding the 2 outlier stations (Tj. Anom and Tj. Multi-dimensional scaling ordination,
Rebo). The MDS model were fit (Stress: 0.133; excluding the only one outlier station namely
R: 0.985), grouping 11 stations into three groups. Buting Estuary. The MDS result showed a bit
Group 1 comprised estuarine stations (Marunda, different pattern with cluster analysis (Figure 10).
Gembong, Bahagia, Buting, and Kamal
There are three groups of station; Group 1
Estuaries) and small island station (Rambut and consisted of Marunda Estuary which is very close
Damar Kecil Island), Group 2 comprised small
to Kamal Estuary, and Damar Kecil Island,
island stations (Pari, Lancang, Damar besar) and Group 2 consisted of Rambut Island, Pari Island,
Group 3 which was only Tidung Island (Figure
Gembong Estuary, Tj. Anom, Tj. Rebo and
7). Image mapping analysis explained more on
Bahagia Estuary; and Group 3 consisted of
the basis of agglomerations group (Figure 8). Tidung, Lancang and Damar Besar Island.

Puspasari & Aisyah

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

Marunda Estuary Damar Besar Tj. Anom Tj. Rebo
Island Estuary Estuary
Gembong Estuary Lancang Island
Bahagia Estuary Pari Island
Buting Estuary
Kamal Estuary
Damar Kecil
Tidung Island
Rambut Island

Figure 6. Cluster analysis on April.

Gambar 6. Analisa kluster bulan April

Damar Kecil
Kamal Pari
Buting Lancang

Damar Besar

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Marunda Estuary Damar Besar Tidung
Island Island
Gembong Estuary Lancang Island
Bahagia Estuary Pari Island
Buting Estuary
Kamal Estuary
Damar Kecil
Rambut Island

Figure 7. Multidimensional scaling ordination on April

Gambar 7. Ordinasi multidimensional scaling pada April

Figure 8. Image mapping analysis for Group 1 (a), Group 2 (b) and Group 3 (c).
Gambar 8. Analisis image mapping untuk kelompok 1 (a), kelompok 2 (b) dan kelompok 3 (c).

Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia 2018 3(1): 49-61

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

Marunda Bahagia Buting Damar Kecil
Estuary Estuary Estuary Island
Rambut Damar Besar Lancang Island
Island Island
Pari Island
Tj. Anom Estuary
Tj. Rebo Estuary
Kamal Estuary
Gembong Estuary

Figure 9. Cluster analysis on August

Gambar 9. Analisa kluster pada Agustus


Damar Besar

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Kamal Marunda
Tidung Island Rambut Island Marunda
Rambut Estuary
Besar Gembong Lancang Pari Island Kamal
Pari Island Estuary
Anom Rebo Damar Besar Gembong Estuary
Tj. Anom Estuary
Tj. Rebo Estuary
Bahagia Estuary
Damar Kecil Island

Figure 10. Multidimensional scaling ordination on August

Gambar 10. Ordinasi multidimensional scalling pada Agustus

Figure 11. Image mapping analysis for Group 1 (a), Group 2 (b) and Group 3 (c).
Gambar 11. Analisis image mapping untuk kelompok 1(a), kelompok 2(b) dan kelompok 3(c).

Puspasari & Aisyah

Figure 10 shows that there is fish larvae Environment condition

attribute lays next to Group 1, indicating that The presence of meroplankton in some
Group 1 characterized by fish larvae abundance. areas related to the spawning season. Adult
Image mapping of Group 1 (Figure 11a) shows organism used to find a convenient space to
that fish larvae presence in higher abundance release their eggs, with attributes that favor
compare to other larvae. Two of three stations reproductive success through higher egg survival
have adjacent point in fish larvae abundance and (Bellier et al. 2007). Spawning ground offers
agglomeration of Group 1 also characterized by favorable environmental conditions which
similar composition of mollusk, egg and other correspond to frontal zones (Munk et al. 2009),
larvae, which presence in low abundance. MDS transitional area between water masses such as
model and image mapping of Group 1 shows that tidal coast, estuary (Munk and Nielsen, 2005) and
Damar Besar, Tidung and Lancang Island used to upwelling.
be fish larvae habitat respectively. Species that has a local distribution like
Group 2 is the agglomeration of five most of reef species, commonly their larvae does
stations (Rambut and Pari Island, Gembong not distribute to remote area (El-Regal 2017;
Estuary, Tj. Anom and Tj Rebo) which are close Puspasari et al. 2013), It has specific mechanism
one another in ordination, combine with 2 other to stay in coral reef ecosystem (Brogan 1994).
stations (Bahagia Estuary and Damar Kecil Otherwise, the larvae of most pelagic species
Island) which have a bigger distance with others, disperse to other area, influencing by current
but lays in the same dimension. Figure 10 shows pattern and the presence of favourable food
that Group 2 is in line with shrimp and crab availability. According to Pineda et al. (2007),
larvae. Image mapping analysis of Group 2 meroplankton transport results from complex
(Figure 11b) shows that most of the stations interaction of biological traits (e.g. spawning time
characterized by high shrimp larvae abundance, and location, larvae behavior, planktonic larvae
and the presence of crab larvae in higher duration) and hydrodynamic processes and both
abundance compare to others. Only Tj. Anom and vary at several spatial and temporal scales.
Rambut Island is low in shrimp larvae abundance. The current pattern of Jakarta Bay is
The other points are fish, mollusks and egg, influenced by seasonal variation (Setyawan and
which presence in low number, and become the Putri 1998) and tidal cycle (Sanusi et al. 2005).
basis of group agglomeration. Group 3 comprise According to Sanusi et al (2005), tidal current in
(s) Marunda and Kamal Estuary, which has 2 Jakarta Bay inflows from eastern part of mouth-
adjacent points there are fish larvae and crab bay and outflows to western part of mouth-bay
abundance. These two stations have similarity in during flood tide. Reversely, the tidal current
low abundance of fish and crab larvae. inflows from western part of mouth-bay and
Agglomeration of all sampling stations outflows to eastern part of mouth-bay during ebb
into some groups, do not show any specific tide. Setyawan and Putri (1998) showed that
pattern which distinguish estuarine and small current in Jakarta bay during spring flood
island stations. According to the abundance and condition flow from north Tanjung Pasir to east
ordinations of larvae attributes, seems that all and during spring ebb the current flow from
larvae have a random distribution and did not offshore entering the bay. During neap flood, the
show any preferences to specific stations. current flows from north border of western part
However fish, shrimp, mollusk and crab larvae and turn left to the west passing through Untung
mostly used small islands stations (Lancang, Jawa Island.
Tidung, Damar Besar, Damar Kecil, Rambut) as Koropitan et al. (2009) showed that most
their habitat, which havehigh temperature and of the pattern in surface residual circulation in
salinity. Small Island is a vegetated habitat which Jakarta Bay likely induced by monsoon winds.
provides numerous benefits including structural In April, South East Monsoon (SEM) is
refuge from predators and food sources (Martin influencing Jakarta Bay, which corresponded to
2016). The main food source of larvae is lower speed wind and the calmer sea condition.
zooplankton (Jackson and Lenz 2016). Low The calm situations support the survival rate of
abundance of zooplankton in small island meroplankton and limit their distribution
stations, indicating that there were high affecting to the high abundance of meroplankton.
predations processes as previous discussion. Koropitan et al. (2009) showed that while SEM
current flows westerly, it could become a
mechanism to disperse planktonic organism from
Discussion eastern area to the western part. However,
meroplankton abundance were higher in eastern
Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia 2018 3(1): 49-61

area (Marunda, Gembong and Buting Estuary) predatory effect to zooplankton rather than in
rather than in western area (Kamal Estuary, Tj. small island stations. Estuarine is the high
Rebo, Tj. Anom, Lancang and Rambut Island). nutrient area due to river discharge, which
According to Ayata et al. (2011) hydrological provides a good condition for phytoplankton
environment alone was insignificant in which is the prey for zooplankton. Low
meroplankton distribution, while geographical predatory effect and a good food supply lead to
space played an important role in larvae good growth of zooplankton resulting in
distribution, probably in conjunction with abundance population of zooplankton in
ecological process, such as adult population estuarine area.
condition and spawning time event. There are some other mechanisms for
Results showed that April has lower meroplankton particularly fish larvae to find their
temperature and salinity than August. The microhabitat, Barth et al. (2015) reviewed
condition indicated that April has a higher rainfall multiple cues used by fish larvae such as visual,
than August, which influenced the temperature chemical and acoustic cues in dispersal
and salinity. April is used to be a southeast orientation.
monsoon, which has a lower rainfall than August,
Taxonomic Composition, Abundance and
however in the sampling period (2014) there was
an anomaly in climate, which was weak La Nina
Meroplankton collected by using a bongo
period occurred in April – June, and changed into
net composed of six groups of larvae that are
El Nino period started from July – December
shrimp, fish, mollusk, crab, squid, jelly fish and
(NOAA 2016). La Nina events impacted to
fish egg. Shrimp larvae were dominating the
higher precipitation (enhancing rain fall over the
meroplankton composition both in April and
Western equatorial pacific region include
August. The results agreed with previous result
Indonesia), while El Nino events are the reverse.
in 2010 – 2011 and 2014 (Nastiti et al. 2016). A
Temperature is one of the key factors determining
total larva found in April is 92.3 times higher than
larva distribution; Michelle et al. (2012) showed
in August. The higher abundance of total larvae
that temperature influences the vertical
indicating that April is a post spawning season for
distribution of gastropoda larvae.
some groups of species. The previous data in
Another factor influencing the
2010 (Nastiti et al. 2016) showed different
distribution of meroplankton is the availability of
condition, that meroplankton abundance in
food source. McManus and Woodson (2012)
August was higher than April. As previously
explained that the distributions of plankton
stated that in 2014, there was an anomaly
(larvae) are highly dependent upon the smaller
condition in climate due to El Nino Shouthern
scale interactions between the individual
Oscillation (ENSO).
organisms and its environment such as food
In April, the most abundant of shrimp
source. Zooplankton is a food source of
larvae is found in Damar kecil station with
meroplankton (marine larvae), most of marine
3,060.6 ind/m3, while in August found in Tj.
larvae feed on micro and meso zooplankton
Rebo with 20.8 ind/m3, means that abundance of
(Puspasari 2012; Jackson and Lenz 2016). Food
shrimp larvae in April reach more than 117 times
availability played an important role in
higher than in August. Previous data (Nastiti et al.
meroplankton distribution. There is a correlation
2016) showed that the maximum shrimp larvae
between food availability and reproductive
abundance found was 0.07 ind/m3 around
strategy of many marine organisms. Generally,
Gembong and Karawang Estuary characterized
adult organisms spawn when the environment is
by mangroves area. There are some possibilities
favorable for the larvae, and the food availability
to explain the difference condition between
for the larvae was abundance. Papiol et al. (2014)
previous result in 2009 and the present data such
showed that temporal trend in gonadosomatic
as the difference in larvae stage. Shrimp used to
index of some species correlated to food
spwan in offshore (Niamaimandi et al. 2008)
then the egg and larvae drift to coastal area, as
Result showed that the abundance of
their growth they go father to coastal area and
zooplankton was higher in August while
utilize mangroves as nursey habitat for juvenile
meroplankton population was in a lower number
(Sheaves et al. 2012), however the smaller larvae
than April. High abundance of meroplankton in
of shrimps found abundantly in coral reef
April suppressed zooplankton population and
their growth particularly in small islands station.
The most abundant fish larvae in April
The abundance of meroplankton was lower in
were found in Gembong Estuary (3.7 ind/m3) and
estuarine station which affecting the lower
Puspasari & Aisyah

in Tidung Island (3.5 ind/m3), while in August anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and
found in Bahagia Estuary (3.1 ind/m3). (Sardina pilchardus) in the Bay of Biscay
According to Potts and Swaby, 1993, marine fish during 1967-73 and 2000-2004. Fisheries
occurring in estuarine habitat may be attributed Oceanography 16: 1-15.
to: a) Fully estuarine fish is living almost their Brogan M.W. 1994. Distribution and retention of
entire life-cycle in estuarine habitats; b) larval fishes near reefs in the Gulf of
Diadromous fish is migrating through estuaries; California. Marine ecology Progress Series
c) Marine fish is visiting estuarine habitats to 115: 1 – 13.
feed; d) Marine fish is utilizing estuarine habitats El-regal Abu. 2017. Spatial and temporal
as nursery grounds; e) Fully marine species distribution of larvae of coral reef fishes in
which are recorded occasionally in estuaries. northern red Sea, Egypt. Iranian Journal of
The molluscs were found in higher Fisheries Science. 1693: 1043-1062.
number in the small island and estuary with thick Heat M.R. 1992. Field Investigations of early life
mangrove area (Tj. Anom and Tj. Rebo), stages of marine fish. Advance in Marine
indicating that molluscs choose small island and Biology 28: 1 – 174.
estuary with thick mangrove as nursery ground. Herman R.T. 2010. Penerapan model
According to Marte and Chia (1991) bivalve and multidimensional scaling dalam pemetaan
gastropod larvae passed the planktonic larvae by brand positioning internet service provider.
drifting in water colomn and accomplished the Journal The Winners 11 (1): 81 – 93.
dispersal by juvenile. NOAA. 2012. Shouthern Oscillation Index.
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