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Application software operation manual TOS3200 Assist」(β version)

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Application Software 『TOS3200 Assist』(SPEC80514) Operation Manual

Application software operation manual

「TOS3200 Assist」(β version)

KIKUSUI Electronics Corp.

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Application Software 『TOS3200 Assist』(SPEC80514) Operation Manual

Only who can agree with following all terms and conditions can use this "TOS3200 Assist" application

1. Restrictions

(a) Modification and reverse-engineering of this SOFTWARE and the operation manual without our
permission is prohibited.

(b) The SOFTWARE must be used with this operation manual.

2. Limited Warranty
KIKUSUI does not guarantee that the SOFTWARE is suitable for a particular purpose, or that the
SOFTWARE is free of defects, or any other matters relating to the SOFTWARE.

3. Exclusion of Liability
Under no circumstances shall KIKUSUI be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, but not limited
to, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other
pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the SOFTWARE.

Please read through Leakage Current Tester 「TOS3200」operation manual before using this application
For any question on this software, please contact with following.
[email protected]

Microsoft, Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation, USA.

Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Excel 2003 are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation, USA.
Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corporation, USA.
NI-VISA is a trademark of National Instruments Corporation, USA.
Other companies, product names and model names provided in this manual are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respected holders.

Reproduction and reprinting of this operation manual, whole or partially, without our permission is prohibited.
Both software specifications and manual contents are subject to change without notice.
This manual applies to 『TOS3200 Assist』(SPEC80514)with firmware version 1.0xβ.
Copyright© 2007 Kikusui Electronics Corporation

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Application Software 『TOS3200 Assist』(SPEC80514) Operation Manual

1. Preface ・・・・・・ 4
1-1 Outline ・・・・・・ 4
1-2 Required operation environments ・・・・・・ 4

2. Setup ・・・・・・ 5
2-1 Setup ・・・・・・ 5
2-2 Communication connection with TOS3200 ・・・・・・ 5

3. Usage ・・・・・・ 6
3-1 Panel memory [MEM] ・・・・・・ 6
3-2 Program memory [PRG] ・・・・・・ 7
3-3 Test data [MANUAL], Test data [AUTO] ・・・・・・ 8
3-4 Test monitor [MON] ・・・・・・ 9

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Application Software 『TOS3200 Assist』(SPEC80514) Operation Manual

1. Preface
1-1 Outline
This application software 『TOS3200 Assist』(SPEC80514) is a software that enables our Leakage Current
Tester TOS3200 to be used more conveniently and effectively. TOS3200 Assist has following five functions by
communication with PC via USB interface.
①[MEM]: Writing, reading and saving in CSV file of all panel memories (manual test condition).
②[PRG]: Writing, reading and saving in CSV file of all program memories (auto test condition).
③[MANUAL]: Reading and saving all test results in manual testing in CSV file.
④[AUTO]: Reading and saving all test results in auto test in CSV file.
⑤[MON]: Reading measured current during test and saving the file in CSV file.

1-2 Required operation condition

CPU Pentium4 or better
OS Windows XP SP1 or later
CD-ROM Required for installation
Mouse Essential
Display Resolution 1024x768 or better
Memory RAM 512MB is recommended
Hard disk free space 10MB or over
VISA driver (essential) KI-VISAver3.1.0 or later see below
NI-VISAver3.4 or later
Software (recommended) Excel 2003 or later
Interface USB

・KI-VISA can download at following URL.

・NI-VISA can download at following URL. (User registration is required)
NOTE: KI-VISA is not required, if NI-VISA or Agilent VISA is already installed.

●Leakage current tester TOS3200

Version Ver.1.03 or later
USB cable USB2.0

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Application Software 『TOS3200 Assist』(SPEC80514) Operation Manual
2. Setup
2-1 Setup
For the first usage of this software, VISA driver and this application software『TOS3200 Assist』are required to
be installed. And please set I/F setting of TOS3200 to be「USB」.

●Installing VISA driver and TOS3200 Assist

Installation starts when inserting the software CD-ROM, or executing Setup.exe in the CD-ROM.
For PC with VISA driver installed, only TOS3200 Assist needs to be installed. For PC that has no VISA driver
installed, KI-VISA needs to be installed first, and then install TOS3200 Assist. For pop-up query during
installation, please proceed in default configuration. After the installation, following files will be configured.
Program files¥Kikusui¥TOS3200Assist(E)¥ ・・・ Main folder
¥TOS3200Assist.exe ・・・ Execution program
¥TOS3200AssistManEng.PDF ・・・ Operation manual
¥*.DLL ・・・ Various DLL files
¥Samples¥MEM00.CSV ・・・ Panel memory samples
¥Samples ¥PRG00.CSV ・・・ Program memory samples
¥Samples ¥ResultMAN00.CSV ・・・ Manual test result sample
¥Samples ¥ResultAUT00.CSV ・・・ Auto test result sample
¥Samples ¥TestMon00.CSV ・・・ Test monitor result sample
<NOTE> Please replace above ¥ character with \(backslash).

●I/F setting of TOS3200

Set 『I/F SELECT』of TOS3200 to be “USB” by referring to TOS3200 operation manual page 109, 「Using the
USB interface」. Then, please reboot the TOS3200 after the setting.

2-2 Communication connection with TOS3200

Turn TOS3200 on after connecting PC with TOS3200 by USB cable. When executing application software
TOS3200 Assist, “KIKUSUI, TOS3200,(S/No),(Version)“ is displayed in the lower right position of the screen
as below. Turning「RMT」lump on shows you that communication is established. In case the communication is
not established, please make TOS3200 recognized by confirming TOS3200 I/F setting, and checking USB
interface by Windows device manager or VISA driver.
Please add the parameter "-B1" just after the software execution file name (property of the icon) when you use
measurement network B1 of TOS3200 (firmware ver. 2.00 or later).

Read Abort Write


When this information is

displayed, connection with
TOS3200 is established.

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Application Software 『TOS3200 Assist』(SPEC80514) Operation Manual

3. Usage
3-1 Panel memory [MEM]
Writing, reading and saving of all panel memories stored in TOS3200 (manual test condition) can be done.
Panel memory data (MEM data) read out from TOS3200 is imported to List section. Change test condition by
moving selected data from the List to Edit section. And move the changed data to List section, and write them
to TOS3200.

Save all panel memory data in the List section to PC in CSV file. Saved data is imported to the List section by
opening the CSV file.

Saving and reading CSV file

Panel memory [MEM] page

List section

Title name can be entered by English 1-bite character up to 12

characters. 「”」,「’」,「,」, either「@」cannot be entered.

Abort data transfer to

Move data from Edit
section to List section Edit section
Write MEM data in List
section into TOS3200

Read MEM data from

Move specified memory TOS3200 into List section
data from List section to Specify memory No.
Edit section. to be read.

Set TOS3200 test condition in Edit section. As for naming, range and limitation of test condition, please refer
to TOS3200 operation manual.


Even though CSV file can be opened by Microsoft Excel 2003, please do not edit or rewrite the file by no other application

software but this TOS3200 Assist software. Since it may cause the file unreadable.

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Application Software 『TOS3200 Assist』(SPEC80514) Operation Manual

3-2 [PRG] Program memory

Writing, reading and saving of all program memories stored in TOS3200 (auto test condition) can be done.
Program memory data (PRG data) read out from TOS3200 is imported to Program list section. Move selected
data from Program list to Program editing section and Step list section. Common test condition for step test
can change in Program editing section. Move changed data to Program list section・Step list section and write
them into TOS3200. Move selected data from Step list to Step editing section, and change the test condition.
Save all program memory data in Program list section in CSV file to PC. Saved data is imported to Program
list section・Step list section by opening CSV file.

Saving and reading CSV file

Data transfer between

Program list and Program
edit・Step list Program List

Program Edit

Step List

Add Step list to specified


Delete specified Step Edit

Step list

Data transfer between

Specify memory TOS3200 and Program list.
No. to be Read: From TOS3200
Data transfer between
transferred. Write: To TOS3200
Step list and Step edit

Set TOS3200 test condition in Edit part.

As for naming, range and limitation of test condition, please refer to TOS3200 operation manual.


Even though CSV file can be opened by Microsoft Excel 2003, please do not edit or rewrite the file by no other application

software but this TOS3200 Assist software. Since it may cause the file unreadable.

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Application Software 『TOS3200 Assist』(SPEC80514) Operation Manual

3-3 Test data [MANUAL], Test data [AUTO]

Reading and saving all test results saved in TOS3200 (manual test for test data [MANUAL], and auto test for
test data [AUTO]) can be done.
Save all test results of each test to PC in CSV file. Saved test data is displayed when opening the CSV file.

Saving and reading CSV file

Program test result

Step test result

Read test result saved in

Specify data TOS3200
range to be read

Abort reading

(Above shows test data [AUTO] screen. Screen for test data [MANUAL] has also similar screen structure)

*As for naming of test contents, please refer to TOS3200 operation manual.


Even though CSV file can be opened by Microsoft Excel 2003, please do not edit or rewrite the file by no other application

software but this TOS3200 Assist software. Since it may cause the file unreadable.

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Application Software 『TOS3200 Assist』(SPEC80514) Operation Manual

3-4 Test monitor [MON]

Test execution in MANUAL mode, AUTO mode and METER mode, and performing data logging of measured
current value can be done. Minimum data sampling time is 1sec, the maximum measuring time is 3600secs
(1 hour). Save obtained measurement data to PC in CSV file. Saved logging data is displayed when opening
the CSV file.

Saving and reading CSV file

Measurement data

Specify interval and time of data Select test condition


Specify No. of MEM

or PRG
Start measurement with set
test condition in TOS3200

Set selected test

With or Without monitor display Stop measurement condition to TOS3200
Display: Measure
No Display: No measure


By setting interval time to be 1sec, measurement is restricted to measure only leak current, except for METER mode (voltage).

Measurement sampling is using system clock of PC, and elapsed time of data display is using data from TOS3200. As each

clock is not synchronized with each other, elapsed time display may not go with sampling interval.

This software does not have feature to graph measured data. To graph the data, please process saved CSV file with Microsoft

Excel 2003 or other software.


Even though CSV file can be opened by Microsoft Excel 2003, please do not edit or rewrite the file by no other application

software but this TOS3200 Assist software. Since it may cause the file unreadable.

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