2019;3(1):14-18 14
Original Research Article PHARMACOLOGY AND
This study investigated various phytochemicals and antibacterial activity of garlic (Allium sativum) bulb extract on five clinical
bacterial pathogens using the agar well diffusion method. These bacteria include; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus
aureus, Klebsiella sp, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella typhi. Two different extracts were obtained from the bulbs of garlic
(ethanol-soluble and methanol-soluble extracts). Phytochemical screening of the garlic bulb extracts indicated the presence of
glycosides, steroids, phlobatanins, flavonoid, alkaloids, terpenoids and carbohydrate while saponin, phenolics and tannins were absent. There
were zones of inhibitions around the wells which indicate that the organisms were sensitive to both ethanol and methanol extract
of garlic having inhibitory strength on the test organisms ranging from 2-32 mm. The MIC and MBC revealed the isolates behaved
differently in their sensitivity ranging from ranged from 20 - 76 mg/mL for ethanolic extract, while methanolic extract has ranged
from 13 - 62 mg/mL. The methanol extract of the garlic bulb was absolutely more effective against five pathogenic bacteria than
the ethanolic extract. This study indicates that Allium sativum had great antibacterial effect thus confirming its usage in herbal
Keywords: Allium sativum, antibacterial activity, garlic bulb, clinical isolates, phytochemical screening
Corresponding author; E-mail: [email protected]
Fadiji AE. Antibacterial potentials of A. sativum in clinical isolates 15
Hospital (UITH), Ilorin, Kwara state. Purity of the cultures 2.7 Antimicrobial Assay of the Plant Extracts
was checked at regular intervals as described by
Acheampong et al. [13]. Prepared sterile nutrient agar plate was inoculated with
standardized organisms of 0.1ml of a day old culture. Glass
2.2 Plant collection, identification and processing spreader was used in spreading the inocula evenly on the
surface of the agar and excess are drained off. A sterile cork
Samples of the bulbs were bought at Ipata Market, Ilorin, borer of 5 mm diameters was used to make five (5) ditches
Kwara State. The plant samples were confirmed at the on the plates. The bacteria were inoculated into nutrient agar
herbarium unit of the Department of Pure and Applied with varying concentrations of the extracts 250 mg/ml, 100
Biology, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, mg/ml, 50 mg/ml and 25 mg/ml were prepared from the
Ogbomoso. The fresh samples were sundried for a week, stock concentration of the extracts. 0.5 ml of each
ground into a fine powder and kept in plastic containers until concentration of the extracts was dispensed into each of the
further use at room temperature (28 ± 1 °C). The scales ditches on the plates that are appropriately labeled. The fifth
around the fresh bulbs of garlic were removed and the bulbs ditch in the plates was picked as control by adding 0.5 ml of
were washed and rinsed properly in tap and sterile distilled appropriate solvent use for the different extraction. The
water, respectively. The bulbs were macerated, dried in an plates were done in duplicates and left on the bench for few
electric oven and milled mechanically before being stored minutes for the extract to diffuse into the agar and later
in a plastic container. incubation at 37 0C for 24 hr. After incubation, the zone of
clearance around each ditch was measured using a metric
2.3 Preparation of ethanolic extracts ruler by taking measurement of the zone of clearance around
the ditch. The diameter of the cork borer was removed from
One hundred grams (10 g) of each of the plant parts the diameter of the zone of clearance and this made or
(seed, leaf and stem bark) were soaked into 100 ml of the represented the antibacterial activity measured or diameter
solvent (95% ethanol) in different air-tight sterile jars of the zone of inhibition.
respectively at room temperature and kept on a shaker (90
rpm) with uniform shaking for 24 hr. The solvents 2.8 Determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC)
containing the extracts were decanted filtered with a muslin of the Extracts
cloth and then with Whatman no. 1 filter paper respectively.
Further extraction of the ground samples was done with the Broth dilution method was used to determine MIC.
same volume of 95% ethanol, decanted and filtered two Varying concentrations of the extracts were used that ranged
more times. The filtrates from each round of extraction were from 10.0 mg/ml to 100 mg/ml. 0.5 ml of each concentration
combined and were evaporated to dryness in small, open - of the extracts were dispensed to 9 ml of nutrient broth
mouth jars and then packed in separate clean dry bottles and containing 0.5 ml of standardized test organisms (bacteria
stored at room temperature until required. and fungi) cells. The tubes were incubated aerobically at 37
C for 24 hr for bacterial controls were equally set up by
2.4 Methanolic Extract using solvents and test organisms without the extract. The
tube with the least concentration of extract that does not
The methanol extract of the garlic bulb was prepared show growth after incubation was picked as the minimum
using the procedure described by Ameh et al. [4]. Twenty- inhibitory concentration (MIC) [16].
five gram (25 g) of the powdered sample was soaked in a
mixture of methanol and distilled water in the ratio of 3:2 2.9 Determination of Minimum Bactericidal Concentration
for four days and later filtered to obtain the methanol (MBC)
extracts. The mixture was first concentrated by evaporation
using a water bath at 100°C for 1 hr. The culture tubes used in MIC (Minimum Inhibitory
Concentration) determination that did not show turbidity or
2.5 Sterility of extracts any visible growth after the period of incubation were drawn
with a syringe (0.5 ml) and dispense onto the surface of
Each of the extracts was tested for growth of Nutrient agar. The inocula were seeded on the surface of the
contaminants by using the procedure of Fadiji et al. [14]. media. The plates were incubated at 37 0C. The lowest
The plates were observed for growth. Absence of microbial concentration of the extract that inhibits the growth of the
growth in the extract indicated their sterility. Sterile extracts organisms on the plates after incubation was regarded as
were used to test for antimicrobial efficacy. Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) [14].
Standardized inoculums of each tested organism were The phytochemical screening of the garlic bulb extract
obtained by making their respective suspension up to 0.5 was carried out according to the procedures described by
McFarland standard as observed in the spectrophotometer Trease and Evans [17] and Fadiji et al. [14].
and as described by Barry et al. [15].
J Basic Pharmacol Toxicol. 2019;3(1):14-18 16
2.11 Statistical analysis sp, S. aureus, and Salmonella typhi varied from one extract
to another. The methanolic extracts had the best MIC and
The data obtained in this study were expressed as mean MBC on all the clinical isolates tested compared to the
± SEM and subjected to analysis by one-way ANOVA. p aqueous extracts. Both extracts had considerable MIC and
values of 0.05 or less were considered significant using MBC values for all the pathogenic bacteria tested. The
SPSS software version 17.0. values ranged from 20 - 76 mg/mL for ethanolic extract,
while methanolic extract has ranged from 13 - 62 mg/mL.
These concentrations gave bactericidal and fungicidal
3. Results effects after 24 hr of incubation. They are therefore regarded
as the lowest concentrations of the extract sufficient to kill
3.1 Antimicrobial effects of aqueous and ethanolic extract of a defined proportion of viable organisms at a specified
plant samples period (Table 2). All values from the treatments were
significantly (p < 0.05) different from each other.
The screening for antimicrobial activity of the plant
samples used in this study revealed that the plant extracts 3.3 Phytochemical analysis of the plant samples
Table 1. Antimicrobial effects of ethanolic and methanolic extract of Alium sativum (garlic) on tested organisms
Name of Zone of inhibition (mm)
Ethanolic extract Methanolic extract
250 100 50 25 Control 250 100 50 25 control
mg/mL mg/mL mg/mL mg/mL mg/mL mg/mL mg/mL mg/mL
had varying effects on the growth of the clinical isolates. All The phytochemical analysis of the plant extracts had
the plant extracts have inhibitory strength on the test shown that the tested plant parts contain some active
organisms ranging from 2-32 mm. The methanolic extract components. The ethanolic and methanolic extracts of
Table 2. Minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration of both ethanolic
and methanolic of extracts of Allium sativum
Microorganisms Ethanolic Extract Methanolic extract
MIC (mg/mL) MBC (mg/mL) MIC (mg/mL) MBC (mg/mL)
Pseudomonas 30 ± 0.02 59 ± 0.19 21 ± 0.13 46 ± 0.11
Escherichia coli 45 ± 0.014 68 ± 0.15 33 ± 0.08 52 ± 0.13
Salmonella 25 ± 0.08 52 ± 0.17 19 ± 0.09 37 ± 0.03
Klebsiella sp 20 ± 0.02 34 ± 0.07 13 ± 0.05 26 ± 0.18
S. aureus 48 ± 0.14 76 ± 0.09 39 ± 0.01 62 ± 0.06
p level (0.05) *** *** *** ***
KEY: - = Not determined, MIC= Minimum Inhibitory concentration, MBC= Minimum bactericidal
concentration, MFC= Minimum fungicidal concentration.
Values expressed as mean ± SEM; *** = Means square significant at p < 0.001
of Alium sativum had the highest zone of inhibition Alium sativum showed that it contains glycosides, steroids,
approximately on all pathogens tested with extracts having phlobatanins, flavonoid, alkaloids, terpenoids and
29 mm and 32 mm against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and carbohydrate in a tangible amount with more presence in the
Escherichia coli at 250 mg/mL (Table 1). The lowest methanolic extract was observed when compared to the
inhibition was recorded in ethanolic extracts with 2 mm ethanolic extract, while saponin, phenolics and tannins were
against S. aureus at 100 mg/mL. absent (Table 3).
Table 3. Phytochemical analysis of aqueous and ethanolic extract of
3.2 Minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal Alium sativum (Garlic)
/ fungicidal concentration of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of S. Allium sativum (Garlic)
plant samples on the tested organism No. Chemical Ethanolic Methanolic
1 Alkaloids ++ +++
The MIC and MBC values obtained for the plant extracts 2 Tannins - -
on Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella 3 Saponins - -
Fadiji AE. Antibacterial potentials of A. sativum in clinical isolates 17
4 Phlobatanins + ++ Conclusion
5 Flavonoids + ++
6 Terpenoids + +++
7 Glycosides + +++ The present study, therefore, shows that A. sativum bulb
8 Steroids - + extracts have useful antimicrobial properties. The strong
9 Phenolics - - antibacterial activities showcased by both the ethanolic and
KEY +++ = More Strongly Present, ++ = Strongly Present, + = Present, -
= Absent
methanolic extracts of A. sativum bulb against the test
organisms brought about its likely recommendation for
frequent input of garlic in pharmaceutical and foods and
4. Discussion products. Structural elucidation of the bioactive compounds
is recommended in order to be able to ascertain the actual
In this study, the five clinical bacterial pathogens were antimicrobial activity of the various phytochemicals. Also,
studied to assess the antimicrobial properties of garlic. The efforts should be made by pharmaceutical companies
findings showed that they were sensitive to the plant towards the development of novel drugs which are of natural
extracts. The plant extracts showed varying degrees of origin.
antimicrobial activity on the microorganisms. This is in
agreement with the work of Rojas et al. [18] on ten
medicinal plants. References
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