Customer Satisfaction As Mediator Between Website Service Quality and Repurchase Intention: An Emerging Economy Case

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Service Science
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Customer Satisfaction as Mediator Between Website

Service Quality and Repurchase Intention: An Emerging
Economy Case
Urvashi Tandon, Ravi Kiran, Ash N. Sah

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Urvashi Tandon, Ravi Kiran, Ash N. Sah (2017) Customer Satisfaction as Mediator Between Website Service Quality and
Repurchase Intention: An Emerging Economy Case. Service Science 9(2):106-120.

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Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2017, pp. 106–120 ISSN 2164-3962 (print), ISSN 2164-3970 (online)

Customer Satisfaction as Mediator Between Website Service

Quality and Repurchase Intention: An Emerging Economy Case
Urvashi Tandon,a Ravi Kiran,a Ash N. Saha
a School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Thapar University, Patiala 147004, India
Contact: [email protected] (UT); [email protected] (RK); [email protected] (ANS)

Received: February 16, 2016 Abstract. The purpose of this research is to develop a research model to understand
Revised: May 18, 2016 the important dimensions of website service quality and its influence on repurchase
Accepted: August 11, 2016 intention. The study also analyzes the mediating effect of customer satisfaction on repur-
Published Online: May 1, 2017 chase intention. The results of empirical analysis confirmed that website quality can be
conceptualized as a composite of navigation, ease of understanding, information use-
fulness, website design, ease of use, security and privacy, ease of ordering, and cus-
Copyright: © 2017 INFORMS tomization. Second, website quality positively affects repurchase intention and customer
satisfaction. Third, website service quality can affect repurchase intention by enhancing
mediators like customer satisfaction, as it has full mediating effect on repurchase inten-
tion. This study has developed the instrument dimensions of website service quality in
online shopping context. The study has also refined the scale of repurchase intention by
including “cash-on-delivery” (COD) mode of payment as a new dimension to inculcate
confidence for online shopping in emerging economies.
Supplemental Material: The online appendix is available at

Keywords: website service quality • customer satisfaction • repurchase intention • online shopping • Internet marketing • navigation •
ease of use • information usefulness • website design

1. Introduction
The rapid growth of Internet across the globe has led to a reflective impact on marketing. This has stimulated
business houses to adopt e-commerce as a medium to interact with consumers. Similarly, consumers are also
inching toward adoption of online shopping with ever-increasing interest to depend on this mode for buying
goods. To attract customers and make them visit and revisit their websites, online retailers are venturing on
attempts to design their websites according to the consumer’s needs. With the adoption of online shopping,
consumers’ expectations have become intricate, and website service quality has emerged as an important factor
having positive correlation with the probability of visiting and revisiting the website. Previous studies have
proved that higher website service quality can lead to higher profitability (Cristobal et al. 2007). Therefore, it
becomes imperative for the online retailers not only to instill confidence among people to purchase online but
also encourage them to repurchase. A number of previous studies have focused on online repurchase intention
in the technology acceptance model (TAM) and perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, security and privacy,
usability, and functionality based on TAM that can be considered as factors of website service quality (Chen
et al. 2010, Zhang et al. 2011).
There is a growing preference to switch over to online shopping in almost all the countries of the world including
India. In developed countries there is higher level of penetration of online shopping, while in developing countries
it is still in emerging stage but has high prospects of growth. Despite accelerating rate of adoption in online pur-
chasing, Bisen and Singh (2013) have assessed that it is nearly 0.1% of total retail volume in India. This indicates
that online retailers in India have yet to come up to the expectation of consumers in satisfactorily delivering quality
service. Online retailers in India also lack an accurate measurement tool to investigate the weakness factors in their
online service systems. A study by Singh et al. (2006) predicted that websites that adapt to Indian culture were
shown to be perceived more favourably. Nair (2009), in his study of Bangalore metropolitan area, indicated that
security, communication, and gullibility are the antecedents of perceived trust. Perceived trust and technological
comfort are antecedents of actual online buying. Srivastava (2014) studied the mediating role of customer satisfac-
tion between service quality and repurchase intention and findings of the study revealed that customer satisfaction
is not a mediator between service quality and repurchase intention in the case of online shopping in India. As evident
from these studies, most of these researchers have focussed on online shopping adoption and customer satisfaction.
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These studies are also restricted to a specific geographic location with limited sample size. There is limited research
reported on website service quality in online shopping context. Further, most of the academic research reported so
far has been carried out in countries that adopted online shopping much earlier than India (Tandon et al. 2015a).
There has been an accelerating increase in the growth of online shopping in India and in emerging markets of Asia
over the past few years, but the research in these markets is somewhat less observed compared to Western countries
(Omar et al. 2011). Moreover, emerging markets have diverse institutional contexts in terms of their socioeconomic
and regulatory aspects; therefore, the models developed in Western countries need to be validated across these
diverse cultures (Palvia 2013, Omar et al. 2011). Accordingly, to fill this gap, the present study attempts to under-
stand important dimensions of website service quality that lead to repurchase intention and customer satisfaction.
Consequently, website quality instruments identified and established in developed nations need to be validated in
developing nations also so that these may have broad acceptance under diverse cultural scenario. Wolfinbarger and
Gilly (2003) also explained problems found in e-service quality instruments by “Little commonality exists among
the scales developed for measuring website characteristics to consumers. Some scales focus exclusively on the web-
site interface, while as others attempt to measure the entire purchase transaction” (p. 185). Most of the reported
research has considered only simple bivariate links between website qualities and repurchase intentions. There is
sparse research focussing on the role of mediating variables like customer satisfaction toward repurchase inten-
tion in developing nations. Keeping this in mind, the present study focuses upon understanding the assessment of
website service quality on repurchase intentions through customer satisfaction as mediating variable. This study
contributes to the literature by examining mediating role of customer satisfaction in the relationship between web-
site service quality and repurchase intention and also refines the existing scale of repurchase intention by analyzing
“cash-on-delivery” (COD) mode of payment, which is exclusive in developing countries like India.

2. Theoretical Background and Hypotheses Development

2.1. Internet Penetration and Online Retailing in India
Online shopping has been growing at an overwhelming rate in India, but methodical studies focussing on
customer perceptions of online website quality are missing. In 2012, the size of India’s e-commerce market was
USD 10 billion, while that of the e-tailing market was USD 0.6 billion. The market size of online retail sector has
been pegged at $3.5 billion in 2014 and is expected to be about $76 billion by 2021, i.e., more than a hundredfold.
In 2012 approximately 120 million Indian consumers accessed the Internet at least once a month (also referred
to as active user base). The Internet browsing behaviour of Indians has undergone major transformation in
the past two years. Indian consumers today are not only spending longer hours on the Internet but are also
performing activities other than accessing emails and casual browsing that were missing a few years ago. For
creation of this vast user base, credit is due to the travel portals, online retailers (estimated 200 active e-retailing
sites), social media, and the migration to the Internet of government services like Indian Railways reservations
and online filing of income tax returns (Bisen and Singh 2013). Online retailers over last few years have invested
time, money, and effort to ensure that consumers transact online through multiple means; they have offered
convenient online interfaces, attractive offers, and services like COD, equated monthly installments (EMIs),
hassle-free returns, etc., and advertised in the mass media (Bisen and Singh 2013). Indian e-commerce sales
are expected to reach USD 100 billion by 2020 from USD 22 billion in 2015. With growth in the e-commerce
industry, online retail is estimated to reach USD 70 billion by 2020 from USD 3 billion in 2014 (Indian Brand
Equity Foundation 2016). Growing aspirations, changing lifestyles, increase in purchasing power of people, and
awareness about global brands and fashion trends have driven people to shop online. An important facet of
this trend is the rise of the Internet-habituated consumer in cities and towns beyond the top 20 cities. While
there is a concentration of demand in the top 8–10 cities, Indian online retailing companies have witnessed an
extended clientele in other cities and towns, which account for nearly 50% of the sales for several players.
Drawing literature from previous studies as theory foundation, the present study progressively integrates
literature of website quality in online shopping and their relationship with repurchase intention to propose a
conceptual model on website quality in India. A conceptual model is proposed to examine the impact of web
service quality on repurchase intention and customer satisfaction. Figure 1 shows the model relationships and
hypotheses. The individual components are discussed, and related hypotheses are stated in Section 2.2.

2.2. Website Service Quality

Online retailers with experience have realized that the key determinants of success or failure are not merely
website design but also website service quality (Zhou et al. 2009, Bai et al. 2008, Aladwani and Palvia 2002,
Shin et al. 2013). Aladwani and Palvia (2002, p. 469) have defined website quality as “users’ evaluations of a
website’s features meeting users’ needs and reflecting overall experience of website.” A number of researchers
Tandon, Kiran, and Sah: Customer Satisfaction as Mediator
108 Service Science, 2017, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 106–120, © 2017 INFORMS

Figure 1. Hypothesized Model

Ease of understanding

Ease of use
Ease of ordering

Information usefulness

Security and privacy Repurchase

Website service
quality intention

Website design




have demonstrated that website quality leads to satisfaction (Wolfinbarger and Gilly 2003, Lee and Lin 2005, Shin
et al. 2013). Website service quality is the perceived as an overall quality of an online shopping site according
to customer’s viewpoint. Therefore, while evaluating an online retailer’s website, understanding which aspects
of the website are preferred by the consumer has become the main concern of online retailers.

2.3. Theories of Website Service Quality

Customer-perceived service quality can be defined as a global judgement or attitude related to the superiority of
a service relative to comparative offerings (Parasuraman et al. 1988). The attributes (tangibles, reliability, respon-
sibility, assurance) developed by Parasuraman et al. (1988) constitute the base of global measurement device
for service quality: SERVQUAL. But SERVQUAL may not be adequate for measuring service quality across the
industries and situations, not to state online service quality. The instrument lacks unique facets of online ser-
vice quality, since the five dimensions address customer-to-employee interactions but not customer-to-website
interactions (Yang et al. 2004). Parasuraman and Grewal (2000) proposed that research is needed on whether
the definitions and relative importance of SERVQUAL dimensions change when customers interact with tech-
nology rather than with service personnel (p. 171). Consequently, a number of researchers have identified key
attributes that best fit in online business environment. Zeithaml et al. (2000, 2002) identified dimensions of
e-service quality: efficiency, reliability, fulfillment, privacy, responsiveness, compensation, and contact. The first
four were classified as core service scale and the remaining three as recovery scale. Parasuraman et al. (2005)
also developed a 22-item E-S-QUAL scale comprisingfour dimensions: efficiency, fulfillment, system availability,
and privacy. Further, Parasuraman et al. (2005) developed submodel E-RecS-QUAL for service recovery quality
consisting of responsiveness, compensation, and contact. Loiacono et al. (2007) developed WebQualTM com-
prising informational fit-to-task, interactivity, trust, ease of understanding, intuitive operations, visual appeal,
consistency, and online completeness. The scale has also been empirically validated in several different coun-
tries, including the United States, China, Australia, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Korea, South Africa, Netherlands, and
the United Kingdom.

2.4. Website Service Quality Dimensions

Online shopping is a confound process involving the interaction of man and machine. It is divided into sub-
processes like navigation, downloading, online payment, and customer interactions. Online shoppers, therefore,
anticipate a high level of service quality. Ranganathan and Granapathy (2002) identified the key dimensions of
website service quality as information content, design, and security and privacy. Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003)
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validated an instrument to measure e-service quality based on website design, reliability/fulfillment, privacy/
security, and customer service. A five-item scale representing attitude toward website and loyalty intentions
was also conceptualized in the study. Barnes and Vidgen (2001) provided an index of website service qual-
ity and structured it into five dimensions: usability, design, information, trust, and empathy. Yoo and Donthu
(2001) measured website service quality on four dimensions: ease of use, aesthetic design, processing speed,
and security. Santos (2003) asserted that it is crucial to provide a well-organized, well-structured navigable site
with concise and understandable content to enhance online purchase. Lee and Lin (2005) modified SERVQUAL
model for online shopping and included website design, reliability, responsiveness, and trust in overall ser-
vice quality. Mithas et al. (2006) emphasized website structure, website content, and website functionality as
important dimensions of website service quality. Ahn et al. (2007) stated that the website service quality is
a multidimensional construct comprising information quality, system quality, and service quality. Floh and
Treiblmaier (2006) emphasized that website service quality includes web design, structure, and content. Swaid
and Wigand (2009) found that e-service quality is a measure of website design, information quality, usability,
reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and presentation. Wang et al. (2010) underlined web aesthetics and web
usability as important dimensions of website service quality. Treiblmaier and Pinterits (2010) accentuated the
role of enjoyment, usefulness, and ease of use in website service quality. Zhou et al. (2009) highlighted the sig-
nificance of website design and service quality affecting consumers’ online repurchase behavior. Results of their
study confirmed that service quality has significantly stronger effects on consumers’ trust and satisfaction, both
leading to their repurchase intention, but explained variance of trust and satisfaction in the study were around
50% depicting that there may be other factors that may affect these two constructs. Kuo et al. (2009) studied the
relationships among service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and post-purchase intention with
respect to mobile value-added services. Results of the study confirmed that service quality influences customer
satisfaction, which, in turn, influences post-purchase intention. Service quality has an indirect positive influence
on post-purchase intention also. Udo et al. (2010) found website content and service convenience as important
dimensions of website service quality. Shin et al. (2013) identified website service quality as a composite of six
dimensions of shopping convenience, site design, information usefulness, transaction security, payment system,
and customer communications.
All these scales have emphasized important aspects of website service quality but have been developed in
countries that adopted online shopping prior to India. Taking cognizance of the previous studies, the present
paper has identified ease of use, security and privacy, navigation, website design, ease of understanding, consis-
tency, and information usefulness as important website service quality factors. In general, information usefulness
is one of the reasons that many consumers benefit from online shopping. Website design and navigation pro-
vide physical environment of an online shopping website triggering online purchase. Security and privacy in
terms of online transactions and personal information is important to build confidence in online shopping. For
developing nations like India where online shopping has picked up only recently, ease of ordering has been
added as an additional website service quality factor. Therefore, to assess the contribution of each dimension,
website service quality is conceptualised as a composite of nine dimensions (ease of use, security and privacy, ease
of ordering, navigation, website design, ease of understanding, customization, consistency, and information usefulness),
and the following hypothesis is proposed:
Hypothesis 1 (H1). Website service quality is a multidimensional construct comprising website design, security and
privacy, navigation, information usefulness, customization, ease of use, ease of ordering, and ease of understanding.

2.5. Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction has been defined as “customer’s fulfillment response,” which is an evaluation as well
as an emotion-based response (Oliver 1997, p. 13). It is sign of customer’s belief of the probability of service
leading to a positive outcome. Bansal et al. (2004) found website characteristics, the specific website’s value, and
its relative value as important drivers of website satisfaction. Ha et al. (2010) highlighted the role of positive
attitude in the formation of a customer-satisfaction and repurchase intention. There is a significant relationship
between website quality and user satisfaction, and this relationship affects the actual use of online services (Li
and Jiao 2008, Gounaris et al. 2010, Udo et al. 2010).
It becomes imperative to identify which factors of website service quality have the most positive effect on
customer satisfaction. According to Shankar et al. (2003), customer satisfaction is relationship specific, derived
from the effect of a series of discrete service encounters or transactions with online vendors over a certain time
period. A customer’s decision to be loyal to a website depends on these service encounters. These encounters
may vary across countries. In this research, website design, security and privacy, navigation, information usefulness,
ease of use, customization, consistency, ease of ordering, and ease of understanding are selected as indicators of website
Tandon, Kiran, and Sah: Customer Satisfaction as Mediator
110 Service Science, 2017, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 106–120, © 2017 INFORMS

service quality because when consumers visit an online store, these factors may be important encounters. Thus,
to investigate the effect of website service quality on customer satisfaction in Internet shopping, the following
hypothesis is proposed:

Hypothesis 2 (H2). Website service quality will have a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction.

2.6. Repurchase Intention

Repurchase intention has received much research attention in the past few years and is widely used in models
related to technology acceptance. Boulding et al. (1993) specified the common behavioral dimensions examined
in the literature are purchase/repeat purchase intentions or actual purchase/repeat purchase behavior, ten-
dency to present word of mouth (WOM), and inclination to make additional purchases from the same source.
High service quality leads to favourable repurchase intention, whereas low service quality leads to unfavourable
repurchase intention. Zhang et al. (2011) suggested that positive customer experiences are directly related to
repurchase intentions. Lee and Lin (2005) examined the relationship among e-service quality dimensions, cus-
tomer satisfaction, and repurchase intentions. The results of the study found that overall service quality and
customer satisfaction are significantly related to repurchase intentions. Chang et al. (2009) tested the relation-
ships among perception of e-service quality and customer satisfaction and found significant effect of e-service
quality on customer satisfaction, which leads to customer loyalty. Chau and Kao (2009) concluded that the
dimensions of service quality have a significant and positive impact on customer satisfaction and future repur-
chase intentions. Shin et al. (2013) concluded that website quality is a crucial factor to enhance repurchase
intention in the customer perspective. Repurchase intention directly influences both revenue and profitability
of the firm (Hsu et al. 2012). Therefore, the present study focuses on repurchase intentions as the final dependent
variable in the proposed model.

Hypothesis 3 (H3). Website service quality will have a significant positive effect on repurchase intention.

Hypothesis 4 (H4). Customer satisfaction will have a significant positive effect on repurchase intention.

2.6.1. Cash-on-Delivery Mode of Payment. The current increase in online shopping in India may be accredited
to a recent method of payment popularly known as “cash-on-delivery” (COD) mode of payment. Credit card
payment is the most common method of e-business transactions in developed countries, but in developing
countries the number of credit card users is comparatively less despite continued Internet penetration. This has
remained a challenge for the companies wishing to engage in e-business in these regions. The limited use of
credit and debit card compelled online retailers to address this problem, and an alternative nonelectronic pay-
ment method, COD mode of payment, was adopted by them. COD removed the distrust and inhibitions about
delivery of faulty product, as the consumers get to inspect the product and be satisfied before paying online.
COD mode of payment also persuaded online retailers for speedy delivery of the right product, thereby ensur-
ing better services to enhance customer satisfaction. COD is a well-admired mode of payment in developing
Asian countries. Hussain et al. (2007) discussed issues regarding methods of payments for Internet purchases
in India, China, and Pakistan and concluded that the majority of consumers in these countries consider COD as
most convenient and more time saving than credit card. Chiejina and Olamide (2014) found the role of “pay-on-
delivery” payment option as a major trust builder between Nigerian consumers and online merchants. Thakur
and Srivastava (2015) studied the barriers to online shopping and found that consumers do not trust online
channels to share their banking details and prefer making payments through COD. Jain (2014) studied the con-
sumer decision-making process in the Indian environment and concluded that the majority of consumers feel
secure while shopping online, and the most preferred mode of payment is cash-on-delivery mode of payment.
Tandon et al. (2015b) studied customer satisfaction with respect to online shopping and highlighted that COD
mode of payment has enhanced satisfaction with respect to online shopping and is persuading consumers to
repurchase online. Jadhav and Khanna (2016) also mentioned that COD followed by debit card and net banking
are the modes of payment, but COD was analyzed as a single item in the construct of perceived ease of use.
COD is also a common mode of payment in Australia with a share of 24% in total payments (Wolner-Rößlhuber
et al. 2013). COD, though stated and mentioned in different studies, has not been empirically validated to date.
Therefore, to fill this gap, the present study introduces COD in the construct of repurchase intention and cus-
tomer satisfaction. The same has been validated through composite reliability and average variance extracted
(AVE) also.
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2.7. Interrelationship Among Website Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and

Repurchase Intention
Previous studies have concentrated on the role of website quality of online shopping websites and have sug-
gested that positive emotions created by website quality lead to more favourable behaviours. In the present
study, it is proposed that website quality is antecedent of customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. Fur-
ther, customer satisfaction also mediates the relationship between website quality and repurchase intention. This
presumption was formed on the basis of previous studies that website quality of online shopping is a predictor
of repurchase intention (Shin et al. 2013, Udo et al. 2010) as well as a significant indicator of customer satisfac-
tion (Lee and Lin 2005, Zhou et al. 2009, Shin et al. 2013). Gounaris et al. (2010) substantiated that e-satisfaction
mediates the effect of e-service quality on customer’s behavioural intentions, namely site revisit, word-of-mouth
communication, and repeat purchase. Udo et al. (2010), in a study of the United States, found that the indirect
or mediating influence of satisfaction on web service quality and behavioural intention is indeed stronger than
the direct influence of web service quality on behavioural intentions. Shin et al. (2013) confirmed that website
quality can affect repurchase intention by enhancing customer satisfaction in online transactions.
In the present study, to test the direct and indirect effects of web service quality on repurchase intentions,
the following hypothesis is proposed:
Hypothesis 5 (H5). Customer satisfaction plays a mediating role between website service quality and repurchase intentions
in the context of online shopping (WSQ → CUSAT → RI).

3. Research Methodology
3.1. Measurement Development
To achieve the above-mentioned objectives of the study, a self-administered questionnaire was developed hav-
ing 10 constructs. Measurement items were adopted from literature wherever possible. Items of questionnaire
and source are provided in the appendix. Standard procedures for measurement development were applied
wherever needed involving the use of multi-item indicators for reliability and unidimensionality.
Navigation was measured using five items developed by Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003) and Bansal et al. (2004).
Website design was measured using three items developed by Zhou et al. (2009) and Wolfinbarger and Gilly
(2003). Security and privacy was measured using four items from Chen et al. (2010). Information usefulness was
measured using two items from Shin et al. (2013). Ease of use and ease of understanding was measured using items
from Loiacono et al. (2007) and Tandon et al. (2015a). Ease of ordering was a new scale item included in the scale
of website service quality. These items were included in the scale due to their importance in developing countries
where online shopping is still in a nascent stage. The items of customer satisfaction and repurchase intention were
developed from Udo et al. (2010) and Shin et al. (2013). “I intend to repurchase from online stores by using
cash-on-delivery” and “next time I would like to purchase products online by paying through cash-on-delivery”
were new scale items befitting Indian and other developing countries scenario. These items were not analyzed
in the context of online shopping until recently (see Table A.1 in the appendix).

3.2. Data Collection Procedures

To get accurate responses and reduce ambiguity, a preliminary questionnaire was distributed to a pilot group
of 50 people selected on the basis of convenience sampling. This pilot group consisted of academicians and
management experts. The pilot group not only answered the questions but also suggested some changes in the
language and significance of questions. Their suggestions were incorporated to refine the questionnaire. The
final questionnaire had close-ended questions on a five-point Likert scale. Population of this research comprised
North Indian Internet savvy consumers who also shop online. A total of 2,000 questionnaires were administered
to service-class people, businessmen, and youth including students in the northern states of India. Of these, 410
usable questionnaires were retained for analysis. This survey was carried from February 2014–February 2015.

4. Data Analysis
4.1. Frequency Distribution for Respondent’s Demographics
Table 1 shows the basic characteristics of the consumers surveyed. Out of the total 410 users of online shopping,
54.90% were male and 44.9% were female. Among the respondents, 62.2% were between 18–30 years of age,
followed by 24.6% in middle age group of 31–45 years of age, and the remaining 13.2% were above 45 years
of age. A substantial number of respondents (46.8%) indicated that they have been shopping online from one
to three years, followed by 38.0% who had been shopping through the Internet for one year. The majority
of respondents (45.4%) had purchased two to five products from the Internet, followed by 39.5% who had
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112 Service Science, 2017, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 106–120, © 2017 INFORMS

Table 1. Frequency Distribution for Respondent’s Demographics

Demographic characteristics N  410 Response Valid percentage

Male 225 54.09
Female 184 44.90
18–30 225 62.2
31–45 101 24.6
Above 45 54 13.2
Education qualification
Undergraduate 101 24.6
Graduate 97 23.7
Post graduate 212 51.7
Nature of consumer
Student 158 38.5
Self-employed 48 11.7
Service 204 49.8
Annual income
Less than 3.5 lakhs 165 40.2
3.5–6 lakhs 187 45.6
More than 6 lakhs 58 14.1
Number of hours spent on Internet in a week
Less than 7 hours 115 28.0
8–16 hours 157 38.3
More than 16 hours 138 33.7
Number of years of online shopping
Less than 1 year 156 38.0
1–3 years 192 46.8
More than 3 years 62 15.2
Hours spend on online shopping in a month
Less than 2 hours 171 41.7
2–6 hours 186 45.4
More than 6 hours 53 12.9
Number of products purchased online in a month
Less than 2 78 19.0
2–5 170 41.5
More than 5 162 39.5

purchased more than five products from the Internet in the last year. From the above analysis, it appears that
a considerable number of respondents were well educated, i.e., postgraduates and graduates, of young age and
enjoying average income.

4.2. Validity and Reliability of Measures

To purify the scale of service quality, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed. For EFA, the principal
component analysis (PCA) with varimax rotation and eigenvalue greater than 1 and factor loadings greater
than 0.5 were considered and further retailed for confirmatory factor analysis. The Kaiser–Mayer–Olkin (KMO)
value of 0.843 at significance level of 0.000 was attained using Bartlett’s Sphericity Test suggesting the intercor-
relation matrix contained adequate common variance to make factor analysis useful. CFA was performed on
all the retained constructs. Based on the analysis, all the items having loadings >0.50 were retained for further
analysis. Therefore, NAV5 of navigation, EASEORD 4 of ease of ordering, and CUSAT4 and CUSAT5 of customer
satisfaction were completely dropped due to low factor loadings. The results confirmed the dimensionality of
the solution and suggested discriminant validity (average variance extracted >0.50 in all occasions) and com-
posite reliability (values > 0.70) in all occasions. Finally, two supplementary tests of discriminant validity were
conducted. First, the correlation between constructs ranged between 0.14 to 0.46 and correlations of no pair of
measures exceeding the criterion (0.9 or above) (Hair et al. 1995). Further, the AVE estimate of each construct
was larger than the squared correlations among the constructs in the corresponding rows and columns (Fornell
and Larcker 1981).

4.3. Measurement Model

Website quality was conceptualized as second order construct in the model comprising ease of ordering, ease of
understanding, ease of use, information usefulness, navigation, security and privacy, website design, and customization.
A second order confirmatory analysis was performed to determine the importance of each section. Tables 2 and 4
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Table 2. Dimensionality, Reliability, and Validity Statistics

Variables Items Standardized estimate S.E. C.R. Composite reliability AVE

Ease of understanding EASEUND1 0.650 0.120 9.943 0.801 0.502

EASEUND2 0.72 0.033 16.052
EASEUND3∗ 0.752
EASEUND4 0.700 0.115 10.460
Ease of ordering EASEORD1 0.730 0.144 8.817 0.802 0.506
EASEORD2 0.810 0.133 10.167
EASEORD3∗ 0.620
Ease of use EASEUSE1 0.670 0.068 12.689 0.80 0.573
EASEUSE2∗ 0.740
EASEUSE3 0.850 0.067 13.669
Information usefulness EASEINFO1∗ 0.800 0.79 0.557
EASEINFO2 0.650 0.087 9.879
EASEINFO3 0.780 0.165 9.847
Navigation NAV2 0.73 0.144 8.817 0.805 0.509
NAV3 0.66 0.056 13.229
NAV4∗ 0.75
NAV5 0.710 0.070 11.860
Security and privacy SANDP1 0.630 0.124 8.828 0.804 0.507
SANDP2 0.780 0.165 9.847
SANDP3 0.710 0.070 11.855
SANDP4∗ 0.721
Website design WEBD1∗ 0.689 0.759 0.514
WEBD2 0.785 0.095 10.783
WEBD3 0.671 0.029 13.942
Customization CUSTOM1 0.780 0.160 9.847 0.738 0.585
CUSTOM2∗ 0.750
Customer satisfaction CUSAT1∗ 0.750
CUSAT2 0.780 0.160 9.847 0.82 0.604
CUSAT3 0.800 0.04 26.061
Repurchase intention RI1 0.686 0.029 36.557 0.823 0.609
RI2∗ 0.861
RI3 0.785 0.095 24.783
Note. S.E.: standard error, C.R.: critical ratio.

Regression weights are fixed to 1; thus standard error and critical ratios are not calculated.

depict the estimated results for the first order and second order confirmatory analysis. The overall fit indices
demonstrated an adequate fit with the data (CMIN/df  2.969, GFI  0.89, TLI  0.89, CFI  0.88, RMSEA  0.06)
indicating that model is found to qualify goodness-of-fit indices as various fit indices are within the prescribed
limits. This signifies that consumers assess website quality according to eight basic dimensions and supports
the perspective that website quality has eight basic dimensions with subdimensions allied with them in the
consumer’s mind.

Table 3. Correlation Matrix


CS 3.93 0.59 0.777

RI 4.08 0.89 0.54 0.780
CUSTOM 3.47 1.07 0.19 0.15 0.764
WEBD 3.87 0.94 0.42 0.39 0.26 0.716
SANDP 3.45 1.11 0.28 0.14 0.29 0.21 0.712
NAV 3.85 0.88 0.35 0.41 0.37 0.41 0.41 0.713
INFOUSE 3.87 0.89 0.41 0.34 0.30 0.46 0.23 0.46 0.746
EASEUSE 4.30 0.73 0.31 0.40 0.19 0.32 0.17 0.38 0.32 0.756
EASEORD 3.50 1.13 0.15 0.11 0.31 0.13 0.15 0.22 0.29 0.15 0.711
EASEUND 4.00 0.87 0.38 0.42 0.16 0.33 0.39 0.49 0.36 0.40 0.28 0.70
Notes. Figures in italics are square root of AVE. CS: customer satisfaction, RI: repurchase intention, CUSTOM: Customization, WEBD:
website design, SANDP: security and privacy, NAV: navigation, INFOUSE: information usefulness, EASEUSE: ease of use, EASEORD: ease
of ordering, EASEUND: ease of understanding.
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Table 4. Second Order Factor of Website Quality

First order Path Second order Estimate estimate S.E. C.R. P


EASEORD ← WEBSITE_QUALITY 0.71 0.32 0.122 5.831 ***
EASEUSE ← WEBSITE_QUALITY 0.818 0.543 0.081 10.048 ***
INFOUSE ← WEBSITE_QUALITY 1.12 0.588 0.104 10.8 ***
NAV ← WEBSITE_QUALITY 1.195 0.749 0.087 13.676 ***
SANDP ← WEBSITE_QUALITY 0.996 0.473 0.114 8.741 ***
WEBD ← WEBSITE_QUALITY 1.015 0.548 0.101 10.039 ***
CUSTOM ← WEBSITE_QUALITY 1.047 0.462 0.132 7.95 ***
Note. Goodness of fit statistics (CMIN/df  2.472, GFI  0.97, TLI  0.94, CFI  0.96, RMSEA  0.06).

4.4. Path Analysis

Subsequent to measurement purification, the path relationships within the research model were analyzed by
structural equation modelling (SEM) using AMOS 20. The overall fit indices of the research model were accept-
able (CMIN/df  2.472, GFI  0.97, TLI  0.94, CFI  0.96, RMSEA  0.06).
The results of the SEM as shown in Table 5 provide support for Hypotheses 2–4. Website service quality has
a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction (H2  0.56, p ≤ 0.001) and repurchase intention (H3  0.55,
p ≤ 0.001). The results of the study also support H4, which states that customer satisfaction has a significant
positive effect on repurchase intention (H4  0.951 p ≤ 0.001).
Hypothesis H5 assumes that customer satisfaction plays a mediating role between website service quality and
repurchase intention in the context of online shopping (WSQ → CUSAT → RI) Table 6 shows the results of the
mediating effect of customer satisfaction. The parameter estimate of the relationship between website quality
and repurchase intention after adding customer satisfaction as mediating variable reduced (Std. loading  0.044,
p  0.393, p ≥ 0.001) and the estimate of model became insignificant. The overall fit indices of the mediated
research model are acceptable (CMIN/df  3.36, GFI  0.951, TLI  0.898, CFI  0.929, RMSEA  0.07). To test this
mediating role, Sobel test was conducted (MacKinnon et al. 1995). The Sobel test statistic for testing mediation
was 5.568 and is significant at p < 0.0001. This result indicates that customer satisfaction depicts the full mediat-
ing effect on the relationship between website service quality and repurchase intention. The implication of these
results is that although the direct effect of website quality on repurchase intention and customer satisfaction is
significant but the mediating effect of customer satisfaction on website quality and repurchase intention seems
stronger. This further indicates that website quality can positively affect repurchase intention by enhancing
mediating variables. The structural model with standardized weights is shown in Figure 2.

Table 5. Results of Hypotheses Testing

Influence Independent Dependent Standardized

Hypotheses relation variable Path variable estimate S.E. p-value Result

H2 Direct WSQ → CS 0.57 0.84 0.000 Support

H3 Direct WSQ → RI 0.61 0.08 0.000 Support
H4 Direct CS → RI 0.95 0.05 0.000 Support

Table 6. Model After Mediation

Influence Independent Dependent Standardized

relation variable Path variable estimate p-value Result

Direct WSQ → RI 0.044 0.393 Support

Indirect WSQ → RI 0.747 0.000
Total WSQ → CS 0.932 0.000
Note. Goodness of fit statistics (CMIN/df  3.36, GFI  0.951, TLI  0.898, CFI  0.929, RMSEA  0.07).
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Figure 2. Hypothesized Model with Path Coefficients

Ease of understanding

Ease of use 0.64

Ease of ordering 0.55 satisfaction

Information usefulness 0.75 0.93
Security and privacy 0.47 Website service Repurchase
quality intention
Website design


5. Discussion and Conclusions

In Section 5.1, the findings in Indian Internet shopping context are discussed. The limitations of the present
study and topics for future research are also reported.

5.1. Website Service Quality

Website service quality is one of the fundamental determinants of the success of online shopping. Consequently,
in spite of substantial research in the construct of website service quality, an aggregate model is lacking in Indian
and developing economies context as switch over to online purchase in these countries has picked up recently
and is lagging in comparison to its active adoption by Western consumers. To fill this gap, the present study
empirically examined the construct of website service quality in context of online shopping and its relationship
to repurchase intention. Further, the mediating effect of customer satisfaction was also examined.
The study identified key dimensions leading to website service quality. The structural model indicated that
navigation, ease of understanding, information usefulness, website design, ease of use, security and privacy, customization,
and ease of ordering emerged as significant dimensions of website service quality. The results of validation through
AVE and composite reliability procedure indicated that the proposed eight-factor website service quality scale
has appropriate reliability and validity in every aspect.
Navigation emerged as an important significant variable in the present study. This finding for India is sup-
ported by results of similar studies in other countries (Wolfinbarger and Gilly 2003, Bansal et al. 2004, Santos
2003). Customers consider websites that are easy to follow and navigate as a prerequisite for making an online
purchase. Since online shopping requires mass penetration and consumers have to make choices without the
help of sales personnel, websites must be designed such that navigation and finding required content is easier.
As pointed out by Yang et al. (2004), the sequencing, placement, and naming of hyperlinks and navigational
menus should be based on customer intuition. A well-designed navigational structure in terms of time required
to obtain desired results can facilitate customer satisfaction and lead to repurchase.
Next in importance were ease of understanding and information usefulness. The ease of understanding of the
structure of an online shopping website, its functions, interface, and its content encourage online shopping.
These findings, too, are supported by previous studies (Loiacono et al. 2007, Santos 2003, Shin et al. 2013,
Tandon et al. 2015b). This leads us to comprehend that all the terms and conditions concerned with products
should be provided in clear and understandable language. Adequate explanations, wherever necessary, need
to be provided. To purchase products online, consumers search for product information. It is imperative that
to enhance customer satisfaction and repurchase intention online, retailers start providing accurate and up-to-date
information about the products.
Further, in the order of significance are the website design, ease of use, and security and privacy indicating their
relative importance for online repurchase. Website design is usually the first determinant observed by online
shoppers. Website design characteristics such as graphics, aesthetics, store layout, arrangement of hyperlinks,
and proper display of products all contribute to website service quality. Earlier studies have considered website
design as a vital service quality factor leading to repurchase (Wolfinbarger and Gilly 2003, Lee and Lin 2005,
Tandon, Kiran, and Sah: Customer Satisfaction as Mediator
116 Service Science, 2017, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 106–120, © 2017 INFORMS

Zhou et al. 2009, Shin et al. 2013, Udo et al. 2010). As depicted by the present study, poorly designed web
pages, complicated language, and incomplete description of products lead to abandonment of shopping cart.
Therefore, online stores need to pay careful attention to this aspect. Online security and privacy is still perceived
as a major concern for online shoppers. Consumers expect clear and vivid statements about security and privacy
matters. Although there is an essential improvement in online security technologies, confidence of consumers
can be managed using encryption and online card guarantee. E-retailers must provide best online security as it
is the fundamental requisite.
Customization and ease of ordering emerged as significant variables affecting website service quality, yet their
effect was mild compared to other variables. Ease of ordering was found least significant of all the variables of
website quality. This indicates that consumers still find difficulty in placing, tracking, replacing, and cancelling
the orders once placed. This difficulty can be reduced by improving the quality of information and instructions
about payment, and providing virtual tours through the website.

5.2. Interrelationship Between Website Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and

Repurchase Intention
In the present study, it was hypothesized that website service quality has both a direct effect on customer satisfaction
and repurchase intention as well as indirect effect on repurchase intentions. Website quality is positively associated
with repurchase intention. This is consistent with findings in previous studies (Zhou et al. 2009, Kuo et al.
2009, Shin et al. 2013, Udo et al. 2010), but opposes the study of Srivastava (2014), where customer satisfaction
did not emerge as a mediator between service quality and repurchase intention. Similarly, the findings of this
study also indicate that customer satisfaction acts as a mediating variable between website service quality and
repurchase intention. This suggests customer satisfaction positively influences customer’s intention to repurchase.
Both customer satisfaction and repurchase intention explain a large proportion of model’s variance. The findings
of the present study reflect that online retailers need to devise strategies focusing on mediators like customer
satisfaction that enhance website service quality which, in turn, can lead to repurchase intention. COD emerged
significant in the construct of repurchase intention and is consistent with few studies like Tandon et al. (2015a)
and Hussain et al. (2007) where COD was mentioned as a significant variable influencing online purchase.
Therefore, it needs to be validated further in depth across different cultures with different technologies.

6. Implications and Conclusions

The purpose of this research was threefold: (1) understanding the online customers’ perception and expectation
from website service quality; (2) developing and testing an instrument on dimensions of website service quality;
and (3) examining the relationship among website service quality, customer satisfaction, and repurchase intention.
As reflected through results, website service quality plays an important role in stimulating online purchase. By
studying consumer’ perceptions, online retailers can understand major concerns of online shoppers. In addition,
customer satisfaction assists understanding of efficacy and acceptance of online shopping and acts as a mediator
stimulating online purchase. This has sharpened our understanding of online shopping success factors. In
Sections 6.1 and 6.2 theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

6.1. Theoretical Implications

The conclusions drawn from this study have important implications for researchers as well as academicians.
This study has higher relevance for developing countries including India, where online shopping has picked up
recently and is lagging in comparison to active adoption by Western countries. The model that emerged from
this study can be extended to all developing countries to have an overall assessment of factors leading to online
First, this study has refined the relationship among website service quality, customer satisfaction, and repurchase
intention. Most of the previous studies have considered the scale development of website service quality as a pre-
dictor for satisfaction without considering the mediating role of customer satisfaction. Few researchers (Shin et al.
2013, Udo et al. 2010) have incorporated customer satisfaction as a mediator in website service quality and repurchase
intention in online shopping context, but their studies have focussed on Chinese and Korean consumers. Because
customer satisfaction helps in stimulating online purchase, it is taken as a mediator in the present study. Website
service quality is an important marketing phenomenon for inducing positive attitude as well as a significant
factor for customer satisfaction leading to repurchase intention.
Second, website service quality can be conceptualized as an amalgamation of eight dimensions, namely, naviga-
tion, ease of understanding, ease of use, information usefulness, website design, security and privacy, customization, and
ease of ordering, which are at the second level of abstraction. Navigation is the most important factor, and ease
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of ordering emerged as least important factor to overall website service quality. This indicates that if people have
difficulty in navigating and understanding the contents of websites, they may abandon their shopping cart or
quit online shopping. The importance of site quality factors is different from results of previous studies where
customer communication (Shin et al. 2013), website content (Udo et al. 2010), reliability (Yang et al. 2004, Santos
2003, Lee and Lin 2005), assurance (Swaid and Wigand 2009), convenience (Kim et al. 2009), and responsiveness
(Yang et al. 2004) were the important factors. The study is also different from the work of Zhou et al. (2009),
where only the impact of website design and service quality on trust and satisfaction were considered.
Third, the study has refined the scale of repurchase intention by including COD mode of payment as a new
dimension to inculcate confidence for online shopping. The COD model has been adopted by Indian online
retailers to reduce the fear of credit/debit card thefts under Indian conditions besides neighbouring countries.
Though stated in previous studies, COD was not validated empirically until recently. This research fills this gap
by empirically analyzing COD in the construct of repurchase intention and customer satisfaction.

6.2. Practical Implications

The findings of this study are valuable to online retailers also. Understanding the constructs in the proposed
research model is crucial for online retailers in India as well as emerging economies so that they can yield high
consumer acceptance.
As reflected in the study, customer satisfaction leads to a significant increase in repurchase intention. Therefore,
online retailers need to endeavour to satisfy consumers through good website service quality. This study helps
the online retailers to understand the definite role of website quality in inducing beneficial repurchase inten-
tion. In this context, online retailers should provide the best website service quality. The results of the study
confirmed that impact of navigation followed by ease of understanding, information usefulness, and website design
were high on website service quality. Therefore, these dimensions need to be considered by online retailers while
improving the quality of their websites. Online retailers can reinforce their website service quality by giving
particular attention to easily navigable pages, website design, easy-to-understand content, and an online user
manual to understand online shopping. Online retailers need to make their websites user friendly by adding
graphics and interaction-related issues besides including basic and advanced search options to increase the
number of online shoppers. Instead of best assertions provided by e-retailers, security and privacy is a matter
of concern. One such challenge handled admirably by online retailers is COD mode of payment as a secure and
trustworthy way to overcome the fear of security and privacy. COD model is encouraging people to adopt online
shopping with reduced chances of delivery of defective products. Customers can check the product and then
make payment. FAQ page can be regularly updated and customer support staff well trained to handle problems
of customers’ regional dialects. Further, return procedures and product tracking systems need to be simplified
to instill confidence in new consumers. As highlighted in the study, customer satisfaction mediates the relation-
ship between website service quality and repurchase intention. Thus, a focus on these factors through customer
satisfaction will increase the chance of repurchase.
The study underlines the thrust to be given to cash-on-delivery mode of payment. The majority of India’s
population do not have credit cards, and those who do have them do not frequently use them for online
transactions. Therefore, through COD mode of payment an online retailer can connect to customers, even if they
do not have the means to make an online payment. As people in villages and small towns are also accepting
online shopping, COD is the only mode of payment where online retailers can achieve a competitive advantage.
Moreover, consumers also prefer COD, as they assume it is a convenient, recognizable, and trusted payment
method. For encouraging consumers to shop online, a focus on COD mode of payment and the need to extend
it to remaining pincodes in the country are also proposed. But all the shipping and courier costs must be
exhibited at the time of accepting an order. In addition, online retailers need to embark upon the concerns
related to security of online transactions by increasing the structural, technological, and legal framework for
secure online transactions.
As reflected in the study, indirect effect of website service quality on repurchase intention through customer
satisfaction is also significant. This makes us understand that online shoppers are concerned with customer
satisfaction if website service quality is good. Therefore, online retailers should also focus on customer satisfaction
rather than focussing only on website service quality. In simple words, satisfied customers may revisit the website
and recommend the website to their peers, which may result in increase in sales.

7. Limitations and Further Areas of Research

The limitations of the present study stem from the geographical and time constraints. Future research could
make several extensions of the current study. First, to verify the dimensions emerged in this study and the
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118 Service Science, 2017, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 106–120, © 2017 INFORMS

future studies may concentrate on diversified customer environments. Second, the instrument developed in this
study can be further used to investigate how customers perceive cash-on-delivery mode of payment significantly
triggering online repurchase intentions across the countries.
The current research focuses on website service quality dimensions perceived by customers who have pur-
chased online. However, the majority of consumers in India use the Internet for information search. These
consumers may have some distinctive perceptions of service quality. Few respondents may feel comfortable by
paying through debit card/credit card while others may purchase only through the cash-on-delivery model.
Both groups can be compared, as those paying online may not be more concerned about security and privacy.
Thus, further studies can extend this scale to understand the perceptions of both groups.

Appendix. Measurement Scale Items and Their Literature Support

Table A.1. Measurement Scales

Scale Items

Ease of understanding The language used by online retailing websites is easy to understand (EASEUND1).
(Loiacono et al. 2007, Tandon Display pages lead to further understandable information (EASEUND2).
et al. 2015b) Process of transaction of online retailing website is understandable (EASEUND3).
It is easy to place orders online (EASEUND4).
Ease of ordering The website makes it easy to track orders placed online (EASEORED1).
The websites have detailed instructions to modify orders placed online (EASEORD2).
The websites have detailed instructions to cancel orders placed online (EASEORD3).
Ease of use It was easy for me to learn internet shopping (EASEUSE1).
(Loiacono et al. 2007) Internet shopping websites are easy to use (EASEUSE2).
Navigation through online shopping websites is easy for me (EASEUSE3).
Information usefulness Online shopping websites provide me rich information on features and quality of products
(Shin et al. 2013, (INFOUSE1).
Bansal et al. 2004) Information provided by online shopping websites help me to purchase product (INFOUSE2).
Online retailers provide useful information about products (INFOUSE3).
Navigation Pictures of products are downloaded quickly (NAV2).
(Wolfinbarger and Gilly 2003, The search function at the websites is helpful (NAV3).
Bansal et al. 2004) The websites allow easy return to the previous display pages (NAV4).
The websites make it easy to recognise key information (NAV5).
Security and privacy The websites have adequate security measures (SANDP1).
(Chen et al. 2010, I feel safe while using my credit card/debit card on the websites (SANDP2).
Shin et al. 2013) I trust that the websites will not give my personal details to other websites without my
permission (SANDP3).
Online shopping websites offer user memberships for surfing on the password protected web
pages within the website (SANDP4).
Website design The attractive colour scheme of online shopping websites facilitates shopping (WEBD1).
(Zhou et al. 2009, Wolfinbarger The graphics displayed in websites provide ease for ordering product(WEBD2).
and Gilly 2003) Shopping online is an exciting experience (WEBD3).
Customization The websites allow me to customize my product before ordering (CUSTOM1).
(Wolfinbarger and Gilly 2003) The website responds to customer needs (CUSTOM2).
Customer Satisfaction I am satisfied with the quality of products offered online (CUSAT1).
(Udo et al. 2010, Shin et al. 2013) Online shopping is a satisfying experience as it offers customised product at my convenience
I am satisfied with cash-on-delivery mode of payment (CUSAT3).
Repurchase intentions I would like to re-buy products from online retailers continuously (RI1).
(Shin et al. 2013) I would continue to pay through cash-on-delivery continuously (R12).
Next time I would like to repurchase products online by paying through cash-on-delivery (RI3).
New scale items

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