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A research Paper Presented to the Senior High School Faculty

Saint Joseph Institute of Technology
Basic Education Department
Butuan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Practical Research 2

Aguhob, Angela Hazel E.

Basinillo, Rusty L.
Caseñas, Xhelca Glitz B.
Dela Cerna, Marianne P.
Diva, Shryl Mae M.
Edullantes, Chloe Mae Y.
Lumagas, Harold G.
Suello, Dextier T.

MARCH 2020


This paper would not have been possible without the guidance and

assistance of many people. The researchers would like to express their sincerest

thanks to the following persons who have contributed much in making this study


To Almighty God, for giving knowledge and wisdom to the realization of

this study, and also for giving courage determination and patience, all of which

contributed to the success of this paper;

To their respective Parents for supporting them academically, morally and


To Mr. Roqui M. Gonzaga, the research adviser and the same time the

statistician who shared his knowledge and expertise to the success of this study;

Dr. Liz Irish Ng-Villamor, SJIT BE Principal and Chairperson of the Oral

Examination Committee, for the points for improvement which she gave during the

initial consultative stage with the researchers, which helped the researchers

improve their paper;

To Ms. Kimberly Nice Magallano & Eubert Tagupa, for giving thoughts,

advice and ideas for the improvement of the study.

To Computer Servicing System students, who were the respondents of

this study for their wholehearted cooperation and willingness in answering the

questionnaires, are greatly appreciated.


Lastly, to the people who helped and contributed great ideas and advice on

the completion of this study.

The Researchers






Researchers: Angela Hazel E. Aguhob

Rusty L. Bainillo
Xhelca Glitz B. Caseñas
Marianne P. Dela Cerna
Shryl Mae M. Diva
Chloe Mae Y. Edullantes
Harold G. Lumagas
Dextier T. Suello

Adviser: Roqui M. Gonzaga

The study aimed to determine the influence of Information and

Communication Technology Tools in Teaching-learning Process among the
selected Senior High School students and its rapid growth in this century has
caused some pressures in facilitating effective teaching and learning globally.
Bringing Information and Communication Technology into practice has a role to
play in facilitating and improving pedagogy and content knowledge. Thus this
paper investigates the influence of Information and Communication Technology in
improving teaching-learning process. A validated structured questionnaire was
used to elicit information from the respondents. The findings revealed among
others that Information and Communication Technology can improve the teaching -
learning process of the senior high school, and is a veritable tool influence effective
teaching in schools. It was concluded that information and Communication
Technology (ICT) provides opportunities to explore new knowledge and creates a
conductive Information and ICT tools.
Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, Teaching-Learning
Process, ICT tools


Title Page

TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………………….i



TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………….v



1.1 Introduction……………………………………………………..………....1
1.2 Review of Related Literature…………………………..………………..3
1.3 Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………. 5
1.4 Conceptual Framework………………………………………………….8
1.5 Statement of the Problem…………………………………………….…9
1.6 Significance of the Study………………………………………………..10
1.7 Definition of Terms…………………………………………………….…11


2.1 Research Design…………………………………………………………13

2.2 Research Locale……………………………………………………..….13
2.3 Research Respondents/Participants…..…………………………..…..15
2.4 Research Instrument………………………………………………....….15
2.5 Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………..…….16
2.6 Data Analysis…………………………………………………………….17



4.1 Summary of Findings……………………………………………….…..26
4.2 Conclusion………………………………………………………………..28

4.3 Recommendations………………………………………………………29

REFERENCE CITED……………………………………………………………..31


A. Survey Questionnaire……………………………………………………34

B. Statistical Test Results………………………………………………….36

C. Documentation……………………………………………………………39

D. Curriculum Vitae………………………………………………………….41


Table Title Page

1 Respondents of The Study 15

2 Age Distribution of the Respondents 19

3 Gender Distribution of the Respondents 20

4 ICT tools in Terms of Students Interaction 22

5 Influence of ICT tools in terms of students 23


6 Association between the availability of ICT 24

Tools and the influence of ICT in teaching
Learning Process


Figures Title Page

1 A Schematic Diagram Showing 8

The interplay of Independent and
Dependent variables of the study

2 Location Map of the Study 14

3 Weighted mean of the ICT tools in 20

In Teaching Learning Process

Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


Learning resources is one of the supporting tools in teaching and it helps

to increase the students’ learnings. Education in the 21 st century is now integrating,

as well as technology in teaching. Information and Communication Technology

has a great role and impact in the world of education in which it grows faster and

develop the 21st century in the art of teaching and learning process.

The students’ performance is dependent to the teaching process of a

teacher. The learners cannot learn if they don’t want to learn (Chan, 2008). The

use of the new technological materials will improve the learners’ attitudes towards

the subject as cited by Choi et al. (2013). In order to improve students’ attitudes

towards teaching-learning process, strategies are being employed by the teachers.

Even social networking sites used and improved learners’ performance in their

study. It was noted in the study of Eddy (2014) that those who participated in social

networking group discussion are more engaging in learning

The founder of Kiwami, Ms. Mitsuyo Tamai(2001) expressed her concern

over the effectiveness of ICT on education. She said that; looking at the present

scenario of education, many changes have taken place especially in the teaching-

learning to assessment and evaluation. Information and Communication

Technologies are extremely influencing every discipline including Education. It is

affecting every aspect of education from teaching-learning to assessment and

evaluation. It improves the effectiveness of education. It aids literacy movements.


It enhances scope of education by facilitating mobile learning and inclusive

education. It facilitates research and scholarly communication. Impact of ICT and

its potential for the education field is manifold. A judicious use of ICT technologies

together with new functions and roles of education personnel can bring about more

efficient and effective teaching learning process .

An equal importance should also be given to promote the culture of learning

at school and to support schools in sharing experience and information with others.

Learning is a very crucial part of a learner’s life. This is the primary reason

that the researchers decided to determine the influence of information, and

communication technology in the teaching-learning process. The study will serve

as a basis to provide information and provide possible outputs to improve the

teaching-learning process.

Review of Literature and Studies

This part presents the related literature and related studies reviewed by the

researchers in order to support the framework and objectives of the study.

Related Literature

According to Ayap (2015), the teacher in the classroom is the central figure

who provides the structure within which the children can learn. In fact, the way the

teacher presents an activity or concept, strongly influences the way the learners

react to it. An effective teacher utilizes a variety of techniques and strategies to

develop productive discipline and to motivate learners.

In addition, Mateo (2013) stated that good teaching strategies,

approaches and techniques; and effective evaluative measures, follow-up

activities and utilization of instructional materials make students more motivated,

achieve mastery of content, develop more positive attitude, productive discipline

and higher performance in mathematics. Teachers as a whole need to know and

understand that differences and uniqueness among learners exist and are

widespread. They should endeavor to make the necessary and appropriate

adjustments to the general capabilities, needs and interests of students to produce

better learning outcomes. Anything the teacher does and fails to do in the

classroom redound to the learners. Understanding and application of the different

principles of teaching and learning are necessary.

In connection, Mayer (2005) reviewed the literature and found that fifty

years of empirical data do not support using the constructivist teaching technique

of pure discovery; in those situations, requiring discovery, he argues for the use of

guided discovery instead. Furthermore, he argues that not all teaching techniques

based on constructivism are efficient or effective for all learners, suggesting many

educators misapply constructivism to use teaching techniques that require

learners to be behaviorally active. “He describes this inappropriate use of

constructivism as the “constructivist teaching fallacy “. “He refer to this

interpretation as the constructivist teaching fallacy because it equates active

learning with active teaching”. Instead Mayer proposes learners should be

“cognitively active” during learning and that instructors use “guided practice”. In

contrast, Kirschner, et al. (2006) describe constructivist teaching methods as

“unguided methods of instruction”. They suggest more structured learning

activities for learners with little to no prior knowledge. Slezak (2010) stated that

constructivism is an example of fashionable but thoroughly problematic doctrines

that can have little benefit for practical pedagogy or teacher education.

Related Studies

Poor performance of the learners can be traced back to teacher’s failure to

impart the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values to students.

According to , Sin Son (Mateo 2011), the teacher is the most critical factor in

attaining quality education and the single most potent element in the complete

structure of an effective mathematical program. Does the teacher motivate the

students, create a desirable classroom climate conducive to learning, transmit

knowledge and implement effective instructional strategies. These are the key

functions for teacher that directly contributes to student’s academic achievements.


If these functions are not performed by the teacher, the student’s academic

performance will suffer. In addition, Sin Son (2004) confirmed that the teacher is

the most critical factor in attaining quality education and the single most potent

element in the complete structure of an effective mathematical program. Hence,

the teachers should be aware of the problems and difficulties that affect the

performance of their students.

Mwamwenda (2005) found out that achievement of students in a subject

is influenced by their attitudes rather than inability to study. Failures in school are

not due to inadequate instruction but by strong resistance of students.

(Hainmowitz, 2002). These arguments imply that positive attitudes towards a

subjects should be developed to improve the performance of the students. Also, it

could be expressed that the participants experience high anxiety level because of

embarrassing experiences with their mathematics teachers and classmates before

which caused lack of interest, negative attitude towards mathematics, and poor

study habits.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

This study anchored on Jerome Bruner’s constructivism theory which

Chiong (2011) cited that the use of technology aided material will help to develop

the learnings of the learners. The said theory characterized through experience,

observation, reflection and experimentation. Moreover, one of the components of

multiple intelligence by Howard Gardner (2006) is that; visual intelligence in which

the learners learn easily when there’s an object they perceived. According to

multiple intelligence theory, the teacher can accommodate differences of children

according to the orientation of learning if the child’s intelligence can be identified.

In addition, condition of learning by Robert Gagne (1985) emphasize that there are

several different types or levels of learning. One of the major categories of learning

is the verbal information which help the learners expand their ideas. In this theory

also supports that instructional events and corresponding cognitive processes can

gain attention.

Moreover, Blooms taxonomy of learning domains the committee distinguish

three domains of education learning (Bloom, 1956). In which it involves cognitive,

affective for growth in feelings or emotional areas (attitude or self) and

psychomotor domain for manual or physical skills. This theory also addresses

higher order thinking skills in of education. Frequently used in designing

educational, training and learning processes.

Jerome Bruner’s (1956) learning theory, introduced the concept of learning

by discovery. Bruner viewed that the learning is effective if the learners can engage

some opportunity to facts it stresses cognitive effectiveness. He believes that

discovery begins when a teacher teaches purposely.

In this research, the researcher wants to find out if there’s an influence of

Information and Communication Technology tools in the teaching-learning. The

study conceptualized the influence of ICT tools to determine its effectiveness

Technology Aided Material.

which help the teachers to supplement learnings.

Figure 1. shows the schematic diagram of the study which is about the Influence

of Information and Communication Technology in Teaching-Learning Process

among the Selected Senior High School Students showing the interplay of

independent and dependent variables of the study.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Influence of Information and

Information and Communication Technology
Communication Technology tools in Teaching-Learning
used by the Teachers in process in terms of;
terms of;
 Interaction:
 Technology aided  Behavior

Figure 1: A Schematics Diagram showing the interplay of independent and

dependent variable of the study



This study aimed to determine the Influence of Information and

Communication Technology tools in Teaching-learning process among the

selected Grade 11 students of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology Annex

Campus. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions;

1. What is the demographic profile of the students in terms of;

1.1 age; and

1.2 gender?

2. What are the available Information and Communication Technology

tools used by the teachers in the teaching learning process?

3. How Information Communication technology tools influences the

students in teaching-learning process in terms of;

3.1 Interaction; and

3.2 Behavior?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the Information and

Communication Technology tools used by the teachers and the

students responds in teaching-learning process?

5. What are the suggested activities/other ICT tools that can help to

improve the Teaching Learning Process?



Ho; There is no significant relationship between Information and

Communication Technology tools and Teaching Learning Process.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study could be significant to the school administrators,

facilitator, future educator, parent, students and future researcher.

To School Administrators. The result of this study would provide them the

information about the impact of Information and communication Technology (ICT)

tools in education, especially the integral of ICT in the teaching-learning

interaction. It would also help them to decide in installing technology aided

materials in every classroom. In addition, it would guide them to conduct workshop

and seminars to prepare teachers to become digitally literate and understand how

to integrate it into curriculum.

To the Faculty. The result of this study would help them handle students,

especially in the integration of information and communication Technology tools,

and will improve their relationship through understanding the aspects of

technologies influences to students.

To Students. This study serves as a guide of the students to be more aware

on the usage of Information and Communication Technology.

To Parents. This study would provide them an information and enlighten

their mind about ICT integration in the teaching-learning process.


To Future Researchers. This may serve as a guide and reference for the

undertakings similar studies.

Definitions of Terms

The following terms were conceptually or operationally defined to enhance

the understanding of the readers of this paper.

Age. It refers to the respondent’s number of years they lived of which

determines the level of maturity.

Analysis. This refers to the breaking down ideas into small particles to be

studied critically.

Communication. This refers to a process of using words sounds, signs or

behaviors to express ideas, thoughts and feelings to someone.

Curriculum. It refers to the content taught or the entire program provided

by a classroom, school, district, state, or country.

Gender. It refers to the state of maleness and femaleness of the


Information and Communication Technology. This refers to the

technologies tools that provide access to information through telecommunications.

ICT Tools. It refers to any devices that can be used to improve teaching -

learning interaction such as computers/laptops, tablets, projectors and PowerPoint

presentations on enhancing student’s cognitive process.


Parents. Refers to the mother and father or guardian of the students from

Senior high school of AMA Computer Learning Center College of Butuan.

Profile. Refers to the respondent’s gender, age and year level.

Senior high school students. Refers to grade 12 students of AMA

Computer Learning Center College of Butuan.

Teaching Process. This refers to the teacher’s way of teaching using aid

of technology.

Technology aided materials. It refers to any technology materials use by

the teacher in giving instructions.

Kiwami. This refers to the title of an anime that was produced by Mitsuyo

Tamai, who expressed her concern on effectiveness of an ICT on education.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the research design, population, research locale, and

participants of the study, sampling design, research instrument, data gathering

procedures, scoring and qualification of data and statistical treatment of the study.

Research Design

This study used the descriptive method in which the researchers sought to

determine the influence of information and communication tools in teaching -

learning process in AMA Computer Learning Center College of Butuan. The

instrument that was utilized in the study was survey questionnaires.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at the Senior high school department in AMA

Computer Learning Center College, Aquino Avenue, Libertad, Butuan City. ACLC

offers computer programmed in the senior high school to provide educational

opportunities. The school building is located at the right side along the highway.

The area of the study can be reached by means of a multicabs, motorcycle, e-

jeeps and taxi. Figure 2 shows the location Map of the study.

Figure 2. Location of the study


Research respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study involved Eighty-one (81) Senior high school

students who were enrolled in the Computer System Servicing of AMA Computer

Learning Center of the academic year 2019-2020. The total sample size of Eighty-

one (81) respondents was selected through complete enumeration sampling.

Table 1 shows the respondents of the study.

Table 1
Respondents of the Study
Male Female Total

Computer System
69 12 81

Research Instrument

The researcher used a self-made survey questionnaire as the major source

in gathering the primary data. The researchers used different references to look

an information that served as a basis in making the questionnaire. The

questionnaires was divided into four parts: Part 1 involve questions about the

demographic profile of the respondents, Part 2 composed of questions about the

availability of learning resources used during class, Part 3 involves the influence

of information and communication technology in teaching learning process and

Part 4 is about the suggested activities that help to improve the teaching-learning
process using ICT tools. This was used to measure and determine their insights

about the influence of the ICT tools in the teaching learning.

The questionnaire survey is very well known and widely used research

technique for quickly and efficiently gathering and analyzing data from a population

under study ((et. al. Balram 2005)

Data Gathering Procedures

All data pertinent to the topics of this study were gathered personally by the

researchers. Secondary data were gathered from books and internet. While the

primary data were gathered from the filled-up questionnaire administered to the

respondents of the schools covered in this study.

The researchers have followed certain procedures in the conduct of this

study. The researchers have consulted many teachers whom they think were

helpful for the study. Preparation of the instruments was made. Questionnaire was

the principal tool in gathering the data. The first draft was made in coordination

with the adviser so that the survey tool was reliable and valid. The researcher wrote

a request letter to the principal of the basic education in Saint Joseph Institute of

Technology for the pilot testing. The researchers personally distributed the pre-

survey questionnaire to the selected respondents through complete enumeration

sampling. Here, a clear explanation of the purpose of the study was presented.

Confidentiality was given in order to assure cooperation and to avoid inhibitions

from the respondents in accomplishing the questionnaire. It was analyzed and


interpreted through the data gathered and formulated the conclusions and

recommendations of this study.

Scoring and Qualification of Data

For the purpose of the study, the following scoring and qualification was


A. Demographic Profile


15-18 1

19-22 2


Male 1

Female 2

B. Availability of the Information and Communication Technology tools


1.000 - 1.750 Never 1

1.751 - 2.500 Sometimes 2

2.501 – 3.500 Often 3

3.501 – 4.000 Always 4


C. Influence of Information and Communication Technology in terms of;



1.000 - 1.750 Strongly Agree 1

1.751 - 2.500 Agree 2

2.501 – 3.250 Disagree 3

3.251 – 4.000 Strongly Disagree 4



1.000 - 1.750 Strongly Agree 1

1.751 - 2.500 Agree 2

2.501 – 3.250 Disagree 3

3.251 – 4.000 Strongly Disagree 4

Statistical Treatment

This study used the frequency count and percentages to determine the

demographic profile of the respondents. The weighted mean who used to

determine their insights on the influence of information and communication

technology tools in the teaching-learning process. The Pearson Correlation

Coefficient to assess the relationship between the availability of the ICT tools and

the influence of ICT tools in teaching-learning process.


Chapter 3


This chapter presents and interprets the data gathered using the

questionnaire distributed to the 81 Computer System servicing students of the

Senior high school in AMA Computer Learning Center (ACLC). The discussion of

the problems presented sequentially as follows:

Problem 1. What is the demographic profile of the students in terms of age and


Table 2.
Age Distribution of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percent

15-18 66 81.48

19-22 15 18.52

Total 81 100.0

Table 2 shows the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age.

It was observed that the age of the respondents ranged between 15 to 22 years

old. It shows that there were 81.48 percent or 66 of the respondents is within the

age bracket of 15 to 18 years old, 18.52 percent or 15 of the respondents were

within 19 to 22 years old. This implies that most of respondents are still in the

young adulthood and are the right age for the senior high school level.

Table 3.
Gender Distribution of the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percent

Male 69 85.19

Female 12 14.81

Total 81 100.0

Table 3 shows the demographic profile in terms of gender distribution of the

respondents. It shows that out of 81 respondents there were 85.19 percent or 69

of the respondents were males, while 14.81 percent or 12 of the respondents were

females. It indicates that most of the respondents were males.

Problem 2. What are the available information and communication technology

(ICT) tools being used by the teachers in teaching-learning process in terms of

technology aided materials?

Figure 3

Weighted mean (x̅) of the ICT tools in Teaching-Learning process

Interactive White Board 3.16

Projector 3.14
Laptop 3.06
Microphone 2.98
Overhead Projector 2.7
Calculator 2.58
Television 2.46
Scanners and Printer machines 2.27
Radio Cassette 1.88
Lapel 1.74

Figure 3 exhibits the availability of information and communication

technology tools in terms of technology aided materials used during class. It was

observed that majority of the resources used is Interactive white board and it has

the highest mean of (3.16), Projector (3.14) were always used because they want

a smooth discussion and Computer/ Laptop (3.06). It entails that aside from the

usage of different learning resources in teaching the use of variety of strategies

and approaches must be incorporated and be best developed in order to produced

and maintain the effectiveness of teaching in the classroom. Computer play a vital

role in every field especially in the field of education. The role of computer in

education has been given a lot of importance in recent years. Imparting education

has become easier and much more interesting than before. According to Wright

(2017) computer makes the learning process more simple and efficient, giving

students to easily access in searching an information about the lesson.

Problem 3. How do students respond when using Information Communication

technology tools in teaching-learning process in terms of, students’ interaction and

students’ behavior?

Table 4.

Influence of Information and communication technology tools in terms

of student’s interaction

Particular Mean Verbal Description

1. I feel confident learning new computer skills. 1.84 Agree

2. I find it easier if the teacher will use ICT in teaching. 2.05 Agree
3. I am aware of the great opportunities that ICT offer for
1.94 Agree
effective teaching.
4. I think that ICT supported teaching makes learning
2.07 Agree
more effective.
5. The use of ICT helps teachers to improve teaching with
1.94 Agree
more updated materials.
6. I think that the use of ICT improves the quality of
1.99 Agree
teaching of the teachers.
7. The use of ICT enables the students to be more active
2.09 Agree
and engaging in the lesson.
8. I think the use of ICT in teaching is a waste of time. 2.88 Disagree

9. I pay less attention when ICT is used in teaching 2.64 Disagree

10. I make no effort for our lesson if ICT is used in
2.64 Disagree
Overall Weighted Mean 2.21 Agree

The result in table 4 shows the interaction of the students during class

discussion using ICT tools. It was as certain that majority of the indicator gained a

verbal description “Agree”. It also presents the overall weighted mean of 2.21

which means that the respondents were Agree about the integration of ICT tools

based on the interaction of the students in the teaching-learning process.

The table also shows that the respondents agree that they feel confident in

learning new computer skills having the highest rank with a weighted mean of 1.84.

However, the respondents disagree about the statement that the use of ICT in

teaching is a waste of time having a weighted mean of 2.64, became the last one

based upon the insights of the respondents. It implies that the Computer System

servicing students of Senior high school of ACLC were agree in terms of the

student’s interaction. Through the integration of technology in the 21 st century

education, students will be prepared and ready to adapt the different techniques

and strategies in teaching and learning.

As Magno (2013) cited that teachers are one of the key elements in any

school and effective teaching is one of the key propellers for the school

improvement, especially in the new implemented curriculum. As Young (2003)

states that Integration of ICT in education is ongoing and continuous steps that

fully support the technology-based teaching and learning that closely relates to the

utilization of technologies in school.

Table 5.
Influence of Information and communication technology tools in terms
of student’s behavior.
Indicator Mean
1. ICT allows students to be more creative and
1.84 Agree
2. The use of ICT helps students to find related
1.89 Agree
knowledge and information for teaching.
3. The use of ICT encourages students to
1.96 Agree
communicate more with their classmates.
4. The use of ICT increases student confidence
2.06 Agree
to participate actively in the class.
5. I think students learn more effectively with the
1.98 Agree
use of ICT.
6. ICT helps to broaden student knowledge
1.98 Agree
7. ICT helps to improve student ability
2.10 Agree
specifically in reading and writing.
8. The students are more behaved under control
2.16 Agree
with the use of ICT.
9. The use of ICT enables students to express
1.91 Agree
their ideas and thoughts better.
10. The use of ICT promotes active and engaging
1.99 Agree
lesson for student’s best learning experience.
Overall Weighted Mean 1.99 Agree

The result in table 5 presents the influence of information and communication

technology in terms of the students’ behavior. It can be observed from the table

that majority of the respondents were agree, with the overall weighted mean of

1.99 which means that ICT tools in teaching-learning process were effective based

on the students’ behavior.

The table also shows that the respondents were agree that the ICT allows

students to be more creative, imaginative and increases students’ confidence to

participate actively in the class having the highest rank with a mean of 1.84. In

addition, the students are more behaved under control with the use of ICT having

a weighted mean of 2.16, became the last one as agreed upon the respondents.

Based from the table, it denotes that Computer system servicing students were

agree that integration of ICT in education can contribute various interesting ways

that will make the learning process more fulfilling and meaningful as cited by

(Finger, 2002).

Problem 4. Is there a significant relationship between the availability of the ICT

tools used and the students’ response in the teaching-learning process?

Table 6.
Association between the availability of ICT tools and the
Influence of ICT in teaching-learning process

Variables P-value Remarks

Availability of ICT tools and

0.814 Not Significant
Students Behavior
Availability of ICT tools and
0.007 Significant
Students Interaction

The table 6 shows the result of the significant association between the

availability of ICT tools and the influence of ICT in teaching-learning process. It

revealed that the p-value of each variable have significant value beyond 0.05 level

of significance set for statistical analysis. It was found out that the influence of ICT

tools in teaching-learning process to students’ behavior having a p-value of 0.814

with a remark of not significant because 0.814 is greater than the level of significant

which is 0.05. On the other hand, it also revealed that the influence of ICT tools in

teaching learning process to students interaction with a p-value of 0.007 having a

remark of significant.

It denotes that the availability and the influence of ICT tools to students’

interaction showed significant relationship in which the p-value is within the level

of significance 0.05 set for analysis. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected with

respect to this variable. Therefore, the availability of ICT tools and the influence of

ICT towards student’s interaction has a significant relationship.

Problem 5. What are the suggested ICT tools that can help to improve the

Teaching Learning Process?

Students should be more engaged in computer to

improve the learning process

Integrating of ICT tools in teaching will help the students to enhance

their skills in using information and Communication Technology in transforming

knowledge. According to the (2) respondents, the students should be more

engaged in technology for them to be a computer literate in the future. Computer


play a vital role in every field especially in the field of education. The role of

computer in education has been given a lot of importance in recent years.

Imparting education has become easier and much more interesting than before.

According to Wright (2017) computer makes the learning process more simple and

efficient, giving students to easily access in searching an information about the


Schools should provide a projector or TV screen every

classroom for the convenience of the teachers

Teaching aids are important in teaching and on how the students learn. It

helps to understand faster and better. Like the board and chalk, this tool is

convenient, no use of electric and available at all times. However, according to

Wright (2017) computer or projector can makes the learning process more simple

and efficient, giving students to easily access in searching an information about

the lesson.

Schools should provide internet connections

for the students

Internet is considered as educational tool that serves as a supplementary

material in teaching and student taught with instructional materials performed

better than without, it also provides an enormous effect on the academic

performance (Sodhnganga, 2009).


Chapter 4


This chapter deals with the summary, conclusions and recommendations

on the results of the study.


The main purpose of this study was to determine the influence of

information and communication technology tools in teaching-learning process

among the senior high school students, specifically the computer system servicing

of AMA Computer Learning Center College of Butuan. There were eighty-one (81)

respondents determined using the complete enumeration sampling.

The researchers conducted the study using the descriptive method of

research with the questionnaire as the primary data gathering instrument which

was validated and administered to 81 computer system servicing students. The

data gathered from these respondents were analyzed and interpreted through

frequency count and percentages to determine the demographic profile of the

respondents. The weighted mean were used to determine the influence of the ICT

tools to the respondents. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient is use to assess the

relationship between the availability of the ICT tools and the influence of ICT tools

in teaching-learning process.

The study revealed that most of the respondents, specifically the Computer

system servicing students of senior high school in AMA Computer Learning Center

College of Butuan were agree that using ICT tools in the teaching-learning process

will influence the students’ behavior. It implies that the respondents had an

appreciation in the integration of technology in education, especially in the new

implemented curriculum.

The study found out that the respondents agree on the student’s interaction

during class discussion using ICT tools. It implies that through the integration of

technology in the 21st century education, students will be prepared and ready to

adapt the different techniques and strategies in teaching and learning.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn.

The study revealed that majority of the respondents’ or 66 students’ falls under the

age bracket from 15 to 18. It also found out that most of the respondents were

males. The influence of ICT tools in teaching-learning process in terms of students’

behavior and the availability of ICT tools has no significant relationship. On the

other hand, availability of ICT tools and the influence of ICT to students’ interaction

showed significant relationship in which the p-value is within the level of

significance 0.05 set for analysis, as confirmed by the p-value of 0.007. Thus, the

null hypothesis is rejected with respect to this variable. Therefore, the availability

of ICT tools and the influence of ICT towards student’s interaction has a significant


The senior high school students, specifically the Computer System

Servicing students of ACLC agree about the integration of technology tools in

teaching learning process which is considered as computer-based learning that

helps students to enhance their learning skills through computer aided education.

It helps to enhance the quality of education in several ways; by increasing learners’

motivation and engagement, facilitating the acquisition of basic skills and

enhancing teachers training. Thus, information and Communication Technology

(ICT) tools should be implemented or integrated in the school to promote the shift

of learning into learner-centered education.


Based on the findings and the conclusion presented, the following

recommendations are suggested:

1. Senior high school students should always be open-minded and flexible to

accept every changes in the new trend of education using technology tools

for them to do better in future.

2. Teachers should also embrace the computer-based education for them to

be updated through attending more in-service training and seminars. They

should also be more resourceful and creative by keeping themselves

abreast of the current educational trends.

3. The administrator should implement instructional materials incorporating

with cooperative learning and utilize the available learning resources in

school to have a productive teaching.

4. The schools should invest more in ICT tools and equipment of the computer

laboratory of the school to satisfy the needs of the students and the demand

of the curriculum. And also, they are encourage to have more trainings and

workshops for teachers that focuses in developing instructional materials

using ICT tools to improve and enhance the teaching learning process.

5. Future researchers should study the different teaching styles in using ICT

tools in different setting and bigger samples.



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distinguish three domains of education learning

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aided material will help to develop he learnings of the learners.

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social networking group discussion are more engaging in learning.

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learners learn easily when there’s an object they perceived

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Jerome Bruner (1956).” Constructivist theory”. Learning theory introduced the

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Magno (2013). Key Elemenyts of School”. Cited that teachers are one of the key
elements in any school and effective teaching is one of the key propellers
for the school improvement, especially in the new implemented curriculum.

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Robert Gagne (1985) “Condition of learning, emphasize that there are several
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continuous steps that fully support the technology-based teaching
and learning that closely relates to the utilization of technologies in

Finger (2002). “ICT in Education”. ICT in education can contribute various

interesting ways that will make learning process more fulfilling and







NAME: (OPTIONAL) SECTION: _________ AGE: __________


Part I. Availability of Learning resources used during class.

Direction: Read each statement then put a check in every table that corresponds your answer.
4 Always 3 Often 2 Sometimes 1 Never
3 2
ICT Tools in Teaching-Learning Process
4 1
2. Lapel
5. Interactive White Board
6. Radio Cassette Whiteboard
7. Television
8.Overhead Projector
8. Multimedia computer
9. Microphone
10. Scanners and Printer machines


Read each statement, then put a check on every table consisted of statements which
answers SD, D,A,SA.
4 Strong Disagree 3 Disagree 2 Agree 1 Strongly Agree
Items 4 3 2 1
4. I feel confident learning new computer skills.

5. I find it easier if the teacher will use ICT in teaching.

6. I am aware of the great opportunities that ICT offer for effective
4.I think that ICT supported teaching makes learning more effective.

5.The use of ICT helps teachers to improve teaching with more updated
6. I think that the use of ICT improves the quality of teaching of the
11. The use of ICT enables the students to be more active and engaging
in the lesson.
12. I think the use of ICT in teaching is a waste of time.

13. I pay less attention when ICT is used in teaching

14. I make no effort for our lesson if ICT is used in teaching

Part III. Effectiveness of ICT Tools in Teaching-Learning Process.

Read each statement, then put a check on every table consisted of statements which
answers if
4 Strong Disagree 3 Disagree 2 Agree 1 Strongly Agree

Items 4 3 2 1
11. ICT allows students to be more creative and imaginative.
12. The use of ICT helps students to find related knowledge and
information for teaching.
13. The use of ICT encourages students to communicate more with their
14. The use of ICT increases students confidence to participate actively in
the class.
15. I think students learn more effectively with the use of ICT.
16. ICT helps to broaden students knowledge paradigm.
17. ICT helps to improve students ability specifically in reading and writing.
18. The students are more behaved under control with the use of ICT.
19. The use of ICT enables students to express their ideas and thoughts
20. The use of ICT promotes active and engaging lesson for students best
learning experience.
Part IV. Answer the following question base on your opinion.
1. What are the suggested activities that can help improve the teaching-learning
process, using Information and Communication (ITC) tools.
Statistical Test Result

1. What is the demographic profile of the students in terms of;

Table 1. Age Distribution of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percent

15-18 66 81.48
19-22 15 18.52
Total 81 100.0

Table 2. Gender Distribution of the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percent

Male 69 85.19
Female 12 14.81
Total 81 100.0

2. What are the available information and communication technology (ICT) tools
being used by the teachers in teaching-learning process in terms of
technology aided materials?
Figure 1
Weighted mean (x̅) of the ICT tools in Teaching-Learning process

Interactive White Board 3.16

Projector 3.14
Laptop 3.06
Microphone 2.98
Overhead Projector 2.7 37
Legend: Calculator 2.58
Television 2.46
Scanners 1-Never (1.00-1.750)
and Printer machines 3-Often2.27(2.501-3.500)
Radio Cassette 1.88
2-Sometimes (1.751-2.500)
4-Always (3.501-4.00)

3. How do students respond when using Information Communication

technology tools in teaching-learning process in terms of interaction?
Table 3.
Influence of Information and communication technology tools in terms
of students interaction

2.1 Interaction Mean Verbal Description

7. I feel confident learning new computer
1.84 Agree
8. I find it easier if the teacher will use ICT in
2.05 Agree
9. I am aware of the great opportunities that
1.94 Agree
ICT offer for effective teaching.
4. I think that ICT supported teaching makes
2.07 Agree
learning more effective.
5. The use of ICT helps teachers to improve
1.94 Agree
teaching with more updated materials.
6. I think that the use of ICT improves the
1.99 Agree
quality of teaching of the teachers.
15. The use of ICT enables the students to be
2.09 Agree
more active and engaging in the lesson.
16. I think the use of ICT in teaching is a
2.88 Disagree
waste of time.
17. I pay less attention when ICT is used in
2.64 Disagree
18. I make no effort for our lesson if ICT is
2.64 Disagree
used in teaching
Weighted Mean 2.21 Agree

Table 4.
Influence of Information and communication technology tools in terms
of students interaction

2.2 Behavior Mean
21. ICT allows students to be more
1.84 Agree
creative and imaginative.
22. The use of ICT helps students to find
related knowledge and information for 1.89 Agree
23. The use of ICT encourages students
to communicate more with their 1.96 Agree
24. The use of ICT increases student
confidence to participate actively in the 2.06 Agree
25. I think students learn more effectively 1.98 Agree

with the use of ICT.

26. ICT helps to broaden student
1.98 Agree
knowledge paradigm.
27. ICT helps to improve student ability
2.10 Agree
specifically in reading and writing.
28. The students are more behaved
2.16 Agree
under control with the use of ICT.
29. The use of ICT enables students to
1.91 Agree
express their ideas and thoughts better.
30. The use of ICT promotes active and
engaging lesson for students best 1.99 Agree
learning experience.
Weighted Mean 1.99 Agree



1.000 - 1.750 Strongly Agree 1

1.751 - 2.500 Agree 2

2.501 – 3.250 Disagree 3

3.251 – 4.000 Strongly Disagree 4

4. Is there a significant relationship between the availability of the ICT tools used
and the students response in the teaching-learning process?

Table 5
Association between the availability of ICT tools and the
Influence of ICT in teaching-learning process

Variables P-value Remarks

Availability of ICT tools and
0.814 Not Significant
Students Behavior
Availability of ICT tools and 41
0.007 Significant
Students Interaction
*Significant when p-value is less than 0.05 level of significance.
Appendix D
Curriculum Vitae

Name: Angela Hazel Escabarte Aguhob

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Address: Purok 6-A J.P Rizal Guingona 9st. Butuan City

Civil Status: Single

Cellphone Number: 09750661288

Birthday: Decemeber 31, 2002

Religion: Roman Catholic

Email Address: [email protected]


Mrs. Candy Aguhob

Mr. Edwin Aguhob

Education YEAR
Elementary School
Butuan Central Elementary School 2008-2014
High School
Agusan National High School 2014-2018
Senior High School
Saint Joseph Institute of Technology 2018-Present

Appendix D
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Rusty Lopez Basinillo
Age: 20

Gender: Female

Address: Purok 20 Mauswagan Brgy. Pagatpatan Butuan City

Civil Status: Single

Cellphone Number: 09106400600

Birthday: August 9, 1998

Religion: Roman Catholic

Email Address: [email protected]


Mrs. Edna Basinillo

Mr. Vic Basinillo

Education YEAR
Elementary School
Pedro Victorina Elementary School 2008-2014
High School
Saint Joseph Institute of Technology 2014-2018
Saint Joseph Institute of Technology 2018-Present 43

Appendix D
Curriculum Vitae

Name: Xhelca Glitz Bulilan Caseñas

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Address: Tagbina Surigao Del Sur

Civil Status: Single

Cellphone Number: 09305998043

Birthdate: March 21, 2002

Religion: Roman Catholic

Email Address: [email protected]


Mrs. Joselin Caseñas

Mr. Rolando Caseñas

Education YEAR

Elementary School

Osmeña Integrated School 2008-2014

High School

Tagbina National High School 2014-2018

Saint Joseph Institute of Technology 2018-Present


Appendix D
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Shryl Mae Makiring Diva

Age: 17
Gender: Female

Address: Santan St. J.P Rizal Butuan City

Civil Status: Single

Cellphone Number: 09383054145

Birthday: July 30, 2002

Religion: Roman Catholic

Email Address: [email protected]


Mrs. Shirly Diva

Mr. Galme Diva

Education YEAR
Elementary School
Bayugan Central Elementary School 2008-2014
High School
Bayugan National Comprehensive High School 2014-2018
Saint Joseph Institute of Technology 2018-Present

Appendix D
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Dextier Tejero Suello

Age: 19
Gender: Male

Address: San Vicente Butuan City

Civil Status: Single

Cellphone Number: 09282348130

Birthday: February 24, 2001

Religion: Roman Catholic

Email Address: [email protected]


Mrs. Josephine Suello

Mr. Demetric Suello

Education YEAR
Elementary School
Barobo Central Elementary School 2008-2014
High School
Mother of Mercy Academy 2014-2018
Saint Joseph Institute of Technology 2018-Present

Appendix D
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Marianne Pesco Dela Cerna

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Address: P-1 Brgy. Manapa , Buenavista , Agusan del Norte

Civil Status: Single

Cellphone Number: 09560258872

Birthday: November 27,2000

Religion: Roman Catholic

Email Address:[email protected]


Mrs. Ma. Lorna P. Dela Cerna

Mr.Mario R. Dela Cerna

Education YEAR
Elementary School
Buenavista Institute 2008-2014
High School
Buenavesta Institute 2014-2018
Saint Joseph Institute of Technology 2018-Present

Appendix D
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Chloe Mae Y. Edullantes

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Address: P-3 Emelia Compound Butuan City

Civil Status: Single

Cellphone Number: 09164855043

Birthday: March 22, 2002

Religion: Roman Catholic

Email Address: [email protected]


Mrs. Allen Y. Edullantes

Mr. Wilfredo E. Edullantes

Education YEAR
Elementary School
Obrero Elementary School 2008-2014
High School
Agusan National High School 2014-2018
Saint Joseph Institute of Technology 2018-Present

Appendix D
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Harold Ganzan Lumagas

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Address: P-2 Bading Butuan City

Civil Status: Single

Cellphone Number: N/A

Birthday: july 7, 2001

Religion: Roman Catholic

Email Address: N/A


Mrs. Melba Lumagas

Mr. Eugenio T. Lumagas

Education YEAR
Elementary School
Bading Elementary School 2008-2014
High School
Butuan Christian Community School 2014-2018
Saint Joseph Institute Of Technology 2018-Present
December 04, 2019


ACLC SHS Principal
AMA Computer Learning Center
J.C. Aquino Avenue, Butuan City, 8600


Greetings with peace!

The undersigned students are currently conducting a study entitled “INFLUENCE OF

the requirements for the practical research 2.

In connection with this, we humbly request from your good office a consent to conduct our study
and gather the needed data by administering the questionnaire through stratified random
sampling to determine the number of samples to the Senior High School students specifically the
IT strand. May we have the honor to ask your support and commitment regarding this study.

Thank you and more power.

Respectfully yours,

Researcher Researcher Researcher Researcher

Researcher Researcher Researcher Researcher


Noted by:

Approved by:


PRINCIPAL, Basic Education

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