Antimicrobial Activities of Medicinal Plants

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Journal of Exclusive Management Science – June 2018 - Vol 7 Issue 06 – ISSN 2277-5684

Antimicrobial Activities of Medicinal Plants

Dr.K. S. Manjunatha
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Kuvempu University, Post Graduate Centre, Kadur-577548,
Karnataka, India.
Antimicrobialactivity, CupPlateDiffusion method, inhibitionzone
The antimicrobial activities of aqueous, ethanolic and petroleum ether extracts of the leaves
of Basellarubra were evaluated in the present study by measuring the inhibition zones using
Cup Plate Diffusion method. The inhibition zones were significantly different (P<0.001) in each plant
extract. The ethanolic extract showed maximum activity with zone of inhibition (14.3±1.82 mm)
against E.coli, followed by aqueous extract (13.4±1.2 mm) and petroleum ether (5.6±0.62 mm)
at a concentration of 50g/ml. Ciprofloxacin was used as the standard drug having zones of
inhibition (17±0.34 mm) against E.coliand 19±0.18 mm against A. niger. Microbial inhibition was in the
order E.coli (12.57±0.99), A. niger(11.68±0.71), V. cholera (11.42±0.60), S. aureus(10.71±0.46), S.
typhi(9.80±0.90) , respectively with all the extracts. The extracts were not able to inhibit the growth of
P. aeruginosa.
Medicinal plants are used locally in the treatment of infections caused by fungi, bacteria,
viruses and parasites Many people in Indian rural areas depend on the traditional medicine for
the treatment of their ailments and since prehistoric times, various parts of plants has been
used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Different plants have been used as a
source of inspiration in the development of novel drugs either in a pure compound form or their
extract form and it provides unlimited opportunities to develop a variety of new drugs. Plant-
derived medicines are widely used because they are relatively safer than the synthetic
alternatives. Antibiotic resistance has become a global concern and is being threatened by emergence of
multidrug resistance-pathogens. Therefore, increase in failure due to chemotherapeutics
and antibiotic resistance leads to screening of several medicinal plants for their antimicrobial
effect. The present study is focused on Basellarubrawhich is a perennial herb and distributed
throughout India. It is also known by the names Ceylon spinach, climbing spinach, gui,
acelgatrepadora, bretana, libato, vine spinach, and Malabar nightshade. It’s rubifacient activity
(paste of root) and aprient activity (juice) for pregnant women has been reported . It is used as an
astringent (cooked roots), laxative (cooked leaves and stems), diuretic and febrifuge.
However, relevant experimental work on the antimicrobial activity of the plant has not yet been
explored. Therefore, the present study is designed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of
different extracts of the leaves of Basellarubra.
Materials and Methods: Plant Material:
The leaves of Basellarubrawere collected from Asansol, West Bengal, India during September 2008
and were authenticated by Mr. M.S.Mondol (Additional Director), Botanical Survey of India,
Preparation of Plant Extracts:
Leaves were shade dried, powdered and then extracted with water, 95% ethanol and petroleum
ether for 48 hours using soxhlet apparatus. The filterates were collected and evaporated
to dryness under reduced pressure using a Rota evaporator. The dried extracts were
stored in dry sterilized small containers at 4˚C until further use.
The extract was then kept in open air to get the crude extract. The different extracts of
Basellarubra were freshly prepared and used at a concentration of 50µg/ml for evaluating their
antimicrobial activity.
Microbial Strains & Culture media:
The organisms are Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Aspergillusniger, and Vibrio cholerae. Nutrient agar is used as culturing media.

Journal of Exclusive Management Science – June 2018 - Vol 7 Issue 06 – ISSN 2277-5684

Antimicrobial Screening Test:

The sensitivity of the test organisms to aqueous, ethanolic, petroleum ether & ciprofloxacin
was determined by the Cup Plate Diffusion method The medium was prepared using nutrient
agar and agar plates previously inoculated with 18 hours old broth culture or spores suspension in
sterile distilled water of the test organisms, respectively. A sterile syringe was used to add
1ml/plate of broth culture of test organisms to the medium holes of 15mm in diameter made in
the seeded agar using sterile cork borer.
50µg/ml of each plant extract & 5µg/ml of Ciprofloxacin (control antibiotic) were introduced into
each hole in the medium- containing petri dishes and allowed to stand on the bench for
one hour for proper diffusin and thereafter incubated at 37˚C for 24-48 hrs. The resulting zones of
inhibition were measured in millimeter.
Statistical Analysis:
All data are expressed as Mean SEM. The data were statistically analysed using One Way ANOVA
with Tukey’s Test. All statistical analysis has been carried out with the help of Sigmastat
2.03 software ansInstat software.
Table 1: Antimicrobial activity of Basellarubra

Table 1: Antimicrobial activity of Basellarubra

Microorganisms Ciprofloxa- cin (5g/ml) Pet.Ether Ethanol extract (50g/ml

50g/ml Aqueous extract (50g/ml)


Staphylococcus 16±0.597.2±0.4310.3±0.469.3±0.38





Journal of Exclusive Management Science – June 2018 - Vol 7 Issue 06 – ISSN 2277-5684

Fig.1.MeanInhibitionZonesofPlantExtractsonTest microorganisms

Table.2. Mean Inhibition Zones of Test Microorganisms




Pseudomonas aeruginosa 0±0

Results and Discussion:

In the present study, the aqueous, ethanolic and petroleum ether extracts of the leaves of
Basellarubrawere found to exert the antimicrobial activity against all test
organisms except P. aeruginosa. E. coliwas best inhibited microorganism with a mean inhibition
zone of (12.57±0.99) while S. typhi was the least inhibited with a mean inhibition zone of
(9.80±0.90). All the three plant extracts showed no inhibitory effect on P. aeruginosa(table 2).
The ethanolic extract showed maximum antimicrobial effect of the three extracts (table 1 and fig. 1).
Antimicrobial activity varied significantly (p<0.001) between different extracts of
Basellarubra. This study confirms the potential antimicrobial activity of ethanolic extract
of Basellarubra. This credit to maximum activity of ethanolic extract was supposed to
ethanol being an organic solvent and will dissolve organic compounds better, hence liberate the active
component required for antimicrobial activity
Further studies are required to isolate the active compound from ethanolic extract of
Basellarubra, responsible for this antimicrobial effect which might be a lead compound
in anti-microbial arena.

Journal of Exclusive Management Science – June 2018 - Vol 7 Issue 06 – ISSN 2277-5684

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